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Best Practices: Writing Legible, Good Code


All fellows will have to write code that is usable and understandable by their peers and partners, and potentially other 3rd parties. What does that entail in practice? Many fellows are coming from academic backgrounds, have self-taught programming skills, and have never worked collaboratively on a software project. We want to help them establish good habits and avoid common mistakes.

(Adapted from Tutorial by Kevin Wilson, 2016 DSSG Technical Mentor)

For whom do we write code?

What you write (for people).

def fib(n):
    :param int n: The Fibonnaci index you want to return
    :return: The nth Fibonnaci number
    :rtype: int
    if n < 2:
        return 1
        return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)

Here is an example of a function. Why write this function? Well, literally, you give the function an integer n, and the function gives you back the nth Fibonnaci number. Writing code allows you to have the computer calculate the nth Fibonnaci number, which it can probably do much faster than you can, especially as n gets larger and larger. It also allows your human comrades to see for themselves how you rattle off arbitrary Fibonacci numbers so fast. But you don't really write code for the computer...

What the computer sees (assembly language for the processor).

... because if you did, it would look like this.

  2           0 LOAD_FAST                0 (n)
              3 LOAD_CONST               1 (2)
              6 COMPARE_OP               0 (<)
              9 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE       16

  3          12 LOAD_CONST               2 (1)
             15 RETURN_VALUE

  5     >>   16 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (fib)
             19 LOAD_FAST                0 (n)
             22 LOAD_CONST               2 (1)
             25 BINARY_SUBTRACT
             26 CALL_FUNCTION            1
             29 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (fib)
             32 LOAD_FAST                0 (n)
             35 LOAD_CONST               1 (2)
             38 BINARY_SUBTRACT
             39 CALL_FUNCTION            1
             42 BINARY_ADD
             43 RETURN_VALUE
             44 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
             47 RETURN_VALUE

Seriously, the code is for you...

  • month from now when you've completely forgotten what the heck alpha was...
  • ...or tomorrow when your teammate wonders why all those 3s are in the database....
  • ...or when your system is on fire at 2 AM (the witching hour of production systems), you're tired, and your customers are calling wondering what the heck is going on over there (why are they awake, anyway?)...
  • ...or when I'm doing code review for you...

There is only one law of good coding: Code is for humans, not for computers.

This law has 4 consequences:

  1. Give things informative names.
  2. Document inputs and outputs.
  3. Don't repeat yourself.
  4. Reduce cognitive load: Use PEP-8.

Give Things Informative Names

What does the function below do?

import math  
def doit(x):  
    output = []  
    y = 2  
    while x != 1:  
        if x % y == 0:  
            x //= y  
            y += 1  
    return output  
def magic(input):
    filter = set()
    return sorted(x for x in y 
                    for y in input 
                    if (len(x) < 20 and x not in filter) or filter.add(x))
def pretty_pictures():
    df = pd.read_csv('2016.csv.gz', names=['STATION', 'DATE', 'TYPE', 'VALUE', 
                                           'MEASUREMENT_FLAG', 'QUALITY_FLAG', 
                                           'SOURCE_FLAG', 'OBS_TIME'])
    first = df[weather_df.STATION == 'US1ILCK0010']
    first[first.TYPE == 'PRCP']['VALUE'].plot()
    plt.title("Precipitation values")

    second = df[weather_df.STATION == 'US1ILCK0014']
    second[second.TYPE == 'PRCP']['VALUE'].plot()
    plt.title("Precipitation values")

    return first[first.TYPE == 'PRCP'].mean(), second[second.TYPE == 'PRCP'].mean()
  • Names should have meaning to the intended readers, e.g.,
    • You a week from now
    • Your teammates tomorrow
    • Your future teammates who have to deal with your code
  • [i, j, k] for iterators are OK, alpha with a reference to a specific paper is not
  • kwargs are a great place to name things
  • Do not fear long names; you have autocomplete. The TAB key is your friend.

