This plugin is bundled with the Salesforce CLI, so you typically don't need to install it. However, if you want to install a specific version of the plugin you can run:
sf plugins:install @salesforce/plugin-packaging@x.y.z
NOTE: If you install a specific version of a bundled plugin you will not get an updated packaging plugin when the CLI updates. You must either update to the packaging plugin version you want manually, or uninstall the version of the plugin you have to go back to the CLI bundled version.
Please report any issues at
sf package create
sf package delete
sf package install
sf package install report
sf package installed list
sf package list
sf package uninstall
sf package uninstall report
sf package update
sf package version create
sf package version create list
sf package version create report
sf package version delete
sf package version displayancestry
sf package version list
sf package version promote
sf package version report
sf package version update
sf package1 version create
sf package1 version create get
sf package1 version display
sf package1 version list
Create a package.
$ sf package create -v <value> -n <value> -t Managed|Unlocked -r <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>]
[--api-version <value>] [-d <value>] [-e] [--org-dependent] [-o <value>]
-d, --description=<value> Description of the package.
-e, --no-namespace Create the package with no namespace; available only for unlocked packages.
-n, --name=<value> (required) Name of the package to create.
-o, --error-notification-username=<value> Active Dev Hub user designated to receive email notifications for package
-r, --path=<value> (required) Path to directory that contains the contents of the package.
-t, --package-type=<option> (required) Type of package.
<options: Managed|Unlocked>
-v, --target-dev-hub=<value> (required) Username or alias of the Dev Hub org. Not required if the
`target-dev-hub` configuration variable is already set.
--api-version=<value> Override the api version used for api requests made by this command
--org-dependent Depends on unpackaged metadata in the installation org; applies to unlocked
packages only.
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
Create a package.
First, use this command to create a package. Then create a package version.
If you don’t have a namespace defined in your sfdx-project.json file, use --no-namespace.
Your --name value must be unique within your namespace.
Run 'sf package list to list all packages in the Dev Hub org.
$ sf force package create
Create an unlocked package from the files in the "force-app" directory; uses your default Dev Hub org:
$ sf package create --name MyUnlockedPackage --package-type Unlocked --path force-app
Create a managed packaged from the "force-app" directory files, give the package a description, and use the
specified Dev Hub org:
$ sf package create --name MyManagedPackage --description "Your Package Descripton" --package-type Managed \
--path force-app --target-dev-hub
-e, --no-namespace Create the package with no namespace; available only for unlocked packages.
This flag is useful when you’re migrating an existing org to packages. But use a namespaced package for new
-o, --error-notification-username=<value>
Active Dev Hub user designated to receive email notifications for package errors.
Email notifications include information about unhandled Apex exceptions, and install, upgrade, or uninstall failures
associated with your package.
-t, --package-type=Managed|Unlocked Type of package.
The options for package type are Managed and Unlocked (Managed=DeveloperManagedSubscriberManaged,
Unlocked=DeveloperControlledSubscriberEditable). These options determine upgrade and editability rules.
--org-dependent Depends on unpackaged metadata in the installation org; applies to unlocked packages only.
Use Source Tracking in Sandboxes to develop your org-dependent unlocked package. For more information, see "Create
Org-Dependent Unlocked Packages" in the Salesforce DX Developer Guide.
See code: src/commands/package/create.ts
Delete a package.
$ sf package delete -v <value> -p <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [--api-version <value>] [-n]
-n, --no-prompt Don’t prompt before deleting the package.
-p, --package=<value> (required) ID (starts with 0Ho) or alias of the package to delete.
-v, --target-dev-hub=<value> (required) Username or alias of the Dev Hub org. Not required if the `target-dev-hub`
configuration variable is already set.
--api-version=<value> Override the api version used for api requests made by this command
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
Delete a package.
Specify the ID or alias of the package you want to delete.
Delete unlocked and second-generation managed packages. Before you delete a package, first delete all associated
package versions.
$ sf force package delete
Delete a package using its alias from your default Dev Hub org:
$ sf package delete --package "Your Package Alias"
Delete a package using its ID from the specified Dev Hub org:
$ sf package delete --package 0Ho... --target-dev-hub
See code: src/commands/package/delete.ts
Install or upgrade a version of a package in the target org.
