<!– # @markup markdown # @title README # @author SaltStack Inc. –> # kitchen-salt # [](https://badge.fury.io/rb/kitchen-salt) [](https://rubygems.org/gems/kitchen-salt) [](https://github.com/saltstack/kitchen-salt/actions)
A Test Kitchen Provisioner for Salt
The provider works by generating a salt-minion config, creating pillars based on attributes in .kitchen.yml and calling salt-call.
This provisioner is tested with kitchen-docker against CentOS, Ubuntu, and Debian.
## Installation and Setup ## You’ll need the test-kitchen and kitchen-salt gem’s installed in your system, along with kitchen-vagrant or some other suitable driver for test-kitchen. Please see the {file:docs/gettingstarted.md}.
## Provisioner Options ## More details on all the configuration options are in {file:docs/provisioner_options.md}
## Requirements ## You’ll need a driver box that is supported by the SaltStack [bootstrap](github.com/saltstack/salt-bootstrap) system.
## Continuous Integration and Testing PR’s and other changes should validated using Github Actions, kitchen-docker, multiple state dependencies, the modified version of kitchen-salt and the latest version of test-kitchen.
## Releasing ##
# hack. work. test. git add stuff git commit -v gem bump --release --tag