diff --git a/src-lookup-sample/main/default/flexipages/CustomLookup.flexipage-meta.xml b/src-lookup-sample/main/default/flexipages/CustomLookup.flexipage-meta.xml
index 271d7c1..8f5b7b8 100644
--- a/src-lookup-sample/main/default/flexipages/CustomLookup.flexipage-meta.xml
+++ b/src-lookup-sample/main/default/flexipages/CustomLookup.flexipage-meta.xml
@@ -1,15 +1,5 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
 <FlexiPage xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata">
-    <flexiPageRegions>
-        <itemInstances>
-            <componentInstance>
-                <componentName>baseLookupSample</componentName>
-                <identifier>c_baseLookupSample</identifier>
-            </componentInstance>
-        </itemInstances>
-        <name>column1</name>
-        <type>Region</type>
-    </flexiPageRegions>
diff --git a/src-lookup-sample/main/default/lwc/baseLookupSample/baseLookupSample.html b/src-lookup-sample/main/default/lwc/baseLookupSample/baseLookupSample.html
deleted file mode 100644
index da434f2..0000000
--- a/src-lookup-sample/main/default/lwc/baseLookupSample/baseLookupSample.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-  <lightning-card title="c-base-lookup (Base Lookup Lightning Web Component)">
-    <div class="slds-form slds-form_stacked slds-var-m-around_xx-large">
-      <div class="slds-grid slds-gutters">
-        <div class="slds-col">
-          <lightning-input
-            type="toggle"
-            label="isMultiEntry"
-            checked={isMultiEntry}
-            onchange={handleMultyEntryChange}
-          ></lightning-input>
-        </div>
-        <div class="slds-col" lwc:if={isMultiEntry}>
-          <lightning-input
-            type="number"
-            label="Max selected items"
-            min="1"
-            value={maxSelectionSize}
-            onchange={handleMaxSelectionSizeChange}
-            required
-          ></lightning-input>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-      <p class="slds-var-m-vertical_large">
-        <strong>Note:</strong> start by typing "New data" in the search box
-      </p>
-      <c-base-lookup
-        actions={actions}
-        default-search-results={defaultSearchResults}
-        field-level-text="some help text"
-        is-multi-entry={isMultiEntry}
-        label="Search"
-        min-search-term-length="2"
-        onaction={handleAction}
-        onchange={handleChange}
-        onsearch={handleSearch}
-        placeholder="Search Lookup"
-        required
-        scroll-after-n-items="5"
-        message-when-value-missing="Complete the field or else!"
-        search-results={searchResults}
-        value={initialSelection}
-      ></c-base-lookup>
-      <div class="slds-var-m-top_large">
-        <lightning-button label="Focus" onclick={handleFocus}></lightning-button
-        >&nbsp;
-        <lightning-button label="Clear" onclick={handleClear}></lightning-button
-        >&nbsp;
-        <lightning-button
-          variant="brand"
-          label="Submit"
-          onclick={handleSubmit}
-        ></lightning-button>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </lightning-card>
diff --git a/src-lookup-sample/main/default/lwc/baseLookupSample/baseLookupSample.js b/src-lookup-sample/main/default/lwc/baseLookupSample/baseLookupSample.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 583414c..0000000
--- a/src-lookup-sample/main/default/lwc/baseLookupSample/baseLookupSample.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-import { LightningElement } from "lwc";
-import { ShowToastEvent } from "lightning/platformShowToastEvent";
-import { NavigationMixin } from "lightning/navigation";
-const ACCOUNT_ICON = { iconName: "standard:account" };
-const OPPORTUNITY_ICON = { iconName: "standard:opportunity" };
-export default class BaseLookupSample extends NavigationMixin(
-  LightningElement
-) {
-  isMultiEntry = false;
-  maxSelectionSize = 2;
-  initialSelection = [{ id: "1", icon: ACCOUNT_ICON, title: "Account 1" }];
-  searchResults = [];
-  defaultSearchResults = [...Array(1).keys()].map((e) => ({
-    id: "" + e,
-    title: "Account " + e,
-    subtitles: [
-      {
-        type: "lightning-formatted-rich-text",
-        label: "Sub 1",
-        value: "account number" + e,
-        props: {}
-      },
-      {
-        type: "lightning-formatted-rich-text",
-        label: "Account Number",
-        value: "account number" + e,
-        props: {},
