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2821 lines (1860 loc) · 83.6 KB

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2821 lines (1860 loc) · 83.6 KB



  • Added connect higher order component as an intermediate step for connecting components to Flux stores through props.

CSS Changes

  • SettingsRow Adjusted paddings and margins between sections.
  • Dialog Ensure the heading used within a dialog has 15px padding instead of 20px.


CSS Changes

  • Menu has been updated based on slightly new designs. MenuItem now supports the icon prop.
  • Portrait size extra-small has reduced from 26px to 25px.
  • Portrait size medium-small has reduced from 50px to 40px.
  • Profile has increased margin between the image and text.
  • Dialog bottom padding has increased by 8px.


  • Modal now has a data-state element that begins as default, set to open once transition to open is complete and is set to closed once the transition to closed is complete.

New Components

  • ButtonToggleGroup is a component that allows a group of ButtonToggles to behave as a single form component with label, field help, validation message, warning message, and info message support.


  • Fix table-ajax to only set data-state to loaded once all of the data has been set. This resolves an issue when automating user scenarios allowing us to reliabliy wait for the loaded state to be set, before moving on.


  • DropdownFilter now uses a stylized Link component for the Create button.
  • DropdownFilter now has createText & createIconType props for customizable create button text and create button Icons (limited to current Carbon Icon types).


Ensures that displayName is set to the original component's name when connecting to a store using Carbon's flux helper. We have noticed Jest snapshot's have started to default to View when connected to a store using our flux connector, this change will ensure the display name is maintained.



⚠️ v2.2.0 updated modal components (eg. Dialog) to use ReactPortal. While this doesn't break applications, it was found to break some tests after an application upgraded. We have decided to disable this feature for now, and will re-add it at a later date when either Portals are better supported by our test tooling or when we release a version 3 of Carbon with potential breaking changes.


⚠️ We recommend you use v2.2.1 instead of this version.

UX Improvements

The following updates have been made to Carbon components to align with design updates.

  • Button - Ensure that the button text is always aligned centrally by default. Resolves an issue where the Button text may wrap where translated text occurs.
  • Colors - New Text colors added
  • Animated Menu Button - Fixed icon alignment and text weights in
  • Flash - Text colors changed to pass accessibility
  • Menu - New Drop Shadow
  • Multi Action Button - Minor fixes to hover
  • Pager - Padding and font size fixes
  • Pod - Shadow color update
  • Portrait - Border fix
  • Settings Row - Separator placement fix
  • Split Button - Correct color on hover
  • Tabs - Hover color now matches buttons
  • Toast - Shadow update


  • ConfigurableItemsPattern's prop itemsData is no longer required
  • We use core-js instead of es6-promise for Promises as this is more reliable and fixes an issue in IE11. Check you aren't accidentally relying on es6-promise.

New Components

  • Portal is a component that wraps the react-portal library.

Component Enhancements

  • InputLabel now allows fieldHelp to be a node type.
  • TooltipDecorator now uses the new Portal component for layout. This effects Help and Icon components.
  • Date now uses the new Portal component to render the DatePicker.
  • Modal now uses the new Portal component.
  • ActionToolbar can now receive children to add additional actions. The Table component has also been given the actionToolbarChildren prop to send the same data down.`

Package Updates

  • The react-addons-perf package is now included in devDependencies.

Minor Improvements

  • Fix typo in FullScreenHeading

Demo Site

  • Upgrades react-highlight, which removes the last createClass warning from React.


  • DropdownFilter now uses a stylized Link component for the Create button.
  • DropdownFilter now has createText & createIconType props for customizable create button text and create button Icons (limited to current Carbon Icon types).


  • DialogFullScreen and Pages now have a max width applied.
  • Fixes z-index issue of Dialogs appearing on top of DialogFullScreens.
  • Carousel can now have custom transitions using the transition prop.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixes a compilation error that occurred in 2.0.0, which resulted in a missing assets.scss file.
  • Datepicker: Stops NavBar submitting the form its contained in


Breaking Changes

Store Disptacher

Store no longer accepts a Dispatcher as its third argument. It will automatically use the dispatcher supplied by Carbon. If you want to pass a custom one then you can pass it as a param in the config:

new Store('name', data, { dispatcher: myDispatcher });

Dependency Updates

The following packages are now specified as peer dependencies:

  • flux
  • react
  • react-dom

The following packages have been moved from devDependencies to dependencies:

  • i18n-js
  • immutable
  • highcharts
  • react-router
  • react-transition-group

The following packages have been upgraded:

  • flux: now has a peer dependency of at least 3.1.1
  • i18n-js: upgraded to rc12 - (scope is now required)
  • react-router: ^3.0.0

Upgrading a project that uses Carbon

Installing peer dependencies

If you're upgrading an application that uses Carbon to v2.0.0 you'll need to make sure you have flux, react, and react-dom in your project's dependencies. To add flux, react, and react-dom to your project dependencies run the following command:

npm install flux react react-dom --save
Upgrading Carbon and using the new Carbon dependencies

Carbon now includes i18n-js, immutable, highcharts, react-router, and react-transition-group in its dependencies, so you may be able to remove these from your own project's dependencies. To do this:

  1. Uninstall and remove i18n-js, immutable, highcharts, react-router, and react-transition-group from your project's dependencies:
npm uninstall --save i18n-js immutable react-router react-transition-group
  1. Install the latest Carbon:
npm install --save [email protected]

Removal of Service Deprecation

The Service class now accepts an object as its second argument, deprecating the separate onSuccess and onError arguments. This allows you to pass in onSuccess and onError functions in the object, along with params if you need query parameters in your requests.


Deprecated invocation:

  • service.get('1', onSuccessFunc, onErrorFunc)

New invocation:

  • service.get('1', { onSuccess: onSuccessFunc, onError: onErrorFunc })
  • service.get('1', { onSuccess: onSuccessFunc, onError: onErrorFunc, params: { key1: 'val1', key2: 'val2'} })

Removal of Row Deprecation

  • Row: can no longer render any immediate children. A Column component has been introduced to maintain the column span, offset and align behaviour.
import Row from 'carbon/lib/components/row';


<Row columns='10'>
  <div columnSpan='3' columnOffset='2' columnAlign='right'>
    Content 1
  <Pod columnSpan='5'>
    Content 1

import { Row, Column } from 'carbon/lib/components/row';


<Row columns='10'>
  <Column columnSpan='3' columnOffset='2' columnAlign='right'>
    Content 1
  <Column columnSpan='5'>
      Content 1

Component Enhancements

  • Browser has been updated so that getWindow() will work when run in a node environment
  • ButtonToggle now lets you add a size and a grouped prop.

Bug Fixes

  • Grouped character adds separators to value on first render.


Bug Fixes

  • Datepicker: Stops NavBar submitting the form its contained in


Component Enhancements

  • Message - children prop is now optional. #1543
  • Message - title prop type has been changed from string to node. #1543


Bug Fixes

  • Datepicker: Stops NavBar submitting the form its contained in


Component Enhancements

  • Table now lets you add an aria-describedby prop.
  • ConfigurableItemRow is vertically centered correctly.
  • AnimatedMenuButton uses the native <button> instead of a div for the close button.
  • Tabs now includes aria roles for better screen reader support.
  • Tabs can now be navigated using left/right arrows for horizontal tabs and up/down arrows for vertical tabs on the keyboard to switch between the tab list.

Pattern Enhancements

  • ConfigurableItems has stickyFormFooter enabled

Draggable Ghost Row

The DraggableContext component now includes a CustomDragLayer to enable a ghost row when dragging.

In order to enable this you need to define the draggableNode prop on the <WithDrag> component. For example:

class DraggableItems extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <DraggableContext onDrag={ onItemMoved }>
  , index) => {
              return (
                <WithDrop key={ index } index={ index }>
                  <DraggableItem />


class DraggableItem extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <li ref={ (node) => { this._listItem = node; } } >
        <WithDrag draggableNode={ () => { return this._listItem; } }>
          <span>{ item.content }</span>

Note that the draggableNode is passed as a function because the ref _listItem is undefined until the component is mounted.

Service class accepts query parameters

The Service class now accepts an object as it's second argument, deprecating the separate onSuccess and onError arguments. This allows you to pass in onSuccess and onError functions in the object, along with params if you need query parameters in your requests.