Document Inputs and Outputs

import math  
def factor(x):  
    output = []  
    fact = 2 
    while x != 1:  
        if x % fact == 0:  
            x //= fact 
            fact += 1
    return output
def unique_flatten(the_input, max_length=20):
    flattened_set = {val for val in row for row in the_input}
    filtered_list = [val for val in flattened_set if len(val) < max_length]
    return filtered_list
                   'MEASUREMENT_FLAG', 'QUALITY_FLAG', 
                   'SOURCE_FLAG', 'OBS_TIME']


def precipitation_in_chicago():
    df = pd.read_csv('2016.csv.gz', names=WEATHER_HEADERS)
    first = df[weather_df.STATION == CHICAGO_STATION_NAMES[0]]
    first[first.TYPE == PRECIPITATION_TYPE]['VALUE'].plot()
    plt.title("Precipitation values")

    second = df[weather_df.STATION == CHICAGO_STATION_NAMES]
    second[second.TYPE == PRECIPITATION_TYPE]['VALUE'].plot()
    plt.title("Precipitation values")

    return (first[first.TYPE == PRECIPITATION_TYPE].mean(), 
            second[second.TYPE == PRECIPITATION_TYPE].mean()) 
  • Every function should have a docstring
  • The docstring should:
    1. Describe the function briefly
    2. Explicitly document the inputs with :param type name: description
    3. Explicitly document the return value with :returns: description
    4. Explicitly document the return type with :rtype:
  • Note this follows the Sphinx/RST syntax guide. You can also follow the Numpy Format. Just be consistent.

Don't Repeat Yourself

The WET (Write Everything Twice) Way

def max_intersection(left, right):
    Compute the value counts of the left and right lists and then return
    the maximum for each value.

    :param list[object] left: The left list
    :param list[object] right: The right list
    :rtype: dict[object, int]
    :return: A dictionary from the value to
        max(# occurrences in left, # occurrences in right)
    left_counts = {}
    for val in left:
        if val not in left_counts:
            left_counts[val] = 1
            left_counts[val] += 1

    right_counts = {}
    for val in right:
        if val not in right_counts:
            right_counts[val] = 1
            right_counts[val] += 1

    left_counts.update({key: max(left_counts.get(key, 0), val)
                        for key, val in right_counts.items()})
    return left_counts

In this case, the value counting logic is redundant and can be abstracted away into a function.

The DRY Way: Use a function to avoid redundancy

def value_counts(the_list):
    :param list[object] the_list: The list whose values we'll count
    :rtype: dict[object, int]
    :return: A dict from the value to its count
    output = {}
    for val in the_list:
        if val not in output:
            output[val] = 1
            output[val] += 1
    return output

def max_intersection(left, right):
    Compute the value counts of the left and right lists and then return
    the maximum for each value.

    :param list[object] left: The left list
    :param list[object] right: The right list
    :rtype: dict[object, int]
    :return: A dictionary from the value to
        max(# occurrences in left, # occurrences in right)
    left_counts = value_counts(left)
    right_counts = value_counts(right)

    left_counts.update({key: max(left_counts.get(key, 0), val)
                        for key, val in right_counts.items()})
    return left_counts

Better... But, there is no need to reinvent the wheel with the value_count function if it has already been implemented for you.

The DRY-er Way

from collections import Counter

def max_intersection(left, right):
    Compute the value counts of the left and right lists and then return
    the maximum for each value.

    :param list[object] left: The left list
    :param list[object] right: The right list
    :rtype: dict[object, int]
    :return: A dictionary from the value to
        max(# occurrences in left, # occurrences in right)
    left_counts = Counter(left)
    right_counts = Counter(right)

    left_counts.update({key: max(left_counts.get(key, 0), val)
                        for key, val in right_counts.items()})
    return left_counts

The Python Standard Library has a collections library that has a Counter object already built.

