From 77728c49745525ed0c2fe949c7d1be26dd4686c7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Dale Wijnand Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2024 09:59:27 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Remove tests/pos-with-compiler-cc --- .../BootstrappedOnlyCompilationTests.scala | 7 - .../backend/ScalaPrimitivesOps.scala | 232 - .../backend/WorklistAlgorithm.scala | 57 - .../backend/jvm/AsmUtils.scala | 65 - .../backend/jvm/BCodeAsmCommon.scala | 158 - .../backend/jvm/BCodeBodyBuilder.scala | 1776 ----- .../backend/jvm/BCodeHelpers.scala | 960 --- .../backend/jvm/BCodeIdiomatic.scala | 727 -- .../backend/jvm/BCodeSkelBuilder.scala | 908 --- .../backend/jvm/BCodeSyncAndTry.scala | 426 -- .../backend/jvm/BTypes.scala | 864 --- .../backend/jvm/BTypesFromSymbols.scala | 348 - .../backend/jvm/BytecodeWriters.scala | 147 - .../backend/jvm/ | 39 - .../backend/jvm/CollectSuperCalls.scala | 48 - .../backend/jvm/CoreBTypes.scala | 294 - .../backend/jvm/DottyBackendInterface.scala | 204 - .../backend/jvm/GenBCode.scala | 671 -- .../backend/jvm/GenBCodeOps.scala | 16 - .../backend/jvm/GenericSignatureVisitor.scala | 326 - .../backend/jvm/ | 31 - .../backend/jvm/ | 47 - .../backend/jvm/Primitives.scala | 191 - .../backend/jvm/scalaPrimitives.scala | 412 -- .../backend/sjs/GenSJSIR.scala | 23 - .../backend/sjs/JSCodeGen.scala | 4897 ------------- .../backend/sjs/JSDefinitions.scala | 340 - .../backend/sjs/JSEncoding.scala | 428 -- .../backend/sjs/JSExportsGen.scala | 1025 --- .../backend/sjs/JSPositions.scala | 102 - .../backend/sjs/JSPrimitives.scala | 150 - .../backend/sjs/ScopedVar.scala | 38 - tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/Bench.scala | 64 - .../dotc/CompilationUnit.scala | 167 - .../pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/Compiler.scala | 171 - tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/Driver.scala | 207 - tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/Main.scala | 5 - .../dotc/MissingCoreLibraryException.scala | 9 - .../pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/Resident.scala | 61 - tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/Run.scala | 404 -- .../dotc/ScalacCommand.scala | 9 - .../dotc/ast/CheckTrees.scala.disabled | 258 - .../dotc/ast/Desugar.scala | 1979 ----- .../dotc/ast/DesugarEnums.scala | 310 - .../dotc/ast/MainProxies.scala | 449 -- .../dotc/ast/NavigateAST.scala | 129 - .../dotc/ast/Positioned.scala | 246 - .../dotc/ast/TreeInfo.scala | 1070 --- .../dotc/ast/TreeMapWithImplicits.scala | 82 - .../dotc/ast/TreeTypeMap.scala | 232 - .../pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/Trees.scala | 1787 ----- tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/tpd.scala | 1546 ---- .../pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/untpd.scala | 829 --- .../dotc/cc/BoxedTypeCache.scala | 19 - .../dotc/cc/CaptureAnnotation.scala | 77 - .../dotc/cc/CaptureOps.scala | 256 - .../dotc/cc/CaptureSet.scala | 902 --- .../dotc/cc/CapturingType.scala | 72 - .../dotc/cc/CheckCaptures.scala | 1039 --- .../pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/cc/Setup.scala | 482 -- .../dotc/cc/Synthetics.scala | 189 - .../dotc/classpath/AggregateClassPath.scala | 162 - .../dotc/classpath/ClassPath.scala | 85 - .../dotc/classpath/ClassPathFactory.scala | 84 - .../dotc/classpath/DirectoryClassPath.scala | 313 - .../dotc/classpath/FileUtils.scala | 85 - .../dotc/classpath/PackageNameUtils.scala | 37 - .../classpath/VirtualDirectoryClassPath.scala | 55 - .../ZipAndJarFileLookupFactory.scala | 205 - .../dotc/classpath/ZipArchiveFileLookup.scala | 72 - .../dotc/config/CliCommand.scala | 198 - .../dotc/config/CommandLineParser.scala | 125 - .../dotc/config/CompilerCommand.scala | 26 - .../dotc/config/Config.scala | 256 - .../dotc/config/Feature.scala | 173 - .../dotc/config/JavaPlatform.scala | 69 - .../dotc/config/OutputDirs.scala | 117 - .../dotc/config/PathResolver.scala | 268 - .../dotc/config/Platform.scala | 46 - .../dotc/config/Printers.scala | 52 - .../dotc/config/Properties.scala | 142 - .../dotc/config/SJSPlatform.scala | 35 - .../dotc/config/ScalaRelease.scala | 21 - .../dotc/config/ScalaSettings.scala | 347 - .../dotc/config/ScalaVersion.scala | 188 - .../dotc/config/Settings.scala | 295 - .../dotc/config/SourceVersion.scala | 32 - .../dotc/config/WrappedProperties.scala | 42 - .../dotc/core/Annotations.scala | 274 - .../dotc/core/Atoms.scala | 36 - .../dotc/core/CheckRealizable.scala | 216 - .../dotc/core/Comments.scala | 462 -- .../dotc/core/Constants.scala | 261 - .../dotc/core/Constraint.scala | 214 - .../dotc/core/ConstraintHandling.scala | 891 --- .../dotc/core/ConstraintRunInfo.scala | 23 - .../dotc/core/ContextOps.scala | 115 - .../dotc/core/Contexts.scala | 1041 --- .../dotc/core/Decorators.scala | 322 - .../dotc/core/Definitions.scala | 2434 ------- .../dotc/core/DenotTransformers.scala | 82 - .../dotc/core/Denotations.scala | 1376 ---- .../dotc/core/Flags.scala | 612 -- .../dotc/core/GadtConstraint.scala | 267 - .../dotc/core/Hashable.scala | 126 - .../dotc/core/JavaNullInterop.scala | 149 - .../dotc/core/MacroClassLoader.scala | 29 - .../dotc/core/MatchTypeTrace.scala | 136 - .../pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/Mode.scala | 144 - .../dotc/core/NameKinds.scala | 414 -- .../dotc/core/NameOps.scala | 400 - .../dotc/core/NameTags.scala | 68 - .../dotc/core/NamerOps.scala | 223 - .../dotc/core/Names.scala | 694 -- .../dotc/core/NullOpsDecorator.scala | 60 - .../dotc/core/OrderingConstraint.scala | 1007 --- .../dotc/core/ParamInfo.scala | 53 - .../dotc/core/PatternTypeConstrainer.scala | 298 - .../dotc/core/Periods.scala | 143 - .../dotc/core/Phases.scala | 475 -- .../dotc/core/Scopes.scala | 471 -- .../dotc/core/Signature.scala | 197 - .../dotc/core/StagingContext.scala | 58 - .../dotc/core/StdNames.scala | 951 --- .../dotc/core/Substituters.scala | 228 - .../dotc/core/SymDenotations.scala | 2989 -------- .../dotc/core/SymbolLoaders.scala | 450 -- .../dotc/core/Symbols.scala | 922 --- .../dotc/core/TypeApplications.scala | 538 -- .../dotc/core/TypeComparer.scala | 3265 --------- .../dotc/core/TypeErasure.scala | 877 --- .../dotc/core/TypeErrors.scala | 176 - .../dotc/core/TypeEval.scala | 247 - .../dotc/core/TypeOps.scala | 975 --- .../dotc/core/TyperState.scala | 306 - .../dotc/core/Types.scala | 6448 ----------------- .../dotc/core/Uniques.scala | 92 - .../dotc/core/Variances.scala | 82 - .../core/classfile/AbstractFileReader.scala | 100 - .../dotc/core/classfile/ByteCodecs.scala | 224 - .../core/classfile/ClassfileConstants.scala | 381 - .../dotc/core/classfile/ClassfileParser.scala | 1374 ---- .../dotc/core/classfile/DataReader.scala | 61 - .../core/classfile/ReusableDataReader.scala | 150 - .../dotc/core/tasty/CommentPickler.scala | 44 - .../dotc/core/tasty/CommentUnpickler.scala | 35 - .../dotc/core/tasty/DottyUnpickler.scala | 74 - .../dotc/core/tasty/NameBuffer.scala | 126 - .../dotc/core/tasty/PositionPickler.scala | 138 - .../dotc/core/tasty/PositionUnpickler.scala | 77 - .../dotc/core/tasty/TastyAnsiiPrinter.scala | 9 - .../dotc/core/tasty/TastyClassName.scala | 68 - .../dotc/core/tasty/TastyHTMLPrinter.scala | 9 - .../dotc/core/tasty/TastyPickler.scala | 80 - .../dotc/core/tasty/TastyPrinter.scala | 228 - .../dotc/core/tasty/TastyUnpickler.scala | 109 - .../dotc/core/tasty/TreeBuffer.scala | 189 - .../dotc/core/tasty/TreePickler.scala | 802 -- .../dotc/core/tasty/TreeUnpickler.scala | 1641 ----- .../core/unpickleScala2/PickleBuffer.scala | 292 - .../core/unpickleScala2/PickleFormat.scala | 227 - .../core/unpickleScala2/Scala2Erasure.scala | 257 - .../core/unpickleScala2/Scala2Flags.scala | 107 - .../core/unpickleScala2/Scala2Unpickler.scala | 1381 ---- .../dotc/coverage/Coverage.scala | 26 - .../dotc/coverage/Location.scala | 50 - .../dotc/coverage/Serializer.scala | 111 - .../decompiler/DecompilationPrinter.scala | 48 - .../dotc/decompiler/IDEDecompilerDriver.scala | 50 - .../dotc/decompiler/Main.scala | 27 - .../decompiler/PartialTASTYDecompiler.scala | 11 - .../dotc/decompiler/TASTYDecompiler.scala | 23 - .../AlreadyLoadedCompilationUnit.scala | 10 - .../dotc/fromtasty/Debug.scala | 74 - .../dotc/fromtasty/ReadTasty.scala | 84 - .../dotc/fromtasty/TASTYCompilationUnit.scala | 8 - .../dotc/fromtasty/TASTYCompiler.scala | 18 - .../dotc/fromtasty/TASTYRun.scala | 36 - .../dotc/fromtasty/TastyFileUtil.scala | 50 - .../dotc/inlines/InlineReducer.scala | 451 -- .../dotc/inlines/Inliner.scala | 1081 --- .../dotc/inlines/Inlines.scala | 471 -- .../dotc/inlines/PrepareInlineable.scala | 323 - .../dotc/interactive/Completion.scala | 565 -- .../dotc/interactive/Interactive.scala | 445 -- .../interactive/InteractiveCompiler.scala | 21 - .../dotc/interactive/InteractiveDriver.scala | 340 - .../dotc/interactive/SourceTree.scala | 80 - .../dotc/parsing/CharArrayReader.scala | 128 - .../dotc/parsing/JavaParsers.scala | 1031 --- .../dotc/parsing/JavaScanners.scala | 742 -- .../dotc/parsing/JavaTokens.scala | 92 - .../dotc/parsing/ParserPhase.scala | 60 - .../dotc/parsing/Parsers.scala | 4266 ----------- .../dotc/parsing/Scanners.scala | 1706 ----- .../dotc/parsing/ScriptParsers.scala | 147 - .../dotc/parsing/Tokens.scala | 300 - .../dotc/parsing/package.scala | 40 - .../dotc/parsing/xml/MarkupParserCommon.scala | 257 - .../dotc/parsing/xml/MarkupParsers.scala | 484 -- .../dotc/parsing/xml/SymbolicXMLBuilder.scala | 261 - .../dotc/parsing/xml/Utility.scala | 173 - .../dotc/plugins/Plugin.scala | 196 - .../dotc/plugins/Plugins.scala | 278 - .../dotc/printing/Formatting.scala | 167 - .../dotc/printing/Highlighting.scala | 72 - .../dotc/printing/MessageLimiter.scala | 61 - .../dotc/printing/PlainPrinter.scala | 727 -- .../dotc/printing/Printer.scala | 200 - .../dotc/printing/RefinedPrinter.scala | 1134 --- .../dotc/printing/ReplPrinter.scala | 61 - .../dotc/printing/Showable.scala | 36 - .../dotc/printing/SyntaxHighlighting.scala | 147 - .../dotc/printing/Texts.scala | 213 - .../dotc/printing/package.scala | 29 - .../dotc/profile/AsyncHelper.scala | 142 - .../dotc/profile/ | 305 - .../dotc/profile/ | 17 - .../dotc/profile/Profiler.scala | 264 - .../dotc/quoted/Interpreter.scala | 371 - .../dotc/quoted/MacroExpansion.scala | 18 - .../dotc/quoted/PickledQuotes.scala | 270 - .../dotc/quoted/QuoteUtils.scala | 30 - .../dotc/quoted/QuotesCache.scala | 26 - .../dotc/quoted/TastyString.scala | 31 - .../dotc/quoted/reflect/FromSymbol.scala | 62 - tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/report.scala | 131 - .../dotc/reporting/AbstractReporter.scala | 8 - .../dotc/reporting/ConsoleReporter.scala | 37 - .../dotc/reporting/Diagnostic.scala | 109 - .../dotc/reporting/ErrorMessageID.scala | 199 - .../dotc/reporting/ExploringReporter.scala | 23 - .../reporting/HideNonSensicalMessages.scala | 20 - .../dotc/reporting/Message.scala | 411 -- .../dotc/reporting/MessageKind.scala | 41 - .../dotc/reporting/MessageRendering.scala | 324 - .../dotc/reporting/Profile.scala | 157 - .../dotc/reporting/Reporter.scala | 271 - .../dotc/reporting/StoreReporter.scala | 51 - .../dotc/reporting/TestReporter.scala | 14 - .../dotc/reporting/ThrowingReporter.scala | 17 - .../reporting/UniqueMessagePositions.scala | 38 - .../dotc/reporting/WConf.scala | 127 - .../dotc/reporting/messages.scala | 2773 ------- .../dotc/reporting/trace.scala | 118 - .../dotc/rewrites/Rewrites.scala | 102 - .../dotc/sbt/APIUtils.scala | 55 - .../dotc/sbt/ExtractAPI.scala | 833 --- .../dotc/sbt/ExtractDependencies.scala | 504 -- .../dotc/sbt/ShowAPI.scala | 162 - .../dotc/sbt/ThunkHolder.scala | 33 - .../dotc/sbt/package.scala | 20 - .../dotc/semanticdb/ConstantOps.scala | 25 - .../dotc/semanticdb/Descriptor.scala | 122 - .../dotc/semanticdb/ExtractSemanticDB.scala | 517 -- .../dotc/semanticdb/LinkMode.scala | 4 - .../dotc/semanticdb/PPrint.scala | 397 - .../dotc/semanticdb/Scala3.scala | 537 -- .../semanticdb/SemanticSymbolBuilder.scala | 152 - .../dotc/semanticdb/SyntheticsExtractor.scala | 151 - .../dotc/semanticdb/Tools.scala | 130 - .../dotc/semanticdb/TypeOps.scala | 527 -- .../dotc/semanticdb/generated/Access.scala | 654 -- .../semanticdb/generated/Annotation.scala | 91 - .../dotc/semanticdb/generated/Constant.scala | 1181 --- .../semanticdb/generated/Diagnostic.scala | 196 - .../semanticdb/generated/Documentation.scala | 174 - .../dotc/semanticdb/generated/Language.scala | 56 - .../dotc/semanticdb/generated/Location.scala | 109 - .../dotc/semanticdb/generated/Range.scala | 156 - .../dotc/semanticdb/generated/Schema.scala | 56 - .../dotc/semanticdb/generated/Scope.scala | 108 - .../dotc/semanticdb/generated/Signature.scala | 706 -- .../generated/SymbolInformation.scala | 670 -- .../generated/SymbolOccurrence.scala | 178 - .../dotc/semanticdb/generated/Synthetic.scala | 113 - .../semanticdb/generated/TextDocument.scala | 271 - .../semanticdb/generated/TextDocuments.scala | 87 - .../dotc/semanticdb/generated/Tree.scala | 1088 --- .../dotc/semanticdb/generated/Type.scala | 2036 ------ .../InvalidProtocolBufferException.scala | 55 - .../dotc/semanticdb/internal/LiteParser.scala | 36 - .../dotc/semanticdb/internal/MD5.scala | 30 - .../semanticdb/internal/SemanticdbEnum.scala | 5 - .../SemanticdbGeneratedMessageCompanion.scala | 79 - .../internal/SemanticdbInputStream.scala | 802 -- .../internal/SemanticdbMessage.scala | 7 - .../internal/SemanticdbOutputStream.scala | 610 -- .../internal/SemanticdbTypeMapper.scala | 18 - .../dotc/semanticdb/internal/WireFormat.scala | 20 - .../dotc/transform/AccessProxies.scala | 174 - .../dotc/transform/ArrayApply.scala | 76 - .../dotc/transform/ArrayConstructors.scala | 56 - .../dotc/transform/BeanProperties.scala | 65 - .../dotc/transform/BetaReduce.scala | 106 - .../dotc/transform/Bridges.scala | 180 - .../dotc/transform/CapturedVars.scala | 173 - .../transform/CheckLoopingImplicits.scala | 111 - .../dotc/transform/CheckNoSuperThis.scala | 51 - .../dotc/transform/CheckReentrant.scala | 92 - .../dotc/transform/CheckStatic.scala | 68 - .../dotc/transform/CollectEntryPoints.scala | 53 - .../transform/CollectNullableFields.scala | 110 - .../dotc/transform/CompleteJavaEnums.scala | 190 - .../dotc/transform/Constructors.scala | 356 - .../transform/ContextFunctionResults.scala | 136 - .../dotc/transform/CookComments.scala | 34 - .../dotc/transform/CountOuterAccesses.scala | 59 - .../dotc/transform/CrossStageSafety.scala | 308 - .../dotc/transform/CtxLazy.scala | 24 - .../dotc/transform/Dependencies.scala | 289 - .../DropEmptyCompanions.scala.disabled | 98 - .../dotc/transform/DropOuterAccessors.scala | 87 - .../dotc/transform/ElimByName.scala | 161 - .../dotc/transform/ElimErasedValueType.scala | 143 - .../dotc/transform/ElimOpaque.scala | 75 - .../dotc/transform/ElimOuterSelect.scala | 38 - .../dotc/transform/ElimPackagePrefixes.scala | 37 - .../dotc/transform/ElimPolyFunction.scala | 71 - .../dotc/transform/ElimRepeated.scala | 299 - .../dotc/transform/ElimStaticThis.scala | 43 - .../dotc/transform/EmptyPhase.scala | 19 - .../dotc/transform/Erasure.scala | 1071 --- .../dotc/transform/EtaReduce.scala | 76 - .../dotc/transform/ExpandPrivate.scala | 118 - .../dotc/transform/ExpandSAMs.scala | 194 - .../dotc/transform/ExplicitOuter.scala | 479 -- .../dotc/transform/ExplicitSelf.scala | 64 - .../dotc/transform/ExtensionMethods.scala | 208 - .../dotc/transform/FirstTransform.scala | 219 - .../dotc/transform/Flatten.scala | 66 - .../dotc/transform/ForwardDepChecks.scala | 134 - .../dotc/transform/FullParameterization.scala | 271 - .../transform/FunctionXXLForwarders.scala | 66 - .../dotc/transform/GenericSignatures.scala | 481 -- .../dotc/transform/Getters.scala | 125 - .../dotc/transform/HoistSuperArgs.scala | 246 - .../dotc/transform/InlinePatterns.scala | 65 - .../dotc/transform/InlineVals.scala | 59 - .../dotc/transform/Inlining.scala | 83 - .../dotc/transform/InstrumentCoverage.scala | 528 -- .../dotc/transform/Instrumentation.scala | 110 - .../dotc/transform/InterceptedMethods.scala | 82 - .../IsInstanceOfEvaluator.scala.disabled | 172 - .../dotc/transform/LambdaLift.scala | 343 - .../dotc/transform/LazyVals.scala | 700 -- .../dotc/transform/LetOverApply.scala | 37 - .../dotc/transform/LiftTry.scala | 88 - .../dotc/transform/Literalize.scala.disabled | 95 - .../dotc/transform/MacroTransform.scala | 60 - .../dotc/transform/MegaPhase.scala | 1066 --- .../dotc/transform/Memoize.scala | 222 - .../dotc/transform/Mixin.scala | 329 - .../dotc/transform/MixinOps.scala | 104 - .../dotc/transform/MoveStatics.scala | 93 - .../dotc/transform/NonLocalReturns.scala | 106 - .../dotc/transform/OverridingPairs.scala | 227 - .../dotc/transform/ParamForwarding.scala | 87 - .../dotc/transform/PatternMatcher.scala | 1055 --- .../dotc/transform/PickleQuotes.scala | 383 - .../dotc/transform/Pickler.scala | 154 - .../dotc/transform/PostInlining.scala | 35 - .../dotc/transform/PostTyper.scala | 500 -- .../dotc/transform/PreRecheck.scala | 19 - .../dotc/transform/ProtectedAccessors.scala | 97 - .../dotc/transform/PruneErasedDefs.scala | 72 - .../dotc/transform/PureStats.scala | 35 - .../dotc/transform/Recheck.scala | 570 -- .../dotc/transform/ReifiedReflect.scala | 109 - .../transform/RepeatableAnnotations.scala | 66 - .../dotc/transform/ResolveSuper.scala | 128 - .../dotc/transform/RestoreScopes.scala | 56 - .../dotc/transform/SelectStatic.scala | 101 - .../dotc/transform/SeqLiterals.scala | 44 - .../dotc/transform/SetRootTree.scala | 49 - .../transform/SpecializeApplyMethods.scala | 124 - .../dotc/transform/SpecializeFunctions.scala | 114 - .../dotc/transform/SpecializeTuples.scala | 53 - .../dotc/transform/Splicer.scala | 254 - .../dotc/transform/Splicing.scala | 392 - .../dotc/transform/Staging.scala | 83 - .../dotc/transform/SuperAccessors.scala | 224 - .../dotc/transform/SymUtils.scala | 434 -- .../dotc/transform/SyntheticMembers.scala | 651 -- .../dotc/transform/TailRec.scala | 461 -- .../dotc/transform/TransformWildcards.scala | 34 - .../dotc/transform/TreeChecker.scala | 726 -- .../dotc/transform/TreeExtractors.scala | 52 - .../dotc/transform/TreeMapWithStages.scala | 164 - .../dotc/transform/TryCatchPatterns.scala | 104 - .../dotc/transform/TupleOptimizations.scala | 221 - .../dotc/transform/TypeTestsCasts.scala | 394 - .../dotc/transform/TypeUtils.scala | 120 - .../dotc/transform/UncacheGivenAliases.scala | 65 - .../dotc/transform/UninitializedDefs.scala | 48 - .../dotc/transform/VCElideAllocations.scala | 55 - .../dotc/transform/VCInlineMethods.scala | 113 - .../dotc/transform/ValueClasses.scala | 57 - .../dotc/transform/YCheckPositions.scala | 72 - .../dotc/transform/init/Checker.scala | 72 - .../dotc/transform/init/Errors.scala | 145 - .../dotc/transform/init/Semantic.scala | 1806 ----- .../transform/localopt/FormatChecker.scala | 286 - .../FormatInterpolatorTransform.scala | 39 - .../localopt/StringInterpolatorOpt.scala | 170 - .../dotc/transform/patmat/Space.scala | 966 --- .../transform/sjs/AddLocalJSFakeNews.scala | 98 - .../transform/sjs/ExplicitJSClasses.scala | 730 -- .../dotc/transform/sjs/JSExportUtils.scala | 38 - .../dotc/transform/sjs/JSSymUtils.scala | 255 - .../transform/sjs/JUnitBootstrappers.scala | 332 - .../dotc/transform/sjs/PrepJSExports.scala | 467 -- .../dotc/transform/sjs/PrepJSInterop.scala | 1329 ---- .../dotc/typer/Applications.scala | 2409 ------ .../dotc/typer/Checking.scala | 1561 ---- .../dotc/typer/ConstFold.scala | 210 - .../dotc/typer/CrossVersionChecks.scala | 185 - .../dotc/typer/Deriving.scala | 312 - .../dotc/typer/Docstrings.scala | 67 - .../dotc/typer/Dynamic.scala | 249 - .../dotc/typer/ErrorReporting.scala | 276 - .../dotc/typer/EtaExpansion.scala | 293 - .../dotc/typer/Implicits.scala | 1915 ----- .../dotc/typer/ImportInfo.scala | 231 - .../dotc/typer/ImportSuggestions.scala | 358 - .../dotc/typer/Inferencing.scala | 780 -- .../dotc/typer/JavaChecks.scala | 26 - .../dotc/typer/Namer.scala | 1916 ----- .../dotc/typer/Nullables.scala | 569 -- .../dotc/typer/ProtoTypes.scala | 958 --- .../dotc/typer/QuotesAndSplices.scala | 455 -- .../dotc/typer/ReTyper.scala | 146 - .../dotc/typer/RefChecks.scala | 1783 ----- .../dotc/typer/Synthesizer.scala | 763 -- .../dotc/typer/TypeAssigner.scala | 546 -- .../dotc/typer/Typer.scala | 4296 ----------- .../dotc/typer/TyperPhase.scala | 108 - .../dotc/typer/VarianceChecker.scala | 209 - .../dotc/util/Attachment.scala | 128 - .../dotc/util/CharBuffer.scala | 28 - .../dotc/util/Chars.scala | 99 - .../dotc/util/ClasspathFromClassloader.scala | 53 - .../dotc/util/CommentParsing.scala | 256 - .../dotc/util/DiffUtil.scala | 234 - .../dotc/util/DotClass.scala | 8 - .../dotc/util/EqHashMap.scala | 80 - .../dotc/util/FreshNameCreator.scala | 30 - .../dotc/util/GenericHashMap.scala | 192 - .../dotc/util/HashMap.scala | 85 - .../dotc/util/HashSet.scala | 190 - .../dotc/util/IntMap.scala | 57 - .../dotc/util/LRUCache.scala | 104 - .../dotc/util/LinearMap.scala | 43 - .../dotc/util/LinearSet.scala | 46 - .../dotc/util/MutableMap.scala | 18 - .../dotc/util/MutableSet.scala | 25 - .../dotc/util/NameTransformer.scala | 151 - .../dotc/util/ParsedComment.scala | 224 - .../dotc/util/PerfectHashing.scala | 136 - .../dotc/util/Property.scala | 18 - .../dotc/util/ReadOnlyMap.scala | 41 - .../dotc/util/ReadOnlySet.scala | 24 - .../dotc/util/ReusableInstance.scala | 34 - .../dotc/util/ShowPickled.scala | 287 - .../dotc/util/Signatures.scala | 549 -- .../dotc/util/SimpleIdentityMap.scala | 246 - .../dotc/util/SimpleIdentitySet.scala | 261 - .../dotc/util/SixteenNibbles.scala | 28 - .../dotc/util/SourceFile.scala | 288 - .../dotc/util/SourcePosition.scala | 104 - .../dotc/util/Spans.scala | 195 - .../dotc/util/StackTraceOps.scala | 78 - .../dotc/util/Stats.scala | 69 - .../dotc/util/Store.scala | 33 - .../pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/util/Util.scala | 25 - .../dotc/util/WeakHashSet.scala | 349 - .../dotc/util/common.scala | 14 - .../pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/util/ | 18 - .../pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/util/ | 40 - tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/package.scala | 54 - tests/pos-with-compiler/A.scala | 6 - tests/pos-with-compiler/B.scala | 6 - tests/pos-with-compiler/Fileish.scala | 53 - tests/pos-with-compiler/Labels.scala | 38 - tests/pos-with-compiler/Patterns.scala | 137 - tests/pos-with-compiler/benchSets.scala | 192 - tests/pos-with-compiler/i143.scala | 12 - tests/pos-with-compiler/lazyValsSepComp.scala | 16 - .../tasty/test-definitions.scala | 460 -- 489 files changed, 164676 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/ScalaPrimitivesOps.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/WorklistAlgorithm.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/AsmUtils.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/BCodeAsmCommon.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/BCodeBodyBuilder.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/BCodeHelpers.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/BCodeIdiomatic.scala delete mode 100644 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100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/transform/ElimRepeated.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/transform/ElimStaticThis.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/transform/EmptyPhase.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/transform/Erasure.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/transform/EtaReduce.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/transform/ExpandPrivate.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/transform/ExpandSAMs.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/transform/ExplicitOuter.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/transform/ExplicitSelf.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/transform/ExtensionMethods.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/transform/FirstTransform.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/transform/Flatten.scala delete mode 100644 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tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/typer/Namer.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/typer/Nullables.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/typer/ProtoTypes.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/typer/QuotesAndSplices.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/typer/ReTyper.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/typer/RefChecks.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/typer/Synthesizer.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/typer/TypeAssigner.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/typer/Typer.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/typer/TyperPhase.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/typer/VarianceChecker.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/util/Attachment.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/util/CharBuffer.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/util/Chars.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/util/ClasspathFromClassloader.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/util/CommentParsing.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/util/DiffUtil.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/util/DotClass.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/util/EqHashMap.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/util/FreshNameCreator.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/util/GenericHashMap.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/util/HashMap.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/util/HashSet.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/util/IntMap.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/util/LRUCache.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/util/LinearMap.scala delete mode 100644 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tests/pos-with-compiler/A.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler/B.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler/Fileish.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler/Labels.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler/Patterns.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler/benchSets.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler/i143.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler/lazyValsSepComp.scala delete mode 100644 tests/pos-with-compiler/tasty/test-definitions.scala diff --git a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/BootstrappedOnlyCompilationTests.scala b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/BootstrappedOnlyCompilationTests.scala index 33fc0fb3332f..ce46b669e2c8 100644 --- a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/BootstrappedOnlyCompilationTests.scala +++ b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/BootstrappedOnlyCompilationTests.scala @@ -32,13 +32,6 @@ class BootstrappedOnlyCompilationTests { ).checkCompile() } - // @Test - def posWithCompilerCC: Unit = - implicit val testGroup: TestGroup = TestGroup("compilePosWithCompilerCC") - aggregateTests( - compileDir("tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc", withCompilerOptions.and("-language:experimental.captureChecking")) - ).checkCompile() - @Test def posWithCompiler: Unit = { implicit val testGroup: TestGroup = TestGroup("compilePosWithCompiler") aggregateTests( diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/ScalaPrimitivesOps.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/ScalaPrimitivesOps.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 6b5bfbc3e00e..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/ScalaPrimitivesOps.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,232 +0,0 @@ -package -package backend - -object ScalaPrimitivesOps extends ScalaPrimitivesOps - -class ScalaPrimitivesOps { - // Arithmetic unary operations - inline val POS = 1 // +x - inline val NEG = 2 // -x - inline val NOT = 3 // ~x - - // Arithmetic binary operations - inline val ADD = 10 // x + y - inline val SUB = 11 // x - y - inline val MUL = 12 // x * y - inline val DIV = 13 // x / y - inline val MOD = 14 // x % y - - // Bitwise operations - inline val OR = 20 // x | y - inline val XOR = 21 // x ^ y - inline val AND = 22 // x & y - - // Shift operations - inline val LSL = 30 // x << y - inline val LSR = 31 // x >>> y - inline val ASR = 32 // x >> y - - // Comparison operations - inline val ID = 40 // x eq y - inline val NI = 41 // x ne y - inline val EQ = 42 // x == y - inline val NE = 43 // x != y - inline val LT = 44 // x < y - inline val LE = 45 // x <= y - inline val GT = 46 // x > y - inline val GE = 47 // x >= y - - // Boolean unary operations - inline val ZNOT = 50 // !x - - // Boolean binary operations - inline val ZOR = 60 // x || y - inline val ZAND = 61 // x && y - - // Array operations - inline val LENGTH = 70 // x.length - inline val APPLY = 71 // x(y) - inline val UPDATE = 72 // x(y) = z - - // Any operations - inline val IS = 80 //[y] - inline val AS = 81 //[y] - inline val HASH = 87 // x.## - - // AnyRef operations - inline val SYNCHRONIZED = 90 // x.synchronized(y) - - // String operations - inline val CONCAT = 100 // String.valueOf(x)+String.valueOf(y) - - // coercions - inline val COERCE = 101 - - // RunTime operations - inline val BOX = 110 // RunTime.box_(x) - inline val UNBOX = 111 // RunTime.unbox_(x) - inline val NEW_ZARRAY = 112 // RunTime.zarray(x) - inline val NEW_BARRAY = 113 // RunTime.barray(x) - inline val NEW_SARRAY = 114 // RunTime.sarray(x) - inline val NEW_CARRAY = 115 // RunTime.carray(x) - inline val NEW_IARRAY = 116 // RunTime.iarray(x) - inline val NEW_LARRAY = 117 // RunTime.larray(x) - inline val NEW_FARRAY = 118 // RunTime.farray(x) - inline val NEW_DARRAY = 119 // RunTime.darray(x) - inline val NEW_OARRAY = 120 // RunTime.oarray(x) - - inline val ZARRAY_LENGTH = 131 // RunTime.zarray_length(x) - inline val BARRAY_LENGTH = 132 // RunTime.barray_length(x) - inline val SARRAY_LENGTH = 133 // RunTime.sarray_length(x) - inline val CARRAY_LENGTH = 134 // RunTime.carray_length(x) - inline val IARRAY_LENGTH = 135 // RunTime.iarray_length(x) - inline val LARRAY_LENGTH = 136 // RunTime.larray_length(x) - inline val FARRAY_LENGTH = 137 // RunTime.farray_length(x) - inline val DARRAY_LENGTH = 138 // RunTime.darray_length(x) - inline val OARRAY_LENGTH = 139 // RunTime.oarray_length(x) - - inline val ZARRAY_GET = 140 // RunTime.zarray_get(x,y) - inline val BARRAY_GET = 141 // RunTime.barray_get(x,y) - inline val SARRAY_GET = 142 // RunTime.sarray_get(x,y) - inline val CARRAY_GET = 143 // RunTime.carray_get(x,y) - inline val IARRAY_GET = 144 // RunTime.iarray_get(x,y) - inline val LARRAY_GET = 145 // RunTime.larray_get(x,y) - inline val FARRAY_GET = 146 // RunTime.farray_get(x,y) - inline val DARRAY_GET = 147 // RunTime.darray_get(x,y) - inline val OARRAY_GET = 148 // RunTime.oarray_get(x,y) - - inline val ZARRAY_SET = 150 // RunTime.zarray(x,y,z) - inline val BARRAY_SET = 151 // RunTime.barray(x,y,z) - inline val SARRAY_SET = 152 // RunTime.sarray(x,y,z) - inline val CARRAY_SET = 153 // RunTime.carray(x,y,z) - inline val IARRAY_SET = 154 // RunTime.iarray(x,y,z) - inline val LARRAY_SET = 155 // RunTime.larray(x,y,z) - inline val FARRAY_SET = 156 // RunTime.farray(x,y,z) - inline val DARRAY_SET = 157 // RunTime.darray(x,y,z) - inline val OARRAY_SET = 158 // RunTime.oarray(x,y,z) - - inline val B2B = 200 // RunTime.b2b(x) - inline val B2S = 201 // RunTime.b2s(x) - inline val B2C = 202 // RunTime.b2c(x) - inline val B2I = 203 // RunTime.b2i(x) - inline val B2L = 204 // RunTime.b2l(x) - inline val B2F = 205 // RunTime.b2f(x) - inline val B2D = 206 // RunTime.b2d(x) - - inline val S2B = 210 // RunTime.s2b(x) - inline val S2S = 211 // RunTime.s2s(x) - inline val S2C = 212 // RunTime.s2c(x) - inline val S2I = 213 // RunTime.s2i(x) - inline val S2L = 214 // RunTime.s2l(x) - inline val S2F = 215 // RunTime.s2f(x) - inline val S2D = 216 // RunTime.s2d(x) - - inline val C2B = 220 // RunTime.c2b(x) - inline val C2S = 221 // RunTime.c2s(x) - inline val C2C = 222 // RunTime.c2c(x) - inline val C2I = 223 // RunTime.c2i(x) - inline val C2L = 224 // RunTime.c2l(x) - inline val C2F = 225 // RunTime.c2f(x) - inline val C2D = 226 // RunTime.c2d(x) - - inline val I2B = 230 // RunTime.i2b(x) - inline val I2S = 231 // RunTime.i2s(x) - inline val I2C = 232 // RunTime.i2c(x) - inline val I2I = 233 // RunTime.i2i(x) - inline val I2L = 234 // RunTime.i2l(x) - inline val I2F = 235 // RunTime.i2f(x) - inline val I2D = 236 // RunTime.i2d(x) - - inline val L2B = 240 // RunTime.l2b(x) - inline val L2S = 241 // RunTime.l2s(x) - inline val L2C = 242 // RunTime.l2c(x) - inline val L2I = 243 // RunTime.l2i(x) - inline val L2L = 244 // RunTime.l2l(x) - inline val L2F = 245 // RunTime.l2f(x) - inline val L2D = 246 // RunTime.l2d(x) - - inline val F2B = 250 // RunTime.f2b(x) - inline val F2S = 251 // RunTime.f2s(x) - inline val F2C = 252 // RunTime.f2c(x) - inline val F2I = 253 // RunTime.f2i(x) - inline val F2L = 254 // RunTime.f2l(x) - inline val F2F = 255 // RunTime.f2f(x) - inline val F2D = 256 // RunTime.f2d(x) - - inline val D2B = 260 // RunTime.d2b(x) - inline val D2S = 261 // RunTime.d2s(x) - inline val D2C = 262 // RunTime.d2c(x) - inline val D2I = 263 // RunTime.d2i(x) - inline val D2L = 264 // RunTime.d2l(x) - inline val D2F = 265 // RunTime.d2f(x) - inline val D2D = 266 // RunTime.d2d(x) - - /** Check whether the given operation code is an array operation. */ - def isArrayOp(code: Int): Boolean = - isArrayNew(code) | isArrayLength(code) | isArrayGet(code) | isArraySet(code) - - def isArrayNew(code: Int): Boolean = code match { - case NEW_ZARRAY | NEW_BARRAY | NEW_SARRAY | NEW_CARRAY | - NEW_IARRAY | NEW_LARRAY | NEW_FARRAY | NEW_DARRAY | - NEW_OARRAY => true - case _ => false - } - - def isArrayLength(code: Int): Boolean = code match { - case ZARRAY_LENGTH | BARRAY_LENGTH | SARRAY_LENGTH | CARRAY_LENGTH | - IARRAY_LENGTH | LARRAY_LENGTH | FARRAY_LENGTH | DARRAY_LENGTH | - OARRAY_LENGTH | LENGTH => true - case _ => false - } - - def isArrayGet(code: Int): Boolean = code match { - case ZARRAY_GET | BARRAY_GET | SARRAY_GET | CARRAY_GET | - IARRAY_GET | LARRAY_GET | FARRAY_GET | DARRAY_GET | - OARRAY_GET | APPLY => true - case _ => false - } - - def isArraySet(code: Int): Boolean = code match { - case ZARRAY_SET | BARRAY_SET | SARRAY_SET | CARRAY_SET | - IARRAY_SET | LARRAY_SET | FARRAY_SET | DARRAY_SET | - OARRAY_SET | UPDATE => true - case _ => false - } - - /** Check whether the given code is a comparison operator */ - def isComparisonOp(code: Int): Boolean = code match { - case ID | NI | EQ | NE | - LT | LE | GT | GE => true - - case _ => false - } - def isUniversalEqualityOp(code: Int): Boolean = (code == EQ) || (code == NE) - def isReferenceEqualityOp(code: Int): Boolean = (code == ID) || (code == NI) - - def isArithmeticOp(code: Int): Boolean = code match { - case POS | NEG | NOT => true; // unary - case ADD | SUB | MUL | - DIV | MOD => true; // binary - case OR | XOR | AND | - LSL | LSR | ASR => true; // bitwise - case _ => false - } - - def isLogicalOp(code: Int): Boolean = code match { - case ZNOT | ZAND | ZOR => true - case _ => false - } - - def isShiftOp(code: Int): Boolean = code match { - case LSL | LSR | ASR => true - case _ => false - } - - def isBitwiseOp(code: Int): Boolean = code match { - case OR | XOR | AND => true - case _ => false - } - - def isCoercion(code: Int): Boolean = (code >= B2B) && (code <= D2D) - -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/WorklistAlgorithm.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/WorklistAlgorithm.scala deleted file mode 100644 index b3d98d425b2a..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/WorklistAlgorithm.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ -package -package backend - -/** - * Simple implementation of a worklist algorithm. A processing - * function is applied repeatedly to the first element in the - * worklist, as long as the stack is not empty. - * - * The client class should mix-in this class and initialize the worklist - * field and define the `processElement` method. Then call the `run` method - * providing a function that initializes the worklist. - * - * @author Martin Odersky - * @version 1.0 - * @see [[]] - */ -trait WorklistAlgorithm { - type Elem - class WList { - private var list: List[Elem] = Nil - def isEmpty = list.isEmpty - def nonEmpty = !isEmpty - def push(e: Elem): Unit = { list = e :: list } - def pop(): Elem = { - val head = list.head - list = list.tail - head - } - def pushAll(xs: Iterable[Elem]): Unit = xs.foreach(push) - def clear(): Unit = list = Nil - - } - - val worklist: WList - - /** - * Run the iterative algorithm until the worklist remains empty. - * The initializer is run once before the loop starts and should - * initialize the worklist. - */ - def run(initWorklist: => Unit) = { - initWorklist - - while (worklist.nonEmpty) - processElement(dequeue) - } - - /** - * Process the current element from the worklist. - */ - def processElement(e: Elem): Unit - - /** - * Remove and return the first element to be processed from the worklist. - */ - def dequeue: Elem -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/AsmUtils.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/AsmUtils.scala deleted file mode 100644 index e6393ce82054..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/AsmUtils.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ -package -package backend -package jvm - -import scala.language.unsafeNulls - -import{AbstractInsnNode} -import -import{TraceClassVisitor, TraceMethodVisitor, Textifier} -import - -object AsmUtils { - - /** - * Print the bytecode of methods generated by GenBCode to the standard output. Only methods - * whose name contains `traceMethodPattern` are traced. - */ - final val traceMethodEnabled = sys.env.contains("printBCODE") - final val traceMethodPattern = sys.env.getOrElse("printBCODE", "") - - /** - * Print the bytecode of classes generated by GenBCode to the standard output. - */ - inline val traceClassEnabled = false - inline val traceClassPattern = "" - - /** - * Print the bytedcode of classes as they are serialized by the ASM library. The serialization - * performed by `asm.ClassWriter` can change the code generated by GenBCode. For example, it - * introduces stack map frames, it computes the maximal stack sizes, and it replaces dead - * code by NOPs (see also - */ - inline val traceSerializedClassEnabled = false - inline val traceSerializedClassPattern = "" - - def traceMethod(mnode: MethodNode1): Unit = { - println(s"Bytecode for method ${}") - val p = new Textifier - val tracer = new TraceMethodVisitor(p) - mnode.accept(tracer) - val w = new PrintWriter(System.out) - p.print(w) - w.flush() - } - - def traceClass(cnode: ClassNode1): Unit = { - println(s"Bytecode for class ${}") - val w = new PrintWriter(System.out) - cnode.accept(new TraceClassVisitor(w)) - w.flush() - } - - def traceClass(bytes: Array[Byte]): Unit = traceClass(readClass(bytes)) - - def readClass(bytes: Array[Byte]): ClassNode1 = { - val node = new ClassNode1() - new ClassReader(bytes).accept(node, 0) - node - } - - def instructionString(instruction: AbstractInsnNode): String = instruction.getOpcode match { - case -1 => instruction.toString - case op => - } -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/BCodeAsmCommon.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/BCodeAsmCommon.scala deleted file mode 100644 index d95638be2695..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/BCodeAsmCommon.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,158 +0,0 @@ -package -package backend -package jvm - -import scala.language.unsafeNulls - -import -import -import - -/** - * This trait contains code shared between GenBCode and GenASM that depends on types defined in - * the compiler cake (Global). - */ -final class BCodeAsmCommon[I <: DottyBackendInterface](val interface: I) { - import interface.given - import DottyBackendInterface.symExtensions - - /** - * True if `classSym` is an anonymous class or a local class. I.e., false if `classSym` is a - * member class. This method is used to decide if we should emit an EnclosingMethod attribute. - * It is also used to decide whether the "owner" field in the InnerClass attribute should be - * null. - */ - def isAnonymousOrLocalClass(classSym: Symbol): Boolean = { - assert(classSym.isClass, s"not a class: $classSym") - // Here used to be an `assert(!classSym.isDelambdafyFunction)`: delambdafy lambda classes are - // always top-level. However, SI-8900 shows an example where the weak name-based implementation - // of isDelambdafyFunction failed (for a function declared in a package named "lambda"). - classSym.isAnonymousClass || { - val originalOwner = classSym.originalOwner - originalOwner != NoSymbol && !originalOwner.isClass - } - } - - /** - * Returns the enclosing method for non-member classes. In the following example - * - * class A { - * def f = { - * class B { - * class C - * } - * } - * } - * - * the method returns Some(f) for B, but None for C, because C is a member class. For non-member - * classes that are not enclosed by a method, it returns None: - * - * class A { - * { class B } - * } - * - * In this case, for B, we return None. - * - * The EnclosingMethod attribute needs to be added to non-member classes (see doc in BTypes). - * This is a source-level property, so we need to use the originalOwner chain to reconstruct it. - */ - private def enclosingMethodForEnclosingMethodAttribute(classSym: Symbol): Option[Symbol] = { - assert(classSym.isClass, classSym) - def enclosingMethod(sym: Symbol): Option[Symbol] = { - if (sym.isClass || sym == NoSymbol) None - else if ( Some(sym) - else enclosingMethod(sym.originalOwner) - } - enclosingMethod(classSym.originalOwner) - } - - /** - * The enclosing class for emitting the EnclosingMethod attribute. Since this is a source-level - * property, this method looks at the originalOwner chain. See doc in BTypes. - */ - private def enclosingClassForEnclosingMethodAttribute(classSym: Symbol): Symbol = { - assert(classSym.isClass, classSym) - def enclosingClass(sym: Symbol): Symbol = { - if (sym.isClass) sym - else enclosingClass(sym.originalOwner.originalLexicallyEnclosingClass) - } - enclosingClass(classSym.originalOwner.originalLexicallyEnclosingClass) - } - - /*final*/ case class EnclosingMethodEntry(owner: String, name: String, methodDescriptor: String) - - /** - * Data for emitting an EnclosingMethod attribute. None if `classSym` is a member class (not - * an anonymous or local class). See doc in BTypes. - * - * The class is parametrized by two functions to obtain a bytecode class descriptor for a class - * symbol, and to obtain a method signature descriptor fro a method symbol. These function depend - * on the implementation of GenASM / GenBCode, so they need to be passed in. - */ - def enclosingMethodAttribute(classSym: Symbol, classDesc: Symbol => String, methodDesc: Symbol => String): Option[EnclosingMethodEntry] = { - if (isAnonymousOrLocalClass(classSym)) { - val methodOpt = enclosingMethodForEnclosingMethodAttribute(classSym) - report.debuglog(s"enclosing method for $classSym is $methodOpt (in ${})") - Some(EnclosingMethodEntry( - classDesc(enclosingClassForEnclosingMethodAttribute(classSym)), -, - - } else { - None - } - } -} - -object BCodeAsmCommon{ - def ubytesToCharArray(bytes: Array[Byte]): Array[Char] = { - val ca = new Array[Char](bytes.length) - var idx = 0 - while(idx < bytes.length) { - val b: Byte = bytes(idx) - assert((b & ~0x7f) == 0) - ca(idx) = b.asInstanceOf[Char] - idx += 1 - } - - ca - } - - final def arrEncode(bSeven: Array[Byte]): Array[String] = { - var strs: List[String] = Nil - // chop into slices of at most 65535 bytes, counting 0x00 as taking two bytes (as per JVMS 4.4.7 The CONSTANT_Utf8_info Structure) - var prevOffset = 0 - var offset = 0 - var encLength = 0 - while(offset < bSeven.length) { - val deltaEncLength = (if(bSeven(offset) == 0) 2 else 1) - val newEncLength = encLength.toLong + deltaEncLength - if(newEncLength >= 65535) { - val ba = bSeven.slice(prevOffset, offset) - strs ::= new java.lang.String(ubytesToCharArray(ba)) - encLength = 0 - prevOffset = offset - } else { - encLength += deltaEncLength - offset += 1 - } - } - if(prevOffset < offset) { - assert(offset == bSeven.length) - val ba = bSeven.slice(prevOffset, offset) - strs ::= new java.lang.String(ubytesToCharArray(ba)) - } - assert(strs.size > 1, "encode instead as one String via strEncode()") // TODO too strict? - strs.reverse.toArray - } - - - def strEncode(bSeven: Array[Byte]): String = { - val ca = ubytesToCharArray(bSeven) - new java.lang.String(ca) - // debug val bvA = new asm.ByteVector; bvA.putUTF8(s) - // debug val enc: Array[Byte] = scala.reflect.internal.pickling.ByteCodecs.encode(bytes) - // debug assert(enc(idx) == bvA.getByte(idx + 2)) - // debug assert(bvA.getLength == enc.size + 2) - } - -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/BCodeBodyBuilder.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/BCodeBodyBuilder.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 925844016f7d..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/BCodeBodyBuilder.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1776 +0,0 @@ -package -package backend -package jvm - -import scala.language.unsafeNulls - -import scala.annotation.switch -import scala.collection.mutable.SortedMap - -import -import{Handle, Opcodes} -import BCodeHelpers.InvokeStyle - -import -import -import -import{Label => LabelFlag, _} -import -import{nme, str} -import -import -import -import -import -import -import -import - -/* - * - * @author Miguel Garcia, - * @version 1.0 - * - */ -trait BCodeBodyBuilder extends BCodeSkelBuilder { - // import global._ - // import definitions._ - import tpd._ - import int.{_, given} - import DottyBackendInterface.symExtensions - import bTypes._ - import coreBTypes._ - - protected val primitives: DottyPrimitives - - /* - * Functionality to build the body of ASM MethodNode, except for `synchronized` and `try` expressions. - */ - abstract class PlainBodyBuilder(cunit: CompilationUnit) extends PlainSkelBuilder(cunit) { - - import Primitives.TestOp - - /* ---------------- helper utils for generating methods and code ---------------- */ - - def emit(opc: Int): Unit = { mnode.visitInsn(opc) } - - def emitZeroOf(tk: BType): Unit = { - tk match { - case BOOL => bc.boolconst(false) - case BYTE | - SHORT | - CHAR | - INT => bc.iconst(0) - case LONG => bc.lconst(0) - case FLOAT => bc.fconst(0) - case DOUBLE => bc.dconst(0) - case UNIT => () - case _ => emit(asm.Opcodes.ACONST_NULL) - } - } - - /* - * Emits code that adds nothing to the operand stack. - * Two main cases: `tree` is an assignment, - * otherwise an `adapt()` to UNIT is performed if needed. - */ - def genStat(tree: Tree): Unit = { - lineNumber(tree) - - tree match { - case Assign(lhs @ DesugaredSelect(qual, _), rhs) => - val isStatic = lhs.symbol.isStaticMember - if (!isStatic) { genLoadQualifier(lhs) } - genLoad(rhs, symInfoTK(lhs.symbol)) - lineNumber(tree) - // receiverClass is used in the bytecode to access the field. using sym.owner may lead to IllegalAccessError - val receiverClass = qual.tpe.typeSymbol - fieldStore(lhs.symbol, receiverClass) - - case Assign(lhs, rhs) => - val s = lhs.symbol - val Local(tk, _, idx, _) = locals.getOrMakeLocal(s) - - rhs match { - case Apply(Select(larg: Ident, nme.ADD), Literal(x) :: Nil) - if larg.symbol == s && tk.isIntSizedType && x.isShortRange => - lineNumber(tree) - bc.iinc(idx, x.intValue) - - case Apply(Select(larg: Ident, nme.SUB), Literal(x) :: Nil) - if larg.symbol == s && tk.isIntSizedType && Constant(-x.intValue).isShortRange => - lineNumber(tree) - bc.iinc(idx, -x.intValue) - - case _ => - genLoad(rhs, tk) - lineNumber(tree) -, tk) - } - - case _ => - genLoad(tree, UNIT) - } - } - - /* Generate code for primitive arithmetic operations. */ - def genArithmeticOp(tree: Tree, code: Int): BType = tree match{ - case Apply(fun @ DesugaredSelect(larg, _), args) => - var resKind = tpeTK(larg) - - assert(resKind.isNumericType || (resKind == BOOL), - s"$resKind is not a numeric or boolean type [operation: ${fun.symbol}]") - - import ScalaPrimitivesOps._ - - args match { - // unary operation - case Nil => - genLoad(larg, resKind) - code match { - case POS => () // nothing - case NEG => bc.neg(resKind) - case NOT => bc.genPrimitiveArithmetic(Primitives.NOT, resKind) - case _ => abort(s"Unknown unary operation: ${fun.symbol.showFullName} code: $code") - } - - // binary operation - case rarg :: Nil => - val isShift = isShiftOp(code) - resKind = tpeTK(larg).maxType(if (isShift) INT else tpeTK(rarg)) - - if (isShift || isBitwiseOp(code)) { - assert(resKind.isIntegralType || (resKind == BOOL), - s"$resKind incompatible with arithmetic modulo operation.") - } - - genLoad(larg, resKind) - genLoad(rarg, if (isShift) INT else resKind) - - (code: @switch) match { - case ADD => bc add resKind - case SUB => bc sub resKind - case MUL => bc mul resKind - case DIV => bc div resKind - case MOD => bc rem resKind - - case OR | XOR | AND => bc.genPrimitiveLogical(code, resKind) - - case LSL | LSR | ASR => bc.genPrimitiveShift(code, resKind) - - case _ => abort(s"Unknown primitive: ${fun.symbol}[$code]") - } - - case _ => - abort(s"Too many arguments for primitive function: $tree") - } - lineNumber(tree) - resKind - } - - /* Generate primitive array operations. */ - def genArrayOp(tree: Tree, code: Int, expectedType: BType): BType = tree match{ - - case Apply(DesugaredSelect(arrayObj, _), args) => - import ScalaPrimitivesOps._ - val k = tpeTK(arrayObj) - genLoad(arrayObj, k) - val elementType = typeOfArrayOp.getOrElse[bTypes.BType](code, abort(s"Unknown operation on arrays: $tree code: $code")) - - var generatedType = expectedType - - if (isArrayGet(code)) { - // load argument on stack - assert(args.length == 1, s"Too many arguments for array get operation: $tree"); - genLoad(args.head, INT) - generatedType = k.asArrayBType.componentType - bc.aload(elementType) - } - else if (isArraySet(code)) { - val List(a1, a2) = args - genLoad(a1, INT) - genLoad(a2) - generatedType = UNIT - bc.astore(elementType) - } else { - generatedType = INT - emit(asm.Opcodes.ARRAYLENGTH) - } - lineNumber(tree) - - generatedType - } - - def genLoadIfTo(tree: If, expectedType: BType, dest: LoadDestination): BType = tree match{ - case If(condp, thenp, elsep) => - - val success = new asm.Label - val failure = new asm.Label - - val hasElse = !elsep.isEmpty && (elsep match { - case Literal(value) if value.tag == UnitTag => false - case _ => true - }) - - genCond(condp, success, failure, targetIfNoJump = success) - markProgramPoint(success) - - if dest == LoadDestination.FallThrough then - if hasElse then - val thenKind = tpeTK(thenp) - val elseKind = tpeTK(elsep) - def hasUnitBranch = (thenKind == UNIT || elseKind == UNIT) && expectedType == UNIT - val resKind = if (hasUnitBranch) UNIT else tpeTK(tree) - - val postIf = new asm.Label - genLoadTo(thenp, resKind, LoadDestination.Jump(postIf)) - markProgramPoint(failure) - genLoadTo(elsep, resKind, LoadDestination.FallThrough) - markProgramPoint(postIf) - resKind - else - genLoad(thenp, UNIT) - markProgramPoint(failure) - UNIT - end if - else - genLoadTo(thenp, expectedType, dest) - markProgramPoint(failure) - if hasElse then - genLoadTo(elsep, expectedType, dest) - else - genAdaptAndSendToDest(UNIT, expectedType, dest) - expectedType - end if - } - - def genPrimitiveOp(tree: Apply, expectedType: BType): BType = (tree: @unchecked) match { - case Apply(fun @ DesugaredSelect(receiver, _), _) => - val sym = tree.symbol - - val code = primitives.getPrimitive(tree, receiver.tpe) - - import ScalaPrimitivesOps._ - - if (isArithmeticOp(code)) genArithmeticOp(tree, code) - else if (code == CONCAT) genStringConcat(tree) - else if (code == HASH) genScalaHash(receiver) - else if (isArrayOp(code)) genArrayOp(tree, code, expectedType) - else if (isLogicalOp(code) || isComparisonOp(code)) { - val success, failure, after = new asm.Label - genCond(tree, success, failure, targetIfNoJump = success) - // success block - markProgramPoint(success) - bc boolconst true - bc goTo after - // failure block - markProgramPoint(failure) - bc boolconst false - // after - markProgramPoint(after) - - BOOL - } - else if (isCoercion(code)) { - genLoad(receiver) - lineNumber(tree) - genCoercion(code) - coercionTo(code) - } - else abort( - s"Primitive operation not handled yet: ${sym.showFullName}(${}) at: ${tree.span}" - ) - } - - def genLoad(tree: Tree): Unit = { - genLoad(tree, tpeTK(tree)) - } - - /* Generate code for trees that produce values on the stack */ - def genLoad(tree: Tree, expectedType: BType): Unit = - genLoadTo(tree, expectedType, LoadDestination.FallThrough) - - /* Generate code for trees that produce values, sent to a given `LoadDestination`. */ - def genLoadTo(tree: Tree, expectedType: BType, dest: LoadDestination): Unit = - var generatedType = expectedType - var generatedDest = LoadDestination.FallThrough - - lineNumber(tree) - - tree match { - case tree@ValDef(_, _, _) => - val sym = tree.symbol - /* most of the time, !locals.contains(sym), unless the current activation of genLoad() is being called - while duplicating a finalizer that contains this ValDef. */ - val loc = locals.getOrMakeLocal(sym) - val Local(tk, _, idx, isSynth) = loc - if (tree.rhs == tpd.EmptyTree) { emitZeroOf(tk) } - else { genLoad(tree.rhs, tk) } -, tk) - val localVarStart = currProgramPoint() - if (!isSynth) { // there are case ValDef's emitted by patmat - varsInScope ::= (sym -> localVarStart) - } - generatedType = UNIT - - case t @ If(_, _, _) => - generatedType = genLoadIfTo(t, expectedType, dest) - generatedDest = dest - - case t @ Labeled(_, _) => - generatedType = genLabeledTo(t, expectedType, dest) - generatedDest = dest - - case r: Return => - genReturn(r) - generatedDest = LoadDestination.Return - - case t @ WhileDo(_, _) => - generatedDest = genWhileDo(t) - generatedType = UNIT - - case t @ Try(_, _, _) => - generatedType = genLoadTry(t) - - case t: Apply if eq defn.throwMethod => - val thrownExpr = t.args.head - val thrownKind = tpeTK(thrownExpr) - genLoadTo(thrownExpr, thrownKind, LoadDestination.Throw) - generatedDest = LoadDestination.Throw - - case New(tpt) => - abort(s"Unexpected New(${tpt.tpe.showSummary()}/$tpt) reached GenBCode.\n" + - " Call was genLoad" + ((tree, expectedType))) - - case t @ Closure(env, call, tpt) => - val functionalInterface: Symbol = - if !tpt.isEmpty then tpt.tpe.classSymbol - else t.tpe.classSymbol - val (fun, args) = call match { - case Apply(fun, args) => (fun, args) - case t @ DesugaredSelect(_, _) => (t, Nil) // TODO: use Select - case t @ Ident(_) => (t, Nil) - } - - if (!fun.symbol.isStaticMember) { - // load receiver of non-static implementation of lambda - - // darkdimius: I haven't found in spec `this` reference should go - // but I was able to derrive it by reading - // AbstractValidatingLambdaMetafactory.validateMetafactoryArgs - - val DesugaredSelect(prefix, _) = fun: @unchecked - genLoad(prefix) - } - - genLoadArguments(env, map toTypeKind) - generatedType = genInvokeDynamicLambda(NoSymbol, fun.symbol, env.size, functionalInterface) - - case app @ Apply(_, _) => - generatedType = genApply(app, expectedType) - - case This(qual) => - val symIsModuleClass = - assert(tree.symbol == claszSymbol || symIsModuleClass, - s"Trying to access the this of another class: tree.symbol = ${tree.symbol}, class symbol = $claszSymbol compilation unit: $cunit") - if (symIsModuleClass && tree.symbol != claszSymbol) { - generatedType = genLoadModule(tree) - } - else { - mnode.visitVarInsn(asm.Opcodes.ALOAD, 0) - // When compiling Array.scala, the constructor invokes `Array.this.super.`. The expectedType - // is `[Object` (computed by typeToBType, the type of This(Array) is `Array[T]`). If we would set - // the generatedType to `Array` below, the call to adapt at the end would fail. The situation is - // similar for primitives (`I` vs `Int`). - if (tree.symbol != defn.ArrayClass && !tree.symbol.isPrimitiveValueClass) { - generatedType = classBTypeFromSymbol(claszSymbol) - } - } - - case DesugaredSelect(Ident(nme.EMPTY_PACKAGE), module) => - assert(, s"Selection of non-module from empty package: $tree sym: ${tree.symbol} at: ${tree.span}") - genLoadModule(tree) - - case DesugaredSelect(qualifier, _) => - val sym = tree.symbol - generatedType = symInfoTK(sym) - val qualSafeToElide = tpd.isIdempotentExpr(qualifier) - - def genLoadQualUnlessElidable(): Unit = { if (!qualSafeToElide) { genLoadQualifier(tree) } } - - // receiverClass is used in the bytecode to access the field. using sym.owner may lead to IllegalAccessError - def receiverClass = qualifier.tpe.typeSymbol - if ( { - genLoadQualUnlessElidable() - genLoadModule(tree) - } else if (sym.isStaticMember) { - genLoadQualUnlessElidable() - fieldLoad(sym, receiverClass) - } else { - genLoadQualifier(tree) - fieldLoad(sym, receiverClass) - } - - case t @ Ident(name) => - val sym = tree.symbol - val tk = symInfoTK(sym) - generatedType = tk - - val desugared = cachedDesugarIdent(t) - desugared match { - case None => - if (! { - if ( genLoadModule(sym) - else locals.load(sym) - } - case Some(t) => - genLoad(t, generatedType) - } - - case Literal(value) => - if (value.tag != UnitTag) (value.tag, expectedType) match { - case (IntTag, LONG ) => bc.lconst(value.longValue); generatedType = LONG - case (FloatTag, DOUBLE) => bc.dconst(value.doubleValue); generatedType = DOUBLE - case (NullTag, _ ) => bc.emit(asm.Opcodes.ACONST_NULL); generatedType = srNullRef - case _ => genConstant(value); generatedType = tpeTK(tree) - } - - case blck @ Block(stats, expr) => - if(stats.isEmpty) - genLoadTo(expr, expectedType, dest) - else - genBlockTo(blck, expectedType, dest) - generatedDest = dest - - case Typed(Super(_, _), _) => - genLoadTo(tpd.This(claszSymbol.asClass), expectedType, dest) - generatedDest = dest - - case Typed(expr, _) => - genLoadTo(expr, expectedType, dest) - generatedDest = dest - - case Assign(_, _) => - generatedType = UNIT - genStat(tree) - - case av @ ArrayValue(_, _) => - generatedType = genArrayValue(av) - - case mtch @ Match(_, _) => - generatedType = genMatchTo(mtch, expectedType, dest) - generatedDest = dest - - case tpd.EmptyTree => if (expectedType != UNIT) { emitZeroOf(expectedType) } - - - case t: TypeApply => // dotty specific - generatedType = genTypeApply(t) - - case _ => abort(s"Unexpected tree in genLoad: $tree/${tree.getClass} at: ${tree.span}") - } - - // emit conversion and send to the right destination - if generatedDest == LoadDestination.FallThrough then - genAdaptAndSendToDest(generatedType, expectedType, dest) - end genLoadTo - - def genAdaptAndSendToDest(generatedType: BType, expectedType: BType, dest: LoadDestination): Unit = - if generatedType != expectedType then - adapt(generatedType, expectedType) - - dest match - case LoadDestination.FallThrough => - () - case LoadDestination.Jump(label) => - bc goTo label - case LoadDestination.Return => - bc emitRETURN returnType - case LoadDestination.Throw => - val thrownType = expectedType - // `throw null` is valid although scala.Null (as defined in src/libray-aux) isn't a subtype of Throwable. - // Similarly for scala.Nothing (again, as defined in src/libray-aux). - assert(thrownType.isNullType || thrownType.isNothingType || thrownType.asClassBType.isSubtypeOf(jlThrowableRef)) - emit(asm.Opcodes.ATHROW) - end genAdaptAndSendToDest - - // ---------------- field load and store ---------------- - - /* - * must-single-thread - */ - def fieldLoad( field: Symbol, hostClass: Symbol = null): Unit = fieldOp(field, isLoad = true, hostClass) - - /* - * must-single-thread - */ - def fieldStore(field: Symbol, hostClass: Symbol = null): Unit = fieldOp(field, isLoad = false, hostClass) - - /* - * must-single-thread - */ - private def fieldOp(field: Symbol, isLoad: Boolean, specificReceiver: Symbol): Unit = { - val useSpecificReceiver = specificReceiver != null && !field.isScalaStatic - - val owner = internalName(if (useSpecificReceiver) specificReceiver else field.owner) - val fieldJName = field.javaSimpleName - val fieldDescr = symInfoTK(field).descriptor - val isStatic = field.isStaticMember - val opc = - if (isLoad) { if (isStatic) asm.Opcodes.GETSTATIC else asm.Opcodes.GETFIELD } - else { if (isStatic) asm.Opcodes.PUTSTATIC else asm.Opcodes.PUTFIELD } - mnode.visitFieldInsn(opc, owner, fieldJName, fieldDescr) - - } - - // ---------------- emitting constant values ---------------- - - /* - * For ClazzTag: - * must-single-thread - * Otherwise it's safe to call from multiple threads. - */ - def genConstant(const: Constant): Unit = { - (const.tag/*: @switch*/) match { - - case BooleanTag => bc.boolconst(const.booleanValue) - - case ByteTag => bc.iconst(const.byteValue) - case ShortTag => bc.iconst(const.shortValue) - case CharTag => bc.iconst(const.charValue) - case IntTag => bc.iconst(const.intValue) - - case LongTag => bc.lconst(const.longValue) - case FloatTag => bc.fconst(const.floatValue) - case DoubleTag => bc.dconst(const.doubleValue) - - case UnitTag => () - - case StringTag => - assert(const.value != null, const) // TODO this invariant isn't documented in `case class Constant` - mnode.visitLdcInsn(const.stringValue) // `stringValue` special-cases null, but not for a const with StringTag - - case NullTag => emit(asm.Opcodes.ACONST_NULL) - - case ClazzTag => - val tp = toTypeKind(const.typeValue) - if tp.isPrimitive then - val boxedClass = boxedClassOfPrimitive(tp.asPrimitiveBType) - mnode.visitFieldInsn( - asm.Opcodes.GETSTATIC, - boxedClass.internalName, - "TYPE", // field name - jlClassRef.descriptor - ) - else - mnode.visitLdcInsn(tp.toASMType) - - case _ => abort(s"Unknown constant value: $const") - } - } - - private def genLabeledTo(tree: Labeled, expectedType: BType, dest: LoadDestination): BType = tree match { - case Labeled(bind, expr) => - - val labelSym = bind.symbol - - if dest == LoadDestination.FallThrough then - val resKind = tpeTK(tree) - val jumpTarget = new asm.Label - registerJumpDest(labelSym, resKind, LoadDestination.Jump(jumpTarget)) - genLoad(expr, resKind) - markProgramPoint(jumpTarget) - resKind - else - registerJumpDest(labelSym, expectedType, dest) - genLoadTo(expr, expectedType, dest) - expectedType - end if - } - - private def genReturn(r: Return): Unit = { - val expr: Tree = r.expr - val fromSym: Symbol = if ( r.from.symbol else NoSymbol - - if (NoSymbol == fromSym) { - // return from enclosing method - cleanups match { - case Nil => - // not an assertion: !shouldEmitCleanup (at least not yet, pendingCleanups() may still have to run, and reset `shouldEmitCleanup`. - genLoadTo(expr, returnType, LoadDestination.Return) - case nextCleanup :: rest => - genLoad(expr, returnType) - lineNumber(r) - val saveReturnValue = (returnType != UNIT) - if (saveReturnValue) { - // regarding return value, the protocol is: in place of a `return-stmt`, a sequence of `adapt, store, jump` are inserted. - if (earlyReturnVar == null) { - earlyReturnVar = locals.makeLocal(returnType, "earlyReturnVar", expr.tpe, expr.span) - } - - } - bc goTo nextCleanup - shouldEmitCleanup = true - } - } else { - // return from labeled - assert(, fromSym) - assert(!, fromSym) - - /* TODO At the moment, we disregard cleanups, because by construction we don't have return-from-labels - * that cross cleanup boundaries. However, in theory such crossings are valid, so we should take care - * of them. - */ - val (exprExpectedType, exprDest) = findJumpDest(fromSym) - genLoadTo(expr, exprExpectedType, exprDest) - } - } // end of genReturn() - - def genWhileDo(tree: WhileDo): LoadDestination = tree match{ - case WhileDo(cond, body) => - - val isInfinite = cond == tpd.EmptyTree - - val loop = new asm.Label - markProgramPoint(loop) - - if isInfinite then - val dest = LoadDestination.Jump(loop) - genLoadTo(body, UNIT, dest) - dest - else - body match - case Literal(value) if value.tag == UnitTag => - // this is the shape of do..while loops - val exitLoop = new asm.Label - genCond(cond, loop, exitLoop, targetIfNoJump = exitLoop) - markProgramPoint(exitLoop) - case _ => - val success = new asm.Label - val failure = new asm.Label - genCond(cond, success, failure, targetIfNoJump = success) - markProgramPoint(success) - genLoadTo(body, UNIT, LoadDestination.Jump(loop)) - markProgramPoint(failure) - end match - LoadDestination.FallThrough - } - - def genTypeApply(t: TypeApply): BType = (t: @unchecked) match { - case TypeApply(fun@DesugaredSelect(obj, _), targs) => - - val sym = fun.symbol - val cast = - if (sym == defn.Any_isInstanceOf) false - else if (sym == defn.Any_asInstanceOf) true - else abort(s"Unexpected type application $fun[sym: ${sym.showFullName}] in: $t") - val l = tpeTK(obj) - val r = tpeTK(targs.head) - genLoadQualifier(fun) - - // TODO @lry make pattern match - if (l.isPrimitive && r.isPrimitive) - genConversion(l, r, cast) - else if (l.isPrimitive) { - bc drop l - if (cast) { - mnode.visitTypeInsn(asm.Opcodes.NEW, jlClassCastExceptionRef.internalName) - bc dup ObjectRef - emit(asm.Opcodes.ATHROW) - } else { - bc boolconst false - } - } - else if (r.isPrimitive && cast) { - abort(s"Erasure should have added an unboxing operation to prevent this cast. Tree: $t") - } - else if (r.isPrimitive) { - bc isInstance boxedClassOfPrimitive(r.asPrimitiveBType) - } - else { - assert(r.isRef, r) // ensure that it's not a method - genCast(r.asRefBType, cast) - } - - if (cast) r else BOOL - } // end of genTypeApply() - - - private def mkArrayConstructorCall(arr: ArrayBType, app: Apply, args: List[Tree]) = { - val dims = arr.dimension - var elemKind = arr.elementType - val argsSize = args.length - if (argsSize > dims) { - report.error(em"too many arguments for array constructor: found ${args.length} but array has only $dims dimension(s)", ctx.source.atSpan(app.span)) - } - if (argsSize < dims) { - /* In one step: - * elemKind = new BType(BType.ARRAY, + argsSize, arr.len - argsSize) - * however the above does not enter a TypeName for each nested arrays in chrs. - */ - for (i <- args.length until dims) elemKind = ArrayBType(elemKind) - } - genLoadArguments(args, List.fill(args.size)(INT)) - (argsSize /*: @switch*/) match { - case 1 => bc newarray elemKind - case _ => - val descr = ("[" * argsSize) + elemKind.descriptor // denotes the same as: arrayN(elemKind, argsSize).descriptor - mnode.visitMultiANewArrayInsn(descr, argsSize) - } - } - - - private def genApply(app: Apply, expectedType: BType): BType = { - var generatedType = expectedType - lineNumber(app) - app match { - case Apply(_, args) if app.symbol eq defn.newArrayMethod => - val List(elemClaz, Literal(c: Constant), ArrayValue(_, dims)) = args: @unchecked - - generatedType = toTypeKind(c.typeValue) - mkArrayConstructorCall(generatedType.asArrayBType, app, dims) - case Apply(t :TypeApply, _) => - generatedType = - if (t.symbol ne defn.Object_synchronized) genTypeApply(t) - else genSynchronized(app, expectedType) - - case Apply(fun @ DesugaredSelect(Super(superQual, _), _), args) => - // 'super' call: Note: since constructors are supposed to - // return an instance of what they construct, we have to take - // special care. On JVM they are 'void', and Scala forbids (syntactically) - // to call super constructors explicitly and/or use their 'returned' value. - // therefore, we can ignore this fact, and generate code that leaves nothing - // on the stack (contrary to what the type in the AST says). - - // scala/bug#10290: qual can be `this.$outer()` (not just `this`), so we call genLoad (not just ALOAD_0) - genLoad(superQual) - genLoadArguments(args, paramTKs(app)) - generatedType = genCallMethod(fun.symbol, InvokeStyle.Super, app.span) - - // 'new' constructor call: Note: since constructors are - // thought to return an instance of what they construct, - // we have to 'simulate' it by DUPlicating the freshly created - // instance (on JVM, methods return VOID). - case Apply(fun @ DesugaredSelect(New(tpt), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), args) => - val ctor = fun.symbol - assert(ctor.isClassConstructor, s"'new' call to non-constructor: ${}") - - generatedType = toTypeKind(tpt.tpe) - assert(generatedType.isRef, s"Non reference type cannot be instantiated: $generatedType") - - generatedType match { - case arr: ArrayBType => - mkArrayConstructorCall(arr, app, args) - - case rt: ClassBType => - assert(classBTypeFromSymbol(ctor.owner) == rt, s"Symbol ${ctor.owner.showFullName} is different from $rt") - mnode.visitTypeInsn(asm.Opcodes.NEW, rt.internalName) - bc dup generatedType - genLoadArguments(args, paramTKs(app)) - genCallMethod(ctor, InvokeStyle.Special, app.span) - - case _ => - abort(s"Cannot instantiate $tpt of kind: $generatedType") - } - - case Apply(fun, List(expr)) if Erasure.Boxing.isBox(fun.symbol) && fun.symbol.denot.owner != defn.UnitModuleClass => - val nativeKind = tpeTK(expr) - genLoad(expr, nativeKind) - val MethodNameAndType(mname, methodType) = asmBoxTo(nativeKind) - bc.invokestatic(srBoxesRuntimeRef.internalName, mname, methodType.descriptor, itf = false) - generatedType = boxResultType(fun.symbol) // was toTypeKind(fun.symbol.tpe.resultType) - - case Apply(fun, List(expr)) if Erasure.Boxing.isUnbox(fun.symbol) && fun.symbol.denot.owner != defn.UnitModuleClass => - genLoad(expr) - val boxType = unboxResultType(fun.symbol) // was toTypeKind(fun.symbol.owner.linkedClassOfClass.tpe) - generatedType = boxType - val MethodNameAndType(mname, methodType) = asmUnboxTo(boxType) - bc.invokestatic(srBoxesRuntimeRef.internalName, mname, methodType.descriptor, itf = false) - - case app @ Apply(fun, args) => - val sym = fun.symbol - - if (isPrimitive(fun)) { // primitive method call - generatedType = genPrimitiveOp(app, expectedType) - } else { // normal method call - val invokeStyle = - if (sym.isStaticMember) InvokeStyle.Static - else if ( || sym.isClassConstructor) InvokeStyle.Special - else if (app.hasAttachment(BCodeHelpers.UseInvokeSpecial)) InvokeStyle.Special - else InvokeStyle.Virtual - - if (invokeStyle.hasInstance) genLoadQualifier(fun) - genLoadArguments(args, paramTKs(app)) - - val DesugaredSelect(qual, name) = fun: @unchecked // fun is a Select, also checked in genLoadQualifier - val isArrayClone = name == nme.clone_ && qual.tpe.widen.isInstanceOf[JavaArrayType] - if (isArrayClone) { - // Special-case Array.clone, introduced in 36ef60e. The goal is to generate this call - // as "[I.clone" instead of "java/lang/Object.clone". This is consistent with javac. - // Arrays have a public method `clone` (jls 10.7). - // - // The JVMS is not explicit about this, but that receiver type can be an array type - // descriptor (instead of a class internal name): - // invokevirtual #2; //Method "[I".clone:()Ljava/lang/Object - // - // Note that using `Object.clone()` would work as well, but only because the JVM - // relaxes protected access specifically if the receiver is an array: - // - // Example: `class C { override def clone(): Object = "hi" }` - // Emitting `def f(c: C) = c.clone()` as `Object.clone()` gives a VerifyError. - val target: String = tpeTK(qual).asRefBType.classOrArrayType - val methodBType = asmMethodType(sym) - bc.invokevirtual(target, sym.javaSimpleName, methodBType.descriptor) - generatedType = methodBType.returnType - } else { - val receiverClass = if (!invokeStyle.isVirtual) null else { - // receiverClass is used in the bytecode to as the method receiver. using sym.owner - // may lead to IllegalAccessErrors, see 9954eaf / aladdin bug 455. - val qualSym = qual.tpe.typeSymbol - if (qualSym == defn.ArrayClass) { - // For invocations like `Array(1).hashCode` or `.wait()`, use Object as receiver - // in the bytecode. Using the array descriptor (like we do for clone above) seems - // to work as well, but it seems safer not to change this. Javac also uses Object. - // Note that array apply/update/length are handled by isPrimitive (above). - assert(sym.owner == defn.ObjectClass, s"unexpected array call: $app") - defn.ObjectClass - } else qualSym - } - generatedType = genCallMethod(sym, invokeStyle, app.span, receiverClass) - } - } - } - - generatedType - } // end of genApply() - - private def genArrayValue(av: tpd.JavaSeqLiteral): BType = { - val ArrayValue(tpt, elems) = av: @unchecked - - lineNumber(av) - genArray(elems, tpt) - } - - private def genArray(elems: List[Tree], elemType: Type): BType = { - val elmKind = toTypeKind(elemType) - val generatedType = ArrayBType(elmKind) - - bc iconst elems.length - bc newarray elmKind - - var i = 0 - var rest = elems - while (!rest.isEmpty) { - bc dup generatedType - bc iconst i - genLoad(rest.head, elmKind) - bc astore elmKind - rest = rest.tail - i = i + 1 - } - - generatedType - } - - /* A Match node contains one or more case clauses, each case clause lists one or more - * Int/String values to use as keys, and a code block. The exception is the "default" case - * clause which doesn't list any key (there is exactly one of these per match). - */ - private def genMatchTo(tree: Match, expectedType: BType, dest: LoadDestination): BType = tree match { - case Match(selector, cases) => - lineNumber(tree) - - val (generatedType, postMatch, postMatchDest) = - if dest == LoadDestination.FallThrough then - val postMatch = new asm.Label - (tpeTK(tree), postMatch, LoadDestination.Jump(postMatch)) - else - (expectedType, null, dest) - - // Only two possible selector types exist in `Match` trees at this point: Int and String - if (tpeTK(selector) == INT) { - - /* On a first pass over the case clauses, we flatten the keys and their - * targets (the latter represented with asm.Labels). That representation - * allows JCodeMethodV to emit a lookupswitch or a tableswitch. - * - * On a second pass, we emit the switch blocks, one for each different target. - */ - - var flatKeys: List[Int] = Nil - var targets: List[asm.Label] = Nil - var default: asm.Label = null - var switchBlocks: List[(asm.Label, Tree)] = Nil - - genLoad(selector, INT) - - // collect switch blocks and their keys, but don't emit yet any switch-block. - for (caze @ CaseDef(pat, guard, body) <- cases) { - assert(guard == tpd.EmptyTree, guard) - val switchBlockPoint = new asm.Label - switchBlocks ::= (switchBlockPoint, body) - pat match { - case Literal(value) => - flatKeys ::= value.intValue - targets ::= switchBlockPoint - case Ident(nme.WILDCARD) => - assert(default == null, s"multiple default targets in a Match node, at ${tree.span}") - default = switchBlockPoint - case Alternative(alts) => - alts foreach { - case Literal(value) => - flatKeys ::= value.intValue - targets ::= switchBlockPoint - case _ => - abort(s"Invalid alternative in alternative pattern in Match node: $tree at: ${tree.span}") - } - case _ => - abort(s"Invalid pattern in Match node: $tree at: ${tree.span}") - } - } - - bc.emitSWITCH(mkArrayReverse(flatKeys), mkArrayL(targets.reverse), default, MIN_SWITCH_DENSITY) - - // emit switch-blocks. - for (sb <- switchBlocks.reverse) { - val (caseLabel, caseBody) = sb - markProgramPoint(caseLabel) - genLoadTo(caseBody, generatedType, postMatchDest) - } - } else { - - /* Since the JVM doesn't have a way to switch on a string, we switch - * on the `hashCode` of the string then do an `equals` check (with a - * possible second set of jumps if blocks can be reach from multiple - * string alternatives). - * - * This mirrors the way that Java compiles `switch` on Strings. - */ - - var default: asm.Label = null - var indirectBlocks: List[(asm.Label, Tree)] = Nil - - - // Cases grouped by their hashCode - val casesByHash = SortedMap.empty[Int, List[(String, Either[asm.Label, Tree])]] - var caseFallback: Tree = null - - for (caze @ CaseDef(pat, guard, body) <- cases) { - assert(guard == tpd.EmptyTree, guard) - pat match { - case Literal(value) => - val strValue = value.stringValue - casesByHash.updateWith(strValue.##) { existingCasesOpt => - val newCase = (strValue, Right(body)) - Some(newCase :: existingCasesOpt.getOrElse(Nil)) - } - case Ident(nme.WILDCARD) => - assert(default == null, s"multiple default targets in a Match node, at ${tree.span}") - default = new asm.Label - indirectBlocks ::= (default, body) - case Alternative(alts) => - // We need an extra basic block since multiple strings can lead to this code - val indirectCaseGroupLabel = new asm.Label - indirectBlocks ::= (indirectCaseGroupLabel, body) - alts foreach { - case Literal(value) => - val strValue = value.stringValue - casesByHash.updateWith(strValue.##) { existingCasesOpt => - val newCase = (strValue, Left(indirectCaseGroupLabel)) - Some(newCase :: existingCasesOpt.getOrElse(Nil)) - } - case _ => - abort(s"Invalid alternative in alternative pattern in Match node: $tree at: ${tree.span}") - } - - case _ => - abort(s"Invalid pattern in Match node: $tree at: ${tree.span}") - } - } - - // Organize the hashCode options into switch cases - var flatKeys: List[Int] = Nil - var targets: List[asm.Label] = Nil - var hashBlocks: List[(asm.Label, List[(String, Either[asm.Label, Tree])])] = Nil - for ((hashValue, hashCases) <- casesByHash) { - val switchBlockPoint = new asm.Label - hashBlocks ::= (switchBlockPoint, hashCases) - flatKeys ::= hashValue - targets ::= switchBlockPoint - } - - // Push the hashCode of the string (or `0` it is `null`) onto the stack and switch on it - genLoadIfTo( - If( -, - Literal(Constant(0)), - - ), - INT, - LoadDestination.FallThrough - ) - bc.emitSWITCH(mkArrayReverse(flatKeys), mkArrayL(targets.reverse), default, MIN_SWITCH_DENSITY) - - // emit blocks for each hash case - for ((hashLabel, caseAlternatives) <- hashBlocks.reverse) { - markProgramPoint(hashLabel) - for ((caseString, indirectLblOrBody) <- caseAlternatives) { - val comparison = if (caseString == null) defn.Any_== else defn.Any_equals - val condp = Literal(Constant(caseString)).select(defn.Any_==).appliedTo(tree.selector) - val keepGoing = new asm.Label - indirectLblOrBody match { - case Left(jump) => - genCond(condp, jump, keepGoing, targetIfNoJump = keepGoing) - - case Right(caseBody) => - val thisCaseMatches = new asm.Label - genCond(condp, thisCaseMatches, keepGoing, targetIfNoJump = thisCaseMatches) - markProgramPoint(thisCaseMatches) - genLoadTo(caseBody, generatedType, postMatchDest) - } - markProgramPoint(keepGoing) - } - bc goTo default - } - - // emit blocks for common patterns - for ((caseLabel, caseBody) <- indirectBlocks.reverse) { - markProgramPoint(caseLabel) - genLoadTo(caseBody, generatedType, postMatchDest) - } - } - - if postMatch != null then - markProgramPoint(postMatch) - generatedType - } - - def genBlockTo(tree: Block, expectedType: BType, dest: LoadDestination): Unit = tree match { - case Block(stats, expr) => - - val savedScope = varsInScope - varsInScope = Nil - stats foreach genStat - genLoadTo(expr, expectedType, dest) - emitLocalVarScopes() - varsInScope = savedScope - } - - /** Add entries to the `LocalVariableTable` JVM attribute for all the vars in - * `varsInScope`, ending at the current program point. - */ - def emitLocalVarScopes(): Unit = - if (emitVars) { - val end = currProgramPoint() - for ((sym, start) <- varsInScope.reverse) { - emitLocalVarScope(sym, start, end) - } - } - end emitLocalVarScopes - - def adapt(from: BType, to: BType): Unit = { - if (!from.conformsTo(to)) { - to match { - case UNIT => bc drop from - case _ => bc.emitT2T(from, to) - } - } else if (from.isNothingType) { - /* There are two possibilities for from.isNothingType: emitting a "throw e" expressions and - * loading a (phantom) value of type Nothing. - * - * The Nothing type in Scala's type system does not exist in the JVM. In bytecode, Nothing - * is mapped to scala.runtime.Nothing$. To the JVM, a call to Predef.??? looks like it would - * return an object of type Nothing$. We need to do something with that phantom object on - * the stack. "Phantom" because it never exists: such methods always throw, but the JVM does - * not know that. - * - * Note: The two verifiers (old: type inference, new: type checking) have different - * requirements. Very briefly: - * - * Old ( at - * each program point, no matter what branches were taken to get there - * - Stack is same size and has same typed values - * - Local and stack values need to have consistent types - * - In practice, the old verifier seems to ignore unreachable code and accept any - * instructions after an ATHROW. For example, there can be another ATHROW (without - * loading another throwable first). - * - * New ( - * - Requires consistent stack map frames. GenBCode generates stack frames if -target:jvm-1.6 - * or higher. - * - In practice: the ASM library computes stack map frames for us (ClassWriter). Emitting - * correct frames after an ATHROW is probably complex, so ASM uses the following strategy: - * - Every time when generating an ATHROW, a new basic block is started. - * - During classfile writing, such basic blocks are found to be dead: no branches go there - * - Eliminating dead code would probably require complex shifts in the output byte buffer - * - But there's an easy solution: replace all code in the dead block with - * `nop; nop; ... nop; athrow`, making sure the bytecode size stays the same - * - The corresponding stack frame can be easily generated: on entering a dead the block, - * the frame requires a single Throwable on the stack. - * - Since there are no branches to the dead block, the frame requirements are never violated. - * - * To summarize the above: it does matter what we emit after an ATHROW. - * - * NOW: if we end up here because we emitted a load of a (phantom) value of type Nothing$, - * there was no ATHROW emitted. So, we have to make the verifier happy and do something - * with that value. Since Nothing$ extends Throwable, the easiest is to just emit an ATHROW. - * - * If we ended up here because we generated a "throw e" expression, we know the last - * emitted instruction was an ATHROW. As explained above, it is OK to emit a second ATHROW, - * the verifiers will be happy. - */ - if (lastInsn.getOpcode != asm.Opcodes.ATHROW) - emit(asm.Opcodes.ATHROW) - } else if (from.isNullType) { - /* After loading an expression of type `scala.runtime.Null$`, introduce POP; ACONST_NULL. - * This is required to pass the verifier: in Scala's type system, Null conforms to any - * reference type. In bytecode, the type Null is represented by scala.runtime.Null$, which - * is not a subtype of all reference types. Example: - * - * def nl: Null = null // in bytecode, nl has return type scala.runtime.Null$ - * val a: String = nl // OK for Scala but not for the JVM, scala.runtime.Null$ does not conform to String - * - * In order to fix the above problem, the value returned by nl is dropped and ACONST_NULL is - * inserted instead - after all, an expression of type scala.runtime.Null$ can only be null. - */ - if (lastInsn.getOpcode != asm.Opcodes.ACONST_NULL) { - bc drop from - emit(asm.Opcodes.ACONST_NULL) - } - } - else (from, to) match { - case (BYTE, LONG) | (SHORT, LONG) | (CHAR, LONG) | (INT, LONG) => bc.emitT2T(INT, LONG) - case _ => () - } - } - - /* Emit code to Load the qualifier of `tree` on top of the stack. */ - def genLoadQualifier(tree: Tree): Unit = { - lineNumber(tree) - tree match { - case DesugaredSelect(qualifier, _) => genLoad(qualifier) - case t: Ident => // dotty specific - cachedDesugarIdent(t) match { - case Some(sel) => genLoadQualifier(sel) - case None => - assert(t.symbol.owner == this.claszSymbol) - } - case _ => abort(s"Unknown qualifier $tree") - } - } - - def genLoadArguments(args: List[Tree], btpes: List[BType]): Unit = - args match - case arg :: args1 => - btpes match - case btpe :: btpes1 => - genLoad(arg, btpe) - genLoadArguments(args1, btpes1) - case _ => - case _ => - - def genLoadModule(tree: Tree): BType = { - val module = ( - if (! tree.symbol - else match { - case NoSymbol => abort(s"SI-5604: Cannot use package as value: $tree") - case s => abort(s"SI-5604: found package class where package object expected: $tree") - } - ) - lineNumber(tree) - genLoadModule(module) - symInfoTK(module) - } - - def genLoadModule(module: Symbol): Unit = { - def inStaticMethod = methSymbol != null && methSymbol.isStaticMember - if (claszSymbol == module.moduleClass && jMethodName != "readResolve" && !inStaticMethod) { - mnode.visitVarInsn(asm.Opcodes.ALOAD, 0) - } else { - val mbt = symInfoTK(module).asClassBType - mnode.visitFieldInsn( - asm.Opcodes.GETSTATIC, - mbt.internalName /* + "$" */ , - str.MODULE_INSTANCE_FIELD, - mbt.descriptor // for nostalgics: toTypeKind(module.tpe).descriptor - ) - } - } - - def genConversion(from: BType, to: BType, cast: Boolean): Unit = { - if (cast) { bc.emitT2T(from, to) } - else { - bc drop from - bc boolconst (from == to) - } - } - - def genCast(to: RefBType, cast: Boolean): Unit = { - if (cast) { bc checkCast to } - else { bc isInstance to } - } - - /* Is the given symbol a primitive operation? */ - def isPrimitive(fun: Tree): Boolean = { - primitives.isPrimitive(fun) - } - - /* Generate coercion denoted by "code" */ - def genCoercion(code: Int): Unit = { - import ScalaPrimitivesOps._ - (code: @switch) match { - case B2B | S2S | C2C | I2I | L2L | F2F | D2D => () - case _ => - val from = coercionFrom(code) - val to = coercionTo(code) - bc.emitT2T(from, to) - } - } - - /* Generate string concatenation - * - * On JDK 8: create and append using `StringBuilder` - * On JDK 9+: use `invokedynamic` with `StringConcatFactory` - */ - def genStringConcat(tree: Tree): BType = { - lineNumber(tree) - liftStringConcat(tree) match { - // Optimization for expressions of the form "" + x - case List(Literal(Constant("")), arg) => - genLoad(arg, ObjectRef) - genCallMethod(defn.String_valueOf_Object, InvokeStyle.Static) - - case concatenations => - val concatArguments = concatenations.view - .filter { - case Literal(Constant("")) => false // empty strings are no-ops in concatenation - case _ => true - } - .map { - case Apply(boxOp, value :: Nil) if Erasure.Boxing.isBox(boxOp.symbol) && boxOp.symbol.denot.owner != defn.UnitModuleClass => - // Eliminate boxing of primitive values. Boxing is introduced by erasure because - // there's only a single synthetic `+` method "added" to the string class. - value - case other => other - } - .toList - - // `StringConcatFactory` only got added in JDK 9, so use `StringBuilder` for lower - if (classfileVersion < asm.Opcodes.V9) { - - // Estimate capacity needed for the string builder - val approxBuilderSize = { - case Literal(Constant(s: String)) => s.length - case Literal(c @ Constant(_)) if c.isNonUnitAnyVal => String.valueOf(c).length - case _ => 0 - }.sum - bc.genNewStringBuilder(approxBuilderSize) - - for (elem <- concatArguments) { - val elemType = tpeTK(elem) - genLoad(elem, elemType) - bc.genStringBuilderAppend(elemType) - } - bc.genStringBuilderEnd - } else { - - /* `StringConcatFactory#makeConcatWithConstants` accepts max 200 argument slots. If - * the string concatenation is longer (unlikely), we spill into multiple calls - */ - val MaxIndySlots = 200 - val TagArg = '\u0001' // indicates a hole (in the recipe string) for an argument - val TagConst = '\u0002' // indicates a hole (in the recipe string) for a constant - - val recipe = new StringBuilder() - val argTypes = Seq.newBuilder[asm.Type] - val constVals = Seq.newBuilder[String] - var totalArgSlots = 0 - var countConcats = 1 // ie. 1 + how many times we spilled - - for (elem <- concatArguments) { - val tpe = tpeTK(elem) - val elemSlots = tpe.size - - // Unlikely spill case - if (totalArgSlots + elemSlots >= MaxIndySlots) { - bc.genIndyStringConcat(recipe.toString, argTypes.result(), constVals.result()) - countConcats += 1 - totalArgSlots = 0 - recipe.setLength(0) - argTypes.clear() - constVals.clear() - } - - elem match { - case Literal(Constant(s: String)) => - if (s.contains(TagArg) || s.contains(TagConst)) { - totalArgSlots += elemSlots - recipe.append(TagConst) - constVals += s - } else { - recipe.append(s) - } - - case other => - totalArgSlots += elemSlots - recipe.append(TagArg) - val tpe = tpeTK(elem) - argTypes += tpe.toASMType - genLoad(elem, tpe) - } - } - bc.genIndyStringConcat(recipe.toString, argTypes.result(), constVals.result()) - - // If we spilled, generate one final concat - if (countConcats > 1) { - bc.genIndyStringConcat( - TagArg.toString * countConcats, - Seq.fill(countConcats)(StringRef.toASMType), - Seq.empty - ) - } - } - } - StringRef - } - - /** - * Generate a method invocation. If `specificReceiver != null`, it is used as receiver in the - * invocation instruction, otherwise `method.owner`. A specific receiver class is needed to - * prevent an IllegalAccessError, (aladdin bug 455). - */ - def genCallMethod(method: Symbol, style: InvokeStyle, pos: Span = NoSpan, specificReceiver: Symbol = null): BType = { - val methodOwner = method.owner - - // the class used in the invocation's method descriptor in the classfile - val receiverClass = { - if (specificReceiver != null) - assert(style.isVirtual || specificReceiver == methodOwner, s"specificReceiver can only be specified for virtual calls. $method - $specificReceiver") - - val useSpecificReceiver = specificReceiver != null && !defn.isBottomClass(specificReceiver) && !method.isScalaStatic - val receiver = if (useSpecificReceiver) specificReceiver else methodOwner - - // workaround for a JVM bug: - // when an interface method overrides a member of Object (note that all interfaces implicitly - // have superclass Object), the receiver needs to be the interface declaring the override (and - // not a sub-interface that inherits it). example: - // trait T { override def clone(): Object = "" } - // trait U extends T - // class C extends U - // class D { def f(u: U) = u.clone() } - // The invocation `u.clone()` needs `T` as a receiver: - // - using Object is illegal, as Object.clone is protected - // - using U results in a `NoSuchMethodError: U.clone. This is the JVM bug. - // Note that a mixin forwarder is generated, so the correct method is executed in the end: - // class C { override def clone(): Object = super[T].clone() } - val isTraitMethodOverridingObjectMember = { - receiver != methodOwner && // fast path - the boolean is used to pick either of these two, if they are the same it does not matter - style.isVirtual && - isEmittedInterface(receiver) && - defn.ObjectType.decl( && { // fast path - compute overrideChain on the next line only if necessary - val syms = method.allOverriddenSymbols.toList - !syms.isEmpty && syms.last.owner == defn.ObjectClass - } - } - if (isTraitMethodOverridingObjectMember) methodOwner else receiver - } - - // ensure types the type is up to date; erasure may add lateINTERFACE to traits - val receiverName = internalName(receiverClass) - - val jname = method.javaSimpleName - val bmType = asmMethodType(method) - val mdescr = bmType.descriptor - - val isInterface = isEmittedInterface(receiverClass) - import InvokeStyle._ - if (style == Super) { - if (isInterface && ! { - val args = new Array[BType](bmType.argumentTypes.length + 1) - val ownerBType = toTypeKind( - bmType.argumentTypes.copyToArray(args, 1) - val staticDesc = MethodBType(ownerBType :: bmType.argumentTypes, bmType.returnType).descriptor - val staticName = traitSuperAccessorName(method) - bc.invokestatic(receiverName, staticName, staticDesc, isInterface) - } else { - bc.invokespecial(receiverName, jname, mdescr, isInterface) - } - } else { - val opc = style match { - case Static => Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC - case Special => Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL - case Virtual => if (isInterface) Opcodes.INVOKEINTERFACE else Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL - } - bc.emitInvoke(opc, receiverName, jname, mdescr, isInterface) - } - - bmType.returnType - } // end of genCallMethod() - - /* Generate the scala ## method. */ - def genScalaHash(tree: Tree): BType = { - genLoad(tree, ObjectRef) - genCallMethod(NoSymbol, InvokeStyle.Static) // used to dispatch ## on primitives to ScalaRuntime.hash. Should be implemented by a miniphase - } - - /* - * Returns a list of trees that each should be concatenated, from left to right. - * It turns a chained call like "a".+("b").+("c") into a list of arguments. - */ - def liftStringConcat(tree: Tree): List[Tree] = tree match { - case tree @ Apply(fun @ DesugaredSelect(larg, method), rarg) => - if (isPrimitive(fun) && - primitives.getPrimitive(tree, larg.tpe) == ScalaPrimitivesOps.CONCAT) - liftStringConcat(larg) ::: rarg - else - tree :: Nil - case _ => - tree :: Nil - } - - /* Emit code to compare the two top-most stack values using the 'op' operator. */ - private def genCJUMP(success: asm.Label, failure: asm.Label, op: TestOp, tk: BType, targetIfNoJump: asm.Label, negated: Boolean = false): Unit = { - if (targetIfNoJump == success) genCJUMP(failure, success, op.negate(), tk, targetIfNoJump, negated = !negated) - else { - if (tk.isIntSizedType) { // BOOL, BYTE, CHAR, SHORT, or INT - bc.emitIF_ICMP(op, success) - } else if (tk.isRef) { // REFERENCE(_) | ARRAY(_) - bc.emitIF_ACMP(op, success) - } else { - import Primitives._ - def useCmpG = if (negated) op == GT || op == GE else op == LT || op == LE - (tk: @unchecked) match { - case LONG => emit(asm.Opcodes.LCMP) - case FLOAT => emit(if (useCmpG) asm.Opcodes.FCMPG else asm.Opcodes.FCMPL) - case DOUBLE => emit(if (useCmpG) asm.Opcodes.DCMPG else asm.Opcodes.DCMPL) - } - bc.emitIF(op, success) - } - if (targetIfNoJump != failure) bc goTo failure - } - } - - /* Emits code to compare (and consume) stack-top and zero using the 'op' operator */ - private def genCZJUMP(success: asm.Label, failure: asm.Label, op: TestOp, tk: BType, targetIfNoJump: asm.Label, negated: Boolean = false): Unit = { - import Primitives._ - if (targetIfNoJump == success) genCZJUMP(failure, success, op.negate(), tk, targetIfNoJump, negated = !negated) - else { - if (tk.isIntSizedType) { // BOOL, BYTE, CHAR, SHORT, or INT - bc.emitIF(op, success) - } else if (tk.isRef) { // REFERENCE(_) | ARRAY(_) - (op: @unchecked) match { // references are only compared with EQ and NE - case EQ => bc emitIFNULL success - case NE => bc emitIFNONNULL success - } - } else { - def useCmpG = if (negated) op == GT || op == GE else op == LT || op == LE - (tk: @unchecked) match { - case LONG => - emit(asm.Opcodes.LCONST_0) - emit(asm.Opcodes.LCMP) - case FLOAT => - emit(asm.Opcodes.FCONST_0) - emit(if (useCmpG) asm.Opcodes.FCMPG else asm.Opcodes.FCMPL) - case DOUBLE => - emit(asm.Opcodes.DCONST_0) - emit(if (useCmpG) asm.Opcodes.DCMPG else asm.Opcodes.DCMPL) - } - bc.emitIF(op, success) - } - if (targetIfNoJump != failure) bc goTo failure - } - } - - def testOpForPrimitive(primitiveCode: Int) = (primitiveCode: @switch) match { - case ScalaPrimitivesOps.ID => Primitives.EQ - case ScalaPrimitivesOps.NI => Primitives.NE - case ScalaPrimitivesOps.EQ => Primitives.EQ - case ScalaPrimitivesOps.NE => Primitives.NE - case ScalaPrimitivesOps.LT => Primitives.LT - case ScalaPrimitivesOps.LE => Primitives.LE - case ScalaPrimitivesOps.GT => Primitives.GT - case ScalaPrimitivesOps.GE => Primitives.GE - } - - /* - * Generate code for conditional expressions. - * The jump targets success/failure of the test are `then-target` and `else-target` resp. - */ - private def genCond(tree: Tree, success: asm.Label, failure: asm.Label, targetIfNoJump: asm.Label): Unit = { - - def genComparisonOp(l: Tree, r: Tree, code: Int): Unit = { - val op = testOpForPrimitive(code) - def isNull(t: Tree): Boolean = t match { - case Literal(Constant(null)) => true - case _ => false - } - def ifOneIsNull(l: Tree, r: Tree): Tree = if (isNull(l)) r else if (isNull(r)) l else null - val nonNullSide = if (ScalaPrimitivesOps.isReferenceEqualityOp(code)) ifOneIsNull(l, r) else null - if (nonNullSide != null) { - // special-case reference (in)equality test for null (null eq x, x eq null) - genLoad(nonNullSide, ObjectRef) - genCZJUMP(success, failure, op, ObjectRef, targetIfNoJump) - } else { - val tk = tpeTK(l).maxType(tpeTK(r)) - genLoad(l, tk) - genLoad(r, tk) - genCJUMP(success, failure, op, tk, targetIfNoJump) - } - } - - def loadAndTestBoolean() = { - genLoad(tree, BOOL) - genCZJUMP(success, failure, Primitives.NE, BOOL, targetIfNoJump) - } - - lineNumber(tree) - tree match { - - case tree @ Apply(fun, args) if primitives.isPrimitive(fun.symbol) => - import ScalaPrimitivesOps.{ ZNOT, ZAND, ZOR, EQ } - - // lhs and rhs of test - lazy val DesugaredSelect(lhs, _) = fun: @unchecked - val rhs = if (args.isEmpty) tpd.EmptyTree else args.head // args.isEmpty only for ZNOT - - def genZandOrZor(and: Boolean): Unit = { - // reaching "keepGoing" indicates the rhs should be evaluated too (ie not short-circuited). - val keepGoing = new asm.Label - - if (and) genCond(lhs, keepGoing, failure, targetIfNoJump = keepGoing) - else genCond(lhs, success, keepGoing, targetIfNoJump = keepGoing) - - markProgramPoint(keepGoing) - genCond(rhs, success, failure, targetIfNoJump) - } - - primitives.getPrimitive(fun.symbol) match { - case ZNOT => genCond(lhs, failure, success, targetIfNoJump) - case ZAND => genZandOrZor(and = true) - case ZOR => genZandOrZor(and = false) - case code => - if (ScalaPrimitivesOps.isUniversalEqualityOp(code) && tpeTK(lhs).isClass) { - // rewrite `==` to null tests and `equals`. not needed for arrays (`equals` is reference equality). - if (code == EQ) genEqEqPrimitive(lhs, rhs, success, failure, targetIfNoJump) - else genEqEqPrimitive(lhs, rhs, failure, success, targetIfNoJump) - } else if (ScalaPrimitivesOps.isComparisonOp(code)) { - genComparisonOp(lhs, rhs, code) - } else - loadAndTestBoolean() - } - - case Block(stats, expr) => - /* Push the decision further down the `expr`. - * This is particularly effective for the shape of do..while loops. - */ - val savedScope = varsInScope - varsInScope = Nil - stats foreach genStat - genCond(expr, success, failure, targetIfNoJump) - emitLocalVarScopes() - varsInScope = savedScope - - case If(condp, thenp, elsep) => - val innerSuccess = new asm.Label - val innerFailure = new asm.Label - genCond(condp, innerSuccess, innerFailure, targetIfNoJump = innerSuccess) - markProgramPoint(innerSuccess) - genCond(thenp, success, failure, targetIfNoJump = innerFailure) - markProgramPoint(innerFailure) - genCond(elsep, success, failure, targetIfNoJump) - - case _ => loadAndTestBoolean() - } - - } // end of genCond() - - /* - * Generate the "==" code for object references. It is equivalent of - * if (l eq null) r eq null else l.equals(r); - * - * @param l left-hand-side of the '==' - * @param r right-hand-side of the '==' - */ - def genEqEqPrimitive(l: Tree, r: Tree, success: asm.Label, failure: asm.Label, targetIfNoJump: asm.Label): Unit = { - - /* True if the equality comparison is between values that require the use of the rich equality - * comparator (scala.runtime.Comparator.equals). This is the case when either side of the - * comparison might have a run-time type subtype of java.lang.Number or java.lang.Character. - * When it is statically known that both sides are equal and subtypes of Number of Character, - * not using the rich equality is possible (their own equals method will do ok.) - */ - val mustUseAnyComparator: Boolean = { - val areSameFinals = && && (l.tpe =:= r.tpe) - // todo: remove - def isMaybeBoxed(sym: Symbol): Boolean = { - (sym == defn.ObjectClass) || - (sym == defn.JavaSerializableClass) || - (sym == defn.ComparableClass) || - (sym derivesFrom defn.BoxedNumberClass) || - (sym derivesFrom defn.BoxedCharClass) || - (sym derivesFrom defn.BoxedBooleanClass) - } - !areSameFinals && isMaybeBoxed(l.tpe.typeSymbol) && isMaybeBoxed(r.tpe.typeSymbol) - } - def isNull(t: Tree): Boolean = t match { - case Literal(Constant(null)) => true - case _ => false - } - def isNonNullExpr(t: Tree): Boolean = t.isInstanceOf[Literal] || ((t.symbol ne null) && - - if (mustUseAnyComparator) { - val equalsMethod: Symbol = { - if (l.tpe <:< { - if (r.tpe <:< defn.BoxesRunTimeModule.requiredMethod(nme.equalsNumNum) - else if (r.tpe <:< NoSymbol // ctx.requiredMethod(BoxesRunTimeTypeRef, nme.equalsNumChar) // this method is private - else defn.BoxesRunTimeModule.requiredMethod(nme.equalsNumObject) - } else defn.BoxesRunTimeModule_externalEquals - } - - genLoad(l, ObjectRef) - genLoad(r, ObjectRef) - genCallMethod(equalsMethod, InvokeStyle.Static) - genCZJUMP(success, failure, Primitives.NE, BOOL, targetIfNoJump) - } - else { - if (isNull(l)) { - // null == expr -> expr eq null - genLoad(r, ObjectRef) - genCZJUMP(success, failure, Primitives.EQ, ObjectRef, targetIfNoJump) - } else if (isNull(r)) { - // expr == null -> expr eq null - genLoad(l, ObjectRef) - genCZJUMP(success, failure, Primitives.EQ, ObjectRef, targetIfNoJump) - } else if (isNonNullExpr(l)) { - // SI-7852 Avoid null check if L is statically non-null. - genLoad(l, ObjectRef) - genLoad(r, ObjectRef) - genCallMethod(defn.Any_equals, InvokeStyle.Virtual) - genCZJUMP(success, failure, Primitives.NE, BOOL, targetIfNoJump) - } else { - // l == r -> if (l eq null) r eq null else l.equals(r) - val eqEqTempLocal = locals.makeLocal(ObjectRef, nme.EQEQ_LOCAL_VAR.mangledString, defn.ObjectType, r.span) - val lNull = new asm.Label - val lNonNull = new asm.Label - - genLoad(l, ObjectRef) - genLoad(r, ObjectRef) - - bc dup ObjectRef - genCZJUMP(lNull, lNonNull, Primitives.EQ, ObjectRef, targetIfNoJump = lNull) - - markProgramPoint(lNull) - bc drop ObjectRef - locals.load(eqEqTempLocal) - genCZJUMP(success, failure, Primitives.EQ, ObjectRef, targetIfNoJump = lNonNull) - - markProgramPoint(lNonNull) - locals.load(eqEqTempLocal) - genCallMethod(defn.Any_equals, InvokeStyle.Virtual) - genCZJUMP(success, failure, Primitives.NE, BOOL, targetIfNoJump) - } - } - } - - - def genSynchronized(tree: Apply, expectedType: BType): BType - def genLoadTry(tree: Try): BType - - def genInvokeDynamicLambda(ctor: Symbol, lambdaTarget: Symbol, environmentSize: Int, functionalInterface: Symbol): BType = { - import java.lang.invoke.LambdaMetafactory.{FLAG_BRIDGES, FLAG_SERIALIZABLE} - - report.debuglog(s"Using invokedynamic rather than `new ${ctor.owner}`") - val generatedType = classBTypeFromSymbol(functionalInterface) - // Lambdas should be serializable if they implement a SAM that extends Serializable or if they - // implement a scala.Function* class. - val isSerializable = functionalInterface.isSerializable || defn.isFunctionClass(functionalInterface) - val isInterface = isEmittedInterface(lambdaTarget.owner) - val invokeStyle = - if (lambdaTarget.isStaticMember) asm.Opcodes.H_INVOKESTATIC - else if ( || lambdaTarget.isClassConstructor) asm.Opcodes.H_INVOKESPECIAL - else if (isInterface) asm.Opcodes.H_INVOKEINTERFACE - else asm.Opcodes.H_INVOKEVIRTUAL - - val targetHandle = - new asm.Handle(invokeStyle, - classBTypeFromSymbol(lambdaTarget.owner).internalName, - lambdaTarget.javaSimpleName, - asmMethodType(lambdaTarget).descriptor, - /* itf = */ isInterface) - - val (a,b) = - var (capturedParamsTypes, lambdaParamTypes) = (a,b) - - if (invokeStyle != asm.Opcodes.H_INVOKESTATIC) capturedParamsTypes = :: capturedParamsTypes - - // Requires on the runtime classpath - val returnUnit = == defn.UnitClass - val functionalInterfaceDesc: String = generatedType.descriptor - val desc = => toTypeKind(tpe)).mkString(("("), "", ")") + functionalInterfaceDesc - // TODO specialization - val instantiatedMethodType = new MethodBType( => toTypeKind(p)), toTypeKind( - - val samMethod = atPhase(erasurePhase) { - val samMethods = toDenot(functionalInterface).info.possibleSamMethods.toList - samMethods match { - case x :: Nil => x.symbol - case Nil => abort(s"${} is not a functional interface. It doesn't have abstract methods") - case xs => abort(s"${} is not a functional interface. " + - s"It has the following abstract methods: ${", ")}") - } - } - - val methodName = samMethod.javaSimpleName - val samMethodType = asmMethodType(samMethod).toASMType - // scala/bug#10334: make sure that a lambda object for `T => U` has a method `apply(T)U`, not only the `(Object)Object` - // version. Using the lambda a structural type `{def apply(t: T): U}` causes a reflective lookup for this method. - val needsGenericBridge = samMethodType != instantiatedMethodType - val bridgeMethods = atPhase(erasurePhase){ - samMethod.allOverriddenSymbols.toList - } - val overriddenMethodTypes = => asmMethodType(b).toASMType) - - // any methods which `samMethod` overrides need bridges made for them - // this is done automatically during erasure for classes we generate, but LMF needs to have them explicitly mentioned - // so we have to compute them at this relatively late point. - val bridgeTypes = ( - if (needsGenericBridge) - instantiatedMethodType +: overriddenMethodTypes - else - overriddenMethodTypes - ).distinct.filterNot(_ == samMethodType) - - val needsBridges = bridgeTypes.nonEmpty - - def flagIf(b: Boolean, flag: Int): Int = if (b) flag else 0 - val flags = flagIf(isSerializable, FLAG_SERIALIZABLE) | flagIf(needsBridges, FLAG_BRIDGES) - - val bsmArgs0 = Seq(samMethodType, targetHandle, instantiatedMethodType) - val bsmArgs1 = if (flags != 0) Seq( else Seq.empty - val bsmArgs2 = if needsBridges then bridgeTypes.length +: bridgeTypes else Seq.empty - - val bsmArgs = bsmArgs0 ++ bsmArgs1 ++ bsmArgs2 - - val metafactory = - if (flags != 0) - jliLambdaMetaFactoryAltMetafactoryHandle // altMetafactory required to be able to pass the flags and additional arguments if needed - else - jliLambdaMetaFactoryMetafactoryHandle - - bc.jmethod.visitInvokeDynamicInsn(methodName, desc, metafactory, bsmArgs: _*) - - generatedType - } - } - - /** Does this symbol actually correspond to an interface that will be emitted? - * In the backend, this should be preferred over `isInterface` because it - * also returns true for the symbols of the fake companion objects we - * create for Java-defined classes as well as for Java annotations - * which we represent as classes. - */ - private def isEmittedInterface(sym: Symbol): Boolean = sym.isInterface || - && (toDenot(sym).isAnnotation || && ( || - - -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/BCodeHelpers.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/BCodeHelpers.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 6f83af540bea..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/BCodeHelpers.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,960 +0,0 @@ -package -package backend -package jvm - -import scala.language.unsafeNulls - -import scala.annotation.threadUnsafe -import -import -import -import scala.collection.mutable - -import -import -import -import -import -import -import -import -import -import -import -import -import -import -import -import -import -import -import -import -import -import - -import - -/* - * Traits encapsulating functionality to convert Scala AST Trees into ASM ClassNodes. - * - * @author Miguel Garcia, - * @version 1.0 - * - */ -trait BCodeHelpers extends BCodeIdiomatic with BytecodeWriters { - // for some reason singleton types aren't allowed in constructor calls. will need several casts in code to enforce - - //import global._ - //import bTypes._ - //import coreBTypes._ - import bTypes._ - import tpd._ - import coreBTypes._ - import int.{_, given} - import DottyBackendInterface._ - - def ScalaATTRName: String = "Scala" - def ScalaSignatureATTRName: String = "ScalaSig" - - @threadUnsafe lazy val AnnotationRetentionAttr: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("java.lang.annotation.Retention") - @threadUnsafe lazy val AnnotationRetentionSourceAttr: TermSymbol = requiredClass("java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy").linkedClass.requiredValue("SOURCE") - @threadUnsafe lazy val AnnotationRetentionClassAttr: TermSymbol = requiredClass("java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy").linkedClass.requiredValue("CLASS") - @threadUnsafe lazy val AnnotationRetentionRuntimeAttr: TermSymbol = requiredClass("java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy").linkedClass.requiredValue("RUNTIME") - - val bCodeAsmCommon: BCodeAsmCommon[int.type] = new BCodeAsmCommon(int) - - /* - * must-single-thread - */ - def getFileForClassfile(base: AbstractFile, clsName: String, suffix: String): AbstractFile = { - getFile(base, clsName, suffix) - } - - /* - * must-single-thread - */ - def getOutFolder(csym: Symbol, cName: String): AbstractFile = { - try { - outputDirectory - } catch { - case ex: Throwable => - report.error(em"Couldn't create file for class $cName\n${ex.getMessage}", ctx.source.atSpan(csym.span)) - null - } - } - - final def traitSuperAccessorName(sym: Symbol): String = { - val nameString = sym.javaSimpleName.toString - if ( == nme.TRAIT_CONSTRUCTOR) nameString - else nameString + "$" - } - - // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - // finding the least upper bound in agreement with the bytecode verifier (given two internal names handed by ASM) - // Background: - // - // - // - // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - /* An `asm.ClassWriter` that uses `jvmWiseLUB()` - * The internal name of the least common ancestor of the types given by inameA and inameB. - * It's what ASM needs to know in order to compute stack map frames, - */ - final class CClassWriter(flags: Int) extends asm.ClassWriter(flags) { - - /** - * This method is thread-safe: it depends only on the BTypes component, which does not depend - * on global. TODO @lry move to a different place where no global is in scope, on bTypes. - */ - override def getCommonSuperClass(inameA: String, inameB: String): String = { - val a = classBTypeFromInternalName(inameA) - val b = classBTypeFromInternalName(inameB) - val lub = a.jvmWiseLUB(b) - val lubName = lub.internalName - assert(lubName != "scala/Any") - lubName // ASM caches the answer during the lifetime of a ClassWriter. We outlive that. Not sure whether caching on our side would improve things. - } - } - - /* - * must-single-thread - */ - def initBytecodeWriter(): BytecodeWriter = { - (None: Option[AbstractFile] /*getSingleOutput*/) match { // todo: implement - case Some(f) if f.hasExtension("jar") => - new DirectToJarfileWriter(f.file) - case _ => - factoryNonJarBytecodeWriter() - } - } - - /* - * Populates the InnerClasses JVM attribute with `refedInnerClasses`. See also the doc on inner - * classes in BTypes.scala. - * - * `refedInnerClasses` may contain duplicates, need not contain the enclosing inner classes of - * each inner class it lists (those are looked up and included). - * - * This method serializes in the InnerClasses JVM attribute in an appropriate order, - * not necessarily that given by `refedInnerClasses`. - * - * can-multi-thread - */ - final def addInnerClasses(jclass: asm.ClassVisitor, declaredInnerClasses: List[ClassBType], refedInnerClasses: List[ClassBType]): Unit = { - // sorting ensures nested classes are listed after their enclosing class thus satisfying the Eclipse Java compiler - val allNestedClasses = new mutable.TreeSet[ClassBType]()( - allNestedClasses ++= declaredInnerClasses - refedInnerClasses.foreach(allNestedClasses ++= _.enclosingNestedClassesChain) - for nestedClass <- allNestedClasses - do { - // Extract the innerClassEntry - we know it exists, enclosingNestedClassesChain only returns nested classes. - val Some(e) = nestedClass.innerClassAttributeEntry: @unchecked - jclass.visitInnerClass(, e.outerName, e.innerName, e.flags) - } - } - - /* - * can-multi-thread - */ - def createJAttribute(name: String, b: Array[Byte], offset: Int, len: Int): asm.Attribute = { - new asm.Attribute(name) { - override def write(classWriter: ClassWriter, code: Array[Byte], - codeLength: Int, maxStack: Int, maxLocals: Int): asm.ByteVector = { - val byteVector = new asm.ByteVector(len) - byteVector.putByteArray(b, offset, len) - byteVector - } - } - } - - /* - * Custom attribute (JVMS 4.7.1) "ScalaSig" used as marker only - * i.e., the pickle is contained in a custom annotation, see: - * (1) `addAnnotations()`, - * (2) SID # 10 (draft) - Storage of pickled Scala signatures in class files, - * (3) SID # 5 - Internals of Scala Annotations, - * That annotation in turn is not related to the "java-generic-signature" (JVMS 4.7.9) - * other than both ending up encoded as attributes (JVMS 4.7) - * (with the caveat that the "ScalaSig" attribute is associated to some classes, - * while the "Signature" attribute can be associated to classes, methods, and fields.) - * - */ - trait BCPickles { - - import{ PickleFormat, PickleBuffer } - - val versionPickle = { - val vp = new PickleBuffer(new Array[Byte](16), -1, 0) - assert(vp.writeIndex == 0, vp) - vp writeNat PickleFormat.MajorVersion - vp writeNat PickleFormat.MinorVersion - vp writeNat 0 - vp - } - - /* - * can-multi-thread - */ - def pickleMarkerLocal = { - createJAttribute(ScalaSignatureATTRName, versionPickle.bytes, 0, versionPickle.writeIndex) - } - - /* - * can-multi-thread - */ - def pickleMarkerForeign = { - createJAttribute(ScalaATTRName, new Array[Byte](0), 0, 0) - } - } // end of trait BCPickles - - trait BCInnerClassGen extends caps.Pure { - - def debugLevel = 3 // 0 -> no debug info; 1-> filename; 2-> lines; 3-> varnames - - final val emitSource = debugLevel >= 1 - final val emitLines = debugLevel >= 2 - final val emitVars = debugLevel >= 3 - - /** - * The class internal name for a given class symbol. - */ - final def internalName(sym: Symbol): String = { - // For each java class, the scala compiler creates a class and a module (thus a module class). - // If the `sym` is a java module class, we use the java class instead. This ensures that the - // ClassBType is created from the main class (instead of the module class). - // The two symbols have the same name, so the resulting internalName is the same. - val classSym = if ( && sym.linkedClass else sym - getClassBType(classSym).internalName - } - - private def assertClassNotArray(sym: Symbol): Unit = { - assert(sym.isClass, sym) - assert(sym != defn.ArrayClass || compilingArray, sym) - } - - private def assertClassNotArrayNotPrimitive(sym: Symbol): Unit = { - assertClassNotArray(sym) - assert(!primitiveTypeMap.contains(sym) || isCompilingPrimitive, sym) - } - - /** - * The ClassBType for a class symbol. - * - * The class symbol scala.Nothing is mapped to the class scala.runtime.Nothing$. Similarly, - * scala.Null is mapped to scala.runtime.Null$. This is because there exist no class files - * for the Nothing / Null. If used for example as a parameter type, we use the runtime classes - * in the classfile method signature. - * - * Note that the referenced class symbol may be an implementation class. For example when - * compiling a mixed-in method that forwards to the static method in the implementation class, - * the class descriptor of the receiver (the implementation class) is obtained by creating the - * ClassBType. - */ - final def getClassBType(sym: Symbol): ClassBType = { - assertClassNotArrayNotPrimitive(sym) - - if (sym == defn.NothingClass) srNothingRef - else if (sym == defn.NullClass) srNullRef - else classBTypeFromSymbol(sym) - } - - /* - * must-single-thread - */ - final def asmMethodType(msym: Symbol): MethodBType = { - assert(, s"not a method-symbol: $msym") - val resT: BType = - if (msym.isClassConstructor || msym.isConstructor) UNIT - else toTypeKind( - MethodBType( map toTypeKind, resT) - } - - /** - * The jvm descriptor of a type. - */ - final def typeDescriptor(t: Type): String = { toTypeKind(t).descriptor } - - /** - * The jvm descriptor for a symbol. - */ - final def symDescriptor(sym: Symbol): String = getClassBType(sym).descriptor - - final def toTypeKind(tp: Type): BType = typeToTypeKind(tp)(BCodeHelpers.this)(this) - - } // end of trait BCInnerClassGen - - trait BCAnnotGen extends BCInnerClassGen { - - /* - * must-single-thread - */ - def emitAnnotations(cw: asm.ClassVisitor, annotations: List[Annotation]): Unit = - for(annot <- annotations; if shouldEmitAnnotation(annot)) { - val typ = annot.tree.tpe - val assocs = assocsFromApply(annot.tree) - val av = cw.visitAnnotation(typeDescriptor(typ), isRuntimeVisible(annot)) - emitAssocs(av, assocs, BCodeHelpers.this)(this) - } - - /* - * must-single-thread - */ - def emitAnnotations(mw: asm.MethodVisitor, annotations: List[Annotation]): Unit = - for(annot <- annotations; if shouldEmitAnnotation(annot)) { - val typ = annot.tree.tpe - val assocs = assocsFromApply(annot.tree) - val av = mw.visitAnnotation(typeDescriptor(typ), isRuntimeVisible(annot)) - emitAssocs(av, assocs, BCodeHelpers.this)(this) - } - - /* - * must-single-thread - */ - def emitAnnotations(fw: asm.FieldVisitor, annotations: List[Annotation]): Unit = - for(annot <- annotations; if shouldEmitAnnotation(annot)) { - val typ = annot.tree.tpe - val assocs = assocsFromApply(annot.tree) - val av = fw.visitAnnotation(typeDescriptor(typ), isRuntimeVisible(annot)) - emitAssocs(av, assocs, BCodeHelpers.this)(this) - } - - /* - * must-single-thread - */ - def emitParamNames(jmethod: asm.MethodVisitor, params: List[Symbol]) = - for param <- params do - var access = asm.Opcodes.ACC_FINAL - if then access |= asm.Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC - jmethod.visitParameter(, access) - - /* - * must-single-thread - */ - def emitParamAnnotations(jmethod: asm.MethodVisitor, pannotss: List[List[Annotation]]): Unit = - val annotationss = pannotss map (_ filter shouldEmitAnnotation) - if (annotationss forall (_.isEmpty)) return - for ((annots, idx) <- annotationss.zipWithIndex; - annot <- annots) { - val typ = annot.tree.tpe - val assocs = assocsFromApply(annot.tree) - val pannVisitor: asm.AnnotationVisitor = jmethod.visitParameterAnnotation(idx, typeDescriptor(typ.asInstanceOf[Type]), isRuntimeVisible(annot)) - emitAssocs(pannVisitor, assocs, BCodeHelpers.this)(this) - } - - - private def shouldEmitAnnotation(annot: Annotation): Boolean = { - && - retentionPolicyOf(annot) != AnnotationRetentionSourceAttr - } - - private def emitAssocs(av: asm.AnnotationVisitor, assocs: List[(Name, Object)], bcodeStore: BCodeHelpers) - (innerClasesStore: bcodeStore.BCInnerClassGen) = { - for ((name, value) <- assocs) - emitArgument(av, name.mangledString, value.asInstanceOf[Tree], bcodeStore)(innerClasesStore) - av.visitEnd() - } - - private def emitArgument(av: AnnotationVisitor, - name: String, - arg: Tree, bcodeStore: BCodeHelpers)(innerClasesStore: bcodeStore.BCInnerClassGen): Unit = { - val narg = normalizeArgument(arg) - // Transformation phases are not run on annotation trees, so we need to run - // `constToLiteral` at this point. - val t = atPhase(erasurePhase)(constToLiteral(narg)) - t match { - case Literal(const @ Constant(_)) => - const.tag match { - case BooleanTag | ByteTag | ShortTag | CharTag | IntTag | LongTag | FloatTag | DoubleTag => av.visit(name, const.value) - case StringTag => - assert(const.value != null, const) // TODO this invariant isn't documented in `case class Constant` - av.visit(name, const.stringValue) // `stringValue` special-cases null, but that execution path isn't exercised for a const with StringTag - case ClazzTag => av.visit(name, typeToTypeKind(TypeErasure.erasure(const.typeValue))(bcodeStore)(innerClasesStore).toASMType) - } - case Ident(nme.WILDCARD) => - // An underscore argument indicates that we want to use the default value for this parameter, so do not emit anything - case t: tpd.RefTree if t.symbol.owner.linkedClass.isAllOf(JavaEnumTrait) => - val edesc = innerClasesStore.typeDescriptor(t.tpe) // the class descriptor of the enumeration class. - val evalue = t.symbol.javaSimpleName // value the actual enumeration value. - av.visitEnum(name, edesc, evalue) - case t: SeqLiteral => - val arrAnnotV: AnnotationVisitor = av.visitArray(name) - for (arg <- t.elems) { emitArgument(arrAnnotV, null, arg, bcodeStore)(innerClasesStore) } - arrAnnotV.visitEnd() - - case Apply(fun, args) if fun.symbol == defn.ArrayClass.primaryConstructor || - toDenot(fun.symbol).owner == defn.ArrayClass.linkedClass && == nme.apply => - val arrAnnotV: AnnotationVisitor = av.visitArray(name) - - var actualArgs = if (fun.tpe.isImplicitMethod) { - // generic array method, need to get implicit argument out of the way - fun.asInstanceOf[Apply].args - } else args - - val flatArgs = actualArgs.flatMap { arg => - normalizeArgument(arg) match { - case t: tpd.SeqLiteral => t.elems - case e => List(e) - } - } - for(arg <- flatArgs) { - emitArgument(arrAnnotV, null, arg, bcodeStore)(innerClasesStore) - } - arrAnnotV.visitEnd() - /* - case sb @ ScalaSigBytes(bytes) => - // see (Storage of pickled Scala signatures in class files) - // also JVMS Sec. The element_value structure and JVMS Sec. 4.4.7 The CONSTANT_Utf8_info Structure. - if (sb.fitsInOneString) { - av.visit(name, BCodeAsmCommon.strEncode(sb)) - } else { - val arrAnnotV: asm.AnnotationVisitor = av.visitArray(name) - for(arg <- BCodeAsmCommon.arrEncode(sb)) { arrAnnotV.visit(name, arg) } - arrAnnotV.visitEnd() - } // for the lazy val in ScalaSigBytes to be GC'ed, the invoker of emitAnnotations() should hold the ScalaSigBytes in a method-local var that doesn't escape. - */ - case t @ Apply(constr, args) if => - val typ = - val assocs = assocsFromApply(t) - val desc = innerClasesStore.typeDescriptor(typ) // the class descriptor of the nested annotation class - val nestedVisitor = av.visitAnnotation(name, desc) - emitAssocs(nestedVisitor, assocs, bcodeStore)(innerClasesStore) - - case t => - report.error(em"Annotation argument is not a constant", t.sourcePos) - } - } - - private def normalizeArgument(arg: Tree): Tree = arg match { - case Trees.NamedArg(_, arg1) => normalizeArgument(arg1) - case Trees.Typed(arg1, _) => normalizeArgument(arg1) - case _ => arg - } - - private def isRuntimeVisible(annot: Annotation): Boolean = - if (toDenot(annot.tree.tpe.typeSymbol).hasAnnotation(AnnotationRetentionAttr)) - retentionPolicyOf(annot) == AnnotationRetentionRuntimeAttr - else { - // SI-8926: if the annotation class symbol doesn't have a @RetentionPolicy annotation, the - // annotation is emitted with visibility `RUNTIME` - // dotty bug: #389 - true - } - - private def retentionPolicyOf(annot: Annotation): Symbol = - annot.tree.tpe.typeSymbol.getAnnotation(AnnotationRetentionAttr). - flatMap(_.argument(0).map(_.tpe.termSymbol)).getOrElse(AnnotationRetentionClassAttr) - - private def assocsFromApply(tree: Tree): List[(Name, Tree)] = { - tree match { - case Block(_, expr) => assocsFromApply(expr) - case Apply(fun, args) => - fun.tpe.widen match { - case MethodType(names) => - (names zip args).filter { - case (_, t: tpd.Ident) if (t.tpe.normalizedPrefix eq NoPrefix) => false - case _ => true - } - } - } - } - } // end of trait BCAnnotGen - - trait BCJGenSigGen { - import int.given - - def getCurrentCUnit(): CompilationUnit - - /** - * Generates the generic signature for `sym` before erasure. - * - * @param sym The symbol for which to generate a signature. - * @param owner The owner of `sym`. - * @return The generic signature of `sym` before erasure, as specified in the Java Virtual - * Machine Specification, §4.3.4, or `null` if `sym` doesn't need a generic signature. - * @see - */ - def getGenericSignature(sym: Symbol, owner: Symbol): String = { - atPhase(erasurePhase) { - val memberTpe = - if ( - else owner.denot.thisType.memberInfo(sym) - getGenericSignatureHelper(sym, owner, memberTpe).orNull - } - } - - } // end of trait BCJGenSigGen - - trait BCForwardersGen extends BCAnnotGen with BCJGenSigGen { - - /* Add a forwarder for method m. Used only from addForwarders(). - * - * must-single-thread - */ - private def addForwarder(jclass: asm.ClassVisitor, module: Symbol, m: Symbol, isSynthetic: Boolean): Unit = { - val moduleName = internalName(module) - val methodInfo = module.thisType.memberInfo(m) - val paramJavaTypes: List[BType] = methodInfo.firstParamTypes map toTypeKind - // val paramNames = 0 until paramJavaTypes.length map ("x_" + _) - - /* Forwarders must not be marked final, - * as the JVM will not allow redefinition of a final static method, - * and we don't know what classes might be subclassing the companion class. See SI-4827. - */ - // TODO: evaluate the other flags we might be dropping on the floor here. - val flags = GenBCodeOps.PublicStatic | ( - if ( asm.Opcodes.ACC_VARARGS else 0 - ) | ( - if (isSynthetic) asm.Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC else 0 - ) - - // TODO needed? for(ann <- m.annotations) { ann.symbol.initialize } - val jgensig = getStaticForwarderGenericSignature(m, module) - val (throws, others) = m.annotations.partition(_.symbol eq defn.ThrowsAnnot) - val thrownExceptions: List[String] = getExceptions(throws) - - val jReturnType = toTypeKind(methodInfo.resultType) - val mdesc = MethodBType(paramJavaTypes, jReturnType).descriptor - val mirrorMethodName = m.javaSimpleName - val mirrorMethod: asm.MethodVisitor = jclass.visitMethod( - flags, - mirrorMethodName, - mdesc, - jgensig, - mkArrayS(thrownExceptions) - ) - - emitAnnotations(mirrorMethod, others) - val params: List[Symbol] = Nil // backend uses this to emit annotations on parameter lists of forwarders - // to static methods of companion class - // Old assumption: in Dotty this link does not exists: there is no way to get from method type - // to inner symbols of DefDef - // TODO: now we have paramSymss and could use it here. - emitParamAnnotations(mirrorMethod, - - mirrorMethod.visitCode() - - mirrorMethod.visitFieldInsn(asm.Opcodes.GETSTATIC, moduleName, str.MODULE_INSTANCE_FIELD, symDescriptor(module)) - - var index = 0 - for(jparamType <- paramJavaTypes) { - mirrorMethod.visitVarInsn(jparamType.typedOpcode(asm.Opcodes.ILOAD), index) - assert(!jparamType.isInstanceOf[MethodBType], jparamType) - index += jparamType.size - } - - mirrorMethod.visitMethodInsn(asm.Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, moduleName, mirrorMethodName, asmMethodType(m).descriptor, false) - mirrorMethod.visitInsn(jReturnType.typedOpcode(asm.Opcodes.IRETURN)) - - mirrorMethod.visitMaxs(0, 0) // just to follow protocol, dummy arguments - mirrorMethod.visitEnd() - - } - - /* Add forwarders for all methods defined in `module` that don't conflict - * with methods in the companion class of `module`. A conflict arises when - * a method with the same name is defined both in a class and its companion object: - * method signature is not taken into account. - * - * must-single-thread - */ - def addForwarders(jclass: asm.ClassVisitor, jclassName: String, moduleClass: Symbol): Unit = { - assert(, moduleClass) - report.debuglog(s"Dumping mirror class for object: $moduleClass") - - val linkedClass = moduleClass.companionClass - lazy val conflictingNames: Set[Name] = { - ( { case d if => }).toSet - } - report.debuglog(s"Potentially conflicting names for forwarders: $conflictingNames") - - for (m0 <- sortedMembersBasedOnFlags(, required = Method, excluded = ExcludedForwarder)) { - val m = if ( m0.nextOverriddenSymbol else m0 - if (m == NoSymbol) - report.log(s"$m0 is a bridge method that overrides nothing, something went wrong in a previous phase.") - else if (m.isType || || (m.owner eq defn.ObjectClass) || m.isConstructor || - report.debuglog(s"No forwarder for '$m' from $jclassName to '$moduleClass'") - else if (conflictingNames( - report.log(s"No forwarder for $m due to conflict with ${}") - else if (m.accessBoundary(defn.RootClass) ne defn.RootClass) - report.log(s"No forwarder for non-public member $m") - else { - report.log(s"Adding static forwarder for '$m' from $jclassName to '$moduleClass'") - // It would be simpler to not generate forwarders for these methods, - // but that wouldn't be binary-compatible with Scala 3.0.0, so instead - // we generate ACC_SYNTHETIC forwarders so Java compilers ignore them. - val isSynthetic = - || - // Only hide bridges generated at Erasure, mixin forwarders are also - // marked as bridge but shouldn't be hidden since they don't have a - // non-bridge overload. - && m0.initial.validFor.firstPhaseId == - addForwarder(jclass, moduleClass, m, isSynthetic) - } - } - } - - /** The members of this type that have all of `required` flags but none of `excluded` flags set. - * The members are sorted by name and signature to guarantee a stable ordering. - */ - private def sortedMembersBasedOnFlags(tp: Type, required: Flag, excluded: FlagSet): List[Symbol] = { - // The output of `memberNames` is a Set, sort it to guarantee a stable ordering. - val names = tp.memberNames(takeAllFilter).toSeq.sorted - val buffer = mutable.ListBuffer[Symbol]() - names.foreach { name => - buffer ++= tp.memberBasedOnFlags(name, required, excluded) - .alternatives.sortBy(_.signature)(Signature.lexicographicOrdering).map(_.symbol) - } - buffer.toList - } - - /* - * Quoting from JVMS 4.7.5 The Exceptions Attribute - * "The Exceptions attribute indicates which checked exceptions a method may throw. - * There may be at most one Exceptions attribute in each method_info structure." - * - * The contents of that attribute are determined by the `String[] exceptions` argument to ASM's ClassVisitor.visitMethod() - * This method returns such list of internal names. - * - * must-single-thread - */ - def getExceptions(excs: List[Annotation]): List[String] = { - for (case ThrownException(exc) <- excs.distinct) - yield internalName(TypeErasure.erasure(exc).classSymbol) - } - } // end of trait BCForwardersGen - - trait BCClassGen extends BCInnerClassGen { - - // Used as threshold above which a tableswitch bytecode instruction is preferred over a lookupswitch. - // There's a space tradeoff between these multi-branch instructions (details in the JVM spec). - // The particular value in use for `MIN_SWITCH_DENSITY` reflects a heuristic. - val MIN_SWITCH_DENSITY = 0.7 - - /* - * Add public static final field serialVersionUID with value `id` - * - * can-multi-thread - */ - def addSerialVUID(id: Long, jclass: asm.ClassVisitor): Unit = { - // add static serialVersionUID field if `clasz` annotated with `@SerialVersionUID(uid: Long)` - jclass.visitField( - GenBCodeOps.PrivateStaticFinal, - "serialVersionUID", - "J", - null, // no java-generic-signature - java.lang.Long.valueOf(id) - ).visitEnd() - } - } // end of trait BCClassGen - - /* functionality for building plain and mirror classes */ - abstract class JCommonBuilder - extends BCInnerClassGen - with BCAnnotGen - with BCForwardersGen - with BCPickles { } - - /* builder of mirror classes */ - class JMirrorBuilder extends JCommonBuilder { - - private var cunit: CompilationUnit = _ - def getCurrentCUnit(): CompilationUnit = cunit; - - /* Generate a mirror class for a top-level module. A mirror class is a class - * containing only static methods that forward to the corresponding method - * on the MODULE instance of the given Scala object. It will only be - * generated if there is no companion class: if there is, an attempt will - * instead be made to add the forwarder methods to the companion class. - * - * must-single-thread - */ - def genMirrorClass(moduleClass: Symbol, cunit: CompilationUnit): asm.tree.ClassNode = { - assert( - assert(moduleClass.companionClass == NoSymbol, moduleClass) - this.cunit = cunit - val bType = mirrorClassBTypeFromSymbol(moduleClass) - val moduleName = internalName(moduleClass) // + "$" - val mirrorName = bType.internalName - - val mirrorClass = new asm.tree.ClassNode - mirrorClass.visit( - classfileVersion, -, - mirrorName, - null /* no java-generic-signature */, - ObjectRef.internalName, - EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY - ) - - if (emitSource) { - mirrorClass.visitSource("" +, - null /* SourceDebugExtension */) - } - - val ssa = None // getAnnotPickle(mirrorName, if ( moduleClass.companionClass else moduleClass.companionModule) - mirrorClass.visitAttribute(if (ssa.isDefined) pickleMarkerLocal else pickleMarkerForeign) - emitAnnotations(mirrorClass, moduleClass.annotations ++ ssa) - - addForwarders(mirrorClass, mirrorName, moduleClass) - mirrorClass.visitEnd() - - // this side-effect is necessary, really. - - mirrorClass - } - - } // end of class JMirrorBuilder - - trait JAndroidBuilder { - self: BCInnerClassGen => - - /* From the reference documentation of the Android SDK: - * The `Parcelable` interface identifies classes whose instances can be written to and restored from a `Parcel`. - * Classes implementing the `Parcelable` interface must also have a static field called `CREATOR`, - * which is an object implementing the `Parcelable.Creator` interface. - */ - val androidFieldName = "CREATOR".toTermName - - lazy val AndroidParcelableInterface : Symbol = NoSymbol // getClassIfDefined("android.os.Parcelable") - lazy val AndroidCreatorClass : Symbol = NoSymbol // getClassIfDefined("android.os.Parcelable$Creator") - - /* - * must-single-thread - */ - def isAndroidParcelableClass(sym: Symbol) = - (AndroidParcelableInterface != NoSymbol) && - ( contains AndroidParcelableInterface) - - /* - * must-single-thread - */ - def legacyAddCreatorCode(clinit: asm.MethodVisitor, cnode: asm.tree.ClassNode, thisName: String): Unit = { - val androidCreatorType = getClassBType(AndroidCreatorClass) - val tdesc_creator = androidCreatorType.descriptor - - cnode.visitField( - GenBCodeOps.PublicStaticFinal, - "CREATOR", - tdesc_creator, - null, // no java-generic-signature - null // no initial value - ).visitEnd() - - val moduleName = (thisName + "$") - - // GETSTATIC `moduleName`.MODULE$ : `moduleName`; - clinit.visitFieldInsn( - asm.Opcodes.GETSTATIC, - moduleName, - str.MODULE_INSTANCE_FIELD, - "L" + moduleName + ";" - ) - - // INVOKEVIRTUAL `moduleName`.CREATOR() : android.os.Parcelable$Creator; - val bt = MethodBType(Nil, androidCreatorType) - clinit.visitMethodInsn( - asm.Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, - moduleName, - "CREATOR", - bt.descriptor, - false - ) - - // PUTSTATIC `thisName`.CREATOR; - clinit.visitFieldInsn( - asm.Opcodes.PUTSTATIC, - thisName, - "CREATOR", - tdesc_creator - ) - } - - } // end of trait JAndroidBuilder - - /** - * This method returns the BType for a type reference, for example a parameter type. - * - * If the result is a ClassBType for a nested class, it is added to the innerClassBufferASM. - * - * If `t` references a class, toTypeKind ensures that the class is not an implementation class. - * See also comment on getClassBTypeAndRegisterInnerClass, which is invoked for implementation - * classes. - */ - private def typeToTypeKind(tp: Type)(ct: BCodeHelpers)(storage: ct.BCInnerClassGen): ct.bTypes.BType = { - import ct.bTypes._ - val defn = ctx.definitions - import coreBTypes._ - import Types._ - /** - * Primitive types are represented as TypeRefs to the class symbol of, for example, scala.Int. - * The `primitiveTypeMap` maps those class symbols to the corresponding PrimitiveBType. - */ - def primitiveOrClassToBType(sym: Symbol): BType = { - assert(sym.isClass, sym) - assert(sym != defn.ArrayClass || compilingArray, sym) - primitiveTypeMap.getOrElse(sym, storage.getClassBType(sym)).asInstanceOf[BType] - } - - /** - * When compiling Array.scala, the type parameter T is not erased and shows up in method - * signatures, e.g. `def apply(i: Int): T`. A TyperRef to T is replaced by ObjectReference. - */ - def nonClassTypeRefToBType(sym: Symbol): ClassBType = { - assert(sym.isType && compilingArray, sym) - ObjectRef.asInstanceOf[ct.bTypes.ClassBType] - } - - tp.widenDealias match { - case JavaArrayType(el) =>ArrayBType(typeToTypeKind(el)(ct)(storage)) // Array type such as Array[Int] (kept by erasure) - case t: TypeRef => - match { - - case _ => - if (!t.symbol.isClass) nonClassTypeRefToBType(t.symbol) // See comment on nonClassTypeRefToBType - else primitiveOrClassToBType(t.symbol) // Common reference to a type such as scala.Int or java.lang.String - } - case Types.ClassInfo(_, sym, _, _, _) => primitiveOrClassToBType(sym) // We get here, for example, for genLoadModule, which invokes toTypeKind( - - /* AnnotatedType should (probably) be eliminated by erasure. However we know it happens for - * meta-annotated annotations (@(ann @getter) val x = 0), so we don't emit a warning. - * The type in the AnnotationInfo is an AnnotatedTpe. Tested in jvm/annotations.scala. - */ - case a @ AnnotatedType(t, _) => - report.debuglog(s"typeKind of annotated type $a") - typeToTypeKind(t)(ct)(storage) - - /* The cases below should probably never occur. They are kept for now to avoid introducing - * new compiler crashes, but we added a warning. The compiler / library bootstrap and the - * test suite don't produce any warning. - */ - - case tp => - report.warning( - s"an unexpected type representation reached the compiler backend while compiling ${ctx.compilationUnit}: $tp. " + - "If possible, please file a bug on") - - tp match { - case tp: ThisType if tp.cls == defn.ArrayClass => ObjectRef.asInstanceOf[ct.bTypes.ClassBType] // was introduced in 9b17332f11 to fix SI-999, but this code is not reached in its test, or any other test - case tp: ThisType => storage.getClassBType(tp.cls) - // case t: SingletonType => primitiveOrClassToBType(t.classSymbol) - case t: SingletonType => typeToTypeKind(t.underlying)(ct)(storage) - case t: RefinedType => typeToTypeKind(t.parent)(ct)(storage) //, b) => a.jvmWiseLUB(b)) - } - } - } - - private def getGenericSignatureHelper(sym: Symbol, owner: Symbol, memberTpe: Type)(using Context): Option[String] = { - if (needsGenericSignature(sym)) { - val erasedTypeSym = TypeErasure.fullErasure( - if (erasedTypeSym.isPrimitiveValueClass) { - // Suppress signatures for symbols whose types erase in the end to primitive - // value types. This is needed to fix #7416. - None - } else { - val jsOpt = GenericSignatures.javaSig(sym, memberTpe) - if (ctx.settings.XverifySignatures.value) { - jsOpt.foreach(verifySignature(sym, _)) - } - - jsOpt - } - } else { - None - } - } - - private def verifySignature(sym: Symbol, sig: String)(using Context): Unit = { - import - def wrap(body: => Unit): Unit = { - try body - catch { - case ex: Throwable => - report.error( - em"""|compiler bug: created invalid generic signature for $sym in ${sym.denot.owner.showFullName} - |signature: $sig - |if this is reproducible, please report bug at - """, sym.sourcePos) - throw ex - } - } - - wrap { - if ( { - CheckClassAdapter.checkMethodSignature(sig) - } - else if (sym.isTerm) { - CheckClassAdapter.checkFieldSignature(sig) - } - else { - CheckClassAdapter.checkClassSignature(sig) - } - } - } - - // @M don't generate java generics sigs for (members of) implementation - // classes, as they are monomorphic (TODO: ok?) - private final def needsGenericSignature(sym: Symbol): Boolean = !( - // pp: this condition used to include sym.hasexpandedname, but this leads - // to the total loss of generic information if a private member is - // accessed from a closure: both the field and the accessor were generated - // without it. This is particularly bad because the availability of - // generic information could disappear as a consequence of a seemingly - // unrelated change. - ctx.base.settings.YnoGenericSig.value - || - || sym.isAllOf(LiftedMethod) - || - ) - - private def getStaticForwarderGenericSignature(sym: Symbol, moduleClass: Symbol): String = { - // scala/bug#3452 Static forwarder generation uses the same erased signature as the method if forwards to. - // By rights, it should use the signature as-seen-from the module class, and add suitable - // primitive and value-class boxing/unboxing. - // But for now, just like we did in mixin, we just avoid writing a wrong generic signature - // (one that doesn't erase to the actual signature). See run/t3452b for a test case. - - val memberTpe = atPhase(erasurePhase) { moduleClass.denot.thisType.memberInfo(sym) } - val erasedMemberType = ElimErasedValueType.elimEVT(TypeErasure.transformInfo(sym, memberTpe)) - if (erasedMemberType =:= - getGenericSignatureHelper(sym, moduleClass, memberTpe).orNull - else null - } - - def abort(msg: String): Nothing = { - report.error(msg) - throw new RuntimeException(msg) - } - - private def compilingArray(using Context) = - == "Array.scala" -} - -object BCodeHelpers { - - class InvokeStyle(val style: Int) extends AnyVal { - import InvokeStyle._ - def isVirtual: Boolean = this == Virtual - def isStatic : Boolean = this == Static - def isSpecial: Boolean = this == Special - def isSuper : Boolean = this == Super - - def hasInstance = this != Static - } - - object InvokeStyle { - val Virtual = new InvokeStyle(0) // InvokeVirtual or InvokeInterface - val Static = new InvokeStyle(1) // InvokeStatic - val Special = new InvokeStyle(2) // InvokeSpecial (private methods, constructors) - val Super = new InvokeStyle(3) // InvokeSpecial (super calls) - } - - /** An attachment on Apply nodes indicating that it should be compiled with - * `invokespecial` instead of `invokevirtual`. This is used for static - * forwarders. - * See BCodeSkelBuilder.makeStaticForwarder for more details. - */ - val UseInvokeSpecial = new dotc.util.Property.Key[Unit] - -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/BCodeIdiomatic.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/BCodeIdiomatic.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 2d61f05e40de..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/BCodeIdiomatic.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,727 +0,0 @@ -package -package backend -package jvm - -import scala.language.unsafeNulls - -import -import scala.annotation.switch -import Primitives.{NE, EQ, TestOp, ArithmeticOp} -import -import - -/* - * A high-level facade to the ASM API for bytecode generation. - * - * @author Miguel Garcia, - * @version 1.0 - * - */ -trait BCodeIdiomatic extends caps.Pure { - val int: DottyBackendInterface - final lazy val bTypes = new BTypesFromSymbols[int.type](int) - - import int.{_, given} - import bTypes._ - import coreBTypes._ - - - - lazy val target = - val releaseValue = Option(ctx.settings.javaOutputVersion.value).filter(_.nonEmpty) - val targetValue = Option(ctx.settings.XuncheckedJavaOutputVersion.value).filter(_.nonEmpty) - val defaultTarget = "8" - (releaseValue, targetValue) match - case (Some(release), None) => release - case (None, Some(target)) => target - case (Some(release), Some(_)) => - report.warning(s"The value of ${} was overridden by ${}") - release - case (None, None) => "8" // least supported version by default - - - // Keep synchronized with `minTargetVersion` and `maxTargetVersion` in ScalaSettings - lazy val classfileVersion: Int = target match { - case "8" => asm.Opcodes.V1_8 - case "9" => asm.Opcodes.V9 - case "10" => asm.Opcodes.V10 - case "11" => asm.Opcodes.V11 - case "12" => asm.Opcodes.V12 - case "13" => asm.Opcodes.V13 - case "14" => asm.Opcodes.V14 - case "15" => asm.Opcodes.V15/* - case "16" => asm.Opcodes.V16 - case "17" => asm.Opcodes.V17 - case "18" => asm.Opcodes.V18 - case "19" => asm.Opcodes.V19 - case "20" => asm.Opcodes.V20 - case "21" => asm.Opcodes.V21 - case "22" => asm.Opcodes.V22*/ - } - - lazy val majorVersion: Int = (classfileVersion & 0xFF) - lazy val emitStackMapFrame = (majorVersion >= 50) - - val extraProc: Int = - import GenBCodeOps.addFlagIf - asm.ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS - .addFlagIf(emitStackMapFrame, asm.ClassWriter.COMPUTE_FRAMES) - - lazy val JavaStringBuilderClassName = jlStringBuilderRef.internalName - - val CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME = "" - val INSTANCE_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME = "" - - val EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY = Array.empty[String] - val EMPTY_INT_ARRAY = Array.empty[Int] - val EMPTY_LABEL_ARRAY = Array.empty[asm.Label] - val EMPTY_BTYPE_ARRAY = Array.empty[BType] - - /* can-multi-thread */ - final def mkArrayB(xs: List[BType]): Array[BType] = { - if (xs.isEmpty) { return EMPTY_BTYPE_ARRAY } - val a = new Array[BType](xs.size); xs.copyToArray(a); a - } - /* can-multi-thread */ - final def mkArrayS(xs: List[String]): Array[String] = { - if (xs.isEmpty) { return EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY } - val a = new Array[String](xs.size); xs.copyToArray(a); a - } - /* can-multi-thread */ - final def mkArrayL(xs: List[asm.Label]): Array[asm.Label] = { - if (xs.isEmpty) { return EMPTY_LABEL_ARRAY } - val a = new Array[asm.Label](xs.size); xs.copyToArray(a); a - } - - /* - * can-multi-thread - */ - final def mkArrayReverse(xs: List[String]): Array[String] = { - val len = xs.size - if (len == 0) { return EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY } - val a = new Array[String](len) - var i = len - 1 - var rest = xs - while (!rest.isEmpty) { - a(i) = rest.head - rest = rest.tail - i -= 1 - } - a - } - - /* - * can-multi-thread - */ - final def mkArrayReverse(xs: List[Int]): Array[Int] = { - val len = xs.size - if (len == 0) { return EMPTY_INT_ARRAY } - val a = new Array[Int](len) - var i = len - 1 - var rest = xs - while (!rest.isEmpty) { - a(i) = rest.head - rest = rest.tail - i -= 1 - } - a - } - - /* Just a namespace for utilities that encapsulate MethodVisitor idioms. - * In the ASM world, org.objectweb.asm.commons.InstructionAdapter plays a similar role, - * but the methods here allow choosing when to transition from ICode to ASM types - * (including not at all, e.g. for performance). - */ - abstract class JCodeMethodN { - - def jmethod: asm.tree.MethodNode - - import asm.Opcodes; - - final def emit(opc: Int): Unit = { jmethod.visitInsn(opc) } - - /* - * can-multi-thread - */ - final def genPrimitiveArithmetic(op: ArithmeticOp, kind: BType): Unit = { - - import Primitives.{ ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, REM, NOT } - - op match { - - case ADD => add(kind) - case SUB => sub(kind) - case MUL => mul(kind) - case DIV => div(kind) - case REM => rem(kind) - - case NOT => - if (kind.isIntSizedType) { - emit(Opcodes.ICONST_M1) - emit(Opcodes.IXOR) - } else if (kind == LONG) { - jmethod.visitLdcInsn(java.lang.Long.valueOf(-1)) - jmethod.visitInsn(Opcodes.LXOR) - } else { - abort(s"Impossible to negate an $kind") - } - - case _ => - abort(s"Unknown arithmetic primitive $op") - } - - } // end of method genPrimitiveArithmetic() - - /* - * can-multi-thread - */ - final def genPrimitiveLogical(op: /* LogicalOp */ Int, kind: BType): Unit = { - - import ScalaPrimitivesOps.{ AND, OR, XOR } - - ((op, kind): @unchecked) match { - case (AND, LONG) => emit(Opcodes.LAND) - case (AND, INT) => emit(Opcodes.IAND) - case (AND, _) => - emit(Opcodes.IAND) - if (kind != BOOL) { emitT2T(INT, kind) } - - case (OR, LONG) => emit(Opcodes.LOR) - case (OR, INT) => emit(Opcodes.IOR) - case (OR, _) => - emit(Opcodes.IOR) - if (kind != BOOL) { emitT2T(INT, kind) } - - case (XOR, LONG) => emit(Opcodes.LXOR) - case (XOR, INT) => emit(Opcodes.IXOR) - case (XOR, _) => - emit(Opcodes.IXOR) - if (kind != BOOL) { emitT2T(INT, kind) } - } - - } // end of method genPrimitiveLogical() - - /* - * can-multi-thread - */ - final def genPrimitiveShift(op: /* ShiftOp */ Int, kind: BType): Unit = { - - import ScalaPrimitivesOps.{ LSL, ASR, LSR } - - ((op, kind): @unchecked) match { - case (LSL, LONG) => emit(Opcodes.LSHL) - case (LSL, INT) => emit(Opcodes.ISHL) - case (LSL, _) => - emit(Opcodes.ISHL) - emitT2T(INT, kind) - - case (ASR, LONG) => emit(Opcodes.LSHR) - case (ASR, INT) => emit(Opcodes.ISHR) - case (ASR, _) => - emit(Opcodes.ISHR) - emitT2T(INT, kind) - - case (LSR, LONG) => emit(Opcodes.LUSHR) - case (LSR, INT) => emit(Opcodes.IUSHR) - case (LSR, _) => - emit(Opcodes.IUSHR) - emitT2T(INT, kind) - } - - } // end of method genPrimitiveShift() - - /* Creates a new `StringBuilder` instance with the requested capacity - * - * can-multi-thread - */ - final def genNewStringBuilder(size: Int): Unit = { - jmethod.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.NEW, JavaStringBuilderClassName) - jmethod.visitInsn(Opcodes.DUP) - jmethod.visitLdcInsn(Integer.valueOf(size)) - invokespecial( - JavaStringBuilderClassName, - INSTANCE_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME, - "(I)V", - itf = false - ) - } - - /* Issue a call to `StringBuilder#append` for the right element type - * - * can-multi-thread - */ - final def genStringBuilderAppend(elemType: BType): Unit = { - val paramType = elemType match { - case ct: ClassBType if ct.isSubtypeOf(StringRef) => StringRef - case ct: ClassBType if ct.isSubtypeOf(jlStringBufferRef) => jlStringBufferRef - case ct: ClassBType if ct.isSubtypeOf(jlCharSequenceRef) => jlCharSequenceRef - // Don't match for `ArrayBType(CHAR)`, even though StringBuilder has such an overload: - // `"a" + Array('b')` should NOT be "ab", but "a[C@...". - case _: RefBType => ObjectRef - // jlStringBuilder does not have overloads for byte and short, but we can just use the int version - case BYTE | SHORT => INT - case pt: PrimitiveBType => pt - } - val bt = MethodBType(List(paramType), jlStringBuilderRef) - invokevirtual(JavaStringBuilderClassName, "append", bt.descriptor) - } - - /* Extract the built `String` from the `StringBuilder` - * - * can-multi-thread - */ - final def genStringBuilderEnd: Unit = { - invokevirtual(JavaStringBuilderClassName, "toString", genStringBuilderEndDesc) - } - // Use ClassBType refs instead of plain string literal to make sure that needed ClassBTypes are initialized and reachable - private lazy val genStringBuilderEndDesc = MethodBType(Nil, StringRef).descriptor - - /* Concatenate top N arguments on the stack with `StringConcatFactory#makeConcatWithConstants` - * (only works for JDK 9+) - * - * can-multi-thread - */ - final def genIndyStringConcat( - recipe: String, - argTypes: Seq[asm.Type], - constants: Seq[String] - ): Unit = { - jmethod.visitInvokeDynamicInsn( - "makeConcatWithConstants", - asm.Type.getMethodDescriptor(StringRef.toASMType, argTypes:_*), - coreBTypes.jliStringConcatFactoryMakeConcatWithConstantsHandle, - (recipe +: constants):_* - ) - } - - /* - * Emits one or more conversion instructions based on the types given as arguments. - * - * @param from The type of the value to be converted into another type. - * @param to The type the value will be converted into. - * - * can-multi-thread - */ - final def emitT2T(from: BType, to: BType): Unit = { - - assert( - from.isNonVoidPrimitiveType && to.isNonVoidPrimitiveType, - s"Cannot emit primitive conversion from $from to $to" - ) - - def pickOne(opcs: Array[Int]): Unit = { // TODO index on to.sort - val chosen = (to: @unchecked) match { - case BYTE => opcs(0) - case SHORT => opcs(1) - case CHAR => opcs(2) - case INT => opcs(3) - case LONG => opcs(4) - case FLOAT => opcs(5) - case DOUBLE => opcs(6) - } - if (chosen != -1) { emit(chosen) } - } - - if (from == to) { return } - // the only conversion involving BOOL that is allowed is (BOOL -> BOOL) - assert(from != BOOL && to != BOOL, s"inconvertible types : $from -> $to") - - // We're done with BOOL already - from match { - - // using `asm.Type.SHORT` instead of `BType.SHORT` because otherwise "warning: could not emit switch for @switch annotated match" - - case BYTE => pickOne(JCodeMethodN.fromByteT2T) - case SHORT => pickOne(JCodeMethodN.fromShortT2T) - case CHAR => pickOne(JCodeMethodN.fromCharT2T) - case INT => pickOne(JCodeMethodN.fromIntT2T) - - case FLOAT => - import asm.Opcodes.{ F2L, F2D, F2I } - to match { - case LONG => emit(F2L) - case DOUBLE => emit(F2D) - case _ => emit(F2I); emitT2T(INT, to) - } - - case LONG => - import asm.Opcodes.{ L2F, L2D, L2I } - to match { - case FLOAT => emit(L2F) - case DOUBLE => emit(L2D) - case _ => emit(L2I); emitT2T(INT, to) - } - - case DOUBLE => - import asm.Opcodes.{ D2L, D2F, D2I } - to match { - case FLOAT => emit(D2F) - case LONG => emit(D2L) - case _ => emit(D2I); emitT2T(INT, to) - } - } - } // end of emitT2T() - - // can-multi-thread - final def boolconst(b: Boolean): Unit = { iconst(if (b) 1 else 0) } - - // can-multi-thread - final def iconst(cst: Int): Unit = { - if (cst >= -1 && cst <= 5) { - emit(Opcodes.ICONST_0 + cst) - } else if (cst >= java.lang.Byte.MIN_VALUE && cst <= java.lang.Byte.MAX_VALUE) { - jmethod.visitIntInsn(Opcodes.BIPUSH, cst) - } else if (cst >= java.lang.Short.MIN_VALUE && cst <= java.lang.Short.MAX_VALUE) { - jmethod.visitIntInsn(Opcodes.SIPUSH, cst) - } else { - jmethod.visitLdcInsn(Integer.valueOf(cst)) - } - } - - // can-multi-thread - final def lconst(cst: Long): Unit = { - if (cst == 0L || cst == 1L) { - emit(Opcodes.LCONST_0 + cst.asInstanceOf[Int]) - } else { - jmethod.visitLdcInsn(java.lang.Long.valueOf(cst)) - } - } - - // can-multi-thread - final def fconst(cst: Float): Unit = { - val bits: Int = java.lang.Float.floatToIntBits(cst) - if (bits == 0L || bits == 0x3f800000 || bits == 0x40000000) { // 0..2 - emit(Opcodes.FCONST_0 + cst.asInstanceOf[Int]) - } else { - jmethod.visitLdcInsn(java.lang.Float.valueOf(cst)) - } - } - - // can-multi-thread - final def dconst(cst: Double): Unit = { - val bits: Long = java.lang.Double.doubleToLongBits(cst) - if (bits == 0L || bits == 0x3ff0000000000000L) { // +0.0d and 1.0d - emit(Opcodes.DCONST_0 + cst.asInstanceOf[Int]) - } else { - jmethod.visitLdcInsn(java.lang.Double.valueOf(cst)) - } - } - - // can-multi-thread - final def newarray(elem: BType): Unit = { - elem match { - case c: RefBType => - /* phantom type at play in `Array(null)`, SI-1513. On the other hand, Array(()) has element type `scala.runtime.BoxedUnit` which isObject. */ - jmethod.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.ANEWARRAY, c.classOrArrayType) - case _ => - assert(elem.isNonVoidPrimitiveType) - val rand = { - // using `asm.Type.SHORT` instead of `BType.SHORT` because otherwise "warning: could not emit switch for @switch annotated match" - elem match { - case BOOL => Opcodes.T_BOOLEAN - case BYTE => Opcodes.T_BYTE - case SHORT => Opcodes.T_SHORT - case CHAR => Opcodes.T_CHAR - case INT => Opcodes.T_INT - case LONG => Opcodes.T_LONG - case FLOAT => Opcodes.T_FLOAT - case DOUBLE => Opcodes.T_DOUBLE - } - } - jmethod.visitIntInsn(Opcodes.NEWARRAY, rand) - } - } - - - final def load( idx: Int, tk: BType): Unit = { emitVarInsn(Opcodes.ILOAD, idx, tk) } // can-multi-thread - final def store(idx: Int, tk: BType): Unit = { emitVarInsn(Opcodes.ISTORE, idx, tk) } // can-multi-thread - final def iinc( idx: Int, increment: Int): Unit = jmethod.visitIincInsn(idx, increment) // can-multi-thread - - final def aload( tk: BType): Unit = { emitTypeBased(JCodeMethodN.aloadOpcodes, tk) } // can-multi-thread - final def astore(tk: BType): Unit = { emitTypeBased(JCodeMethodN.astoreOpcodes, tk) } // can-multi-thread - - final def neg(tk: BType): Unit = { emitPrimitive(JCodeMethodN.negOpcodes, tk) } // can-multi-thread - final def add(tk: BType): Unit = { emitPrimitive(JCodeMethodN.addOpcodes, tk) } // can-multi-thread - final def sub(tk: BType): Unit = { emitPrimitive(JCodeMethodN.subOpcodes, tk) } // can-multi-thread - final def mul(tk: BType): Unit = { emitPrimitive(JCodeMethodN.mulOpcodes, tk) } // can-multi-thread - final def div(tk: BType): Unit = { emitPrimitive(JCodeMethodN.divOpcodes, tk) } // can-multi-thread - final def rem(tk: BType): Unit = { emitPrimitive(JCodeMethodN.remOpcodes, tk) } // can-multi-thread - - // can-multi-thread - final def invokespecial(owner: String, name: String, desc: String, itf: Boolean): Unit = { - emitInvoke(Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL, owner, name, desc, itf) - } - // can-multi-thread - final def invokestatic(owner: String, name: String, desc: String, itf: Boolean): Unit = { - emitInvoke(Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC, owner, name, desc, itf) - } - // can-multi-thread - final def invokeinterface(owner: String, name: String, desc: String): Unit = { - emitInvoke(Opcodes.INVOKEINTERFACE, owner, name, desc, itf = true) - } - // can-multi-thread - final def invokevirtual(owner: String, name: String, desc: String): Unit = { - emitInvoke(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, owner, name, desc, itf = false) - } - - def emitInvoke(opcode: Int, owner: String, name: String, desc: String, itf: Boolean): Unit = { - val node = new MethodInsnNode(opcode, owner, name, desc, itf) - jmethod.instructions.add(node) - } - - - // can-multi-thread - final def goTo(label: asm.Label): Unit = { jmethod.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.GOTO, label) } - // can-multi-thread - final def emitIF(cond: TestOp, label: asm.Label): Unit = { jmethod.visitJumpInsn(cond.opcodeIF(), label) } - // can-multi-thread - final def emitIF_ICMP(cond: TestOp, label: asm.Label): Unit = { jmethod.visitJumpInsn(cond.opcodeIFICMP(), label) } - // can-multi-thread - final def emitIF_ACMP(cond: TestOp, label: asm.Label): Unit = { - assert((cond == EQ) || (cond == NE), cond) - val opc = (if (cond == EQ) Opcodes.IF_ACMPEQ else Opcodes.IF_ACMPNE) - jmethod.visitJumpInsn(opc, label) - } - // can-multi-thread - final def emitIFNONNULL(label: asm.Label): Unit = { jmethod.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.IFNONNULL, label) } - // can-multi-thread - final def emitIFNULL (label: asm.Label): Unit = { jmethod.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.IFNULL, label) } - - // can-multi-thread - final def emitRETURN(tk: BType): Unit = { - if (tk == UNIT) { emit(Opcodes.RETURN) } - else { emitTypeBased(JCodeMethodN.returnOpcodes, tk) } - } - - /* Emits one of tableswitch or lookoupswitch. - * - * can-multi-thread - */ - final def emitSWITCH(keys: Array[Int], branches: Array[asm.Label], defaultBranch: asm.Label, minDensity: Double): Unit = { - assert(keys.length == branches.length) - - // For empty keys, it makes sense emitting LOOKUPSWITCH with defaultBranch only. - // Similar to what javac emits for a switch statement consisting only of a default case. - if (keys.length == 0) { - jmethod.visitLookupSwitchInsn(defaultBranch, keys, branches) - return - } - - // sort `keys` by increasing key, keeping `branches` in sync. TODO FIXME use quicksort - var i = 1 - while (i < keys.length) { - var j = 1 - while (j <= keys.length - i) { - if (keys(j) < keys(j - 1)) { - val tmp = keys(j) - keys(j) = keys(j - 1) - keys(j - 1) = tmp - val tmpL = branches(j) - branches(j) = branches(j - 1) - branches(j - 1) = tmpL - } - j += 1 - } - i += 1 - } - - // check for duplicate keys to avoid "VerifyError: unsorted lookupswitch" (SI-6011) - i = 1 - while (i < keys.length) { - if (keys(i-1) == keys(i)) { - abort("duplicate keys in SWITCH, can't pick arbitrarily one of them to evict, see SI-6011.") - } - i += 1 - } - - val keyMin = keys(0) - val keyMax = keys(keys.length - 1) - - val isDenseEnough: Boolean = { - /* Calculate in long to guard against overflow. TODO what overflow? */ - val keyRangeD: Double = (keyMax.asInstanceOf[Long] - keyMin + 1).asInstanceOf[Double] - val klenD: Double = keys.length - val kdensity: Double = (klenD / keyRangeD) - - kdensity >= minDensity - } - - if (isDenseEnough) { - // use a table in which holes are filled with defaultBranch. - val keyRange = (keyMax - keyMin + 1) - val newBranches = new Array[asm.Label](keyRange) - var oldPos = 0 - var i = 0 - while (i < keyRange) { - val key = keyMin + i; - if (keys(oldPos) == key) { - newBranches(i) = branches(oldPos) - oldPos += 1 - } else { - newBranches(i) = defaultBranch - } - i += 1 - } - assert(oldPos == keys.length, "emitSWITCH") - jmethod.visitTableSwitchInsn(keyMin, keyMax, defaultBranch, newBranches: _*) - } else { - jmethod.visitLookupSwitchInsn(defaultBranch, keys, branches) - } - } - - // internal helpers -- not part of the public API of `jcode` - // don't make private otherwise inlining will suffer - - // can-multi-thread - final def emitVarInsn(opc: Int, idx: Int, tk: BType): Unit = { - assert((opc == Opcodes.ILOAD) || (opc == Opcodes.ISTORE), opc) - jmethod.visitVarInsn(tk.typedOpcode(opc), idx) - } - - // ---------------- array load and store ---------------- - - // can-multi-thread - final def emitTypeBased(opcs: Array[Int], tk: BType): Unit = { - assert(tk != UNIT, tk) - val opc = { - if (tk.isRef) { opcs(0) } - else if (tk.isIntSizedType) { - (tk: @unchecked) match { - case BOOL | BYTE => opcs(1) - case SHORT => opcs(2) - case CHAR => opcs(3) - case INT => opcs(4) - } - } else { - (tk: @unchecked) match { - case LONG => opcs(5) - case FLOAT => opcs(6) - case DOUBLE => opcs(7) - } - } - } - emit(opc) - } - - // ---------------- primitive operations ---------------- - - // can-multi-thread - final def emitPrimitive(opcs: Array[Int], tk: BType): Unit = { - val opc = { - // using `asm.Type.SHORT` instead of `BType.SHORT` because otherwise "warning: could not emit switch for @switch annotated match" - tk match { - case LONG => opcs(1) - case FLOAT => opcs(2) - case DOUBLE => opcs(3) - case _ => opcs(0) - } - } - emit(opc) - } - - // can-multi-thread - final def drop(tk: BType): Unit = { emit(if (tk.isWideType) Opcodes.POP2 else Opcodes.POP) } - - // can-multi-thread - final def dup(tk: BType): Unit = { emit(if (tk.isWideType) Opcodes.DUP2 else Opcodes.DUP) } - - // ---------------- type checks and casts ---------------- - - // can-multi-thread - final def isInstance(tk: RefBType): Unit = { - jmethod.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.INSTANCEOF, tk.classOrArrayType) - } - - // can-multi-thread - final def checkCast(tk: RefBType): Unit = { - // TODO ICode also requires: but that's too much, right? assert(!isBoxedType(tk), "checkcast on boxed type: " + tk) - jmethod.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.CHECKCAST, tk.classOrArrayType) - } - - def abort(msg: String): Nothing = { - report.error(msg) - throw new RuntimeException(msg) - } - - } // end of class JCodeMethodN - - /* Constant-valued val-members of JCodeMethodN at the companion object, so as to avoid re-initializing them multiple times. */ - object JCodeMethodN { - - import asm.Opcodes._ - - // ---------------- conversions ---------------- - - val fromByteT2T = { Array( -1, -1, I2C, -1, I2L, I2F, I2D) } // do nothing for (BYTE -> SHORT) and for (BYTE -> INT) - val fromCharT2T = { Array(I2B, I2S, -1, -1, I2L, I2F, I2D) } // for (CHAR -> INT) do nothing - val fromShortT2T = { Array(I2B, -1, I2C, -1, I2L, I2F, I2D) } // for (SHORT -> INT) do nothing - val fromIntT2T = { Array(I2B, I2S, I2C, -1, I2L, I2F, I2D) } - - // ---------------- array load and store ---------------- - - val aloadOpcodes = { Array(AALOAD, BALOAD, SALOAD, CALOAD, IALOAD, LALOAD, FALOAD, DALOAD) } - val astoreOpcodes = { Array(AASTORE, BASTORE, SASTORE, CASTORE, IASTORE, LASTORE, FASTORE, DASTORE) } - val returnOpcodes = { Array(ARETURN, IRETURN, IRETURN, IRETURN, IRETURN, LRETURN, FRETURN, DRETURN) } - - // ---------------- primitive operations ---------------- - - val negOpcodes: Array[Int] = { Array(INEG, LNEG, FNEG, DNEG) } - val addOpcodes: Array[Int] = { Array(IADD, LADD, FADD, DADD) } - val subOpcodes: Array[Int] = { Array(ISUB, LSUB, FSUB, DSUB) } - val mulOpcodes: Array[Int] = { Array(IMUL, LMUL, FMUL, DMUL) } - val divOpcodes: Array[Int] = { Array(IDIV, LDIV, FDIV, DDIV) } - val remOpcodes: Array[Int] = { Array(IREM, LREM, FREM, DREM) } - - } // end of object JCodeMethodN - - // ---------------- adapted from scalaPrimitives ---------------- - - /* Given `code` reports the src TypeKind of the coercion indicated by `code`. - * To find the dst TypeKind, `ScalaPrimitivesOps.generatedKind(code)` can be used. - * - * can-multi-thread - */ - final def coercionFrom(code: Int): BType = { - import ScalaPrimitivesOps._ - (code: @switch) match { - case B2B | B2C | B2S | B2I | B2L | B2F | B2D => BYTE - case S2B | S2S | S2C | S2I | S2L | S2F | S2D => SHORT - case C2B | C2S | C2C | C2I | C2L | C2F | C2D => CHAR - case I2B | I2S | I2C | I2I | I2L | I2F | I2D => INT - case L2B | L2S | L2C | L2I | L2L | L2F | L2D => LONG - case F2B | F2S | F2C | F2I | F2L | F2F | F2D => FLOAT - case D2B | D2S | D2C | D2I | D2L | D2F | D2D => DOUBLE - } - } - - /* If code is a coercion primitive, the result type. - * - * can-multi-thread - */ - final def coercionTo(code: Int): BType = { - import ScalaPrimitivesOps._ - (code: @switch) match { - case B2B | C2B | S2B | I2B | L2B | F2B | D2B => BYTE - case B2C | C2C | S2C | I2C | L2C | F2C | D2C => CHAR - case B2S | C2S | S2S | I2S | L2S | F2S | D2S => SHORT - case B2I | C2I | S2I | I2I | L2I | F2I | D2I => INT - case B2L | C2L | S2L | I2L | L2L | F2L | D2L => LONG - case B2F | C2F | S2F | I2F | L2F | F2F | D2F => FLOAT - case B2D | C2D | S2D | I2D | L2D | F2D | D2D => DOUBLE - } - } - - implicit class InsnIterMethodNode(mnode: asm.tree.MethodNode) { - @`inline` final def foreachInsn(f: (asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode) => Unit): Unit = { mnode.instructions.foreachInsn(f) } - } - - implicit class InsnIterInsnList(lst: asm.tree.InsnList) { - - @`inline` final def foreachInsn(f: (asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode) => Unit): Unit = { - val insnIter = lst.iterator() - while (insnIter.hasNext) { - f( - } - } - } -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/BCodeSkelBuilder.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/BCodeSkelBuilder.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 1d8a9c579cb9..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/BCodeSkelBuilder.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,908 +0,0 @@ -package -package backend -package jvm - -import scala.language.unsafeNulls - -import scala.annotation.tailrec - -import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable } - -import -import -import -import -import -import -import -import -import -import -import -import -import -import -import - -/* - * - * @author Miguel Garcia, - * @version 1.0 - * - */ -trait BCodeSkelBuilder extends BCodeHelpers { - import int.{_, given} - import DottyBackendInterface.{symExtensions, _} - import tpd._ - import bTypes._ - import coreBTypes._ - import bCodeAsmCommon._ - - lazy val NativeAttr: Symbol = requiredClass[scala.native] - - /** The destination of a value generated by `genLoadTo`. */ - enum LoadDestination: - /** The value is put on the stack, and control flows through to the next opcode. */ - case FallThrough - /** The value is put on the stack, and control flow is transferred to the given `label`. */ - case Jump(label: asm.Label) - /** The value is RETURN'ed from the enclosing method. */ - case Return - /** The value is ATHROW'n. */ - case Throw - end LoadDestination - - /* - * There's a dedicated PlainClassBuilder for each CompilationUnit, - * which simplifies the initialization of per-class data structures in `genPlainClass()` which in turn delegates to `initJClass()` - * - * The entry-point to emitting bytecode instructions is `genDefDef()` where the per-method data structures are initialized, - * including `resetMethodBookkeeping()` and `initJMethod()`. - * Once that's been done, and assuming the method being visited isn't abstract, `emitNormalMethodBody()` populates - * the ASM MethodNode instance with ASM AbstractInsnNodes. - * - * Given that CleanUp delivers trees that produce values on the stack, - * the entry-point to all-things instruction-emit is `genLoad()`. - * There, an operation taking N arguments results in recursively emitting instructions to lead each of them, - * followed by emitting instructions to process those arguments (to be found at run-time on the operand-stack). - * - * In a few cases the above recipe deserves more details, as provided in the documentation for: - * - `genLoadTry()` - * - `genSynchronized() - * - `jumpDest` , `cleanups` , `labelDefsAtOrUnder` - */ - abstract class PlainSkelBuilder(cunit: CompilationUnit) - extends BCClassGen - with BCAnnotGen - with BCInnerClassGen - with JAndroidBuilder - with BCForwardersGen - with BCPickles - with BCJGenSigGen { - - // Strangely I can't find this in the asm code 255, but reserving 1 for "this" - inline val MaximumJvmParameters = 254 - - // current class - var cnode: ClassNode1 = null - var thisName: String = null // the internal name of the class being emitted - - var claszSymbol: Symbol = null - var isCZParcelable = false - var isCZStaticModule = false - - /* ---------------- idiomatic way to ask questions to typer ---------------- */ - - def paramTKs(app: Apply, take: Int = -1): List[BType] = app match { - case Apply(fun, _) => - val funSym = fun.symbol - ( map toTypeKind) // this tracks mentioned inner classes (in innerClassBufferASM) - } - - def symInfoTK(sym: Symbol): BType = { - toTypeKind( // this tracks mentioned inner classes (in innerClassBufferASM) - } - - def tpeTK(tree: Tree): BType = { toTypeKind(tree.tpe) } - - override def getCurrentCUnit(): CompilationUnit = { cunit } - - /* ---------------- helper utils for generating classes and fields ---------------- */ - - def genPlainClass(cd0: TypeDef) = cd0 match { - case TypeDef(_, impl: Template) => - assert(cnode == null, "GenBCode detected nested methods.") - - claszSymbol = cd0.symbol - isCZParcelable = isAndroidParcelableClass(claszSymbol) - isCZStaticModule = claszSymbol.isStaticModuleClass - thisName = internalName(claszSymbol) - - cnode = new ClassNode1() - - initJClass(cnode) - - val cd = if (isCZStaticModule) { - // Move statements from the primary constructor following the superclass constructor call to - // a newly synthesised tree representing the "", which also assigns the MODULE$ field. - // Because the assigments to both the module instance fields, and the fields of the module itself - // are in the , these fields can be static + final. - - // Should we do this transformation earlier, say in Constructors? Or would that just cause - // pain for scala-{js, native}? - // - // @sjrd ( - // moving that before the back-end would make things significantly more complicated for - // Scala.js and Native. Both have a first-class concept of ModuleClass, and encode the - // singleton pattern of MODULE$ in a completely different way. In the Scala.js IR, there - // even isn't anything that corresponds to MODULE$ per se. - // - // So if you move this before the back-end, then Scala.js and Scala Native will have to - // reverse all the effects of this transformation, which would be counter-productive. - - - // TODO: remove `!` once we change lazy val encoding - // - // - // Lazy val encoding assumes bitmap fields are non-static - // - // See `tests/run/given-var.scala` - // - - // !!! Part of this logic is duplicated in JSCodeGen.genCompilationUnit - { f => - if f.isField && ! then - f.setFlag(JavaStatic) - } - - val (clinits, body) = impl.body.partition(stat => stat.isInstanceOf[DefDef] && stat.symbol.isStaticConstructor) - - val (uptoSuperStats, remainingConstrStats) = splitAtSuper(impl.constr.rhs.asInstanceOf[Block].stats) - val clInitSymbol: TermSymbol = - if (clinits.nonEmpty) clinits.head.symbol.asTerm - else newSymbol( - claszSymbol, - nme.STATIC_CONSTRUCTOR, - JavaStatic | Method, - MethodType(Nil)(_ => Nil, _ => defn.UnitType), - privateWithin = NoSymbol, - coord = claszSymbol.coord - ) - - val moduleField = newSymbol( - claszSymbol, - str.MODULE_INSTANCE_FIELD.toTermName, - JavaStatic | Final, - claszSymbol.typeRef, - privateWithin = NoSymbol, - coord = claszSymbol.coord - ).entered - - val thisMap = new TreeMap { - override def transform(tree: Tree)(using Context) = { - val tp = tree.tpe.substThis(claszSymbol.asClass, claszSymbol.sourceModule.termRef) - tree.withType(tp) match { - case tree: This if tree.symbol == claszSymbol => - ref(claszSymbol.sourceModule) - case tree => - super.transform(tree) - } - } - } - - def rewire(stat: Tree) = thisMap.transform(stat).changeOwner(claszSymbol.primaryConstructor, clInitSymbol) - - val callConstructor = New(claszSymbol.typeRef).select(claszSymbol.primaryConstructor).appliedToTermArgs(Nil) - val assignModuleField = Assign(ref(moduleField), callConstructor) - val remainingConstrStatsSubst = - val clinit = clinits match { - case (ddef: DefDef) :: _ => - cpy.DefDef(ddef)(rhs = Block(ddef.rhs :: assignModuleField :: remainingConstrStatsSubst, unitLiteral)) - case _ => - DefDef(clInitSymbol, Block(assignModuleField :: remainingConstrStatsSubst, unitLiteral)) - } - - val constr2 = { - val rhs = Block(uptoSuperStats, impl.constr.rhs.asInstanceOf[Block].expr) - cpy.DefDef(impl.constr)(rhs = rhs) - } - - val impl2 = cpy.Template(impl)(constr = constr2, body = clinit :: body) - cpy.TypeDef(cd0)(rhs = impl2) - } else cd0 - - val hasStaticCtor = isCZStaticModule || - if (!hasStaticCtor && isCZParcelable) fabricateStaticInitAndroid() - - val optSerial: Option[Long] = - claszSymbol.getAnnotation(defn.SerialVersionUIDAnnot).flatMap { annot => - if ( { - report.warning("@SerialVersionUID does nothing on a trait", annot.tree.sourcePos) - None - } else { - val vuid = annot.argumentConstant(0).map(_.longValue) - if (vuid.isEmpty) - report.error("The argument passed to @SerialVersionUID must be a constant", - annot.argument(0).getOrElse(annot.tree).sourcePos) - vuid - } - } - if (optSerial.isDefined) { addSerialVUID(optSerial.get, cnode)} - - addClassFields() - gen(cd.rhs) - - if (AsmUtils.traceClassEnabled && - AsmUtils.traceClass(cnode) - - cnode.innerClasses - assert(cd.symbol == claszSymbol, "Someone messed up BCodePhase.claszSymbol during genPlainClass().") - - } // end of method genPlainClass() - - /* - * must-single-thread - */ - private def initJClass(jclass: asm.ClassVisitor): Unit = { - - val ps = - val superClass: String = if (ps.isEmpty) ObjectRef.internalName else internalName(ps.head.typeSymbol) - val interfaceNames0 = classBTypeFromSymbol(claszSymbol) - /* To avoid deadlocks when combining objects, lambdas and multi-threading, - * lambdas in objects are compiled to instance methods of the module class - * instead of static methods (see tests/run/deadlock.scala and - * for details). - * This has worked well for us so far but this is problematic for - * serialization: serializing a lambda requires serializing all the values - * it captures, if this lambda is in an object, this means serializing the - * enclosing object, which fails if the object does not extend - * Serializable. - * Because serializing objects is basically free since #5775, it seems like - * the simplest solution is to simply make all objects Serializable, this - * certainly seems preferable to deadlocks. - * This cannot be done earlier because Scala.js would not like it (#9596). - */ - val interfaceNames = - if ( && !interfaceNames0.contains("java/io/Serializable")) - interfaceNames0 :+ "java/io/Serializable" - else - interfaceNames0 - - val flags = javaFlags(claszSymbol) - - val thisSignature = getGenericSignature(claszSymbol, claszSymbol.owner) - cnode.visit(classfileVersion, flags, - thisName, thisSignature, - superClass, interfaceNames.toArray) - - if (emitSource) { - cnode.visitSource(, null /* SourceDebugExtension */) - } - - enclosingMethodAttribute(claszSymbol, internalName, asmMethodType(_).descriptor) match { - case Some(EnclosingMethodEntry(className, methodName, methodDescriptor)) => - cnode.visitOuterClass(className, methodName, methodDescriptor) - case _ => () - } - - val ssa = None // TODO: inlined form `getAnnotPickle(thisName, claszSymbol)`. Should something be done on Dotty? - cnode.visitAttribute(if (ssa.isDefined) pickleMarkerLocal else pickleMarkerForeign) - emitAnnotations(cnode, claszSymbol.annotations ++ ssa) - - if (!isCZStaticModule && !isCZParcelable) { - val skipStaticForwarders = ( || ctx.settings.XnoForwarders.value) - if (!skipStaticForwarders) { - val lmoc = claszSymbol.companionModule - // add static forwarders if there are no name conflicts; see bugs #363 and #1735 - if (lmoc != NoSymbol) { - // it must be a top level class (name contains no $s) - val isCandidateForForwarders = ( && lmoc.isStatic - if (isCandidateForForwarders) { - report.log(s"Adding static forwarders from '$claszSymbol' to implementations in '$lmoc'") - addForwarders(cnode, thisName, lmoc.moduleClass) - } - } - } - - } - - // the invoker is responsible for adding a class-static constructor. - - } // end of method initJClass - - /* - * must-single-thread - */ - private def fabricateStaticInitAndroid(): Unit = { - - val clinit: asm.MethodVisitor = cnode.visitMethod( - GenBCodeOps.PublicStatic, // TODO confirm whether we really don't want ACC_SYNTHETIC nor ACC_DEPRECATED - CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME, - "()V", - null, // no java-generic-signature - null // no throwable exceptions - ) - clinit.visitCode() - - legacyAddCreatorCode(clinit, cnode, thisName) - - clinit.visitInsn(asm.Opcodes.RETURN) - clinit.visitMaxs(0, 0) // just to follow protocol, dummy arguments - clinit.visitEnd() - } - - def addClassFields(): Unit = { - /* Non-method term members are fields, except for module members. Module - * members can only happen on .NET (no flatten) for inner traits. There, - * a module symbol is generated (transformInfo in mixin) which is used - * as owner for the members of the implementation class (so that the - * backend emits them as static). - * No code is needed for this module symbol. - */ - for (f <- => p.isTerm && ! { - val javagensig = getGenericSignature(f, claszSymbol) - val flags = javaFieldFlags(f) - - assert(!f.isStaticMember || !claszSymbol.isInterface || !, - s"interface $claszSymbol cannot have non-final static field $f") - - val jfield = new asm.tree.FieldNode( - flags, - f.javaSimpleName, - symInfoTK(f).descriptor, - javagensig, - null // no initial value - ) - cnode.fields.add(jfield) - emitAnnotations(jfield, f.annotations) - } - - } // end of method addClassFields() - - // current method - var mnode: MethodNode1 = null - var jMethodName: String = null - var isMethSymStaticCtor = false - var returnType: BType = null - var methSymbol: Symbol = null - // used by genLoadTry() and genSynchronized() - var earlyReturnVar: Symbol = null - var shouldEmitCleanup = false - // line numbers - var lastEmittedLineNr = -1 - - object bc extends JCodeMethodN { - override def jmethod = PlainSkelBuilder.this.mnode - } - - /* ---------------- Part 1 of program points, ie Labels in the ASM world ---------------- */ - - /* - * A jump is represented as a Return node whose `from` symbol denotes a Labeled's Bind node, the target of the jump. - * The `jumpDest` map is used to find the `LoadDestination` at the end of the `Labeled` block, as well as the - * corresponding expected type. The `LoadDestination` can never be `FallThrough` here. - */ - var jumpDest: immutable.Map[ /* Labeled */ Symbol, (BType, LoadDestination) ] = null - def registerJumpDest(labelSym: Symbol, expectedType: BType, dest: LoadDestination): Unit = { - assert(, s"trying to register a jump-dest for a non-label symbol, at: ${labelSym.span}") - assert(dest != LoadDestination.FallThrough, s"trying to register a FallThrough dest for label, at: ${labelSym.span}") - assert(!jumpDest.contains(labelSym), s"trying to register a second jump-dest for label, at: ${labelSym.span}") - jumpDest += (labelSym -> (expectedType, dest)) - } - def findJumpDest(labelSym: Symbol): (BType, LoadDestination) = { - assert(, s"trying to map a non-label symbol to an asm.Label, at: ${labelSym.span}") - jumpDest.getOrElse(labelSym, { - abort(s"unknown label symbol, for label at: ${labelSym.span}") - }) - } - - /* - * A program point may be lexically nested (at some depth) - * (a) in the try-clause of a try-with-finally expression - * (b) in a synchronized block. - * Each of the constructs above establishes a "cleanup block" to execute upon - * both normal-exit, early-return, and abrupt-termination of the instructions it encloses. - * - * The `cleanups` LIFO queue represents the nesting of active (for the current program point) - * pending cleanups. For each such cleanup an asm.Label indicates the start of its cleanup-block. - * At any given time during traversal of the method body, - * the head of `cleanups` denotes the cleanup-block for the closest enclosing try-with-finally or synchronized-expression. - * - * `cleanups` is used: - * - * (1) upon visiting a Return statement. - * In case of pending cleanups, we can't just emit a RETURN instruction, but must instead: - * - store the result (if any) in `earlyReturnVar`, and - * - jump to the next pending cleanup. - * See `genReturn()` - * - * (2) upon emitting a try-with-finally or a synchronized-expr, - * In these cases, the targets of the above jumps are emitted, - * provided an early exit was actually encountered somewhere in the protected clauses. - * See `genLoadTry()` and `genSynchronized()` - * - * The code thus emitted for jumps and targets covers the early-return case. - * The case of abrupt (ie exceptional) termination is covered by exception handlers - * emitted for that purpose as described in `genLoadTry()` and `genSynchronized()`. - */ - var cleanups: List[asm.Label] = Nil - def registerCleanup(finCleanup: asm.Label): Unit = { - if (finCleanup != null) { cleanups = finCleanup :: cleanups } - } - def unregisterCleanup(finCleanup: asm.Label): Unit = { - if (finCleanup != null) { - assert(cleanups.head eq finCleanup, - s"Bad nesting of cleanup operations: $cleanups trying to unregister: $finCleanup") - cleanups = cleanups.tail - } - } - - /* ---------------- local variables and params ---------------- */ - - case class Local(tk: BType, name: String, idx: Int, isSynth: Boolean) - - /* - * Bookkeeping for method-local vars and method-params. - * - * TODO: use fewer slots. local variable slots are never re-used in separate blocks. - * In the following example, x and y could use the same slot. - * def foo() = { - * { val x = 1 } - * { val y = "a" } - * } - */ - object locals { - - private val slots = mutable.AnyRefMap.empty[Symbol, Local] // (local-or-param-sym -> Local(BType, name, idx, isSynth)) - - private var nxtIdx = -1 // next available index for local-var - - def reset(isStaticMethod: Boolean): Unit = { - slots.clear() - nxtIdx = if (isStaticMethod) 0 else 1 - } - - def contains(locSym: Symbol): Boolean = { slots.contains(locSym) } - - def apply(locSym: Symbol): Local = { slots.apply(locSym) } - - /* Make a fresh local variable, ensuring a unique name. - * The invoker must make sure inner classes are tracked for the sym's tpe. - */ - def makeLocal(tk: BType, name: String, tpe: Type, pos: Span): Symbol = { - - val locSym = newSymbol(methSymbol, name.toTermName, Synthetic, tpe, NoSymbol, pos) - makeLocal(locSym, tk) - locSym - } - - def makeLocal(locSym: Symbol): Local = { - makeLocal(locSym, symInfoTK(locSym)) - } - - def getOrMakeLocal(locSym: Symbol): Local = { - // `getOrElse` below has the same effect as `getOrElseUpdate` because `makeLocal()` adds an entry to the `locals` map. - slots.getOrElse(locSym, makeLocal(locSym)) - } - - def reuseLocal(sym: Symbol, loc: Local): Unit = - val existing = slots.put(sym, loc) - if (existing.isDefined) - report.error("attempt to create duplicate local var.", ctx.source.atSpan(sym.span)) - - def reuseThisSlot(sym: Symbol): Unit = - reuseLocal(sym, Local(symInfoTK(sym), sym.javaSimpleName, 0, - - private def makeLocal(sym: Symbol, tk: BType): Local = { - assert(nxtIdx != -1, "not a valid start index") - val loc = Local(tk, sym.javaSimpleName, nxtIdx, - val existing = slots.put(sym, loc) - if (existing.isDefined) - report.error("attempt to create duplicate local var.", ctx.source.atSpan(sym.span)) - assert(tk.size > 0, "makeLocal called for a symbol whose type is Unit.") - nxtIdx += tk.size - loc - } - - // not to be confused with `fieldStore` and `fieldLoad` which also take a symbol but a field-symbol. - def store(locSym: Symbol): Unit = { - val Local(tk, _, idx, _) = slots(locSym) -, tk) - } - - def load(locSym: Symbol): Unit = { - val Local(tk, _, idx, _) = slots(locSym) - bc.load(idx, tk) - } - - } - - /* ---------------- Part 2 of program points, ie Labels in the ASM world ---------------- */ - - // bookkeeping the scopes of non-synthetic local vars, to emit debug info (`emitVars`). - var varsInScope: List[(Symbol, asm.Label)] = null // (local-var-sym -> start-of-scope) - - // helpers around program-points. - def lastInsn: asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode = mnode.instructions.getLast - def currProgramPoint(): asm.Label = { - lastInsn match { - case labnode: asm.tree.LabelNode => labnode.getLabel - case _ => - val pp = new asm.Label - mnode visitLabel pp - pp - } - } - def markProgramPoint(lbl: asm.Label): Unit = { - val skip = (lbl == null) || isAtProgramPoint(lbl) - if (!skip) { mnode visitLabel lbl } - } - def isAtProgramPoint(lbl: asm.Label): Boolean = { - def getNonLineNumberNode(a: asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode): asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode = a match { - case a: asm.tree.LineNumberNode => getNonLineNumberNode(a.getPrevious) // line numbers aren't part of code itself - case _ => a - } - (getNonLineNumberNode(lastInsn) match { - case labnode: asm.tree.LabelNode => (labnode.getLabel == lbl); - case _ => false } ) - } - def lineNumber(tree: Tree): Unit = { - if (!emitLines || !tree.span.exists) return; - val nr = ctx.source.offsetToLine(tree.span.point) + 1 - if (nr != lastEmittedLineNr) { - lastEmittedLineNr = nr - lastInsn match { - case lnn: asm.tree.LineNumberNode => - // overwrite previous landmark as no instructions have been emitted for it - lnn.line = nr - case _ => - mnode.visitLineNumber(nr, currProgramPoint()) - } - } - } - - // on entering a method - def resetMethodBookkeeping(dd: DefDef) = { - val rhs = dd.rhs - locals.reset(isStaticMethod = methSymbol.isStaticMember) - jumpDest = immutable.Map.empty - - // check previous invocation of genDefDef exited as many varsInScope as it entered. - assert(varsInScope == null, "Unbalanced entering/exiting of GenBCode's genBlock().") - // check previous invocation of genDefDef unregistered as many cleanups as it registered. - assert(cleanups == Nil, "Previous invocation of genDefDef didn't unregister as many cleanups as it registered.") - earlyReturnVar = null - shouldEmitCleanup = false - - lastEmittedLineNr = -1 - } - - /* ---------------- top-down traversal invoking ASM Tree API along the way ---------------- */ - - def gen(tree: Tree): Unit = { - tree match { - case tpd.EmptyTree => () - - case ValDef(name, tpt, rhs) => () // fields are added in `genPlainClass()`, via `addClassFields()` - - case dd: DefDef => - /* First generate a static forwarder if this is a non-private trait - * trait method. This is required for super calls to this method, which - * go through the static forwarder in order to work around limitations - * of the JVM. - * - * For the $init$ method, we must not leave it as a default method, but - * instead we must put the whole body in the static method. If we leave - * it as a default method, Java classes cannot extend Scala classes that - * extend several Scala traits, since they then inherit unrelated default - * $init$ methods. See #8599. scalac does the same thing. - * - * In theory, this would go in a separate MiniPhase, but it would have to - * sit in a MegaPhase of its own between GenSJSIR and GenBCode, so the cost - * is not worth it. We directly do it in this back-end instead, which also - * kind of makes sense because it is JVM-specific. - */ - val sym = dd.symbol - val needsStaticImplMethod = - claszSymbol.isInterface && !dd.rhs.isEmpty && !sym.isPrivate && !sym.isStaticMember - if needsStaticImplMethod then - if == nme.TRAIT_CONSTRUCTOR then - genTraitConstructorDefDef(dd) - else - genStaticForwarderForDefDef(dd) - genDefDef(dd) - else - genDefDef(dd) - - case tree: Template => - val body = - if (tree.constr.rhs.isEmpty) tree.body - else tree.constr :: tree.body - body foreach gen - - case _ => abort(s"Illegal tree in gen: $tree") - } - } - - /* - * must-single-thread - */ - def initJMethod(flags: Int, params: List[Symbol]): Unit = { - - val jgensig = getGenericSignature(methSymbol, claszSymbol) - val (excs, others) = methSymbol.annotations.partition(_.symbol eq defn.ThrowsAnnot) - val thrownExceptions: List[String] = getExceptions(excs) - - val bytecodeName = - if (isMethSymStaticCtor) CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME - else jMethodName - - val mdesc = asmMethodType(methSymbol).descriptor - mnode = cnode.visitMethod( - flags, - bytecodeName, - mdesc, - jgensig, - mkArrayS(thrownExceptions) - ).asInstanceOf[MethodNode1] - - // TODO param names: (m.params map (p => javaName(p.sym))) - - emitAnnotations(mnode, others) - emitParamNames(mnode, params) - emitParamAnnotations(mnode, - - } // end of method initJMethod - - private def genTraitConstructorDefDef(dd: DefDef): Unit = - val statifiedDef = makeStatifiedDefDef(dd) - genDefDef(statifiedDef) - - /** Creates a copy of the given DefDef that is static and where an explicit - * self parameter represents the original `this` value. - * - * Example: from - * {{{ - * trait Enclosing { - * def foo(x: Int): String = this.toString() + x - * } - * }}} - * the statified version of `foo` would be - * {{{ - * static def foo($self: Enclosing, x: Int): String = $self.toString() + x - * }}} - */ - private def makeStatifiedDefDef(dd: DefDef): DefDef = - val origSym = dd.symbol.asTerm - val newSym = makeStatifiedDefSymbol(origSym, - tpd.DefDef(newSym, { paramRefss => - val selfParamRef :: regularParamRefs = paramRefss.head: @unchecked - val enclosingClass = origSym.owner.asClass - new TreeTypeMap( - typeMap = _.substThis(enclosingClass, selfParamRef.symbol.termRef) - .subst(,, - treeMap = { - case tree: This if tree.symbol == enclosingClass => selfParamRef - case tree => tree - }, - oldOwners = origSym :: Nil, - newOwners = newSym :: Nil - ).transform(dd.rhs) - }) - - private def genStaticForwarderForDefDef(dd: DefDef): Unit = - val forwarderDef = makeStaticForwarder(dd) - genDefDef(forwarderDef) - - /* Generates a synthetic static forwarder for a trait method. - * For a method such as - * def foo(...args: Ts): R - * in trait X, we generate the following method: - * static def foo$($this: X, ...args: Ts): R = - * invokespecial $this.X::foo(...args) - * We force an invokespecial with the attachment UseInvokeSpecial. It is - * necessary to make sure that the call will not follow overrides of foo() - * in subtraits and subclasses, since the whole point of this forward is to - * encode super calls. - */ - private def makeStaticForwarder(dd: DefDef): DefDef = - val origSym = dd.symbol.asTerm - val name = traitSuperAccessorName(origSym).toTermName - val sym = makeStatifiedDefSymbol(origSym, name) - tpd.DefDef(sym, { paramss => - val params = paramss.head - tpd.Apply(, params.tail) - .withAttachment(BCodeHelpers.UseInvokeSpecial, ()) - }) - - private def makeStatifiedDefSymbol(origSym: TermSymbol, name: TermName): TermSymbol = - val info = match - case mt: MethodType => - MethodType(nme.SELF :: mt.paramNames, origSym.owner.typeRef :: mt.paramInfos, mt.resType) - origSym.copy( - name = name.toTermName, - flags = Method | JavaStatic, - info = info - ).asTerm - - def genDefDef(dd: DefDef): Unit = { - val rhs = dd.rhs - val vparamss = dd.termParamss - // the only method whose implementation is not emitted: getClass() - if (dd.symbol eq defn.Any_getClass) { return } - assert(mnode == null, "GenBCode detected nested method.") - - methSymbol = dd.symbol - jMethodName = methSymbol.javaSimpleName - returnType = asmMethodType(dd.symbol).returnType - isMethSymStaticCtor = methSymbol.isStaticConstructor - - resetMethodBookkeeping(dd) - - // add method-local vars for params - - assert(vparamss.isEmpty || vparamss.tail.isEmpty, s"Malformed parameter list: $vparamss") - val params = if (vparamss.isEmpty) Nil else vparamss.head - for (p <- params) { locals.makeLocal(p.symbol) } - // debug assert(( => locals(p.symbol).tk)) == asmMethodType(methSymbol).getArgumentTypes.toList, "debug") - - if (params.size > MaximumJvmParameters) { - // SI-7324 - report.error(em"Platform restriction: a parameter list's length cannot exceed $MaximumJvmParameters.", ctx.source.atSpan(methSymbol.span)) - return - } - - val isNative = methSymbol.hasAnnotation(NativeAttr) - val isAbstractMethod = ( || (methSymbol.owner.isInterface && (( || methSymbol.isClassConstructor))) - val flags = - import GenBCodeOps.addFlagIf - javaFlags(methSymbol) - .addFlagIf(isAbstractMethod, asm.Opcodes.ACC_ABSTRACT) - .addFlagIf(false /*methSymbol.isStrictFP*/, asm.Opcodes.ACC_STRICT) - .addFlagIf(isNative, asm.Opcodes.ACC_NATIVE) // native methods of objects are generated in mirror classes - - // TODO needed? for(ann <- m.symbol.annotations) { ann.symbol.initialize } - val paramSyms = - initJMethod(flags, paramSyms) - - - if (!isAbstractMethod && !isNative) { - // #14773 Reuse locals slots for tailrec-generated mutable vars - val trimmedRhs: Tree = - @tailrec def loop(stats: List[Tree]): List[Tree] = - stats match - case (tree @ ValDef(TailLocalName(_, _), _, _)) :: rest if tree.symbol.isAllOf(Mutable | Synthetic) => - tree.rhs match - case This(_) => - locals.reuseThisSlot(tree.symbol) - loop(rest) - case rhs: Ident if paramSyms.contains(rhs.symbol) => - locals.reuseLocal(tree.symbol, locals(rhs.symbol)) - loop(rest) - case _ => - stats - case _ => - stats - end loop - - rhs match - case Block(stats, expr) => - val trimmedStats = loop(stats) - if trimmedStats eq stats then - rhs - else - Block(trimmedStats, expr) - case _ => - rhs - end trimmedRhs - - def emitNormalMethodBody(): Unit = { - val veryFirstProgramPoint = currProgramPoint() - - if trimmedRhs == tpd.EmptyTree then - report.error( - em"Concrete method has no definition: $dd${ - if (ctx.settings.Ydebug.value) "(found: " +", ") + ")" - else ""}", - ctx.source.atSpan(NoSpan) - ) - else - genLoadTo(trimmedRhs, returnType, LoadDestination.Return) - - if (emitVars) { - // add entries to LocalVariableTable JVM attribute - val onePastLastProgramPoint = currProgramPoint() - val hasStaticBitSet = ((flags & asm.Opcodes.ACC_STATIC) != 0) - if (!hasStaticBitSet) { - mnode.visitLocalVariable( - "this", - "L" + thisName + ";", - null, - veryFirstProgramPoint, - onePastLastProgramPoint, - 0 - ) - } - for (p <- params) { emitLocalVarScope(p.symbol, veryFirstProgramPoint, onePastLastProgramPoint, force = true) } - } - - if (isMethSymStaticCtor) { appendToStaticCtor(dd) } - } // end of emitNormalMethodBody() - - lineNumber(rhs) - emitNormalMethodBody() - - // Note we don't invoke visitMax, thus there are no FrameNode among mnode.instructions. - // The only non-instruction nodes to be found are LabelNode and LineNumberNode. - } - - if (AsmUtils.traceMethodEnabled && - AsmUtils.traceMethod(mnode) - - mnode = null - } // end of method genDefDef() - - /* - * must-single-thread - * - * TODO document, explain interplay with `fabricateStaticInitAndroid()` - */ - private def appendToStaticCtor(dd: DefDef): Unit = { - - def insertBefore( - location: asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode, - i0: asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode, - i1: asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode): Unit = { - if (i0 != null) { - mnode.instructions.insertBefore(location, i0.clone(null)) - mnode.instructions.insertBefore(location, i1.clone(null)) - } - } - - // collect all return instructions - var rets: List[asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode] = Nil - mnode foreachInsn { i => if (i.getOpcode() == asm.Opcodes.RETURN) { rets ::= i } } - if (rets.isEmpty) { return } - - var insnParcA: asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode = null - var insnParcB: asm.tree.AbstractInsnNode = null - // android creator code - if (isCZParcelable) { - // add a static field ("CREATOR") to this class to cache android.os.Parcelable$Creator - val andrFieldDescr = classBTypeFromSymbol(AndroidCreatorClass).descriptor - cnode.visitField( - asm.Opcodes.ACC_STATIC | asm.Opcodes.ACC_FINAL, - "CREATOR", - andrFieldDescr, - null, - null - ) - // INVOKESTATIC CREATOR(): android.os.Parcelable$Creator; -- TODO where does this Android method come from? - val callee = - val jowner = internalName(callee.owner) - val jname = callee.javaSimpleName - val jtype = asmMethodType(callee).descriptor - insnParcA = new asm.tree.MethodInsnNode(asm.Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC, jowner, jname, jtype, false) - // PUTSTATIC `thisName`.CREATOR; - insnParcB = new asm.tree.FieldInsnNode(asm.Opcodes.PUTSTATIC, thisName, "CREATOR", andrFieldDescr) - } - - // insert a few instructions for initialization before each return instruction - for(r <- rets) { - insertBefore(r, insnParcA, insnParcB) - } - - } - - def emitLocalVarScope(sym: Symbol, start: asm.Label, end: asm.Label, force: Boolean = false): Unit = { - val Local(tk, name, idx, isSynth) = locals(sym) - if (force || !isSynth) { - mnode.visitLocalVariable(name, tk.descriptor, null, start, end, idx) - } - } - - def genLoadTo(tree: Tree, expectedType: BType, dest: LoadDestination): Unit - - } // end of class PlainSkelBuilder - -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/BCodeSyncAndTry.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/BCodeSyncAndTry.scala deleted file mode 100644 index b5ed27511e7e..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/BCodeSyncAndTry.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,426 +0,0 @@ -package -package backend -package jvm - -import scala.language.unsafeNulls - -import scala.collection.immutable -import - -import -import -import -import - -/* - * - * @author Miguel Garcia, - * @version 1.0 - * - */ -trait BCodeSyncAndTry extends BCodeBodyBuilder { - import int.given - import tpd._ - import bTypes._ - import coreBTypes._ - /* - * Functionality to lower `synchronized` and `try` expressions. - */ - abstract class SyncAndTryBuilder(cunit: CompilationUnit) extends PlainBodyBuilder(cunit) { - - def genSynchronized(tree: Apply, expectedType: BType): BType = (tree: @unchecked) match { - case Apply(TypeApply(fun, _), args) => - val monitor = locals.makeLocal(ObjectRef, "monitor", defn.ObjectType, tree.span) - val monCleanup = new asm.Label - - // if the synchronized block returns a result, store it in a local variable. - // Just leaving it on the stack is not valid in MSIL (stack is cleaned when leaving try-blocks). - val hasResult = (expectedType != UNIT) - val monitorResult: Symbol = if (hasResult) locals.makeLocal(tpeTK(args.head), "monitorResult", defn.ObjectType, tree.span) else null - - /* ------ (1) pushing and entering the monitor, also keeping a reference to it in a local var. ------ */ - genLoadQualifier(fun) - bc dup ObjectRef - - emit(asm.Opcodes.MONITORENTER) - - /* ------ (2) Synchronized block. - * Reached by fall-through from (1). - * Protected by: - * (2.a) the EH-version of the monitor-exit, and - * (2.b) whatever protects the whole synchronized expression. - * ------ - */ - val startProtected = currProgramPoint() - registerCleanup(monCleanup) - genLoad(args.head, expectedType /* toTypeKind(tree.tpe.resultType) */) - unregisterCleanup(monCleanup) - if (hasResult) { } - nopIfNeeded(startProtected) - val endProtected = currProgramPoint() - - /* ------ (3) monitor-exit after normal, non-early-return, termination of (2). - * Reached by fall-through from (2). - * Protected by whatever protects the whole synchronized expression. - * ------ - */ - locals.load(monitor) - emit(asm.Opcodes.MONITOREXIT) - if (hasResult) { locals.load(monitorResult) } - val postHandler = new asm.Label - bc goTo postHandler - - /* ------ (4) exception-handler version of monitor-exit code. - * Reached upon abrupt termination of (2). - * Protected by whatever protects the whole synchronized expression. - * null => "any" exception in bytecode, like we emit for finally. - * Important not to use j/l/Throwable which dooms the method to a life of interpretation! (SD-233) - * ------ - */ - protect(startProtected, endProtected, currProgramPoint(), null) - locals.load(monitor) - emit(asm.Opcodes.MONITOREXIT) - emit(asm.Opcodes.ATHROW) - - /* ------ (5) cleanup version of monitor-exit code. - * Reached upon early-return from (2). - * Protected by whatever protects the whole synchronized expression. - * ------ - */ - if (shouldEmitCleanup) { - markProgramPoint(monCleanup) - locals.load(monitor) - emit(asm.Opcodes.MONITOREXIT) - pendingCleanups() - } - - /* ------ (6) normal exit of the synchronized expression. - * Reached after normal, non-early-return, termination of (3). - * Protected by whatever protects the whole synchronized expression. - * ------ - */ - mnode visitLabel postHandler - - lineNumber(tree) - - expectedType - } - - /* - * Detects whether no instructions have been emitted since label `lbl` and if so emits a NOP. - * Useful to avoid emitting an empty try-block being protected by exception handlers, - * which results in "java.lang.ClassFormatError: Illegal exception table range". See SI-6102. - */ - def nopIfNeeded(lbl: asm.Label): Unit = { - val noInstructionEmitted = isAtProgramPoint(lbl) - if (noInstructionEmitted) { emit(asm.Opcodes.NOP) } - } - - /* - * Emitting try-catch is easy, emitting try-catch-finally not quite so. - * A finally-block (which always has type Unit, thus leaving the operand stack unchanged) - * affects control-transfer from protected regions, as follows: - * - * (a) `return` statement: - * - * First, the value to return (if any) is evaluated. - * Afterwards, all enclosing finally-blocks are run, from innermost to outermost. - * Only then is the return value (if any) returned. - * - * Some terminology: - * (a.1) Executing a return statement that is protected - * by one or more finally-blocks is called "early return" - * (a.2) the chain of code sections (a code section for each enclosing finally-block) - * to run upon early returns is called "cleanup chain" - * - * As an additional spin, consider a return statement in a finally-block. - * In this case, the value to return depends on how control arrived at that statement: - * in case it arrived via a previous return, the previous return enjoys priority: - * the value to return is given by that statement. - * - * (b) A finally-block protects both the try-clause and the catch-clauses. - * - * Sidenote: - * A try-clause may contain an empty block. On CLR, a finally-block has special semantics - * regarding Abort interruptions; but on the JVM it's safe to elide an exception-handler - * that protects an "empty" range ("empty" as in "containing NOPs only", - * see `asm.optimiz.DanglingExcHandlers` and SI-6720). - * - * This means a finally-block indicates instructions that can be reached: - * (b.1) Upon normal (non-early-returning) completion of the try-clause or a catch-clause - * In this case, the next-program-point is that following the try-catch-finally expression. - * (b.2) Upon early-return initiated in the try-clause or a catch-clause - * In this case, the next-program-point is the enclosing cleanup section (if any), otherwise return. - * (b.3) Upon abrupt termination (due to unhandled exception) of the try-clause or a catch-clause - * In this case, the unhandled exception must be re-thrown after running the finally-block. - * - * (c) finally-blocks are implicit to `synchronized` (a finally-block is added to just release the lock) - * that's why `genSynchronized()` too emits cleanup-sections. - * - * A number of code patterns can be emitted to realize the intended semantics. - * - * A popular alternative (GenICode, javac) consists in duplicating the cleanup-chain at each early-return position. - * The principle at work being that once control is transferred to a cleanup-section, - * control will always stay within the cleanup-chain. - * That is, barring an exception being thrown in a cleanup-section, in which case the enclosing try-block - * (reached via abrupt termination) takes over. - * - * The observations above hint at another code layout, less verbose, for the cleanup-chain. - * - * The code layout that GenBCode emits takes into account that once a cleanup section has been reached, - * jumping to the next cleanup-section (and so on, until the outermost one) realizes the correct semantics. - * - * There is still code duplication in that two cleanup-chains are needed (but this is unavoidable, anyway): - * one for normal control flow and another chain consisting of exception handlers. - * The in-line comments below refer to them as - * - "early-return-cleanups" and - * - "exception-handler-version-of-finally-block" respectively. - * - */ - def genLoadTry(tree: Try): BType = tree match { - case Try(block, catches, finalizer) => - val kind = tpeTK(tree) - - val caseHandlers: List[EHClause] = - for (CaseDef(pat, _, caseBody) <- catches) yield { - pat match { - case Typed(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), tpt) => NamelessEH(tpeTK(tpt).asClassBType, caseBody) - case Ident(nme.WILDCARD) => NamelessEH(jlThrowableRef, caseBody) - case Bind(_, _) => BoundEH (pat.symbol, caseBody) - } - } - - // ------ (0) locals used later ------ - - /* - * `postHandlers` is a program point denoting: - * (a) the finally-clause conceptually reached via fall-through from try-catch-finally - * (in case a finally-block is present); or - * (b) the program point right after the try-catch - * (in case there's no finally-block). - * The name choice emphasizes that the code section lies "after all exception handlers", - * where "all exception handlers" includes those derived from catch-clauses as well as from finally-blocks. - */ - val postHandlers = new asm.Label - - val hasFinally = (finalizer != tpd.EmptyTree) - - /* - * used in the finally-clause reached via fall-through from try-catch, if any. - */ - val guardResult = hasFinally && (kind != UNIT) && mayCleanStack(finalizer) - - /* - * please notice `tmp` has type tree.tpe, while `earlyReturnVar` has the method return type. - * Because those two types can be different, dedicated vars are needed. - */ - val tmp = if (guardResult) locals.makeLocal(tpeTK(tree), "tmp", tree.tpe, tree.span) else null - - /* - * upon early return from the try-body or one of its EHs (but not the EH-version of the finally-clause) - * AND hasFinally, a cleanup is needed. - */ - val finCleanup = if (hasFinally) new asm.Label else null - - /* ------ (1) try-block, protected by: - * (1.a) the EHs due to case-clauses, emitted in (2), - * (1.b) the EH due to finally-clause, emitted in (3.A) - * (1.c) whatever protects the whole try-catch-finally expression. - * ------ - */ - - val startTryBody = currProgramPoint() - registerCleanup(finCleanup) - genLoad(block, kind) - unregisterCleanup(finCleanup) - nopIfNeeded(startTryBody) - val endTryBody = currProgramPoint() - bc goTo postHandlers - - /** - * A return within a `try` or `catch` block where a `finally` is present ("early return") - * emits a store of the result to a local, jump to a "cleanup" version of the `finally` block, - * and sets `shouldEmitCleanup = true` (see [[PlainBodyBuilder.genReturn]]). - * - * If the try-catch is nested, outer `finally` blocks need to be emitted in a cleanup version - * as well, so the `shouldEmitCleanup` variable remains `true` until the outermost `finally`. - * Nested cleanup `finally` blocks jump to the next enclosing one. For the outermost, we emit - * a read of the local variable, a return, and we set `shouldEmitCleanup = false` (see - * [[pendingCleanups]]). - * - * Now, assume we have - * - * try { return 1 } finally { - * try { println() } finally { println() } - * } - * - * Here, the outer `finally` needs a cleanup version, but the inner one does not. The method - * here makes sure that `shouldEmitCleanup` is only propagated outwards, not inwards to - * nested `finally` blocks. - */ - def withFreshCleanupScope(body: => Unit) = { - val savedShouldEmitCleanup = shouldEmitCleanup - shouldEmitCleanup = false - body - shouldEmitCleanup = savedShouldEmitCleanup || shouldEmitCleanup - } - - /* ------ (2) One EH for each case-clause (this does not include the EH-version of the finally-clause) - * An EH in (2) is reached upon abrupt termination of (1). - * An EH in (2) is protected by: - * (2.a) the EH-version of the finally-clause, if any. - * (2.b) whatever protects the whole try-catch-finally expression. - * ------ - */ - - for (ch <- caseHandlers) withFreshCleanupScope { - - // (2.a) emit case clause proper - val startHandler = currProgramPoint() - var endHandler: asm.Label = null - var excType: ClassBType = null - registerCleanup(finCleanup) - ch match { - case NamelessEH(typeToDrop, caseBody) => - bc drop typeToDrop - genLoad(caseBody, kind) // adapts caseBody to `kind`, thus it can be stored, if `guardResult`, in `tmp`. - nopIfNeeded(startHandler) - endHandler = currProgramPoint() - excType = typeToDrop - - case BoundEH (patSymbol, caseBody) => - // test/files/run/contrib674.scala , a local-var already exists for patSymbol. - // rather than creating on first-access, we do it right away to emit debug-info for the created local var. - val Local(patTK, _, patIdx, _) = locals.getOrMakeLocal(patSymbol) -, patTK) - genLoad(caseBody, kind) - nopIfNeeded(startHandler) - endHandler = currProgramPoint() - emitLocalVarScope(patSymbol, startHandler, endHandler) - excType = patTK.asClassBType - } - unregisterCleanup(finCleanup) - // (2.b) mark the try-body as protected by this case clause. - protect(startTryBody, endTryBody, startHandler, excType) - // (2.c) emit jump to the program point where the finally-clause-for-normal-exit starts, or in effect `after` if no finally-clause was given. - bc goTo postHandlers - - } - - // Need to save the state of `shouldEmitCleanup` at this point: while emitting the first - // version of the `finally` block below, the variable may become true. But this does not mean - // that we need a cleanup version for the current block, only for the enclosing ones. - val currentFinallyBlockNeedsCleanup = shouldEmitCleanup - - /* ------ (3.A) The exception-handler-version of the finally-clause. - * Reached upon abrupt termination of (1) or one of the EHs in (2). - * Protected only by whatever protects the whole try-catch-finally expression. - * ------ - */ - - // a note on terminology: this is not "postHandlers", despite appearances. - // "postHandlers" as in the source-code view. And from that perspective, both (3.A) and (3.B) are invisible implementation artifacts. - if (hasFinally) withFreshCleanupScope { - nopIfNeeded(startTryBody) - val finalHandler = currProgramPoint() // version of the finally-clause reached via unhandled exception. - protect(startTryBody, finalHandler, finalHandler, null) - val Local(eTK, _, eIdx, _) = locals(locals.makeLocal(jlThrowableRef, "exc", defn.ThrowableType, finalizer.span)) -, eTK) - emitFinalizer(finalizer, null, isDuplicate = true) - bc.load(eIdx, eTK) - emit(asm.Opcodes.ATHROW) - } - - /* ------ (3.B) Cleanup-version of the finally-clause. - * Reached upon early RETURN from (1) or upon early RETURN from one of the EHs in (2) - * (and only from there, ie reached only upon early RETURN from - * program regions bracketed by registerCleanup/unregisterCleanup). - * Protected only by whatever protects the whole try-catch-finally expression. - * - * Given that control arrives to a cleanup section only upon early RETURN, - * the value to return (if any) is always available. Therefore, a further RETURN - * found in a cleanup section is always ignored (a warning is displayed, @see `genReturn()`). - * In order for `genReturn()` to know whether the return statement is enclosed in a cleanup section, - * the variable `insideCleanupBlock` is used. - * ------ - */ - - // this is not "postHandlers" either. - // `shouldEmitCleanup` can be set, and at the same time this try expression may lack a finally-clause. - // In other words, all combinations of (hasFinally, shouldEmitCleanup) are valid. - if (hasFinally && currentFinallyBlockNeedsCleanup) { - markProgramPoint(finCleanup) - // regarding return value, the protocol is: in place of a `return-stmt`, a sequence of `adapt, store, jump` are inserted. - emitFinalizer(finalizer, null, isDuplicate = true) - pendingCleanups() - } - - /* ------ (4) finally-clause-for-normal-nonEarlyReturn-exit - * Reached upon normal, non-early-return termination of (1) or of an EH in (2). - * Protected only by whatever protects the whole try-catch-finally expression. - * TODO explain what happens upon RETURN contained in (4) - * ------ - */ - - markProgramPoint(postHandlers) - if (hasFinally) { - emitFinalizer(finalizer, tmp, isDuplicate = false) // the only invocation of emitFinalizer with `isDuplicate == false` - } - - kind - } // end of genLoadTry() - - /* if no more pending cleanups, all that remains to do is return. Otherwise jump to the next (outer) pending cleanup. */ - private def pendingCleanups(): Unit = { - cleanups match { - case Nil => - if (earlyReturnVar != null) { - locals.load(earlyReturnVar) - bc.emitRETURN(locals(earlyReturnVar).tk) - } else { - bc emitRETURN UNIT - } - shouldEmitCleanup = false - - case nextCleanup :: _ => - bc goTo nextCleanup - } - } - - def protect(start: asm.Label, end: asm.Label, handler: asm.Label, excType: ClassBType): Unit = { - val excInternalName: String = - if (excType == null) null - else excType.internalName - assert(start != end, "protecting a range of zero instructions leads to illegal class format. Solution: add a NOP to that range.") - mnode.visitTryCatchBlock(start, end, handler, excInternalName) - } - - /* `tmp` (if non-null) is the symbol of the local-var used to preserve the result of the try-body, see `guardResult` */ - def emitFinalizer(finalizer: Tree, tmp: Symbol, isDuplicate: Boolean): Unit = { - var saved: immutable.Map[ /* Labeled */ Symbol, (BType, LoadDestination) ] = null - if (isDuplicate) { - saved = jumpDest - } - // when duplicating, the above guarantees new asm.Labels are used for LabelDefs contained in the finalizer (their vars are reused, that's ok) - if (tmp != null) { } - genLoad(finalizer, UNIT) - if (tmp != null) { locals.load(tmp) } - if (isDuplicate) { - jumpDest = saved - } - } - - /* Does this tree have a try-catch block? */ - def mayCleanStack(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree.find { t => t match { // TODO: use existsSubTree - case Try(_, _, _) => true - case _ => false - } - }.isDefined - - trait EHClause - case class NamelessEH(typeToDrop: ClassBType, caseBody: Tree) extends EHClause - case class BoundEH (patSymbol: Symbol, caseBody: Tree) extends EHClause - - } - -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/BTypes.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/BTypes.scala deleted file mode 100644 index dda85e2d5616..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/BTypes.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,864 +0,0 @@ -package -package backend -package jvm - -import scala.language.unsafeNulls - -import - -/** - * The BTypes component defines The BType class hierarchy. BTypes encapsulates all type information - * that is required after building the ASM nodes. This includes optimizations, geneartion of - * InnerClass attributes and generation of stack map frames. - * - * This representation is immutable and independent of the compiler data structures, hence it can - * be queried by concurrent threads. - */ -abstract class BTypes extends caps.Pure { - - val int: DottyBackendInterface - import int.given - /** - * A map from internal names to ClassBTypes. Every ClassBType is added to this map on its - * construction. - * - * This map is used when computing stack map frames. The asm.ClassWriter invokes the method - * `getCommonSuperClass`. In this method we need to obtain the ClassBType for a given internal - * name. The method assumes that every class type that appears in the bytecode exists in the map. - * - * Concurrent because stack map frames are computed when in the class writer, which might run - * on multiple classes concurrently. - */ - protected def classBTypeFromInternalNameMap: collection.concurrent.Map[String, ClassBType] - // NOTE: Should be a lazy val but scalac does not allow abstract lazy vals (dotty does) - - /** - * Obtain a previously constructed ClassBType for a given internal name. - */ - def classBTypeFromInternalName(internalName: String) = classBTypeFromInternalNameMap(internalName) - - // Some core BTypes are required here, in class BType, where no Global instance is available. - // The Global is only available in the subclass BTypesFromSymbols. We cannot depend on the actual - // implementation (CoreBTypesProxy) here because it has members that refer to global.Symbol. - val coreBTypes: CoreBTypesProxyGlobalIndependent[this.type] - import coreBTypes._ - - /** - * A BType is either a primitve type, a ClassBType, an ArrayBType of one of these, or a MethodType - * referring to BTypes. - */ - /*sealed*/ trait BType extends caps.Pure { // Not sealed for now due to SI-8546 - final override def toString: String = this match { - case UNIT => "V" - case BOOL => "Z" - case CHAR => "C" - case BYTE => "B" - case SHORT => "S" - case INT => "I" - case FLOAT => "F" - case LONG => "J" - case DOUBLE => "D" - case ClassBType(internalName) => "L" + internalName + ";" - case ArrayBType(component) => "[" + component - case MethodBType(args, res) => args.mkString("(", "", ")" + res) - } - - /** - * @return The Java descriptor of this type. Examples: - * - int: I - * - java.lang.String: Ljava/lang/String; - * - int[]: [I - * - Object m(String s, double d): (Ljava/lang/String;D)Ljava/lang/Object; - */ - final def descriptor = toString - - /** - * @return 0 for void, 2 for long and double, 1 otherwise - */ - final def size: Int = this match { - case UNIT => 0 - case LONG | DOUBLE => 2 - case _ => 1 - } - - final def isPrimitive: Boolean = this.isInstanceOf[PrimitiveBType] - final def isRef: Boolean = this.isInstanceOf[RefBType] - final def isArray: Boolean = this.isInstanceOf[ArrayBType] - final def isClass: Boolean = this.isInstanceOf[ClassBType] - final def isMethod: Boolean = this.isInstanceOf[MethodBType] - - final def isNonVoidPrimitiveType = isPrimitive && this != UNIT - - final def isNullType = this == srNullRef - final def isNothingType = this == srNothingRef - - final def isBoxed = this.isClass && boxedClasses(this.asClassBType) - - final def isIntSizedType = this == BOOL || this == CHAR || this == BYTE || - this == SHORT || this == INT - final def isIntegralType = this == INT || this == BYTE || this == LONG || - this == CHAR || this == SHORT - final def isRealType = this == FLOAT || this == DOUBLE - final def isNumericType = isIntegralType || isRealType - final def isWideType = size == 2 - - /* - * Subtype check `this <:< other` on BTypes that takes into account the JVM built-in numeric - * promotions (e.g. BYTE to INT). Its operation can be visualized more easily in terms of the - * Java bytecode type hierarchy. - */ - final def conformsTo(other: BType): Boolean = { - assert(isRef || isPrimitive, s"conformsTo cannot handle $this") - assert(other.isRef || other.isPrimitive, s"conformsTo cannot handle $other") - - this match { - case ArrayBType(component) => - if (other == ObjectRef || other == jlCloneableRef || other == jiSerializableRef) true - else other match { - case ArrayBType(otherComponoent) => component.conformsTo(otherComponoent) - case _ => false - } - - case classType: ClassBType => - if (isBoxed) { - if (other.isBoxed) this == other - else if (other == ObjectRef) true - else other match { - case otherClassType: ClassBType => classType.isSubtypeOf(otherClassType) // e.g., java/lang/Double conforms to java/lang/Number - case _ => false - } - } else if (isNullType) { - if (other.isNothingType) false - else if (other.isPrimitive) false - else true // Null conforms to all classes (except Nothing) and arrays. - } else if (isNothingType) { - true - } else other match { - case otherClassType: ClassBType => classType.isSubtypeOf(otherClassType) - // case ArrayBType(_) => this.isNullType // documentation only, because `if (isNullType)` above covers this case - case _ => - // isNothingType || // documentation only, because `if (isNothingType)` above covers this case - false - } - - case UNIT => - other == UNIT - case BOOL | BYTE | SHORT | CHAR => - this == other || other == INT || other == LONG // TODO Actually, BOOL does NOT conform to LONG. Even with adapt(). - case _ => - assert(isPrimitive && other.isPrimitive, s"Expected primitive types $this - $other") - this == other - } - } - - /** - * Compute the upper bound of two types. - * Takes promotions of numeric primitives into account. - */ - final def maxType(other: BType): BType = this match { - case pt: PrimitiveBType => pt.maxValueType(other) - - case _: ArrayBType | _: ClassBType => - if (isNothingType) return other - if (other.isNothingType) return this - if (this == other) return this - - assert(other.isRef, s"Cannot compute maxType: $this, $other") - // Approximate `lub`. The common type of two references is always ObjectReference. - ObjectRef - } - - /** - * See documentation of [[typedOpcode]]. - * The numbers are taken from asm.Type.VOID_TYPE ff., the values are those shifted by << 8. - */ - private def loadStoreOpcodeOffset: Int = this match { - case UNIT | INT => 0 - case BOOL | BYTE => 5 - case CHAR => 6 - case SHORT => 7 - case FLOAT => 2 - case LONG => 1 - case DOUBLE => 3 - case _ => 4 - } - - /** - * See documentation of [[typedOpcode]]. - * The numbers are taken from asm.Type.VOID_TYPE ff., the values are those shifted by << 16. - */ - private def typedOpcodeOffset: Int = this match { - case UNIT => 5 - case BOOL | CHAR | BYTE | SHORT | INT => 0 - case FLOAT => 2 - case LONG => 1 - case DOUBLE => 3 - case _ => 4 - } - - /** - * Some JVM opcodes have typed variants. This method returns the correct opcode according to - * the type. - * - * @param opcode A JVM instruction opcode. This opcode must be one of ILOAD, ISTORE, IALOAD, - * IASTORE, IADD, ISUB, IMUL, IDIV, IREM, INEG, ISHL, ISHR, IUSHR, IAND, IOR - * IXOR and IRETURN. - * @return The opcode adapted to this java type. For example, if this type is `float` and - * `opcode` is `IRETURN`, this method returns `FRETURN`. - */ - final def typedOpcode(opcode: Int): Int = { - if (opcode == asm.Opcodes.IALOAD || opcode == asm.Opcodes.IASTORE) - opcode + loadStoreOpcodeOffset - else - opcode + typedOpcodeOffset - } - - /** - * The asm.Type corresponding to this BType. - * - * Note about asm.Type.getObjectType (*): For class types, the method expects the internal - * name, i.e. without the surrounding 'L' and ';'. For array types on the other hand, the - * method expects a full descriptor, for example "[Ljava/lang/String;". - * - * See method asm.Type.getType that creates a asm.Type from a type descriptor - * - for an OBJECT type, the 'L' and ';' are not part of the range of the created Type - * - for an ARRAY type, the full descriptor is part of the range - */ - def toASMType: asm.Type = this match { - case UNIT => asm.Type.VOID_TYPE - case BOOL => asm.Type.BOOLEAN_TYPE - case CHAR => asm.Type.CHAR_TYPE - case BYTE => asm.Type.BYTE_TYPE - case SHORT => asm.Type.SHORT_TYPE - case INT => asm.Type.INT_TYPE - case FLOAT => asm.Type.FLOAT_TYPE - case LONG => asm.Type.LONG_TYPE - case DOUBLE => asm.Type.DOUBLE_TYPE - case ClassBType(internalName) => asm.Type.getObjectType(internalName) // see (*) above - case a: ArrayBType => asm.Type.getObjectType(a.descriptor) - case m: MethodBType => asm.Type.getMethodType(m.descriptor) - } - - def asRefBType : RefBType = this.asInstanceOf[RefBType] - def asArrayBType : ArrayBType = this.asInstanceOf[ArrayBType] - def asClassBType : ClassBType = this.asInstanceOf[ClassBType] - def asPrimitiveBType : PrimitiveBType = this.asInstanceOf[PrimitiveBType] - } - - sealed trait PrimitiveBType extends BType { - - /** - * The upper bound of two primitive types. The `other` type has to be either a primitive - * type or Nothing. - * - * The maxValueType of (Char, Byte) and of (Char, Short) is Int, to encompass the negative - * values of Byte and Short. See ticket #2087. - */ - final def maxValueType(other: BType): BType = { - - def uncomparable: Nothing = throw new AssertionError(s"Cannot compute maxValueType: $this, $other") - - if (!other.isPrimitive && !other.isNothingType) uncomparable - - if (other.isNothingType) return this - if (this == other) return this - - this match { - case BYTE => - if (other == CHAR) INT - else if (other.isNumericType) other - else uncomparable - - case SHORT => - other match { - case BYTE => SHORT - case CHAR => INT - case INT | LONG | FLOAT | DOUBLE => other - case _ => uncomparable - } - - case CHAR => - other match { - case BYTE | SHORT => INT - case INT | LONG | FLOAT | DOUBLE => other - case _ => uncomparable - } - - case INT => - other match { - case BYTE | SHORT | CHAR => INT - case LONG | FLOAT | DOUBLE => other - case _ => uncomparable - } - - case LONG => - other match { - case INT | BYTE | LONG | CHAR | SHORT => LONG - case DOUBLE => DOUBLE - case FLOAT => FLOAT - case _ => uncomparable - } - - case FLOAT => - if (other == DOUBLE) DOUBLE - else if (other.isNumericType) FLOAT - else uncomparable - - case DOUBLE => - if (other.isNumericType) DOUBLE - else uncomparable - - case UNIT | BOOL => uncomparable - } - } - } - - case object UNIT extends PrimitiveBType - case object BOOL extends PrimitiveBType - case object CHAR extends PrimitiveBType - case object BYTE extends PrimitiveBType - case object SHORT extends PrimitiveBType - case object INT extends PrimitiveBType - case object FLOAT extends PrimitiveBType - case object LONG extends PrimitiveBType - case object DOUBLE extends PrimitiveBType - - sealed trait RefBType extends BType { - /** - * The class or array type of this reference type. Used for ANEWARRAY, MULTIANEWARRAY, - * INSTANCEOF and CHECKCAST instructions. Also used for emitting invokevirtual calls to - * (a: Array[T]).clone() for any T, see genApply. - * - * In contrast to the descriptor, this string does not contain the surrounding 'L' and ';' for - * class types, for example "java/lang/String". - * However, for array types, the full descriptor is used, for example "[Ljava/lang/String;". - * - * This can be verified for example using javap or ASMifier. - */ - def classOrArrayType: String = this match { - case ClassBType(internalName) => internalName - case a: ArrayBType => a.descriptor - } - } - - /** - * InnerClass and EnclosingMethod attributes (EnclosingMethod is displayed as OUTERCLASS in asm). - * - * In this summary, "class" means "class or interface". - * - * JLS: - * JVMS: - * - * Terminology - * ----------- - * - * - Nested class (JLS 8): class whose declaration occurs within the body of another class - * - * - Top-level class (JLS 8): non-nested class - * - * - Inner class (JLS 8.1.3): nested class that is not (explicitly or implicitly) static - * - * - Member class (JLS 8.5): class directly enclosed in the body of a class (and not, for - * example, defined in a method). Member classes cannot be anonymous. May be static. - * - * - Local class (JLS 14.3): nested, non-anonymous class that is not a member of a class - * - cannot be static (therefore they are "inner" classes) - * - can be defined in a method, a constructor or in an initializer block - * - * - Initializer block (JLS 8.6 / 8.7): block of statements in a java class - * - static initializer: executed before constructor body - * - instance initializer: executed when class is initialized (instance creation, static - * field access, ...) - * - * - A static nested class can be defined as - * - a static member class (explicitly static), or - * - a member class of an interface (implicitly static) - * - local classes are never static, even if they are defined in a static method. - * - * Note: it is NOT the case that all inner classes (non-static) have an outer pointer. Example: - * class C { static void foo { class D {} } } - * The class D is an inner class (non-static), but javac does not add an outer pointer to it. - * - * InnerClass - * ---------- - * - * The JVMS 4.7.6 requires an entry for every class mentioned in a CONSTANT_Class_info in the - * constant pool (CP) that is not a member of a package (JLS 7.1). - * - * The JLS 13.1, points 9. / 10. requires: a class must reference (in the CP) - * - its immediately enclosing class - * - all of its member classes - * - all local and anonymous classes that are referenced (or declared) elsewhere (method, - * constructor, initializer block, field initializer) - * - * In a comment, the 4.7.6 spec says: this implies an entry in the InnerClass attribute for - * - All enclosing classes (except the outermost, which is top-level) - * - My comment: not sure how this is implied, below (*) a Java counter-example. - * In any case, the Java compiler seems to add all enclosing classes, even if they are not - * otherwise mentioned in the CP. So we should do the same. - * - All nested classes (including anonymous and local, but not transitively) - * - * Fields in the InnerClass entries: - * - inner class: the (nested) class C we are talking about - * - outer class: the class of which C is a member. Has to be null for non-members, i.e. for - * local and anonymous classes. NOTE: this co-incides with the presence of an - * EnclosingMethod attribute (see below) - * - inner name: A string with the simple name of the inner class. Null for anonymous classes. - * - flags: access property flags, details in JVMS, table in 4.7.6. Static flag: see - * discussion below. - * - * - * Note 1: when a nested class is present in the InnerClass attribute, all of its enclosing - * classes have to be present as well (by the rules above). Example: - * - * class Outer { class I1 { class I2 { } } } - * class User { Outer.I1.I2 foo() { } } - * - * The return type "Outer.I1.I2" puts "Outer$I1$I2" in the CP, therefore the class is added to the - * InnerClass attribute. For this entry, the "outer class" field will be "Outer$I1". This in turn - * adds "Outer$I1" to the CP, which requires adding that class to the InnerClass attribute. - * (For local / anonymous classes this would not be the case, since the "outer class" attribute - * would be empty. However, no class (other than the enclosing class) can refer to them, as they - * have no name.) - * - * In the current implementation of the Scala compiler, when adding a class to the InnerClass - * attribute, all of its enclosing classes will be added as well. Javac seems to do the same, - * see (*). - * - * - * Note 2: If a class name is mentioned only in a CONSTANT_Utf8_info, but not in a - * CONSTANT_Class_info, the JVMS does not require an entry in the InnerClass attribute. However, - * the Java compiler seems to add such classes anyway. For example, when using an annotation, the - * annotation class is stored as a CONSTANT_Utf8_info in the CP: - * - * @O.Ann void foo() { } - * - * adds "const #13 = Asciz LO$Ann;;" in the constant pool. The "RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations" - * attribute refers to that constant pool entry. Even though there is no other reference to - * `O.Ann`, the java compiler adds an entry for that class to the InnerClass attribute (which - * entails adding a CONSTANT_Class_info for the class). - * - * - * - * EnclosingMethod - * --------------- - * - * JVMS 4.7.7: the attribute must be present "if and only if it represents a local class - * or an anonymous class" (i.e. not for member classes). - * - * The attribute is mis-named, it should be called "EnclosingClass". It has to be defined for all - * local and anonymous classes, no matter if there is an enclosing method or not. Accordingly, the - * "class" field (see below) must be always defined, while the "method" field may be null. - * - * NOTE: When a EnclosingMethod attribute is required (local and anonymous classes), the "outer" - * field in the InnerClass table must be null. - * - * Fields: - * - class: the enclosing class - * - method: the enclosing method (or constructor). Null if the class is not enclosed by a - * method, i.e. for - * - local or anonymous classes defined in (static or non-static) initializer blocks - * - anonymous classes defined in initializer blocks or field initializers - * - * Note: the field is required for anonymous classes defined within local variable - * initializers (within a method), Java example below (**). - * - * For local and anonymous classes in initializer blocks or field initializers, and - * class-level anonymous classes, the scala compiler sets the "method" field to null. - * - * - * (*) - * public class Test { - * void foo() { - * class Foo1 { - * // constructor statement block - * { - * class Foo2 { - * class Foo3 { } - * } - * } - * } - * } - * } - * - * The class file Test$1Foo1$1Foo2$Foo3 has no reference to the class Test$1Foo1, however it - * still contains an InnerClass attribute for Test$1Foo1. - * Maybe this is just because the Java compiler follows the JVMS comment ("InnerClasses - * information for each enclosing class"). - * - * - * (**) - * void foo() { - * // anonymous class defined in local variable initializer expression. - * Runnable x = true ? (new Runnable() { - * public void run() { return; } - * }) : null; - * } - * - * The EnclosingMethod attribute of the anonymous class mentions "foo" in the "method" field. - * - * - * Java Compatibility - * ------------------ - * - * In the InnerClass entry for classes in top-level modules, the "outer class" is emitted as the - * mirror class (or the existing companion class), i.e. C1 is nested in T (not T$). - * For classes nested in a nested object, the "outer class" is the module class: C2 is nested in T$N$ - * object T { - * class C1 - * object N { class C2 } - * } - * - * Reason: java compat. It's a "best effort" "solution". If you want to use "C1" from Java, you - * can write "T.C1", and the Java compiler will translate that to the classfile T$C1. - * - * If we would emit the "outer class" of C1 as "T$", then in Java you'd need to write "T$.C1" - * because the java compiler looks at the InnerClass attribute to find if an inner class exists. - * However, the Java compiler would then translate the '.' to '$' and you'd get the class name - * "T$$C1". This class file obviously does not exist. - * - * Directly using the encoded class name "T$C1" in Java does not work: since the classfile - * describes a nested class, the Java compiler hides it from the classpath and will report - * "cannot find symbol T$C1". This means that the class T.N.C2 cannot be referenced from a - * Java source file in any way. - * - * - * STATIC flag - * ----------- - * - * Java: static member classes have the static flag in the InnerClass attribute, for example B in - * class A { static class B { } } - * - * The spec is not very clear about when the static flag should be emitted. It says: "Marked or - * implicitly static in source." - * - * The presence of the static flag does NOT coincide with the absence of an "outer" field in the - * class. The java compiler never puts the static flag for local classes, even if they don't have - * an outer pointer: - * - * class A { - * void f() { class B {} } - * static void g() { calss C {} } - * } - * - * B has an outer pointer, C doesn't. Both B and C are NOT marked static in the InnerClass table. - * - * It seems sane to follow the same principle in the Scala compiler. So: - * - * package p - * object O1 { - * class C1 // static inner class - * object O2 { // static inner module - * def f = { - * class C2 { // non-static inner class, even though there's no outer pointer - * class C3 // non-static, has an outer pointer - * } - * } - * } - * } - * - * Mirror Classes - * -------------- - * - * TODO: innerclass attributes on mirror class - */ - - /** - * A ClassBType represents a class or interface type. The necessary information to build a - * ClassBType is extracted from compiler symbols and types, see BTypesFromSymbols. - * - * The `offset` and `length` fields are used to represent the internal name of the class. They - * are indices into some character array. The internal name can be obtained through the method - * `internalNameString`, which is abstract in this component. Name creation is assumed to be - * hash-consed, so if two ClassBTypes have the same internal name, they NEED to have the same - * `offset` and `length`. - * - * The actual implementation in subclass BTypesFromSymbols uses the global `chrs` array from the - * name table. This representation is efficient because the JVM class name is obtained through - * `classSymbol.javaBinaryName`. This already adds the necessary string to the `chrs` array, - * so it makes sense to reuse the same name table in the backend. - * - * ClassBType is not a case class because we want a custom equals method, and because the - * extractor extracts the internalName, which is what you typically need. - */ - final class ClassBType(val internalName: String) extends RefBType { - /** - * Write-once variable allows initializing a cyclic graph of infos. This is required for - * nested classes. Example: for the definition `class A { class B }` we have - * - * == A - * contains B - */ - private var _info: ClassInfo = null - - def info: ClassInfo = { - assert(_info != null, s" not yet assigned: $this") - _info - } - - def info_=(i: ClassInfo): Unit = { - assert(_info == null, s"Cannot set multiple times: $this") - _info = i - checkInfoConsistency() - } - - classBTypeFromInternalNameMap(internalName) = this - - private def checkInfoConsistency(): Unit = { - // we assert some properties. however, some of the linked ClassBType (members, superClass, - // interfaces) may not yet have an `_info` (initialization of cyclic structures). so we do a - // best-effort verification. - def ifInit(c: ClassBType)(p: ClassBType => Boolean): Boolean = c._info == null || p(c) - - def isJLO(t: ClassBType) = t.internalName == "java/lang/Object" - - assert(!ClassBType.isInternalPhantomType(internalName), s"Cannot create ClassBType for phantom type $this") - - assert( - if (info.superClass.isEmpty) { isJLO(this) || (DottyBackendInterface.isCompilingPrimitive && ClassBType.hasNoSuper(internalName)) } - else if (isInterface) isJLO(info.superClass.get) - else !isJLO(this) && ifInit(info.superClass.get)(!_.isInterface), - s"Invalid superClass in $this: ${info.superClass}" - ) - assert( - info.interfaces.forall(c => ifInit(c)(_.isInterface)), - s"Invalid interfaces in $this: ${info.interfaces}" - ) - - assert(info.memberClasses.forall(c => ifInit(c)(_.isNestedClass)), info.memberClasses) - } - - /** - * The internal name of a class is the string returned by java.lang.Class.getName, with all '.' - * replaced by '/'. For example "java/lang/String". - */ - //def internalName: String = internalNameString(offset, length) - - /** - * @return The class name without the package prefix - */ - def simpleName: String = internalName.split("/").last - - def isInterface = (info.flags & asm.Opcodes.ACC_INTERFACE) != 0 - - def superClassesTransitive: List[ClassBType] = info.superClass match { - case None => Nil - case Some(sc) => sc :: sc.superClassesTransitive - } - - def isNestedClass = info.nestedInfo.isDefined - - def enclosingNestedClassesChain: List[ClassBType] = - if (isNestedClass) this :: info.nestedInfo.get.enclosingClass.enclosingNestedClassesChain - else Nil - - def innerClassAttributeEntry: Option[InnerClassEntry] = info.nestedInfo map { - case NestedInfo(_, outerName, innerName, isStaticNestedClass) => - import GenBCodeOps.addFlagIf - InnerClassEntry( - internalName, - outerName.orNull, - innerName.orNull, - info.flags.addFlagIf(isStaticNestedClass, asm.Opcodes.ACC_STATIC) - & ClassBType.INNER_CLASSES_FLAGS - ) - } - - def isSubtypeOf(other: ClassBType): Boolean = { - if (this == other) return true - - if (isInterface) { - if (other == ObjectRef) return true // interfaces conform to Object - if (!other.isInterface) return false // this is an interface, the other is some class other than object. interfaces cannot extend classes, so the result is false. - // else: this and other are both interfaces. continue to (*) - } else { - val sc = info.superClass - if (sc.isDefined && sc.get.isSubtypeOf(other)) return true // the superclass of this class conforms to other - if (!other.isInterface) return false // this and other are both classes, and the superclass of this does not conform - // else: this is a class, the other is an interface. continue to (*) - } - - // (*) check if some interface of this class conforms to other. - info.interfaces.exists(_.isSubtypeOf(other)) - } - - /** - * Finding the least upper bound in agreement with the bytecode verifier - * Background: - * - * - * - */ - def jvmWiseLUB(other: ClassBType): ClassBType = { - def isNotNullOrNothing(c: ClassBType) = !c.isNullType && !c.isNothingType - assert(isNotNullOrNothing(this) && isNotNullOrNothing(other), s"jvmWiseLub for null or nothing: $this - $other") - - val res: ClassBType = (this.isInterface, other.isInterface) match { - case (true, true) => - // exercised by test/files/run/t4761.scala - if (other.isSubtypeOf(this)) this - else if (this.isSubtypeOf(other)) other - else ObjectRef - - case (true, false) => - if (other.isSubtypeOf(this)) this else ObjectRef - - case (false, true) => - if (this.isSubtypeOf(other)) other else ObjectRef - - case _ => - // TODO @lry I don't really understand the reasoning here. - // Both this and other are classes. The code takes (transitively) all superclasses and - // finds the first common one. - // MOST LIKELY the answer can be found here, see the comments and links by Miguel: - // - - firstCommonSuffix(this :: this.superClassesTransitive, other :: other.superClassesTransitive) - } - - assert(isNotNullOrNothing(res), s"jvmWiseLub computed: $res") - res - } - - private def firstCommonSuffix(as: List[ClassBType], bs: List[ClassBType]): ClassBType = { - var chainA = as - var chainB = bs - var fcs: ClassBType = null - while { - if (chainB contains chainA.head) fcs = chainA.head - else if (chainA contains chainB.head) fcs = chainB.head - else { - chainA = chainA.tail - chainB = chainB.tail - } - fcs == null - } do () - fcs - } - - /** - * Custom equals / hashCode: we only compare the name (offset / length) - */ - override def equals(o: Any): Boolean = (this eq o.asInstanceOf[Object]) || (o match { - case c: ClassBType @unchecked => c.internalName == this.internalName - case _ => false - }) - - override def hashCode: Int = { - import scala.runtime.Statics - var acc: Int = -889275714 - acc = Statics.mix(acc, internalName.hashCode) - Statics.finalizeHash(acc, 2) - } - } - - object ClassBType { - /** - * Pattern matching on a ClassBType extracts the `internalName` of the class. - */ - def unapply(c: ClassBType): Some[String] = Some(c.internalName) - - /** - * Valid flags for InnerClass attribute entry. - * See - */ - private val INNER_CLASSES_FLAGS = { - asm.Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | asm.Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE | asm.Opcodes.ACC_PROTECTED | - asm.Opcodes.ACC_STATIC | asm.Opcodes.ACC_FINAL | asm.Opcodes.ACC_INTERFACE | - asm.Opcodes.ACC_ABSTRACT | asm.Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC | asm.Opcodes.ACC_ANNOTATION | - asm.Opcodes.ACC_ENUM - } - - // Primitive classes have no super class. A ClassBType for those is only created when - // they are actually being compiled (e.g., when compiling scala/Boolean.scala). - private val hasNoSuper = Set( - "scala/Unit", - "scala/Boolean", - "scala/Char", - "scala/Byte", - "scala/Short", - "scala/Int", - "scala/Float", - "scala/Long", - "scala/Double" - ) - - private val isInternalPhantomType = Set( - "scala/Null", - "scala/Nothing" - ) - } - - /** - * The type info for a class. Used for symboltable-independent subtype checks in the backend. - * - * @param superClass The super class, not defined for class java/lang/Object. - * @param interfaces All transitively implemented interfaces, except for those inherited - * through the superclass. - * @param flags The java flags, obtained through `javaFlags`. Used also to derive - * the flags for InnerClass entries. - * @param memberClasses Classes nested in this class. Those need to be added to the - * InnerClass table, see the InnerClass spec summary above. - * @param nestedInfo If this describes a nested class, information for the InnerClass table. - */ - case class ClassInfo(superClass: Option[ClassBType], interfaces: List[ClassBType], flags: Int, - memberClasses: List[ClassBType], nestedInfo: Option[NestedInfo]) - - /** - * Information required to add a class to an InnerClass table. - * The spec summary above explains what information is required for the InnerClass entry. - * - * @param enclosingClass The enclosing class, if it is also nested. When adding a class - * to the InnerClass table, enclosing nested classes are also added. - * @param outerName The outerName field in the InnerClass entry, may be None. - * @param innerName The innerName field, may be None. - * @param isStaticNestedClass True if this is a static nested class (not inner class) (*) - * - * (*) Note that the STATIC flag in ClassInfo.flags, obtained through javaFlags(classSym), is not - * correct for the InnerClass entry, see javaFlags. The static flag in the InnerClass describes - * a source-level propety: if the class is in a static context (does not have an outer pointer). - * This is checked when building the NestedInfo. - */ - case class NestedInfo(enclosingClass: ClassBType, - outerName: Option[String], - innerName: Option[String], - isStaticNestedClass: Boolean) - - /** - * This class holds the data for an entry in the InnerClass table. See the InnerClass summary - * above in this file. - * - * There's some overlap with the class NestedInfo, but it's not exactly the same and cleaner to - * keep separate. - * @param name The internal name of the class. - * @param outerName The internal name of the outer class, may be null. - * @param innerName The simple name of the inner class, may be null. - * @param flags The flags for this class in the InnerClass entry. - */ - case class InnerClassEntry(name: String, outerName: String, innerName: String, flags: Int) - - case class ArrayBType(componentType: BType) extends RefBType { - def dimension: Int = componentType match { - case a: ArrayBType => 1 + a.dimension - case _ => 1 - } - - def elementType: BType = componentType match { - case a: ArrayBType => a.elementType - case t => t - } - } - - case class MethodBType(argumentTypes: List[BType], returnType: BType) extends BType - - /* Some definitions that are required for the implementation of BTypes. They are abstract because - * initializing them requires information from types / symbols, which is not accessible here in - * BTypes. - * - * They are defs (not vals) because they are implemented using vars (see comment on CoreBTypes). - */ - - /** - * Just a named pair, used in CoreBTypes.asmBoxTo/asmUnboxTo. - */ - /*final*/ case class MethodNameAndType(name: String, methodType: MethodBType) -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/BTypesFromSymbols.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/BTypesFromSymbols.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 54dafe6f0032..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/BTypesFromSymbols.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,348 +0,0 @@ -package -package backend -package jvm - -import -import scala.annotation.threadUnsafe -import scala.collection.mutable -import scala.collection.mutable.Clearable - -import -import -import -import -import -import -import - -/** - * This class mainly contains the method classBTypeFromSymbol, which extracts the necessary - * information from a symbol and its type to create the corresponding ClassBType. It requires - * access to the compiler (global parameter). - * - * The mixin CoreBTypes defines core BTypes that are used in the backend. Building these BTypes - * uses classBTypeFromSymbol, hence requires access to the compiler (global). - * - * BTypesFromSymbols extends BTypes because the implementation of BTypes requires access to some - * of the core btypes. They are declared in BTypes as abstract members. Note that BTypes does - * not have access to the compiler instance. - */ -class BTypesFromSymbols[I <: DottyBackendInterface](val int: I) extends BTypes { - import int.{_, given} - import DottyBackendInterface.{symExtensions, _} - - lazy val TransientAttr = requiredClass[scala.transient] - lazy val VolatileAttr = requiredClass[scala.volatile] - - val bCodeAsmCommon: BCodeAsmCommon[int.type ] = new BCodeAsmCommon(int) - import bCodeAsmCommon._ - - // Why the proxy, see documentation of class [[CoreBTypes]]. - val coreBTypes: CoreBTypesProxy[this.type] = new CoreBTypesProxy[this.type](this) - import coreBTypes._ - - final def intializeCoreBTypes(): Unit = { - coreBTypes.setBTypes(new CoreBTypes[this.type](this)) - } - - private[this] val perRunCaches: Caches = new Caches { - def newAnyRefMap[K <: AnyRef, V](): mutable.AnyRefMap[K, V] = new mutable.AnyRefMap[K, V]() - def newWeakMap[K, V](): mutable.WeakHashMap[K, V] = new mutable.WeakHashMap[K, V]() - def recordCache[T <: Clearable](cache: T): T = cache - def newMap[K, V](): mutable.HashMap[K, V] = new mutable.HashMap[K, V]() - def newSet[K](): mutable.Set[K] = new mutable.HashSet[K] - } - - // TODO remove abstraction - private abstract class Caches { - def recordCache[T <: Clearable](cache: T): T - def newWeakMap[K, V](): collection.mutable.WeakHashMap[K, V] - def newMap[K, V](): collection.mutable.HashMap[K, V] - def newSet[K](): collection.mutable.Set[K] - def newAnyRefMap[K <: AnyRef, V](): collection.mutable.AnyRefMap[K, V] - } - - @threadUnsafe protected lazy val classBTypeFromInternalNameMap = { - perRunCaches.recordCache(collection.concurrent.TrieMap.empty[String, ClassBType]) - } - - /** - * Cache for the method classBTypeFromSymbol. - */ - @threadUnsafe private lazy val convertedClasses = perRunCaches.newMap[Symbol, ClassBType]() - - /** - * The ClassBType for a class symbol `sym`. - */ - final def classBTypeFromSymbol(classSym: Symbol): ClassBType = { - assert(classSym != NoSymbol, "Cannot create ClassBType from NoSymbol") - assert(classSym.isClass, s"Cannot create ClassBType from non-class symbol $classSym") - assert( - (!primitiveTypeMap.contains(classSym) || isCompilingPrimitive) && - (classSym != defn.NothingClass && classSym != defn.NullClass), - s"Cannot create ClassBType for special class symbol ${classSym.showFullName}") - - convertedClasses.getOrElse(classSym, { - val internalName = classSym.javaBinaryName - // We first create and add the ClassBType to the hash map before computing its info. This - // allows initializing cylic dependencies, see the comment on variable ClassBType._info. - val classBType = new ClassBType(internalName) - convertedClasses(classSym) = classBType - setClassInfo(classSym, classBType) - }) - } - - final def mirrorClassBTypeFromSymbol(moduleClassSym: Symbol): ClassBType = { - assert(moduleClassSym.isTopLevelModuleClass, s"not a top-level module class: $moduleClassSym") - val internalName = moduleClassSym.javaBinaryName.stripSuffix(StdNames.str.MODULE_SUFFIX) - val bType = ClassBType(internalName) - = ClassInfo( - superClass = Some(ObjectRef), - interfaces = Nil, - flags = asm.Opcodes.ACC_SUPER | asm.Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | asm.Opcodes.ACC_FINAL, - memberClasses = getMemberClasses(moduleClassSym).map(classBTypeFromSymbol), - nestedInfo = None - ) - bType - } - - private def setClassInfo(classSym: Symbol, classBType: ClassBType): ClassBType = { - val superClassSym: Symbol = { - val t = classSym.asClass.superClass - if (t.exists) t - else if ( { - // workaround #371 - - println(s"Warning: mocking up superclass for $classSym") - defn.ObjectClass - } - else t - } - assert( - if (classSym == defn.ObjectClass) - superClassSym == NoSymbol - else if (classSym.isInterface) - superClassSym == defn.ObjectClass - else - // A ClassBType for a primitive class (scala.Boolean et al) is only created when compiling these classes. - ((superClassSym != NoSymbol) && !superClassSym.isInterface) || (isCompilingPrimitive && primitiveTypeMap.contains(classSym)), - s"Bad superClass for $classSym: $superClassSym" - ) - val superClass = if (superClassSym == NoSymbol) None - else Some(classBTypeFromSymbol(superClassSym)) - - /** - * All interfaces implemented by a class, except for those inherited through the superclass. - * Redundant interfaces are removed unless there is a super call to them. - */ - extension (sym: Symbol) def superInterfaces: List[Symbol] = { - val directlyInheritedTraits = sym.directlyInheritedTraits - val directlyInheritedTraitsSet = directlyInheritedTraits.toSet - val allBaseClasses = directlyInheritedTraits.iterator.flatMap(_.asClass.baseClasses.drop(1)).toSet - val superCalls = superCallsMap.getOrElse(sym, Set.empty) - val additional = (superCalls -- directlyInheritedTraitsSet).filter( -// if (additional.nonEmpty) -// println(s"$fullName: adding supertraits $additional") - directlyInheritedTraits.filter(t => !allBaseClasses(t) || superCalls(t)) ++ additional - } - - val interfaces = - - val flags = javaFlags(classSym) - - /* The InnerClass table of a class C must contain all nested classes of C, even if they are only - * declared but not otherwise referenced in C (from the bytecode or a method / field signature). - * We collect them here. - */ - val nestedClassSymbols = { - // The lambdalift phase lifts all nested classes to the enclosing class, so if we collect - // member classes right after lambdalift, we obtain all nested classes, including local and - // anonymous ones. - val nestedClasses = getNestedClasses(classSym) - - // If this is a top-level class, and it has a companion object, the member classes of the - // companion are added as members of the class. For example: - // class C { } - // object C { - // class D - // def f = { class E } - // } - // The class D is added as a member of class C. The reason is that the InnerClass attribute - // for D will containt class "C" and NOT the module class "C$" as the outer class of D. - // This is done by buildNestedInfo, the reason is Java compatibility, see comment in BTypes. - // For consistency, the InnerClass entry for D needs to be present in C - to Java it looks - // like D is a member of C, not C$. - val linkedClass = classSym.linkedClass - val companionModuleMembers = { - if (classSym.linkedClass.isTopLevelModuleClass) getMemberClasses(classSym.linkedClass) - else Nil - } - - nestedClasses ++ companionModuleMembers - } - - /** - * For nested java classes, the scala compiler creates both a class and a module (and therefore - * a module class) symbol. For example, in `class A { class B {} }`, the nestedClassSymbols - * for A contain both the class B and the module class B. - * Here we get rid of the module class B, making sure that the class B is present. - */ - val nestedClassSymbolsNoJavaModuleClasses = nestedClassSymbols.filter(s => { - if ( && { - // We could also search in nestedClassSymbols for s.linkedClassOfClass, but sometimes that - // returns NoSymbol, so it doesn't work. - val nb = nestedClassSymbols.count(mc => == && mc.owner == s.owner) - // this assertion is specific to how ScalaC works. It doesn't apply to dotty, as n dotty there will be B & B$ - // assert(nb == 2, s"Java member module without member class: $s - $nestedClassSymbols") - false - } else true - }) - - val memberClasses = - - val nestedInfo = buildNestedInfo(classSym) - - = ClassInfo(superClass, interfaces, flags, memberClasses, nestedInfo) - classBType - } - - /** For currently compiled classes: All locally defined classes including local classes. - * The empty list for classes that are not currently compiled. - */ - private def getNestedClasses(sym: Symbol): List[Symbol] = definedClasses(sym, flattenPhase) - - /** For currently compiled classes: All classes that are declared as members of this class - * (but not inherited ones). The empty list for classes that are not currently compiled. - */ - private def getMemberClasses(sym: Symbol): List[Symbol] = definedClasses(sym, lambdaLiftPhase) - - private def definedClasses(sym: Symbol, phase: Phase) = - if (sym.isDefinedInCurrentRun) - atPhase(phase) { - toDenot(sym).info.decls.filter(sym => sym.isClass && !sym.isEffectivelyErased) - } - else Nil - - private def buildNestedInfo(innerClassSym: Symbol): Option[NestedInfo] = { - assert(innerClassSym.isClass, s"Cannot build NestedInfo for non-class symbol $innerClassSym") - - val isNested = ! - if (!isNested) None - else { - // See comment in BTypes, when is a class marked static in the InnerClass table. - val isStaticNestedClass = innerClassSym.originalOwner.originalLexicallyEnclosingClass.isOriginallyStaticOwner - - // After lambdalift (which is where we are), the rawowoner field contains the enclosing class. - val enclosingClassSym = { - if (innerClassSym.isClass) { - atPhase(flattenPhase.prev) { - toDenot(innerClassSym).owner.enclosingClass - } - } - else atPhase(flattenPhase.prev)(innerClassSym.enclosingClass) - } //todo is handled specially for JavaDefined symbols in scalac - - val enclosingClass: ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(enclosingClassSym) - - val outerName: Option[String] = { - if (isAnonymousOrLocalClass(innerClassSym)) { - None - } else { - val outerName = innerClassSym.originalOwner.originalLexicallyEnclosingClass.javaBinaryName - def dropModule(str: String): String = - if (!str.isEmpty && str.last == '$') str.take(str.length - 1) else str - // Java compatibility. See the big comment in BTypes that summarizes the InnerClass spec. - val outerNameModule = - if (innerClassSym.originalOwner.originalLexicallyEnclosingClass.isTopLevelModuleClass) dropModule(outerName) - else outerName - Some(outerNameModule.toString) - } - } - - val innerName: Option[String] = { - if (innerClassSym.isAnonymousClass || innerClassSym.isAnonymousFunction) None - else { - val original = innerClassSym.initial - Some(atPhase(original.validFor.phaseId)( // moduleSuffix for module classes - } - } - - Some(NestedInfo(enclosingClass, outerName, innerName, isStaticNestedClass)) - } - } - - /** - * This is basically a re-implementation of sym.isStaticOwner, but using the originalOwner chain. - * - * The problem is that we are interested in a source-level property. Various phases changed the - * symbol's properties in the meantime, mostly lambdalift modified (destructively) the owner. - * Therefore, `sym.isStatic` is not what we want. For example, in - * object T { def f { object U } } - * the owner of U is T, so UModuleClass.isStatic is true. Phase travel does not help here. - */ - extension (sym: Symbol) - private def isOriginallyStaticOwner: Boolean = - || && sym.originalOwner.originalLexicallyEnclosingClass.isOriginallyStaticOwner - - /** - * Return the Java modifiers for the given symbol. - * Java modifiers for classes: - * - public, abstract, final, strictfp (not used) - * for interfaces: - * - the same as for classes, without 'final' - * for fields: - * - public, private (*) - * - static, final - * for methods: - * - the same as for fields, plus: - * - abstract, synchronized (not used), strictfp (not used), native (not used) - * for all: - * - deprecated - * - * (*) protected cannot be used, since inner classes 'see' protected members, - * and they would fail verification after lifted. - */ - final def javaFlags(sym: Symbol): Int = { - - // Classes are always emitted as public. This matches the behavior of Scala 2 - // and is necessary for object deserialization to work properly, otherwise - // ModuleSerializationProxy may fail with an accessiblity error (see - // tests/run/serialize.scala and - val privateFlag = !sym.isClass && ( || (sym.isPrimaryConstructor && sym.owner.isTopLevelModuleClass)) - - val finalFlag = && !toDenot(sym).isClassConstructor && !, butNot = Accessor) && ! - - import asm.Opcodes._ - import GenBCodeOps.addFlagIf - 0 .addFlagIf(privateFlag, ACC_PRIVATE) - .addFlagIf(!privateFlag, ACC_PUBLIC) - .addFlagIf( || sym.isOneOf(AbstractOrTrait), ACC_ABSTRACT) - .addFlagIf(sym.isInterface, ACC_INTERFACE) - .addFlagIf(finalFlag - // Primitives are "abstract final" to prohibit instantiation - // without having to provide any implementations, but that is an - // illegal combination of modifiers at the bytecode level so - // suppress final if abstract if present. - && !sym.isOneOf(AbstractOrTrait) - // Mixin forwarders are bridges and can be final, but final bridges confuse some frameworks - && !, ACC_FINAL) - .addFlagIf(sym.isStaticMember, ACC_STATIC) - .addFlagIf(, ACC_BRIDGE | ACC_SYNTHETIC) - .addFlagIf(, ACC_SYNTHETIC) - .addFlagIf(sym.isClass && !sym.isInterface, ACC_SUPER) - .addFlagIf(sym.isAllOf(JavaEnumTrait), ACC_ENUM) - .addFlagIf(, ACC_VARARGS) - .addFlagIf(, ACC_SYNCHRONIZED) - .addFlagIf(sym.isDeprecated, ACC_DEPRECATED) - .addFlagIf(, ACC_ENUM) - } - - def javaFieldFlags(sym: Symbol) = { - import asm.Opcodes._ - import GenBCodeOps.addFlagIf - javaFlags(sym) - .addFlagIf(sym.hasAnnotation(TransientAttr), ACC_TRANSIENT) - .addFlagIf(sym.hasAnnotation(VolatileAttr), ACC_VOLATILE) - .addFlagIf(!, ACC_FINAL) - } -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/BytecodeWriters.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/BytecodeWriters.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 551d4f8d809e..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/BytecodeWriters.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,147 +0,0 @@ -package -package backend -package jvm - -import scala.language.unsafeNulls - -import{ DataOutputStream, FileOutputStream, IOException, File as JFile } -import java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException -import -import - - -/** Can't output a file due to the state of the file system. */ -class FileConflictException(msg: String, val file: AbstractFile) extends IOException(msg) - -/** For the last mile: turning generated bytecode in memory into - * something you can use. Has implementations for writing to class - * files, jars, and disassembled/javap output. - */ -trait BytecodeWriters { - val int: DottyBackendInterface - import int.{_, given} - - /** - * @param clsName cls.getName - */ - def getFile(base: AbstractFile, clsName: String, suffix: String): AbstractFile = { - def ensureDirectory(dir: AbstractFile): AbstractFile = - if (dir.isDirectory) dir - else throw new FileConflictException(s"${base.path}/$clsName$suffix: ${dir.path} is not a directory", dir) - var dir = base - val pathParts = clsName.split("[./]").toList - for (part <- pathParts.init) dir = ensureDirectory(dir) subdirectoryNamed part - ensureDirectory(dir) fileNamed pathParts.last + suffix - } - def getFile(sym: Symbol, clsName: String, suffix: String): AbstractFile = - getFile(outputDirectory, clsName, suffix) - - def factoryNonJarBytecodeWriter(): BytecodeWriter = { - val emitAsmp = None - val doDump = dumpClasses - (emitAsmp.isDefined, doDump.isDefined) match { - case (false, false) => new ClassBytecodeWriter { } - case (false, true ) => new ClassBytecodeWriter with DumpBytecodeWriter { } - case (true, false) => new ClassBytecodeWriter with AsmpBytecodeWriter - case (true, true ) => new ClassBytecodeWriter with AsmpBytecodeWriter with DumpBytecodeWriter { } - } - } - - trait BytecodeWriter { - def writeClass(label: String, jclassName: String, jclassBytes: Array[Byte], outfile: AbstractFile): Unit - def close(): Unit = () - } - - class DirectToJarfileWriter(jfile: JFile) extends BytecodeWriter { - val writer = new Jar(jfile).jarWriter() - - def writeClass(label: String, jclassName: String, jclassBytes: Array[Byte], outfile: AbstractFile): Unit = { - assert(outfile == null, - "The outfile formal param is there just because ClassBytecodeWriter overrides this method and uses it.") - val path = jclassName + ".class" - val out = writer.newOutputStream(path) - - try out.write(jclassBytes, 0, jclassBytes.length) - finally out.flush() - - report.informProgress("added " + label + path + " to jar") - } - override def close() = writer.close() - } - - /* - * The ASM textual representation for bytecode overcomes disadvantages of javap output in three areas: - * (a) pickle dingbats undecipherable to the naked eye; - * (b) two constant pools, while having identical contents, are displayed differently due to physical layout. - * (c) stack maps (classfile version 50 and up) are displayed in encoded form by javap, - * their expansion by ASM is more readable. - * - * */ - trait AsmpBytecodeWriter extends BytecodeWriter { - import - - private val baseDir = new Directory(None.get).createDirectory() // FIXME missing directoy - // new needed here since resolution of user-defined `apply` methods is ambiguous, and we want the constructor. - - private def emitAsmp(jclassBytes: Array[Byte], asmpFile: Unit = { - val pw = asmpFile.printWriter() - try { - val cnode = new ClassNode1() - val cr = new asm.ClassReader(jclassBytes) - cr.accept(cnode, 0) - val trace = new - cnode.accept(trace) - trace.p.print(pw) - } - finally pw.close() - } - - abstract override def writeClass(label: String, jclassName: String, jclassBytes: Array[Byte], outfile: AbstractFile): Unit = { - super.writeClass(label, jclassName, jclassBytes, outfile) - - val segments = jclassName.split("[./]") - val asmpFile = segments.foldLeft(baseDir: Path)(_ / _).changeExtension("asmp").toFile - - asmpFile.parent.createDirectory() - emitAsmp(jclassBytes, asmpFile) - } - } - - trait ClassBytecodeWriter extends BytecodeWriter { - def writeClass(label: String, jclassName: String, jclassBytes: Array[Byte], outfile: AbstractFile): Unit = { - assert(outfile != null, - "Precisely this override requires its invoker to hand out a non-null AbstractFile.") - val outstream = new DataOutputStream(outfile.bufferedOutput) - - try outstream.write(jclassBytes, 0, jclassBytes.length) - catch case ex: ClosedByInterruptException => - try - outfile.delete() // don't leave an empty or half-written classfile around after an interrupt - catch - case _: Throwable => - throw ex - finally outstream.close() - report.informProgress("wrote '" + label + "' to " + outfile) - } - } - - trait DumpBytecodeWriter extends BytecodeWriter { - val baseDir = Directory(dumpClasses.get).createDirectory() - - abstract override def writeClass(label: String, jclassName: String, jclassBytes: Array[Byte], outfile: AbstractFile): Unit = { - super.writeClass(label, jclassName, jclassBytes, outfile) - - val pathName = jclassName - val dumpFile = pathName.split("[./]").foldLeft(baseDir: Path) (_ / _).changeExtension("class").toFile - dumpFile.parent.createDirectory() - val outstream = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(dumpFile.path)) - - try outstream.write(jclassBytes, 0, jclassBytes.length) - finally outstream.close() - } - } - - private def dumpClasses: Option[String] = - if (ctx.settings.Ydumpclasses.isDefault) None - else Some(ctx.settings.Ydumpclasses.value) -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/ b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/ deleted file mode 100644 index c5594ae3dea6..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Scala ( - * - * Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc. - * - * Licensed under Apache License 2.0 - * ( - * - * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for - * additional information regarding copyright ownership. - */ - -package; - -import; -import; -import; -import; - -/** - * A subclass of {@link ClassNode} to customize the representation of - * label nodes with {@link LabelNode1}. - */ -public class ClassNode1 extends ClassNode { - public ClassNode1() { - this(Opcodes.ASM6); - } - - public ClassNode1(int api) { - super(api); - } - - @Override - public MethodVisitor visitMethod(int access, String name, String descriptor, String signature, String[] exceptions) { - MethodNode method = new MethodNode1(access, name, descriptor, signature, exceptions); - methods.add(method); - return method; - } -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/CollectSuperCalls.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/CollectSuperCalls.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 299c1c75d6cf..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/CollectSuperCalls.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ -package - -import -import -import -import -import -import - -/** Collect all super calls to trait members. - * - * For each super reference to trait member, register a call from the current class to the - * owner of the referenced member. - * - * This information is used to know if it is safe to remove a redundant mixin class. - * A redundant mixin class is one that is implemented by another mixin class. As the - * methods in a redundant mixin class could be implemented with a default abstract method, - * the redundant mixin class could be required as a parent by the JVM. - */ -class CollectSuperCalls extends MiniPhase { - import tpd._ - - override def phaseName: String = - - override def description: String = CollectSuperCalls.description - - override def transformSelect(tree: Select)(using Context): Tree = { - tree.qualifier match { - case sup: Super => - if ( - registerSuperCall(ctx.owner.enclosingClass.asClass, tree.symbol.owner.asClass) - case _ => - } - tree - } - - private def registerSuperCall(sym: ClassSymbol, calls: ClassSymbol)(using Context) = { - genBCodePhase match { - case genBCodePhase: GenBCode => - genBCodePhase.registerSuperCall(sym, calls) - case _ => - } - } -} - -object CollectSuperCalls: - val name: String = "collectSuperCalls" - val description: String = "find classes that are called with super" diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/CoreBTypes.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/CoreBTypes.scala deleted file mode 100644 index d5fce3f53627..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/CoreBTypes.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,294 +0,0 @@ -package -package backend -package jvm - - -import -import -import{Handle, Opcodes} -import - -/** - * Core BTypes and some other definitions. The initialization of these definitions requies access - * to symbols / types (global). - * - * The symbols used to initialize the ClassBTypes may change from one compiler run to the next. To - * make sure the definitions are consistent with the symbols in the current run, the - * `intializeCoreBTypes` method in BTypesFromSymbols creates a new instance of CoreBTypes in each - * compiler run. - * - * The class BTypesFromSymbols does not directly reference CoreBTypes, but CoreBTypesProxy. The - * reason is that having a `var bTypes: CoreBTypes` would not allow `import bTypes._`. Instead, the - * proxy class holds a `CoreBTypes` in a variable field and forwards to this instance. - * - * The definitions in `CoreBTypes` need to be lazy vals to break an initialization cycle. When - * creating a new instance to assign to the proxy, the `classBTypeFromSymbol` invoked in the - * constructor will actucally go through the proxy. The lazy vals make sure the instance is assigned - * in the proxy before the fields are initialized. - * - * Note: if we did not re-create the core BTypes on each compiler run, BType.classBTypeFromInternalNameMap - * could not be a perRunCache anymore: the classes defeined here need to be in that map, they are - * added when the ClassBTypes are created. The per run cache removes them, so they would be missing - * in the second run. - */ -class CoreBTypes[BTFS <: BTypesFromSymbols[_ <: DottyBackendInterface]](val bTypes: BTFS) { - import bTypes._ - import int.given - import DottyBackendInterface._ - - //import global._ - //import rootMirror.{requiredClass, getClassIfDefined} - //import definitions._ - - /** - * Maps primitive types to their corresponding PrimitiveBType. The map is defined lexically above - * the first use of `classBTypeFromSymbol` because that method looks at the map. - */ - lazy val primitiveTypeMap: Map[Symbol, PrimitiveBType] = Map( - defn.UnitClass -> UNIT, - defn.BooleanClass -> BOOL, - defn.CharClass -> CHAR, - defn.ByteClass -> BYTE, - defn.ShortClass -> SHORT, - defn.IntClass -> INT, - defn.LongClass -> LONG, - defn.FloatClass -> FLOAT, - defn.DoubleClass -> DOUBLE - ) - - private lazy val BOXED_UNIT : ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(requiredClass[java.lang.Void]) - private lazy val BOXED_BOOLEAN : ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(requiredClass[java.lang.Boolean]) - private lazy val BOXED_BYTE : ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(requiredClass[java.lang.Byte]) - private lazy val BOXED_SHORT : ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(requiredClass[java.lang.Short]) - private lazy val BOXED_CHAR : ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(requiredClass[java.lang.Character]) - private lazy val BOXED_INT : ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(requiredClass[java.lang.Integer]) - private lazy val BOXED_LONG : ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(requiredClass[java.lang.Long]) - private lazy val BOXED_FLOAT : ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(requiredClass[java.lang.Float]) - private lazy val BOXED_DOUBLE : ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(requiredClass[java.lang.Double]) - - /** - * Map from primitive types to their boxed class type. Useful when pushing class literals onto the - * operand stack (ldc instruction taking a class literal), see genConstant. - */ - lazy val boxedClassOfPrimitive: Map[PrimitiveBType, ClassBType] = Map( - UNIT -> BOXED_UNIT, - BOOL -> BOXED_BOOLEAN, - BYTE -> BOXED_BYTE, - SHORT -> BOXED_SHORT, - CHAR -> BOXED_CHAR, - INT -> BOXED_INT, - LONG -> BOXED_LONG, - FLOAT -> BOXED_FLOAT, - DOUBLE -> BOXED_DOUBLE - ) - - lazy val boxedClasses: Set[ClassBType] = boxedClassOfPrimitive.values.toSet - - /** - * Maps the method symbol for a box method to the boxed type of the result. For example, the - * method symbol for `` is mapped to the ClassBType `java/lang/Byte`. - */ - lazy val boxResultType: Map[Symbol, ClassBType] = { - val boxMethods = defn.ScalaValueClasses().map{x => // @darkdimius Are you sure this should be a def? - (x, Erasure.Boxing.boxMethod(x.asClass)) - }.toMap - for ((valueClassSym, boxMethodSym) <- boxMethods) - yield boxMethodSym -> boxedClassOfPrimitive(primitiveTypeMap(valueClassSym)) - } - - /** - * Maps the method symbol for an unbox method to the primitive type of the result. - * For example, the method symbol for `Byte.unbox()`) is mapped to the PrimitiveBType BYTE. */ - lazy val unboxResultType: Map[Symbol, PrimitiveBType] = { - val unboxMethods: Map[Symbol, Symbol] = - defn.ScalaValueClasses().map(x => (x, Erasure.Boxing.unboxMethod(x.asClass))).toMap - for ((valueClassSym, unboxMethodSym) <- unboxMethods) - yield unboxMethodSym -> primitiveTypeMap(valueClassSym) - } - - /* - * srNothingRef and srNullRef exist at run-time only. They are the bytecode-level manifestation (in - * method signatures only) of what shows up as NothingClass (scala.Nothing) resp. NullClass (scala.Null) in Scala ASTs. - * - * Therefore, when srNothingRef or srNullRef are to be emitted, a mapping is needed: the internal - * names of NothingClass and NullClass can't be emitted as-is. - * TODO @lry Once there's a 2.11.3 starr, use the commented argument list. The current starr crashes on the type literal `scala.runtime.Nothing$` - */ - lazy val srNothingRef : ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(requiredClass("scala.runtime.Nothing$")) // (requiredClass[scala.runtime.Nothing$]) - lazy val srNullRef : ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(requiredClass("scala.runtime.Null$")) // (requiredClass[scala.runtime.Null$]) - - lazy val ObjectRef : ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(defn.ObjectClass) - lazy val StringRef : ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(defn.StringClass) - lazy val jlStringBuilderRef : ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(requiredClass[java.lang.StringBuilder]) - lazy val jlStringBufferRef : ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(requiredClass[java.lang.StringBuffer]) - lazy val jlCharSequenceRef : ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(requiredClass[java.lang.CharSequence]) - lazy val jlClassRef : ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(requiredClass[java.lang.Class[_]]) - lazy val jlThrowableRef : ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(defn.ThrowableClass) - lazy val jlCloneableRef : ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(defn.JavaCloneableClass) // java/lang/Cloneable - lazy val jioSerializableRef : ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(requiredClass[]) // java/io/Serializable - lazy val jlClassCastExceptionRef : ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(requiredClass[java.lang.ClassCastException]) // java/lang/ClassCastException - lazy val jlIllegalArgExceptionRef : ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(requiredClass[java.lang.IllegalArgumentException]) - lazy val jliSerializedLambdaRef : ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(requiredClass[java.lang.invoke.SerializedLambda]) - - lazy val srBoxesRunTimeRef: ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(requiredClass[scala.runtime.BoxesRunTime]) - - private lazy val jliCallSiteRef : ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(requiredClass[java.lang.invoke.CallSite]) - private lazy val jliLambdaMetafactoryRef : ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(requiredClass[java.lang.invoke.LambdaMetafactory]) - private lazy val jliMethodHandleRef : ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(defn.MethodHandleClass) - private lazy val jliMethodHandlesLookupRef : ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(defn.MethodHandlesLookupClass) - private lazy val jliMethodTypeRef : ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(requiredClass[java.lang.invoke.MethodType]) - private lazy val jliStringConcatFactoryRef : ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(requiredClass("java.lang.invoke.StringConcatFactory")) // since JDK 9 - private lazy val srLambdaDeserialize : ClassBType = classBTypeFromSymbol(requiredClass[scala.runtime.LambdaDeserialize]) - - lazy val jliLambdaMetaFactoryMetafactoryHandle: Handle = new Handle( - Opcodes.H_INVOKESTATIC, - jliLambdaMetafactoryRef.internalName, - "metafactory", - MethodBType( - List(jliMethodHandlesLookupRef, StringRef, jliMethodTypeRef, jliMethodTypeRef, jliMethodHandleRef, jliMethodTypeRef), - jliCallSiteRef - ).descriptor, - /* itf = */ false) - - lazy val jliLambdaMetaFactoryAltMetafactoryHandle: Handle = new Handle( - Opcodes.H_INVOKESTATIC, - jliLambdaMetafactoryRef.internalName, - "altMetafactory", - MethodBType( - List(jliMethodHandlesLookupRef, StringRef, jliMethodTypeRef, ArrayBType(ObjectRef)), - jliCallSiteRef - ).descriptor, - /* itf = */ false) - - lazy val jliLambdaDeserializeBootstrapHandle: Handle = new Handle( - Opcodes.H_INVOKESTATIC, - srLambdaDeserialize.internalName, - "bootstrap", - MethodBType( - List(jliMethodHandlesLookupRef, StringRef, jliMethodTypeRef, ArrayBType(jliMethodHandleRef)), - jliCallSiteRef - ).descriptor, - /* itf = */ false) - - lazy val jliStringConcatFactoryMakeConcatWithConstantsHandle = new Handle( - Opcodes.H_INVOKESTATIC, - jliStringConcatFactoryRef.internalName, - "makeConcatWithConstants", - MethodBType( - List(jliMethodHandlesLookupRef, StringRef, jliMethodTypeRef, StringRef, ArrayBType(ObjectRef)), - jliCallSiteRef - ).descriptor, - /* itf = */ false) - - /** - * Methods in scala.runtime.BoxesRuntime - */ - lazy val asmBoxTo : Map[BType, MethodNameAndType] = Map( - BOOL -> MethodNameAndType("boxToBoolean", MethodBType(List(BOOL), BOXED_BOOLEAN)), - BYTE -> MethodNameAndType("boxToByte", MethodBType(List(BYTE), BOXED_BYTE)), - CHAR -> MethodNameAndType("boxToCharacter", MethodBType(List(CHAR), BOXED_CHAR)), - SHORT -> MethodNameAndType("boxToShort", MethodBType(List(SHORT), BOXED_SHORT)), - INT -> MethodNameAndType("boxToInteger", MethodBType(List(INT), BOXED_INT)), - LONG -> MethodNameAndType("boxToLong", MethodBType(List(LONG), BOXED_LONG)), - FLOAT -> MethodNameAndType("boxToFloat", MethodBType(List(FLOAT), BOXED_FLOAT)), - DOUBLE -> MethodNameAndType("boxToDouble", MethodBType(List(DOUBLE), BOXED_DOUBLE)) - ) - - lazy val asmUnboxTo: Map[BType, MethodNameAndType] = Map( - BOOL -> MethodNameAndType("unboxToBoolean", MethodBType(List(ObjectRef), BOOL)), - BYTE -> MethodNameAndType("unboxToByte", MethodBType(List(ObjectRef), BYTE)), - CHAR -> MethodNameAndType("unboxToChar", MethodBType(List(ObjectRef), CHAR)), - SHORT -> MethodNameAndType("unboxToShort", MethodBType(List(ObjectRef), SHORT)), - INT -> MethodNameAndType("unboxToInt", MethodBType(List(ObjectRef), INT)), - LONG -> MethodNameAndType("unboxToLong", MethodBType(List(ObjectRef), LONG)), - FLOAT -> MethodNameAndType("unboxToFloat", MethodBType(List(ObjectRef), FLOAT)), - DOUBLE -> MethodNameAndType("unboxToDouble", MethodBType(List(ObjectRef), DOUBLE)) - ) - - lazy val typeOfArrayOp: Map[Int, BType] = { - import - Map( - (List(ZARRAY_LENGTH, ZARRAY_GET, ZARRAY_SET) map (_ -> BOOL)) ++ - (List(BARRAY_LENGTH, BARRAY_GET, BARRAY_SET) map (_ -> BYTE)) ++ - (List(SARRAY_LENGTH, SARRAY_GET, SARRAY_SET) map (_ -> SHORT)) ++ - (List(CARRAY_LENGTH, CARRAY_GET, CARRAY_SET) map (_ -> CHAR)) ++ - (List(IARRAY_LENGTH, IARRAY_GET, IARRAY_SET) map (_ -> INT)) ++ - (List(LARRAY_LENGTH, LARRAY_GET, LARRAY_SET) map (_ -> LONG)) ++ - (List(FARRAY_LENGTH, FARRAY_GET, FARRAY_SET) map (_ -> FLOAT)) ++ - (List(DARRAY_LENGTH, DARRAY_GET, DARRAY_SET) map (_ -> DOUBLE)) ++ - (List(OARRAY_LENGTH, OARRAY_GET, OARRAY_SET) map (_ -> ObjectRef)) : _* - ) - } -} - -/** - * This trait make some core BTypes availalbe that don't depend on a Global instance. Some core - * BTypes are required to be accessible in the BTypes trait, which does not have access to Global. - * - * BTypes cannot refer to CoreBTypesProxy because some of its members depend on global, for example - * the type Symbol in - * def primitiveTypeMap: Map[Symbol, PrimitiveBType] - */ -trait CoreBTypesProxyGlobalIndependent[BTS <: BTypes] { - val bTypes: BTS - import bTypes._ - - def boxedClasses: Set[ClassBType] - - def srNothingRef : ClassBType - def srNullRef : ClassBType - - def ObjectRef : ClassBType - def jlCloneableRef : ClassBType - def jiSerializableRef : ClassBType -} - -/** - * See comment in class [[CoreBTypes]]. - */ -final class CoreBTypesProxy[BTFS <: BTypesFromSymbols[_ <: DottyBackendInterface]](val bTypes: BTFS) extends CoreBTypesProxyGlobalIndependent[BTFS] { - import bTypes._ - - private var _coreBTypes: CoreBTypes[bTypes.type] = _ - def setBTypes(coreBTypes: CoreBTypes[BTFS]): Unit = { - _coreBTypes = coreBTypes.asInstanceOf[CoreBTypes[bTypes.type]] - } - - def primitiveTypeMap: Map[Symbol, PrimitiveBType] = _coreBTypes.primitiveTypeMap - - def boxedClasses: Set[ClassBType] = _coreBTypes.boxedClasses - - def boxedClassOfPrimitive: Map[PrimitiveBType, ClassBType] = _coreBTypes.boxedClassOfPrimitive - - def boxResultType: Map[Symbol, ClassBType] = _coreBTypes.boxResultType - - def unboxResultType: Map[Symbol, PrimitiveBType] = _coreBTypes.unboxResultType - - def srNothingRef : ClassBType = _coreBTypes.srNothingRef - def srNullRef : ClassBType = _coreBTypes.srNullRef - - def ObjectRef : ClassBType = _coreBTypes.ObjectRef - def StringRef : ClassBType = _coreBTypes.StringRef - def jlStringBuilderRef : ClassBType = _coreBTypes.jlStringBuilderRef - def jlStringBufferRef : ClassBType = _coreBTypes.jlStringBufferRef - def jlCharSequenceRef : ClassBType = _coreBTypes.jlCharSequenceRef - def jlClassRef : ClassBType = _coreBTypes.jlClassRef - def jlThrowableRef : ClassBType = _coreBTypes.jlThrowableRef - def jlCloneableRef : ClassBType = _coreBTypes.jlCloneableRef - def jiSerializableRef : ClassBType = _coreBTypes.jioSerializableRef - def jlClassCastExceptionRef : ClassBType = _coreBTypes.jlClassCastExceptionRef - def jlIllegalArgExceptionRef : ClassBType = _coreBTypes.jlIllegalArgExceptionRef - def jliSerializedLambdaRef : ClassBType = _coreBTypes.jliSerializedLambdaRef - - def srBoxesRuntimeRef: ClassBType = _coreBTypes.srBoxesRunTimeRef - - def jliLambdaMetaFactoryMetafactoryHandle : Handle = _coreBTypes.jliLambdaMetaFactoryMetafactoryHandle - def jliLambdaMetaFactoryAltMetafactoryHandle : Handle = _coreBTypes.jliLambdaMetaFactoryAltMetafactoryHandle - def jliLambdaDeserializeBootstrapHandle : Handle = _coreBTypes.jliLambdaDeserializeBootstrapHandle - def jliStringConcatFactoryMakeConcatWithConstantsHandle: Handle = _coreBTypes.jliStringConcatFactoryMakeConcatWithConstantsHandle - - def asmBoxTo : Map[BType, MethodNameAndType] = _coreBTypes.asmBoxTo - def asmUnboxTo: Map[BType, MethodNameAndType] = _coreBTypes.asmUnboxTo - - def typeOfArrayOp: Map[Int, BType] = _coreBTypes.typeOfArrayOp -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/DottyBackendInterface.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/DottyBackendInterface.scala deleted file mode 100644 index a70d671f9c63..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/DottyBackendInterface.