(This endpoint requires authentication.)
Retrieve a list of your jobs.
Pagination is supported via the page
Results are returned as a JSON response body, following this format:
"count": <total # of results>,
"pagesize": <# of results on this page (10)>,
"page": <current page>,
"jobs": [
"id": <unique job id>,
"name": <human readable name for this job>,
"stack": <the id of the Stack to which this job applies>,
"schedule": <the id of the Schedule that this job uses>,
"next_run": <timestamp of the target next run time for the stack>,
"do_run": <boolean indicating whether the job is active>,
"do_del": <boolean indicating whether the job is queued for deletion>
Required parameters:
- None
Optional parameters:
- integer - The page # of the result set you wish to retrieve. Default: 1.
(This endpoint requires authentication.)
Retrieve information describing a single job, looked up by id or name.
The job is returned as a JSON response body following this format:
"id": <unique job id>,
"name": <human readable name for this job>,
"stack": <the id of the Stack to which this job applies>,
"schedule": <the id of the Schedule that this job uses>,
"next_run": <timestamp of the target next run time for the stack>,
"do_run": <boolean indicating whether the job is active>,
"do_del": <boolean indicating whether the job is queued for deletion>
Required parameters:
- None
Optional parameters:
- None
(This endpoint requires authentication.)
Create a new Job.
The request body must be a JSON object whose top level properties correspond to the required and optional parameters described below.
On success, the id of the newly created Job is returned in a JSON response body like this:
"id": <new Job id>
Required parameters:
- integer - The id of the Schedule to use for this Job.stack_id
- integer - The id of the Stack to attach this Job to.
Optional parameters:
- string - A human-readable name for this job. Default: None.enabled
- boolean - Whether or not this Job should be active upon creation. Default: false.
(This endpoint requires authentication.)
Used to update the parameters of an existing Job.
The request body should be a JSON object whose top level properties correspond to the required and optional parameters described below.
On success, a JSON object is returned as the response body, following this format:
"owner": <id of the owner - this will always be your user id>,
"name": <human-readable name of the Job>,
"stack": <the id of the Stack to which this Job is attached>,
"schedule": <the id of the Schedule which this Job uses>,
"next_run": <timestamp of the target next run time for the stack>,
"do_run": <boolean indicating whether this Job is currently active or not>,
"do_del": <boolean indicating whether this Job is currently queued for deletion>
Required parameters:
- None
Optional parameters:
- integer - The id of the Schedule to use for this Job.stack_id
- integer - The id of the Stack to attach this Job to.name
- string - A human-readable name for this job.enabled
- boolean - Whether or not this Job should be active.
NB: Any optional parameters not passed in the request will be left unchanged.
DELETE /jobs/<job id>
(This endpoint requires authentication.)
Used to delete a Job (or queue a Job for deletion depending on it's current enabled status).
On success, one the following JSON response bodies will be returned:
"queued_for_deletion": <id of Job to be deleted>
"deleted": <id of Job which was deleted>
NB: Jobs are not always deleted immediately: if the Job is currently active and queued for another run, it will be deleted (instead of executed) at it's appointed next-run time. Otherwise, it will be deleted immediately.