PractAid is a music practice tool that lets Spotify premium users loop (or 'A-B loop') segments of Spotify songs.
- Add link back to source
- Add logout button
- Expound on functionality, permissions required
- Mention supported browsers
- Add support for Safari
- Re-design such that the main looper screen is shown even before logging in. The intro/description could be a modal.
- Add placeholders for album cover, waveform etc. pre-login
- Add help text for hotkeys
- More elegant way for starting a mocked-out offline dev build
- Finish pulling apart
ns - Pull apart DB
The most important thing to mock is the Player object, which needs to:
- include the path
[:track_window :current_track]
- have a track with a duration
- periodically emit state-change events
- respond to commands such as seek, pause, etc.
- include internal state such as
- go to a new track when the current track ends