##2015-07-18 - Release 0.4.3
- Module dependancy metadata was too strict.
##2015-07-16 - Release 0.4.2
- Some minor documentation changes.
- Fixed a problem with the module metadata that caused Puppetfile issues.
- Integrated with Coveralls (https://coveralls.io/github/locp/cassandra).
- Removed the deprecated config and install classes. These were private so there is no change to the API.
##2015-07-14 - Release 0.4.1
- Fixed a resource ordering problem in the cassandra::datastax class.
- Tidied up the documentation a bit.
- Some refactoring of the spec tests.
##2015-07-12 - Release 0.4.0
- Some major changes to the API on how Java, the optional Cassandra tools and the DataStax agent are installed. See the Upgrading section of the README file.
- Allowed the setting of the stomp_interface for the DataStax agent.
- Non-functionally, we have integrated with Travis CI (see https://travis-ci.org/locp/cassandra for details) and thanks to those guys for providing such a neat service.
- More spec tests.
##2015-06-27 - Release 0.3.0
- Slight changes to the API. See the Upgrading section of the README file for full details.
- Allow for the installation of the DataStax Agent.
- Improved automated testing (and fixed some bugs along the way).
- Confirmed Ubuntu 12.04 works OK with this module.
- A Cassandra 1.X template has been provided.
- Some smarter handling of the differences between Ubuntu/Debian and RedHat derivatives.
##2015-06-17 - Release 0.2.2
A non-functional change to change the following:
- Split the single manifest into multiple files.
- Implement automated testing.
- Test on additional operating systems.
##2015-05-28 - Release 0.2.1
A non-functional change to fix puppet-lint problems identified by Puppet Forge.
##2015-05-28 - Release 0.2.0
Added more parameters and improved the module metadata.
##2015-05-26 - Release 0.1.0
An initial release with VERY limited options.