$ sf package install -o <value> -p <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [--api-version <value>] [-w <value>] [-k
<value>] [-b <value>] [-r] [-a all|package] [-s AllUsers|AdminsOnly] [-t DeprecateOnly|Mixed|Delete]
-a, --apex-compile=<option> [default: all] Compile all Apex in the org and package, or only Apex in the package;
unlocked packages only.
<options: all|package>
-b, --publish-wait=<value> Maximum number of minutes to wait for the Subscriber Package Version ID to become
available in the target org before canceling the install request.
-k, --installation-key=<value> Installation key for key-protected package (default: null).
-o, --target-org=<value> (required) Username or alias of the target org. Not required if the `target-org`
configuration variable is already set.
-p, --package=<value> (required) ID (starts with 04t) or alias of the package version to install.
-r, --no-prompt Don't prompt for confirmation.
-s, --security-type=<option> [default: AdminsOnly] Security access type for the installed package. Available
options are AdminsOnly and AllUsers.
<options: AllUsers|AdminsOnly>
-t, --upgrade-type=<option> [default: Mixed] Upgrade type for the package installation; available only for
unlocked packages.
<options: DeprecateOnly|Mixed|Delete>
-w, --wait=<value> Number of minutes to wait for installation status.
--api-version=<value> Override the api version used for api requests made by this command
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
Install or upgrade a version of a package in the target org.
To install or upgrade a package, specify a specific version of the package using the 04t package ID. The package and
the version you specified installs in your default target org unless you supply the username for a different target
When upgrading an unlocked package, include the --upgrade-type value to specify whether any removed components are
deprecated or deleted. To delete components that can be safely deleted and deprecate the others, specify
"--upgrade-type Mixed" (the default). To deprecate all removed components, specify "--upgrade-type DeprecateOnly". To
delete all removed components, except for custom objects and custom fields, that don't have dependencies, specify
"--upgrade-type Delete". (Note: This option can result in the loss of data that is associated with the deleted
$ sf force package install
Install or upgrade a package version with the specified ID in the org with username "":
$ sf package install --package 04t... --target-org
Install or upgrade a package version with the specified alias into your default org:
$ sf package install --package awesome_package_alias
Install or upgrade a package version with an alias that includes spaces into your default org:
$ sf package install --package "Awesome Package Alias"
Upgrade an unlocked package version with the specified ID and deprecate all removed components:
$ sf package install --package 04t... --upgrade-type DeprecateOnly
-a, --apex-compile=all|package
Compile all Apex in the org and package, or only Apex in the package; unlocked packages only.
Applies to unlocked packages only. Specifies whether to compile all Apex in the org and package, or only the Apex in
the package.
For package installs into production orgs, or any org that has Apex Compile on Deploy enabled, the platform compiles
all Apex in the org after the package install or upgrade operation completes.
This approach assures that package installs and upgrades don’t impact the performance of an org, and is done even if
--apex-compile package is specified.
-r, --no-prompt Don't prompt for confirmation.
Allows the following without an explicit confirmation response: 1) Remote Site Settings and Content Security Policy
websites to send or receive data, and 2) --upgrade-type Delete to proceed.
-t, --upgrade-type=DeprecateOnly|Mixed|Delete
Upgrade type for the package installation; available only for unlocked packages.
For unlocked package upgrades, set this flag to one of these values:
- DeprecateOnly: Mark all removed components as deprecated.
- Mixed: Delete removed components, except for custom objects and custom fields, that don't have dependencies.
- Delete: Delete all removed components that can be safely deleted, and deprecate the other components.
See code: src/commands/package/install.ts
Retrieve the status of a package installation request.
$ sf package install report -o <value> -i <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [--api-version <value>]
-i, --request-id=<value> (required) ID of the package install request you want to check; starts with 0Hf.
-o, --target-org=<value> (required) Username or alias of the target org. Not required if the `target-org`
configuration variable is already set.
--api-version=<value> Override the api version used for api requests made by this command
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
$ sf force package install report
Retrieve the status of a package installation request with the specified ID on your default org:
$ sf package install report --request-id 0Hf...
