diff --git a/src/main/resources/languages/he/localization.yml b/src/main/resources/languages/he/localization.yml index 5355d7d..4714f97 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/languages/he/localization.yml +++ b/src/main/resources/languages/he/localization.yml @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ no-permission: "&cאין לך הראשות לזה." config-reloaded: "קובץ האפשרויות נטען מחדש!" localization-reloaded: "קובץ השפות נטען מחדש!" shop-reloaded: "קובץ החנות נטען מחדש!" -localized-file-reloaded: "The %s files have been reloaded!" +localized-file-reloaded: "ה%s קבצים נטענו מחדש!" cant-enchant: "אי אפשר לכשף את זה!" item-enchanted: "כישפת פריט זה עם" insufficient-funds: "אין ברשותך את הסכום הדרוש." diff --git a/src/main/resources/languages/he/shop.yml b/src/main/resources/languages/he/shop.yml index c425e00..435c8ee 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/languages/he/shop.yml +++ b/src/main/resources/languages/he/shop.yml @@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ ######################################################## #Important: Make sure to not remove '{0}'. shop: - level: "&eLevel: {0}" - price: "&aPrice: {0}$" + level: "&aרמה: {0}$" + price: "&aמחיר: {0}$" back-item: material: "EMERALD" - display-name: "Go back" + display-name: "חזור אחורה" #You can only set items that support the enchantment. enchants: power: "BOW" diff --git a/src/main/resources/languages/pt_BR/localization.yml b/src/main/resources/languages/pt_BR/localization.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f22da1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/languages/pt_BR/localization.yml @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +--- +prefix: "&f[&bEnchantGUI&f]" +enchant: + power: "Força" + flame: "Chama" + infinity: "Infinidade" + punch: "Impacto" + sharpness: "Afiação" + bane_of_arthropods: "Ruína dos Artrópodes" + smite: "Julgamento" + depth_strider: "Passos profundos" + efficiency: "Eficiência" + unbreaking: "Inquebrável" + fire_aspect: "Aspecto Flamejante" + knockback: "Repulsão" + fortune: "Fortuna" + looting: "Pilhagem" + luck_of_the_sea: "Sorte do Mar" + lure: "Isca" + respiration: "Respiração" + protection: "Proteção" + blast_protection: "Proteção Contra Explosões" + feather_falling: "Peso Pena" + fire_protection: "Proteção contra fogo" + projectile_protection: "Proteção contra projetéis" + silk_touch: "Toque Suave" + thorns: "Espinhos" + aqua_affinity: "Afinidade aquática" + frost_walker: "Passos Gelados" + mending: "Remendo" + sweeping: "Alcance" + channeling: "Condutividade" + impaling: "Penetração" + loyalty: "Lealdade" + riptide: "Correnteza" + quick_charge: "Carga Rápida" + piercing: "Perfuração" + multishot: "Tiro Múltiplo" + soul_speed: "Velocidade das almas" +command-from-console: "Não é possível usar este comando do console..." +no-permission: "&cDesculpe, você não tem permissão para isso." +config-reloaded: "O arquivo de configuração foi recarregado!" +localization-reloaded: "O arquivo de localização foi recarregado!" +shop-reloaded: "O arquivo da loja foi recarregado!" +localized-file-reloaded: "The %s files have been reloaded!" +cant-enchant: "Você não pode encantar isso!" +item-enchanted: "Seu item foi encantado com" +insufficient-funds: "Dinheiro insuficiente." +item-cant-be-enchanted: "Encantamento não pode ser aplicado ao item em sua mão..." +toggle-on: "O clique direito na mesa encantadora foi alterado para &aLIGADO&f." +toggle-off: "O clique direito na mesa encantadora foi alterado para &4DESLIGADO&f." +disabled-feature: "Este recurso está desativado." diff --git a/src/main/resources/languages/pt_BR/shop.yml b/src/main/resources/languages/pt_BR/shop.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c425e00 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/languages/pt_BR/shop.yml @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +--- +######################################################## +#EnchantGUI Shop.yml # +######################################################## +#Important: Make sure to not remove '{0}'. +shop: + level: "&eLevel: {0}" + price: "&aPrice: {0}$" + back-item: + material: "EMERALD" + display-name: "Go back" + #You can only set items that support the enchantment. + enchants: + power: "BOW" + flame: "BOW" + infinity: "BOW" + punch: "BOW" + sharpness: "DIAMOND_SWORD" + bane_of_arthropods: "DIAMOND_SWORD" + smite: "DIAMOND_SWORD" + depth_strider: "DIAMOND_BOOTS" + efficiency: "DIAMOND_PICKAXE" + unbreaking: "DIAMOND_PICKAXE" + fire_aspect: "DIAMOND_SWORD" + knockback: "DIAMOND_SWORD" + fortune: "DIAMOND_PICKAXE" + looting: "DIAMOND_SWORD" + luck_of_the_sea: "FISHING_ROD" + lure: "FISHING_ROD" + respiration: "DIAMOND_HELMET" + protection: "DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE" + blast_protection: "DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE" + feather_falling: "DIAMOND_BOOTS" + fire_protection: "DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE" + projectile_protection: "DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE" + silk_touch: "DIAMOND_PICKAXE" + thorns: "DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE" + aqua_affinity: "DIAMOND_HELMET" + frost_walker: "DIAMOND_BOOTS" + mending: "DIAMOND_PICKAXE" + sweeping: "DIAMOND_SWORD" + channeling: "TRIDENT" + impaling: "TRIDENT" + loyalty: "TRIDENT" + riptide: "TRIDENT" + quick_charge: "CROSSBOW" + piercing: "CROSSBOW" + multishot: "CROSSBOW" + soul_speed: "NETHERITE_BOOTS" diff --git a/src/main/resources/languages/ru/localization.yml b/src/main/resources/languages/ru/localization.yml index e366f7d..60222b2 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/languages/ru/localization.yml +++ b/src/main/resources/languages/ru/localization.yml @@ -1,52 +1,52 @@ --- prefix: "&f[&bEnchantGUI&f]" enchant: - power: "Power" - flame: "Flame" - infinity: "Infinity" - punch: "Punch" - sharpness: "Sharpness" - bane_of_arthropods: "Bane of Anthropods" - smite: "Smite" - depth_strider: "Depth Strider" - efficiency: "Efficiency" - unbreaking: "Unbreaking" - fire_aspect: "Fire Aspect" - knockback: "Knockback" - fortune: "Fortune" - looting: "Looting" - luck_of_the_sea: "Luck of the Sea" - lure: "Lure" - respiration: "Respiration" - protection: "Protection" - blast_protection: "Blast protection" - feather_falling: "Feather falling" - fire_protection: "Fire protection" - projectile_protection: "Projectile protection" - silk_touch: "Silk touch" - thorns: "Thorns" - aqua_affinity: "Aqua affinity" - frost_walker: "Frost walker" - mending: "Mending" - sweeping: "Sweeping edge" - channeling: "Channeling" - impaling: "Impaling" - loyalty: "Loyalty" - riptide: "Riptide" - quick_charge: "Quick Charge" - piercing: "Piercing" - multishot: "Multishot" - soul_speed: "Soul Speed" -command-from-console: "Can't use this command from console..." -no-permission: "&cSorry, you do not have permission for this." -config-reloaded: "Configuration file has been reloaded!" -localization-reloaded: "Localization file has been reloaded!" -shop-reloaded: "Shop file has been reloaded!" -localized-file-reloaded: "The %s files have been reloaded!" -cant-enchant: "You can't enchant that!" -item-enchanted: "Your item was enchanted with" -insufficient-funds: "Insufficient funds." -item-cant-be-enchanted: "Enchant can't be applied to the item in your hand..." -toggle-on: "Right click on enchanting table was turned &aon&f." -toggle-off: "Right click on enchanting table was turned &4off&f." -disabled-feature: "This feature is disabled." + power: "Сила" + flame: "Пламя" + infinity: "Бесконечность" + punch: "Откидывание" + sharpness: "Острота" + bane_of_arthropods: "Бич членистоногих" + smite: "Небесная кара" + depth_strider: "Подводная ходьба" + efficiency: "Эффективность" + unbreaking: "Прочность" + fire_aspect: "Заговор огня" + knockback: "Отдача" + fortune: "Удача" + looting: "Добыча" + luck_of_the_sea: "Морская удача" + lure: "Приманка" + respiration: "Подводное дыхание" + protection: "Защита" + blast_protection: "Взрывоустойчивость" + feather_falling: "Невесомость" + fire_protection: "Огнестойкость" + projectile_protection: "Защита от снарядов" + silk_touch: "Шёлковое касание" + thorns: "Шипы" + aqua_affinity: "Родство с водой" + frost_walker: "Ледоход" + mending: "Починка" + sweeping: "Разящий клинок" + channeling: "Громовержец" + impaling: "Пронзание" + loyalty: "Верность" + riptide: "Тягун" + quick_charge: "Быстрая перезарядка" + piercing: "Пронзание" + multishot: "Мультивыстрел" + soul_speed: "Скорость души" +command-from-console: "Невозможно использовать эту команду из консоли..." +no-permission: "&cУ вас нет прав на это." +config-reloaded: "Файл конфигурации был перезагружен!" +localization-reloaded: "Файл локализации был перезагружен!" +shop-reloaded: "Файл магазина был перезагружен!" +localized-file-reloaded: "%s файлов было перезагружено!" +cant-enchant: "Вы не можете зачаровать это!" +item-enchanted: "Ваш предмет был зачарован на" +insufficient-funds: "Недостаточно средств." +item-cant-be-enchanted: "Зачарование не может быть применено к предмету в вашей руке..." +toggle-on: "ПКМ по чародейскому столу было &aвключено&f." +toggle-off: "ПКМ по чародейскому столу было &4выключено&f." +disabled-feature: "Данная функция отключена." diff --git a/src/main/resources/languages/ru/shop.yml b/src/main/resources/languages/ru/shop.yml index c425e00..ae9bdb5 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/languages/ru/shop.yml +++ b/src/main/resources/languages/ru/shop.yml @@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ ######################################################## #Important: Make sure to not remove '{0}'. shop: - level: "&eLevel: {0}" - price: "&aPrice: {0}$" + level: "&eУровень: {0}" + price: "&aЦена: {0}$" back-item: material: "EMERALD" - display-name: "Go back" + display-name: "Назад" #You can only set items that support the enchantment. enchants: power: "BOW"