Deprecated invocation:

  • service.get('1', onSuccessFunc, onErrorFunc)

New invocation:

  • service.get('1', { onSuccess: onSuccessFunc, onError: onErrorFunc })
  • service.get('1', { onSuccess: onSuccessFunc, onError: onErrorFunc, params: { key1: 'val1', key2: 'val2'} })


  • The Date Picker library has changed from react-date-picker to react-day-picker as the old library is no longer maintained.
  • This will effect the Date and DateRange components but functionally they have remained the same.


Bug Fixes

  • FormSummary: negative margin solves problem where FormSummary is effecting its sibling component's position #1523


Bug Fixes

  • Fixes CSS load order issue with Dialog, Form, and sticky footers.


Bug Fixes


Component Improvements

The following components have had styling updates:-

  • DatePicker
  • ButtonToggle
  • Heading / Dialog

Font Update

The 300 weight (Thin) has been replaced by the 900 weight (Black) in Lato.

Component Enhancements

  • TableAjax component now uses the data-state attribute and aria-busy.

npm (for local development of carbon only)

  • Carbon now require npm version 5 for installing dependencies.
  • To upgrade your version of npm, run npm install npm@latest.
  • Then, before running npm install in your project folder, run npm verify cache to update your cache.


  • ConfigurableItems pattern now accepts an onReset prop to be passed in.


  • Validations: fixes an error from being thrown for non-Textbox validations when situated inside a Modal.


  • Date: Fixes missing background color on validation errors.


  • Heading: Removed default top padding.


  • Menu: removed alternate prop, can use SubMenuBlock instead which achieves the same thing.


  • Dropdown: validation fail now allows the dropdown arrow to be visible
  • Decimal: fix an issue where values entered without a leading zero were incorrectly failing numerical validation



We now provide the Flux Dispatcher as a singleton within the Carbon library.

import { Dispatcher } from 'carbon-react/lib/utils/flux';

Please note that you should only use one Dispatcher in your application, if you want to start using the one provided in Carbon you need to remove the pre-existing one from your application.


Logger can now supply a option of group - this will group any logged messages together that share the same group name and that are triggered within 500ms of one another.

Dependency Update

New Components

  • ConfigurableItems Drag & Drop and check/uncheck a list of items
  • ConfigurableItemRow Used with ConfigurableItems to build the list of configurable items

New Patterns

  • ConfigurableItemsPattern Combines ConfigurableItems and ConfigurableItemRow components

Component Enhancements

  • TableAjax now accepts an onAjaxError function as a prop, to handle Ajax requests that return a HTTP error

Linting Updates

The following have had minor internal changes to satisfy the introduction of stricter linting rules:


  • Dropdown
  • FormSummary
  • Page
  • Pages
  • RadioButton
  • Tabs


  • Store

Component Improvements

  • Form now has additional props of leftAlignedActions and rightAlignedActions which allows developers to add additional nodes in line with the default form actions.
  • Button: Makes large button text the same as the medium button
  • Button: Allows secondary text under main text #1385
  • ButtonToggle: The buttons can now be toggled using the keyboard
  • Poller helper has been refactored to no longer use promises
  • Tooltip now renders an ARIA role of tooltip, and accepts an optional id prop

Minor Improvments

  • The Poller helper has been refactored to no longer use promises

Demo Site

  • Renamed definition.js files to __definition__.js.


Bug Fix

  • Decimal: fix an issue where values entered without a leading zero were incorrectly failing numerical validation


Bug Fix

  • Dialog: ensures close icon positioning regardless of CSS load order


Bug Fixes

  • Fixes CSS load order issue with Dialog, Form, and sticky footers.


Bug Fixes

  • Flips errors messages in dialogs if they appear wider than the dialog.
  • ButtonToggle: The buttons can now be toggled using the keyboard


Bug Fixes

  • Resolved bug in IE11 where sticky footer was rendering too large in dialogs.


Bug Fixes

  • Added additional guards for browsers that do not support element.contentDocument.


Bug Fixes

  • Our files are now published in production mode, removing some developer dependencies previously included.


Bug Fixes

  • A bug was found in the new Dialog behaviour in Safari 9.x which rendered the sticky footer incorrectly. This solves it rendering incorrectly on page load for Safari 9.x. There remains a wider issue around Safari logged here.


Component Ehancements

  • Dialog
    • Screen is no longer scrollable when a dialog is open.
    • Dialog will attach to the bottom of the browser if it gets too tall, and it's content will become scrollable.
    • If a dialog has a form, the form buttons will become sticky to the bottom of the dialog while the dialog is attached to the bottom of the browser (this is only enabled if the prop stickyFormFooter is applied to the dialog).
    • Dialog can now use a prop called height, allowing developers to specify a set height for the dialog (the dialog will still attach to the bottom of the browser if it is taller than the browser's height).
  • Form
    • Now has a prop of stickyFooter which when true will enable a sticky footer when it is off the screen.
    • Now has a prop of stickyFooterPadding which will add additional padding to the form buttons when they are sticky (useful for aligning the form buttons between sticky and non-sticky states).


Bug Fixes

  • Selected table rows no longer have highlights applied on hover.
  • Revert I18nhelper to use global locale for delimiter and separator


Linting Updates

The following have had minor internal changes to satisfy the introduction of stricter linting rules:


  • DraggableContext
  • DraggableTableCell
  • TableRow
  • WithDrag
  • WithDrop


  • ItemTarget
  • Text

Bug Fixes

  • Dialog now has a autoFocus boolean property. You can set this to false if you don't want the dialog to receive keyboard focus when it opens e.g. if your dialog contains form fields that you want to set the focus on instead.
  • Dialog Full screen: The carbon-dialog-full-screen--open class is now applied to the html element instead of the body.
  • Input: the prefix was hidden when an error was present on the input element.


Dependency Upgrade

  • Carbon Factory has been upgraded to Version v1.1.7

Linting Updates

The following have had minor internal changes to satisfy the introduction of stricter linting rules:


  • AppWrapper
  • Carousel
  • Checkbox
  • Column
  • Content
  • Create
  • Date
  • DateRange
  • Decimal
  • Detail
  • Dropdown
  • DropdownFilter
  • DropdownFilterAjax
  • Fieldset
  • GroupedCharacter
  • Heading
  • Help
  • I18n
  • Icon
  • Link
  • Menu
  • MenuItem
  • MenuList
  • MenuListItem
  • MultiStepWizard
  • Message
  • Modal
  • MountInApp
  • NavigationBar
  • NumberInput
  • Pager
  • Pill
  • Pod
  • Portrait
  • Profile
  • RadioButton
  • Rainbow ⚠️ The ref for the highchart instance is now _chart. This will need updating where Rainbow is used.
  • Row
  • SettingsRow
  • ShowEditPod
  • Sidebar
  • Sidebar Header
  • SimpleColorPicker
  • Spinner
  • SubmenuBlock
  • Tabs
  • Textarea
  • Textbox
  • Toast
  • Tooltip


  • Date
  • Devices
  • Events
  • GUID
  • i18n


The following utils have had minor internal changes to satisfy the introduction of stricter linting rules:

  • Browser
  • CSS
  • Ether
  • Flux
  • Handlers
  • Helpers
  • Logger
  • Promises
  • Router
  • Service
  • Should Component Update decorator
  • Tooltip Decorator
  • Validators

DraggableContext, WithDrag & WithDrop

We now provide a series of components to enable drag and drop functionality. For example:

<DraggableContext onDrag={ onItemMoved }>
    {, index) => {
        return (
          <WithDrop key={ index } index={ index }>
              <WithDrag><span>{ item.content }</span></WithDrag>

The onDrag prop can manipulate the order of items as they are dragged. It is a function that receives two arguments: dragIndex, which is the original position of the item, and hoverIndex, which is the position of the item if dropped.

An example function signature: onItemMoved = (dragIndex, hoverIndex) => { }

Draggable Table Rows

The TableRow component now supports drag and drop. To enable it you need to add a DraggableContext component, apply an index to each TableRow, and define the onDrag prop to manipulate the order as it changes:

<Table tbody={ false }>
  <DraggableContext onDrag={ onRowMoved }>
      {, index) => {
          return (
            <TableRow key={ index } index={ index }>
              { row.content }

Text Helpers

A new helper object is available in utils/helpers/text. Currently it only contains one method clearSelection, which clears any selected text on the page.

Pages and page

Pages and Page are new components to enable paginated content for full screen views. See an example with a full screen dialog:

const headingOne = (
  <Heading title="My First Page" />

const headingTwo = (
  <Heading title="My Second Page" />

return (
    <Pages slideIndex={ 0 }>
      <Page title={ headingOne }>
        Content for the first page.