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,204 +0,0 @@ -package - -import scala.language.unsafeNulls - -import -import -import -import{File => _} - -import scala.reflect.ClassTag -import -import -import Contexts._ -import Types._ -import Symbols._ -import Phases._ -import Decorators.em - -import -import - -import tpd._ - -import StdNames.nme -import NameKinds.LazyBitMapName -import Names.Name - -class DottyBackendInterface(val outputDirectory: AbstractFile, val superCallsMap: ReadOnlyMap[Symbol, Set[ClassSymbol]])(using val ctx: DetachedContext) { - - private val desugared = new java.util.IdentityHashMap[Type, tpd.Select] - - def cachedDesugarIdent(i: Ident): Option[tpd.Select] = { - var found = desugared.get(i.tpe) - if (found == null) { - tpd.desugarIdent(i) match { - case sel: tpd.Select => - desugared.put(i.tpe, sel) - found = sel - case _ => - } - } - if (found == null) None else Some(found) - } - - object DesugaredSelect extends DeconstructorCommon[tpd.Tree] { - - var desugared: tpd.Select = null - - override def isEmpty: Boolean = - desugared eq null - - def _1: Tree = desugared.qualifier - - def _2: Name = - - override def unapply(s: tpd.Tree): this.type = { - s match { - case t: tpd.Select => desugared = t - case t: Ident => - cachedDesugarIdent(t) match { - case Some(t) => desugared = t - case None => desugared = null - } - case _ => desugared = null - } - - this - } - } - - object ArrayValue extends DeconstructorCommon[tpd.JavaSeqLiteral] { - def _1: Type = field.tpe match { - case JavaArrayType(elem) => elem - case _ => - report.error(em"JavaSeqArray with type ${field.tpe} reached backend: $field", ctx.source.atSpan(field.span)) - UnspecifiedErrorType - } - def _2: List[Tree] = field.elems - } - - abstract class DeconstructorCommon[T >: Null <: AnyRef] { - var field: T = null - def get: this.type = this - def isEmpty: Boolean = field eq null - def isDefined = !isEmpty - def unapply(s: T): this.type ={ - field = s - this - } - } - -} - -object DottyBackendInterface { - - private def erasureString(clazz: Class[_]): String = { - if (clazz.isArray) "Array[" + erasureString(clazz.getComponentType) + "]" - else clazz.getName - } - - def requiredClass(str: String)(using Context): ClassSymbol = - Symbols.requiredClass(str) - - def requiredClass[T](using evidence: ClassTag[T], ctx: Context): Symbol = - requiredClass(erasureString(evidence.runtimeClass)) - - def requiredModule(str: String)(using Context): Symbol = - Symbols.requiredModule(str) - - def requiredModule[T](using evidence: ClassTag[T], ctx: Context): Symbol = { - val moduleName = erasureString(evidence.runtimeClass) - val className = if (moduleName.endsWith("$")) moduleName.dropRight(1) else moduleName - requiredModule(className) - } - - given symExtensions: AnyRef with - extension (sym: Symbol) - - def isInterface(using Context): Boolean = ( || - - def isStaticConstructor(using Context): Boolean = (sym.isStaticMember && sym.isClassConstructor) || ( eq nme.STATIC_CONSTRUCTOR) - - /** Fields of static modules will be static at backend - * - * Note that lazy val encoding assumes bitmap fields are non-static. - * See also `genPlainClass` in `BCodeSkelBuilder.scala`. - * - * TODO: remove the special handing of `LazyBitMapName` once we swtich to - * the new lazy val encoding: - */ - def isStaticModuleField(using Context): Boolean = - sym.owner.isStaticModuleClass && sym.isField && ! - - def isStaticMember(using Context): Boolean = (sym ne NoSymbol) && - ( || sym.isScalaStatic || sym.isStaticModuleField) - // guard against no sumbol cause this code is executed to select which call type(static\dynamic) to use to call array.clone - - /** - * True for module classes of modules that are top-level or owned only by objects. Module classes - * for such objects will get a MODULE$ flag and a corresponding static initializer. - */ - def isStaticModuleClass(using Context): Boolean = - ( && { - // scalac uses atPickling here - // this would not work if modules are created after pickling - // for example by specialization - val original = toDenot(sym).initial - val validity = original.validFor - atPhase(validity.phaseId) { - toDenot(sym).isStatic - } - } - - - - def originalLexicallyEnclosingClass(using Context): Symbol = - // used to populate the EnclosingMethod attribute. - // it is very tricky in presence of classes(and annonymous classes) defined inside supper calls. - if (sym.exists) { - val validity = toDenot(sym).initial.validFor - atPhase(validity.phaseId) { - toDenot(sym).lexicallyEnclosingClass - } - } else NoSymbol - - /** - * True for module classes of package level objects. The backend will generate a mirror class for - * such objects. - */ - def isTopLevelModuleClass(using Context): Boolean = - && - atPhase(flattenPhase) { - toDenot(sym) - } - - def javaSimpleName(using Context): String = toDenot(sym).name.mangledString - def javaClassName(using Context): String = toDenot(sym).fullName.mangledString - def javaBinaryName(using Context): String = javaClassName.replace('.', '/') - - end extension - - end symExtensions - - private val primitiveCompilationUnits = Set( - "Unit.scala", - "Boolean.scala", - "Char.scala", - "Byte.scala", - "Short.scala", - "Int.scala", - "Float.scala", - "Long.scala", - "Double.scala" - ) - - /** - * True if the current compilation unit is of a primitive class (scala.Boolean et al). - * Used only in assertions. - */ - def isCompilingPrimitive(using Context) = { - primitiveCompilationUnits( - } - -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/GenBCode.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/GenBCode.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 13aaf197cce8..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/GenBCode.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,671 +0,0 @@ -package - -import scala.language.unsafeNulls - -import -import{PackageDef, ValDef} -import -import - -import scala.collection.mutable -import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ -import -import -import - -import -import java.util.Optional - -import -import -import Contexts._ -import Phases._ -import Symbols._ -import Decorators.em - -import -import java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException - -import{ TastyBuffer, TastyHeaderUnpickler } - -import -import -import -import tpd._ -import StdNames._ -import -import -import - -class GenBCode extends Phase { - - override def phaseName: String = - - override def description: String = GenBCode.description - - private val superCallsMap = new MutableSymbolMap[Set[ClassSymbol]] - def registerSuperCall(sym: Symbol, calls: ClassSymbol): Unit = { - val old = superCallsMap.getOrElse(sym, Set.empty) - superCallsMap.update(sym, old + calls) - } - - private val entryPoints = new mutable.HashSet[String]() - def registerEntryPoint(s: String): Unit = entryPoints += s - - private var myOutput: AbstractFile = _ - - private def outputDir(using Context): AbstractFile = { - if (myOutput eq null) - myOutput = ctx.settings.outputDir.value - myOutput - } - - private var myPrimitives: DottyPrimitives = null - - override def run(using Context): Unit = - inDetachedContext: ctx ?=> - if myPrimitives == null then myPrimitives = new DottyPrimitives(ctx) - new GenBCodePipeline( - DottyBackendInterface(outputDir, superCallsMap), - myPrimitives - ).run(ctx.compilationUnit.tpdTree) - - - override def runOn(units: List[CompilationUnit])(using Context): List[CompilationUnit] = { - outputDir match - case jar: JarArchive => - updateJarManifestWithMainClass(jar, entryPoints.toList) - case _ => - try super.runOn(units) - finally outputDir match { - case jar: JarArchive => - if ( - // If we close the jar the next run will not be able to write on the jar. - // But if we do not close it we cannot use it as part of the macro classpath of the suspended files. - report.error("Can not suspend and output to a jar at the same time. See suspension with -Xprint-suspension.") - - jar.close() - case _ => - } - } - - private def updateJarManifestWithMainClass(jarArchive: JarArchive, entryPoints: List[String])(using Context): Unit = - val mainClass = Option.when(!ctx.settings.XmainClass.isDefault)(ctx.settings.XmainClass.value).orElse { - entryPoints match - case List(mainClass) => - Some(mainClass) - case Nil => - report.warning("No Main-Class designated or discovered.") - None - case mcs => - report.warning(s"No Main-Class due to multiple entry points:\n ${mcs.mkString("\n ")}") - None - } - { mc => - val manifest = Jar.WManifest() - manifest.mainClass = mc - val file = jarArchive.subdirectoryNamed("META-INF").fileNamed("MANIFEST.MF") - val os = file.output - manifest.underlying.write(os) - os.close() - } - end updateJarManifestWithMainClass -} - -object GenBCode { - val name: String = "genBCode" - val description: String = "generate JVM bytecode" -} - -class GenBCodePipeline(val int: DottyBackendInterface, val primitives: DottyPrimitives)(using DetachedContext) extends BCodeSyncAndTry { - import DottyBackendInterface.symExtensions - - private var tree: Tree = _ - - private val sourceFile: SourceFile = ctx.compilationUnit.source - - /** Convert a `` into a - * ``. - */ - private def convertAbstractFile(absfile: interfaces.AbstractFile = - new interfaces.AbstractFile { - override def name = - override def path = absfile.path - override def jfile = Optional.ofNullable(absfile.file) - } - - final class PlainClassBuilder(cunit: CompilationUnit) extends SyncAndTryBuilder(cunit) - -// class BCodePhase() { - - private var bytecodeWriter : BytecodeWriter = null - private var mirrorCodeGen : JMirrorBuilder = null - - /* ---------------- q1 ---------------- */ - - case class Item1(arrivalPos: Int, cd: TypeDef, cunit: CompilationUnit) { - def isPoison: Boolean = { arrivalPos == Int.MaxValue } - } - private val poison1 = Item1(Int.MaxValue, null, ctx.compilationUnit) - private val q1 = new java.util.LinkedList[Item1] - - /* ---------------- q2 ---------------- */ - - case class SubItem2(classNode: asm.tree.ClassNode, - file: - - case class Item2(arrivalPos: Int, - mirror: SubItem2, - plain: SubItem2) { - def isPoison: Boolean = { arrivalPos == Int.MaxValue } - } - - private val poison2 = Item2(Int.MaxValue, null, null) - private val q2 = new[Item2] - - /* ---------------- q3 ---------------- */ - - /* - * An item of queue-3 (the last queue before serializing to disk) contains three of these - * (one for each of mirror and plain classes). - * - * @param jclassName internal name of the class - * @param jclassBytes bytecode emitted for the class SubItem3 represents - */ - case class SubItem3( - jclassName: String, - jclassBytes: Array[Byte], - jclassFile: - ) - - case class Item3(arrivalPos: Int, - mirror: SubItem3, - plain: SubItem3) { - - def isPoison: Boolean = { arrivalPos == Int.MaxValue } - } - private val i3comparator = new java.util.Comparator[Item3] { - override def compare(a: Item3, b: Item3) = { - if (a.arrivalPos < b.arrivalPos) -1 - else if (a.arrivalPos == b.arrivalPos) 0 - else 1 - } - } - private val poison3 = Item3(Int.MaxValue, null, null) - private val q3 = new java.util.PriorityQueue[Item3](1000, i3comparator) - - /* - * Pipeline that takes ClassDefs from queue-1, lowers them into an intermediate form, placing them on queue-2 - */ - class Worker1(needsOutFolder: Boolean) { - - private val lowerCaseNames = mutable.HashMap.empty[String, Symbol] - private def checkForCaseConflict(javaClassName: String, classSymbol: Symbol) = { - val lowerCaseName = javaClassName.toLowerCase - lowerCaseNames.get(lowerCaseName) match { - case None => - lowerCaseNames.put(lowerCaseName, classSymbol) - case Some(dupClassSym) => - // Order is not deterministic so we enforce lexicographic order between the duplicates for error-reporting - val (cl1, cl2) = - if (classSymbol.effectiveName.toString < dupClassSym.effectiveName.toString) (classSymbol, dupClassSym) - else (dupClassSym, classSymbol) - val same = classSymbol.effectiveName.toString == dupClassSym.effectiveName.toString - atPhase(typerPhase) { - if (same) - report.error( - em"$cl1 and ${cl2.showLocated} produce classes that overwrite one another", cl1.sourcePos) - else - report.warning( - em"""$cl1 differs only in case from ${cl2.showLocated}. - |uch classes will overwrite one another on case-insensitive filesystems.""", cl1.sourcePos) - } - } - } - - def run(): Unit = { - while (true) { - val item = q1.poll - if (item.isPoison) { - q2 add poison2 - return - } - else { - try { /*withCurrentUnit(item.cunit)*/(visit(item)) } - catch { - case ex: InterruptedException => - throw ex - case ex: Throwable => - println(s"Error while emitting ${}") - throw ex - } - } - } - } - - /* - * Checks for duplicate internal names case-insensitively, - * builds ASM ClassNodes for mirror and plain classes; - * enqueues them in queue-2. - * - */ - def visit(item: Item1): Boolean = { - val Item1(arrivalPos, cd, cunit) = item - val claszSymbol = cd.symbol - - // -------------- mirror class, if needed -------------- - val mirrorC = - if (claszSymbol.isTopLevelModuleClass) { - if (claszSymbol.companionClass == NoSymbol) { - mirrorCodeGen.genMirrorClass(claszSymbol, cunit) - } else { - report.log(s"No mirror class for module with linked class: ${claszSymbol.showFullName}") - null - } - } else null - - // -------------- "plain" class -------------- - val pcb = new PlainClassBuilder(cunit) - pcb.genPlainClass(cd) - val outF = if (needsOutFolder) getOutFolder(claszSymbol, pcb.thisName) else null; - val plainC = pcb.cnode - - if (claszSymbol.isClass) // @DarkDimius is this test needed here? - for (binary <- ctx.compilationUnit.pickled.get(claszSymbol.asClass)) { - val store = if (mirrorC ne null) mirrorC else plainC - val tasty = - val outTastyFile = getFileForClassfile(outF,, ".tasty") - val outstream = new DataOutputStream(outTastyFile.bufferedOutput) - try outstream.write(binary()) - catch case ex: ClosedByInterruptException => - try - outTastyFile.delete() // don't leave an empty or half-written tastyfile around after an interrupt - catch - case _: Throwable => - throw ex - finally outstream.close() - - val uuid = new TastyHeaderUnpickler(binary()).readHeader() - val lo = uuid.getMostSignificantBits - val hi = uuid.getLeastSignificantBits - - // TASTY attribute is created but only the UUID bytes are stored in it. - // A TASTY attribute has length 16 if and only if the .tasty file exists. - val buffer = new TastyBuffer(16) - buffer.writeUncompressedLong(lo) - buffer.writeUncompressedLong(hi) - buffer.bytes - - val dataAttr = createJAttribute(nme.TASTYATTR.mangledString, tasty, 0, tasty.length) - store.visitAttribute(dataAttr) - } - - - // ----------- create files - - val classNodes = List(mirrorC, plainC) - val classFiles = => - if (outF != null && cls != null) { - try { - checkForCaseConflict(, claszSymbol) - getFileForClassfile(outF,, ".class") - } catch { - case e: FileConflictException => - report.error(em"error writing ${}: ${e.getMessage}") - null - } - } else null - ) - - // ----------- compiler and sbt's callbacks - - val (fullClassName, isLocal) = atPhase(sbtExtractDependenciesPhase) { - (ExtractDependencies.classNameAsString(claszSymbol), claszSymbol.isLocal) - } - - for ((cls, clsFile) <- { - if (cls != null) { - val className ='/', '.') - if (ctx.compilerCallback != null) - ctx.compilerCallback.onClassGenerated(sourceFile, convertAbstractFile(clsFile), className) - if (ctx.sbtCallback != null) { - if (isLocal) - ctx.sbtCallback.generatedLocalClass(sourceFile.jfile.orElse(null), clsFile.file) - else { - ctx.sbtCallback.generatedNonLocalClass(sourceFile.jfile.orElse(null), clsFile.file, - className, fullClassName) - } - } - } - } - - // ----------- hand over to pipeline-2 - - val item2 = - Item2(arrivalPos, - SubItem2(mirrorC, classFiles(0)), - SubItem2(plainC, classFiles(1))) - - q2 add item2 // at the very end of this method so that no Worker2 thread starts mutating before we're done. - - } // end of method visit(Item1) - - } // end of class BCodePhase.Worker1 - - /* - * Pipeline that takes ClassNodes from queue-2. The unit of work depends on the optimization level: - * - * (a) no optimization involves: - * - converting the plain ClassNode to byte array and placing it on queue-3 - */ - class Worker2 { - import bTypes.ClassBType - import bTypes.coreBTypes.jliLambdaMetaFactoryAltMetafactoryHandle - // lazy val localOpt = new LocalOpt(new Settings()) - - private def localOptimizations(classNode: ClassNode): Unit = { - // BackendStats.timed(BackendStats.methodOptTimer)(localOpt.methodOptimizations(classNode)) - } - - - /* Return an array of all serializable lambdas in this class */ - private def collectSerializableLambdas(classNode: ClassNode): Array[Handle] = { - val indyLambdaBodyMethods = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[Handle] - for (m <- classNode.methods.asScala) { - val iter = m.instructions.iterator - while (iter.hasNext) { - val insn = - insn match { - case indy: InvokeDynamicInsnNode - if indy.bsm == jliLambdaMetaFactoryAltMetafactoryHandle => - import java.lang.invoke.LambdaMetafactory.FLAG_SERIALIZABLE - val metafactoryFlags = indy.bsmArgs(3).asInstanceOf[Integer].toInt - val isSerializable = (metafactoryFlags & FLAG_SERIALIZABLE) != 0 - if isSerializable then - val implMethod = indy.bsmArgs(1).asInstanceOf[Handle] - indyLambdaBodyMethods += implMethod - case _ => - } - } - } - indyLambdaBodyMethods.toArray - } - - /* - * Add: - * - * private static Object $deserializeLambda$(SerializedLambda l) { - * try return indy[scala.runtime.LambdaDeserialize.bootstrap, targetMethodGroup$0](l) - * catch { - * case i: IllegalArgumentException => - * try return indy[scala.runtime.LambdaDeserialize.bootstrap, targetMethodGroup$1](l) - * catch { - * case i: IllegalArgumentException => - * ... - * return indy[scala.runtime.LambdaDeserialize.bootstrap, targetMethodGroup${NUM_GROUPS-1}](l) - * } - * - * We use invokedynamic here to enable caching within the deserializer without needing to - * host a static field in the enclosing class. This allows us to add this method to interfaces - * that define lambdas in default methods. - * - * SI-10232 we can't pass arbitrary number of method handles to the final varargs parameter of the bootstrap - * method due to a limitation in the JVM. Instead, we emit a separate invokedynamic bytecode for each group of target - * methods. - */ - private def addLambdaDeserialize(classNode: ClassNode, implMethodsArray: Array[Handle]): Unit = { - import asm.Opcodes._ - import bTypes._ - import coreBTypes._ - - val cw = classNode - - // Make sure to reference the ClassBTypes of all types that are used in the code generated - // here (e.g. java/util/Map) are initialized. Initializing a ClassBType adds it to - // `classBTypeFromInternalNameMap`. When writing the classfile, the asm ClassWriter computes - // stack map frames and invokes the `getCommonSuperClass` method. This method expects all - // ClassBTypes mentioned in the source code to exist in the map. - - val serlamObjDesc = MethodBType(jliSerializedLambdaRef :: Nil, ObjectRef).descriptor - - val mv = cw.visitMethod(ACC_PRIVATE + ACC_STATIC + ACC_SYNTHETIC, "$deserializeLambda$", serlamObjDesc, null, null) - def emitLambdaDeserializeIndy(targetMethods: Seq[Handle]): Unit = { - mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0) - mv.visitInvokeDynamicInsn("lambdaDeserialize", serlamObjDesc, jliLambdaDeserializeBootstrapHandle, targetMethods: _*) - } - - val targetMethodGroupLimit = 255 - 1 - 3 // JVM limit. See See MAX_MH_ARITY in - val groups: Array[Array[Handle]] = implMethodsArray.grouped(targetMethodGroupLimit).toArray - val numGroups = groups.length - - import - val initialLabels = Array.fill(numGroups - 1)(new Label()) - val terminalLabel = new Label - def nextLabel(i: Int) = if (i == numGroups - 2) terminalLabel else initialLabels(i + 1) - - for ((label, i) <- initialLabels.iterator.zipWithIndex) { - mv.visitTryCatchBlock(label, nextLabel(i), nextLabel(i), jlIllegalArgExceptionRef.internalName) - } - for ((label, i) <- initialLabels.iterator.zipWithIndex) { - mv.visitLabel(label) - emitLambdaDeserializeIndy(groups(i).toIndexedSeq) - mv.visitInsn(ARETURN) - } - mv.visitLabel(terminalLabel) - emitLambdaDeserializeIndy(groups(numGroups - 1).toIndexedSeq) - mv.visitInsn(ARETURN) - } - - private def setInnerClasses(classNode: ClassNode): Unit = if (classNode != null) { - classNode.innerClasses.clear() - val (declared, referred) = collectNestedClasses(classNode) - addInnerClasses(classNode, declared, referred) - } - - /** - * Visit the class node and collect all referenced nested classes. - */ - private def collectNestedClasses(classNode: ClassNode): (List[ClassBType], List[ClassBType]) = { - // type InternalName = String - val c = new NestedClassesCollector[ClassBType](nestedOnly = true) { - def declaredNestedClasses(internalName: InternalName): List[ClassBType] = - bTypes.classBTypeFromInternalName(internalName).info.memberClasses - - def getClassIfNested(internalName: InternalName): Option[ClassBType] = { - val c = bTypes.classBTypeFromInternalName(internalName) - Option.when(c.isNestedClass)(c) - } - - def raiseError(msg: String, sig: String, e: Option[Throwable]): Unit = { - // don't crash on invalid generic signatures - } - } - c.visit(classNode) - (c.declaredInnerClasses.toList, c.referredInnerClasses.toList) - } - - def run(): Unit = { - while (true) { - val item = q2.poll - if (item.isPoison) { - q3 add poison3 - return - } - else { - try { - val plainNode = item.plain.classNode - localOptimizations(plainNode) - val serializableLambdas = collectSerializableLambdas(plainNode) - if (serializableLambdas.nonEmpty) - addLambdaDeserialize(plainNode, serializableLambdas) - setInnerClasses(plainNode) - setInnerClasses(item.mirror.classNode) - addToQ3(item) - } catch { - case ex: InterruptedException => - throw ex - case ex: Throwable => - println(s"Error while emitting ${}") - throw ex - } - } - } - } - - private def addToQ3(item: Item2) = { - - def getByteArray(cn: asm.tree.ClassNode): Array[Byte] = { - val cw = new CClassWriter(extraProc) - cn.accept(cw) - cw.toByteArray - } - - val Item2(arrivalPos, SubItem2(mirror, mirrorFile), SubItem2(plain, plainFile)) = item - - val mirrorC = if (mirror == null) null else SubItem3(, getByteArray(mirror), mirrorFile) - val plainC = SubItem3(, getByteArray(plain), plainFile) - - if (AsmUtils.traceSerializedClassEnabled && { - if (mirrorC != null) AsmUtils.traceClass(mirrorC.jclassBytes) - AsmUtils.traceClass(plainC.jclassBytes) - } - - q3 add Item3(arrivalPos, mirrorC, plainC) - } - - } // end of class BCodePhase.Worker2 - - var arrivalPos: Int = 0 - - /* - * A run of the BCodePhase phase comprises: - * - * (a) set-up steps (most notably supporting maps in `BCodeTypes`, - * but also "the" writer where class files in byte-array form go) - * - * (b) building of ASM ClassNodes, their optimization and serialization. - * - * (c) tear down (closing the classfile-writer and clearing maps) - * - */ - def run(t: Tree)(using Context): Unit = { - this.tree = t - - // val bcodeStart = Statistics.startTimer(BackendStats.bcodeTimer) - - // val initStart = Statistics.startTimer(BackendStats.bcodeInitTimer) - arrivalPos = 0 // just in case - // scalaPrimitives.init() - bTypes.intializeCoreBTypes() - // Statistics.stopTimer(BackendStats.bcodeInitTimer, initStart) - - // initBytecodeWriter invokes fullName, thus we have to run it before the typer-dependent thread is activated. - bytecodeWriter = initBytecodeWriter() - mirrorCodeGen = new JMirrorBuilder - - val needsOutfileForSymbol = bytecodeWriter.isInstanceOf[ClassBytecodeWriter] - buildAndSendToDisk(needsOutfileForSymbol) - - // closing output files. - bytecodeWriter.close() - // Statistics.stopTimer(BackendStats.bcodeTimer, bcodeStart) - - if (ctx.compilerCallback != null) - ctx.compilerCallback.onSourceCompiled(sourceFile) - - /* TODO Bytecode can be verified (now that all classfiles have been written to disk) - * - * (1) asm.util.CheckAdapter.verify() - * public static void verify(ClassReader cr, ClassLoader loader, boolean dump, PrintWriter pw) - * passing a custom ClassLoader to verify inter-dependent classes. - * Alternatively, - * - an offline-bytecode verifier could be used (e.g. Maxine brings one as separate tool). - * - -Xverify:all - * - * (2) if requested, check-java-signatures, over and beyond the syntactic checks in `getGenericSignature()` - * - */ - } - - /* - * Sequentially: - * (a) place all ClassDefs in queue-1 - * (b) dequeue one at a time from queue-1, convert it to ASM ClassNode, place in queue-2 - * (c) dequeue one at a time from queue-2, convert it to byte-array, place in queue-3 - * (d) serialize to disk by draining queue-3. - */ - private def buildAndSendToDisk(needsOutFolder: Boolean)(using Context) = { - try - feedPipeline1() - // val genStart = Statistics.startTimer(BackendStats.bcodeGenStat) - (new Worker1(needsOutFolder)).run() - // Statistics.stopTimer(BackendStats.bcodeGenStat, genStart) - - (new Worker2).run() - - // val writeStart = Statistics.startTimer(BackendStats.bcodeWriteTimer) - drainQ3() - // Statistics.stopTimer(BackendStats.bcodeWriteTimer, writeStart) - catch - case e: MethodTooLargeException => - val method = - s"${e.getClassName.replaceAll("/", ".")}.${e.getMethodName}" - val msg = - em"Generated bytecode for method '$method' is too large. Size: ${e.getCodeSize} bytes. Limit is 64KB" - report.error(msg) - case e: ClassTooLargeException => - val msg = - em"Class '${e.getClassName.replaceAll("/", ".")}' is too large. Constant pool size: ${e.getConstantPoolCount}. Limit is 64K entries" - report.error(msg) - - } - - /* Feed pipeline-1: place all ClassDefs on q1, recording their arrival position. */ - private def feedPipeline1() = { - def gen(tree: Tree): Unit = { - tree match { - case EmptyTree => () - case PackageDef(_, stats) => stats foreach gen - case ValDef(name, tpt, rhs) => () // module val not emitted - case cd: TypeDef => - q1 add Item1(arrivalPos, cd, int.ctx.compilationUnit) - arrivalPos += 1 - } - } - gen(tree) - q1 add poison1 - } - - /* Pipeline that writes classfile representations to disk. */ - private def drainQ3() = { - - def sendToDisk(cfr: SubItem3): Unit = { - if (cfr != null){ - val SubItem3(jclassName, jclassBytes, jclassFile) = cfr - bytecodeWriter.writeClass(jclassName, jclassName, jclassBytes, jclassFile) - } - } - - var moreComing = true - // `expected` denotes the arrivalPos whose Item3 should be serialized next - var expected = 0 - - while (moreComing) { - val incoming = q3.poll - moreComing = !incoming.isPoison - if (moreComing) { - val item = incoming - sendToDisk(item.mirror) - sendToDisk(item.plain) - expected += 1 - } - } - - // we're done - assert(q1.isEmpty, s"Some ClassDefs remained in the first queue: $q1") - assert(q2.isEmpty, s"Some classfiles remained in the second queue: $q2") - assert(q3.isEmpty, s"Some classfiles weren't written to disk: $q3") - - } - //} // end of class BCodePhase -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/GenBCodeOps.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/GenBCodeOps.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 210e47566cb9..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/GenBCodeOps.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -package -package backend -package jvm - -import - -object GenBCodeOps extends GenBCodeOps - -class GenBCodeOps { - extension (flags: Int) - def addFlagIf(cond: Boolean, flag: Int): Int = if cond then flags | flag else flags - - final val PublicStatic = asm.Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | asm.Opcodes.ACC_STATIC - final val PublicStaticFinal = asm.Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | asm.Opcodes.ACC_STATIC | asm.Opcodes.ACC_FINAL - final val PrivateStaticFinal = asm.Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE | asm.Opcodes.ACC_STATIC | asm.Opcodes.ACC_FINAL -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/GenericSignatureVisitor.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/GenericSignatureVisitor.scala deleted file mode 100644 index e9e532933290..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/GenericSignatureVisitor.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,326 +0,0 @@ -package - -import scala.language.unsafeNulls - -import{ClassReader, Type, Handle } -import - -import scala.collection.mutable -import scala.util.control.{NoStackTrace, NonFatal} -import scala.annotation._ -import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ - -// Backported from scala/scala, commit sha: 724be0e9425b9ad07c244d25efdad695d75abbcf -// -abstract class GenericSignatureVisitor(nestedOnly: Boolean) { - // For performance (`Char => Boolean` is not specialized) - private trait CharBooleanFunction { def apply(c: Char): Boolean } - - final def visitInternalName(internalName: String): Unit = visitInternalName(internalName, 0, if (internalName eq null) 0 else internalName.length) - def visitInternalName(internalName: String, offset: Int, length: Int): Unit - - def raiseError(msg: String, sig: String, e: Option[Throwable] = None): Unit - - def visitClassSignature(sig: String): Unit = if (sig != null) { - val p = new Parser(sig, nestedOnly) - p.safely { p.classSignature() } - } - - def visitMethodSignature(sig: String): Unit = if (sig != null) { - val p = new Parser(sig, nestedOnly) - p.safely { p.methodSignature() } - } - - def visitFieldSignature(sig: String): Unit = if (sig != null) { - val p = new Parser(sig, nestedOnly) - p.safely { p.fieldSignature() } - } - - private final class Parser(sig: String, nestedOnly: Boolean) { - - private var index = 0 - private val end = sig.length - - private val Aborted: Throwable = new NoStackTrace { } - private def abort(): Nothing = throw Aborted - - @inline def safely(f: => Unit): Unit = try f catch { - case Aborted => - case NonFatal(e) => raiseError(s"Exception thrown during signature parsing", sig, Some(e)) - } - - private def current = { - if (index >= end) { - raiseError(s"Out of bounds, $index >= $end", sig) - abort() // Don't continue, even if `notifyInvalidSignature` returns - } - sig.charAt(index) - } - - private def accept(c: Char): Unit = { - if (current != c) { - raiseError(s"Expected $c at $index, found $current", sig) - abort() - } - index += 1 - } - - private def skip(): Unit = { index += 1 } - private def getCurrentAndSkip(): Char = { val c = current; skip(); c } - - private def skipUntil(isDelimiter: CharBooleanFunction): Unit = { - while (!isDelimiter(current)) { index += 1 } - } - private def skipUntilDelimiter(delimiter: Char): Unit = { - sig.indexOf(delimiter, index) match { - case -1 => - raiseError(s"Out of bounds", sig) - abort() // Don't continue, even if `notifyInvalidSignature` returns - case i => - index = i - } - } - - private def appendUntil(builder: java.lang.StringBuilder, isDelimiter: CharBooleanFunction): Unit = { - val start = index - skipUntil(isDelimiter) - builder.append(sig, start, index) - } - - def isBaseType(c: Char): Boolean = c match { - case 'B' | 'C' | 'D' | 'F' | 'I' | 'J' | 'S' | 'Z' => true - case _ => false - } - - private val isClassNameEnd: CharBooleanFunction = (c: Char) => c == '<' || c == '.' || c == ';' - - private def typeArguments(): Unit = if (current == '<') { - skip() - while (current != '>') current match { - case '*' | '+' | '-' => - skip() - case _ => - referenceTypeSignature() - } - accept('>') - } - - @tailrec private def referenceTypeSignature(): Unit = getCurrentAndSkip() match { - case 'L' => - var names: java.lang.StringBuilder = null - - val start = index - var seenDollar = false - while (!isClassNameEnd(current)) { - seenDollar ||= current == '$' - index += 1 - } - if ((current == '.' || seenDollar) || !nestedOnly) { - // OPT: avoid allocations when only a top-level class is encountered - names = new java.lang.StringBuilder(32) - names.append(sig, start, index) - visitInternalName(names.toString) - } - typeArguments() - - while (current == '.') { - skip() - names.append('$') - appendUntil(names, isClassNameEnd) - visitInternalName(names.toString) - typeArguments() - } - accept(';') - - case 'T' => - skipUntilDelimiter(';') - skip() - - case '[' => - if (isBaseType(current)) skip() - else referenceTypeSignature() - } - - private def typeParameters(): Unit = if (current == '<') { - skip() - while (current != '>') { - skipUntilDelimiter(':'); skip() - val c = current - // The ClassBound can be missing, but only if there's an InterfaceBound after. - // This is an assumption that's not in the spec, see - if (c != ':' && c != '>') { referenceTypeSignature() } - while (current == ':') { skip(); referenceTypeSignature() } - } - accept('>') - } - - def classSignature(): Unit = { - typeParameters() - while (index < end) referenceTypeSignature() - } - - def methodSignature(): Unit = { - typeParameters() - - accept('(') - while (current != ')') { - if (isBaseType(current)) skip() - else referenceTypeSignature() - } - accept(')') - - if (current == 'V' || isBaseType(current)) skip() - else referenceTypeSignature() - - while (index < end) { - accept('^') - referenceTypeSignature() - } - } - - def fieldSignature(): Unit = if (sig != null) safely { - referenceTypeSignature() - } - } -} - -// Backported from scala/scala, commit sha: 724be0e9425b9ad07c244d25efdad695d75abbcf -// -abstract class NestedClassesCollector[T](nestedOnly: Boolean) extends GenericSignatureVisitor(nestedOnly) { - type InternalName = String - - def declaredNestedClasses(internalName: InternalName): List[T] - def getClassIfNested(internalName: InternalName): Option[T] - - val declaredInnerClasses = mutable.Set.empty[T] - val referredInnerClasses = mutable.Set.empty[T] - - def innerClasses: collection.Set[T] = declaredInnerClasses ++ referredInnerClasses - def clear(): Unit = { - declaredInnerClasses.clear() - referredInnerClasses.clear() - } - - def visit(classNode: ClassNode): Unit = { - visitInternalName( - declaredInnerClasses ++= declaredNestedClasses( - - visitInternalName(classNode.superName) - classNode.interfaces.asScala foreach visitInternalName - visitInternalName(classNode.outerClass) - - visitAnnotations(classNode.visibleAnnotations) - visitAnnotations(classNode.visibleTypeAnnotations) - visitAnnotations(classNode.invisibleAnnotations) - visitAnnotations(classNode.invisibleTypeAnnotations) - - visitClassSignature(classNode.signature) - - for (f <- classNode.fields.asScala) { - visitDescriptor(f.desc) - visitAnnotations(f.visibleAnnotations) - visitAnnotations(f.visibleTypeAnnotations) - visitAnnotations(f.invisibleAnnotations) - visitAnnotations(f.invisibleTypeAnnotations) - visitFieldSignature(f.signature) - } - - for (m <- classNode.methods.asScala) { - visitDescriptor(m.desc) - - visitAnnotations(m.visibleAnnotations) - visitAnnotations(m.visibleTypeAnnotations) - visitAnnotations(m.invisibleAnnotations) - visitAnnotations(m.invisibleTypeAnnotations) - visitAnnotationss(m.visibleParameterAnnotations) - visitAnnotationss(m.invisibleParameterAnnotations) - visitAnnotations(m.visibleLocalVariableAnnotations) - visitAnnotations(m.invisibleLocalVariableAnnotations) - - m.exceptions.asScala foreach visitInternalName - for (tcb <- m.tryCatchBlocks.asScala) visitInternalName(tcb.`type`) - - val iter = m.instructions.iterator - while (iter.hasNext) match { - case ti: TypeInsnNode => visitInternalNameOrArrayReference(ti.desc) - case fi: FieldInsnNode => visitInternalNameOrArrayReference(fi.owner); visitDescriptor(fi.desc) - case mi: MethodInsnNode => visitInternalNameOrArrayReference(mi.owner); visitDescriptor(mi.desc) - case id: InvokeDynamicInsnNode => visitDescriptor(id.desc); visitHandle(id.bsm); id.bsmArgs foreach visitConstant - case ci: LdcInsnNode => visitConstant(ci.cst) - case ma: MultiANewArrayInsnNode => visitDescriptor(ma.desc) - case _ => - } - - visitMethodSignature(m.signature) - } - } - - private def containsChar(s: String, offset: Int, length: Int, char: Char): Boolean = { - val ix = s.indexOf(char, offset) - !(ix == -1 || ix >= offset + length) - } - - def visitInternalName(internalName: String, offset: Int, length: Int): Unit = if (internalName != null && containsChar(internalName, offset, length, '$')) { - for (c <- getClassIfNested(internalName.substring(offset, length))) - if (!declaredInnerClasses.contains(c)) - referredInnerClasses += c - } - - // either an internal/Name or [[Linternal/Name; -- there are certain references in classfiles - // that are either an internal name (without the surrounding `L;`) or an array descriptor - // `[Linternal/Name;`. - def visitInternalNameOrArrayReference(ref: String): Unit = if (ref != null) { - val bracket = ref.lastIndexOf('[') - if (bracket == -1) visitInternalName(ref) - else if (ref.charAt(bracket + 1) == 'L') visitInternalName(ref, bracket + 2, ref.length - 1) - } - - // we are only interested in the class references in the descriptor, so we can skip over - // primitives and the brackets of array descriptors - def visitDescriptor(desc: String): Unit = (desc.charAt(0): @switch) match { - case '(' => - var i = 1 - while (i < desc.length) { - if (desc.charAt(i) == 'L') { - val start = i + 1 // skip the L - var seenDollar = false - while ({val ch = desc.charAt(i); seenDollar ||= (ch == '$'); ch != ';'}) i += 1 - if (seenDollar) - visitInternalName(desc, start, i) - } - // skips over '[', ')', primitives - i += 1 - } - - case 'L' => - visitInternalName(desc, 1, desc.length - 1) - - case '[' => - visitInternalNameOrArrayReference(desc) - - case _ => // skip over primitive types - } - - def visitConstant(const: AnyRef): Unit = const match { - case t: Type => visitDescriptor(t.getDescriptor) - case _ => - } - - // in principle we could references to annotation types, as they only end up as strings in the - // constant pool, not as class references. however, the java compiler still includes nested - // annotation classes in the innerClass table, so we do the same. explained in detail in the - // large comment in class BTypes. - def visitAnnotation(annot: AnnotationNode): Unit = { - visitDescriptor(annot.desc) - if (annot.values != null) annot.values.asScala foreach visitConstant - } - - def visitAnnotations(annots: java.util.List[_ <: AnnotationNode]) = if (annots != null) annots.asScala foreach visitAnnotation - def visitAnnotationss(annotss: Array[java.util.List[AnnotationNode]]) = if (annotss != null) annotss foreach visitAnnotations - - def visitHandle(handle: Handle): Unit = { - visitInternalNameOrArrayReference(handle.getOwner) - visitDescriptor(handle.getDesc) - } -} - diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/ b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/ deleted file mode 100644 index cf91fe619f5d..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Scala ( - * - * Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc. - * - * Licensed under Apache License 2.0 - * ( - * - * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for - * additional information regarding copyright ownership. - */ - -package; - -import; -import; -import; - -/** - * A subclass of {@link LabelNode} to add user-definable flags. - */ -public class LabelNode1 extends LabelNode { - public LabelNode1() { - } - - public LabelNode1(Label label) { - super(label); - } - - public int flags; -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/ b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/ deleted file mode 100644 index bfa4401830ba..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Scala ( - * - * Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc. - * - * Licensed under Apache License 2.0 - * ( - * - * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for - * additional information regarding copyright ownership. - */ - -package; - -import; -import; -import; -import; -/** - * A subclass of {@link MethodNode} to customize the representation of - * label nodes with {@link LabelNode1}. - */ -public class MethodNode1 extends MethodNode { - public MethodNode1(int api, int access, String name, String descriptor, String signature, String[] exceptions) { - super(api, access, name, descriptor, signature, exceptions); - } - - public MethodNode1(int access, String name, String descriptor, String signature, String[] exceptions) { - this(Opcodes.ASM6, access, name, descriptor, signature, exceptions); - } - - public MethodNode1(int api) { - super(api); - } - - public MethodNode1() { - this(Opcodes.ASM6); - } - - @Override - protected LabelNode getLabelNode(Label label) { - if (!( instanceof LabelNode)) { - = new LabelNode1(label); - } - return (LabelNode); - } -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/Primitives.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/Primitives.scala deleted file mode 100644 index c9ddfeab24e1..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/Primitives.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,191 +0,0 @@ -package -package backend -package jvm - -import - -object Primitives { - /** This class represents a primitive operation. */ - class Primitive { - } - - /** This class represents a test operation. */ - sealed abstract class TestOp { - - /** Returns the negation of this operation. */ - def negate(): TestOp - - /** Returns a string representation of this operation. */ - override def toString(): String - - /** used only from GenASM */ - def opcodeIF(): Int - - /** used only from GenASM */ - def opcodeIFICMP(): Int - - } - - /** An equality test */ - case object EQ extends TestOp { - def negate() = NE - override def toString() = "EQ" - override def opcodeIF() = - override def opcodeIFICMP() = - } - - /** A non-equality test */ - case object NE extends TestOp { - def negate() = EQ - override def toString() = "NE" - override def opcodeIF() = - override def opcodeIFICMP() = - } - - /** A less-than test */ - case object LT extends TestOp { - def negate() = GE - override def toString() = "LT" - override def opcodeIF() = - override def opcodeIFICMP() = - } - - /** A greater-than-or-equal test */ - case object GE extends TestOp { - def negate() = LT - override def toString() = "GE" - override def opcodeIF() = - override def opcodeIFICMP() = - } - - /** A less-than-or-equal test */ - case object LE extends TestOp { - def negate() = GT - override def toString() = "LE" - override def opcodeIF() = - override def opcodeIFICMP() = - } - - /** A greater-than test */ - case object GT extends TestOp { - def negate() = LE - override def toString() = "GT" - override def opcodeIF() = - override def opcodeIFICMP() = - } - - /** This class represents an arithmetic operation. */ - class ArithmeticOp { - - /** Returns a string representation of this operation. */ - override def toString(): String = this match { - case ADD => "ADD" - case SUB => "SUB" - case MUL => "MUL" - case DIV => "DIV" - case REM => "REM" - case NOT => "NOT" - case _ => throw new RuntimeException("ArithmeticOp unknown case") - } - } - - /** An arithmetic addition operation */ - case object ADD extends ArithmeticOp - - /** An arithmetic subtraction operation */ - case object SUB extends ArithmeticOp - - /** An arithmetic multiplication operation */ - case object MUL extends ArithmeticOp - - /** An arithmetic division operation */ - case object DIV extends ArithmeticOp - - /** An arithmetic remainder operation */ - case object REM extends ArithmeticOp - - /** Bitwise negation. */ - case object NOT extends ArithmeticOp - - /** This class represents a shift operation. */ - class ShiftOp { - - /** Returns a string representation of this operation. */ - override def toString(): String = this match { - case LSL => "LSL" - case ASR => "ASR" - case LSR => "LSR" - case _ => throw new RuntimeException("ShitOp unknown case") - } - } - - /** A logical shift to the left */ - case object LSL extends ShiftOp - - /** An arithmetic shift to the right */ - case object ASR extends ShiftOp - - /** A logical shift to the right */ - case object LSR extends ShiftOp - - /** This class represents a logical operation. */ - class LogicalOp { - - /** Returns a string representation of this operation. */ - override def toString(): String = this match { - case AND => "AND" - case OR => "OR" - case XOR => "XOR" - case _ => throw new RuntimeException("LogicalOp unknown case") - } - } - - /** A bitwise AND operation */ - case object AND extends LogicalOp - - /** A bitwise OR operation */ - case object OR extends LogicalOp - - /** A bitwise XOR operation */ - case object XOR extends LogicalOp - - /** Signals the beginning of a series of concatenations. - * On the JVM platform, it should create a new StringBuffer - */ - case object StartConcat extends Primitive - - /** - * type: (buf) => STR - * jvm : It should turn the StringBuffer into a String. - */ - case object EndConcat extends Primitive - - /** Pretty printer for primitives */ - class PrimitivePrinter(out: PrintWriter) { - def print(s: String): PrimitivePrinter = { - out.print(s) - this - } - } - - /** This class represents a comparison operation. */ - class ComparisonOp { - - /** Returns a string representation of this operation. */ - override def toString(): String = this match { - case CMPL => "CMPL" - case CMP => "CMP" - case CMPG => "CMPG" - case _ => throw new RuntimeException("ComparisonOp unknown case") - } - } - - /** A comparison operation with -1 default for NaNs */ - case object CMPL extends ComparisonOp - - /** A comparison operation with no default for NaNs */ - case object CMP extends ComparisonOp - - /** A comparison operation with +1 default for NaNs */ - case object CMPG extends ComparisonOp -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/scalaPrimitives.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/scalaPrimitives.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 420ff7b20423..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/jvm/scalaPrimitives.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,412 +0,0 @@ -package -package backend.jvm - -import dotc.ast.Trees.Select -import dotc.ast.tpd._ -import dotc.core._ -import Contexts._ -import Names.TermName, StdNames._ -import Types.{JavaArrayType, UnspecifiedErrorType, Type} -import Symbols.{Symbol, NoSymbol} -import Decorators.em -import -import dotc.util.ReadOnlyMap - -import scala.annotation.threadUnsafe - -/** Scala primitive operations are represented as methods in `Any` and - * `AnyVal` subclasses. Here we demultiplex them by providing a mapping - * from their symbols to integers. Different methods exist for - * different value types, but with the same meaning (like plus, minus, - * etc.). They will all be mapped to the same int. - * - * Note: The three equal methods have the following semantics: - * - `"=="` checks for `null`, and if non-null, calls - * `java.lang.Object.equals` - * `(class: Any; modifier: final)`. Primitive: `EQ` - * - `"eq"` usual reference comparison - * `(class: AnyRef; modifier: final)`. Primitive: `ID` - * - `"equals"` user-defined equality (Java semantics) - * `(class: Object; modifier: none)`. Primitive: `EQUALS` - * - * Inspired from the `scalac` compiler. - */ -class DottyPrimitives(ictx: DetachedContext) { - import - - @threadUnsafe private lazy val primitives: ReadOnlyMap[Symbol, Int] = init - - /** Return the code for the given symbol. */ - def getPrimitive(sym: Symbol): Int = { - primitives(sym) - } - - /** - * Return the primitive code of the given operation. If the - * operation is an array get/set, we inspect the type of the receiver - * to demux the operation. - * - * @param fun The method symbol - * @param tpe The type of the receiver object. It is used only for array - * operations - */ - def getPrimitive(app: Apply, tpe: Type)(using Context): Int = { - val fun = - val defn = ctx.definitions - val code = match { - case Select(_, nme.primitive.arrayLength) => - LENGTH - case Select(_, nme.primitive.arrayUpdate) => - UPDATE - case Select(_, nme.primitive.arrayApply) => - APPLY - case _ => getPrimitive(fun) - } - - def elementType: Type = tpe.widenDealias match { - case defn.ArrayOf(el) => el - case JavaArrayType(el) => el - case _ => - report.error(em"expected Array $tpe") - UnspecifiedErrorType - } - - code match { - - case APPLY => - defn.scalaClassName(elementType) match { - case tpnme.Boolean => ZARRAY_GET - case tpnme.Byte => BARRAY_GET - case tpnme.Short => SARRAY_GET - case tpnme.Char => CARRAY_GET - case tpnme.Int => IARRAY_GET - case tpnme.Long => LARRAY_GET - case tpnme.Float => FARRAY_GET - case tpnme.Double => DARRAY_GET - case _ => OARRAY_GET - } - - case UPDATE => - defn.scalaClassName(elementType) match { - case tpnme.Boolean => ZARRAY_SET - case tpnme.Byte => BARRAY_SET - case tpnme.Short => SARRAY_SET - case tpnme.Char => CARRAY_SET - case tpnme.Int => IARRAY_SET - case tpnme.Long => LARRAY_SET - case tpnme.Float => FARRAY_SET - case tpnme.Double => DARRAY_SET - case _ => OARRAY_SET - } - - case LENGTH => - defn.scalaClassName(elementType) match { - case tpnme.Boolean => ZARRAY_LENGTH - case tpnme.Byte => BARRAY_LENGTH - case tpnme.Short => SARRAY_LENGTH - case tpnme.Char => CARRAY_LENGTH - case tpnme.Int => IARRAY_LENGTH - case tpnme.Long => LARRAY_LENGTH - case tpnme.Float => FARRAY_LENGTH - case tpnme.Double => DARRAY_LENGTH - case _ => OARRAY_LENGTH - } - - case _ => - code - } - } - - /** Initialize the primitive map */ - private def init: ReadOnlyMap[Symbol, Int] = { - - given Context = ictx - - import Symbols.defn - val primitives = Symbols.MutableSymbolMap[Int](512) - - /** Add a primitive operation to the map */ - def addPrimitive(s: Symbol, code: Int): Unit = { - assert(!(primitives contains s), "Duplicate primitive " + s) - primitives(s) = code - } - - def addPrimitives(cls: Symbol, method: TermName, code: Int)(using Context): Unit = { - val alts = - if (alts.isEmpty) - report.error(em"Unknown primitive method $cls.$method") - else alts foreach (s => - addPrimitive(s, - match { - case List(tp :: _) if code == ADD && tp =:= ctx.definitions.StringType => CONCAT - case _ => code - } - ) - ) - } - - // scala.Any - addPrimitive(defn.Any_==, EQ) - addPrimitive(defn.Any_!=, NE) - addPrimitive(defn.Any_isInstanceOf, IS) - addPrimitive(defn.Any_asInstanceOf, AS) - addPrimitive(defn.Any_##, HASH) - - // java.lang.Object - addPrimitive(defn.Object_eq, ID) - addPrimitive(defn.Object_ne, NI) - /* addPrimitive(defn.Any_==, EQ) - addPrimitive(defn.Any_!=, NE)*/ - addPrimitive(defn.Object_synchronized, SYNCHRONIZED) - /*addPrimitive(defn.Any_isInstanceOf, IS) - addPrimitive(defn.Any_asInstanceOf, AS)*/ - - // java.lang.String - addPrimitive(defn.String_+, CONCAT) - - // scala.Array - lazy val ArrayClass = defn.ArrayClass - addPrimitives(ArrayClass, nme.length, LENGTH) - addPrimitives(ArrayClass, nme.apply, APPLY) - addPrimitives(ArrayClass, nme.update, UPDATE) - - // scala.Boolean - lazy val BooleanClass = defn.BooleanClass - addPrimitives(BooleanClass, nme.EQ, EQ) - addPrimitives(BooleanClass, nme.NE, NE) - addPrimitives(BooleanClass, nme.UNARY_!, ZNOT) - addPrimitives(BooleanClass, nme.ZOR, ZOR) - addPrimitives(BooleanClass, nme.ZAND, ZAND) - addPrimitives(BooleanClass, nme.OR, OR) - addPrimitives(BooleanClass, nme.AND, AND) - addPrimitives(BooleanClass, nme.XOR, XOR) - - // scala.Byte - lazy val ByteClass = defn.ByteClass - addPrimitives(ByteClass, nme.EQ, EQ) - addPrimitives(ByteClass, nme.NE, NE) - addPrimitives(ByteClass, nme.ADD, ADD) - addPrimitives(ByteClass, nme.SUB, SUB) - addPrimitives(ByteClass, nme.MUL, MUL) - addPrimitives(ByteClass, nme.DIV, DIV) - addPrimitives(ByteClass, nme.MOD, MOD) - addPrimitives(ByteClass, nme.LT, LT) - addPrimitives(ByteClass, nme.LE, LE) - addPrimitives(ByteClass, nme.GT, GT) - addPrimitives(ByteClass, nme.GE, GE) - addPrimitives(ByteClass, nme.XOR, XOR) - addPrimitives(ByteClass, nme.OR, OR) - addPrimitives(ByteClass, nme.AND, AND) - addPrimitives(ByteClass, nme.LSL, LSL) - addPrimitives(ByteClass, nme.LSR, LSR) - addPrimitives(ByteClass, nme.ASR, ASR) - // conversions - addPrimitives(ByteClass, nme.toByte, B2B) - addPrimitives(ByteClass, nme.toShort, B2S) - addPrimitives(ByteClass, nme.toChar, B2C) - addPrimitives(ByteClass, nme.toInt, B2I) - addPrimitives(ByteClass, nme.toLong, B2L) - // unary methods - addPrimitives(ByteClass, nme.UNARY_+, POS) - addPrimitives(ByteClass, nme.UNARY_-, NEG) - addPrimitives(ByteClass, nme.UNARY_~, NOT) - - addPrimitives(ByteClass, nme.toFloat, B2F) - addPrimitives(ByteClass, nme.toDouble, B2D) - - // scala.Short - lazy val ShortClass = defn.ShortClass - addPrimitives(ShortClass, nme.EQ, EQ) - addPrimitives(ShortClass, nme.NE, NE) - addPrimitives(ShortClass, nme.ADD, ADD) - addPrimitives(ShortClass, nme.SUB, SUB) - addPrimitives(ShortClass, nme.MUL, MUL) - addPrimitives(ShortClass, nme.DIV, DIV) - addPrimitives(ShortClass, nme.MOD, MOD) - addPrimitives(ShortClass, nme.LT, LT) - addPrimitives(ShortClass, nme.LE, LE) - addPrimitives(ShortClass, nme.GT, GT) - addPrimitives(ShortClass, nme.GE, GE) - addPrimitives(ShortClass, nme.XOR, XOR) - addPrimitives(ShortClass, nme.OR, OR) - addPrimitives(ShortClass, nme.AND, AND) - addPrimitives(ShortClass, nme.LSL, LSL) - addPrimitives(ShortClass, nme.LSR, LSR) - addPrimitives(ShortClass, nme.ASR, ASR) - // conversions - addPrimitives(ShortClass, nme.toByte, S2B) - addPrimitives(ShortClass, nme.toShort, S2S) - addPrimitives(ShortClass, nme.toChar, S2C) - addPrimitives(ShortClass, nme.toInt, S2I) - addPrimitives(ShortClass, nme.toLong, S2L) - // unary methods - addPrimitives(ShortClass, nme.UNARY_+, POS) - addPrimitives(ShortClass, nme.UNARY_-, NEG) - addPrimitives(ShortClass, nme.UNARY_~, NOT) - - addPrimitives(ShortClass, nme.toFloat, S2F) - addPrimitives(ShortClass, nme.toDouble, S2D) - - // scala.Char - lazy val CharClass = defn.CharClass - addPrimitives(CharClass, nme.EQ, EQ) - addPrimitives(CharClass, nme.NE, NE) - addPrimitives(CharClass, nme.ADD, ADD) - addPrimitives(CharClass, nme.SUB, SUB) - addPrimitives(CharClass, nme.MUL, MUL) - addPrimitives(CharClass, nme.DIV, DIV) - addPrimitives(CharClass, nme.MOD, MOD) - addPrimitives(CharClass, nme.LT, LT) - addPrimitives(CharClass, nme.LE, LE) - addPrimitives(CharClass, nme.GT, GT) - addPrimitives(CharClass, nme.GE, GE) - addPrimitives(CharClass, nme.XOR, XOR) - addPrimitives(CharClass, nme.OR, OR) - addPrimitives(CharClass, nme.AND, AND) - addPrimitives(CharClass, nme.LSL, LSL) - addPrimitives(CharClass, nme.LSR, LSR) - addPrimitives(CharClass, nme.ASR, ASR) - // conversions - addPrimitives(CharClass, nme.toByte, C2B) - addPrimitives(CharClass, nme.toShort, C2S) - addPrimitives(CharClass, nme.toChar, C2C) - addPrimitives(CharClass, nme.toInt, C2I) - addPrimitives(CharClass, nme.toLong, C2L) - // unary methods - addPrimitives(CharClass, nme.UNARY_+, POS) - addPrimitives(CharClass, nme.UNARY_-, NEG) - addPrimitives(CharClass, nme.UNARY_~, NOT) - addPrimitives(CharClass, nme.toFloat, C2F) - addPrimitives(CharClass, nme.toDouble, C2D) - - // scala.Int - lazy val IntClass = defn.IntClass - addPrimitives(IntClass, nme.EQ, EQ) - addPrimitives(IntClass, nme.NE, NE) - addPrimitives(IntClass, nme.ADD, ADD) - addPrimitives(IntClass, nme.SUB, SUB) - addPrimitives(IntClass, nme.MUL, MUL) - addPrimitives(IntClass, nme.DIV, DIV) - addPrimitives(IntClass, nme.MOD, MOD) - addPrimitives(IntClass, nme.LT, LT) - addPrimitives(IntClass, nme.LE, LE) - addPrimitives(IntClass, nme.GT, GT) - addPrimitives(IntClass, nme.GE, GE) - addPrimitives(IntClass, nme.XOR, XOR) - addPrimitives(IntClass, nme.OR, OR) - addPrimitives(IntClass, nme.AND, AND) - addPrimitives(IntClass, nme.LSL, LSL) - addPrimitives(IntClass, nme.LSR, LSR) - addPrimitives(IntClass, nme.ASR, ASR) - // conversions - addPrimitives(IntClass, nme.toByte, I2B) - addPrimitives(IntClass, nme.toShort, I2S) - addPrimitives(IntClass, nme.toChar, I2C) - addPrimitives(IntClass, nme.toInt, I2I) - addPrimitives(IntClass, nme.toLong, I2L) - // unary methods - addPrimitives(IntClass, nme.UNARY_+, POS) - addPrimitives(IntClass, nme.UNARY_-, NEG) - addPrimitives(IntClass, nme.UNARY_~, NOT) - addPrimitives(IntClass, nme.toFloat, I2F) - addPrimitives(IntClass, nme.toDouble, I2D) - - // scala.Long - lazy val LongClass = defn.LongClass - addPrimitives(LongClass, nme.EQ, EQ) - addPrimitives(LongClass, nme.NE, NE) - addPrimitives(LongClass, nme.ADD, ADD) - addPrimitives(LongClass, nme.SUB, SUB) - addPrimitives(LongClass, nme.MUL, MUL) - addPrimitives(LongClass, nme.DIV, DIV) - addPrimitives(LongClass, nme.MOD, MOD) - addPrimitives(LongClass, nme.LT, LT) - addPrimitives(LongClass, nme.LE, LE) - addPrimitives(LongClass, nme.GT, GT) - addPrimitives(LongClass, nme.GE, GE) - addPrimitives(LongClass, nme.XOR, XOR) - addPrimitives(LongClass, nme.OR, OR) - addPrimitives(LongClass, nme.AND, AND) - addPrimitives(LongClass, nme.LSL, LSL) - addPrimitives(LongClass, nme.LSR, LSR) - addPrimitives(LongClass, nme.ASR, ASR) - // conversions - addPrimitives(LongClass, nme.toByte, L2B) - addPrimitives(LongClass, nme.toShort, L2S) - addPrimitives(LongClass, nme.toChar, L2C) - addPrimitives(LongClass, nme.toInt, L2I) - addPrimitives(LongClass, nme.toLong, L2L) - // unary methods - addPrimitives(LongClass, nme.UNARY_+, POS) - addPrimitives(LongClass, nme.UNARY_-, NEG) - addPrimitives(LongClass, nme.UNARY_~, NOT) - addPrimitives(LongClass, nme.toFloat, L2F) - addPrimitives(LongClass, nme.toDouble, L2D) - - // scala.Float - lazy val FloatClass = defn.FloatClass - addPrimitives(FloatClass, nme.EQ, EQ) - addPrimitives(FloatClass, nme.NE, NE) - addPrimitives(FloatClass, nme.ADD, ADD) - addPrimitives(FloatClass, nme.SUB, SUB) - addPrimitives(FloatClass, nme.MUL, MUL) - addPrimitives(FloatClass, nme.DIV, DIV) - addPrimitives(FloatClass, nme.MOD, MOD) - addPrimitives(FloatClass, nme.LT, LT) - addPrimitives(FloatClass, nme.LE, LE) - addPrimitives(FloatClass, nme.GT, GT) - addPrimitives(FloatClass, nme.GE, GE) - // conversions - addPrimitives(FloatClass, nme.toByte, F2B) - addPrimitives(FloatClass, nme.toShort, F2S) - addPrimitives(FloatClass, nme.toChar, F2C) - addPrimitives(FloatClass, nme.toInt, F2I) - addPrimitives(FloatClass, nme.toLong, F2L) - addPrimitives(FloatClass, nme.toFloat, F2F) - addPrimitives(FloatClass, nme.toDouble, F2D) - // unary methods - addPrimitives(FloatClass, nme.UNARY_+, POS) - addPrimitives(FloatClass, nme.UNARY_-, NEG) - - // scala.Double - lazy val DoubleClass = defn.DoubleClass - addPrimitives(DoubleClass, nme.EQ, EQ) - addPrimitives(DoubleClass, nme.NE, NE) - addPrimitives(DoubleClass, nme.ADD, ADD) - addPrimitives(DoubleClass, nme.SUB, SUB) - addPrimitives(DoubleClass, nme.MUL, MUL) - addPrimitives(DoubleClass, nme.DIV, DIV) - addPrimitives(DoubleClass, nme.MOD, MOD) - addPrimitives(DoubleClass, nme.LT, LT) - addPrimitives(DoubleClass, nme.LE, LE) - addPrimitives(DoubleClass, nme.GT, GT) - addPrimitives(DoubleClass, nme.GE, GE) - // conversions - addPrimitives(DoubleClass, nme.toByte, D2B) - addPrimitives(DoubleClass, nme.toShort, D2S) - addPrimitives(DoubleClass, nme.toChar, D2C) - addPrimitives(DoubleClass, nme.toInt, D2I) - addPrimitives(DoubleClass, nme.toLong, D2L) - addPrimitives(DoubleClass, nme.toFloat, D2F) - addPrimitives(DoubleClass, nme.toDouble, D2D) - // unary methods - addPrimitives(DoubleClass, nme.UNARY_+, POS) - addPrimitives(DoubleClass, nme.UNARY_-, NEG) - - - primitives - } - - def isPrimitive(sym: Symbol): Boolean = - primitives.contains(sym) - - def isPrimitive(fun: Tree): Boolean = - given Context = ictx - primitives.contains(fun.symbol) - || (fun.symbol == NoSymbol // the only trees that do not have a symbol assigned are array.{update,select,length,clone}} - && { - fun match - case Select(_, StdNames.nme.clone_) => false // but array.clone is NOT a primitive op. - case _ => true - }) -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/sjs/GenSJSIR.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/sjs/GenSJSIR.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 1579b4577933..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/sjs/GenSJSIR.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -package - -import -import Contexts._ -import Phases._ - -/** Generates Scala.js IR files for the compilation unit. */ -class GenSJSIR extends Phase { - - override def phaseName: String = - - override def description: String = GenSJSIR.description - - override def isRunnable(using Context): Boolean = - super.isRunnable && ctx.settings.scalajs.value - - def run(using Context): Unit = - new JSCodeGen().run() -} - -object GenSJSIR: - val name: String = "genSJSIR" - val description: String = "generate .sjsir files for Scala.js" diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/sjs/JSCodeGen.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/sjs/JSCodeGen.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 92de5f9f3503..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/sjs/JSCodeGen.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4897 +0,0 @@ -package - -import scala.language.unsafeNulls - -import scala.annotation.switch -import scala.collection.mutable - -import -import -import -import -import Contexts._ -import Decorators._ -import Flags._ -import Names._ -import NameKinds.DefaultGetterName -import Types._ -import Symbols._ -import Phases._ -import StdNames._ -import TypeErasure.ErasedValueType - -import{Erasure, ValueClasses} -import -import -import - -import -import{ClassKind, Position, Names => jsNames, Trees => js, Types => jstpe} -import{ClassName, MethodName, SimpleMethodName} -import -import -import - -import - -import JSEncoding._ -import ScopedVar.withScopedVars -import annotation.retains - -/** Main codegen for Scala.js IR. - * - * [[GenSJSIR]] creates one instance of `JSCodeGen` per compilation unit. - * The `run()` method processes the whole compilation unit and generates - * `.sjsir` files for it. - * - * There are 4 main levels of translation: - * - * - `genCompilationUnit()` iterates through all the type definitions in the - * compilation unit. Each generated `js.ClassDef` is serialized to an - * `.sjsir` file. - * - `genScalaClass()` and other similar methods generate the skeleton of - * classes. - * - `genMethod()` and similar methods generate the declarations of methods. - * - `genStatOrExpr()` and everything else generate the bodies of methods. - */ -class JSCodeGen()(using genCtx: DetachedContext) { - import JSCodeGen._ - import tpd._ - - val sjsPlatform = - val jsdefn = JSDefinitions.jsdefn - private val primitives = new JSPrimitives(genCtx) - - val positionConversions = new JSPositions()(using genCtx) - import positionConversions._ - - private val jsExportsGen = new JSExportsGen(this) - - // Some state -------------------------------------------------------------- - - private val lazilyGeneratedAnonClasses = new MutableSymbolMap[TypeDef] - private val generatedClasses = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[js.ClassDef] - private val generatedStaticForwarderClasses = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[(Symbol, js.ClassDef)] - - val currentClassSym: ScopedVar[Symbol] = new ScopedVar[Symbol] - private val currentMethodSym = new ScopedVar[Symbol] - private val localNames = new ScopedVar[LocalNameGenerator] - private val thisLocalVarIdent = new ScopedVar[Option[js.LocalIdent]] - private val isModuleInitialized = new ScopedVar[ScopedVar.VarBox[Boolean]] - private val undefinedDefaultParams = new ScopedVar[mutable.Set[Symbol]] - - /* Contextual JS class value for some operations of nested JS classes that need one. */ - private val contextualJSClassValue = new ScopedVar[Option[js.Tree]](None) - - /** Resets all of the scoped state in the context of `body`. */ - private def resetAllScopedVars[T](body: => T): T = { - withScopedVars( - currentClassSym := null, - currentMethodSym := null, - localNames := null, - thisLocalVarIdent := null, - isModuleInitialized := null, - undefinedDefaultParams := null - ) { - body - } - } - - private def withPerMethodBodyState[A](methodSym: Symbol)(body: => A): A = { - withScopedVars( - currentMethodSym := methodSym, - thisLocalVarIdent := None, - isModuleInitialized := new ScopedVar.VarBox(false), - undefinedDefaultParams := mutable.Set.empty, - ) { - body - } - } - - private def acquireContextualJSClassValue[A](f: Option[js.Tree] => A): A = { - val jsClassValue = contextualJSClassValue.get - withScopedVars( - contextualJSClassValue := None - ) { - f(jsClassValue) - } - } - - def withNewLocalNameScope[A](body: => A): A = { - withScopedVars(localNames := new LocalNameGenerator) { - body - } - } - - /** Implicitly materializes the current local name generator. */ - implicit def implicitLocalNames: LocalNameGenerator = localNames.get - - def currentThisType: jstpe.Type = { - encodeClassType(currentClassSym) match { - case tpe @ jstpe.ClassType(cls) => - jstpe.BoxedClassToPrimType.getOrElse(cls, tpe) - case tpe => - tpe - } - } - - /** Returns a new fresh local identifier. */ - private def freshLocalIdent()(implicit pos: Position): js.LocalIdent = - localNames.get.freshLocalIdent() - - /** Returns a new fresh local identifier. */ - def freshLocalIdent(base: String)(implicit pos: Position): js.LocalIdent = - localNames.get.freshLocalIdent(base) - - /** Returns a new fresh local identifier. */ - private def freshLocalIdent(base: TermName)(implicit pos: Position): js.LocalIdent = - localNames.get.freshLocalIdent(base) - - private def consumeLazilyGeneratedAnonClass(sym: Symbol): TypeDef = { - val typeDef = lazilyGeneratedAnonClasses.remove(sym) - if (typeDef == null) { - throw new FatalError( - i"Could not find tree for lazily generated anonymous class ${sym.fullName} at ${sym.sourcePos}") - } else { - typeDef - } - } - - // Compilation unit -------------------------------------------------------- - - def run(): Unit = { - try { - genCompilationUnit(ctx.compilationUnit) - } finally { - generatedClasses.clear() - generatedStaticForwarderClasses.clear() - } - } - - /** Generates the Scala.js IR for a compilation unit - * This method iterates over all the class and interface definitions - * found in the compilation unit and emits their IR (.sjsir). - * - * Some classes are never actually emitted: - * - Classes representing primitive types - * - The scala.Array class - * - * TODO Some classes representing anonymous functions are not actually emitted. - * Instead, a temporary representation of their `apply` method is built - * and recorded, so that it can be inlined as a JavaScript anonymous - * function in the method that instantiates it. - * - * Other ClassDefs are emitted according to their nature: - * * Non-native JS class -> `genNonNativeJSClass()` - * * Other JS type (<: js.Any) -> `genRawJSClassData()` - * * Interface -> `genInterface()` - * * Normal class -> `genClass()` - */ - private def genCompilationUnit(cunit: CompilationUnit): Unit = { - def collectTypeDefs(tree: Tree): List[TypeDef] = { - tree match { - case EmptyTree => Nil - case PackageDef(_, stats) => stats.flatMap(collectTypeDefs) - case cd: TypeDef => cd :: Nil - case _: ValDef => Nil // module instance - } - } - val allTypeDefs = collectTypeDefs(cunit.tpdTree) - - /* #13221 Set JavaStatic on all the Module fields of static module classes. - * This is necessary for `desugarIdent` not to crash in some obscure - * scenarios. - * - * !!! Part of this logic is duplicated in BCodeSkelBuilder.genPlainClass - * - * However, here we only do this for Module fields, not all fields. - */ - for (typeDef <- allTypeDefs) { - if ( { - { f => - if (f.isField && - f.setFlag(JavaStatic) - } - } - } - - val (anonJSClassTypeDefs, otherTypeDefs) = - allTypeDefs.partition(td => td.symbol.isAnonymousClass && td.symbol.isJSType) - - // Record the TypeDefs of anonymous JS classes to be lazily generated - for (td <- anonJSClassTypeDefs) - lazilyGeneratedAnonClasses(td.symbol) = td - - /* Finally, we emit true code for the remaining class defs. */ - for (td <- otherTypeDefs) { - val sym = td.symbol - implicit val pos: Position = sym.span - - /* Do not actually emit code for primitive types nor scala.Array. */ - val isPrimitive = - sym.isPrimitiveValueClass || sym == defn.ArrayClass - - if (!isPrimitive) { - withScopedVars( - currentClassSym := sym - ) { - val tree = if (sym.isJSType) { - if (! && sym.isNonNativeJSClass) - genNonNativeJSClass(td) - else - genRawJSClassData(td) - } else if ( { - genInterface(td) - } else { - genScalaClass(td) - } - - generatedClasses += tree - } - } - } - - for (tree <- generatedClasses) - genIRFile(cunit, tree) - - if (generatedStaticForwarderClasses.nonEmpty) { - /* #4148 Add generated static forwarder classes, except those that - * would collide with regular classes on case insensitive file systems. - */ - - /* I could not find any reference anywhere about what locale is used - * by case insensitive file systems to compare case-insensitively. - * In doubt, force the English locale, which is probably going to do - * the right thing in virtually all cases (especially if users stick - * to ASCII class names), and it has the merit of being deterministic, - * as opposed to using the OS' default locale. - * The JVM backend performs a similar test to emit a warning for - * conflicting top-level classes. However, it uses `toLowerCase()` - * without argument, which is not deterministic. - */ - def caseInsensitiveNameOf(classDef: js.ClassDef): String = - - - val generatedCaseInsensitiveNames = - - - for ((site, classDef) <- generatedStaticForwarderClasses) { - if (!generatedCaseInsensitiveNames.contains(caseInsensitiveNameOf(classDef))) { - genIRFile(cunit, classDef) - } else { - report.warning( - s"Not generating the static forwarders of ${} " + - "because its name differs only in case from the name of another class or trait in this compilation unit.", - site.srcPos) - } - } - } - } - - private def genIRFile(cunit: CompilationUnit, tree: ir.Trees.ClassDef): Unit = { - val outfile = getFileFor(cunit,, ".sjsir") - val output = outfile.bufferedOutput - try { - ir.Serializers.serialize(output, tree) - } finally { - output.close() - } - } - - private def getFileFor(cunit: CompilationUnit, className: ClassName, - suffix: String): = { - val outputDirectory = ctx.settings.outputDir.value - val pathParts = className.nameString.split('.') - val dir = pathParts.init.foldLeft(outputDirectory)(_.subdirectoryNamed(_)) - val filename = pathParts.last - dir.fileNamed(filename + suffix) - } - - // Generate a class -------------------------------------------------------- - - /** Gen the IR ClassDef for a Scala class definition (maybe a module class). - */ - private def genScalaClass(td: TypeDef): js.ClassDef = { - val sym = td.symbol.asClass - implicit val pos: SourcePosition = sym.sourcePos - - assert(!, - "genScalaClass() must be called only for normal classes: "+sym) - assert(sym.superClass != NoSymbol, sym) - - if (hasDefaultCtorArgsAndJSModule(sym)) { - report.error( - "Implementation restriction: " + - "constructors of Scala classes cannot have default parameters if their companion module is JS native.", - td) - } - - val classIdent = encodeClassNameIdent(sym) - val originalName = originalNameOfClass(sym) - val isHijacked = false //isHijackedBoxedClass(sym) - - // Optimizer hints - - val isDynamicImportThunk = sym.isSubClass(jsdefn.DynamicImportThunkClass) - - def isStdLibClassWithAdHocInlineAnnot(sym: Symbol): Boolean = { - val fullName = sym.fullName.toString - (fullName.startsWith("scala.Tuple") && !fullName.endsWith("$")) || - (fullName.startsWith("scala.collection.mutable.ArrayOps$of")) - } - - val shouldMarkInline = ( - isDynamicImportThunk || - sym.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.InlineAnnot) || - (sym.isAnonymousFunction && !sym.isSubClass(defn.PartialFunctionClass)) || - isStdLibClassWithAdHocInlineAnnot(sym)) - - val optimizerHints = { - OptimizerHints.empty - .withInline(shouldMarkInline) - .withNoinline(sym.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.NoinlineAnnot)) - } - - // Generate members (constructor + methods) - - val generatedNonFieldMembers = new mutable.ListBuffer[js.MemberDef] - - val tpl = td.rhs.asInstanceOf[Template] - for (tree <- tpl.constr :: tpl.body) { - tree match { - case EmptyTree => () - - case vd: ValDef => - // fields are added via genClassFields(), but we need to generate the JS native members - val sym = vd.symbol - if (! && sym.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.JSNativeAnnot)) - generatedNonFieldMembers += genJSNativeMemberDef(vd) - - case dd: DefDef => - val sym = dd.symbol - if sym.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.JSNativeAnnot) then - if ! then - generatedNonFieldMembers += genJSNativeMemberDef(dd) - else - generatedNonFieldMembers ++= genMethod(dd) - - case _ => - throw new FatalError("Illegal tree in body of genScalaClass(): " + tree) - } - } - - // Generate fields and add to methods + ctors - val generatedMembers = genClassFields(td) ++ generatedNonFieldMembers.toList - - // Generate member exports - val memberExports = jsExportsGen.genMemberExports(sym) - - // Generate top-level export definitions - val topLevelExportDefs = jsExportsGen.genTopLevelExports(sym) - - // Static initializer - val optStaticInitializer = { - // Initialization of reflection data, if required - val reflectInit = { - val enableReflectiveInstantiation = { - sym.baseClasses.exists { ancestor => - ancestor.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.EnableReflectiveInstantiationAnnot) - } - } - if (enableReflectiveInstantiation) - genRegisterReflectiveInstantiation(sym).toList - else - Nil - } - - // Initialization of the module because of field exports - val needsStaticModuleInit = - topLevelExportDefs.exists(_.isInstanceOf[js.TopLevelFieldExportDef]) - val staticModuleInit = - if (!needsStaticModuleInit) Nil - else List(genLoadModule(sym)) - - val staticInitializerStats = reflectInit ::: staticModuleInit - if (staticInitializerStats.nonEmpty) - List(genStaticConstructorWithStats(ir.Names.StaticInitializerName, js.Block(staticInitializerStats))) - else - Nil - } - - val optDynamicImportForwarder = - if (isDynamicImportThunk) List(genDynamicImportForwarder(sym)) - else Nil - - val allMemberDefsExceptStaticForwarders = - generatedMembers ::: memberExports ::: optStaticInitializer ::: optDynamicImportForwarder - - // Add static forwarders - val allMemberDefs = if (!isCandidateForForwarders(sym)) { - allMemberDefsExceptStaticForwarders - } else { - if (isStaticModule(sym)) { - /* If the module class has no linked class, we must create one to - * hold the static forwarders. Otherwise, this is going to be handled - * when generating the companion class. - */ - if (!sym.linkedClass.exists) { - val forwarders = genStaticForwardersFromModuleClass(Nil, sym) - if (forwarders.nonEmpty) { - val forwardersClassDef = js.ClassDef( - js.ClassIdent(ClassName("$"))), - originalName, - ClassKind.Class, - None, - Some(js.ClassIdent(ir.Names.ObjectClass)), - Nil, - None, - None, - forwarders, - Nil - )(js.OptimizerHints.empty) - generatedStaticForwarderClasses += sym -> forwardersClassDef - } - } - allMemberDefsExceptStaticForwarders - } else { - val forwarders = genStaticForwardersForClassOrInterface( - allMemberDefsExceptStaticForwarders, sym) - allMemberDefsExceptStaticForwarders ::: forwarders - } - } - - // Hashed definitions of the class - val hashedDefs = ir.Hashers.hashMemberDefs(allMemberDefs) - - // The complete class definition - val kind = - if (isStaticModule(sym)) ClassKind.ModuleClass - else if (isHijacked) ClassKind.HijackedClass - else ClassKind.Class - - val classDefinition = js.ClassDef( - classIdent, - originalName, - kind, - None, - Some(encodeClassNameIdent(sym.superClass)), - genClassInterfaces(sym, forJSClass = false), - None, - None, - hashedDefs, - topLevelExportDefs)( - optimizerHints) - - classDefinition - } - - /** Gen the IR ClassDef for a Scala.js-defined JS class. */ - private def genNonNativeJSClass(td: TypeDef): js.ClassDef = { - val sym = td.symbol.asClass - implicit val pos: SourcePosition = sym.sourcePos - - assert(sym.isNonNativeJSClass, - i"genNonNativeJSClass() must be called only for non-native JS classes: $sym") - assert(sym.superClass != NoSymbol, sym) - - if (hasDefaultCtorArgsAndJSModule(sym)) { - report.error( - "Implementation restriction: " + - "constructors of non-native JS classes cannot have default parameters if their companion module is JS native.", - td) - } - - val classIdent = encodeClassNameIdent(sym) - val originalName = originalNameOfClass(sym) - - // Generate members (constructor + methods) - - val constructorTrees = new mutable.ListBuffer[DefDef] - val generatedMethods = new mutable.ListBuffer[js.MethodDef] - val dispatchMethodNames = new mutable.ListBuffer[JSName] - - val tpl = td.rhs.asInstanceOf[Template] - for (tree <- tpl.constr :: tpl.body) { - tree match { - case EmptyTree => () - - case _: ValDef => - () // fields are added via genClassFields() - - case dd: DefDef => - val sym = dd.symbol - val exposed = sym.isJSExposed - - if (sym.isClassConstructor) { - constructorTrees += dd - } else if (exposed &&, butNot = Lazy)) { - // Exposed accessors must not be emitted, since the field they access is enough. - } else if (sym.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.JSOptionalAnnot)) { - // Optional methods must not be emitted - } else { - generatedMethods ++= genMethod(dd) - - // Collect the names of the dispatchers we have to create - if (exposed && ! { - /* We add symbols that we have to expose here. This way we also - * get inherited stuff that is implemented in this class. - */ - dispatchMethodNames += sym.jsName - } - } - - case _ => - throw new FatalError("Illegal tree in gen of genNonNativeJSClass(): " + tree) - } - } - - // Static members (exported from the companion object) - val staticMembers = { - val module = sym.companionModule - if (!module.exists) { - Nil - } else { - val companionModuleClass = module.moduleClass - val exports = withScopedVars(currentClassSym := companionModuleClass) { - jsExportsGen.genStaticExports(companionModuleClass) - } - if (exports.exists(_.isInstanceOf[js.JSFieldDef])) { - val classInitializer = - genStaticConstructorWithStats(ir.Names.ClassInitializerName, genLoadModule(companionModuleClass)) - exports :+ classInitializer - } else { - exports - } - } - } - - val topLevelExports = jsExportsGen.genTopLevelExports(sym) - - val (generatedConstructor, jsClassCaptures) = withNewLocalNameScope { - val isNested = sym.isNestedJSClass - - if (isNested) - localNames.reserveLocalName(JSSuperClassParamName) - - val (captures, ctor) = genJSClassCapturesAndConstructor(constructorTrees.toList) - - val jsClassCaptures = if (isNested) { - val superParam = js.ParamDef(js.LocalIdent(JSSuperClassParamName), - NoOriginalName, jstpe.AnyType, mutable = false) - Some(superParam :: captures) - } else { - assert(captures.isEmpty, s"found non nested JS class with captures $captures at $pos") - None - } - - (ctor, jsClassCaptures) - } - - // Generate fields (and add to methods + ctors) - val generatedMembers = { - genClassFields(td) ::: - generatedConstructor :: - jsExportsGen.genJSClassDispatchers(sym, dispatchMethodNames.result().distinct) ::: - generatedMethods.toList ::: - staticMembers - } - - // Hashed definitions of the class - val hashedMemberDefs = ir.Hashers.hashMemberDefs(generatedMembers) - - // The complete class definition - val kind = - if (isStaticModule(sym)) ClassKind.JSModuleClass - else ClassKind.JSClass - - val classDefinition = js.ClassDef( - classIdent, - originalNameOfClass(sym), - kind, - jsClassCaptures, - Some(encodeClassNameIdent(sym.superClass)), - genClassInterfaces(sym, forJSClass = true), - jsSuperClass =, - None, - hashedMemberDefs, - topLevelExports)( - OptimizerHints.empty) - - classDefinition - } - - /** Gen the IR ClassDef for a raw JS class or trait. - */ - private def genRawJSClassData(td: TypeDef): js.ClassDef = { - val sym = td.symbol.asClass - implicit val pos: Position = sym.span - - val classIdent = encodeClassNameIdent(sym) - val kind = { - if ( ClassKind.AbstractJSType - else if ( ClassKind.NativeJSModuleClass - else ClassKind.NativeJSClass - } - val superClass = - if ( None - else Some(encodeClassNameIdent(sym.superClass)) - val jsNativeLoadSpec = computeJSNativeLoadSpecOfClass(sym) - - js.ClassDef( - classIdent, - originalNameOfClass(sym), - kind, - None, - superClass, - genClassInterfaces(sym, forJSClass = false), - None, - jsNativeLoadSpec, - Nil, - Nil)( - OptimizerHints.empty) - } - - /** Gen the IR ClassDef for an interface definition. - */ - private def genInterface(td: TypeDef): js.ClassDef = { - val sym = td.symbol.asClass - implicit val pos: SourcePosition = sym.sourcePos - - val classIdent = encodeClassNameIdent(sym) - - val generatedMethods = new mutable.ListBuffer[js.MethodDef] - - val tpl = td.rhs.asInstanceOf[Template] - for (tree <- tpl.constr :: tpl.body) { - tree match { - case EmptyTree => () - case dd: DefDef => generatedMethods ++= genMethod(dd) - case _ => - throw new FatalError( - i"""Illegal tree in gen of genInterface(): $tree - |class = $td - |in ${ctx.compilationUnit}""") - } - } - - val superInterfaces = genClassInterfaces(sym, forJSClass = false) - - val genMethodsList = generatedMethods.toList - val allMemberDefs = - if (!isCandidateForForwarders(sym)) genMethodsList - else genMethodsList ::: genStaticForwardersForClassOrInterface(genMethodsList, sym) - - // Hashed definitions of the interface - val hashedDefs = ir.Hashers.hashMemberDefs(allMemberDefs) - - js.ClassDef( - classIdent, - originalNameOfClass(sym), - ClassKind.Interface, - None, - None, - superInterfaces, - None, - None, - hashedDefs, - Nil)( - OptimizerHints.empty) - } - - private def genClassInterfaces(sym: ClassSymbol, forJSClass: Boolean)( - implicit pos: Position): List[js.ClassIdent] = { - for { - intf <- sym.directlyInheritedTraits - if !(forJSClass && intf == defn.DynamicClass) - } yield { - encodeClassNameIdent(intf) - } - } - - // Static forwarders ------------------------------------------------------- - - /* This mimics the logic in BCodeHelpers.addForwarders and the code that - * calls it, except that we never have collisions with existing methods in - * the companion class. This is because in the IR, only methods with the - * same `MethodName` (including signature) and that are also - * `PublicStatic` would collide. There should never be an actual collision - * because the only `PublicStatic` methods that are otherwise generated are - * the bodies of SAMs, which have mangled names. If that assumption is - * broken, an error message is emitted asking the user to report a bug. - * - * It is important that we always emit forwarders, because some Java APIs - * actually have a public static method and a public instance method with - * the same name. For example the class `Integer` has a - * `def hashCode(): Int` and a `static def hashCode(Int): Int`. The JVM - * back-end considers them as colliding because they have the same name, - * but we must not. - * - * By default, we only emit forwarders for top-level objects, like the JVM - * back-end. However, if requested via a compiler option, we enable them - * for all static objects. This is important so we can implement static - * methods of nested static classes of JDK APIs (see scala-js/#3950). - */ - - /** Is the given Scala class, interface or module class a candidate for - * static forwarders? - * - * - the flag `-XnoForwarders` is not set to true, and - * - the symbol is static, and - * - either of both of the following is true: - * - the flag `-scalajsGenStaticForwardersForNonTopLevelObjects` is set to true, or - * - the symbol was originally at the package level - * - * Other than the Scala.js-specific flag, and the fact that we also consider - * interfaces, this performs the same tests as the JVM back-end. - */ - def isCandidateForForwarders(sym: Symbol): Boolean = { - !ctx.settings.XnoForwarders.value && sym.isStatic && { - ctx.settings.scalajsGenStaticForwardersForNonTopLevelObjects.value || { - atPhase(flattenPhase) { - toDenot(sym) - } - } - } - } - - /** Gen the static forwarders to the members of a class or interface for - * methods of its companion object. - * - * This is only done if there exists a companion object and it is not a JS - * type. - * - * Precondition: `isCandidateForForwarders(sym)` is true - */ - def genStaticForwardersForClassOrInterface( - existingMembers: List[js.MemberDef], sym: Symbol)( - implicit pos: SourcePosition): List[js.MemberDef] = { - val module = sym.companionModule - if (!module.exists) { - Nil - } else { - val moduleClass = module.moduleClass - if (!moduleClass.isJSType) - genStaticForwardersFromModuleClass(existingMembers, moduleClass) - else - Nil - } - } - - /** Gen the static forwarders for the methods of a module class. - * - * Precondition: `isCandidateForForwarders(moduleClass)` is true - */ - def genStaticForwardersFromModuleClass(existingMembers: List[js.MemberDef], - moduleClass: Symbol)( - implicit pos: SourcePosition): List[js.MemberDef] = { - - assert(, moduleClass) - - val existingPublicStaticMethodNames = existingMembers.collect { - case js.MethodDef(flags, name, _, _, _, _) - if flags.namespace == js.MemberNamespace.PublicStatic => - - }.toSet - - val members = { - = Flags.Method, - excluded = Flags.ExcludedForwarder).map(_.symbol) - } - - def isExcluded(m: Symbol): Boolean = { - def hasAccessBoundary = m.accessBoundary(defn.RootClass) ne defn.RootClass - - def isOfJLObject: Boolean = m.owner eq defn.ObjectClass - - def isDefaultParamOfJSNativeDef: Boolean = { - && { - val info = new DefaultParamInfo(m) - !info.isForConstructor && info.attachedMethod.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.JSNativeAnnot) - } - } - - - || m.isConstructor - || hasAccessBoundary - || isOfJLObject - || m.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.JSNativeAnnot) || isDefaultParamOfJSNativeDef // #4557 - } - - val forwarders = for { - m <- members - if !isExcluded(m) - } yield { - withNewLocalNameScope { - val flags = js.MemberFlags.empty.withNamespace(js.MemberNamespace.PublicStatic) - val methodIdent = encodeMethodSym(m) - val originalName = originalNameOfMethod(m) - val jsParams = for { - (paramName, paramInfo) <- - } yield { - js.ParamDef(freshLocalIdent(paramName), NoOriginalName, - toIRType(paramInfo), mutable = false) - } - val resultType = toIRType( - - if (existingPublicStaticMethodNames.contains( { - report.error( - "Unexpected situation: found existing public static method " + - s"${} in the companion class of " + - s"${moduleClass.fullName}; cannot generate a static forwarder " + - "the method of the same name in the object." + - "Please report this as a bug in the Scala.js support in dotty.", - pos) - } - - js.MethodDef(flags, methodIdent, originalName, jsParams, resultType, Some { - genApplyMethod(genLoadModule(moduleClass), m, - })(OptimizerHints.empty, None) - } - } - - forwarders.toList - } - - // Generate the fields of a class ------------------------------------------ - - /** Gen definitions for the fields of a class. */ - private def genClassFields(td: TypeDef): List[js.MemberDef] = { - val classSym = td.symbol.asClass - assert(currentClassSym.get == classSym, - "genClassFields called with a ClassDef other than the current one") - - val isJSClass = classSym.isNonNativeJSClass - - // Term members that are neither methods nor modules are fields - { f => - !f.isOneOf(MethodOrModule) && f.isTerm - && !f.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.JSNativeAnnot) - && !f.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.JSOptionalAnnot) - && !f.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.JSExportStaticAnnot) - }.flatMap({ f => - implicit val pos = f.span - - val isTopLevelExport = f.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.JSExportTopLevelAnnot) - val isJavaStatic = - assert(!(isTopLevelExport && isJavaStatic), - em"found ${f.fullName} which is both a top-level export and a Java static") - val isStaticField = isTopLevelExport || isJavaStatic - - val namespace = if isStaticField then js.MemberNamespace.PublicStatic else js.MemberNamespace.Public - val mutable = isStaticField || - - val flags = js.MemberFlags.empty.withMutable(mutable).withNamespace(namespace) - - val irTpe0 = - if (isJSClass) genExposedFieldIRType(f) - else if (isTopLevelExport) jstpe.AnyType - else toIRType( - - // scala-js/#4370 Fields cannot have type NothingType - val irTpe = - if (irTpe0 == jstpe.NothingType) encodeClassType(defn.NothingClass) - else irTpe0 - - if (isJSClass && f.isJSExposed) - js.JSFieldDef(flags, genExpr(f.jsName)(f.sourcePos), irTpe) :: Nil - else - val fieldIdent = encodeFieldSym(f) - val originalName = originalNameOfField(f) - val fieldDef = js.FieldDef(flags, fieldIdent, originalName, irTpe) - val optionalStaticFieldGetter = - if isJavaStatic then - // Here we are generating a public static getter for the static field, - // this is its API for other units. This is necessary for singleton - // enum values, which are backed by static fields. - val className = encodeClassName(classSym) - val body = js.Block( - js.LoadModule(className), - js.SelectStatic(className, fieldIdent)(irTpe)) - js.MethodDef(js.MemberFlags.empty.withNamespace(js.MemberNamespace.PublicStatic), - encodeStaticMemberSym(f), originalName, Nil, irTpe, - Some(body))( - OptimizerHints.empty, None) :: Nil - else - Nil - fieldDef :: optionalStaticFieldGetter - }).toList - } - - def genExposedFieldIRType(f: Symbol): jstpe.Type = { - val tpeEnteringPosterasure = atPhase(elimErasedValueTypePhase)( - tpeEnteringPosterasure match { - case tpe: ErasedValueType => - /* Here, we must store the field as the boxed representation of - * the value class. The default value of that field, as - * initialized at the time the instance is created, will - * therefore be null. This will not match the behavior we would - * get in a Scala class. To match the behavior, we would need to - * initialized to an instance of the boxed representation, with - * an underlying value set to the zero of its type. However we - * cannot implement that, so we live with the discrepancy. - * - * In dotc this is usually not an issue, because it unboxes `null` to - * the zero of the underlying type, unlike scalac which throws an NPE. - */ - jstpe.ClassType(encodeClassName(tpe.tycon.typeSymbol)) - - case _ => - // Other types are not boxed, so we can initialized them to their true zero. - toIRType( - } - } - - // Static initializers ----------------------------------------------------- - - private def genStaticConstructorWithStats(name: MethodName, stats: js.Tree)( - implicit pos: Position): js.MethodDef = { - js.MethodDef( - js.MemberFlags.empty.withNamespace(js.MemberNamespace.StaticConstructor), - js.MethodIdent(name), - NoOriginalName, - Nil, - jstpe.NoType, - Some(stats))( - OptimizerHints.empty, None) - } - - private def genRegisterReflectiveInstantiation(sym: Symbol)( - implicit pos: SourcePosition): Option[js.Tree] = { - if (isStaticModule(sym)) - genRegisterReflectiveInstantiationForModuleClass(sym) - else if ( - None // scala-js#3228 - else if ( && !sym.originalOwner.isClass) - None // scala-js#3227 - else - genRegisterReflectiveInstantiationForNormalClass(sym) - } - - private def genRegisterReflectiveInstantiationForModuleClass(sym: Symbol)( - implicit pos: SourcePosition): Option[js.Tree] = { - val fqcnArg = js.StringLiteral(sym.fullName.toString) - val runtimeClassArg = js.ClassOf(toTypeRef( - val loadModuleFunArg = - js.Closure(arrow = true, Nil, Nil, None, genLoadModule(sym), Nil) - - val stat = genApplyMethod( - genLoadModule(jsdefn.ReflectModule), - jsdefn.Reflect_registerLoadableModuleClass, - List(fqcnArg, runtimeClassArg, loadModuleFunArg)) - - Some(stat) - } - - private def genRegisterReflectiveInstantiationForNormalClass(sym: Symbol)( - implicit pos: SourcePosition): Option[js.Tree] = { - val ctors = - if ( Nil - else => !m.isOneOf(Private | Protected)) - - if (ctors.isEmpty) { - None - } else { - val constructorsInfos = for { - ctor <- ctors - } yield { - withNewLocalNameScope { - val (parameterTypes, formalParams, actualParams) = (for { - (paramName, paramInfo) <- - } yield { - val paramType = js.ClassOf(toTypeRef(paramInfo)) - val paramDef = js.ParamDef(freshLocalIdent(paramName), - NoOriginalName, jstpe.AnyType, mutable = false) - val actualParam = unbox(paramDef.ref, paramInfo) - (paramType, paramDef, actualParam) - }).unzip3 - - val paramTypesArray = js.JSArrayConstr(parameterTypes) - - val newInstanceFun = js.Closure(arrow = true, Nil, formalParams, None, { - js.New(encodeClassName(sym), encodeMethodSym(ctor), actualParams) - }, Nil) - - js.JSArrayConstr(List(paramTypesArray, newInstanceFun)) - } - } - - val fqcnArg = js.StringLiteral(sym.fullName.toString) - val runtimeClassArg = js.ClassOf(toTypeRef( - val ctorsInfosArg = js.JSArrayConstr(constructorsInfos) - - val stat = genApplyMethod( - genLoadModule(jsdefn.ReflectModule), - jsdefn.Reflect_registerInstantiatableClass, - List(fqcnArg, runtimeClassArg, ctorsInfosArg)) - - Some(stat) - } - } - - // Constructor of a non-native JS class ------------------------------------ - - def genJSClassCapturesAndConstructor(constructorTrees: List[DefDef])( - implicit pos: SourcePosition): (List[js.ParamDef], js.JSConstructorDef) = { - /* We need to merge all Scala constructors into a single one because the - * IR, like JavaScript, only allows a single one. - * - * We do this by applying: - * 1. Applying runtime type based dispatch, just like exports. - * 2. Splitting secondary ctors into parts before and after the `this` call. - * 3. Topo-sorting all constructor statements and including/excluding - * them based on the overload that was chosen. - */ - - val (primaryTree :: Nil, secondaryTrees) = - constructorTrees.partition(_.symbol.isPrimaryConstructor): @unchecked - - val primaryCtor = genPrimaryJSClassCtor(primaryTree) - val secondaryCtors = - - // VarDefs for the parameters of all constructors. - val paramVarDefs = for { - vparam <- constructorTrees.flatMap(_.paramss.flatten) - } yield { - val sym = vparam.symbol - val tpe = toIRType( - js.VarDef(encodeLocalSym(sym), originalNameOfLocal(sym), tpe, mutable = true, jstpe.zeroOf(tpe))(vparam.span) - } - - /* organize constructors in a called-by tree - * (the implicit root is the primary constructor) - */ - val ctorTree = { - val ctorToChildren = secondaryCtors - .groupBy(_.targetCtor) - .withDefaultValue(Nil) - - /* when constructing the call-by tree, we use pre-order traversal to - * assign overload numbers. - * this puts all descendants of a ctor in a range of overloads numbers. - * - * this property is useful, later, when we need to make statements - * conditional based on the chosen overload. - */ - var nextOverloadNum = 0 - def subTree[T <: JSCtor](ctor: T): ConstructorTree[T] = { - val overloadNum = nextOverloadNum - nextOverloadNum += 1 - val subtrees = ctorToChildren(ctor.sym).map(subTree(_)) - new ConstructorTree(overloadNum, ctor, subtrees) - } - - subTree(primaryCtor) - } - - /* prepare overload dispatch for all constructors. - * as a side-product, we retrieve the capture parameters. - */ - val (exports, jsClassCaptures) = { - val exports = List.newBuilder[jsExportsGen.Exported] - val jsClassCaptures = List.newBuilder[js.ParamDef] - - def add(tree: ConstructorTree[_ <: JSCtor]): Unit = { - val (e, c) = genJSClassCtorDispatch(tree.ctor.sym, - tree.ctor.paramsAndInfo, tree.overloadNum) - exports += e - jsClassCaptures ++= c - tree.subCtors.foreach(add(_)) - } - - add(ctorTree) - - (exports.result(), jsClassCaptures.result()) - } - - // The name 'constructor' is used for error reporting here - val (formalArgs, restParam, overloadDispatchBody) = - jsExportsGen.genOverloadDispatch(JSName.Literal("constructor"), exports, jstpe.IntType) - - val overloadVar = js.VarDef(freshLocalIdent("overload"), NoOriginalName, - jstpe.IntType, mutable = false, overloadDispatchBody) - - val constructorBody = wrapJSCtorBody( - paramVarDefs :+ overloadVar, - genJSClassCtorBody(overloadVar.ref, ctorTree), - js.Undefined() :: Nil - ) - - val constructorDef = js.JSConstructorDef( - js.MemberFlags.empty.withNamespace(js.MemberNamespace.Constructor), - formalArgs, restParam, constructorBody)(OptimizerHints.empty, None) - - (jsClassCaptures, constructorDef) - } - - private def genPrimaryJSClassCtor(dd: DefDef): PrimaryJSCtor = { - val sym = dd.symbol - val Block(stats, _) = dd.rhs: @unchecked - assert(sym.isPrimaryConstructor, s"called with non-primary ctor: $sym") - - var jsSuperCall: Option[js.JSSuperConstructorCall] = None - val jsStats = List.newBuilder[js.Tree] - - /* Move all statements after the super constructor call since JS - * cannot access `this` before the super constructor call. - * - * dotc inserts statements before the super constructor call for param - * accessor initializers (including val's and var's declared in the - * params). We move those after the super constructor call, and are - * therefore executed later than for a Scala class. - */ - withPerMethodBodyState(sym) { - stats.foreach { - case tree @ Apply(fun @ Select(Super(This(_), _), _), args) - if fun.symbol.isClassConstructor => - assert(jsSuperCall.isEmpty, s"Found 2 JS Super calls at ${dd.sourcePos}") - implicit val pos: Position = tree.span - jsSuperCall = Some(js.JSSuperConstructorCall(genActualJSArgs(fun.symbol, args))) - - case stat => - val jsStat = genStat(stat) - assert(jsSuperCall.isDefined || !jsStat.isInstanceOf[js.VarDef], - "Trying to move a local VarDef after the super constructor call of a non-native JS class at " + - dd.sourcePos) - jsStats += jsStat - } - } - - assert(jsSuperCall.isDefined, - s"Did not find Super call in primary JS construtor at ${dd.sourcePos}") - - new PrimaryJSCtor(sym, genParamsAndInfo(sym, dd.paramss), - js.JSConstructorBody(Nil, jsSuperCall.get, jsStats.result())(dd.span)) - } - - private def genSecondaryJSClassCtor(dd: DefDef): SplitSecondaryJSCtor = { - val sym = dd.symbol - assert(!sym.isPrimaryConstructor, s"called with primary ctor $sym") - - def flattenBlocks(t: Tree): List[Tree] = t match { - case Block(stats, expr) => (stats :+ expr).flatMap(flattenBlocks) - case _ => t :: Nil - } - val stats = flattenBlocks(dd.rhs) - - val beforeThisCall = List.newBuilder[js.Tree] - var thisCall: Option[(Symbol, List[js.Tree])] = None - val afterThisCall = List.newBuilder[js.Tree] - - withPerMethodBodyState(sym) { - stats.foreach { - case tree @ Apply(fun @ Select(This(_), _), args) - if fun.symbol.isClassConstructor => - assert(thisCall.isEmpty, - s"duplicate this() call in secondary JS constructor at ${dd.sourcePos}") - - implicit val pos: Position = tree.span - val sym = fun.symbol - thisCall = Some((sym, genActualArgs(sym, args))) - - case stat => - val jsStat = genStat(stat) - if (thisCall.isEmpty) - beforeThisCall += jsStat - else - afterThisCall += jsStat - } - } - - assert(thisCall.isDefined, - i"could not find the this() call in secondary JS constructor at ${dd.sourcePos}:\n${"\n")}") - val Some((targetCtor, ctorArgs)) = thisCall: @unchecked - - new SplitSecondaryJSCtor(sym, genParamsAndInfo(sym, dd.paramss), - beforeThisCall.result(), targetCtor, ctorArgs, afterThisCall.result()) - } - - private def genParamsAndInfo(ctorSym: Symbol, - vparamss: List[ParamClause]): List[(Symbol, JSParamInfo)] = { - implicit val pos: SourcePosition = ctorSym.sourcePos - - val paramSyms = if (vparamss.isEmpty) Nil else - - } - - private def genJSClassCtorDispatch(ctorSym: Symbol, - allParamsAndInfos: List[(Symbol, JSParamInfo)], - overloadNum: Int): (jsExportsGen.Exported, List[js.ParamDef]) = { - - implicit val pos: SourcePosition = ctorSym.sourcePos - - /* `allParams` are the parameters as seen from inside the constructor body, - * i.e., the ones generated by the trees in the constructor body. - */ - val (captureParamsAndInfos, normalParamsAndInfos) = - allParamsAndInfos.partition(_._2.capture) - - /* For class captures, we need to generate different names than the ones - * used by the constructor body. This is necessary so that we can forward - * captures properly between constructor delegation calls. - */ - val (jsClassCaptures, captureAssigns) = (for { - (param, info) <- captureParamsAndInfos - } yield { - val ident = freshLocalIdent( - val jsClassCapture = - js.ParamDef(ident, originalNameOfLocal(param), toIRType(, mutable = false) - val captureAssign = - js.Assign(genVarRef(param), jsClassCapture.ref) - (jsClassCapture, captureAssign) - }).unzip - - val normalInfos = - - val jsExport = new jsExportsGen.Exported(ctorSym, normalInfos) { - def genBody(formalArgsRegistry: jsExportsGen.FormalArgsRegistry): js.Tree = { - val paramAssigns = for { - ((param, info), i) <- normalParamsAndInfos.zipWithIndex - } yield { - val rhs = jsExportsGen.genScalaArg(this, i, formalArgsRegistry, info, static = true, - captures = => genVarRef(pi._1)))( - prevArgsCount => normalParamsAndInfos.take(prevArgsCount).map(pi => genVarRef(pi._1))) - - js.Assign(genVarRef(param), rhs) - } - - js.Block(captureAssigns ::: paramAssigns, js.IntLiteral(overloadNum)) - } - } - - (jsExport, jsClassCaptures) - } - - /** Generates a JS constructor body based on a constructor tree. */ - private def genJSClassCtorBody(overloadVar: js.VarRef, - ctorTree: ConstructorTree[PrimaryJSCtor])(implicit pos: Position): js.JSConstructorBody = { - - /* generates a statement that conditionally executes body iff the chosen - * overload is any of the descendants of `tree` (including itself). - * - * here we use the property from building the trees, that a set of - * descendants always has a range of overload numbers. - */ - def ifOverload(tree: ConstructorTree[_], body: js.Tree): js.Tree = body match { - case js.Skip() => js.Skip() - - case body => - val x = overloadVar - val cond = { - import tree.{lo, hi} - - if (lo == hi) { - js.BinaryOp(js.BinaryOp.Int_==, js.IntLiteral(lo), x) - } else { - val lhs = js.BinaryOp(js.BinaryOp.Int_<=, js.IntLiteral(lo), x) - val rhs = js.BinaryOp(js.BinaryOp.Int_<=, x, js.IntLiteral(hi)) - js.If(lhs, rhs, js.BooleanLiteral(false))(jstpe.BooleanType) - } - } - - js.If(cond, body, js.Skip())(jstpe.NoType) - } - - /* preStats / postStats use pre/post order traversal respectively to - * generate a topo-sorted sequence of statements. - */ - - def preStats(tree: ConstructorTree[SplitSecondaryJSCtor], - nextParamsAndInfo: List[(Symbol, JSParamInfo)]): js.Tree = { - val inner =, tree.ctor.paramsAndInfo)) - - assert(tree.ctor.ctorArgs.size == nextParamsAndInfo.size, "param count mismatch") - val paramsInfosAndArgs = - - val (captureParamsInfosAndArgs, normalParamsInfosAndArgs) = - paramsInfosAndArgs.partition(_._1._2.capture) - - val captureAssigns = for { - ((param, _), arg) <- captureParamsInfosAndArgs - } yield { - js.Assign(genVarRef(param), arg) - } - - val normalAssigns = for { - (((param, info), arg), i) <- normalParamsInfosAndArgs.zipWithIndex - } yield { - val newArg = arg match { - case js.Transient(UndefinedParam) => - /* Go full circle: We have ignored the default param getter for - * this, we'll create it again. - * - * This seems not optimal: We could simply not ignore the calls to - * default param getters in the first place. - * - * However, this proves to be difficult: Because of translations in - * earlier phases, calls to default param getters may be assigned - * to temporary variables first (see the undefinedDefaultParams - * ScopedVar). If this happens, it becomes increasingly difficult - * to distinguish a default param getter call for a constructor - * call of *this* instance (in which case we would want to keep - * the default param getter call) from one for a *different* - * instance (in which case we would want to discard the default - * param getter call) - * - * Because of this, it ends up being easier to just re-create the - * default param getter call if necessary. - */ - implicit val pos: SourcePosition = tree.ctor.sym.sourcePos - jsExportsGen.genCallDefaultGetter(tree.ctor.sym, i, static = false, - captures = => genVarRef(p._1._1)))( - prevArgsCount => normalParamsInfosAndArgs.take(prevArgsCount).map(p => genVarRef(p._1._1))) - - case arg => arg - } - - js.Assign(genVarRef(param), newArg) - } - - ifOverload(tree, js.Block( - inner ++ tree.ctor.beforeCall ++ captureAssigns ++ normalAssigns)) - } - - def postStats(tree: ConstructorTree[SplitSecondaryJSCtor]): js.Tree = { - val inner = - ifOverload(tree, js.Block(tree.ctor.afterCall ++ inner)) - } - - val primaryCtor = ctorTree.ctor - val secondaryCtorTrees = ctorTree.subCtors - - wrapJSCtorBody( -, primaryCtor.paramsAndInfo)), - primaryCtor.body, - - ) - } - - private def wrapJSCtorBody(before: List[js.Tree], body: js.JSConstructorBody, - after: List[js.Tree]): js.JSConstructorBody = { - js.JSConstructorBody(before ::: body.beforeSuper, body.superCall, - body.afterSuper ::: after)(body.pos) - } - - private sealed trait JSCtor { - val sym: Symbol - val paramsAndInfo: List[(Symbol, JSParamInfo)] - } - - private class PrimaryJSCtor(val sym: Symbol, - val paramsAndInfo: List[(Symbol, JSParamInfo)], - val body: js.JSConstructorBody) extends JSCtor - - private class SplitSecondaryJSCtor(val sym: Symbol, - val paramsAndInfo: List[(Symbol, JSParamInfo)], - val beforeCall: List[js.Tree], - val targetCtor: Symbol, val ctorArgs: List[js.Tree], - val afterCall: List[js.Tree]) extends JSCtor - - private class ConstructorTree[Ctor <: JSCtor]( - val overloadNum: Int, val ctor: Ctor, - val subCtors: List[ConstructorTree[SplitSecondaryJSCtor]]) { - val lo: Int = overloadNum - val hi: Int = subCtors.lastOption.fold(lo)(_.hi) - - assert(lo <= hi, "bad overload range") - } - - // Generate a method ------------------------------------------------------- - - /** Generates the JSNativeMemberDef. */ - def genJSNativeMemberDef(tree: ValOrDefDef): js.JSNativeMemberDef = { - implicit val pos = tree.span - - val sym = tree.symbol - val flags = js.MemberFlags.empty.withNamespace(js.MemberNamespace.PublicStatic) - val methodName = encodeJSNativeMemberSym(sym) - val jsNativeLoadSpec = computeJSNativeLoadSpecOfValDef(sym) - js.JSNativeMemberDef(flags, methodName, jsNativeLoadSpec) - } - - private def genMethod(dd: DefDef): Option[js.MethodDef] = { - withScopedVars( - localNames := new LocalNameGenerator - ) { - genMethodWithCurrentLocalNameScope(dd) - } - } - - /** Gen JS code for a method definition in a class or in an impl class. - * On the JS side, method names are mangled to encode the full signature - * of the Scala method, as described in `JSEncoding`, to support - * overloading. - * - * Some methods are not emitted at all: - * - Primitives, since they are never actually called - * - Constructors of hijacked classes - * - * Constructors are emitted by generating their body as a statement. - * - * Other (normal) methods are emitted with `genMethodBody()`. - */ - private def genMethodWithCurrentLocalNameScope(dd: DefDef): Option[js.MethodDef] = { - implicit val pos = dd.span - val sym = dd.symbol - val vparamss = dd.termParamss - val rhs = dd.rhs - - /* Is this method a default accessor that should be ignored? - * - * This is the case iff one of the following applies: - * - It is a constructor default accessor and the linked class is a - * native JS class. - * - It is a default accessor for a native JS def, but with the caveat - * that its rhs must be `js.native` because of #4553. - * - * Both of those conditions can only happen if the default accessor is in - * a module class, so we use that as a fast way out. (But omitting that - * condition would not change the result.) - * - * This is different than `isJSDefaultParam` in `genApply`: we do not - * ignore default accessors of *non-native* JS types. Neither for - * constructor default accessor nor regular default accessors. We also - * do not need to worry about non-constructor members of native JS types, - * since for those, the entire member list is ignored in `genJSClassData`. - */ - def isIgnorableDefaultParam: Boolean = { - && && { - val info = new DefaultParamInfo(sym) - if (info.isForConstructor) { - /* This is a default accessor for a constructor parameter. Check - * whether the attached constructor is a native JS constructor, - * which is the case iff the linked class is a native JS type. - */ - info.constructorOwner.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.JSNativeAnnot) - } else { - /* #4553 We need to ignore default accessors for JS native defs. - * However, because Scala.js <= 1.7.0 actually emitted code calling - * those accessors, we must keep default accessors that would - * compile. The only accessors we can actually get rid of are those - * that are `= js.native`. - */ - !sym.owner.isJSType && - info.attachedMethod.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.JSNativeAnnot) && { - dd.rhs match { - case MaybeAsInstanceOf(Apply(fun, _)) => - fun.symbol == jsdefn.JSPackage_native - case _ => - false - } - } - } - } - } - - withPerMethodBodyState(sym) { - assert(vparamss.isEmpty || vparamss.tail.isEmpty, - "Malformed parameter list: " + vparamss) - val params = if (vparamss.isEmpty) Nil else - - val methodName = encodeMethodSym(sym) - val originalName = originalNameOfMethod(sym) - - def jsParams = - - if (primitives.isPrimitive(sym)) { - None - } else if ( && currentClassSym.isNonNativeJSClass) { - // scala-js/#4409: Do not emit abstract methods in non-native JS classes - None - } else if ( { - Some(js.MethodDef(js.MemberFlags.empty, methodName, originalName, - jsParams, toIRType(patchedResultType(sym)), None)( - OptimizerHints.empty, None)) - } else if (isIgnorableDefaultParam) { - // #11592 - None - } else if ( && && currentClassSym.isNonNativeJSClass) { - /* #12572 Bridges for default accessors in non-native JS classes must not be emitted, - * because they call another default accessor, making their entire body an - * that cannot be eliminated. - * Such methods are never called anyway, because they are filtered out in - * JSExportsGen.defaultGetterDenot(). - */ - None - } else /*if (sym.isClassConstructor && isHijackedBoxedClass(sym.owner)) { - None - } else*/ { - /*def isTraitImplForwarder = dd.rhs match { - case app: Apply => foreignIsImplClass(app.symbol.owner) - case _ => false - }*/ - - val shouldMarkInline = { - sym.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.InlineAnnot) || - sym.isAnonymousFunction - } - - val shouldMarkNoinline = { - sym.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.NoinlineAnnot) /*&& - !isTraitImplForwarder*/ - } - - val optimizerHints = { - OptimizerHints.empty - .withInline(shouldMarkInline) - .withNoinline(shouldMarkNoinline) - } - - val methodDef = { - if (sym.isClassConstructor) { - val namespace = js.MemberNamespace.Constructor - js.MethodDef(js.MemberFlags.empty.withNamespace(namespace), - methodName, originalName, jsParams, jstpe.NoType, Some(genStat(rhs)))( - optimizerHints, None) - } else { - val namespace = if (isMethodStaticInIR(sym)) { - if (sym.isPrivate) js.MemberNamespace.PrivateStatic - else js.MemberNamespace.PublicStatic - } else { - if (sym.isPrivate) js.MemberNamespace.Private - else js.MemberNamespace.Public - } - val resultIRType = toIRType(patchedResultType(sym)) - genMethodDef(namespace, methodName, originalName, - params, resultIRType, rhs, optimizerHints) - } - } - - Some(methodDef) - } - } - } - - /** Generates the MethodDef of a (non-constructor) method - * - * Most normal methods are emitted straightforwardly. If the result - * type is Unit, then the body is emitted as a statement. Otherwise, it is - * emitted as an expression. - * - * Instance methods in non-native JS classes are compiled as static methods - * taking an explicit parameter for their `this` value. Static methods in - * non-native JS classes are compiled as is, like methods in Scala classes. - */ - private def genMethodDef(namespace: js.MemberNamespace, methodName: js.MethodIdent, - originalName: OriginalName, paramsSyms: List[Symbol], resultIRType: jstpe.Type, - tree: Tree, optimizerHints: OptimizerHints): js.MethodDef = { - implicit val pos = tree.span - - val jsParams = - - def genBody() = localNames.makeLabeledIfRequiresEnclosingReturn(resultIRType) { - if (resultIRType == jstpe.NoType) genStat(tree) - else genExpr(tree) - } - - if (namespace.isStatic || !currentClassSym.isNonNativeJSClass) { - val flags = js.MemberFlags.empty.withNamespace(namespace) - js.MethodDef(flags, methodName, originalName, jsParams, resultIRType, Some(genBody()))( - optimizerHints, None) - } else { - val thisLocalIdent = freshLocalIdent("this") - withScopedVars( - thisLocalVarIdent := Some(thisLocalIdent) - ) { - val staticNamespace = - if (namespace.isPrivate) js.MemberNamespace.PrivateStatic - else js.MemberNamespace.PublicStatic - val flags = - js.MemberFlags.empty.withNamespace(staticNamespace) - val thisParamDef = js.ParamDef(thisLocalIdent, thisOriginalName, - jstpe.AnyType, mutable = false) - - js.MethodDef(flags, methodName, originalName, - thisParamDef :: jsParams, resultIRType, Some(genBody()))( - optimizerHints, None) - } - } - } - - // ParamDefs --------------------------------------------------------------- - - def genParamDef(sym: Symbol): js.ParamDef = - genParamDef(sym, toIRType( - - private def genParamDef(sym: Symbol, ptpe: jstpe.Type): js.ParamDef = - genParamDef(sym, ptpe, sym.span) - - private def genParamDef(sym: Symbol, pos: Position): js.ParamDef = - genParamDef(sym, toIRType(, pos) - - private def genParamDef(sym: Symbol, ptpe: jstpe.Type, pos: Position): js.ParamDef = { - js.ParamDef(encodeLocalSym(sym)(implicitly, pos, implicitly), - originalNameOfLocal(sym), ptpe, mutable = false)(pos) - } - - // Generate statements and expressions ------------------------------------- - - /** Gen JS code for a tree in statement position (in the IR). - */ - private def genStat(tree: Tree): js.Tree = { - exprToStat(genStatOrExpr(tree, isStat = true)) - } - - /** Turn a JavaScript expression of type Unit into a statement */ - private def exprToStat(tree: js.Tree): js.Tree = { - /* Any JavaScript expression is also a statement, but at least we get rid - * of some pure expressions that come from our own codegen. - */ - implicit val pos = tree.pos - tree match { - case js.Block(stats :+ expr) => - js.Block(stats :+ exprToStat(expr)) - case _:js.Literal | _:js.This | _:js.VarRef => - js.Skip() - case _ => - tree - } - } - - /** Gen JS code for a tree in expression position (in the IR). - */ - private def genExpr(tree: Tree): js.Tree = { - val result = genStatOrExpr(tree, isStat = false) - assert(result.tpe != jstpe.NoType, - s"genExpr($tree) returned a tree with type NoType at pos ${tree.span}") - result - } - - def genExpr(name: JSName)(implicit pos: SourcePosition): js.Tree = name match { - case JSName.Literal(name) => js.StringLiteral(name) - case JSName.Computed(sym) => genComputedJSName(sym) - } - - private def genComputedJSName(sym: Symbol)(implicit pos: SourcePosition): js.Tree = { - /* By construction (i.e. restriction in PrepJSInterop), we know that sym - * must be a static method. - * Therefore, at this point, we can invoke it by loading its owner and - * calling it. - */ - def moduleOrGlobalScope = genLoadModuleOrGlobalScope(sym.owner) - def module = genLoadModule(sym.owner) - - if (sym.owner.isJSType) { - if (!sym.owner.isNonNativeJSClass || sym.isJSExposed) - genApplyJSMethodGeneric(sym, moduleOrGlobalScope, args = Nil, isStat = false) - else - genApplyJSClassMethod(module, sym, arguments = Nil) - } else { - genApplyMethod(module, sym, arguments = Nil) - } - } - - /** Gen JS code for a tree in expression position (in the IR) or the - * global scope. - */ - def genExprOrGlobalScope(tree: Tree): MaybeGlobalScope = { - implicit def pos: SourcePosition = tree.sourcePos - - tree match { - case _: This => - val sym = tree.symbol - if (sym != currentClassSym.get && - genLoadModuleOrGlobalScope(sym) - else - MaybeGlobalScope.NotGlobalScope(genExpr(tree)) - - case _:Ident | _:Select => - val sym = tree.symbol - if ( { - assert(!, "Cannot use package as value: " + tree) - genLoadModuleOrGlobalScope(sym) - } else { - MaybeGlobalScope.NotGlobalScope(genExpr(tree)) - } - - case Apply(fun, _) => - if (fun.symbol == jsdefn.JSDynamic_global) - MaybeGlobalScope.GlobalScope(pos) - else - MaybeGlobalScope.NotGlobalScope(genExpr(tree)) - - case _ => - MaybeGlobalScope.NotGlobalScope(genExpr(tree)) - } - } - - /** Gen JS code for a tree in statement or expression position (in the IR). - * - * This is the main transformation method. Each node of the Scala AST - * is transformed into an equivalent portion of the JS AST. - */ - private def genStatOrExpr(tree: Tree, isStat: Boolean): js.Tree = { - implicit val pos: SourcePosition = tree.sourcePos - - report.debuglog(" " + tree) - report.debuglog("") - - tree match { - /** Local val or var declaration */ - case tree @ ValDef(name, _, _) => - val sym = tree.symbol - val rhs = tree.rhs - val rhsTree = genExpr(rhs) - - rhsTree match { - case js.Transient(UndefinedParam) => - /* This is an intermediate assignment for default params on a - * js.Any. Add the symbol to the corresponding set to inform - * the Ident resolver how to replace it and don't emit the symbol. - */ - undefinedDefaultParams += sym - js.Skip() - case _ => - js.VarDef(encodeLocalSym(sym), originalNameOfLocal(sym), - toIRType(,, rhsTree) - } - - case If(cond, thenp, elsep) => - val tpe = - if (isStat) jstpe.NoType - else toIRType(tree.tpe) - - js.If(genExpr(cond), genStatOrExpr(thenp, isStat), - genStatOrExpr(elsep, isStat))(tpe) - - case Labeled(bind, expr) => - js.Labeled(encodeLabelSym(bind.symbol), toIRType(tree.tpe), genStatOrExpr(expr, isStat)) - - case Return(expr, from) => - val fromSym = from.symbol - val label = - if ( encodeLabelSym(fromSym) - else localNames.get.getEnclosingReturnLabel() - js.Return(toIRType(expr.tpe) match { - case jstpe.NoType => js.Block(genStat(expr), js.Undefined()) - case _ => genExpr(expr) - }, label) - - case WhileDo(cond, body) => - val genCond = - if (cond == EmptyTree) js.BooleanLiteral(true) - else genExpr(cond) - js.While(genCond, genStat(body)) - - case t: Try => - genTry(t, isStat) - - case app: Apply => - genApply(app, isStat) - - case app: TypeApply => - genTypeApply(app) - - /*case app: ApplyDynamic => - genApplyDynamic(app)*/ - - case tree: This => - val currentClass = currentClassSym.get - val symIsModuleClass = - assert(tree.symbol == currentClass || symIsModuleClass, - s"Trying to access the this of another class: tree.symbol = ${tree.symbol}, class symbol = $currentClass") - if (symIsModuleClass && tree.symbol != currentClass) - genLoadModule(tree.symbol) - else - genThis() - - case Select(qualifier, _) => - val sym = tree.symbol - if ( { - assert(!, "Cannot use package as value: " + tree) - genLoadModule(sym) - } else if ( { - genLoadStaticField(sym) - } else if (sym.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.JSNativeAnnot)) { - genJSNativeMemberSelect(tree) - } else { - val (field, boxed) = genAssignableField(sym, qualifier) - if (boxed) unbox(field, atPhase(elimErasedValueTypePhase)( - else field - } - - case tree: Ident => - desugarIdent(tree).fold[js.Tree] { - val sym = tree.symbol - assert(!, "Cannot use package as value: " + tree) - if ( { - genLoadModule(sym) - } else if (undefinedDefaultParams.contains(sym)) { - /* This is a default parameter whose assignment was moved to - * a local variable. Put an undefined param instead. - */ - js.Transient(UndefinedParam) - } else { - genVarRef(sym) - } - } { select => - genStatOrExpr(select, isStat) - } - - case Literal(value) => - import Constants._ - value.tag match { - case UnitTag => - js.Skip() - case BooleanTag => - js.BooleanLiteral(value.booleanValue) - case ByteTag => - js.ByteLiteral(value.byteValue) - case ShortTag => - js.ShortLiteral(value.shortValue) - case CharTag => - js.CharLiteral(value.charValue) - case IntTag => - js.IntLiteral(value.intValue) - case LongTag => - js.LongLiteral(value.longValue) - case FloatTag => - js.FloatLiteral(value.floatValue) - case DoubleTag => - js.DoubleLiteral(value.doubleValue) - case StringTag => - js.StringLiteral(value.stringValue) - case NullTag => - js.Null() - case ClazzTag => - genClassConstant(value.typeValue) - } - - case Block(stats, expr) => - // #15419 Collapse { ; BoxedUnit } to - val genStatsAndExpr0 = :+ genStatOrExpr(expr, isStat) - val genStatsAndExpr = genStatsAndExpr0 match { - case (undefParam @ js.Transient(UndefinedParam)) :: js.Undefined() :: Nil => - undefParam :: Nil - case _ => - genStatsAndExpr0 - } - js.Block(genStatsAndExpr) - - case Typed(expr, _) => - expr match { - case _: Super => genThis() - case _ => genExpr(expr) - } - - case Assign(lhs0, rhs) => - val sym = lhs0.symbol - if ( && sym.source != ctx.compilationUnit.source) - throw new FatalError(s"Assignment to static member ${sym.fullName} not supported") - def genRhs = genExpr(rhs) - val lhs = lhs0 match { - case lhs: Ident => desugarIdent(lhs).getOrElse(lhs) - case lhs => lhs - } - lhs match { - case lhs: Select => - val qualifier = lhs.qualifier - - def ctorAssignment = ( - == nme.CONSTRUCTOR && - currentMethodSym.get.owner == qualifier.symbol && - qualifier.isInstanceOf[This] - ) - // TODO This fails for OFFSET$x fields. Re-enable when we can. - /*if (! && !ctorAssignment) - throw new FatalError(s"Assigning to immutable field ${sym.fullName} at $pos")*/ - - if (sym.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.JSNativeAnnot)) { - /* This is an assignment to a @js.native field. Since we reject - * `@js.native var`s as compile errors, this can only happen in - * the constructor of the enclosing object. - * We simply ignore the assignment, since the field will not be - * emitted at all. - */ - js.Skip() - } else { - val (field, boxed) = genAssignableField(sym, qualifier) - if (boxed) { - val genBoxedRhs = box(genRhs, atPhase(elimErasedValueTypePhase)( - js.Assign(field, genBoxedRhs) - } else { - js.Assign(field, genRhs) - } - } - - case _ => - js.Assign(genVarRef(sym), genRhs) - } - - /** Array constructor */ - case javaSeqLiteral: JavaSeqLiteral => - genJavaSeqLiteral(javaSeqLiteral) - - /** A Match reaching the backend is supposed to be optimized as a switch */ - case mtch: Match => - genMatch(mtch, isStat) - - case tree: Closure => - genClosure(tree) - - case EmptyTree => - js.Skip() - - case _ => - throw new FatalError("Unexpected tree in genExpr: " + - tree + "/" + tree.getClass + " at: " + (tree.span: Position)) - } - } // end of genStatOrExpr() - - private def qualifierOf(fun: Tree): Tree = fun match { - case fun: Ident => - fun.tpe match { - case TermRef(prefix: TermRef, _) => tpd.ref(prefix) - case TermRef(prefix: ThisType, _) => tpd.This(prefix.cls) - } - case Select(qualifier, _) => - qualifier - case TypeApply(fun, _) => - qualifierOf(fun) - } - - /** Gen JS this of the current class. - * Normally encoded straightforwardly as a JS this. - * But must be replaced by the `thisLocalVarIdent` local variable if there - * is one. - */ - private def genThis()(implicit pos: Position): js.Tree = { - /*if (tryingToGenMethodAsJSFunction) { - throw new CancelGenMethodAsJSFunction( - "Trying to generate `this` inside the body") - }*/ - - thisLocalVarIdent.fold[js.Tree] { - js.This()(currentThisType) - } { thisLocalIdent => - js.VarRef(thisLocalIdent)(currentThisType) - } - } - - /** Gen IR code for a `try..catch` or `try..finally` block. - * - * `try..finally` blocks are compiled straightforwardly to `try..finally` - * blocks of the IR. - * - * `try..catch` blocks are a bit more subtle, as the IR does not have - * type-based selection of exceptions to catch. We thus encode explicitly - * the type tests, like in: - * - * ``` - * try { ... } - * catch (e) { - * if (e.isInstanceOf[IOException]) { ... } - * else if (e.isInstanceOf[Exception]) { ... } - * else { - * throw e; // default, re-throw - * } - * } - * ``` - * - * In addition, there are provisions to handle catching JavaScript - * exceptions (which do not extend `Throwable`) as wrapped in a - * `js.JavaScriptException`. - */ - private def genTry(tree: Try, isStat: Boolean): js.Tree = { - implicit val pos: SourcePosition = tree.sourcePos - val Try(block, catches, finalizer) = tree - - val blockAST = genStatOrExpr(block, isStat) - - val resultType = - if (isStat) jstpe.NoType - else toIRType(tree.tpe) - - val handled = - if (catches.isEmpty) blockAST - else genTryCatch(blockAST, catches, resultType, isStat) - - genStat(finalizer) match { - case js.Skip() => handled - case ast => js.TryFinally(handled, ast) - } - } - - private def genTryCatch(body: js.Tree, catches: List[CaseDef], - resultType: jstpe.Type, - isStat: Boolean)(implicit pos: SourcePosition): js.Tree = { - val exceptIdent = freshLocalIdent("e") - val origExceptVar = js.VarRef(exceptIdent)(jstpe.AnyType) - - val mightCatchJavaScriptException = catches.exists { caseDef => - caseDef.pat match { - case Typed(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), tpt) => - isMaybeJavaScriptException(tpt.tpe) - case Ident(nme.WILDCARD) => - true - case pat @ Bind(_, _) => - isMaybeJavaScriptException( - } - } - - val (exceptValDef, exceptVar) = if (mightCatchJavaScriptException) { - val valDef = js.VarDef(freshLocalIdent("e"), NoOriginalName, - encodeClassType(defn.ThrowableClass), mutable = false, js.WrapAsThrowable(origExceptVar)) - (valDef, valDef.ref) - } else { - (js.Skip(), origExceptVar) - } - - val elseHandler: js.Tree = js.Throw(origExceptVar) - - val handler = catches.foldRight(elseHandler) { (caseDef, elsep) => - implicit val pos: SourcePosition = caseDef.sourcePos - val CaseDef(pat, _, body) = caseDef - - // Extract exception type and variable - val (tpe, boundVar) = (pat match { - case Typed(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), tpt) => - (tpt.tpe, None) - case Ident(nme.WILDCARD) => - (defn.ThrowableType, None) - case Bind(_, _) => - val ident = encodeLocalSym(pat.symbol) - val origName = originalNameOfLocal(pat.symbol) - (, Some(ident, origName)) - }) - - // Generate the body that must be executed if the exception matches - val bodyWithBoundVar = (boundVar match { - case None => - genStatOrExpr(body, isStat) - case Some((boundVarIdent, boundVarOriginalName)) => - val castException = genAsInstanceOf(exceptVar, tpe) - js.Block( - js.VarDef(boundVarIdent, boundVarOriginalName, toIRType(tpe), - mutable = false, castException), - genStatOrExpr(body, isStat)) - }) - - // Generate the test - if (tpe =:= defn.ThrowableType) { - bodyWithBoundVar - } else { - val cond = genIsInstanceOf(exceptVar, tpe) - js.If(cond, bodyWithBoundVar, elsep)(resultType) - } - } - - js.TryCatch(body, exceptIdent, NoOriginalName, - js.Block(exceptValDef, handler))(resultType) - } - - /** Gen JS code for an Apply node (method call) - * - * There's a whole bunch of varieties of Apply nodes: regular method - * calls, super calls, constructor calls, isInstanceOf/asInstanceOf, - * primitives, JS calls, etc. They are further dispatched in here. - */ - private def genApply(tree: Apply, isStat: Boolean): js.Tree = { - implicit val pos = tree.span - val args = tree.args - val sym = - - /* Is the method a JS default accessor, which should become an - * `UndefinedParam` rather than being compiled normally. - * - * This is true iff one of the following conditions apply: - * - It is a constructor default param for the constructor of a JS class. - * - It is a default param of an instance method of a native JS type. - * - It is a default param of an instance method of a non-native JS type - * and the attached method is exposed. - * - It is a default param for a native JS def. - * - * This is different than `isIgnorableDefaultParam` in - * `genMethodWithCurrentLocalNameScope`: we include here the default - * accessors of *non-native* JS types (unless the corresponding methods are - * not exposed). We also need to handle non-constructor members of native - * JS types. - */ - def isJSDefaultParam: Boolean = { - && { - val info = new DefaultParamInfo(sym) - if (info.isForConstructor) { - /* This is a default accessor for a constructor parameter. Check - * whether the attached constructor is a JS constructor, which is - * the case iff the linked class is a JS type. - */ - info.constructorOwner.isJSType - } else { - if (sym.owner.isJSType) { - /* The default accessor is in a JS type. It is a JS default - * param iff the enclosing class is native or the attached method - * is exposed. - */ - !sym.owner.isNonNativeJSClass || info.attachedMethod.isJSExposed - } else { - /* The default accessor is in a Scala type. It is a JS default - * param iff the attached method is a native JS def. This can - * only happen if the owner is a module class, which we test - * first as a fast way out. - */ - && info.attachedMethod.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.JSNativeAnnot) - } - } - } - } - - match { - case _ if isJSDefaultParam => - js.Transient(UndefinedParam) - - case Select(Super(_, _), _) => - genSuperCall(tree, isStat) - - case Select(New(_), nme.CONSTRUCTOR) => - genApplyNew(tree) - - case _ => - if (primitives.isPrimitive(tree)) { - genPrimitiveOp(tree, isStat) - } else if (Erasure.Boxing.isBox(sym)) { - // Box a primitive value (cannot be Unit) - val arg = args.head - makePrimitiveBox(genExpr(arg), arg.tpe) - } else if (Erasure.Boxing.isUnbox(sym)) { - // Unbox a primitive value (cannot be Unit) - val arg = args.head - makePrimitiveUnbox(genExpr(arg), tree.tpe) - } else { - genNormalApply(tree, isStat) - } - } - } - - /** Gen JS code for a super call, of the form Class.super[mix].fun(args). - * - * This does not include calls defined in mixin traits, as these are - * already desugared by the 'mixin' phase. Only calls to super classes - * remain. - * - * Since a class has exactly one direct superclass, and calling a method - * two classes above the current one is invalid in Scala, the `mix` item is - * irrelevant. - */ - private def genSuperCall(tree: Apply, isStat: Boolean): js.Tree = { - implicit val pos = tree.span - val Apply(fun @ Select(sup @ Super(qual, _), _), args) = tree: @unchecked - val sym = fun.symbol - - if (sym == defn.Any_getClass) { - // The only primitive that is also callable as super call - js.GetClass(genThis()) - } else if (currentClassSym.isNonNativeJSClass) { - genJSSuperCall(tree, isStat) - } else { - /* #3013 `qual` can be `this.$outer()` in some cases since Scala 2.12, - * so we call `genExpr(qual)`, not just `genThis()`. - */ - val superCall = genApplyMethodStatically( - genExpr(qual), sym, genActualArgs(sym, args)) - - // Initialize the module instance just after the super constructor call. - if (isStaticModule(currentClassSym) && !isModuleInitialized.get.value && - currentMethodSym.get.isClassConstructor) { - isModuleInitialized.get.value = true - val className = encodeClassName(currentClassSym) - val thisType = jstpe.ClassType(className) - val initModule = js.StoreModule(className, js.This()(thisType)) - js.Block(superCall, initModule) - } else { - superCall - } - } - } - - /** Gen JS code for a constructor call (new). - * Further refined into: - * * new String(...) - * * new of a hijacked boxed class - * * new of an anonymous function class that was recorded as JS function - * * new of a raw JS class - * * new Array - * * regular new - */ - private def genApplyNew(tree: Apply): js.Tree = { - implicit val pos: SourcePosition = tree.sourcePos - - val Apply(fun @ Select(New(tpt), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), args) = tree: @unchecked - val ctor = fun.symbol - val tpe = tpt.tpe - - assert(ctor.isClassConstructor, - "'new' call to non-constructor: " + - - val clsSym = tpe.typeSymbol - - if (isHijackedClass(clsSym)) { - genNewHijackedClass(clsSym, ctor, - } else /*if (translatedAnonFunctions contains tpe.typeSymbol) { - val functionMaker = translatedAnonFunctions(tpe.typeSymbol) - functionMaker(args map genExpr) - } else*/ if (clsSym.isJSType) { - genNewJSClass(tree) - } else { - toTypeRef(tpe) match { - case jstpe.ClassRef(className) => - js.New(className, encodeMethodSym(ctor), genActualArgs(ctor, args)) - - case other => - throw new FatalError(s"Non ClassRef cannot be instantiated: $other") - } - } - } - - /** Gen JS code for a call to a constructor of a hijacked class. - * Reroute them to the `new` method with the same signature in the - * companion object. - */ - private def genNewHijackedClass(clazz: Symbol, ctor: Symbol, - args: List[js.Tree])(implicit pos: SourcePosition): js.Tree = { - - val className = encodeClassName(clazz) - val initName = encodeMethodSym(ctor).name - val newName = MethodName(newSimpleMethodName, initName.paramTypeRefs, - jstpe.ClassRef(className)) - val newMethodIdent = js.MethodIdent(newName) - - js.ApplyStatic(js.ApplyFlags.empty, className, newMethodIdent, args)( - jstpe.ClassType(className)) - } - - /** Gen JS code for a new of a JS class (subclass of `js.Any`). */ - private def genNewJSClass(tree: Apply): js.Tree = { - acquireContextualJSClassValue { jsClassValue => - implicit val pos: Position = tree.span - - val Apply(fun @ Select(New(tpt), _), args) = tree: @unchecked - val cls = tpt.tpe.typeSymbol - val ctor = fun.symbol - - val nestedJSClass = cls.isNestedJSClass - assert(jsClassValue.isDefined == nestedJSClass, - s"$cls at $pos: jsClassValue.isDefined = ${jsClassValue.isDefined} " + - s"but isInnerNonNativeJSClass = $nestedJSClass") - - def genArgs: List[js.TreeOrJSSpread] = genActualJSArgs(ctor, args) - def genArgsAsClassCaptures: List[js.Tree] = - - jsClassValue.fold { - // Static JS class (by construction, it cannot be a module class, as their News do not reach the back-end) - if (cls == jsdefn.JSObjectClass && args.isEmpty) - js.JSObjectConstr(Nil) - else if (cls == jsdefn.JSArrayClass && args.isEmpty) - js.JSArrayConstr(Nil) - else - js.JSNew(genLoadJSConstructor(cls), genArgs) - } { jsClassVal => - // Nested JS class - if (cls.isAnonymousClass) - genNewAnonJSClass(cls, jsClassVal, genArgsAsClassCaptures)(fun.span) - else if (atPhase(erasurePhase)( // LambdaLift removes the ModuleClass flag of lifted classes - js.JSNew(js.CreateJSClass(encodeClassName(cls), jsClassVal :: genArgsAsClassCaptures), Nil) - else - js.JSNew(jsClassVal, genArgs) - } - } - } - - /** Generate an instance of an anonymous (non-lambda) JS class inline - * - * @param sym Class to generate the instance of - * @param jsSuperClassValue JS class value of the super class - * @param args Arguments to the Scala constructor, which map to JS class captures - * @param pos Position of the original New tree - */ - private def genNewAnonJSClass(sym: Symbol, jsSuperClassValue: js.Tree, args: List[js.Tree])( - implicit pos: Position): js.Tree = { - assert(sym.isAnonymousClass, - s"Generating AnonJSClassNew of non anonymous JS class ${sym.fullName}") - - // Find the TypeDef for this anonymous class and generate it - val typeDef = consumeLazilyGeneratedAnonClass(sym) - val originalClassDef = resetAllScopedVars { - withScopedVars( - currentClassSym := sym - ) { - genNonNativeJSClass(typeDef) - } - } - - // Partition class members. - val privateFieldDefs = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[js.FieldDef] - val classDefMembers = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[js.MemberDef] - val instanceMembers = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[js.MemberDef] - var constructor: Option[js.JSConstructorDef] = None - - originalClassDef.memberDefs.foreach { - case fdef: js.FieldDef => - privateFieldDefs += fdef - - case fdef: js.JSFieldDef => - instanceMembers += fdef - - case mdef: js.MethodDef => - assert(mdef.flags.namespace.isStatic, - "Non-static, unexported method in non-native JS class") - classDefMembers += mdef - - case cdef: js.JSConstructorDef => - assert(constructor.isEmpty, "two ctors in class") - constructor = Some(cdef) - - case mdef: js.JSMethodDef => - assert(!mdef.flags.namespace.isStatic, "Exported static method") - instanceMembers += mdef - - case property: js.JSPropertyDef => - instanceMembers += property - - case nativeMemberDef: js.JSNativeMemberDef => - throw new FatalError("illegal native JS member in JS class at " + nativeMemberDef.pos) - } - - assert(originalClassDef.topLevelExportDefs.isEmpty, - "Found top-level exports in anonymous JS class at " + pos) - - // Make new class def with static members - val newClassDef = { - implicit val pos = originalClassDef.pos - val parent = js.ClassIdent(jsNames.ObjectClass) - js.ClassDef(, originalClassDef.originalName, - ClassKind.AbstractJSType, None, Some(parent), interfaces = Nil, - jsSuperClass = None, jsNativeLoadSpec = None, - classDefMembers.toList, Nil)( - originalClassDef.optimizerHints) - } - - generatedClasses += newClassDef - - // Construct inline class definition - - val jsClassCaptures = originalClassDef.jsClassCaptures.getOrElse { - throw new AssertionError(s"no class captures for anonymous JS class at $pos") - } - val js.JSConstructorDef(_, ctorParams, ctorRestParam, ctorBody) = constructor.getOrElse { - throw new AssertionError("No ctor found") - } - assert(ctorParams.isEmpty && ctorRestParam.isEmpty, - s"non-empty constructor params for anonymous JS class at $pos") - - /* The first class capture is always a reference to the super class. - * This is enforced by genJSClassCapturesAndConstructor. - */ - def jsSuperClassRef(implicit pos: ir.Position): js.VarRef = - jsClassCaptures.head.ref - - /* The `this` reference. - * FIXME This could clash with a local variable of the constructor or a JS - * class capture. It seems Scala 2 has the same vulnerability. How do we - * avoid this? - */ - val selfName = freshLocalIdent("this")(pos) - def selfRef(implicit pos: ir.Position) = - js.VarRef(selfName)(jstpe.AnyType) - - def memberLambda(params: List[js.ParamDef], restParam: Option[js.ParamDef], body: js.Tree)(implicit pos: ir.Position): js.Closure = - js.Closure(arrow = false, captureParams = Nil, params, restParam, body, captureValues = Nil) - - val memberDefinitions0 = { - case fdef: js.FieldDef => - throw new AssertionError("unexpected FieldDef") - - case fdef: js.JSFieldDef => - implicit val pos = fdef.pos - js.Assign(js.JSSelect(selfRef,, jstpe.zeroOf(fdef.ftpe)) - - case mdef: js.MethodDef => - throw new AssertionError("unexpected MethodDef") - - case cdef: js.JSConstructorDef => - throw new AssertionError("unexpected JSConstructorDef") - - case mdef: js.JSMethodDef => - implicit val pos = mdef.pos - val impl = memberLambda(mdef.args, mdef.restParam, mdef.body) - js.Assign(js.JSSelect(selfRef,, impl) - - case pdef: js.JSPropertyDef => - implicit val pos = pdef.pos - val optGetter = { body => - js.StringLiteral("get") -> memberLambda(params = Nil, restParam = None, body) - } - val optSetter = { case (arg, body) => - js.StringLiteral("set") -> memberLambda(params = arg :: Nil, restParam = None, body) - } - val descriptor = js.JSObjectConstr( - optGetter.toList ::: - optSetter.toList ::: - List(js.StringLiteral("configurable") -> js.BooleanLiteral(true)) - ) - js.JSMethodApply(js.JSGlobalRef("Object"), - js.StringLiteral("defineProperty"), - List(selfRef,, descriptor)) - - case nativeMemberDef: js.JSNativeMemberDef => - throw new FatalError("illegal native JS member in JS class at " + nativeMemberDef.pos) - } - - val memberDefinitions = if (privateFieldDefs.isEmpty) { - memberDefinitions0 - } else { - /* Private fields, declared in FieldDefs, are stored in a separate - * object, itself stored as a non-enumerable field of the `selfRef`. - * The name of that field is retrieved at - * `scala.scalajs.runtime.privateFieldsSymbol()`, and is a Symbol if - * supported, or a randomly generated string that has the same enthropy - * as a UUID (i.e., 128 random bits). - * - * This encoding solves two issues: - * - * - Hide private fields in anonymous JS classes from `JSON.stringify` - * and other cursory inspections in JS (#2748). - * - Get around the fact that abstract JS types cannot declare - * FieldDefs (#3777). - */ - val fieldsObjValue = { - js.JSObjectConstr( { fdef => - implicit val pos = fdef.pos - js.StringLiteral( -> jstpe.zeroOf(fdef.ftpe) - }) - } - val definePrivateFieldsObj = { - /* Object.defineProperty(selfRef, privateFieldsSymbol, { - * value: fieldsObjValue - * }); - * - * `writable`, `configurable` and `enumerable` are false by default. - */ - js.JSMethodApply( - js.JSGlobalRef("Object"), - js.StringLiteral("defineProperty"), - List( - selfRef, - genPrivateFieldsSymbol()(using sym.sourcePos), - js.JSObjectConstr(List( - js.StringLiteral("value") -> fieldsObjValue - )) - ) - ) - } - definePrivateFieldsObj :: memberDefinitions0 - } - - // Transform the constructor body. - val inlinedCtorStats: List[js.Tree] = { - val beforeSuper = ctorBody.beforeSuper - - val superCall = { - implicit val pos = ctorBody.superCall.pos - val js.JSSuperConstructorCall(args) = ctorBody.superCall - - val newTree = { - val ident = originalClassDef.superClass.getOrElse(throw new FatalError("No superclass")) - if (args.isEmpty && == JSObjectClassName) - js.JSObjectConstr(Nil) - else - js.JSNew(jsSuperClassRef, args) - } - - val selfVarDef = js.VarDef(selfName, thisOriginalName, jstpe.AnyType, mutable = false, newTree) - selfVarDef :: memberDefinitions - } - - // After the super call, substitute `selfRef` for `This()` - val afterSuper = new ir.Transformers.Transformer { - override def transform(tree: js.Tree, isStat: Boolean): js.Tree = tree match { - case js.This() => - selfRef(tree.pos) - - // Don't traverse closure boundaries - case closure: js.Closure => - val newCaptureValues = - closure.copy(captureValues = newCaptureValues)(closure.pos) - - case tree => - super.transform(tree, isStat) - } - }.transformStats(ctorBody.afterSuper) - - beforeSuper ::: superCall ::: afterSuper - } - - val closure = js.Closure(arrow = true, jsClassCaptures, Nil, None, - js.Block(inlinedCtorStats, selfRef), jsSuperClassValue :: args) - js.JSFunctionApply(closure, Nil) - } - - /** Gen JS code for a primitive method call. */ - private def genPrimitiveOp(tree: Apply, isStat: Boolean): js.Tree = { - import - - implicit val pos = tree.span - - val Apply(fun, args) = tree - val receiver = qualifierOf(fun) - - val code = primitives.getPrimitive(tree, receiver.tpe) - - if (isArithmeticOp(code) || isLogicalOp(code) || isComparisonOp(code)) - genSimpleOp(tree, receiver :: args, code) - else if (code == CONCAT) - genStringConcat(tree, receiver, args) - else if (code == HASH) - genScalaHash(tree, receiver) - else if (isArrayOp(code)) - genArrayOp(tree, code) - else if (code == SYNCHRONIZED) - genSynchronized(tree, isStat) - else if (isCoercion(code)) - genCoercion(tree, receiver, code) - else if (code == JSPrimitives.THROW) - genThrow(tree, args) - else if (JSPrimitives.isJSPrimitive(code)) - genJSPrimitive(tree, args, code, isStat) - else - throw new FatalError(s"Unknown primitive: ${tree.symbol.fullName} at: $pos") - } - - /** Gen JS code for a simple operation (arithmetic, logical, or comparison) */ - private def genSimpleOp(tree: Apply, args: List[Tree], code: Int): js.Tree = { - args match { - case List(arg) => genSimpleUnaryOp(tree, arg, code) - case List(lhs, rhs) => genSimpleBinaryOp(tree, lhs, rhs, code) - case _ => throw new FatalError("Incorrect arity for primitive") - } - } - - /** Gen JS code for a simple unary operation. */ - private def genSimpleUnaryOp(tree: Apply, arg: Tree, code: Int): js.Tree = { - import - - implicit val pos = tree.span - - val resultIRType = toIRType(tree.tpe) - val genArg = adaptPrimitive(genExpr(arg), resultIRType) - - (code: @switch) match { - case POS => - genArg - - case NEG => - (resultIRType: @unchecked) match { - case jstpe.IntType => - js.BinaryOp(js.BinaryOp.Int_-, js.IntLiteral(0), genArg) - case jstpe.LongType => - js.BinaryOp(js.BinaryOp.Long_-, js.LongLiteral(0), genArg) - case jstpe.FloatType => - js.BinaryOp(js.BinaryOp.Float_*, js.FloatLiteral(-1.0f), genArg) - case jstpe.DoubleType => - js.BinaryOp(js.BinaryOp.Double_*, js.DoubleLiteral(-1.0), genArg) - } - - case NOT => - (resultIRType: @unchecked) match { - case jstpe.IntType => - js.BinaryOp(js.BinaryOp.Int_^, js.IntLiteral(-1), genArg) - case jstpe.LongType => - js.BinaryOp(js.BinaryOp.Long_^, js.LongLiteral(-1), genArg) - } - - case ZNOT => - js.UnaryOp(js.UnaryOp.Boolean_!, genArg) - - case _ => - throw new FatalError("Unknown unary operation code: " + code) - } - } - - /** Gen JS code for a simple binary operation. */ - private def genSimpleBinaryOp(tree: Apply, lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree, code: Int): js.Tree = { - import - - implicit val pos: SourcePosition = tree.sourcePos - - val lhsIRType = toIRType(lhs.tpe) - val rhsIRType = toIRType(rhs.tpe) - - val isShift = isShiftOp(code) - - val opType = { - if (isShift) { - if (lhsIRType == jstpe.LongType) jstpe.LongType - else jstpe.IntType - } else { - (lhsIRType, rhsIRType) match { - case (jstpe.DoubleType, _) | (_, jstpe.DoubleType) => jstpe.DoubleType - case (jstpe.FloatType, _) | (_, jstpe.FloatType) => jstpe.FloatType - case (jstpe.LongType, _) | (_, jstpe.LongType) => jstpe.LongType - case (jstpe.IntType | jstpe.ByteType | jstpe.ShortType | jstpe.CharType, _) => jstpe.IntType - case (_, jstpe.IntType | jstpe.ByteType | jstpe.ShortType | jstpe.CharType) => jstpe.IntType - case (jstpe.BooleanType, _) | (_, jstpe.BooleanType) => jstpe.BooleanType - case _ => jstpe.AnyType - } - } - } - - val lsrc = - if (opType == jstpe.AnyType) genExpr(lhs) - else adaptPrimitive(genExpr(lhs), opType) - val rsrc = - if (opType == jstpe.AnyType) genExpr(rhs) - else adaptPrimitive(genExpr(rhs), if (isShift) jstpe.IntType else opType) - - if (opType == jstpe.AnyType && isUniversalEqualityOp(code)) { - genUniversalEqualityOp(lhs.tpe, rhs.tpe, lsrc, rsrc, code) - } else if (code == ZOR) { - js.If(lsrc, js.BooleanLiteral(true), rsrc)(jstpe.BooleanType) - } else if (code == ZAND) { - js.If(lsrc, rsrc, js.BooleanLiteral(false))(jstpe.BooleanType) - } else { - import js.BinaryOp._ - - (opType: @unchecked) match { - case jstpe.IntType => - val op = (code: @switch) match { - case ADD => Int_+ - case SUB => Int_- - case MUL => Int_* - case DIV => Int_/ - case MOD => Int_% - case OR => Int_| - case AND => Int_& - case XOR => Int_^ - case LSL => Int_<< - case LSR => Int_>>> - case ASR => Int_>> - - case EQ => Int_== - case NE => Int_!