Similar to previous example, except use the org with username
$ sf package install report --request-id 0Hf... --target-org
See code: src/commands/package/install/report.ts
List the org’s installed packages.
$ sf package installed list -o <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [--api-version <value>]
-o, --target-org=<value> (required) Username or alias of the target org. Not required if the `target-org`
configuration variable is already set.
--api-version=<value> Override the api version used for api requests made by this command
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
$ sf force package installed list
List the installed packages in your default org:
$ sf package installed list
List the installed packages in the org with username
$ sf package installed list --target-org
See code: src/commands/package/installed/list.ts
List all packages in the Dev Hub org.
$ sf package list -v <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [--api-version <value>] [--verbose]
-v, --target-dev-hub=<value> (required) Username or alias of the Dev Hub org. Not required if the `target-dev-hub`
configuration variable is already set.
--api-version=<value> Override the api version used for api requests made by this command
--verbose Display extended package detail.
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
List all packages in the Dev Hub org.
$ sf force package list
List all packages in the specified Dev Hub org:
$ sf package list --target-dev-hub
List all packages details in the specified Dev Hub org, and show extended details about each package:
$ sf package list --target-dev-hub --verbose
See code: src/commands/package/list.ts
Uninstall a second-generation package from the target org.
$ sf package uninstall -o <value> -p <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [--api-version <value>] [-w <value>]
-o, --target-org=<value> (required) Username or alias of the target org. Not required if the `target-org`
configuration variable is already set.
-p, --package=<value> (required) ID (starts with 04t) or alias of the package version to uninstall.
-w, --wait=<value> Number of minutes to wait for uninstall status.
--api-version=<value> Override the api version used for api requests made by this command
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
Uninstall a second-generation package from the target org.
Specify the package ID for a second-generation package.
To list the org’s installed packages, run "sf package installed list".
To uninstall a first-generation package, from Setup, enter Installed Packages in the Quick Find box, then select
Installed Packages.
$ sf force package uninstall
Uninstall a package with specified ID from an org with username
$ sf package uninstall --package 04t... --target-org
Uninstall a package with the specified alias from your default org:
$ sf package uninstall --package undesirable_package_alias
Uninstall a package with an alias that contains spaces from your default org:
$ sf package uninstall --package "Undesirable Package Alias"
See code: src/commands/package/uninstall.ts
Retrieve the status of a package uninstall request.
$ sf package uninstall report -o <value> -i <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [--api-version <value>]
-i, --request-id=<value> (required) ID of the package uninstall request you want to check; starts with 06y.
-o, --target-org=<value> (required) Username or alias of the target org. Not required if the `target-org`
configuration variable is already set.
--api-version=<value> Override the api version used for api requests made by this command
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
$ sf force package uninstall report
Retrieve the status of a package uninstall in your default org using the specified request ID:
$ sf package uninstall report --request-id 06y...
Similar to previous example, but use the org with username
$ sf package uninstall report --request-id 06y... --target-org
See code: src/commands/package/uninstall/report.ts
Update package details.
$ sf package update -v <value> -p <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [--api-version <value>] [-n <value>] [-d
<value>] [-o <value>] [--enable-app-analytics]
-d, --description=<value> New description of the package.
-n, --name=<value> New name of the package.
-o, --error-notification-username=<value> Active Dev Hub user designated to receive email notifications for package
-p, --package=<value> (required) ID (starts with 0Ho) or alias of the package to update.
-v, --target-dev-hub=<value> (required) Username or alias of the Dev Hub org. Not required if the
`target-dev-hub` configuration variable is already set.
--api-version=<value> Override the api version used for api requests made by this command
--[no-]enable-app-analytics Enable AppExchange App Analytics usage data collection on this managed
package and its components.
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
Update package details.
Specify a new value for each option you want to update.
Run "sf package list" to list all packages in the Dev Hub org.
$ sf force package update
Update the name of the package with the specified alias; uses your default Dev Hub org:
$ sf package update --package "Your Package Alias" --name "New Package Name"
Update the description of the package with the specified ID; uses the specified Dev Hub org:
$ sf package update --package 0Ho... --description "New Package Description" --target-dev-hub
-o, --error-notification-username=<value>
Active Dev Hub user designated to receive email notifications for package errors.
