This tool compares your Kubernetes environment to the SAS Viya system requirements. It evaluates a number of items, such as memory, CPU cores, software versions, and permissions. The output is a web-viewable, HTML report with the results.
SAS recommends running the tool and resolving any reported issues before beginning a SAS Viya deployment in a Kubernetes cluster.
- The tool should be run on a machine from which the Kubernetes command-line interface,
, can access the Kubernetes cluster. - The tool requires Python 3.6 or higher.
SAS Viya ARK tools require third-party packages be installed before use. You can install all the required packages by using the provided requirements.txt file in the following command:
$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Download the latest version of this tool and update required packages with every new software order.
Note: You must set your KUBECONFIG
environment variable. KUBECONFIG
must have administrator rights in the namespace where you intend to deploy your SAS Viya software.
To obtain a complete report use a KUBECONFIG
with administrator rights in the cluster.
After obtaining the latest version of this tool, cd to <tool-download-dir>/viya4-ark
The following command provides usage details:
python pre-install-report -h
Note: The tool currently expects an NGINX Ingress controller. Other Ingress controllers are not evaluated.
The values for the Ingress Host and Ingress Port options can be determined with kubectl commands. The following section provides hints for a NGINX Ingress controller of Type LoadBalancer. The following commands may need to be modified to suit your Ingress controller deployment.
You must specify the namespace where the Ingress controller is available as well as the Ingress controller name:
kubectl -n <nginx-ingress-namespace> get svc <nginx-ingress-controller-name>
Here is sample output from the command:
ingress-nginx-controller LoadBalancer 80:31254/TCP,443:31383/TCP 28d
Use the following commands to determine the parameter values:
$ export INGRESS_HOST=externalIP=$(kubectl -n <ingress-namespace> get service <nginx-ingress-controller-name> -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].ip}')
$ export INGRESS_HTTP_PORT=$(kubectl -n <ingress-namespace> get service <nginx-ingress-controller-name> -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("http")].port}')
$ export INGRESS_HTTPS_PORT=$(kubectl -n <ingress-namespace> get service <nginx-ingress-controller-name> -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("https")].port}')
The command to determine the Ingress Host may be slightly different with Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service(EKS):
$ export INGRESS_HOST=externalIP=$(kubectl -n <ingress-namespace> get service <nginx-ingress-controller-name> -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].hostname}')
Use the values gathered on the command line for http or https as appropriate for your deployment:
The tool generates the pre-install check report,viya_pre_install_report_<timestamp>.html
. The report is in a web-viewable, HTML format.
You can modify the /viya4-ark/pre_install_report/ file to alter the minimum and aggregate settings for CPU and memory on nodes. For more information, see the details in the file.
The following issue may impact the performance and expected results of this tool.
- All Nodes in a cluster must be in the READY state before running the tool.
- If all the Nodes are not in the READY state, the tool takes longer to run. Wait for it to complete.
- Also, the tool may not be able to clean up the pods and replicaset created in the specified namespace as shown in the example output below. If that happens, the pods and replicaset must be manually deleted. They will look similar to the resources shown below:
pod/hello-world-6665cf748b-5x2jq 0/1 Pending 0 115m
pod/hello-world-6665cf748b-tkq79 0/1 Pending 0 115m
replicaset.apps/hello-world-6665cf748b 2 2 0 115m
Suggested commands to delete resources before running the tool again:
kubectl -n <namespace> delete replicaset.apps/hello-world-6665cf748b
kubectl -n <namespace> delete pos/hello-world-6665cf748b-5x2jq
kubectl -n <namespace> delete pod/hello-world-6665cf748b-tkq79