This guide gives instructions for how to add a new language to Zonemaster-GUI. The language is assumed to exist in or to be added to Zonemaster-Engine and Zonemaster-Backend.
When updating a language in use, this document could also be used as a checklist for where the changes are done.
You should usually read this document from develop branch to make sure you have the latest version.
Zonemaster uses ISO 639-1 two-letter language codes, normally in lower case, but in GUI sometimes with first letter in upper case to make the display nicer. GUI is currently available in the following languages with the attached language code:
for Danish languageen
for English languagefi
for Finnish languagefr
for French languagenb
for Norwegian languagesv
for Swedish language
Below are instructions for how to add or modify files. Preferably, submit the new or updated file as a pull request to Github (see translators guide for Engine). Contact the Zonemaster Group if that does not work.
The translator must always create or update the LANG.json and the The other changes are only done when a language is added and will be completed by the Zonemaster Group.
The JSON structure LANG.json holds all the messages for GUI in respective
language, where "LANG" is the language code, e.g. en.json
The files are located in the src/assets/i18n folder, one file for each supported language.
Each language file contains a hash structure with the English message (default messages) as the key and the translated messages as the value. In a few cases, when the value is long, the key is a KEY_STRING.
When creating a new language file, make a copy of en.json
with the new
language code instead of en
. The code must be in lower case. Then
translate the file using English as the model.
The FAQ document holds questions and answers on Zonemaster, and there
is one document per language, e.g.
The files are located in the docs/FAQ folder, one file for each supported language.
When creating a new FAQ file, make a copy of
with the new
language code instead of en
. The code must be in lower case. Then
translate the file using English as the model.
It is important to preserve the structure of the file. There must be a
table of contents linking to the question plus answer below. The anchor
names must be "q1" etc and nothing else. There are links in the code
that assume this model, where the <a>
tag is just before the heading.
1. [What is Zonemaster?](#q1)
<a name="q1"></a>
#### 1. What is Zonemaster?
The language must be linked from the GUI. The new language must be added to src/app/components/navigation/navigation.component.html:
In navigation.component.html
- Locate the div
<div class="lang">
- Add the language where
is the language code in lower case, e.g.en
is the same language code with first letter in upper case, e.g.En
<a lang='xx' (click)="setLanguage('xx')">Yy</a> |
- Add the language a second time where
is the language code in lower case,
, andYyyyy
is the name of the same language in that language, e.g.Svenska
<option lang='xx' value='xx' [selected]="lang === 'xx'">
Preserve the alphabetical order of the language codes.
The new language must be added to the following files:
In package.json
"i18n:extract": "ngx-translate-extract --input ./src --output ./src/assets/i18n/{da,en,fi,fr,nb,sv}.json --key-as-default-value --clean --sort --format json"
and add the two-letter language code of the new language. Preserve the alphabetical order of the language codes.
In app.module.ts
import 'moment/locale/fr';
import 'moment/locale/sv';
and add a new line with code of the new language instead of xx
import 'moment/locale/xx';
Preserve the alphabetical order of the language codes.
In navigation.component.ts
private isValidLanguage(lang: string) {
const validLanguages = [ 'da', 'en', 'fi', 'fr', 'nb', 'sv' ];
and add the two-letter language code of the new language. Preserve the alphabetical order of the language codes.
Create a new FR05-xx.e2e-spec.ts
e2e test script in the e2e folder
where xx
is the language code of the new language. Copy
FR05-en.e2e-spec.ts and modify to create a correct test file for
the new language.
Optionally, to change the default language update src/app/components/navigation/navigation.component.ts.
In navigation.component.ts
update the following code
public lang = 'en';
private lang_default = 'en';
by setting another language code instead of en
in both cases (they
should be the same). Such a change must not be submitted to the
Zonemaster repository. Instead it should be done in the local
installation. Also, it will be overwritten next time Zonemaster GUI
is updated.