diff --git a/packages/sanity/playwright-ct/tests/formBuilder/inputs/PortableText/Annotations.spec.tsx b/packages/sanity/playwright-ct/tests/formBuilder/inputs/PortableText/Annotations.spec.tsx
index e88d8bb45493..7996495ba9c9 100644
--- a/packages/sanity/playwright-ct/tests/formBuilder/inputs/PortableText/Annotations.spec.tsx
+++ b/packages/sanity/playwright-ct/tests/formBuilder/inputs/PortableText/Annotations.spec.tsx
@@ -51,5 +51,64 @@ test.describe('Portable Text Input', () => {
// Assertion: the annotation toolbar popover should be visible
await expect(page.getByTestId('annotation-toolbar-popover')).toBeVisible()
+ test('Can create, and then open the existing annotation again for editing', async ({
+ mount,
+ page,
+ }) => {
+ const {getFocusedPortableTextEditor, insertPortableText} = testHelpers({
+ page,
+ })
+ await mount()
+ const $pte = await getFocusedPortableTextEditor('field-body')
+ await insertPortableText('Now we should insert a link.', $pte)
+ // Backtrack and click link icon in menu bar
+ await page.keyboard.press('ArrowLeft')
+ await page.keyboard.press('Shift+ArrowLeft+ArrowLeft+ArrowLeft+ArrowLeft')
+ await page.getByRole('button', {name: 'Link'}).click()
+ // Assertion: Wait for link to be re-rendered / PTE internal state to be done
+ await expect($pte.locator('span[data-link]')).toBeVisible()
+ // Assertion: the annotation toolbar popover should not be visible
+ await expect(page.getByTestId('annotation-toolbar-popover')).not.toBeVisible()
+ const $linkEditPopover = page.getByTestId('popover-edit-dialog')
+ const $linkInput = $linkEditPopover.getByLabel('Link').first()
+ // Now we check if the edit popover shows automatically
+ await expect($linkInput).toBeAttached({timeout: 10000})
+ // Focus the URL input
+ await $linkInput.focus()
+ // Assertion: The URL input should be focused
+ await expect($linkInput).toBeFocused()
+ // Type in the URL
+ await page.keyboard.type('https://www.sanity.io')
+ // Assetion: The URL input should have the correct value
+ await expect($linkInput).toHaveValue('https://www.sanity.io')
+ // Close the popover
+ await page.keyboard.press('Escape')
+ // Expect the editor to have focus after closing the popover
+ await expect($pte).toBeFocused()
+ // Assertion: the annotation toolbar popover should be visible
+ await expect(page.getByTestId('annotation-toolbar-popover')).toBeVisible()
+ // Open up the editing interface again
+ await page.getByTestId('edit-annotation-button').click()
+ // Focus the URL input
+ await $linkInput.focus()
+ // Assertion: The URL input should be focused
+ await expect($linkInput).toBeFocused()
+ })
diff --git a/packages/sanity/src/core/form/inputs/PortableText/object/AnnotationToolbarPopover.tsx b/packages/sanity/src/core/form/inputs/PortableText/object/AnnotationToolbarPopover.tsx
index 7e93e35e85f9..c81e3775f792 100644
--- a/packages/sanity/src/core/form/inputs/PortableText/object/AnnotationToolbarPopover.tsx
+++ b/packages/sanity/src/core/form/inputs/PortableText/object/AnnotationToolbarPopover.tsx
@@ -183,6 +183,7 @@ export function AnnotationToolbarPopover(props: AnnotationToolbarPopoverProps) {