-        highlightSearchTerm: true // hightlight the searchTerm for the subtitle (so that your users know that this field is being used in the search)
-      }
-    ]
-  }));
-  actions = [
-    { name: "actionA", label: "Custom Action" , icon: { iconName: 'utility:add' } },
-    { name: "actionB", label: "Custom Action B" , icon: { iconName: 'utility:add' } }
-  ];
-  handleSearch(event) {
-    // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
-    const { selectedIds, searchTerm, rawSearchTerm } = event.detail;
-    // get the new data you can use selectedIds, searchTerm, rawSearchTerm to filter the new data example:
-    // ID NOT IN :selectedIds, (LIKE title Like '%searchTerm%') OR (Sub 2 LIKE '%searchTerm%')
-    this.searchResults = [
-      {
-        id: 1,
-        icon: ACCOUNT_ICON,
-        title: "New data " + 1,
-        subtitles: [
-          {
-            type: "lightning-formatted-number",
-            label: "Subtitle 1",
-            value: 12.34,
-            props: {
-              formatStyle: "currency"
-            }
-          },
-          {
-            label: "Sub 2",
-            type: "lightning-icon",
-            value: true,
-            props: {
-              iconName: "utility:activity"
-            }
-          },
-        ]
-      },
-      {
-        id: 2,
-        icon: ACCOUNT_ICON,
-        title: "New data " + 2,
-        subtitles: [
-          {
-            type: "lightning-formatted-date-time",
-            label: "Subtitle 2",
-            value: 1547250828000,
-            props: {
-              year: "2-digit",
-              month: "short",
-              day: "2-digit",
-              weekday: "narrow"
-            }
-          },
-          {
-            label: "Sub 2",
-            value: "Sub2 " + 1,
-            highlightSearchTerm: true
-          }
-        ]
-      }
-    ];
-  }
-  // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
-  handleChange(event) {
-    const input = this.template.querySelector("c-base-lookup");
-    const { value } = input;
-    // Custom validation rule
-    if (this.isMultiEntry && value.length > this.maxSelectionSize) {
-      input.setCustomValidity(
-        `You may only select up to ${this.maxSelectionSize} items.`
-      );
-    } else {
-      input.setCustomValidity(""); // if there was a custom error before, reset it
-    }
-    input.reportValidity(); // Tells lightning-input to show the error right away without needing interaction
-  }
-  handleAction(event) {
-    if (event.detail === "actionA") {
-      // navigate to account page
-    } else if (event.detail === "actionB") {
-      // navigate to new opportunity page
-    }
-  }
-  // All functions below are part of the sample app form (not required by the lookup).
-  handleMultyEntryChange(event) {
-    this.isMultiEntry = event.target.checked;
-  }
-  handleMaxSelectionSizeChange(event) {
-    this.maxSelectionSize = event.target.value;
-  }
-  handleSubmit() {
-    const allValid = [
-      ...this.template.querySelectorAll("lightning-input"),
-      this.template.querySelector("c-base-lookup")
-    ].reduce((validSoFar, inputCmp) => {
-      inputCmp.reportValidity();
-      return validSoFar && inputCmp.checkValidity();
-    }, true);
-    if (allValid) {
-      this.dispatchEvent(
-        new ShowToastEvent({
-          title: "Success",
-          message: "The form was submitted.",
-          variant: "success"
-        })
-      );
-    } else {
-      this.dispatchEvent(
-        new ShowToastEvent({
-          title: "Error",
-          message: "Please update the invalid form entries and try again.",
-          variant: "error"
-        })
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  handleClear() {
-    this.initialSelection = [];
-  }
-  handleFocus() {
-    this.template.querySelector("c-base-lookup").focus();
-  }
diff --git a/src-lookup-sample/main/default/lwc/baseLookupSample/baseLookupSample.js-meta.xml b/src-lookup-sample/main/default/lwc/baseLookupSample/baseLookupSample.js-meta.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index a563bf1..0000000
--- a/src-lookup-sample/main/default/lwc/baseLookupSample/baseLookupSample.js-meta.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
-  xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata"
-  fqn="sampleLookupContainer"
-    <apiVersion>57.0</apiVersion>
-    <isExposed>true</isExposed>
-    <targets>
-        <target>lightning__AppPage</target>
-        <target>lightning__RecordPage</target>
-        <target>lightning__HomePage</target>
-    </targets>