= - case LT => Int_< - case LE => Int_<= - case GT => Int_> - case GE => Int_>= - } - js.BinaryOp(op, lsrc, rsrc) - - case jstpe.FloatType => - def withFloats(op: Int): js.Tree = - js.BinaryOp(op, lsrc, rsrc) - - def toDouble(value: js.Tree): js.Tree = - js.UnaryOp(js.UnaryOp.FloatToDouble, value) - - def withDoubles(op: Int): js.Tree = - js.BinaryOp(op, toDouble(lsrc), toDouble(rsrc)) - - (code: @switch) match { - case ADD => withFloats(Float_+) - case SUB => withFloats(Float_-) - case MUL => withFloats(Float_*) - case DIV => withFloats(Float_/) - case MOD => withFloats(Float_%) - - case EQ => withDoubles(Double_==) - case NE => withDoubles(Double_!=) - case LT => withDoubles(Double_<) - case LE => withDoubles(Double_<=) - case GT => withDoubles(Double_>) - case GE => withDoubles(Double_>=) - } - - case jstpe.DoubleType => - val op = (code: @switch) match { - case ADD => Double_+ - case SUB => Double_- - case MUL => Double_* - case DIV => Double_/ - case MOD => Double_% - - case EQ => Double_== - case NE => Double_!= - case LT => Double_< - case LE => Double_<= - case GT => Double_> - case GE => Double_>= - } - js.BinaryOp(op, lsrc, rsrc) - - case jstpe.LongType => - val op = (code: @switch) match { - case ADD => Long_+ - case SUB => Long_- - case MUL => Long_* - case DIV => Long_/ - case MOD => Long_% - case OR => Long_| - case XOR => Long_^ - case AND => Long_& - case LSL => Long_<< - case LSR => Long_>>> - case ASR => Long_>> - - case EQ => Long_== - case NE => Long_!= - case LT => Long_< - case LE => Long_<= - case GT => Long_> - case GE => Long_>= - } - js.BinaryOp(op, lsrc, rsrc) - - case jstpe.BooleanType => - val op = (code: @switch) match { - case EQ => Boolean_== - case NE => Boolean_!= - case OR => Boolean_| - case AND => Boolean_& - case XOR => Boolean_!= - } - js.BinaryOp(op, lsrc, rsrc) - - case jstpe.AnyType => - val op = code match { - case ID => === - case NI => !== - } - js.BinaryOp(op, lsrc, rsrc) - } - } - } - - private def adaptPrimitive(value: js.Tree, to: jstpe.Type)( - implicit pos: Position): js.Tree = { - genConversion(value.tpe, to, value) - } - - /* This method corresponds to the method of the same name in - * BCodeBodyBuilder of the JVM back-end. It ends up calling the method - * BCodeIdiomatic.emitT2T, whose logic we replicate here. - */ - private def genConversion(from: jstpe.Type, to: jstpe.Type, value: js.Tree)( - implicit pos: Position): js.Tree = { - import js.UnaryOp._ - - if (from == to || from == jstpe.NothingType) { - value - } else if (from == jstpe.BooleanType || to == jstpe.BooleanType) { - throw new AssertionError(s"Invalid genConversion from $from to $to") - } else { - def intValue = (from: @unchecked) match { - case jstpe.IntType => value - case jstpe.CharType => js.UnaryOp(CharToInt, value) - case jstpe.ByteType => js.UnaryOp(ByteToInt, value) - case jstpe.ShortType => js.UnaryOp(ShortToInt, value) - case jstpe.LongType => js.UnaryOp(LongToInt, value) - case jstpe.FloatType => js.UnaryOp(DoubleToInt, js.UnaryOp(FloatToDouble, value)) - case jstpe.DoubleType => js.UnaryOp(DoubleToInt, value) - } - - def doubleValue = from match { - case jstpe.DoubleType => value - case jstpe.FloatType => js.UnaryOp(FloatToDouble, value) - case jstpe.LongType => js.UnaryOp(LongToDouble, value) - case _ => js.UnaryOp(IntToDouble, intValue) - } - - (to: @unchecked) match { - case jstpe.CharType => - js.UnaryOp(IntToChar, intValue) - case jstpe.ByteType => - js.UnaryOp(IntToByte, intValue) - case jstpe.ShortType => - js.UnaryOp(IntToShort, intValue) - case jstpe.IntType => - intValue - case jstpe.LongType => - from match { - case jstpe.FloatType | jstpe.DoubleType => - js.UnaryOp(DoubleToLong, doubleValue) - case _ => - js.UnaryOp(IntToLong, intValue) - } - case jstpe.FloatType => - if (from == jstpe.LongType) - js.UnaryOp(js.UnaryOp.LongToFloat, value) - else - js.UnaryOp(js.UnaryOp.DoubleToFloat, doubleValue) - case jstpe.DoubleType => - doubleValue - } - } - } - - /** Gen JS code for a universal equality test. */ - private def genUniversalEqualityOp(ltpe: Type, rtpe: Type, lhs: js.Tree, rhs: js.Tree, code: Int)( - implicit pos: SourcePosition): js.Tree = { - - import - - val bypassEqEq = { - // Do not call equals if we have a literal null at either side. - lhs.isInstanceOf[js.Null] || - rhs.isInstanceOf[js.Null] - } - - if (bypassEqEq) { - js.BinaryOp( - if (code == EQ) js.BinaryOp.=== else js.BinaryOp.!==, - lhs, rhs) - } else { - val body = genEqEqPrimitive(ltpe, rtpe, lhs, rhs) - if (code == EQ) body - else js.UnaryOp(js.UnaryOp.Boolean_!, body) - } - } - - private lazy val externalEqualsNumNum: Symbol = - defn.BoxesRunTimeModule.requiredMethod(nme.equalsNumNum) - private lazy val externalEqualsNumChar: Symbol = - NoSymbol // requiredMethod(BoxesRunTimeTypeRef, nme.equalsNumChar) // this method is private - private lazy val externalEqualsNumObject: Symbol = - defn.BoxesRunTimeModule.requiredMethod(nme.equalsNumObject) - private lazy val externalEquals: Symbol = - == 2).symbol - - /** Gen JS code for a call to Any.== */ - private def genEqEqPrimitive(ltpe: Type, rtpe: Type, lsrc: js.Tree, rsrc: js.Tree)( - implicit pos: SourcePosition): js.Tree = { - report.debuglog(s"$ltpe == $rtpe") - val lsym = ltpe.typeSymbol.asClass - val rsym = rtpe.typeSymbol.asClass - - /* True if the equality comparison is between values that require the - * use of the rich equality comparator - * (scala.runtime.BoxesRunTime.equals). - * This is the case when either side of the comparison might have a - * run-time type subtype of java.lang.Number or java.lang.Character, - * **which includes when either is a JS type**. - * When it is statically known that both sides are equal and subtypes of - * Number or Character, not using the rich equality is possible (their - * own equals method will do ok), except for java.lang.Float and - * java.lang.Double: their `equals` have different behavior around `NaN` - * and `-0.0`, see Javadoc (scala-dev#329, scala-js#2799). - */ - val mustUseAnyComparator: Boolean = { - lsym.isJSType || rsym.isJSType || { - val p = ctx.platform - p.isMaybeBoxed(lsym) && p.isMaybeBoxed(rsym) && { - val areSameFinals = && && (ltpe =:= rtpe) - !areSameFinals || lsym == defn.BoxedFloatClass || lsym == defn.BoxedDoubleClass - } - } - } - - if (mustUseAnyComparator) { - val equalsMethod: Symbol = { - val ptfm = ctx.platform - if (lsym.derivesFrom(defn.BoxedNumberClass)) { - if (rsym.derivesFrom(defn.BoxedNumberClass)) externalEqualsNumNum - else if (rsym.derivesFrom(defn.BoxedCharClass)) externalEqualsNumObject // will be externalEqualsNumChar in 2.12, SI-9030 - else externalEqualsNumObject - } else externalEquals - } - genApplyStatic(equalsMethod, List(lsrc, rsrc)) - } else { - // if (lsrc eq null) rsrc eq null else lsrc.equals(rsrc) - if (lsym == defn.StringClass) { - // String.equals(that) === (this eq that) - js.BinaryOp(js.BinaryOp.===, lsrc, rsrc) - } else { - /* This requires to evaluate both operands in local values first. - * The optimizer will eliminate them if possible. - */ - val ltemp = js.VarDef(freshLocalIdent(), NoOriginalName, lsrc.tpe, mutable = false, lsrc) - val rtemp = js.VarDef(freshLocalIdent(), NoOriginalName, rsrc.tpe, mutable = false, rsrc) - js.Block( - ltemp, - rtemp, - js.If(js.BinaryOp(js.BinaryOp.===, ltemp.ref, js.Null()), - js.BinaryOp(js.BinaryOp.===, rtemp.ref, js.Null()), - genApplyMethod(ltemp.ref, defn.Any_equals, List(rtemp.ref)))( - jstpe.BooleanType)) - } - } - } - - /** Gen JS code for string concatenation. - */ - private def genStringConcat(tree: Apply, receiver: Tree, - args: List[Tree]): js.Tree = { - implicit val pos = tree.span - - js.BinaryOp(js.BinaryOp.String_+, genExpr(receiver), genExpr(args.head)) - } - - /** Gen JS code for a call to Any.## */ - private def genScalaHash(tree: Apply, receiver: Tree): js.Tree = { - implicit val pos: SourcePosition = tree.sourcePos - - genModuleApplyMethod(defn.ScalaRuntimeModule.requiredMethod(nme.hash_), - List(genExpr(receiver))) - } - - /** Gen JS code for an array operation (get, set or length) */ - private def genArrayOp(tree: Tree, code: Int): js.Tree = { - import - - implicit val pos = tree.span - - val Apply(fun, args) = tree: @unchecked - val arrayObj = qualifierOf(fun) - - val genArray = genExpr(arrayObj) - val genArgs = - - def elementType: Type = arrayObj.tpe.widenDealias match { - case defn.ArrayOf(el) => el - case JavaArrayType(el) => el - case tpe => - val msg = em"expected Array $tpe" - report.error(msg) - ErrorType(msg) - } - - def genSelect(): js.AssignLhs = - js.ArraySelect(genArray, genArgs(0))(toIRType(elementType)) - - if (isArrayGet(code)) { - // get an item of the array - assert(args.length == 1, - s"Array get requires 1 argument, found ${args.length} in $tree") - genSelect() - } else if (isArraySet(code)) { - // set an item of the array - assert(args.length == 2, - s"Array set requires 2 arguments, found ${args.length} in $tree") - js.Assign(genSelect(), genArgs(1)) - } else { - // length of the array - js.ArrayLength(genArray) - } - } - - /** Gen JS code for a call to AnyRef.synchronized */ - private def genSynchronized(tree: Apply, isStat: Boolean): js.Tree = { - /* JavaScript is single-threaded, so we can drop the - * synchronization altogether. - */ - val Apply(fun, List(arg)) = tree - val receiver = qualifierOf(fun) - - val genReceiver = genExpr(receiver) - val genArg = genStatOrExpr(arg, isStat) - - genReceiver match { - case js.This() => - // common case for which there is no side-effect nor NPE - genArg - case _ => - implicit val pos = tree.span - js.Block( - js.If(js.BinaryOp(js.BinaryOp.===, genReceiver, js.Null()), - js.Throw(js.New(NullPointerExceptionClass, js.MethodIdent(jsNames.NoArgConstructorName), Nil)), - js.Skip())(jstpe.NoType), - genArg) - } - } - - /** Gen JS code for a coercion */ - private def genCoercion(tree: Apply, receiver: Tree, code: Int): js.Tree = { - implicit val pos = tree.span - - val source = genExpr(receiver) - val resultType = toIRType(tree.tpe) - adaptPrimitive(source, resultType) - } - - /** Gen a call to the special `throw` method. */ - private def genThrow(tree: Apply, args: List[Tree]): js.Tree = { - implicit val pos: SourcePosition = tree.sourcePos - val exception = args.head - val genException = genExpr(exception) - genException match { - case js.New(cls, _, _) if cls != JavaScriptExceptionClassName => - // Common case where ex is neither null nor a js.JavaScriptException - js.Throw(genException) - case _ => - js.Throw(js.UnwrapFromThrowable(genException)) - } - } - - /** Gen a "normal" apply (to a true method). - * - * But even these are further refined into: - * * Methods of java.lang.String, which are redirected to the - * RuntimeString trait implementation. - * * Calls to methods of raw JS types (Scala.js -> JS interop) - * * Calls to methods in impl classes of Scala2 traits. - * * Regular method call - */ - private def genNormalApply(tree: Apply, isStat: Boolean): js.Tree = { - implicit val pos = tree.span - - val fun = match { - case fun: Ident => desugarIdent(fun).get - case fun: Select => fun - } - val receiver = fun.qualifier - val args = tree.args - val sym = fun.symbol - - def isStringMethodFromObject: Boolean = match { - case nme.toString_ | nme.equals_ | nme.hashCode_ => true - case _ => false - } - - if (isMethodStaticInIR(sym)) { - genApplyStatic(sym, genActualArgs(sym, args)) - } else if (sym.owner.isJSType) { - if (!sym.owner.isNonNativeJSClass || sym.isJSExposed) - genApplyJSMethodGeneric(sym, genExprOrGlobalScope(receiver), genActualJSArgs(sym, args), isStat)(tree.sourcePos) - else - genApplyJSClassMethod(genExpr(receiver), sym, genActualArgs(sym, args)) - } else if (sym.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.JSNativeAnnot)) { - genJSNativeMemberCall(tree) - } else { - genApplyMethodMaybeStatically(genExpr(receiver), sym, genActualArgs(sym, args)) - } - } - - /** Gen JS code for a call to a JS method (of a subclass of `js.Any`). - * - * Basically it boils down to calling the method as a `JSBracketSelect`, - * without name mangling. But other aspects come into play: - * - * - Operator methods are translated to JS operators (not method calls) - * - `apply` is translated as a function call, i.e., `o()` instead of `o.apply()` - * - Scala varargs are turned into JS varargs (see `genPrimitiveJSArgs()`) - * - Getters and parameterless methods are translated as `JSBracketSelect` - * - Setters are translated to `Assign` to `JSBracketSelect` - */ - private def genApplyJSMethodGeneric(sym: Symbol, - receiver: MaybeGlobalScope, args: List[js.TreeOrJSSpread], isStat: Boolean, - jsSuperClassValue: Option[js.Tree] = None)( - implicit pos: SourcePosition): js.Tree = { - - def argsNoSpread: List[js.Tree] = { - assert(!args.exists(_.isInstanceOf[js.JSSpread]), s"Unexpected spread at $pos") - args.asInstanceOf[List[js.Tree]] - } - - val argc = args.size // meaningful only for methods that don't have varargs - - def requireNotSuper(): Unit = { - if (jsSuperClassValue.isDefined) - report.error("Illegal super call in Scala.js-defined JS class", pos) - } - - def requireNotSpread(arg: js.TreeOrJSSpread): js.Tree = - arg.asInstanceOf[js.Tree] - - def genSuperReference(propName: js.Tree): js.AssignLhs = { - jsSuperClassValue.fold[js.AssignLhs] { - genJSSelectOrGlobalRef(receiver, propName) - } { superClassValue => - js.JSSuperSelect(superClassValue, ruleOutGlobalScope(receiver), propName) - } - } - - def genSelectGet(propName: js.Tree): js.Tree = - genSuperReference(propName) - - def genSelectSet(propName: js.Tree, value: js.Tree): js.Tree = - js.Assign(genSuperReference(propName), value) - - def genCall(methodName: js.Tree, args: List[js.TreeOrJSSpread]): js.Tree = { - jsSuperClassValue.fold[js.Tree] { - genJSMethodApplyOrGlobalRefApply(receiver, methodName, args) - } { superClassValue => - js.JSSuperMethodCall(superClassValue, ruleOutGlobalScope(receiver), methodName, args) - } - } - - val boxedResult = sym.jsCallingConvention match { - case JSCallingConvention.UnaryOp(code) => - requireNotSuper() - assert(argc == 0, s"bad argument count ($argc) for unary op at $pos") - js.JSUnaryOp(code, ruleOutGlobalScope(receiver)) - - case JSCallingConvention.BinaryOp(code) => - requireNotSuper() - assert(argc == 1, s"bad argument count ($argc) for binary op at $pos") - js.JSBinaryOp(code, ruleOutGlobalScope(receiver), requireNotSpread(args.head)) - - case JSCallingConvention.Call => - requireNotSuper() - if (sym.owner.isSubClass(jsdefn.JSThisFunctionClass)) - js.JSMethodApply(ruleOutGlobalScope(receiver), js.StringLiteral("call"), args) - else - js.JSFunctionApply(ruleOutGlobalScope(receiver), args) - - case JSCallingConvention.Property(jsName) => - argsNoSpread match { - case Nil => - genSelectGet(genExpr(jsName)) - case value :: Nil => - genSelectSet(genExpr(jsName), value) - case _ => - throw new AssertionError(s"property methods should have 0 or 1 non-varargs arguments at $pos") - } - - case JSCallingConvention.BracketAccess => - argsNoSpread match { - case keyArg :: Nil => - genSelectGet(keyArg) - case keyArg :: valueArg :: Nil => - genSelectSet(keyArg, valueArg) - case _ => - throw new AssertionError(s"@JSBracketAccess methods should have 1 or 2 non-varargs arguments at $pos") - } - - case JSCallingConvention.BracketCall => - val (methodName, actualArgs) = extractFirstArg(args) - genCall(methodName, actualArgs) - - case JSCallingConvention.Method(jsName) => - genCall(genExpr(jsName), args) - } - - if (isStat) { - boxedResult - } else { - val tpe = atPhase(elimErasedValueTypePhase) { - - } - if (tpe.isRef(defn.BoxedUnitClass) && sym.isGetter) { - /* Work around to reclaim Scala 2 erasure behavior, assumed by the test - * NonNativeJSTypeTest.defaultValuesForFields. - * Scala 2 erases getters of `Unit`-typed fields as returning `Unit` - * (not `BoxedUnit`). Therefore, when called in expression position, - * the call site introduces an explicit `BoxedUnit.UNIT`. Even if the - * field has not been initialized at all (with `= _`), this results in - * an actual `()` value. - * In Scala 3, the same pattern returns `null`, as a `BoxedUnit`, so we - * introduce here an explicit `()` value. - * TODO We should remove this branch if the upstream test is updated - * not to assume such a strict interpretation of erasure. - */ - js.Block(boxedResult, js.Undefined()) - } else { - unbox(boxedResult, tpe) - } - } - } - - /** Extract the first argument in a list of actual arguments. - * - * This is nothing else than decomposing into head and tail, except that - * we assert that the first element is not a JSSpread. - */ - private def extractFirstArg(args: List[js.TreeOrJSSpread]): (js.Tree, List[js.TreeOrJSSpread]) = { - assert(args.nonEmpty, - "Trying to extract the first argument of an empty argument list") - val firstArg = args.head - assert(!firstArg.isInstanceOf[js.JSSpread], - "Trying to extract the first argument of an argument list starting " + - "with a Spread argument: " + firstArg) - (firstArg.asInstanceOf[js.Tree], args.tail) - } - - /** Gen JS code for a call to a native JS def or val. */ - private def genJSNativeMemberSelect(tree: Tree): js.Tree = - genJSNativeMemberSelectOrCall(tree, Nil) - - /** Gen JS code for a call to a native JS def or val. */ - private def genJSNativeMemberCall(tree: Apply): js.Tree = - genJSNativeMemberSelectOrCall(tree, tree.args) - - /** Gen JS code for a call to a native JS def or val. */ - private def genJSNativeMemberSelectOrCall(tree: Tree, args: List[Tree]): js.Tree = { - val sym = tree.symbol - - implicit val pos = tree.span - - val jsNativeMemberValue = - js.SelectJSNativeMember(encodeClassName(sym.owner), encodeJSNativeMemberSym(sym)) - - val boxedResult = - if (sym.isJSGetter) jsNativeMemberValue - else js.JSFunctionApply(jsNativeMemberValue, genActualJSArgs(sym, args)) - - unbox(boxedResult, atPhase(elimErasedValueTypePhase) { - - }) - } - - private def genJSSuperCall(tree: Apply, isStat: Boolean): js.Tree = { - acquireContextualJSClassValue { explicitJSSuperClassValue => - implicit val pos = tree.span - val Apply(fun @ Select(sup @ Super(qual, _), _), args) = tree: @unchecked - val sym = fun.symbol - - val genReceiver = genExpr(qual) - def genScalaArgs = genActualArgs(sym, args) - def genJSArgs = genActualJSArgs(sym, args) - - if (sym.owner == defn.ObjectClass) { - // Normal call anyway - assert(!sym.isClassConstructor, - s"Trying to call the super constructor of Object in a non-native JS class at $pos") - genApplyMethod(genReceiver, sym, genScalaArgs) - } else if (sym.isClassConstructor) { - throw new AssertionError( - s"calling a JS super constructor should have happened in genPrimaryJSClassCtor at $pos") - } else if (sym.owner.isNonNativeJSClass && !sym.isJSExposed) { - // Reroute to the static method - genApplyJSClassMethod(genReceiver, sym, genScalaArgs) - } else { - val jsSuperClassValue = explicitJSSuperClassValue.orElse { - Some(genLoadJSConstructor(currentClassSym.get.asClass.superClass)) - } - genApplyJSMethodGeneric(sym, MaybeGlobalScope.NotGlobalScope(genReceiver), - genJSArgs, isStat, jsSuperClassValue)(tree.sourcePos) - } - } - } - - /** Gen JS code for a call to a polymorphic method. - * - * The only methods that reach the back-end as polymorphic are - * `isInstanceOf` and `asInstanceOf`. - * - * (Well, in fact `DottyRunTime.newRefArray` too, but it is handled as a - * primitive instead.) - */ - private def genTypeApply(tree: TypeApply): js.Tree = { - implicit val pos: SourcePosition = tree.sourcePos - - val TypeApply(fun, targs) = tree - - val sym = fun.symbol - val receiver = qualifierOf(fun) - - val to = targs.head.tpe - - assert(!isPrimitiveValueType(receiver.tpe), - s"Found receiver of type test with primitive type ${receiver.tpe} at $pos") - assert(!isPrimitiveValueType(to), - s"Found target type of type test with primitive type ${receiver.tpe} at $pos") - - val genReceiver = genExpr(receiver) - - if (sym == defn.Any_asInstanceOf) { - genAsInstanceOf(genReceiver, to) - } else if (sym == defn.Any_isInstanceOf) { - genIsInstanceOf(genReceiver, to) - } else { - throw new FatalError( - s"Unexpected type application $fun with symbol ${sym.fullName}") - } - } - - /** Gen JS code for a Java Seq literal. */ - private def genJavaSeqLiteral(tree: JavaSeqLiteral): js.Tree = { - implicit val pos = tree.span - - val genElems = - val arrayTypeRef = toTypeRef(tree.tpe).asInstanceOf[jstpe.ArrayTypeRef] - js.ArrayValue(arrayTypeRef, genElems) - } - - /** Gen JS code for a switch-`Match`, which is translated into an IR `js.Match`. */ - def genMatch(tree: Tree, isStat: Boolean): js.Tree = { - implicit val pos = tree.span - val Match(selector, cases) = tree: @unchecked - - def abortMatch(msg: String): Nothing = - throw new FatalError(s"$msg in switch-like pattern match at ${tree.span}: $tree") - - val genSelector = genExpr(selector) - - // Sanity check: we can handle Ints and Strings (including `null`s), but nothing else - genSelector.tpe match { - case jstpe.IntType | jstpe.ClassType(jsNames.BoxedStringClass) | jstpe.NullType | jstpe.NothingType => - // ok - case _ => - abortMatch(s"Invalid selector type ${genSelector.tpe}") - } - - val resultType = toIRType(tree.tpe) match { - case jstpe.NothingType => jstpe.NothingType // must take priority over NoType below - case _ if isStat => jstpe.NoType - case resType => resType - } - - var clauses: List[(List[js.MatchableLiteral], js.Tree)] = Nil - var optDefaultClause: Option[js.Tree] = None - - for (caze @ CaseDef(pat, guard, body) <- cases) { - if (guard != EmptyTree) - abortMatch("Found a case guard") - - val genBody = genStatOrExpr(body, isStat) - - def invalidCase(): Nothing = - abortMatch("Invalid case") - - def genMatchableLiteral(tree: Literal): js.MatchableLiteral = { - genExpr(tree) match { - case matchableLiteral: js.MatchableLiteral => matchableLiteral - case otherExpr => invalidCase() - } - } - - pat match { - case lit: Literal => - clauses = (List(genMatchableLiteral(lit)), genBody) :: clauses - case Ident(nme.WILDCARD) => - optDefaultClause = Some(genBody) - case Alternative(alts) => - val genAlts = { - case lit: Literal => genMatchableLiteral(lit) - case _ => invalidCase() - } - clauses = (genAlts, genBody) :: clauses - case _ => - invalidCase() - } - } - - clauses = clauses.reverse - val defaultClause = optDefaultClause.getOrElse { - throw new AssertionError("No elseClause in pattern match") - } - - /* Builds a `js.Match`, but simplifies it to a `js.If` if there is only - * one case with one alternative, and to a `js.Block` if there is no case - * at all. This happens in practice in the standard library. Having no - * case is a typical product of `match`es that are full of - * `case n if ... =>`, which are used instead of `if` chains for - * convenience and/or readability. - */ - def isInt(tree: js.Tree): Boolean = tree.tpe == jstpe.IntType - - clauses match { - case Nil => - // Completely remove the Match. Preserve the side-effects of `genSelector`. - js.Block(exprToStat(genSelector), defaultClause) - - case (uniqueAlt :: Nil, caseRhs) :: Nil => - /* Simplify the `match` as an `if`, so that the optimizer has less - * work to do, and we emit less code at the end of the day. - * Use `Int_==` instead of `===` if possible, since it is a common case. - */ - val op = - if (isInt(genSelector) && isInt(uniqueAlt)) js.BinaryOp.Int_== - else js.BinaryOp.=== - js.If(js.BinaryOp(op, genSelector, uniqueAlt), caseRhs, defaultClause)(resultType) - - case _ => - // We have more than one case: use a js.Match - js.Match(genSelector, clauses, defaultClause)(resultType) - } - } - - /** Gen JS code for a closure. - * - * Input: a `Closure` tree of the form - * {{{ - * Closure(env, call, functionalInterface) - * }}} - * representing the pseudo-syntax - * {{{ - * { (p1, ..., pm) => call(env1, ..., envn, p1, ..., pm) }: functionInterface - * }}} - * where `envi` are identifiers in the local scope. The qualifier of `call` - * is also implicitly captured. - * - * Output: a `js.Closure` tree of the form - * {{{ - * js.Closure(formalCaptures, formalParams, body, actualCaptures) - * }}} - * representing the pseudo-syntax - * {{{ - * lambda( - * formalParam1, ..., formalParamM) = body - * }}} - * where the `actualCaptures` and `body` are, in general, arbitrary - * expressions. But in this case, `actualCaptures` will be identifiers from - * `env`, and the `body` will be of the form - * {{{ - * call(formalCapture1.ref, ..., formalCaptureN.ref, - * formalParam1.ref, ...formalParamM.ref) - * }}} - * - * When the `js.Closure` node is evaluated, i.e., when the closure value is - * created, the expressions of the `actualCaptures` are evaluated, and the - * results of those evaluations is "stored" in the environment of the - * closure as the corresponding `formalCapture`. - * - * When we later *call* the closure, the `formalCaptures` already have their - * values from the environment, and they are available in the `body`. The - * `formalParams` of the created closure receive their values from the - * actual arguments at the call-site of the closure, and they are also - * available in the `body`. - */ - private def genClosure(tree: Closure): js.Tree = { - implicit val pos = tree.span - val Closure(env, call, functionalInterface) = tree - - val envSize = env.size - - val (fun, args) = call match { - // case Apply(fun, args) => (fun, args) // Conjectured not to happen - case t @ Select(_, _) => (t, Nil) - case t @ Ident(_) => (t, Nil) - } - val sym = fun.symbol - val isStaticCall = isMethodStaticInIR(sym) - - val qualifier = qualifierOf(fun) - val allCaptureValues = - if (isStaticCall) env - else qualifier :: env - - val formalAndActualCaptures = { value => - implicit val pos = value.span - val (formalIdent, originalName) = value match { - case Ident(name) => (freshLocalIdent(name.toTermName), OriginalName(name.toString)) - case This(_) => (freshLocalIdent("this"), thisOriginalName) - case _ => (freshLocalIdent(), NoOriginalName) - } - val formalCapture = js.ParamDef(formalIdent, originalName, - toIRType(value.tpe), mutable = false) - val actualCapture = genExpr(value) - (formalCapture, actualCapture) - } - val (formalCaptures, actualCaptures) = formalAndActualCaptures.unzip - - val funInterfaceSym = functionalInterface.tpe.typeSymbol - val hasRepeatedParam = { - funInterfaceSym.exists && { - val Seq(samMethodDenot) = - val samMethod = samMethodDenot.symbol - atPhase(elimRepeatedPhase)( - } - } - - val formalParamNames = - val formalParamTypes = - val formalParamRepeateds = - if (hasRepeatedParam) (0 until (formalParamTypes.size - 1)).map(_ => false) :+ true - else (0 until formalParamTypes.size).map(_ => false) - - val formalAndActualParams = formalParamNames.lazyZip(formalParamTypes).lazyZip(formalParamRepeateds).map { - (name, tpe, repeated) => - val formalParam = js.ParamDef(freshLocalIdent(name), - OriginalName(name.toString), jstpe.AnyType, mutable = false) - val actualParam = - if (repeated) genJSArrayToVarArgs(formalParam.ref)(tree.sourcePos) - else unbox(formalParam.ref, tpe) - (formalParam, actualParam) - } - val (formalAndRestParams, actualParams) = formalAndActualParams.unzip - - val (formalParams, restParam) = - if (hasRepeatedParam) (formalAndRestParams.init, Some(formalAndRestParams.last)) - else (formalAndRestParams, None) - - val genBody = { - val call = if (isStaticCall) { - genApplyStatic(sym, ::: actualParams) - } else { - val thisCaptureRef :: argCaptureRefs = @unchecked - if (!sym.owner.isNonNativeJSClass || sym.isJSExposed) - genApplyMethodMaybeStatically(thisCaptureRef, sym, argCaptureRefs ::: actualParams) - else - genApplyJSClassMethod(thisCaptureRef, sym, argCaptureRefs ::: actualParams) - } - box(call, - } - - val isThisFunction = funInterfaceSym.isSubClass(jsdefn.JSThisFunctionClass) && { - val ok = formalParams.nonEmpty - if (!ok) - report.error("The SAM or apply method for a js.ThisFunction must have a leading non-varargs parameter", tree) - ok - } - - if (isThisFunction) { - val thisParam :: otherParams = formalParams: @unchecked - js.Closure( - arrow = false, - formalCaptures, - otherParams, - restParam, - js.Block( - js.VarDef(, thisParam.originalName, - thisParam.ptpe, mutable = false, - js.This()(thisParam.ptpe)(thisParam.pos))(thisParam.pos), - genBody), - actualCaptures) - } else { - val closure = js.Closure(arrow = true, formalCaptures, formalParams, restParam, genBody, actualCaptures) - - if (!funInterfaceSym.exists || defn.isFunctionClass(funInterfaceSym)) { - assert(!funInterfaceSym.exists || defn.isFunctionClass(funInterfaceSym), - s"Invalid functional interface $funInterfaceSym reached the back-end") - val formalCount = formalParams.size - val cls = ClassName("scala.scalajs.runtime.AnonFunction" + formalCount) - val ctorName = MethodName.constructor( - jstpe.ClassRef(ClassName("scala.scalajs.js.Function" + formalCount)) :: Nil) - js.New(cls, js.MethodIdent(ctorName), List(closure)) - } else { - assert(funInterfaceSym.isJSType, - s"Invalid functional interface $funInterfaceSym reached the back-end") - closure - } - } - } - - /** Generates a static method instantiating and calling this - * DynamicImportThunk's `apply`: - * - * {{{ - * static def dynamicImport$;;Ljava.lang.Object(): any = { - * new .;:V().apply;Ljava.lang.Object() - * } - * }}} - */ - private def genDynamicImportForwarder(clsSym: Symbol)(using Position): js.MethodDef = { - withNewLocalNameScope { - val ctor = clsSym.primaryConstructor - val paramSyms = ctor.paramSymss.flatten - val paramDefs = - - val body = { - val inst = js.New(encodeClassName(clsSym), encodeMethodSym(ctor), - genApplyMethod(inst, jsdefn.DynamicImportThunkClass_apply, Nil) - } - - js.MethodDef( - js.MemberFlags.empty.withNamespace(js.MemberNamespace.PublicStatic), - encodeDynamicImportForwarderIdent(paramSyms), - NoOriginalName, - paramDefs, - jstpe.AnyType, - Some(body))(OptimizerHints.empty, None) - } - } - - /** Boxes a value of the given type before `elimErasedValueType`. - * - * This should be used when sending values to a JavaScript context, which - * is erased/boxed at the IR level, although it is not erased at the - * dotty/JVM level. - * - * @param expr Tree to be boxed if needed. - * @param tpeEnteringElimErasedValueType The type of `expr` as it was - * entering the `elimErasedValueType` phase. - */ - def box(expr: js.Tree, tpeEnteringElimErasedValueType: Type)(implicit pos: Position): js.Tree = { - tpeEnteringElimErasedValueType match { - case tpe if isPrimitiveValueType(tpe) => - makePrimitiveBox(expr, tpe) - - case tpe: ErasedValueType => - val boxedClass = tpe.tycon.typeSymbol - val ctor = boxedClass.primaryConstructor - js.New(encodeClassName(boxedClass), encodeMethodSym(ctor), List(expr)) - - case _ => - expr - } - } - - /** Unboxes a value typed as Any to the given type before `elimErasedValueType`. - * - * This should be used when receiving values from a JavaScript context, - * which is erased/boxed at the IR level, although it is not erased at the - * dotty/JVM level. - * - * @param expr Tree to be extracted. - * @param tpeEnteringElimErasedValueType The type of `expr` as it was - * entering the `elimErasedValueType` phase. - */ - def unbox(expr: js.Tree, tpeEnteringElimErasedValueType: Type)(implicit pos: Position): js.Tree = { - tpeEnteringElimErasedValueType match { - case tpe if isPrimitiveValueType(tpe) => - makePrimitiveUnbox(expr, tpe) - - case tpe: ErasedValueType => - val boxedClass = tpe.tycon.typeSymbol.asClass - val unboxMethod = ValueClasses.valueClassUnbox(boxedClass) - val content = genApplyMethod( - js.AsInstanceOf(expr, encodeClassType(boxedClass)), unboxMethod, Nil) - if ( <:< tpe.erasedUnderlying) - content - else - unbox(content, tpe.erasedUnderlying) - - case tpe => - genAsInstanceOf(expr, tpe) - } - } - - /** Gen JS code for an asInstanceOf cast (for reference types only) */ - private def genAsInstanceOf(value: js.Tree, to: Type)(implicit pos: Position): js.Tree = - genAsInstanceOf(value, toIRType(to)) - - /** Gen JS code for an asInstanceOf cast (for reference types only) */ - private def genAsInstanceOf(value: js.Tree, to: jstpe.Type)(implicit pos: Position): js.Tree = { - to match { - case jstpe.AnyType => - value - case jstpe.NullType => - js.If( - js.BinaryOp(js.BinaryOp.===, value, js.Null()), - js.Null(), - genThrowClassCastException())( - jstpe.NullType) - case jstpe.NothingType => - js.Block(value, genThrowClassCastException()) - case _ => - js.AsInstanceOf(value, to) - } - } - - private def genThrowClassCastException()(implicit pos: Position): js.Tree = { - js.Throw(js.New(jsNames.ClassCastExceptionClass, - js.MethodIdent(jsNames.NoArgConstructorName), Nil)) - } - - /** Gen JS code for an isInstanceOf test (for reference types only) */ - def genIsInstanceOf(value: js.Tree, to: Type)( - implicit pos: SourcePosition): js.Tree = { - val sym = to.typeSymbol - - if (sym == defn.ObjectClass) { - js.BinaryOp(js.BinaryOp.!==, value, js.Null()) - } else if (sym.isJSType) { - if ( { - report.error( - em"isInstanceOf[${sym.fullName}] not supported because it is a JS trait", - pos) - js.BooleanLiteral(true) - } else { - js.AsInstanceOf(js.JSBinaryOp( - js.JSBinaryOp.instanceof, value, genLoadJSConstructor(sym)), - jstpe.BooleanType) - } - } else { - // The Scala type system prevents x.isInstanceOf[Null] and ...[Nothing] - assert(sym != defn.NullClass && sym != defn.NothingClass, - s"Found a .isInstanceOf[$sym] at $pos") - js.IsInstanceOf(value, toIRType(to)) - } - } - - /** Gen a statically linked call to an instance method. */ - def genApplyMethodMaybeStatically(receiver: js.Tree, method: Symbol, - arguments: List[js.Tree])(implicit pos: Position): js.Tree = { - if (method.isPrivate || method.isClassConstructor) - genApplyMethodStatically(receiver, method, arguments) - else - genApplyMethod(receiver, method, arguments) - } - - /** Gen a dynamically linked call to a Scala method. */ - def genApplyMethod(receiver: js.Tree, method: Symbol, arguments: List[js.Tree])( - implicit pos: Position): js.Tree = { - assert(!method.isPrivate, - s"Cannot generate a dynamic call to private method $method at $pos") - js.Apply(js.ApplyFlags.empty, receiver, encodeMethodSym(method), arguments)( - toIRType(patchedResultType(method))) - } - - /** Gen a statically linked call to an instance method. */ - def genApplyMethodStatically(receiver: js.Tree, method: Symbol, arguments: List[js.Tree])( - implicit pos: Position): js.Tree = { - val flags = js.ApplyFlags.empty - .withPrivate(method.isPrivate && !method.isClassConstructor) - .withConstructor(method.isClassConstructor) - js.ApplyStatically(flags, receiver, encodeClassName(method.owner), - encodeMethodSym(method), arguments)( - toIRType(patchedResultType(method))) - } - - /** Gen a call to a static method. */ - private def genApplyStatic(method: Symbol, arguments: List[js.Tree])( - implicit pos: Position): js.Tree = { - js.ApplyStatic(js.ApplyFlags.empty.withPrivate(method.isPrivate), - encodeClassName(method.owner), encodeMethodSym(method), arguments)( - toIRType(patchedResultType(method))) - } - - /** Gen a call to a non-exposed method of a non-native JS class. */ - def genApplyJSClassMethod(receiver: js.Tree, method: Symbol, arguments: List[js.Tree])( - implicit pos: Position): js.Tree = { - genApplyStatic(method, receiver :: arguments) - } - - /** Gen a call to a method of a Scala top-level module. */ - private def genModuleApplyMethod(methodSym: Symbol, arguments: List[js.Tree])( - implicit pos: SourcePosition): js.Tree = { - genApplyMethod(genLoadModule(methodSym.owner), methodSym, arguments) - } - - /** Gen a boxing operation (tpe is the primitive type) */ - private def makePrimitiveBox(expr: js.Tree, tpe: Type)( - implicit pos: Position): js.Tree = { - toIRType(tpe) match { - case jstpe.NoType => // for JS interop cases - js.Block(expr, js.Undefined()) - case jstpe.BooleanType | jstpe.CharType | jstpe.ByteType | - jstpe.ShortType | jstpe.IntType | jstpe.LongType | jstpe.FloatType | - jstpe.DoubleType => - expr // box is identity for all those primitive types - case typeRef => - throw new FatalError( - s"makePrimitiveBox requires a primitive type, found $typeRef for $tpe at $pos") - } - } - - /** Gen an unboxing operation (tpe is the primitive type) */ - private def makePrimitiveUnbox(expr: js.Tree, tpe: Type)( - implicit pos: Position): js.Tree = { - toIRType(tpe) match { - case jstpe.NoType => expr // for JS interop cases - case irTpe => js.AsInstanceOf(expr, irTpe) - } - } - - /** Gen JS code for a Scala.js-specific primitive method */ - private def genJSPrimitive(tree: Apply, args: List[Tree], code: Int, - isStat: Boolean): js.Tree = { - - import JSPrimitives._ - - implicit val pos = tree.span - - def genArgs1: js.Tree = { - assert(args.size == 1, - s"Expected exactly 1 argument for JS primitive $code but got " + - s"${args.size} at $pos") - genExpr(args.head) - } - - def genArgs2: (js.Tree, js.Tree) = { - assert(args.size == 2, - s"Expected exactly 2 arguments for JS primitive $code but got " + - s"${args.size} at $pos") - (genExpr(args.head), genExpr(args.tail.head)) - } - - def genArgsVarLength: List[js.TreeOrJSSpread] = - genActualJSArgs(tree.symbol, args) - - def resolveReifiedJSClassSym(arg: Tree): Symbol = { - def fail(): Symbol = { - report.error( - + " must be called with a constant " + - "classOf[T] representing a class extending js.Any " + - "(not a trait nor an object)", - tree.sourcePos) - NoSymbol - } - arg match { - case Literal(value) if value.tag == Constants.ClazzTag => - val classSym = value.typeValue.typeSymbol - if (classSym.isJSType && ! && ! - classSym - else - fail() - case _ => - fail() - } - } - - (code: @switch) match { - case DYNNEW => - // js.Dynamic.newInstance(clazz)(actualArgs: _*) - val (jsClass, actualArgs) = extractFirstArg(genArgsVarLength) - js.JSNew(jsClass, actualArgs) - - case ARR_CREATE => - // js.Array(elements: _*) - js.JSArrayConstr(genArgsVarLength) - - case CONSTRUCTOROF => - // runtime.constructorOf(clazz) - val classSym = resolveReifiedJSClassSym(args.head) - if (classSym == NoSymbol) - js.Undefined() // compile error emitted by resolveReifiedJSClassSym - else - genLoadJSConstructor(classSym) - - case CREATE_INNER_JS_CLASS | CREATE_LOCAL_JS_CLASS => - // runtime.createInnerJSClass(clazz, superClass) - // runtime.createLocalJSClass(clazz, superClass, fakeNewInstances) - val classSym = resolveReifiedJSClassSym(args(0)) - val superClassValue = genExpr(args(1)) - if (classSym == NoSymbol) { - js.Undefined() // compile error emitted by resolveReifiedJSClassSym - } else { - val captureValues = { - if (code == CREATE_INNER_JS_CLASS) { - /* Private inner classes that do not actually access their outer - * pointer do not receive an outer argument. We therefore count - * the number of constructors that have non-empty param list to - * know how many times we need to pass `this`. - */ - val requiredThisParams = - - val outer = genThis() - List.fill(requiredThisParams)(outer) - } else { - val fakeNewInstances = args(2).asInstanceOf[JavaSeqLiteral].elems - fakeNewInstances.flatMap(genCaptureValuesFromFakeNewInstance(_)) - } - } - js.CreateJSClass(encodeClassName(classSym), superClassValue :: captureValues) - } - - case WITH_CONTEXTUAL_JS_CLASS_VALUE => - // withContextualJSClassValue(jsclass, inner) - val jsClassValue = genExpr(args(0)) - withScopedVars( - contextualJSClassValue := Some(jsClassValue) - ) { - genStatOrExpr(args(1), isStat) - } - - case LINKING_INFO => - // runtime.linkingInfo - js.JSLinkingInfo() - - case DEBUGGER => - // js.special.debugger() - js.Debugger() - - case UNITVAL => - // BoxedUnit.UNIT, which is the boxed version of () - js.Undefined() - - case JS_NEW_TARGET => - // - val valid = currentMethodSym.get.isClassConstructor && currentClassSym.isNonNativeJSClass - if (!valid) { - report.error( - "Illegal use of js.`new`.target.\n" + - "It can only be used in the constructor of a JS class, " + - "as a statement or in the rhs of a val or var.\n" + - "It cannot be used inside a lambda or by-name parameter, nor in any other location.", - tree.sourcePos) - } - js.JSNewTarget() - - case JS_IMPORT => - // js.import(arg) - val arg = genArgs1 - js.JSImportCall(arg) - - case JS_IMPORT_META => - // js.import.meta - js.JSImportMeta() - - case DYNAMIC_IMPORT => - // runtime.dynamicImport - assert(args.size == 1, - s"Expected exactly 1 argument for JS primitive $code but got " + - s"${args.size} at $pos") - - args.head match { - case Block(stats, expr @ Typed(Apply(fun @ Select(New(tpt), _), args), _)) => - /* stats is always empty if no other compiler plugin is present. - * However, code instrumentation (notably scoverage) might add - * statements here. If this is the case, the thunk anonymous class - * has already been created when the other plugin runs (i.e. the - * plugin ran after jsinterop). - * - * Therefore, it is OK to leave the statements on our side of the - * dynamic loading boundary. - */ - - val clsSym = tpt.symbol - val ctor = fun.symbol - - assert(clsSym.isSubClass(jsdefn.DynamicImportThunkClass), - s"expected subclass of DynamicImportThunk, got: $clsSym at: ${expr.sourcePos}") - assert(ctor.isPrimaryConstructor, - s"expected primary constructor, got: $ctor at: ${expr.sourcePos}") - - js.Block( -, - js.ApplyDynamicImport( - js.ApplyFlags.empty, - encodeClassName(clsSym), - encodeDynamicImportForwarderIdent(ctor.paramSymss.flatten), - genActualArgs(ctor, args)) - ) - - case tree => - throw new FatalError( - s"Unexpected argument tree in dynamicImport: $tree/${tree.getClass} at: $pos") - } - - case JS_NATIVE => - // js.native - report.error( - "js.native may only be used as stub implementation in facade types", - tree.sourcePos) - js.Undefined() - - case TYPEOF => - // js.typeOf(arg) - val arg = genArgs1 - val typeofExpr = arg match { - case arg: js.JSGlobalRef => js.JSTypeOfGlobalRef(arg) - case _ => js.JSUnaryOp(js.JSUnaryOp.typeof, arg) - } - js.AsInstanceOf(typeofExpr, jstpe.ClassType(jsNames.BoxedStringClass)) - - case STRICT_EQ => - // js.special.strictEquals(arg1, arg2) - val (arg1, arg2) = genArgs2 - js.JSBinaryOp(js.JSBinaryOp.===, arg1, arg2) - - case IN => - //, arg2) - val (arg1, arg2) = genArgs2 - js.AsInstanceOf(js.JSBinaryOp(, arg1, arg2), - jstpe.BooleanType) - - case INSTANCEOF => - // js.special.instanceof(arg1, arg2) - val (arg1, arg2) = genArgs2 - js.AsInstanceOf(js.JSBinaryOp(js.JSBinaryOp.instanceof, arg1, arg2), - jstpe.BooleanType) - - case DELETE => - // js.special.delete(arg1, arg2) - val (arg1, arg2) = genArgs2 - js.JSDelete(arg1, arg2) - - case FORIN => - /* js.special.forin(arg1, arg2) - * - * We must generate: - * - * val obj = arg1 - * val f = arg2 - * for (val key in obj) { - * f(key) - * } - * - * with temporary vals, because `arg2` must be evaluated only - * once, and after `arg1`. - */ - val (arg1, arg2) = genArgs2 - val objVarDef = js.VarDef(freshLocalIdent("obj"), NoOriginalName, - jstpe.AnyType, mutable = false, arg1) - val fVarDef = js.VarDef(freshLocalIdent("f"), NoOriginalName, - jstpe.AnyType, mutable = false, arg2) - val keyVarIdent = freshLocalIdent("key") - val keyVarRef = js.VarRef(keyVarIdent)(jstpe.AnyType) - js.Block( - objVarDef, - fVarDef, - js.ForIn(objVarDef.ref, keyVarIdent, NoOriginalName, { - js.JSFunctionApply(fVarDef.ref, List(keyVarRef)) - })) - - case JS_THROW => - // js.special.throw(arg) - js.Throw(genArgs1) - - case JS_TRY_CATCH => - /* js.special.tryCatch(arg1, arg2) - * - * We must generate: - * - * val body = arg1 - * val handler = arg2 - * try { - * body() - * } catch (e) { - * handler(e) - * } - * - * with temporary vals, because `arg2` must be evaluated before - * `body` executes. Moreover, exceptions thrown while evaluating - * the function values `arg1` and `arg2` must not be caught. - */ - val (arg1, arg2) = genArgs2 - val bodyVarDef = js.VarDef(freshLocalIdent("body"), NoOriginalName, - jstpe.AnyType, mutable = false, arg1) - val handlerVarDef = js.VarDef(freshLocalIdent("handler"), NoOriginalName, - jstpe.AnyType, mutable = false, arg2) - val exceptionVarIdent = freshLocalIdent("e") - val exceptionVarRef = js.VarRef(exceptionVarIdent)(jstpe.AnyType) - js.Block( - bodyVarDef, - handlerVarDef, - js.TryCatch( - js.JSFunctionApply(bodyVarDef.ref, Nil), - exceptionVarIdent, - NoOriginalName, - js.JSFunctionApply(handlerVarDef.ref, List(exceptionVarRef)) - )(jstpe.AnyType) - ) - - case WRAP_AS_THROWABLE => - // js.special.wrapAsThrowable(arg) - js.WrapAsThrowable(genArgs1) - - case UNWRAP_FROM_THROWABLE => - // js.special.unwrapFromThrowable(arg) - js.UnwrapFromThrowable(genArgs1) - - case UNION_FROM | UNION_FROM_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR => - /* js.|.from and js.|.fromTypeConstructor - * We should not have to deal with those. They have a perfectly valid - * user-space implementation. However, the Dotty type checker inserts - * way too many of those, even when they are completely unnecessary. - * That still wouldn't be an issue ... if only it did not insert them - * around the default getters to their parameters! But even there it - * does it (although the types are, by construction, *equivalent*!), - * and that kills our `UndefinedParam` treatment. So we have to handle - * those two methods as primitives to completely eliminate them. - * - * Hopefully this will become unnecessary when/if we manage to - * reinterpret js.| as a true Dotty union type. - */ - genArgs2._1 - - case REFLECT_SELECTABLE_SELECTDYN => - // scala.reflect.Selectable.selectDynamic - genReflectiveCall(tree, isSelectDynamic = true) - case REFLECT_SELECTABLE_APPLYDYN => - // scala.reflect.Selectable.applyDynamic - genReflectiveCall(tree, isSelectDynamic = false) - } - } - - /** Gen the SJSIR for a reflective call. - * - * Reflective calls are calls to a structural type field or method that - * involve a reflective Selectable. They look like the following in source - * code: - * {{{ - * import scala.reflect.Selectable.reflectiveSelectable - * - * type Structural = { - * val foo: Int - * def bar(x: Int, y: String): String - * } - * - * val structural: Structural = new { - * val foo: Int = 5 - * def bar(x: Int, y: String): String = x.toString + y - * } - * - * - *, "hello") - * }}} - * - * After expansion by the Scala 3 rules for structural member selections and - * calls, they look like - * - * {{{ - * reflectiveSelectable(structural).selectDynamic("foo") - * reflectiveSelectable(structural).applyDynamic("bar", - * classOf[Int], classOf[String] - * )( - * 6, "hello" - * ) - * }}} - * - * When the original `structural` value is already of a subtype of - * `scala.reflect.Selectable`, there is no conversion involved. There could - * also be any other arbitrary conversion, such as the deprecated bridge for - * Scala 2's `import scala.language.reflectiveCalls`. In general, the shape - * is therefore the following, for some `selectable: reflect.Selectable`: - * - * {{{ - * selectable.selectDynamic("foo") - * selectable.applyDynamic("bar", - * classOf[Int], classOf[String] - * )( - * 6, "hello" - * ) - * }}} - * - * and eventually reaches the back-end as - * - * {{{ - * selectable.selectDynamic("foo") // same as above - * selectable.applyDynamic("bar", - * wrapRefArray([ classOf[Int], classOf[String] : jl.Class ] - * )( - * genericWrapArray([, "hello" : Object ]) - * ) - * }}} - * - * In SJSIR, they must be encoded as follows: - * - * {{{ - * selectable.selectedValue;O().foo;R() - * selectable.selectedValue;O().bar;I;Ljava.lang.String;R( - *[int], - * "hello".asInstanceOf[java.lang.String] - * ) - * }}} - * - * where `selectedValue;O()` is declared in `scala.reflect.Selectable` and - * holds the actual instance on which to perform the reflective operations. - * For the typical use case from the first snippet, it returns `structural`. - * - * This means that we must deconstruct the elaborated calls to recover: - * - * - the method name as a compile-time string `foo` or `bar` - * - the `tp: Type`s that have been wrapped in `classOf[tp]`, as a - * compile-time List[Type], from which we'll derive `jstpe.Type`s for the - * `asInstanceOf`s and `jstpe.TypeRef`s for the `MethodName.reflectiveProxy` - * - the actual arguments as a compile-time `List[Tree]` - * - * Virtually all of the code in `genReflectiveCall` deals with recovering - * those elements. Constructing the IR Tree is the easy part after that. - */ - private def genReflectiveCall(tree: Apply, isSelectDynamic: Boolean): js.Tree = { - implicit val pos = tree.span - val Apply(fun @ Select(receiver, _), args) = tree: @unchecked - - val selectedValueTree = js.Apply(js.ApplyFlags.empty, genExpr(receiver), - js.MethodIdent(selectedValueMethodName), Nil)(jstpe.AnyType) - - // Extract the method name as a String - val methodNameStr = args.head match { - case Literal(Constants.Constant(name: String)) => - name - case _ => - report.error( - "The method name given to Selectable.selectDynamic or Selectable.applyDynamic " + - "must be a literal string. " + - "Other uses are not supported in Scala.js.", - args.head.sourcePos) - "erroneous" - } - - val (formalParamTypeRefs, actualArgs) = if (isSelectDynamic) { - (Nil, Nil) - } else { - // Extract the param type refs and actual args from the 2nd and 3rd argument to applyDynamic - args.tail match { - case WrapArray(classOfsArray: JavaSeqLiteral) :: WrapArray(actualArgsAnyArray: JavaSeqLiteral) :: Nil => - // Extract jstpe.Type's and jstpe.TypeRef's from the classOf[_] trees - val formalParamTypesAndTypeRefs = { - // classOf[tp] -> tp - case Literal(const) if const.tag == Constants.ClazzTag => - toIRTypeAndTypeRef(const.typeValue) - // Anything else is invalid - case otherTree => - report.error( - "The java.lang.Class[_] arguments passed to Selectable.applyDynamic must be " + - "literal classOf[T] expressions (typically compiler-generated). " + - "Other uses are not supported in Scala.js.", - otherTree.sourcePos) - (jstpe.AnyType, jstpe.ClassRef(jsNames.ObjectClass)) - } - - // Gen the actual args, downcasting them to the formal param types - val actualArgs = { - (actualArgAny, formalParamTypeAndTypeRef) => - val genActualArgAny = genExpr(actualArgAny) - genAsInstanceOf(genActualArgAny, formalParamTypeAndTypeRef._1)(genActualArgAny.pos) - } - - ( => toParamOrResultTypeRef(pair._2)), actualArgs) - - case _ => - report.error( - "Passing the varargs of Selectable.applyDynamic with `: _*` " + - "is not supported in Scala.js.", - tree.sourcePos) - (Nil, Nil) - } - } - - val methodName = MethodName.reflectiveProxy(methodNameStr, formalParamTypeRefs) - - js.Apply(js.ApplyFlags.empty, selectedValueTree, js.MethodIdent(methodName), actualArgs)(jstpe.AnyType) - } - - /** Gen actual actual arguments to Scala method call. - * Returns a list of the transformed arguments. - * - * This tries to optimize repeated arguments (varargs) by turning them - * into js.WrappedArray instead of Scala wrapped arrays. - */ - private def genActualArgs(sym: Symbol, args: List[Tree])( - implicit pos: Position): List[js.Tree] = { - - /*val wereRepeated = exitingPhase(currentRun.typerPhase) { - => isScalaRepeatedParamType(p.tpe)) - } - - if (wereRepeated.size > args.size) { - // Should not happen, but let's not crash - - } else { - /* Arguments that are in excess compared to the type signature after - * erasure are lambda-lifted arguments. They cannot be repeated, hence - * the extension to `false`. - */ - for ((arg, wasRepeated) <- args.zipAll(wereRepeated, EmptyTree, false)) yield { - if (wasRepeated) { - tryGenRepeatedParamAsJSArray(arg, handleNil = false).fold { - genExpr(arg) - } { genArgs => - genNew(WrappedArrayClass, WrappedArray_ctor, - List(js.JSArrayConstr(genArgs))) - } - } else { - genExpr(arg) - } - } - }*/ - } - - /** Gen actual actual arguments to a JS method call. - * Returns a list of the transformed arguments. - * - * - TODO Repeated arguments (varargs) are expanded - * - Default arguments are omitted or replaced by undefined - * - All arguments are boxed - * - * Repeated arguments that cannot be expanded at compile time (i.e., if a - * Seq is passed to a varargs parameter with the syntax `seq: _*`) will be - * wrapped in a [[js.JSSpread]] node to be expanded at runtime. - */ - private def genActualJSArgs(sym: Symbol, args: List[Tree])( - implicit pos: Position): List[js.TreeOrJSSpread] = { - - var reversedArgs: List[js.TreeOrJSSpread] = Nil - - for ((arg, info) <- { - if (info.repeated) { - reversedArgs = genJSRepeatedParam(arg) reverse_::: reversedArgs - } else if (info.capture) { - // Ignore captures - assert(sym.isClassConstructor, - i"Found a capture param in method ${sym.fullName}, which is not a class constructor, at $pos") - } else { - val unboxedArg = genExpr(arg) - val boxedArg = unboxedArg match { - case js.Transient(UndefinedParam) => - unboxedArg - case _ => - box(unboxedArg, - } - reversedArgs ::= boxedArg - } - } - - /* Remove all consecutive UndefinedParam's at the end of the argument - * list. No check is performed whether they may be there, since they will - * only be placed where default arguments can be anyway. - */ - reversedArgs = reversedArgs.dropWhile(_.isInstanceOf[js.Transient]) - - /* Find remaining UndefinedParam and replace by js.Undefined. This can - * happen with named arguments or with multiple argument lists. - */ - reversedArgs = reversedArgs map { - case js.Transient(UndefinedParam) => js.Undefined() - case arg => arg - } - - reversedArgs.reverse - } - - /** Gen JS code for a repeated param of a JS method. - * - * In this case `arg` has type `Seq[T]` for some `T`, but the result should - * be an expanded list of the elements in the sequence. So this method - * takes care of the conversion. - * - * It is specialized for the shapes of tree generated by the desugaring - * of repeated params in Scala, so that these are actually expanded at - * compile-time. - * - * Otherwise, it returns a `JSSpread` with the `Seq` converted to a - * `js.Array`. - */ - private def genJSRepeatedParam(arg: Tree): List[js.TreeOrJSSpread] = { - tryGenRepeatedParamAsJSArray(arg, handleNil = true).getOrElse { - /* Fall back to calling runtime.genTraversableOnce2jsArray - * to perform the conversion to js.Array, then wrap in a Spread - * operator. - */ - implicit val pos: SourcePosition = arg.sourcePos - val jsArrayArg = genModuleApplyMethod( - jsdefn.Runtime_toJSVarArgs, - List(genExpr(arg))) - List(js.JSSpread(jsArrayArg)) - } - } - - /** Try and expand an actual argument to a repeated param `(xs: T*)`. - * - * This method recognizes the shapes of tree generated by the desugaring - * of repeated params in Scala, and expands them. - * If `arg` does not have the shape of a generated repeated param, this - * method returns `None`. - */ - private def tryGenRepeatedParamAsJSArray(arg: Tree, - handleNil: Boolean): Option[List[js.Tree]] = { - implicit val pos = arg.span - - // Given a method `def foo(args: T*)` - arg match { - // foo(arg1, arg2, ..., argN) where N > 0 - case MaybeAsInstanceOf(WrapArray(MaybeAsInstanceOf(array: JavaSeqLiteral))) => - /* Value classes in arrays are already boxed, so no need to use - * the type before erasure. - * TODO Is this true in dotty? - */ - Some( => box(genExpr(e), e.tpe))) - - // foo() - case Ident(_) if handleNil && arg.symbol == defn.NilModule => - Some(Nil) - - // foo(argSeq: _*) - cannot be optimized - case _ => - None - } - } - - private object MaybeAsInstanceOf { - def unapply(tree: Tree): Some[Tree] = tree match { - case TypeApply(asInstanceOf_? @ Select(base, _), _) - if asInstanceOf_?.symbol == defn.Any_asInstanceOf => - Some(base) - case _ => - Some(tree) - } - } - - private object WrapArray { - lazy val isWrapArray: Set[Symbol] = { - val names0 = defn.ScalaValueClasses().map(sym => nme.wrapXArray( - val names1 = names0 ++ Set(nme.wrapRefArray, nme.genericWrapArray) - val symsInPredef = - val symsInScalaRunTime = - (symsInPredef ++ symsInScalaRunTime).toSet - } - - def unapply(tree: Apply): Option[Tree] = tree match { - case Apply(wrapArray_?, List(wrapped)) if isWrapArray(wrapArray_?.symbol) => - Some(wrapped) - case _ => - None - } - } - - /** Wraps a `js.Array` to use as varargs. */ - def genJSArrayToVarArgs(arrayRef: js.Tree)(implicit pos: SourcePosition): js.Tree = - genModuleApplyMethod(jsdefn.Runtime_toScalaVarArgs, List(arrayRef)) - - /** Gen the actual capture values for a JS constructor based on its fake `new` invocation. */ - private def genCaptureValuesFromFakeNewInstance(tree: Tree): List[js.Tree] = { - implicit val pos: Position = tree.span - - val Apply(fun @ Select(New(_), _), args) = tree: @unchecked - val sym = fun.symbol - - /* We use the same strategy as genActualJSArgs to detect which parameters were - * introduced by explicitouter or lambdalift (but reversed, of course). - */ - - val existedBeforeUncurry = atPhase(elimRepeatedPhase) { - - } - - for { - (arg, paramName) <- - if !existedBeforeUncurry(paramName) - } yield { - genExpr(arg) - } - } - - private def genVarRef(sym: Symbol)(implicit pos: Position): js.VarRef = - js.VarRef(encodeLocalSym(sym))(toIRType( - - private def genAssignableField(sym: Symbol, qualifier: Tree)(implicit pos: SourcePosition): (js.AssignLhs, Boolean) = { - def qual = genExpr(qualifier) - - if (sym.owner.isNonNativeJSClass) { - val f = if (sym.isJSExposed) { - js.JSSelect(qual, genExpr(sym.jsName)) - } else if (sym.owner.isAnonymousClass) { - js.JSSelect( - js.JSSelect(qual, genPrivateFieldsSymbol()), - encodeFieldSymAsStringLiteral(sym)) - } else { - js.JSPrivateSelect(qual, encodeClassName(sym.owner), - encodeFieldSym(sym)) - } - - (f, true) - } else if (sym.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.JSExportTopLevelAnnot)) { - val f = js.SelectStatic(encodeClassName(sym.owner), encodeFieldSym(sym))(jstpe.AnyType) - (f, true) - } else if (sym.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.JSExportStaticAnnot)) { - val jsName = sym.getAnnotation(jsdefn.JSExportStaticAnnot).get.argumentConstantString(0).getOrElse { - sym.defaultJSName - } - val companionClass = sym.owner.linkedClass - val f = js.JSSelect(genLoadJSConstructor(companionClass), js.StringLiteral(jsName)) - (f, true) - } else { - val className = encodeClassName(sym.owner) - val fieldIdent = encodeFieldSym(sym) - - /* #4370 Fields cannot have type NothingType, so we box them as - * scala.runtime.Nothing$ instead. They will be initialized with - * `null`, and any attempt to access them will throw a - * `ClassCastException` (generated in the unboxing code). - */ - val (irType, boxed) = toIRType( match - case jstpe.NothingType => - (encodeClassType(defn.NothingClass), true) - case ftpe => - (ftpe, false) - - val f = - if then - js.SelectStatic(className, fieldIdent)(irType) - else - js.Select(qual, className, fieldIdent)(irType) - - (f, boxed) - } - } - - /** Gen JS code for loading a Java static field. - */ - private def genLoadStaticField(sym: Symbol)(implicit pos: SourcePosition): js.Tree = { - /* Actually, there is no static member in Scala.js. If we come here, that - * is because we found the symbol in a Java-emitted .class in the - * classpath. But the corresponding implementation in Scala.js will - * actually be a val in the companion module. - */ - - if (sym == defn.BoxedUnit_UNIT) { - js.Undefined() - } else if (sym == defn.BoxedUnit_TYPE) { - js.ClassOf(jstpe.VoidRef) - } else { - val className = encodeClassName(sym.owner) - val method = encodeStaticMemberSym(sym) - js.ApplyStatic(js.ApplyFlags.empty, className, method, Nil)(toIRType( - } - } - - /** Generates a call to `runtime.privateFieldsSymbol()` */ - private def genPrivateFieldsSymbol()(implicit pos: SourcePosition): js.Tree = - genModuleApplyMethod(jsdefn.Runtime_privateFieldsSymbol, Nil) - - /** Generate loading of a module value. - * - * Can be given either the module symbol or its module class symbol. - * - * If the module we load refers to the global scope (i.e., it is - * annotated with `@JSGlobalScope`), report a compile error specifying - * that a global scope object should only be used as the qualifier of a - * `.`-selection. - */ - def genLoadModule(sym: Symbol)(implicit pos: SourcePosition): js.Tree = - ruleOutGlobalScope(genLoadModuleOrGlobalScope(sym)) - - /** Generate loading of a module value or the global scope. - * - * Can be given either the module symbol of its module class symbol. - * - * Unlike `genLoadModule`, this method does not fail if the module we load - * refers to the global scope. - */ - def genLoadModuleOrGlobalScope(sym0: Symbol)( - implicit pos: SourcePosition): MaybeGlobalScope = { - - require(, - "genLoadModule called with non-module symbol: " + sym0) - val sym = if (sym0.isTerm) sym0.moduleClass else sym0 - - // Does that module refer to the global scope? - if (sym.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.JSGlobalScopeAnnot)) { - MaybeGlobalScope.GlobalScope(pos) - } else { - val cls = encodeClassName(sym) - val tree = - if (sym.isJSType) js.LoadJSModule(cls) - else js.LoadModule(cls) - MaybeGlobalScope.NotGlobalScope(tree) - } - } - - /** Gen JS code representing the constructor of a JS class. */ - private def genLoadJSConstructor(sym: Symbol)( - implicit pos: Position): js.Tree = { - assert(!isStaticModule(sym) && !, - s"genLoadJSConstructor called with non-class $sym") - js.LoadJSConstructor(encodeClassName(sym)) - } - - private inline val GenericGlobalObjectInformationMsg = { - "\n " + - "See " + - "for further information." - } - - /** Rule out the `GlobalScope` case of a `MaybeGlobalScope` and extract the - * value tree. - * - * If `tree` represents the global scope, report a compile error. - */ - private def ruleOutGlobalScope(tree: MaybeGlobalScope): js.Tree = { - tree match { - case MaybeGlobalScope.NotGlobalScope(t) => - t - case MaybeGlobalScope.GlobalScope(pos) => - reportErrorLoadGlobalScope()(pos) - } - } - - /** Report a compile error specifying that the global scope cannot be - * loaded as a value. - */ - private def reportErrorLoadGlobalScope()(implicit pos: SourcePosition): js.Tree = { - report.error( - "Loading the global scope as a value (anywhere but as the " + - "left-hand-side of a `.`-selection) is not allowed." + - GenericGlobalObjectInformationMsg, - pos) - js.Undefined() - } - - /** Gen a JS bracket select or a `JSGlobalRef`. - * - * If the receiver is a normal value, i.e., not the global scope, then - * emit a `JSSelect`. - * - * Otherwise, if the `item` is a constant string that is a valid - * JavaScript identifier, emit a `JSGlobalRef`. - * - * Otherwise, report a compile error. - */ - private def genJSSelectOrGlobalRef(qual: MaybeGlobalScope, item: js.Tree)( - implicit pos: SourcePosition): js.AssignLhs = { - qual match { - case MaybeGlobalScope.NotGlobalScope(qualTree) => - js.JSSelect(qualTree, item) - - case MaybeGlobalScope.GlobalScope(_) => - item match { - case js.StringLiteral(value) => - if (js.JSGlobalRef.isValidJSGlobalRefName(value)) { - js.JSGlobalRef(value) - } else if (js.JSGlobalRef.ReservedJSIdentifierNames.contains(value)) { - report.error( - "Invalid selection in the global scope of the reserved " + - s"identifier name `$value`." + - GenericGlobalObjectInformationMsg, - pos) - js.JSGlobalRef("erroneous") - } else { - report.error( - "Selecting a field of the global scope whose name is " + - "not a valid JavaScript identifier is not allowed." + - GenericGlobalObjectInformationMsg, - pos) - js.JSGlobalRef("erroneous") - } - - case _ => - report.error( - "Selecting a field of the global scope with a dynamic " + - "name is not allowed." + - GenericGlobalObjectInformationMsg, - pos) - js.JSGlobalRef("erroneous") - } - } - } - - /** Gen a JS bracket method apply or an apply of a `GlobalRef`. - * - * If the receiver is a normal value, i.e., not the global scope, then - * emit a `JSMethodApply`. - * - * Otherwise, if the `method` is a constant string that is a valid - * JavaScript identifier, emit a `JSFunctionApply(JSGlobalRef(...), ...)`. - * - * Otherwise, report a compile error. - */ - private def genJSMethodApplyOrGlobalRefApply( - receiver: MaybeGlobalScope, method: js.Tree, args: List[js.TreeOrJSSpread])( - implicit pos: SourcePosition): js.Tree = { - receiver match { - case MaybeGlobalScope.NotGlobalScope(receiverTree) => - js.JSMethodApply(receiverTree, method, args) - - case MaybeGlobalScope.GlobalScope(_) => - method match { - case js.StringLiteral(value) => - if (js.JSGlobalRef.isValidJSGlobalRefName(value)) { - js.JSFunctionApply(js.JSGlobalRef(value), args) - } else if (js.JSGlobalRef.ReservedJSIdentifierNames.contains(value)) { - report.error( - "Invalid call in the global scope of the reserved " + - s"identifier name `$value`." + - GenericGlobalObjectInformationMsg, - pos) - js.Undefined() - } else { - report.error( - "Calling a method of the global scope whose name is not " + - "a valid JavaScript identifier is not allowed." + - GenericGlobalObjectInformationMsg, - pos) - js.Undefined() - } - - case _ => - report.error( - "Calling a method of the global scope with a dynamic " + - "name is not allowed." + - GenericGlobalObjectInformationMsg, - pos) - js.Undefined() - } - } - } - - private def computeJSNativeLoadSpecOfValDef(sym: Symbol): js.JSNativeLoadSpec = { - atPhaseBeforeTransforms { - computeJSNativeLoadSpecOfInPhase(sym) - } - } - - private def computeJSNativeLoadSpecOfClass(sym: Symbol): Option[js.JSNativeLoadSpec] = { - if ( || sym.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.JSGlobalScopeAnnot)) { - None - } else { - atPhaseBeforeTransforms { - if (sym.owner.isStaticOwner) - Some(computeJSNativeLoadSpecOfInPhase(sym)) - else - None - } - } - } - - private def computeJSNativeLoadSpecOfInPhase(sym: Symbol)(using Context): js.JSNativeLoadSpec = { - import js.JSNativeLoadSpec._ - - val symOwner = sym.owner - - // Marks a code path as unexpected because it should have been reported as an error in `PrepJSInterop`. - def unexpected(msg: String): Nothing = - throw new FatalError(i"$msg for ${sym.fullName} at ${sym.srcPos}") - - if (symOwner.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.JSNativeAnnot)) { - val jsName = sym.jsName match { - case JSName.Literal(jsName) => jsName - case JSName.Computed(_) => unexpected("could not read the simple JS name as a string literal") - } - - if (symOwner.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.JSGlobalScopeAnnot)) { - Global(jsName, Nil) - } else { - val ownerLoadSpec = computeJSNativeLoadSpecOfInPhase(symOwner) - ownerLoadSpec match { - case Global(globalRef, path) => - Global(globalRef, path :+ jsName) - case Import(module, path) => - Import(module, path :+ jsName) - case ImportWithGlobalFallback(Import(module, modulePath), Global(globalRef, globalPath)) => - ImportWithGlobalFallback( - Import(module, modulePath :+ jsName), - Global(globalRef, globalPath :+ jsName)) - } - } - } else { - def parsePath(pathName: String): List[String] = - pathName.split('.').toList - - def parseGlobalPath(pathName: String): Global = { - val globalRef :: path = parsePath(pathName): @unchecked - Global(globalRef, path) - } - - val annot = sym.annotations.find { annot => - annot.symbol == jsdefn.JSGlobalAnnot || annot.symbol == jsdefn.JSImportAnnot - }.getOrElse { - unexpected("could not find the JS native load spec annotation") - } - - if (annot.symbol == jsdefn.JSGlobalAnnot) { - val pathName = annot.argumentConstantString(0).getOrElse { - sym.defaultJSName - } - parseGlobalPath(pathName) - } else { // annot.symbol == jsdefn.JSImportAnnot - val module = annot.argumentConstantString(0).getOrElse { - unexpected("could not read the module argument as a string literal") - } - val path = annot.argumentConstantString(1).fold { - if (annot.arguments.sizeIs < 2) - parsePath(sym.defaultJSName) - else - Nil - } { pathName => - parsePath(pathName) - } - val importSpec = Import(module, path) - annot.argumentConstantString(2).fold[js.JSNativeLoadSpec] { - importSpec - } { globalPathName => - ImportWithGlobalFallback(importSpec, parseGlobalPath(globalPathName)) - } - } - } - } - - private def isMethodStaticInIR(sym: Symbol): Boolean = - - - /** Generate a Class[_] value (e.g. coming from classOf[T]) */ - private def genClassConstant(tpe: Type)(implicit pos: Position): js.Tree = - js.ClassOf(toTypeRef(tpe)) - - private def isStaticModule(sym: Symbol): Boolean = - && sym.isStatic - - private def isPrimitiveValueType(tpe: Type): Boolean = { - tpe.widenDealias match { - case JavaArrayType(_) => false - case _: ErasedValueType => false - case t => t.typeSymbol.asClass.isPrimitiveValueClass - } - } - - protected lazy val isHijackedClass: Set[Symbol] = { - /* This list is a duplicate of ir.Definitions.HijackedClasses, but - * with global.Symbol's instead of IR encoded names as Strings. - * We also add java.lang.Void, which BoxedUnit "erases" to. - */ - Set[Symbol]( - defn.BoxedUnitClass, defn.BoxedBooleanClass, defn.BoxedCharClass, defn.BoxedByteClass, - defn.BoxedShortClass, defn.BoxedIntClass, defn.BoxedLongClass, defn.BoxedFloatClass, - defn.BoxedDoubleClass, defn.StringClass, jsdefn.JavaLangVoidClass - ) - } - - private def isMaybeJavaScriptException(tpe: Type): Boolean = - jsdefn.JavaScriptExceptionClass.isSubClass(tpe.typeSymbol) - - private def hasDefaultCtorArgsAndJSModule(classSym: Symbol): Boolean = { - def hasNativeCompanion = - classSym.companionModule.moduleClass.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.JSNativeAnnot) - def hasDefaultParameters = - => sym.isClassConstructor && sym.hasDefaultParams) - - hasNativeCompanion && hasDefaultParameters - } - - // Copied from DottyBackendInterface - - private val desugared = new java.util.IdentityHashMap[Type, tpd.Select] - - def desugarIdent(i: Ident): Option[tpd.Select] = { - var found = desugared.get(i.tpe) - if (found == null) { - tpd.desugarIdent(i) match { - case sel: tpd.Select => - desugared.put(i.tpe, sel) - found = sel - case _ => - } - } - if (found == null) None else Some(found) - } -} - -object JSCodeGen { - - private val NullPointerExceptionClass = ClassName("java.lang.NullPointerException") - private val JSObjectClassName = ClassName("scala.scalajs.js.Object") - private val JavaScriptExceptionClassName = ClassName("scala.scalajs.js.JavaScriptException") - - private val ObjectClassRef = jstpe.ClassRef(ir.Names.ObjectClass) - - private val newSimpleMethodName = SimpleMethodName("new") - - private val selectedValueMethodName = MethodName("selectedValue", Nil, ObjectClassRef) - - private val ObjectArgConstructorName = MethodName.constructor(List(ObjectClassRef)) - - private val thisOriginalName = OriginalName("this") - - sealed abstract class MaybeGlobalScope - - object MaybeGlobalScope { - final case class NotGlobalScope(tree: js.Tree) extends MaybeGlobalScope - - final case class GlobalScope(pos: SourcePosition) extends MaybeGlobalScope - } - - /** Marker object for undefined parameters in JavaScript semantic calls. - * - * To be used inside a `js.Transient` node. - */ - case object UndefinedParam extends js.Transient.Value { - val tpe: jstpe.Type = jstpe.UndefType - - def traverse(traverser: ir.Traversers.Traverser): Unit = () - - def transform(transformer: ir.Transformers.Transformer, isStat: Boolean)( - implicit pos: ir.Position): js.Tree = { - js.Transient(this) - } - - def printIR(out: ir.Printers.IRTreePrinter): Unit = - out.print("") - } - - /** Info about a default param accessor. - * - * The method must have a default getter name for this class to make sense. - */ - private class DefaultParamInfo(sym: Symbol)(using Context) { - private val methodName = - - def isForConstructor: Boolean = methodName == nme.CONSTRUCTOR - - /** When `isForConstructor` is true, returns the owner of the attached - * constructor. - */ - def constructorOwner: Symbol = sym.owner.linkedClass - - /** When `isForConstructor` is false, returns the method attached to the - * specified default accessor. - */ - def attachedMethod: Symbol = { - // If there are overloads, we need to find the one that has default params. - val overloads = - if (!overloads.isOverloaded) - overloads.symbol - else - overloads.suchThat(, butNot = Bridge)).symbol - } - } - -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/sjs/JSDefinitions.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/sjs/JSDefinitions.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 964811c69e19..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/sjs/JSDefinitions.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,340 +0,0 @@ -package - -import scala.language.unsafeNulls - -import scala.annotation.threadUnsafe - -import -import Names._ -import Types._ -import Contexts._ -import Symbols._ -import StdNames._ - -import - -object JSDefinitions { - /** The Scala.js-specific definitions for the current context. */ - def jsdefn(using Context): JSDefinitions = - ctx.platform.asInstanceOf[SJSPlatform].jsDefinitions -} - -final class JSDefinitions()(using DetachedContext) { - - @threadUnsafe lazy val InlineAnnotType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("scala.inline") - def InlineAnnot(using Context) = InlineAnnotType.symbol.asClass - @threadUnsafe lazy val NoinlineAnnotType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("scala.noinline") - def NoinlineAnnot(using Context) = NoinlineAnnotType.symbol.asClass - - @threadUnsafe lazy val JavaLangVoidType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("java.lang.Void") - def JavaLangVoidClass(using Context) = JavaLangVoidType.symbol.asClass - - @threadUnsafe lazy val ScalaJSJSPackageVal = requiredPackage("scala.scalajs.js") - @threadUnsafe lazy val ScalaJSJSPackageClass = ScalaJSJSPackageVal.moduleClass.asClass - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSPackage_typeOfR = ScalaJSJSPackageClass.requiredMethodRef("typeOf") - def JSPackage_typeOf(using Context) = JSPackage_typeOfR.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSPackage_constructorOfR = ScalaJSJSPackageClass.requiredMethodRef("constructorOf") - def JSPackage_constructorOf(using Context) = JSPackage_constructorOfR.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSPackage_nativeR = ScalaJSJSPackageClass.requiredMethodRef("native") - def JSPackage_native(using Context) = JSPackage_nativeR.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSPackage_undefinedR = ScalaJSJSPackageClass.requiredMethodRef("undefined") - def JSPackage_undefined(using Context) = JSPackage_undefinedR.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSPackage_dynamicImportR = ScalaJSJSPackageClass.requiredMethodRef("dynamicImport") - def JSPackage_dynamicImport(using Context) = JSPackage_dynamicImportR.symbol - - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSNativeAnnotType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("scala.scalajs.js.native") - def JSNativeAnnot(using Context) = JSNativeAnnotType.symbol.asClass - - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSAnyType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("scala.scalajs.js.Any") - def JSAnyClass(using Context) = JSAnyType.symbol.asClass - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSObjectType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("scala.scalajs.js.Object") - def JSObjectClass(using Context) = JSObjectType.symbol.asClass - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSFunctionType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("scala.scalajs.js.Function") - def JSFunctionClass(using Context) = JSFunctionType.symbol.asClass - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSThisFunctionType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("scala.scalajs.js.ThisFunction") - def JSThisFunctionClass(using Context) = JSThisFunctionType.symbol.asClass - - @threadUnsafe lazy val PseudoUnionType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("scala.scalajs.js.|") - def PseudoUnionClass(using Context) = PseudoUnionType.symbol.asClass - - @threadUnsafe lazy val PseudoUnionModuleRef = requiredModuleRef("scala.scalajs.js.|") - def PseudoUnionModule(using Context) = PseudoUnionModuleRef.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val PseudoUnion_fromR = PseudoUnionModule.requiredMethodRef("from") - def PseudoUnion_from(using Context) = PseudoUnion_fromR.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val PseudoUnion_fromTypeConstructorR = PseudoUnionModule.requiredMethodRef("fromTypeConstructor") - def PseudoUnion_fromTypeConstructor(using Context) = PseudoUnion_fromTypeConstructorR.symbol - - @threadUnsafe lazy val UnionOpsModuleRef = requiredModuleRef("scala.scalajs.js.internal.UnitOps") - - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSArrayType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("scala.scalajs.js.Array") - def JSArrayClass(using Context) = JSArrayType.symbol.asClass - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSDynamicType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("scala.scalajs.js.Dynamic") - def JSDynamicClass(using Context) = JSDynamicType.symbol.asClass - - @threadUnsafe lazy val RuntimeExceptionType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("java.lang.RuntimeException") - def RuntimeExceptionClass(using Context) = RuntimeExceptionType.symbol.asClass - @threadUnsafe lazy val JavaScriptExceptionType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("scala.scalajs.js.JavaScriptException") - def JavaScriptExceptionClass(using Context) = JavaScriptExceptionType.symbol.asClass - - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSGlobalAnnotType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSGlobal") - def JSGlobalAnnot(using Context) = JSGlobalAnnotType.symbol.asClass - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSImportAnnotType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport") - def JSImportAnnot(using Context) = JSImportAnnotType.symbol.asClass - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSGlobalScopeAnnotType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSGlobalScope") - def JSGlobalScopeAnnot(using Context) = JSGlobalScopeAnnotType.symbol.asClass - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSNameAnnotType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSName") - def JSNameAnnot(using Context) = JSNameAnnotType.symbol.asClass - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSFullNameAnnotType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSFullName") - def JSFullNameAnnot(using Context) = JSFullNameAnnotType.symbol.asClass - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSBracketAccessAnnotType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSBracketAccess") - def JSBracketAccessAnnot(using Context) = JSBracketAccessAnnotType.symbol.asClass - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSBracketCallAnnotType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSBracketCall") - def JSBracketCallAnnot(using Context) = JSBracketCallAnnotType.symbol.asClass - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSExportTopLevelAnnotType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSExportTopLevel") - def JSExportTopLevelAnnot(using Context) = JSExportTopLevelAnnotType.symbol.asClass - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSExportAnnotType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSExport") - def JSExportAnnot(using Context) = JSExportAnnotType.symbol.asClass - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSExportStaticAnnotType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSExportStatic") - def JSExportStaticAnnot(using Context) = JSExportStaticAnnotType.symbol.asClass - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSExportAllAnnotType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSExportAll") - def JSExportAllAnnot(using Context) = JSExportAllAnnotType.symbol.asClass - - def JSAnnotPackage(using Context) = JSGlobalAnnot.owner.asClass - - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSTypeAnnotType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("scala.scalajs.js.annotation.internal.JSType") - def JSTypeAnnot(using Context) = JSTypeAnnotType.symbol.asClass - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSOptionalAnnotType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("scala.scalajs.js.annotation.internal.JSOptional") - def JSOptionalAnnot(using Context) = JSOptionalAnnotType.symbol.asClass - @threadUnsafe lazy val ExposedJSMemberAnnotType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("scala.scalajs.js.annotation.internal.ExposedJSMember") - def ExposedJSMemberAnnot(using Context) = ExposedJSMemberAnnotType.symbol.asClass - - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSImportNamespaceModuleRef = requiredModuleRef("scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport.Namespace") - def JSImportNamespaceModule(using Context) = JSImportNamespaceModuleRef.symbol - - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSAnyModuleRef = requiredModuleRef("scala.scalajs.js.Any") - def JSAnyModule(using Context) = JSAnyModuleRef.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSAny_fromFunctionR = (0 to 22).map(n => JSAnyModule.requiredMethodRef("fromFunction" + n)).toArray - def JSAny_fromFunction(n: Int)(using Context) = JSAny_fromFunctionR(n).symbol - - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSDynamicModuleRef = requiredModuleRef("scala.scalajs.js.Dynamic") - def JSDynamicModule(using Context) = JSDynamicModuleRef.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSDynamic_globalR = JSDynamicModule.requiredMethodRef("global") - def JSDynamic_global(using Context) = JSDynamic_globalR.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSDynamic_newInstanceR = JSDynamicModule.requiredMethodRef("newInstance") - def JSDynamic_newInstance(using Context) = JSDynamic_newInstanceR.symbol - - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSDynamicLiteralModuleRef = JSDynamicModule.moduleClass.requiredValueRef("literal") - def JSDynamicLiteralModule(using Context) = JSDynamicLiteralModuleRef.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSDynamicLiteral_applyDynamicNamedR = JSDynamicLiteralModule.requiredMethodRef("applyDynamicNamed") - def JSDynamicLiteral_applyDynamicNamed(using Context) = JSDynamicLiteral_applyDynamicNamedR.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSDynamicLiteral_applyDynamicR = JSDynamicLiteralModule.requiredMethodRef("applyDynamic") - def JSDynamicLiteral_applyDynamic(using Context) = JSDynamicLiteral_applyDynamicR.symbol - - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSObjectModuleRef = requiredModuleRef("scala.scalajs.js.Object") - def JSObjectModule(using Context) = JSObjectModuleRef.symbol - - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSArrayModuleRef = requiredModuleRef("scala.scalajs.js.Array") - def JSArrayModule(using Context) = JSArrayModuleRef.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSArray_applyR = JSArrayModule.requiredMethodRef(nme.apply) - def JSArray_apply(using Context) = JSArray_applyR.symbol - - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSThisFunctionModuleRef = requiredModuleRef("scala.scalajs.js.ThisFunction") - def JSThisFunctionModule(using Context) = JSThisFunctionModuleRef.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSThisFunction_fromFunctionR = (1 to 22).map(n => JSThisFunctionModule.requiredMethodRef("fromFunction" + n)).toArray - def JSThisFunction_fromFunction(n: Int)(using Context) = JSThisFunction_fromFunctionR(n - 1).symbol - - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSConstructorTagModuleRef = requiredModuleRef("scala.scalajs.js.ConstructorTag") - def JSConstructorTagModule(using Context) = JSConstructorTagModuleRef.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSConstructorTag_materializeR = JSConstructorTagModule.requiredMethodRef("materialize") - def JSConstructorTag_materialize(using Context) = JSConstructorTag_materializeR.symbol - - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSNewModuleRef = requiredModuleRef("") - def JSNewModule(using Context) = JSNewModuleRef.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSNew_targetR = JSNewModule.requiredMethodRef("target") - def JSNew_target(using Context) = JSNew_targetR.symbol - - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSImportModuleRef = requiredModuleRef("scala.scalajs.js.import") - def JSImportModule(using Context) = JSImportModuleRef.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSImport_applyR = JSImportModule.requiredMethodRef(nme.apply) - def JSImport_apply(using Context) = JSImport_applyR.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val JSImport_metaR = JSImportModule.requiredMethodRef("meta") - def JSImport_meta(using Context) = JSImport_metaR.symbol - - @threadUnsafe lazy val RuntimePackageVal = requiredPackage("scala.scalajs.runtime") - @threadUnsafe lazy val RuntimePackageClass = RuntimePackageVal.moduleClass.asClass - @threadUnsafe lazy val Runtime_toScalaVarArgsR = RuntimePackageClass.requiredMethodRef("toScalaVarArgs") - def Runtime_toScalaVarArgs(using Context) = Runtime_toScalaVarArgsR.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val Runtime_toJSVarArgsR = RuntimePackageClass.requiredMethodRef("toJSVarArgs") - def Runtime_toJSVarArgs(using Context) = Runtime_toJSVarArgsR.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val Runtime_privateFieldsSymbolR = RuntimePackageClass.requiredMethodRef("privateFieldsSymbol") - def Runtime_privateFieldsSymbol(using Context) = Runtime_privateFieldsSymbolR.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val Runtime_constructorOfR = RuntimePackageClass.requiredMethodRef("constructorOf") - def Runtime_constructorOf(using Context) = Runtime_constructorOfR.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val Runtime_newConstructorTagR = RuntimePackageClass.requiredMethodRef("newConstructorTag") - def Runtime_newConstructorTag(using Context) = Runtime_newConstructorTagR.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val Runtime_createInnerJSClassR = RuntimePackageClass.requiredMethodRef("createInnerJSClass") - def Runtime_createInnerJSClass(using Context) = Runtime_createInnerJSClassR.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val Runtime_createLocalJSClassR = RuntimePackageClass.requiredMethodRef("createLocalJSClass") - def Runtime_createLocalJSClass(using Context) = Runtime_createLocalJSClassR.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val Runtime_withContextualJSClassValueR = RuntimePackageClass.requiredMethodRef("withContextualJSClassValue") - def Runtime_withContextualJSClassValue(using Context) = Runtime_withContextualJSClassValueR.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val Runtime_linkingInfoR = RuntimePackageClass.requiredMethodRef("linkingInfo") - def Runtime_linkingInfo(using Context) = Runtime_linkingInfoR.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val Runtime_dynamicImportR = RuntimePackageClass.requiredMethodRef("dynamicImport") - def Runtime_dynamicImport(using Context) = Runtime_dynamicImportR.symbol - - @threadUnsafe lazy val DynamicImportThunkType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("scala.scalajs.runtime.DynamicImportThunk") - def DynamicImportThunkClass(using Context) = DynamicImportThunkType.symbol.asClass - @threadUnsafe lazy val DynamicImportThunkClass_applyR = DynamicImportThunkClass.requiredMethodRef(nme.apply) - def DynamicImportThunkClass_apply(using Context) = DynamicImportThunkClass_applyR.symbol - - @threadUnsafe lazy val SpecialPackageVal = requiredPackage("scala.scalajs.js.special") - @threadUnsafe lazy val SpecialPackageClass = SpecialPackageVal.moduleClass.asClass - @threadUnsafe lazy val Special_debuggerR = SpecialPackageClass.requiredMethodRef("debugger") - def Special_debugger(using Context) = Special_debuggerR.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val Special_deleteR = SpecialPackageClass.requiredMethodRef("delete") - def Special_delete(using Context) = Special_deleteR.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val Special_forinR = SpecialPackageClass.requiredMethodRef("forin") - def Special_forin(using Context) = Special_forinR.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val Special_inR = SpecialPackageClass.requiredMethodRef("in") - def Special_in(using Context) = Special_inR.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val Special_instanceofR = SpecialPackageClass.requiredMethodRef("instanceof") - def Special_instanceof(using Context) = Special_instanceofR.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val Special_strictEqualsR = SpecialPackageClass.requiredMethodRef("strictEquals") - def Special_strictEquals(using Context) = Special_strictEqualsR.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val Special_throwR = SpecialPackageClass.requiredMethodRef("throw") - def Special_throw(using Context) = Special_throwR.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val Special_tryCatchR = SpecialPackageClass.requiredMethodRef("tryCatch") - def Special_tryCatch(using Context) = Special_tryCatchR.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val Special_wrapAsThrowableR = SpecialPackageClass.requiredMethodRef("wrapAsThrowable") - def Special_wrapAsThrowable(using Context) = Special_wrapAsThrowableR.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val Special_unwrapFromThrowableR = SpecialPackageClass.requiredMethodRef("unwrapFromThrowable") - def Special_unwrapFromThrowable(using Context) = Special_unwrapFromThrowableR.symbol - - @threadUnsafe lazy val WrappedArrayType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("scala.scalajs.js.WrappedArray") - def WrappedArrayClass(using Context) = WrappedArrayType.symbol.asClass - - @threadUnsafe lazy val ScalaRunTime_isArrayR = defn.ScalaRuntimeModule.requiredMethodRef("isArray", List(???, ???)) - def ScalaRunTime_isArray(using Context): Symbol = ScalaRunTime_isArrayR.symbol - - @threadUnsafe lazy val BoxesRunTime_boxToCharacterR = defn.BoxesRunTimeModule.requiredMethodRef("boxToCharacter") - def BoxesRunTime_boxToCharacter(using Context): Symbol = BoxesRunTime_boxToCharacterR.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val BoxesRunTime_unboxToCharR = defn.BoxesRunTimeModule.requiredMethodRef("unboxToChar") - def BoxesRunTime_unboxToChar(using Context): Symbol = BoxesRunTime_unboxToCharR.symbol - - @threadUnsafe lazy val EnableReflectiveInstantiationAnnotType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("scala.scalajs.reflect.annotation.EnableReflectiveInstantiation") - def EnableReflectiveInstantiationAnnot(using Context) = EnableReflectiveInstantiationAnnotType.symbol.asClass - - @threadUnsafe lazy val ReflectModuleRef = requiredModuleRef("scala.scalajs.reflect.Reflect") - def ReflectModule(using Context) = ReflectModuleRef.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val Reflect_registerLoadableModuleClassR = ReflectModule.requiredMethodRef("registerLoadableModuleClass") - def Reflect_registerLoadableModuleClass(using Context) = Reflect_registerLoadableModuleClassR.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val Reflect_registerInstantiatableClassR = ReflectModule.requiredMethodRef("registerInstantiatableClass") - def Reflect_registerInstantiatableClass(using Context) = Reflect_registerInstantiatableClassR.symbol - - @threadUnsafe lazy val ReflectSelectableType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("scala.reflect.Selectable") - def ReflectSelectableClass(using Context) = ReflectSelectableType.symbol.asClass - @threadUnsafe lazy val ReflectSelectable_selectDynamicR = ReflectSelectableClass.requiredMethodRef("selectDynamic") - def ReflectSelectable_selectDynamic(using Context) = ReflectSelectable_selectDynamicR.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val ReflectSelectable_applyDynamicR = ReflectSelectableClass.requiredMethodRef("applyDynamic") - def ReflectSelectable_applyDynamic(using Context) = ReflectSelectable_applyDynamicR.symbol - - @threadUnsafe lazy val ReflectSelectableModuleRef = requiredModuleRef("scala.reflect.Selectable") - def ReflectSelectableModule(using Context) = ReflectSelectableModuleRef.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val ReflectSelectable_reflectiveSelectableR = ReflectSelectableModule.requiredMethodRef("reflectiveSelectable") - def ReflectSelectable_reflectiveSelectable(using Context) = ReflectSelectable_reflectiveSelectableR.symbol - - @threadUnsafe lazy val SelectableModuleRef = requiredModuleRef("scala.Selectable") - def SelectableModule(using Context) = SelectableModuleRef.symbol - @threadUnsafe lazy val Selectable_reflectiveSelectableFromLangReflectiveCallsR = SelectableModule.requiredMethodRef("reflectiveSelectableFromLangReflectiveCalls") - def Selectable_reflectiveSelectableFromLangReflectiveCalls(using Context) = Selectable_reflectiveSelectableFromLangReflectiveCallsR.symbol - - private var allRefClassesCache: Set[Symbol] = _ - def allRefClasses(using Context): Set[Symbol] = { - if (allRefClassesCache == null) { - val baseNames = List("Object", "Boolean", "Character", "Byte", "Short", - "Int", "Long", "Float", "Double") - val fullNames = baseNames.flatMap { base => - List(s"scala.runtime.${base}Ref", s"scala.runtime.Volatile${base}Ref") - } - allRefClassesCache = => requiredClass(name)).toSet - } - allRefClassesCache - } - - /** Definitions related to scala.Enumeration. */ - object scalaEnumeration { - val nmeValue = termName("Value") - val nmeVal = termName("Val") - val hasNext = termName("hasNext") - val next = termName("next") - - @threadUnsafe lazy val EnumerationClass = requiredClass("scala.Enumeration") - @threadUnsafe lazy val Enumeration_Value_NoArg = EnumerationClass.requiredValue(nmeValue) - @threadUnsafe lazy val Enumeration_Value_IntArg = EnumerationClass.requiredMethod(nmeValue, List(defn.IntType)) - @threadUnsafe lazy val Enumeration_Value_StringArg = EnumerationClass.requiredMethod(nmeValue, List(defn.StringType)) - @threadUnsafe lazy val Enumeration_Value_IntStringArg = EnumerationClass.requiredMethod(nmeValue, List(defn.IntType, defn.StringType)) - @threadUnsafe lazy val Enumeration_nextName = EnumerationClass.requiredMethod(termName("nextName")) - - @threadUnsafe lazy val EnumerationValClass = EnumerationClass.requiredClass("Val") - @threadUnsafe lazy val Enumeration_Val_NoArg = EnumerationValClass.requiredMethod(nme.CONSTRUCTOR, Nil) - @threadUnsafe lazy val Enumeration_Val_IntArg = EnumerationValClass.requiredMethod(nme.CONSTRUCTOR, List(defn.IntType)) - @threadUnsafe lazy val Enumeration_Val_StringArg = EnumerationValClass.requiredMethod(nme.CONSTRUCTOR, List(defn.StringType)) - @threadUnsafe lazy val Enumeration_Val_IntStringArg = EnumerationValClass.requiredMethod(nme.CONSTRUCTOR, List(defn.IntType, defn.StringType)) - - def isValueMethod(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean = - == nmeValue && sym.owner == EnumerationClass - - def isValueMethodNoName(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean = - isValueMethod(sym) && (sym == Enumeration_Value_NoArg || sym == Enumeration_Value_IntArg) - - def isValueMethodName(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean = - isValueMethod(sym) && (sym == Enumeration_Value_StringArg || sym == Enumeration_Value_IntStringArg) - - def isValCtor(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean = - sym.isClassConstructor && sym.owner == EnumerationValClass - - def isValCtorNoName(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean = - isValCtor(sym) && (sym == Enumeration_Val_NoArg || sym == Enumeration_Val_IntArg) - - def isValCtorName(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean = - isValCtor(sym) && (sym == Enumeration_Val_StringArg || sym == Enumeration_Val_IntStringArg) - } - - /** Definitions related to the treatment of JUnit bootstrappers. */ - object junit { - @threadUnsafe lazy val TestAnnotType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("org.junit.Test") - def TestAnnotClass(using Context): ClassSymbol = TestAnnotType.symbol.asClass - - @threadUnsafe lazy val BeforeAnnotType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("org.junit.Before") - def BeforeAnnotClass(using Context): ClassSymbol = BeforeAnnotType.symbol.asClass - - @threadUnsafe lazy val AfterAnnotType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("org.junit.After") - def AfterAnnotClass(using Context): ClassSymbol = AfterAnnotType.symbol.asClass - - @threadUnsafe lazy val BeforeClassAnnotType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("org.junit.BeforeClass") - def BeforeClassAnnotClass(using Context): ClassSymbol = BeforeClassAnnotType.symbol.asClass - - @threadUnsafe lazy val AfterClassAnnotType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("org.junit.AfterClass") - def AfterClassAnnotClass(using Context): ClassSymbol = AfterClassAnnotType.symbol.asClass - - @threadUnsafe lazy val IgnoreAnnotType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("org.junit.Ignore") - def IgnoreAnnotClass(using Context): ClassSymbol = IgnoreAnnotType.symbol.asClass - - @threadUnsafe lazy val BootstrapperType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("org.scalajs.junit.Bootstrapper") - - @threadUnsafe lazy val TestMetadataType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("org.scalajs.junit.TestMetadata") - - @threadUnsafe lazy val NoSuchMethodExceptionType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("java.lang.NoSuchMethodException") - - @threadUnsafe lazy val FutureType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("scala.concurrent.Future") - def FutureClass(using Context): ClassSymbol = FutureType.symbol.asClass - - @threadUnsafe private lazy val FutureModule_successfulR = requiredModule("scala.concurrent.Future").requiredMethodRef("successful") - def FutureModule_successful(using Context): Symbol = FutureModule_successfulR.symbol - - @threadUnsafe private lazy val SuccessModule_applyR = requiredModule("scala.util.Success").requiredMethodRef(nme.apply) - def SuccessModule_apply(using Context): Symbol = SuccessModule_applyR.symbol - } - -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/sjs/JSEncoding.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/sjs/JSEncoding.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 518295543610..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/sjs/JSEncoding.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,428 +0,0 @@ -package - -import scala.language.unsafeNulls - -import scala.collection.mutable - -import -import Contexts._ -import Flags._ -import Types._ -import Symbols._ -import NameOps._ -import Names._ -import StdNames._ - -import - -import -import{Trees => js, Types => jstpe} -import{LocalName, LabelName, FieldName, SimpleMethodName, MethodName, ClassName} -import -import -import - -import - -import JSDefinitions.jsdefn - -/** Encoding of symbol names for JavaScript - * - * Some issues that this encoding solves: - * * Overloading: encode the full signature in the JS name - * * Same scope for fields and methods of a class - * * Global access to classes and modules (by their full name) - * - * @author Sébastien Doeraene - */ -object JSEncoding { - - /** Name of the capture param storing the JS super class. - * - * This is used by the dispatchers of exposed JS methods and properties of - * nested JS classes when they need to perform a super call. Other super - * calls (in the actual bodies of the methods, not in the dispatchers) do - * not use this value, since they are implemented as static methods that do - * not have access to it. Instead, they get the JS super class value through - * the magic method inserted by `ExplicitLocalJS`, leveraging `lambdalift` - * to ensure that it is properly captured. - * - * Using this identifier is only allowed if it was reserved in the current - * local name scope using [[reserveLocalName]]. Otherwise, this name can - * clash with another local identifier. - */ - final val JSSuperClassParamName = LocalName("superClass$") - - private val ScalaRuntimeNothingClassName = ClassName("scala.runtime.Nothing$") - private val ScalaRuntimeNullClassName = ClassName("scala.runtime.Null$") - - private val dynamicImportForwarderSimpleName = SimpleMethodName("dynamicImport$") - - // Fresh local name generator ---------------------------------------------- - - class LocalNameGenerator { - import LocalNameGenerator._ - - private val usedLocalNames = mutable.Set.empty[LocalName] - private val localSymbolNames = mutable.Map.empty[Symbol, LocalName] - private val usedLabelNames = mutable.Set.empty[LabelName] - private val labelSymbolNames = mutable.Map.empty[Symbol, LabelName] - private var returnLabelName: Option[LabelName] = None - - def reserveLocalName(name: LocalName): Unit = { - require(usedLocalNames.isEmpty, - s"Trying to reserve the name '$name' but names have already been allocated") - usedLocalNames += name - } - - private def freshNameGeneric[N <: ir.Names.Name](base: N, usedNamesSet: mutable.Set[N])( - withSuffix: (N, String) => N): N = { - - var suffix = 1 - var result = base - while (usedNamesSet(result)) { - suffix += 1 - result = withSuffix(base, "$" + suffix) - } - usedNamesSet += result - result - } - - def freshName(base: LocalName): LocalName = - freshNameGeneric(base, usedLocalNames)(_.withSuffix(_)) - - def freshName(base: String): LocalName = - freshName(LocalName(base)) - - def freshLocalIdent()(implicit pos: ir.Position): js.LocalIdent = - js.LocalIdent(freshName(xLocalName)) - - def freshLocalIdent(base: LocalName)(implicit pos: ir.Position): js.LocalIdent = - js.LocalIdent(freshName(base)) - - def freshLocalIdent(base: String)(implicit pos: ir.Position): js.LocalIdent = - freshLocalIdent(LocalName(base)) - - def freshLocalIdent(base: TermName)(implicit pos: ir.Position): js.LocalIdent = - freshLocalIdent(base.mangledString) - - def localSymbolName(sym: Symbol)(using Context): LocalName = { - localSymbolNames.getOrElseUpdate(sym, { - /* The emitter does not like local variables that start with a '$', - * because it needs to encode them not to clash with emitter-generated - * names. There are two common cases, caused by scalac-generated names: - * - the `$this` parameter of tailrec methods and "extension" methods of - * AnyVals, which scalac knows as `nme.SELF`, and - * - the `$outer` parameter of inner class constructors, which scalac - * knows as `nme.OUTER`. - * We choose different base names for those two cases instead, so that - * the avoidance mechanism of the emitter doesn't happen as a common - * case. It can still happen for user-defined variables, but in that case - * the emitter will deal with it. - */ - val base = match { - case nme.SELF => "this$" // instead of $this - case nme.OUTER => "outer" // instead of $outer - case name => name.mangledString - } - freshName(base) - }) - } - - def freshLabelName(base: LabelName): LabelName = - freshNameGeneric(base, usedLabelNames)(_.withSuffix(_)) - - def freshLabelName(base: String): LabelName = - freshLabelName(LabelName(base)) - - def freshLabelIdent(base: String)(implicit pos: ir.Position): js.LabelIdent = - js.LabelIdent(freshLabelName(base)) - - def labelSymbolName(sym: Symbol)(using Context): LabelName = - labelSymbolNames.getOrElseUpdate(sym, freshLabelName(sym.javaSimpleName)) - - def getEnclosingReturnLabel()(implicit pos: ir.Position): js.LabelIdent = { - if (returnLabelName.isEmpty) - returnLabelName = Some(freshLabelName("_return")) - js.LabelIdent(returnLabelName.get) - } - - /* If this `LocalNameGenerator` has a `returnLabelName` (often added in the - * construction of the `body` argument), wrap the resulting js.Tree to use that label. - */ - def makeLabeledIfRequiresEnclosingReturn(tpe: jstpe.Type)(body: js.Tree)(implicit pos: ir.Position): js.Tree = { - returnLabelName match { - case None => - body - case Some(labelName) => - js.Labeled(js.LabelIdent(labelName), tpe, body) - } - } - } - - private object LocalNameGenerator { - private val xLocalName = LocalName("x") - } - - // Encoding methods ---------------------------------------------------------- - - def encodeLabelSym(sym: Symbol)( - implicit ctx: Context, pos: ir.Position, localNames: LocalNameGenerator): js.LabelIdent = { - require(, "encodeLabelSym called with non-label symbol: " + sym) - js.LabelIdent(localNames.labelSymbolName(sym)) - } - - def encodeFieldSym(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context, pos: ir.Position): js.FieldIdent = - js.FieldIdent(FieldName(encodeFieldSymAsString(sym))) - - def encodeFieldSymAsStringLiteral(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context, pos: ir.Position): js.StringLiteral = - js.StringLiteral(encodeFieldSymAsString(sym)) - - private def encodeFieldSymAsString(sym: Symbol)(using Context): String = { - require(sym.owner.isClass && sym.isTerm && !sym.isOneOf(MethodOrModule), - "encodeFieldSym called with non-field symbol: " + sym) - - val name0 = sym.javaSimpleName - if (name0.charAt(name0.length() - 1) != ' ') name0 - else name0.substring(0, name0.length() - 1) - } - - def encodeMethodSym(sym: Symbol, reflProxy: Boolean = false)( - implicit ctx: Context, pos: ir.Position): js.MethodIdent = { - require(, "encodeMethodSym called with non-method symbol: " + sym) - - val tpe = - - val paramTypeRefs0 = - - val hasExplicitThisParameter = ! && sym.owner.isNonNativeJSClass - val paramTypeRefs = - if (!hasExplicitThisParameter) paramTypeRefs0 - else encodeClassRef(sym.owner) :: paramTypeRefs0 - - val name = - val simpleName = SimpleMethodName(name.mangledString) - - val methodName = { - if (sym.isClassConstructor) - MethodName.constructor(paramTypeRefs) - else if (reflProxy) - MethodName.reflectiveProxy(simpleName, paramTypeRefs) - else - MethodName(simpleName, paramTypeRefs, paramOrResultTypeRef(patchedResultType(sym))) - } - - js.MethodIdent(methodName) - } - - def encodeJSNativeMemberSym(sym: Symbol)(using Context, ir.Position): js.MethodIdent = { - require(sym.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.JSNativeAnnot), - "encodeJSNativeMemberSym called with non-native symbol: " + sym) - if ( - encodeMethodSym(sym) - else - encodeFieldSymAsMethod(sym) - } - - def encodeStaticMemberSym(sym: Symbol)(using Context, ir.Position): js.MethodIdent = { - require(, - "encodeStaticMemberSym called with non-static symbol: " + sym) - encodeFieldSymAsMethod(sym) - } - - private def encodeFieldSymAsMethod(sym: Symbol)(using Context, ir.Position): js.MethodIdent = { - val name = - val resultTypeRef = paramOrResultTypeRef( - val methodName = MethodName(name.mangledString, Nil, resultTypeRef) - js.MethodIdent(methodName) - } - - def encodeDynamicImportForwarderIdent(params: List[Symbol])(using Context, ir.Position): js.MethodIdent = { - val paramTypeRefs = => paramOrResultTypeRef( - val resultTypeRef = jstpe.ClassRef(ir.Names.ObjectClass) - val methodName = MethodName(dynamicImportForwarderSimpleName, paramTypeRefs, resultTypeRef) - js.MethodIdent(methodName) - } - - /** Computes the type ref for a type, to be used in a method signature. */ - private def paramOrResultTypeRef(tpe: Type)(using Context): jstpe.TypeRef = - toParamOrResultTypeRef(toTypeRef(tpe)) - - def encodeLocalSym(sym: Symbol)( - implicit ctx: Context, pos: ir.Position, localNames: LocalNameGenerator): js.LocalIdent = { - require(!sym.owner.isClass && sym.isTerm && ! && !, - "encodeLocalSym called with non-local symbol: " + sym) - js.LocalIdent(localNames.localSymbolName(sym)) - } - - def encodeClassType(sym: Symbol)(using Context): jstpe.Type = { - if (sym == defn.ObjectClass) jstpe.AnyType - else if (sym.isJSType) jstpe.AnyType - else { - assert(sym != defn.ArrayClass, - "encodeClassType() cannot be called with ArrayClass") - jstpe.ClassType(encodeClassName(sym)) - } - } - - def encodeClassRef(sym: Symbol)(using Context): jstpe.ClassRef = - jstpe.ClassRef(encodeClassName(sym)) - - def encodeClassNameIdent(sym: Symbol)( - implicit ctx: Context, pos: ir.Position): js.ClassIdent = - js.ClassIdent(encodeClassName(sym)) - - def encodeClassName(sym: Symbol)(using Context): ClassName = { - val sym1 = - if (sym.isAllOf(ModuleClass | JavaDefined)) sym.linkedClass - else sym - - /* Some rewirings: - * - scala.runtime.BoxedUnit to java.lang.Void, as the IR expects. - * BoxedUnit$ is a JVM artifact. - * - scala.Nothing to scala.runtime.Nothing$. - * - scala.Null to scala.runtime.Null$. - */ - if (sym1 == defn.BoxedUnitClass) - ir.Names.BoxedUnitClass - else if (sym1 == defn.NothingClass) - ScalaRuntimeNothingClassName - else if (sym1 == defn.NullClass) - ScalaRuntimeNullClassName - else - ClassName(sym1.javaClassName) - } - - /** Converts a general TypeRef to a TypeRef to be used in a method signature. */ - def toParamOrResultTypeRef(typeRef: jstpe.TypeRef): jstpe.TypeRef = { - typeRef match { - case jstpe.ClassRef(ScalaRuntimeNullClassName) => jstpe.NullRef - case jstpe.ClassRef(ScalaRuntimeNothingClassName) => jstpe.NothingRef - case _ => typeRef - } - } - - def toIRTypeAndTypeRef(tp: Type)(using Context): (jstpe.Type, jstpe.TypeRef) = { - val typeRefInternal = toTypeRefInternal(tp) - (toIRTypeInternal(typeRefInternal), typeRefInternal._1) - } - - def toIRType(tp: Type)(using Context): jstpe.Type = - toIRTypeInternal(toTypeRefInternal(tp)) - - private def toIRTypeInternal(typeRefInternal: (jstpe.TypeRef, Symbol))(using Context): jstpe.Type = { - typeRefInternal._1 match { - case jstpe.PrimRef(irTpe) => - irTpe - - case typeRef: jstpe.ClassRef => - val sym = typeRefInternal._2 - if (sym == defn.ObjectClass || sym.isJSType) - jstpe.AnyType - else if (sym == defn.NothingClass) - jstpe.NothingType - else if (sym == defn.NullClass) - jstpe.NullType - else - jstpe.ClassType(typeRef.className) - - case typeRef: jstpe.ArrayTypeRef => - jstpe.ArrayType(typeRef) - } - } - - def toTypeRef(tp: Type)(using Context): jstpe.TypeRef = - toTypeRefInternal(tp)._1 - - private def toTypeRefInternal(tp: Type)(using Context): (jstpe.TypeRef, Symbol) = { - def primitiveOrClassToTypeRef(sym: Symbol): (jstpe.TypeRef, Symbol) = { - assert(sym.isClass, sym) - //assert(sym != defn.ArrayClass || isCompilingArray, sym) - val typeRef = if (sym.isPrimitiveValueClass) { - if (sym == defn.UnitClass) jstpe.VoidRef - else if (sym == defn.BooleanClass) jstpe.BooleanRef - else if (sym == defn.CharClass) jstpe.CharRef - else if (sym == defn.ByteClass) jstpe.ByteRef - else if (sym == defn.ShortClass) jstpe.ShortRef - else if (sym == defn.IntClass) jstpe.IntRef - else if (sym == defn.LongClass) jstpe.LongRef - else if (sym == defn.FloatClass) jstpe.FloatRef - else if (sym == defn.DoubleClass) jstpe.DoubleRef - else throw new Exception(s"unknown primitive value class $sym") - } else { - encodeClassRef(sym) - } - (typeRef, sym) - } - - /** - * When compiling Array.scala, the type parameter T is not erased and shows up in method - * signatures, e.g. `def apply(i: Int): T`. A TyperRef to T is replaced by ObjectReference. - */ - def nonClassTypeRefToTypeRef(sym: Symbol): (jstpe.TypeRef, Symbol) = { - //assert(sym.isType && isCompilingArray, sym) - (jstpe.ClassRef(ir.Names.ObjectClass), defn.ObjectClass) - } - - tp.widenDealias match { - // Array type such as Array[Int] (kept by erasure) - case JavaArrayType(el) => - val elTypeRef = toTypeRefInternal(el) - (jstpe.ArrayTypeRef.of(elTypeRef._1), elTypeRef._2) - - case t: TypeRef => - if (!t.symbol.isClass) nonClassTypeRefToTypeRef(t.symbol) // See comment on nonClassTypeRefToBType - else primitiveOrClassToTypeRef(t.symbol) // Common reference to a type such as scala.Int or java.lang.String - - case Types.ClassInfo(_, sym, _, _, _) => - /* We get here, for example, for genLoadModule, which invokes - * toTypeKind( - */ - primitiveOrClassToTypeRef(sym) - - /* AnnotatedType should (probably) be eliminated by erasure. However we know it happens for - * meta-annotated annotations (@(ann @getter) val x = 0), so we don't emit a warning. - * The type in the AnnotationInfo is an AnnotatedTpe. Tested in jvm/annotations.scala. - */ - case a @ AnnotatedType(t, _) => - //debuglog(s"typeKind of annotated type $a") - toTypeRefInternal(t) - } - } - - /** Patches the result type of a method symbol to sanitize it. - * - * For some reason, dotc thinks that the `info.resultType`of an - * `isConstructor` method (for classes or traits) is the enclosing class - * or trait, but the bodies and usages act as if the result type was `Unit`. - * - * This method returns `UnitType` for constructor methods, and otherwise - * ``. - */ - def patchedResultType(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Type = - if (sym.isConstructor) defn.UnitType - else - - def originalNameOfLocal(sym: Symbol)( - implicit ctx: Context, localNames: LocalNameGenerator): OriginalName = { - val irName = localNames.localSymbolName(sym) - val originalName = UTF8String( - if (UTF8String.equals(originalName, irName.encoded)) NoOriginalName - else OriginalName(originalName) - } - - def originalNameOfField(sym: Symbol)(using Context): OriginalName = - originalNameOf( - - def originalNameOfMethod(sym: Symbol)(using Context): OriginalName = - originalNameOf( - - def originalNameOfClass(sym: Symbol)(using Context): OriginalName = - originalNameOf(sym.fullName) - - private def originalNameOf(name: Name): OriginalName = { - val originalName = name.unexpandedName.toString - if (originalName == name.mangledString) NoOriginalName - else OriginalName(originalName) - } -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/sjs/JSExportsGen.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/sjs/JSExportsGen.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 82b69e6a16a7..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/sjs/JSExportsGen.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1025 +0,0 @@ -package - -import scala.language.unsafeNulls - -import scala.annotation.tailrec -import scala.collection.mutable - -import - -import Contexts._ -import Decorators._ -import Denotations._ -import Flags._ -import Names._ -import NameKinds.DefaultGetterName -import NameOps._ -import Phases._ -import Symbols._ -import Types._ -import TypeErasure.ErasedValueType - -import{SourcePosition, SrcPos} -import - -import{Position, Names => jsNames, Trees => js, Types => jstpe} -import -import -import -import - -import -import - -import JSEncoding._ - -final class JSExportsGen(jsCodeGen: JSCodeGen)(using Context) { - import jsCodeGen._ - import positionConversions._ - - /** Info for a non-member export. */ - sealed trait ExportInfo { - val pos: SourcePosition - } - - final case class TopLevelExportInfo(moduleID: String, jsName: String)(val pos: SourcePosition) extends ExportInfo - final case class StaticExportInfo(jsName: String)(val pos: SourcePosition) extends ExportInfo - - private sealed trait ExportKind - - private object ExportKind { - case object Module extends ExportKind - case object JSClass extends ExportKind - case object Constructor extends ExportKind - case object Method extends ExportKind - case object Property extends ExportKind - case object Field extends ExportKind - - def apply(sym: Symbol): ExportKind = { - if ( && sym.isStatic) Module - else if (sym.isClass) JSClass - else if (sym.isConstructor) Constructor - else if (! Field - else if (sym.isJSProperty) Property - else Method - } - } - - private def topLevelExportsOf(sym: Symbol): List[TopLevelExportInfo] = { - def isScalaClass(sym: Symbol): Boolean = - sym.isClass && !sym.isOneOf(Module | Trait) && !sym.isJSType - - if (isScalaClass(sym)) { - // Scala classes are never exported; their constructors are - Nil - } else if ( ||, butNot = ModuleClass)) { - /* - Accessors receive the `@JSExportTopLevel` annotation of their associated field, - * but only the field is really exported. - * - Module values are not exported; their module class takes care of the export. - */ - Nil - } else { - val symForAnnot = - if (sym.isConstructor && isScalaClass(sym.owner)) sym.owner - else sym - - symForAnnot.annotations.collect { - case annot if annot.symbol == jsdefn.JSExportTopLevelAnnot => - val jsName = annot.argumentConstantString(0).get - val moduleID = annot.argumentConstantString(1).getOrElse(DefaultModuleID) - TopLevelExportInfo(moduleID, jsName)(annot.tree.sourcePos) - } - } - } - - private def staticExportsOf(sym: Symbol): List[StaticExportInfo] = { - if ( { - Nil - } else { - sym.annotations.collect { - case annot if annot.symbol == jsdefn.JSExportStaticAnnot => - val jsName = annot.argumentConstantString(0).getOrElse { - sym.defaultJSName - } - StaticExportInfo(jsName)(annot.tree.sourcePos) - } - } - } - - private def checkSameKind(tups: List[(ExportInfo, Symbol)]): Option[ExportKind] = { - assert(tups.nonEmpty, "must have at least one export") - - val firstSym = tups.head._2 - val overallKind = ExportKind(firstSym) - var bad = false - - for ((info, sym) <- tups.tail) { - val kind = ExportKind(sym) - - if (kind != overallKind) { - bad = true - report.error( - em"export overload conflicts with export of $firstSym: they are of different types (${kind.tryToShow} / ${overallKind.tryToShow})", - info.pos) - } - } - - if (bad) None - else Some(overallKind) - } - - private def checkSingleField(tups: List[(ExportInfo, Symbol)]): Symbol = { - assert(tups.nonEmpty, "must have at least one export") - - val firstSym = tups.head._2 - - for ((info, _) <- tups.tail) { - report.error( - em"export overload conflicts with export of $firstSym: a field may not share its exported name with another export", - info.pos) - } - - firstSym - } - - def genTopLevelExports(classSym: ClassSymbol): List[js.TopLevelExportDef] = { - val exports = for { - sym <- classSym :: - info <- topLevelExportsOf(sym) - } yield { - (info, sym) - } - - (for { - (info, tups) <- exports.groupBy(_._1) - kind <- checkSameKind(tups) - } yield { - import ExportKind._ - - implicit val pos = info.pos - - kind match { - case Module => - js.TopLevelModuleExportDef(info.moduleID, info.jsName) - - case JSClass => - assert(classSym.isNonNativeJSClass, "found export on non-JS class") - js.TopLevelJSClassExportDef(info.moduleID, info.jsName) - - case Constructor | Method => - val exported = - - val methodDef = withNewLocalNameScope { - genExportMethod(exported, JSName.Literal(info.jsName), static = true) - } - - js.TopLevelMethodExportDef(info.moduleID, methodDef) - - case Property => - throw new AssertionError("found top-level exported property") - - case Field => - val sym = checkSingleField(tups) - js.TopLevelFieldExportDef(info.moduleID, info.jsName, encodeFieldSym(sym)) - } - }).toList - } - - def genStaticExports(classSym: Symbol): List[js.MemberDef] = { - val exports = for { - sym <- - info <- staticExportsOf(sym) - } yield { - (info, sym) - } - - (for { - (info, tups) <- exports.groupBy(_._1) - kind <- checkSameKind(tups) - } yield { - def alts = - - implicit val pos = info.pos - - import ExportKind._ - - kind match { - case Method => - genMemberExportOrDispatcher(JSName.Literal(info.jsName), isProp = false, alts, static = true) - - case Property => - genMemberExportOrDispatcher(JSName.Literal(info.jsName), isProp = true, alts, static = true) - - case Field => - val sym = checkSingleField(tups) - - // static fields must always be mutable - val flags = js.MemberFlags.empty - .withNamespace(js.MemberNamespace.PublicStatic) - .withMutable(true) - val name = js.StringLiteral(info.jsName) - val irTpe = genExposedFieldIRType(sym) - js.JSFieldDef(flags, name, irTpe) - - case kind => - throw new AssertionError(s"unexpected static export kind: $kind") - } - }).toList - } - - /** Generates exported methods and properties for a class. - * - * @param classSym symbol of the class we export for - */ - def genMemberExports(classSym: ClassSymbol): List[js.MemberDef] = { - val classInfo = - val allExports = classInfo.memberDenots(takeAllFilter, { (name, buf) => - if (isExportName(name)) - buf ++= classInfo.member(name).alternatives - }) - - val newlyDeclaredExports = if (classSym.superClass == NoSymbol) { - allExports - } else { - allExports.filterNot { denot => - =:= - } - } - - val newlyDeclaredExportNames = - -, _)) - } - - private def genMemberExport(classSym: ClassSymbol, name: TermName): js.MemberDef = { - /* This used to be `.member(name)`, but it caused #3538, since we were - * sometimes selecting mixin forwarders, whose type history does not go - * far enough back in time to see varargs. We now explicitly exclude - * mixed-in members in addition to bridge methods (the latter are always - * excluded by `.member(name)`). - */ - val alts = classSym - .findMemberNoShadowingBasedOnFlags(name, classSym.appliedRef, required = Method, excluded = Bridge | MixedIn) - .alternatives - - assert(!alts.isEmpty, - em"""Ended up with no alternatives for ${classSym.fullName}::$name. - |Original set was ${alts} with types ${}""") - - val (jsName, isProp) = exportNameInfo(name) - - // Check if we have a conflicting export of the other kind - val conflicting =, !isProp)) - - if (conflicting.exists) { - val kind = if (isProp) "property" else "method" - val conflictingMember = conflicting.alternatives.head.symbol.fullName - val errorPos: SrcPos = == classSym) match { - case Nil => classSym - case altsInClass => altsInClass.minBy(_.span.point) - } - report.error(em"Exported $kind $jsName conflicts with $conflictingMember", errorPos) - } - - genMemberExportOrDispatcher(JSName.Literal(jsName), isProp,, static = false) - } - - def genJSClassDispatchers(classSym: Symbol, dispatchMethodsNames: List[JSName]): List[js.MemberDef] = { -, _)) - } - - private def genJSClassDispatcher(classSym: Symbol, name: JSName): js.MemberDef = { - val alts = = Method, excluded = Bridge) - .map(_.symbol) - .filter { sym => - /* scala-js#3939: Object is not a "real" superclass of JS types. - * as such, its methods do not participate in overload resolution. - * An exception is toString, which is handled specially in genExportMethod. - */ - sym.owner != defn.ObjectClass && sym.jsName == name - } - .toList - - assert(!alts.isEmpty, s"Ended up with no alternatives for ${classSym.fullName}::$name.") - - val (propSyms, methodSyms) = alts.partition(_.isJSProperty) - val isProp = propSyms.nonEmpty - - if (isProp && methodSyms.nonEmpty) { - val firstAlt = alts.head - report.error( - em"Conflicting properties and methods for ${classSym.fullName}::$name.", - firstAlt.srcPos) - implicit val pos = firstAlt.span - js.JSPropertyDef(js.MemberFlags.empty, genExpr(name)(firstAlt.sourcePos), None, None) - } else { - genMemberExportOrDispatcher(name, isProp, alts, static = false) - } - } - - private def genMemberExportOrDispatcher(jsName: JSName, isProp: Boolean, - alts: List[Symbol], static: Boolean): js.MemberDef = { - withNewLocalNameScope { - if (isProp) - genExportProperty(alts, jsName, static) - else - genExportMethod(alts, jsName, static) - } - } - - private def genExportProperty(alts: List[Symbol], jsName: JSName, static: Boolean): js.JSPropertyDef = { - assert(!alts.isEmpty, s"genExportProperty with empty alternatives for $jsName") - - implicit val pos: Position = alts.head.span - - val namespace = - if (static) js.MemberNamespace.PublicStatic - else js.MemberNamespace.Public - val flags = js.MemberFlags.empty.withNamespace(namespace) - - /* Separate getters and setters. Since we only have getters and setters, we - * simply test the param list size, which is faster than using the full isJSGetter. - */ - val (getter, setters) = alts.partition( - - // We can have at most one getter - if (getter.sizeIs > 1) - reportCannotDisambiguateError(jsName, alts) - - val getterBody = { getterSym => - genApplyForSingleExported(new FormalArgsRegistry(0, false), new ExportedSymbol(getterSym, static), static) - } - - val setterArgAndBody = { - if (setters.isEmpty) { - None - } else { - val formalArgsRegistry = new FormalArgsRegistry(1, false) - val (List(arg), None) = formalArgsRegistry.genFormalArgs(): @unchecked - val body = genOverloadDispatchSameArgc(jsName, formalArgsRegistry, - ExportedSymbol(_, static)), jstpe.AnyType, None) - Some((arg, body)) - } - } - - js.JSPropertyDef(flags, genExpr(jsName)(alts.head.sourcePos), getterBody, setterArgAndBody) - } - - private def genExportMethod(alts0: List[Symbol], jsName: JSName, static: Boolean)(using Context): js.JSMethodDef = { - assert(alts0.nonEmpty, "need at least one alternative to generate exporter method") - - implicit val pos: SourcePosition = alts0.head.sourcePos - - val namespace = - if (static) js.MemberNamespace.PublicStatic - else js.MemberNamespace.Public - val flags = js.MemberFlags.empty.withNamespace(namespace) - - // toString() is always exported. We might need to add it here to get correct overloading. - val alts = jsName match { - case JSName.Literal("toString") if alts0.forall( => - defn.Any_toString :: alts0 - case _ => - alts0 - } - - val overloads = ExportedSymbol(_, static)) - - val (formalArgs, restParam, body) = - genOverloadDispatch(jsName, overloads, jstpe.AnyType) - - js.JSMethodDef(flags, genExpr(jsName), formalArgs, restParam, body)( - OptimizerHints.empty, None) - } - - def genOverloadDispatch(jsName: JSName, alts: List[Exported], tpe: jstpe.Type)( - using pos: SourcePosition): (List[js.ParamDef], Option[js.ParamDef], js.Tree) = { - - // Create the formal args registry - val hasVarArg = alts.exists(_.hasRepeatedParam) - val minArgc = - val maxNonRepeatedArgc = - val needsRestParam = maxNonRepeatedArgc != minArgc || hasVarArg - val formalArgsRegistry = new FormalArgsRegistry(minArgc, needsRestParam) - - // Generate the list of formal parameters - val (formalArgs, restParam) = formalArgsRegistry.genFormalArgs() - - /* Generate the body - * We have a fast-path for methods that are not overloaded. In addition to - * being a fast path, it does a better job than `genExportMethodMultiAlts` - * when the only alternative has default parameters, because it avoids a - * spurious dispatch. - * In scalac, the spurious dispatch was avoided by a more elaborate case - * generation in `genExportMethod`, which was very convoluted and was not - * ported to dotc. - */ - val body = - if (alts.tail.isEmpty) alts.head.genBody(formalArgsRegistry) - else genExportMethodMultiAlts(formalArgsRegistry, maxNonRepeatedArgc, alts, tpe, jsName) - - (formalArgs, restParam, body) - } - - private def genExportMethodMultiAlts(formalArgsRegistry: FormalArgsRegistry, - maxNonRepeatedArgc: Int, alts: List[Exported], tpe: jstpe.Type, jsName: JSName)( - implicit pos: SourcePosition): js.Tree = { - - // Generate tuples (argc, method) - val methodArgCounts = for { - alt <- alts - argc <- alt.minArgc to (if (alt.hasRepeatedParam) maxNonRepeatedArgc else alt.maxNonRepeatedArgc) - } yield { - (argc, alt) - } - - // Create a list of (argCount -> methods), sorted by argCount (methods may appear multiple times) - val methodsByArgCount: List[(Int, List[Exported])] = - methodArgCounts.groupMap(_._1)(_._2).toList.sortBy(_._1) // sort for determinism - - val altsWithVarArgs = alts.filter(_.hasRepeatedParam) - - // Generate a case block for each (argCount, methods) tuple - // TODO? We could optimize this a bit by putting together all the `argCount`s that have the same methods - // (Scala.js for scalac does that, but the code is very convoluted and it's not clear that it is worth it). - val cases = for { - (argc, methods) <- methodsByArgCount - if methods != altsWithVarArgs // exclude default case we're generating anyways for varargs - } yield { - // body of case to disambiguates methods with current count - val caseBody = genOverloadDispatchSameArgc(jsName, formalArgsRegistry, methods, tpe, Some(argc)) - List(js.IntLiteral(argc - formalArgsRegistry.minArgc)) -> caseBody - } - - def defaultCase = { - if (altsWithVarArgs.isEmpty) - genThrowTypeError() - else - genOverloadDispatchSameArgc(jsName, formalArgsRegistry, altsWithVarArgs, tpe, None) - } - - val body = { - if (cases.isEmpty) { - defaultCase - } else if (cases.tail.isEmpty && altsWithVarArgs.isEmpty) { - cases.head._2 - } else { - val restArgRef = formalArgsRegistry.genRestArgRef() - js.Match( - js.AsInstanceOf(js.JSSelect(restArgRef, js.StringLiteral("length")), jstpe.IntType), - cases, - defaultCase)( - tpe) - } - } - - body - } - - /** Resolves method calls to [[alts]] while assuming they have the same parameter count. - * - * @param jsName - * The JS name of the method, for error reporting - * @param formalArgsRegistry - * The registry of all the formal arguments - * @param alts - * Alternative methods - * @param tpe - * Result type - * @param maxArgc - * Maximum number of arguments to use for disambiguation - */ - private def genOverloadDispatchSameArgc(jsName: JSName, formalArgsRegistry: FormalArgsRegistry, - alts: List[Exported], tpe: jstpe.Type, maxArgc: Option[Int]): js.Tree = { - genOverloadDispatchSameArgcRec(jsName, formalArgsRegistry, alts, tpe, paramIndex = 0, maxArgc) - } - - /** Resolves method calls to [[alts]] while assuming they have the same parameter count. - * - * @param jsName - * The JS name of the method, for error reporting - * @param formalArgsRegistry - * The registry of all the formal arguments - * @param alts - * Alternative methods - * @param tpe - * Result type - * @param paramIndex - * Index where to start disambiguation (starts at 0, increases through recursion) - * @param maxArgc - * Maximum number of arguments to use for disambiguation - */ - private def genOverloadDispatchSameArgcRec(jsName: JSName, formalArgsRegistry: FormalArgsRegistry, - alts: List[Exported], tpe: jstpe.Type, paramIndex: Int, maxArgc: Option[Int]): js.Tree = { - - implicit val pos = alts.head.pos - - if (alts.sizeIs == 1) { - alts.head.genBody(formalArgsRegistry) - } else if (maxArgc.exists(_ <= paramIndex) || !alts.exists(_.params.size > paramIndex)) { - // We reach here in three cases: - // 1. The parameter list has been exhausted - // 2. The optional argument count restriction has triggered - // 3. We only have (more than once) repeated parameters left - // Therefore, we should fail - reportCannotDisambiguateError(jsName, - js.Undefined() - } else { - val altsByTypeTest = groupByWithoutHashCode(alts) { exported => - typeTestForTpe(exported.exportArgTypeAt(paramIndex)) - } - - if (altsByTypeTest.size == 1) { - // Testing this parameter is not doing any us good - genOverloadDispatchSameArgcRec(jsName, formalArgsRegistry, alts, tpe, paramIndex + 1, maxArgc) - } else { - // Sort them so that, e.g., isInstanceOf[String] comes before isInstanceOf[Object] - val sortedAltsByTypeTest = topoSortDistinctsWith(altsByTypeTest) { (lhs, rhs) => - (lhs._1, rhs._1) match { - // NoTypeTest is always last - case (_, NoTypeTest) => true - case (NoTypeTest, _) => false - - case (PrimitiveTypeTest(_, rank1), PrimitiveTypeTest(_, rank2)) => - rank1 <= rank2 - - case (InstanceOfTypeTest(t1), InstanceOfTypeTest(t2)) => - t1 <:< t2 - - case (_: PrimitiveTypeTest, _: InstanceOfTypeTest) => true - case (_: InstanceOfTypeTest, _: PrimitiveTypeTest) => false - } - } - - val defaultCase = genThrowTypeError() - - sortedAltsByTypeTest.foldRight[js.Tree](defaultCase) { (elem, elsep) => - val (typeTest, subAlts) = elem - implicit val pos = subAlts.head.pos - - val paramRef = formalArgsRegistry.genArgRef(paramIndex) - val genSubAlts = genOverloadDispatchSameArgcRec(jsName, formalArgsRegistry, - subAlts, tpe, paramIndex + 1, maxArgc) - - def hasDefaultParam = subAlts.exists(_.hasDefaultAt(paramIndex)) - - val optCond = typeTest match { - case PrimitiveTypeTest(tpe, _) => Some(js.IsInstanceOf(paramRef, tpe)) - case InstanceOfTypeTest(tpe) => Some(genIsInstanceOf(paramRef, tpe)) - case NoTypeTest => None - } - - optCond.fold[js.Tree] { - genSubAlts // note: elsep is discarded, obviously - } { cond => - val condOrUndef = if (!hasDefaultParam) cond else { - js.If(cond, js.BooleanLiteral(true), - js.BinaryOp(js.BinaryOp.===, paramRef, js.Undefined()))( - jstpe.BooleanType) - } - js.If(condOrUndef, genSubAlts, elsep)(tpe) - } - } - } - } - } - - private def reportCannotDisambiguateError(jsName: JSName, alts: List[Symbol]): Unit = { - val currentClass = currentClassSym.get - - /* Find a position that is in the current class for decent error reporting. - * If there are more than one, always use the "highest" one (i.e., the - * one coming last in the source text) so that we reliably display the - * same error in all compilers. - */ - val validPositions = alts.collect { - case alt if alt.owner == currentClass => alt.sourcePos - } - val pos: SourcePosition = - if (validPositions.isEmpty) currentClass.sourcePos - else validPositions.maxBy(_.point) - - val kind = - if (alts.head.isJSGetter) "getter" - else if (alts.head.isJSSetter) "setter" - else "method" - - val fullKind = - if (currentClass.isJSType) kind - else "exported " + kind - - val displayName = jsName.displayName - val altsTypesInfo ="\n ") - - report.error( - em"Cannot disambiguate overloads for $fullKind $displayName with types\n $altsTypesInfo", - pos) - } - - /** Generates a call to the method represented by the given `exported` while using the formalArguments - * and potentially the argument array. - * - * Also inserts default parameters if required. - */ - private def genApplyForSingleExported(formalArgsRegistry: FormalArgsRegistry, - exported: Exported, static: Boolean): js.Tree = { - if (currentClassSym.isJSType && exported.sym.owner != currentClassSym.get) { - assert(!static, s"nonsensical JS super call in static export of ${exported.sym}") - genApplyForSingleExportedJSSuperCall(formalArgsRegistry, exported) - } else { - genApplyForSingleExportedNonJSSuperCall(formalArgsRegistry, exported, static) - } - } - - private def genApplyForSingleExportedJSSuperCall( - formalArgsRegistry: FormalArgsRegistry, exported: Exported): js.Tree = { - implicit val pos = exported.pos - - val sym = exported.sym - assert(!sym.isClassConstructor, - s"Trying to genApplyForSingleExportedJSSuperCall for the constructor ${sym.fullName}") - - val allArgs = formalArgsRegistry.genAllArgsRefsForForwarder() - - val superClass = { - val superClassSym = currentClassSym.asClass.superClass - if (superClassSym.isNestedJSClass) - js.VarRef(js.LocalIdent(JSSuperClassParamName))(jstpe.AnyType) - else - js.LoadJSConstructor(encodeClassName(superClassSym)) - } - - val receiver = js.This()(currentThisType) - val nameTree = genExpr(sym.jsName) - - if (sym.isJSGetter) { - assert(allArgs.isEmpty, - s"getter symbol $sym does not have a getter signature") - js.JSSuperSelect(superClass, receiver, nameTree) - } else if (sym.isJSSetter) { - assert(allArgs.size == 1 && allArgs.head.isInstanceOf[js.Tree], - s"setter symbol $sym does not have a setter signature") - js.Assign(js.JSSuperSelect(superClass, receiver, nameTree), - allArgs.head.asInstanceOf[js.Tree]) - } else { - js.JSSuperMethodCall(superClass, receiver, nameTree, allArgs) - } - } - - private def genApplyForSingleExportedNonJSSuperCall( - formalArgsRegistry: FormalArgsRegistry, exported: Exported, static: Boolean): js.Tree = { - - implicit val pos = exported.pos - - val varDefs = new mutable.ListBuffer[js.VarDef] - - for ((param, i) <- exported.params.zipWithIndex) { - val rhs = genScalaArg(exported, i, formalArgsRegistry, param, static, captures = Nil)( - prevArgsCount => varDefs.take(prevArgsCount) - - varDefs += js.VarDef(freshLocalIdent("prep" + i), NoOriginalName, rhs.tpe, mutable = false, rhs) - } - - val builtVarDefs = varDefs.result() - - val jsResult = genResult(exported,, static) - - js.Block(builtVarDefs :+ jsResult) - } - - /** Generates a Scala argument from dispatched JavaScript arguments - * (unboxing and default parameter handling). - */ - def genScalaArg(exported: Exported, paramIndex: Int, formalArgsRegistry: FormalArgsRegistry, - param: JSParamInfo, static: Boolean, captures: List[js.Tree])( - previousArgsValues: Int => List[js.Tree])( - implicit pos: SourcePosition): js.Tree = { - - if (param.repeated) { - genJSArrayToVarArgs(formalArgsRegistry.genVarargRef(paramIndex)) - } else { - val jsArg = formalArgsRegistry.genArgRef(paramIndex) - - // Unboxed argument (if it is defined) - val unboxedArg = unbox(jsArg, - - if (exported.hasDefaultAt(paramIndex)) { - // If argument is undefined and there is a default getter, call it - js.If(js.BinaryOp(js.BinaryOp.===, jsArg, js.Undefined()), { - genCallDefaultGetter(exported.sym, paramIndex, static, captures)(previousArgsValues) - }, { - unboxedArg - })(unboxedArg.tpe) - } else { - // Otherwise, it is always the unboxed argument - unboxedArg - } - } - } - - def genCallDefaultGetter(sym: Symbol, paramIndex: Int, - static: Boolean, captures: List[js.Tree])( - previousArgsValues: Int => List[js.Tree])( - implicit pos: SourcePosition): js.Tree = { - - val targetSym = targetSymForDefaultGetter(sym) - val defaultGetterDenot = this.defaultGetterDenot(targetSym, sym, paramIndex) - - assert(defaultGetterDenot.exists, s"need default getter for method ${sym.fullName}") - assert(!defaultGetterDenot.isOverloaded, i"found overloaded default getter $defaultGetterDenot") - val defaultGetter = defaultGetterDenot.symbol - - val targetTree = { - if (sym.isClassConstructor || static) { - if (targetSym.isStatic) { - assert(captures.isEmpty, i"expected empty captures for ${targetSym.fullName} at $pos") - genLoadModule(targetSym) - } else { - assert(captures.sizeIs == 1, "expected exactly one capture") - - // Find the module accessor. We cannot use memberBasedOnFlags because of scala-js/scala-js#4526. - val outer = targetSym.originalOwner - val name = atPhase(typerPhase)( - val modAccessor = { denot => - && == name - }.getOrElse { - throw new AssertionError(i"could not find module accessor for ${targetSym.fullName} at $pos") - }.symbol - - val receiver = captures.head - if (outer.isJSType) - genApplyJSClassMethod(receiver, modAccessor, Nil) - else - genApplyMethodMaybeStatically(receiver, modAccessor, Nil) - } - } else { - js.This()(currentThisType) - } - } - - // Pass previous arguments to defaultGetter - val defaultGetterArgs = previousArgsValues( - - val callGetter = if (targetSym.isJSType) { - if (defaultGetter.owner.isNonNativeJSClass) { - if (defaultGetter.