- ScaFi is an aggregate programming framework
- Alchemist is a (meta-)simulator
- Molecule: name of a data item
- Concentration: value associated to a particular molecule
- Node: a container of molecules/reactions, living inside an environment
- Environment: the Alchemist abstration for the space.
- It is a container for nodes, and it is able to tell: a) Where the nodes are in the space - i.e. their position b) How distant are two nodes c) Optionally, it may provide support for moving nodes
- Linking rule: a function of the current status of the environment that associates to each node a
- Neighborhood: an entity composed by a node (centre) + a set of nodes (neighbors)
- Reaction: any event that can change (through an action) the state of the environment
- Consists of 0+ conditions, 1+ actions, and a time distribution
- Conditions, time distribution, static rate, and rate equation affect the frequency of the reaction
- Alchemist implements an optimised version (NRM) of Gillespie's Stochastic Simulation Algorithm (SSA)
- The system state depends on the configuration of molecules floating in it
- The system evolution depends on the kinds of chemical reactions applicable over time
Another key concept is the dependency graph
- Actions are outputs
- Conditions are inputs
Use task configured in build.gradle.kts
$ ./gradlew hello
Basically, all you need to do to launch a simulation (batch) is running it.unibo.alchemist.Alchemist
with your simulation's descriptor. So, another approach is the following:
./gradlew fatJar # or shadowJar
java -Xmx2524m -cp "build/libs/<MYFATJAR>.jar" \
it.unibo.alchemist.Alchemist \
-b -var random \
-y <path-to-yaml> -e data/20191004-test \
-t 100 -p 1 -v &> exec.txt &
The simulation descriptor must indicate incarnation: scafi
and configure a RunScafiProgram
pointing to the class of some class implementing AggregateProgram
incarnation: scafi
- pool: &program
- time-distribution:
type: ExponentialTime
parameters: [1]
type: Event
- type: RunScafiProgram
parameters: [it.unibo.casestudy.HelloWorld, 5.0] # second argument is retention time
- program: send
An example ScaFi program is the following
package it.unibo.casestudy
import it.unibo.alchemist.model.implementations.molecules.SimpleMolecule
import it.unibo.alchemist.model.scafi.ScafiIncarnationForAlchemist._
class HelloWorld extends AggregateProgram with StandardSensors with Gradients {
override def main(): Any = {
val x = node.get[Int]("prova")
node.put("prova2", x+1)
$ python2.7 ./plotter.py plot.yml data/ .*-g.* myg
$ ./showImgs.sh data/imgs/ myg 2 tot