Email notifications include information about unhandled Apex exceptions, and install, upgrade, or uninstall failures
associated with your package.
See code: src/commands/package/update.ts
Create a package version in the Dev Hub org.
$ sf package version create -v <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [--api-version <value>] [-b <value>] [-c |
--skip-validation] [-f <value>] [-k <value>] [-x] [-p <value>] [-d <value>] [--post-install-script <value>]
[--post-install-url <value>] [--releasenotes-url <value>] [--skip-ancestor-check] [--async-validation | ] [-t
<value>] [--uninstall-script <value>] [-e <value>] [-a <value>] [-n <value>] [-w <value>] [--language <value>]
-a, --version-name=<value> Name of the package version to be created; overrides the sfdx-project.json value.
-b, --branch=<value> Name of the branch in your source control system that the package version is based
-c, --code-coverage Calculate and store the code coverage percentage by running the packaged Apex tests
included in this package version.
-d, --path=<value> Path to the directory that contains the contents of the package.
-e, --version-description=<value> Description of the package version to be created; overrides the sfdx-project.json
-f, --definition-file=<value> Path to a definition file similar to scratch org definition file that contains the
list of features and org preferences that the metadata of the package version
depends on.
-k, --installation-key=<value> Installation key for key-protected package. (either --installation-key or
--installation-key-bypass is required)
-n, --version-number=<value> Version number of the package version to be created; overrides the
sfdx-project.json value.
-p, --package=<value> ID (starts with 0Ho) or alias of the package to create a version of.
-t, --tag=<value> Package version’s tag.
-v, --target-dev-hub=<value> (required) Username or alias of the Dev Hub org. Not required if the
`target-dev-hub` configuration variable is already set.
-w, --wait=<value> Number of minutes to wait for the package version to be created.
-x, --installation-key-bypass Bypass the installation key requirement. (either --installation-key or
--installation-key-bypass is required)
--api-version=<value> Override the api version used for api requests made by this command
--async-validation Return a new package version before completing package validations.
--language=<value> Language for the package.
--post-install-script=<value> Name of the post-install script; applies to managed packages only.
--post-install-url=<value> Post-install instructions URL.
--releasenotes-url=<value> Release notes URL.
--skip-ancestor-check Overrides ancestry requirements, which allows you to specify a package ancestor
that isn’t the highest released package version.
--skip-validation Skip validation during package version creation; you can’t promote unvalidated
package versions.
--uninstall-script=<value> Uninstall script name; applies to managed packages only.
--verbose Display verbose command output.
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
Create a package version in the Dev Hub org.
The package version is based on the package contents in the specified directory.
To retrieve details about a package version create request, including status and package version ID (04t), run "sf
package version create report -i 08c...".
We recommend that you specify the --installation-key parameter to protect the contents of your package and to prevent
unauthorized installation of your package.
To list package version creation requests in the org, run "sf package version create list".
To promote a package version to released, you must use the --code-coverage parameter. The package must also meet the
code coverage requirements. This requirement applies to both managed and unlocked packages.
We don’t calculate code coverage for org-dependent unlocked packages, or for package versions that specify
$ sf force package version create
Create a package version from the contents of the "common" directory and give it an installation key of
"password123"; uses your default Dev Hub org:
$ sf package version create --path common --installation-key password123
Create a package version from a package with the specified alias; uses the Dev Hub org with username
$ sf package version create --package "Your Package Alias" --installation-key password123 --target-dev-hub \
Create a package version from a package with the specified ID:
$ sf package version create --package 0Ho... --installation-key password123
Create a package version and skip the validation step:
$ sf package version create --path common --installation-key password123 --skip-validation
Create a package version and perform package validations asynchronously:
$ sf package version create --path common --installation-key password123 --async-validation
-c, --code-coverage
Calculate and store the code coverage percentage by running the packaged Apex tests included in this package
Before you can promote and release a managed or unlocked package version, the Apex code must meet a minimum 75% code
coverage requirement. We don’t calculate code coverage for org-dependent unlocked packages or for package versions
that specify --skip-validation.
-f, --definition-file=<value>
Path to a definition file similar to scratch org definition file that contains the list of features and org
preferences that the metadata of the package version depends on.