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.JSOptionalAnnot)) - js.Undefined() - else - genApplyJSClassMethod(targetTree, defaultGetter, defaultGetterArgs) - } else if (defaultGetter.owner == targetSym) { - /* We get here if a non-native constructor has a native companion. - * This is reported on a per-class level. - */ - assert(sym.isClassConstructor, - s"got non-constructor method $sym with default method in JS native companion") - js.Undefined() - } else { - report.error( - "When overriding a native method with default arguments, " + - "the overriding method must explicitly repeat the default arguments.", - sym.srcPos) - js.Undefined() - } - } else { - genApplyMethod(targetTree, defaultGetter, defaultGetterArgs) - } - - // #15419 If the getter returns void, we must "box" it by returning undefined - if (callGetter.tpe == jstpe.NoType) - js.Block(callGetter, js.Undefined()) - else - callGetter - } - - private def targetSymForDefaultGetter(sym: Symbol): Symbol = - if (sym.isClassConstructor) sym.owner.companionModule.moduleClass - else sym.owner - - private def defaultGetterDenot(targetSym: Symbol, sym: Symbol, paramIndex: Int): Denotation = -, paramIndex), excluded = Bridge) - - private def defaultGetterDenot(sym: Symbol, paramIndex: Int): Denotation = - defaultGetterDenot(targetSymForDefaultGetter(sym), sym, paramIndex) - - /** Generate the final forwarding call to the exported method. */ - private def genResult(exported: Exported, args: List[js.Tree], static: Boolean)( - implicit pos: SourcePosition): js.Tree = { - - val sym = exported.sym - val currentClass = currentClassSym.get - - def receiver = - if (static) genLoadModule(sym.owner) - else js.This()(currentThisType) - - def boxIfNeeded(call: js.Tree): js.Tree = - box(call, atPhase(elimErasedValueTypePhase)( - - if (currentClass.isNonNativeJSClass) { - assert(sym.owner == currentClass, sym.fullName) - boxIfNeeded(genApplyJSClassMethod(receiver, sym, args)) - } else { - if (sym.isClassConstructor) - js.New(encodeClassName(currentClass), encodeMethodSym(sym), args) - else if (sym.isPrivate) - boxIfNeeded(genApplyMethodStatically(receiver, sym, args)) - else - boxIfNeeded(genApplyMethod(receiver, sym, args)) - } - } - - private def genThrowTypeError(msg: String = "No matching overload")(implicit pos: Position): js.Tree = - js.Throw(js.JSNew(js.JSGlobalRef("TypeError"), js.StringLiteral(msg) :: Nil)) - - abstract class Exported( - val sym: Symbol, - // Parameters participating in overload resolution. - val params: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[JSParamInfo] - ) { - assert(!params.exists(_.capture), "illegal capture params in Exported") - - private val paramsHasDefault = { - if (!atPhase(elimRepeatedPhase)(sym.hasDefaultParams)) { - Vector.empty - } else { - val targetSym = targetSymForDefaultGetter(sym) - => defaultGetterDenot(targetSym, sym, i).exists) - } - } - - def hasDefaultAt(paramIndex: Int): Boolean = - paramIndex < paramsHasDefault.size && paramsHasDefault(paramIndex) - - val hasRepeatedParam = params.nonEmpty && params.last.repeated - - val minArgc = { - // Find the first default param or repeated param - params - .indices - .find(i => hasDefaultAt(i) || params(i).repeated) - .getOrElse(params.size) - } - - val maxNonRepeatedArgc = if (hasRepeatedParam) params.size - 1 else params.size - - def pos: SourcePosition = sym.sourcePos - - def exportArgTypeAt(paramIndex: Int): Type = { - if (paramIndex < params.length) { - params(paramIndex).info - } else { - assert(hasRepeatedParam, i"$sym does not have varargs nor enough params for $paramIndex") - - } - } - - def typeInfo: String = - - def genBody(formalArgsRegistry: FormalArgsRegistry): js.Tree - } - - private class ExportedSymbol(sym: Symbol, static: Boolean) - extends Exported(sym, sym.jsParamInfos.toIndexedSeq) { - - def genBody(formalArgsRegistry: FormalArgsRegistry): js.Tree = - genApplyForSingleExported(formalArgsRegistry, this, static) - } - - // !!! Hash codes of RTTypeTest are meaningless because of InstanceOfTypeTest - private sealed abstract class RTTypeTest - - private case class PrimitiveTypeTest(tpe: jstpe.Type, rank: Int) extends RTTypeTest - - // !!! This class does not have a meaningful hash code - private case class InstanceOfTypeTest(tpe: Type) extends RTTypeTest { - override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = { - that match { - case InstanceOfTypeTest(thatTpe) => tpe =:= thatTpe - case _ => false - } - } - } - - private case object NoTypeTest extends RTTypeTest - - /** Very simple O(n²) topological sort for elements assumed to be distinct. */ - private def topoSortDistinctsWith[A <: AnyRef](coll: List[A])(lteq: (A, A) => Boolean): List[A] = { - @tailrec - def loop(coll: List[A], acc: List[A]): List[A] = { - if (coll.isEmpty) acc - else if (coll.tail.isEmpty) coll.head :: acc - else { - val (lhs, rhs) = coll.span(x => !coll.forall(y => (x eq y) || !lteq(x, y))) - assert(!rhs.isEmpty, s"cycle while ordering $coll") - loop(lhs ::: rhs.tail, rhs.head :: acc) - } - } - - loop(coll, Nil) - } - - private def typeTestForTpe(tpe: Type): RTTypeTest = { - tpe match { - case tpe: ErasedValueType => - InstanceOfTypeTest(tpe.tycon.typeSymbol.typeRef) - - case _ => - import - - (toIRType(tpe): @unchecked) match { - case jstpe.AnyType => NoTypeTest - - case jstpe.NoType => PrimitiveTypeTest(jstpe.UndefType, 0) - case jstpe.BooleanType => PrimitiveTypeTest(jstpe.BooleanType, 1) - case jstpe.CharType => PrimitiveTypeTest(jstpe.CharType, 2) - case jstpe.ByteType => PrimitiveTypeTest(jstpe.ByteType, 3) - case jstpe.ShortType => PrimitiveTypeTest(jstpe.ShortType, 4) - case jstpe.IntType => PrimitiveTypeTest(jstpe.IntType, 5) - case jstpe.LongType => PrimitiveTypeTest(jstpe.LongType, 6) - case jstpe.FloatType => PrimitiveTypeTest(jstpe.FloatType, 7) - case jstpe.DoubleType => PrimitiveTypeTest(jstpe.DoubleType, 8) - - case jstpe.ClassType(Names.BoxedUnitClass) => PrimitiveTypeTest(jstpe.UndefType, 0) - case jstpe.ClassType(Names.BoxedStringClass) => PrimitiveTypeTest(jstpe.StringType, 9) - case jstpe.ClassType(_) => InstanceOfTypeTest(tpe) - - case jstpe.ArrayType(_) => InstanceOfTypeTest(tpe) - } - } - } - - // Group-by that does not rely on hashCode(), only equals() - O(n²) - private def groupByWithoutHashCode[A, B](coll: List[A])(f: A => B): List[(B, List[A])] = { - val m = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[(B, List[A])] - m.sizeHint(coll.length) - - for (elem <- coll) { - val key = f(elem) - val index = m.indexWhere(_._1 == key) - if (index < 0) - m += ((key, List(elem))) - else - m(index) = (key, elem :: m(index)._2) - } - - m.toList - } - - class FormalArgsRegistry(val minArgc: Int, needsRestParam: Boolean) { - private val fixedParamNames: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[jsNames.LocalName] = - (0 until minArgc) => freshLocalIdent("arg")(NoPosition).name) - - private val restParamName: jsNames.LocalName = - if (needsRestParam) freshLocalIdent("rest")(NoPosition).name - else null - - def genFormalArgs()(implicit pos: Position): (List[js.ParamDef], Option[js.ParamDef]) = { - val fixedParamDefs = { paramName => - js.ParamDef(js.LocalIdent(paramName), NoOriginalName, jstpe.AnyType, mutable = false) - } - - val restParam = { - if (needsRestParam) - Some(js.ParamDef(js.LocalIdent(restParamName), NoOriginalName, jstpe.AnyType, mutable = false)) - else - None - } - - (fixedParamDefs, restParam) - } - - def genArgRef(index: Int)(implicit pos: Position): js.Tree = { - if (index < minArgc) - js.VarRef(js.LocalIdent(fixedParamNames(index)))(jstpe.AnyType) - else - js.JSSelect(genRestArgRef(), js.IntLiteral(index - minArgc)) - } - - def genVarargRef(fixedParamCount: Int)(implicit pos: Position): js.Tree = { - assert(fixedParamCount >= minArgc, s"genVarargRef($fixedParamCount) with minArgc = $minArgc at $pos") - val restParam = genRestArgRef() - if (fixedParamCount == minArgc) - restParam - else - js.JSMethodApply(restParam, js.StringLiteral("slice"), List(js.IntLiteral(fixedParamCount - minArgc))) - } - - def genRestArgRef()(implicit pos: Position): js.Tree = { - assert(needsRestParam, s"trying to generate a reference to non-existent rest param at $pos") - js.VarRef(js.LocalIdent(restParamName))(jstpe.AnyType) - } - - def genAllArgsRefsForForwarder()(implicit pos: Position): List[js.TreeOrJSSpread] = { - val fixedArgRefs = { paramName => - js.VarRef(js.LocalIdent(paramName))(jstpe.AnyType) - } - - if (needsRestParam) { - val restArgRef = js.VarRef(js.LocalIdent(restParamName))(jstpe.AnyType) - fixedArgRefs :+ js.JSSpread(restArgRef) - } else { - fixedArgRefs - } - } - } -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/sjs/JSPositions.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/sjs/JSPositions.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 620e76ab4bab..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/sjs/JSPositions.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,102 +0,0 @@ -package - -import scala.language.unsafeNulls - -import{URI, URISyntaxException} - -import -import Contexts._ -import Decorators.em - -import - -import{SourceFile, SourcePosition} -import - -import - -/** Conversion utilities from dotty Positions to IR Positions. */ -class JSPositions()(using Context) { - import JSPositions._ - - private val sourceURIMaps: List[URIMap] = { - ctx.settings.scalajsMapSourceURI.value.flatMap { option => - val uris = option.split("->") - if (uris.length != 1 && uris.length != 2) { - report.error("-scalajs-mapSourceURI needs one or two URIs as argument (separated by '->').") - Nil - } else { - try { - val from = new URI(uris.head) - val to = uris.lift(1).map(str => new URI(str)) - URIMap(from, to) :: Nil - } catch { - case e: URISyntaxException => - report.error(em"${e.getInput} is not a valid URI") - Nil - } - } - } - } - - private def sourceAndSpan2irPos(source: SourceFile, span: Span): ir.Position = { - if (!span.exists) ir.Position.NoPosition - else { - // dotty positions and IR positions are both 0-based - val irSource = span2irPosCache.toIRSource(source) - val point = span.point - val line = source.offsetToLine(point) - val column = source.column(point) - ir.Position(irSource, line, column) - } - } - - /** Implicit conversion from dotty Span to ir.Position. */ - implicit def span2irPos(span: Span): ir.Position = - sourceAndSpan2irPos(ctx.compilationUnit.source, span) - - /** Implicitly materializes an ir.Position from an implicit dotty Span. */ - implicit def implicitSpan2irPos(implicit span: Span): ir.Position = - span2irPos(span) - - /** Implicitly materializes an ir.Position from an implicit dotty SourcePosition. */ - implicit def implicitSourcePos2irPos(implicit sourcePos: SourcePosition): ir.Position = - sourceAndSpan2irPos(sourcePos.source, sourcePos.span) - - private object span2irPosCache { - import - - private var lastDotcSource: SourceFile = null - private var lastIRSource: ir.Position.SourceFile = null - - def toIRSource(dotcSource: SourceFile): ir.Position.SourceFile = { - if (dotcSource != lastDotcSource) { - lastIRSource = convert(dotcSource) - lastDotcSource = dotcSource - } - lastIRSource - } - - private def convert(dotcSource: SourceFile): ir.Position.SourceFile = { - dotcSource.file.file match { - case null => - new - "virtualfile", // Pseudo-Scheme - dotcSource.file.path, // Scheme specific part - null // Fragment - ) - case file => - val srcURI = file.toURI - sourceURIMaps.collectFirst { - case URIMap(from, to) if from.relativize(srcURI) != srcURI => - val relURI = from.relativize(srcURI) - to.fold(relURI)(_.resolve(relURI)) - }.getOrElse(srcURI) - } - } - } -} - -object JSPositions { - final case class URIMap(from: URI, to: Option[URI]) -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/sjs/JSPrimitives.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/sjs/JSPrimitives.scala deleted file mode 100644 index ce83f5e9e83b..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/sjs/JSPrimitives.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,150 +0,0 @@ -package - -import -import Names.TermName -import Types._ -import Contexts._ -import Symbols._ -import Decorators.em - -import -import -import -import - -object JSPrimitives { - - inline val FirstJSPrimitiveCode = 300 - - inline val DYNNEW = FirstJSPrimitiveCode + 1 // Instantiate a new JavaScript object - - inline val ARR_CREATE = DYNNEW + 1 // js.Array.apply (array literal syntax) - - inline val TYPEOF = ARR_CREATE + 1 // typeof x - inline val JS_NATIVE = TYPEOF + 1 // js.native. Marker method. Fails if tried to be emitted. - - inline val UNITVAL = JS_NATIVE + 1 // () value, which is undefined - - inline val JS_NEW_TARGET = UNITVAL + 1 // - - inline val JS_IMPORT = JS_NEW_TARGET + 1 // js.import.apply(specifier) - inline val JS_IMPORT_META = JS_IMPORT + 1 // js.import.meta - - inline val CONSTRUCTOROF = JS_IMPORT_META + 1 // runtime.constructorOf(clazz) - inline val CREATE_INNER_JS_CLASS = CONSTRUCTOROF + 1 // runtime.createInnerJSClass - inline val CREATE_LOCAL_JS_CLASS = CREATE_INNER_JS_CLASS + 1 // runtime.createLocalJSClass - inline val WITH_CONTEXTUAL_JS_CLASS_VALUE = CREATE_LOCAL_JS_CLASS + 1 // runtime.withContextualJSClassValue - inline val LINKING_INFO = WITH_CONTEXTUAL_JS_CLASS_VALUE + 1 // runtime.linkingInfo - inline val DYNAMIC_IMPORT = LINKING_INFO + 1 // runtime.dynamicImport - - inline val STRICT_EQ = DYNAMIC_IMPORT + 1 // js.special.strictEquals - inline val IN = STRICT_EQ + 1 // - inline val INSTANCEOF = IN + 1 // js.special.instanceof - inline val DELETE = INSTANCEOF + 1 // js.special.delete - inline val FORIN = DELETE + 1 // js.special.forin - inline val JS_THROW = FORIN + 1 // js.special.throw - inline val JS_TRY_CATCH = JS_THROW + 1 // js.special.tryCatch - inline val WRAP_AS_THROWABLE = JS_TRY_CATCH + 1 // js.special.wrapAsThrowable - inline val UNWRAP_FROM_THROWABLE = WRAP_AS_THROWABLE + 1 // js.special.unwrapFromThrowable - inline val DEBUGGER = UNWRAP_FROM_THROWABLE + 1 // js.special.debugger - - inline val THROW = DEBUGGER + 1 - - inline val UNION_FROM = THROW + 1 // js.|.from - inline val UNION_FROM_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR = UNION_FROM + 1 // js.|.fromTypeConstructor - - inline val REFLECT_SELECTABLE_SELECTDYN = UNION_FROM_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR + 1 // scala.reflect.Selectable.selectDynamic - inline val REFLECT_SELECTABLE_APPLYDYN = REFLECT_SELECTABLE_SELECTDYN + 1 // scala.reflect.Selectable.applyDynamic - - inline val LastJSPrimitiveCode = REFLECT_SELECTABLE_APPLYDYN - - def isJSPrimitive(code: Int): Boolean = - code >= FirstJSPrimitiveCode && code <= LastJSPrimitiveCode - -} - -class JSPrimitives(ictx: DetachedContext) extends DottyPrimitives(ictx) { - import JSPrimitives._ - - private lazy val jsPrimitives: ReadOnlyMap[Symbol, Int] = initJSPrimitives(using ictx) - - override def getPrimitive(sym: Symbol): Int = - jsPrimitives.getOrElse(sym, super.getPrimitive(sym)) - - override def getPrimitive(app: Apply, tpe: Type)(using Context): Int = - jsPrimitives.getOrElse(, super.getPrimitive(app, tpe)) - - override def isPrimitive(sym: Symbol): Boolean = - jsPrimitives.contains(sym) || super.isPrimitive(sym) - - override def isPrimitive(fun: Tree): Boolean = - jsPrimitives.contains(fun.symbol(using ictx)) || super.isPrimitive(fun) - - /** Initialize the primitive map */ - private def initJSPrimitives(using Context): ReadOnlyMap[Symbol, Int] = { - - val primitives = MutableSymbolMap[Int]() - - // !!! Code duplicate with DottyPrimitives - /** Add a primitive operation to the map */ - def addPrimitive(s: Symbol, code: Int): Unit = { - assert(!(primitives contains s), "Duplicate primitive " + s) - primitives(s) = code - } - - def addPrimitives(cls: Symbol, method: TermName, code: Int)(using Context): Unit = { - val alts = - if (alts.isEmpty) { - report.error(em"Unknown primitive method $cls.$method") - } else { - for (s <- alts) - addPrimitive(s, code) - } - } - - val jsdefn = JSDefinitions.jsdefn - - addPrimitive(jsdefn.JSDynamic_newInstance, DYNNEW) - - addPrimitive(jsdefn.JSArray_apply, ARR_CREATE) - - addPrimitive(jsdefn.JSPackage_typeOf, TYPEOF) - addPrimitive(jsdefn.JSPackage_native, JS_NATIVE) - - addPrimitive(defn.BoxedUnit_UNIT, UNITVAL) - - addPrimitive(jsdefn.JSNew_target, JS_NEW_TARGET) - - addPrimitive(jsdefn.JSImport_apply, JS_IMPORT) - addPrimitive(jsdefn.JSImport_meta, JS_IMPORT_META) - - addPrimitive(jsdefn.Runtime_constructorOf, CONSTRUCTOROF) - addPrimitive(jsdefn.Runtime_createInnerJSClass, CREATE_INNER_JS_CLASS) - addPrimitive(jsdefn.Runtime_createLocalJSClass, CREATE_LOCAL_JS_CLASS) - addPrimitive(jsdefn.Runtime_withContextualJSClassValue, WITH_CONTEXTUAL_JS_CLASS_VALUE) - addPrimitive(jsdefn.Runtime_linkingInfo, LINKING_INFO) - addPrimitive(jsdefn.Runtime_dynamicImport, DYNAMIC_IMPORT) - - addPrimitive(jsdefn.Special_strictEquals, STRICT_EQ) - addPrimitive(jsdefn.Special_in, IN) - addPrimitive(jsdefn.Special_instanceof, INSTANCEOF) - addPrimitive(jsdefn.Special_delete, DELETE) - addPrimitive(jsdefn.Special_forin, FORIN) - addPrimitive(jsdefn.Special_throw, JS_THROW) - addPrimitive(jsdefn.Special_tryCatch, JS_TRY_CATCH) - addPrimitive(jsdefn.Special_wrapAsThrowable, WRAP_AS_THROWABLE) - addPrimitive(jsdefn.Special_unwrapFromThrowable, UNWRAP_FROM_THROWABLE) - addPrimitive(jsdefn.Special_debugger, DEBUGGER) - - addPrimitive(defn.throwMethod, THROW) - - addPrimitive(jsdefn.PseudoUnion_from, UNION_FROM) - addPrimitive(jsdefn.PseudoUnion_fromTypeConstructor, UNION_FROM_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR) - - addPrimitive(jsdefn.ReflectSelectable_selectDynamic, REFLECT_SELECTABLE_SELECTDYN) - addPrimitive(jsdefn.ReflectSelectable_applyDynamic, REFLECT_SELECTABLE_APPLYDYN) - - primitives - } - -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/sjs/ScopedVar.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/sjs/ScopedVar.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 21462929833c..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/backend/sjs/ScopedVar.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ -package - -class ScopedVar[A](init: A) extends caps.Pure { - import ScopedVar.Assignment - - private[ScopedVar] var value = init - - def this()(implicit ev: Null <:< A) = this(ev(null)) - - def get: A = value - def :=(newValue: A): Assignment[A] = new Assignment(this, newValue) -} - -object ScopedVar { - class Assignment[T](scVar: ScopedVar[T], value: T) { - private[ScopedVar] def push(): AssignmentStackElement[T] = { - val stack = new AssignmentStackElement(scVar, scVar.value) - scVar.value = value - stack - } - } - - private class AssignmentStackElement[T](scVar: ScopedVar[T], oldValue: T) { - private[ScopedVar] def pop(): Unit = { - scVar.value = oldValue - } - } - - implicit def toValue[T](scVar: ScopedVar[T]): T = scVar.get - - def withScopedVars[T](ass: Assignment[_]*)(body: => T): T = { - val stack = - try body - finally stack.reverse.foreach(_.pop()) - } - - final class VarBox[A](var value: A) -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/Bench.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/Bench.scala deleted file mode 100644 index c9c032b0ae7d..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/Bench.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc - -import core.Contexts._ -import reporting.Reporter -import io.AbstractFile - -import scala.annotation.internal.sharable - -/** A main class for running compiler benchmarks. Can instantiate a given - * number of compilers and run each (sequentially) a given number of times - * on the same sources. - */ -object Bench extends Driver: - - @sharable private var numRuns = 1 - - private def ntimes(n: Int)(op: => Reporter): Reporter = - (0 until n).foldLeft(emptyReporter)((_, _) => op) - - @sharable private var times: Array[Int] = _ - - override def doCompile(compiler: Compiler, files: List[AbstractFile])(using Context): Reporter = - times = new Array[Int](numRuns) - var reporter: Reporter = emptyReporter - for i <- 0 until numRuns do - val start = System.nanoTime() - reporter = super.doCompile(compiler, files) - times(i) = ((System.nanoTime - start) / 1000000).toInt - println(s"time elapsed: ${times(i)}ms") - if ctx.settings.Xprompt.value then - print("hit to continue >") - - println() - reporter - - def extractNumArg(args: Array[String], name: String, default: Int = 1): (Int, Array[String]) = { - val pos = args indexOf name - if (pos < 0) (default, args) - else (args(pos + 1).toInt, (args take pos) ++ (args drop (pos + 2))) - } - - def reportTimes() = - val best = times.sorted - val measured = numRuns / 3 - val avgBest = best.take(measured).sum / measured - val avgLast = times.reverse.take(measured).sum / measured - println(s"best out of $numRuns runs: ${best(0)}") - println(s"average out of best $measured: $avgBest") - println(s"average out of last $measured: $avgLast") - - override def process(args: Array[String], rootCtx: Context): Reporter = - val (numCompilers, args1) = extractNumArg(args, "#compilers") - val (numRuns, args2) = extractNumArg(args1, "#runs") - this.numRuns = numRuns - var reporter: Reporter = emptyReporter - for i <- 0 until numCompilers do - reporter = super.process(args2, rootCtx) - reportTimes() - reporter - -end Bench - - diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/CompilationUnit.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/CompilationUnit.scala deleted file mode 100644 index ad51305d5858..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/CompilationUnit.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,167 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc - -import core._ -import Contexts._ -import SymDenotations.ClassDenotation -import Symbols._ -import util.{FreshNameCreator, SourceFile, NoSource} -import util.Spans.Span -import ast.{tpd, untpd} -import tpd.{Tree, TreeTraverser} -import ast.Trees.{Import, Ident} -import typer.Nullables -import transform.SymUtils._ -import core.Decorators._ -import config.{SourceVersion, Feature} -import StdNames.nme -import scala.annotation.internal.sharable -import language.experimental.pureFunctions - -class CompilationUnit protected (val source: SourceFile) { - - override def toString: String = source.toString - - var untpdTree: untpd.Tree = untpd.EmptyTree - - var tpdTree: tpd.Tree = tpd.EmptyTree - - /** Is this the compilation unit of a Java file */ - def isJava: Boolean =".java") - - /** The source version for this unit, as determined by a language import */ - var sourceVersion: Option[SourceVersion] = None - - /** Pickled TASTY binaries, indexed by class. */ - var pickled: Map[ClassSymbol, () -> Array[Byte]] = Map() - - /** The fresh name creator for the current unit. - * FIXME(#7661): This is not fine-grained enough to enable reproducible builds, - * see - */ - val freshNames: FreshNameCreator = new FreshNameCreator.Default - - /** Will be set to `true` if there are inline call that must be inlined after typer. - * The information is used in phase `Inlining` in order to avoid traversing trees that need no transformations. - */ - var needsInlining: Boolean = false - - /** Set to `true` if inliner added anonymous mirrors that need to be completed */ - var needsMirrorSupport: Boolean = false - - /** Will be set to `true` if contains `Quote`. - * The information is used in phase `Staging`/`Splicing`/`PickleQuotes` in order to avoid traversing trees that need no transformations. - */ - var needsStaging: Boolean = false - - /** Will be set to true if the unit contains a captureChecking language import */ - var needsCaptureChecking: Boolean = false - - /** Will be set to true if the unit contains a pureFunctions language import */ - var knowsPureFuns: Boolean = false - - var suspended: Boolean = false - var suspendedAtInliningPhase: Boolean = false - - /** Can this compilation unit be suspended */ - def isSuspendable: Boolean = true - - /** Suspends the compilation unit by throwing a SuspendException - * and recording the suspended compilation unit - */ - def suspend()(using Context): Nothing = - assert(isSuspendable) - if !suspended then - if (ctx.settings.XprintSuspension.value) - report.echo(i"suspended: $this") - suspended = true - += this - if ctx.phase == Phases.inliningPhase then - suspendedAtInliningPhase = true - throw CompilationUnit.SuspendException() - - private var myAssignmentSpans: Map[Int, List[Span]] | Null = null - - /** A map from (name-) offsets of all local variables in this compilation unit - * that can be tracked for being not null to the list of spans of assignments - * to these variables. - */ - def assignmentSpans(using Context): Map[Int, List[Span]] = - if myAssignmentSpans == null then myAssignmentSpans = Nullables.assignmentSpans - myAssignmentSpans.nn -} - -@sharable object NoCompilationUnit extends CompilationUnit(NoSource) { - - override def isJava: Boolean = false - - override def suspend()(using Context): Nothing = - throw CompilationUnit.SuspendException() - - override def assignmentSpans(using Context): Map[Int, List[Span]] = Map.empty -} - -object CompilationUnit { - - class SuspendException extends Exception - - /** Make a compilation unit for top class `clsd` with the contents of the `unpickled` tree */ - def apply(clsd: ClassDenotation, unpickled: Tree, forceTrees: Boolean)(using Context): CompilationUnit = - val file = clsd.symbol.associatedFile.nn - apply(SourceFile(file, Array.empty[Char]), unpickled, forceTrees) - - /** Make a compilation unit, given picked bytes and unpickled tree */ - def apply(source: SourceFile, unpickled: Tree, forceTrees: Boolean)(using Context): CompilationUnit = { - assert(!unpickled.isEmpty, unpickled) - val unit1 = new CompilationUnit(source) - unit1.tpdTree = unpickled - if (forceTrees) { - val force = new Force - force.traverse(unit1.tpdTree) - unit1.needsStaging = force.containsQuote - unit1.needsInlining = force.containsInline - } - unit1 - } - - /** Create a compilation unit corresponding to `source`. - * If `mustExist` is true, this will fail if `source` does not exist. - */ - def apply(source: SourceFile, mustExist: Boolean = true)(using Context): CompilationUnit = { - val src = - if (!mustExist) - source - else if (source.file.isDirectory) { - report.error(em"expected file, received directory '${source.file.path}'") - NoSource - } - else if (!source.file.exists) { - report.error(em"source file not found: ${source.file.path}") - NoSource - } - else source - new CompilationUnit(src) - } - - /** Force the tree to be loaded */ - private class Force extends TreeTraverser { - var containsQuote = false - var containsInline = false - var containsCaptureChecking = false - def traverse(tree: Tree)(using Context): Unit = { - if (tree.symbol.isQuote) - containsQuote = true - if then - containsInline = true - tree match - case Import(qual, selectors) => - tpd.languageImport(qual) match - case Some(prefix) => - for case untpd.ImportSelector(untpd.Ident(imported), untpd.EmptyTree, _) <- selectors do - Feature.handleGlobalLanguageImport(prefix, imported) - case _ => - case _ => - traverseChildren(tree) - } - } -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/Compiler.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/Compiler.scala deleted file mode 100644 index c8c95647b5e4..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/Compiler.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,171 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc - -import core._ -import Contexts._ -import typer.{TyperPhase, RefChecks} -import cc.CheckCaptures -import parsing.Parser -import Phases.Phase -import transform._ -import -import backend.jvm.{CollectSuperCalls, GenBCode} -import localopt.StringInterpolatorOpt - -/** The central class of the dotc compiler. The job of a compiler is to create - * runs, which process given `phases` in a given `rootContext`. - */ -class Compiler { - - /** Meta-ordering constraint: - * - * DenotTransformers that change the signature of their denotation's info must go - * after erasure. The reason is that denotations are permanently referred to by - * TermRefs which contain a signature. If the signature of a symbol would change, - * all refs to it would become outdated - they could not be dereferenced in the - * new phase. - * - * After erasure, signature changing denot-transformers are OK because signatures - * are never recomputed later than erasure. - */ - def phases: List[List[Phase]] = - frontendPhases ::: picklerPhases ::: transformPhases ::: backendPhases - - /** Phases dealing with the frontend up to trees ready for TASTY pickling */ - protected def frontendPhases: List[List[Phase]] = - List(new Parser) :: // Compiler frontend: scanner, parser - List(new TyperPhase) :: // Compiler frontend: namer, typer - List(new YCheckPositions) :: // YCheck positions - List(new sbt.ExtractDependencies) :: // Sends information on classes' dependencies to sbt via callbacks - List(new semanticdb.ExtractSemanticDB) :: // Extract info into .semanticdb files - List(new PostTyper) :: // Additional checks and cleanups after type checking - List(new sjs.PrepJSInterop) :: // Additional checks and transformations for Scala.js (Scala.js only) - List(new sbt.ExtractAPI) :: // Sends a representation of the API of classes to sbt via callbacks - List(new SetRootTree) :: // Set the `rootTreeOrProvider` on class symbols - Nil - - /** Phases dealing with TASTY tree pickling and unpickling */ - protected def picklerPhases: List[List[Phase]] = - List(new Pickler) :: // Generate TASTY info - List(new Inlining) :: // Inline and execute macros - List(new PostInlining) :: // Add mirror support for inlined code - List(new Staging) :: // Check staging levels and heal staged types - List(new Splicing) :: // Replace level 1 splices with holes - List(new PickleQuotes) :: // Turn quoted trees into explicit run-time data structures - Nil - - /** Phases dealing with the transformation from pickled trees to backend trees */ - protected def transformPhases: List[List[Phase]] = - List(new InstrumentCoverage) :: // Perform instrumentation for code coverage (if -coverage-out is set) - List(new FirstTransform, // Some transformations to put trees into a canonical form - new CheckReentrant, // Internal use only: Check that compiled program has no data races involving global vars - new ElimPackagePrefixes, // Eliminate references to package prefixes in Select nodes - new CookComments, // Cook the comments: expand variables, doc, etc. - new CheckStatic, // Check restrictions that apply to @static members - new CheckLoopingImplicits, // Check that implicit defs do not call themselves in an infinite loop - new BetaReduce, // Reduce closure applications - new InlineVals, // Check right hand-sides of an `inline val`s - new ExpandSAMs, // Expand single abstract method closures to anonymous classes - new ElimRepeated, // Rewrite vararg parameters and arguments - new RefChecks) :: // Various checks mostly related to abstract members and overriding - List(new init.Checker) :: // Check initialization of objects - List(new CrossVersionChecks, // Check issues related to deprecated and experimental - new ProtectedAccessors, // Add accessors for protected members - new ExtensionMethods, // Expand methods of value classes with extension methods - new UncacheGivenAliases, // Avoid caching RHS of simple parameterless given aliases - new ElimByName, // Map by-name parameters to functions - new HoistSuperArgs, // Hoist complex arguments of supercalls to enclosing scope - new ForwardDepChecks, // Check that there are no forward references to local vals - new SpecializeApplyMethods, // Adds specialized methods to FunctionN - new TryCatchPatterns, // Compile cases in try/catch - new PatternMatcher) :: // Compile pattern matches - List(new TestRecheck.Pre) :: // Test only: run rechecker, enabled under -Yrecheck-test - List(new TestRecheck) :: // Test only: run rechecker, enabled under -Yrecheck-test - List(new CheckCaptures.Pre) :: // Preparations for check captures phase, enabled under captureChecking - List(new CheckCaptures) :: // Check captures, enabled under captureChecking - List(new ElimOpaque, // Turn opaque into normal aliases - new sjs.ExplicitJSClasses, // Make all JS classes explicit (Scala.js only) - new ExplicitOuter, // Add accessors to outer classes from nested ones. - new ExplicitSelf, // Make references to non-trivial self types explicit as casts - new StringInterpolatorOpt) :: // Optimizes raw and s and f string interpolators by rewriting them to string concatenations or formats - List(new PruneErasedDefs, // Drop erased definitions from scopes and simplify erased expressions - new UninitializedDefs, // Replaces `compiletime.uninitialized` by `_` - new InlinePatterns, // Remove placeholders of inlined patterns - new VCInlineMethods, // Inlines calls to value class methods - new SeqLiterals, // Express vararg arguments as arrays - new InterceptedMethods, // Special handling of `==`, `|=`, `getClass` methods - new Getters, // Replace non-private vals and vars with getter defs (fields are added later) - new SpecializeFunctions, // Specialized Function{0,1,2} by replacing super with specialized super - new SpecializeTuples, // Specializes Tuples by replacing tuple construction and selection trees - new LiftTry, // Put try expressions that might execute on non-empty stacks into their own methods - new CollectNullableFields, // Collect fields that can be nulled out after use in lazy initialization - new ElimOuterSelect, // Expand outer selections - new ResolveSuper, // Implement super accessors - new FunctionXXLForwarders, // Add forwarders for FunctionXXL apply method - new ParamForwarding, // Add forwarders for aliases of superclass parameters - new TupleOptimizations, // Optimize generic operations on tuples - new LetOverApply, // Lift blocks from receivers of applications - new ArrayConstructors) :: // Intercept creation of (non-generic) arrays and intrinsify. - List(new Erasure) :: // Rewrite types to JVM model, erasing all type parameters, abstract types and refinements. - List(new ElimErasedValueType, // Expand erased value types to their underlying implementation types - new PureStats, // Remove pure stats from blocks - new VCElideAllocations, // Peep-hole optimization to eliminate unnecessary value class allocations - new EtaReduce, // Reduce eta expansions of pure paths to the underlying function reference - new ArrayApply, // Optimize `scala.Array.apply([....])` and `scala.Array.apply(..., [....])` into `[...]` - new sjs.AddLocalJSFakeNews, // Adds fake new invocations to local JS classes in calls to `createLocalJSClass` - new ElimPolyFunction, // Rewrite PolyFunction subclasses to FunctionN subclasses - new TailRec, // Rewrite tail recursion to loops - new CompleteJavaEnums, // Fill in constructors for Java enums - new Mixin, // Expand trait fields and trait initializers - new LazyVals, // Expand lazy vals - new Memoize, // Add private fields to getters and setters - new NonLocalReturns, // Expand non-local returns - new CapturedVars) :: // Represent vars captured by closures as heap objects - List(new Constructors, // Collect initialization code in primary constructors - // Note: constructors changes decls in transformTemplate, no InfoTransformers should be added after it - new Instrumentation) :: // Count calls and allocations under -Yinstrument - List(new LambdaLift, // Lifts out nested functions to class scope, storing free variables in environments - // Note: in this mini-phase block scopes are incorrect. No phases that rely on scopes should be here - new ElimStaticThis, // Replace `this` references to static objects by global identifiers - new CountOuterAccesses) :: // Identify outer accessors that can be dropped - List(new DropOuterAccessors, // Drop unused outer accessors - new CheckNoSuperThis, // Check that supercalls don't contain references to `this` - new Flatten, // Lift all inner classes to package scope - new TransformWildcards, // Replace wildcards with default values - new MoveStatics, // Move static methods from companion to the class itself - new ExpandPrivate, // Widen private definitions accessed from nested classes - new RestoreScopes, // Repair scopes rendered invalid by moving definitions in prior phases of the group - new SelectStatic, // get rid of selects that would be compiled into GetStatic - new sjs.JUnitBootstrappers, // Generate JUnit-specific bootstrapper classes for Scala.js (not enabled by default) - new CollectEntryPoints, // Collect all entry points and save them in the context - new CollectSuperCalls, // Find classes that are called with super - new RepeatableAnnotations) :: // Aggregate repeatable annotations - Nil - - /** Generate the output of the compilation */ - protected def backendPhases: List[List[Phase]] = - List(new backend.sjs.GenSJSIR) :: // Generate .sjsir files for Scala.js (not enabled by default) - List(new GenBCode) :: // Generate JVM bytecode - Nil - - var runId: Int = 1 - def nextRunId: Int = { - runId += 1; runId - } - - def reset()(using Context): Unit = { - ctx.base.reset() - val run = - if (run != null) run.reset() - } - - def newRun(using Context): Run = { - reset() - val rctx = - if ctx.settings.Xsemanticdb.value then - ctx.addMode(Mode.ReadPositions) - else - ctx - new Run(this, rctx) - } -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/Driver.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/Driver.scala deleted file mode 100644 index b85f1365243b..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/Driver.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,207 +0,0 @@ -package - -import -import config.CompilerCommand -import core.Comments.{ContextDoc, ContextDocstrings} -import core.Contexts._ -import core.{MacroClassLoader, TypeError} -import -import -import reporting._ -import core.Decorators._ -import config.Feature - -import scala.util.control.NonFatal -import fromtasty.{TASTYCompiler, TastyFileUtil} - -/** Run the Dotty compiler. - * - * Extending this class lets you customize many aspect of the compilation - * process, but in most cases you only need to call [[process]] on the - * existing object [[Main]]. - */ -class Driver { - - protected def newCompiler(using Context): Compiler = - if (ctx.settings.fromTasty.value) new TASTYCompiler - else new Compiler - - protected def emptyReporter: Reporter = new StoreReporter(null) - - protected def doCompile(compiler: Compiler, files: List[AbstractFile])(using Context): Reporter = - if files.nonEmpty then - try - val run = compiler.newRun - run.compile(files) - finish(compiler, run) - catch - case ex: FatalError => - report.error(ex.getMessage.nn) // signals that we should fail compilation. - case ex: TypeError => - println(s"${ex.toMessage} while compiling ${", ")}") - throw ex - case ex: Throwable => - println(s"$ex while compiling ${", ")}") - throw ex - ctx.reporter - - protected def finish(compiler: Compiler, run: Run)(using Context): Unit = - run.printSummary() - if !ctx.reporter.errorsReported && run.suspendedUnits.nonEmpty then - val suspendedUnits = run.suspendedUnits.toList - if (ctx.settings.XprintSuspension.value) - report.echo(i"compiling suspended $suspendedUnits%, %") - val run1 = compiler.newRun - for unit <- suspendedUnits do unit.suspended = false - run1.compileUnits(suspendedUnits) - finish(compiler, run1)(using MacroClassLoader.init(ctx.fresh)) - - protected def initCtx: Context = (new ContextBase).initialCtx - - protected def sourcesRequired: Boolean = true - - protected def command: CompilerCommand = ScalacCommand - - /** Setup context with initialized settings from CLI arguments, then check if there are any settings that - * would change the default behaviour of the compiler. - * - * @return If there is no setting like `-help` preventing us from continuing compilation, - * this method returns a list of files to compile and an updated Context. - * If compilation should be interrupted, this method returns None. - */ - def setup(args: Array[String], rootCtx: Context): Option[(List[AbstractFile], DetachedContext)] = { - val ictx = rootCtx.fresh - val summary = command.distill(args, ictx.settings)(ictx.settingsState)(using ictx) - ictx.setSettings(summary.sstate) - Feature.checkExperimentalSettings(using ictx) - MacroClassLoader.init(ictx) - Positioned.init(using ictx) - - inContext(ictx) { - if !ctx.settings.YdropComments.value || ctx.settings.YreadComments.value then - ictx.setProperty(ContextDoc, new ContextDocstrings) - val fileNamesOrNone = command.checkUsage(summary, sourcesRequired)(using ctx.settings)(using ctx.settingsState) - { fileNames => - val files = - (files, fromTastySetup(files).detach) - } - } - } - - /** Setup extra classpath of tasty and jar files */ - protected def fromTastySetup(files: List[AbstractFile])(using Context): Context = - if ctx.settings.fromTasty.value then - val newEntries: List[String] = files - .flatMap { file => - if !file.exists then - report.error(em"File does not exist: ${file.path}") - None - else file.extension match - case "jar" => Some(file.path) - case "tasty" => - TastyFileUtil.getClassPath(file) match - case Some(classpath) => Some(classpath) - case _ => - report.error(em"Could not load classname from: ${file.path}") - None - case _ => - report.error(em"File extension is not `tasty` or `jar`: ${file.path}") - None - } - .distinct - val ctx1 = ctx.fresh - val fullClassPath = - (newEntries :+ ctx.settings.classpath.value).mkString( - ctx1.setSetting(ctx1.settings.classpath, fullClassPath) - else ctx - - /** Entry point to the compiler that can be conveniently used with Java reflection. - * - * This entry point can easily be used without depending on the `dotty` package, - * you only need to depend on `dotty-interfaces` and call this method using - * reflection. This allows you to write code that will work against multiple - * versions of dotty without recompilation. - * - * The trade-off is that you can only pass a SimpleReporter to this method - * and not a normal Reporter which is more powerful. - * - * Usage example: [[]] - * - * @param args Arguments to pass to the compiler. - * @param simple Used to log errors, warnings, and info messages. - * The default reporter is used if this is `null`. - * @param callback Used to execute custom code during the compilation - * process. No callbacks will be executed if this is `null`. - * @return - */ - final def process(args: Array[String], simple: interfaces.SimpleReporter | Null, - callback: interfaces.CompilerCallback | Null): interfaces.ReporterResult = { - val reporter = if (simple == null) null else Reporter.fromSimpleReporter(simple) - process(args, reporter, callback) - } - - /** Principal entry point to the compiler. - * - * Usage example: [[]] - * in method `runCompiler` - * - * @param args Arguments to pass to the compiler. - * @param reporter Used to log errors, warnings, and info messages. - * The default reporter is used if this is `null`. - * @param callback Used to execute custom code during the compilation - * process. No callbacks will be executed if this is `null`. - * @return The `Reporter` used. Use `Reporter#hasErrors` to check - * if compilation succeeded. - */ - final def process(args: Array[String], reporter: Reporter | Null = null, - callback: interfaces.CompilerCallback | Null = null): Reporter = { - val compileCtx = initCtx.fresh - if (reporter != null) - compileCtx.setReporter(reporter) - if (callback != null) - compileCtx.setCompilerCallback(callback) - process(args, compileCtx) - } - - /** Entry point to the compiler with no optional arguments. - * - * This overload is provided for compatibility reasons: the - * `RawCompiler` of sbt expects this method to exist and calls - * it using reflection. Keeping it means that we can change - * the other overloads without worrying about breaking compatibility - * with sbt. - */ - final def process(args: Array[String]): Reporter = - process(args, null: Reporter | Null, null: interfaces.CompilerCallback | Null) - - /** Entry point to the compiler using a custom `Context`. - * - * In most cases, you do not need a custom `Context` and should - * instead use one of the other overloads of `process`. However, - * the other overloads cannot be overridden, instead you - * should override this one which they call internally. - * - * Usage example: [[]] - * in method `runCompilerWithContext` - * - * @param args Arguments to pass to the compiler. - * @param rootCtx The root Context to use. - * @return The `Reporter` used. Use `Reporter#hasErrors` to check - * if compilation succeeded. - */ - def process(args: Array[String], rootCtx: Context): Reporter = { - setup(args, rootCtx) match - case Some((files, compileCtx)) => - doCompile(newCompiler(using compileCtx), files)(using compileCtx) - case None => - rootCtx.reporter - } - - def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { - // Preload scala.util.control.NonFatal. Otherwise, when trying to catch a StackOverflowError, - // we may try to load it but fail with another StackOverflowError and lose the original exception, - // see . - val _ = NonFatal - sys.exit(if (process(args).hasErrors) 1 else 0) - } -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/Main.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/Main.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 3288fded52a2..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/Main.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc - -/** Main class of the `dotc` batch compiler. */ -object Main extends Driver diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/MissingCoreLibraryException.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/MissingCoreLibraryException.scala deleted file mode 100644 index ae20d81226c9..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/MissingCoreLibraryException.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -package - -import - -class MissingCoreLibraryException(rootPackage: String) extends FatalError( - s"""Could not find package $rootPackage from compiler core libraries. - |Make sure the compiler core libraries are on the classpath. - """.stripMargin -) diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/Resident.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/Resident.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 9ebeaaaeb1c2..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/Resident.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,61 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc - -import core.Contexts._ -import reporting.Reporter -import -import scala.annotation.tailrec - -/** A compiler which stays resident between runs. This is more of a PoC than - * something that's expected to be used often - * - * Usage: - * - * > scala - * - * dotc> "more options and files to compile" - * - * ... - * - * dotc> :reset // reset all options to the ones passed on the command line - * - * ... - * - * dotc> :q // quit - */ -class Resident extends Driver { - - object residentCompiler extends Compiler - - override def sourcesRequired: Boolean = false - - private val quit = ":q" - private val reset = ":reset" - private val prompt = "dotc> " - - private def getLine() = { - Console.print(prompt) - try catch { case _: EOFException => quit } - } - - final override def process(args: Array[String], rootCtx: Context): Reporter = { - @tailrec def loop(args: Array[String], prevCtx: Context): Reporter = { - setup(args, prevCtx) match - case Some((files, ctx)) => - inContext(ctx) { - doCompile(residentCompiler, files) - } - var nextCtx: DetachedContext = ctx - var line = getLine() - while (line == reset) { - nextCtx = rootCtx.detach - line = getLine() - } - if line.startsWith(quit) then ctx.reporter - else loop((line split "\\s+").asInstanceOf[Array[String]], nextCtx) - case None => - prevCtx.reporter - } - loop(args, rootCtx) - } -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/Run.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/Run.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 96f8c6a7b06f..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/Run.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,404 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc - -import core._ -import Contexts._ -import Periods._ -import Symbols._ -import Scopes._ -import Names.Name -import Denotations.Denotation -import typer.Typer -import typer.ImportInfo.withRootImports -import Decorators._ -import io.AbstractFile -import Phases.unfusedPhases - -import util._ -import reporting.{Suppression, Action, Profile, ActiveProfile, NoProfile} -import reporting.Diagnostic -import reporting.Diagnostic.Warning -import rewrites.Rewrites -import profile.Profiler -import printing.XprintMode -import typer.ImplicitRunInfo -import config.Feature -import StdNames.nme - -import{BufferedWriter, OutputStreamWriter} -import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets - -import scala.collection.mutable -import scala.util.control.NonFatal -import -import annotation.constructorOnly -import annotation.unchecked.uncheckedCaptures - -/** A compiler run. Exports various methods to compile source files */ -class Run(comp: Compiler, @constructorOnly ictx0: Context) extends ImplicitRunInfo with ConstraintRunInfo { - - val ictx = ictx0.detach - - /** Default timeout to stop looking for further implicit suggestions, in ms. - * This is usually for the first import suggestion; subsequent suggestions - * may get smaller timeouts. @see ImportSuggestions.reduceTimeBudget - */ - private var myImportSuggestionBudget: Int = - Int.MinValue // sentinel value; means whatever is set in command line option - - def importSuggestionBudget = - if myImportSuggestionBudget == Int.MinValue then ictx.settings.XimportSuggestionTimeout.value - else myImportSuggestionBudget - - def importSuggestionBudget_=(x: Int) = - myImportSuggestionBudget = x - - /** If this variable is set to `true`, some core typer operations will - * return immediately. Currently these early abort operations are - * `Typer.typed` and `Implicits.typedImplicit`. - */ - @volatile var isCancelled = false - - private var compiling = false - - private var myUnits: List[CompilationUnit] = Nil - private var myUnitsCached: List[CompilationUnit] = Nil - private var myFiles: Set[AbstractFile] = _ - - // `@nowarn` annotations by source file, populated during typer - private val mySuppressions: mutable.LinkedHashMap[SourceFile, mutable.ListBuffer[Suppression]] = mutable.LinkedHashMap.empty - // source files whose `@nowarn` annotations are processed - private val mySuppressionsComplete: mutable.Set[SourceFile] = mutable.Set.empty - // warnings issued before a source file's `@nowarn` annotations are processed, suspended so that `@nowarn` can filter them - private val mySuspendedMessages: mutable.LinkedHashMap[SourceFile, mutable.LinkedHashSet[Warning]] = mutable.LinkedHashMap.empty - - object suppressions: - // When the REPL creates a new run (ReplDriver.compile), parsing is already done in the old context, with the - // previous Run. Parser warnings were suspended in the old run and need to be copied over so they are not lost. - // Same as scala/scala/commit/79ca1408c7. - def initSuspendedMessages(oldRun: Run | Null) = if oldRun != null then - mySuspendedMessages.clear() - mySuspendedMessages ++= oldRun.mySuspendedMessages - - def suppressionsComplete(source: SourceFile) = source == NoSource || mySuppressionsComplete(source) - - def addSuspendedMessage(warning: Warning) = - mySuspendedMessages.getOrElseUpdate(warning.pos.source, mutable.LinkedHashSet.empty) += warning - - def nowarnAction(dia: Diagnostic): Action.Warning.type | Action.Verbose.type | Action.Silent.type = - mySuppressions.getOrElse(dia.pos.source, Nil).find(_.matches(dia)) match { - case Some(s) => - s.markUsed() - if (s.verbose) Action.Verbose - else Action.Silent - case _ => - Action.Warning - } - - def addSuppression(sup: Suppression): Unit = - val source = sup.annotPos.source - mySuppressions.getOrElseUpdate(source, mutable.ListBuffer.empty) += sup - - def reportSuspendedMessages(source: SourceFile)(using Context): Unit = { - // sort suppressions. they are not added in any particular order because of lazy type completion - for (sups <- mySuppressions.get(source)) - mySuppressions(source) = sups.sortBy(sup => 0 - sup.start) - mySuppressionsComplete += source - mySuspendedMessages.remove(source).foreach(_.foreach(ctx.reporter.issueIfNotSuppressed)) - } - - def runFinished(hasErrors: Boolean): Unit = - // report suspended messages (in case the run finished before typer) - mySuspendedMessages.keysIterator.toList.foreach(reportSuspendedMessages) - // report unused nowarns only if all all phases are done - if !hasErrors && ctx.settings.WunusedHas.nowarn then - for { - source <- mySuppressions.keysIterator.toList - sups <- mySuppressions.remove(source) - sup <- sups.reverse - } if (!sup.used) - report.warning("@nowarn annotation does not suppress any warnings", sup.annotPos) - - /** The compilation units currently being compiled, this may return different - * results over time. - */ - def units: List[CompilationUnit] = myUnits - - private def units_=(us: List[CompilationUnit]): Unit = - myUnits = us - - var suspendedUnits: mutable.ListBuffer[CompilationUnit] = mutable.ListBuffer() - - def checkSuspendedUnits(newUnits: List[CompilationUnit])(using Context): Unit = - if newUnits.isEmpty && suspendedUnits.nonEmpty && !ctx.reporter.errorsReported then - val where = - if suspendedUnits.size == 1 then i"in ${suspendedUnits.head}." - else i"""among - | - | ${suspendedUnits.toList}%, % - |""" - val enableXprintSuspensionHint = - if ctx.settings.XprintSuspension.value then "" - else "\n\nCompiling with -Xprint-suspension gives more information." - report.error(em"""Cyclic macro dependencies $where - |Compilation stopped since no further progress can be made. - | - |To fix this, place macros in one set of files and their callers in another.$enableXprintSuspensionHint""") - - /** The files currently being compiled (active or suspended). - * This may return different results over time. - * These files do not have to be source files since it's possible to compile - * from TASTY. - */ - def files: Set[AbstractFile] = { - if (myUnits ne myUnitsCached) { - myUnitsCached = myUnits - myFiles = (myUnits ++ suspendedUnits).map(_.source.file).toSet - } - myFiles - } - - /** The source files of all late entered symbols, as a set */ - private var lateFiles = mutable.Set[AbstractFile]() - - /** A cache for static references to packages and classes */ - val staticRefs = util.EqHashMap[Name, Denotation](initialCapacity = 1024) - - /** Actions that need to be performed at the end of the current compilation run */ - @uncheckedCaptures - private var finalizeActions = mutable.ListBuffer[() => Unit]() - - /** Will be set to true if any of the compiled compilation units contains - * a pureFunctions language import. - */ - var pureFunsImportEncountered = false - - /** Will be set to true if any of the compiled compilation units contains - * a captureChecking language import. - */ - var ccImportEncountered = false - - def compile(files: List[AbstractFile]): Unit = - try - val codec = Codec(runContext.settings.encoding.value) - val sources =, codec)) - compileSources(sources) - catch - case NonFatal(ex) => - if units.nonEmpty then report.echo(i"exception occurred while compiling $units%, %") - else report.echo(s"exception occurred while compiling ${", ")}") - throw ex - - /** TODO: There's a fundamental design problem here: We assemble phases using `fusePhases` - * when we first build the compiler. But we modify them with -Yskip, -Ystop - * on each run. That modification needs to either transform the tree structure, - * or we need to assemble phases on each run, and take -Yskip, -Ystop into - * account. I think the latter would be preferable. - */ - def compileSources(sources: List[SourceFile]): Unit = - if (sources forall (_.exists)) { - units = - compileUnits() - } - - - def compileUnits(us: List[CompilationUnit]): Unit = { - units = us - compileUnits() - } - - def compileUnits(us: List[CompilationUnit], ctx: Context): Unit = { - units = us - compileUnits()(using ctx) - } - - var profile: Profile = NoProfile - - private def compileUnits()(using Context) = Stats.maybeMonitored { - if (! // IDEs might have multi-threaded access, accesses are synchronized - ctx.base.checkSingleThreaded() - - compiling = true - - profile = - if ctx.settings.Vprofile.value - || !ctx.settings.VprofileSortedBy.value.isEmpty - || ctx.settings.VprofileDetails.value != 0 - then ActiveProfile(ctx.settings.VprofileDetails.value.max(0).min(1000)) - else NoProfile - - // If testing pickler, make sure to stop after pickling phase: - val stopAfter = - if (ctx.settings.YtestPickler.value) List("pickler") - else ctx.settings.YstopAfter.value - - val pluginPlan = ctx.base.addPluginPhases(ctx.base.phasePlan) - val phases = ctx.base.fusePhases(pluginPlan, - ctx.settings.Yskip.value, ctx.settings.YstopBefore.value, stopAfter, ctx.settings.Ycheck.value) - ctx.base.usePhases(phases) - - def runPhases(using Context) = { - var lastPrintedTree: PrintedTree = NoPrintedTree - val profiler = ctx.profiler - var phasesWereAdjusted = false - - for (phase <- ctx.base.allPhases) - if (phase.isRunnable) - Stats.trackTime(s"$phase ms ") { - val start = System.currentTimeMillis - val profileBefore = profiler.beforePhase(phase) - units = phase.runOn(units) - profiler.afterPhase(phase, profileBefore) - if (ctx.settings.Xprint.value.containsPhase(phase)) - for (unit <- units) - lastPrintedTree = - printTree(lastPrintedTree)(using ctx.fresh.setPhase( - report.informTime(s"$phase ", start) - Stats.record(s"total trees at end of $phase", ast.Trees.ntrees) - for (unit <- units) - Stats.record(s"retained typed trees at end of $phase", unit.tpdTree.treeSize) - ctx.typerState.gc() - } - if !phasesWereAdjusted then - phasesWereAdjusted = true - if !Feature.ccEnabledSomewhere then - ctx.base.unlinkPhaseAsDenotTransformer(Phases.checkCapturesPhase.prev) - ctx.base.unlinkPhaseAsDenotTransformer(Phases.checkCapturesPhase) - - profiler.finished() - } - - val runCtx = ctx.fresh - runCtx.setProfiler(Profiler()) - unfusedPhases.foreach(_.initContext(runCtx)) - runPhases(using runCtx) - if (!ctx.reporter.hasErrors) - Rewrites.writeBack() - suppressions.runFinished(hasErrors = ctx.reporter.hasErrors) - while (finalizeActions.nonEmpty) { - val action = finalizeActions.remove(0) - action() - } - compiling = false - } - - /** Enter top-level definitions of classes and objects contained in source file `file`. - * The newly added symbols replace any previously entered symbols. - * If `typeCheck = true`, also run typer on the compilation unit, and set - * `rootTreeOrProvider`. - */ - def lateCompile(file: AbstractFile, typeCheck: Boolean)(using Context): Unit = - if (!files.contains(file) && !lateFiles.contains(file)) { - lateFiles += file - - val codec = Codec(ctx.settings.encoding.value) - val unit = CompilationUnit(ctx.getSource(file, codec)) - val unitCtx = runContext.fresh - .setCompilationUnit(unit) - .withRootImports - - def process()(using Context) = - ctx.typer.lateEnterUnit(doTypeCheck => - if typeCheck then - if compiling then finalizeActions += doTypeCheck - else doTypeCheck() - ) - - process()(using unitCtx) - } - - private sealed trait PrintedTree - private /*final*/ case class SomePrintedTree(phase: String, tree: String) extends PrintedTree - private object NoPrintedTree extends PrintedTree - - private def printTree(last: PrintedTree)(using Context): PrintedTree = { - val unit = ctx.compilationUnit - val fusedPhase = ctx.phase.prevMega - val echoHeader = f"[[syntax trees at end of $fusedPhase%25s]] // ${unit.source}" - val tree = if ctx.isAfterTyper then unit.tpdTree else unit.untpdTree - val treeString = - - last match { - case SomePrintedTree(phase, lastTreeString) if lastTreeString == treeString => - report.echo(s"$echoHeader: unchanged since $phase") - last - - case SomePrintedTree(phase, lastTreeString) if ctx.settings.XprintDiff.value || ctx.settings.XprintDiffDel.value => - val diff = DiffUtil.mkColoredCodeDiff(treeString, lastTreeString, ctx.settings.XprintDiffDel.value) - report.echo(s"$echoHeader\n$diff\n") - SomePrintedTree(fusedPhase.phaseName, treeString) - - case _ => - report.echo(s"$echoHeader\n$treeString\n") - SomePrintedTree(fusedPhase.phaseName, treeString) - } - } - - def compileFromStrings(scalaSources: List[String], javaSources: List[String] = Nil): Unit = { - def sourceFile(source: String, isJava: Boolean): SourceFile = { - val uuid = java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString - val ext = if (isJava) "java" else "scala" - val name = s"compileFromString-$uuid.$ext" - SourceFile.virtual(name, source) - } - val sources = -, isJava = false)) ++ -, isJava = true)) - - compileSources(sources) - } - - /** Print summary of warnings and errors encountered */ - def printSummary(): Unit = { - printMaxConstraint() - val r = runContext.reporter - if !r.errorsReported then - profile.printSummary() - r.summarizeUnreportedWarnings() - r.printSummary() - } - - override def reset(): Unit = { - super[ImplicitRunInfo].reset() - super[ConstraintRunInfo].reset() - myCtx = null - myUnits = Nil - myUnitsCached = Nil - } - - /** Produces the following contexts, from outermost to innermost - * - * bootStrap: A context with next available runId and a scope consisting of - * the RootPackage _root_ - * start A context with RootClass as owner and the necessary initializations - * for type checking. - * imports For each element of RootImports, an import context - */ - protected def rootContext(using Context): DetachedContext = { - ctx.initialize() - ctx.base.setPhasePlan(comp.phases) - val rootScope = new MutableScope(0) - val bootstrap = ctx.fresh - .setPeriod(Period(comp.nextRunId, FirstPhaseId)) - .setScope(rootScope) - rootScope.enter(ctx.definitions.RootPackage)(using bootstrap) - var start = bootstrap.fresh - .setOwner(defn.RootClass) - .setTyper(new Typer) - .addMode(Mode.ImplicitsEnabled) - .setTyperState(ctx.typerState.fresh(ctx.reporter)) - if ctx.settings.YexplicitNulls.value && !Feature.enabledBySetting(nme.unsafeNulls) then - start = start.addMode(Mode.SafeNulls) - ctx.initialize()(using start) // re-initialize the base context with start - - // `this` must be unchecked for safe initialization because by being passed to setRun during - // initialization, it is not yet considered fully initialized by the initialization checker - start.setRun(this: @unchecked).detach - } - - private var myCtx: DetachedContext | Null = rootContext(using ictx) - - /** The context created for this run */ - given runContext[Dummy_so_its_a_def]: DetachedContext = myCtx.nn - assert(runContext.runId <= Periods.MaxPossibleRunId) -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ScalacCommand.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ScalacCommand.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 2e0d9a08f25d..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ScalacCommand.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -package - -import config.Properties._ -import config.CompilerCommand - -object ScalacCommand extends CompilerCommand: - override def cmdName: String = "scalac" - override def versionMsg: String = s"Scala compiler $versionString -- $copyrightString" - override def ifErrorsMsg: String = " scalac -help gives more information" diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/CheckTrees.scala.disabled b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/CheckTrees.scala.disabled deleted file mode 100644 index 6bf7530faf24..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/CheckTrees.scala.disabled +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc -package ast - -import core._ -import util.Spans._, Types._, Contexts._, Constants._, Names._, Flags._ -import SymDenotations._, Symbols._, StdNames._, Annotations._, Trees._ - -// TODO: revise, integrate in a checking phase. -object CheckTrees { - - import tpd._ - - def check(p: Boolean, msg: => String = "")(using Context): Unit = assert(p, msg) - - def checkTypeArg(arg: Tree, bounds: TypeBounds)(using Context): Unit = { - check(arg.isValueType) - check(bounds contains arg.tpe) - } - - def escapingRefs(block: Block)(using Context): collection.Set[NamedType] = { - var hoisted: Set[Symbol] = Set() - lazy val locals = ctx.typeAssigner.localSyms(block.stats).toSet - def isLocal(sym: Symbol): Boolean = - (locals contains sym) && !isHoistableClass(sym) - def isHoistableClass(sym: Symbol) = - sym.isClass && { - (hoisted contains sym) || { - hoisted += sym - !classLeaks(sym.asClass) - } - } - def leakingTypes(tp: Type): collection.Set[NamedType] = - tp namedPartsWith (tp => isLocal(tp.symbol)) - def typeLeaks(tp: Type): Boolean = leakingTypes(tp).nonEmpty - def classLeaks(sym: ClassSymbol): Boolean = - (ctx.owner is Method) || // can't hoist classes out of method bodies - ( exists typeLeaks) || - (sym.decls.toList exists (t => typeLeaks( - leakingTypes(block.tpe) - } - - def checkType(tree: Tree)(using Context): Unit = tree match { - case Ident(name) => - case Select(qualifier, name) => - check(qualifier.isValue) - check(qualifier.tpe =:= tree.tpe.normalizedPrefix) - val denot = qualifier.tpe.member(name) - check(denot.exists) - check(denot.hasAltWith(_.symbol == tree.symbol)) - case This(cls) => - case Super(qual, mixin) => - check(qual.isValue) - val cls = qual.tpe.typeSymbol - check(cls.isClass) - case Apply(fn, args) => - def checkArg(arg: Tree, name: Name, formal: Type): Unit = { - arg match { - case NamedArg(argName, _) => - check(argName == name) - case _ => - check(arg.isValue) - } - check(arg.tpe <:< formal) - } - val MethodType(paramNames, paramTypes) = fn.tpe.widen // checked already at construction - args.lazyZip(paramNames).lazyZip(paramTypes) foreach checkArg - case TypeApply(fn, args) => - val pt @ PolyType(_) = fn.tpe.widen // checked already at construction - args.lazyZip(pt.instantiateBounds(args map (_.tpe))) foreach checkTypeArg - case Literal(const: Constant) => - case New(tpt) => - check(tpt.isValueType) - val cls = tpt.tpe.typeSymbol - check(cls.isClass) - check(!(cls is AbstractOrTrait)) - case Pair(left, right) => - check(left.isValue) - check(right.isValue) - case Typed(expr, tpt) => - check(tpt.isValueType) - expr.tpe.widen match { - case tp: MethodType => - val cls = tpt.tpe.typeSymbol - check(cls.isClass) - check((cls is Trait) || - - val absMembers = tpt.tpe.abstractTermMembers - check(absMembers.size == 1) - check(tp <:< - case _ => - check(expr.isValueOrPattern) - check(expr.tpe <:< tpt.tpe.translateParameterized(defn.RepeatedParamClass, defn.SeqClass)) - } - case NamedArg(name, arg) => - case Assign(lhs, rhs) => - check(lhs.isValue); check(rhs.isValue) - lhs.tpe match { - case ltpe: TermRef => - check(ltpe.symbol is Mutable) - case _ => - check(false) - } - check(rhs.tpe <:< lhs.tpe.widen) - case tree @ Block(stats, expr) => - check(expr.isValue) - check(escapingRefs(tree).isEmpty) - case If(cond, thenp, elsep) => - check(cond.isValue); check(thenp.isValue); check(elsep.isValue) - check(cond.tpe isRef defn.BooleanClass) - case Closure(env, meth, target) => - meth.tpe.widen match { - case mt @ MethodType(_, paramTypes) => - if (target.isEmpty) { - check(env.length < paramTypes.length) - for ((arg, formal) <- env zip paramTypes) - check(arg.tpe <:< formal) - } - else - // env is stored in class, not method - target.tpe match { - case SAMType(targetMeth) => - check(mt <:< - } - } - case Match(selector, cases) => - check(selector.isValue) - // are any checks that relate selector and patterns desirable? - case CaseDef(pat, guard, body) => - check(pat.isValueOrPattern); check(guard.isValue); check(body.isValue) - check(guard.tpe.derivesFrom(defn.BooleanClass)) - case Return(expr, from) => - check(expr.isValue); check(from.isTerm) - check(from.tpe.termSymbol.isRealMethod) - case Try(block, handler, finalizer) => - check(block.isTerm) - check(finalizer.isTerm) - check(handler.isTerm) - check(handler.tpe derivesFrom defn.FunctionClass(1)) - check(handler.tpe.baseArgInfos(defn.FunctionClass(1)).head <:< defn.ThrowableType) - case Throw(expr) => - check(expr.isValue) - check(expr.tpe.derivesFrom(defn.ThrowableClass)) - case SeqLiteral(elems) => - val elemtp = tree.tpe.elemType - for (elem <- elems) { - check(elem.isValue) - check(elem.tpe <:< elemtp) - } - case TypeTree(original) => - if (!original.isEmpty) { - check(original.isValueType) - check(original.tpe == tree.tpe) - } - case SingletonTypeTree(ref) => - check(ref.isValue) - check(ref.symbol.isStable) - case SelectFromTypeTree(qualifier, name) => - check(qualifier.isValueType) - check(qualifier.tpe =:= tree.tpe.normalizedPrefix) - val denot = qualifier.tpe.member(name) - check(denot.exists) - check(denot.symbol == tree.symbol) - case AndTypeTree(left, right) => - check(left.isValueType); check(right.isValueType) - case OrTypeTree(left, right) => - check(left.isValueType); check(right.isValueType) - case RefinedTypeTree(tpt, refinements) => - check(tpt.isValueType) - def checkRefinements(forbidden: Set[Symbol], rs: List[Tree]): Unit = rs match { - case r :: rs1 => - val rsym = r.symbol - check(rsym.isTerm || rsym.isAbstractOrAliasType) - if (rsym.isAbstractType) check(tpt.tpe.member( - check( forallParts { - case nt: NamedType => !(forbidden contains nt.symbol) - case _ => true - }) - checkRefinements(forbidden - rsym, rs1) - case nil => - } - checkRefinements(ctx.typeAssigner.localSyms(refinements).toSet, refinements) - case AppliedTypeTree(tpt, args) => - check(tpt.isValueType) - val tparams = tpt.tpe.typeParams - check(sameLength(tparams, args)) - args.lazyZip(tparams map ( foreach checkTypeArg - case TypeBoundsTree(lo, hi) => - check(lo.isValueType); check(hi.isValueType) - check(lo.tpe <:< hi.tpe) - case Bind(sym, body) => - check(body.isValueOrPattern) - check(!(tree.symbol is Method)) - body match { - case Ident(nme.WILDCARD) => - case _ => check(body.tpe.widen =:= - } - case Alternative(alts) => - for (alt <- alts) check(alt.isValueOrPattern) - case UnApply(fun, implicits, args) => // todo: review - check(fun.isTerm) - for (arg <- args) check(arg.isValueOrPattern) - val funtpe @ MethodType(_, _) = fun.tpe.widen - match { // check arg arity - case nme.unapplySeq => - // args need to be wrapped in (...: _*) - check(args.length == 1) - check(args.head.isInstanceOf[SeqLiteral]) - case nme.unapply => - val rtp = funtpe.resultType - if (rtp isRef defn.BooleanClass) - check(args.isEmpty) - else { - check(rtp isRef defn.OptionClass) - val normArgs = rtp.argTypesHi match { - case optionArg :: Nil => - optionArg.argTypesHi match { - case Nil => - optionArg :: Nil - case tupleArgs if defn.isTupleNType(optionArg) => - tupleArgs - } - case _ => - check(false) - Nil - } - check(sameLength(normArgs, args)) - } - } - case ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs) => - check(!(tree.symbol is Method)) - if (!rhs.isEmpty) { - check(rhs.isValue) - check(rhs.tpe <:< tpt.tpe) - } - case DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs) => - check(tree.symbol is Method) - if (!rhs.isEmpty) { - check(rhs.isValue) - check(rhs.tpe <:< tpt.tpe) - } - case TypeDef(mods, name, tpt) => - check(tpt.isInstanceOf[Template] || tpt.tpe.isInstanceOf[TypeBounds]) - case Template(constr, parents, selfType, body) => - case Import(expr, selectors) => - check(expr.isValue) - check(expr.tpe.termSymbol.isStable) - case PackageDef(pid, stats) => - check(pid.isTerm) - check(pid.symbol is Package) - case Annotated(annot, arg) => - check(annot.isInstantiation) - check(annot.symbol.owner.isSubClass(defn.AnnotationClass)) - check(arg.isValueType || arg.isValue) - case EmptyTree => - } -} - diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/Desugar.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/Desugar.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 390e58d89245..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/Desugar.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1979 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc -package ast - -import core._ -import util.Spans._, Types._, Contexts._, Constants._, Names._, NameOps._, Flags._ -import Symbols._, StdNames._, Trees._, ContextOps._ -import Decorators._, transform.SymUtils._ -import Annotations.Annotation -import NameKinds.{UniqueName, EvidenceParamName, DefaultGetterName, WildcardParamName} -import typer.{Namer, Checking} -import util.{Property, SourceFile, SourcePosition, Chars} -import config.Feature.{sourceVersion, migrateTo3, enabled} -import config.SourceVersion._ -import collection.mutable.ListBuffer -import reporting._ -import annotation.constructorOnly -import printing.Formatting.hl -import config.Printers - -import scala.annotation.internal.sharable - -object desugar { - import untpd._ - import DesugarEnums._ - - /** An attachment for companion modules of classes that have a `derives` clause. - * The position value indicates the start position of the template of the - * deriving class. - */ - val DerivingCompanion: Property.Key[SourcePosition] = Property.Key() - - /** An attachment for match expressions generated from a PatDef or GenFrom. - * Value of key == one of IrrefutablePatDef, IrrefutableGenFrom - */ - val CheckIrrefutable: Property.Key[MatchCheck] = Property.StickyKey() - - /** A multi-line infix operation with the infix operator starting a new line. - * Used for explaining potential errors. - */ - val MultiLineInfix: Property.Key[Unit] = Property.StickyKey() - - /** An attachment key to indicate that a ValDef originated from parameter untupling. - */ - val UntupledParam: Property.Key[Unit] = Property.StickyKey() - - /** What static check should be applied to a Match? */ - enum MatchCheck { - case None, Exhaustive, IrrefutablePatDef, IrrefutableGenFrom - } - - /** Is `name` the name of a method that can be invalidated as a compiler-generated - * case class method if it clashes with a user-defined method? - */ - def isRetractableCaseClassMethodName(name: Name)(using Context): Boolean = name match { - case nme.apply | nme.unapply | nme.unapplySeq | nme.copy => true - case DefaultGetterName(nme.copy, _) => true - case _ => false - } - - /** Is `name` the name of a method that is added unconditionally to case classes? */ - def isDesugaredCaseClassMethodName(name: Name)(using Context): Boolean = - isRetractableCaseClassMethodName(name) || name.isSelectorName - -// ----- DerivedTypeTrees ----------------------------------- - - class SetterParamTree(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends DerivedTypeTree { - def derivedTree(sym: Symbol)(using Context): tpd.TypeTree = tpd.TypeTree( - } - - class TypeRefTree(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends DerivedTypeTree { - def derivedTree(sym: Symbol)(using Context): tpd.TypeTree = tpd.TypeTree(sym.typeRef) - } - - class TermRefTree(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends DerivedTypeTree { - def derivedTree(sym: Symbol)(using Context): tpd.Tree = tpd.ref(sym) - } - - /** A type tree that computes its type from an existing parameter. */ - class DerivedFromParamTree()(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends DerivedTypeTree { - - /** Complete the appropriate constructors so that OriginalSymbol attachments are - * pushed to DerivedTypeTrees. - */ - override def ensureCompletions(using Context): Unit = { - def completeConstructor(sym: Symbol) = - sym.infoOrCompleter match { - case completer: Namer#ClassCompleter => - completer.completeConstructor(sym) - case _ => - } - - if (! - if (ctx.owner.isClass) { - completeConstructor(ctx.owner) - if ( - completeConstructor(ctx.owner.linkedClass) - } - else ensureCompletions(using ctx.outer) - } - - /** Return info of original symbol, where all references to siblings of the - * original symbol (i.e. sibling and original symbol have the same owner) - * are rewired to same-named parameters or accessors in the scope enclosing - * the current scope. The current scope is the scope owned by the defined symbol - * itself, that's why we have to look one scope further out. If the resulting - * type is an alias type, dealias it. This is necessary because the - * accessor of a type parameter is a private type alias that cannot be accessed - * from subclasses. - */ - def derivedTree(sym: Symbol)(using Context): tpd.TypeTree = { - val dctx = ctx.detach - val relocate = new TypeMap(using dctx) { - val originalOwner = sym.owner - def apply(tp: Type) = tp match { - case tp: NamedType if tp.symbol.exists && (tp.symbol.owner eq originalOwner) => - val defctx = mapCtx.detach.outersIterator.dropWhile(_.scope eq mapCtx.scope).next() - var local = defctx.denotNamed( - if (local.exists) (defctx.owner.thisType select local).dealiasKeepAnnots - else { - def msg = - em"no matching symbol for ${tp.symbol.showLocated} in ${defctx.owner} / ${defctx.effectiveScope.toList}" - ErrorType(msg).assertingErrorsReported(msg) - } - case _ => - mapOver(tp) - } - } - tpd.TypeTree(relocate( - } - } - - /** A type definition copied from `tdef` with a rhs typetree derived from it */ - def derivedTypeParam(tdef: TypeDef)(using Context): TypeDef = - cpy.TypeDef(tdef)( - rhs = DerivedFromParamTree().withSpan(tdef.rhs.span).watching(tdef) - ) - - /** A derived type definition watching `sym` */ - def derivedTypeParamWithVariance(sym: TypeSymbol)(using Context): TypeDef = - val variance = VarianceFlags & sym.flags - TypeDef(, DerivedFromParamTree().watching(sym)).withFlags(TypeParam | Synthetic | variance) - - /** A value definition copied from `vdef` with a tpt typetree derived from it */ - def derivedTermParam(vdef: ValDef)(using Context): ValDef = - cpy.ValDef(vdef)( - tpt = DerivedFromParamTree().withSpan(vdef.tpt.span).watching(vdef)) - -// ----- Desugar methods ------------------------------------------------- - - /** Setter generation is needed for: - * - non-private class members - * - all trait members - * - all package object members - */ - def isSetterNeeded(valDef: ValDef)(using Context): Boolean = { - val mods = valDef.mods - - && ctx.owner.isClass - && (! || || ctx.owner.isPackageObject) - } - - /** var x: Int = expr - * ==> - * def x: Int = expr - * def x_=($1: ): Unit = () - * - * Generate setter where needed - */ - def valDef(vdef0: ValDef)(using Context): Tree = - val vdef @ ValDef(_, tpt, rhs) = vdef0 - val valName = normalizeName(vdef, tpt).asTermName - var mods1 = vdef.mods - - def dropInto(tpt: Tree): Tree = tpt match - case Into(tpt1) => - mods1 = vdef.mods.withAddedAnnotation( - TypedSplice( - Annotation(defn.AllowConversionsAnnot).tree.withSpan(tpt.span.startPos))) - tpt1 - case ByNameTypeTree(tpt1) => - cpy.ByNameTypeTree(tpt)(dropInto(tpt1)) - case PostfixOp(tpt1, op) if == tpnme.raw.STAR => - cpy.PostfixOp(tpt)(dropInto(tpt1), op) - case _ => - tpt - - val vdef1 = cpy.ValDef(vdef)(name = valName, tpt = dropInto(tpt)) - .withMods(mods1) - - if isSetterNeeded(vdef) then - val setterParam = makeSyntheticParameter(tpt = SetterParamTree().watching(vdef)) - // The rhs gets filled in later, when field is generated and getter has parameters (see Memoize miniphase) - val setterRhs = if (vdef.rhs.isEmpty) EmptyTree else unitLiteral - val setter = cpy.DefDef(vdef)( - name = valName.setterName, - paramss = (setterParam :: Nil) :: Nil, - tpt = TypeTree(defn.UnitType), - rhs = setterRhs - ).withMods((vdef.mods | Accessor) &~ (CaseAccessor | GivenOrImplicit | Lazy)) - .dropEndMarker() // the end marker should only appear on the getter definition - Thicket(vdef1, setter) - else vdef1 - end valDef - - def makeImplicitParameters(tpts: List[Tree], implicitFlag: FlagSet, forPrimaryConstructor: Boolean = false)(using Context): List[ValDef] = - for (tpt <- tpts) yield { - val paramFlags: FlagSet = if (forPrimaryConstructor) LocalParamAccessor else Param - val epname = EvidenceParamName.fresh() - ValDef(epname, tpt, EmptyTree).withFlags(paramFlags | implicitFlag) - } - - def mapParamss(paramss: List[ParamClause]) - (mapTypeParam: TypeDef => TypeDef) - (mapTermParam: ValDef => ValDef)(using Context): List[ParamClause] = - paramss.mapConserve { - case TypeDefs(tparams) => tparams.mapConserve(mapTypeParam) - case ValDefs(vparams) => vparams.mapConserve(mapTermParam) - case _ => unreachable() - } - - /** 1. Expand context bounds to evidence params. E.g., - * - * def f[T >: L <: H : B](params) - * ==> - * def f[T >: L <: H](params)(implicit evidence$0: B[T]) - * - * 2. Expand default arguments to default getters. E.g, - * - * def f[T: B](x: Int = 1)(y: String = x + "m") = ... - * ==> - * def f[T](x: Int)(y: String)(implicit evidence$0: B[T]) = ... - * def f$default$1[T] = 1 - * def f$default$2[T](x: Int) = x + "m" - */ - private def defDef(meth: DefDef, isPrimaryConstructor: Boolean = false)(using Context): Tree = - addDefaultGetters(elimContextBounds(meth, isPrimaryConstructor)) - - private def elimContextBounds(meth: DefDef, isPrimaryConstructor: Boolean)(using Context): DefDef = - val DefDef(_, paramss, tpt, rhs) = meth - val evidenceParamBuf = ListBuffer[ValDef]() - - def desugarContextBounds(rhs: Tree): Tree = rhs match - case ContextBounds(tbounds, cxbounds) => - val iflag = if sourceVersion.isAtLeast(`future`) then Given else Implicit - evidenceParamBuf ++= makeImplicitParameters( - cxbounds, iflag, forPrimaryConstructor = isPrimaryConstructor) - tbounds - case LambdaTypeTree(tparams, body) => - cpy.LambdaTypeTree(rhs)(tparams, desugarContextBounds(body)) - case _ => - rhs - - val paramssNoContextBounds = - mapParamss(paramss) { - tparam => cpy.TypeDef(tparam)(rhs = desugarContextBounds(tparam.rhs)) - }(identity) - - rhs match - case MacroTree(call) => - cpy.DefDef(meth)(rhs = call).withMods(meth.mods | Macro | Erased) - case _ => - addEvidenceParams( - cpy.DefDef(meth)( - name = normalizeName(meth, tpt).asTermName, - paramss = paramssNoContextBounds), - evidenceParamBuf.toList) - end elimContextBounds - - def addDefaultGetters(meth: DefDef)(using Context): Tree = - - /** The longest prefix of parameter lists in paramss whose total number of - * ValDefs does not exceed `n` - */ - def takeUpTo(paramss: List[ParamClause], n: Int): List[ParamClause] = paramss match - case ValDefs(vparams) :: paramss1 => - val len = vparams.length - if len <= n then vparams :: takeUpTo(paramss1, n - len) else Nil - case TypeDefs(tparams) :: paramss1 => - tparams :: takeUpTo(paramss1, n) - case _ => - Nil - - def dropContextBounds(tparam: TypeDef): TypeDef = - def dropInRhs(rhs: Tree): Tree = rhs match - case ContextBounds(tbounds, _) => - tbounds - case rhs @ LambdaTypeTree(tparams, body) => - cpy.LambdaTypeTree(rhs)(tparams, dropInRhs(body)) - case _ => - rhs - cpy.TypeDef(tparam)(rhs = dropInRhs(tparam.rhs)) - - def paramssNoRHS = mapParamss(meth.paramss)(identity) { - vparam => - if vparam.rhs.isEmpty then vparam - else cpy.ValDef(vparam)(rhs = EmptyTree).withMods(vparam.mods | HasDefault) - } - - def getterParamss(n: Int): List[ParamClause] = - mapParamss(takeUpTo(paramssNoRHS, n)) { - tparam => dropContextBounds(toDefParam(tparam, keepAnnotations = true)) - } { - vparam => toDefParam(vparam, keepAnnotations = true, keepDefault = false) - } - - def defaultGetters(paramss: List[ParamClause], n: Int): List[DefDef] = paramss match - case ValDefs(vparam :: vparams) :: paramss1 => - def defaultGetter: DefDef = - DefDef( - name = DefaultGetterName(, n), - paramss = getterParamss(n), - tpt = TypeTree(), - rhs = vparam.rhs - ) - .withMods(Modifiers( - meth.mods.flags & (AccessFlags | Synthetic) | (vparam.mods.flags & Inline), - meth.mods.privateWithin)) - val rest = defaultGetters(vparams :: paramss1, n + 1) - if vparam.rhs.isEmpty then rest else defaultGetter :: rest - case _ :: paramss1 => // skip empty parameter lists and type parameters - defaultGetters(paramss1, n) - case Nil => - Nil - - val defGetters = defaultGetters(meth.paramss, 0) - if defGetters.isEmpty then meth - else Thicket(cpy.DefDef(meth)(paramss = paramssNoRHS) :: defGetters) - end addDefaultGetters - - /** Add an explicit ascription to the `expectedTpt` to every tail splice. - * - * - `'{ x }` -> `'{ x }` - * - `'{ $x }` -> `'{ $x: T }` - * - `'{ if (...) $x else $y }` -> `'{ if (...) ($x: T) else ($y: T) }` - * - * Note that the splice `$t: T` will be typed as `${t: Expr[T]}` - */ - def quotedPattern(tree: untpd.Tree, expectedTpt: untpd.Tree)(using Context): untpd.Tree = { - def adaptToExpectedTpt(tree: untpd.Tree): untpd.Tree = tree match { - // Add the expected type as an ascription - case _: untpd.Splice => - untpd.Typed(tree, expectedTpt).withSpan(tree.span) - case Typed(expr: untpd.Splice, tpt) => - cpy.Typed(tree)(expr, untpd.makeAndType(tpt, expectedTpt).withSpan(tpt.span)) - - // Propagate down the expected type to the leafs of the expression - case Block(stats, expr) => - cpy.Block(tree)(stats, adaptToExpectedTpt(expr)) - case If(cond, thenp, elsep) => - cpy.If(tree)(cond, adaptToExpectedTpt(thenp), adaptToExpectedTpt(elsep)) - case untpd.Parens(expr) => - cpy.Parens(tree)(adaptToExpectedTpt(expr)) - case Match(selector, cases) => - val newCases = => cpy.CaseDef(cdef)(body = adaptToExpectedTpt(cdef.body))) - cpy.Match(tree)(selector, newCases) - case untpd.ParsedTry(expr, handler, finalizer) => - cpy.ParsedTry(tree)(adaptToExpectedTpt(expr), adaptToExpectedTpt(handler), finalizer) - - // Tree does not need to be ascribed - case _ => - tree - } - adaptToExpectedTpt(tree) - } - - /** Add all evidence parameters in `params` as implicit parameters to `meth`. - * If the parameters of `meth` end in an implicit parameter list or using clause, - * evidence parameters are added in front of that list. Otherwise they are added - * as a separate parameter clause. - */ - private def addEvidenceParams(meth: DefDef, params: List[ValDef])(using Context): DefDef = - params match - case Nil => - meth - case evidenceParams => - val paramss1 = meth.paramss.reverse match - case ValDefs(vparams @ (vparam :: _)) :: rparamss if vparam.mods.isOneOf(GivenOrImplicit) => - ((evidenceParams ++ vparams) :: rparamss).reverse - case _ => - meth.paramss :+ evidenceParams - cpy.DefDef(meth)(paramss = paramss1) - - /** The implicit evidence parameters of `meth`, as generated by `desugar.defDef` */ - private def evidenceParams(meth: DefDef)(using Context): List[ValDef] = - meth.paramss.reverse match { - case ValDefs(vparams @ (vparam :: _)) :: _ if vparam.mods.isOneOf(GivenOrImplicit) => - vparams.takeWhile( - case _ => - Nil - } - - @sharable private val synthetic = Modifiers(Synthetic) - - private def toDefParam(tparam: TypeDef, keepAnnotations: Boolean): TypeDef = { - var mods = tparam.rawMods - if (!keepAnnotations) mods = mods.withAnnotations(Nil) - tparam.withMods(mods & EmptyFlags | Param) - } - private def toDefParam(vparam: ValDef, keepAnnotations: Boolean, keepDefault: Boolean): ValDef = { - var mods = vparam.rawMods - if (!keepAnnotations) mods = mods.withAnnotations(Nil) - val hasDefault = if keepDefault then HasDefault else EmptyFlags - vparam.withMods(mods & (GivenOrImplicit | Erased | hasDefault) | Param) - } - - def mkApply(fn: Tree, paramss: List[ParamClause])(using Context): Tree = - paramss.foldLeft(fn) { (fn, params) => params match - case TypeDefs(params) => - TypeApply(fn, - case (vparam: ValDef) :: _ if => - Apply(fn, - case _ => - Apply(fn, - } - - /** The expansion of a class definition. See inline comments for what is involved */ - def classDef(cdef: TypeDef)(using Context): Tree = { - val impl @ Template(constr0, _, self, _) = cdef.rhs: @unchecked - val className = normalizeName(cdef, impl).asTypeName - val parents = impl.parents - val mods = cdef.mods - val companionMods = mods - .withFlags((mods.flags & (AccessFlags | Final)).toCommonFlags) - .withMods(Nil) - .withAnnotations(Nil) - - var defaultGetters: List[Tree] = Nil - - def decompose(ddef: Tree): DefDef = ddef match { - case meth: DefDef => meth - case Thicket((meth: DefDef) :: defaults) => - defaultGetters = defaults - meth - } - - val constr1 = decompose(defDef(impl.constr, isPrimaryConstructor = true)) - - // The original type and value parameters in the constructor already have the flags - // needed to be type members (i.e. param, and possibly also private and local unless - // prefixed by type or val). `tparams` and `vparamss` are the type parameters that - // go in `constr`, the constructor after desugaring. - - /** Does `tree' look like a reference to AnyVal? Temporary test before we have inline classes */ - def isAnyVal(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match { - case Ident(tpnme.AnyVal) => true - case Select(qual, tpnme.AnyVal) => isScala(qual) - case _ => false - } - def isScala(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match { - case Ident(nme.scala) => true - case Select(Ident(nme.ROOTPKG), nme.scala) => true - case _ => false - } - - def namePos = cdef.sourcePos.withSpan(cdef.nameSpan) - - val isObject = - val isCaseClass = && !isObject - val isCaseObject = && isObject - val isEnum = mods.isEnumClass && ! - def isEnumCase = mods.isEnumCase - def isNonEnumCase = !isEnumCase && (isCaseClass || isCaseObject) - val isValueClass = parents.nonEmpty && isAnyVal(parents.head) - // This is not watertight, but `extends AnyVal` will be replaced by `inline` later. - - val originalTparams = constr1.leadingTypeParams - val originalVparamss = asTermOnly(constr1.trailingParamss) - lazy val derivedEnumParams = - val impliedTparams = - if (isEnumCase) { - val tparamReferenced = typeParamIsReferenced( - enumClass.typeParams, originalTparams, originalVparamss, parents) - if (originalTparams.isEmpty && (parents.isEmpty || tparamReferenced)) - => tdef.withFlags(tdef.mods.flags | PrivateLocal)) - else originalTparams - } - else originalTparams - - if then - for vparams <- originalVparamss; vparam <- vparams do - if isByNameType(vparam.tpt) then - report.error(em"implementation restriction: traits cannot have by name parameters", vparam.srcPos) - - // Annotations on class _type_ parameters are set on the derived parameters - // but not on the constructor parameters. The reverse is true for - // annotations on class _value_ parameters. - val constrTparams =, keepAnnotations = false)) - val constrVparamss = - if (originalVparamss.isEmpty) { // ensure parameter list is non-empty - if (isCaseClass) - report.error(CaseClassMissingParamList(cdef), namePos) - ListOfNil - } - else if (isCaseClass && originalVparamss.head.exists(_.mods.isOneOf(GivenOrImplicit))) { - report.error(CaseClassMissingNonImplicitParamList(cdef), namePos) - ListOfNil - } - else originalVparamss.nestedMap(toDefParam(_, keepAnnotations = true, keepDefault = true)) - val derivedTparams = - constrTparams.zipWithConserve(impliedTparams)((tparam, impliedParam) => - derivedTypeParam(tparam).withAnnotations(impliedParam.mods.annotations)) - val derivedVparamss = - constrVparamss.nestedMap(vparam => - derivedTermParam(vparam).withAnnotations(Nil)) - - val constr = cpy.DefDef(constr1)(paramss = joinParams(constrTparams, constrVparamss)) - - val (normalizedBody, enumCases, enumCompanionRef) = { - // Add constructor type parameters and evidence implicit parameters - // to auxiliary constructors; set defaultGetters as a side effect. - def expandConstructor(tree: Tree) = tree match { - case ddef: DefDef if => - decompose( - defDef( - addEvidenceParams( - cpy.DefDef(ddef)(paramss = joinParams(constrTparams, ddef.paramss)), - evidenceParams(constr1).map(toDefParam(_, keepAnnotations = false, keepDefault = false))))) - case stat => - stat - } - // The Identifiers defined by a case - def caseIds(tree: Tree): List[Ident] = tree match { - case tree: MemberDef => Ident( :: Nil - case PatDef(_, ids: List[Ident] @ unchecked, _, _) => ids - } - - val stats0 = - val stats = - if (ctx.owner eq defn.ScalaPackageClass) && defn.hasProblematicGetClass(className) then - stats0.filterConserve { - case ddef: DefDef => - ne nme.getClass_ - case _ => - true - } - else - stats0 - - if (isEnum) { - val (enumCases, enumStats) = stats.partition(DesugarEnums.isEnumCase) - if (enumCases.isEmpty) - report.error(EnumerationsShouldNotBeEmpty(cdef), namePos) - else - enumCases.last.pushAttachment(DesugarEnums.DefinesEnumLookupMethods, ()) - val enumCompanionRef = TermRefTree() - val enumImport = - Import(enumCompanionRef, enumCases.flatMap(caseIds).map( - enumCase => - ImportSelector(enumCase.withSpan(enumCase.span.startPos)) - ) - ) - (enumImport :: enumStats, enumCases, enumCompanionRef) - } - else (stats, Nil, EmptyTree) - } - - def anyRef = ref(defn.AnyRefAlias.typeRef) - - val arity = constrVparamss.head.length - - val classTycon: Tree = TypeRefTree() // watching is set at end of method - - def appliedTypeTree(tycon: Tree, args: List[Tree]) = - (if (args.isEmpty) tycon else AppliedTypeTree(tycon, args)) - .withSpan(cdef.span.startPos) - - def isHK(tparam: Tree): Boolean = tparam match { - case TypeDef(_, LambdaTypeTree(tparams, body)) => true - case TypeDef(_, rhs: DerivedTypeTree) => isHK(rhs.watched) - case _ => false - } - - def appliedRef(tycon: Tree, tparams: List[TypeDef] = constrTparams, widenHK: Boolean = false) = { - val targs = for (tparam <- tparams) yield { - val targ = refOfDef(tparam) - def fullyApplied(tparam: Tree): Tree = tparam match { - case TypeDef(_, LambdaTypeTree(tparams, body)) => - AppliedTypeTree(targ, => WildcardTypeBoundsTree())) - case TypeDef(_, rhs: DerivedTypeTree) => - fullyApplied(rhs.watched) - case _ => - targ - } - if (widenHK) fullyApplied(tparam) else targ - } - appliedTypeTree(tycon, targs) - } - - def isRepeated(tree: Tree): Boolean = stripByNameType(tree) match { - case PostfixOp(_, Ident(tpnme.raw.STAR)) => true - case _ => false - } - - // a reference to the class type bound by `cdef`, with type parameters coming from the constructor - val classTypeRef = appliedRef(classTycon) - - // a reference to `enumClass`, with type parameters coming from the case constructor - lazy val enumClassTypeRef = - if (enumClass.typeParams.isEmpty) - enumClassRef - else if (originalTparams.isEmpty) - appliedRef(enumClassRef) - else { - report.error(TypedCaseDoesNotExplicitlyExtendTypedEnum(enumClass, cdef) - , cdef.srcPos.startPos) - appliedTypeTree(enumClassRef, constrTparams map (_ => anyRef)) - } - - // new C[Ts](paramss) - lazy val creatorExpr = - val vparamss = constrVparamss match - case (vparam :: _) :: _ if => // add a leading () to match class parameters - Nil :: constrVparamss - case _ => - if constrVparamss.nonEmpty && constrVparamss.forall { - case vparam :: _ => - case _ => false - } - then constrVparamss :+ Nil // add a trailing () to match class parameters - else constrVparamss - val nu = vparamss.foldLeft(makeNew(classTypeRef)) { (nu, vparams) => - val app = Apply(nu, - vparams match { - case vparam :: _ if => app.setApplyKind(ApplyKind.Using) - case _ => app - } - } - ensureApplied(nu) - - val copiedAccessFlags = if migrateTo3 then EmptyFlags else AccessFlags - - // Methods to add to a case class C[..](p1: T1, ..., pN: Tn)(moreParams) - // def _1: T1 = this.p1 - // ... - // def _N: TN = this.pN (unless already given as valdef or parameterless defdef) - // def copy(p1: T1 = p1..., pN: TN = pN)(moreParams) = - // new C[...](p1, ..., pN)(moreParams) - val (caseClassMeths, enumScaffolding) = { - def syntheticProperty(name: TermName, tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree) = - DefDef(name, Nil, tpt, rhs).withMods(synthetic) - - def productElemMeths = - val caseParams = derivedVparamss.head.toArray - val selectorNamesInBody = normalizedBody.collect { - case vdef: ValDef if => - - case ddef: DefDef if && ddef.paramss.isEmpty => - - } - for i <- List.range(0, arity) - selName = nme.selectorName(i) - if (selName ne caseParams(i).name) && !selectorNamesInBody.contains(selName) - yield syntheticProperty(selName, caseParams(i).tpt, - Select(This(EmptyTypeIdent), caseParams(i).name)) - - def enumCaseMeths = - if isEnumCase then - val (ordinal, scaffolding) = nextOrdinal(className, CaseKind.Class, definesEnumLookupMethods(cdef)) - (ordinalMethLit(ordinal) :: Nil, scaffolding) - else (Nil, Nil) - def copyMeths = { - val hasRepeatedParam = constrVparamss.nestedExists { - case ValDef(_, tpt, _) => isRepeated(tpt) - } - if ( || hasRepeatedParam) Nil // cannot have default arguments for repeated parameters, hence copy method is not issued - else { - val copyFirstParams = => - cpy.ValDef(vparam)(rhs = refOfDef(vparam))) - val copyRestParamss = derivedVparamss.tail.nestedMap(vparam => - cpy.ValDef(vparam)(rhs = EmptyTree)) - DefDef( - nme.copy, - joinParams(derivedTparams, copyFirstParams :: copyRestParamss), - TypeTree(), - creatorExpr - ).withMods(Modifiers(Synthetic | constr1.mods.flags & copiedAccessFlags, constr1.mods.privateWithin)) :: Nil - } - } - - if isCaseClass then - val (enumMeths, enumScaffolding) = enumCaseMeths - (copyMeths ::: enumMeths ::: productElemMeths, enumScaffolding) - else (Nil, Nil) - } - - var parents1: List[untpd.Tree] = parents // !cc! need explicit type to make capture checking pass - if (isEnumCase && parents.isEmpty) - parents1 = enumClassTypeRef :: Nil - if (isNonEnumCase) - parents1 = parents1 :+ scalaDot(str.Product.toTypeName) :+ scalaDot(nme.Serializable.toTypeName) - if (isEnum) - parents1 = parents1 :+ ref(defn.EnumClass) - - // derived type classes of non-module classes go to their companions - val (clsDerived, companionDerived) = - if ( (impl.derived, Nil) else (Nil, impl.derived) - - // The thicket which is the desugared version of the companion object - // synthetic object C extends parentTpt derives class-derived { defs } - def companionDefs(parentTpt: Tree, defs: List[Tree]) = { - val mdefs = moduleDef( - ModuleDef( - className.toTermName, Template(emptyConstructor, parentTpt :: Nil, companionDerived, EmptyValDef, defs)) - .withMods(companionMods | Synthetic)) - .withSpan(cdef.span).toList - if (companionDerived.nonEmpty) - for (case modClsDef @ TypeDef(_, _) <- mdefs) - modClsDef.putAttachment(DerivingCompanion, impl.srcPos.startPos) - mdefs - } - - val companionMembers = defaultGetters ::: enumCases - - // The companion object definitions, if a companion is needed, Nil otherwise. - // companion definitions include: - // 1. If class is a case class case class C[Ts](p1: T1, ..., pN: TN)(moreParams): - // def apply[Ts](p1: T1, ..., pN: TN)(moreParams) = new C[Ts](p1, ..., pN)(moreParams) (unless C is abstract) - // def unapply[Ts]($1: C[Ts]) = $1 // if not repeated - // def unapplySeq[Ts]($1: C[Ts]) = $1 // if repeated - // 2. The default getters of the constructor - // The parent of the companion object of a non-parameterized case class - // (T11, ..., T1N) => ... => (TM1, ..., TMN) => C - // For all other classes, the parent is AnyRef. - val companions = - if (isCaseClass) { - val applyMeths = - if ( Nil - else { - val appMods = - Modifiers(Synthetic | constr1.mods.flags & copiedAccessFlags).withPrivateWithin(constr1.mods.privateWithin) - val appParamss = - derivedVparamss.nestedZipWithConserve(constrVparamss)((ap, cp) => - ap.withMods(ap.mods | (cp.mods.flags & HasDefault))) - DefDef(nme.apply, joinParams(derivedTparams, appParamss), TypeTree(), creatorExpr) - .withMods(appMods) :: Nil - } - val unapplyMeth = { - val hasRepeatedParam = constrVparamss.head.exists { - case ValDef(_, tpt, _) => isRepeated(tpt) - } - val methName = if (hasRepeatedParam) nme.unapplySeq else nme.unapply - val unapplyParam = makeSyntheticParameter(tpt = classTypeRef) - val unapplyRHS = if (arity == 0) Literal(Constant(true)) else Ident( - val unapplyResTp = if (arity == 0) Literal(Constant(true)) else TypeTree() - DefDef( - methName, - joinParams(derivedTparams, (unapplyParam :: Nil) :: Nil), - unapplyResTp, - unapplyRHS - ).withMods(synthetic) - } - val toStringMeth = - DefDef(nme.toString_, Nil, TypeTree(), Literal(Constant(className.toString))).withMods(Modifiers(Override | Synthetic)) - - companionDefs(anyRef, applyMeths ::: unapplyMeth :: toStringMeth :: companionMembers) - } - else if (companionMembers.nonEmpty || companionDerived.nonEmpty || isEnum) - companionDefs(anyRef, companionMembers) - else if (isValueClass) - companionDefs(anyRef, Nil) - else Nil - - enumCompanionRef match { - case ref: TermRefTree => // have the enum import watch the companion object - val (modVal: ValDef) :: _ = companions: @unchecked - ref.watching(modVal) - case _ => - } - - // For an implicit class C[Ts](p11: T11, ..., p1N: T1N) ... (pM1: TM1, .., pMN: TMN), the method - // synthetic implicit C[Ts](p11: T11, ..., p1N: T1N) ... (pM1: TM1, ..., pMN: TMN): C[Ts] = - // new C[Ts](p11, ..., p1N) ... (pM1, ..., pMN) = - val implicitWrappers = - if (!mods.isOneOf(GivenOrImplicit)) - Nil - else if ( { - report.error(TopLevelImplicitClass(cdef), cdef.srcPos) - Nil - } - else if ( { - report.error(TypesAndTraitsCantBeImplicit(), cdef.srcPos) - Nil - } - else if (isCaseClass) { - report.error(ImplicitCaseClass(cdef), cdef.srcPos) - Nil - } - else if (arity != 1 && ! { - report.error(ImplicitClassPrimaryConstructorArity(), cdef.srcPos) - Nil - } - else { - val defParamss = constrVparamss match { - case Nil :: paramss => - paramss // drop leading () that got inserted by class - // TODO: drop this once we do not silently insert empty class parameters anymore - case paramss => paramss - } - // implicit wrapper is typechecked in same scope as constructor, so - // we can reuse the constructor parameters; no derived params are needed. - DefDef( - className.toTermName, joinParams(constrTparams, defParamss), - classTypeRef, creatorExpr) - .withMods(companionMods | mods.flags.toTermFlags & (GivenOrImplicit | Inline) | Final) - .withSpan(cdef.span) :: Nil - } - - val self1 = { - val selfType = if (self.tpt.isEmpty) classTypeRef else self.tpt - if (self.isEmpty) self - else cpy.ValDef(self)(tpt = selfType).withMods(self.mods | SelfName) - } - - val cdef1 = addEnumFlags { - val tparamAccessors = { - val impliedTparamsIt = impliedTparams.iterator - - } - val caseAccessor = if (isCaseClass) CaseAccessor else EmptyFlags - val vparamAccessors = { - val originalVparamsIt = originalVparamss.iterator.flatten - derivedVparamss match { - case first :: rest => - | caseAccessor)) ++ - - case _ => - Nil - } - } - if mods.isAllOf(Given | Inline | Transparent) then - report.error("inline given instances cannot be trasparent", cdef) - val classMods = if then mods &~ (Inline | Transparent) | Synthetic else mods - cpy.TypeDef(cdef: TypeDef)( - name = className, - rhs = cpy.Template(impl)(constr, parents1, clsDerived, self1, - tparamAccessors ::: vparamAccessors ::: normalizedBody ::: caseClassMeths) - ).withMods(classMods) - } - - // install the watch on classTycon - classTycon match { - case tycon: DerivedTypeTree => tycon.watching(cdef1) - case _ => - } - - flatTree(cdef1 :: companions ::: implicitWrappers ::: enumScaffolding) - }.showing(i"desugared: $cdef --> $result", Printers.desugar) - - /** Expand - * - * package object name { body } - * - * to: - * - * package name { - * object `package` { body } - * } - */ - def packageModuleDef(mdef: ModuleDef)(using Context): Tree = - val impl = mdef.impl - val mods = mdef.mods - val moduleName = normalizeName(mdef, impl).asTermName - if then - checkPackageName(mdef) - PackageDef(Ident(moduleName), - cpy.ModuleDef(mdef)(nme.PACKAGE, impl).withMods(mods &~ Package) :: Nil) - else - mdef - - /** Expand - * - * object name extends parents { self => body } - * - * to: - * - * val name: name$ = New(name$) - * final class name$ extends parents { self: name.type => body } - */ - def moduleDef(mdef: ModuleDef)(using Context): Tree = { - val impl = mdef.impl - val mods = mdef.mods - val moduleName = normalizeName(mdef, impl).asTermName - def isEnumCase = mods.isEnumCase - Checking.checkWellFormedModule(mdef) - - if ( - packageModuleDef(mdef) - else if (isEnumCase) { - typeParamIsReferenced(enumClass.typeParams, Nil, Nil, impl.parents) - // used to check there are no illegal references to enum's type parameters in parents - expandEnumModule(moduleName, impl, mods, definesEnumLookupMethods(mdef), mdef.span) - } - else { - val clsName = moduleName.moduleClassName - val clsRef = Ident(clsName) - val modul = ValDef(moduleName, clsRef, New(clsRef, Nil)) - .withMods(mods.toTermFlags & RetainedModuleValFlags | ModuleValCreationFlags) - .withSpan(mdef.span.startPos) - val ValDef(selfName, selfTpt, _) = impl.self - val selfMods = impl.self.mods - if (!selfTpt.isEmpty) report.error(ObjectMayNotHaveSelfType(mdef), impl.self.srcPos) - val clsSelf = ValDef(selfName, SingletonTypeTree(Ident(moduleName)), impl.self.rhs) - .withMods(selfMods) - .withSpan(impl.self.span.orElse(impl.span.startPos)) - val clsTmpl = cpy.Template(impl)(self = clsSelf, body = impl.body) - val cls = TypeDef(clsName, clsTmpl) - .withMods(mods.toTypeFlags & RetainedModuleClassFlags | ModuleClassCreationFlags) - .withEndMarker(copyFrom = mdef) // copy over the end marker position to the module class def - Thicket(modul, classDef(cls).withSpan(mdef.span)) - } - } - - def extMethod(mdef: DefDef, extParamss: List[ParamClause])(using Context): DefDef = - cpy.DefDef(mdef)( - name = normalizeName(mdef, mdef.tpt).asTermName, - paramss = - if then - val (typaramss, paramss) = mdef.paramss.span(isTypeParamClause) // first extract type parameters - - paramss match - case params :: paramss1 => // `params` must have a single parameter and without `given` flag - - def badRightAssoc(problem: String) = - report.error(em"right-associative extension method $problem", mdef.srcPos) - extParamss ++ mdef.paramss - - params match - case ValDefs(vparam :: Nil) => - if ! then - // we merge the extension parameters with the method parameters, - // swapping the operator arguments: - // e.g. - // extension [A](using B)(c: C)(using D) - // def %:[E](f: F)(g: G)(using H): Res = ??? - // will be encoded as - // def %:[A](using B)[E](f: F)(c: C)(using D)(g: G)(using H): Res = ??? - val (leadingUsing, otherExtParamss) = extParamss.span(isUsingOrTypeParamClause) - leadingUsing ::: typaramss ::: params :: otherExtParamss ::: paramss1 - else - badRightAssoc("cannot start with using clause") - case _ => - badRightAssoc("must start with a single parameter") - case _ => - // no value parameters, so not an infix operator. - extParamss ++ mdef.paramss - else - extParamss ++ mdef.paramss - ).withMods(mdef.mods | ExtensionMethod) - - /** Transform extension construct to list of extension methods */ - def extMethods(ext: ExtMethods)(using Context): Tree = flatTree { - ext.methods map { - case exp: Export => exp - case mdef: DefDef => defDef(extMethod(mdef, ext.paramss)) - } - } - /** Transforms - * - * type t >: Low <: Hi - * to - * - * @patternType type $T >: Low <: Hi - * - * if the type has a pattern variable name - */ - def quotedPatternTypeDef(tree: TypeDef)(using Context): TypeDef = { - assert( - if && !tree.isBackquoted then - val patternTypeAnnot = New(ref(defn.QuotedRuntimePatterns_patternTypeAnnot.typeRef)).withSpan(tree.span) - val mods = tree.mods.withAddedAnnotation(patternTypeAnnot) - tree.withMods(mods) - else if"$") && !tree.isBackquoted then - report.error( - """Quoted pattern variable names starting with $ are not supported anymore. - |Use lower cases type pattern name instead. - |""".stripMargin, - tree.srcPos) - tree - else tree - } - - def checkPackageName(mdef: ModuleDef | PackageDef)(using Context): Unit = - - def check(name: Name, errSpan: Span): Unit = name match - case name: SimpleName if !errSpan.isSynthetic && name.exists(Chars.willBeEncoded) => - report.warning(em"The package name `$name` will be encoded on the classpath, and can lead to undefined behaviour.", mdef.source.atSpan(errSpan)) - case _ => - - def loop(part: RefTree): Unit = part match - case part @ Ident(name) => check(name, part.span) - case part @ Select(qual: RefTree, name) => - check(name, part.nameSpan) - loop(qual) - case _ => - - mdef match - case pdef: PackageDef => loop( - case mdef: ModuleDef if => check(, mdef.nameSpan) - case _ => - end checkPackageName - - /** The normalized name of `mdef`. This means - * 1. Check that the name does not redefine a Scala core class. - * If it does redefine, issue an error and return a mangled name instead - * of the original one. - * 2. If the name is missing (this can be the case for instance definitions), - * invent one instead. - */ - def normalizeName(mdef: MemberDef, impl: Tree)(using Context): Name = { - var name = - if (name.isEmpty) name = name.likeSpaced(inventGivenOrExtensionName(impl)) - def errPos = mdef.source.atSpan(mdef.nameSpan) - if (ctx.owner == defn.ScalaPackageClass && defn.reservedScalaClassNames.contains(name.toTypeName)) { - val kind = if (name.isTypeName) "class" else "object" - report.error(IllegalRedefinitionOfStandardKind(kind, name), errPos) - name = name.errorName - } - name - } - - /** Invent a name for an anonympus given of type or template `impl`. */ - def inventGivenOrExtensionName(impl: Tree)(using Context): SimpleName = - val str = impl match - case impl: Template => - if impl.parents.isEmpty then - report.error(AnonymousInstanceCannotBeEmpty(impl), impl.srcPos) - nme.ERROR.toString - else -"given_", "_", "") - case impl: Tree => - "given_" ++ inventTypeName(impl) - str.toTermName.asSimpleName - - private class NameExtractor(followArgs: Boolean) extends UntypedTreeAccumulator[String] { - private def extractArgs(args: List[Tree])(using Context): String = -"", _)).mkString("_") - override def apply(x: String, tree: Tree)(using Context): String = - if (x.isEmpty) - tree match { - case Select(pre, nme.CONSTRUCTOR) => foldOver(x, pre) - case tree: RefTree => - if then - else s"${}_type" - case tree: TypeDef => - case tree: AppliedTypeTree if followArgs && tree.args.nonEmpty => - s"${apply(x, tree.tpt)}_${extractArgs(tree.args)}" - case InfixOp(left, op, right) => - if followArgs then s"${}_${extractArgs(List(left, right))}" - else - case tree: LambdaTypeTree => - apply(x, tree.body) - case tree: Tuple => - extractArgs(tree.trees) - case tree: Function if tree.args.nonEmpty => - if followArgs then s"${extractArgs(tree.args)}_to_${apply("", tree.body)}" - else "Function" - case _ => foldOver(x, tree) - } - else x - } - private val typeNameExtractor = NameExtractor(followArgs = true) - private val argNameExtractor = NameExtractor(followArgs = false) - - private def inventTypeName(tree: Tree)(using Context): String = typeNameExtractor("", tree) - - /**This will check if this def tree is marked to define enum lookup methods, - * this is not recommended to call more than once per tree - */ - private def definesEnumLookupMethods(ddef: DefTree): Boolean = - ddef.removeAttachment(DefinesEnumLookupMethods).isDefined - - /** val p1, ..., pN: T = E - * ==> - * makePatDef[[val p1: T1 = E]]; ...; makePatDef[[val pN: TN = E]] - * - * case e1, ..., eN - * ==> - * expandSimpleEnumCase([case e1]); ...; expandSimpleEnumCase([case eN]) - */ - def patDef(pdef: PatDef)(using Context): Tree = flatTree { - val PatDef(mods, pats, tpt, rhs) = pdef - if mods.isEnumCase then - def expand(id: Ident, definesLookups: Boolean) = - expandSimpleEnumCase(, mods, definesLookups, - Span(id.span.start, id.span.end, id.span.start)) - - val ids = pats.asInstanceOf[List[Ident]] - if definesEnumLookupMethods(pdef) then -, false)) ::: expand(ids.last, true) :: Nil - else -, false)) - else { - val pats1 = if (tpt.isEmpty) pats else pats map (Typed(_, tpt)) - pats1 map (makePatDef(pdef, mods, _, rhs)) - } - } - - /** The selector of a match, which depends of the given `checkMode`. - * @param sel the original selector - * @return if `checkMode` is - * - None : sel @unchecked - * - Exhaustive : sel - * - IrrefutablePatDef, - * IrrefutableGenFrom: sel with attachment `CheckIrrefutable -> checkMode` - */ - def makeSelector(sel: Tree, checkMode: MatchCheck)(using Context): Tree = - checkMode match - case MatchCheck.None => - Annotated(sel, New(ref(defn.UncheckedAnnot.typeRef))) - - case MatchCheck.Exhaustive => - sel - - case MatchCheck.IrrefutablePatDef | MatchCheck.IrrefutableGenFrom => - // TODO: use `pushAttachment` and investigate duplicate attachment - sel.withAttachment(CheckIrrefutable, checkMode) - sel - end match - - /** If `pat` is a variable pattern, - * - * val/var/lazy val p = e - * - * Otherwise, in case there is exactly one variable x_1 in pattern - * val/var/lazy val p = e ==> val/var/lazy val x_1 = (e: @unchecked) match (case p => (x_1)) - * - * in case there are zero or more than one variables in pattern - * val/var/lazy p = e ==> private[this] synthetic [lazy] val t$ = (e: @unchecked) match (case p => (x_1, ..., x_N)) - * val/var/def x_1 = t$._1 - * ... - * val/var/def x_N = t$._N - * If the original pattern variable carries a type annotation, so does the corresponding - * ValDef or DefDef. - */ - def makePatDef(original: Tree, mods: Modifiers, pat: Tree, rhs: Tree)(using Context): Tree = pat match { - case IdPattern(id, tpt) => - val id1 = - if == nme.WILDCARD - then cpy.Ident(id)(WildcardParamName.fresh()) - else id - derivedValDef(original, id1, tpt, rhs, mods) - case _ => - - def filterWildcardGivenBinding(givenPat: Bind): Boolean = - != nme.WILDCARD - - def errorOnGivenBinding(bind: Bind)(using Context): Boolean = - report.error( - em"""${hl("given")} patterns are not allowed in a ${hl("val")} definition, - |please bind to an identifier and use an alias given.""", bind) - false - - def isTuplePattern(arity: Int): Boolean = pat match { - case Tuple(pats) if pats.size == arity => - pats.forall(isVarPattern) - case _ => false - } - val isMatchingTuple: Tree => Boolean = { - case Tuple(es) => isTuplePattern(es.length) - case _ => false - } - - // We can only optimize `val pat = if (...) e1 else e2` if: - // - `e1` and `e2` are both tuples of arity N - // - `pat` is a tuple of N variables or wildcard patterns like `(x1, x2, ..., xN)` - val tupleOptimizable = forallResults(rhs, isMatchingTuple) - - val inAliasGenerator = original match - case _: GenAlias => true - case _ => false - - val vars = - if (tupleOptimizable) // include `_` - pat match - case Tuple(pats) => { case id: Ident => id -> TypeTree() } - else - getVariables( - tree = pat, - shouldAddGiven = - if inAliasGenerator then - filterWildcardGivenBinding - else - errorOnGivenBinding - ) // no `_` - - val ids = for ((named, _) <- vars) yield Ident( - val matchExpr = - if (tupleOptimizable) rhs - else - val caseDef = CaseDef(pat, EmptyTree, makeTuple(ids)) - Match(makeSelector(rhs, MatchCheck.IrrefutablePatDef), caseDef :: Nil) - vars match { - case Nil if ! => - matchExpr - case (named, tpt) :: Nil => - derivedValDef(original, named, tpt, matchExpr, mods) - case _ => - val tmpName = UniqueName.fresh() - val patMods = - mods & Lazy | Synthetic | (if (ctx.owner.isClass) PrivateLocal else EmptyFlags) - val firstDef = - ValDef(tmpName, TypeTree(), matchExpr) - .withSpan(pat.span.union(rhs.span)).withMods(patMods) - val useSelectors = vars.length <= 22 - def selector(n: Int) = - if useSelectors then Select(Ident(tmpName), nme.selectorName(n)) - else Apply(Select(Ident(tmpName), nme.apply), Literal(Constant(n)) :: Nil) - val restDefs = - for (((named, tpt), n) <- vars.zipWithIndex if != nme.WILDCARD) - yield - if then - DefDef(, Nil, tpt, selector(n)) - .withMods(mods &~ Lazy) - .withSpan(named.span) - else - valDef( - ValDef(, tpt, selector(n)) - .withMods(mods) - .withSpan(named.span) - ) - flatTree(firstDef :: restDefs) - } - } - - /** Expand variable identifier x to x @ _ */ - def patternVar(tree: Tree)(using Context): Bind = { - val Ident(name) = unsplice(tree): @unchecked - Bind(name, Ident(nme.WILDCARD)).withSpan(tree.span) - } - - /** The type of tests that check whether a MemberDef is OK for some flag. - * The test succeeds if the partial function is defined and returns true. - */ - type MemberDefTest = PartialFunction[MemberDef, Boolean] - - val legalOpaque: MemberDefTest = { - case TypeDef(_, rhs) => - def rhsOK(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match { - case bounds: TypeBoundsTree => !bounds.alias.isEmpty - case _: Template | _: MatchTypeTree => false - case LambdaTypeTree(_, body) => rhsOK(body) - case _ => true - } - rhsOK(rhs) - } - - def checkOpaqueAlias(tree: MemberDef)(using Context): MemberDef = - def check(rhs: Tree): MemberDef = rhs match - case bounds: TypeBoundsTree if bounds.alias.isEmpty => - report.error(em"opaque type must have a right-hand side", tree.srcPos) - tree.withMods(tree.mods.withoutFlags(Opaque)) - case LambdaTypeTree(_, body) => check(body) - case _ => tree - if ! then tree - else tree match - case TypeDef(_, rhs) => check(rhs) - case _ => tree - - /** Check that modifiers are legal for the definition `tree`. - * Right now, we only check for `opaque`. TODO: Move other modifier checks here. - */ - def checkModifiers(tree: Tree)(using Context): Tree = tree match { - case tree: MemberDef => - var tested: MemberDef = tree - def checkApplicable(flag: Flag, test: MemberDefTest): MemberDef = - if ( && !test.applyOrElse(tree, (md: MemberDef) => false)) { - report.error(ModifierNotAllowedForDefinition(flag), tree.srcPos) - tested.withMods(tested.mods.withoutFlags(flag)) - } else tested - tested = checkOpaqueAlias(tested) - tested = checkApplicable(Opaque, legalOpaque) - tested - case _ => - tree - } - - def defTree(tree: Tree)(using Context): Tree = - checkModifiers(tree) match { - case tree: ValDef => valDef(tree) - case tree: TypeDef => - if (tree.isClassDef) classDef(tree) - else if ( quotedPatternTypeDef(tree) - else tree - case tree: DefDef => - if ( tree // was already handled by enclosing classDef - else defDef(tree) - case tree: ModuleDef => moduleDef(tree) - case tree: PatDef => patDef(tree) - } - - /** { stats; } - * ==> - * { stats; () } - */ - def block(tree: Block)(using Context): Block = tree.expr match { - case EmptyTree => - cpy.Block(tree)(tree.stats, - unitLiteral.withSpan(if (tree.stats.isEmpty) tree.span else tree.span.endPos)) - case _ => - tree - } - - /** Translate infix operation expression - * - * l op r ==> l.op(r) if op is left-associative - * ==> r.op(l) if op is right-associative - */ - def binop(left: Tree, op: Ident, right: Tree)(using Context): Apply = { - def assignToNamedArg(arg: Tree) = arg match { - case Assign(Ident(name), rhs) => cpy.NamedArg(arg)(name, rhs) - case _ => arg - } - def makeOp(fn: Tree, arg: Tree, selectPos: Span) = - val sel = Select(fn, - if (left.sourcePos.endLine < op.sourcePos.startLine) - sel.pushAttachment(MultiLineInfix, ()) - arg match - case Parens(arg) => - Apply(sel, assignToNamedArg(arg) :: Nil) - case Tuple(args) if args.exists(_.isInstanceOf[Assign]) => - Apply(sel, args.mapConserve(assignToNamedArg)) - case Tuple(args) => - Apply(sel, arg :: Nil).setApplyKind(ApplyKind.InfixTuple) - case _ => - Apply(sel, arg :: Nil) - - if then - makeOp(right, left, Span(op.span.start, right.span.end)) - else - makeOp(left, right, Span(left.span.start, op.span.end, op.span.start)) - } - - /** Translate throws type `A throws E1 | ... | En` to - * $throws[... $throws[A, E1] ... , En]. - */ - def throws(tpt: Tree, op: Ident, excepts: Tree)(using Context): AppliedTypeTree = excepts match - case Parens(excepts1) => - throws(tpt, op, excepts1) - case InfixOp(l, bar @ Ident(tpnme.raw.BAR), r) => - throws(throws(tpt, op, l), bar, r) - case e => - AppliedTypeTree( - TypeTree(defn.throwsAlias.typeRef).withSpan(op.span), tpt :: excepts :: Nil) - - /** Translate tuple expressions of arity <= 22 - * - * () ==> () - * (t) ==> t - * (t1, ..., tN) ==> TupleN(t1, ..., tN) - */ - def smallTuple(tree: Tuple)(using Context): Tree = { - val ts = tree.trees - val arity = ts.length - assert(arity <= Definitions.MaxTupleArity) - def tupleTypeRef = defn.TupleType(arity).nn - if (arity == 0) - if (ctx.mode is Mode.Type) TypeTree(defn.UnitType) else unitLiteral - else if (ctx.mode is Mode.Type) AppliedTypeTree(ref(tupleTypeRef), ts) - else Apply(ref(tupleTypeRef.classSymbol.companionModule.termRef), ts) - } - - private def isTopLevelDef(stat: Tree)(using Context): Boolean = stat match - case _: ValDef | _: PatDef | _: DefDef | _: Export | _: ExtMethods => true - case stat: ModuleDef => - stat.mods.isOneOf(GivenOrImplicit) - case stat: TypeDef => - !stat.isClassDef || stat.mods.isOneOf(GivenOrImplicit) - case _ => - false - - /** Assuming `src` contains top-level definition, returns the name that should - * be using for the package object that will wrap them. - */ - def packageObjectName(src: SourceFile): TermName = - val fileName = - val sourceName = fileName.take(fileName.lastIndexOf('.')) - (sourceName ++ str.TOPLEVEL_SUFFIX).toTermName - - /** Group all definitions that can't be at the toplevel in - * an object named `$package` where `` is the name of the source file. - * Definitions that can't be at the toplevel are: - * - * - all pattern, value and method definitions - * - non-class type definitions - * - implicit classes and objects - * - "companion objects" of wrapped type definitions - * (i.e. objects having the same name as a wrapped type) - */ - def packageDef(pdef: PackageDef)(using Context): PackageDef = { - checkPackageName(pdef) - val wrappedTypeNames = pdef.stats.collectCC { - case stat: TypeDef if isTopLevelDef(stat) => - } - def inPackageObject(stat: Tree) = - isTopLevelDef(stat) || { - stat match - case stat: ModuleDef => - wrappedTypeNames.contains( - case _ => - false - } - val (nestedStats, topStats) = pdef.stats.partition(inPackageObject) - if (nestedStats.isEmpty) pdef - else { - val name = packageObjectName(ctx.source) - val grouped = - ModuleDef(name, Template(emptyConstructor, Nil, Nil, EmptyValDef, nestedStats)) - .withMods(Modifiers(Synthetic)) - cpy.PackageDef(pdef)(, topStats :+ grouped) - } - } - - /** Make closure corresponding to function. - * params => body - * ==> - * def $anonfun(params) = body - * Closure($anonfun) - */ - def makeClosure(params: List[ValDef], body: Tree, tpt: Tree | Null = null, isContextual: Boolean, span: Span)(using Context): Block = - Block( - DefDef(nme.ANON_FUN, params :: Nil, if (tpt == null) TypeTree() else tpt, body) - .withSpan(span) - .withMods(synthetic | Artifact), - Closure(Nil, Ident(nme.ANON_FUN), if (isContextual) ContextualEmptyTree else EmptyTree)) - - /** If `nparams` == 1, expand partial function - * - * { cases } - * ==> - * x$1 => (x$1 @unchecked?) match { cases } - * - * If `nparams` != 1, expand instead to - * - * (x$1, ..., x$n) => (x$0, ..., x${n-1} @unchecked?) match { cases } - */ - def makeCaseLambda(cases: List[CaseDef], checkMode: MatchCheck, nparams: Int = 1)(using Context): Function = { - val params = (1 to nparams) - val selector = makeTuple( => Ident( - Function(params, Match(makeSelector(selector, checkMode), cases)) - } - - /** Map n-ary function `(x1: T1, ..., xn: Tn) => body` where n != 1 to unary function as follows: - * - * (x$1: (T1, ..., Tn)) => { - * def x1: T1 = x$1._1 - * ... - * def xn: Tn = x$1._n - * body - * } - * - * or if `isGenericTuple` - * - * (x$1: (T1, ... Tn) => { - * def x1: T1 = x$1.apply(0) - * ... - * def xn: Tn = x$1.apply(n-1) - * body - * } - * - * If some of the Ti's are absent, omit the : (T1, ..., Tn) type ascription - * in the selector. - */ - def makeTupledFunction(params: List[ValDef], body: Tree, isGenericTuple: Boolean)(using Context): Tree = { - val param = makeSyntheticParameter( - tpt = - if params.exists(_.tpt.isEmpty) then TypeTree() - else Tuple( - def selector(n: Int) = - if (isGenericTuple) Apply(Select(refOfDef(param), nme.apply), Literal(Constant(n))) - else Select(refOfDef(param), nme.selectorName(n)) - val vdefs = - { - case (param, idx) => - ValDef(, param.tpt, selector(idx)) - .withSpan(param.span) - .withAttachment(UntupledParam, ()) - .withFlags(Synthetic) - } - Function(param :: Nil, Block(vdefs, body)) - } - - /** Convert a tuple pattern with given `elems` to a sequence of `ValDefs`, - * skipping elements that are not convertible. - */ - def patternsToParams(elems: List[Tree])(using Context): List[ValDef] = - def toParam(elem: Tree, tpt: Tree): Tree = - elem match - case Annotated(elem1, _) => toParam(elem1, tpt) - case Typed(elem1, tpt1) => toParam(elem1, tpt1) - case Ident(id: TermName) => ValDef(id, tpt, EmptyTree).withFlags(Param) - case _ => EmptyTree - => toParam(param, TypeTree()).withSpan(param.span)).collect { - case vd: ValDef => vd - } - - def makeContextualFunction(formals: List[Tree], body: Tree, isErased: Boolean)(using Context): Function = { - val mods = if (isErased) Given | Erased else Given - val params = makeImplicitParameters(formals, mods) - FunctionWithMods(params, body, Modifiers(mods)) - } - - private def derivedValDef(original: Tree, named: NameTree, tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree, mods: Modifiers)(using Context) = { - val vdef = ValDef(, tpt, rhs) - .withMods(mods) - .withSpan(original.span.withPoint(named.span.start)) - val mayNeedSetter = valDef(vdef) - mayNeedSetter - } - - private def derivedDefDef(original: Tree, named: NameTree, tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree, mods: Modifiers)(implicit src: SourceFile) = - DefDef(, Nil, tpt, rhs) - .withMods(mods) - .withSpan(original.span.withPoint(named.span.start)) - - /** Main desugaring method */ - def apply(tree: Tree, pt: Type = NoType)(using Context): Tree = { - - /** Create tree for for-comprehension `` or - * `` where mapName and flatMapName are chosen - * corresponding to whether this is a for-do or a for-yield. - * The creation performs the following rewrite rules: - * - * 1. - * - * for (P <- G) E ==> G.foreach (P => E) - * - * Here and in the following (P => E) is interpreted as the function (P => E) - * if P is a variable pattern and as the partial function { case P => E } otherwise. - * - * 2. - * - * for (P <- G) yield E ==> (P => E) - * - * 3. - * - * for (P_1 <- G_1; P_2 <- G_2; ...) ... - * ==> - * G_1.flatMap (P_1 => for (P_2 <- G_2; ...) ...) - * - * 4. - * - * for (P <- G; E; ...) ... - * => - * for (P <- G.filter (P => E); ...) ... - * - * 5. For any N: - * - * for (P_1 <- G; P_2 = E_2; val P_N = E_N; ...) - * ==> - * for (TupleN(P_1, P_2, ... P_N) <- - * for (x_1 @ P_1 <- G) yield { - * val x_2 @ P_2 = E_2 - * ... - * val x_N & P_N = E_N - * TupleN(x_1, ..., x_N) - * } ...) - * - * If any of the P_i are variable patterns, the corresponding `x_i @ P_i` is not generated - * and the variable constituting P_i is used instead of x_i - * - * @param mapName The name to be used for maps (either map or foreach) - * @param flatMapName The name to be used for flatMaps (either flatMap or foreach) - * @param enums The enumerators in the for expression - * @param body The body of the for expression - */ - def makeFor(mapName: TermName, flatMapName: TermName, enums: List[Tree], body: Tree): Tree = trace(i"make for ${ForYield(enums, body)}", show = true) { - - /** Let `pat` be `gen`'s pattern. Make a function value `pat => body`. - * If `pat` is a var pattern `id: T` then this gives `(id: T) => body`. - * Otherwise this gives `{ case pat => body }`, where `pat` is checked to be - * irrefutable if `gen`'s checkMode is GenCheckMode.Check. - */ - def makeLambda(gen: GenFrom, body: Tree): Tree = gen.pat match { - case IdPattern(named, tpt) if gen.checkMode != GenCheckMode.FilterAlways => - Function(derivedValDef(gen.pat, named, tpt, EmptyTree, Modifiers(Param)) :: Nil, body) - case _ => - val matchCheckMode = - if (gen.checkMode == GenCheckMode.Check || gen.checkMode == GenCheckMode.CheckAndFilter) MatchCheck.IrrefutableGenFrom - else MatchCheck.None - makeCaseLambda(CaseDef(gen.pat, EmptyTree, body) :: Nil, matchCheckMode) - } - - /** If `pat` is not an Identifier, a Typed(Ident, _), or a Bind, wrap - * it in a Bind with a fresh name. Return the transformed pattern, and the identifier - * that refers to the bound variable for the pattern. Wildcard Binds are - * also replaced by Binds with fresh names. - */ - def makeIdPat(pat: Tree): (Tree, Ident) = pat match { - case bind @ Bind(name, pat1) => - if name == nme.WILDCARD then - val name = UniqueName.fresh() - (cpy.Bind(pat)(name, pat1).withMods(bind.mods), Ident(name)) - else (pat, Ident(name)) - case id: Ident if isVarPattern(id) && != nme.WILDCARD => (id, id) - case Typed(id: Ident, _) if isVarPattern(id) && != nme.WILDCARD => (pat, id) - case _ => - val name = UniqueName.fresh() - (Bind(name, pat), Ident(name)) - } - - /** Make a pattern filter: - * rhs.withFilter { case pat => true case _ => false } - * - * On handling irrefutable patterns: - * The idea is to wait until the pattern matcher sees a call - * - * xs withFilter { cases } - * - * where cases can be proven to be refutable i.e. cases would be - * equivalent to { case _ => true } - * - * In that case, compile to - * - * xs withFilter alwaysTrue - * - * where `alwaysTrue` is a predefined function value: - * - * val alwaysTrue: Any => Boolean = true - * - * In the libraries operations can take advantage of alwaysTrue to shortcircuit the - * withFilter call. - * - * def withFilter(f: Elem => Boolean) = - * if (f eq alwaysTrue) this // or rather identity filter monadic applied to this - * else real withFilter - */ - def makePatFilter(rhs: Tree, pat: Tree): Tree = { - val cases = List( - CaseDef(pat, EmptyTree, Literal(Constant(true))), - CaseDef(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), EmptyTree, Literal(Constant(false)))) - Apply(Select(rhs, nme.withFilter), makeCaseLambda(cases, MatchCheck.None)) - } - - /** Is pattern `pat` irrefutable when matched against `rhs`? - * We only can do a simple syntactic check here; a more refined check - * is done later in the pattern matcher (see discussion in @makePatFilter). - */ - def isIrrefutable(pat: Tree, rhs: Tree): Boolean = { - def matchesTuple(pats: List[Tree], rhs: Tree): Boolean = rhs match { - case Tuple(trees) => (pats corresponds trees)(isIrrefutable) - case Parens(rhs1) => matchesTuple(pats, rhs1) - case Block(_, rhs1) => matchesTuple(pats, rhs1) - case If(_, thenp, elsep) => matchesTuple(pats, thenp) && matchesTuple(pats, elsep) - case Match(_, cases) => cases forall (matchesTuple(pats, _)) - case CaseDef(_, _, rhs1) => matchesTuple(pats, rhs1) - case Throw(_) => true - case _ => false - } - pat match { - case Bind(_, pat1) => isIrrefutable(pat1, rhs) - case Parens(pat1) => isIrrefutable(pat1, rhs) - case Tuple(pats) => matchesTuple(pats, rhs) - case _ => isVarPattern(pat) - } - } - - /** Is `pat` of the form `x`, `x T`, or `given T`? when used as the lhs of a generator, - * these are all considered irrefutable. - */ - def isVarBinding(pat: Tree): Boolean = pat match - case pat @ Bind(_, pat1) if => isVarBinding(pat1) - case IdPattern(_) => true - case _ => false - - def needsNoFilter(gen: GenFrom): Boolean = gen.checkMode match - case GenCheckMode.FilterAlways => false // pattern was prefixed by `case` - case GenCheckMode.FilterNow | GenCheckMode.CheckAndFilter => isVarBinding(gen.pat) || isIrrefutable(gen.pat, gen.expr) - case GenCheckMode.Check => true - case GenCheckMode.Ignore => true - - /** with a pattern filter on rhs unless `pat` is irrefutable when - * matched against `rhs`. - */ - def rhsSelect(gen: GenFrom, name: TermName) = { - val rhs = if (needsNoFilter(gen)) gen.expr else makePatFilter(gen.expr, gen.pat) - Select(rhs, name) - } - - enums match { - case (gen: GenFrom) :: Nil => - Apply(rhsSelect(gen, mapName), makeLambda(gen, body)) - case (gen: GenFrom) :: (rest @ (GenFrom(_, _, _) :: _)) => - val cont = makeFor(mapName, flatMapName, rest, body) - Apply(rhsSelect(gen, flatMapName), makeLambda(gen, cont)) - case (gen: GenFrom) :: (rest @ GenAlias(_, _) :: _) => - val (valeqs, rest1) = rest.span(_.isInstanceOf[GenAlias]) - val pats = valeqs map { case GenAlias(pat, _) => pat } - val rhss = valeqs map { case GenAlias(_, rhs) => rhs } - val (defpat0, id0) = makeIdPat(gen.pat) - val (defpats, ids) = (pats map makeIdPat).unzip - val pdefs = valeqs.lazyZip(defpats).lazyZip(rhss).map { (valeq, defpat, rhs) => - val mods = defpat match - case defTree: DefTree => defTree.mods - case _ => Modifiers() - makePatDef(valeq, mods, defpat, rhs) - } - val rhs1 = makeFor(, nme.flatMap, GenFrom(defpat0, gen.expr, gen.checkMode) :: Nil, Block(pdefs, makeTuple(id0 :: ids))) - val allpats = gen.pat :: pats - val vfrom1 = GenFrom(makeTuple(allpats), rhs1, GenCheckMode.Ignore) - makeFor(mapName, flatMapName, vfrom1 :: rest1, body) - case (gen: GenFrom) :: test :: rest => - val filtered = Apply(rhsSelect(gen, nme.withFilter), makeLambda(gen, test)) - val genFrom = GenFrom(gen.pat, filtered, GenCheckMode.Ignore) - makeFor(mapName, flatMapName, genFrom :: rest, body) - case _ => - EmptyTree //may happen for erroneous input - } - } - - def makePolyFunction(targs: List[Tree], body: Tree, pt: Type): Tree = body match { - case Parens(body1) => - makePolyFunction(targs, body1, pt) - case Block(Nil, body1) => - makePolyFunction(targs, body1, pt) - case Function(vargs, res) => - assert(targs.nonEmpty) - // TODO: Figure out if we need a `PolyFunctionWithMods` instead. - val mods = body match { - case body: FunctionWithMods => body.mods - case _ => untpd.EmptyModifiers - } - val polyFunctionTpt = ref(defn.PolyFunctionType) - val applyTParams = targs.asInstanceOf[List[TypeDef]] - if ( { - // Desugar [T_1, ..., T_M] -> (P_1, ..., P_N) => R - // Into scala.PolyFunction { def apply[T_1, ..., T_M](x$1: P_1, ..., x$N: P_N): R } - - val applyVParams = { - case (p: ValDef, _) => p.withAddedFlags(mods.flags) - case (p, n) => makeSyntheticParameter(n + 1, p).withAddedFlags(mods.flags) - } - RefinedTypeTree(polyFunctionTpt, List( - DefDef(nme.apply, applyTParams :: applyVParams :: Nil, res, EmptyTree).withFlags(Synthetic) - )) - } - else { - // Desugar [T_1, ..., T_M] -> (x_1: P_1, ..., x_N: P_N) => body - // with pt [S_1, ..., S_M] -> (O_1, ..., O_N) => R - // Into new scala.PolyFunction { def apply[T_1, ..., T_M](x_1: P_1, ..., x_N: P_N): R2 = body } - // where R2 is R, with all references to S_1..S_M replaced with T1..T_M. - - def typeTree(tp: Type) = tp match - case RefinedType(parent, nme.apply, PolyType(_, mt)) if parent.typeSymbol eq defn.PolyFunctionClass => - var bail = false - def mapper(tp: Type, topLevel: Boolean = false): Tree = tp match - case tp: TypeRef => ref(tp) - case tp: TypeParamRef => Ident(applyTParams(tp.paramNum).name) - case AppliedType(tycon, args) => AppliedTypeTree(mapper(tycon), - case _ => if topLevel then TypeTree() else { bail = true; genericEmptyTree } - val mapped = mapper(mt.resultType, topLevel = true) - if bail then TypeTree() else mapped - case _ => TypeTree() - - val applyVParams = vargs.asInstanceOf[List[ValDef]] - .map(varg => varg.withAddedFlags(mods.flags | Param)) - New(Template(emptyConstructor, List(polyFunctionTpt), Nil, EmptyValDef, - List(DefDef(nme.apply, applyTParams :: applyVParams :: Nil, typeTree(pt), res)) - )) - } - case _ => - // may happen for erroneous input. An error will already have been reported. - assert(ctx.reporter.errorsReported) - EmptyTree - } - - // begin desugar - - // Special case for `Parens` desugaring: unlike all the desugarings below, - // its output is not a new tree but an existing one whose position should - // be preserved, so we shouldn't call `withPos` on it. - tree match { - case Parens(t) => - return t - case _ => - } - - val desugared = tree match { - case PolyFunction(targs, body) => - makePolyFunction(targs, body, pt) orElse tree - case SymbolLit(str) => - Apply( - ref(defn.ScalaSymbolClass.companionModule.termRef), - Literal(Constant(str)) :: Nil) - case InterpolatedString(id, segments) => - val strs = segments map { - case ts: Thicket => ts.trees.head - case t => t - } - val elems = segments flatMap { - case ts: Thicket => ts.trees.tail - case t => Nil - } map { (t: Tree) => t match - // !cc! explicitly typed parameter (t: Tree) is needed since otherwise - // we get an error similar to #16268. (The explicit type constrains the type of `segments` - // which is otherwise List[{*} tree]) - case Block(Nil, EmptyTree) => Literal(Constant(())) // for s"... ${} ..." - case Block(Nil, expr) => expr // important for interpolated string as patterns, see i1773.scala - case t => t - } - // This is a deliberate departure from scalac, where StringContext is not rooted (See #4732) - Apply(Select(Apply(scalaDot(nme.StringContext), strs), id).withSpan(tree.span), elems) - case PostfixOp(t, op) => - if (ctx.mode is Mode.Type) && !isBackquoted(op) && == tpnme.raw.STAR then - if ctx.isJava then - AppliedTypeTree(ref(defn.RepeatedParamType), t) - else - Annotated( - AppliedTypeTree(ref(defn.SeqType), t), - New(ref(defn.RepeatedAnnot.typeRef), Nil :: Nil)) - else - assert(ctx.mode.isExpr || ctx.reporter.errorsReported ||, ctx.mode) - Select(t, - case PrefixOp(op, t) => - val nspace = if ( tpnme else nme - Select(t, nspace.UNARY_PREFIX ++ - case ForDo(enums, body) => - makeFor(nme.foreach, nme.foreach, enums, body) orElse tree - case ForYield(enums, body) => - makeFor(, nme.flatMap, enums, body) orElse tree - case PatDef(mods, pats, tpt, rhs) => - val pats1 = if (tpt.isEmpty) pats else pats map (Typed(_, tpt)) - flatTree(pats1 map (makePatDef(tree, mods, _, rhs))) - case ext: ExtMethods => - Block(List(ext), Literal(Constant(())).withSpan(ext.span)) - case CapturingTypeTree(refs, parent) => - // convert `{refs} T` to `T @retains refs` - // `{refs}-> T` to `-> (T @retainsByName refs)` - def annotate(annotName: TypeName, tp: Tree) = - Annotated(tp, New(scalaAnnotationDot(annotName), List(refs))) - parent match - case ByNameTypeTree(restpt) => - cpy.ByNameTypeTree(parent)(annotate(tpnme.retainsByName, restpt)) - case _ => - annotate(tpnme.retains, parent) - } - desugared.withSpan(tree.span) - } - - /** Turn a fucntion value `handlerFun` into a catch case for a try. - * If `handlerFun` is a partial function, translate to - * - * case ex => - * val ev$1 = handlerFun - * if ev$1.isDefinedAt(ex) then ev$1.apply(ex) else throw ex - * - * Otherwise translate to - * - * case ex => handlerFun.apply(ex) - */ - def makeTryCase(handlerFun: tpd.Tree)(using Context): CaseDef = - val handler = TypedSplice(handlerFun) - val excId = Ident(nme.DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_NAME) - val rhs = - if handlerFun.tpe.widen.isRef(defn.PartialFunctionClass) then - val tmpName = UniqueName.fresh() - val tmpId = Ident(tmpName) - val init = ValDef(tmpName, TypeTree(), handler) - val test = If( - Apply(Select(tmpId, nme.isDefinedAt), excId), - Apply(Select(tmpId, nme.apply), excId), - Throw(excId)) - Block(init :: Nil, test) - else - Apply(Select(handler, nme.apply), excId) - CaseDef(excId, EmptyTree, rhs) - - /** Create a class definition with the same info as the refined type given by `parent` - * and `refinements`. - * - * parent { refinements } - * ==> - * trait extends core { this: self => refinements } - * - * Here, `core` is the (possibly parameterized) class part of `parent`. - * If `parent` is the same as `core`, self is empty. Otherwise `self` is `parent`. - * - * Example: Given - * - * class C - * type T1 = C { type T <: A } - * - * the refined type - * - * T1 { type T <: B } - * - * is expanded to - * - * trait extends C { this: T1 => type T <: A } - * - * The result of this method is used for validity checking, is thrown away afterwards. - * @param parent The type of `parent` - */ - def refinedTypeToClass(parent: tpd.Tree, refinements: List[Tree])(using Context): TypeDef = { - def stripToCore(tp: Type): List[Type] = tp match { - case tp: AppliedType => tp :: Nil - case tp: TypeRef if tp.symbol.isClass => tp :: Nil // monomorphic class type - case tp: TypeProxy => stripToCore(tp.underlying) - case AndType(tp1, tp2) => stripToCore(tp1) ::: stripToCore(tp2) - case _ => defn.AnyType :: Nil - } - val parentCores = stripToCore(parent.tpe) - val untpdParent = TypedSplice(parent) - val (classParents, self) = - if (parentCores.length == 1 && (parent.tpe eq parentCores.head)) (untpdParent :: Nil, EmptyValDef) - else (parentCores map TypeTree, ValDef(nme.WILDCARD, untpdParent, EmptyTree)) - val impl = Template(emptyConstructor, classParents, Nil, self, refinements) - TypeDef(tpnme.REFINE_CLASS, impl).withFlags(Trait) - } - - /** Returns list of all pattern variables, possibly with their types, - * without duplicates - */ - private def getVariables(tree: Tree, shouldAddGiven: Context ?=> Bind => Boolean)(using Context): List[VarInfo] = { - val buf = ListBuffer[VarInfo]() - def seenName(name: Name) = buf exists ( == name) - def add(named: NameTree, t: Tree): Unit = - if (!seenName( && buf += ((named, t)) - def collect(tree: Tree): Unit = tree match { - case tree @ Bind(nme.WILDCARD, tree1) => - if then - val Typed(_, tpt) = tree1: @unchecked - if shouldAddGiven(tree) then - add(tree, tpt) - collect(tree1) - case tree @ Bind(_, Typed(tree1, tpt)) => - if !( && !shouldAddGiven(tree)) then - add(tree, tpt) - collect(tree1) - case tree @ Bind(_, tree1) => - add(tree, TypeTree()) - collect(tree1) - case Typed(id: Ident, t) if isVarPattern(id) && != nme.WILDCARD && !isWildcardStarArg(tree) => - add(id, t) - case id: Ident if isVarPattern(id) && != nme.WILDCARD => - add(id, TypeTree()) - case Apply(_, args) => - args foreach collect - case Typed(expr, _) => - collect(expr) - case NamedArg(_, arg) => - collect(arg) - case SeqLiteral(elems, _) => - elems foreach collect - case Alternative(trees) => - for (tree <- trees; (vble, _) <- getVariables(tree, shouldAddGiven)) - report.error(IllegalVariableInPatternAlternative(, vble.srcPos) - case Annotated(arg, _) => - collect(arg) - case InterpolatedString(_, segments) => - segments foreach collect - case InfixOp(left, _, right) => - collect(left) - collect(right) - case PrefixOp(_, od) => - collect(od) - case Parens(tree) => - collect(tree) - case Tuple(trees) => - trees foreach collect - case Thicket(trees) => - trees foreach collect - case Block(Nil, expr) => - collect(expr) - case Quote(expr) => - new UntypedTreeTraverser { - def traverse(tree: untpd.Tree)(using Context): Unit = tree match { - case Splice(expr) => collect(expr) - case _ => traverseChildren(tree) - } - }.traverse(expr) - case CapturingTypeTree(refs, parent) => - collect(parent) - case _ => - } - collect(tree) - buf.toList - } -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/DesugarEnums.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/DesugarEnums.scala deleted file mode 100644 index a1c3c0ed0775..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/DesugarEnums.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,310 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc -package ast - -import core._ -import util.Spans._, Types._, Contexts._, Constants._, Names._, Flags._ -import Symbols._, StdNames._, Trees._ -import Decorators._ -import util.{Property, SourceFile} -import typer.ErrorReporting._ -import transform.SyntheticMembers.ExtendsSingletonMirror - -import scala.annotation.internal.sharable - -/** Helper methods to desugar enums */ -object DesugarEnums { - import untpd._ - - enum CaseKind: - case Simple, Object, Class - - final case class EnumConstraints(minKind: CaseKind, maxKind: CaseKind, enumCases: List[(Int, RefTree)]): - require(minKind.ordinal <= maxKind.ordinal && !