      <Page title={ headingTwo }>
        Content for the second page.

Component Improvements

  • Alert now alerts itself to screen readers.
  • Browser: add a new method setInputFocus to focus on the input field of passed in ref but does not select text
  • Carousel
    • has a new prop enableSlideSelector defaulted to true. Setting it to false will hide the slide selector.
    • has a new prop enablePreviousButton defaulted to true. Setting it to false will hide the previous button.
    • has a new prop enableNextButton defaulted to true. Setting it to false will hide the next button.
    • has a new prop slideIndex. Changing this prop to an index will select the corresponding slide.
    • has a new prop onSlideChange, which is an action to be called on slide change. It will receive the slide index and the transition direction as params.
    • animation between slides enhanced.
  • Dialog is now using the Heading component to render its title and subtitle.
  • DialogFullScreen is now scrollable if the content goes beyond the height of the browser.
  • Form now has default SaveButton and CancelButton functional stateless components. The former can be overridden with a new prop of customSaveButton.
  • Heading backLink prop can now be a string or a function.
  • InlineInputs children are now wrapped by Columns by the component.
  • Menu has been updated to use a <nav> tag as its root element.
  • MenuItem: focus outline is now fully visible when an item is focused.
  • Pager: Negative values now set to absolute value, NaN values set to page 1.
  • Table can now receive an caption prop which renders a <caption> element as a child of the table element. Note that the caption is hidden by default, but still accessible to screen readers and assistive technologies.
  • Table has a new prop of onConfigure. Displays a configure icon to the left of the table header that triggers the callback onClick.
  • MultiActionButton: Secondary button hover style has been updated to not change on hover.
  • TableHeader: improve accessibility of sortable columns. They can now receive focus via the keyboard, and include aria-sort and aria-label attributes to indicate they are sortable, the current sort direction, and which direction the column will be sorted when sorting is next activated.
  • InputValidation: now accepts a info prop to display info-styled icon and message attached to an input.


  • Table can now receive an caption prop which renders a <caption> element as a child of the table element. Note that the caption is hidden by default, but still accessible to screen readers and assistive technologies.
  • Table has a new prop of onConfigure. Displays a configure icon to the left of the table header that triggers the callback onClick.
  • Table has a new prop of theme that allows primary (dark) or secondary (light) styling.

Bug Fixes

  • DialogFullScreen now scrolls vertically if it contains content taller than the dialog height.
  • TableHeader: fix alignment of sort icon in IE11.

Dependency Switch

  • Facebook has deprecated react-addons-transition-group and react-addons-css-transition-group in favour of react-transition-group/TransitionGroup and react-transition-group/CSSTransitionGroup so we have switched to use the later.

Deployment Changes

  • You can now pass --cdn to the gulp task to bundle assets pointing towards the CDN.


  • Minor changes to guides to reference carbon-react in imports.
  • grid icon added to the Icon component.


  • Update I18nhelper to respect the locale for the delimiter and separator.


  • Fix bug with Date Range date pickers not closing correctly


Component Enhancements

  • Dropdown now accepts a new optional function prop renderItem which will be called to render each option in the list


Component Enhancements

  • Content: gets a data-element on its body wrapper


Package Updates

  • BigNumber has been updated to v4.0.2

Component Enhancements

  • Dropdown: Options list is always rendered to the DOM, but is hidden until selected
  • Textarea now accepts a new prop warnOverLimit to display the character count message in red.
  • Simplify character count in Textarea.

Bug Fixes

  • Date: fixed the warning about an uncontrolled input component
  • Fix presence validator bug validating value as false if no props sent to validator.

Linting Updates

The following component have had minor internal changes to satisfy the introduction of stricter linting rules:

  • ActionToolbar
  • AnimatedMenuButton
  • Button
  • ButtonToggle
  • Confirm
  • Dialog
  • DialogFullScreen
  • Flash
  • MultiActionButton
  • SplitButton
  • Table
  • TableAjax
  • TableCell
  • TableHeader
  • TableRow


Package Name Change

  • The package name has been updated to carbon-react.

Removed /lib directory

  • You should now install the package via npm: npm install carbon-react.

⚠️ Major Change - React 15 Upgrade


  • ActionToolbar: 'total' field margin and width
  • Banner: Component has been Deleted in favour of the Message Component
  • ButtonToggle: icon and iconSize become buttonIcon and buttonIconSize to avoid clash with Input decorator
  • Heading: paddings
  • MenuList: Main Classes and className props have been moved from the ul to the top level div. To access the ul use carbon-menu-list__list
  • MultiActionButton: Additional buttons are spaced differently
  • MultistepWizard: Step has less padding-left
  • Pod: Header has less margin-bottom

Potentially breaking changes

  • The following components have been refactored to meet best practice standards and pass linting. If you have overridden any internal methods of these components, you may need to update your code.
    • Action Toolbar
    • Alert
    • Animated Menu Button
    • App-Wrapper
    • Button
    • Content
    • Create
    • Carousel
  • ButtonToggle no longer inherits from the label decorator as it was providing more functionality than required.
  • Rainbow has been updated to no longer use the react-highcharts component. To use this component you need to ensure to make the Highcharts library available to your application globally.
  • ActionToolbar incorrectly required actions as an Array - this has been changed to an Object to reflect its actual usage.

Google Analytics

If you have Google Analytics enabled ( is defined), and you are using the router supplied by Carbon, we will track subsequent page views. Please ensure that your Google Analytics tracking code is defined after you load the your application JavaScript.

Component Enhancements

  • Decimal now shows propType warning when precision is outside the range 0..20
  • Detail: font size of footer increased
  • Dialog: font wieght
  • DropdownFilter: placeholder text is made more legible by removing italics and making the font color darker
  • DropdownFilterAjax: data-state component tag is added to the getData Ajax request to mark the requesting state
  • Fieldset: icon positioning
  • Heading: Font size increased and weight
  • Input: decorator has slight padding change
  • Menu includes alternate prop for marking sub sections of the menu for styling (like tiger stripes for readability on tables, rather than actual submenus
  • MountInApp now cleans up it's children when the component is unmounted.
  • Pod: Font size increased
  • ShowEditPod: z-index on input prefixes
  • TableHeader: Font weight

Service Class

Adds a Service class to make it easier and more clear to create reusable services to interact with a JSON API. The class supports:

  • GET, POST, PUT and DELETE requests.
  • Automatically configured request Headers (no longer need to set Content-Type etc for each request)
  • CSRF support.
  • Request and Response transforms.
  • Global Success and Error actions for triggering automatic actions (such as flash notifications on error).

This should hopefully replace all uses of Request or axios.


  • A new 'insertAt' Ether helper to insert a character in a string at a specified indices

New components

  • Grouped-character component - displays groups with of characters with separator.

Bug Fixes

  • Alert: default size has been fixed to extra-small.
  • ButtonToggle: css typo corrected
  • Confirm: default size has been fixed to extra-small.
  • Detail: Footnote is allowed to expand vertically
  • Heading: alignment is fixed in IE where hr was centring by default
  • Link: CSS inheritance has been updated to better support buttons.
  • MenuList: item filter search icon positioning is fixed
  • Row clones children when mutating props rather than creating new element to retain refs
  • Stop input value being removed from props (fixes Button Toggle issue)

Deprecations Added

  • Row: can longer render any immediate children. A Column component has been introduced to maintain the column span, offset and align behaviour.
import Row from 'carbon/lib/components/row';


<Row columns='10'>
  <div columnSpan='3' columnOffset='2' columnAlign='right'>
    Content 1
  <Pod columnSpan='5'>
    Content 1

import { Row, Column } from 'carbon/lib/components/row';


<Row columns='10'>
  <Column columnSpan='3' columnOffset='2' columnAlign='right'>
    Content 1
  <Column columnSpan='5'>
      Content 1

data-attributes on components

We have added data-attributes to components to better identify them and their parts within the browser. We have added data-component tags on the top level of any component, and data-element tags to constituent parts. Developers can also add data-role tags to components to uniquely identify specific components within their UI.

Dependency Update

Gulp updates

  • Can pass command line arg to pecify port for demo server.
gulp --port 1234


Component Enhancements

  • DialogFullScreen now accepts a String for title or any other component.


  • Hide SplitButton additional buttons instead of removing them.


  • Removed the style node from package.json in table-ajax. This file doesn't exist.


  • Add additionalRequestParams prop to DropdownFilterAjax


  • Hide SplitButton additional buttons instead of removing them.


