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Eventuate Tram (Transactional Messaging) framework

A .NET port of version 0.21.0.RELEASE of


Register Services

Register the core Eventuate Tram services in Startup.cs. You probably want to configure Eventuate Tram to use the same DbConnection as your application uses when persisting application state. This will allow for events to be published and consumed within the same transaction as application state changes are saved. If your application is using Entity Framework, this can be done as follows:

services.AddEventuateTramSqlKafkaTransport(dbSchemaName, bootstrapServers,
	eventuateKafkaConsumerConfigurationProperties, (provider, o) =>
		var applicationDbContext = provider.GetRequiredService<ApplicationDbContext>();

To use the default eventuateKafkaConsumerConfigurationProperties, just pass in EventuateKafkaConsumerConfigurationProperties.Empty()

The AddEventuateTramSqlKafkaTransport() method will register the core services for both publishing and consuming messages. Alternatively, if your application only needs to publish messages you can use the AddEventuateTramSqlProducer() method:

services.AddEventuateTramSqlProducer(dbSchemaName, (provider, o) =>
		var applicationDbContext = provider.GetRequiredService<ApplicationDbContext>();

Database Setup

You need to run the database initialization script, modifying the database schema $(TRAM_SCHEMA) variable to match what you configured.

Publishing Events

To enable domain event publishing register the DomainEventPublisher service in Startup.cs:


To publish a domain event, inject an IDomainEventPublisher into your service and then call IDomainEventPublisher.Publish:

var @event = new ExampleEvent
_domainEventPublisher.Publish(aggregateType, aggregateId, new List<IDomainEvent> {@event});

The aggregateType will be used as the Kafka topic, and the aggregateId as the partition ID. Your event type needs to implement IDomainEvent. If you want to publish events atomically along with persisting application state changes, you should call Publish() within a transaction along with saving the changes to you application state. If your application is using Entity Framework, this can be done as follows:

using (var scope = new TransactionScope())
    _domainEventPublisher.Publish(aggregateType, aggregateId, new List<IDomainEvent> {@event});

If EnableRetryOnFailure is enabled on your DbContext, you will need to wrap the transaction in an ExecutionStrategy Execute() method:

IExecutionStrategy strategy = _applicationDbContext.Database.CreateExecutionStrategy();
strategy.Execute(() =>
    using (var scope = new TransactionScope())
        _domainEventPublisher.Publish(aggregateType, aggregateId, new List<IDomainEvent> {@event});

Finally, the Eventuate Tram CDC service will need to be running and monitoring your database for new events to publish. This is easiest to do by running it in a docker container. See below for an example docker-compose.yml file:

version: '3.3'
    image: eventuateio/eventuate-tram-cdc-mysql-service:0.21.2
      - "8099:8080"
      SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL: <JDBC connection string for database>
      SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE: EventuatePolling

Consuming Events (Option 1)

Create one or more event handler services that implements IDomainEventHandler. You could have one handler service per event type, or handle multiple event types in the same handler service:

public class ExampleEventHandler : IDomainEventHandler<Example1Event>, IDomainEventHandler<Example2Event>
    private readonly ExampleDbContext _dbContext;
    private readonly ILogger _logger;

    public ExampleEventHandler(ExampleDbContext dbContext, ILogger<ExampleEventHandler> logger)
        _dbContext = dbContext;
        _logger = logger;
    public void Handle(IDomainEventEnvelope<Example1Event> @event)
        _logger.LogDebug("Got message Example1Event with id={} and value={}", @event.EventId,

   public void Handle(IDomainEventEnvelope<Example2Event> @event)
        _logger.LogDebug("Got message Example2Event with id={} and value={}", @event.EventId,

Register your event handler service(s) as well as a DomainEventDispatcher in Startup.cs:

    provider => DomainEventHandlersBuilder.ForAggregateType("ExampleAggregate")
        .OnEvent<Example1Event, ExampleEventHandler>()
        .OnEvent<Example2Event, ExampleEventHandler>()

The aggregate type will be used as the Kafka topic and the subscriberId will be used as the Kafka consumer group.