(cached && enumCases.isEmpty)) - def requiresCreator = minKind == CaseKind.Simple - def isEnumeration = maxKind.ordinal < CaseKind.Class.ordinal - def cached = minKind.ordinal < CaseKind.Class.ordinal - end EnumConstraints - - /** Attachment containing the number of enum cases, the smallest kind that was seen so far, - * and a list of all the value cases with their ordinals. - */ - val EnumCaseCount: Property.Key[(Int, CaseKind, CaseKind, List[(Int, TermName)])] = Property.Key() - - /** Attachment signalling that when this definition is desugared, it should add any additional - * lookup methods for enums. - */ - val DefinesEnumLookupMethods: Property.Key[Unit] = Property.Key() - - /** The enumeration class that belongs to an enum case. This works no matter - * whether the case is still in the enum class or it has been transferred to the - * companion object. - */ - def enumClass(using Context): Symbol = { - val cls = ctx.owner - if ( cls.linkedClass else cls - } - - def enumCompanion(using Context): Symbol = { - val cls = ctx.owner - if ( cls.sourceModule else cls.linkedClass.sourceModule - } - - /** Is `tree` an (untyped) enum case? */ - def isEnumCase(tree: Tree)(using Context): Boolean = tree match { - case tree: MemberDef => tree.mods.isEnumCase - case PatDef(mods, _, _, _) => mods.isEnumCase - case _ => false - } - - /** A reference to the enum class `E`, possibly followed by type arguments. - * Each covariant type parameter is approximated by its lower bound. - * Each contravariant type parameter is approximated by its upper bound. - * It is an error if a type parameter is non-variant, or if its approximation - * refers to pther type parameters. - */ - def interpolatedEnumParent(span: Span)(using Context): Tree = { - val tparams = enumClass.typeParams - def isGround(tp: Type) = tp.subst(tparams, => NoType)) eq tp - val targs = tparams map { tparam => - if ( && isGround( - - else if ( && isGround( - - else { - def problem = - if (!tparam.isOneOf(VarianceFlags)) "is invariant" - else "has bounds that depend on a type parameter in the same parameter list" - errorType(em"""cannot determine type argument for enum parent $enumClass, - |type parameter $tparam $problem""", ctx.source.atSpan(span)) - } - } - TypeTree(enumClass.typeRef.appliedTo(targs)).withSpan(span) - } - - /** A type tree referring to `enumClass` */ - def enumClassRef(using Context): Tree = - if (enumClass.exists) TypeTree(enumClass.typeRef) else TypeTree() - - /** Add implied flags to an enum class or an enum case */ - def addEnumFlags(cdef: TypeDef)(using Context): TypeDef = - if (cdef.mods.isEnumClass) cdef.withMods(cdef.mods.withAddedFlags(Abstract | Sealed, cdef.span)) - else if (isEnumCase(cdef)) cdef.withMods(cdef.mods.withAddedFlags(Final, cdef.span)) - else cdef - - private def valuesDot(name: PreName)(implicit src: SourceFile) = - Select(Ident(nme.DOLLAR_VALUES), name.toTermName) - - private def ArrayLiteral(values: List[Tree], tpt: Tree)(using Context): Tree = - val clazzOf = TypeApply(ref(defn.Predef_classOf.termRef), tpt :: Nil) - val ctag = Apply(TypeApply(ref(defn.ClassTagModule_apply.termRef), tpt :: Nil), clazzOf :: Nil) - val apply = Select(ref(defn.ArrayModule.termRef), nme.apply) - Apply(Apply(TypeApply(apply, tpt :: Nil), values), ctag :: Nil) - - /** The following lists of definitions for an enum type E and known value cases e_0, ..., e_n: - * - * private val $values = Array[E](this.e_0,...,this.e_n)(ClassTag[E](classOf[E])) - * def values = $values.clone - * def valueOf($name: String) = $name match { - * case "e_0" => this.e_0 - * ... - * case "e_n" => this.e_n - * case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("case not found: " + $name) - * } - */ - private def enumScaffolding(enumValues: List[RefTree])(using Context): List[Tree] = { - val rawEnumClassRef = rawRef(enumClass.typeRef) - extension (tpe: NamedType) def ofRawEnum = AppliedTypeTree(ref(tpe), rawEnumClassRef) - - val privateValuesDef = - ValDef(nme.DOLLAR_VALUES, TypeTree(), ArrayLiteral(enumValues, rawEnumClassRef)) - .withFlags(Private | Synthetic) - - val valuesDef = - DefDef(nme.values, Nil, defn.ArrayType.ofRawEnum, valuesDot(nme.clone_)) - .withFlags(Synthetic) - - val valuesOfBody: Tree = - val defaultCase = - val msg = Apply(Select(Literal(Constant("enum case not found: ")), nme.PLUS), Ident(nme.nameDollar)) - CaseDef(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), EmptyTree, - Throw(New(TypeTree(defn.IllegalArgumentExceptionType), List(msg :: Nil)))) - val stringCases = => - CaseDef(Literal(Constant(, EmptyTree, enumValue) - ) ::: defaultCase :: Nil - Match(Ident(nme.nameDollar), stringCases) - val valueOfDef = DefDef(nme.valueOf, List(param(nme.nameDollar, defn.StringType) :: Nil), - TypeTree(), valuesOfBody) - .withFlags(Synthetic) - - privateValuesDef :: - valuesDef :: - valueOfDef :: Nil - } - - private def enumLookupMethods(constraints: EnumConstraints)(using Context): List[Tree] = - def scaffolding: List[Tree] = - if constraints.isEnumeration then enumScaffolding( else Nil - def valueCtor: List[Tree] = if constraints.requiresCreator then enumValueCreator :: Nil else Nil - def fromOrdinal: Tree = - def throwArg(ordinal: Tree) = - Throw(New(TypeTree(defn.NoSuchElementExceptionType), List(Select(ordinal, nme.toString_) :: Nil))) - if !constraints.cached then - fromOrdinalMeth(throwArg) - else - def default(ordinal: Tree) = - CaseDef(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), EmptyTree, throwArg(ordinal)) - if constraints.isEnumeration then - fromOrdinalMeth(ordinal => - Try(Apply(valuesDot(nme.apply), ordinal), default(ordinal) :: Nil, EmptyTree)) - else - fromOrdinalMeth(ordinal => - Match(ordinal, -, enumValue) => CaseDef(Literal(Constant(i)), EmptyTree, enumValue)) - :+ default(ordinal))) - - if !enumClass.exists then - // in the case of a double definition of an enum that only defines class cases (see tests/neg/i4470c.scala) - // it seems `enumClass` might be `NoSymbol`; in this case we provide no scaffolding. - Nil - else - scaffolding ::: valueCtor ::: fromOrdinal :: Nil - end enumLookupMethods - - /** A creation method for a value of enum type `E`, which is defined as follows: - * - * private def $new(_$ordinal: Int, $name: String) = new E with scala.runtime.EnumValue { - * def ordinal = _$ordinal // if `E` does not derive from `java.lang.Enum` - * } - */ - private def enumValueCreator(using Context) = { - val creator = New(Template( - constr = emptyConstructor, - parents = enumClassRef :: scalaRuntimeDot(tpnme.EnumValue) :: Nil, - derived = Nil, - self = EmptyValDef, - body = Nil - ).withAttachment(ExtendsSingletonMirror, ())) - DefDef(nme.DOLLAR_NEW, - List(List(param(nme.ordinalDollar_, defn.IntType), param(nme.nameDollar, defn.StringType))), - TypeTree(), creator).withFlags(Private | Synthetic) - } - - /** Is a type parameter in `enumTypeParams` referenced from an enum class case that has - * given type parameters `caseTypeParams`, value parameters `vparamss` and parents `parents`? - * Issues an error if that is the case but the reference is illegal. - * The reference could be illegal for two reasons: - * - explicit type parameters are given - * - it's a value case, i.e. no value parameters are given - */ - def typeParamIsReferenced( - enumTypeParams: List[TypeSymbol], - caseTypeParams: List[TypeDef], - vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], - parents: List[Tree])(using Context): Boolean = { - - object searchRef extends UntypedTreeAccumulator[Boolean] { - var tparamNames =[Name] - def underBinders(binders: List[MemberDef], op: => Boolean): Boolean = { - val saved = tparamNames - tparamNames = tparamNames -- - try op - finally tparamNames = saved - } - def apply(x: Boolean, tree: Tree)(using Context): Boolean = x || { - tree match { - case Ident(name) => - val matches = tparamNames.contains(name) - if (matches && (caseTypeParams.nonEmpty || vparamss.isEmpty)) - report.error(em"illegal reference to type parameter $name from enum case", tree.srcPos) - matches - case LambdaTypeTree(lambdaParams, body) => - underBinders(lambdaParams, foldOver(x, tree)) - case RefinedTypeTree(parent, refinements) => - val refinementDefs = refinements collect { case r: MemberDef => r } - underBinders(refinementDefs, foldOver(x, tree)) - case _ => foldOver(x, tree) - } - } - def apply(tree: Tree)(using Context): Boolean = - underBinders(caseTypeParams, apply(false, tree)) - } - - def typeHasRef(tpt: Tree) = searchRef(tpt) - def valDefHasRef(vd: ValDef) = typeHasRef(vd.tpt) - def parentHasRef(parent: Tree): Boolean = parent match { - case Apply(fn, _) => parentHasRef(fn) - case TypeApply(_, targs) => targs.exists(typeHasRef) - case Select(nu, nme.CONSTRUCTOR) => parentHasRef(nu) - case New(tpt) => typeHasRef(tpt) - case parent => parent.isType && typeHasRef(parent) - } - - vparamss.nestedExists(valDefHasRef) || parents.exists(parentHasRef) - } - - /** A pair consisting of - * - the next enum tag - * - scaffolding containing the necessary definitions for singleton enum cases - * unless that scaffolding was already generated by a previous call to `nextEnumKind`. - */ - def nextOrdinal(name: Name, kind: CaseKind, definesLookups: Boolean)(using Context): (Int, List[Tree]) = { - val (ordinal, seenMinKind, seenMaxKind, seenCases) = - ctx.tree.removeAttachment(EnumCaseCount).getOrElse((0, CaseKind.Class, CaseKind.Simple, Nil)) - val minKind = if kind.ordinal < seenMinKind.ordinal then kind else seenMinKind - val maxKind = if kind.ordinal > seenMaxKind.ordinal then kind else seenMaxKind - val cases = name match - case name: TermName => (ordinal, name) :: seenCases - case _ => seenCases - if definesLookups then - val thisRef = This(EmptyTypeIdent) - val cachedValues =, name) => (i, Select(thisRef, name))) - (ordinal, enumLookupMethods(EnumConstraints(minKind, maxKind, cachedValues))) - else - ctx.tree.pushAttachment(EnumCaseCount, (ordinal + 1, minKind, maxKind, cases)) - (ordinal, Nil) - } - - def param(name: TermName, typ: Type)(using Context): ValDef = param(name, TypeTree(typ)) - def param(name: TermName, tpt: Tree)(using Context): ValDef = ValDef(name, tpt, EmptyTree).withFlags(Param) - - def ordinalMeth(body: Tree)(using Context): DefDef = - DefDef(nme.ordinal, Nil, TypeTree(defn.IntType), body).withAddedFlags(Synthetic) - - def ordinalMethLit(ord: Int)(using Context): DefDef = - ordinalMeth(Literal(Constant(ord))) - - def fromOrdinalMeth(body: Tree => Tree)(using Context): DefDef = - DefDef(nme.fromOrdinal, (param(nme.ordinal, defn.IntType) :: Nil) :: Nil, - rawRef(enumClass.typeRef), body(Ident(nme.ordinal))).withFlags(Synthetic) - - /** Expand a module definition representing a parameterless enum case */ - def expandEnumModule(name: TermName, impl: Template, mods: Modifiers, definesLookups: Boolean, span: Span)(using Context): Tree = { - assert(impl.body.isEmpty) - if (!enumClass.exists) EmptyTree - else if (impl.parents.isEmpty) - expandSimpleEnumCase(name, mods, definesLookups, span) - else { - val (tag, scaffolding) = nextOrdinal(name, CaseKind.Object, definesLookups) - val impl1 = cpy.Template(impl)(parents = impl.parents :+ scalaRuntimeDot(tpnme.EnumValue), body = Nil) - .withAttachment(ExtendsSingletonMirror, ()) - val vdef = ValDef(name, TypeTree(), New(impl1)).withMods(mods.withAddedFlags(EnumValue, span)) - flatTree(vdef :: scaffolding).withSpan(span) - } - } - - /** Expand a simple enum case */ - def expandSimpleEnumCase(name: TermName, mods: Modifiers, definesLookups: Boolean, span: Span)(using Context): Tree = - if (!enumClass.exists) EmptyTree - else if (enumClass.typeParams.nonEmpty) { - val parent = interpolatedEnumParent(span) - val impl = Template(emptyConstructor, parent :: Nil, Nil, EmptyValDef, Nil) - expandEnumModule(name, impl, mods, definesLookups, span) - } - else { - val (tag, scaffolding) = nextOrdinal(name, CaseKind.Simple, definesLookups) - val creator = Apply(Ident(nme.DOLLAR_NEW), List(Literal(Constant(tag)), Literal(Constant(name.toString)))) - val vdef = ValDef(name, enumClassRef, creator).withMods(mods.withAddedFlags(EnumValue, span)) - flatTree(vdef :: scaffolding).withSpan(span) - } -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/MainProxies.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/MainProxies.scala deleted file mode 100644 index c0cf2c0d1b81..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/MainProxies.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,449 +0,0 @@ -package -package ast - -import core._ -import Symbols._, Types._, Contexts._, Decorators._, util.Spans._, Flags._, Constants._ -import StdNames.{nme, tpnme} -import ast.Trees._ -import Names.Name -import Comments.Comment -import NameKinds.DefaultGetterName -import Annotations.Annotation - -object MainProxies { - - /** Generate proxy classes for @main functions and @myMain functions where myMain <:< MainAnnotation */ - def proxies(stats: List[tpd.Tree])(using Context): List[untpd.Tree] = { - mainAnnotationProxies(stats) ++ mainProxies(stats) - } - - /** Generate proxy classes for @main functions. - * A function like - * - * @main def f(x: S, ys: T*) = ... - * - * would be translated to something like - * - * import CommandLineParser._ - * class f { - * @static def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = - * try - * f( - * parseArgument[S](args, 0), - * parseRemainingArguments[T](args, 1): _* - * ) - * catch case err: ParseError => showError(err) - * } - */ - private def mainProxies(stats: List[tpd.Tree])(using Context): List[untpd.Tree] = { - import tpd._ - def mainMethods(stats: List[Tree]): List[Symbol] = stats.flatMap { - case stat: DefDef if stat.symbol.hasAnnotation(defn.MainAnnot) => - stat.symbol :: Nil - case stat @ TypeDef(name, impl: Template) if => - mainMethods(impl.body) - case _ => - Nil - } - mainMethods(stats).flatMap(mainProxy) - } - - import untpd._ - private def mainProxy(mainFun: Symbol)(using Context): List[TypeDef] = { - val mainAnnotSpan = mainFun.getAnnotation(defn.MainAnnot).get.tree.span - def pos = mainFun.sourcePos - val argsRef = Ident(nme.args) - - def addArgs(call: untpd.Tree, mt: MethodType, idx: Int): untpd.Tree = - if (mt.isImplicitMethod) { - report.error(em"@main method cannot have implicit parameters", pos) - call - } - else { - val args = mt.paramInfos.zipWithIndex map { - (formal, n) => - val (parserSym, formalElem) = - if (formal.isRepeatedParam) (defn.CLP_parseRemainingArguments, formal.argTypes.head) - else (defn.CLP_parseArgument, formal) - val arg = Apply( - TypeApply(ref(parserSym.termRef), TypeTree(formalElem) :: Nil), - argsRef :: Literal(Constant(idx + n)) :: Nil) - if (formal.isRepeatedParam) repeated(arg) else arg - } - val call1 = Apply(call, args) - mt.resType match { - case restpe: MethodType => - if (mt.paramInfos.lastOption.getOrElse(NoType).isRepeatedParam) - report.error(em"varargs parameter of @main method must come last", pos) - addArgs(call1, restpe, idx + args.length) - case _ => - call1 - } - } - - var result: List[TypeDef] = Nil - if (!mainFun.owner.isStaticOwner) - report.error(em"@main method is not statically accessible", pos) - else { - var call = ref(mainFun.termRef) - match { - case _: ExprType => - case mt: MethodType => - call = addArgs(call, mt, 0) - case _: PolyType => - report.error(em"@main method cannot have type parameters", pos) - case _ => - report.error(em"@main can only annotate a method", pos) - } - val errVar = Ident(nme.error) - val handler = CaseDef( - Typed(errVar, TypeTree(defn.CLP_ParseError.typeRef)), - EmptyTree, - Apply(ref(defn.CLP_showError.termRef), errVar :: Nil)) - val body = Try(call, handler :: Nil, EmptyTree) - val mainArg = ValDef(nme.args, TypeTree(defn.ArrayType.appliedTo(defn.StringType)), EmptyTree) - .withFlags(Param) - /** Replace typed `Ident`s that have been typed with a TypeSplice with the reference to the symbol. - * The annotations will be retype-checked in another scope that may not have the same imports. - */ - def insertTypeSplices = new TreeMap { - override def transform(tree: Tree)(using Context): Tree = tree match - case tree: tpd.Ident @unchecked => TypedSplice(tree) - case tree => super.transform(tree) - } - val annots = mainFun.annotations - .filterNot(_.matches(defn.MainAnnot)) - .map(annot => insertTypeSplices.transform(annot.tree)) - val mainMeth = DefDef(nme.main, (mainArg :: Nil) :: Nil, TypeTree(defn.UnitType), body) - .withFlags(JavaStatic | Synthetic) - .withAnnotations(annots) - val mainTempl = Template(emptyConstructor, Nil, Nil, EmptyValDef, mainMeth :: Nil) - val mainCls = TypeDef(, mainTempl) - .withFlags(Final | Invisible) - - if (!ctx.reporter.hasErrors) - result = mainCls.withSpan(mainAnnotSpan.toSynthetic) :: Nil - } - result - } - - private type DefaultValueSymbols = Map[Int, Symbol] - private type ParameterAnnotationss = Seq[Seq[Annotation]] - - /** - * Generate proxy classes for main functions. - * A function like - * - * /** - * * Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet - * * consectetur adipiscing elit. - * * - * * @param x my param x - * * @param ys all my params y - * */ - * @myMain(80) def f( - * @myMain.Alias("myX") x: S, - * y: S, - * ys: T* - * ) = ... - * - * would be translated to something like - * - * final class f { - * static def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { - * val annotation = new myMain(80) - * val info = new Info( - * name = "f", - * documentation = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit.", - * parameters = Seq( - * new scala.annotation.MainAnnotation.Parameter("x", "S", false, false, "my param x", Seq(new scala.main.Alias("myX"))), - * new scala.annotation.MainAnnotation.Parameter("y", "S", true, false, "", Seq()), - * new scala.annotation.MainAnnotation.Parameter("ys", "T", false, true, "all my params y", Seq()) - * ) - * ), - * val command = annotation.command(info, args) - * if command.isDefined then - * val cmd = command.get - * val args0: () => S = annotation.argGetter[S](info.parameters(0), cmd(0), None) - * val args1: () => S = annotation.argGetter[S](info.parameters(1), mainArgs(1), Some(() => sum$default$1())) - * val args2: () => Seq[T] = annotation.varargGetter[T](info.parameters(2), cmd.drop(2)) - * => f(args0(), args1(), args2()*)) - * } - * } - */ - private def mainAnnotationProxies(stats: List[tpd.Tree])(using Context): List[untpd.Tree] = { - import tpd._ - - /** - * Computes the symbols of the default values of the function. Since they cannot be inferred anymore at this - * point of the compilation, they must be explicitly passed by [[mainProxy]]. - */ - def defaultValueSymbols(scope: Tree, funSymbol: Symbol): DefaultValueSymbols = - scope match { - case TypeDef(_, template: Template) => - template.body.flatMap((_: Tree) match { - case dd: DefDef if && == => - val DefaultGetterName.NumberedInfo(index) = @unchecked - List(index -> dd.symbol) - case _ => Nil - }).toMap - case _ => Map.empty - } - - /** Computes the list of main methods present in the code. */ - def mainMethods(scope: Tree, stats: List[Tree]): List[(Symbol, ParameterAnnotationss, DefaultValueSymbols, Option[Comment])] = stats.flatMap { - case stat: DefDef => - val sym = stat.symbol - sym.annotations.filter(_.matches(defn.MainAnnotationClass)) match { - case Nil => - Nil - case _ :: Nil => - val paramAnnotations = stat.paramss.flatMap( - valdef => valdef.symbol.annotations.filter(_.matches(defn.MainAnnotationParameterAnnotation)) - )) - (sym, paramAnnotations.toVector, defaultValueSymbols(scope, sym), stat.rawComment) :: Nil - case mainAnnot :: others => - report.error(em"method cannot have multiple main annotations", mainAnnot.tree) - Nil - } - case stat @ TypeDef(_, impl: Template) if => - mainMethods(stat, impl.body) - case _ => - Nil - } - - // Assuming that the top-level object was already generated, all main methods will have a scope - mainMethods(EmptyTree, stats).flatMap(mainAnnotationProxy) - } - - private def mainAnnotationProxy(mainFun: Symbol, paramAnnotations: ParameterAnnotationss, defaultValueSymbols: DefaultValueSymbols, docComment: Option[Comment])(using Context): Option[TypeDef] = { - val mainAnnot = mainFun.getAnnotation(defn.MainAnnotationClass).get - def pos = mainFun.sourcePos - - val documentation = new Documentation(docComment) - - /** () => value */ - def unitToValue(value: Tree): Tree = - val defDef = DefDef(nme.ANON_FUN, List(Nil), TypeTree(), value) - Block(defDef, Closure(Nil, Ident(nme.ANON_FUN), EmptyTree)) - - /** Generate a list of trees containing the ParamInfo instantiations. - * - * A ParamInfo has the following shape - * ``` - * new scala.annotation.MainAnnotation.Parameter("x", "S", false, false, "my param x", Seq(new scala.main.Alias("myX"))) - * ``` - */ - def parameterInfos(mt: MethodType): List[Tree] = - extension (tree: Tree) def withProperty(sym: Symbol, args: List[Tree]) = - Apply(Select(tree,, args) - - for ((formal, paramName), idx) <- yield - val param = paramName.toString - val paramType0 = if formal.isRepeatedParam then formal.argTypes.head.dealias else formal.dealias - val paramType = paramType0.dealias - val paramTypeOwner = paramType.typeSymbol.owner - val paramTypeStr = - if paramTypeOwner == defn.EmptyPackageClass then - else paramTypeOwner.showFullName + "." + - val hasDefault = defaultValueSymbols.contains(idx) - val isRepeated = formal.isRepeatedParam - val paramDoc = documentation.argDocs.getOrElse(param, "") - val paramAnnots = - val annotationTrees = paramAnnotations(idx).map(instantiateAnnotation).toList - Apply(ref(defn.SeqModule.termRef), annotationTrees) - - val constructorArgs = List(param, paramTypeStr, hasDefault, isRepeated, paramDoc) - .map(value => Literal(Constant(value))) - - New(TypeTree(defn.MainAnnotationParameter.typeRef), List(constructorArgs :+ paramAnnots)) - - end parameterInfos - - /** - * Creates a list of references and definitions of arguments. - * The goal is to create the - * `val args0: () => S = annotation.argGetter[S](0, cmd(0), None)` - * part of the code. - */ - def argValDefs(mt: MethodType): List[ValDef] = - for ((formal, paramName), idx) <- yield - val argName = nme.args ++ idx.toString - val isRepeated = formal.isRepeatedParam - val formalType = if isRepeated then formal.argTypes.head else formal - val getterName = if isRepeated then nme.varargGetter else nme.argGetter - val defaultValueGetterOpt = defaultValueSymbols.get(idx) match - case None => ref(defn.NoneModule.termRef) - case Some(dvSym) => - val value = unitToValue(ref(dvSym.termRef)) - Apply(ref(defn.SomeClass.companionModule.termRef), value) - val argGetter0 = TypeApply(Select(Ident(nme.annotation), getterName), TypeTree(formalType) :: Nil) - val index = Literal(Constant(idx)) - val paramInfo = Apply(Select(Ident(, nme.parameters), index) - val argGetter = - if isRepeated then Apply(argGetter0, List(paramInfo, Apply(Select(Ident(nme.cmd), nme.drop), List(index)))) - else Apply(argGetter0, List(paramInfo, Apply(Ident(nme.cmd), List(index)), defaultValueGetterOpt)) - ValDef(argName, TypeTree(), argGetter) - end argValDefs - - - /** Create a list of argument references that will be passed as argument to the main method. - * `args0`, ...`argn*` - */ - def argRefs(mt: MethodType): List[Tree] = - for ((formal, paramName), idx) <- yield - val argRef = Apply(Ident(nme.args ++ idx.toString), Nil) - if formal.isRepeatedParam then repeated(argRef) else argRef - end argRefs - - - /** Turns an annotation (e.g. `@main(40)`) into an instance of the class (e.g. `new scala.main(40)`). */ - def instantiateAnnotation(annot: Annotation): Tree = - val argss = { - def recurse(t: tpd.Tree, acc: List[List[Tree]]): List[List[Tree]] = t match { - case Apply(t, args: List[tpd.Tree]) => recurse(t, extractArgs(args) :: acc) - case _ => acc - } - - def extractArgs(args: List[tpd.Tree]): List[Tree] = - args.flatMap { - case Typed(SeqLiteral(varargs, _), _) => => TypedSplice(arg)) - case arg: Select if => Nil // Ignore default values, they will be added later by the compiler - case arg => List(TypedSplice(arg)) - } - - recurse(annot.tree, Nil) - } - - New(TypeTree(annot.symbol.typeRef), argss) - end instantiateAnnotation - - def generateMainClass(mainCall: Tree, args: List[Tree], parameterInfos: List[Tree]): TypeDef = - val cmdInfo = - val nameTree = Literal(Constant(mainFun.showName)) - val docTree = Literal(Constant(documentation.mainDoc)) - val paramInfos = Apply(ref(defn.SeqModule.termRef), parameterInfos) - New(TypeTree(defn.MainAnnotationInfo.typeRef), List(List(nameTree, docTree, paramInfos))) - - val annotVal = ValDef( - nme.annotation, - TypeTree(), - instantiateAnnotation(mainAnnot) - ) - val infoVal = ValDef( -, - TypeTree(), - cmdInfo - ) - val command = ValDef( - nme.command, - TypeTree(), - Apply( - Select(Ident(nme.annotation), nme.command), - List(Ident(, Ident(nme.args)) - ) - ) - val argsVal = ValDef( - nme.cmd, - TypeTree(), - Select(Ident(nme.command), nme.get) - ) - val run = Apply(Select(Ident(nme.annotation),, mainCall) - val body0 = If( - Select(Ident(nme.command), nme.isDefined), - Block(argsVal :: args, run), - EmptyTree - ) - val body = Block(List(annotVal, infoVal, command), body0) // TODO add `if (cmd.nonEmpty)` - - val mainArg = ValDef(nme.args, TypeTree(defn.ArrayType.appliedTo(defn.StringType)), EmptyTree) - .withFlags(Param) - /** Replace typed `Ident`s that have been typed with a TypeSplice with the reference to the symbol. - * The annotations will be retype-checked in another scope that may not have the same imports. - */ - def insertTypeSplices = new TreeMap { - override def transform(tree: Tree)(using Context): Tree = tree match - case tree: tpd.Ident @unchecked => TypedSplice(tree) - case tree => super.transform(tree) - } - val annots = mainFun.annotations - .filterNot(_.matches(defn.MainAnnotationClass)) - .map(annot => insertTypeSplices.transform(annot.tree)) - val mainMeth = DefDef(nme.main, (mainArg :: Nil) :: Nil, TypeTree(defn.UnitType), body) - .withFlags(JavaStatic) - .withAnnotations(annots) - val mainTempl = Template(emptyConstructor, Nil, Nil, EmptyValDef, mainMeth :: Nil) - val mainCls = TypeDef(, mainTempl) - .withFlags(Final | Invisible) - mainCls.withSpan(mainAnnot.tree.span.toSynthetic) - end generateMainClass - - if (!mainFun.owner.isStaticOwner) - report.error(em"main method is not statically accessible", pos) - None - else match { - case _: ExprType => - Some(generateMainClass(unitToValue(ref(mainFun.termRef)), Nil, Nil)) - case mt: MethodType => - if (mt.isImplicitMethod) - report.error(em"main method cannot have implicit parameters", pos) - None - else mt.resType match - case restpe: MethodType => - report.error(em"main method cannot be curried", pos) - None - case _ => - Some(generateMainClass(unitToValue(Apply(ref(mainFun.termRef), argRefs(mt))), argValDefs(mt), parameterInfos(mt))) - case _: PolyType => - report.error(em"main method cannot have type parameters", pos) - None - case _ => - report.error(em"main can only annotate a method", pos) - None - } - } - - /** A class responsible for extracting the docstrings of a method. */ - private class Documentation(docComment: Option[Comment]): - import util.CommentParsing._ - - /** The main part of the documentation. */ - lazy val mainDoc: String = _mainDoc - /** The parameters identified by @param. Maps from parameter name to its documentation. */ - lazy val argDocs: Map[String, String] = _argDocs - - private var _mainDoc: String = "" - private var _argDocs: Map[String, String] = Map() - - docComment match { - case Some(comment) => if comment.isDocComment then parseDocComment(comment.raw) else _mainDoc = comment.raw - case None => - } - - private def cleanComment(raw: String): String = - var lines: Seq[String] = raw.trim.nn.split('\n').nn.toSeq - lines = => l.substring(skipLineLead(l, -1), l.length).nn.trim.nn) - var s = lines.foldLeft("") { - case ("", s2) => s2 - case (s1, "") if s1.last == '\n' => s1 // Multiple newlines are kept as single newlines - case (s1, "") => s1 + '\n' - case (s1, s2) if s1.last == '\n' => s1 + s2 - case (s1, s2) => s1 + ' ' + s2 - } - s.replaceAll(raw"\[\[", "").nn.replaceAll(raw"\]\]", "").nn.trim.nn - - private def parseDocComment(raw: String): Unit = - // Positions of the sections (@) in the docstring - val tidx: List[(Int, Int)] = tagIndex(raw) - - // Parse main comment - var mainComment: String = raw.substring(skipLineLead(raw, 0), startTag(raw, tidx)).nn - _mainDoc = cleanComment(mainComment) - - // Parse arguments comments - val argsCommentsSpans: Map[String, (Int, Int)] = paramDocs(raw, "@param", tidx) - val argsCommentsTextSpans = argsCommentsSpans.view.mapValues(extractSectionText(raw, _)) - val argsCommentsTexts = argsCommentsTextSpans.mapValues({ case (beg, end) => raw.substring(beg, end).nn }) - _argDocs = argsCommentsTexts.mapValues(cleanComment(_)).toMap - end Documentation -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/NavigateAST.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/NavigateAST.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 054ffe66f323..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/NavigateAST.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,129 +0,0 @@ -package -package ast - -import core.Contexts._ -import core.Decorators._ -import util.Spans._ -import Trees.{MemberDef, DefTree, WithLazyField} -import -import -import - -/** Utility functions to go from typed to untyped ASTs */ -// TODO: Handle trees with mixed source files -object NavigateAST { - - /** The untyped tree corresponding to typed tree `tree` in the compilation - * unit specified by `ctx` - */ - def toUntyped(tree: tpd.Tree)(using Context): untpd.Tree = - untypedPath(tree, exactMatch = true) match { - case (utree: untpd.Tree) :: _ => - utree - case _ => - val loosePath = untypedPath(tree, exactMatch = false) - throw new - Error(i"""no untyped tree for $tree, pos = ${tree.sourcePos} - |best matching path =\n$loosePath%\n====\n% - |path positions = ${}""") - } - - /** The reverse path of untyped trees starting with a tree that closest matches - * `tree` and ending in the untyped tree at the root of the compilation unit - * specified by `ctx`. - * @param exactMatch If `true`, the path must start with a node that exactly - * matches `tree`, or `Nil` is returned. - * If `false` the path might start with a node enclosing - * the logical position of `tree`. - * Note: A complication concerns member definitions. ValDefs and DefDefs - * have after desugaring a position that spans just the name of the symbol being - * defined and nothing else. So we look instead for an untyped tree approximating the - * envelope of the definition, and declare success if we find another DefTree. - */ - def untypedPath(tree: tpd.Tree, exactMatch: Boolean = false)(using Context): List[Positioned] = - tree match { - case tree: MemberDef[?] => - untypedPath(tree.span) match { - case path @ (last: DefTree[?]) :: _ => path - case path if !exactMatch => path - case _ => Nil - } - case _ => - untypedPath(tree.span) match { - case (path @ last :: _) if last.span == tree.span || !exactMatch => path - case _ => Nil - } - } - - /** The reverse part of the untyped root of the compilation unit of `ctx` to - * the given `span`. - */ - def untypedPath(span: Span)(using Context): List[Positioned] = - pathTo(span, List(ctx.compilationUnit.untpdTree)) - - - /** The reverse path from any node in `from` to the node that closest encloses `span`, - * or `Nil` if no such path exists. If a non-empty path is returned it starts with - * the node closest enclosing `span` and ends with one of the nodes in `from`. - * - * @param skipZeroExtent If true, skip over zero-extent nodes in the search. These nodes - * do not correspond to code the user wrote since their start and - * end point are the same, so this is useful when trying to reconcile - * nodes with source code. - */ - def pathTo(span: Span, from: List[Positioned], skipZeroExtent: Boolean = false)(using Context): List[Positioned] = { - def childPath(it: Iterator[Any], path: List[Positioned]): List[Positioned] = { - var bestFit: List[Positioned] = path - while (it.hasNext) { - val path1 = match { - case p: Positioned => singlePath(p, path) - case m: untpd.Modifiers => childPath(m.productIterator, path) - case xs: List[?] => childPath(xs.iterator, path) - case _ => path - } - if ((path1 ne path) && - ((bestFit eq path) || - bestFit.head.span != path1.head.span && - bestFit.head.span.contains(path1.head.span))) - bestFit = path1 - } - bestFit - } - /* - * Annotations trees are located in the Type - */ - def unpackAnnotations(t: Type, path: List[Positioned]): List[Positioned] = - t match { - case ann: AnnotatedType => - unpackAnnotations(ann.parent, childPath(ann.annot.tree.productIterator, path)) - case imp: ImportType => - childPath(imp.expr.productIterator, path) - case other => - path - } - def singlePath(p: Positioned, path: List[Positioned]): List[Positioned] = - if (p.span.exists && !(skipZeroExtent && p.span.isZeroExtent) && p.span.contains(span)) { - // FIXME: We shouldn't be manually forcing trees here, we should replace - // our usage of `productIterator` by something in `Positioned` that takes - // care of low-level details like this for us. - p match { - case p: WithLazyField[?] => - p.forceIfLazy - case _ => - } - val iterator = p match - case defdef: DefTree[?] => - p.productIterator ++ defdef.mods.productIterator - case _ => - p.productIterator - childPath(iterator, p :: path) - } - else { - p match { - case t: untpd.TypeTree => unpackAnnotations(t.typeOpt, path) - case _ => path - } - } - childPath(from.iterator, Nil) - } -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/Positioned.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/Positioned.scala deleted file mode 100644 index fd30d441a6ee..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/Positioned.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,246 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc -package ast - -import util.Spans._ -import util.{SourceFile, SourcePosition, SrcPos} -import core.Contexts._ -import core.Decorators._ -import core.NameOps._ -import core.Flags.{JavaDefined, ExtensionMethod} -import core.StdNames.nme -import ast.Trees.mods -import annotation.constructorOnly -import annotation.internal.sharable - -/** A base class for things that have positions (currently: modifiers and trees) - */ -abstract class Positioned(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends SrcPos, Product, Cloneable, caps.Pure { - import Positioned.{ids, nextId, debugId} - - private var mySpan: Span = _ - - private var mySource: SourceFile = src - - /** A unique identifier in case -Yshow-tree-ids, or -Ydebug-tree-with-id - * is set, -1 otherwise. - */ - def uniqueId: Int = - if ids != null && ids.nn.containsKey(this) then ids.nn.get(this).nn else -1 - - private def allocateId() = - if ids != null then - val ownId = nextId - nextId += 1 - ids.nn.put(this: @unchecked, ownId) - if ownId == debugId then - println(s"Debug tree (id=$debugId) creation \n${this: @unchecked}\n") - Thread.dumpStack() - - allocateId() - - /** The span part of the item's position */ - def span: Span = mySpan - - def span_=(span: Span): Unit = - mySpan = span - - span = envelope(src) - - def source: SourceFile = mySource - - def sourcePos(using Context): SourcePosition = source.atSpan(span) - - /** This positioned item, widened to `SrcPos`. Used to make clear we only need the - * position, typically for error reporting. - */ - final def srcPos: SrcPos = this - - /** A positioned item like this one with given `span`. - * If the positioned item is source-derived, a clone is returned. - * If the positioned item is synthetic, the position is updated - * destructively and the item itself is returned. - */ - def withSpan(span: Span): this.type = - if (span == mySpan) this - else { - val newpd: this.type = - if !mySpan.exists then - if span.exists then envelope(source, span.startPos) // fill in children spans - this - else - cloneIn(source) - newpd.span = span - newpd - } - - /** The union of startSpan and the spans of all positioned children that - * have the same source as this node, except that Inlined nodes only - * consider their `call` child. - * - * Side effect: Any descendants without spans have but with the same source as this - * node have their span set to the end position of the envelope of all children to - * the left, or, if that one does not exist, to the start position of the envelope - * of all children to the right. - */ - def envelope(src: SourceFile, startSpan: Span = NoSpan): Span = (this: @unchecked) match { - case Trees.Inlined(call, _, _) => - call.span - case _ => - def include(span: Span, x: Any): Span = x match { - case p: Positioned => - if (p.source != src) span - else if (p.span.exists) span.union(p.span) - else if (span.exists) { - if (span.end != MaxOffset) - p.span = p.envelope(src, span.endPos) - span - } - else // No span available to assign yet, signal this by returning a span with MaxOffset end - Span(MaxOffset, MaxOffset) - case m: untpd.Modifiers => - include(include(span, m.mods), m.annotations) - case y :: ys => - include(include(span, y), ys) - case _ => span - } - val limit = productArity - def includeChildren(span: Span, n: Int): Span = - if (n < limit) includeChildren(include(span, productElement(n): @unchecked), n + 1) - else span - val span1 = includeChildren(startSpan, 0) - val span2 = - if (!span1.exists || span1.end != MaxOffset) - span1 - else if (span1.start == MaxOffset) - // No positioned child was found - NoSpan - else - ///println(s"revisit $uniqueId with $span1") - // We have some children left whose span could not be assigned. - // Go through it again with the known start position. - includeChildren(span1.startPos, 0) - span2.toSynthetic - } - - /** Clone this node but assign it a fresh id which marks it as a node in `file`. */ - def cloneIn(src: SourceFile): this.type = { - val newpd: this.type = clone.asInstanceOf[this.type] - newpd.allocateId() - newpd.mySource = src - newpd - } - - def contains(that: Positioned): Boolean = { - def isParent(x: Any): Boolean = x match { - case x: Positioned => - x.contains(that) - case m: untpd.Modifiers => - m.mods.exists(isParent) || m.annotations.exists(isParent) - case xs: List[?] => - xs.exists(isParent) - case _ => - false - } - (this eq that) || - (this.span contains that.span) && { - var n = productArity - var found = false - while (!found && n > 0) { - n -= 1 - found = isParent(productElement(n)) - } - found - } - } - - /** Check that all positioned items in this tree satisfy the following conditions: - * - Parent spans contain child spans - * - If item is a non-empty tree, it has a position - */ - def checkPos(nonOverlapping: Boolean)(using Context): Unit = try { - import untpd._ - var lastPositioned: Positioned | Null = null - var lastSpan = NoSpan - def check(p: Any): Unit = p match { - case p: Positioned => - assert(span contains p.span, - i"""position error, parent span does not contain child span - |parent = $this # $uniqueId, - |parent span = $span, - |child = $p # ${p.uniqueId}, - |child span = ${p.span}""".stripMargin) - p match { - case tree: Tree if !tree.isEmpty => - assert(tree.span.exists, - s"position error: position not set for $tree # ${tree.uniqueId}") - case _ => - } - if nonOverlapping then - this match { - case _: XMLBlock => - // FIXME: Trees generated by the XML parser do not satisfy `checkPos` - case _: WildcardFunction - if lastPositioned.isInstanceOf[ValDef] && !p.isInstanceOf[ValDef] => - // ignore transition from last wildcard parameter to body - case _ => - assert(!lastSpan.exists || !p.span.exists || lastSpan.end <= p.span.start, - i"""position error, child positions overlap or in wrong order - |parent = $this - |1st child = $lastPositioned - |1st child span = $lastSpan - |2nd child = $p - |2nd child span = ${p.span}""".stripMargin) - } - lastPositioned = p - lastSpan = p.span - p.checkPos(nonOverlapping) - case m: untpd.Modifiers => - m.annotations.foreach(check) - m.mods.foreach(check) - case xs: List[?] => - xs.foreach(check) - case _ => - } - this match { - case tree: DefDef if == nme.CONSTRUCTOR && => - // Special treatment for constructors coming from Java: - // Leave out leading type params, they are copied with wrong positions from parent class - check(tree.mods) - check(tree.trailingParamss) - case tree: DefDef if => - tree.paramss match - case vparams1 :: vparams2 :: rest if => - // omit check for right-associatiove extension methods; their parameters were swapped - case _ => - check(tree.paramss) - check(tree.tpt) - check(tree.rhs) - case _ => - val end = productArity - var n = 0 - while (n < end) { - check(productElement(n)) - n += 1 - } - } - } - catch { - case ex: AssertionError => - println(i"error while checking $this") - throw ex - } -} - -object Positioned { - @sharable private var debugId = Int.MinValue - @sharable private var ids: java.util.WeakHashMap[Positioned, Int] | Null = null - @sharable private var nextId: Int = 0 - - def init(using Context): Unit = - debugId = ctx.settings.YdebugTreeWithId.value - if ids == null && ctx.settings.YshowTreeIds.value - || debugId != ctx.settings.YdebugTreeWithId.default - then - ids = java.util.WeakHashMap() -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/TreeInfo.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/TreeInfo.scala deleted file mode 100644 index b650a0088de4..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/TreeInfo.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1070 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc -package ast - -import core._ -import Flags._, Trees._, Types._, Contexts._ -import Names._, StdNames._, NameOps._, Symbols._ -import typer.ConstFold -import reporting.trace -import -import Decorators._ -import Constants.Constant -import scala.collection.mutable - -import scala.annotation.tailrec - -trait TreeInfo[T <: Untyped] { self: Trees.Instance[T] => - - def unsplice(tree: Trees.Tree[T]): Trees.Tree[T] = tree - - def isDeclarationOrTypeDef(tree: Tree): Boolean = unsplice(tree) match { - case DefDef(_, _, _, EmptyTree) - | ValDef(_, _, EmptyTree) - | TypeDef(_, _) => true - case _ => false - } - - def isOpAssign(tree: Tree): Boolean = unsplice(tree) match { - case Apply(fn, _ :: _) => - unsplice(fn) match { - case Select(_, name) if name.isOpAssignmentName => true - case _ => false - } - case _ => false - } - - class MatchingArgs(params: List[Symbol], args: List[Tree])(using Context) { - def foreach(f: (Symbol, Tree) => Unit): Boolean = { - def recur(params: List[Symbol], args: List[Tree]): Boolean = params match { - case Nil => args.isEmpty - case param :: params1 => - if ( { - for (arg <- args) f(param, arg) - true - } - else args match { - case Nil => false - case arg :: args1 => - f(param, args.head) - recur(params1, args1) - } - } - recur(params, args) - } - def zipped: List[(Symbol, Tree)] = map((_, _)) - def map[R](f: (Symbol, Tree) => R): List[R] = { - val b = List.newBuilder[R] - foreach(b += f(_, _)) - b.result() - } - } - - /** The method part of an application node, possibly enclosed in a block - * with only valdefs as statements. the reason for also considering blocks - * is that named arguments can transform a call into a block, e.g. - * (b = foo, a = bar) - * is transformed to - * { val x$1 = foo - * val x$2 = bar - * (x$2, x$1) - * } - */ - def methPart(tree: Tree): Tree = stripApply(tree) match { - case TypeApply(fn, _) => methPart(fn) - case AppliedTypeTree(fn, _) => methPart(fn) // !!! should not be needed - case Block(stats, expr) => methPart(expr) - case mp => mp - } - - /** If this is an application, its function part, stripping all - * Apply nodes (but leaving TypeApply nodes in). Otherwise the tree itself. - */ - def stripApply(tree: Tree): Tree = unsplice(tree) match { - case Apply(fn, _) => stripApply(fn) - case _ => tree - } - - /** If this is a block, its expression part */ - def stripBlock(tree: Tree): Tree = unsplice(tree) match { - case Block(_, expr) => stripBlock(expr) - case Inlined(_, _, expr) => stripBlock(expr) - case _ => tree - } - - def stripInlined(tree: Tree): Tree = unsplice(tree) match { - case Inlined(_, _, expr) => stripInlined(expr) - case _ => tree - } - - def stripAnnotated(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match { - case Annotated(arg, _) => arg - case _ => tree - } - - /** The number of arguments in an application */ - def numArgs(tree: Tree): Int = unsplice(tree) match { - case Apply(fn, args) => numArgs(fn) + args.length - case TypeApply(fn, _) => numArgs(fn) - case Block(_, expr) => numArgs(expr) - case _ => 0 - } - - /** All term arguments of an application in a single flattened list */ - def allArguments(tree: Tree): List[Tree] = unsplice(tree) match { - case Apply(fn, args) => allArguments(fn) ::: args - case TypeApply(fn, _) => allArguments(fn) - case Block(_, expr) => allArguments(expr) - case _ => Nil - } - - /** Is tree explicitly parameterized with type arguments? */ - def hasExplicitTypeArgs(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match - case TypeApply(tycon, args) => - args.exists(arg => !arg.span.isZeroExtent && !tycon.span.contains(arg.span)) - case _ => false - - /** Is tree a path? */ - def isPath(tree: Tree): Boolean = unsplice(tree) match { - case Ident(_) | This(_) | Super(_, _) => true - case Select(qual, _) => isPath(qual) - case _ => false - } - - /** Is tree a self constructor call this(...)? I.e. a call to a constructor of the - * same object? - */ - def isSelfConstrCall(tree: Tree): Boolean = methPart(tree) match { - case Ident(nme.CONSTRUCTOR) | Select(This(_), nme.CONSTRUCTOR) => true - case _ => false - } - - /** Is tree a super constructor call? - */ - def isSuperConstrCall(tree: Tree): Boolean = methPart(tree) match { - case Select(Super(_, _), nme.CONSTRUCTOR) => true - case _ => false - } - - def isSuperSelection(tree: Tree): Boolean = unsplice(tree) match { - case Select(Super(_, _), _) => true - case _ => false - } - - def isSelfOrSuperConstrCall(tree: Tree): Boolean = methPart(tree) match { - case Ident(nme.CONSTRUCTOR) - | Select(This(_), nme.CONSTRUCTOR) - | Select(Super(_, _), nme.CONSTRUCTOR) => true - case _ => false - } - - /** Is tree a backquoted identifier or definition */ - def isBackquoted(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree.hasAttachment(Backquoted) - - /** Is tree a variable pattern? */ - def isVarPattern(pat: Tree): Boolean = unsplice(pat) match { - case x: Ident => && !isBackquoted(x) - case _ => false - } - - /** The first constructor definition in `stats` */ - def firstConstructor(stats: List[Tree]): Tree = stats match { - case (meth: DefDef) :: _ if => meth - case stat :: stats => firstConstructor(stats) - case nil => EmptyTree - } - - /** Is tpt a vararg type of the form T* or => T*? */ - def isRepeatedParamType(tpt: Tree)(using Context): Boolean = stripByNameType(tpt) match { - case tpt: TypeTree => tpt.typeOpt.isRepeatedParam - case AppliedTypeTree(Select(_, tpnme.REPEATED_PARAM_CLASS), _) => true - case _ => false - } - - /** Is this argument node of the form *, or is it a reference to - * such an argument ? The latter case can happen when an argument is lifted. - */ - def isWildcardStarArg(tree: Tree)(using Context): Boolean = unbind(tree) match { - case Typed(Ident(nme.WILDCARD_STAR), _) => true - case Typed(_, Ident(tpnme.WILDCARD_STAR)) => true - case Typed(_, tpt: TypeTree) => tpt.typeOpt.isRepeatedParam - case NamedArg(_, arg) => isWildcardStarArg(arg) - case arg => arg.typeOpt.widen.isRepeatedParam - } - - /** Is tree a type tree of the form `=> T` or (under pureFunctions) `{refs}-> T`? */ - def isByNameType(tree: Tree)(using Context): Boolean = - stripByNameType(tree) ne tree - - /** Strip `=> T` to `T` and (under pureFunctions) `{refs}-> T` to `T` */ - def stripByNameType(tree: Tree)(using Context): Tree = unsplice(tree) match - case ByNameTypeTree(t1) => t1 - case untpd.CapturingTypeTree(_, parent) => - val parent1 = stripByNameType(parent) - if parent1 eq parent then tree else parent1 - case _ => tree - - /** All type and value parameter symbols of this DefDef */ - def allParamSyms(ddef: DefDef)(using Context): List[Symbol] = - - - /** Does this argument list end with an argument of the form : _* ? */ - def isWildcardStarArgList(trees: List[Tree])(using Context): Boolean = - trees.nonEmpty && isWildcardStarArg(trees.last) - - /** Is the argument a wildcard argument of the form `_` or `x @ _`? - */ - def isWildcardArg(tree: Tree): Boolean = unbind(tree) match { - case Ident(nme.WILDCARD) => true - case _ => false - } - - /** Does this list contain a named argument tree? */ - def hasNamedArg(args: List[Any]): Boolean = args exists isNamedArg - val isNamedArg: Any => Boolean = (arg: Any) => arg.isInstanceOf[Trees.NamedArg[_]] - - /** Is this pattern node a catch-all (wildcard or variable) pattern? */ - def isDefaultCase(cdef: CaseDef): Boolean = cdef match { - case CaseDef(pat, EmptyTree, _) => isWildcardArg(pat) - case _ => false - } - - /** Does this CaseDef catch Throwable? */ - def catchesThrowable(cdef: CaseDef)(using Context): Boolean = - catchesAllOf(cdef, defn.ThrowableType) - - /** Does this CaseDef catch everything of a certain Type? */ - def catchesAllOf(cdef: CaseDef, threshold: Type)(using Context): Boolean = - isDefaultCase(cdef) || - cdef.guard.isEmpty && { - unbind(cdef.pat) match { - case Typed(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), tpt) => threshold <:< tpt.typeOpt - case _ => false - } - } - - /** Is this case guarded? */ - def isGuardedCase(cdef: CaseDef): Boolean = cdef.guard ne EmptyTree - - /** Is this parameter list a using clause? */ - def isUsingClause(params: ParamClause)(using Context): Boolean = params match - case ValDefs(vparam :: _) => - val sym = vparam.symbol - if sym.exists then else - case _ => - false - - def isUsingOrTypeParamClause(params: ParamClause)(using Context): Boolean = params match - case TypeDefs(_) => true - case _ => isUsingClause(params) - - def isTypeParamClause(params: ParamClause)(using Context): Boolean = params match - case TypeDefs(_) => true - case _ => false - - private val languageSubCategories = Set(nme.experimental, nme.deprecated) - - /** If `path` looks like a language import, `Some(name)` where name - * is `experimental` if that sub-module is imported, and the empty - * term name otherwise. - */ - def languageImport(path: Tree): Option[TermName] = path match - case Select(p1, name: TermName) if languageSubCategories.contains(name) => - languageImport(p1) match - case Some(EmptyTermName) => Some(name) - case _ => None - case p1: RefTree if == nme.language => - p1.qualifier match - case EmptyTree => Some(EmptyTermName) - case p2: RefTree if == nme.scala => - p2.qualifier match - case EmptyTree => Some(EmptyTermName) - case Ident(nme.ROOTPKG) => Some(EmptyTermName) - case _ => None - case _ => None - case _ => None - - /** The underlying pattern ignoring any bindings */ - def unbind(x: Tree): Tree = unsplice(x) match { - case Bind(_, y) => unbind(y) - case y => y - } - - /** The largest subset of {NoInits, PureInterface} that a - * trait or class with these parents can have as flags. - */ - def parentsKind(parents: List[Tree])(using Context): FlagSet = parents match { - case Nil => NoInitsInterface - case Apply(_, _ :: _) :: _ => EmptyFlags - case _ :: parents1 => parentsKind(parents1) - } - - /** Checks whether predicate `p` is true for all result parts of this expression, - * where we zoom into Ifs, Matches, and Blocks. - */ - def forallResults(tree: Tree, p: Tree => Boolean): Boolean = tree match { - case If(_, thenp, elsep) => forallResults(thenp, p) && forallResults(elsep, p) - case Match(_, cases) => cases forall (c => forallResults(c.body, p)) - case Block(_, expr) => forallResults(expr, p) - case _ => p(tree) - } -} - -trait UntypedTreeInfo extends TreeInfo[Untyped] { self: Trees.Instance[Untyped] => - import untpd._ - - /** The underlying tree when stripping any TypedSplice or Parens nodes */ - override def unsplice(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match { - case TypedSplice(tree1) => tree1 - case Parens(tree1) => unsplice(tree1) - case _ => tree - } - - def functionWithUnknownParamType(tree: Tree): Option[Tree] = tree match { - case Function(args, _) => - if (args.exists { - case ValDef(_, tpt, _) => tpt.isEmpty - case _ => false - }) Some(tree) - else None - case Match(EmptyTree, _) => - Some(tree) - case Block(Nil, expr) => - functionWithUnknownParamType(expr) - case _ => - None - } - - def isFunctionWithUnknownParamType(tree: Tree): Boolean = - functionWithUnknownParamType(tree).isDefined - - def isFunction(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match - case Function(_, _) | Match(EmptyTree, _) => true - case Block(Nil, expr) => isFunction(expr) - case _ => false - - /** Is `tree` an context function or closure, possibly nested in a block? */ - def isContextualClosure(tree: Tree)(using Context): Boolean = unsplice(tree) match { - case tree: FunctionWithMods => - case Function((param: untpd.ValDef) :: _, _) => - case Closure(_, meth, _) => true - case Block(Nil, expr) => isContextualClosure(expr) - case Block(DefDef(nme.ANON_FUN, params :: _, _, _) :: Nil, cl: Closure) => - if params.isEmpty then - cl.tpt.eq(untpd.ContextualEmptyTree) || defn.isContextFunctionType(cl.tpt.typeOpt) - else - isUsingClause(params) - case _ => false - } - - /** The largest subset of {NoInits, PureInterface} that a - * trait or class enclosing this statement can have as flags. - */ - private def defKind(tree: Tree)(using Context): FlagSet = unsplice(tree) match { - case EmptyTree | _: Import => NoInitsInterface - case tree: TypeDef => if (tree.isClassDef) NoInits else NoInitsInterface - case tree: DefDef => - if tree.unforcedRhs == EmptyTree - && tree.paramss.forall { - case ValDefs(vparams) => vparams.forall(_.rhs.isEmpty) - case _ => true - } - then - NoInitsInterface - else if && tree.paramss.isEmpty then - EmptyFlags // might become a lazy val: TODO: check whether we need to suppress NoInits once we have new lazy val impl - else - NoInits - case tree: ValDef => if (tree.unforcedRhs == EmptyTree) NoInitsInterface else EmptyFlags - case _ => EmptyFlags - } - - /** The largest subset of {NoInits, PureInterface} that a - * trait or class with this body can have as flags. - */ - def bodyKind(body: List[Tree])(using Context): FlagSet = - body.foldLeft(NoInitsInterface)((fs, stat) => fs & defKind(stat)) - - /** Info of a variable in a pattern: The named tree and its type */ - type VarInfo = (NameTree, Tree) - - /** An extractor for trees of the form `id` or `id: T` */ - object IdPattern { - def unapply(tree: Tree)(using Context): Option[VarInfo] = tree match { - case id: Ident if != nme.WILDCARD => Some(id, TypeTree()) - case Typed(id: Ident, tpt) => Some((id, tpt)) - case _ => None - } - } - - /** Under pureFunctions: A builder and extractor for `=> T`, which is an alias for `{*}-> T`. - * Only trees of the form `=> T` are matched; trees written directly as `{*}-> T` - * are ignored by the extractor. - */ - object ImpureByNameTypeTree: - - def apply(tp: ByNameTypeTree)(using Context): untpd.CapturingTypeTree = - untpd.CapturingTypeTree( - untpd.captureRoot.withSpan(tp.span.startPos) :: Nil, tp) - - def unapply(tp: Tree)(using Context): Option[ByNameTypeTree] = tp match - case untpd.CapturingTypeTree(id @ Select(_, nme.CAPTURE_ROOT) :: Nil, bntp: ByNameTypeTree) - if id.span == bntp.span.startPos => Some(bntp) - case _ => None - end ImpureByNameTypeTree -} - -trait TypedTreeInfo extends TreeInfo[Type] { self: Trees.Instance[Type] => - import TreeInfo._ - import tpd._ - - /** The purity level of this statement. - * @return Pure if statement has no side effects - * Idempotent if running the statement a second time has no side effects - * Impure otherwise - */ - def statPurity(tree: Tree)(using Context): PurityLevel = unsplice(tree) match { - case EmptyTree - | TypeDef(_, _) - | Import(_, _) - | DefDef(_, _, _, _) => - Pure - case vdef @ ValDef(_, _, _) => - if (vdef.symbol.flags is Mutable) Impure else exprPurity(vdef.rhs) `min` Pure - case _ => - Impure - // TODO: It seem like this should be exprPurity(tree) - // But if we do that the repl/vars test break. Need to figure out why that's the case. - } - - /** The purity level of this expression. See docs for PurityLevel for what that means - * - * Note that purity and idempotency are treated differently. - * References to modules and lazy vals are impure (side-effecting) both because - * side-effecting code may be executed and because the first reference - * takes a different code path than all to follow; but they are idempotent - * because running the expression a second time gives the cached result. - */ - def exprPurity(tree: Tree)(using Context): PurityLevel = unsplice(tree) match { - case EmptyTree - | This(_) - | Super(_, _) - | Literal(_) => - PurePath - case Ident(_) => - refPurity(tree) - case Select(qual, _) => - if ( Pure - else refPurity(tree) `min` exprPurity(qual) - case New(_) | Closure(_, _, _) => - Pure - case TypeApply(fn, _) => - if ( || fn.symbol == defn.QuotedTypeModule_of || fn.symbol == defn.Predef_classOf) Pure else exprPurity(fn) - case Apply(fn, args) => - if isPureApply(tree, fn) then - minOf(exprPurity(fn), `min` Pure - else if then - Pure - else if fn.symbol.isStableMember /* && */ then - minOf(exprPurity(fn), `min` Idempotent - else - Impure - case Typed(expr, _) => - exprPurity(expr) - case Block(stats, expr) => - minOf(exprPurity(expr), - case Inlined(_, bindings, expr) => - minOf(exprPurity(expr), - case NamedArg(_, expr) => - exprPurity(expr) - case _ => - Impure - } - - private def minOf(l0: PurityLevel, ls: List[PurityLevel]) = ls.foldLeft(l0)(_ `min` _) - - def isPurePath(tree: Tree)(using Context): Boolean = tree.tpe match { - case tpe: ConstantType => exprPurity(tree) >= Pure - case _ => exprPurity(tree) == PurePath - } - - def isPureExpr(tree: Tree)(using Context): Boolean = - exprPurity(tree) >= Pure - - def isIdempotentPath(tree: Tree)(using Context): Boolean = tree.tpe match { - case tpe: ConstantType => exprPurity(tree) >= Idempotent - case _ => exprPurity(tree) >= IdempotentPath - } - - def isIdempotentExpr(tree: Tree)(using Context): Boolean = - exprPurity(tree) >= Idempotent - - def isPureBinding(tree: Tree)(using Context): Boolean = statPurity(tree) >= Pure - - /** Is the application `tree` with function part `fn` known to be pure? - * Function value and arguments can still be impure. - */ - def isPureApply(tree: Tree, fn: Tree)(using Context): Boolean = - def isKnownPureOp(sym: Symbol) = - sym.owner.isPrimitiveValueClass - || sym.owner == defn.StringClass - || defn.pureMethods.contains(sym) - tree.tpe.isInstanceOf[ConstantType] && tree.symbol != NoSymbol && isKnownPureOp(tree.symbol) // A constant expression with pure arguments is pure. - || fn.symbol.isStableMember && ! // constructors of no-inits classes are stable - - /** The purity level of this reference. - * @return - * PurePath if reference is (nonlazy and stable) - * or to a parameterized function - * or its type is a constant type - * IdempotentPath if reference is lazy and stable - * Impure otherwise - * @DarkDimius: need to make sure that lazy accessor methods have Lazy and Stable - * flags set. - */ - def refPurity(tree: Tree)(using Context): PurityLevel = { - val sym = tree.symbol - if (!tree.hasType) Impure - else if !tree.tpe.widen.isParameterless then PurePath - else if then PurePath - else if tree.tpe.isInstanceOf[ConstantType] then PurePath - else if (!sym.isStableMember) Impure - else if ( - if (sym.moduleClass.isNoInitsRealClass) PurePath else IdempotentPath - else if ( IdempotentPath - else if sym.isAllOf(InlineParam) then Impure - else PurePath - } - - def isPureRef(tree: Tree)(using Context): Boolean = - refPurity(tree) == PurePath - def isIdempotentRef(tree: Tree)(using Context): Boolean = - refPurity(tree) >= IdempotentPath - - /** (1) If `tree` is a constant expression, its value as a Literal, - * or `tree` itself otherwise. - * - * Note: Demanding idempotency instead of purity in literalize is strictly speaking too loose. - * Example - * - * object O { final val x = 42; println("43") } - * O.x - * - * Strictly speaking we can't replace `O.x` with `42`. But this would make - * most expressions non-constant. Maybe we can change the spec to accept this - * kind of eliding behavior. Or else enforce true purity in the compiler. - * The choice will be affected by what we will do with `inline` and with - * Singleton type bounds (see SIP 23). Presumably - * - * object O1 { val x: Singleton = 42; println("43") } - * object O2 { inline val x = 42; println("43") } - * - * should behave differently. - * - * O1.x should have the same effect as { println("43"); 42 } - * - * whereas - * - * O2.x = 42 - * - * Revisit this issue once we have standardized on `inline`. Then we can demand - * purity of the prefix unless the selection goes to a inline val. - * - * Note: This method should be applied to all term tree nodes that are not literals, - * that can be idempotent, and that can have constant types. So far, only nodes - * of the following classes qualify: - * - * Ident - * Select - * TypeApply - * - * (2) A primitive unary operator expression `pre.op` where `op` is one of `+`, `-`, `~`, `!` - * that has a constant type `ConstantType(v)` but that is not a constant expression - * (i.e. `pre` has side-effects) is translated to - * - * { pre; v } - * - * (3) An expression `pre.getClass[..]()` that has a constant type `ConstantType(v)` but where - * `pre` has side-effects is translated to: - * - * { pre; v } - * - * This avoids the situation where we have a Select node that does not have a symbol. - */ - def constToLiteral(tree: Tree)(using Context): Tree = { - assert(!tree.isType) - val tree1 = ConstFold(tree) - tree1.tpe.widenTermRefExpr.dealias.normalized match { - case ConstantType(Constant(_: Type)) if tree.isInstanceOf[Block] => - // We can't rewrite `{ class A; classOf[A] }` to `classOf[A]`, so we leave - // blocks returning a class literal alone, even if they're idempotent. - tree1 - case ConstantType(value) => - def dropOp(t: Tree): Tree = t match - case Select(pre, _) if t.tpe.isInstanceOf[ConstantType] => - // it's a primitive unary operator - pre - case Apply(TypeApply(Select(pre, nme.getClass_), _), Nil) => - pre - case _ => - tree1 - - val countsAsPure = - if dropOp(tree1).symbol.isInlineVal - then isIdempotentExpr(tree1) - else isPureExpr(tree1) - - if countsAsPure then Literal(value).withSpan(tree.span) - else - val pre = dropOp(tree1) - if pre eq tree1 then tree1 - else - // it's a primitive unary operator or getClass call; - // Simplify `pre.op` to `{ pre; v }` where `v` is the value of `pre.op` - Block(pre :: Nil, Literal(value)).withSpan(tree.span) - case _ => tree1 - } - } - - def isExtMethodApply(tree: Tree)(using Context): Boolean = methPart(tree) match - case Inlined(call, _, _) => isExtMethodApply(call) - case tree @ Select(qual, nme.apply) => || isExtMethodApply(qual) - case tree => - - /** Is symbol potentially a getter of a mutable variable? - */ - def mayBeVarGetter(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean = { - def maybeGetterType(tpe: Type): Boolean = tpe match { - case _: ExprType => true - case tpe: MethodType => tpe.isImplicitMethod - case tpe: PolyType => maybeGetterType(tpe.resultType) - case _ => false - } - sym.owner.isClass && !sym.isStableMember && maybeGetterType( - } - - /** Is tree a reference to a mutable variable, or to a potential getter - * that has a setter in the same class? - */ - def isVariableOrGetter(tree: Tree)(using Context): Boolean = { - def sym = tree.symbol - def isVar = - def isGetter = - mayBeVarGetter(sym) && - - unsplice(tree) match { - case Ident(_) => isVar - case Select(_, _) => isVar || isGetter - case Apply(_, _) => - methPart(tree) match { - case Select(qual, nme.apply) => qual.tpe.member(nme.update).exists - case _ => false - } - case _ => false - } - } - - /** Is tree a `this` node which belongs to `enclClass`? */ - def isSelf(tree: Tree, enclClass: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean = unsplice(tree) match { - case This(_) => tree.symbol == enclClass - case _ => false - } - - /** Strips layers of `.asInstanceOf[T]` / `_.$asInstanceOf[T]()` from an expression */ - def stripCast(tree: Tree)(using Context): Tree = { - def isCast(sel: Tree) = sel.symbol.isTypeCast - unsplice(tree) match { - case TypeApply(sel @ Select(inner, _), _) if isCast(sel) => - stripCast(inner) - case Apply(TypeApply(sel @ Select(inner, _), _), Nil) if isCast(sel) => - stripCast(inner) - case t => - t - } - } - - /** The type arguments of a possibly curried call */ - def typeArgss(tree: Tree): List[List[Tree]] = - @tailrec - def loop(tree: Tree, argss: List[List[Tree]]): List[List[Tree]] = tree match - case TypeApply(fn, args) => loop(fn, args :: argss) - case Apply(fn, args) => loop(fn, argss) - case _ => argss - loop(tree, Nil) - - /** The term arguments of a possibly curried call */ - def termArgss(tree: Tree): List[List[Tree]] = - @tailrec - def loop(tree: Tree, argss: List[List[Tree]]): List[List[Tree]] = tree match - case Apply(fn, args) => loop(fn, args :: argss) - case TypeApply(fn, args) => loop(fn, argss) - case _ => argss - loop(tree, Nil) - - /** The type and term arguments of a possibly curried call, in the order they are given */ - def allArgss(tree: Tree): List[List[Tree]] = - @tailrec - def loop(tree: Tree, argss: List[List[Tree]]): List[List[Tree]] = tree match - case tree: GenericApply => loop(, tree.args :: argss) - case _ => argss - loop(tree, Nil) - - /** The function part of a possibly curried call. Unlike `methPart` this one does - * not decompose blocks - */ - def funPart(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match - case tree: GenericApply => funPart( - case tree => tree - - /** Decompose a template body into parameters and other statements */ - def decomposeTemplateBody(body: List[Tree])(using Context): (List[Tree], List[Tree]) = - body.partition { - case stat: TypeDef => stat.symbol is Flags.Param - case stat: ValOrDefDef => - && !stat.symbol.isSetter - case _ => false - } - - /** An extractor for closures, either contained in a block or standalone. - */ - object closure { - def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(List[Tree], Tree, Tree)] = tree match { - case Block(_, expr) => unapply(expr) - case Closure(env, meth, tpt) => Some(env, meth, tpt) - case Typed(expr, _) => unapply(expr) - case _ => None - } - } - - /** An extractor for def of a closure contained the block of the closure. */ - object closureDef { - def unapply(tree: Tree)(using Context): Option[DefDef] = tree match { - case Block((meth : DefDef) :: Nil, closure: Closure) if meth.symbol == closure.meth.symbol => - Some(meth) - case Block(Nil, expr) => - unapply(expr) - case _ => - None - } - } - - /** If tree is a closure, its body, otherwise tree itself */ - def closureBody(tree: Tree)(using Context): Tree = tree match { - case closureDef(meth) => meth.rhs - case _ => tree - } - - /** The variables defined by a pattern, in reverse order of their appearance. */ - def patVars(tree: Tree)(using Context): List[Symbol] = { - val acc = new TreeAccumulator[List[Symbol]] { - def apply(syms: List[Symbol], tree: Tree)(using Context) = tree match { - case Bind(_, body) => apply(tree.symbol :: syms, body) - case Annotated(tree, id @ Ident(tpnme.BOUNDTYPE_ANNOT)) => apply(id.symbol :: syms, tree) - case _ => foldOver(syms, tree) - } - } - acc(Nil, tree) - } - - /** Is this pattern node a catch-all or type-test pattern? */ - def isCatchCase(cdef: CaseDef)(using Context): Boolean = cdef match { - case CaseDef(Typed(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), tpt), EmptyTree, _) => - isSimpleThrowable(tpt.tpe) - case CaseDef(Bind(_, Typed(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), tpt)), EmptyTree, _) => - isSimpleThrowable(tpt.tpe) - case _ => - isDefaultCase(cdef) - } - - private def isSimpleThrowable(tp: Type)(using Context): Boolean = tp match { - case tp @ TypeRef(pre, _) => - (pre == NoPrefix || pre.typeSymbol.isStatic) && - (tp.symbol derivesFrom defn.ThrowableClass) && ! - case _ => - false - } - - /** The symbols defined locally in a statement list */ - def localSyms(stats: List[Tree])(using Context): List[Symbol] = - val locals = new mutable.ListBuffer[Symbol] - for stat <- stats do - if stat.isDef && stat.symbol.exists then locals += stat.symbol - locals.toList - - /** If `tree` is a DefTree, the symbol defined by it, otherwise NoSymbol */ - def definedSym(tree: Tree)(using Context): Symbol = - if (tree.isDef) tree.symbol else NoSymbol - - /** Going from child to parent, the path of tree nodes that starts - * with a definition of symbol `sym` and ends with `root`, or Nil - * if no such path exists. - * Pre: `sym` must have a position. - */ - def defPath(sym: Symbol, root: Tree)(using Context): List[Tree] = trace.onDebug(s"defpath($sym with position ${sym.span}, ${})") { - require(sym.span.exists, sym) - object accum extends TreeAccumulator[List[Tree]] { - def apply(x: List[Tree], tree: Tree)(using Context): List[Tree] = - if (tree.span.contains(sym.span)) - if (definedSym(tree) == sym) tree :: x - else { - val x1 = foldOver(x, tree) - if (x1 ne x) tree :: x1 else x1 - } - else x - } - accum(Nil, root) - } - - /** The top level classes in this tree, including only those module classes that - * are not a linked class of some other class in the result. - */ - def topLevelClasses(tree: Tree)(using Context): List[ClassSymbol] = tree match { - case PackageDef(_, stats) => stats.flatMap(topLevelClasses) - case tdef: TypeDef if tdef.symbol.isClass => tdef.symbol.asClass :: Nil - case _ => Nil - } - - /** The tree containing only the top-level classes and objects matching either `cls` or its companion object */ - def sliceTopLevel(tree: Tree, cls: ClassSymbol)(using Context): List[Tree] = tree match { - case PackageDef(pid, stats) => - val slicedStats = stats.flatMap(sliceTopLevel(_, cls)) - val isEffectivelyEmpty = slicedStats.forall(_.isInstanceOf[Import]) - if isEffectivelyEmpty then Nil - else cpy.PackageDef(tree)(pid, slicedStats) :: Nil - case tdef: TypeDef => - val sym = tdef.symbol - assert(sym.isClass) - if (cls == sym || cls == sym.linkedClass) tdef :: Nil - else Nil - case vdef: ValDef => - val sym = vdef.symbol - assert( - if (cls == sym.companionClass || cls == sym.moduleClass) vdef :: Nil - else Nil - case tree => - tree :: Nil - } - - /** The statement sequence that contains a definition of `sym`, or Nil - * if none was found. - * For a tree to be found, The symbol must have a position and its definition - * tree must be reachable from come tree stored in an enclosing context. - */ - def definingStats(sym: Symbol)(using Context): List[Tree] = - if (!sym.span.exists || (ctx eq NoContext) || (ctx.compilationUnit eq NoCompilationUnit)) Nil - else defPath(sym, ctx.compilationUnit.tpdTree) match { - case defn :: encl :: _ => - def verify(stats: List[Tree]) = - if (stats exists (definedSym(_) == sym)) stats else Nil - encl match { - case Block(stats, _) => verify(stats) - case encl: Template => verify(encl.body) - case PackageDef(_, stats) => verify(stats) - case _ => Nil - } - case nil => - Nil - } - - /** If `tree` is an instance of `TupleN[...](e1, ..., eN)`, the arguments `e1, ..., eN` - * otherwise the empty list. - */ - def tupleArgs(tree: Tree)(using Context): List[Tree] = tree match { - case Block(Nil, expr) => tupleArgs(expr) - case Inlined(_, Nil, expr) => tupleArgs(expr) - case Apply(fn: NameTree, args) - if == nme.apply && - && - defn.isTupleClass(fn.symbol.owner.companionClass) => args - case _ => Nil - } - - /** The qualifier part of a Select or Ident. - * For an Ident, this is the `This` of the current class. - */ - def qualifier(tree: Tree)(using Context): Tree = tree match { - case Select(qual, _) => qual - case tree: Ident => desugarIdentPrefix(tree) - case _ => This(ctx.owner.enclosingClass.asClass) - } - - /** Is this a (potentially applied) selection of a member of a structural type - * that is not a member of an underlying class or trait? - */ - def isStructuralTermSelectOrApply(tree: Tree)(using Context): Boolean = { - def isStructuralTermSelect(tree: Select) = - def hasRefinement(qualtpe: Type): Boolean = qualtpe.dealias match - case RefinedType(parent, rname, rinfo) => - rname == || hasRefinement(parent) - case tp: TypeProxy => - hasRefinement(tp.superType) - case tp: AndType => - hasRefinement(tp.tp1) || hasRefinement(tp.tp2) - case tp: OrType => - hasRefinement(tp.tp1) || hasRefinement(tp.tp2) - case _ => - false - !tree.symbol.exists - && tree.isTerm - && { - val qualType = tree.qualifier.tpe - hasRefinement(qualType) && !qualType.derivesFrom(defn.PolyFunctionClass) - } - def loop(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match - case TypeApply(fun, _) => - loop(fun) - case Apply(fun, _) => - loop(fun) - case tree: Select => - isStructuralTermSelect(tree) - case _ => - false - loop(tree) - } - - /** Return a pair consisting of (supercall, rest) - * - * - supercall: the superclass call, excluding trait constr calls - * - * The supercall is always the first statement (if it exists) - */ - final def splitAtSuper(constrStats: List[Tree])(implicit ctx: Context): (List[Tree], List[Tree]) = - constrStats.toList match { - case (sc: Apply) :: rest if sc.symbol.isConstructor => (sc :: Nil, rest) - case (block @ Block(_, sc: Apply)) :: rest if sc.symbol.isConstructor => (block :: Nil, rest) - case stats => (Nil, stats) - } - - /** Structural tree comparison (since == on trees is reference equality). - * For the moment, only Ident, Select, Literal, Apply and TypeApply are supported - */ - extension (t1: Tree) { - def === (t2: Tree)(using Context): Boolean = (t1, t2) match { - case (t1: Ident, t2: Ident) => - t1.symbol == t2.symbol - case (t1 @ Select(q1, _), t2 @ Select(q2, _)) => - t1.symbol == t2.symbol && q1 === q2 - case (Literal(c1), Literal(c2)) => - c1 == c2 - case (Apply(f1, as1), Apply(f2, as2)) => - f1 === f2 && as1.corresponds(as2)(_ === _) - case (TypeApply(f1, ts1), TypeApply(f2, ts2)) => - f1 === f2 && ts1.tpes.corresponds(ts2.tpes)(_ =:= _) - case _ => - false - } - def hash(using Context): Int = - t1.getClass.hashCode * 37 + { - t1 match { - case t1: Ident => t1.symbol.hashCode - case t1 @ Select(q1, _) => t1.symbol.hashCode * 41 + q1.hash - case Literal(c1) => c1.hashCode - case Apply(f1, as1) => as1.foldLeft(f1.hash)((h, arg) => h * 41 + arg.hash) - case TypeApply(f1, ts1) => ts1.foldLeft(f1.hash)((h, arg) => h * 41 + arg.tpe.hash) - case _ => t1.hashCode - } - } - } - - def assertAllPositioned(tree: Tree)(using Context): Unit = - tree.foreachSubTree { - case t: WithoutTypeOrPos[_] => - case t => assert(t.span.exists, i"$t") - } - - /** Extractors for quotes */ - object Quoted { - /** Extracts the content of a quoted tree. - * The result can be the contents of a term or type quote, which - * will return a term or type tree respectively. - */ - def unapply(tree: tpd.Apply)(using Context): Option[tpd.Tree] = - if tree.symbol == defn.QuotedRuntime_exprQuote then - // quoted.runtime.Expr.quote[T]() - Some(tree.args.head) - else if tree.symbol == defn.QuotedTypeModule_of then - // quoted.Type.of[](quotes) - val TypeApply(_, body :: _) = @unchecked - Some(body) - else None - } - - /** Extractors for splices */ - object Spliced { - /** Extracts the content of a spliced expression tree. - * The result can be the contents of a term splice, which - * will return a term tree. - */ - def unapply(tree: tpd.Apply)(using Context): Option[tpd.Tree] = - if tree.symbol.isExprSplice then Some(tree.args.head) else None - } - - /** Extractors for type splices */ - object SplicedType { - /** Extracts the content of a spliced type tree. - * The result can be the contents of a type splice, which - * will return a type tree. - */ - def unapply(tree: tpd.Select)(using Context): Option[tpd.Tree] = - if tree.symbol.isTypeSplice then Some(tree.qualifier) else None - } - - /** Extractor for not-null assertions. - * A not-null assertion for reference `x` has the form `x.$asInstanceOf$[x.type & T]`. - */ - object AssertNotNull : - def apply(tree: tpd.Tree, tpnn: Type)(using Context): tpd.Tree = -, tpnn)) - - def unapply(tree: tpd.TypeApply)(using Context): Option[tpd.Tree] = tree match - case TypeApply(Select(qual: RefTree, nme.asInstanceOfPM), arg :: Nil) => - arg.tpe match - case AndType(ref, nn1) if qual.tpe eq ref => - qual.tpe.widen match - case OrNull(nn2) if nn1 eq nn2 => - Some(qual) - case _ => None - case _ => None - case _ => None - end AssertNotNull - - object ConstantValue { - def unapply(tree: Tree)(using Context): Option[Any] = - tree match - case Typed(expr, _) => unapply(expr) - case Inlined(_, Nil, expr) => unapply(expr) - case Block(Nil, expr) => unapply(expr) - case _ => - tree.tpe.widenTermRefExpr.normalized match - case ConstantType(Constant(x)) => Some(x) - case _ => None - } -} - -object TreeInfo { - /** A purity level is represented as a bitset (expressed as an Int) */ - class PurityLevel(val x: Int) extends AnyVal { - /** `this` contains the bits of `that` */ - def >= (that: PurityLevel): Boolean = (x & that.x) == that.x - - /** The intersection of the bits of `this` and `that` */ - def min(that: PurityLevel): PurityLevel = new PurityLevel(x & that.x) - } - - /** An expression is a stable path. Requires that expression is at least idempotent */ - val Path: PurityLevel = new PurityLevel(4) - - /** The expression has no side effects */ - val Pure: PurityLevel = new PurityLevel(3) - - /** Running the expression a second time has no side effects. Implied by `Pure`. */ - val Idempotent: PurityLevel = new PurityLevel(1) - - val Impure: PurityLevel = new PurityLevel(0) - - /** A stable path that is evaluated without side effects */ - val PurePath: PurityLevel = new PurityLevel(Pure.x | Path.x) - - /** A stable path that is also idempotent */ - val IdempotentPath: PurityLevel = new PurityLevel(Idempotent.x | Path.x) -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/TreeMapWithImplicits.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/TreeMapWithImplicits.scala deleted file mode 100644 index caf8d68442f6..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/TreeMapWithImplicits.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,82 +0,0 @@ -package -package ast - -import Trees._ -import core.Contexts._ -import core.ContextOps.enter -import core.Flags._ -import core.Symbols._ -import core.TypeError - -/** A TreeMap that maintains the necessary infrastructure to support - * contextual implicit searches (type-scope implicits are supported anyway). - * - * This incudes implicits defined in scope as well as imported implicits. - */ -class TreeMapWithImplicits extends tpd.TreeMapWithPreciseStatContexts { - import tpd._ - - def transformSelf(vd: ValDef)(using Context): ValDef = - cpy.ValDef(vd)(tpt = transform(vd.tpt)) - - private def nestedScopeCtx(defs: List[Tree])(using Context): Context = { - val nestedCtx = ctx.fresh.setNewScope - defs foreach { - case d: DefTree if d.symbol.isOneOf(GivenOrImplicitVal) => nestedCtx.enter(d.symbol) - case _ => - } - nestedCtx - } - - private def patternScopeCtx(pattern: Tree)(using Context): Context = { - val nestedCtx = ctx.fresh.setNewScope - new TreeTraverser { - def traverse(tree: Tree)(using Context): Unit = { - tree match { - case d: DefTree if d.symbol.isOneOf(GivenOrImplicitVal) => - nestedCtx.enter(d.symbol) - case _ => - } - traverseChildren(tree) - } - }.traverse(pattern) - nestedCtx - } - - override def transform(tree: Tree)(using Context): Tree = { - try tree match { - case Block(stats, expr) => - super.transform(tree)(using nestedScopeCtx(stats)) - case tree: DefDef => - inContext(localCtx(tree)) { - cpy.DefDef(tree)( -, - transformParamss(tree.paramss), - transform(tree.tpt), - transform(tree.rhs)(using nestedScopeCtx(tree.paramss.flatten))) - } - case impl @ Template(constr, parents, self, _) => - cpy.Template(tree)( - transformSub(constr), - transform(parents)(using ctx.superCallContext), - Nil, - transformSelf(self), - transformStats(impl.body, tree.symbol)) - case tree: CaseDef => - val patCtx = patternScopeCtx(tree.pat)(using ctx) - cpy.CaseDef(tree)( - transform(tree.pat), - transform(tree.guard)(using patCtx), - transform(tree.body)(using patCtx) - ) - case _ => - super.transform(tree) - } - catch { - case ex: TypeError => - report.error(ex, tree.srcPos) - tree - } - } -} - diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/TreeTypeMap.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/TreeTypeMap.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 3b250118f9b3..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/TreeTypeMap.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,232 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc -package ast - -import core._ -import Types._, Contexts._, Flags._ -import Symbols._, Annotations._, Trees._, Symbols._, Constants.Constant -import Decorators._ -import -import language.experimental.pureFunctions - -/** A map that applies three functions and a substitution together to a tree and - * makes sure they are coordinated so that the result is well-typed. The functions are - * @param typeMap A function from Type to Type that gets applied to the - * type of every tree node and to all locally defined symbols, - * followed by the substitution [substFrom := substTo]. - * @param treeMap A transformer that translates all encountered subtrees in - * prefix traversal orders - * @param oldOwners Previous owners. If a top-level local symbol in the mapped tree - * has one of these as an owner, the owner is replaced by the corresponding - * symbol in `newOwners`. - * @param newOwners New owners, replacing previous owners. - * @param substFrom The symbols that need to be substituted. - * @param substTo The substitution targets. - * - * The reason the substitution is broken out from the rest of the type map is - * that all symbols have to be substituted at the same time. If we do not do this, - * we risk data races on named types. Example: Say we have `outer#1.inner#2` and we - * have two substitutions S1 = [outer#1 := outer#3], S2 = [inner#2 := inner#4] where - * hashtags precede symbol ids. If we do S1 first, we get outer#2.inner#3. If we then - * do S2 we get outer#2.inner#4. But that means that the named type outer#2.inner - * gets two different denotations in the same period. Hence, if -Yno-double-bindings is - * set, we would get a data race assertion error. - */ -class TreeTypeMap( - val typeMap: Type -> Type = IdentityTypeMap, - val treeMap: tpd.Tree -> tpd.Tree = identity[tpd.Tree](_), // !cc! need explicit instantiation of default argument - val oldOwners: List[Symbol] = Nil, - val newOwners: List[Symbol] = Nil, - val substFrom: List[Symbol] = Nil, - val substTo: List[Symbol] = Nil, - cpy: tpd.TreeCopier = tpd.cpy)(using DetachedContext) extends tpd.TreeMap(cpy) { - import tpd._ - - def copy( - typeMap: Type -> Type, - treeMap: tpd.Tree -> tpd.Tree, - oldOwners: List[Symbol], - newOwners: List[Symbol], - substFrom: List[Symbol], - substTo: List[Symbol])(using Context): TreeTypeMap = - new TreeTypeMap(typeMap, treeMap, oldOwners, newOwners, substFrom, substTo) - - /** If `sym` is one of `oldOwners`, replace by corresponding symbol in `newOwners` */ - def mapOwner(sym: Symbol): Symbol = sym.subst(oldOwners, newOwners) - - /** Replace occurrences of `This(oldOwner)` in some prefix of a type - * by the corresponding `This(newOwner)`. - */ - private val mapOwnerThis = new TypeMap with cc.CaptureSet.IdempotentCaptRefMap { - private def mapPrefix(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Symbol], tp: Type): Type = from match { - case Nil => tp - case (cls: ClassSymbol) :: from1 => mapPrefix(from1, to.tail, tp.substThis(cls, to.head.thisType)) - case _ :: from1 => mapPrefix(from1, to.tail, tp) - } - def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match { - case tp: NamedType => tp.derivedSelect(mapPrefix(oldOwners, newOwners, tp.prefix)) - case _ => mapOver(tp) - } - } - - def mapType(tp: Type): Type = - mapOwnerThis(typeMap(tp).substSym(substFrom, substTo)) - - private def updateDecls(prevStats: List[Tree], newStats: List[Tree]): Unit = - if (prevStats.isEmpty) assert(newStats.isEmpty) - else { - prevStats.head match { - case pdef: MemberDef => - val prevSym = pdef.symbol - val newSym = newStats.head.symbol - val newCls = newSym.owner.asClass - if (prevSym != newSym) newCls.replace(prevSym, newSym) - case _ => - } - updateDecls(prevStats.tail, newStats.tail) - } - - def transformInlined(tree: tpd.Inlined)(using Context): tpd.Tree = - val Inlined(call, bindings, expanded) = tree - val (tmap1, bindings1) = transformDefs(bindings) - val expanded1 = tmap1.transform(expanded) - cpy.Inlined(tree)(call, bindings1, expanded1) - - override def transform(tree: tpd.Tree)(using Context): tpd.Tree = treeMap(tree) match { - case impl @ Template(constr, parents, self, _) => - val tmap = withMappedSyms(localSyms(impl :: self :: Nil)) - cpy.Template(impl)( - constr = tmap.transformSub(constr), - parents = parents.mapconserve(transform), - self = tmap.transformSub(self), - body = impl.body mapconserve - (tmap.transform(_)(using ctx.withOwner(mapOwner(impl.symbol.owner)))) - ).withType(tmap.mapType(impl.tpe)) - case tree1 => - tree1.withType(mapType(tree1.tpe)) match { - case id: Ident if tpd.needsSelect(id.tpe) => - ref(id.tpe.asInstanceOf[TermRef]).withSpan(id.span) - case ddef @ DefDef(name, paramss, tpt, _) => - val (tmap1, paramss1) = transformAllParamss(paramss) - val res = cpy.DefDef(ddef)(name, paramss1, tmap1.transform(tpt), tmap1.transform(ddef.rhs)) - res.symbol.setParamssFromDefs(paramss1) - res.symbol.transformAnnotations { - case ann: BodyAnnotation => ann.derivedAnnotation(transform(ann.tree)) - case ann => ann - } - res - case tdef @ LambdaTypeTree(tparams, body) => - val (tmap1, tparams1) = transformDefs(tparams) - cpy.LambdaTypeTree(tdef)(tparams1, tmap1.transform(body)) - case blk @ Block(stats, expr) => - val (tmap1, stats1) = transformDefs(stats) - val expr1 = tmap1.transform(expr) - cpy.Block(blk)(stats1, expr1) - case inlined: Inlined => - transformInlined(inlined) - case cdef @ CaseDef(pat, guard, rhs) => - val tmap = withMappedSyms(patVars(pat)) - val pat1 = tmap.transform(pat) - val guard1 = tmap.transform(guard) - val rhs1 = tmap.transform(rhs) - cpy.CaseDef(cdef)(pat1, guard1, rhs1) - case labeled @ Labeled(bind, expr) => - val tmap = withMappedSyms(bind.symbol :: Nil) - val bind1 = tmap.transformSub(bind) - val expr1 = tmap.transform(expr) - cpy.Labeled(labeled)(bind1, expr1) - case tree @ Hole(_, _, args, content, tpt) => - val args1 = args.mapConserve(transform) - val content1 = transform(content) - val tpt1 = transform(tpt) - cpy.Hole(tree)(args = args1, content = content1, tpt = tpt1) - case lit @ Literal(Constant(tpe: Type)) => - cpy.Literal(lit)(Constant(mapType(tpe))) - case tree1 => - super.transform(tree1) - } - } - - override def transformStats(trees: List[tpd.Tree], exprOwner: Symbol)(using Context): List[Tree] = - transformDefs(trees)._2 - - def transformDefs[TT <: tpd.Tree](trees: List[TT])(using Context): (TreeTypeMap, List[TT]) = { - val tmap = withMappedSyms(tpd.localSyms(trees)) - (tmap, tmap.transformSub(trees)) - } - - private def transformAllParamss(paramss: List[ParamClause]): (TreeTypeMap, List[ParamClause]) = paramss match - case params :: paramss1 => - val (tmap1, params1: ParamClause) = ((params: @unchecked) match - case ValDefs(vparams) => transformDefs(vparams) - case TypeDefs(tparams) => transformDefs(tparams) - ): @unchecked - val (tmap2, paramss2) = tmap1.transformAllParamss(paramss1) - (tmap2, params1 :: paramss2) - case nil => - (this, paramss) - - def apply[ThisTree <: tpd.Tree](tree: ThisTree): ThisTree = transform(tree).asInstanceOf[ThisTree] - - def apply(annot: Annotation): Annotation = annot.derivedAnnotation(apply(annot.tree)) - - /** The current tree map composed with a substitution [from -> to] */ - def withSubstitution(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Symbol]): TreeTypeMap = - if (from eq to) this - else { - // assert that substitution stays idempotent, assuming its parts are - // TODO: It might be better to cater for the asserted-away conditions, by - // setting up a proper substitution abstraction with a compose operator that - // guarantees idempotence. But this might be too inefficient in some cases. - // We'll cross that bridge when we need to. - assert(!from.exists(substTo contains _)) - assert(!to.exists(substFrom contains _)) - assert(!from.exists(newOwners contains _)) - assert(!to.exists(oldOwners contains _)) - copy( - typeMap, - treeMap, - from ++ oldOwners, - to ++ newOwners, - from ++ substFrom, - to ++ substTo) - } - - /** Apply `typeMap` and `ownerMap` to given symbols `syms` - * and return a treemap that contains the substitution - * between original and mapped symbols. - */ - def withMappedSyms(syms: List[Symbol]): TreeTypeMap = - withMappedSyms(syms, mapSymbols(syms, this)) - - /** The tree map with the substitution between originals `syms` - * and mapped symbols `mapped`. Also goes into mapped classes - * and substitutes their declarations. - */ - def withMappedSyms(syms: List[Symbol], mapped: List[Symbol]): TreeTypeMap = - if syms eq mapped then this - else - val substMap = withSubstitution(syms, mapped) - lazy val origCls = - mapped.filter(_.isClass).foldLeft(substMap) { (tmap, cls) => - val origDcls = - val tmap0 = tmap.withSubstitution(origCls(cls).typeParams, cls.typeParams) - val mappedDcls = mapSymbols(origDcls, tmap0, mapAlways = true) - val tmap1 = tmap.withMappedSyms( - origCls(cls).typeParams ::: origDcls, - cls.typeParams ::: mappedDcls) - origDcls.lazyZip(mappedDcls).foreach(cls.asClass.replace) - tmap1 - } - - override def toString = - def showSyms(syms: List[Symbol]) = - => s"$sym#${}").mkString(", ") - s"""TreeTypeMap( - |typeMap = $typeMap - |treeMap = $treeMap - |oldOwners = ${showSyms(oldOwners)} - |newOwners = ${showSyms(newOwners)} - |substFrom = ${showSyms(substFrom)} - |substTo = ${showSyms(substTo)}""".stripMargin -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/Trees.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/Trees.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 0b1842603316..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/Trees.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1787 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc -package ast - -import core._ -import Types._, Names._, NameOps._, Flags._, util.Spans._, Contexts._, Constants._ -import typer.{ ConstFold, ProtoTypes } -import SymDenotations._, Symbols._, Denotations._, StdNames._, Comments._ -import collection.mutable.ListBuffer -import printing.Printer -import printing.Texts.Text -import util.{Stats, Attachment, Property, SourceFile, NoSource, SrcPos, SourcePosition} -import config.Config -import config.Printers.overload -import annotation.internal.sharable -import annotation.unchecked.uncheckedVariance -import annotation.constructorOnly -import compiletime.uninitialized -import Decorators._ -import annotation.retains -import language.experimental.pureFunctions - -object Trees { - - type Untyped = Type | Null - - /** The total number of created tree nodes, maintained if Stats.enabled */ - @sharable var ntrees: Int = 0 - - /** Property key for trees with documentation strings attached */ - val DocComment: Property.StickyKey[Comments.Comment] = Property.StickyKey() - - /** Property key for backquoted identifiers and definitions */ - val Backquoted: Property.StickyKey[Unit] = Property.StickyKey() - - /** Trees take a parameter indicating what the type of their `tpe` field - * is. Two choices: `Type` or `Untyped`. - * Untyped trees have type `Tree[Untyped]`. - * - * Tree typing uses a copy-on-write implementation: - * - * - You can never observe a `tpe` which is `null` (throws an exception) - * - So when creating a typed tree with `withType` we can re-use - * the existing tree transparently, assigning its `tpe` field. - * - It is impossible to embed untyped trees in typed ones. - * - Typed trees can be embedded in untyped ones provided they are rooted - * in a TypedSplice node. - * - Type checking an untyped tree should remove all embedded `TypedSplice` - * nodes. - */ - abstract class Tree[+T <: Untyped](implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends Positioned, SrcPos, Product, Attachment.Container, printing.Showable { - - if (Stats.enabled) ntrees += 1 - - /** The type constructor at the root of the tree */ - type ThisTree[T <: Untyped] <: Tree[T] - - protected var myTpe: T @uncheckedVariance = uninitialized - - /** Destructively set the type of the tree. This should be called only when it is known that - * it is safe under sharing to do so. One use-case is in the withType method below - * which implements copy-on-write. Another use-case is in method interpolateAndAdapt in Typer, - * where we overwrite with a simplified version of the type itself. - */ - private[dotc] def overwriteType(tpe: T @uncheckedVariance): Unit = - myTpe = tpe - - /** The type of the tree. In case of an untyped tree, - * an UnAssignedTypeException is thrown. (Overridden by empty trees) - */ - final def tpe: T = - if myTpe == null then throw UnAssignedTypeException(this) - myTpe.uncheckedNN - - /** Copy `tpe` attribute from tree `from` into this tree, independently - * whether it is null or not. - final def copyAttr[U <: Untyped](from: Tree[U]): ThisTree[T] = { - val t1 = this.withSpan(from.span) - val t2 = - if (from.myTpe != null) t1.withType(from.myTpe.asInstanceOf[Type]) - else t1 - t2.asInstanceOf[ThisTree[T]] - } - */ - - /** Return a typed tree that's isomorphic to this tree, but has given - * type. (Overridden by empty trees) - */ - def withType(tpe: Type)(using Context): ThisTree[Type] = { - if (tpe.isInstanceOf[ErrorType]) - assert(!Config.checkUnreportedErrors || - ctx.reporter.errorsReported || - ctx.settings.YshowPrintErrors.value - // under -Yshow-print-errors, errors might arise during printing, but they do not count as reported - ) - else if (Config.checkTreesConsistent) - checkChildrenTyped(productIterator) - withTypeUnchecked(tpe) - } - - /** Check that typed trees don't refer to untyped ones, except if - * - the parent tree is an import, or - * - the child tree is an identifier, or - * - errors were reported - */ - private def checkChildrenTyped(it: Iterator[Any])(using Context): Unit = - if (!this.isInstanceOf[Import[?]]) - while (it.hasNext) - match { - case x: Ident[?] => // untyped idents are used in a number of places in typed trees - case x: Tree[?] => - assert(x.hasType || ctx.reporter.errorsReported, - s"$this has untyped child $x") - case xs: List[?] => checkChildrenTyped(xs.iterator) - case _ => - } - - def withTypeUnchecked(tpe: Type): ThisTree[Type] = { - val tree = - (if (myTpe == null || - (myTpe.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] eq tpe.asInstanceOf[AnyRef])) this - else cloneIn(source)).asInstanceOf[Tree[Type]] - tree overwriteType tpe - tree.asInstanceOf[ThisTree[Type]] - } - - /** Does the tree have its type field set? Note: this operation is not - * referentially transparent, because it can observe the withType - * modifications. Should be used only in special circumstances (we - * need it for printing trees with optional type info). - */ - final def hasType: Boolean = myTpe != null - - final def typeOpt: Type = myTpe match - case tp: Type => tp - case null => NoType - - /** The denotation referred to by this tree. - * Defined for `DenotingTree`s and `ProxyTree`s, NoDenotation for other - * kinds of trees - */ - def denot(using Context): Denotation = NoDenotation - - /** Shorthand for `denot.symbol`. */ - final def symbol(using Context): Symbol = denot.symbol - - /** Does this tree represent a type? */ - def isType: Boolean = false - - /** Does this tree represent a term? */ - def isTerm: Boolean = false - - /** Is this a legal part of a pattern which is not at the same time a term? */ - def isPattern: Boolean = false - - /** Does this tree define a new symbol that is not defined elsewhere? */ - def isDef: Boolean = false - - /** Is this tree either the empty tree or the empty ValDef or an empty type ident? */ - def isEmpty: Boolean = false - - /** Convert tree to a list. Gives a singleton list, except - * for thickets which return their element trees. - */ - def toList: List[Tree[T]] = this :: Nil - - /** if this tree is the empty tree, the alternative, else this tree */ - inline def orElse[U >: T <: Untyped](inline that: Tree[U]): Tree[U] = - if (this eq genericEmptyTree) that else this - - /** The number of nodes in this tree */ - def treeSize: Int = { - var s = 1 - def addSize(elem: Any): Unit = elem match { - case t: Tree[?] => s += t.treeSize - case ts: List[?] => ts foreach addSize - case _ => - } - productIterator foreach addSize - s - } - - /** If this is a thicket, perform `op` on each of its trees - * otherwise, perform `op` ion tree itself. - */ - def foreachInThicket(op: Tree[T] => Unit): Unit = op(this) - - override def toText(printer: Printer): Text = printer.toText(this) - - def sameTree(that: Tree[?]): Boolean = { - def isSame(x: Any, y: Any): Boolean = - x.asInstanceOf[AnyRef].eq(y.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]) || { - x match { - case x: Tree[?] => - y match { - case y: Tree[?] => x.sameTree(y) - case _ => false - } - case x: List[?] => - y match { - case y: List[?] => x.corresponds(y)(isSame) - case _ => false - } - case _ => - false - } - } - this.getClass == that.getClass && { - val it1 = this.productIterator - val it2 = that.productIterator - it1.corresponds(it2)(isSame) - } - } - - override def hashCode(): Int = System.identityHashCode(this) - override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = this eq that.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] - } - - class UnAssignedTypeException[T <: Untyped](tree: Tree[T]) extends RuntimeException { - override def getMessage: String = s"type of $tree is not assigned" - } - - type LazyTree[+T <: Untyped] = Tree[T] | Lazy[Tree[T]] - type LazyTreeList[+T <: Untyped] = List[Tree[T]] | Lazy[List[Tree[T]]] - - // ------ Categories of trees ----------------------------------- - - /** Instances of this class are trees for which isType is definitely true. - * Note that some trees have isType = true without being TypTrees (e.g. Ident, Annotated) - */ - trait TypTree[+T <: Untyped] extends Tree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] <: TypTree[T] - override def isType: Boolean = true - } - - /** Instances of this class are trees for which isTerm is definitely true. - * Note that some trees have isTerm = true without being TermTrees (e.g. Ident, Annotated) - */ - trait TermTree[+T <: Untyped] extends Tree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] <: TermTree[T] - override def isTerm: Boolean = true - } - - /** Instances of this class are trees which are not terms but are legal - * parts of patterns. - */ - trait PatternTree[+T <: Untyped] extends Tree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] <: PatternTree[T] - override def isPattern: Boolean = true - } - - /** Tree's denotation can be derived from its type */ - abstract class DenotingTree[+T <: Untyped](implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends Tree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] <: DenotingTree[T] - override def denot(using Context): Denotation = typeOpt.stripped match - case tpe: NamedType => tpe.denot - case tpe: ThisType => tpe.cls.denot - case _ => NoDenotation - } - - /** Tree's denot/isType/isTerm properties come from a subtree - * identified by `forwardTo`. - */ - abstract class ProxyTree[+T <: Untyped](implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends Tree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] <: ProxyTree[T] - def forwardTo: Tree[T] - override def denot(using Context): Denotation = forwardTo.denot - override def isTerm: Boolean = forwardTo.isTerm - override def isType: Boolean = forwardTo.isType - } - - /** Tree has a name */ - abstract class NameTree[+T <: Untyped](implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends DenotingTree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] <: NameTree[T] - def name: Name - } - - /** Tree refers by name to a denotation */ - abstract class RefTree[+T <: Untyped](implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends NameTree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] <: RefTree[T] - def qualifier: Tree[T] - override def isType: Boolean = name.isTypeName - override def isTerm: Boolean = name.isTermName - } - - /** Tree defines a new symbol */ - trait DefTree[+T <: Untyped] extends DenotingTree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] <: DefTree[T] - - private var myMods: untpd.Modifiers | Null = uninitialized - - private[dotc] def rawMods: untpd.Modifiers = - if (myMods == null) untpd.EmptyModifiers else myMods.uncheckedNN - - def withAnnotations(annots: List[untpd.Tree]): ThisTree[Untyped] = withMods(rawMods.withAnnotations(annots)) - - def withMods(mods: untpd.Modifiers): ThisTree[Untyped] = { - val tree = if (myMods == null || (myMods == mods)) this else cloneIn(source) - tree.setMods(mods) - tree.asInstanceOf[ThisTree[Untyped]] - } - - def withFlags(flags: FlagSet): ThisTree[Untyped] = withMods(untpd.Modifiers(flags)) - def withAddedFlags(flags: FlagSet): ThisTree[Untyped] = withMods(rawMods | flags) - - /** Destructively update modifiers. To be used with care. */ - def setMods(mods: untpd.Modifiers): Unit = myMods = mods - - override def isDef: Boolean = true - def namedType: NamedType = tpe.asInstanceOf[NamedType] - } - - extension (mdef: untpd.DefTree) def mods: untpd.Modifiers = mdef.rawMods - - sealed trait WithEndMarker[+T <: Untyped]: - self: PackageDef[T] | NamedDefTree[T] => - - import WithEndMarker.* - - final def endSpan(using Context): Span = - if hasEndMarker then - val realName = srcName.stripModuleClassSuffix.lastPart - span.withStart(span.end - realName.length) - else - NoSpan - - /** The name in source code that represents this construct, - * and is the name that the user must write to create a valid - * end marker. - * e.g. a constructor definition is terminated in the source - * code by `end this`, so it's `srcName` should return `this`. - */ - protected def srcName(using Context): Name - - final def withEndMarker(): self.type = - self.withAttachment(HasEndMarker, ()) - - final def withEndMarker(copyFrom: WithEndMarker[?]): self.type = - if copyFrom.hasEndMarker then - this.withEndMarker() - else - this - - final def dropEndMarker(): self.type = - self.removeAttachment(HasEndMarker) - this - - protected def hasEndMarker: Boolean = self.hasAttachment(HasEndMarker) - - object WithEndMarker: - /** Property key that signals the tree was terminated - * with an `end` marker in the source code - */ - private val HasEndMarker: Property.StickyKey[Unit] = Property.StickyKey() - - end WithEndMarker - - abstract class NamedDefTree[+T <: Untyped](implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends NameTree[T] with DefTree[T] with WithEndMarker[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] <: NamedDefTree[T] - - protected def srcName(using Context): Name = - if name == nme.CONSTRUCTOR then nme.this_ - else if symbol.isPackageObject then - else name - - /** The position of the name defined by this definition. - * This is a point position if the definition is synthetic, or a range position - * if the definition comes from source. - * It might also be that the definition does not have a position (for instance when synthesized by - * a calling chain from `viewExists`), in that case the return position is NoSpan. - * Overridden in Bind - */ - def nameSpan(using Context): Span = - if (span.exists) { - val point = span.point - if ( || span.isSynthetic || name.toTermName == nme.ERROR) Span(point) - else { - val realName = srcName.stripModuleClassSuffix.lastPart - Span(point, point + realName.length, point) - } - } - else span - - /** The source position of the name defined by this definition. - * This is a point position if the definition is synthetic, or a range position - * if the definition comes from source. - */ - def namePos(using Context): SourcePosition = source.atSpan(nameSpan) - } - - /** Tree defines a new symbol and carries modifiers. - * The position of a MemberDef contains only the defined identifier or pattern. - * The envelope of a MemberDef contains the whole definition and has its point - * on the opening keyword (or the next token after that if keyword is missing). - */ - abstract class MemberDef[+T <: Untyped](implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends NamedDefTree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] <: MemberDef[T] - - def rawComment: Option[Comment] = getAttachment(DocComment) - - def setComment(comment: Option[Comment]): this.type = { -, _)) - this - } - - def name: Name - } - - /** A ValDef or DefDef tree */ - abstract class ValOrDefDef[+T <: Untyped](implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends MemberDef[T] with WithLazyField[Tree[T]] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] <: ValOrDefDef[T] - def name: TermName - def tpt: Tree[T] - def unforcedRhs: LazyTree[T] = unforced - def rhs(using Context): Tree[T] = forceIfLazy - } - - trait ValOrTypeDef[+T <: Untyped] extends MemberDef[T]: - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] <: ValOrTypeDef[T] - - type ParamClause[T <: Untyped] = List[ValDef[T]] | List[TypeDef[T]] - - // ----------- Tree case classes ------------------------------------ - - /** name */ - case class Ident[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (name: Name)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends RefTree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = Ident[T] - def qualifier: Tree[T] = genericEmptyTree - - def isBackquoted: Boolean = hasAttachment(Backquoted) - } - - class SearchFailureIdent[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (name: Name, expl: -> String)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends Ident[T](name) { - def explanation = expl - override def toString: String = s"SearchFailureIdent($explanation)" - } - - /**, or qualifier#name, if qualifier is a type */ - case class Select[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (qualifier: Tree[T], name: Name)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends RefTree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = Select[T] - - override def denot(using Context): Denotation = typeOpt match - case ConstantType(_) if ConstFold.foldedUnops.contains(name) => - // Recover the denotation of a constant-folded selection - qualifier.typeOpt.member(name).atSignature(Signature.NotAMethod, name) - case _ => - super.denot - - def nameSpan(using Context): Span = - if span.exists then - val point = span.point - if name.toTermName == nme.ERROR then - Span(point) - else if qualifier.span.start > span.start then // right associative - val realName = name.stripModuleClassSuffix.lastPart - Span(span.start, span.start + realName.length, point) - else - Span(point, span.end, point) - else span - } - - class SelectWithSig[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (qualifier: Tree[T], name: Name, val sig: Signature)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends Select[T](qualifier, name) { - override def toString: String = s"SelectWithSig($qualifier, $name, $sig)" - } - - /** qual.this */ - case class This[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (qual: untpd.Ident)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends DenotingTree[T] with TermTree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = This[T] - // Denotation of a This tree is always the underlying class; needs correction for modules. - override def denot(using Context): Denotation = - typeOpt match { - case tpe @ TermRef(pre, _) if => - tpe.symbol.moduleClass.denot.asSeenFrom(pre) - case _ => - super.denot - } - } - - /** C.super[mix], where qual = C.this */ - case class Super[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (qual: Tree[T], mix: untpd.Ident)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends ProxyTree[T] with TermTree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = Super[T] - def forwardTo: Tree[T] = qual - } - - abstract class GenericApply[+T <: Untyped](implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends ProxyTree[T] with TermTree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] <: GenericApply[T] - val fun: Tree[T] - val args: List[Tree[T]] - def forwardTo: Tree[T] = fun - } - - object GenericApply: - def unapply[T <: Untyped](tree: Tree[T]): Option[(Tree[T], List[Tree[T]])] = tree match - case tree: GenericApply[T] => Some((, tree.args)) - case _ => None - - /** The kind of application */ - enum ApplyKind: - case Regular // r.f(x) - case Using // r.f(using x) - case InfixTuple // r f (x1, ..., xN) where N != 1; needs to be treated specially for an error message in typedApply - - /** fun(args) */ - case class Apply[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (fun: Tree[T], args: List[Tree[T]])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends GenericApply[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = Apply[T] - - def setApplyKind(kind: ApplyKind) = - putAttachment(untpd.KindOfApply, kind) - this - - /** The kind of this application. Works reliably only for untyped trees; typed trees - * are under no obligation to update it correctly. - */ - def applyKind: ApplyKind = - attachmentOrElse(untpd.KindOfApply, ApplyKind.Regular) - } - - /** fun[args] */ - case class TypeApply[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (fun: Tree[T], args: List[Tree[T]])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends GenericApply[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = TypeApply[T] - } - - /** const */ - case class Literal[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (const: Constant)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends Tree[T] with TermTree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = Literal[T] - } - - /** new tpt, but no constructor call */ - case class New[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (tpt: Tree[T])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends Tree[T] with TermTree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = New[T] - } - - /** expr : tpt */ - case class Typed[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (expr: Tree[T], tpt: Tree[T])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends ProxyTree[T] with TermTree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = Typed[T] - def forwardTo: Tree[T] = expr - } - - /** name = arg, in a parameter list */ - case class NamedArg[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (name: Name, arg: Tree[T])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends Tree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = NamedArg[T] - } - - /** name = arg, outside a parameter list */ - case class Assign[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (lhs: Tree[T], rhs: Tree[T])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends TermTree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = Assign[T] - } - - /** { stats; expr } */ - case class Block[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (stats: List[Tree[T]], expr: Tree[T])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends Tree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = Block[T] - override def isType: Boolean = expr.isType - override def isTerm: Boolean = !isType // this will classify empty trees as terms, which is necessary - } - - /** if cond then thenp else elsep */ - case class If[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (cond: Tree[T], thenp: Tree[T], elsep: Tree[T])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends TermTree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = If[T] - def isInline = false - } - class InlineIf[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (cond: Tree[T], thenp: Tree[T], elsep: Tree[T])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends If(cond, thenp, elsep) { - override def isInline = true - override def toString = s"InlineIf($cond, $thenp, $elsep)" - } - - /** A closure with an environment and a reference to a method. - * @param env The captured parameters of the closure - * @param meth A ref tree that refers to the method of the closure. - * The first (env.length) parameters of that method are filled - * with env values. - * @param tpt Either EmptyTree or a TypeTree. If tpt is EmptyTree the type - * of the closure is a function type, otherwise it is the type - * given in `tpt`, which must be a SAM type. - */ - case class Closure[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (env: List[Tree[T]], meth: Tree[T], tpt: Tree[T])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends TermTree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = Closure[T] - } - - /** selector match { cases } */ - case class Match[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (selector: Tree[T], cases: List[CaseDef[T]])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends TermTree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = Match[T] - def isInline = false - } - class InlineMatch[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (selector: Tree[T], cases: List[CaseDef[T]])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends Match(selector, cases) { - override def isInline = true - override def toString = s"InlineMatch($selector, $cases)" - } - - /** case pat if guard => body */ - case class CaseDef[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (pat: Tree[T], guard: Tree[T], body: Tree[T])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends Tree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = CaseDef[T] - } - - /** label[tpt]: { expr } */ - case class Labeled[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (bind: Bind[T], expr: Tree[T])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends NameTree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = Labeled[T] - def name: Name = - } - - /** return expr - * where `from` refers to the method or label from which the return takes place - * After program transformations this is not necessarily the enclosing method, because - * closures can intervene. - */ - case class Return[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (expr: Tree[T], from: Tree[T] = genericEmptyTree)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends TermTree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = Return[T] - } - - /** while (cond) { body } */ - case class WhileDo[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (cond: Tree[T], body: Tree[T])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends TermTree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = WhileDo[T] - } - - /** try block catch cases finally finalizer */ - case class Try[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (expr: Tree[T], cases: List[CaseDef[T]], finalizer: Tree[T])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends TermTree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = Try[T] - } - - /** Seq(elems) - * @param tpt The element type of the sequence. - */ - case class SeqLiteral[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (elems: List[Tree[T]], elemtpt: Tree[T])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends Tree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = SeqLiteral[T] - } - - /** Array(elems) */ - class JavaSeqLiteral[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (elems: List[Tree[T]], elemtpt: Tree[T])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends SeqLiteral(elems, elemtpt) { - override def toString: String = s"JavaSeqLiteral($elems, $elemtpt)" - } - - /** A tree representing inlined code. - * - * @param call Info about the original call that was inlined - * Until PostTyper, this is the full call, afterwards only - * a reference to the toplevel class from which the call was inlined. - * @param bindings Bindings for proxies to be used in the inlined code - * @param expansion The inlined tree, minus bindings. - * - * The full inlined code is equivalent to - * - * { bindings; expansion } - * - * The reason to keep `bindings` separate is because they are typed in a - * different context: `bindings` represent the arguments to the inlined - * call, whereas `expansion` represents the body of the inlined function. - */ - case class Inlined[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (call: tpd.Tree, bindings: List[MemberDef[T]], expansion: Tree[T])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends Tree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = Inlined[T] - override def isTerm = expansion.isTerm - override def isType = expansion.isType - } - - /** A type tree that represents an existing or inferred type */ - case class TypeTree[+T <: Untyped]()(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends DenotingTree[T] with TypTree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = TypeTree[T] - override def isEmpty: Boolean = !hasType - override def toString: String = - s"TypeTree${if (hasType) s"[$typeOpt]" else ""}" - } - - /** A type tree whose type is inferred. These trees appear in two contexts - * - as an argument of a TypeApply. In that case its type is always a TypeVar - * - as a (result-)type of an inferred ValDef or DefDef. - * Every TypeVar is created as the type of one InferredTypeTree. - */ - class InferredTypeTree[+T <: Untyped](implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends TypeTree[T] - - /** ref.type */ - case class SingletonTypeTree[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (ref: Tree[T])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends DenotingTree[T] with TypTree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = SingletonTypeTree[T] - } - - /** tpt { refinements } */ - case class RefinedTypeTree[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (tpt: Tree[T], refinements: List[Tree[T]])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends ProxyTree[T] with TypTree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = RefinedTypeTree[T] - def forwardTo: Tree[T] = tpt - } - - /** tpt[args] */ - case class AppliedTypeTree[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (tpt: Tree[T], args: List[Tree[T]])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends ProxyTree[T] with TypTree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = AppliedTypeTree[T] - def forwardTo: Tree[T] = tpt - } - - /** [typeparams] -> tpt - * - * Note: the type of such a tree is not necessarily a `HKTypeLambda`, it can - * also be a `TypeBounds` where the upper bound is an `HKTypeLambda`, and the - * lower bound is either a reference to `Nothing` or an `HKTypeLambda`, - * this happens because these trees are typed by `HKTypeLambda#fromParams` which - * makes sure to move bounds outside of the type lambda itself to simplify their - * handling in the compiler. - * - * You may ask: why not normalize the trees too? That way, - * - * LambdaTypeTree(X, TypeBoundsTree(A, B)) - * - * would become, - * - * TypeBoundsTree(LambdaTypeTree(X, A), LambdaTypeTree(X, B)) - * - * which would maintain consistency between a tree and its type. The problem - * with this definition is that the same tree `X` appears twice, therefore - * we'd have to create two symbols for it which makes it harder to relate the - * source code written by the user with the trees used by the compiler (for - * example, to make "find all references" work in the IDE). - */ - case class LambdaTypeTree[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (tparams: List[TypeDef[T]], body: Tree[T])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends TypTree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = LambdaTypeTree[T] - } - - case class TermLambdaTypeTree[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (params: List[ValDef[T]], body: Tree[T])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends TypTree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = TermLambdaTypeTree[T] - } - - /** [bound] selector match { cases } */ - case class MatchTypeTree[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (bound: Tree[T], selector: Tree[T], cases: List[CaseDef[T]])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends TypTree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = MatchTypeTree[T] - } - - /** => T */ - case class ByNameTypeTree[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (result: Tree[T])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends TypTree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = ByNameTypeTree[T] - } - - /** >: lo <: hi - * >: lo <: hi = alias for RHS of bounded opaque type - */ - case class TypeBoundsTree[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (lo: Tree[T], hi: Tree[T], alias: Tree[T])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends TypTree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = TypeBoundsTree[T] - } - - /** name @ body */ - case class Bind[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (name: Name, body: Tree[T])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends NamedDefTree[T] with PatternTree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = Bind[T] - override def isType: Boolean = name.isTypeName - override def isTerm: Boolean = name.isTermName - - override def nameSpan(using Context): Span = - if span.exists then Span(span.start, span.start + name.toString.length) else span - } - - /** tree_1 | ... | tree_n */ - case class Alternative[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (trees: List[Tree[T]])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends PatternTree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = Alternative[T] - } - - /** The typed translation of `extractor(patterns)` in a pattern. The translation has the following - * components: - * - * @param fun is `extractor.unapply` (or, for backwards compatibility, `extractor.unapplySeq`) - * possibly with type parameters - * @param implicits Any implicit parameters passed to the unapply after the selector - * @param patterns The argument patterns in the pattern match. - * - * It is typed with same type as first `fun` argument - * Given a match selector `sel` a pattern UnApply(fun, implicits, patterns) is roughly translated as follows - * - * val result = fun(sel)(implicits) - * if (result.isDefined) "match patterns against result" - */ - case class UnApply[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (fun: Tree[T], implicits: List[Tree[T]], patterns: List[Tree[T]])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends ProxyTree[T] with PatternTree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = UnApply[T] - def forwardTo = fun - } - - /** mods val name: tpt = rhs */ - case class ValDef[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (name: TermName, tpt: Tree[T], private var preRhs: LazyTree[T])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends ValOrDefDef[T], ValOrTypeDef[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = ValDef[T] - assert(isEmpty || (tpt ne genericEmptyTree)) - def unforced: LazyTree[T] = preRhs - protected def force(x: Tree[T @uncheckedVariance]): Unit = preRhs = x - } - - /** mods def name[tparams](vparams_1)...(vparams_n): tpt = rhs */ - case class DefDef[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (name: TermName, - paramss: List[ParamClause[T]], tpt: Tree[T], private var preRhs: LazyTree[T])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends ValOrDefDef[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = DefDef[T] - assert(tpt ne genericEmptyTree) - def unforced: LazyTree[T] = preRhs - protected def force(x: Tree[T @uncheckedVariance]): Unit = preRhs = x - - def leadingTypeParams(using Context): List[TypeDef[T]] = paramss match - case (tparams @ (tparam: TypeDef[_]) :: _) :: _ => tparams.asInstanceOf[List[TypeDef[T]]] - case _ => Nil - - def trailingParamss(using Context): List[ParamClause[T]] = paramss match - case ((tparam: TypeDef[_]) :: _) :: paramss1 => paramss1 - case _ => paramss - - def termParamss(using Context): List[List[ValDef[T]]] = - (if ctx.erasedTypes then paramss else untpd.termParamssIn(paramss)) - .asInstanceOf[List[List[ValDef[T]]]] - } - - /** mods class name template or - * mods trait name template or - * mods type name = rhs or - * mods type name >: lo <: hi, if rhs = TypeBoundsTree(lo, hi) or - * mods type name >: lo <: hi = rhs if rhs = TypeBoundsTree(lo, hi, alias) and opaque in mods - */ - case class TypeDef[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (name: TypeName, rhs: Tree[T])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends MemberDef[T], ValOrTypeDef[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = TypeDef[T] - - /** Is this a definition of a class? */ - def isClassDef: Boolean = rhs.isInstanceOf[Template[?]] - - def isBackquoted: Boolean = hasAttachment(Backquoted) - } - - /** extends parents { self => body } - * @param parentsOrDerived A list of parents followed by a list of derived classes, - * if this is of class untpd.DerivingTemplate. - * Typed templates only have parents. - */ - case class Template[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (constr: DefDef[T], parentsOrDerived: List[Tree[T]], self: ValDef[T], private var preBody: LazyTreeList[T])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends DefTree[T] with WithLazyField[List[Tree[T]]] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = Template[T] - def unforcedBody: LazyTreeList[T] = unforced - def unforced: LazyTreeList[T] = preBody - protected def force(x: List[Tree[T @uncheckedVariance]]): Unit = preBody = x - def body(using Context): List[Tree[T]] = forceIfLazy - - def parents: List[Tree[T]] = parentsOrDerived // overridden by DerivingTemplate - def derived: List[untpd.Tree] = Nil // overridden by DerivingTemplate - } - - - abstract class ImportOrExport[+T <: Untyped](implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends DenotingTree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] <: ImportOrExport[T] - val expr: Tree[T] - val selectors: List[untpd.ImportSelector] - } - - /** import expr.selectors - * where a selector is either an untyped `Ident`, `name` or - * an untyped thicket consisting of `name` and `rename`. - */ - case class Import[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (expr: Tree[T], selectors: List[untpd.ImportSelector])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends ImportOrExport[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = Import[T] - } - - /** export expr.selectors - * where a selector is either an untyped `Ident`, `name` or - * an untyped thicket consisting of `name` and `rename`. - */ - case class Export[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (expr: Tree[T], selectors: List[untpd.ImportSelector])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends ImportOrExport[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = Export[T] - } - - /** package pid { stats } */ - case class PackageDef[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (pid: RefTree[T], stats: List[Tree[T]])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends ProxyTree[T] with WithEndMarker[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = PackageDef[T] - def forwardTo: RefTree[T] = pid - protected def srcName(using Context): Name = - } - - /** arg @annot */ - case class Annotated[+T <: Untyped] private[ast] (arg: Tree[T], annot: Tree[T])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends ProxyTree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = Annotated[T] - def forwardTo: Tree[T] = arg - } - - trait WithoutTypeOrPos[+T <: Untyped] extends Tree[T] { - override def withTypeUnchecked(tpe: Type): ThisTree[Type] = this.asInstanceOf[ThisTree[Type]] - override def span: Span = NoSpan - override def span_=(span: Span): Unit = {} - } - - /** Temporary class that results from translation of ModuleDefs - * (and possibly other statements). - * The contained trees will be integrated when transformed with - * a `transform(List[Tree])` call. - */ - case class Thicket[+T <: Untyped](trees: List[Tree[T]])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends Tree[T] with WithoutTypeOrPos[T] { - myTpe = NoType.asInstanceOf[T] - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] = Thicket[T] - - def mapElems[U >: T <: Untyped](op: Tree[T] => Tree[U]): Thicket[U] = { - val newTrees = trees.mapConserve(op) - if (trees eq newTrees) - this - else - Thicket[U](newTrees)(source).asInstanceOf[this.type] - } - - override def foreachInThicket(op: Tree[T] => Unit): Unit = - trees foreach (_.foreachInThicket(op)) - - override def isEmpty: Boolean = trees.isEmpty - override def toList: List[Tree[T]] = flatten(trees) - override def toString: String = if (isEmpty) "EmptyTree" else "Thicket(" + trees.mkString(", ") + ")" - override def span: Span = - def combine(s: Span, ts: List[Tree[T]]): Span = ts match - case t :: ts1 => combine(s.union(t.span), ts1) - case nil => s - combine(NoSpan, trees) - - override def withSpan(span: Span): this.type = - mapElems(_.withSpan(span)).asInstanceOf[this.type] - } - - class EmptyTree[T <: Untyped] extends Thicket(Nil)(NoSource) { - // assert(uniqueId != 1492) - override def withSpan(span: Span) = throw AssertionError("Cannot change span of EmptyTree") - } - - class EmptyValDef[T <: Untyped] extends ValDef[T]( - nme.WILDCARD, genericEmptyTree[T], genericEmptyTree[T])(NoSource) with WithoutTypeOrPos[T] { - myTpe = NoType.asInstanceOf[T] - setMods(untpd.Modifiers(PrivateLocal)) - override def isEmpty: Boolean = true - override def withSpan(span: Span) = throw AssertionError("Cannot change span of EmptyValDef") - } - - @sharable val theEmptyTree = new EmptyTree[Type]() - @sharable val theEmptyValDef = new EmptyValDef[Type]() - - def genericEmptyValDef[T <: Untyped]: ValDef[T] = theEmptyValDef.asInstanceOf[ValDef[T]] - def genericEmptyTree[T <: Untyped]: Thicket[T] = theEmptyTree.asInstanceOf[Thicket[T]] - - /** Tree that replaces a level 1 splices in pickled (level 0) quotes. - * It is only used when picking quotes (will never be in a TASTy file). - * - * @param isTermHole If this hole is a term, otherwise it is a type hole. - * @param idx The index of the hole in it's enclosing level 0 quote. - * @param args The arguments of the splice to compute its content - * @param content Lambda that computes the content of the hole. This tree is empty when in a quote pickle. - * @param tpt Type of the hole - */ - case class Hole[+T <: Untyped](isTermHole: Boolean, idx: Int, args: List[Tree[T]], content: Tree[T], tpt: Tree[T])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends Tree[T] { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] <: Hole[T] - override def isTerm: Boolean = isTermHole - override def isType: Boolean = !isTermHole - } - - def flatten[T <: Untyped](trees: List[Tree[T]]): List[Tree[T]] = { - def recur(buf: ListBuffer[Tree[T]] | Null, remaining: List[Tree[T]]): ListBuffer[Tree[T]] | Null = - remaining match { - case Thicket(elems) :: remaining1 => - var buf1 = buf - if (buf1 == null) { - buf1 = new ListBuffer[Tree[T]] - var scanned = trees - while (scanned `ne` remaining) { - buf1 += scanned.head - scanned = scanned.tail - } - } - recur(recur(buf1, elems), remaining1) - case tree :: remaining1 => - if (buf != null) buf += tree - recur(buf, remaining1) - case nil => - buf - } - val buf = recur(null, trees) - if (buf != null) buf.toList else trees - } - - // ----- Lazy trees and tree sequences - - /** A tree that can have a lazy field - * The field is represented by some private `var` which is - * accessed by `unforced` and `force`. Forcing the field will - * set the `var` to the underlying value. - */ - trait WithLazyField[+T <: AnyRef] { - def unforced: T | Lazy[T] - protected def force(x: T @uncheckedVariance): Unit - def forceIfLazy(using Context): T = unforced match { - case lzy: Lazy[T @unchecked] => - val x = lzy.complete - force(x) - x - case x: T @ unchecked => x - } - } - - /** A base trait for lazy tree fields. - * These can be instantiated with Lazy instances which - * can delay tree construction until the field is first demanded. - */ - trait Lazy[+T <: AnyRef] { - def complete(using Context): T - } - - // ----- Generic Tree Instances, inherited from `tpt` and `untpd`. - - abstract class Instance[T <: Untyped] { inst => - - type Tree = Trees.Tree[T] - type TypTree = Trees.TypTree[T] - type TermTree = Trees.TermTree[T] - type PatternTree = Trees.PatternTree[T] - type DenotingTree = Trees.DenotingTree[T] - type ProxyTree = Trees.ProxyTree[T] - type NameTree = Trees.NameTree[T] - type RefTree = Trees.RefTree[T] - type DefTree = Trees.DefTree[T] - type NamedDefTree = Trees.NamedDefTree[T] - type MemberDef = Trees.MemberDef[T] - type ValOrDefDef = Trees.ValOrDefDef[T] - type ValOrTypeDef = Trees.ValOrTypeDef[T] - type LazyTree = Trees.LazyTree[T] - type LazyTreeList = Trees.LazyTreeList[T] - type ParamClause = Trees.ParamClause[T] - - type Ident = Trees.Ident[T] - type SearchFailureIdent = Trees.SearchFailureIdent[T] - type Select = Trees.Select[T] - type SelectWithSig = Trees.SelectWithSig[T] - type This = Trees.This[T] - type Super = Trees.Super[T] - type Apply = Trees.Apply[T] - type TypeApply = Trees.TypeApply[T] - type GenericApply = Trees.GenericApply[T] - type Literal = Trees.Literal[T] - type New = Trees.New[T] - type Typed = Trees.Typed[T] - type NamedArg = Trees.NamedArg[T] - type Assign = Trees.Assign[T] - type Block = Trees.Block[T] - type If = Trees.If[T] - type InlineIf = Trees.InlineIf[T] - type Closure = Trees.Closure[T] - type Match = Trees.Match[T] - type InlineMatch = Trees.InlineMatch[T] - type CaseDef = Trees.CaseDef[T] - type Labeled = Trees.Labeled[T] - type Return = Trees.Return[T] - type WhileDo = Trees.WhileDo[T] - type Try = Trees.Try[T] - type SeqLiteral = Trees.SeqLiteral[T] - type JavaSeqLiteral = Trees.JavaSeqLiteral[T] - type Inlined = Trees.Inlined[T] - type TypeTree = Trees.TypeTree[T] - type InferredTypeTree = Trees.InferredTypeTree[T] - type SingletonTypeTree = Trees.SingletonTypeTree[T] - type RefinedTypeTree = Trees.RefinedTypeTree[T] - type AppliedTypeTree = Trees.AppliedTypeTree[T] - type LambdaTypeTree = Trees.LambdaTypeTree[T] - type TermLambdaTypeTree = Trees.TermLambdaTypeTree[T] - type MatchTypeTree = Trees.MatchTypeTree[T] - type ByNameTypeTree = Trees.ByNameTypeTree[T] - type TypeBoundsTree = Trees.TypeBoundsTree[T] - type Bind = Trees.Bind[T] - type Alternative = Trees.Alternative[T] - type UnApply = Trees.UnApply[T] - type ValDef = Trees.ValDef[T] - type DefDef = Trees.DefDef[T] - type TypeDef = Trees.TypeDef[T] - type Template = Trees.Template[T] - type Import = Trees.Import[T] - type Export = Trees.Export[T] - type ImportOrExport = Trees.ImportOrExport[T] - type PackageDef = Trees.PackageDef[T] - type Annotated = Trees.Annotated[T] - type Thicket = Trees.Thicket[T] - - type Hole = Trees.Hole[T] - - @sharable val EmptyTree: Thicket = genericEmptyTree - @sharable val EmptyValDef: ValDef = genericEmptyValDef - @sharable val ContextualEmptyTree: Thicket = new EmptyTree() // an empty tree marking a contextual closure - - // ----- Auxiliary creation methods ------------------ - - def Thicket(): Thicket = EmptyTree - def Thicket(x1: Tree, x2: Tree)(implicit src: SourceFile): Thicket = new Thicket(x1 :: x2 :: Nil) - def Thicket(x1: Tree, x2: Tree, x3: Tree)(implicit src: SourceFile): Thicket = new Thicket(x1 :: x2 :: x3 :: Nil) - def Thicket(xs: List[Tree])(implicit src: SourceFile) = new Thicket(xs) - - def flatTree(xs: List[Tree])(implicit src: SourceFile): Tree = flatten(xs) match { - case x :: Nil => x - case ys => Thicket(ys) - } - - // ----- Helper classes for copying, transforming, accumulating ----------------- - - val cpy: TreeCopier - - /** A class for copying trees. The copy methods avoid creating a new tree - * If all arguments stay the same. - * - * Note: Some of the copy methods take a context. - * These are exactly those methods that are overridden in TypedTreeCopier - * so that they selectively retype themselves. Retyping needs a context. - */ - abstract class TreeCopier { - protected def postProcess(tree: Tree, copied: untpd.Tree): copied.ThisTree[T] - protected def postProcess(tree: Tree, copied: untpd.MemberDef): copied.ThisTree[T] - - /** Soucre of the copied tree */ - protected def sourceFile(tree: Tree): SourceFile = tree.source - - protected def finalize(tree: Tree, copied: untpd.Tree): copied.ThisTree[T] = - Stats.record(s"TreeCopier.finalize/${tree.getClass == copied.getClass}") - postProcess(tree, copied.withSpan(tree.span).withAttachmentsFrom(tree)) - - protected def finalize(tree: Tree, copied: untpd.MemberDef): copied.ThisTree[T] = - Stats.record(s"TreeCopier.finalize/${tree.getClass == copied.getClass}") - postProcess(tree, copied.withSpan(tree.span).withAttachmentsFrom(tree)) - - def Ident(tree: Tree)(name: Name)(using Context): Ident = tree match { - case tree: Ident if name == => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Ident(name)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def Select(tree: Tree)(qualifier: Tree, name: Name)(using Context): Select = tree match { - case tree: SelectWithSig => - if ((qualifier eq tree.qualifier) && (name == tree - else finalize(tree, SelectWithSig(qualifier, name, tree.sig)(sourceFile(tree))) - case tree: Select if (qualifier eq tree.qualifier) && (name == => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Select(qualifier, name)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - /** Copy Ident or Select trees */ - def Ref(tree: RefTree)(name: Name)(using Context): RefTree = tree match { - case Ident(_) => Ident(tree)(name) - case Select(qual, _) => Select(tree)(qual, name) - } - def This(tree: Tree)(qual: untpd.Ident)(using Context): This = tree match { - case tree: This if (qual eq tree.qual) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.This(qual)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def Super(tree: Tree)(qual: Tree, mix: untpd.Ident)(using Context): Super = tree match { - case tree: Super if (qual eq tree.qual) && (mix eq tree.mix) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Super(qual, mix)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def Apply(tree: Tree)(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree])(using Context): Apply = tree match { - case tree: Apply if (fun eq && (args eq tree.args) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Apply(fun, args)(sourceFile(tree))) - //.ensuring(res => res.uniqueId != 2213, s"source = $tree, ${tree.uniqueId}, ${tree.span}") - } - def TypeApply(tree: Tree)(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree])(using Context): TypeApply = tree match { - case tree: TypeApply if (fun eq && (args eq tree.args) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.TypeApply(fun, args)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def Literal(tree: Tree)(const: Constant)(using Context): Literal = tree match { - case tree: Literal if const == tree.const => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Literal(const)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def New(tree: Tree)(tpt: Tree)(using Context): New = tree match { - case tree: New if (tpt eq tree.tpt) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.New(tpt)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def Typed(tree: Tree)(expr: Tree, tpt: Tree)(using Context): Typed = tree match { - case tree: Typed if (expr eq tree.expr) && (tpt eq tree.tpt) => tree - case tree => finalize(tree, untpd.Typed(expr, tpt)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def NamedArg(tree: Tree)(name: Name, arg: Tree)(using Context): NamedArg = tree match { - case tree: NamedArg if (name == && (arg eq tree.arg) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.NamedArg(name, arg)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def Assign(tree: Tree)(lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree)(using Context): Assign = tree match { - case tree: Assign if (lhs eq tree.lhs) && (rhs eq tree.rhs) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Assign(lhs, rhs)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def Block(tree: Tree)(stats: List[Tree], expr: Tree)(using Context): Block = tree match { - case tree: Block if (stats eq tree.stats) && (expr eq tree.expr) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Block(stats, expr)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def If(tree: Tree)(cond: Tree, thenp: Tree, elsep: Tree)(using Context): If = tree match { - case tree: If if (cond eq tree.cond) && (thenp eq tree.thenp) && (elsep eq tree.elsep) => tree - case tree: InlineIf => finalize(tree, untpd.InlineIf(cond, thenp, elsep)(sourceFile(tree))) - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.If(cond, thenp, elsep)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def Closure(tree: Tree)(env: List[Tree], meth: Tree, tpt: Tree)(using Context): Closure = tree match { - case tree: Closure if (env eq tree.env) && (meth eq tree.meth) && (tpt eq tree.tpt) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Closure(env, meth, tpt)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def Match(tree: Tree)(selector: Tree, cases: List[CaseDef])(using Context): Match = tree match { - case tree: Match if (selector eq tree.selector) && (cases eq tree.cases) => tree - case tree: InlineMatch => finalize(tree, untpd.InlineMatch(selector, cases)(sourceFile(tree))) - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Match(selector, cases)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def CaseDef(tree: Tree)(pat: Tree, guard: Tree, body: Tree)(using Context): CaseDef = tree match { - case tree: CaseDef if (pat eq tree.pat) && (guard eq tree.guard) && (body eq tree.body) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.CaseDef(pat, guard, body)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def Labeled(tree: Tree)(bind: Bind, expr: Tree)(using Context): Labeled = tree match { - case tree: Labeled if (bind eq tree.bind) && (expr eq tree.expr) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Labeled(bind, expr)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def Return(tree: Tree)(expr: Tree, from: Tree)(using Context): Return = tree match { - case tree: Return if (expr eq tree.expr) && (from eq tree.from) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Return(expr, from)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def WhileDo(tree: Tree)(cond: Tree, body: Tree)(using Context): WhileDo = tree match { - case tree: WhileDo if (cond eq tree.cond) && (body eq tree.body) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.WhileDo(cond, body)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def Try(tree: Tree)(expr: Tree, cases: List[CaseDef], finalizer: Tree)(using Context): Try = tree match { - case tree: Try if (expr eq tree.expr) && (cases eq tree.cases) && (finalizer eq tree.finalizer) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Try(expr, cases, finalizer)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def SeqLiteral(tree: Tree)(elems: List[Tree], elemtpt: Tree)(using Context): SeqLiteral = tree match { - case tree: JavaSeqLiteral => - if ((elems eq tree.elems) && (elemtpt eq tree.elemtpt)) tree - else finalize(tree, untpd.JavaSeqLiteral(elems, elemtpt)) - case tree: SeqLiteral if (elems eq tree.elems) && (elemtpt eq tree.elemtpt) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.SeqLiteral(elems, elemtpt)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def Inlined(tree: Tree)(call: tpd.Tree, bindings: List[MemberDef], expansion: Tree)(using Context): Inlined = tree match { - case tree: Inlined if (call eq && (bindings eq tree.bindings) && (expansion eq tree.expansion) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Inlined(call, bindings, expansion)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def SingletonTypeTree(tree: Tree)(ref: Tree)(using Context): SingletonTypeTree = tree match { - case tree: SingletonTypeTree if (ref eq tree.ref) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.SingletonTypeTree(ref)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def RefinedTypeTree(tree: Tree)(tpt: Tree, refinements: List[Tree])(using Context): RefinedTypeTree = tree match { - case tree: RefinedTypeTree if (tpt eq tree.tpt) && (refinements eq tree.refinements) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.RefinedTypeTree(tpt, refinements)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def AppliedTypeTree(tree: Tree)(tpt: Tree, args: List[Tree])(using Context): AppliedTypeTree = tree match { - case tree: AppliedTypeTree if (tpt eq tree.tpt) && (args eq tree.args) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.AppliedTypeTree(tpt, args)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def LambdaTypeTree(tree: Tree)(tparams: List[TypeDef], body: Tree)(using Context): LambdaTypeTree = tree match { - case tree: LambdaTypeTree if (tparams eq tree.tparams) && (body eq tree.body) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.LambdaTypeTree(tparams, body)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def TermLambdaTypeTree(tree: Tree)(params: List[ValDef], body: Tree)(using Context): TermLambdaTypeTree = tree match { - case tree: TermLambdaTypeTree if (params eq tree.params) && (body eq tree.body) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.TermLambdaTypeTree(params, body)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def MatchTypeTree(tree: Tree)(bound: Tree, selector: Tree, cases: List[CaseDef])(using Context): MatchTypeTree = tree match { - case tree: MatchTypeTree if (bound eq tree.bound) && (selector eq tree.selector) && (cases eq tree.cases) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.MatchTypeTree(bound, selector, cases)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def ByNameTypeTree(tree: Tree)(result: Tree)(using Context): ByNameTypeTree = tree match { - case tree: ByNameTypeTree if (result eq tree.result) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.ByNameTypeTree(result)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def TypeBoundsTree(tree: Tree)(lo: Tree, hi: Tree, alias: Tree)(using Context): TypeBoundsTree = tree match { - case tree: TypeBoundsTree if (lo eq tree.lo) && (hi eq tree.hi) && (alias eq tree.alias) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.TypeBoundsTree(lo, hi, alias)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def Bind(tree: Tree)(name: Name, body: Tree)(using Context): Bind = tree match { - case tree: Bind if (name eq && (body eq tree.body) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Bind(name, body)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def Alternative(tree: Tree)(trees: List[Tree])(using Context): Alternative = tree match { - case tree: Alternative if (trees eq tree.trees) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Alternative(trees)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def UnApply(tree: Tree)(fun: Tree, implicits: List[Tree], patterns: List[Tree])(using Context): UnApply = tree match { - case tree: UnApply if (fun eq && (implicits eq tree.implicits) && (patterns eq tree.patterns) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.UnApply(fun, implicits, patterns)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def ValDef(tree: Tree)(name: TermName, tpt: Tree, rhs: LazyTree)(using Context): ValDef = tree match { - case tree: ValDef if (name == && (tpt eq tree.tpt) && (rhs eq tree.unforcedRhs) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.ValDef(name, tpt, rhs)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def DefDef(tree: Tree)(name: TermName, paramss: List[ParamClause], tpt: Tree, rhs: LazyTree)(using Context): DefDef = tree match { - case tree: DefDef if (name == && (paramss eq tree.paramss) && (tpt eq tree.tpt) && (rhs eq tree.unforcedRhs) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.DefDef(name, paramss, tpt, rhs)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def TypeDef(tree: Tree)(name: TypeName, rhs: Tree)(using Context): TypeDef = tree match { - case tree: TypeDef if (name == && (rhs eq tree.rhs) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.TypeDef(name, rhs)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def Template(tree: Tree)(constr: DefDef, parents: List[Tree], derived: List[untpd.Tree], self: ValDef, body: LazyTreeList)(using Context): Template = tree match { - case tree: Template if (constr eq tree.constr) && (parents eq tree.parents) && (derived eq tree.derived) && (self eq tree.self) && (body eq tree.unforcedBody) => tree - case tree => finalize(tree, untpd.Template(constr, parents, derived, self, body)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def Import(tree: Tree)(expr: Tree, selectors: List[untpd.ImportSelector])(using Context): Import = tree match { - case tree: Import if (expr eq tree.expr) && (selectors eq tree.selectors) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Import(expr, selectors)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def Export(tree: Tree)(expr: Tree, selectors: List[untpd.ImportSelector])(using Context): Export = tree match { - case tree: Export if (expr eq tree.expr) && (selectors eq tree.selectors) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Export(expr, selectors)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def PackageDef(tree: Tree)(pid: RefTree, stats: List[Tree])(using Context): PackageDef = tree match { - case tree: PackageDef if (pid eq && (stats eq tree.stats) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.PackageDef(pid, stats)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def Annotated(tree: Tree)(arg: Tree, annot: Tree)(using Context): Annotated = tree match { - case tree: Annotated if (arg eq tree.arg) && (annot eq tree.annot) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Annotated(arg, annot)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def Thicket(tree: Tree)(trees: List[Tree])(using Context): Thicket = tree match { - case tree: Thicket if (trees eq tree.trees) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Thicket(trees)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - def Hole(tree: Tree)(isTerm: Boolean, idx: Int, args: List[Tree], content: Tree, tpt: Tree)(using Context): Hole = tree match { - case tree: Hole if isTerm == tree.isTerm && idx == tree.idx && args.eq(tree.args) && content.eq(tree.content) && content.eq(tree.content) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Hole(isTerm, idx, args, content, tpt)(sourceFile(tree))) - } - - // Copier methods with default arguments; these demand that the original tree - // is of the same class as the copy. We only include trees with more than 2 elements here. - def If(tree: If)(cond: Tree = tree.cond, thenp: Tree = tree.thenp, elsep: Tree = tree.elsep)(using Context): If = - If(tree: Tree)(cond, thenp, elsep) - def Closure(tree: Closure)(env: List[Tree] = tree.env, meth: Tree = tree.meth, tpt: Tree = tree.tpt)(using Context): Closure = - Closure(tree: Tree)(env, meth, tpt) - def CaseDef(tree: CaseDef)(pat: Tree = tree.pat, guard: Tree = tree.guard, body: Tree = tree.body)(using Context): CaseDef = - CaseDef(tree: Tree)(pat, guard, body) - def Try(tree: Try)(expr: Tree = tree.expr, cases: List[CaseDef] = tree.cases, finalizer: Tree = tree.finalizer)(using Context): Try = - Try(tree: Tree)(expr, cases, finalizer) - def UnApply(tree: UnApply)(fun: Tree =, implicits: List[Tree] = tree.implicits, patterns: List[Tree] = tree.patterns)(using Context): UnApply = - UnApply(tree: Tree)(fun, implicits, patterns) - def ValDef(tree: ValDef)(name: TermName =, tpt: Tree = tree.tpt, rhs: LazyTree = tree.unforcedRhs)(using Context): ValDef = - ValDef(tree: Tree)(name, tpt, rhs) - def DefDef(tree: DefDef)(name: TermName =, paramss: List[ParamClause] = tree.paramss, tpt: Tree = tree.tpt, rhs: LazyTree = tree.unforcedRhs)(using Context): DefDef = - DefDef(tree: Tree)(name, paramss, tpt, rhs) - def TypeDef(tree: TypeDef)(name: TypeName =, rhs: Tree = tree.rhs)(using Context): TypeDef = - TypeDef(tree: Tree)(name, rhs) - def Template(tree: Template)(constr: DefDef = tree.constr, parents: List[Tree] = tree.parents, derived: List[untpd.Tree] = tree.derived, self: ValDef = tree.self, body: LazyTreeList = tree.unforcedBody)(using Context): Template = - Template(tree: Tree)(constr, parents, derived, self, body) - def Hole(tree: Hole)(isTerm: Boolean = tree.isTerm, idx: Int = tree.idx, args: List[Tree] = tree.args, content: Tree = tree.content, tpt: Tree = tree.tpt)(using Context): Hole = - Hole(tree: Tree)(isTerm, idx, args, content, tpt) - - } - - /** Hook to indicate that a transform of some subtree should be skipped */ - protected def skipTransform(tree: Tree)(using Context): Boolean = false - - /** For untyped trees, this is just the identity. - * For typed trees, a context derived form `ctx` that records `call` as the - * innermost enclosing call for which the inlined version is currently - * processed. - */ - protected def inlineContext(call: tpd.Tree)(using Context): Context = ctx - - /** The context to use when mapping or accumulating over a tree */ - def localCtx(tree: Tree)(using Context): Context - - /** The context to use when transforming a tree. - * It ensures that the source is correct, and that the local context is used if - * that's necessary for transforming the whole tree. - * TODO: ensure transform is always called with the correct context as argument - * @see - */ - def transformCtx(tree: Tree)(using Context): Context = - val sourced = - if tree.source.exists && tree.source != ctx.source - then ctx.withSource(tree.source) - else ctx - tree match - case t: (MemberDef | PackageDef | LambdaTypeTree | TermLambdaTypeTree) => - localCtx(t)(using sourced) - case _ => - sourced - - abstract class TreeMap(val cpy: TreeCopier = inst.cpy) { self: TreeMap @retains(caps.cap) => - def transform(tree: Tree)(using Context): Tree = { - inContext(transformCtx(tree)) { - Stats.record(s"TreeMap.transform/$getClass") - if (skipTransform(tree)) tree - else tree match { - case Ident(name) => - tree - case Select(qualifier, name) => - cpy.Select(tree)(transform(qualifier), name) - case This(qual) => - tree - case Super(qual, mix) => - cpy.Super(tree)(transform(qual), mix) - case Apply(fun, args) => - cpy.Apply(tree)(transform(fun), transform(args)) - case TypeApply(fun, args) => - cpy.TypeApply(tree)(transform(fun), transform(args)) - case Literal(const) => - tree - case New(tpt) => - cpy.New(tree)(transform(tpt)) - case Typed(expr, tpt) => - cpy.Typed(tree)(transform(expr), transform(tpt)) - case NamedArg(name, arg) => - cpy.NamedArg(tree)(name, transform(arg)) - case Assign(lhs, rhs) => - cpy.Assign(tree)(transform(lhs), transform(rhs)) - case blk: Block => - transformBlock(blk) - case If(cond, thenp, elsep) => - cpy.If(tree)(transform(cond), transform(thenp), transform(elsep)) - case Closure(env, meth, tpt) => - cpy.Closure(tree)(transform(env), transform(meth), transform(tpt)) - case Match(selector, cases) => - cpy.Match(tree)(transform(selector), transformSub(cases)) - case CaseDef(pat, guard, body) => - cpy.CaseDef(tree)(transform(pat), transform(guard), transform(body)) - case Labeled(bind, expr) => - cpy.Labeled(tree)(transformSub(bind), transform(expr)) - case Return(expr, from) => - cpy.Return(tree)(transform(expr), transformSub(from)) - case WhileDo(cond, body) => - cpy.WhileDo(tree)(transform(cond), transform(body)) - case Try(block, cases, finalizer) => - cpy.Try(tree)(transform(block), transformSub(cases), transform(finalizer)) - case SeqLiteral(elems, elemtpt) => - cpy.SeqLiteral(tree)(transform(elems), transform(elemtpt)) - case Inlined(call, bindings, expansion) => - cpy.Inlined(tree)(call, transformSub(bindings), transform(expansion)(using inlineContext(call))) - case TypeTree() => - tree - case SingletonTypeTree(ref) => - cpy.SingletonTypeTree(tree)(transform(ref)) - case RefinedTypeTree(tpt, refinements) => - cpy.RefinedTypeTree(tree)(transform(tpt), transformSub(refinements)) - case AppliedTypeTree(tpt, args) => - cpy.AppliedTypeTree(tree)(transform(tpt), transform(args)) - case LambdaTypeTree(tparams, body) => - cpy.LambdaTypeTree(tree)(transformSub(tparams), transform(body)) - case TermLambdaTypeTree(params, body) => - cpy.TermLambdaTypeTree(tree)(transformSub(params), transform(body)) - case MatchTypeTree(bound, selector, cases) => - cpy.MatchTypeTree(tree)(transform(bound), transform(selector), transformSub(cases)) - case ByNameTypeTree(result) => - cpy.ByNameTypeTree(tree)(transform(result)) - case TypeBoundsTree(lo, hi, alias) => - cpy.TypeBoundsTree(tree)(transform(lo), transform(hi), transform(alias)) - case Bind(name, body) => - cpy.Bind(tree)(name, transform(body)) - case Alternative(trees) => - cpy.Alternative(tree)(transform(trees)) - case UnApply(fun, implicits, patterns) => - cpy.UnApply(tree)(transform(fun), transform(implicits), transform(patterns)) - case EmptyValDef => - tree - case tree @ ValDef(name, tpt, _) => - val tpt1 = transform(tpt) - val rhs1 = transform(tree.rhs) - cpy.ValDef(tree)(name, tpt1, rhs1) - case tree @ DefDef(name, paramss, tpt, _) => - cpy.DefDef(tree)(name, transformParamss(paramss), transform(tpt), transform(tree.rhs)) - case tree @ TypeDef(name, rhs) => - cpy.TypeDef(tree)(name, transform(rhs)) - case tree @ Template(constr, parents, self, _) if tree.derived.isEmpty => - cpy.Template(tree)(transformSub(constr), transform(tree.parents), Nil, transformSub(self), transformStats(tree.body, tree.symbol)) - case Import(expr, selectors) => - cpy.Import(tree)(transform(expr), selectors) - case Export(expr, selectors) => - cpy.Export(tree)(transform(expr), selectors) - case PackageDef(pid, stats) => - cpy.PackageDef(tree)(transformSub(pid), transformStats(stats, ctx.owner)) - case Annotated(arg, annot) => - cpy.Annotated(tree)(transform(arg), transform(annot)) - case Thicket(trees) => - val trees1 = transform(trees) - if (trees1 eq trees) tree else Thicket(trees1) - case tree @ Hole(_, _, args, content, tpt) => - cpy.Hole(tree)(args = transform(args), content = transform(content), tpt = transform(tpt)) - case _ => - transformMoreCases(tree) - } - } - } - - def transformStats(trees: List[Tree], exprOwner: Symbol)(using Context): List[Tree] = - transform(trees) - def transformBlock(blk: Block)(using Context): Block = - cpy.Block(blk)(transformStats(blk.stats, ctx.owner), transform(blk.expr)) - def transform(trees: List[Tree])(using Context): List[Tree] = - flatten(trees mapConserve (transform(_))) - def transformSub[Tr <: Tree](tree: Tr)(using Context): Tr = - transform(tree).asInstanceOf[Tr] - def transformSub[Tr <: Tree](trees: List[Tr])(using Context): List[Tr] = - transform(trees).asInstanceOf[List[Tr]] - def transformParams(params: ParamClause)(using Context): ParamClause = - transform(params).asInstanceOf[ParamClause] - def transformParamss(paramss: List[ParamClause])(using Context): List[ParamClause] = - paramss.mapConserve(transformParams) - - protected def transformMoreCases(tree: Tree)(using Context): Tree = { - assert(ctx.reporter.errorsReported) - tree - } - } - - abstract class TreeAccumulator[X] { self: TreeAccumulator[X] @retains(caps.cap) => - // Ties the knot of the traversal: call `foldOver(x, tree))` to dive in the `tree` node. - def apply(x: X, tree: Tree)(using Context): X - - def apply(x: X, trees: List[Tree])(using Context): X = - def fold(x: X, trees: List[Tree]): X = trees match - case tree :: rest => fold(apply(x, tree), rest) - case Nil => x - fold(x, trees) - - def foldOver(x: X, tree: Tree)(using Context): X = - if (tree.source != ctx.source && tree.source.exists) - foldOver(x, tree)(using ctx.withSource(tree.source)) - else { - Stats.record(s"TreeAccumulator.foldOver/$getClass") - tree match { - case Ident(name) => - x - case Select(qualifier, name) => - this(x, qualifier) - case This(qual) => - x - case Super(qual, mix) => - this(x, qual) - case Apply(fun, args) => - this(this(x, fun), args) - case TypeApply(fun, args) => - this(this(x, fun), args) - case Literal(const) => - x - case New(tpt) => - this(x, tpt) - case Typed(expr, tpt) => - this(this(x, expr), tpt) - case NamedArg(name, arg) => - this(x, arg) - case Assign(lhs, rhs) => - this(this(x, lhs), rhs) - case Block(stats, expr) => - this(this(x, stats), expr) - case If(cond, thenp, elsep) => - this(this(this(x, cond), thenp), elsep) - case Closure(env, meth, tpt) => - this(this(this(x, env), meth), tpt) - case Match(selector, cases) => - this(this(x, selector), cases) - case CaseDef(pat, guard, body) => - this(this(this(x, pat), guard), body) - case Labeled(bind, expr) => - this(this(x, bind), expr) - case Return(expr, from) => - this(this(x, expr), from) - case WhileDo(cond, body) => - this(this(x, cond), body) - case Try(block, handler, finalizer) => - this(this(this(x, block), handler), finalizer) - case SeqLiteral(elems, elemtpt) => - this(this(x, elems), elemtpt) - case Inlined(call, bindings, expansion) => - this(this(x, bindings), expansion)(using inlineContext(call)) - case TypeTree() => - x - case SingletonTypeTree(ref) => - this(x, ref) - case RefinedTypeTree(tpt, refinements) => - this(this(x, tpt), refinements) - case AppliedTypeTree(tpt, args) => - this(this(x, tpt), args) - case LambdaTypeTree(tparams, body) => - inContext(localCtx(tree)) { - this(this(x, tparams), body) - } - case TermLambdaTypeTree(params, body) => - inContext(localCtx(tree)) { - this(this(x, params), body) - } - case MatchTypeTree(bound, selector, cases) => - this(this(this(x, bound), selector), cases) - case ByNameTypeTree(result) => - this(x, result) - case TypeBoundsTree(lo, hi, alias) => - this(this(this(x, lo), hi), alias) - case Bind(name, body) => - this(x, body) - case Alternative(trees) => - this(x, trees) - case UnApply(fun, implicits, patterns) => - this(this(this(x, fun), implicits), patterns) - case tree @ ValDef(_, tpt, _) => - inContext(localCtx(tree)) { - this(this(x, tpt), tree.rhs) - } - case tree @ DefDef(_, paramss, tpt, _) => - inContext(localCtx(tree)) { - this(this(paramss.foldLeft(x)(apply), tpt), tree.rhs) - } - case TypeDef(_, rhs) => - inContext(localCtx(tree)) { - this(x, rhs) - } - case tree @ Template(constr, parents, self, _) if tree.derived.isEmpty => - this(this(this(this(x, constr), parents), self), tree.body) - case Import(expr, _) => - this(x, expr) - case Export(expr, _) => - this(x, expr) - case PackageDef(pid, stats) => - this(this(x, pid), stats)(using localCtx(tree)) - case Annotated(arg, annot) => - this(this(x, arg), annot) - case Thicket(ts) => - this(x, ts) - case Hole(_, _, args, content, tpt) => - this(this(this(x, args), content), tpt) - case _ => - foldMoreCases(x, tree) - } - } - - def foldMoreCases(x: X, tree: Tree)(using Context): X = { - assert(ctx.reporter.hasUnreportedErrors - || ctx.reporter.errorsReported - ||, tree) - // In interactive mode, errors might come from previous runs. - // In case of errors it may be that typed trees point to untyped ones. - // The IDE can still traverse inside such trees, either in the run where errors - // are reported, or in subsequent ones. - x - } - } - - abstract class TreeTraverser extends TreeAccumulator[Unit] { - def traverse(tree: Tree)(using Context): Unit - def traverse(trees: List[Tree])(using Context) = apply((), trees) - def apply(x: Unit, tree: Tree)(using Context): Unit = traverse(tree) - protected def traverseChildren(tree: Tree)(using Context): Unit = foldOver((), tree) - } - - /** Fold `f` over all tree nodes, in depth-first, prefix order */ - class DeepFolder[X](f: (X, Tree) => X) extends TreeAccumulator[X] { - def apply(x: X, tree: Tree)(using Context): X = foldOver(f(x, tree), tree) - } - - /** Fold `f` over all tree nodes, in depth-first, prefix order, but don't visit - * subtrees where `f` returns a different result for the root, i.e. `f(x, root) ne x`. - */ - class ShallowFolder[X](f: (X, Tree) => X) extends TreeAccumulator[X] { - def apply(x: X, tree: Tree)(using Context): X = { - val x1 = f(x, tree) - if (x1.