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91 lines (90 loc) · 5.99 KB
├── BasicUnit                       #Basic hardware unit catalog
│   ├── AXP20x_ADC                  #Power Management ADC Example
│   ├── AXP20x_ChargeCurrent        #Power managementCharging management example
│   ├── AXP20x_IRQ                  #Power management interrupt example
│   ├── BMA423_Accel                #Basic example of three-axis accelerometer
│   ├── BMA423_Direction            #Three-axis accelerometer to get screen orientation
│   ├── BMA423_Feature              #Three-axis accelerometer features
│   ├── BMA423_StepCount            #Three-axis accelerometer built-in steps acquisition example
│   ├── DrawSD_BMP                  #Draw BMP format pictures to the screen (only for motherboards with SD card slot)
│   ├── Motor                       #Basic Vibration Drive
│   ├── PlayMP3FromPROGMEM          #Get audio data from Flash and play MP3
│   ├── PlayMP3FromSDToDAC          #Get audio data from SD card to play MP3
│   ├── PlayMP3FromSPIFFS           #Get audio data from SPIFFS and play MP3
│   ├── RTC                         #Basic RC settings and alarm clock examples
│   ├── SDCard                      #Basic SD card operation example
│   ├── SetTimeFromBLE              #Set RTC time from BLE
│   ├── TouchPad                    #Basic touch example
│   ├── UserButton                  #Basic user button example
│   ├── WakeupFormPEKKey            #Use the power management PEK button to wake up ESP32
│   ├── WakeupFormSensor            #Use the three-axis accelerometer to wake up the ESP32
│   ├── WakeupFormTimer             #Use built-in timer to wake up ESP32
│   ├── BluetoothAudio              #Bluetooth playback
│   └── BluetoothAudioWeb           #Bluetooth playback, with web control

├── ClientProject                   #Customer's example directory
│   └── SimpleFramework             #Use TFT_eSPI frame
├── ExternTFTLibrary                #Use PlatfromIO, an example of using external TFT_eSPI with TTGO_TWatch_Library
│   └── src                     
├── LVGL                            #LVGLGraphic Framework Demo Directory
│   ├── AnalogRead                  #Get simulation data and draw a curve in the display
│   ├── BatmanDial                  #Simple Batman style clock
│   ├── IRremote                    #Infrared remote control example
│   ├── LilyGoGui                   #Simple watch interface
│   ├── Lvgl_Base                   #LVGL Getting Started
│   ├── Lvgl_Button                 #LVGLKey Examples
│   ├── SimplePlayer                #LVGLSimple player example
│   ├── SimpleWatch                 #LVGLSimple watch example
│   └── TQuick                      #LVGL Simple Motor Drive
├── Sensor                          #Sensor directory
│   ├── Fingerprint                 #Fingerprint sensor example
│   ├── Rotary                      #Rotary encoder example
│   └── VEMl6075                    #UV sensor example
├── Shield                          #This directory is only applicable to TWATCH-2019, not applicable to TWATCH2020
│   ├── AlarmClock                  #RTC Alarm clock example
│   ├── BBQKeyboard                 #BBQ keyboard example
│   ├── DRV8833                     #Motor example
│   ├── GameControl                 #Gamepad example
│   ├── HeartRate                   #Heart rate sensor example
│   ├── INMP441_Mic                 #Microphone example
│   ├── LoRa_SX127x                 #LORA Example
│   ├── M6_GPS                      #ubolx GPS example
│   ├── NFC_Lock                    #NFC example
│   ├── S7xG_GPS                    #S76/78G GPS example
│   ├── S7xG_LoRa                   #S76/78G LORA example
│   ├── SIM800L                     #SIM800L 2G communication module example
│   ├── SIM868                      #SIM868  2G communication positioning module example
│   └── SPM1423HM4H_Mic             #Microphone example
├── T-Block                         #This directory is only applicable to TBLOCK, not applicable to others
│   ├── CapTouch                    #MPR121 Capacitive touch sensor example
│   ├── Epaper_BL                   #1.54`Ink screen driver example with backlight
│   ├── Epaper_TP                   #1.54`Drive example with touch ink screen
│   ├── Epaper_GDEW0371W7           #3.71`Drive example with touch ink screen
│   ├── LEDMatrix                   #LEDdot matrix example
│   ├── MPU6050_accel_pitch_roll    #MPU6050 Acceleration example
│   ├── MPU6050_accel_simple        #MPU6050 Acceleration example
│   ├── MPU6050_gyro_pitch_roll_yaw #MPU6050 Gyroscope example
│   ├── MPU6050_gyro_simple         #MPU6050 Gyroscope example
│   ├── MPU6050_temperature         #MPU6050 Example of built-in temperature sensor
│   └── TouchScreen                 #ST7796S / ILI9488 Display module example
├── LilyPi                          #This directory is only applicable to LilyPi, not applicable to others 
│   ├── Epaper_GDEW0371W7           #3.71`Drive example with touch ink screen
│   └── lv_demo_widgets             #lvgl example
└── TFT_eSPI                        #TFT_eSPI Display example
    ├── All_Free_Fonts_Demo
    ├── Arduino_Life
    ├── FlappyBird
    ├── IOTA_Price
    ├── Pong_v3
    ├── RLE_Font_test
    ├── TFT_Char_times
    ├── TFT_Clock
    ├── TFT_Clock_Digital
    ├── TFT_Ellipse
    ├── TFT_Meter_5
    ├── TFT_graphicstest_PDQ3
    ├── TFT_graphicstest_small
    ├── UTFT_demo_fast
    └── fillScreen