diff --git a/all.sas b/all.sas
index 86825c80..06766df7 100644
--- a/all.sas
+++ b/all.sas
@@ -4754,6 +4754,95 @@ proc sql
+ @file
+ @brief Runs arbitrary code for a specified amount of time
+ @details Executes a series of procs and data steps to enable performance
+ testing of arbitrary jobs.
+ %mp_testjob(
+ duration=60*5
+ )
+ @param [in] duration= the time in seconds which the job should run for. Actual
+ time may vary, as the check is done in between steps. Default = 30 (seconds).
SAS Macros
+ @li mf_getuniquelibref.sas
+ @li mf_getuniquename.sas
+ @li mf_mkdir.sas
+ @version 9.4
+ @author Allan Bowe
+%macro mp_testjob(duration=30
+%local lib dir ds1 ds2 ds3 start_tm i;
+%let start_tm=%sysfunc(datetime());
+/* create a temporary library in WORK */
+%let lib=%mf_getuniquelibref();
+%let dir=%mf_getuniquename();
+libname &lib "%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&dir";
+/* loop through until time expires */
+%let ds1=%mf_getuniquename();
+%let ds2=%mf_getuniquename();
+%let ds3=%mf_getuniquename();
+%do i=0 %to 1;
+ /* create big dataset */
+ data &lib..&ds1(compress=no );
+ do x=1 to 1000000;
+ randnum0=ranuni(0)*3;
+ randnum1=ranuni(0)*2;
+ bigchar=repeat('A',300);
+ output;
+ end;
+ run;
+ %if %sysevalf( (%sysfunc(datetime())-&start_tm)>&duration ) %then %goto gate;
+ proc summary ;
+ class randnum0 randnum1;
+ output out=&lib..&ds2;
+ run;
+ %if %sysevalf( (%sysfunc(datetime())-&start_tm)>&duration ) %then %goto gate;
+ /* add more data */
+ proc sql;
+ create table &lib..&ds3 as
+ select *, ranuni(0)*10 as randnum2
+ from &lib..&ds1
+ order by randnum1;
+ %if %sysevalf( (%sysfunc(datetime())-&start_tm)>&duration ) %then %goto gate;
+ proc sort data=&lib..&ds3;
+ by descending x;
+ run;
+ %if %sysevalf( (%sysfunc(datetime())-&start_tm)>&duration ) %then %goto gate;
+ /* wait 5 seconds */
+ data _null_;
+ call sleep(5,1);
+ run;
+ %if %sysevalf( (%sysfunc(datetime())-&start_tm)>&duration ) %then %goto gate;
+ %let i=0;
+%put time is up!;
+proc datasets lib=&lib kill;
+libname &lib clear;
@file mp_testwritespeedlibrary.sas
@brief Tests the write speed of a new table in a SAS library
@@ -12986,21 +13075,30 @@ libname &libref;
## Input table (minimum variables needed)
- | variable| description |
- |---|---|---|
- |FLOW_ID| Numeric value, provides sequential ordering capability|
- |_CONTEXTNAME|Dictates which context should be used to run the job. If
- blank, will default to `SAS Job Execution compute context`.|
- |_PROGRAM|Provides the path to the job itself|
+ @li FLOW_ID - Numeric value, provides sequential ordering capability
+ @li _CONTEXTNAME - Dictates which context should be used to run the job. If
+ blank, will default to `SAS Job Execution compute context`.
+ @li _PROGRAM - Provides the path to the job itself
+ Any additional variables provided in this table are converted into macro
+ variables and passed into the relevant job.
+ |---|---|---|
+ |0|SAS Job Execution compute context|/Public/jobs/somejob1|
+ |0|SAS Job Execution compute context|/Public/jobs/somejob2|
## Output table (minimum variables produced)
- | variable| description |
- |---|---|---|
- |FLOW_ID| Numeric value, provides sequential ordering capability|
- |_CONTEXTNAME|Dictates which context should be used to run the job. If
- blank, will default to `SAS Job Execution compute context`.|
- |_PROGRAM|Provides the path to the job itself|
+ @li _PROGRAM - the SAS Drive path of the job
+ @li URI - the URI of the executed job
+ @li STATE - the completed state of the job
+ @li TIMESTAMP - the datetime that the job completed
+ @li JOBPARAMS - the parameters that were passed to the job
+ @li FLOW_ID - the id of the flow in which the job was executed
+ ![https://i.imgur.com/nZE9PvT.png](https://i.imgur.com/nZE9PvT.png)
## Example
diff --git a/base/mp_testjob.sas b/base/mp_testjob.sas
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a3785922
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/mp_testjob.sas
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+ @file
+ @brief Runs arbitrary code for a specified amount of time
+ @details Executes a series of procs and data steps to enable performance
+ testing of arbitrary jobs.
+ %mp_testjob(
+ duration=60*5
+ )
+ @param [in] duration= the time in seconds which the job should run for. Actual
+ time may vary, as the check is done in between steps. Default = 30 (seconds).
+ SAS Macros
+ @li mf_getuniquelibref.sas
+ @li mf_getuniquename.sas
+ @li mf_mkdir.sas
+ @version 9.4
+ @author Allan Bowe
+%macro mp_testjob(duration=30
+%local lib dir ds1 ds2 ds3 start_tm i;
+%let start_tm=%sysfunc(datetime());
+/* create a temporary library in WORK */
+%let lib=%mf_getuniquelibref();
+%let dir=%mf_getuniquename();
+libname &lib "%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&dir";
+/* loop through until time expires */
+%let ds1=%mf_getuniquename();
+%let ds2=%mf_getuniquename();
+%let ds3=%mf_getuniquename();
+%do i=0 %to 1;
+ /* create big dataset */
+ data &lib..&ds1(compress=no );
+ do x=1 to 1000000;
+ randnum0=ranuni(0)*3;
+ randnum1=ranuni(0)*2;
+ bigchar=repeat('A',300);
+ output;
+ end;
+ run;
+ %if %sysevalf( (%sysfunc(datetime())-&start_tm)>&duration ) %then %goto gate;
+ proc summary ;
+ class randnum0 randnum1;
+ output out=&lib..&ds2;
+ run;
+ %if %sysevalf( (%sysfunc(datetime())-&start_tm)>&duration ) %then %goto gate;
+ /* add more data */
+ proc sql;
+ create table &lib..&ds3 as
+ select *, ranuni(0)*10 as randnum2
+ from &lib..&ds1
+ order by randnum1;
+ %if %sysevalf( (%sysfunc(datetime())-&start_tm)>&duration ) %then %goto gate;
+ proc sort data=&lib..&ds3;
+ by descending x;
+ run;
+ %if %sysevalf( (%sysfunc(datetime())-&start_tm)>&duration ) %then %goto gate;
+ /* wait 5 seconds */
+ data _null_;
+ call sleep(5,1);
+ run;
+ %if %sysevalf( (%sysfunc(datetime())-&start_tm)>&duration ) %then %goto gate;
+ %let i=0;
+%put time is up!;
+proc datasets lib=&lib kill;
+libname &lib clear;
\ No newline at end of file