pkg/lvnrt #node runtime testeable package
pkg/lvnbe #node backend testeable package
cmd/lvnrt #node runtime testeable package
cmd/lvnbe #node backend executable
cmd/lvnup #node up checker executable
cmd/lvnss #node system service
cmd/lvnlk #node uplink ssh client
cmd/lvdpm #node dpm echo server
web/lvnfe #node react frontend
cmd/lvcbe #cloud backend executable
web/lvcfe #cloud react frontend
web/lvclk #cloud link sshd server
cmd/lvsbe #setup backend executable
web/lvsfe #setup react frontend
cmd/lvfix #fixture power loss tester
nfw #nerves firmware folder
msi #batch files to complement inno setup
sudo snap install go #go1.17.2 linux/amd64
sudo snap install node #v16.13.0
#based on erlang-solutions release
#get and install the deb
#don't install elixir from here
#nerves needs elixir with same otp version
sudo apt update
sudo apt install esl-erlang #1:24.1.3-1 amd64
kiex install 1.12.3
kiex use 1.12.3
#mix archive.install hex nerves_bootstrap
#get and install the deb
sudo apt install tio curl wget tmux screen vim
sudo apt install build-essential automake autoconf git squashfs-tools ssh-askpass pkg-config curl libssl-dev libncurses5-dev bc m4 unzip cmake python
sudo gpasswd -a $USER dialout
stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
tio /dev/ttyUSB0
#Use FTDI TTL-234X-3V3
#J1 UART pinout
#1 GND
#4 RX
#5 TX
brew install erlang elixir node go sqlite
brew install fwup squashfs coreutils xz pkg-config
brew deps --tree --installed
brew list
#samuel@svm-mbair ~ % go version
#go version go1.17.2 darwin/arm64
#samuel@svm-mbair ~ % node --version
#samuel@svm-mbair ~ % elixir --version
#Erlang/OTP 24 [erts-12.1.4] [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [ds:8:8:10] [async-threads:1] [dtrace]
#Elixir 1.12.3 (compiled with Erlang/OTP 24)
sudo visudo #passwordless sudo
#sudo gpasswd -a $USER admin
#testing go code
./ all|db|rt|sdk
#develop go + react
./ node|cloud #launches http://localhost:3000/
./ info|debug|trace
#develop local proxy
./ node|cloud #only once
./ #go to http://localhost:5001/ 5001,5002,5003
./ #go to
#nerves BBB firmware
./ clean #once if required
./ deps #once only
./ node #node build
./ bbb|rpi4 #build and zip
./ ssh|sd|emmc upgrade|complete bbb|rpi4 nerves.local|
#nerves.local conflicts between usb and visible eth0
#./ ssh upgrade rpi4 #rpi4 samuel
#./ ssh upgrade bbb #bbb hiram
#./ ssh upgrade bbb #bbb samuel
#./ ssh upgrade bbb #bbb.usb samuel
#./ emmc complete bbb #bbb samuel
#./ sd complete bbb
#windows installer
./ #gui
#nerves discovery
dig TXT
(cd cmd/lvnlk; go install && ~/go/bin/lvnlk)
(cd cmd/lvclk; go install && ~/go/bin/lvclk)
#nerves_backdoor was integrated into laurelview
ssh nerves.local -i nfw/id_rsa
export MIX_ENV=dev
export MIX_TARGET=bbb|rpi4
(cd nfw; ssh-add `pwd`/id_rsa)
(cd nfw; mix firmware)
(cd nfw; mix upload nerves.local)
(cd nfw; mix do firmware, upload nerves.local)
#elixir development
iex -S mix
Application.start :nfw
Application.stop :nfw
Application.start :nfw
Application.ensure_all_started :nfw
#elixir environment info
Application.get_all_env :nfw
Application.app_dir :nfw, "priv"
#network configuration
ping ""
ping ""
VintageNet.get(["interface", "eth0", "type"])
VintageNet.get(["interface", "eth0", "state"])
VintageNet.get(["interface", "eth0", "connection"])
VintageNet.configure("eth0", %{type: VintageNetEthernet, ipv4: %{method: :dhcp}})
VintageNet.configure("eth0", %{type: VintageNetEthernet, ipv4: %{ method: :static, address: "", prefix_length: 8, name_servers: []}})
VintageNet.configure("eth0", %{type: VintageNetEthernet, ipv4: %{ method: :static, address: "", prefix_length: 8, gateway: "", name_servers: [""]}})
#reboot clear first boot errors
ssh nerves.local << EOF
cmd "reboot"
#get priv data path
iex(1)> :code.priv_dir(:nfw)
#list priva data folder
iex(2)> cmd "ls /srv/erlang/lib/nfw-0.1.0/priv"
- Serial Port
- Realtime Plot
- Authentication
- HTTPS certificate
- Kill service test
- Autoscale view screens
- Historic data reporting
- Link node Laurels to cloud
- iPhone bookmark shows react icon
- Node react proxy wont server ws to chrome
- Seemsless experience between intranet and roaming users
- Long term reliability of embedded data store
- Out of the box setup experience
- Remote OTA upgrades
- Golang takes ~10s to detect connection drop if panel powered off
- Cold reset in second daisy chain device (transient errors ~1m50s)
- Second connection attempt makes next connection take ~20s
- Tara/Valley/Peak reset (transiente <400ms)