The WET Way: Plotting

Here is a soggy example of a function that makes plots. Good: Docstring, somewhat informative name. Bad: This function does multiple things, and uses a hard path ('2016.csv.gz').

def precipitation_in_chicago():
    """ Saves plots of the precipitation from two Chicago weather stations
    in 2016 to `first_fig.png` and `second_fig.png` and returns the mean
    precipitation at them for the year.

    :return: The mean precipitation at two weather stations in 2016
    :rtype: (float, float)
    df = pd.read_csv('2016.csv.gz', names=WEATHER_HEADERS)
    first = df[weather_df.STATION == CHICAGO_STATION_NAMES[0]]
    first[first.TYPE == PRECIPITATION_TYPE]['VALUE'].plot()
    plt.title("Precipitation values")

    second = df[weather_df.STATION == CHICAGO_STATION_NAMES[1]]
    second[second.TYPE == PRECIPITATION_TYPE]['VALUE'].plot()
    plt.title("Precipitation values")

    return (first[first.TYPE == PRECIPITATION_TYPE].mean(), 
            second[second.TYPE == PRECIPITATION_TYPE].mean())

The DRY Way: Plotting

In this example, we've made a helper function. In this example, the function has a better name, doesn't load the dataframe within the function, and has a docstring specifying what the inputs and outputs are as well as their types.

def plot_precipitation(df, station_id, output_file='out.png'):
    """ Plot the precipitation at the passed weather station and return
    the mean precipitation among all values.

    :param pd.DataFrame df: NOAA data (see for more info)
    :param str station_id: The station to plot
    :param str output_file: Where to store the output plot
    :return: The mean precipitation in the data frame
    :rtype: float
    res_df = df[df.STATION == station_id]
    res_df[res_df.TYPE == PRECIPITATION_TYPE]['VALUE'].plot()
    plt.title("Precipitation values")

    return res_df['VALUE'].mean()

def precipitation_in_chicago():
    """ Saves plots of the precipitation from two Chicago weather stations
    in 2016 to `first_fig.png` and `second_fig.png` and returns the mean
    precipitation at them for the year.

    :return: The mean precipitation at two weather stations in 2016
    :rtype: (float, float)
    df = pd.read_csv('2016.csv.gz', names=WEATHER_HEADERS)
    return (plot_precipitation(df, CHICAGO_STATION_NAMES[0], output_file='first_fig.png'),
            plot_precipitation(df, CHICAGO_STATION_NAMES[1], output_file='second_fig.png'))    
  • Use functions to not repeat yourself
  • Good rule of thumb: If you've gone 20 lines without making a comment (e.g., the docstring of a function), you likely should add one.

Reduce Cognitive Load.

Follow PEP-8

How long does it take you to understand what this function is doing?

def GCD(a,b):
   """Return the GCD of a and b"""
   return b if a%b==0 else GCD(b,a%b)

What makes this one better?

def gcd(a, b):
    """Return the GCD of a and b
    :param int a: The first number (positive)
    :param int b: The second number (positive)
    :return: The GCD of a and b
    :rtype: int
    if a < b:
        b, a = a, b

    if a % b:
        return gcd(b, a%b)

    return b

PEP-8 is your friend!

  • 79 character lines (comes from the days of punchcards)
  • Use parenthesis for lines that span multiple lines
  • function_names are snake_case
  • ClassNames are CamelCase
  • One statement per line
  • Use spaces not tabs!

You can use a checker to PEP-8 your code.

pip install autopep8
autopep8 --in-place 

Summary: Code is for humans, not computers.

  • Give things informative names
  • Document inputs and outputs
  • Don't repeat yourself (or others!)
  • PEP-8 is your friend


Fix this class!

class myclass(object):
    def __init__(self, R, I):
        self.R = R
        self.I = I

    def Multiply(self, other):
        return myclass(self.R * other.R - self.I * other.I,
                       self.R * other.I + self.I * other.R)

Fix this function!

def bang(n):
    return n == 1 or (n * bang(n))

Fix this function!

def read_data(filename):
    """ Return the precipitation field from the csv passed in """
    with open(filename, 'r') as f:
        return [line.split(',')[2] for line in f]