  • Ensure that node modules can only upgrade patch versions


Bug Fix

  • ShowEditPod: beforeFormValidation and buttonAlign props are now passed to the Form as they should be

InlineInputs Component

A simple InlineInputs wrapper component which allows multiple input fields to be displayed horizontally with a label.

<InlineInputs label='Test Label'>
  <Textbox />
  <Textbox />

Component Enhancements

  • Date now shows error validation when an invalid date is entered.
  • Flash: Change error icon to match other notifications (now shows error icon when as prop is error)
  • Form: adds error and warning icons (and refactors the summary into its own sub-component)
  • Dialog: Added subtitle prop
  • Input can now receive an inputHelp prop which renders a tooltip after the input field.

New Validations

  • DateWithinRangeValidator checks that a date is within specified bounds. e.g.
  new DateWithinRangeValidator({ limit: 30, units: 'days' }


Bug Fix

  • Dropdown: adds a set of ontouch events to the list in order to stop blurring from happening until after the touch event which fixes a bug with the input update on finger tap on touch screens
  • TableHeader: fix overflow issue so that tooltip / help components aren't cut off.
  • Decimal: fix issue where visibleValue was not updated after a change to precision.


Bug fix

  • Pod: corrects misalignment caused by centering


Component Enhancements

  • DropdownFilter: Refactored 'freetext' mode to operate on value for an option id, or visibleValue for a write-in value.
  • PresenceValidator: Added props and requireAll arguments to validate any/all of multiple input properties.


Bug fix

  • Fixes onBlur prop passed to Date, Decimal, Dropdown, DropdownFilter, and DropdownFilterAjax components so it is called instead of ignored
  • I18nHelper: Number abbreviator allows negative numbers


Component Enhancements

  • MenuItem: Added onClick prop.


Component Enhancements

  • DateRange: Two new props have been added, startDateProps and endDateProps, to apply props to the child Date components.
  • MultiStepWizard now allows adding callbacks when clicking on Next/Back button and allows adding validation callback before wizard submission when clicking on Submit button.

DropdownFilter freetext mode

Adds a new mode to DropdownFilter which prompts the user with suggest-style filtered options, but also allows typed entries that do not match any options. If the typed string exactly matches the name of an option, that option is automatically selected on blur, and the onChange event target will specify the option id as value and name as visibleValue, just as if it had been clicked. If the typed string does not match any options on blur, it remains as the input value and onChange will carry an empty string value and the typed string as visibleValue.


<DropdownFilter options={ options } freetext={ true } onChange={ this.onChange } />


Bug fix

  • Portrait: Fixes image stacking.
  • Fixes decimal input displaying error with single negative sign -.
  • Fixes numeral validation exception with single negative sign -.
  • Currently active inputs no longer re-validate during componentWillReceiveProps, ensuring that duplicate re-validation no longer occurs triggering -1 error counts.


Bug fix

  • Fixes alignment issue in inputs caused by the font size of prefixes differing from values.



  • The I18n helper now uses the current locale for delimiter and separator.


Bug Fixes

  • Validation is now correctly reset when a value is changed externally from the input.


New Validators

  • IsBlankValidator

MountInApp Component

Can be used to integrate React components into pre-existing user interfaces.

  <MountInApp targetId="put_carbon_component_here">
    // Children

The code above will render all //Children components inside of the element with ID=put_carbon_component_here found on the page.

SimpleColorPicker Component

A component that displays squares with color samples that you can choose from.

    availableColors={ ['transparent', '#ff0102', '#34ff01'] }
    onChange={ customEventHandler }


  • A new 'insertAt' Ether helper to insert a character in a string.
  • It inserts a dash by default, or a custom newChar
  insertAt('123456', 2);
  // => 12-3456
  insertAt('123456789', 3, { newChar:'/' });
  // => 123/456789

To repeat the character at the same interval, set repeat to true

  insertAt('123456', 2, { repeat: true });
  // => 12-34-56
  insertAt('123456789', 3, { newChar:'/', repeat: true });
  // => 123/456/789


  • legacyEditStyles prop name has changed to internalEditButton.


Bug fix

  • Pod: bug fixed with link and hover event props being mixed up


Bug fix

  • I18nHelper.formatCurrency: returns integer with option { precision: 0 }.


MultiStepWizard Component

We have updated MultiStepWizard's default buttons as primary.

Pod Component

Now takes a legacy style flag that switches the styles back

Component Enhancements

  • Icon: Three new props have been added:

    • bgShape: 'square', 'rounded-rect', or 'circle'.
    • bgTheme: 'warning', 'default', 'error', 'info', 'new', 'success', 'help', or 'maintenance'
    • bgSize: 'small' (default), 'medium', or 'large' - only modifies overall icon size if bgShape or bgTheme is passed.
  • Form: Two new props have been added, saveButtonProps and cancelButtonProps, to apply props to Form buttons.

Helper Enhancements

  • Browser: A new postToNewWindow method has been added, for sending POST data to a new browser window/tab.

CSS Changes

  • Added $beta orange color variable


SettingsRow Component

We have added a settings row component for settings pages. It employs the current UX standard for the appearance of settings pages. Title, description, and any details (accepts nodes) are formatted into the header, while children are rendered in the input cell. Renders nothing if no children present.

  title='My Setting'
  description='Some descriptive text'
  description={ <span>Detailed description</span> }> }
  <Checkbox label='Enable my setting' />
  <div>Some other blurb about the setting</div>

CSS Changes

  • Portrait initials are now dark grey on grey

Component Enhancements

  • Heading: One new prop has been added, separator, to show a 2x50px separator between title and subheader.
  • All input components can now render an icon using the prop icon.
  • Portrait: Now displays an icon in place of a blank box when the image has not been set and the initials are an empty string.


Bug Fixes

  • single quote(') is valid in email address now.


Bug Fixes

  • Readded the carbon-tabs class to the Tabs component.
  • Clear any selected rows too in refresh()
  • SelectedRows should be reset to the same object it is defined with


CSS Update

  • The default colour set now uses a lighter grey.



  • error icon on Date component is now displayed in place of the calendar icon clicker

Immutable Helper

  • ImmutableHelper.parseJSON now converts javascript objects to regular Maps rather than ordered maps.
  • If you require ordered maps you will need to explicitly create them rather than use ImmutableHelper.
  • margin-bottom has been removed from the message component.

CSS Changes

  • Navigation-Bar: line-height has been applied to parent content div rather than children.
  • Updated base font CSS to better reflect the Lato font.
  • Updated Menu Item CSS to better reflect the Lato font.
  • Updated input help text color for accessibility standards.
  • Animated Menu Button has been updated with latest font changes.
  • Links inside of input warnings are now coloured white.

Bug Fixes

  • Tabs now correctly tracks warning state of a tab.
  • Tabs no longer jumps when changing tab.

Package Upgrades

  • Datepicker has been upgraded the latest version.
  • Bowser has been upgraded to the latest version.

Component Enhancements

  • Message: Two new props have been added, border and roundedCorners.
  • Dropdown: One new prop has been added, cacheVisibleValue.
  • Tabs now can take a prop of 'position' which supports floating to the left and being positioned in a vertical stack.


  • A new humanizeFilesize helper for converting bytes to a human readable representation.
  • roundForAbbreviation is added to handle the number element of abbreviateNumber as well as forcing any abbreviated number to one decimal place
  • abbreviateCurrency takes unit value

Minor Improvements

  • Cookie functions added to browser helper
  • Fixes vertical alignment of minus icon.


  • Tabs: Tab Heading hover, focus and active states corrected


  • Icon: removes SVGs to fallback to icon font until new SVGs designed
  • Flash, Message and Toast: all use flex for positioning


  • Pod: now accepts a displayEditButtonOnHover prop which will hide the edit button until the mouse is hovering over it.
  • Pod: now accepts a triggerEditOnContent prop will trigger the onEdit function when clicking the content.
  • Pod: the colours of an editable pod have been updated to be more consistent.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixes reference to utils from the link component.


⚠️ Breaking Changes - Visual Styles

Visual improvements to the design of components, which may impact the colors and font styles used.

  • Lato font added
  • Colors updated
  • Table row active and hover styles
  • Font sizes for text

⚠️ Breaking Change - Button colors

  • Button color is now determined by a theme prop.
  • If you are using a red or green button, you must pass props of as and theme.
  • i.e. for a red button
<Button theme='red'>
  • For a green button
<Button theme='green' as='secondary'>

I18n Component

We have added a component to handle I18n translations. The component also supports markdown, allowing developers to safely add HTML markup to translations such as bold tags or hyperlinks.