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] ne x.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]) x1 - else foldOver(x1, tree) - } - } - - def rename(tree: NameTree, newName: Name)(using Context): tree.ThisTree[T] = { - tree match { - case tree: Ident => cpy.Ident(tree)(newName) - case tree: Select => cpy.Select(tree)(tree.qualifier, newName) - case tree: Bind => cpy.Bind(tree)(newName, tree.body) - case tree: ValDef => cpy.ValDef(tree)(name = newName.asTermName) - case tree: DefDef => cpy.DefDef(tree)(name = newName.asTermName) - case tree: TypeDef => cpy.TypeDef(tree)(name = newName.asTypeName) - } - }.asInstanceOf[tree.ThisTree[T]] - - object TypeDefs: - def unapply(xs: List[Tree]): Option[List[TypeDef]] = xs match - case (x: TypeDef) :: _ => Some(xs.asInstanceOf[List[TypeDef]]) - case _ => None - - object ValDefs: - def unapply(xs: List[Tree]): Option[List[ValDef]] = xs match - case Nil => Some(Nil) - case (x: ValDef) :: _ => Some(xs.asInstanceOf[List[ValDef]]) - case _ => None - - def termParamssIn(paramss: List[ParamClause]): List[List[ValDef]] = paramss match - case ValDefs(vparams) :: paramss1 => - val paramss2 = termParamssIn(paramss1) - if paramss2 eq paramss1 then paramss.asInstanceOf[List[List[ValDef]]] - else vparams :: paramss2 - case _ :: paramss1 => - termParamssIn(paramss1) - case nil => - Nil - - /** If `tparams` is non-empty, add it to the left `paramss`, merging - * it with a leading type parameter list of `paramss`, if one exists. - */ - def joinParams(tparams: List[TypeDef], paramss: List[ParamClause]): List[ParamClause] = - if tparams.isEmpty then paramss - else paramss match - case TypeDefs(tparams1) :: paramss1 => (tparams ++ tparams1) :: paramss1 - case _ => tparams :: paramss - - def isTermOnly(paramss: List[ParamClause]): Boolean = paramss match - case Nil => true - case params :: paramss1 => - params match - case (param: untpd.TypeDef) :: _ => false - case _ => isTermOnly(paramss1) - - def asTermOnly(paramss: List[ParamClause]): List[List[ValDef]] = - assert(isTermOnly(paramss)) - paramss.asInstanceOf[List[List[ValDef]]] - - /** Delegate to FunProto or FunProtoTyped depending on whether the prefix is `untpd` or `tpd`. */ - protected def FunProto(args: List[Tree], resType: Type)(using Context): ProtoTypes.FunProto - - /** Construct the application `$receiver.$method[$targs]($args)` using overloading resolution - * to find a matching overload of `$method` if necessary. - * This is useful when overloading resolution needs to be performed in a phase after typer. - * Note that this will not perform any kind of implicit search. - * - * @param expectedType An expected type of the application used to guide overloading resolution - */ - def applyOverloaded( - receiver: tpd.Tree, method: TermName, args: List[Tree], targs: List[Type], - expectedType: Type)(using parentCtx: Context): tpd.Tree = { - given ctx: Context = parentCtx.retractMode(Mode.ImplicitsEnabled) - import - - val typer = ctx.typer - val proto = FunProto(args, expectedType) - val denot = receiver.tpe.member(method) - if !denot.exists then - overload.println(i"members = ${receiver.tpe.decls}") - report.error(em"no member $receiver . $method", receiver.srcPos) - val selected = - if (denot.isOverloaded) { - def typeParamCount(tp: Type) = tp.widen match { - case tp: PolyType => tp.paramInfos.length - case _ => 0 - } - val allAlts = denot.alternatives - .map(denot => TermRef(receiver.tpe, denot.symbol)) - .filter(tr => typeParamCount(tr) == targs.length) - .filter { _.widen match { - case MethodTpe(_, _, x: MethodType) => !x.isImplicitMethod - case _ => true - }} - val alternatives = ctx.typer.resolveOverloaded(allAlts, proto) - assert(alternatives.size == 1, - i"${if (alternatives.isEmpty) "no" else "multiple"} overloads available for " + - i"$method on ${receiver.tpe.widenDealiasKeepAnnots} with targs: $targs%, %; args: $args%, %; expectedType: $expectedType." + - i"all alternatives: ${", ")}\n" + - i"matching alternatives: ${", ")}.") // this is parsed from bytecode tree. there's nothing user can do about it - alternatives.head - } - else TermRef(receiver.tpe, denot.symbol) - val fun = - - val apply = untpd.Apply(fun, args) - typer.ApplyTo(apply, fun, selected, proto, expectedType) - } - - - def resolveConstructor(atp: Type, args: List[Tree])(using Context): tpd.Tree = { - val targs = atp.argTypes - withoutMode(Mode.PatternOrTypeBits) { - applyOverloaded(tpd.New(atp.typeConstructor), nme.CONSTRUCTOR, args, targs, atp) - } - } - } -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/tpd.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/tpd.scala deleted file mode 100644 index f778824a18d3..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/tpd.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1546 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc -package ast - -import{ExplicitOuter, Erasure} -import typer.ProtoTypes -import transform.SymUtils._ -import transform.TypeUtils._ -import core._ -import Scopes.newScope -import util.Spans._, Types._, Contexts._, Constants._, Names._, Flags._, NameOps._ -import Symbols._, StdNames._, Annotations._, Trees._, Symbols._ -import Decorators._, DenotTransformers._ -import collection.{immutable, mutable} -import util.{Property, SourceFile} -import NameKinds.{TempResultName, OuterSelectName} -import typer.ConstFold - -import scala.annotation.tailrec -import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer -import language.experimental.pureFunctions - -/** Some creators for typed trees */ -object tpd extends Trees.Instance[Type] with TypedTreeInfo { - - private def ta(using Context) = ctx.typeAssigner - - def Ident(tp: NamedType)(using Context): Ident = - ta.assignType(untpd.Ident(, tp) - - def Select(qualifier: Tree, name: Name)(using Context): Select = - ta.assignType(untpd.Select(qualifier, name), qualifier) - - def Select(qualifier: Tree, tp: NamedType)(using Context): Select = - untpd.Select(qualifier, - - def This(cls: ClassSymbol)(using Context): This = - untpd.This(untpd.Ident( - - def Super(qual: Tree, mix: untpd.Ident, mixinClass: Symbol)(using Context): Super = - ta.assignType(untpd.Super(qual, mix), qual, mixinClass) - - def Super(qual: Tree, mixName: TypeName, mixinClass: Symbol = NoSymbol)(using Context): Super = - Super(qual, if (mixName.isEmpty) untpd.EmptyTypeIdent else untpd.Ident(mixName), mixinClass) - - def Apply(fn: Tree, args: List[Tree])(using Context): Apply = fn match - case Block(Nil, expr) => - Apply(expr, args) - case _: RefTree | _: GenericApply | _: Inlined | _: Hole => - ta.assignType(untpd.Apply(fn, args), fn, args) - - def TypeApply(fn: Tree, args: List[Tree])(using Context): TypeApply = fn match - case Block(Nil, expr) => - TypeApply(expr, args) - case _: RefTree | _: GenericApply => - ta.assignType(untpd.TypeApply(fn, args), fn, args) - - def Literal(const: Constant)(using Context): Literal = - ta.assignType(untpd.Literal(const)) - - def unitLiteral(using Context): Literal = - Literal(Constant(())) - - def nullLiteral(using Context): Literal = - Literal(Constant(null)) - - def New(tpt: Tree)(using Context): New = - ta.assignType(untpd.New(tpt), tpt) - - def New(tp: Type)(using Context): New = New(TypeTree(tp)) - - def Typed(expr: Tree, tpt: Tree)(using Context): Typed = - ta.assignType(untpd.Typed(expr, tpt), tpt) - - def NamedArg(name: Name, arg: Tree)(using Context): NamedArg = - ta.assignType(untpd.NamedArg(name, arg), arg) - - def Assign(lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree)(using Context): Assign = - ta.assignType(untpd.Assign(lhs, rhs)) - - def Block(stats: List[Tree], expr: Tree)(using Context): Block = - ta.assignType(untpd.Block(stats, expr), stats, expr) - - /** Join `stats` in front of `expr` creating a new block if necessary */ - def seq(stats: List[Tree], expr: Tree)(using Context): Tree = - if (stats.isEmpty) expr - else expr match { - case Block(_, _: Closure) => - Block(stats, expr) // leave closures in their own block - case Block(estats, eexpr) => - cpy.Block(expr)(stats ::: estats, eexpr).withType(ta.avoidingType(eexpr, stats)) - case _ => - Block(stats, expr) - } - - def If(cond: Tree, thenp: Tree, elsep: Tree)(using Context): If = - ta.assignType(untpd.If(cond, thenp, elsep), thenp, elsep) - - def InlineIf(cond: Tree, thenp: Tree, elsep: Tree)(using Context): If = - ta.assignType(untpd.InlineIf(cond, thenp, elsep), thenp, elsep) - - def Closure(env: List[Tree], meth: Tree, tpt: Tree)(using Context): Closure = - ta.assignType(untpd.Closure(env, meth, tpt), meth, tpt) - - /** A function def - * - * vparams => expr - * - * gets expanded to - * - * { def $anonfun(vparams) = expr; Closure($anonfun) } - * - * where the closure's type is the target type of the expression (FunctionN, unless - * otherwise specified). - */ - def Closure(meth: TermSymbol, rhsFn: List[List[Tree]] => Tree, targs: List[Tree] = Nil, targetType: Type = NoType)(using Context): Block = { - val targetTpt = if (targetType.exists) TypeTree(targetType) else EmptyTree - val call = - if (targs.isEmpty) Ident(TermRef(NoPrefix, meth)) - else TypeApply(Ident(TermRef(NoPrefix, meth)), targs) - Block( - DefDef(meth, rhsFn) :: Nil, - Closure(Nil, call, targetTpt)) - } - - /** A closure whose anonymous function has the given method type */ - def Lambda(tpe: MethodType, rhsFn: List[Tree] => Tree)(using Context): Block = { - val meth = newAnonFun(ctx.owner, tpe) - Closure(meth, tss => rhsFn(tss.head).changeOwner(ctx.owner, meth)) - } - - def CaseDef(pat: Tree, guard: Tree, body: Tree)(using Context): CaseDef = - ta.assignType(untpd.CaseDef(pat, guard, body), pat, body) - - def Match(selector: Tree, cases: List[CaseDef])(using Context): Match = - ta.assignType(untpd.Match(selector, cases), selector, cases) - - def InlineMatch(selector: Tree, cases: List[CaseDef])(using Context): Match = - ta.assignType(untpd.InlineMatch(selector, cases), selector, cases) - - def Labeled(bind: Bind, expr: Tree)(using Context): Labeled = - ta.assignType(untpd.Labeled(bind, expr)) - - def Labeled(sym: TermSymbol, expr: Tree)(using Context): Labeled = - Labeled(Bind(sym, EmptyTree), expr) - - def Return(expr: Tree, from: Tree)(using Context): Return = - ta.assignType(untpd.Return(expr, from)) - - def Return(expr: Tree, from: Symbol)(using Context): Return = - Return(expr, Ident(from.termRef)) - - def WhileDo(cond: Tree, body: Tree)(using Context): WhileDo = - ta.assignType(untpd.WhileDo(cond, body)) - - def Try(block: Tree, cases: List[CaseDef], finalizer: Tree)(using Context): Try = - ta.assignType(untpd.Try(block, cases, finalizer), block, cases) - - def SeqLiteral(elems: List[Tree], elemtpt: Tree)(using Context): SeqLiteral = - ta.assignType(untpd.SeqLiteral(elems, elemtpt), elems, elemtpt) - - def JavaSeqLiteral(elems: List[Tree], elemtpt: Tree)(using Context): JavaSeqLiteral = - ta.assignType(untpd.JavaSeqLiteral(elems, elemtpt), elems, elemtpt).asInstanceOf[JavaSeqLiteral] - - def Inlined(call: Tree, bindings: List[MemberDef], expansion: Tree)(using Context): Inlined = - ta.assignType(untpd.Inlined(call, bindings, expansion), bindings, expansion) - - def TypeTree(tp: Type, inferred: Boolean = false)(using Context): TypeTree = - (if inferred then untpd.InferredTypeTree() else untpd.TypeTree()).withType(tp) - - def SingletonTypeTree(ref: Tree)(using Context): SingletonTypeTree = - ta.assignType(untpd.SingletonTypeTree(ref), ref) - - def RefinedTypeTree(parent: Tree, refinements: List[Tree], refineCls: ClassSymbol)(using Context): Tree = - ta.assignType(untpd.RefinedTypeTree(parent, refinements), parent, refinements, refineCls) - - def AppliedTypeTree(tycon: Tree, args: List[Tree])(using Context): AppliedTypeTree = - ta.assignType(untpd.AppliedTypeTree(tycon, args), tycon, args) - - def ByNameTypeTree(result: Tree)(using Context): ByNameTypeTree = - ta.assignType(untpd.ByNameTypeTree(result), result) - - def LambdaTypeTree(tparams: List[TypeDef], body: Tree)(using Context): LambdaTypeTree = - ta.assignType(untpd.LambdaTypeTree(tparams, body), tparams, body) - - def MatchTypeTree(bound: Tree, selector: Tree, cases: List[CaseDef])(using Context): MatchTypeTree = - ta.assignType(untpd.MatchTypeTree(bound, selector, cases), bound, selector, cases) - - def TypeBoundsTree(lo: Tree, hi: Tree, alias: Tree = EmptyTree)(using Context): TypeBoundsTree = - ta.assignType(untpd.TypeBoundsTree(lo, hi, alias), lo, hi, alias) - - def Bind(sym: Symbol, body: Tree)(using Context): Bind = - ta.assignType(untpd.Bind(, body), sym) - - /** A pattern corresponding to `sym: tpe` */ - def BindTyped(sym: TermSymbol, tpe: Type)(using Context): Bind = - Bind(sym, Typed(Underscore(tpe), TypeTree(tpe))) - - def Alternative(trees: List[Tree])(using Context): Alternative = - ta.assignType(untpd.Alternative(trees), trees) - - def UnApply(fun: Tree, implicits: List[Tree], patterns: List[Tree], proto: Type)(using Context): UnApply = { - assert(fun.isInstanceOf[RefTree] || fun.isInstanceOf[GenericApply]) - ta.assignType(untpd.UnApply(fun, implicits, patterns), proto) - } - - def ValDef(sym: TermSymbol, rhs: LazyTree = EmptyTree, inferred: Boolean = false)(using Context): ValDef = - ta.assignType(untpd.ValDef(, TypeTree(, inferred), rhs), sym) - - def SyntheticValDef(name: TermName, rhs: Tree, flags: FlagSet = EmptyFlags)(using Context): ValDef = - ValDef(newSymbol(ctx.owner, name, Synthetic | flags, rhs.tpe.widen, coord = rhs.span), rhs) - - def DefDef(sym: TermSymbol, paramss: List[List[Symbol]], - resultType: Type, rhs: Tree)(using Context): DefDef = - sym.setParamss(paramss) - ta.assignType( - untpd.DefDef( -, - { - case TypeSymbols(params) => => TypeDef(param).withSpan(param.span)) - case TermSymbols(params) => => ValDef(param).withSpan(param.span)) - case _ => unreachable() - }, - TypeTree(resultType), - rhs), - sym) - - def DefDef(sym: TermSymbol, rhs: Tree = EmptyTree)(using Context): DefDef = - ta.assignType(DefDef(sym, Function.const(rhs) _), sym) - - /** A DefDef with given method symbol `sym`. - * @rhsFn A function from parameter references - * to the method's right-hand side. - * Parameter symbols are taken from the `rawParamss` field of `sym`, or - * are freshly generated if `rawParamss` is empty. - */ - def DefDef(sym: TermSymbol, rhsFn: List[List[Tree]] => Tree)(using Context): DefDef = - - // Map method type `tp` with remaining parameters stored in rawParamss to - // final result type and all (given or synthesized) parameters - def recur(tp: Type, remaining: List[List[Symbol]]): (Type, List[List[Symbol]]) = tp match - case tp: PolyType => - val (tparams: List[TypeSymbol], remaining1) = remaining match - case tparams :: remaining1 => - assert(tparams.hasSameLengthAs(tp.paramNames) && tparams.head.isType) - (tparams.asInstanceOf[List[TypeSymbol]], remaining1) - case nil => - (newTypeParams(sym, tp.paramNames, EmptyFlags, tp.instantiateParamInfos(_)), Nil) - val (rtp, paramss) = recur(tp.instantiate(, remaining1) - (rtp, tparams :: paramss) - case tp: MethodType => - val isParamDependent = tp.isParamDependent - val previousParamRefs: ListBuffer[TermRef] = - // It is ok to assign `null` here. - // If `isParamDependent == false`, the value of `previousParamRefs` is not used. - if isParamDependent then mutable.ListBuffer[TermRef]() else (null: ListBuffer[TermRef] | Null).uncheckedNN - - def valueParam(name: TermName, origInfo: Type): TermSymbol = - val maybeImplicit = - if tp.isContextualMethod then Given - else if tp.isImplicitMethod then Implicit - else EmptyFlags - val maybeErased = if tp.isErasedMethod then Erased else EmptyFlags - - def makeSym(info: Type) = newSymbol(sym, name, TermParam | maybeImplicit | maybeErased, info, coord = sym.coord) - - if isParamDependent then - val sym = makeSym(origInfo.substParams(tp, previousParamRefs.toList)) - previousParamRefs += sym.termRef - sym - else makeSym(origInfo) - end valueParam - - val (vparams: List[TermSymbol], remaining1) = - if tp.paramNames.isEmpty then (Nil, remaining) - else remaining match - case vparams :: remaining1 => - assert(vparams.hasSameLengthAs(tp.paramNames) && vparams.head.isTerm) - (vparams.asInstanceOf[List[TermSymbol]], remaining1) - case nil => - (tp.paramNames.lazyZip(tp.paramInfos).map(valueParam), Nil) - val (rtp, paramss) = recur(tp.instantiate(, remaining1) - (rtp, vparams :: paramss) - case _ => - assert(remaining.isEmpty) - (tp.widenExpr, Nil) - end recur - - val (rtp, paramss) = recur(, sym.rawParamss) - DefDef(sym, paramss, rtp, rhsFn(paramss.nestedMap(ref))) - end DefDef - - def TypeDef(sym: TypeSymbol)(using Context): TypeDef = - ta.assignType(untpd.TypeDef(, TypeTree(, sym) - - def ClassDef(cls: ClassSymbol, constr: DefDef, body: List[Tree], superArgs: List[Tree] = Nil)(using Context): TypeDef = { - val firstParent :: otherParents = @unchecked - val superRef = - if ( TypeTree(firstParent) - else { - def isApplicable(ctpe: Type): Boolean = ctpe match { - case ctpe: PolyType => - isApplicable(ctpe.instantiate(firstParent.argTypes)) - case ctpe: MethodType => - (superArgs corresponds ctpe.paramInfos)(_.tpe <:< _) - case _ => - false - } - val constr = firstParent.decl(nme.CONSTRUCTOR).suchThat(constr => isApplicable( - New(firstParent, constr.symbol.asTerm, superArgs) - } - ClassDefWithParents(cls, constr, superRef ::, body) - } - - def ClassDefWithParents(cls: ClassSymbol, constr: DefDef, parents: List[Tree], body: List[Tree])(using Context): TypeDef = { - val selfType = - if (cls.classInfo.selfInfo ne NoType) ValDef(newSelfSym(cls)) - else EmptyValDef - def isOwnTypeParam(stat: Tree) = - && stat.symbol.owner == cls - val bodyTypeParams = body filter isOwnTypeParam map (_.symbol) - val newTypeParams = - for (tparam <- cls.typeParams if !(bodyTypeParams contains tparam)) - yield TypeDef(tparam) - val findLocalDummy = FindLocalDummyAccumulator(cls) - val localDummy = body.foldLeft(NoSymbol: Symbol)(findLocalDummy.apply) - .orElse(newLocalDummy(cls)) - val impl = untpd.Template(constr, parents, Nil, selfType, newTypeParams ++ body) - .withType(localDummy.termRef) - ta.assignType(untpd.TypeDef(, impl), cls) - } - - /** An anonymous class - * - * new parents { forwarders } - * - * where `forwarders` contains forwarders for all functions in `fns`. - * @param parents a non-empty list of class types - * @param fns a non-empty of functions for which forwarders should be defined in the class. - * The class has the same owner as the first function in `fns`. - * Its position is the union of all functions in `fns`. - */ - def AnonClass(parents: List[Type], fns: List[TermSymbol], methNames: List[TermName])(using Context): Block = { - AnonClass(fns.head.owner, parents, union _)) { cls => - def forwarder(fn: TermSymbol, name: TermName) = { - val fwdMeth = fn.copy(cls, name, Synthetic | Method | Final).entered.asTerm - for overridden <- fwdMeth.allOverriddenSymbols do - if then fwdMeth.setFlag(Extension) - if ! then fwdMeth.setFlag(Override) - DefDef(fwdMeth, ref(fn).appliedToArgss(_)) - } - fns.lazyZip(methNames).map(forwarder) - } - } - - /** An anonymous class - * - * new parents { body } - * - * with the specified owner and position. - */ - def AnonClass(owner: Symbol, parents: List[Type], coord: Coord)(body: ClassSymbol => List[Tree])(using Context): Block = - val parents1 = - if ( { - val head = parents.head.parents.head - if (head.isRef(defn.AnyClass)) defn.AnyRefType :: parents else head :: parents - } - else parents - val cls = newNormalizedClassSymbol(owner, tpnme.ANON_CLASS, Synthetic | Final, parents1, coord = coord) - val constr = newConstructor(cls, Synthetic, Nil, Nil).entered - val cdef = ClassDef(cls, DefDef(constr), body(cls)) - Block(cdef :: Nil, New(cls.typeRef, Nil)) - - def Import(expr: Tree, selectors: List[untpd.ImportSelector])(using Context): Import = - ta.assignType(untpd.Import(expr, selectors), newImportSymbol(ctx.owner, expr)) - - def Export(expr: Tree, selectors: List[untpd.ImportSelector])(using Context): Export = - ta.assignType(untpd.Export(expr, selectors)) - - def PackageDef(pid: RefTree, stats: List[Tree])(using Context): PackageDef = - ta.assignType(untpd.PackageDef(pid, stats), pid) - - def Annotated(arg: Tree, annot: Tree)(using Context): Annotated = - ta.assignType(untpd.Annotated(arg, annot), arg, annot) - - def Throw(expr: Tree)(using Context): Tree = - ref(defn.throwMethod).appliedTo(expr) - - def Hole(isTermHole: Boolean, idx: Int, args: List[Tree], content: Tree, tpt: Tree)(using Context): Hole = - ta.assignType(untpd.Hole(isTermHole, idx, args, content, tpt), tpt) - - // ------ Making references ------------------------------------------------------ - - def prefixIsElidable(tp: NamedType)(using Context): Boolean = { - val typeIsElidable = tp.prefix match { - case pre: ThisType => - tp.isType || - pre.cls.isStaticOwner || - tp.symbol.isParamOrAccessor && ! && ctx.owner.enclosingClass == pre.cls - // was ctx.owner.enclosingClass.derivesFrom(pre.cls) which was not tight enough - // and was spuriously triggered in case inner class would inherit from outer one - // eg anonymous TypeMap inside TypeMap.andThen - case pre: TermRef => - && pre.symbol.isStatic - case pre => - pre `eq` NoPrefix - } - typeIsElidable || - || - tp.symbol.hasAnnotation(defn.ScalaStaticAnnot) - } - - def needsSelect(tp: Type)(using Context): Boolean = tp match { - case tp: TermRef => !prefixIsElidable(tp) - case _ => false - } - - /** A tree representing the same reference as the given type */ - def ref(tp: NamedType, needLoad: Boolean = true)(using Context): Tree = - if (tp.isType) TypeTree(tp) - else if (prefixIsElidable(tp)) Ident(tp) - else if ( && ctx.owner.isContainedIn(tp.symbol.moduleClass)) - followOuterLinks(This(tp.symbol.moduleClass.asClass)) - else if (tp.symbol hasAnnotation defn.ScalaStaticAnnot) - Ident(tp) - else - val pre = tp.prefix - if (pre.isSingleton) followOuterLinks(singleton(pre.dealias, needLoad)).select(tp) - else - val res = Select(TypeTree(pre), tp) - if needLoad && !res.symbol.isStatic then - throw TypeError(em"cannot establish a reference to $res") - res - - def ref(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Tree = - ref(NamedType(sym.owner.thisType,, sym.denot)) - - private def followOuterLinks(t: Tree)(using Context) = t match { - case t: This if ctx.erasedTypes && !(t.symbol == ctx.owner.enclosingClass || t.symbol.isStaticOwner) => - // after erasure outer paths should be respected - ExplicitOuter.OuterOps(ctx.detach).path(toCls = t.tpe.classSymbol) - case t => - t - } - - def singleton(tp: Type, needLoad: Boolean = true)(using Context): Tree = tp.dealias match { - case tp: TermRef => ref(tp, needLoad) - case tp: ThisType => This(tp.cls) - case tp: SkolemType => singleton(tp.narrow, needLoad) - case SuperType(qual, _) => singleton(qual, needLoad) - case ConstantType(value) => Literal(value) - } - - /** A path that corresponds to the given type `tp`. Error if `tp` is not a refinement - * of an addressable singleton type. - */ - def pathFor(tp: Type)(using Context): Tree = { - def recur(tp: Type): Tree = tp match { - case tp: NamedType => - match { - case TypeAlias(alias) => recur(alias) - case _: TypeBounds => EmptyTree - case _ => singleton(tp) - } - case tp: TypeProxy => recur(tp.superType) - case _ => EmptyTree - } - recur(tp).orElse { - report.error(em"$tp is not an addressable singleton type") - TypeTree(tp) - } - } - - /** A tree representing a `newXYZArray` operation of the right - * kind for the given element type in `elemTpe`. No type arguments or - * `length` arguments are given. - */ - def newArray(elemTpe: Type, returnTpe: Type, span: Span, dims: JavaSeqLiteral)(using Context): Tree = { - val elemClass = elemTpe.classSymbol - def newArr = - ref(defn.DottyArraysModule).select(defn.newArrayMethod).withSpan(span) - - if (!ctx.erasedTypes) { - assert(!TypeErasure.isGeneric(elemTpe), elemTpe) //needs to be done during typer. See Applications.convertNewGenericArray - newArr.appliedToTypeTrees(TypeTree(returnTpe) :: Nil).appliedToTermArgs(clsOf(elemTpe) :: clsOf(returnTpe) :: dims :: Nil).withSpan(span) - } - else // after erasure - newArr.appliedToTermArgs(clsOf(elemTpe) :: clsOf(returnTpe) :: dims :: Nil).withSpan(span) - } - - /** The wrapped array method name for an array of type elemtp */ - def wrapArrayMethodName(elemtp: Type)(using Context): TermName = { - val elemCls = elemtp.classSymbol - if (elemCls.isPrimitiveValueClass) nme.wrapXArray( - else if (elemCls.derivesFrom(defn.ObjectClass) && !elemCls.isNotRuntimeClass) nme.wrapRefArray - else nme.genericWrapArray - } - - /** A tree representing a `wrapXYZArray(tree)` operation of the right - * kind for the given element type in `elemTpe`. - */ - def wrapArray(tree: Tree, elemtp: Type)(using Context): Tree = - val wrapper = ref(defn.getWrapVarargsArrayModule) - .select(wrapArrayMethodName(elemtp)) - .appliedToTypes(if (elemtp.isPrimitiveValueType) Nil else elemtp :: Nil) - val actualElem = wrapper.tpe.widen.firstParamTypes.head - wrapper.appliedTo(tree.ensureConforms(actualElem)) - - // ------ Creating typed equivalents of trees that exist only in untyped form ------- - - /** new C(args), calling the primary constructor of C */ - def New(tp: Type, args: List[Tree])(using Context): Apply = - New(tp, tp.dealias.typeSymbol.primaryConstructor.asTerm, args) - - /** new C(args), calling given constructor `constr` of C */ - def New(tp: Type, constr: TermSymbol, args: List[Tree])(using Context): Apply = { - val targs = tp.argTypes - val tycon = tp.typeConstructor - New(tycon) - .select(TermRef(tycon, constr)) - .appliedToTypes(targs) - .appliedToTermArgs(args) - } - - /** An object def - * - * object obs extends parents { decls } - * - * gets expanded to - * - * val obj = new obj$ - * class obj$ extends parents { this: obj.type => decls } - * - * (The following no longer applies: - * What's interesting here is that the block is well typed - * (because class obj$ is hoistable), but the type of the `obj` val is - * not expressible. What needs to happen in general when - * inferring the type of a val from its RHS, is: if the type contains - * a class that has the val itself as owner, then that class - * is remapped to have the val's owner as owner. Remapping could be - * done by cloning the class with the new owner and substituting - * everywhere in the tree. We know that remapping is safe - * because the only way a local class can appear in the RHS of a val is - * by being hoisted outside of a block, and the necessary checks are - * done at this point already. - * - * On the other hand, for method result type inference, if the type of - * the RHS of a method contains a class owned by the method, this would be - * an error.) - */ - def ModuleDef(sym: TermSymbol, body: List[Tree])(using Context): tpd.Thicket = { - val modcls = sym.moduleClass.asClass - val constrSym = modcls.primaryConstructor orElse newDefaultConstructor(modcls).entered - val constr = DefDef(constrSym.asTerm, EmptyTree) - val clsdef = ClassDef(modcls, constr, body) - val valdef = ValDef(sym, New(modcls.typeRef).select(constrSym).appliedToNone) - Thicket(valdef, clsdef) - } - - /** A `_` with given type */ - def Underscore(tp: Type)(using Context): Ident = untpd.Ident(nme.WILDCARD).withType(tp) - - def defaultValue(tpe: Type)(using Context): Tree = { - val tpw = tpe.widen - - if (tpw isRef defn.IntClass) Literal(Constant(0)) - else if (tpw isRef defn.LongClass) Literal(Constant(0L)) - else if (tpw isRef defn.BooleanClass) Literal(Constant(false)) - else if (tpw isRef defn.CharClass) Literal(Constant('\u0000')) - else if (tpw isRef defn.FloatClass) Literal(Constant(0f)) - else if (tpw isRef defn.DoubleClass) Literal(Constant(0d)) - else if (tpw isRef defn.ByteClass) Literal(Constant(0.toByte)) - else if (tpw isRef defn.ShortClass) Literal(Constant(0.toShort)) - else - } - - private class FindLocalDummyAccumulator(cls: ClassSymbol)(using Context) extends TreeAccumulator[Symbol] { - def apply(sym: Symbol, tree: Tree)(using Context) = - if (sym.exists) sym - else if (tree.isDef) { - val owner = tree.symbol.owner - if (owner.isLocalDummy && owner.owner == cls) owner - else if (owner == cls) foldOver(sym, tree) - else sym - } - else foldOver(sym, tree) - } - - /** The owner to be used in a local context when traversing a tree */ - def localOwner(tree: Tree)(using Context): Symbol = - val sym = tree.symbol - (if then sym.moduleClass else sym).orElse(ctx.owner) - - /** The local context to use when traversing trees */ - def localCtx(tree: Tree)(using Context): Context = ctx.withOwner(localOwner(tree)) - - override val cpy: TypedTreeCopier = // Type ascription needed to pick up any new members in TreeCopier (currently there are none) - TypedTreeCopier() - - val cpyBetweenPhases: TimeTravellingTreeCopier = TimeTravellingTreeCopier() - - class TypedTreeCopier extends TreeCopier { - def postProcess(tree: Tree, copied: untpd.Tree): copied.ThisTree[Type] = - copied.withTypeUnchecked(tree.tpe) - def postProcess(tree: Tree, copied: untpd.MemberDef): copied.ThisTree[Type] = - copied.withTypeUnchecked(tree.tpe) - - protected val untpdCpy = untpd.cpy - - override def Select(tree: Tree)(qualifier: Tree, name: Name)(using Context): Select = { - val tree1 = untpdCpy.Select(tree)(qualifier, name) - tree match { - case tree: Select if qualifier.tpe eq tree.qualifier.tpe => - tree1.withTypeUnchecked(tree.tpe) - case _ => - val tree2: Select = tree.tpe match { - case tpe: NamedType => - val qualType = qualifier.tpe.widenIfUnstable - if qualType.isExactlyNothing then tree1.withTypeUnchecked(tree.tpe) - else tree1.withType(tpe.derivedSelect(qualType)) - case _ => tree1.withTypeUnchecked(tree.tpe) - } - ConstFold.Select(tree2) - } - } - - override def Apply(tree: Tree)(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree])(using Context): Apply = { - val tree1 = untpdCpy.Apply(tree)(fun, args) - tree match { - case tree: Apply - if (fun.tpe eq && sameTypes(args, tree.args) => - tree1.withTypeUnchecked(tree.tpe) - case _ => ta.assignType(tree1, fun, args) - } - } - - override def TypeApply(tree: Tree)(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree])(using Context): TypeApply = { - val tree1 = untpdCpy.TypeApply(tree)(fun, args) - tree match { - case tree: TypeApply - if (fun.tpe eq && sameTypes(args, tree.args) => - tree1.withTypeUnchecked(tree.tpe) - case _ => ta.assignType(tree1, fun, args) - } - } - - override def Literal(tree: Tree)(const: Constant)(using Context): Literal = - ta.assignType(untpdCpy.Literal(tree)(const)) - - override def New(tree: Tree)(tpt: Tree)(using Context): New = - ta.assignType(untpdCpy.New(tree)(tpt), tpt) - - override def Typed(tree: Tree)(expr: Tree, tpt: Tree)(using Context): Typed = - ta.assignType(untpdCpy.Typed(tree)(expr, tpt), tpt) - - override def NamedArg(tree: Tree)(name: Name, arg: Tree)(using Context): NamedArg = - ta.assignType(untpdCpy.NamedArg(tree)(name, arg), arg) - - override def Assign(tree: Tree)(lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree)(using Context): Assign = - ta.assignType(untpdCpy.Assign(tree)(lhs, rhs)) - - override def Block(tree: Tree)(stats: List[Tree], expr: Tree)(using Context): Block = { - val tree1 = untpdCpy.Block(tree)(stats, expr) - tree match { - case tree: Block if (expr.tpe eq tree.expr.tpe) && (expr.tpe eq tree.tpe) => - // The last guard is a conservative check: if `tree.tpe` is different from `expr.tpe`, then - // it was computed from widening `expr.tpe`, and tree transforms might cause `expr.tpe.widen` - // to change even if `expr.tpe` itself didn't change, e.g: - // { val s = ...; s } - // If the type of `s` changed, then the type of the block might have changed, even though `expr.tpe` - // will still be `TermRef(NoPrefix, s)` - tree1.withTypeUnchecked(tree.tpe) - case _ => ta.assignType(tree1, stats, expr) - } - } - - override def If(tree: Tree)(cond: Tree, thenp: Tree, elsep: Tree)(using Context): If = { - val tree1 = untpdCpy.If(tree)(cond, thenp, elsep) - tree match { - case tree: If if (thenp.tpe eq tree.thenp.tpe) && (elsep.tpe eq tree.elsep.tpe) && - ((tree.tpe eq thenp.tpe) || (tree.tpe eq elsep.tpe)) => - // The last guard is a conservative check similar to the one done in `Block` above, - // if `tree.tpe` is not identical to the type of one of its branch, it might have been - // computed from the widened type of the branches, so the same reasoning than - // in `Block` applies. - tree1.withTypeUnchecked(tree.tpe) - case _ => ta.assignType(tree1, thenp, elsep) - } - } - - override def Closure(tree: Tree)(env: List[Tree], meth: Tree, tpt: Tree)(using Context): Closure = { - val tree1 = untpdCpy.Closure(tree)(env, meth, tpt) - tree match { - case tree: Closure if sameTypes(env, tree.env) && (meth.tpe eq tree.meth.tpe) && (tpt.tpe eq tree.tpt.tpe) => - tree1.withTypeUnchecked(tree.tpe) - case _ => ta.assignType(tree1, meth, tpt) - } - } - - override def Match(tree: Tree)(selector: Tree, cases: List[CaseDef])(using Context): Match = { - val tree1 = untpdCpy.Match(tree)(selector, cases) - tree match { - case tree: Match if sameTypes(cases, tree.cases) => tree1.withTypeUnchecked(tree.tpe) - case _ => ta.assignType(tree1, selector, cases) - } - } - - override def CaseDef(tree: Tree)(pat: Tree, guard: Tree, body: Tree)(using Context): CaseDef = { - val tree1 = untpdCpy.CaseDef(tree)(pat, guard, body) - tree match { - case tree: CaseDef if body.tpe eq tree.body.tpe => tree1.withTypeUnchecked(tree.tpe) - case _ => ta.assignType(tree1, pat, body) - } - } - - override def Labeled(tree: Tree)(bind: Bind, expr: Tree)(using Context): Labeled = - ta.assignType(untpdCpy.Labeled(tree)(bind, expr)) - - override def Return(tree: Tree)(expr: Tree, from: Tree)(using Context): Return = - ta.assignType(untpdCpy.Return(tree)(expr, from)) - - override def WhileDo(tree: Tree)(cond: Tree, body: Tree)(using Context): WhileDo = - ta.assignType(untpdCpy.WhileDo(tree)(cond, body)) - - override def Try(tree: Tree)(expr: Tree, cases: List[CaseDef], finalizer: Tree)(using Context): Try = { - val tree1 = untpdCpy.Try(tree)(expr, cases, finalizer) - tree match { - case tree: Try if (expr.tpe eq tree.expr.tpe) && sameTypes(cases, tree.cases) => tree1.withTypeUnchecked(tree.tpe) - case _ => ta.assignType(tree1, expr, cases) - } - } - - override def Inlined(tree: Tree)(call: Tree, bindings: List[MemberDef], expansion: Tree)(using Context): Inlined = { - val tree1 = untpdCpy.Inlined(tree)(call, bindings, expansion) - tree match { - case tree: Inlined if sameTypes(bindings, tree.bindings) && (expansion.tpe eq tree.expansion.tpe) => - tree1.withTypeUnchecked(tree.tpe) - case _ => ta.assignType(tree1, bindings, expansion) - } - } - - override def SeqLiteral(tree: Tree)(elems: List[Tree], elemtpt: Tree)(using Context): SeqLiteral = { - val tree1 = untpdCpy.SeqLiteral(tree)(elems, elemtpt) - tree match { - case tree: SeqLiteral - if sameTypes(elems, tree.elems) && (elemtpt.tpe eq tree.elemtpt.tpe) => - tree1.withTypeUnchecked(tree.tpe) - case _ => - ta.assignType(tree1, elems, elemtpt) - } - } - - override def Annotated(tree: Tree)(arg: Tree, annot: Tree)(using Context): Annotated = { - val tree1 = untpdCpy.Annotated(tree)(arg, annot) - tree match { - case tree: Annotated if (arg.tpe eq tree.arg.tpe) && (annot eq tree.annot) => tree1.withTypeUnchecked(tree.tpe) - case _ => ta.assignType(tree1, arg, annot) - } - } - - override def If(tree: If)(cond: Tree = tree.cond, thenp: Tree = tree.thenp, elsep: Tree = tree.elsep)(using Context): If = - If(tree: Tree)(cond, thenp, elsep) - override def Closure(tree: Closure)(env: List[Tree] = tree.env, meth: Tree = tree.meth, tpt: Tree = tree.tpt)(using Context): Closure = - Closure(tree: Tree)(env, meth, tpt) - override def CaseDef(tree: CaseDef)(pat: Tree = tree.pat, guard: Tree = tree.guard, body: Tree = tree.body)(using Context): CaseDef = - CaseDef(tree: Tree)(pat, guard, body) - override def Try(tree: Try)(expr: Tree = tree.expr, cases: List[CaseDef] = tree.cases, finalizer: Tree = tree.finalizer)(using Context): Try = - Try(tree: Tree)(expr, cases, finalizer) - } - - class TimeTravellingTreeCopier extends TypedTreeCopier { - override def Apply(tree: Tree)(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree])(using Context): Apply = - tree match - case tree: Apply - if ( eq fun) && (tree.args eq args) - && tree.tpe.isInstanceOf[ConstantType] - && isPureExpr(tree) => tree - case _ => - ta.assignType(untpdCpy.Apply(tree)(fun, args), fun, args) - // Note: Reassigning the original type if `fun` and `args` have the same types as before - // does not work here in general: The computed type depends on the widened function type, not - // the function type itself. A tree transform may keep the function type the - // same but its widened type might change. - // However, we keep constant types of pure expressions. This uses the underlying assumptions - // that pure functions yielding a constant will not change in later phases. - - override def TypeApply(tree: Tree)(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree])(using Context): TypeApply = - ta.assignType(untpdCpy.TypeApply(tree)(fun, args), fun, args) - // Same remark as for Apply - - override def Closure(tree: Tree)(env: List[Tree], meth: Tree, tpt: Tree)(using Context): Closure = - ta.assignType(untpdCpy.Closure(tree)(env, meth, tpt), meth, tpt) - - override def Closure(tree: Closure)(env: List[Tree] = tree.env, meth: Tree = tree.meth, tpt: Tree = tree.tpt)(using Context): Closure = - Closure(tree: Tree)(env, meth, tpt) - } - - override def skipTransform(tree: Tree)(using Context): Boolean = tree.tpe.isError - - implicit class TreeOps[ThisTree <: tpd.Tree](private val tree: ThisTree) extends AnyVal { - - def isValue(using Context): Boolean = - tree.isTerm && tree.tpe.widen.isValueType - - def isValueOrPattern(using Context): Boolean = - tree.isValue || tree.isPattern - - def isValueType: Boolean = - tree.isType && tree.tpe.isValueType - - def isInstantiation: Boolean = tree match { - case Apply(Select(New(_), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), _) => true - case _ => false - } - - def shallowFold[T](z: T)(op: (T, tpd.Tree) => T)(using Context): T = - ShallowFolder(op).apply(z, tree) - - def deepFold[T](z: T)(op: (T, tpd.Tree) => T)(using Context): T = - DeepFolder(op).apply(z, tree) - - def find[T](pred: (tpd.Tree) => Boolean)(using Context): Option[tpd.Tree] = - shallowFold[Option[tpd.Tree]](None)((accum, tree) => if (pred(tree)) Some(tree) else accum) - - def subst(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Symbol])(using Context): ThisTree = - TreeTypeMap(substFrom = from, substTo = to).apply(tree) - - /** Change owner from `from` to `to`. If `from` is a weak owner, also change its - * owner to `to`, and continue until a non-weak owner is reached. - */ - def changeOwner(from: Symbol, to: Symbol)(using Context): ThisTree = { - @tailrec def loop(from: Symbol, froms: List[Symbol], tos: List[Symbol]): ThisTree = - if (from.isWeakOwner && !from.owner.isClass) - loop(from.owner, from :: froms, to :: tos) - else - //println(i"change owner ${from :: froms}%, % ==> $tos of $tree") - TreeTypeMap(oldOwners = from :: froms, newOwners = tos).apply(tree) - if (from == to) tree else loop(from, Nil, to :: Nil) - } - - /** - * Set the owner of every definition in this tree which is not itself contained in this - * tree to be `newowner` - */ - def changeNonLocalOwners(newOwner: Symbol)(using Context): Tree = { - val ownerAcc = new TreeAccumulator[immutable.Set[Symbol]] { - def apply(ss: immutable.Set[Symbol], tree: Tree)(using Context) = tree match { - case tree: DefTree => - val sym = tree.symbol - if sym.exists && ! then ss + sym.owner else ss - case _ => - foldOver(ss, tree) - } - } - val owners = ownerAcc(immutable.Set.empty[Symbol], tree).toList - val newOwners = List.fill(owners.size)(newOwner) - TreeTypeMap(oldOwners = owners, newOwners = newOwners).apply(tree) - } - - /** After phase `trans`, set the owner of every definition in this tree that was formerly - * owner by `from` to `to`. - */ - def changeOwnerAfter(from: Symbol, to: Symbol, trans: DenotTransformer)(using Context): ThisTree = - if (ctx.phase == { - val traverser = new TreeTraverser { - def traverse(tree: Tree)(using Context) = tree match { - case tree: DefTree => - val sym = tree.symbol - val prevDenot = atPhase(trans)(sym.denot) - if (prevDenot.effectiveOwner == from.skipWeakOwner) { - val d = sym.copySymDenotation(owner = to) - d.installAfter(trans) - d.transformAfter(trans, d => if (d.owner eq from) d.copySymDenotation(owner = to) else d) - } - if (sym.isWeakOwner) traverseChildren(tree) - case _ => - traverseChildren(tree) - } - } - traverser.traverse(tree) - tree - } - else atPhase(, to, trans)) - - /** A select node with the given selector name and a computed type */ - def select(name: Name)(using Context): Select = - Select(tree, name) - - /** A select node with the given selector name such that the designated - * member satisfies predicate `p`. Useful for disambiguating overloaded members. - */ - def select(name: Name, p: Symbol => Boolean)(using Context): Select = - select(tree.tpe.member(name).suchThat(p).symbol) - - /** A select node with the given type */ - def select(tp: NamedType)(using Context): Select = - untpd.Select(tree, - - /** A select node that selects the given symbol. Note: Need to make sure this - * is in fact the symbol you would get when you select with the symbol's name, - * otherwise a data race may occur which would be flagged by -Yno-double-bindings. - */ - def select(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Select = { - val tp = - if (sym.isType) { - assert(! - TypeRef(tree.tpe, sym.asType) - } - else - TermRef(tree.tpe,, sym.denot.asSeenFrom(tree.tpe)) - untpd.Select(tree, - } - - /** A select node with the given selector name and signature and a computed type */ - def selectWithSig(name: Name, sig: Signature, target: Name)(using Context): Tree = - untpd.SelectWithSig(tree, name, sig).withType(, sig, target)) - - /** A select node with selector name and signature taken from `sym`. - * Note: Use this method instead of select(sym) if the referenced symbol - * might be overridden in the type of the qualifier prefix. See note - * on select(sym: Symbol). - */ - def selectWithSig(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Tree = - selectWithSig(, sym.signature, sym.targetName) - - /** A unary apply node with given argument: `tree(arg)` */ - def appliedTo(arg: Tree)(using Context): Apply = - appliedToTermArgs(arg :: Nil) - - /** An apply node with given arguments: `tree(arg, args0, ..., argsN)` */ - def appliedTo(arg: Tree, args: Tree*)(using Context): Apply = - appliedToTermArgs(arg :: args.toList) - - /** An apply node with given argument list `tree(args(0), ..., args(args.length - 1))` */ - def appliedToTermArgs(args: List[Tree])(using Context): Apply = - Apply(tree, args) - - /** An applied node that accepts only varargs as arguments */ - def appliedToVarargs(args: List[Tree], tpt: Tree)(using Context): Apply = - appliedTo(repeated(args, tpt)) - - /** An apply or type apply node with given argument list */ - def appliedToArgs(args: List[Tree])(using Context): GenericApply = args match - case arg :: args1 if arg.isType => TypeApply(tree, args) - case _ => Apply(tree, args) - - /** The current tree applied to given argument lists: - * `tree (argss(0)) ... (argss(argss.length -1))` - */ - def appliedToArgss(argss: List[List[Tree]])(using Context): Tree = - argss.foldLeft(tree: Tree)(_.appliedToArgs(_)) - - /** The current tree applied to (): `tree()` */ - def appliedToNone(using Context): Apply = Apply(tree, Nil) - - /** The current tree applied to given type argument: `tree[targ]` */ - def appliedToType(targ: Type)(using Context): Tree = - appliedToTypes(targ :: Nil) - - /** The current tree applied to given type arguments: `tree[targ0, ..., targN]` */ - def appliedToTypes(targs: List[Type])(using Context): Tree = - appliedToTypeTrees(targs map (TypeTree(_))) - - /** The current tree applied to given type argument: `tree[targ]` */ - def appliedToTypeTree(targ: Tree)(using Context): Tree = - appliedToTypeTrees(targ :: Nil) - - /** The current tree applied to given type argument list: `tree[targs(0), ..., targs(targs.length - 1)]` */ - def appliedToTypeTrees(targs: List[Tree])(using Context): Tree = - if targs.isEmpty then tree else TypeApply(tree, targs) - - /** Apply to `()` unless tree's widened type is parameterless */ - def ensureApplied(using Context): Tree = - if (tree.tpe.widen.isParameterless) tree else tree.appliedToNone - - /** `tree == that` */ - def equal(that: Tree)(using Context): Tree = - if (that.tpe.widen.isRef(defn.NothingClass)) - Literal(Constant(false)) - else - applyOverloaded(tree, nme.EQ, that :: Nil, Nil, defn.BooleanType) - - /** `tree.isInstanceOf[tp]`, with special treatment of singleton types */ - def isInstance(tp: Type)(using Context): Tree = tp.dealias match { - case ConstantType(c) if c.tag == StringTag => - singleton(tp).equal(tree) - case tp: SingletonType => - if tp.widen.derivesFrom(defn.ObjectClass) then - tree.ensureConforms(defn.ObjectType).select(defn.Object_eq).appliedTo(singleton(tp)) - else - singleton(tp).equal(tree) - case _ => - - } - - /** tree.asInstanceOf[`tp`] */ - def asInstance(tp: Type)(using Context): Tree = { - assert(tp.isValueType, i"bad cast: $tree.asInstanceOf[$tp]") - - } - - /** cast tree to `tp`, assuming no exception is raised, i.e the operation is pure */ - def cast(tp: Type)(using Context): Tree = cast(TypeTree(tp)) - - /** cast tree to `tp`, assuming no exception is raised, i.e the operation is pure */ - def cast(tpt: TypeTree)(using Context): Tree = - assert(tpt.tpe.isValueType, i"bad cast: $tree.asInstanceOf[$tpt]") - (ctx.erasedTypes) defn.Any_asInstanceOf else defn.Any_typeCast) - .appliedToTypeTree(tpt) - - /** cast `tree` to `tp` (or its box/unbox/cast equivalent when after - * erasure and value and non-value types are mixed), - * unless tree's type already conforms to `tp`. - */ - def ensureConforms(tp: Type)(using Context): Tree = - if (tree.tpe <:< tp) tree - else if (!ctx.erasedTypes) cast(tp) - else Erasure.Boxing.adaptToType(tree, tp) - - /** `tree ne null` (might need a cast to be type correct) */ - def testNotNull(using Context): Tree = { - // If the receiver is of type `Nothing` or `Null`, add an ascription or cast - // so that the selection succeeds. - // e.g. `` doesn't type, but `(null: AnyRef).ne(null)` does. - val receiver = - if tree.tpe.isBottomType then - if ctx.explicitNulls then tree.cast(defn.AnyRefType) - else Typed(tree, TypeTree(defn.AnyRefType)) - else tree.ensureConforms(defn.ObjectType) - // also need to cast the null literal to AnyRef in explicit nulls - val nullLit = if ctx.explicitNulls then nullLiteral.cast(defn.AnyRefType) else nullLiteral - - } - - /** If inititializer tree is `_`, the default value of its type, - * otherwise the tree itself. - */ - def wildcardToDefault(using Context): Tree = - if (isWildcardArg(tree)) defaultValue(tree.tpe) else tree - - /** `this && that`, for boolean trees `this`, `that` */ - def and(that: Tree)(using Context): Tree = - - - /** `this || that`, for boolean trees `this`, `that` */ - def or(that: Tree)(using Context): Tree = -||).appliedTo(that) - - /** The translation of `tree = rhs`. - * This is either the tree as an assignment, or a setter call. - */ - def becomes(rhs: Tree)(using Context): Tree = { - val sym = tree.symbol - if ( { - val setter = sym.setter.orElse { - assert( &&, sym) - sym - } - val qual = tree match { - case id: Ident => desugarIdentPrefix(id) - case Select(qual, _) => qual - } - - } - else Assign(tree, rhs) - } - - /** tree @annot - * - * works differently for type trees and term trees - */ - def annotated(annot: Tree)(using Context): Tree = - if (tree.isTerm) - Typed(tree, TypeTree(AnnotatedType(tree.tpe.widenIfUnstable, Annotation(annot)))) - else - Annotated(tree, annot) - - /** A synthetic select with that will be turned into an outer path by ExplicitOuter. - * @param levels How many outer levels to select - * @param tp The type of the destination of the outer path. - */ - def outerSelect(levels: Int, tp: Type)(using Context): Tree = - untpd.Select(tree, OuterSelectName(EmptyTermName, levels)).withType(SkolemType(tp)) - - /** Replace Inlined nodes and InlineProxy references to underlying arguments */ - def underlyingArgument(using Context): Tree = { - val mapToUnderlying = new MapToUnderlying { - /** Should get the rhs of this binding - * Returns true if the symbol is a val or def generated by eta-expansion/inline - */ - override protected def skipLocal(sym: Symbol): Boolean = - sym.isOneOf(InlineProxy | Synthetic) - } - mapToUnderlying.transform(tree) - } - - /** Replace Ident nodes references to the underlying tree that defined them */ - def underlying(using Context): Tree = MapToUnderlying().transform(tree) - - // --- Higher order traversal methods ------------------------------- - - /** Apply `f` to each subtree of this tree */ - def foreachSubTree(f: Tree => Unit)(using Context): Unit = { - val traverser = new TreeTraverser { - def traverse(tree: Tree)(using Context) = foldOver(f(tree), tree) - } - traverser.traverse(tree) - } - - /** Is there a subtree of this tree that satisfies predicate `p`? */ - def existsSubTree(p: Tree => Boolean)(using Context): Boolean = { - val acc = new TreeAccumulator[Boolean] { - def apply(x: Boolean, t: Tree)(using Context) = x || p(t) || foldOver(x, t) - } - acc(false, tree) - } - - /** All subtrees of this tree that satisfy predicate `p`. */ - def filterSubTrees(f: Tree => Boolean)(using Context): List[Tree] = { - val buf = mutable.ListBuffer[Tree]() - foreachSubTree { tree => if (f(tree)) buf += tree } - buf.toList - } - - /** Set this tree as the `defTree` of its symbol and return this tree */ - def setDefTree(using Context): ThisTree = { - val sym = tree.symbol - if (sym.exists) sym.defTree = tree - tree - } - - def etaExpandCFT(using Context): Tree = - def expand(target: Tree, tp: Type)(using Context): Tree = tp match - case defn.ContextFunctionType(argTypes, resType, isErased) => - val anonFun = newAnonFun( - ctx.owner, - MethodType.companion(isContextual = true, isErased = isErased)(argTypes, resType), - coord = ctx.owner.coord) - def lambdaBody(refss: List[List[Tree]]) = - expand(, resType)( - using ctx.withOwner(anonFun)) - Closure(anonFun, lambdaBody) - case _ => - target - expand(tree, tree.tpe.widen) - } - - inline val MapRecursionLimit = 10 - - extension (trees: List[Tree]) - - /** A map that expands to a recursive function. It's equivalent to - * - * flatten(trees.mapConserve(op)) - * - * and falls back to it after `MaxRecursionLimit` recursions. - * Before that it uses a simpler method that uses stackspace - * instead of heap. - * Note `op` is duplicated in the generated code, so it should be - * kept small. - */ - inline def mapInline(inline op: Tree => Tree): List[Tree] = - def recur(trees: List[Tree], count: Int): List[Tree] = - if count > MapRecursionLimit then - // use a slower implementation that avoids stack overflows - flatten(trees.mapConserve(op)) - else trees match - case tree :: rest => - val tree1 = op(tree) - val rest1 = recur(rest, count + 1) - if (tree1 eq tree) && (rest1 eq rest) then trees - else tree1 match - case Thicket(elems1) => elems1 ::: rest1 - case _ => tree1 :: rest1 - case nil => nil - recur(trees, 0) - - /** Transform statements while maintaining import contexts and expression contexts - * in the same way as Typer does. The code addresses additional concerns: - * - be tail-recursive where possible - * - don't re-allocate trees where nothing has changed - */ - inline def mapStatements[T]( - exprOwner: Symbol, - inline op: Tree => Context ?=> Tree, - inline wrapResult: List[Tree] => Context ?=> T)(using Context): T = - @tailrec - def loop(mapped: mutable.ListBuffer[Tree] | Null, unchanged: List[Tree], pending: List[Tree])(using Context): T = - pending match - case stat :: rest => - val statCtx = stat match - case _: DefTree | _: ImportOrExport => ctx - case _ => ctx.exprContext(stat, exprOwner) - val stat1 = op(stat)(using statCtx) - val restCtx = stat match - case stat: Import => ctx.importContext(stat, stat.symbol) - case _ => ctx - if stat1 eq stat then - loop(mapped, unchanged, rest)(using restCtx) - else - val buf = if mapped == null then new mutable.ListBuffer[Tree] else mapped - var xc = unchanged - while xc ne pending do - buf += xc.head - xc = xc.tail - stat1 match - case Thicket(stats1) => buf ++= stats1 - case _ => buf += stat1 - loop(buf, rest, rest)(using restCtx) - case nil => - wrapResult( - if mapped == null then unchanged - else mapped.prependToList(unchanged)) - - loop(null, trees, trees) - end mapStatements - end extension - - /** A treemap that generates the same contexts as the original typer for statements. - * This means: - * - statements that are not definitions get the exprOwner as owner - * - imports are reflected in the contexts of subsequent statements - */ - class TreeMapWithPreciseStatContexts(cpy: TreeCopier = tpd.cpy) extends TreeMap(cpy): - def transformStats[T](trees: List[Tree], exprOwner: Symbol, wrapResult: List[Tree] => Context ?=> T)(using Context): T = - trees.mapStatements(exprOwner, transform(_), wrapResult) - final override def transformStats(trees: List[Tree], exprOwner: Symbol)(using Context): List[Tree] = - transformStats(trees, exprOwner, sameStats) - override def transformBlock(blk: Block)(using Context) = - transformStats(blk.stats, ctx.owner, - stats1 => ctx ?=> cpy.Block(blk)(stats1, transform(blk.expr))) - - val sameStats: List[Tree] => Context ?=> List[Tree] = stats => stats - - /** Map Inlined nodes, NamedArgs, Blocks with no statements and local references to underlying arguments. - * Also drops Inline and Block with no statements. - */ - private class MapToUnderlying extends TreeMap { - override def transform(tree: Tree)(using Context): Tree = tree match { - case tree: Ident if isBinding(tree.symbol) && skipLocal(tree.symbol) => - tree.symbol.defTree match { - case defTree: ValOrDefDef => - val rhs = defTree.rhs - assert(!rhs.isEmpty) - transform(rhs) - case _ => tree - } - case Inlined(_, Nil, arg) => transform(arg) - case Block(Nil, arg) => transform(arg) - case NamedArg(_, arg) => transform(arg) - case tree => super.transform(tree) - } - - /** Should get the rhs of this binding */ - protected def skipLocal(sym: Symbol): Boolean = true - - /** Is this a symbol that of a local val or parameterless def for which we could get the rhs */ - private def isBinding(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean = - sym.isTerm && ! && !sym.owner.isClass && - !( &&[MethodOrPoly]) // if is a method it is parameterless - } - - extension (xs: List[tpd.Tree]) - def tpes: List[Type] = xs match { - case x :: xs1 => x.tpe :: xs1.tpes - case nil => Nil - } - - /** A trait for loaders that compute trees. Currently implemented just by DottyUnpickler. */ - trait TreeProvider { - protected def computeRootTrees(using Context): List[Tree] - - private var myTrees: List[Tree] | Null = _ - - /** Get trees defined by this provider. Cache them if -Yretain-trees is set. */ - def rootTrees(using Context): List[Tree] = - if (ctx.settings.YretainTrees.value) { - if (myTrees == null) myTrees = computeRootTrees - myTrees.uncheckedNN - } - else computeRootTrees - - /** Get first tree defined by this provider, or EmptyTree if none exists */ - def tree(using Context): Tree = - rootTrees.headOption.getOrElse(EmptyTree) - - /** Is it possible that the tree to load contains a definition of or reference to `id`? */ - def mightContain(id: String)(using Context): Boolean = true - } - - // convert a numeric with a toXXX method - def primitiveConversion(tree: Tree, numericCls: Symbol)(using Context): Tree = { - val mname = "to".concat( - val conversion = tree.tpe member(mname) - if (conversion.symbol.exists) - - else if (tree.tpe.widen isRef numericCls) - tree - else { - report.warning(em"conversion from ${tree.tpe.widen} to ${numericCls.typeRef} will always fail at runtime.") - Throw(New(defn.ClassCastExceptionClass.typeRef, Nil)).withSpan(tree.span) - } - } - - /** A tree that corresponds to `Predef.classOf[$tp]` in source */ - def clsOf(tp: Type)(using Context): Tree = - if ctx.erasedTypes && !tp.isRef(defn.UnitClass) then - Literal(Constant(TypeErasure.erasure(tp))) - else - Literal(Constant(tp)) - - @tailrec - def sameTypes(trees: List[tpd.Tree], trees1: List[tpd.Tree]): Boolean = - if (trees.isEmpty) trees.isEmpty - else if (trees1.isEmpty) trees.isEmpty - else (trees.head.tpe eq trees1.head.tpe) && sameTypes(trees.tail, trees1.tail) - - /** If `tree`'s purity level is less than `level`, let-bind it so that it gets evaluated - * only once. I.e. produce a - * - * { val x = 'tree ; ~within('x) } - * - * instead of otherwise - * - * ~within('tree) - */ - def letBindUnless(level: TreeInfo.PurityLevel, tree: Tree)(within: Tree => Tree)(using Context): Tree = - if (exprPurity(tree) >= level) within(tree) - else { - val vdef = SyntheticValDef(TempResultName.fresh(), tree) - Block(vdef :: Nil, within(Ident(vdef.namedType))) - } - - /** Let bind `tree` unless `tree` is at least idempotent */ - def evalOnce(tree: Tree)(within: Tree => Tree)(using Context): Tree = - letBindUnless(TreeInfo.Idempotent, tree)(within) - - def runtimeCall(name: TermName, args: List[Tree])(using Context): Tree = - Ident(defn.ScalaRuntimeModule.requiredMethod(name).termRef).appliedToTermArgs(args) - - /** An extractor that pulls out type arguments */ - object MaybePoly: - def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, List[Tree])] = tree match - case TypeApply(tree, targs) => Some(tree, targs) - case _ => Some(tree, Nil) - - object TypeArgs: - def unapply(ts: List[Tree]): Option[List[Tree]] = - if ts.nonEmpty && ts.head.isType then Some(ts) else None - - /** Split argument clauses into a leading type argument clause if it exists and - * remaining clauses - */ - def splitArgs(argss: List[List[Tree]]): (List[Tree], List[List[Tree]]) = argss match - case TypeArgs(targs) :: argss1 => (targs, argss1) - case _ => (Nil, argss) - - def joinArgs(targs: List[Tree], argss: List[List[Tree]]): List[List[Tree]] = - if targs.isEmpty then argss else targs :: argss - - /** A key to be used in a context property that tracks enclosing inlined calls */ - private val InlinedCalls = Property.Key[List[Tree]]() - - /** A key to be used in a context property that tracks the number of inlined trees */ - private val InlinedTrees = Property.Key[Counter]() - final class Counter { - var count: Int = 0 - } - - /** Record an enclosing inlined call. - * EmptyTree calls (for parameters) cancel the next-enclosing call in the list instead of being added to it. - * We assume parameters are never nested inside parameters. - */ - override def inlineContext(call: Tree)(using Context): Context = { - // We assume enclosingInlineds is already normalized, and only process the new call with the head. - val oldIC = enclosingInlineds - - val newIC = - if call.isEmpty then - oldIC match - case t1 :: ts2 => ts2 - case _ => oldIC - else - call :: oldIC - - val ctx1 = ctx.fresh.setProperty(InlinedCalls, newIC) - if oldIC.isEmpty then ctx1.setProperty(InlinedTrees, new Counter) else ctx1 - } - - /** All enclosing calls that are currently inlined, from innermost to outermost. - */ - def enclosingInlineds(using Context): List[Tree] = - - - /** Record inlined trees */ - def addInlinedTrees(n: Int)(using Context): Unit = - += n) - - /** Check if the limit on the number of inlined trees has been reached */ - def reachedInlinedTreesLimit(using Context): Boolean = - match - case Some(c) => c.count > ctx.settings.XmaxInlinedTrees.value - case None => false - - /** The source file where the symbol of the `inline` method referred to by `call` - * is defined - */ - def sourceFile(call: Tree)(using Context): SourceFile = call.symbol.source - - /** Desugar identifier into a select node. Return the tree itself if not possible */ - def desugarIdent(tree: Ident)(using Context): RefTree = { - val qual = desugarIdentPrefix(tree) - if (qual.isEmpty) tree - else - } - - /** Recover identifier prefix (e.g. this) if it exists */ - def desugarIdentPrefix(tree: Ident)(using Context): Tree = tree.tpe match { - case TermRef(prefix: TermRef, _) => - match - case mt: MethodType if mt.paramInfos.isEmpty && => - ref(mt.resultType.typeSymbol.sourceModule) - case _ => - ref(prefix) - case TermRef(prefix: ThisType, _) => - This(prefix.cls) - case _ => - EmptyTree - } - - /** - * The symbols that are imported with `` - * - * @param expr The base of the import statement - * @param name The name that is being imported. - * @return All the symbols that would be imported with ``. - */ - def importedSymbols(expr: Tree, name: Name)(using Context): List[Symbol] = { - def lookup(name: Name): Symbol = expr.tpe.member(name).symbol - val symbols = - List(lookup(name.toTermName), - lookup(name.toTypeName), - lookup(name.moduleClassName), - lookup(name.sourceModuleName)) - - - } - - /** - * All the symbols that are imported by the first selector of `imp` that matches - * `selectorPredicate`. - * - * @param imp The import statement to analyze - * @param selectorPredicate A test to find the selector to use. - * @return The symbols imported. - */ - def importedSymbols(imp: Import, - selectorPredicate: untpd.ImportSelector -> Boolean = util.common.alwaysTrue) - (using Context): List[Symbol] = - imp.selectors.find(selectorPredicate) match - case Some(sel) => importedSymbols(imp.expr, - case _ => Nil - - /** - * The list of select trees that resolve to the same symbols as the ones that are imported - * by `imp`. - */ - def importSelections(imp: Import)(using Context): List[Select] = { - def imported(sym: Symbol, id: untpd.Ident, rename: Option[untpd.Ident]): List[Select] = { - // Give a zero-extent position to the qualifier to prevent it from being included several - // times in results in the language server. - val noPosExpr = focusPositions(imp.expr) - val selectTree = Select(noPosExpr, - rename match { - case None => - selectTree :: Nil - case Some(rename) => - // Get the type of the symbol that is actually selected, and construct a select - // node with the new name and the type of the real symbol. - val name = if ( else - val actual = Select(noPosExpr, - val renameTree = Select(noPosExpr, name).withSpan(rename.span).withType(actual.tpe) - selectTree :: renameTree :: Nil - } - } - - imp.selectors.flatMap { sel => - if sel.isWildcard then Nil - else - val renamedOpt = sel.renamed match - case renamed: untpd.Ident => Some(renamed) - case untpd.EmptyTree => None - importedSymbols(imp.expr, { sym => - imported(sym, sel.imported, renamedOpt) - } - } - } - - /** Creates the tuple type tree repesentation of the type trees in `ts` */ - def tupleTypeTree(elems: List[Tree])(using Context): Tree = { - val arity = elems.length - if arity <= Definitions.MaxTupleArity then - val tupleTp = defn.TupleType(arity) - if tupleTp != null then - AppliedTypeTree(TypeTree(tupleTp), elems) - else nestedPairsTypeTree(elems) - else nestedPairsTypeTree(elems) - } - - /** Creates the nested pairs type tree repesentation of the type trees in `ts` */ - def nestedPairsTypeTree(ts: List[Tree])(using Context): Tree = - ts.foldRight[Tree](TypeTree(defn.EmptyTupleModule.termRef))((x, acc) => AppliedTypeTree(TypeTree(defn.PairClass.typeRef), x :: acc :: Nil)) - - /** Replaces all positions in `tree` with zero-extent positions */ - private def focusPositions(tree: Tree)(using Context): Tree = { - val transformer = new tpd.TreeMap { - override def transform(tree: Tree)(using Context): Tree = - super.transform(tree).withSpan(tree.span.focus) - } - transformer.transform(tree) - } - - /** Convert a list of trees to a vararg-compatible tree. - * Used to make arguments for methods that accept varargs. - */ - def repeated(trees: List[Tree], tpt: Tree)(using Context): Tree = - ctx.typeAssigner.arrayToRepeated(JavaSeqLiteral(trees, tpt)) - - /** Create a tree representing a list containing all - * the elements of the argument list. A "list of tree to - * tree of list" conversion. - * - * @param trees the elements the list represented by - * the resulting tree should contain. - * @param tpe the type of the elements of the resulting list. - * - */ - def mkList(trees: List[Tree], tpt: Tree)(using Context): Tree = - ref(defn.ListModule).select(nme.apply) - .appliedToTypeTree(tpt) - .appliedToVarargs(trees, tpt) - - - protected def FunProto(args: List[Tree], resType: Type)(using Context) = - ProtoTypes.FunProtoTyped(args, resType)(ctx.typer, ApplyKind.Regular) -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/untpd.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/untpd.scala deleted file mode 100644 index a6d3bc5a072c..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/ast/untpd.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,829 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc -package ast - -import core._ -import Types._, Contexts._, Constants._, Names._, Flags._ -import -import Symbols._, StdNames._, Trees._ -import util.{Property, SourceFile, NoSource} -import util.Spans.Span -import annotation.constructorOnly -import annotation.internal.sharable -import Decorators._ -import annotation.retains -import language.experimental.pureFunctions - -object untpd extends Trees.Instance[Untyped] with UntypedTreeInfo { - - // ----- Tree cases that exist in untyped form only ------------------ - - abstract class OpTree(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends Tree { - def op: Ident - override def isTerm: Boolean = op.isTerm - override def isType: Boolean = op.isType - } - - /** A typed subtree of an untyped tree needs to be wrapped in a TypedSplice - * @param owner The current owner at the time the tree was defined - * @param isExtensionReceiver The splice was created from the receiver `e` in an extension - * method call `e.f(...)` - */ - abstract case class TypedSplice(splice: tpd.Tree)(val owner: Symbol, val isExtensionReceiver: Boolean)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends ProxyTree { - def forwardTo: tpd.Tree = splice - override def toString = - def ext = if isExtensionReceiver then ", isExtensionReceiver = true" else "" - s"TypedSplice($splice$ext)" - } - - object TypedSplice { - def apply(tree: tpd.Tree, isExtensionReceiver: Boolean = false)(using Context): TypedSplice = - val owner = ctx.owner - given SourceFile = ctx.source - new TypedSplice(tree)(owner, isExtensionReceiver) {} - } - - /** mods object name impl */ - case class ModuleDef(name: TermName, impl: Template)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends MemberDef { - type ThisTree[+T <: Untyped] <: Trees.NameTree[T] with Trees.MemberDef[T] with ModuleDef - def withName(name: Name)(using Context): ModuleDef = cpy.ModuleDef(this)(name.toTermName, impl) - } - - /** An untyped template with a derives clause. Derived parents are added to the end - * of the `parents` list. `derivedCount` keeps track of how many there are. - * This representation was chosen because it balances two concerns: - * - maximize overlap between DerivingTemplate and Template for code streamlining - * - keep invariant that elements of untyped trees align with source positions - */ - class DerivingTemplate(constr: DefDef, parentsOrDerived: List[Tree], self: ValDef, preBody: LazyTreeList, derivedCount: Int)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends Template(constr, parentsOrDerived, self, preBody) { - override val parents = parentsOrDerived.dropRight(derivedCount) - override val derived = parentsOrDerived.takeRight(derivedCount) - } - - case class ParsedTry(expr: Tree, handler: Tree, finalizer: Tree)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends TermTree - - case class SymbolLit(str: String)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends TermTree - - /** An interpolated string - * @param segments a list of two element tickets consisting of string literal and argument tree, - * possibly with a simple string literal as last element of the list - */ - case class InterpolatedString(id: TermName, segments: List[Tree])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends TermTree - - /** A function type or closure */ - case class Function(args: List[Tree], body: Tree)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends Tree { - override def isTerm: Boolean = body.isTerm - override def isType: Boolean = body.isType - } - - /** A function type or closure with `implicit`, `erased`, or `given` modifiers */ - class FunctionWithMods(args: List[Tree], body: Tree, val mods: Modifiers)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends Function(args, body) - - /** A polymorphic function type */ - case class PolyFunction(targs: List[Tree], body: Tree)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends Tree { - override def isTerm = body.isTerm - override def isType = body.isType - } - - /** A function created from a wildcard expression - * @param placeholderParams a list of definitions of synthetic parameters. - * @param body the function body where wildcards are replaced by - * references to synthetic parameters. - * This is equivalent to Function, except that forms a special case for the overlapping - * positions tests. - */ - class WildcardFunction(placeholderParams: List[ValDef], body: Tree)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends Function(placeholderParams, body) - - case class InfixOp(left: Tree, op: Ident, right: Tree)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends OpTree - case class PostfixOp(od: Tree, op: Ident)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends OpTree - case class PrefixOp(op: Ident, od: Tree)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends OpTree - case class Parens(t: Tree)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends ProxyTree { - def forwardTo: Tree = t - } - case class Tuple(trees: List[Tree])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends Tree { - override def isTerm: Boolean = trees.isEmpty || trees.head.isTerm - override def isType: Boolean = !isTerm - } - case class Throw(expr: Tree)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends TermTree - case class Quote(quoted: Tree)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends TermTree - case class Splice(expr: Tree)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends TermTree { - def isInBraces: Boolean = span.end != expr.span.end - } - case class ForYield(enums: List[Tree], expr: Tree)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends TermTree - case class ForDo(enums: List[Tree], body: Tree)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends TermTree - case class GenFrom(pat: Tree, expr: Tree, checkMode: GenCheckMode)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends Tree - case class GenAlias(pat: Tree, expr: Tree)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends Tree - case class ContextBounds(bounds: TypeBoundsTree, cxBounds: List[Tree])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends TypTree - case class PatDef(mods: Modifiers, pats: List[Tree], tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends DefTree - case class ExtMethods(paramss: List[ParamClause], methods: List[Tree])(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends Tree - case class Into(tpt: Tree)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends Tree - case class MacroTree(expr: Tree)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends Tree - - case class ImportSelector(imported: Ident, renamed: Tree = EmptyTree, bound: Tree = EmptyTree)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends Tree { - // TODO: Make bound a typed tree? - - /** It's a `given` selector */ - val isGiven: Boolean = - - /** It's a `given` or `_` selector */ - val isWildcard: Boolean = isGiven || == nme.WILDCARD - - /** The imported name, EmptyTermName if it's a given selector */ - val name: TermName =[TermName] - - /** The renamed part (which might be `_`), if present, or `name`, if missing */ - val rename: TermName = renamed match - case Ident(rename: TermName) => rename - case _ => name - } - - case class Number(digits: String, kind: NumberKind)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends TermTree - - enum NumberKind { - case Whole(radix: Int) - case Decimal - case Floating - } - - /** {x1, ..., xN} T (only relevant under captureChecking) */ - case class CapturingTypeTree(refs: List[Tree], parent: Tree)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends TypTree - - /** Short-lived usage in typer, does not need copy/transform/fold infrastructure */ - case class DependentTypeTree(tp: List[Symbol] -> Context ?-> Type)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends Tree - - @sharable object EmptyTypeIdent extends Ident(tpnme.EMPTY)(NoSource) with WithoutTypeOrPos[Untyped] { - override def isEmpty: Boolean = true - } - - def WildcardTypeBoundsTree()(using src: SourceFile): TypeBoundsTree = TypeBoundsTree(EmptyTree, EmptyTree, EmptyTree) - object WildcardTypeBoundsTree: - def unapply(tree: untpd.Tree): Boolean = tree match - case TypeBoundsTree(EmptyTree, EmptyTree, _) => true - case _ => false - - - /** A block generated by the XML parser, only treated specially by - * `Positioned#checkPos` */ - class XMLBlock(stats: List[Tree], expr: Tree)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends Block(stats, expr) - - /** An enum to control checking or filtering of patterns in GenFrom trees */ - enum GenCheckMode { - case Ignore // neither filter nor check since filtering was done before - case Check // check that pattern is irrefutable - case CheckAndFilter // both check and filter (transitional period starting with 3.2) - case FilterNow // filter out non-matching elements if we are not in 3.2 or later - case FilterAlways // filter out non-matching elements since pattern is prefixed by `case` - } - - // ----- Modifiers ----------------------------------------------------- - /** Mod is intended to record syntactic information about modifiers, it's - * NOT a replacement of FlagSet. - * - * For any query about semantic information, check `flags` instead. - */ - sealed abstract class Mod(val flags: FlagSet)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) - extends Positioned - - object Mod { - case class Private()(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends Mod(Flags.Private) - - case class Protected()(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends Mod(Flags.Protected) - - case class Var()(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends Mod(Flags.Mutable) - - case class Implicit()(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends Mod(Flags.Implicit) - - case class Given()(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends Mod(Flags.Given) - - case class Erased()(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends Mod(Flags.Erased) - - case class Final()(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends Mod(Flags.Final) - - case class Sealed()(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends Mod(Flags.Sealed) - - case class Opaque()(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends Mod(Flags.Opaque) - - case class Open()(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends Mod(Flags.Open) - - case class Override()(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends Mod(Flags.Override) - - case class Abstract()(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends Mod(Flags.Abstract) - - case class Lazy()(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends Mod(Flags.Lazy) - - case class Inline()(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends Mod(Flags.Inline) - - case class Transparent()(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends Mod(Flags.Transparent) - - case class Infix()(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends Mod(Flags.Infix) - - /** Used under pureFunctions to mark impure function types `A => B` in `FunctionWithMods` */ - case class Impure()(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends Mod(Flags.Impure) - } - - /** Modifiers and annotations for definitions - * - * @param flags The set flags - * @param privateWithin If a private or protected has is followed by a - * qualifier [q], the name q, "" as a typename otherwise. - * @param annotations The annotations preceding the modifiers - */ - case class Modifiers ( - flags: FlagSet = EmptyFlags, - privateWithin: TypeName = tpnme.EMPTY, - annotations: List[Tree] = Nil, - mods: List[Mod] = Nil) { - - def is(flag: Flag): Boolean = - def is(flag: Flag, butNot: FlagSet): Boolean =, butNot = butNot) - def isOneOf(fs: FlagSet): Boolean = flags.isOneOf(fs) - def isOneOf(fs: FlagSet, butNot: FlagSet): Boolean = flags.isOneOf(fs, butNot = butNot) - def isAllOf(fc: FlagSet): Boolean = flags.isAllOf(fc) - - def | (fs: FlagSet): Modifiers = withFlags(flags | fs) - def & (fs: FlagSet): Modifiers = withFlags(flags & fs) - def &~(fs: FlagSet): Modifiers = withFlags(flags &~ fs) - - def toTypeFlags: Modifiers = withFlags(flags.toTypeFlags) - def toTermFlags: Modifiers = withFlags(flags.toTermFlags) - - def withFlags(flags: FlagSet): Modifiers = - if (this.flags == flags) this - else copy(flags = flags) - - def withoutFlags(flags: FlagSet): Modifiers = - if (this.isOneOf(flags)) - Modifiers(this.flags &~ flags, this.privateWithin, this.annotations, this.mods.filterNot(_.flags.isOneOf(flags))) - else this - - def withAddedMod(mod: Mod): Modifiers = - if (mods.exists(_ eq mod)) this - else withMods(mods :+ mod) - - private def compatible(flags1: FlagSet, flags2: FlagSet): Boolean = - flags1.isEmpty || flags2.isEmpty - || flags1.isTermFlags && flags2.isTermFlags - || flags1.isTypeFlags && flags2.isTypeFlags - - /** Add `flags` to thos modifier set, checking that there are no type/term conflicts. - * If there are conflicts, issue an error and return the modifiers consisting of - * the added flags only. The reason to do it this way is that the added flags usually - * describe the core of a construct whereas the existing set are the modifiers - * given in the source. - */ - def withAddedFlags(flags: FlagSet, span: Span)(using Context): Modifiers = - if this.flags.isAllOf(flags) then this - else if compatible(this.flags, flags) then this | flags - else - val what = if flags.isTermFlags then "values" else "types" - report.error(em"${(flags & ModifierFlags).flagsString} $what cannot be ${this.flags.flagsString}", ctx.source.atSpan(span)) - Modifiers(flags) - - /** Modifiers with given list of Mods. It is checked that - * all modifiers are already accounted for in `flags` and `privateWithin`. - */ - def withMods(ms: List[Mod]): Modifiers = - if (mods eq ms) this - else { - if (ms.nonEmpty) - for (m <- ms) - assert(flags.isAllOf(m.flags) - || m.isInstanceOf[Mod.Private] && !privateWithin.isEmpty - || (m.isInstanceOf[Mod.Abstract] || m.isInstanceOf[Mod.Override]) &&, - s"unaccounted modifier: $m in $this with flags ${flags.flagsString} when adding $ms") - copy(mods = ms) - } - - def withAddedAnnotation(annot: Tree): Modifiers = - if (annotations.exists(_ eq annot)) this - else withAnnotations(annotations :+ annot) - - def withAnnotations(annots: List[Tree]): Modifiers = - if (annots eq annotations) this - else copy(annotations = annots) - - def withPrivateWithin(pw: TypeName): Modifiers = - if (pw.isEmpty) this - else copy(privateWithin = pw) - - def hasFlags: Boolean = flags != EmptyFlags - def hasAnnotations: Boolean = annotations.nonEmpty - def hasPrivateWithin: Boolean = privateWithin != tpnme.EMPTY - def hasMod(cls: Class[?]) = mods.exists(_.getClass == cls) - - private def isEnum = is(Enum, butNot = JavaDefined) - - def isEnumCase: Boolean = isEnum && is(Case) - def isEnumClass: Boolean = isEnum && !is(Case) - } - - @sharable val EmptyModifiers: Modifiers = Modifiers() - - // ----- TypeTrees that refer to other tree's symbols ------------------- - - /** A type tree that gets its type from some other tree's symbol. Enters the - * type tree in the References attachment of the `from` tree as a side effect. - */ - abstract class DerivedTypeTree(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends TypeTree { - - private var myWatched: Tree = EmptyTree - - /** The watched tree; used only for printing */ - def watched: Tree = myWatched - - /** Install the derived type tree as a dependency on `original` */ - def watching(original: DefTree): this.type = { - myWatched = original - val existing = original.attachmentOrElse(References, Nil) - original.putAttachment(References, this :: existing) - this - } - - /** Install the derived type tree as a dependency on `sym` */ - def watching(sym: Symbol): this.type = withAttachment(OriginalSymbol, sym) - - /** A hook to ensure that all necessary symbols are completed so that - * OriginalSymbol attachments are propagated to this tree - */ - def ensureCompletions(using Context): Unit = () - - /** The method that computes the tree with the derived type */ - def derivedTree(originalSym: Symbol)(using Context): tpd.Tree - } - - /** Property key containing TypeTrees whose type is computed - * from the symbol in this type. These type trees have marker trees - * TypeRefOfSym or InfoOfSym as their originals. - */ - val References: Property.Key[List[DerivedTypeTree]] = Property.Key() - - /** Property key for TypeTrees marked with TypeRefOfSym or InfoOfSym - * which contains the symbol of the original tree from which this - * TypeTree is derived. - */ - val OriginalSymbol: Property.Key[Symbol] = Property.Key() - - /** Property key for contextual Apply trees of the form `fn given arg` */ - val KindOfApply: Property.StickyKey[ApplyKind] = Property.StickyKey() - - // ------ Creation methods for untyped only ----------------- - - def Ident(name: Name)(implicit src: SourceFile): Ident = new Ident(name) - def SearchFailureIdent(name: Name, explanation: -> String)(implicit src: SourceFile): SearchFailureIdent = new SearchFailureIdent(name, explanation) - def Select(qualifier: Tree, name: Name)(implicit src: SourceFile): Select = new Select(qualifier, name) - def SelectWithSig(qualifier: Tree, name: Name, sig: Signature)(implicit src: SourceFile): Select = new SelectWithSig(qualifier, name, sig) - def This(qual: Ident)(implicit src: SourceFile): This = new This(qual) - def Super(qual: Tree, mix: Ident)(implicit src: SourceFile): Super = new Super(qual, mix) - def Apply(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree])(implicit src: SourceFile): Apply = new Apply(fun, args) - def TypeApply(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree])(implicit src: SourceFile): TypeApply = new TypeApply(fun, args) - def Literal(const: Constant)(implicit src: SourceFile): Literal = new Literal(const) - def New(tpt: Tree)(implicit src: SourceFile): New = new New(tpt) - def Typed(expr: Tree, tpt: Tree)(implicit src: SourceFile): Typed = new Typed(expr, tpt) - def NamedArg(name: Name, arg: Tree)(implicit src: SourceFile): NamedArg = new NamedArg(name, arg) - def Assign(lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree)(implicit src: SourceFile): Assign = new Assign(lhs, rhs) - def Block(stats: List[Tree], expr: Tree)(implicit src: SourceFile): Block = new Block(stats, expr) - def If(cond: Tree, thenp: Tree, elsep: Tree)(implicit src: SourceFile): If = new If(cond, thenp, elsep) - def InlineIf(cond: Tree, thenp: Tree, elsep: Tree)(implicit src: SourceFile): If = new InlineIf(cond, thenp, elsep) - def Closure(env: List[Tree], meth: Tree, tpt: Tree)(implicit src: SourceFile): Closure = new Closure(env, meth, tpt) - def Match(selector: Tree, cases: List[CaseDef])(implicit src: SourceFile): Match = new Match(selector, cases) - def InlineMatch(selector: Tree, cases: List[CaseDef])(implicit src: SourceFile): Match = new InlineMatch(selector, cases) - def CaseDef(pat: Tree, guard: Tree, body: Tree)(implicit src: SourceFile): CaseDef = new CaseDef(pat, guard, body) - def Labeled(bind: Bind, expr: Tree)(implicit src: SourceFile): Labeled = new Labeled(bind, expr) - def Return(expr: Tree, from: Tree)(implicit src: SourceFile): Return = new Return(expr, from) - def WhileDo(cond: Tree, body: Tree)(implicit src: SourceFile): WhileDo = new WhileDo(cond, body) - def Try(expr: Tree, cases: List[CaseDef], finalizer: Tree)(implicit src: SourceFile): Try = new Try(expr, cases, finalizer) - def SeqLiteral(elems: List[Tree], elemtpt: Tree)(implicit src: SourceFile): SeqLiteral = new SeqLiteral(elems, elemtpt) - def JavaSeqLiteral(elems: List[Tree], elemtpt: Tree)(implicit src: SourceFile): JavaSeqLiteral = new JavaSeqLiteral(elems, elemtpt) - def Inlined(call: tpd.Tree, bindings: List[MemberDef], expansion: Tree)(implicit src: SourceFile): Inlined = new Inlined(call, bindings, expansion) - def TypeTree()(implicit src: SourceFile): TypeTree = new TypeTree() - def InferredTypeTree()(implicit src: SourceFile): TypeTree = new InferredTypeTree() - def SingletonTypeTree(ref: Tree)(implicit src: SourceFile): SingletonTypeTree = new SingletonTypeTree(ref) - def RefinedTypeTree(tpt: Tree, refinements: List[Tree])(implicit src: SourceFile): RefinedTypeTree = new RefinedTypeTree(tpt, refinements) - def AppliedTypeTree(tpt: Tree, args: List[Tree])(implicit src: SourceFile): AppliedTypeTree = new AppliedTypeTree(tpt, args) - def LambdaTypeTree(tparams: List[TypeDef], body: Tree)(implicit src: SourceFile): LambdaTypeTree = new LambdaTypeTree(tparams, body) - def TermLambdaTypeTree(params: List[ValDef], body: Tree)(implicit src: SourceFile): TermLambdaTypeTree = new TermLambdaTypeTree(params, body) - def MatchTypeTree(bound: Tree, selector: Tree, cases: List[CaseDef])(implicit src: SourceFile): MatchTypeTree = new MatchTypeTree(bound, selector, cases) - def ByNameTypeTree(result: Tree)(implicit src: SourceFile): ByNameTypeTree = new ByNameTypeTree(result) - def TypeBoundsTree(lo: Tree, hi: Tree, alias: Tree = EmptyTree)(implicit src: SourceFile): TypeBoundsTree = new TypeBoundsTree(lo, hi, alias) - def Bind(name: Name, body: Tree)(implicit src: SourceFile): Bind = new Bind(name, body) - def Alternative(trees: List[Tree])(implicit src: SourceFile): Alternative = new Alternative(trees) - def UnApply(fun: Tree, implicits: List[Tree], patterns: List[Tree])(implicit src: SourceFile): UnApply = new UnApply(fun, implicits, patterns) - def ValDef(name: TermName, tpt: Tree, rhs: LazyTree)(implicit src: SourceFile): ValDef = new ValDef(name, tpt, rhs) - def DefDef(name: TermName, paramss: List[ParamClause], tpt: Tree, rhs: LazyTree)(implicit src: SourceFile): DefDef = new DefDef(name, paramss, tpt, rhs) - def TypeDef(name: TypeName, rhs: Tree)(implicit src: SourceFile): TypeDef = new TypeDef(name, rhs) - def Template(constr: DefDef, parents: List[Tree], derived: List[Tree], self: ValDef, body: LazyTreeList)(implicit src: SourceFile): Template = - if (derived.isEmpty) new Template(constr, parents, self, body) - else new DerivingTemplate(constr, parents ++ derived, self, body, derived.length) - def Import(expr: Tree, selectors: List[ImportSelector])(implicit src: SourceFile): Import = new Import(expr, selectors) - def Export(expr: Tree, selectors: List[ImportSelector])(implicit src: SourceFile): Export = new Export(expr, selectors) - def PackageDef(pid: RefTree, stats: List[Tree])(implicit src: SourceFile): PackageDef = new PackageDef(pid, stats) - def Annotated(arg: Tree, annot: Tree)(implicit src: SourceFile): Annotated = new Annotated(arg, annot) - def Hole(isTermHole: Boolean, idx: Int, args: List[Tree], content: Tree, tpt: Tree)(implicit src: SourceFile): Hole = new Hole(isTermHole, idx, args, content, tpt) - - // ------ Additional creation methods for untyped only ----------------- - - /** new T(args1)...(args_n) - * ==> - * new T.[Ts](args1)...(args_n) - * - * where `Ts` are the class type arguments of `T` or its class type alias. - * Note: we also keep any type arguments as parts of `T`. This is necessary to allow - * navigation into these arguments from the IDE, and to do the right thing in - * PrepareInlineable. - */ - def New(tpt: Tree, argss: List[List[Tree]])(using Context): Tree = - ensureApplied(argss.foldLeft(makeNew(tpt))(Apply(_, _))) - - /** A new expression with constrictor and possibly type arguments. See - * `New(tpt, argss)` for details. - */ - def makeNew(tpt: Tree)(using Context): Tree = { - val (tycon, targs) = tpt match { - case AppliedTypeTree(tycon, targs) => - (tycon, targs) - case TypedSplice(tpt1: tpd.Tree) => - val argTypes = tpt1.tpe.dealias.argTypesLo - def wrap(tpe: Type) = TypeTree(tpe).withSpan(tpt.span) - (tpt, - case _ => - (tpt, Nil) - } - val nu: Tree = Select(New(tycon), nme.CONSTRUCTOR) - if (targs.nonEmpty) TypeApply(nu, targs) else nu - } - - def Block(stat: Tree, expr: Tree)(implicit src: SourceFile): Block = - Block(stat :: Nil, expr) - - def Apply(fn: Tree, arg: Tree)(implicit src: SourceFile): Apply = - Apply(fn, arg :: Nil) - - def ensureApplied(tpt: Tree)(implicit src: SourceFile): Tree = tpt match { - case _: Apply => tpt - case _ => Apply(tpt, Nil) - } - - def AppliedTypeTree(tpt: Tree, arg: Tree)(implicit src: SourceFile): AppliedTypeTree = - AppliedTypeTree(tpt, arg :: Nil) - - def TypeTree(tpe: Type)(using Context): TypedSplice = - TypedSplice(TypeTree().withTypeUnchecked(tpe)) - - def InferredTypeTree(tpe: Type)(using Context): TypedSplice = - TypedSplice(new InferredTypeTree().withTypeUnchecked(tpe)) - - def unitLiteral(implicit src: SourceFile): Literal = Literal(Constant(())) - - def ref(tp: NamedType)(using Context): Tree = - TypedSplice(tpd.ref(tp)) - - def ref(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Tree = - TypedSplice(tpd.ref(sym)) - - def rawRef(tp: NamedType)(using Context): Tree = - if tp.typeParams.isEmpty then ref(tp) - else AppliedTypeTree(ref(tp), => WildcardTypeBoundsTree())) - - def rootDot(name: Name)(implicit src: SourceFile): Select = Select(Ident(nme.ROOTPKG), name) - def scalaDot(name: Name)(implicit src: SourceFile): Select = Select(rootDot(nme.scala), name) - def scalaAnnotationDot(name: Name)(using SourceFile): Select = Select(scalaDot(nme.annotation), name) - def scalaRuntimeDot(name: Name)(using SourceFile): Select = Select(scalaDot(nme.runtime), name) - def scalaUnit(implicit src: SourceFile): Select = scalaDot(tpnme.Unit) - def scalaAny(implicit src: SourceFile): Select = scalaDot(tpnme.Any) - def javaDotLangDot(name: Name)(implicit src: SourceFile): Select = Select(Select(Ident(, nme.lang), name) - - def captureRoot(using Context): Select = - Select(scalaDot(nme.caps), nme.CAPTURE_ROOT) - - def makeConstructor(tparams: List[TypeDef], vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], rhs: Tree = EmptyTree)(using Context): DefDef = - DefDef(nme.CONSTRUCTOR, joinParams(tparams, vparamss), TypeTree(), rhs) - - def emptyConstructor(using Context): DefDef = - makeConstructor(Nil, Nil) - - def makeSelfDef(name: TermName, tpt: Tree)(using Context): ValDef = - ValDef(name, tpt, EmptyTree).withFlags(PrivateLocal) - - def makeTupleOrParens(ts: List[Tree])(using Context): Tree = ts match { - case t :: Nil => Parens(t) - case _ => Tuple(ts) - } - - def makeTuple(ts: List[Tree])(using Context): Tree = ts match { - case t :: Nil => t - case _ => Tuple(ts) - } - - def makeAndType(left: Tree, right: Tree)(using Context): AppliedTypeTree = - AppliedTypeTree(ref(defn.andType.typeRef), left :: right :: Nil) - - def makeParameter(pname: TermName, tpe: Tree, mods: Modifiers, isBackquoted: Boolean = false)(using Context): ValDef = { - val vdef = ValDef(pname, tpe, EmptyTree) - if (isBackquoted) vdef.pushAttachment(Backquoted, ()) - vdef.withMods(mods | Param) - } - - def makeSyntheticParameter(n: Int = 1, tpt: Tree | Null = null, flags: FlagSet = SyntheticTermParam)(using Context): ValDef = - ValDef(nme.syntheticParamName(n), if (tpt == null) TypeTree() else tpt, EmptyTree) - .withFlags(flags) - - def lambdaAbstract(params: List[ValDef] | List[TypeDef], tpt: Tree)(using Context): Tree = - params match - case Nil => tpt - case (vd: ValDef) :: _ => TermLambdaTypeTree(params.asInstanceOf[List[ValDef]], tpt) - case _ => LambdaTypeTree(params.asInstanceOf[List[TypeDef]], tpt) - - def lambdaAbstractAll(paramss: List[List[ValDef] | List[TypeDef]], tpt: Tree)(using Context): Tree = - paramss.foldRight(tpt)(lambdaAbstract) - - /** A reference to given definition. If definition is a repeated - * parameter, the reference will be a repeated argument. - */ - def refOfDef(tree: MemberDef)(using Context): Tree = tree match { - case ValDef(_, PostfixOp(_, Ident(tpnme.raw.STAR)), _) => repeated(Ident( - case _ => Ident( - } - - /** A repeated argument such as `arg: _*` */ - def repeated(arg: Tree)(using Context): Typed = Typed(arg, Ident(tpnme.WILDCARD_STAR)) - - -// --------- Copier/Transformer/Accumulator classes for untyped trees ----- - - def localCtx(tree: Tree)(using Context): Context = ctx - - override val cpy: UntypedTreeCopier = UntypedTreeCopier() - - class UntypedTreeCopier extends TreeCopier { - - def postProcess(tree: Tree, copied: Tree): copied.ThisTree[Untyped] = - copied.asInstanceOf[copied.ThisTree[Untyped]] - - def postProcess(tree: Tree, copied: MemberDef): copied.ThisTree[Untyped] = { - tree match { - case tree: MemberDef => copied.withMods(tree.rawMods) - case _ => copied - } - }.asInstanceOf[copied.ThisTree[Untyped]] - - def ModuleDef(tree: Tree)(name: TermName, impl: Template)(using Context): ModuleDef = tree match { - case tree: ModuleDef if (name eq && (impl eq tree.impl) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.ModuleDef(name, impl)(tree.source)) - } - def ParsedTry(tree: Tree)(expr: Tree, handler: Tree, finalizer: Tree)(using Context): TermTree = tree match { - case tree: ParsedTry if (expr eq tree.expr) && (handler eq tree.handler) && (finalizer eq tree.finalizer) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.ParsedTry(expr, handler, finalizer)(tree.source)) - } - def SymbolLit(tree: Tree)(str: String)(using Context): TermTree = tree match { - case tree: SymbolLit if str == tree.str => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.SymbolLit(str)(tree.source)) - } - def InterpolatedString(tree: Tree)(id: TermName, segments: List[Tree])(using Context): TermTree = tree match { - case tree: InterpolatedString if (id eq && (segments eq tree.segments) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.InterpolatedString(id, segments)(tree.source)) - } - def Function(tree: Tree)(args: List[Tree], body: Tree)(using Context): Tree = tree match { - case tree: Function if (args eq tree.args) && (body eq tree.body) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Function(args, body)(tree.source)) - } - def PolyFunction(tree: Tree)(targs: List[Tree], body: Tree)(using Context): Tree = tree match { - case tree: PolyFunction if (targs eq tree.targs) && (body eq tree.body) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.PolyFunction(targs, body)(tree.source)) - } - def InfixOp(tree: Tree)(left: Tree, op: Ident, right: Tree)(using Context): Tree = tree match { - case tree: InfixOp if (left eq tree.left) && (op eq tree.op) && (right eq tree.right) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.InfixOp(left, op, right)(tree.source)) - } - def PostfixOp(tree: Tree)(od: Tree, op: Ident)(using Context): Tree = tree match { - case tree: PostfixOp if (od eq tree.od) && (op eq tree.op) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.PostfixOp(od, op)(tree.source)) - } - def PrefixOp(tree: Tree)(op: Ident, od: Tree)(using Context): Tree = tree match { - case tree: PrefixOp if (op eq tree.op) && (od eq tree.od) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.PrefixOp(op, od)(tree.source)) - } - def Parens(tree: Tree)(t: Tree)(using Context): ProxyTree = tree match { - case tree: Parens if t eq tree.t => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Parens(t)(tree.source)) - } - def Tuple(tree: Tree)(trees: List[Tree])(using Context): Tree = tree match { - case tree: Tuple if trees eq tree.trees => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Tuple(trees)(tree.source)) - } - def Throw(tree: Tree)(expr: Tree)(using Context): TermTree = tree match { - case tree: Throw if expr eq tree.expr => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Throw(expr)(tree.source)) - } - def Quote(tree: Tree)(quoted: Tree)(using Context): Tree = tree match { - case tree: Quote if quoted eq tree.quoted => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Quote(quoted)(tree.source)) - } - def Splice(tree: Tree)(expr: Tree)(using Context): Tree = tree match { - case tree: Splice if expr eq tree.expr => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Splice(expr)(tree.source)) - } - def ForYield(tree: Tree)(enums: List[Tree], expr: Tree)(using Context): TermTree = tree match { - case tree: ForYield if (enums eq tree.enums) && (expr eq tree.expr) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.ForYield(enums, expr)(tree.source)) - } - def ForDo(tree: Tree)(enums: List[Tree], body: Tree)(using Context): TermTree = tree match { - case tree: ForDo if (enums eq tree.enums) && (body eq tree.body) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.ForDo(enums, body)(tree.source)) - } - def GenFrom(tree: Tree)(pat: Tree, expr: Tree, checkMode: GenCheckMode)(using Context): Tree = tree match { - case tree: GenFrom if (pat eq tree.pat) && (expr eq tree.expr) && (checkMode == tree.checkMode) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.GenFrom(pat, expr, checkMode)(tree.source)) - } - def GenAlias(tree: Tree)(pat: Tree, expr: Tree)(using Context): Tree = tree match { - case tree: GenAlias if (pat eq tree.pat) && (expr eq tree.expr) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.GenAlias(pat, expr)(tree.source)) - } - def ContextBounds(tree: Tree)(bounds: TypeBoundsTree, cxBounds: List[Tree])(using Context): TypTree = tree match { - case tree: ContextBounds if (bounds eq tree.bounds) && (cxBounds eq tree.cxBounds) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.ContextBounds(bounds, cxBounds)(tree.source)) - } - def PatDef(tree: Tree)(mods: Modifiers, pats: List[Tree], tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree)(using Context): Tree = tree match { - case tree: PatDef if (mods eq tree.mods) && (pats eq tree.pats) && (tpt eq tree.tpt) && (rhs eq tree.rhs) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.PatDef(mods, pats, tpt, rhs)(tree.source)) - } - def ExtMethods(tree: Tree)(paramss: List[ParamClause], methods: List[Tree])(using Context): Tree = tree match - case tree: ExtMethods if (paramss eq tree.paramss) && (methods == tree.methods) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.ExtMethods(paramss, methods)(tree.source)) - def Into(tree: Tree)(tpt: Tree)(using Context): Tree = tree match - case tree: Into if tpt eq tree.tpt => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Into(tpt)(tree.source)) - def ImportSelector(tree: Tree)(imported: Ident, renamed: Tree, bound: Tree)(using Context): Tree = tree match { - case tree: ImportSelector if (imported eq tree.imported) && (renamed eq tree.renamed) && (bound eq tree.bound) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.ImportSelector(imported, renamed, bound)(tree.source)) - } - def Number(tree: Tree)(digits: String, kind: NumberKind)(using Context): Tree = tree match { - case tree: Number if (digits == tree.digits) && (kind == tree.kind) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Number(digits, kind)) - } - def CapturingTypeTree(tree: Tree)(refs: List[Tree], parent: Tree)(using Context): Tree = tree match - case tree: CapturingTypeTree if (refs eq tree.refs) && (parent eq tree.parent) => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.CapturingTypeTree(refs, parent)) - - def TypedSplice(tree: Tree)(splice: tpd.Tree)(using Context): ProxyTree = tree match { - case tree: TypedSplice if splice `eq` tree.splice => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.TypedSplice(splice)(using ctx)) - } - def MacroTree(tree: Tree)(expr: Tree)(using Context): Tree = tree match { - case tree: MacroTree if expr `eq` tree.expr => tree - case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.MacroTree(expr)(tree.source)) - } - } - - abstract class UntypedTreeMap(cpy: UntypedTreeCopier = untpd.cpy) extends TreeMap(cpy) { - override def transformMoreCases(tree: Tree)(using Context): Tree = tree match { - case ModuleDef(name, impl) => - cpy.ModuleDef(tree)(name, transformSub(impl)) - case tree: DerivingTemplate => - cpy.Template(tree)(transformSub(tree.constr), transform(tree.parents), - transform(tree.derived), transformSub(tree.self), transformStats(tree.body, tree.symbol)) - case ParsedTry(expr, handler, finalizer) => - cpy.ParsedTry(tree)(transform(expr), transform(handler), transform(finalizer)) - case SymbolLit(str) => - cpy.SymbolLit(tree)(str) - case InterpolatedString(id, segments) => - cpy.InterpolatedString(tree)(id, segments.mapConserve(transform)) - case Function(args, body) => - cpy.Function(tree)(transform(args), transform(body)) - case PolyFunction(targs, body) => - cpy.PolyFunction(tree)(transform(targs), transform(body)) - case InfixOp(left, op, right) => - cpy.InfixOp(tree)(transform(left), op, transform(right)) - case PostfixOp(od, op) => - cpy.PostfixOp(tree)(transform(od), op) - case PrefixOp(op, od) => - cpy.PrefixOp(tree)(op, transform(od)) - case Parens(t) => - cpy.Parens(tree)(transform(t)) - case Tuple(trees) => - cpy.Tuple(tree)(transform(trees)) - case Throw(expr) => - cpy.Throw(tree)(transform(expr)) - case Quote(t) => - cpy.Quote(tree)(transform(t)) - case Splice(expr) => - cpy.Splice(tree)(transform(expr)) - case ForYield(enums, expr) => - cpy.ForYield(tree)(transform(enums), transform(expr)) - case ForDo(enums, body) => - cpy.ForDo(tree)(transform(enums), transform(body)) - case GenFrom(pat, expr, checkMode) => - cpy.GenFrom(tree)(transform(pat), transform(expr), checkMode) - case GenAlias(pat, expr) => - cpy.GenAlias(tree)(transform(pat), transform(expr)) - case ContextBounds(bounds, cxBounds) => - cpy.ContextBounds(tree)(transformSub(bounds), transform(cxBounds)) - case PatDef(mods, pats, tpt, rhs) => - cpy.PatDef(tree)(mods, transform(pats), transform(tpt), transform(rhs)) - case ExtMethods(paramss, methods) => - cpy.ExtMethods(tree)(transformParamss(paramss), transformSub(methods)) - case Into(tpt) => - cpy.Into(tree)(transform(tpt)) - case ImportSelector(imported, renamed, bound) => - cpy.ImportSelector(tree)(transformSub(imported), transform(renamed), transform(bound)) - case Number(_, _) | TypedSplice(_) => - tree - case MacroTree(expr) => - cpy.MacroTree(tree)(transform(expr)) - case CapturingTypeTree(refs, parent) => - cpy.CapturingTypeTree(tree)(transform(refs), transform(parent)) - case _ => - super.transformMoreCases(tree) - } - } - - abstract class UntypedTreeAccumulator[X] extends TreeAccumulator[X] { - self: UntypedTreeAccumulator[X] @retains(caps.cap) => - override def foldMoreCases(x: X, tree: Tree)(using Context): X = tree match { - case ModuleDef(name, impl) => - this(x, impl) - case tree: DerivingTemplate => - this(this(this(this(this(x, tree.constr), tree.parents), tree.derived), tree.self), tree.body) - case ParsedTry(expr, handler, finalizer) => - this(this(this(x, expr), handler), finalizer) - case SymbolLit(str) => - x - case InterpolatedString(id, segments) => - this(x, segments) - case Function(args, body) => - this(this(x, args), body) - case PolyFunction(targs, body) => - this(this(x, targs), body) - case InfixOp(left, op, right) => - this(this(this(x, left), op), right) - case PostfixOp(od, op) => - this(this(x, od), op) - case PrefixOp(op, od) => - this(this(x, op), od) - case Parens(t) => - this(x, t) - case Tuple(trees) => - this(x, trees) - case Throw(expr) => - this(x, expr) - case Quote(t) => - this(x, t) - case Splice(expr) => - this(x, expr) - case ForYield(enums, expr) => - this(this(x, enums), expr) - case ForDo(enums, body) => - this(this(x, enums), body) - case GenFrom(pat, expr, _) => - this(this(x, pat), expr) - case GenAlias(pat, expr) => - this(this(x, pat), expr) - case ContextBounds(bounds, cxBounds) => - this(this(x, bounds), cxBounds) - case PatDef(mods, pats, tpt, rhs) => - this(this(this(x, pats), tpt), rhs) - case ExtMethods(paramss, methods) => - this(paramss.foldLeft(x)(apply), methods) - case Into(tpt) => - this(x, tpt) - case ImportSelector(imported, renamed, bound) => - this(this(this(x, imported), renamed), bound) - case Number(_, _) => - x - case TypedSplice(splice) => - this(x, splice) - case MacroTree(expr) => - this(x, expr) - case CapturingTypeTree(refs, parent) => - this(this(x, refs), parent) - case _ => - super.foldMoreCases(x, tree) - } - } - - abstract class UntypedTreeTraverser extends UntypedTreeAccumulator[Unit] { - def traverse(tree: Tree)(using Context): Unit - def apply(x: Unit, tree: Tree)(using Context): Unit = traverse(tree) - protected def traverseChildren(tree: Tree)(using Context): Unit = foldOver((), tree) - } - - /** Fold `f` over all tree nodes, in depth-first, prefix order */ - class UntypedDeepFolder[X](f: (X, Tree) => X) extends UntypedTreeAccumulator[X] { - def apply(x: X, tree: Tree)(using Context): X = foldOver(f(x, tree), tree) - } - - /** Is there a subtree of this tree that satisfies predicate `p`? */ - extension (tree: Tree) def existsSubTree(p: Tree => Boolean)(using Context): Boolean = { - val acc = new UntypedTreeAccumulator[Boolean] { - def apply(x: Boolean, t: Tree)(using Context) = x || p(t) || foldOver(x, t) - } - acc(false, tree) - } - - protected def FunProto(args: List[Tree], resType: Type)(using Context) = - ProtoTypes.FunProto(args, resType)(ctx.typer, ApplyKind.Regular) -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/cc/BoxedTypeCache.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/cc/BoxedTypeCache.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 56b3f5ba5047..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/cc/BoxedTypeCache.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc -package cc - -import core.* -import Types.*, Symbols.*, Contexts.* - -/** A one-element cache for the boxed version of an unboxed capturing type */ -class BoxedTypeCache: - private var boxed: Type = compiletime.uninitialized - private var unboxed: Type = NoType - - def apply(tp: AnnotatedType)(using Context): Type = - if tp ne unboxed then - unboxed = tp - val CapturingType(parent, refs) = tp: @unchecked - boxed = CapturingType(parent, refs, boxed = true) - boxed -end BoxedTypeCache \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/cc/CaptureAnnotation.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/cc/CaptureAnnotation.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 67222f07efbb..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/cc/CaptureAnnotation.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,77 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc -package cc - -import core.* -import Types.*, Symbols.*, Contexts.*, Annotations.* -import ast.Trees.* -import ast.{tpd, untpd} -import Decorators.* -import config.Printers.capt -import printing.Printer -import printing.Texts.Text -import annotation.retains - -/** An annotation representing a capture set and whether it is boxed. - * It simulates a normal @retains annotation except that it is more efficient, - * supports variables as capture sets, and adds a `boxed` flag. - * These annotations are created during capture checking. Before that - * there are only regular @retains and @retainsByName annotations. - * @param refs the capture set - * @param boxed whether the type carrying the annotation is boxed - * @param cls the underlying class (either annotation.retains or annotation.retainsByName) - */ -case class CaptureAnnotation(refs: CaptureSet, boxed: Boolean)(cls: Symbol) extends Annotation: - import CaptureAnnotation.* - import tpd.* - - /** A cache for boxed version of a capturing type with this annotation */ - val boxedType = BoxedTypeCache() - - /** Reconstitute annotation tree from capture set */ - override def tree(using Context) = - val elems = { - case cr: TermRef => ref(cr) - case cr: TermParamRef => untpd.Ident(cr.paramName).withType(cr) - case cr: ThisType => This(cr.cls) - } - val arg = repeated(elems, TypeTree(defn.AnyType)) - New(symbol.typeRef, arg :: Nil) - - override def symbol(using Context) = cls - - override def derivedAnnotation(tree: Tree)(using Context): Annotation = this - - def derivedAnnotation(refs: CaptureSet, boxed: Boolean)(using Context): Annotation = - if (this.refs eq refs) && (this.boxed == boxed) then this - else CaptureAnnotation(refs, boxed)(cls) - - override def sameAnnotation(that: Annotation)(using Context): Boolean = that match - case CaptureAnnotation(refs, boxed) => - this.refs == refs && this.boxed == boxed && this.symbol == that.symbol - case _ => false - - override def mapWith(tm: TypeMap @retains(caps.cap))(using Context) = - val elems = refs.elems.toList - val elems1 = elems.mapConserve(tm) - if elems1 eq elems then this - else if elems1.forall(_.isInstanceOf[CaptureRef]) - then derivedAnnotation(CaptureSet(elems1.asInstanceOf[List[CaptureRef]]*), boxed) - else EmptyAnnotation - - override def refersToParamOf(tl: TermLambda)(using Context): Boolean = - refs.elems.exists { - case TermParamRef(tl1, _) => tl eq tl1 - case _ => false - } - - override def toText(printer: Printer): Text = refs.toText(printer) - - override def hash: Int = - (refs.hashCode << 1) | (if boxed then 1 else 0) - - override def eql(that: Annotation) = that match - case that: CaptureAnnotation => (this.refs eq that.refs) && (this.boxed == that.boxed) - case _ => false - -end CaptureAnnotation diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/cc/CaptureOps.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/cc/CaptureOps.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 0ede1825e611..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/cc/CaptureOps.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,256 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc -package cc - -import core.* -import Types.*, Symbols.*, Contexts.*, Annotations.*, Flags.* -import ast.{tpd, untpd} -import Decorators.*, NameOps.* -import config.Printers.capt -import util.Property.Key -import tpd.* -import config.Feature - -private val Captures: Key[CaptureSet] = Key() -private val BoxedType: Key[BoxedTypeCache] = Key() - -/** The arguments of a @retains or @retainsByName annotation */ -private[cc] def retainedElems(tree: Tree)(using Context): List[Tree] = tree match - case Apply(_, Typed(SeqLiteral(elems, _), _) :: Nil) => elems - case _ => Nil - -/** An exception thrown if a @retains argument is not syntactically a CaptureRef */ -class IllegalCaptureRef(tpe: Type) extends Exception - -extension (tree: Tree) - - /** Map tree with CaptureRef type to its type, throw IllegalCaptureRef otherwise */ - def toCaptureRef(using Context): CaptureRef = tree.tpe match - case ref: CaptureRef => ref - case tpe => throw IllegalCaptureRef(tpe) - - /** Convert a @retains or @retainsByName annotation tree to the capture set it represents. - * For efficience, the result is cached as an Attachment on the tree. - */ - def toCaptureSet(using Context): CaptureSet = - tree.getAttachment(Captures) match - case Some(refs) => refs - case None => - val refs = CaptureSet(retainedElems(tree).map(_.toCaptureRef)*) - .showing(i"toCaptureSet $tree --> $result", capt) - tree.putAttachment(Captures, refs) - refs - - /** Under pureFunctions, add a @retainsByName(*)` annotation to the argument of - * a by name parameter type, turning the latter into an impure by name parameter type. - */ - def adaptByNameArgUnderPureFuns(using Context): Tree = - if Feature.pureFunsEnabledSomewhere then - val rbn = defn.RetainsByNameAnnot - Annotated(tree, - New(rbn.typeRef).select(rbn.primaryConstructor).appliedTo( - Typed( - SeqLiteral(ref(defn.captureRoot) :: Nil, TypeTree(defn.AnyType)), - TypeTree(defn.RepeatedParamType.appliedTo(defn.AnyType)) - ) - ) - ) - else tree - -extension (tp: Type) - - /** @pre `tp` is a CapturingType */ - def derivedCapturingType(parent: Type, refs: CaptureSet)(using Context): Type = tp match - case tp @ CapturingType(p, r) => - if (parent eq p) && (refs eq r) then tp - else CapturingType(parent, refs, tp.isBoxed) - - /** If this is a unboxed capturing type with nonempty capture set, its boxed version. - * Or, if type is a TypeBounds of capturing types, the version where the bounds are boxed. - * The identity for all other types. - */ - def boxed(using Context): Type = tp.dealias match - case tp @ CapturingType(parent, refs) if !tp.isBoxed && !refs.isAlwaysEmpty => - tp.annot match - case ann: CaptureAnnotation => - ann.boxedType(tp) - case ann => - ann.tree.getAttachment(BoxedType) match - case None => ann.tree.putAttachment(BoxedType, BoxedTypeCache()) - case _ => - ann.tree.attachment(BoxedType)(tp) - case tp: RealTypeBounds => - tp.derivedTypeBounds(tp.lo.boxed, tp.hi.boxed) - case _ => - tp - - /** If `sym` is a type parameter, the boxed version of `tp`, otherwise `tp` */ - def boxedIfTypeParam(sym: Symbol)(using Context) = - if then tp.boxed else tp - - /** The boxed version of `tp`, unless `tycon` is a function symbol */ - def boxedUnlessFun(tycon: Type)(using Context) = - if ctx.phase != Phases.checkCapturesPhase || defn.isFunctionSymbol(tycon.typeSymbol) - then tp - else tp.boxed - - /** The capture set consisting of all top-level captures of `tp` that appear under a box. - * Unlike for `boxed` this also considers parents of capture types, unions and - * intersections, and type proxies other than abstract types. - */ - def boxedCaptureSet(using Context): CaptureSet = - def getBoxed(tp: Type): CaptureSet = tp match - case tp @ CapturingType(parent, refs) => - val pcs = getBoxed(parent) - if tp.isBoxed then refs ++ pcs else pcs - case tp: TypeRef if tp.symbol.isAbstractType => CaptureSet.empty - case tp: TypeProxy => getBoxed(tp.superType) - case tp: AndType => getBoxed(tp.tp1) ** getBoxed(tp.tp2) - case tp: OrType => getBoxed(tp.tp1) ++ getBoxed(tp.tp2) - case _ => CaptureSet.empty - getBoxed(tp) - - /** Is the boxedCaptureSet of this type nonempty? */ - def isBoxedCapturing(using Context) = !tp.boxedCaptureSet.isAlwaysEmpty - - /** If this type is a capturing type, the version with boxed statues as given by `boxed`. - * If it is a TermRef of a capturing type, and the box status flips, widen to a capturing - * type that captures the TermRef. - */ - def forceBoxStatus(boxed: Boolean)(using Context): Type = tp.widenDealias match - case tp @ CapturingType(parent, refs) if tp.isBoxed != boxed => - val refs1 = tp match - case ref: CaptureRef if ref.isTracked => ref.singletonCaptureSet - case _ => refs - CapturingType(parent, refs1, boxed) - case _ => - tp - - /** Map capturing type to their parents. Capturing types accessible - * via dealising are also stripped. - */ - def stripCapturing(using Context): Type = tp.dealiasKeepAnnots match - case CapturingType(parent, _) => - parent.stripCapturing - case atd @ AnnotatedType(parent, annot) => - atd.derivedAnnotatedType(parent.stripCapturing, annot) - case _ => - tp - - /** Under pureFunctions, map regular function type to impure function type - */ - def adaptFunctionTypeUnderPureFuns(using Context): Type = tp match - case AppliedType(fn, args) - if Feature.pureFunsEnabledSomewhere && defn.isFunctionClass(fn.typeSymbol) => - val fname = - defn.FunctionType( - fname.functionArity, - isContextual = fname.isContextFunction, - isErased = fname.isErasedFunction, - isImpure = true).appliedTo(args) - case _ => - tp - - /** Under pureFunctions, add a @retainsByName(*)` annotation to the argument of - * a by name parameter type, turning the latter into an impure by name parameter type. - */ - def adaptByNameArgUnderPureFuns(using Context): Type = - if Feature.pureFunsEnabledSomewhere then - AnnotatedType(tp, - CaptureAnnotation(CaptureSet.universal, boxed = false)(defn.RetainsByNameAnnot)) - else - tp - - def isCapturingType(using Context): Boolean = - tp match - case CapturingType(_, _) => true - case _ => false - - /** Is type known to be always pure by its class structure, - * so that adding a capture set to it would not make sense? - */ - def isAlwaysPure(using Context): Boolean = tp.dealias match - case tp: (TypeRef | AppliedType) => - val sym = tp.typeSymbol - if sym.isClass then sym.isPureClass - else tp.superType.isAlwaysPure - case CapturingType(parent, refs) => - parent.isAlwaysPure || refs.isAlwaysEmpty - case tp: TypeProxy => - tp.superType.isAlwaysPure - case tp: AndType => - tp.tp1.isAlwaysPure || tp.tp2.isAlwaysPure - case tp: OrType => - tp.tp1.isAlwaysPure && tp.tp2.isAlwaysPure - case _ => - false - -extension (cls: ClassSymbol) - - def pureBaseClass(using Context): Option[Symbol] = - cls.baseClasses.find(bc => - defn.pureBaseClasses.contains(bc) - || { - val selfType = bc.givenSelfType - selfType.exists && selfType.captureSet.isAlwaysEmpty - }) - -extension (sym: Symbol) - - /** A class is pure if: - * - one its base types has an explicitly declared self type with an empty capture set - * - or it is a value class - * - or it is an exception - * - or it is one of Nothing, Null, or String - */ - def isPureClass(using Context): Boolean = sym match - case cls: ClassSymbol => - cls.pureBaseClass.isDefined || defn.pureSimpleClasses.contains(cls) - case _ => - false - - /** Does this symbol allow results carrying the universal capability? - * Currently this is true only for function type applies (since their - * results are unboxed) and `erasedValue` since this function is magic in - * that is allows to conjure global capabilies from nothing (aside: can we find a - * more controlled way to achieve this?). - * But it could be generalized to other functions that so that they can take capability - * classes as arguments. - */ - def allowsRootCapture(using Context): Boolean = - sym == defn.Compiletime_erasedValue - || defn.isFunctionClass(sym.maybeOwner) - - /** When applying `sym`, would the result type be unboxed? - * This is the case if the result type contains a top-level reference to an enclosing - * class or method type parameter and the method does not allow root capture. - * If the type parameter is instantiated to a boxed type, that type would - * have to be unboxed in the method's result. - */ - def unboxesResult(using Context): Boolean = - def containsEnclTypeParam(tp: Type): Boolean = tp.strippedDealias match - case tp @ TypeRef(pre: ThisType, _) => - case tp: TypeParamRef => true - case tp: AndOrType => containsEnclTypeParam(tp.tp1) || containsEnclTypeParam(tp.tp2) - case tp: RefinedType => containsEnclTypeParam(tp.parent) || containsEnclTypeParam(tp.refinedInfo) - case _ => false - containsEnclTypeParam( - && !sym.allowsRootCapture - && sym != defn.Caps_unsafeBox - && sym != defn.Caps_unsafeUnbox - -extension (tp: AnnotatedType) - /** Is this a boxed capturing type? */ - def isBoxed(using Context): Boolean = tp.annot match - case ann: CaptureAnnotation => ann.boxed - case _ => false - -extension (ts: List[Type]) - /** Equivalent to ts.mapconserve(_.boxedUnlessFun(tycon)) but more efficient where - * it is the identity. - */ - def boxedUnlessFun(tycon: Type)(using Context) = - if ctx.phase != Phases.checkCapturesPhase || defn.isFunctionClass(tycon.typeSymbol) - then ts - else ts.mapconserve(_.boxed) - diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/cc/CaptureSet.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/cc/CaptureSet.scala deleted file mode 100644 index c31bcb76c2c7..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/cc/CaptureSet.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,902 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc -package cc - -import core.* -import Types.*, Symbols.*, Flags.*, Contexts.*, Decorators.* -import config.Printers.capt -import Annotations.Annotation -import annotation.threadUnsafe -import annotation.constructorOnly -import annotation.internal.sharable -import reporting.trace -import printing.{Showable, Printer} -import printing.Texts.* -import util.{SimpleIdentitySet, Property} -import util.common.alwaysTrue -import scala.collection.mutable -import config.Config.ccAllowUnsoundMaps -import language.experimental.pureFunctions -import annotation.retains - -/** A class for capture sets. Capture sets can be constants or variables. - * Capture sets support inclusion constraints <:< where <:< is subcapturing. - * - * They also allow - * - mapping with functions from elements to capture sets - * - filtering with predicates on elements - * - intersecting wo capture sets - * - * That is, constraints can be of the forms - * - * cs1 <:< cs2 - * cs1 = ∪ {f(x) | x ∈ cs2} where f is a function from capture references to capture sets. - * cs1 = ∪ {x | x ∈ cs2, p(x)} where p is a predicate on capture references - * cs1 = cs2 ∩ cs2 - * - * We call the resulting constraint system "monadic set constraints". - * To support capture propagation across maps, mappings are supported only - * if the mapped function is either a bijection or if it is idempotent - * on capture references (c.f. doc comment on `map` below). - */ -sealed abstract class CaptureSet extends Showable, caps.Pure: - import CaptureSet.* - - /** The elements of this capture set. For capture variables, - * the elements known so far. - */ - def elems: Refs - - /** Is this capture set constant (i.e. not an unsolved capture variable)? - * Solved capture variables count as constant. - */ - def isConst: Boolean - - /** Is this capture set always empty? For unsolved capture veriables, returns - * always false. - */ - def isAlwaysEmpty: Boolean - - /** Is this capture set definitely non-empty? */ - final def isNotEmpty: Boolean = !elems.isEmpty - - /** Convert to Const. @pre: isConst */ - def asConst: Const = this match - case c: Const => c - case v: Var => - assert(v.isConst) - Const(v.elems) - - /** Cast to variable. @pre: !isConst */ - def asVar: Var = - assert(!isConst) - asInstanceOf[Var] - - /** Does this capture set contain the root reference `*` as element? */ - final def isUniversal(using Context) = - elems.exists { - case ref: TermRef => ref.symbol == defn.captureRoot - case _ => false - } - - /** Add new elements to this capture set if allowed. - * @pre `newElems` is not empty and does not overlap with `this.elems`. - * Constant capture sets never allow to add new elements. - * Variables allow it if and only if the new elements can be included - * in all their dependent sets. - * @param origin The set where the elements come from, or `empty` if not known. - * @return CompareResult.OK if elements were added, or a conflicting - * capture set that prevents addition otherwise. - */ - protected def addNewElems(newElems: Refs, origin: CaptureSet)(using Context, VarState): CompareResult - - /** If this is a variable, add `cs` as a dependent set */ - protected def addDependent(cs: CaptureSet)(using Context, VarState): CompareResult - - /** If `cs` is a variable, add this capture set as one of its dependent sets */ - protected def addAsDependentTo(cs: CaptureSet)(using Context): this.type = - cs.addDependent(this)(using ctx, UnrecordedState) - this - - /** Try to include all references of `elems` that are not yet accounted for by this - * capture set. Inclusion is via `addNewElems`. - * @param origin The set where the elements come from, or `empty` if not known. - * @return CompareResult.OK if all unaccounted elements could be added, - * capture set that prevents addition otherwise. - */ - protected final def tryInclude(elems: Refs, origin: CaptureSet)(using Context, VarState): CompareResult = - val unaccounted = elems.filter(!accountsFor(_)) - if unaccounted.isEmpty then CompareResult.OK - else addNewElems(unaccounted, origin) - - /** Equivalent to `tryInclude({elem}, origin)`, but more efficient */ - protected final def tryInclude(elem: CaptureRef, origin: CaptureSet)(using Context, VarState): CompareResult = - if accountsFor(elem) then CompareResult.OK - else addNewElems(elem.singletonCaptureSet.elems, origin) - - /* x subsumes y if x is the same as y, or x is a this reference and y refers to a field of x */ - extension (x: CaptureRef) private def subsumes(y: CaptureRef) = - (x eq y) - || y.match - case y: TermRef => y.prefix eq x - case _ => false - - /** {x} <:< this where <:< is subcapturing, but treating all variables - * as frozen. - */ - def accountsFor(x: CaptureRef)(using Context): Boolean = - reporting.trace(i"$this accountsFor $x, ${x.captureSetOfInfo}?", show = true) { - elems.exists(_.subsumes(x)) - || !x.isRootCapability && x.captureSetOfInfo.subCaptures(this, frozen = true).isOK - } - - /** A more optimistic version of accountsFor, which does not take variable supersets - * of the `x` reference into account. A set might account for `x` if it accounts - * for `x` in a state where we assume all supersets of `x` have just the elements - * known at this point. On the other hand if x's capture set has no known elements, - * a set `cs` might account for `x` only if it subsumes `x` or it contains the - * root capability `*`. - */ - def mightAccountFor(x: CaptureRef)(using Context): Boolean = - reporting.trace(i"$this mightAccountFor $x, ${x.captureSetOfInfo}?", show = true) { - elems.exists(elem => elem.subsumes(x) || elem.isRootCapability) - || !x.isRootCapability - && { - val elems = x.captureSetOfInfo.elems - !elems.isEmpty && elems.forall(mightAccountFor) - } - } - - /** A more optimistic version of subCaptures used to choose one of two typing rules - * for selections and applications. `cs1 mightSubcapture cs2` if `cs2` might account for - * every element currently known to be in `cs1`. - */ - def mightSubcapture(that: CaptureSet)(using Context): Boolean = - elems.forall(that.mightAccountFor) - - /** The subcapturing test. - * @param frozen if true, no new variables or dependent sets are allowed to - * be added when making this test. An attempt to add either - * will result in failure. - */ - final def subCaptures(that: CaptureSet, frozen: Boolean)(using Context): CompareResult = - subCaptures(that)(using ctx, if frozen then FrozenState else VarState()) - - /** The subcapturing test, using a given VarState */ - private def subCaptures(that: CaptureSet)(using Context, VarState): CompareResult = - def recur(elems: List[CaptureRef]): CompareResult = elems match - case elem :: elems1 => - var result = that.tryInclude(elem, this) - if !result.isOK && !elem.isRootCapability && summon[VarState] != FrozenState then - result = elem.captureSetOfInfo.subCaptures(that) - if result.isOK then - recur(elems1) - else - varState.rollBack() - result - case Nil => - addDependent(that) - recur(elems.toList) - .showing(i"subcaptures $this <:< $that = $result", capt)(using null) - - /** Two capture sets are considered =:= equal if they mutually subcapture each other - * in a frozen state. - */ - def =:= (that: CaptureSet)(using Context): Boolean = - this.subCaptures(that, frozen = true).isOK - && that.subCaptures(this, frozen = true).isOK - - /** The smallest capture set (via <:<) that is a superset of both - * `this` and `that` - */ - def ++ (that: CaptureSet)(using Context): CaptureSet = - if this.subCaptures(that, frozen = true).isOK then that - else if that.subCaptures(this, frozen = true).isOK then this - else if this.isConst && that.isConst then Const(this.elems ++ that.elems) - else Var(this.elems ++ that.elems).addAsDependentTo(this).addAsDependentTo(that) - - /** The smallest superset (via <:<) of this capture set that also contains `ref`. - */ - def + (ref: CaptureRef)(using Context): CaptureSet = - this ++ ref.singletonCaptureSet - - /** The largest capture set (via <:<) that is a subset of both `this` and `that` - */ - def **(that: CaptureSet)(using Context): CaptureSet = - if this.subCaptures(that, frozen = true).isOK then this - else if that.subCaptures(this, frozen = true).isOK then that - else if this.isConst && that.isConst then Const(elemIntersection(this, that)) - else Intersected(this, that) - - /** The largest subset (via <:<) of this capture set that does not account for - * any of the elements in the constant capture set `that` - */ - def -- (that: CaptureSet.Const)(using Context): CaptureSet = - val elems1 = elems.filter(!that.accountsFor(_)) - if elems1.size == elems.size then this - else if this.isConst then Const(elems1) - else Diff(asVar, that) - - /** The largest subset (via <:<) of this capture set that does not account for `ref` */ - def - (ref: CaptureRef)(using Context): CaptureSet = - this -- ref.singletonCaptureSet - - /** The largest subset (via <:<) of this capture set that only contains elements - * for which `p` is true. - */ - def filter(p: (c: Context) ?