For a patch version, the features specified in this file are ignored, and instead the features specified for the
ancestor version are used.
-n, --version-number=<value>
Version number of the package version to be created; overrides the sfdx-project.json value.
For information about the format of the version number, see
-x, --installation-key-bypass
Bypass the installation key requirement. (either --installation-key or --installation-key-bypass is required)
If you bypass this requirement, anyone can install your package.
--async-validation Return a new package version before completing package validations.
Specifying async validation returns the package version earlier in the process, allowing you to install and test the
new version right away. If your development team is using continuous integration (CI) scripts, async validation can
reduce your overall CI run time.
--language=<value> Language for the package.
Specify the language using a language code listed under "Supported Languages" in Salesforce Help. If no language is
specified, the language defaults to the language of the Dev Hub user who created the package.
--post-install-script=<value> Name of the post-install script; applies to managed packages only.
The post-install script is an Apex class within this package that is run in the installing org after installations
or upgrades of this package version.
--post-install-url=<value> Post-install instructions URL.
The contents of the post-installation instructions URL are displayed in the UI after installation of the package
--releasenotes-url=<value> Release notes URL.
This link is displayed in the package installation UI to provide release notes for this package version to
--skip-validation Skip validation during package version creation; you can’t promote unvalidated package versions.
Skips validation of dependencies, package ancestors, and metadata during package version creation. Skipping
validation reduces the time it takes to create a new package version, but you can promote only validated package
versions. Skipping validation can suppress important errors that can surface at a later stage. You can specify skip
validation or code coverage, but not both. Code coverage is calculated during validation.
--uninstall-script=<value> Uninstall script name; applies to managed packages only.
The uninstall script is an Apex class within this package that is run in the installing org after uninstallations of
this package.
--verbose Display verbose command output.
Display verbose command output. When polling for the status of the creation, this will output status and timeout
data on a separate line for each poll request, which is useful in CI systems where timeouts can occur with long
periods of no output from commands.
See code: src/commands/package/version/create.ts
List package version creation requests.
$ sf package version create list -v <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [--api-version <value>] [-c <value>] [-s
Queued|InProgress|Success|Error] [--show-conversions-only] [--verbose]
-c, --created-last-days=<value> Number of days since the request was created, starting at 00:00:00 of first day to
now. Use 0 for today.
-s, --status=<option> Status of the version creation request, used to filter the list.
<options: Queued|InProgress|Success|Error>
-v, --target-dev-hub=<value> (required) Username or alias of the Dev Hub org. Not required if the `target-dev-hub`
configuration variable is already set.
--api-version=<value> Override the api version used for api requests made by this command
--show-conversions-only Filter the list output to display only converted package version.
--verbose Displays additional information at a slight performance cost, such as the version
name and number for each package version create request.
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
List package version creation requests.
Shows the details of each request to create a package version in the Dev Hub org.
All filter parameters are applied using the AND logical operator (not OR).
To get information about a specific request, run "sf package version create report" and supply the request ID.
$ sf force package version create list
List all package version creation requests in your default Dev Hub org:
$ sf package version create list
List package version creation requests from the last 3 days in the Dev Hub org with username
$ sf package version create list --created-last-days 3 --target-dev-hub
List package version creation requests with status Error:
$ sf package version create list --status Error
List package version creation requests with status InProgress:
$ sf package version create list --status InProgress
List package version creation requests with status Success that were created today:
$ sf package version create list --created-last-days 0 --status Success
See code: src/commands/package/version/create/list.ts
Retrieve details about a package version creation request.
$ sf package version create report -v <value> -i <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [--api-version <value>]
-i, --package-create-request-id=<value> (required) ID (starts with 08c) of the package version creation request you
want to display.
-v, --target-dev-hub=<value> (required) Username or alias of the Dev Hub org. Not required if the
`target-dev-hub` configuration variable is already set.
--api-version=<value> Override the api version used for api requests made by this command
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
Retrieve details about a package version creation request.
Specify the request ID for which you want to view details. If applicable, the command displays errors related to the
To show all requests in the org, run "sf package version create list".
