diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report_form.yml b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report_form.yml
index 4e98e4fba692d..093e7a6d02f45 100644
--- a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report_form.yml
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report_form.yml
@@ -8,6 +8,13 @@ body:
If you are reporting an issue found in another branch or codebase, you MUST link the branch or codebase repo in your issue report or it will be closed.
For branches, If you have not pushed your code up, you must either reproduce it on master or push your code up before making an issue report.
For other codebases, if you do not have a public code repo you will be refused help unless you can completely reproduce the issue on our code.
+ - type: input
+ id: reporting-version
+ attributes:
+ label: Reporting Version
+ description: |
+ The BYOND version you are using to report this issue. You can find this information in the bottom right corner of the BYOND client.
+ placeholder: "515.1642"
- type: textarea
id: issue-summary
diff --git a/interface/interface.dm b/interface/interface.dm
index a32bb758a204f..a5110ea02bc38 100644
--- a/interface/interface.dm
+++ b/interface/interface.dm
@@ -57,31 +57,24 @@
set name = "report-issue"
set desc = "Report an issue"
set hidden = TRUE
- var/githuburl = CONFIG_GET(string/githuburl)
+ var/githuburl = "https://github.com/san7890/bruhstation" //san7890 fix me
var/message = "This will open the Github issue reporter in your browser. Are you sure?"
message += "
The following experimental changes are active and are probably the cause of any new or sudden issues you may experience. If possible, please try to find a specific thread for your issue instead of posting to the general issue tracker:
message += GLOB.revdata.GetTestMergeInfo(FALSE)
// We still use tgalert here because some people were concerned that if someone wanted to report that tgui wasn't working
// then the report issue button being tgui-based would be problematic.
- if(tgalert(src, message, "Report Issue","Yes","No")!="Yes")
+ if(tgalert(src, message, "Report Issue","Yes","No") != "Yes")
- // Keep a static version of the template to avoid reading file
- var/static/issue_template = file2text(".github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md")
- // Get a local copy of the template for modification
- var/local_template = issue_template
+ var/base_link = githuburl + "/issues/new?template=bug_report_form.yml"
+ var/list/concatable = list(base_link)
- // Remove comment header
- var/content_start = findtext(local_template, "<")
- if(content_start)
- local_template = copytext(local_template, content_start)
- // Insert round
+ // the way it works is that we use the ID's that are baked into the template YML and replace them with values that we can collect in game.
- local_template = replacetext(local_template, "## Round ID:\n", "## Round ID:\n[GLOB.round_id]")
+ concatable += ("&round-id=" + GLOB.round_id)
// Insert testmerges
@@ -90,10 +83,11 @@
var/datum/tgs_revision_information/test_merge/tm = entry
all_tms += "- \[[tm.title]\]([githuburl]/pull/[tm.number])"
var/all_tms_joined = all_tms.Join("\n") // for some reason this can't go in the []
- local_template = replacetext(local_template, "## Testmerges:\n", "## Testmerges:\n[all_tms_joined]")
+ concatable += ("&test-merges=" + all_tms_joined)
var/url_params = "Reporting client version: [byond_version].[byond_build]\n\n[local_template]"
- DIRECT_OUTPUT(src, link("[githuburl]/issues/new?body=[url_encode(url_params)]"))
+ DIRECT_OUTPUT(src, link("[githuburl]/issues/new?template=bug_report_form.yml]"))
to_chat(src, span_danger("The Github URL is not set in the server configuration."))