<I18n scope="my.translation" options={{ myVar: "foobar" }} markdown={ true } />


  • abbreviateNumber function is provided for adding 'k' and 'm' style abbreviations for large numbers

Component Enhancements

  • Button: now accepts a size and theme prop to determine size and color respectively.
  • Decimal now emits value of 0 on blur if cleared.
  • Icon: new Icons added - Draft, Github, Twitter, Dribble and Remove
  • Link: tabindex default and switch control via a prop
  • MenuList: autofocuses on filter when a menu is opened
  • Link: pressing enter triggers any onClick event
  • Rainbow: Added the config prop to to be able to control the way the chart is displayed.
  • TableAjax now accepts pageSize prop.

Poller Helper

  • Added callback to poller helper which is called when the terminating condition is not met

CSS Changes

  • Input prefix is now positioned correctly when using inline labels


  • Decimal component can validate properly with alternative i18n settings

New Components

  • MenuList: handles simple ul based menus


  • Heading component can now configure it's divider on/off using the prop 'divider'.


⚠️ Breaking Change - Default colour for Pill component has changed. ⚠️

  • The default behaviour for the Pill component was to previously set as info. This is now set as default which is a grey colour.
  • Ensure you check for any implementations of the Pill component where the as prop is not defined and set this to as='info'.

⚠️ Breaking Change - Date Component requires importing of locales

  • The Date component now uses Strict mode and a I18n locale for parsing date.
  • If you require multiple locales for your Date component you will need to import them from moment js
  • Please see the moment js docs for more information

⚠️ Breaking Change ⚠️

  • Rainbow expects the Highcharts library to be already loaded. If your project does not include Highcharts, you need to import it before Rainbow.
import 'react-highcharts/dist/bundle/highcharts';

New Components

  • Subheader component created to be used with the Table and TableAjax components

Component Enhancements

  • ShowEditPod now closes and cancels editing on Escape keydown.
  • ShowEditPod puts focus on pod if mounted in editing state.
  • Sidebar no longer renders a close icon if there is no onCancel prop.
  • Date field uses I18n for formats and sanitizes inputs for passing
  • Content component can take props of bodyFullWidth to set component width to 100%;
  • Date field uses I18n for formats and sanitizes inputs for passing
  • Step wizard sub-component now accepts a prop of enabled.
  • Table components now accept an onPageSizeChange callback function as a prop.
  • InputValidation uses Form and Input in order to ensure messages stay on screen for a short while unless the user hovers on another field
  • Pod enter triggers edit function and edit element is keyboard accessible
  • Tabs enter triggers tab load and navigation tabs are keyboard accessible
  • Tabs focus state is given the same styles as hover state
  • Pager component now emits which element has changed.
  • Sidebar now takes a size prop (e.g. extra-small, small, ...extra-large)


  • Moment JS bumped to version 2.15.1


Component Enhancements

  • Decimal component can prevent decimal value from exceeding the precision setting


New Components

  • Create component: supplies a button for creating new artefacts.
  • Detail component

Component Enhancements

  • Content now has additional display options to customise the alignment, to render inline with it's title and to customise the title's width.
  • Link component now has a prop of iconAlign to align icons to the right of the link's text.
  • Row component can now be given a size to control the size of the gutter using the prop gutter (eg. extra-small, small, medium, large or extra-large).
  • Row can enable columnDivide to add dividing lines between columns.
  • ShowEditPod requires a tab press to focus on the first field of the contained form rather than automatically focusing on the first field

Minor Improvements

  • Inputs now reset parent tabs error state when unmounted
  • Valid Date entry formats can be overridden via I18n
  • add helper to focus on input field
  • Table Header - sort column no longer overlaps text when right aligned
  • Add a currencyFormatter helper to the i18n helpers
  • Editable Pod width can be set to full width by setting the prop editContentFullWidth to true.
  • Refactor Icon component into separate file SVGs
  • Ensure portrait component uses https for gravatar images.

CSS Changes

  • Have increased pill font size and weight
  • Carbon Components CSS now imports from relative paths
  • removes uneccessary space from clearfix in Row component
  • Aligned MultiActionButton icon to center
  • Content components now handles wrapping more robustly with single words longer than the content width wrapping correctly
  • Filter handles it's child inputs more robustly by over-riding widths and margins when children are displayed inline
  • Darken colour of text--secondary
  • Fieldset - readonly fields maintain border
  • Remove italics from text--inactive
  • Have increased pill font size and weight
  • Carbon Components CSS now imports from relative paths

Bug Fixes

  • Allow carbon to be incorporated into webpack project
  • Removed footer from datepicker. This will be reverted in the React 15 Upgrade
  • The CSS for applying clears to Row columns has been fixed.
  • Tooltips now close when component receives new props.
  • Text Area now scrollable except when expandable.
  • Pod lifecycle methods are no longer defined as class properties.
  • Input validation decorator was not re-checking validity for warnings
  • Table sort arrows now point in the correct direction.
  • Pod applies props to it's container rather than the first child of that container keeping things consistent
  • Pod filters out any title that is not a string before it is applied as an HTML attribute to the underlying element stopping Object being output as a browser generated tooltip


Bug Fixes

  • Form now tracks error and warning count on instance as well as in state.


Bug Fixes

  • Tabs component - added check to ensure that onTabChange is not called if the selectedTabId prop is changed to the existing state of the tabs component


Bug Fix

  • Row now supports immutable children.
  • Row columns now clear when there are more columns than the defined number.
  • Editable Pod is now aligned properly with title.


Bug Fix

  • Additional classes were not being applied to the Pod element, this has now been fixed.
  • Added missing icon for "entry".



Updated Carbon Icons Font

New pixel perfect icon font has been added.

Added Lato as base text font

Lato has now been added as the base font for applications, there are 4 weights introduced, 300(light), 400(regular), 600(semi-bold) and 700(bold). For performance, 3 of the 4 new weights used the Google Font CDN network and the 4th is added via assets.

CSS and Structural Changes to Pod

The markup structure for pods has been modified, including some adjustments to Pod padding.

The edit action for a Pod has been modified to sit outside of the Pod.


Bug Fix

  • Tabs component - added check to ensure that onTabChange is not called if the selectedTabId prop is changed to the existing state of the tabs component


  • Improves Flash component timeout behaviour.


Carbon Factory Upgrade v0.1.0

Updated Flash component API

As well as just a string, the Flash component will now receive a message value with the following:

  • A string: "Alert"
  • An array: ["Message One", "Message Two"]
  • An object with description: { description: "My description" }
  • An object of key/value pairs: { first_name: "is required", last_name: "is required" }
  • An object with description with nested key/value pairs: { description: { first_name: "is required", last_name: "is required" } }


Bug Fix

  • Tabs component - added check to ensure that onTabChange is not called if the selectedTabId prop is changed to the existing state of the tabs component


Breaking Change - Additional functionality for initialSelectedTabId prop in Tabs component

  • Renamed initialSelectedTabId to selectedTabId and onTabClick to onTabChange in the Tabs component
  • If selectedTabId is updated the visible tab will change to the value of selectedTabId, this will call the onTabChange function if set.

Minor Improvements

  • Pod component now accepts a alignTitle prop.
  • Checkbox input now has important set on position.
  • Tooltip Decorator now protects against no target or tooltip rendered in the DOM


Bug Fix

  • ShowEditPod shows edit content when controlled externally


Breaking Change - CSS Naming

  • We have renamed all of our styles to be prefixed with carbon- rather than ui-. This is to avoid conflicts with existing open source libraries like jQuery UI.

Example of the CSS Name Change

// Before:

// After:

Please ensure you check your application carefully to update any references to these styles when upgrading.

Minor Improvements

  • Show edit pod can now be controlled via props
  • Make heading font styles more flexible, providing h*, .h* and @include h*()
  • Allow ShowEditPod to receive false in its onEdit prop to skip rendering of the default edit icon
  • Added a 'Payment' icon and a 'Key' icon.
  • ShowEditPod now animates between the two states


Minor Improvements

  • Help component now opens links in a new tab.