$ sf force package version create report
Retrieve details about the package version creation request with the specified ID; uses your default Dev Hub org:
$ sf package version create report --package-create-request-id 08c...
Retrieve details about the specified package version creation request in the Dev Hub org with username
$ sf package version create report --package-create-request-id 08c... --target-dev-hub
See code: src/commands/package/version/create/report.ts
Delete a package version.
$ sf package version delete -v <value> -p <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [--api-version <value>] [-n]
-n, --no-prompt Don’t prompt before deleting the package version.
-p, --package=<value> (required) ID (starts with 04t) or alias of the package version to delete.
-v, --target-dev-hub=<value> (required) Username or alias of the Dev Hub org. Not required if the `target-dev-hub`
configuration variable is already set.
--api-version=<value> Override the api version used for api requests made by this command
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
Delete a package version.
Specify the ID or alias of the package version you want to delete. In second-generation managed packaging, only beta
package versions can be deleted. Before deleting a package version, review the considerations outlined in
$ sf force package version delete
Delete a package version with the specified alias using your default Dev Hub org:
$ sf package version delete --package "Your Package Alias"
Delete a package version with the specified ID using the Dev Hub org with username "":
$ sf package version delete --package 04t... --target-org
See code: src/commands/package/version/delete.ts
Display the ancestry tree for a 2GP managed package version.
$ sf package version displayancestry -v <value> -p <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [--api-version <value>] [--dot-code]
-p, --package=<value> (required) ID or alias of the package (starts with 0Ho) or package version (starts with
04t) to display ancestry for.
-v, --target-dev-hub=<value> (required) Username or alias of the Dev Hub org. Not required if the `target-dev-hub`
configuration variable is already set.
--api-version=<value> Override the api version used for api requests made by this command
--dot-code Display the ancestry tree in DOT code.
--verbose Display both the package version ID (starts with 04t) and the version number
( in the ancestry tree.
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
$ sf force package version displayancestry
Display the ancestry tree for a package version with the specified alias, using your default Dev Hub org:
$ sf package version displayancestry --package package_version_alias
Similar to previous example, but display the output in DOT code:
$ sf package version displayancestry --package package_version_alias --dot-code
Display the ancestry tree for a package with the specified ID, using the Dev Hub org with username
$ sf package version displayancestry --package OHo... --target-dev-hub
Display the ancestry tree of a package version with the specified ID, using your default Dev Hub org:
$ sf package version displayancestry --package 04t...
-p, --package=<value>
ID or alias of the package (starts with 0Ho) or package version (starts with 04t) to display ancestry for.
If you specify a package ID (starts with 0Ho) or alias, the ancestor tree for every package version associated with
the package ID is displayed. If you specify a package version (starts with 04t) or alias, the ancestry tree of the
specified package version is displayed.
--dot-code Display the ancestry tree in DOT code.
You can use the DOT code output in graph visualization software to create tree visualizations.
See code: src/commands/package/version/displayancestry.ts
List all package versions in the Dev Hub org.
$ sf package version list -v <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [--api-version <value>] [-c <value>] [--concise]
[--show-conversions-only] [-m <value>] [-p <value>] [-r] [-b <value>] [-o <value>] [--verbose]
-b, --branch=<value> Branch in your source control system used to filter the results; only package
versions based on the specified branch are listed.
-c, --created-last-days=<value> Number of days since the request was created, starting at 00:00:00 of first day to
now. Use 0 for today.
-m, --modified-last-days=<value> Number of days since the items were modified, starting at 00:00:00 of first day to
now. Use 0 for today.
-o, --order-by=<value> Package version fields used to order the list.
-p, --packages=<value> Comma-delimited list of packages (aliases or 0Ho IDs) to list.
-r, --released Display released versions only (IsReleased=true).
-v, --target-dev-hub=<value> (required) Username or alias of the Dev Hub org. Not required if the
`target-dev-hub` configuration variable is already set.
--api-version=<value> Override the api version used for api requests made by this command
--concise Display limited package version details.
--show-conversions-only Filter the list output to display only converted package version.
--verbose Display extended package version details.
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
List all package versions in the Dev Hub org.