Handling with DbContext EnableRetryOnFailure

Note that the Handle method is executed within a transaction scope and a new row is inserted into the received_messages table within that scope (used for message deduplication). If EnableRetryOnFailure is configured on a DbContext used by your handler, you will get the exception:

System.InvalidOperationException: The configured execution strategy 'SqlServerRetryingExecutionStrategy' does not 
support user initiated transactions. Use the execution strategy returned by 'DbContext.Database.CreateExecutionStrategy()' 
to execute all the operations in the transaction as a retriable unit.

To resolve this issue, the transaction scope needs to be wrapped in an ExecutionStrategy Execute() method. This can be accomplished by creating a message handler decorator configuring it to run prior to the DuplicateDetectingMessageHandlerDecorator:

public class EventuateExecutionStrategyMessageHandlerDecorator : IMessageHandlerDecorator, IOrdered
    public Action<SubscriberIdAndMessage, IServiceProvider, IMessageHandlerDecoratorChain> Accept =>
        (subscriberIdAndMessage, serviceProvider, chain) =>
            var dbContext = serviceProvider.GetService<ApplicationDbContext>();
            IExecutionStrategy executionStrategy = dbContext.Database.CreateExecutionStrategy();
            executionStrategy.Execute(() =>
                chain.InvokeNext(subscriberIdAndMessage, serviceProvider);

    public int Order => BuiltInMessageHandlerDecoratorOrder.DuplicateDetectingMessageHandlerDecorator - 1;

You will also need to register the EventuateExecutionStrategyMessageHandlerDecorator as a singleton:


Finally, note that if EnableRetryOnFailure is configured, your handler may get called multiple times if there is a transient failure that causes a retry to occur.

Consuming Events (Option 2)

Create an event consumer service and implement handlers for the different event types:

public class ExampleEventConsumer
    private readonly ILogger<ExampleEventConsumer> _logger;

    public ExampleEventConsumer(ILogger<ExampleEventConsumer> logger)
        _logger = logger;
    public DomainEventHandlers DomainEventHandlers()
        return DomainEventHandlersBuilder.ForAggregateType("ExampleAggregate")

    private void HandleExample1Event(IDomainEventEnvelope<Example1Event> @event)
        _logger.LogDebug("Got Example1Event with id={} and value={}", @event.EventId,

    private void HandleExample2Event(IDomainEventEnvelope<Example2Event> @event)
        _logger.LogDebug("Got message Example2Event with id={} and value={}", @event.EventId,

The aggregate type will be used as the Kafka topic.

Register your event consumer service as well as a DomainEventDispatcher in Startup.cs:

    provider =>
        var consumer = provider.GetRequiredService<ExampleEventConsumer>();
        return consumer.DomainEventHandlers();

The subscriberId will be used as the Kafka consumer group.

If EnableRetryOnFailure is configured on a DbContext used by your handler, see Handling with DbContext EnableRetryOnFailure.

Running Integration Tests

Services Required

The integration tests require a set of support services to be running and accessible. The IntegrationTests folder contains a docker-compose.yml that can be used to start the support services and run the tests.

You can use the following steps to run the tests:

$ cd IO.Eventuate.Tram.IntegrationTests
$ dotnet publish -c Release
$ export CDC_SERVICE_DOCKER_VERSION=<CDC docker tag>
$ docker-compose down
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up -d mssql
$ docker-compose up --exit-code-from dbsetup dbsetup
$ docker-compose up -d zookeeper
$ docker-compose up -d kafka
$ docker-compose up -d cdcservice1
$ docker-compose up -d cdcservice2
$ docker-compose up eventuatetramtests

Test results will be written to ./bin/Release/netcoreapp2.2/publish/TestResults.

Environment Variable Configuration

If running the tests from an IDE, set the following environment variables:

ConnectionStrings__EventuateTramDbConnection identifies where to find the database for the outbox messages.
KafkaBootstrapServers identifies where the Kafka server is running.