Minor Improvements

  • PresenceValidator now returns false for strings that consist only of spaces


New Icons

  • Print
  • Pdf
  • Csv
  • Message

Minor Improvements

  • Link now accepts tooltip props to apply a tooltip to the link. This can be used with the Action Toolbar to apply tooltips to the icon links.
  • Input components now accept an onPaste prop.
  • Add character count to textarea
  • Form now accepts a onSubmit prop which is only called when the form is valid.
  • AppWrapper now has a minimum width of 958px.
  • SUG-19: Change padding for the MessageComponent when transparent and non dismissable. When transparent is applied the padding reduces to 2px, but if it's dismissable it enlarges to it's original to prevent overlap.
  • Allows Link component to handle mailto: as an href prefix, previously the to: would have been stripped from the string
  • Fix error count, when input gets disabled


Breaking Changes

  • The CSS for inputs and icons associated with inputs has changed. If you have overridden this CSS in you code, this may break your input CSS.

New Components

  • Heading - useful for page titles.
  • ShowEditPod - Inline editing of fields
  • Date Range - Allows start and end date setting with validation for invalid date combinations.

History and Browser Status

The router's history object is now accessible:

import { history } from 'carbon/lib/utils/router';

With the history object you can control the DOM for any UI that uses React Router. For more information see the guides

Link Prefixes

The Link component can now have its href or to props prefixed to customise the type of link it is (regular or react router).

For example:

<Link href="to:/foobar">My React Router Link</Link>

Router transitions

  • The window will automatically scroll to the top when the route is transitioned

Red and Green Buttons

The Button component can now have red and green themes, set using the as prop.

New Icons

  • Information
  • Sync
  • Progress
  • Submitted
  • Completed

Minor Changes

  • A Sass variable has been introduced to define the path where fonts are located.
  • Pod title size has been reduced to more accurately match the demo.
  • Secondary Content components font weight has been standardised.
  • The children prop for the Help component is no longer required.
  • Sibling Content components now have a top margin for spacing.
  • Button height has been fixed for buttons that behave like links.
  • Adds inline help for radio button.
  • Fixes inline help for checkboxes.
  • Radio Button sprite has been given a fixed size.
  • Increase textTag font-spacing from 0.5 to 0.8.
  • Button can receive a prop of to.
  • Fixes fieldset and input margin when rendered on top of one another.
  • Fixes position of icon in dropdown button.
  • Fixes error icon position for inputs with field help.
  • AppWrapper has been increased to 1600px and some padding has been added.
  • Form now accepts a prop of save which can be used to hide the save button.


Major Changes

!! Babel upgraded to Version 6

  • When updating the latest version it is recommend to remove node modules rm -rf node_modules and reinstall npm install

!! Phantom JS Upgraded to version 2

  • This may cause a few tests that were giving false positives to fail

New Components

  • Profile - User to show portrait with name and email.
  • AppWrapper - confines your content to the width of your application.
  • Menu
  • NavigationBar

Input Label Padding

  • All input label padding has been slightly increased.

Help Updates

  • Help component has been updated with a new icon.
  • Input Label decorator has been fixed to render the help class for labelHelp.

Acronymize Function

  • We have added an acronymize function to the Ether util, which will create an acronym from a given string.

Dropdown component updates

  • All dropdowns now allow keying up and down through the list

Polling helper

  • A polling helper has been added that performs customizable ajax polling.

New Icons

  • Help
  • Chevron


Minor Changes

  • Portrait extra small size has been changed from 20px to 25px.
  • Portrait can have a dark background.
  • Fixes issue with Portrait size when image would not render.
  • Disabled Pill's colours have been updated.
  • Individual and Business SVGs have been updated in Icon.



  • Renamed Browser redirectUrl method to redirectTo

New Components

  • Fieldset - stacks inputs rendered as children to the Fieldset component.
  • Carousel - can be used to display a gallery of slides.

CSS Module Update

Added margin and padding 0 to the base CSS.

Uniform Sizing

All components that take a Size Prop have been unified to accept the following


If you are using the default size of a component there is no change needed except for the Spinner

Component Breakdown

Animated Menu Button

  • Added extra-small
  • !! CHANGED - smed to medium-small`
  • !! CHANGED - mlarge to medium-large
  • Added xlarge


  • Added extra-small
  • !! CHANGED - smed to medium-small`
  • Added medium
  • !! CHANGED - mlarge to medium-large
  • Added xlarge


  • !! CHANGED - default is now medium

  • Added extra-small

  • !! CHANGED - smed to medium-small`

  • Added medium

  • !! CHANGED - mlarge to medium-large

  • Added xlarge


  • !! CHANGED - xsmall to extra-small
  • !! CHANGED - smed to medium-small`
  • !! CHANGED - med to medium
  • !! CHANGED - mlarge to medium-large
  • Added xlarge

Link (React Router)

Our Link component now supports the React Router. Instead of passing a href prop, pass a to prop and it will use React Router to navigate.

Pod Updates

  • Pod can now receive a prop of onEdit - if this is a String it will use it as a to prop on a Link component, if it is a Function it will apply it as an onClick handler, if it is an object it will apply it's props to the Link.
  • Pod has an additional padding size added of extra-large.
  • Pod now applies any additional props to it's top most child element.
  • We have added a tertiary pod theme.

Content Updates

Content now has a secondary theme which can be applied using the as prop.

Label Updates

  • You can supply a input-width prop to any input to define its width.

Modal Updates

Change in functionality!


  • Modal no longer closes on background click
  • New prop disableEscKey is defaulted to false
  • Changes will also effect Dialog, Sidebar etc...


  • New props showCloseIcon (defaulted to true) which show and hides the close icon


Promises Polyfill. Carbon now contains a ES6 Promises helper which can be imported by

  import from 'carbon/lib/utils/promises';

Notifications Updates


  • New props transparent (defaulted to false) which if set to true sets the background to transparent


  • Decimal can now receive a prop of precision

Split Button

  • Small CSS change to remove gap in Safari

Input Validation

  • Validation icons now position themselves relative to width of input field when label is inline.


Minor Improvements

  • Add paperclip SVG to Icon


New Components

  • Multi Step Wizard

Minor Improvements

  • Add edit SVG to Icon
  • Supports Ajax call for error validation


  • Add reload function to browser helper


Minor Improvements

  • Adding user class names to tabs.
  • Authorize Objects in dialog title

Browser Helper

Added a redirect action made by the browser. It is now easier to redirect to url

import Browser from 'carbon/lib/utils/helpers/browser';



New Components

  • ButtonToggle.

New Features

  • Warnings are now ready to use on form inputs, using the same API as validations you can supply an array as a prop to an input:
<Textbox warnings={[ new MyWarning ]} />

Bug Fixes

  • CSS fixes to input error icon and error message.
  • CSS fixes to input placeholder text for IE11.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixes no results row in Table to span all columns.
  • Fixes issue in Tabs where initialSelectedTabId was ignored


Bug Fixes

  • Fixes a loading row in Table to span all columns.


Minor Changes

  • Disable multi select for single row in a table


Minor Changes

  • Add ability to set custom labels on Confirm dialog.
  • Fixes scrollbar fixed height.
  • Fixes word break on tooltips.



  • Selectable table rows now emit an object instead of an array, containing more information about the selected rows.

Minor Changes

  • Sidebar now scrolls on overflow
  • Adds $app-light-font-family Sass variable.
  • Adds $app-medium-font-family Sass variable.
  • Icons - plus, minus, processing. Update contact icons
  • Improve tile footer style


  • A developer can choose for a Table to not automatically render with a tbody, allowing them to manually render it <Table tbody={ false }>.
  • Performance improvements for validation messages.
  • Inputs can be rendered with fake inputs, useful for pages with lots of inputs where performance can be an issue.
  • Number does not show undefined when value props is not provided and user enter alphabets
  • Adds external link icon.
  • Adds new colors: $grey-dark-blue-5, $grey-header.


  • Stores will now throw an error if an invalid action is dispatched.
  • Fixes translation issues with Save and Cancel buttons in Form component.
  • Fixes error with refresh method on Table, when Table does not have an ActionToolbar.
  • Adds business and individual icons.

Modal Updates

  • Alert and Confirm have been updated to accept the dialog size prop. Default sizes remain unchanged.


  • Fixes overflow bug on Table component.
  • Fixes colors for recently added icons.


Minor Improvements

  • Tabs emits a onTabClick event when on the headers is clicked
  • Add phone, email, location and mobile icons
  • Table now has a refresh method to force retrieve data.

Bug Fixes

  • CSS prevent multi action siblings overlapping
  • First columns in tables have additional left padding.
  • Page size sets 1 of 1 when there are no records.


  • Tabs remember the last one they were on when going back in the browser.

Bug Fixes

  • Selectable Tables stopPropagation when selecting checkboxes.


  • Adds loading and empty data states to Table component.