$ sf force package version list
List package versions in your default Dev Hub org that were created in the last 3 days; show only the released
versions and order the list using the PatchVersion field. Display extended details about each package version:
$ sf package version list --verbose --created-last-days 3 --released --order-by PatchVersion
List the released package versions for the two specified packages that were modified today; use the Dev Hub org with
$ sf package version list --packages 0Ho000000000000,0Ho000000000001 --released --modified-last-days 0 \
List all released package versions in your default Dev Hub org:
$ sf package version list --released
List package versions that were modified today in your default Dev Hub org; show limited details about each one:
$ sf package version list --concise --modified-last-days 0
List package versions that are based on the "featureA" branch in your source control system that were modified today
in your default Dev Hub org; show limited details about each one:
$ sf package version list --concise --modified-last-days 0 --branch featureA
List released package versions that were created in the last 3 days in your default Dev Hub org; show limited
$ sf package version list --concise --created-last-days 3 --released
List released package versions that were modified today for the two packages with specified aliases in your default
Dev Hub org:
$ sf package version list --packages exp-mgr,exp-mgr-util --released --modified-last-days 0
See code: src/commands/package/version/list.ts
Promote a package version to released.
$ sf package version promote -v <value> -p <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [--api-version <value>] [-n]
-n, --no-prompt Don't prompt to confirm setting the package version as released.
-p, --package=<value> (required) ID (starts with 04t) or alias of the package version to promote.
-v, --target-dev-hub=<value> (required) Username or alias of the Dev Hub org. Not required if the `target-dev-hub`
configuration variable is already set.
--api-version=<value> Override the api version used for api requests made by this command
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
Promote a package version to released.
Supply the ID or alias of the package version you want to promote. Promotes the package version to released status.
$ sf force package version promote
Promote the package version with the specified ID to released; uses your default Dev Hub org:
$ sf package version promote --package 04t...
Promote the package version with the specified alias to released; uses the Dev Hub org with username
$ sf package version promote --package awesome_package_alias --target-dev-hub
Promote the package version with an alias that has spaces to released:
$ sf package version promote --package "Awesome Package Alias"
See code: src/commands/package/version/promote.ts
Retrieve details about a package version in the Dev Hub org.
$ sf package version report -v <value> -p <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [--api-version <value>] [--verbose]
-p, --package=<value> (required) ID (starts with 04t) or alias of the package to retrieve details for.
-v, --target-dev-hub=<value> (required) Username or alias of the Dev Hub org. Not required if the `target-dev-hub`
configuration variable is already set.
--api-version=<value> Override the api version used for api requests made by this command
--verbose Display extended package version details.
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
Retrieve details about a package version in the Dev Hub org.
To update package version values, run "sf package version update".
$ sf force package version report
Retrieve details about the package version with the specified ID from your default Dev Hub org:
$ sf package version report --package 04t...
Retrieve details about the package version with the specified alias (that contains spaces) from the Dev Hub org with
$ sf package version report --package "Your Package Alias" --target-dev-hub
See code: src/commands/package/version/report.ts
Update a package version.
$ sf package version update -v <value> -p <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [--api-version <value>] [-a <value>] [-e
<value>] [-b <value>] [-t <value>] [-k <value>]
-a, --version-name=<value> New package version name.
-b, --branch=<value> New package version branch.
-e, --version-description=<value> New package version description.
-k, --installation-key=<value> New installation key for key-protected package (default: null)
-p, --package=<value> (required) ID (starts with 04t) or alias of the package to update a version of.
-t, --tag=<value> New package version tag.
-v, --target-dev-hub=<value> (required) Username or alias of the Dev Hub org. Not required if the
`target-dev-hub` configuration variable is already set.
--api-version=<value> Override the api version used for api requests made by this command
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
Update a package version.
Specify a new value for each option you want to update.
To display details about a package version, run "sf package version display".
$ sf force package version update
Update the package version that has the specified alias (that contains spaces) with a new installation key
"password123"; uses your default Dev Hub org:
$ sf package version update --package "Your Package Alias" --installation-key password123
Update the package version that has the specified ID with a new branch and tag; use the Dev Hub org with username
$ sf package version update --package 04t... --branch main --tag 'Release 1.0.7' --target-dev-hub \
Update the package version that has the specified ID with a new description:
$ sf package version update --package 04t... --version-description "New Package Version Description"
See code: src/commands/package/version/update.ts
Create a first-generation package version in the release org.
