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Expose Custom Metrics in Kyma


This example shows how to expose Prometheus metrics with golang from inside of a istio service mesh and monitoring that service from outside of the mesh with Prometheus.

  1. Configure Istio
  2. Expose a sample metrics application serving metrics on Port 8081.
  3. Access the exposed metrics in Prometheus


  • Kyma as the target deployment environment.
  • Istio 0.8
    • Sidecar injection must be enabled istio-injection: "enabled"
    • Mutual TLS enabled.


Configure Istio

Sidecar injection must be enabled, istio-injection: "enabled" for namespace "default".

In Kyma sidecar injection is enabled for the namespaces kyma-system and kyma-integration.

To enable sidecar injection for all the pods running in namespace default run the command below.

$ kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled
namespace "default" labeled

It is needed to add the annotation with value true to the pod template spec to enable injection. Do this in your Deployment yaml.

      annotations: "true"

8081, the excluded port for metrics

Istio 0.8 provides a way to include those inbound ports to be redirected to Envoy.

Envoy will capture only traffic on ports listed in containerPorts of the pod, containerPort: 8080, or the list of ports in the annotation "".

In Kyma port 8080 is used by the Kubeless lambda functions, therefore needs to be included in the inbound ports list.

      annotations: "8080"

All other traffic bypasses Envoy and goes straight to the container. In Kyma, use the suggested port 8081 to expose metrics.

Expose a sample metrics application

In order to expose prometheus metrics in golang the prometheus community provides a library, client_golang .

This example has taken a basic example where Gauge and Counter metrics are exported using the package prometheus.

  1. Build Docker Image
    # (linux, mac) users
    $ eval $(minikube docker-env)
    # windows user powershell
    > & minikube docker-env | Invoke-Expression
    $ kubectl config use-context minikube
    $ cd examples/monitoring-custom-metrics
    $ docker build -t sample-metrics-app -f Dockerfile .
    Successfully built b41158be6124
    Successfully tagged sample-metrics-app:latest

Dockerfile here

  1. Deploy sample-metrics-app

    $ kubectl apply -f k8s/sample-metrics-app.yaml
    service "metrics-8080" created
    service "sample-metrics-8081" created
    deployment.extensions "sample-metrics" created "metrics" created
    $ kubectl get pods
    NAME                             READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    sample-metrics-c9f998959-jd2fz   2/2       Running   0          2m
    sample-metrics-c9f998959-kfbp8   2/2       Running   0          2m
    sample-metrics-c9f998959-nnp2n   2/2       Running   0          2m
    sample-metrics-c9f998959-vdnkn   2/2       Running   0          2m

    Afterwards, run the command below to see the istio-sidecar-injector configmap configuration, and the annotations described above should be present.

    $ kubectl describe configmap istio-sidecar-injector -n istio-system "true" "8080"
  2. Run the port-forward on sample-metrics-c9f998959-jd2fz

    $ kubectl port-forward sample-metrics-c9f998959-jd2fz 8080:8080

    metrics on port 8080

  3. In another terminal, run the port-forward on sample-metrics-c9f998959-jd2fz but now for port 8081

    $ kubectl port-forward sample-metrics-c9f998959-jd2fz 8081:8081

    metrics on port 8081

So sample-metrics is exposing metrics in two ports. Here, sample_metrics.go source code.

Access the exposed mentrics in Prometheus

Run the port-forward on prometheus-core-0 which is the Prometheus server running in Kyma.

$ kubectl port-forward pod/prometheus-core-0 -n kyma-system 9090:9090
Forwarding from -> 9090
Forwarding from [::1]:9090 -> 9090

You will see in target all the sample-metrics endpoint. sample-metrics-8081 is the name of the Service discovered by the ServiceMonitor

Prometheus Dashboard


Prometheus is able to reach the service thanks to the ServiceMonitor which has been created together with the sample metrics application. A ServiceMonitor is a specific CRD used by the prometheus operator to monitor services.

In Kyma the prometheus server discovers all ServiceMonitor through a serviceMonitorSelector: matching the label prometheus: core

      prometheus: {{ .Values.prometheusLabelValue | default .Release.Name | quote }}
{{- end }}

In our example and at the same way, the ServiceMonitor selects, selector:, all Service matching a label, k8s-app: metrics and target the label.

In Kyma we have a template, kyma/resources/core/charts/monitoring/charts/prometheus/templates/servicemonitors.yaml, which is kind: List to discover a list of ServiceMonitors.

Adding Custom Dashboard in Grafana

As mentioned, Kyma includes a set of dashboards. However, users can create their own Grafana Dashboard by using the Grafana UI as the dashboards are persisted even after the pod restarts.

For details of how to create dashboards in Grafana:


Run the following commands to completely remove the example and all its resources from the cluster:

  • Remove label istio-injection $ kubectl label namespace default istio-injection-
  • Remove ServiceMonitor in namespace kyma-system $ kubectl delete servicemonitor -l example=monitoring-custom-metrics -n kyma-system
  • Remove sample-metrics deployments in namespace default $ kubectl delete all -l example=monitoring-custom-metrics