Bug Fixes

  • CSS fixes to Portrait.
  • CSS fixes to Spinner.
  • CSS fixes to Pill.


  • MulitActionButton Classes more specific


Bug Fixes

  • Various UI Fixes:
    • MultiActionButton toggle placement.
    • Removed Tab padding.
    • Fixed Button height to 31px.


New Components

  • Multi Action Button

Selectable Table Rows

  • Table and TableAjax now have props of selectable and highlightable, enabling selectable or highlightable rows. Each event also emits events which can be used by developers with props of onSelect or onHighlight. Developers can also manually control the highlighting or selecting of rows using the same props on TableRow components.
  • Selectable rows also enables an action toolbar for the table, for which actions can be defined using the actions prop.


  • Created CSS utility to handle generic CSS.


  • Inline labels can now be aligned right.
  • Added 'small' button option - renders pill-like secondary button.
  • Made portrait inline-block to allow label to sit inline.
  • Added a 'refresh' svg icon to the icon component.
  • Form component can now set custom saveText as a prop.
  • Pill styling tweaked slightly.
  • Made portrait inline-block to allow label to sit inline.
  • Updated portrait colour for when no image is loaded.
  • Update Radio Button and Checkbox colour when disabled and checked.

Bug Fixes

  • Allow tooltip to decorate class that lacks componentProps method.
  • Records value typecast to number for i18n in Pager


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed CSS load order issue which caused icons to break their positioning.



  • Improved store reset. store.reset() will now reset the store to its initial data, whether or not history is enabled.
  • Inputs can now have field help. Pass fieldHelp='help message' to any input.
  • Inputs can now have label help. Pass labelHelp='help message' to any input.
  • Add thead prop to Table component that allows you to set a row wrapped in a thead tag.

New Components

  • Sidebar - with sidebar header
  • Portrait
  • Content
  • Help - An info icon with a tooltip.
  • Tooltip

Layout Updates

  • Row margin has been reduced to 15px.

  • Pod component now receives two additional props:

    • border - allows developers to disable border.
    • padding - allows developers to have control over padding size.
  • Message style has changed to follow toast style

  • Pill style has changed

Improved Dialog

  • Dialog now takes a prop of disableBackground which is true by default.

Improved Form

  • validate() can now be called via this.context.form

New Validators

  • Inclusion
  • Exclusion


  • Added utility classes for styling text.
  • Format i18n error number for numeric validation.
  • Allow Tables to shrink in size using the shrink prop.
  • Link component can now display with an icon.
  • Child components of Row can now use a columnAlign prop.
  • Toast onDismiss is now optional

New Decorators

  • Tooltip Decorator - currently available on Icon and Textbox.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes alignment issue with SplitButton when using anchors.
  • Row component will not break with zero children or children of null or undefined.



  • Moves the validation logic in Form component to its own method.
  • Adds validateOnMount prop to Forms.
  • Help Components on inputs with labels.


New Components

  • Pager
  • Filter
  • Table Ajax

Bug Fixes

  • TableCell and TableHeader can receive additional props.
  • Inputs no longer render a label if the input has no name or label props.

New functionality

  • Table and TableHeader have been updated to allow sorting.
  • Tabs - Passing a prop of align='right' will align tab headers to the right


Improve Date widget

Improve the existing Date widget to allow passing in minDate and maxDate.


An I18nHelper has been created to help with formatting decimal numbers.

Should Component Update Decorator

Supplies base shouldComponentUpdate


We have added a helper method to convert strings into arrays, for example:

"foo[bar][baz]" into ["foo", "bar", "baz"].

ImmutableHelper parseJSON

The parseJSON method now converts all integers to strings for consistency

Bug Fixes

  • We have inserted an engine dependency for npm version 3. This is to help mitigate any issues of users reporting issues when installing with npm version 2.

New Components

  • Spinner
  • RadioButton


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed numeral validator so it returns the correct type of validator.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed I18n translation for integer validation.


Bug Fixes

  • autoFocus no longer automatically opens lists or datepickers on Dropdown and Date components.
  • Update validations i18n to use errors.messages instead of validations
  • Bluring of DropdownFilter/DropdownFilterAjax does not throw a js error when no items exist


!BREAKING CHANGE! Validations have been converted into classes

We have converted Validations provided by Carbon into classes. This means that you need to create an instance when you want to use them.

For example, you would need to change:

<Textbox validations={ [PresenceValidator()] } />

To this:

<Textbox validations={ [new PresenceValidator()] } />

This allows better inspection of the validator, and the ability to modify params on the class.

Disabled class for inputs

We now add a common-input--disabled class to the component when its input is disabled

Bug Fixes

  • Inputs with multiple validations now validate correctly.
  • DropdownFilter now parses its filter before creating a Regular Expression.
  • Split Button has been given a fixed height to resolve UI issues.
  • Dropdown up and down arrows now work with options that use strings for IDs.
  • We now use the $grey-dark-blue-40 color for placeholders in inputs


New Components

  • SplitButton.

New Validations

Numeral Validation

Checks numeral type (Integer of Decimal) Checks if value is equal, greater than, less than

// Integer with a min value of 8
<Number validations={ [NumeralValidator({ integer: true, min: 8 })] }/>

// Decimal with a between 8 and 20
<Number validations={ [NumeralValidator({ integer: true, min: 8, max: 20 })] }/>

// Decimal exactly 3.142
<Number validations={ [NumeralValidator({ is: 3.142 })] }/>

Length Validation

Checks the length of a number of a string

// length is greater than or equal to 8:
<Textbox validations={ [ LengthValidator({ min: 8 }) ] });

// length is less than or equal to 8:
<Textbox validations={ [ LengthValidator({ max: 8 }) ] });

// length is between 5 and 10 characters:
<Number validations={ [ LengthValidator({ min: 5, max: 10 }) ] });

// length is 10 characters:
<Number validations={ [ LengthValidator({ is: 10 }) ] });

Regex Validation

Applies a regex validation to the input

<Textbox validations={ [RegexValidator({ format: (/[A-Z]{5}/) }) ] }/>

Email Validation

Applies a email validation to the input

<Textbox validations={ [ EmailValidator() ] }/>

Prefix for inputs

We have added a new feature for input components which allows developers to output a prefix to the input.

<Textbox prefix="foo" />

Updated visuals for Toast Notifications and Tabs

  • Toast notifications have had updated styling applied to them, based on new designs.
  • Colour updates to Tabs, to align with design updates
  • New colour variables added


  • Button component will now render a stylised anchor instead of a button if passed a href prop.

Bug Fixes

  • Add i18n to form buttons


  • Performance updates to inputs. We also now provide a shouldComponentUpdate method which can be reused in custom components.
  • Inputs that are detached from a form no longer update error count.


Bug Fixes

  • Form no longer validates disabled fields on submit.
  • Form inputs are tracked by a guid now, rather than input name.
  • Autocomplete is disabled for all inputs by default.
  • Locks version numbers to try and mitigate incompatabilities with third party modules.


Bug Fixes

  • SVG icons inside toast component now re-render properly.


Handler Pattern

Carbon now has a simple handler pattern implementation. For more information, see the guide.

New Components

  • Toast
  • Message

Standardised Color/Icon Sets on Components

Several components allow the ability to define a particular type or status, such as warning, error or success. We have standardised the way this is implemented in components, each of which should use a prop name of as.

Similarly, each supported type comes as part of a Sass list variable called $colorIconSets. This list can be used in component scss files to iterate through the types available and automatically generate the code required for each type. This means each component will automatically update with any new types added to this list.

You can see examples of how this is implemented in the scss files for Pill, Flash, Banner or Toast.

Breaking Changes

  • Due to the standardisation of using the prop as, some components will have breaking changes to accomodate this:
    • Flash
    • Pill
  • The cancelHandler method on Dialog based components has been renamed to onCancel to bring in line with the convention we would like to progress with for this kind of action name.
  • The confirmHandler method on Confirm has also been renamed to onConfirm to align with the naming convention.

Bug Fixes

  • Dialog now centers itself if open on initialize.


New Components

  • Table, TableRow, TableCell, TableHeader
  • Confirm
  • Animated Menu Button
  • Notification
  • Pill
  • Banner
  • Flash

Tables and Grids - Breaking Change

The previous iteration of grid (InputGrid) was too restrictive, not allowing much flexibility and being too rigid in its implementation. We have now refactored grids creating a Table component with full control and flexibility for the developer. The new way of doing grids also means we no longer need to use complicated immutable helpers we had set up for line items as well as injecting row_id into the store.