$ sf package1 version create -o <value> -i <value> -n <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [--api-version <value>] [-d
<value>] [-v <value>] [-m] [-r <value>] [-p <value>] [-k <value>] [-w <value>]
-d, --description=<value> Package version description.
-i, --package-id=<value> (required) ID of the metadata package (starts with 033) of which you’re creating a
new version.
-k, --installation-key=<value> Installation key for key-protected package (default: null).
-m, --managed-released Create a managed package version.
-n, --name=<value> (required) Package version name.
-o, --target-org=<value> (required) Username or alias of the target org. Not required if the `target-org`
configuration variable is already set.
-p, --post-install-url=<value> Post install URL.
-r, --release-notes-url=<value> Release notes URL.
-v, --version=<value> Package version in major.minor format, for example, 3.2.
-w, --wait=<value> Minutes to wait for the package version to be created (default: 2 minutes).
--api-version=<value> Override the api version used for api requests made by this command
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
Create a first-generation package version in the release org.
The package version is based on the contents of the specified metadata package. Omit --managed-released if you want to
create an unmanaged package version.
$ sf force package1 version create
Create a first-generation package version from the package with the specified ID and name the package version
"example"; use your default org:
$ sf package1 version create --package-id 033... --name example
Same as previous example, but provide a description and wait for 30 minutes for the package version to be created;
use the specified org:
$ sf package1 version create --package-id 033... --name example --description "example description" --wait 30 \
-m, --managed-released Create a managed package version.
To create a beta version, don’t include this parameter.
-p, --post-install-url=<value> Post install URL.
The contents of the post-installation instructions URL are displayed in the UI after installation of the package
-r, --release-notes-url=<value> Release notes URL.
This link is displayed in the package installation UI to provide release notes for this package version to
See code: src/commands/package1/version/create.ts
Retrieve the status of a package version creation request.
$ sf package1 version create get -o <value> -i <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [--api-version <value>]
-i, --request-id=<value> (required) ID of the PackageUploadRequest (starts with 0HD).
-o, --target-org=<value> (required) Username or alias of the target org. Not required if the `target-org`
configuration variable is already set.
--api-version=<value> Override the api version used for api requests made by this command
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
$ sf force package1 version create get
Get the status of the creation request for the package version with the specified ID in your default org:
$ sf package1 version create get --request-id 0HD...
Same as previous example, but use the specified org:
$ sf package1 version create get --request-id 0HD... --target-org
See code: src/commands/package1/version/create/get.ts
Display details about a first-generation package version.
$ sf package1 version display -o <value> -i <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [--api-version <value>]
-i, --package-version-id=<value> (required) ID (starts with 04t) of the metadata package version whose details you
want to display.
-o, --target-org=<value> (required) Username or alias of the target org. Not required if the `target-org`
configuration variable is already set.
--api-version=<value> Override the api version used for api requests made by this command
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
$ sf force package1 version display
Display details about the first-generation package version with the specified ID in your default org:
$ sf package1 version display --package-version-id 04t...
Same as previous example, but use the specified org:
$ sf package1 version display --package-version-id 04t... --target-org
See code: src/commands/package1/version/display.ts
List package versions for the specified first-generation package or for the org.
$ sf package1 version list -o <value> [--json] [--flags-dir <value>] [--api-version <value>] [-i <value>]
-i, --package-id=<value> Metadata package ID (starts with 033) whose package versions you want to list.
-o, --target-org=<value> (required) Username or alias of the target org. Not required if the `target-org`
configuration variable is already set.
--api-version=<value> Override the api version used for api requests made by this command
--flags-dir=<value> Import flag values from a directory.
--json Format output as json.
$ sf force package1 version list
List all first-generation package versions in your default org:
$ sf package1 version list
List package versions for the specified first-generation package in the specifief org:
$ sf package1 version list --package-id 033... --target-org
-i, --package-id=<value> Metadata package ID (starts with 033) whose package versions you want to list.
If not specified, shows all versions for all packages (managed and unmanaged) in the org.
See code: src/commands/package1/version/list.ts