The following is an example of how to use the Table component:

import React from 'react';
import { Table, TableRow, TableCell, TableHeader } from 'carbon/lib/components/table';
import Textbox from 'carbon/lib/components/textbox';
import Button from 'carbon/lib/components/button';

class MyView extends React.Component {
  render() {
    // We map the data from the store, to define what a row should look like.
    // Using map allows the developer to define any content they want - this could
    // render text, an input, a button or anything else.
    let tableRows =, index) => {
        // This cell renders just text for 'description'.
          { row.get('description') }

        // This cell renders a textbox for 'name'. We also give it an onChange function. It is
        // important to notice that we bind additional values to this function - 'this' and 'index'.
        // This means that when the function is called it will receive the index as an argument.
        // The store then knows which index in the array of data has been modified and needs to update,
        // the mutation would look something like:
        // ` =['line_items', action.index,], action.value);`.
          <Textbox value={ row.get('name') } onChange={ Actions.nameUpdated.bind(this, index) } />

        // This cell renders a button component.
          <Button>An Action!</Button>

    // tableRows is now an array mapped from the data we provided. We also need a table header so
    // lets add that as an additional row in the array (unshift prepends to an array):

    // We can now render the array of rows as a child of Table.
    return (
        { tableRows }

export default MyView

The example above should highlight the flexibility available with grids. You can mix input with plain text or any other component, all in the same table. Adding a placeholder row is simple as well:

import React from 'react';
import { Table, TableRow, TableCell, TableHeader } from 'carbon/lib/components/table';
import Textbox from 'carbon/lib/components/textbox';

class MyView extends React.Component {
  render() {
    // Define tableRows.
    let tableRows =, index) => {
          <Textbox name="description" value={ row.get('description') } onChange={ Actions.valueUpdated.bind(this, index) } />

          <Textbox name="name" value={ row.get('name') } onChange={ Actions.valueUpdated.bind(this, index) } />

    // Add header.

    // Add placeholder row. The main difference between a regular row is we are not mapping any data to
    // this row (as it has none). Also, instead of an index, we are passing the data count to the bound
    // action. This means on valueUpdated that it will update the value in the array to an index which
    // does not yet exist - effectively creating the new row.
          <Textbox name="description" onChange={ Actions.valueUpdated.bind(this, } />

          <Textbox name="name" onChange={ Actions.valueUpdated.bind(this, } />

    // We can now render the array of rows as a child of Table.
    return (
        { tableRows }

export default MyView


  • Decrease width of dropdown icon to 20px


Bug Fixes

  • Backported dropdown validation fix.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixes bug - 'item is undefined triggered when clicking away from dropdown with option highlighted'.


Bug Fixes

  • startRouter no longer throws an error if it cannot find an element to render the component to.


Bug Fixes

  • Dropdown will always return a string value to any callbacks.


Bug Fixes

  • Dropdown components auto select highlighted values on blur.
  • Carbon now compiles code to lib, allowing developers to no longer require installing babel on their computer.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixes validation message width in Firefox.


Bug Fixes

  • Tabs can now render a single child


  • Form submitting state is now controlled by the developer using the saving prop.

Bug Fixes

  • Developers can now set the alignment on an input's value using the align prop.
  • Tab allows null children.


New Components

  • Alert
  • Link
  • Tabs

Dialog Type Components

Breaking Change! ⚠️ Both components now require a cancelHandler prop (rather than the cancelDialogHandler). ⚠️


Dropdown components have been refactored. We now have three different kinds:

  • Dropdown
  • Dropdown Filter
  • Dropdown Filter Ajax

Inputs and Forms No Longer Rely on Name Property

In previous versions of Carbon, all inputs required a name property. Some Carbon components would manipulate what this name was, depending on where the input was used.

To keep things simple, and to remove some of the logic behind the scenes, we no longer do any manipulation on input names and the property is no longer a requirement when using a form input.

It is still recommended that you use names on inputs, as they are useful to identify your which input is which. They are also required if you are performing standing HTML form submissions.


  • Pod has an option to make it collapsible.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes position and width or validation messages on inputs.
  • Fixes re-validating fields when content is pasted into an input.


Bug Fixes

  • On successful submit, form components will disable their save buttons to prevent multiple form submissions.


Decimal Component

An extra validation has been added to decimal to prevent multiple separators from being entered in the input field.

Dropdown and DropdownSuggest components

Dropdown and dropdown-suggest have been updated. As they share common functionality, dropdown and dropdown-suggest now use a List decorator. This should not affect how you use either component.

  • Dropdown now filters results as you type.

Dialog Cancel button

Dialogs have been updated to pass context to any children components. We have used this to switch the Form Cancel button to use the Dialog's cancel handler when the form is nested in a dialog. This overrides the default history.back method.

Store, View and Route Utils

We have standardised the utilities we provide to easily set up Flux based applications. This involved a few breaking changes:


The base Store class is now available from:

import Store from 'carbon/lib/utils/flux/store';

When creating your store, initialize it with your application's dispatcher. You must also define the store's data and unique name within its constructor. The following shows the minimum required to set up a store:

import Store from 'carbon/lib/utils/flux/store';
import Dispatcher from 'dispatcher';
import ImmutableHelper from 'carbon/lib/utils/helpers/immutable';

class MyStore extends Store {

let data = ImmutableHelper.parseJSON({});

// init the store with a name, some data, and your dispatcher
export default new MyStore('myStore', data, Dispatcher);


The view helper is now available as a flux utility from Carbon. This was done to clarify its intentions. You can import it with:

import { connect } from 'carbon/lib/utils/flux';

You can then use the connect function to connect a React component to a store:

import React from 'react';
import MyStore from 'stores/my-store';
import { connect } from 'carbon/lib/utils/flux';

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  render() {
    // the connected store data is available on the state as the store's unique name defined in its constructor
    let val = this.state.myStore.get('myValue');

    return (
      <div>My Component.</div>

export default connect(MyComponent, MyStore);

This sets up the listeners and data synchronising between the component and the store.

The connect function can connect multiple stores to the component - simply provide them as an array:

connect(MyComponent, [MyStore, MyOtherStore]);


The route helper now returns a specific function:

import React from 'react';
import { Route } from 'react-router';
import { startRouter } from 'carbon/lib/utils/router';

let routes = (
  <Route />


The startRouter function initializes the React router with the given routes. It can also take a second parameter for the HTML target in which to render the React components (by default this uses document.getElementById('app')).

Higher Order Components and Decorators

We now use decorators instead of Higher Order Components in our component library as they are easier to test and result in a tidier and more logical codebase.

Decorators can be found in the /utils/decorators directory. So far we have decorators for:

  • Input
  • Input Icon
  • Input Label
  • Input Validation

Note: although there is an ES7 Babel transform for decorators, we have opted not to use it for now due to the way in which it compiles and produces missing coverage reports.

TableFieldsForMany renamed

TableFieldsForMany is now called InputGrid.

We have renamed this because its original name was based on a Rails convention and was fairly obscure and confusing.

New Brand

A new style and colour scheme has been applied to the carbon components library. This change will affect all of the components.


Validations have changed to a function so that different parameters can be passed to them.

You can now define Validations on a component using the following syntax:

<Textbox validations={ [Validation()] } name='valid' />


  • Ran ESLint task and fixed any errors.
  • Form provides a serialization method to parse its inputs into data usable for Ajax.
  • Forms no longer needs a model name defined.
  • Updated Form Cancel Button to use History object.
  • Textarea is no longer draggable. Add a expandable={true} prop to make the area height change to fit content
  • Input components can now use custom classes.
  • Checkbox label now sits inline, and is reversable.
  • Added props on inputs for inline labels.
  • Added Rainbow chart component.
  • Added Tabs component.
  • Added Number component.
  • Decimal now allows tabbing in and out of the field.
  • Date now closes on tab out.


Initial prototype release.

Components included:

  • Button
  • Checkbox
  • Date
  • Decimal
  • Dialog
  • Dropdown Suggest
  • Dropdown
  • Form
  • Pod
  • Row
  • Table Fields for Many
  • Table Row
  • Textarea
  • Textbox

Utils included:

  • Events Helper (to help determine keyboard events)
  • Immutable Helper (to perform generic tasks with Immutable.js)
  • Icons (to include icons from the web font)
  • Inputs & Input Validation (generic functionality for inputs)
  • Validations (reusable functionality for validations)
  • Route Helper (component to provide base route functionality)
  • Store Helper (base class for base store functionality)
  • View Helper (component to provide base view functionality)