-> (CaptureRef -> Boolean) @retains(c))(using Context): CaptureSet = - if this.isConst then - val elems1 = elems.filter(p) - if elems1 == elems then this - else Const(elems.filter(p)) - else Filtered(asVar, p) - - /** Capture set obtained by applying `tm` to all elements of the current capture set - * and joining the results. If the current capture set is a variable, the same - * transformation is applied to all future additions of new elements. - * - * Note: We have a problem how we handle the situation where we have a mapped set - * - * cs2 = tm(cs1) - * - * and then the propagation solver adds a new element `x` to `cs2`. What do we - * know in this case about `cs1`? We can answer this question in a sound way only - * if `tm` is a bijection on capture references or it is idempotent on capture references. - * (see definition in IdempotentCapRefMap). - * If `tm` is a bijection we know that `tm^-1(x)` must be in `cs1`. If `tm` is idempotent - * one possible solution is that `x` is in `cs1`, which is what we assume in this case. - * That strategy is sound but not complete. - * - * If `tm` is some other map, we don't know how to handle this case. For now, - * we simply refuse to handle other maps. If they do need to be handled, - * `OtherMapped` provides some approximation to a solution, but it is neither - * sound nor complete. - */ - def map(tm: TypeMap)(using Context): CaptureSet = tm match - case tm: BiTypeMap => - val mappedElems = - if isConst then - if mappedElems == elems then this - else Const(mappedElems) - else BiMapped(asVar, tm, mappedElems) - case tm: IdentityCaptRefMap => - this - case _ => - val mapped = mapRefs(elems, tm, tm.variance) - if isConst then - if mapped.isConst && mapped.elems == elems then this - else mapped - else Mapped(asVar, tm, tm.variance, mapped) - - /** A mapping resulting from substituting parameters of a BindingType to a list of types */ - def substParams(tl: BindingType, to: List[Type])(using Context) = - map(Substituters.SubstParamsMap(tl, to).detach) - - /** Invoke handler if this set has (or later aquires) the root capability `*` */ - def disallowRootCapability(handler: () -> Context ?-> Unit)(using Context): this.type = - if isUniversal then handler() - this - - /** An upper approximation of this capture set, i.e. a constant set that is - * subcaptured by this set. If the current set is a variable - * it is the intersection of all upper approximations of known supersets - * of the variable. - * The upper approximation is meaningful only if it is constant. If not, - * `upperApprox` can return an arbitrary capture set variable. - * `upperApprox` is used in `solve`. - */ - protected def upperApprox(origin: CaptureSet)(using Context): CaptureSet - - /** Assuming set this set dependds on was just solved to be constant, propagate this info - * to this set. This might result in the set being solved to be constant - * itself. - */ - protected def propagateSolved()(using Context): Unit = () - - /** This capture set with a description that tells where it comes from */ - def withDescription(description: String): CaptureSet - - /** The provided description (using `withDescription`) for this capture set or else "" */ - def description: String - - /** A regular @retains or @retainsByName annotation with the elements of this set as arguments. */ - def toRegularAnnotation(cls: Symbol)(using Context): Annotation = - Annotation(CaptureAnnotation(this, boxed = false)(cls).tree) - - override def toText(printer: Printer): Text = - Str("{") ~ Text(, ", ") ~ Str("}") ~~ description - -object CaptureSet: - type Refs = SimpleIdentitySet[CaptureRef] - type Vars = SimpleIdentitySet[Var] - type Deps = SimpleIdentitySet[CaptureSet] - - @sharable private var varId = 0 - - /** If set to `true`, capture stack traces that tell us where sets are created */ - private final val debugSets = false - - private val emptySet = SimpleIdentitySet.empty - - /** The empty capture set `{}` */ - val empty: CaptureSet.Const = Const(emptySet) - - /** The universal capture set `{*}` */ - def universal(using Context): CaptureSet = - defn.captureRoot.termRef.singletonCaptureSet - - /** Used as a recursion brake */ - @sharable private[dotc] val Pending = Const(SimpleIdentitySet.empty) - - def apply(elems: CaptureRef*)(using Context): CaptureSet.Const = - if elems.isEmpty then empty - else Const(SimpleIdentitySet(*)) - - def apply(elems: Refs)(using Context): CaptureSet.Const = - if elems.isEmpty then empty else Const(elems) - - /** The subclass of constant capture sets with given elements `elems` */ - class Const private[CaptureSet] (val elems: Refs, val description: String = "") extends CaptureSet: - def isConst = true - def isAlwaysEmpty = elems.isEmpty - - def addNewElems(elems: Refs, origin: CaptureSet)(using Context, VarState): CompareResult = - - - def addDependent(cs: CaptureSet)(using Context, VarState) = CompareResult.OK - - def upperApprox(origin: CaptureSet)(using Context): CaptureSet = this - - def withDescription(description: String): Const = Const(elems, description) - - override def toString = elems.toString - end Const - - /** The subclass of captureset variables with given initial elements */ - class Var(initialElems: Refs = emptySet) extends CaptureSet: - - /** A unique identification number for diagnostics */ - val id = - varId += 1 - varId - - /** A variable is solved if it is aproximated to a from-then-on constant set. */ - private var isSolved: Boolean = false - - /** The elements currently known to be in the set */ - var elems: Refs = initialElems - - /** The sets currently known to be dependent sets (i.e. new additions to this set - * are propagated to these dependent sets.) - */ - var deps: Deps = emptySet - - def isConst = isSolved - def isAlwaysEmpty = false - - /** A handler to be invoked if the root reference `*` is added to this set - * The handler is pure in the sense that it will only output diagnostics. - */ - var rootAddedHandler: () -> Context ?-> Unit = () => () - - var description: String = "" - - /** Record current elements in given VarState provided it does not yet - * contain an entry for this variable. - */ - private def recordElemsState()(using VarState): Boolean = - varState.getElems(this) match - case None => varState.putElems(this, elems) - case _ => true - - /** Record current dependent sets in given VarState provided it does not yet - * contain an entry for this variable. - */ - private[CaptureSet] def recordDepsState()(using VarState): Boolean = - varState.getDeps(this) match - case None => varState.putDeps(this, deps) - case _ => true - - /** Reset elements to what was recorded in `state` */ - def resetElems()(using state: VarState): Unit = - elems = state.elems(this) - - /** Reset dependent sets to what was recorded in `state` */ - def resetDeps()(using state: VarState): Unit = - deps = state.deps(this) - - def addNewElems(newElems: Refs, origin: CaptureSet)(using Context, VarState): CompareResult = - if !isConst && recordElemsState() then - elems ++= newElems - if isUniversal then rootAddedHandler() - // assert(id != 2 || elems.size != 2, this) - (CompareResult.OK /: deps) { (r, dep) => - r.andAlso(dep.tryInclude(newElems, this)) - } - else // fail if variable is solved or given VarState is frozen - - - def addDependent(cs: CaptureSet)(using Context, VarState): CompareResult = - if (cs eq this) || cs.isUniversal || isConst then - CompareResult.OK - else if recordDepsState() then - deps += cs - CompareResult.OK - else - - - override def disallowRootCapability(handler: () -> Context ?-> Unit)(using Context): this.type = - rootAddedHandler = handler - super.disallowRootCapability(handler) - - private var computingApprox = false - - /** Roughly: the intersection of all constant known supersets of this set. - * The aim is to find an as-good-as-possible constant set that is a superset - * of this set. The universal set {*} is a sound fallback. - */ - final def upperApprox(origin: CaptureSet)(using Context): CaptureSet = - if computingApprox then universal - else if isConst then this - else - computingApprox = true - try computeApprox(origin).ensuring(_.isConst) - finally computingApprox = false - - /** The intersection of all upper approximations of dependent sets */ - protected def computeApprox(origin: CaptureSet)(using Context): CaptureSet = - (universal /: deps) { (acc, sup) => acc ** sup.upperApprox(this) } - - /** Widen the variable's elements to its upper approximation and - * mark it as constant from now on. This is used for contra-variant type variables - * in the results of defs and vals. - */ - def solve()(using Context): Unit = - if !isConst then - val approx = upperApprox(empty) - //println(i"solving var $this $approx ${approx.isConst} deps = ${deps.toList}") - val newElems = approx.elems -- elems - if newElems.isEmpty || addNewElems(newElems, empty)(using ctx, VarState()).isOK then - markSolved() - - /** Mark set as solved and propagate this info to all dependent sets */ - def markSolved()(using Context): Unit = - isSolved = true - deps.foreach(_.propagateSolved()) - - def withDescription(description: String): this.type = - this.description = - if this.description.isEmpty then description - else s"${this.description} and $description" - this - - /** Used for diagnostics and debugging: A string that traces the creation - * history of a variable by following source links. Each variable on the - * path is characterized by the variable's id and the first letter of the - * variable's class name. The path ends in a plain variable with letter `V` that - * is not derived from some other variable. - */ - protected def ids(using Context): String = - val trail = this.match - case dv: DerivedVar => dv.source.ids - case _ => "" - s"$id${getClass.getSimpleName.nn.take(1)}$trail" - - /** Adds variables to the ShownVars context property if that exists, which - * establishes a record of all variables printed in an error message. - * Prints variables wih ids under -Ycc-debug. - */ - override def toText(printer: Printer): Text = inContext(printer.printerContext) { - for vars <- do vars += this - super.toText(printer) ~ (Str(ids) provided !isConst && ctx.settings.YccDebug.value) - } - - override def toString = s"Var$id$elems" - end Var - - /** A variable that is derived from some other variable via a map or filter. */ - abstract class DerivedVar(initialElems: Refs)(using @constructorOnly ctx: Context) - extends Var(initialElems): - - // For debugging: A trace where a set was created. Note that logically it would make more - // sense to place this variable in Mapped, but that runs afoul of the initializatuon checker. - val stack = if debugSets && this.isInstanceOf[Mapped] then (new Throwable).getStackTrace().nn.take(20) else null - - /** The variable from which this variable is derived */ - def source: Var - - addAsDependentTo(source) - - override def propagateSolved()(using Context) = - if source.isConst && !isConst then markSolved() - end DerivedVar - - /** A variable that changes when `source` changes, where all additional new elements are mapped - * using ∪ { tm(x) | x <- source.elems }. - * @param source the original set that is mapped - * @param tm the type map, which is assumed to be idempotent on capture refs - * (except if ccUnsoundMaps is enabled) - * @param variance the assumed variance with which types with capturesets of size >= 2 are approximated - * (i.e. co: full capture set, contra: empty set, nonvariant is not allowed.) - * @param initial The initial mappings of source's elements at the point the Mapped set is created. - */ - class Mapped private[CaptureSet] - (val source: Var, tm: TypeMap, variance: Int, initial: CaptureSet)(using @constructorOnly ctx: Context) - extends DerivedVar(initial.elems): - addAsDependentTo(initial) // initial mappings could change by propagation - - private def mapIsIdempotent = tm.isInstanceOf[IdempotentCaptRefMap] - - assert(ccAllowUnsoundMaps || mapIsIdempotent, tm.getClass) - - private def whereCreated(using Context): String = - if stack == null then "" - else i""" - |Stack trace of variable creation:" - |${stack.mkString("\n")}""" - - override def addNewElems(newElems: Refs, origin: CaptureSet)(using Context, VarState): CompareResult = - val added = - if origin eq source then // elements have to be mapped - mapRefs(newElems, tm, variance) - else - // elements are added by subcapturing propagation with this Mapped set - // as superset; no mapping is necessary or allowed. - Const(newElems) - super.addNewElems(added.elems, origin) - .andAlso { - if added.isConst then CompareResult.OK - else if added.asVar.recordDepsState() then { addAsDependentTo(added); CompareResult.OK } - else - } - .andAlso { - if (origin ne source) && (origin ne initial) && mapIsIdempotent then - // `tm` is idempotent, propagate back elems from image set. - // This is sound, since we know that for `r in newElems: tm(r) = r`, hence - // `r` is _one_ possible solution in `source` that would make an `r` appear in this set. - // It's not necessarily the only possible solution, so the scheme is incomplete. - source.tryInclude(newElems, this) - else if !mapIsIdempotent && variance <= 0 && !origin.isConst && (origin ne initial) && (origin ne source) then - // The map is neither a BiTypeMap nor an idempotent type map. - // In that case there's no much we can do. - // The scheme then does not propagate added elements back to source and rejects adding - // elements from variable sources in contra- and non-variant positions. In essence, - // we approximate types resulting from such maps by returning a possible super type - // from the actual type. But this is neither sound nor complete. - report.warning(em"trying to add elems ${CaptureSet(newElems)} from unrecognized source $origin of mapped set $this$whereCreated") - - else - CompareResult.OK - } - - override def computeApprox(origin: CaptureSet)(using Context): CaptureSet = - if source eq origin then - // it's a mapping of origin, so not a superset of `origin`, - // therefore don't contribute to the intersection. - universal - else - source.upperApprox(this).map(tm) - - override def propagateSolved()(using Context) = - if initial.isConst then super.propagateSolved() - - override def toString = s"Mapped$id($source, elems = $elems)" - end Mapped - - /** A mapping where the type map is required to be a bijection. - * Parameters as in Mapped. - */ - final class BiMapped private[CaptureSet] - (val source: Var, bimap: BiTypeMap, initialElems: Refs)(using @constructorOnly ctx: Context) - extends DerivedVar(initialElems): - - override def addNewElems(newElems: Refs, origin: CaptureSet)(using Context, VarState): CompareResult = - if origin eq source then - super.addNewElems(, origin) - else - super.addNewElems(newElems, origin) - .andAlso { - source.tryInclude(, this) - .showing(i"propagating new elems ${CaptureSet(newElems)} backward from $this to $source", capt)(using null) - } - - /** For a BiTypeMap, supertypes of the mapped type also constrain - * the source via the inverse type mapping and vice versa. That is, if - * B = f(A) and B <: C, then A <: f^-1(C), so C should flow into - * the upper approximation of A. - * Conversely if A <: C2, then we also know that B <: f(C2). - * These situations are modeled by the two branches of the conditional below. - */ - override def computeApprox(origin: CaptureSet)(using Context): CaptureSet = - val supApprox = super.computeApprox(this) - if source eq origin then - else source.upperApprox(this).map(bimap) ** supApprox - - override def toString = s"BiMapped$id($source, elems = $elems)" - end BiMapped - - /** A variable with elements given at any time as { x <- source.elems | p(x) } */ - class Filtered private[CaptureSet] - (val source: Var, p: (c: Context) ?-> (CaptureRef -> Boolean) @retains(c))(using @constructorOnly ctx: Context) - extends DerivedVar(source.elems.filter(p)): - - override def addNewElems(newElems: Refs, origin: CaptureSet)(using Context, VarState): CompareResult = - val filtered = newElems.filter(p) - if origin eq source then - super.addNewElems(filtered, origin) - else - // Filtered elements have to be back-propagated to source. - // Elements that don't satisfy `p` are not allowed. - super.addNewElems(newElems, origin) - .andAlso { - if filtered.size == newElems.size then source.tryInclude(newElems, this) - else - } - - override def computeApprox(origin: CaptureSet)(using Context): CaptureSet = - if source eq origin then - // it's a filter of origin, so not a superset of `origin`, - // therefore don't contribute to the intersection. - universal - else - source.upperApprox(this).filter(p) - - override def toString = s"${getClass.getSimpleName}$id($source, elems = $elems)" - end Filtered - - /** A variable with elements given at any time as { x <- source.elems | !other.accountsFor(x) } */ - class Diff(source: Var, other: Const)(using @constructorOnly ctx: Context) - extends Filtered(source, !other.accountsFor(_)) - - class Intersected(cs1: CaptureSet, cs2: CaptureSet)(using @constructorOnly ctx: Context) - extends Var(elemIntersection(cs1, cs2)): - addAsDependentTo(cs1) - addAsDependentTo(cs2) - deps += cs1 - deps += cs2 - - override def addNewElems(newElems: Refs, origin: CaptureSet)(using Context, VarState): CompareResult = - val added = - if origin eq cs1 then newElems.filter(cs2.accountsFor) - else if origin eq cs2 then newElems.filter(cs1.accountsFor) - else newElems - // If origin is not cs1 or cs2, then newElems will be propagated to - // cs1, cs2 since they are in deps. - super.addNewElems(added, origin) - - override def computeApprox(origin: CaptureSet)(using Context): CaptureSet = - if (origin eq cs1) || (origin eq cs2) then - // it's a combination of origin with some other set, so not a superset of `origin`, - // therefore don't contribute to the intersection. - universal - else - CaptureSet(elemIntersection(cs1.upperApprox(this), cs2.upperApprox(this))) - - override def propagateSolved()(using Context) = - if cs1.isConst && cs2.isConst && !isConst then markSolved() - end Intersected - - def elemIntersection(cs1: CaptureSet, cs2: CaptureSet)(using Context): Refs = - cs1.elems.filter(cs2.mightAccountFor) ++ cs2.elems.filter(cs1.mightAccountFor) - - /** Extrapolate tm(r) according to `variance`. Let r1 be the result of tm(r). - * - If r1 is a tracked CaptureRef, return {r1} - * - If r1 has an empty capture set, return {} - * - Otherwise, - * - if the variance is covariant, return r1's capture set - * - if the variance is contravariant, return {} - * - Otherwise assertion failure - */ - def extrapolateCaptureRef(r: CaptureRef, tm: TypeMap, variance: Int)(using Context): CaptureSet = - val r1 = tm(r) - val upper = r1.captureSet - def isExact = - upper.isAlwaysEmpty || upper.isConst && upper.elems.size == 1 && upper.elems.contains(r1) - if variance > 0 || isExact then upper - else if variance < 0 then CaptureSet.empty - else assert(false, i"trying to add $upper from $r via ${tm.getClass} in a non-variant setting") - - /** Apply `f` to each element in `xs`, and join result sets with `++` */ - def mapRefs(xs: Refs, f: CaptureRef => CaptureSet)(using Context): CaptureSet = - ((empty: CaptureSet) /: xs)((cs, x) => cs ++ f(x)) - - /** Apply extrapolated `tm` to each element in `xs`, and join result sets with `++` */ - def mapRefs(xs: Refs, tm: TypeMap, variance: Int)(using Context): CaptureSet = - mapRefs(xs, extrapolateCaptureRef(_, tm, variance)) - - /** Return true iff - * - arg1 is a TypeBounds >: CL T <: CH T of two capturing types with equal parents. - * - arg2 is a capturing type CA U - * - CH <: CA <: CL - * In other words, we can unify CL, CH and CA. - */ - def subCapturesRange(arg1: TypeBounds, arg2: Type)(using Context): Boolean = arg1 match - case TypeBounds(CapturingType(lo, loRefs), CapturingType(hi, hiRefs)) if lo =:= hi => - given VarState = VarState() - val cs2 = arg2.captureSet - hiRefs.subCaptures(cs2).isOK && cs2.subCaptures(loRefs).isOK - case _ => - false - - /** A TypeMap with the property that every capture reference in the image - * of the map is mapped to itself. I.e. for all capture references r1, r2, - * if M(r1) == r2 then M(r2) == r2. - */ - trait IdempotentCaptRefMap extends TypeMap - - /** A TypeMap that is the identity on capture references */ - trait IdentityCaptRefMap extends TypeMap - - type CompareResult = CompareResult.TYPE - - /** The result of subcapturing comparisons is an opaque type CompareResult.TYPE. - * This is either OK, indicating success, or - * another capture set, indicating failure. The failure capture set - * is the one that did not allow propagaton of elements into it. - */ - object CompareResult: - opaque type TYPE = CaptureSet - val OK: TYPE = Const(emptySet) - def fail(cs: CaptureSet): TYPE = cs - - extension (result: TYPE) - /** The result is OK */ - def isOK: Boolean = result eq OK - /** If not isOK, the blocking capture set */ - def blocking: CaptureSet = result - inline def andAlso(op: Context ?=> TYPE)(using Context): TYPE = if result.isOK then op else result - def show(using Context): String = if result.isOK then "OK" else i"$result" - end CompareResult - - /** A VarState serves as a snapshot mechanism that can undo - * additions of elements or super sets if an operation fails - */ - class VarState: - - /** A map from captureset variables to their elements at the time of the snapshot. */ - private val elemsMap: util.EqHashMap[Var, Refs] = new util.EqHashMap - - /** A map from captureset variables to their dependent sets at the time of the snapshot. */ - private val depsMap: util.EqHashMap[Var, Deps] = new util.EqHashMap - - /** The recorded elements of `v` (it's required that a recording was made) */ - def elems(v: Var): Refs = elemsMap(v) - - /** Optionally the recorded elements of `v`, None if nothing was recorded for `v` */ - def getElems(v: Var): Option[Refs] = elemsMap.get(v) - - /** Record elements, return whether this was allowed. - * By default, recording is allowed but the special state FrozenState - * overrides this. - */ - def putElems(v: Var, elems: Refs): Boolean = { elemsMap(v) = elems; true } - - /** The recorded dependent sets of `v` (it's required that a recording was made) */ - def deps(v: Var): Deps = depsMap(v) - - /** Optionally the recorded dependent sets of `v`, None if nothing was recorded for `v` */ - def getDeps(v: Var): Option[Deps] = depsMap.get(v) - - /** Record dependent sets, return whether this was allowed. - * By default, recording is allowed but the special state FrozenState - * overrides this. - */ - def putDeps(v: Var, deps: Deps): Boolean = { depsMap(v) = deps; true } - - /** Roll back global state to what was recorded in this VarState */ - def rollBack(): Unit = - elemsMap.keysIterator.foreach(_.resetElems()(using this)) - depsMap.keysIterator.foreach(_.resetDeps()(using this)) - end VarState - - /** A special state that does not allow to record elements or dependent sets. - * In effect this means that no new elements or dependent sets can be added - * in this state (since the previous state cannot be recorded in a snapshot) - */ - @sharable - object FrozenState extends VarState: - override def putElems(v: Var, refs: Refs) = false - override def putDeps(v: Var, deps: Deps) = false - override def rollBack(): Unit = () - - @sharable - /** A special state that turns off recording of elements. Used only - * in `addSub` to prevent cycles in recordings. - */ - private object UnrecordedState extends VarState: - override def putElems(v: Var, refs: Refs) = true - override def putDeps(v: Var, deps: Deps) = true - override def rollBack(): Unit = () - - /** The current VarState, as passed by the implicit context */ - def varState(using state: VarState): VarState = state - - /* Not needed: - def ofClass(cinfo: ClassInfo, argTypes: List[Type])(using Context): CaptureSet = - CaptureSet.empty - def captureSetOf(tp: Type): CaptureSet = tp match - case tp: TypeRef if => - def mapArg(accs: List[Symbol], tps: List[Type]): CaptureSet = accs match - case acc :: accs1 if tps.nonEmpty => - if acc == tp.symbol then tps.head.captureSet - else mapArg(accs1, tps.tail) - case _ => - empty - mapArg(cinfo.cls.paramAccessors, argTypes) - case _ => - tp.captureSet - val css = - for - parent <- cinfo.parents if parent.classSymbol == defn.RetainingClass - arg <- parent.argInfos - yield captureSetOf(arg) - css.foldLeft(empty)(_ ++ _) - */ - - /** The capture set of the type underlying a CaptureRef */ - def ofInfo(ref: CaptureRef)(using Context): CaptureSet = ref match - case ref: TermRef if ref.isRootCapability => ref.singletonCaptureSet - case _ => ofType(ref.underlying) - - /** Capture set of a type */ - def ofType(tp: Type)(using Context): CaptureSet = - def recur(tp: Type): CaptureSet = tp.dealias match - case tp: TermRef => - tp.captureSet - case tp: TermParamRef => - tp.captureSet - case _: TypeRef => - if tp.classSymbol.hasAnnotation(defn.CapabilityAnnot) then universal else empty - case _: TypeParamRef => - empty - case CapturingType(parent, refs) => - recur(parent) ++ refs - case AppliedType(tycon, args) => - val cs = recur(tycon) - tycon.typeParams match - case tparams @ (LambdaParam(tl, _) :: _) => cs.substParams(tl, args) - case _ => cs - case tp: TypeProxy => - recur(tp.underlying) - case AndType(tp1, tp2) => - recur(tp1) ** recur(tp2) - case OrType(tp1, tp2) => - recur(tp1) ++ recur(tp2) - case _ => - empty - recur(tp) - .showing(i"capture set of $tp = $result", capt) - - private val ShownVars: Property.Key[mutable.Set[Var]] = Property.Key() - - /** Perform `op`. Under -Ycc-debug, collect and print info about all variables reachable - * via `(_.deps)*` from the variables that were shown in `op`. - */ - def withCaptureSetsExplained[T](op: Context ?=> T)(using ctx: Context): T = - if ctx.settings.YccDebug.value then - val shownVars = mutable.Set[Var]() - inContext(ctx.withProperty(ShownVars, Some(shownVars))) { - try op - finally - val reachable = mutable.Set[Var]() - val todo = mutable.Queue[Var]() ++= shownVars - def incl(cv: Var): Unit = - if !reachable.contains(cv) then todo += cv - while todo.nonEmpty do - val cv = todo.dequeue() - if !reachable.contains(cv) then - reachable += cv - cv.deps.foreach { - case cv: Var => incl(cv) - case _ => - } - cv match - case cv: DerivedVar => incl(cv.source) - case _ => - val allVars = reachable.toArray.sortBy( - println(i"Capture set dependencies:") - for cv <- allVars do - println(i" ${, ' ')} :: ${cv.deps.toList}%, %") - } - else op -end CaptureSet diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/cc/CapturingType.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/cc/CapturingType.scala deleted file mode 100644 index e9862f1f20b8..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/cc/CapturingType.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc -package cc - -import core.* -import Types.*, Symbols.*, Contexts.* - -/** A (possibly boxed) capturing type. This is internally represented as an annotated type with a @retains - * or @retainsByName annotation, but the extractor will succeed only at phase CheckCaptures. - * That way, we can ignore caturing information until phase CheckCaptures since it is - * wrapped in a plain annotation. - * - * The same trick does not work for the boxing information. Boxing is context dependent, so - * we have to add that information in the Setup step preceding CheckCaptures. Boxes are - * added for all type arguments of methods. For type arguments of applied types a different - * strategy is used where we box arguments of applied types that are not functions when - * accessing the argument. - * - * An alternative strategy would add boxes also to arguments of applied types during setup. - * But this would have to be done for all possibly accessibly types from the compiled units - * as well as their dependencies. It's difficult to do this in a DenotationTransformer without - * accidentally forcing symbol infos. That's why this alternative was not implemented. - * If we would go back on this it would make sense to also treat captuyring types different - * from annotations and to generate them all during Setup and in DenotationTransformers. - */ -object CapturingType: - - /** Smart constructor that drops empty capture sets and fuses compatible capturiong types. - * An outer type capturing type A can be fused with an inner capturing type B if their - * boxing status is the same or if A is boxed. - */ - def apply(parent: Type, refs: CaptureSet, boxed: Boolean = false)(using Context): Type = - if refs.isAlwaysEmpty then parent - else parent match - case parent @ CapturingType(parent1, refs1) if boxed || !parent.isBoxed => - apply(parent1, refs ++ refs1, boxed) - case _ => - AnnotatedType(parent, CaptureAnnotation(refs, boxed)(defn.RetainsAnnot)) - - /** An extractor that succeeds only during CheckCapturingPhase. Boxing statis is - * returned separately by CaptureOps.isBoxed. - */ - def unapply(tp: AnnotatedType)(using Context): Option[(Type, CaptureSet)] = - if ctx.phase == Phases.checkCapturesPhase - && tp.annot.symbol == defn.RetainsAnnot - && ! - then - EventuallyCapturingType.unapply(tp) - else None - -end CapturingType - -/** An extractor for types that will be capturing types at phase CheckCaptures. Also - * included are types that indicate captures on enclosing call-by-name parameters - * before phase ElimByName. - */ -object EventuallyCapturingType: - - def unapply(tp: AnnotatedType)(using Context): Option[(Type, CaptureSet)] = - val sym = tp.annot.symbol - if sym == defn.RetainsAnnot || sym == defn.RetainsByNameAnnot then - tp.annot match - case ann: CaptureAnnotation => - Some((tp.parent, ann.refs)) - case ann => - try Some((tp.parent, ann.tree.toCaptureSet)) - catch case ex: IllegalCaptureRef => None - else None - -end EventuallyCapturingType - - diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/cc/CheckCaptures.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/cc/CheckCaptures.scala deleted file mode 100644 index ce3f788202b6..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/cc/CheckCaptures.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1039 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc -package cc - -import core.* -import Phases.*, DenotTransformers.*, SymDenotations.* -import Contexts.*, Names.*, Flags.*, Symbols.*, Decorators.* -import Types.*, StdNames.*, Denotations.* -import config.Printers.{capt, recheckr} -import config.{Config, Feature} -import ast.{tpd, untpd, Trees} -import Trees.* -import typer.RefChecks.{checkAllOverrides, checkSelfAgainstParents} -import typer.Checking.{checkBounds, checkAppliedTypesIn} -import util.{SimpleIdentitySet, EqHashMap, SrcPos} -import transform.SymUtils.* -import transform.{Recheck, PreRecheck} -import Recheck.* -import scala.collection.mutable -import CaptureSet.{withCaptureSetsExplained, IdempotentCaptRefMap} -import StdNames.nme -import NameKinds.DefaultGetterName -import reporting.trace -import language.experimental.pureFunctions - -/** The capture checker */ -object CheckCaptures: - import ast.tpd.* - - class Pre extends PreRecheck, SymTransformer: - - override def isEnabled(using Context) = true - - /** Reset `private` flags of parameter accessors so that we can refine them - * in Setup if they have non-empty capture sets. Special handling of some - * symbols defined for case classes. - */ - def transformSym(sym: SymDenotation)(using Context): SymDenotation = - if sym.isAllOf(PrivateParamAccessor) && !sym.hasAnnotation(defn.ConstructorOnlyAnnot) then - sym.copySymDenotation(initFlags = sym.flags &~ Private | Recheck.ResetPrivate) - else if Synthetics.needsTransform(sym) then - Synthetics.transformToCC(sym) - else - sym - end Pre - - /** A class describing environments. - * @param owner the current owner - * @param nestedInOwner true if the environment is a temporary one nested in the owner's environment, - * and does not have a different actual owner symbol (this happens when doing box adaptation). - * @param captured the caputure set containing all references to tracked free variables outside of boxes - * @param isBoxed true if the environment is inside a box (in which case references are not counted) - * @param outer0 the next enclosing environment - */ - case class Env( - owner: Symbol, - nestedInOwner: Boolean, - captured: CaptureSet, - isBoxed: Boolean, - outer0: Env | Null - ): - def outer = outer0.nn - - def isOutermost = outer0 == null - - /** If an environment is open it tracks free references */ - def isOpen = !captured.isAlwaysEmpty && !isBoxed - end Env - - /** Similar normal substParams, but this is an approximating type map that - * maps parameters in contravariant capture sets to the empty set. - * TODO: check what happens with non-variant. - */ - final class SubstParamsMap(from: BindingType, to: List[Type])(using DetachedContext) - extends ApproximatingTypeMap, IdempotentCaptRefMap: - def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match - case tp: ParamRef => - if tp.binder == from then to(tp.paramNum) else tp - case tp: NamedType => - if tp.prefix `eq` NoPrefix then tp - else tp.derivedSelect(apply(tp.prefix)) - case _: ThisType => - tp - case _ => - mapOver(tp) - - /** Check that a @retains annotation only mentions references that can be tracked. - * This check is performed at Typer. - */ - def checkWellformed(ann: Tree)(using Context): Unit = - for elem <- retainedElems(ann) do - elem.tpe match - case ref: CaptureRef => - if !ref.canBeTracked then - report.error(em"$elem cannot be tracked since it is not a parameter or local value", elem.srcPos) - case tpe => - report.error(em"$elem: $tpe is not a legal element of a capture set", elem.srcPos) - - /** If `tp` is a capturing type, check that all references it mentions have non-empty - * capture sets. Also: warn about redundant capture annotations. - * This check is performed after capture sets are computed in phase cc. - */ - def checkWellformedPost(tp: Type, pos: SrcPos)(using Context): Unit = tp match - case CapturingType(parent, refs) => - for ref <- refs.elems do - if ref.captureSetOfInfo.elems.isEmpty then - report.error(em"$ref cannot be tracked since its capture set is empty", pos) - else if parent.captureSet.accountsFor(ref) then - report.warning(em"redundant capture: $parent already accounts for $ref", pos) - case _ => - - /** Warn if `ann`, which is a tree of a @retains annotation, defines some elements that - * are already accounted for by other elements of the same annotation. - * Note: We need to perform the check on the original annotation rather than its - * capture set since the conversion to a capture set already eliminates redundant elements. - */ - def warnIfRedundantCaptureSet(ann: Tree)(using Context): Unit = - // The lists `elems(i) :: prev.reverse :: elems(0),...,elems(i-1),elems(i+1),elems(n)` - // where `n == elems.length-1`, i <- 0..n`. - // I.e. - // choices(Nil, elems) = [[elems(i), elems(0), ..., elems(i-1), elems(i+1), .... elems(n)] | i <- 0..n] - def choices(prev: List[Tree], elems: List[Tree]): List[List[Tree]] = elems match - case Nil => Nil - case elem :: elems => - List(elem :: (prev reverse_::: elems)) ++ choices(elem :: prev, elems) - for case first :: others <- choices(Nil, retainedElems(ann)) do - val firstRef = first.toCaptureRef - val remaining = CaptureSet(*) - if remaining.accountsFor(firstRef) then - report.warning(em"redundant capture: $remaining already accounts for $firstRef", ann.srcPos) - -class CheckCaptures extends Recheck, SymTransformer: - thisPhase => - - import ast.tpd.* - import CheckCaptures.* - - def phaseName: String = "cc" - override def isEnabled(using Context) = true - - def newRechecker()(using Context) = CaptureChecker(ctx.detach) - - override def run(using Context): Unit = - if Feature.ccEnabled then - checkOverrides.traverse(ctx.compilationUnit.tpdTree) - - - override def transformSym(sym: SymDenotation)(using Context): SymDenotation = - if Synthetics.needsTransform(sym) then Synthetics.transformFromCC(sym) - else super.transformSym(sym) - - /** Check overrides again, taking capture sets into account. - * TODO: Can we avoid doing overrides checks twice? - * We need to do them here since only at this phase CaptureTypes are relevant - * But maybe we can then elide the check during the RefChecks phase under captureChecking? - */ - def checkOverrides = new TreeTraverser: - def traverse(t: Tree)(using Context) = - t match - case t: Template => checkAllOverrides(ctx.owner.asClass) - case _ => - traverseChildren(t) - - class CaptureChecker(ictx: DetachedContext) extends Rechecker(ictx): - import ast.tpd.* - - override def keepType(tree: Tree) = - super.keepType(tree) - || tree.isInstanceOf[Try] // type of `try` needs tp be checked for * escapes - - /** Instantiate capture set variables appearing contra-variantly to their - * upper approximation. - */ - private def interpolator(startingVariance: Int = 1)(using Context) = new TypeTraverser: - variance = startingVariance - override def traverse(t: Type) = - t match - case CapturingType(parent, refs: CaptureSet.Var) => - if variance < 0 then - capt.println(i"solving $t") - refs.solve() - traverse(parent) - case t @ RefinedType(_, nme.apply, rinfo) if defn.isFunctionOrPolyType(t) => - traverse(rinfo) - case tp: TypeVar => - case tp: TypeRef => - traverse(tp.prefix) - case _ => - traverseChildren(t) - - /** If `tpt` is an inferred type, interpolate capture set variables appearing contra- - * variantly in it. - */ - private def interpolateVarsIn(tpt: Tree)(using Context): Unit = - if tpt.isInstanceOf[InferredTypeTree] then - interpolator().traverse(tpt.knownType) - .showing(i"solved vars in ${tpt.knownType}", capt)(using null) - - /** Assert subcapturing `cs1 <: cs2` */ - def assertSub(cs1: CaptureSet, cs2: CaptureSet)(using Context) = - assert(cs1.subCaptures(cs2, frozen = false).isOK, i"$cs1 is not a subset of $cs2") - - /** Check subcapturing `{elem} <: cs`, report error on failure */ - def checkElem(elem: CaptureRef, cs: CaptureSet, pos: SrcPos)(using Context) = - val res = elem.singletonCaptureSet.subCaptures(cs, frozen = false) - if !res.isOK then - report.error(em"$elem cannot be referenced here; it is not included in the allowed capture set ${res.blocking}", pos) - - /** Check subcapturing `cs1 <: cs2`, report error on failure */ - def checkSubset(cs1: CaptureSet, cs2: CaptureSet, pos: SrcPos)(using Context) = - val res = cs1.subCaptures(cs2, frozen = false) - if !res.isOK then - def header = - if cs1.elems.size == 1 then i"reference ${cs1.elems.toList}%, % is not" - else i"references $cs1 are not all" - report.error(em"$header included in allowed capture set ${res.blocking}", pos) - - /** The current environment */ - private var curEnv: Env = Env(NoSymbol, nestedInOwner = false, CaptureSet.empty, isBoxed = false, null) - - private val myCapturedVars: util.EqHashMap[Symbol, CaptureSet] = EqHashMap() - - /** If `sym` is a class or method nested inside a term, a capture set variable representing - * the captured variables of the environment associated with `sym`. - */ - def capturedVars(sym: Symbol)(using Context) = - myCapturedVars.getOrElseUpdate(sym, - if sym.ownersIterator.exists(_.isTerm) then CaptureSet.Var() - else CaptureSet.empty) - - /** For all nested environments up to `limit` perform `op` */ - def forallOuterEnvsUpTo(limit: Symbol)(op: Env => Unit)(using Context): Unit = - def recur(env: Env): Unit = - if env.isOpen && env.owner != limit then - op(env) - if !env.isOutermost then - var nextEnv = env.outer - if env.owner.isConstructor then - if nextEnv.owner != limit && !nextEnv.isOutermost then - recur(nextEnv.outer) - else recur(nextEnv) - recur(curEnv) - - /** Include `sym` in the capture sets of all enclosing environments nested in the - * the environment in which `sym` is defined. - */ - def markFree(sym: Symbol, pos: SrcPos)(using Context): Unit = - if sym.exists then - val ref = sym.termRef - if ref.isTracked then - forallOuterEnvsUpTo(sym.enclosure) { env => - capt.println(i"Mark $sym with cs ${ref.captureSet} free in ${env.owner}") - checkElem(ref, env.captured, pos) - } - - /** Make sure (projected) `cs` is a subset of the capture sets of all enclosing - * environments. At each stage, only include references from `cs` that are outside - * the environment's owner - */ - def markFree(cs: CaptureSet, pos: SrcPos)(using Context): Unit = - if !cs.isAlwaysEmpty then - forallOuterEnvsUpTo(ctx.owner.topLevelClass) { env => - val included = cs.filter { - case ref: TermRef => - (env.nestedInOwner || env.owner != ref.symbol.owner) - && env.owner.isContainedIn(ref.symbol.owner) - case ref: ThisType => - (env.nestedInOwner || env.owner != ref.cls) - && env.owner.isContainedIn(ref.cls) - case _ => false - } - capt.println(i"Include call capture $included in ${env.owner}") - checkSubset(included, env.captured, pos) - } - - /** Include references captured by the called method in the current environment stack */ - def includeCallCaptures(sym: Symbol, pos: SrcPos)(using Context): Unit = - if sym.exists && curEnv.isOpen then markFree(capturedVars(sym), pos) - - override def recheckIdent(tree: Ident)(using Context): Type = - if then includeCallCaptures(tree.symbol, tree.srcPos) - else markFree(tree.symbol, tree.srcPos) - super.recheckIdent(tree) - - /** A specialized implementation of the selection rule. - * - * E |- f: Cf f { m: Cr R } - * ------------------------ - * E |- f.m: C R - * - * The implementation picks as `C` one of `{f}` or `Cr`, depending on the - * outcome of a `mightSubcapture` test. It picks `{f}` if this might subcapture Cr - * and Cr otherwise. - */ - override def recheckSelection(tree: Select, qualType: Type, name: Name, pt: Type)(using Context) = { - def disambiguate(denot: Denotation): Denotation = denot match - case MultiDenotation(denot1, denot2) => - // This case can arise when we try to merge multiple types that have different - // capture sets on some part. For instance an asSeenFrom might produce - // a bi-mapped capture set arising from a substition. Applying the same substitution - // to the same type twice will nevertheless produce different capture setsw which can - // lead to a failure in disambiguation since neither alternative is better than the - // other in a frozen constraint. An example test case is disambiguate-select.scala. - // We address the problem by disambiguating while ignoring all capture sets as a fallback. - withMode(Mode.IgnoreCaptures) { - disambiguate(denot1).meet(disambiguate(denot2), qualType) - } - case _ => denot - - val selType = recheckSelection(tree, qualType, name, disambiguate) - val selCs = selType.widen.captureSet - if selCs.isAlwaysEmpty || selType.widen.isBoxedCapturing || qualType.isBoxedCapturing then - selType - else - val qualCs = qualType.captureSet - capt.println(i"intersect $qualType, ${selType.widen}, $qualCs, $selCs in $tree") - if qualCs.mightSubcapture(selCs) - && !selCs.mightSubcapture(qualCs) - && !pt.stripCapturing.isInstanceOf[SingletonType] - then - selType.widen.stripCapturing.capturing(qualCs) - .showing(i"alternate type for select $tree: $selType --> $result, $qualCs / $selCs", capt) - else - selType - }//.showing(i"recheck sel $tree, $qualType = $result") - - /** A specialized implementation of the apply rule. - * - * E |- f: Cf (Ra -> Cr Rr) - * E |- a: Ca Ra - * ------------------------ - * E |- f a: C Rr - * - * The implementation picks as `C` one of `{f, a}` or `Cr`, depending on the - * outcome of a `mightSubcapture` test. It picks `{f, a}` if this might subcapture Cr - * and Cr otherwise. - */ - override def recheckApply(tree: Apply, pt: Type)(using Context): Type = - val meth = - includeCallCaptures(meth, tree.srcPos) - def mapArgUsing(f: Type => Type) = - val arg :: Nil = tree.args: @unchecked - val argType0 = f(recheckStart(arg, pt)) - val argType = super.recheckFinish(argType0, arg, pt) - super.recheckFinish(argType, tree, pt) - - if meth == defn.Caps_unsafeBox then - mapArgUsing(_.forceBoxStatus(true)) - else if meth == defn.Caps_unsafeUnbox then - mapArgUsing(_.forceBoxStatus(false)) - else if meth == defn.Caps_unsafeBoxFunArg then - mapArgUsing { - case defn.FunctionOf(paramtpe :: Nil, restpe, isContectual, isErased) => - defn.FunctionOf(paramtpe.forceBoxStatus(true) :: Nil, restpe, isContectual, isErased) - } - else - super.recheckApply(tree, pt) match - case appType @ CapturingType(appType1, refs) => - match - case Select(qual, _) - if ! - && !qual.tpe.isBoxedCapturing - && !tree.args.exists(_.tpe.isBoxedCapturing) - && qual.tpe.captureSet.mightSubcapture(refs) - && tree.args.forall(_.tpe.captureSet.mightSubcapture(refs)) - => - val callCaptures = tree.args.foldLeft(qual.tpe.captureSet)((cs, arg) => - cs ++ arg.tpe.captureSet) - appType.derivedCapturingType(appType1, callCaptures) - .showing(i"narrow $tree: $appType, refs = $refs, qual = ${qual.tpe.captureSet} --> $result", capt) - case _ => appType - case appType => appType - end recheckApply - - /** Handle an application of method `sym` with type `mt` to arguments of types `argTypes`. - * This means: - * - Instantiate result type with actual arguments - * - If call is to a constructor: - * - remember types of arguments corresponding to tracked - * parameters in refinements. - * - add capture set of instantiated class to capture set of result type. - */ - override def instantiate(mt: MethodType, argTypes: List[Type], sym: Symbol)(using Context): Type = - val ownType = - if mt.isResultDependent then SubstParamsMap(mt, argTypes)(mt.resType) - else mt.resType - - if sym.isConstructor then - val cls = sym.owner.asClass - - /** First half of result pair: - * Refine the type of a constructor call `new C(t_1, ..., t_n)` - * to C{val x_1: T_1, ..., x_m: T_m} where x_1, ..., x_m are the tracked - * parameters of C and T_1, ..., T_m are the types of the corresponding arguments. - * - * Second half: union of all capture sets of arguments to tracked parameters. - */ - def addParamArgRefinements(core: Type, initCs: CaptureSet): (Type, CaptureSet) = - mt.paramNames.lazyZip(argTypes).foldLeft((core, initCs)) { (acc, refine) => - val (core, allCaptures) = acc - val (getterName, argType) = refine - val getter = - if getter.termRef.isTracked && ! - then (RefinedType(core, getterName, argType), allCaptures ++ argType.captureSet) - else (core, allCaptures) - } - - def augmentConstructorType(core: Type, initCs: CaptureSet): Type = core match - case core: MethodType => - // more parameters to follow; augment result type - core.derivedLambdaType(resType = augmentConstructorType(core.resType, initCs)) - case CapturingType(parent, refs) => - // can happen for curried constructors if instantiate of a previous step - // added capture set to result. - augmentConstructorType(parent, initCs ++ refs) - case _ => - val (refined, cs) = addParamArgRefinements(core, initCs) - refined.capturing(cs) - - augmentConstructorType(ownType, CaptureSet.empty) match - case augmented: MethodType => - augmented - case augmented => - // add capture sets of class and constructor to final result of constructor call - augmented.capturing(capturedVars(cls) ++ capturedVars(sym)) - .showing(i"constr type $mt with $argTypes%, % in $cls = $result", capt) - else ownType - end instantiate - - override def recheckClosure(tree: Closure, pt: Type)(using Context): Type = - val cs = capturedVars(tree.meth.symbol) - capt.println(i"typing closure $tree with cvs $cs") - super.recheckClosure(tree, pt).capturing(cs) - .showing(i"rechecked $tree / $pt = $result", capt) - - /** Additionally to normal processing, update types of closures if the expected type - * is a function with only pure parameters. In that case, make the anonymous function - * also have the same parameters as the prototype. - * TODO: Develop a clearer rationale for this. - * TODO: Can we generalize this to arbitrary parameters? - * Currently some tests fail if we do this. (e.g. neg.../stackAlloc.scala, others) - */ - override def recheckBlock(block: Block, pt: Type)(using Context): Type = - block match - case closureDef(mdef) => - pt.dealias match - case defn.FunctionOf(ptformals, _, _, _) - if ptformals.nonEmpty && ptformals.forall(_.captureSet.isAlwaysEmpty) => - // Redo setup of the anonymous function so that formal parameters don't - // get capture sets. This is important to avoid false widenings to `*` - // when taking the base type of the actual closures's dependent function - // type so that it conforms to the expected non-dependent function type. - // See withLogFile.scala for a test case. - val meth = mdef.symbol - // First, undo the previous setup which installed a completer for `meth`. - atPhase(preRecheckPhase.prev)(meth.denot.copySymDenotation()) - .installAfter(preRecheckPhase) - - // Next, update all parameter symbols to match expected formals - meth.paramSymss.head.lazyZip(ptformals).foreach { (psym, pformal) => - psym.updateInfoBetween(preRecheckPhase, thisPhase, pformal.mapExprType) - } - // Next, update types of parameter ValDefs - mdef.paramss.head.lazyZip(ptformals).foreach { (param, pformal) => - val ValDef(_, tpt, _) = param: @unchecked - tpt.rememberTypeAlways(pformal) - } - // Next, install a new completer reflecting the new parameters for the anonymous method - val mt =[MethodType] - val completer = new LazyType: - def complete(denot: SymDenotation)(using Context) = - = mt.companion(ptformals, mdef.tpt.knownType) - .showing(i"simplify info of $meth to $result", capt) - recheckDef(mdef, meth) - meth.updateInfoBetween(preRecheckPhase, thisPhase, completer) - case _ => - case _ => - super.recheckBlock(block, pt) - - override def recheckValDef(tree: ValDef, sym: Symbol)(using Context): Unit = - try - if ! then // Modules are checked by checking the module class - super.recheckValDef(tree, sym) - finally - if ! then - // Parameters with inferred types belong to anonymous methods. We need to wait - // for more info from the context, so we cannot interpolate. Note that we cannot - // expect to have all necessary info available at the point where the anonymous - // function is compiled since we do not propagate expected types into blocks. - interpolateVarsIn(tree.tpt) - - override def recheckDefDef(tree: DefDef, sym: Symbol)(using Context): Unit = - if !Synthetics.isExcluded(sym) then - val saved = curEnv - val localSet = capturedVars(sym) - if !localSet.isAlwaysEmpty then curEnv = Env(sym, nestedInOwner = false, localSet, isBoxed = false, curEnv) - try super.recheckDefDef(tree, sym) - finally - interpolateVarsIn(tree.tpt) - curEnv = saved - - /** Class-specific capture set relations: - * 1. The capture set of a class includes the capture sets of its parents. - * 2. The capture set of the self type of a class includes the capture set of the class. - * 3. The capture set of the self type of a class includes the capture set of every class parameter, - * unless the parameter is marked @constructorOnly. - */ - override def recheckClassDef(tree: TypeDef, impl: Template, cls: ClassSymbol)(using Context): Type = - val saved = curEnv - val localSet = capturedVars(cls) - for parent <- impl.parents do // (1) - checkSubset(capturedVars(parent.tpe.classSymbol), localSet, parent.srcPos) - if !localSet.isAlwaysEmpty then curEnv = Env(cls, nestedInOwner = false, localSet, isBoxed = false, curEnv) - try - val thisSet = cls.classInfo.selfType.captureSet.withDescription(i"of the self type of $cls") - checkSubset(localSet, thisSet, tree.srcPos) // (2) - for param <- cls.paramGetters do - if !param.hasAnnotation(defn.ConstructorOnlyAnnot) then - checkSubset(param.termRef.captureSet, thisSet, param.srcPos) // (3) - for pureBase <- cls.pureBaseClass do - checkSubset(thisSet, - CaptureSet.empty.withDescription(i"of pure base class $pureBase"), - tree.srcPos) - super.recheckClassDef(tree, impl, cls) - finally - curEnv = saved - - /** If type is of the form `T @requiresCapability(x)`, - * mark `x` as free in the current environment. This is used to require the - * correct `CanThrow` capability when encountering a `throw`. - */ - override def recheckTyped(tree: Typed)(using Context): Type = - tree.tpt.tpe match - case AnnotatedType(_, annot) if annot.symbol == defn.RequiresCapabilityAnnot => - annot.tree match - case Apply(_, cap :: Nil) => - markFree(cap.symbol, tree.srcPos) - case _ => - case _ => - super.recheckTyped(tree) - - /* Currently not needed, since capture checking takes place after ElimByName. - * Keep around in case we need to get back to it - def recheckByNameArg(tree: Tree, pt: Type)(using Context): Type = - val closureDef(mdef) = tree: @unchecked - val arg = mdef.rhs - val localSet = CaptureSet.Var() - curEnv = Env(mdef.symbol, localSet, isBoxed = false, curEnv) - val result = - try - inContext(ctx.withOwner(mdef.symbol)) { - recheckStart(arg, pt).capturing(localSet) - } - finally curEnv = curEnv.outer - recheckFinish(result, arg, pt) - */ - - /** If expected type `pt` is boxed and the tree is a function or a reference, - * don't propagate free variables. - * Otherwise, if the result type is boxed, simulate an unboxing by - * adding all references in the boxed capture set to the current environment. - */ - override def recheck(tree: Tree, pt: Type = WildcardType)(using Context): Type = - if tree.isTerm && pt.isBoxedCapturing then - val saved = curEnv - - tree match - case _: RefTree | closureDef(_) => - curEnv = Env(curEnv.owner, nestedInOwner = false, CaptureSet.Var(), isBoxed = true, curEnv) - case _ => - - try super.recheck(tree, pt) - finally curEnv = saved - else - val res = super.recheck(tree, pt) - if tree.isTerm then markFree(res.boxedCaptureSet, tree.srcPos) - res - - /** If `tree` is a reference or an application where the result type refers - * to an enclosing class or method parameter of the reference, check that the result type - * does not capture the universal capability. This is justified since the - * result type would have to be implicitly unboxed. - * TODO: Can we find a cleaner way to achieve this? Logically, this should be part - * of simulated boxing and unboxing. - */ - override def recheckFinish(tpe: Type, tree: Tree, pt: Type)(using Context): Type = - val typeToCheck = tree match - case _: Ident | _: Select | _: Apply | _: TypeApply if tree.symbol.unboxesResult => - tpe - case _: Try => - tpe - case _ => - NoType - def checkNotUniversal(tp: Type): Unit = tp.widenDealias match - case wtp @ CapturingType(parent, refs) => - refs.disallowRootCapability { () => - val kind = if tree.isInstanceOf[ValDef] then "mutable variable" else "expression" - report.error( - em"""The $kind's type $wtp is not allowed to capture the root capability `*`. - |This usually means that a capability persists longer than its allowed lifetime.""", - tree.srcPos) - } - checkNotUniversal(parent) - case _ => - checkNotUniversal(typeToCheck) - super.recheckFinish(tpe, tree, pt) - - /** Massage `actual` and `expected` types using the methods below before checking conformance */ - override def checkConformsExpr(actual: Type, expected: Type, tree: Tree)(using Context): Unit = - val expected1 = alignDependentFunction(addOuterRefs(expected, actual), actual.stripCapturing) - val actual1 = adaptBoxed(actual, expected1, tree.srcPos) - //println(i"check conforms $actual1 <<< $expected1") - super.checkConformsExpr(actual1, expected1, tree) - - private def toDepFun(args: List[Type], resultType: Type, isContextual: Boolean, isErased: Boolean)(using Context): Type = - MethodType.companion(isContextual = isContextual, isErased = isErased)(args, resultType) - .toFunctionType(isJava = false, alwaysDependent = true) - - /** Turn `expected` into a dependent function when `actual` is dependent. */ - private def alignDependentFunction(expected: Type, actual: Type)(using Context): Type = - def recur(expected: Type): Type = expected.dealias match - case expected @ CapturingType(eparent, refs) => - CapturingType(recur(eparent), refs, boxed = expected.isBoxed) - case expected @ defn.FunctionOf(args, resultType, isContextual, isErased) - if defn.isNonRefinedFunction(expected) && defn.isFunctionType(actual) && !defn.isNonRefinedFunction(actual) => - val expected1 = toDepFun(args, resultType, isContextual, isErased) - expected1 - case _ => - expected - recur(expected) - - /** For the expected type, implement the rule outlined in #14390: - * - when checking an expression `a: Ca Ta` against an expected type `Ce Te`, - * - where the capture set `Ce` contains Cls.this, - * - and where and all method definitions enclosing `a` inside class `Cls` - * have only pure parameters, - * - add to `Ce` all references to variables or this-references in `Ca` - * that are outside `Cls`. These are all accessed through `Cls.this`, - * so we can assume they are already accounted for by `Ce` and adding - * them explicitly to `Ce` changes nothing. - */ - private def addOuterRefs(expected: Type, actual: Type)(using Context): Type = - def isPure(info: Type): Boolean = info match - case info: PolyType => isPure(info.resType) - case info: MethodType => info.paramInfos.forall(_.captureSet.isAlwaysEmpty) && isPure(info.resType) - case _ => true - def isPureContext(owner: Symbol, limit: Symbol): Boolean = - if owner == limit then true - else if !owner.exists then false - else isPure( && isPureContext(owner.owner, limit) - def augment(erefs: CaptureSet, arefs: CaptureSet): CaptureSet = - (erefs /: erefs.elems) { (erefs, eref) => - eref match - case eref: ThisType if isPureContext(ctx.owner, eref.cls) => - erefs ++ arefs.filter { - case aref: TermRef => eref.cls.isProperlyContainedIn(aref.symbol.owner) - case aref: ThisType => eref.cls.isProperlyContainedIn(aref.cls) - case _ => false - } - case _ => - erefs - } - expected match - case CapturingType(ecore, erefs) => - val erefs1 = augment(erefs, actual.captureSet) - if erefs1 ne erefs then - capt.println(i"augmented $expected from ${actual.captureSet} --> $erefs1") - expected.derivedCapturingType(ecore, erefs1) - case _ => - expected - - /** Adapt `actual` type to `expected` type by inserting boxing and unboxing conversions */ - def adaptBoxed(actual: Type, expected: Type, pos: SrcPos)(using Context): Type = - - /** Adapt function type `actual`, which is `aargs -> ares` (possibly with dependencies) - * to `expected` type. - * It returns the adapted type along with the additionally captured variable - * during adaptation. - * @param reconstruct how to rebuild the adapted function type - */ - def adaptFun(actual: Type, aargs: List[Type], ares: Type, expected: Type, - covariant: Boolean, boxed: Boolean, - reconstruct: (List[Type], Type) => Type): (Type, CaptureSet) = - val saved = curEnv - curEnv = Env(curEnv.owner, nestedInOwner = true, CaptureSet.Var(), isBoxed = false, if boxed then null else curEnv) - - try - val (eargs, eres) = expected.dealias.stripCapturing match - case defn.FunctionOf(eargs, eres, _, _) => (eargs, eres) - case expected: MethodType => (expected.paramInfos, expected.resType) - case expected @ RefinedType(_, _, rinfo: MethodType) if defn.isFunctionType(expected) => (rinfo.paramInfos, rinfo.resType) - case _ => ( => WildcardType), WildcardType) - val aargs1 = aargs.zipWithConserve(eargs) { (aarg, earg) => adapt(aarg, earg, !covariant) } - val ares1 = adapt(ares, eres, covariant) - - val resTp = - if (ares1 eq ares) && (aargs1 eq aargs) then actual - else reconstruct(aargs1, ares1) - - (resTp, curEnv.captured) - finally - curEnv = saved - - /** Adapt type function type `actual` to the expected type. - * @see [[adaptFun]] - */ - def adaptTypeFun( - actual: Type, ares: Type, expected: Type, - covariant: Boolean, boxed: Boolean, - reconstruct: Type => Type): (Type, CaptureSet) = - val saved = curEnv - curEnv = Env(curEnv.owner, nestedInOwner = true, CaptureSet.Var(), isBoxed = false, if boxed then null else curEnv) - - try - val eres = expected.dealias.stripCapturing match - case RefinedType(_, _, rinfo: PolyType) => rinfo.resType - case expected: PolyType => expected.resType - case _ => WildcardType - - val ares1 = adapt(ares, eres, covariant) - - val resTp = - if ares1 eq ares then actual - else reconstruct(ares1) - - (resTp, curEnv.captured) - finally - curEnv = saved - end adaptTypeFun - - def adaptInfo(actual: Type, expected: Type, covariant: Boolean): String = - val arrow = if covariant then "~~>" else "<~~" - i"adapting $actual $arrow $expected" - - /** Destruct a capturing type `tp` to a tuple (cs, tp0, boxed), - * where `tp0` is not a capturing type. - * - * If `tp` is a nested capturing type, the return tuple always represents - * the innermost capturing type. The outer capture annotations can be - * reconstructed with the returned function. - */ - def destructCapturingType(tp: Type, reconstruct: Type -> Context ?-> Type = (x: Type) => x) // !cc! need monomorphic default argument - : (Type, CaptureSet, Boolean, Type -> Context ?-> Type) = - tp.dealias match - case tp @ CapturingType(parent, cs) => - if parent.dealias.isCapturingType then - destructCapturingType(parent, res => reconstruct(tp.derivedCapturingType(res, cs))) - else - (parent, cs, tp.isBoxed, reconstruct) - case actual => - (actual, CaptureSet(), false, reconstruct) - - def adapt(actual: Type, expected: Type, covariant: Boolean): Type = trace(adaptInfo(actual, expected, covariant), recheckr, show = true) { - if expected.isInstanceOf[WildcardType] then actual - else - val (parent, cs, actualIsBoxed, recon: (Type -> Context ?-> Type)) = destructCapturingType(actual) - - val needsAdaptation = actualIsBoxed != expected.isBoxedCapturing - val insertBox = needsAdaptation && covariant != actualIsBoxed - - val (parent1, cs1) = parent match { - case actual @ AppliedType(tycon, args) if defn.isNonRefinedFunction(actual) => - val (parent1, leaked) = adaptFun(parent, args.init, args.last, expected, covariant, insertBox, - (aargs1, ares1) => actual.derivedAppliedType(tycon, aargs1 :+ ares1)) - (parent1, leaked ++ cs) - case actual @ RefinedType(_, _, rinfo: MethodType) if defn.isFunctionType(actual) => - // TODO Find a way to combine handling of generic and dependent function types (here and elsewhere) - val (parent1, leaked) = adaptFun(parent, rinfo.paramInfos, rinfo.resType, expected, covariant, insertBox, - (aargs1, ares1) => - rinfo.derivedLambdaType(paramInfos = aargs1, resType = ares1) - .toFunctionType(isJava = false, alwaysDependent = true)) - (parent1, leaked ++ cs) - case actual: MethodType => - val (parent1, leaked) = adaptFun(parent, actual.paramInfos, actual.resType, expected, covariant, insertBox, - (aargs1, ares1) => - actual.derivedLambdaType(paramInfos = aargs1, resType = ares1)) - (parent1, leaked ++ cs) - case actual @ RefinedType(p, nme, rinfo: PolyType) if defn.isFunctionOrPolyType(actual) => - val (parent1, leaked) = adaptTypeFun(parent, rinfo.resType, expected, covariant, insertBox, - ares1 => - val rinfo1 = rinfo.derivedLambdaType(rinfo.paramNames, rinfo.paramInfos, ares1) - val actual1 = actual.derivedRefinedType(p, nme, rinfo1) - actual1 - ) - (parent1, leaked ++ cs) - case _ => - (parent, cs) - } - - if needsAdaptation then - val criticalSet = // the set which is not allowed to have `*` - if covariant then cs1 // can't box with `*` - else expected.captureSet // can't unbox with `*` - if criticalSet.isUniversal && expected.isValueType then - // We can't box/unbox the universal capability. Leave `actual` as it is - // so we get an error in checkConforms. This tends to give better error - // messages than disallowing the root capability in `criticalSet`. - if ctx.settings.YccDebug.value then - println(i"cannot box/unbox $actual vs $expected") - actual - else - // Disallow future addition of `*` to `criticalSet`. - criticalSet.disallowRootCapability { () => - report.error( - em"""$actual cannot be box-converted to $expected - |since one of their capture sets contains the root capability `*`""", - pos) - } - if !insertBox then // unboxing - markFree(criticalSet, pos) - recon(CapturingType(parent1, cs1, !actualIsBoxed)) - else - recon(CapturingType(parent1, cs1, actualIsBoxed)) - } - - var actualw = actual.widenDealias - actual match - case ref: CaptureRef if ref.isTracked => - actualw match - case CapturingType(p, refs) => - actualw = actualw.derivedCapturingType(p, ref.singletonCaptureSet) - // given `a: C T`, improve `C T` to `{a} T` - case _ => - case _ => - val adapted = adapt(actualw, expected, covariant = true) - if adapted ne actualw then - capt.println(i"adapt boxed $actual vs $expected ===> $adapted") - adapted - else actual - end adaptBoxed - - override def checkUnit(unit: CompilationUnit)(using Context): Unit = - Setup(preRecheckPhase, thisPhase, recheckDef) - .traverse(ctx.compilationUnit.tpdTree) - //println(i"SETUP:\n${Recheck.addRecheckedTypes.transform(ctx.compilationUnit.tpdTree)}") - withCaptureSetsExplained { - super.checkUnit(unit) - checkSelfTypes(unit.tpdTree) - postCheck(unit.tpdTree) - if ctx.settings.YccDebug.value then - show(unit.tpdTree) // this does not print tree, but makes its variables visible for dependency printing - } - - /** Check that self types of subclasses conform to self types of super classes. - * (See comment below how this is achieved). The check assumes that classes - * without an explicit self type have the universal capture set `{*}` on the - * self type. If a class without explicit self type is not `effectivelyFinal` - * it is checked that the inferred self type is universal, in order to assure - * that joint and separate compilation give the same result. - */ - def checkSelfTypes(unit: tpd.Tree)(using Context): Unit = - val parentTrees = mutable.HashMap[Symbol, List[Tree]]() - unit.foreachSubTree { - case cdef @ TypeDef(_, impl: Template) => parentTrees(cdef.symbol) = impl.parents - case _ => - } - // Perform self type checking. The problem here is that `checkParents` compares a - // self type of a subclass with the result of an asSeenFrom of the self type of the - // superclass. That's no good. We need to constrain the original superclass self type - // capture set, not the set mapped by asSeenFrom. - // - // Instead, we proceed from parent classes to child classes. For every class - // we first check its parents, and then interpolate the self type to an - // upper approximation that satisfies all constraints on its capture set. - // That means all capture sets of parent self types are constants, so mapping - // them with asSeenFrom is OK. - while parentTrees.nonEmpty do - val roots = parentTrees.keysIterator.filter { - cls => !parentTrees(cls).exists(ptree => parentTrees.contains(ptree.tpe.classSymbol)) - } - assert(roots.nonEmpty) - for case root: ClassSymbol <- roots do - checkSelfAgainstParents(root, root.baseClasses) - val selfType = root.asClass.classInfo.selfType - interpolator(startingVariance = -1).traverse(selfType) - if !root.isEffectivelySealed then - def matchesExplicitRefsInBaseClass(refs: CaptureSet, cls: ClassSymbol): Boolean = - cls.baseClasses.tail.exists { psym => - val selfType = psym.asClass.givenSelfType - selfType.exists && selfType.captureSet.elems == refs.elems - } - selfType match - case CapturingType(_, refs: CaptureSet.Var) - if !refs.isUniversal && !matchesExplicitRefsInBaseClass(refs, root) => - // Forbid inferred self types unless they are already implied by an explicit - // self type in a parent. - report.error( - em"""$root needs an explicitly declared self type since its - |inferred self type $selfType - |is not visible in other compilation units that define subclasses.""", - root.srcPos) - case _ => - parentTrees -= root - capt.println(i"checked $root with $selfType") - end checkSelfTypes - - /** Heal ill-formed capture sets in the type parameter. - * - * We can push parameter refs into a capture set in type parameters - * that this type parameter can't see. - * For example, when capture checking the following expression: - * - * def usingLogFile[T](op: (f: {*} File) => T): T = ... - * - * usingLogFile[box ?1 () -> Unit] { (f: {*} File) => () => { f.write(0) } } - * - * We may propagate `f` into ?1, making ?1 ill-formed. - * This also causes soundness issues, since `f` in ?1 should be widened to `*`, - * giving rise to an error that `*` cannot be included in a boxed capture set. - * - * To solve this, we still allow ?1 to capture parameter refs like `f`, but - * compensate this by pushing the widened capture set of `f` into ?1. - * This solves the soundness issue caused by the ill-formness of ?1. - */ - private def healTypeParam(tree: Tree)(using Context): Unit = - val checker = new TypeTraverser: - private def isAllowed(ref: CaptureRef): Boolean = ref match - case ref: TermParamRef => allowed.contains(ref) - case _ => true - - // Widen the given term parameter refs x₁ : C₁ S₁ , ⋯ , xₙ : Cₙ Sₙ to their capture sets C₁ , ⋯ , Cₙ. - // - // If in these capture sets there are any capture references that are term parameter references we should avoid, - // we will widen them recursively. - private def widenParamRefs(refs: List[TermParamRef]): List[CaptureSet] = - @scala.annotation.tailrec - def recur(todos: List[TermParamRef], acc: List[CaptureSet]): List[CaptureSet] = - todos match - case Nil => acc - case ref :: rem => - val cs = ref.captureSetOfInfo - val nextAcc = cs.filter(isAllowed(_)) :: acc - val nextRem: List[TermParamRef] = (cs.elems.toList.filter(!isAllowed(_)) ++ rem).asInstanceOf - recur(nextRem, nextAcc) - recur(refs, Nil) - - private def healCaptureSet(cs: CaptureSet): Unit = - val toInclude = widenParamRefs(cs.elems.toList.filter(!isAllowed(_)).asInstanceOf) - toInclude.foreach(checkSubset(_, cs, tree.srcPos)) - - private var allowed: SimpleIdentitySet[TermParamRef] = SimpleIdentitySet.empty - - def traverse(tp: Type) = - tp match - case CapturingType(parent, refs) => - healCaptureSet(refs) - traverse(parent) - case tp @ RefinedType(parent, rname, rinfo: MethodType) if defn.isFunctionType(tp) => - traverse(rinfo) - case tp: TermLambda => - val saved = allowed - try - tp.paramRefs.foreach(allowed += _) - traverseChildren(tp) - finally allowed = saved - case _ => - traverseChildren(tp) - - if tree.isInstanceOf[InferredTypeTree] then - checker.traverse(tree.knownType) - end healTypeParam - - /** Perform the following kinds of checks - * - Check all explicitly written capturing types for well-formedness using `checkWellFormedPost`. - * - Check that externally visible `val`s or `def`s have empty capture sets. If not, - * suggest an explicit type. This is so that separate compilation (where external - * symbols have empty capture sets) gives the same results as joint compilation. - * - Check that arguments of TypeApplys and AppliedTypes conform to their bounds. - * - Heal ill-formed capture sets of type parameters. See `healTypeParam`. - */ - def postCheck(unit: tpd.Tree)(using Context): Unit = - unit.foreachSubTree { - case _: InferredTypeTree => - case tree: TypeTree if !tree.span.isZeroExtent => - tree.knownType.foreachPart { tp => - checkWellformedPost(tp, tree.srcPos) - tp match - case AnnotatedType(_, annot) if annot.symbol == defn.RetainsAnnot => - warnIfRedundantCaptureSet(annot.tree) - case _ => - } - case t: ValOrDefDef - if t.tpt.isInstanceOf[InferredTypeTree] && !Synthetics.isExcluded(t.symbol) => - val sym = t.symbol - val isLocal = - sym.owner.ownersIterator.exists(_.isTerm) - || sym.accessBoundary(defn.RootClass).isContainedIn(sym.topLevelClass) - def canUseInferred = // If canUseInferred is false, all capturing types in the type of `sym` need to be given explicitly - // private symbols can always have inferred types - || // default getters are exempted since otherwise it would be - // too annoying. This is a hole since a defualt getter's result type - // might leak into a type variable. - || // non-local symbols cannot have inferred types since external capture types are not inferred - isLocal // local symbols still need explicit types if - && ! // they are defined in a trait, since we do OverridingPairs checking before capture inference - def isNotPureThis(ref: CaptureRef) = ref match { - case ref: ThisType => !ref.cls.isPureClass - case _ => true - } - if !canUseInferred then - val inferred = t.tpt.knownType - def checkPure(tp: Type) = tp match - case CapturingType(_, refs) - if !refs.elems.filter(isNotPureThis).isEmpty => - val resultStr = if t.isInstanceOf[DefDef] then " result" else "" - report.error( - em"""Non-local $sym cannot have an inferred$resultStr type - |$inferred - |with non-empty capture set $refs. - |The type needs to be declared explicitly.""".withoutDisambiguation(), - t.srcPos) - case _ => - inferred.foreachPart(checkPure, StopAt.Static) - case t @ TypeApply(fun, args) => - fun.knownType.widen match - case tl: PolyType => - val normArgs = args.lazyZip(tl.paramInfos).map { (arg, bounds) => - arg.withType(arg.knownType.forceBoxStatus( - bounds.hi.isBoxedCapturing | bounds.lo.isBoxedCapturing)) - } - checkBounds(normArgs, tl) - case _ => - - args.foreach(healTypeParam(_)) - case _ => - } - if !ctx.reporter.errorsReported then - // We dont report errors here if previous errors were reported, because other - // errors often result in bad applied types, but flagging these bad types gives - // often worse error messages than the original errors. - val checkApplied = new TreeTraverser: - def traverse(t: Tree)(using Context) = t match - case tree: InferredTypeTree => - case tree: New => - case tree: TypeTree => checkAppliedTypesIn(tree.withKnownType) - case _ => traverseChildren(t) - checkApplied.traverse(unit) - end CaptureChecker -end CheckCaptures diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/cc/Setup.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/cc/Setup.scala deleted file mode 100644 index a91831022984..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/cc/Setup.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,482 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc -package cc - -import core._ -import Phases.*, DenotTransformers.*, SymDenotations.* -import Contexts.*, Names.*, Flags.*, Symbols.*, Decorators.* -import Types.*, StdNames.* -import config.Printers.capt -import ast.tpd -import transform.Recheck.* -import CaptureSet.IdentityCaptRefMap -import Synthetics.isExcluded - -/** A tree traverser that prepares a compilation unit to be capture checked. - * It does the following: - * - For every inferred type, drop any retains annotations, - * add capture sets to all its parts, add refinements to class types and function types. - * (c.f. mapInferred) - * - For explicit capturing types, expand throws aliases to the underlying (pure) function, - * and add some implied capture sets to curried functions (c.f. expandThrowsAlias, expandAbbreviations). - * - Add capture sets to self types of classes and objects, unless the self type was written explicitly. - * - Box the types of mutable variables and type arguments to methods (type arguments of types - * are boxed on access). - * - Link the external types of val and def symbols with the inferred types based on their parameter symbols. - */ -class Setup( - preRecheckPhase: DenotTransformer, - thisPhase: DenotTransformer, - recheckDef: (tpd.ValOrDefDef, Symbol) => Context ?=> Unit) -extends tpd.TreeTraverser: - import tpd.* - - /** Create dependent function with underlying function class `tycon` and given - * arguments `argTypes` and result `resType`. - */ - private def depFun(tycon: Type, argTypes: List[Type], resType: Type)(using Context): Type = - MethodType.companion( - isContextual = defn.isContextFunctionClass(tycon.classSymbol), - isErased = defn.isErasedFunctionClass(tycon.classSymbol) - )(argTypes, resType) - .toFunctionType(isJava = false, alwaysDependent = true) - - /** If `tp` is an unboxed capturing type or a function returning an unboxed capturing type, - * convert it to be boxed. - */ - private def box(tp: Type)(using Context): Type = - def recur(tp: Type): Type = tp.dealias match - case tp @ CapturingType(parent, refs) if !tp.isBoxed => - tp.boxed - case tp1 @ AppliedType(tycon, args) if defn.isNonRefinedFunction(tp1) => - val res = args.last - val boxedRes = recur(res) - if boxedRes eq res then tp - else tp1.derivedAppliedType(tycon, args.init :+ boxedRes) - case tp1 @ RefinedType(_, _, rinfo) if defn.isFunctionType(tp1) => - val boxedRinfo = recur(rinfo) - if boxedRinfo eq rinfo then tp - else boxedRinfo.toFunctionType(isJava = false, alwaysDependent = true) - case tp1: MethodOrPoly => - val res = tp1.resType - val boxedRes = recur(res) - if boxedRes eq res then tp - else tp1.derivedLambdaType(resType = boxedRes) - case _ => tp - tp match - case tp: MethodOrPoly => tp // don't box results of methods outside refinements - case _ => recur(tp) - - /** Perform the following transformation steps everywhere in a type: - * 1. Drop retains annotations - * 2. Turn plain function types into dependent function types, so that - * we can refer to their parameters in capture sets. Currently this is - * only done at the toplevel, i.e. for function types that are not - * themselves argument types of other function types. Without this restriction - * pos.../lists.scala and pos/...curried-shorthands.scala fail. - * Need to figure out why. - * 3. Refine other class types C by adding capture set variables to their parameter getters - * (see addCaptureRefinements) - * 4. Add capture set variables to all types that can be tracked - * - * Polytype bounds are only cleaned using step 1, but not otherwise transformed. - */ - private def mapInferred(using DetachedContext) = new TypeMap: - - /** Drop @retains annotations everywhere */ - object cleanup extends TypeMap: - def apply(t: Type) = t match - case AnnotatedType(parent, annot) if annot.symbol == defn.RetainsAnnot => - apply(parent) - case _ => - mapOver(t) - - /** Refine a possibly applied class type C where the class has tracked parameters - * x_1: T_1, ..., x_n: T_n to C { val x_1: CV_1 T_1, ..., val x_n: CV_n T_n } - * where CV_1, ..., CV_n are fresh capture sets. - */ - def addCaptureRefinements(tp: Type): Type = tp match - case _: TypeRef | _: AppliedType if tp.typeParams.isEmpty => - tp.typeSymbol match - case cls: ClassSymbol - if !defn.isFunctionClass(cls) && ! => - // We assume that Java classes can refer to capturing Scala types only indirectly, - // using type parameters. Hence, no need to refine them. - cls.paramGetters.foldLeft(tp) { (core, getter) => - if getter.termRef.isTracked then - val getterType = tp.memberInfo(getter).strippedDealias - RefinedType(core,, CapturingType(getterType, CaptureSet.Var())) - .showing(i"add capture refinement $tp --> $result", capt) - else - core - } - case _ => tp - case _ => tp - - private def superTypeIsImpure(tp: Type): Boolean = { - tp.dealias match - case CapturingType(_, refs) => - !refs.isAlwaysEmpty - case tp: (TypeRef | AppliedType) => - val sym = tp.typeSymbol - if sym.isClass then - sym == defn.AnyClass - // we assume Any is a shorthand of {*} Any, so if Any is an upper - // bound, the type is taken to be impure. - else superTypeIsImpure(tp.superType) - case tp: (RefinedOrRecType | MatchType) => - superTypeIsImpure(tp.underlying) - case tp: AndType => - superTypeIsImpure(tp.tp1) || needsVariable(tp.tp2) - case tp: OrType => - superTypeIsImpure(tp.tp1) && superTypeIsImpure(tp.tp2) - case _ => - false - }.showing(i"super type is impure $tp = $result", capt) - - /** Should a capture set variable be added on type `tp`? */ - def needsVariable(tp: Type): Boolean = { - tp.typeParams.isEmpty && tp.match - case tp: (TypeRef | AppliedType) => - val tp1 = tp.dealias - if tp1 ne tp then needsVariable(tp1) - else - val sym = tp1.typeSymbol - if sym.isClass then - !sym.isPureClass && sym != defn.AnyClass - else superTypeIsImpure(tp1) - case tp: (RefinedOrRecType | MatchType) => - needsVariable(tp.underlying) - case tp: AndType => - needsVariable(tp.tp1) && needsVariable(tp.tp2) - case tp: OrType => - needsVariable(tp.tp1) || needsVariable(tp.tp2) - case CapturingType(parent, refs) => - needsVariable(parent) - && refs.isConst // if refs is a variable, no need to add another - && !refs.isUniversal // if refs is {*}, an added variable would not change anything - case _ => - false - }.showing(i"can have inferred capture $tp = $result", capt) - - /** Add a capture set variable to `tp` if necessary, or maybe pull out - * an embedded capture set variable from a part of `tp`. - */ - def addVar(tp: Type) = tp match - case tp @ RefinedType(parent @ CapturingType(parent1, refs), rname, rinfo) => - CapturingType(tp.derivedRefinedType(parent1, rname, rinfo), refs, parent.isBoxed) - case tp: RecType => - tp.parent match - case parent @ CapturingType(parent1, refs) => - CapturingType(tp.derivedRecType(parent1), refs, parent.isBoxed) - case _ => - tp // can return `tp` here since unlike RefinedTypes, RecTypes are never created - // by `mapInferred`. Hence if the underlying type admits capture variables - // a variable was already added, and the first case above would apply. - case AndType(tp1 @ CapturingType(parent1, refs1), tp2 @ CapturingType(parent2, refs2)) => - assert(refs1.asVar.elems.isEmpty) - assert(refs2.asVar.elems.isEmpty) - assert(tp1.isBoxed == tp2.isBoxed) - CapturingType(AndType(parent1, parent2), refs1 ** refs2, tp1.isBoxed) - case tp @ OrType(tp1 @ CapturingType(parent1, refs1), tp2 @ CapturingType(parent2, refs2)) => - assert(refs1.asVar.elems.isEmpty) - assert(refs2.asVar.elems.isEmpty) - assert(tp1.isBoxed == tp2.isBoxed) - CapturingType(OrType(parent1, parent2, tp.isSoft), refs1 ++ refs2, tp1.isBoxed) - case tp @ OrType(tp1 @ CapturingType(parent1, refs1), tp2) => - CapturingType(OrType(parent1, tp2, tp.isSoft), refs1, tp1.isBoxed) - case tp @ OrType(tp1, tp2 @ CapturingType(parent2, refs2)) => - CapturingType(OrType(tp1, parent2, tp.isSoft), refs2, tp2.isBoxed) - case _ if needsVariable(tp) => - val cs = tp.dealias match - case CapturingType(_, refs) => CaptureSet.Var(refs.elems) - case _ => CaptureSet.Var() - CapturingType(tp, cs) - case _ => - tp - - private var isTopLevel = true - - private def mapNested(ts: List[Type]): List[Type] = - val saved = isTopLevel - isTopLevel = false - try ts.mapConserve(this) finally isTopLevel = saved - - def apply(t: Type) = - val tp = expandThrowsAlias(t) - val tp1 = tp match - case AnnotatedType(parent, annot) if annot.symbol == defn.RetainsAnnot => - // Drop explicit retains annotations - apply(parent) - case tp @ AppliedType(tycon, args) => - val tycon1 = this(tycon) - if defn.isNonRefinedFunction(tp) then - // Convert toplevel generic function types to dependent functions - val args0 = args.init - var res0 = args.last - val args1 = mapNested(args0) - val res1 = this(res0) - if isTopLevel then - depFun(tycon1, args1, res1) - .showing(i"add function refinement $tp --> $result", capt) - else if (tycon1 eq tycon) && (args1 eq args0) && (res1 eq res0) then - tp - else - tp.derivedAppliedType(tycon1, args1 :+ res1) - else - tp.derivedAppliedType(tycon1, args.mapConserve(arg => this(arg))) - case tp @ RefinedType(core, rname, rinfo) if defn.isFunctionType(tp) => - val rinfo1 = apply(rinfo) - if rinfo1 ne rinfo then rinfo1.toFunctionType(isJava = false, alwaysDependent = true) - else tp - case tp: MethodType => - tp.derivedLambdaType( - paramInfos = mapNested(tp.paramInfos), - resType = this(tp.resType)) - case tp: TypeLambda => - // Don't recurse into parameter bounds, just cleanup any stray retains annotations - tp.derivedLambdaType( - paramInfos = tp.paramInfos.mapConserve(cleanup(_).bounds), - resType = this(tp.resType)) - case _ => - mapOver(tp) - addVar(addCaptureRefinements(tp1)) - end apply - end mapInferred - - private def transformInferredType(tp: Type, boxed: Boolean)(using Context): Type = - val tp1 = mapInferred(tp) - if boxed then box(tp1) else tp1 - - /** Expand some aliases of function types to the underlying functions. - * Right now, these are only $throws aliases, but this could be generalized. - */ - private def expandThrowsAlias(tp: Type)(using Context) = tp match - case AppliedType(tycon, res :: exc :: Nil) if tycon.typeSymbol == defn.throwsAlias => - // hard-coded expansion since $throws aliases in stdlib are defined with `?=>` rather than `?->` - defn.FunctionOf(defn.CanThrowClass.typeRef.appliedTo(exc) :: Nil, res, isContextual = true, isErased = true) - case _ => tp - - private def expandThrowsAliases(using DetachedContext) = new TypeMap: - def apply(t: Type) = t match - case _: AppliedType => - val t1 = expandThrowsAlias(t) - if t1 ne t then apply(t1) else mapOver(t) - case _: LazyRef => - t - case t @ AnnotatedType(t1, ann) => - // Don't map capture sets, since that would implicitly normalize sets that - // are not well-formed. - t.derivedAnnotatedType(apply(t1), ann) - case _ => - mapOver(t) - - /** Fill in capture sets of curried function types from left to right, using - * a combination of the following two rules: - * - * 1. Expand `{c} (x: A) -> (y: B) -> C` - * to `{c} (x: A) -> {c} (y: B) -> C` - * 2. Expand `(x: A) -> (y: B) -> C` where `x` is tracked - * to `(x: A) -> {x} (y: B) -> C` - * - * TODO: Should we also propagate capture sets to the left? - */ - private def expandAbbreviations(using DetachedContext) = new TypeMap: - - /** Propagate `outerCs` as well as all tracked parameters as capture set to the result type - * of the dependent function type `tp`. - */ - def propagateDepFunctionResult(tp: Type, outerCs: CaptureSet): Type = tp match - case RefinedType(parent, nme.apply, rinfo: MethodType) => - val localCs = CaptureSet(rinfo.paramRefs.filter(_.isTracked)*) - val rinfo1 = rinfo.derivedLambdaType( - resType = propagateEnclosing(rinfo.resType, CaptureSet.empty, outerCs ++ localCs)) - if rinfo1 ne rinfo then rinfo1.toFunctionType(isJava = false, alwaysDependent = true) - else tp - - /** If `tp` is a function type: - * - add `outerCs` as its capture set, - * - propagate `currentCs`, `outerCs`, and all tracked parameters of `tp` to the right. - */ - def propagateEnclosing(tp: Type, currentCs: CaptureSet, outerCs: CaptureSet): Type = tp match - case tp @ AppliedType(tycon, args) if defn.isFunctionClass(tycon.typeSymbol) => - val tycon1 = this(tycon) - val args1 = args.init.mapConserve(this) - val tp1 = - if args1.exists(!_.captureSet.isAlwaysEmpty) then - val propagated = propagateDepFunctionResult( - depFun(tycon, args1, args.last), currentCs ++ outerCs) - propagated match - case RefinedType(_, _, mt: MethodType) => - if mt.isCaptureDependent then propagated - else - // No need to introduce dependent type, switch back to generic function type - tp.derivedAppliedType(tycon1, args1 :+ mt.resType) - else - val resType1 = propagateEnclosing( - args.last, CaptureSet.empty, currentCs ++ outerCs) - tp.derivedAppliedType(tycon1, args1 :+ resType1) - tp1.capturing(outerCs) - case tp @ RefinedType(parent, nme.apply, rinfo: MethodType) if defn.isFunctionType(tp) => - propagateDepFunctionResult(mapOver(tp), currentCs ++ outerCs) - .capturing(outerCs) - case _ => - mapOver(tp) - - def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match - case CapturingType(parent, cs) => - tp.derivedCapturingType(propagateEnclosing(parent, cs, CaptureSet.empty), cs) - case _ => - propagateEnclosing(tp, CaptureSet.empty, CaptureSet.empty) - end expandAbbreviations - - private def transformExplicitType(tp: Type, boxed: Boolean)(using Context): Type = - val tp1 = expandThrowsAliases(if boxed then box(tp) else tp) - if tp1 ne tp then capt.println(i"expanded: $tp --> $tp1") - if ctx.settings.YccNoAbbrev.value then tp1 - else expandAbbreviations(tp1) - - /** Transform type of type tree, and remember the transformed type as the type the tree */ - private def transformTT(tree: TypeTree, boxed: Boolean, exact: Boolean)(using Context): Unit = - if !tree.hasRememberedType then - tree.rememberType( - if tree.isInstanceOf[InferredTypeTree] && !exact - then transformInferredType(tree.tpe, boxed) - else transformExplicitType(tree.tpe, boxed)) - - /** Substitute parameter symbols in `from` to paramRefs in corresponding - * method or poly types `to`. We use a single BiTypeMap to do everything. - * @param from a list of lists of type or term parameter symbols of a curried method - * @param to a list of method or poly types corresponding one-to-one to the parameter lists - */ - private class SubstParams(from: List[List[Symbol]], to: List[LambdaType])(using DetachedContext) - extends DeepTypeMap, BiTypeMap: - - def apply(t: Type): Type = t match - case t: NamedType => - val sym = t.symbol - def outer(froms: List[List[Symbol]], tos: List[LambdaType]): Type = - def inner(from: List[Symbol], to: List[ParamRef]): Type = - if from.isEmpty then outer(froms.tail, tos.tail) - else if sym eq from.head then to.head - else inner(from.tail, to.tail) - if tos.isEmpty then t - else inner(froms.head, tos.head.paramRefs) - outer(from, to) - case _ => - mapOver(t) - - def inverse(t: Type): Type = t match - case t: ParamRef => - def recur(from: List[LambdaType], to: List[List[Symbol]]): Type = - if from.isEmpty then t - else if t.binder eq from.head then to.head(t.paramNum).namedType - else recur(from.tail, to.tail) - recur(to, from) - case _ => - mapOver(t) - end SubstParams - - /** Update info of `sym` for CheckCaptures phase only */ - private def updateInfo(sym: Symbol, info: Type)(using Context) = - sym.updateInfoBetween(preRecheckPhase, thisPhase, info) - - def traverse(tree: Tree)(using Context): Unit = - tree match - case tree: DefDef => - if isExcluded(tree.symbol) then - return - tree.tpt match - case tpt: TypeTree if tree.symbol.allOverriddenSymbols.hasNext => - tree.paramss.foreach(traverse) - transformTT(tpt, boxed = false, exact = true) - traverse(tree.rhs) - //println(i"TYPE of ${tree.symbol.showLocated} = ${tpt.knownType}") - case _ => - traverseChildren(tree) - case tree @ ValDef(_, tpt: TypeTree, _) => - transformTT(tpt, - boxed =, // types of mutable variables are boxed - exact = tree.symbol.allOverriddenSymbols.hasNext // types of symbols that override a parent don't get a capture set - ) - traverse(tree.rhs) - case tree @ TypeApply(fn, args) => - traverse(fn) - for case arg: TypeTree <- args do - transformTT(arg, boxed = true, exact = false) // type arguments in type applications are boxed - case _ => - traverseChildren(tree) - tree match - case tree: TypeTree => - transformTT(tree, boxed = false, exact = false) // other types are not boxed - case tree: ValOrDefDef => - val sym = tree.symbol - - // replace an existing symbol info with inferred types where capture sets of - // TypeParamRefs and TermParamRefs put in correspondence by BiTypeMaps with the - // capture sets of the types of the method's parameter symbols and result type. - def integrateRT( - info: Type, // symbol info to replace - psymss: List[List[Symbol]], // the local (type and term) parameter symbols corresponding to `info` - prevPsymss: List[List[Symbol]], // the local parameter symbols seen previously in reverse order - prevLambdas: List[LambdaType] // the outer method and polytypes generated previously in reverse order - ): Type = - info match - case mt: MethodOrPoly => - val psyms = psymss.head - mt.companion(mt.paramNames)( - mt1 => - if !psyms.exists(_.isUpdatedAfter(preRecheckPhase)) && !mt.isParamDependent && prevLambdas.isEmpty then - mt.paramInfos - else - val subst = SubstParams(psyms :: prevPsymss, mt1 :: prevLambdas) - => subst([mt.PInfo]), - mt1 => - integrateRT(mt.resType, psymss.tail, psyms :: prevPsymss, mt1 :: prevLambdas) - ) - case info: ExprType => - info.derivedExprType(resType = - integrateRT(info.resType, psymss, prevPsymss, prevLambdas)) - case _ => - val restp = tree.tpt.knownType - if prevLambdas.isEmpty then restp - else SubstParams(prevPsymss, prevLambdas)(restp) - - if tree.tpt.hasRememberedType && !sym.isConstructor then - val newInfo = integrateRT(, sym.paramSymss, Nil, Nil) - .showing(i"update info $sym: ${} --> $result", capt) - if newInfo ne then - val completer = new LazyType: - def complete(denot: SymDenotation)(using Context) = - = newInfo - recheckDef(tree, sym) - updateInfo(sym, completer) - case tree: Bind => - val sym = tree.symbol - updateInfo(sym, transformInferredType(, boxed = false)) - case tree: TypeDef => - tree.symbol match - case cls: ClassSymbol => - val cinfo @ ClassInfo(prefix, _, ps, decls, selfInfo) = cls.classInfo - if (selfInfo eq NoType) || && !cls.isStatic then - // add capture set to self type of nested classes if no self type is given explicitly - val localRefs = CaptureSet.Var() - val newInfo = ClassInfo(prefix, cls, ps, decls, - CapturingType(cinfo.selfType, localRefs) - .showing(i"inferred self type for $cls: $result", capt)) - updateInfo(cls, newInfo) - cls.thisType.asInstanceOf[ThisType].invalidateCaches() - if then - // if it's a module, the capture set of the module reference is the capture set of the self type - val modul = cls.sourceModule - updateInfo(modul, CapturingType(, localRefs)) - modul.termRef.invalidateCaches() - case _ => - val info = atPhase(preRecheckPhase)( - val newInfo = transformExplicitType(info, boxed = false) - if newInfo ne info then - updateInfo(tree.symbol, newInfo) - capt.println(i"update info of ${tree.symbol} from $info to $newInfo") - case _ => - end traverse -end Setup diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/cc/Synthetics.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/cc/Synthetics.scala deleted file mode 100644 index dacbd27e0f35..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/cc/Synthetics.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,189 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc -package cc - -import core.* -import Symbols.*, SymDenotations.*, Contexts.*, Flags.*, Types.*, Decorators.* -import StdNames.nme -import Names.Name -import NameKinds.DefaultGetterName -import Phases.checkCapturesPhase -import config.Printers.capt - -/** Classification and transformation methods for synthetic - * case class methods that need to be treated specially. - * In particular, compute capturing types for some of these methods which - * have inferred (result-)types that need to be established under separate - * compilation. - */ -object Synthetics: - private def isSyntheticCopyMethod(sym: SymDenotation)(using Context) = - == nme.copy && && sym.owner.isClass && - - private def isSyntheticCompanionMethod(sym: SymDenotation, names: Name*)(using Context): Boolean = - names.contains( && && && - - private def isSyntheticCopyDefaultGetterMethod(sym: SymDenotation)(using Context) = match - case DefaultGetterName(nme.copy, _) => && sym.owner.isClass && - case _ => false - - /** Is `sym` a synthetic apply, copy, or copy default getter method? - * The types of these symbols are transformed in a special way without - * looking at the definitions's RHS - */ - def needsTransform(symd: SymDenotation)(using Context): Boolean = - isSyntheticCopyMethod(symd) - || isSyntheticCompanionMethod(symd, nme.apply, nme.unapply) - || isSyntheticCopyDefaultGetterMethod(symd) - || (symd.symbol eq defn.Object_eq) - || (symd.symbol eq defn.Object_ne) - - /** Method is excluded from regular capture checking. - * Excluded are synthetic class members - * - that override a synthesized case class symbol, or - * - the fromProduct method, or - * - members transformed specially as indicated by `needsTransform`. - */ - def isExcluded(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean = - - && sym.owner.isClass - && ( defn.caseClassSynthesized.exists( - ccsym => sym.overriddenSymbol(ccsym.owner.asClass) == ccsym) - || isSyntheticCompanionMethod(sym, nme.fromProduct) - || needsTransform(sym)) - - /** Add capture dependencies to the type of the `apply` or `copy` method of a case class. - * An apply method in a case class like this: - * case class CC(a: {d} A, b: B, {*} c: C) - * would get type - * def apply(a': {d} A, b: B, {*} c': C): {a', c'} CC { val a = {a'} A, val c = {c'} C } - * where `'` is used to indicate the difference between parameter symbol and refinement name. - * Analogous for the copy method. - */ - private def addCaptureDeps(info: Type)(using Context): Type = info match - case info: MethodType => - val trackedParams = info.paramRefs.filter(atPhase(checkCapturesPhase)(_.isTracked)) - def augmentResult(tp: Type): Type = tp match - case tp: MethodOrPoly => - tp.derivedLambdaType(resType = augmentResult(tp.resType)) - case _ => - val refined = trackedParams.foldLeft(tp) { (parent, pref) => - RefinedType(parent, pref.paramName, - CapturingType( - atPhase(, - CaptureSet(pref))) - } - CapturingType(refined, CaptureSet(trackedParams*)) - if trackedParams.isEmpty then info - else augmentResult(info).showing(i"augment apply/copy type $info to $result", capt) - case info: PolyType => - info.derivedLambdaType(resType = addCaptureDeps(info.resType)) - case _ => - info - - /** Drop capture dependencies from the type of `apply` or `copy` method of a case class */ - private def dropCaptureDeps(tp: Type)(using Context): Type = tp match - case tp: MethodOrPoly => - tp.derivedLambdaType(resType = dropCaptureDeps(tp.resType)) - case CapturingType(parent, _) => - dropCaptureDeps(parent) - case RefinedType(parent, _, _) => - dropCaptureDeps(parent) - case _ => - tp - - /** Add capture information to the type of the default getter of a case class copy method */ - private def addDefaultGetterCapture(info: Type, owner: Symbol, idx: Int)(using Context): Type = info match - case info: MethodOrPoly => - info.derivedLambdaType(resType = addDefaultGetterCapture(info.resType, owner, idx)) - case info: ExprType => - info.derivedExprType(addDefaultGetterCapture(info.resType, owner, idx)) - case EventuallyCapturingType(parent, _) => - addDefaultGetterCapture(parent, owner, idx) - case info @ AnnotatedType(parent, annot) => - info.derivedAnnotatedType(addDefaultGetterCapture(parent, owner, idx), annot) - case _ if idx < owner.asClass.paramGetters.length => - val param = owner.asClass.paramGetters(idx) - val pinfo = - atPhase( { - if pinfo.captureSet.isAlwaysEmpty then info - else CapturingType(pinfo.stripCapturing, CaptureSet(param.termRef)) - } - case _ => - info - - /** Drop capture information from the type of the default getter of a case class copy method */ - private def dropDefaultGetterCapture(info: Type)(using Context): Type = info match - case info: MethodOrPoly => - info.derivedLambdaType(resType = dropDefaultGetterCapture(info.resType)) - case CapturingType(parent, _) => - parent - case info @ AnnotatedType(parent, annot) => - info.derivedAnnotatedType(dropDefaultGetterCapture(parent), annot) - case _ => - info - - /** Augment an unapply of type `(x: C): D` to `(x: {*} C): {x} D` */ - private def addUnapplyCaptures(info: Type)(using Context): Type = info match - case info: MethodType => - val paramInfo :: Nil = info.paramInfos: @unchecked - val newParamInfo = - CapturingType(paramInfo, CaptureSet.universal) - val trackedParam = info.paramRefs.head - def newResult(tp: Type): Type = tp match - case tp: MethodOrPoly => - tp.derivedLambdaType(resType = newResult(tp.resType)) - case _ => - CapturingType(tp, CaptureSet(trackedParam)) - info.derivedLambdaType(paramInfos = newParamInfo :: Nil, resType = newResult(info.resType)) - .showing(i"augment unapply type $info to $result", capt) - case info: PolyType => - info.derivedLambdaType(resType = addUnapplyCaptures(info.resType)) - - /** Drop added capture information from the type of an `unapply` */ - private def dropUnapplyCaptures(info: Type)(using Context): Type = info match - case info: MethodType => - info.paramInfos match - case CapturingType(oldParamInfo, _) :: Nil => - def oldResult(tp: Type): Type = tp match - case tp: MethodOrPoly => - tp.derivedLambdaType(resType = oldResult(tp.resType)) - case CapturingType(tp, _) => - tp - info.derivedLambdaType(paramInfos = oldParamInfo :: Nil, resType = oldResult(info.resType)) - case _ => - info - case info: PolyType => - info.derivedLambdaType(resType = dropUnapplyCaptures(info.resType)) - - /** If `sym` refers to a synthetic apply, unapply, copy, or copy default getter method - * of a case class, transform it to account for capture information. - * The method is run in phase CheckCaptures.Pre - * @pre needsTransform(sym) - */ - def transformToCC(sym: SymDenotation)(using Context): SymDenotation = match - case DefaultGetterName(nme.copy, n) => - sym.copySymDenotation(info = addDefaultGetterCapture(, sym.owner, n)) - case nme.unapply => - sym.copySymDenotation(info = addUnapplyCaptures( - case nme.apply | nme.copy => - sym.copySymDenotation(info = addCaptureDeps( - case n if n == nme.eq || n == => - sym.copySymDenotation(info = - MethodType(defn.ObjectType.capturing(CaptureSet.universal) :: Nil, defn.BooleanType)) - - /** If `sym` refers to a synthetic apply, unapply, copy, or copy default getter method - * of a case class, transform it back to what it was before the CC phase. - * @pre needsTransform(sym) - */ - def transformFromCC(sym: SymDenotation)(using Context): SymDenotation = match - case DefaultGetterName(nme.copy, n) => - sym.copySymDenotation(info = dropDefaultGetterCapture( - case nme.unapply => - sym.copySymDenotation(info = dropUnapplyCaptures( - case nme.apply | nme.copy => - sym.copySymDenotation(info = dropCaptureDeps( - case n if n == nme.eq || n == => - sym.copySymDenotation(info = defn.methOfAnyRef(defn.BooleanType)) - -end Synthetics \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/classpath/AggregateClassPath.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/classpath/AggregateClassPath.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 51b261583feb..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/classpath/AggregateClassPath.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,162 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Copyright (c) 2014 Contributor. All rights reserved. - */ -package -package dotc.classpath - -import scala.language.unsafeNulls - -import -import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer -import scala.collection.immutable.ArraySeq -import dotc.util - -import{ AbstractFile, ClassPath, ClassRepresentation, EfficientClassPath } - -/** - * A classpath unifying multiple class- and sourcepath entries. - * The Classpath can obtain entries for classes and sources independently - * so it tries to do operations quite optimally - iterating only these collections - * which are needed in the given moment and only as far as it's necessary. - * - * @param aggregates classpath instances containing entries which this class processes - */ -case class AggregateClassPath(aggregates: Seq[ClassPath]) extends ClassPath { - override def findClassFile(className: String): Option[AbstractFile] = { - val (pkg, _) = PackageNameUtils.separatePkgAndClassNames(className) - aggregatesForPackage(PackageName(pkg)) { - case Some(x) => x - } - } - private val packageIndex: collection.mutable.Map[String, Seq[ClassPath]] = collection.mutable.Map() - private def aggregatesForPackage(pkg: PackageName): Seq[ClassPath] = packageIndex.synchronized { - packageIndex.getOrElseUpdate(pkg.dottedString, aggregates.filter(_.hasPackage(pkg))) - } - - override def findClass(className: String): Option[ClassRepresentation] = { - val (pkg, _) = PackageNameUtils.separatePkgAndClassNames(className) - - def findEntry(isSource: Boolean): Option[ClassRepresentation] = - aggregatesForPackage(PackageName(pkg)) { - case Some(s: SourceFileEntry) if isSource => s - case Some(s: ClassFileEntry) if !isSource => s - } - - val classEntry = findEntry(isSource = false) - val sourceEntry = findEntry(isSource = true) - - (classEntry, sourceEntry) match { - case (Some(c: ClassFileEntry), Some(s: SourceFileEntry)) => Some(ClassAndSourceFilesEntry(c.file, s.file)) - case (c @ Some(_), _) => c - case (_, s) => s - } - } - - override def asURLs: Seq[URL] = aggregates.flatMap(_.asURLs) - - override def asClassPathStrings: Seq[String] = - - override def asSourcePathString: String = ClassPath.join(aggregates map (_.asSourcePathString): _*) - - override private[dotty] def packages(inPackage: PackageName): Seq[PackageEntry] = { - val aggregatedPackages = aggregates.flatMap(_.packages(inPackage)).distinct - aggregatedPackages - } - - override private[dotty] def classes(inPackage: PackageName): Seq[ClassFileEntry] = - getDistinctEntries(_.classes(inPackage)) - - override private[dotty] def sources(inPackage: PackageName): Seq[SourceFileEntry] = - getDistinctEntries(_.sources(inPackage)) - - override private[dotty] def hasPackage(pkg: PackageName): Boolean = aggregates.exists(_.hasPackage(pkg)) - override private[dotty] def list(inPackage: PackageName): ClassPathEntries = { - val packages: java.util.HashSet[PackageEntry] = new java.util.HashSet[PackageEntry]() - val classesAndSourcesBuffer = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[ClassRepresentation]() - val onPackage: PackageEntry => Unit = packages.add(_) - val onClassesAndSources: ClassRepresentation => Unit = classesAndSourcesBuffer += _ - - aggregates.foreach { cp => - try { - cp match { - case ecp: EfficientClassPath => - ecp.list(inPackage, onPackage, onClassesAndSources) - case _ => - val entries = cp.list(inPackage) - entries._1.foreach(entry => packages.add(entry)) - classesAndSourcesBuffer ++= entries._2 - } - } catch { - case ex: => - val e = FatalError(ex.getMessage) - e.initCause(ex) - throw e - } - } - - val distinctPackages: Seq[PackageEntry] = { - val arr = packages.toArray(new Array[PackageEntry](packages.size())) - ArraySeq.unsafeWrapArray(arr) - } - val distinctClassesAndSources = mergeClassesAndSources(classesAndSourcesBuffer) - ClassPathEntries(distinctPackages, distinctClassesAndSources) - } - - /** - * Returns only one entry for each name. If there's both a source and a class entry, it - * creates an entry containing both of them. If there would be more than one class or source - * entries for the same class it always would use the first entry of each type found on a classpath. - */ - private def mergeClassesAndSources(entries: scala.collection.Seq[ClassRepresentation]): Seq[ClassRepresentation] = { - // based on the implementation from MergedClassPath - var count = 0 - val indices = util.HashMap[String, Int]() - val mergedEntries = new ArrayBuffer[ClassRepresentation](entries.size) - for { - entry <- entries - } { - val name = - if (indices.contains(name)) { - val index = indices(name) - val existing = mergedEntries(index) - - if (existing.binary.isEmpty && entry.binary.isDefined) - mergedEntries(index) = ClassAndSourceFilesEntry(entry.binary.get, existing.source.get) - if (existing.source.isEmpty && entry.source.isDefined) - mergedEntries(index) = ClassAndSourceFilesEntry(existing.binary.get, entry.source.get) - } - else { - indices(name) = count - mergedEntries += entry - count += 1 - } - } - if (mergedEntries.isEmpty) Nil else mergedEntries.toIndexedSeq - } - - private def getDistinctEntries[EntryType <: ClassRepresentation](getEntries: ClassPath => Seq[EntryType]): Seq[EntryType] = { - val seenNames = util.HashSet[String]() - val entriesBuffer = new ArrayBuffer[EntryType](1024) - for { - cp <- aggregates - entry <- getEntries(cp) if !seenNames.contains( - } - { - entriesBuffer += entry - seenNames += - } - entriesBuffer.toIndexedSeq - } -} - -object AggregateClassPath { - def createAggregate(parts: ClassPath*): ClassPath = { - val elems = new ArrayBuffer[ClassPath]() - parts foreach { - case AggregateClassPath(ps) => elems ++= ps - case p => elems += p - } - if (elems.size == 1) elems.head - else AggregateClassPath(elems.toIndexedSeq) - } -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/classpath/ClassPath.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/classpath/ClassPath.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 176b6acf9c6c..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/classpath/ClassPath.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,85 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Copyright (c) 2014 Contributor. All rights reserved. - */ -package - -import -import - -case class ClassPathEntries(packages: scala.collection.Seq[PackageEntry], classesAndSources: scala.collection.Seq[ClassRepresentation]) { - def toTuple: (scala.collection.Seq[PackageEntry], scala.collection.Seq[ClassRepresentation]) = (packages, classesAndSources) -} - -object ClassPathEntries { - val empty = ClassPathEntries(Seq.empty, Seq.empty) -} - -trait ClassFileEntry extends ClassRepresentation { - def file: AbstractFile -} - -trait SourceFileEntry extends ClassRepresentation { - def file: AbstractFile -} - -case class PackageName(dottedString: String) { - val dirPathTrailingSlashJar: String = FileUtils.dirPathInJar(dottedString) + "/" - - val dirPathTrailingSlash: String = - if ( == '/') - dirPathTrailingSlashJar - else - FileUtils.dirPath(dottedString) + - - def isRoot: Boolean = dottedString.isEmpty - - def entryName(entry: String): String = { - if (isRoot) entry else { - val builder = new java.lang.StringBuilder(dottedString.length + 1 + entry.length) - builder.append(dottedString) - builder.append('.') - builder.append(entry) - builder.toString - } - } -} - -trait PackageEntry { - def name: String -} - -private[dotty] case class ClassFileEntryImpl(file: AbstractFile) extends ClassFileEntry { - final def fileName: String = - def name: String = FileUtils.stripClassExtension( // class name - - def binary: Option[AbstractFile] = Some(file) - def source: Option[AbstractFile] = None -} - -private[dotty] case class SourceFileEntryImpl(file: AbstractFile) extends SourceFileEntry { - final def fileName: String = - def name: String = FileUtils.stripSourceExtension( - - def binary: Option[AbstractFile] = None - def source: Option[AbstractFile] = Some(file) -} - -private[dotty] case class ClassAndSourceFilesEntry(classFile: AbstractFile, srcFile: AbstractFile) extends ClassRepresentation { - final def fileName: String = - def name: String = FileUtils.stripClassExtension( - - def binary: Option[AbstractFile] = Some(classFile) - def source: Option[AbstractFile] = Some(srcFile) -} - -private[dotty] case class PackageEntryImpl(name: String) extends PackageEntry - -private[dotty] trait NoSourcePaths { - def asSourcePathString: String = "" - private[dotty] def sources(inPackage: PackageName): Seq[SourceFileEntry] = Seq.empty -} - -private[dotty] trait NoClassPaths { - def findClassFile(className: String): Option[AbstractFile] = None - private[dotty] def classes(inPackage: PackageName): Seq[ClassFileEntry] = Seq.empty -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/classpath/ClassPathFactory.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/classpath/ClassPathFactory.scala deleted file mode 100644 index ac8b69381938..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/classpath/ClassPathFactory.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,84 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Copyright (c) 2014 Contributor. All rights reserved. - */ -package - -import{AbstractFile, VirtualDirectory} -import FileUtils._ -import -import - -/** - * Provides factory methods for classpath. When creating classpath instances for a given path, - * it uses proper type of classpath depending on a types of particular files containing sources or classes. - */ -class ClassPathFactory { - /** - * Create a new classpath based on the abstract file. - */ - def newClassPath(file: AbstractFile)(using Context): ClassPath = ClassPathFactory.newClassPath(file) - - /** - * Creators for sub classpaths which preserve this context. - */ - def sourcesInPath(path: String)(using Context): List[ClassPath] = - for { - file <- expandPath(path, expandStar = false) - dir <- Option(AbstractFile getDirectory file) - } - yield createSourcePath(dir) - - - def expandPath(path: String, expandStar: Boolean = true): List[String] =, expandStar) - - def expandDir(extdir: String): List[String] = - - def contentsOfDirsInPath(path: String)(using Context): List[ClassPath] = - for { - dir <- expandPath(path, expandStar = false) - name <- expandDir(dir) - entry <- Option(AbstractFile.getDirectory(name)) - } - yield newClassPath(entry) - - def classesInExpandedPath(path: String)(using Context): IndexedSeq[ClassPath] = - classesInPathImpl(path, expand = true).toIndexedSeq - - def classesInPath(path: String)(using Context): List[ClassPath] = classesInPathImpl(path, expand = false) - - def classesInManifest(useManifestClassPath: Boolean)(using Context): List[ClassPath] = - if (useManifestClassPath) => newClassPath(AbstractFile getResources url)) - else Nil - - // Internal - protected def classesInPathImpl(path: String, expand: Boolean)(using Context): List[ClassPath] = - for { - file <- expandPath(path, expand) - dir <- { - def asImage = if (file.endsWith(".jimage")) Some(AbstractFile.getFile(file)) else None - Option(AbstractFile.getDirectory(file)).orElse(asImage) - } - } - yield newClassPath(dir) - - private def createSourcePath(file: AbstractFile)(using Context): ClassPath = - if (file.isJarOrZip) - ZipAndJarSourcePathFactory.create(file) - else if (file.isDirectory) - new DirectorySourcePath(file.file) - else - sys.error(s"Unsupported sourcepath element: $file") -} - -object ClassPathFactory { - def newClassPath(file: AbstractFile)(using Context): ClassPath = file match { - case vd: VirtualDirectory => VirtualDirectoryClassPath(vd) - case _ => - if (file.isJarOrZip) - ZipAndJarClassPathFactory.create(file) - else if (file.isDirectory) - new DirectoryClassPath(file.file) - else - sys.error(s"Unsupported classpath element: $file") - } -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/classpath/DirectoryClassPath.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/classpath/DirectoryClassPath.scala deleted file mode 100644 index a5678970411b..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/classpath/DirectoryClassPath.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,313 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Copyright (c) 2014 Contributor. All rights reserved. - */ -package - -import scala.language.unsafeNulls - -import{File => JFile} -import -import java.nio.file.{FileSystems, Files} - -import{packageContains, separatePkgAndClassNames} -import{AbstractFile, PlainFile, ClassPath, ClassRepresentation, EfficientClassPath, JDK9Reflectors} -import FileUtils._ -import PlainFile.toPlainFile - -import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ -import scala.collection.immutable.ArraySeq -import scala.util.control.NonFatal -import language.experimental.pureFunctions - -/** - * A trait allowing to look for classpath entries in directories. It provides common logic for - * classes handling class and source files. - * It makes use of the fact that in the case of nested directories it's easy to find a file - * when we have a name of a package. - * It abstracts over the file representation to work with both JFile and AbstractFile. - */ -trait DirectoryLookup[FileEntryType <: ClassRepresentation] extends EfficientClassPath { - type F - - val dir: F - - protected def emptyFiles: Array[F] // avoids reifying ClassTag[F] - protected def getSubDir(dirName: String): Option[F] - protected def listChildren(dir: F, filter: Option[F -> Boolean] = (None: Option[F -> Boolean])): Array[F] // !cc! need explicit typing of default argument - protected def getName(f: F): String - protected def toAbstractFile(f: F): AbstractFile - protected def isPackage(f: F): Boolean - - protected def createFileEntry(file: AbstractFile): FileEntryType - protected def isMatchingFile(f: F): Boolean - - private def getDirectory(forPackage: PackageName): Option[F] = - if (forPackage.isRoot) - Some(dir) - else - getSubDir(forPackage.dirPathTrailingSlash) - - override private[dotty] def hasPackage(pkg: PackageName): Boolean = getDirectory(pkg).isDefined - - private[dotty] def packages(inPackage: PackageName): Seq[PackageEntry] = { - val dirForPackage = getDirectory(inPackage) - val nestedDirs: Array[F] = dirForPackage match { - case None => emptyFiles - case Some(directory) => listChildren(directory, Some(isPackage)) - } - ArraySeq.unsafeWrapArray(nestedDirs).map(f => PackageEntryImpl(inPackage.entryName(getName(f)))) - } - - protected def files(inPackage: PackageName): Seq[FileEntryType] = { - val dirForPackage = getDirectory(inPackage) - val files: Array[F] = dirForPackage match { - case None => emptyFiles - case Some(directory) => listChildren(directory, Some(isMatchingFile)) - } - => createFileEntry(toAbstractFile(f))).toSeq - } - - override def list(inPackage: PackageName, onPackageEntry: PackageEntry => Unit, onClassesAndSources: ClassRepresentation => Unit): Unit = { - val dirForPackage = getDirectory(inPackage) - dirForPackage match { - case None => - case Some(directory) => - for (file <- listChildren(directory)) { - if (isPackage(file)) - onPackageEntry(PackageEntryImpl(inPackage.entryName(getName(file)))) - else if (isMatchingFile(file)) - onClassesAndSources(createFileEntry(toAbstractFile(file))) - } - } - } -} - -trait JFileDirectoryLookup[FileEntryType <: ClassRepresentation] extends DirectoryLookup[FileEntryType] { - type F = JFile - - protected def emptyFiles: Array[JFile] = Array.empty - protected def getSubDir(packageDirName: String): Option[JFile] = { - val packageDir = new JFile(dir, packageDirName) - if (packageDir.exists && packageDir.isDirectory) Some(packageDir) - else None - } - protected def listChildren(dir: JFile, filter: Option[JFile -> Boolean]): Array[JFile] = { - val listing = filter match { - case Some(f) => dir.listFiles(mkFileFilter(f)) - case None => dir.listFiles() - } - - if (listing != null) { - // Sort by file name for stable order of directory .class entries in package scope. - // This gives stable results ordering of base type sequences for unrelated classes - // with the same base type depth. - // - // Notably, this will stably infer`Product with Serializable` - // as the type of `case class C(); case class D(); List(C(), D()).head`, rather than the opposite order. - // On Mac, the HFS performs this sorting transparently, but on Linux the order is unspecified. - // - // Note this behaviour can be enabled in javac with `javac -XDsortfiles`, but that's only - // intended to improve determinism of the compiler for compiler hackers. - java.util.Arrays.sort(listing, - new java.util.Comparator[JFile] { - def compare(o1: JFile, o2: JFile) = o1.getName.compareTo(o2.getName) - }) - listing - } - else Array() - } - protected def getName(f: JFile): String = f.getName - protected def toAbstractFile(f: JFile): AbstractFile = f.toPath.toPlainFile - protected def isPackage(f: JFile): Boolean = f.isPackage - - assert(dir != null, "Directory file in DirectoryFileLookup cannot be null") - - def asURLs: Seq[URL] = Seq(dir.toURI.toURL) - def asClassPathStrings: Seq[String] = Seq(dir.getPath) -} - -object JrtClassPath { - import java.nio.file._, - def apply(release: Option[String]): Option[ClassPath] = { - import scala.util.Properties._ - if (!isJavaAtLeast("9")) None - else { - // Longer term we'd like an official API for this in the JDK - // Discussion: - - val currentMajorVersion: Int = JDK9Reflectors.runtimeVersionMajor(JDK9Reflectors.runtimeVersion()).intValue() - release match { - case Some(v) if v.toInt < currentMajorVersion => - try { - val ctSym = Paths.get(javaHome).resolve("lib").resolve("ct.sym") - if (Files.notExists(ctSym)) None - else Some(new CtSymClassPath(ctSym, v.toInt)) - } catch { - case NonFatal(_) => None - } - case _ => - try { - val fs = FileSystems.getFileSystem(URI.create("jrt:/")) - Some(new JrtClassPath(fs)) - } catch { - case _: ProviderNotFoundException | _: FileSystemNotFoundException => None - } - } - } - } -} - -/** - * Implementation `ClassPath` based on the JDK 9 encapsulated runtime modules (JEP-220) - * - * is the most up to date reference - * for the structure of the jrt:// filesystem. - * - * The implementation assumes that no classes exist in the empty package. - */ -final class JrtClassPath(fs: java.nio.file.FileSystem) extends ClassPath with NoSourcePaths { - import java.nio.file.Path, java.nio.file._ - type F = Path - private val dir: Path = fs.getPath("/packages") - - // e.g. "java.lang" -> Seq("/modules/java.base") - private val packageToModuleBases: Map[String, Seq[Path]] = { - val ps = Files.newDirectoryStream(dir).iterator().asScala - def lookup(pack: Path): Seq[Path] = - Files.list(pack).iterator() => if (Files.isSymbolicLink(l)) Files.readSymbolicLink(l) else l).toList - => (p.toString.stripPrefix("/packages/"), lookup(p))).toMap - } - - /** Empty string represents root package */ - override private[dotty] def hasPackage(pkg: PackageName): Boolean = packageToModuleBases.contains(pkg.dottedString) - - override private[dotty] def packages(inPackage: PackageName): Seq[PackageEntry] = - packageToModuleBases.keysIterator.filter(pack => packageContains(inPackage.dottedString, pack)).map(PackageEntryImpl(_)).toVector - - private[dotty] def classes(inPackage: PackageName): Seq[ClassFileEntry] = - if (inPackage.isRoot) Nil - else - packageToModuleBases.getOrElse(inPackage.dottedString, Nil).flatMap(x => - Files.list(x.resolve(inPackage.dirPathTrailingSlash)).iterator().asScala.filter(_.getFileName.toString.endsWith(".class"))).map(x => - ClassFileEntryImpl(x.toPlainFile)).toVector - - override private[dotty] def list(inPackage: PackageName): ClassPathEntries = - if (inPackage.isRoot) ClassPathEntries(packages(inPackage), Nil) - else ClassPathEntries(packages(inPackage), classes(inPackage)) - - def asURLs: Seq[URL] = Seq(new URL("jrt:/")) - // We don't yet have a scheme to represent the JDK modules in our `-classpath`. - // java models them as entries in the new "module path", we'll probably need to follow this. - def asClassPathStrings: Seq[String] = Nil - - def findClassFile(className: String): Option[AbstractFile] = - if (!className.contains(".")) None - else { - val (inPackage, _) = separatePkgAndClassNames(className) - packageToModuleBases.getOrElse(inPackage, Nil).iterator.flatMap{ x => - val file = x.resolve(FileUtils.dirPath(className) + ".class") - if (Files.exists(file)) file.toPlainFile :: Nil else Nil - }.take(1).toList.headOption - } -} - -/** - * Implementation `ClassPath` based on the \$JAVA_HOME/lib/ct.sym backing - */ -final class CtSymClassPath(ctSym: java.nio.file.Path, release: Int) extends ClassPath with NoSourcePaths { - import java.nio.file.Path, java.nio.file._ - - private val fileSystem: FileSystem = FileSystems.newFileSystem(ctSym, null: ClassLoader) - private val root: Path = - private val roots = Files.newDirectoryStream(root).iterator.asScala.toList - - // - private def codeFor(major: Int): String = if (major < 10) major.toString else ('A' + (major - 10)).toChar.toString - - private val releaseCode: String = codeFor(release) - private def fileNameMatchesRelease(fileName: String) = !fileName.contains("-") && fileName.contains(releaseCode) // exclude `9-modules` - private val rootsForRelease: List[Path] = roots.filter(root => fileNameMatchesRelease(root.getFileName.toString)) - - // e.g. "java.lang" -> Seq(/876/java/lang, /87/java/lang, /8/java/lang)) - private val packageIndex: scala.collection.Map[String, scala.collection.Seq[Path]] = { - val index = collection.mutable.AnyRefMap[String, collection.mutable.ListBuffer[Path]]() - val isJava12OrHigher = scala.util.Properties.isJavaAtLeast("12") - rootsForRelease.foreach(root => Files.walk(root).iterator().asScala.filter(Files.isDirectory(_)).foreach { p => - val moduleNamePathElementCount = if (isJava12OrHigher) 1 else 0 - if (p.getNameCount > root.getNameCount + moduleNamePathElementCount) { - val packageDotted = p.subpath(moduleNamePathElementCount + root.getNameCount, p.getNameCount).toString.replace('/', '.') - index.getOrElseUpdate(packageDotted, new collection.mutable.ListBuffer) += p - } - }) - index - } - - /** Empty string represents root package */ - override private[dotty] def hasPackage(pkg: PackageName) = packageIndex.contains(pkg.dottedString) - override private[dotty] def packages(inPackage: PackageName): Seq[PackageEntry] = { - packageIndex.keysIterator.filter(pack => packageContains(inPackage.dottedString, pack)).map(PackageEntryImpl(_)).toVector - } - private[dotty] def classes(inPackage: PackageName): Seq[ClassFileEntry] = { - if (inPackage.isRoot) Nil - else { - val sigFiles = packageIndex.getOrElse(inPackage.dottedString, Nil).iterator.flatMap(p => - Files.list(p).iterator.asScala.filter(_.getFileName.toString.endsWith(".sig"))) - => ClassFileEntryImpl(f.toPlainFile)).toVector - } - } - - override private[dotty] def list(inPackage: PackageName): ClassPathEntries = - if (inPackage.isRoot) ClassPathEntries(packages(inPackage), Nil) - else ClassPathEntries(packages(inPackage), classes(inPackage)) - - def asURLs: Seq[URL] = Nil - def asClassPathStrings: Seq[String] = Nil - def findClassFile(className: String): Option[AbstractFile] = { - if (!className.contains(".")) None - else { - val (inPackage, classSimpleName) = separatePkgAndClassNames(className) - packageIndex.getOrElse(inPackage, Nil).iterator.flatMap { p => - val path = p.resolve(classSimpleName + ".sig") - if (Files.exists(path)) path.toPlainFile :: Nil else Nil - }.take(1).toList.headOption - } - } -} - -case class DirectoryClassPath(dir: JFile) extends JFileDirectoryLookup[ClassFileEntryImpl] with NoSourcePaths { - override def findClass(className: String): Option[ClassRepresentation] = findClassFile(className) map ClassFileEntryImpl.apply - - def findClassFile(className: String): Option[AbstractFile] = { - val relativePath = FileUtils.dirPath(className) - val classFile = new JFile(dir, relativePath + ".class") - if (classFile.exists) { - Some(classFile.toPath.toPlainFile) - } - else None - } - - protected def createFileEntry(file: AbstractFile): ClassFileEntryImpl = ClassFileEntryImpl(file) - protected def isMatchingFile(f: JFile): Boolean = f.isClass - - private[dotty] def classes(inPackage: PackageName): Seq[ClassFileEntry] = files(inPackage) -} - -case class DirectorySourcePath(dir: JFile) extends JFileDirectoryLookup[SourceFileEntryImpl] with NoClassPaths { - def asSourcePathString: String = asClassPathString - - protected def createFileEntry(file: AbstractFile): SourceFileEntryImpl = SourceFileEntryImpl(file) - protected def isMatchingFile(f: JFile): Boolean = endsScalaOrJava(f.getName) - - override def findClass(className: String): Option[ClassRepresentation] = findSourceFile(className) map SourceFileEntryImpl.apply - - private def findSourceFile(className: String): Option[AbstractFile] = { - val relativePath = FileUtils.dirPath(className) - val sourceFile = LazyList("scala", "java") - .map(ext => new JFile(dir, relativePath + "." + ext)) - .collectFirst { case file if file.exists() => file } - - - } - - private[dotty] def sources(inPackage: PackageName): Seq[SourceFileEntry] = files(inPackage) -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/classpath/FileUtils.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/classpath/FileUtils.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 0f5ac16b40bf..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/classpath/FileUtils.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,85 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Copyright (c) 2014 Contributor. All rights reserved. - */ -package -package dotc.classpath - -import scala.language.unsafeNulls - -import{File => JFile, FileFilter} -import -import -import language.experimental.pureFunctions - -/** - * Common methods related to Java files and abstract files used in the context of classpath - */ -object FileUtils { - extension (file: AbstractFile) { - def isPackage: Boolean = file.isDirectory && mayBeValidPackage( - - def isClass: Boolean = !file.isDirectory && file.hasExtension("class") && !"$class.class") - // FIXME: drop last condition when we stop being compatible with Scala 2.11 - - def isScalaOrJavaSource: Boolean = !file.isDirectory && (file.hasExtension("scala") || file.hasExtension("java")) - - // TODO do we need to check also other files using ZipMagicNumber like in - def isJarOrZip: Boolean = file.hasExtension("jar") || file.hasExtension("zip") - - /** - * Safe method returning a sequence containing one URL representing this file, when underlying file exists, - * and returning given default value in other case - */ - def toURLs(default: => Seq[URL] = Seq.empty): Seq[URL] = if (file.file == null) default else Seq(file.toURL) - } - - extension (file: JFile) { - def isPackage: Boolean = file.isDirectory && mayBeValidPackage(file.getName) - - def isClass: Boolean = file.isFile && file.getName.endsWith(".class") && !file.getName.endsWith("$class.class") - // FIXME: drop last condition when we stop being compatible with Scala 2.11 - } - - private val SUFFIX_CLASS = ".class" - private val SUFFIX_SCALA = ".scala" - private val SUFFIX_JAVA = ".java" - private val SUFFIX_SIG = ".sig" - - def stripSourceExtension(fileName: String): String = - if (endsScala(fileName)) stripClassExtension(fileName) - else if (endsJava(fileName)) stripJavaExtension(fileName) - else throw new FatalError("Unexpected source file ending: " + fileName) - - def dirPath(forPackage: String): String = forPackage.replace('.', JFile.separatorChar) - - def dirPathInJar(forPackage: String): String = forPackage.replace('.', '/') - - inline private def ends (filename:String, suffix:String) = filename.endsWith(suffix) && filename.length > suffix.length - - def endsClass(fileName: String): Boolean = - ends (fileName, SUFFIX_CLASS) || fileName.endsWith(SUFFIX_SIG) - - def endsScalaOrJava(fileName: String): Boolean = - endsScala(fileName) || endsJava(fileName) - - def endsJava(fileName: String): Boolean = - ends (fileName, SUFFIX_JAVA) - - def endsScala(fileName: String): Boolean = - ends (fileName, SUFFIX_SCALA) - - def stripClassExtension(fileName: String): String = - fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf('.')) - - def stripJavaExtension(fileName: String): String = - fileName.substring(0, fileName.length - 5) // equivalent of fileName.length - SUFFIX_JAVA.length - - // probably it should match a pattern like [a-z_]{1}[a-z0-9_]* but it cannot be changed - // because then some tests in partest don't pass - def mayBeValidPackage(dirName: String): Boolean = - (dirName != "META-INF") && (dirName != "") && (dirName.charAt(0) != '.') - - def mkFileFilter(f: JFile -> Boolean): FileFilter = new FileFilter { - def accept(pathname: JFile): Boolean = f(pathname) - } -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/classpath/PackageNameUtils.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/classpath/PackageNameUtils.scala deleted file mode 100644 index ea7412f15d8a..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/classpath/PackageNameUtils.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Copyright (c) 2014 Contributor. All rights reserved. - */ -package - -import - -/** - * Common methods related to package names represented as String - */ -object PackageNameUtils { - - /** - * @param fullClassName full class name with package - * @return (package, simple class name) - */ - inline def separatePkgAndClassNames(fullClassName: String): (String, String) = { - val lastDotIndex = fullClassName.lastIndexOf('.') - if (lastDotIndex == -1) - (RootPackage, fullClassName) - else - (fullClassName.substring(0, lastDotIndex).nn, fullClassName.substring(lastDotIndex + 1).nn) - } - - def packagePrefix(inPackage: String): String = if (inPackage == RootPackage) "" else inPackage + "." - - /** - * `true` if `packageDottedName` is a package directly nested in `inPackage`, for example: - * - `packageContains("scala", "scala.collection")` - * - `packageContains("", "scala")` - */ - def packageContains(inPackage: String, packageDottedName: String) = { - if (packageDottedName.contains(".")) - packageDottedName.startsWith(inPackage) && packageDottedName.lastIndexOf('.') == inPackage.length - else inPackage == "" - } -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/classpath/VirtualDirectoryClassPath.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/classpath/VirtualDirectoryClassPath.scala deleted file mode 100644 index ac80d543b539..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/classpath/VirtualDirectoryClassPath.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ -package - -import scala.language.unsafeNulls - -import -import{AbstractFile, VirtualDirectory} -import FileUtils._ -import - -import -import language.experimental.pureFunctions - -case class VirtualDirectoryClassPath(dir: VirtualDirectory) extends ClassPath with DirectoryLookup[ClassFileEntryImpl] with NoSourcePaths { - type F = AbstractFile - - // From AbstractFileClassLoader - private final def lookupPath(base: AbstractFile)(pathParts: Seq[String], directory: Boolean): AbstractFile = { - var file: AbstractFile = base - val dirParts = pathParts.init.iterator - while (dirParts.hasNext) { - val dirPart = - file = file.lookupName(dirPart, directory = true) - if (file == null) - return null - } - file.lookupName(pathParts.last, directory = directory) - } - - protected def emptyFiles: Array[AbstractFile] = Array.empty - protected def getSubDir(packageDirName: String): Option[AbstractFile] = - Option(lookupPath(dir)(packageDirName.split(, directory = true)) - protected def listChildren(dir: AbstractFile, filter: Option[AbstractFile -> Boolean]): Array[F] = filter match { - case Some(f) => dir.iterator.filter(f).toArray - case _ => dir.toArray - } - def getName(f: AbstractFile): String = - def toAbstractFile(f: AbstractFile): AbstractFile = f - def isPackage(f: AbstractFile): Boolean = f.isPackage - - // mimic the behavior of the old nsc.util.DirectoryClassPath - def asURLs: Seq[URL] = Seq(new URL( - def asClassPathStrings: Seq[String] = Seq(dir.path) - - override def findClass(className: String): Option[ClassRepresentation] = findClassFile(className) map ClassFileEntryImpl.apply - - def findClassFile(className: String): Option[AbstractFile] = { - val relativePath = FileUtils.dirPath(className) + ".class" - Option(lookupPath(dir)(relativePath.split(, directory = false)) - } - - private[dotty] def classes(inPackage: PackageName): Seq[ClassFileEntry] = files(inPackage) - - protected def createFileEntry(file: AbstractFile): ClassFileEntryImpl = ClassFileEntryImpl(file) - protected def isMatchingFile(f: AbstractFile): Boolean = f.isClass -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/classpath/ZipAndJarFileLookupFactory.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/classpath/ZipAndJarFileLookupFactory.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 865f95551a0b..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/classpath/ZipAndJarFileLookupFactory.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,205 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Copyright (c) 2014 Contributor. All rights reserved. - */ -package -package classpath - -import scala.language.unsafeNulls - -import -import -import java.nio.file.Files -import java.nio.file.attribute.{BasicFileAttributes, FileTime} - -import scala.annotation.tailrec -import{AbstractFile, ClassPath, ClassRepresentation, FileZipArchive, ManifestResources} -import -import FileUtils._ - -/** - * A trait providing an optional cache for classpath entries obtained from zip and jar files. - * It allows us to e.g. reduce significantly memory used by PresentationCompilers in Scala IDE - * when there are a lot of projects having a lot of common dependencies. - */ -sealed trait ZipAndJarFileLookupFactory { - private val cache = new FileBasedCache[ClassPath] - - def create(zipFile: AbstractFile)(using Context): ClassPath = - val release = Option(ctx.settings.javaOutputVersion.value).filter(_.nonEmpty) - if (ctx.settings.YdisableFlatCpCaching.value || zipFile.file == null) createForZipFile(zipFile, release) - else createUsingCache(zipFile, release) - - protected def createForZipFile(zipFile: AbstractFile, release: Option[String]): ClassPath - - private def createUsingCache(zipFile: AbstractFile, release: Option[String]): ClassPath = - cache.getOrCreate(zipFile.file.toPath, () => createForZipFile(zipFile, release)) -} - -/** - * Manages creation of classpath for class files placed in zip and jar files. - * It should be the only way of creating them as it provides caching. - */ -object ZipAndJarClassPathFactory extends ZipAndJarFileLookupFactory { - private case class ZipArchiveClassPath(zipFile: File, override val release: Option[String]) - extends ZipArchiveFileLookup[ClassFileEntryImpl] - with NoSourcePaths { - - override def findClassFile(className: String): Option[AbstractFile] = { - val (pkg, simpleClassName) = PackageNameUtils.separatePkgAndClassNames(className) - file(PackageName(pkg), simpleClassName + ".class").map(_.file) - } - - // This method is performance sensitive as it is used by SBT's ExtractDependencies phase. - override def findClass(className: String): Option[ClassRepresentation] = { - val (pkg, simpleClassName) = PackageNameUtils.separatePkgAndClassNames(className) - file(PackageName(pkg), simpleClassName + ".class") - } - - override private[dotty] def classes(inPackage: PackageName): Seq[ClassFileEntry] = files(inPackage) - - override protected def createFileEntry(file: FileZipArchive#Entry): ClassFileEntryImpl = ClassFileEntryImpl(file) - override protected def isRequiredFileType(file: AbstractFile): Boolean = file.isClass - } - - /** - * This type of classpath is closely related to the support for JSR-223. - * Its usage can be observed e.g. when running: - * jrunscript -classpath scala-compiler.jar;scala-reflect.jar;scala-library.jar -l scala - * with a particularly prepared scala-library.jar. It should have all classes listed in the manifest like e.g. this entry: - * Name: scala/Function2$mcFJD$sp.class - */ - private case class ManifestResourcesClassPath(file: ManifestResources) extends ClassPath with NoSourcePaths { - override def findClassFile(className: String): Option[AbstractFile] = { - val (pkg, simpleClassName) = PackageNameUtils.separatePkgAndClassNames(className) - classes(PackageName(pkg)).find( == simpleClassName).map(_.file) - } - - override def asClassPathStrings: Seq[String] = Seq(file.path) - - override def asURLs: Seq[URL] = file.toURLs() - - import ManifestResourcesClassPath.PackageFileInfo - import ManifestResourcesClassPath.PackageInfo - - /** - * A cache mapping package name to abstract file for package directory and subpackages of given package. - * - * ManifestResources can iterate through the collections of entries from e.g. remote jar file. - * We can't just specify the path to the concrete directory etc. so we can't just 'jump' into - * given package, when it's needed. On the other hand we can iterate over entries to get - * AbstractFiles, iterate over entries of these files etc. - * - * Instead of traversing a tree of AbstractFiles once and caching all entries or traversing each time, - * when we need subpackages of a given package or its classes, we traverse once and cache only packages. - * Classes for given package can be then easily loaded when they are needed. - */ - private lazy val cachedPackages: util.HashMap[String, PackageFileInfo] = { - val packages = util.HashMap[String, PackageFileInfo]() - - def getSubpackages(dir: AbstractFile): List[AbstractFile] = - (for (file <- dir if file.isPackage) yield file).toList - - @tailrec - def traverse(packagePrefix: String, - filesForPrefix: List[AbstractFile], - subpackagesQueue: collection.mutable.Queue[PackageInfo]): Unit = filesForPrefix match { - case pkgFile :: remainingFiles => - val subpackages = getSubpackages(pkgFile) - val fullPkgName = packagePrefix + - packages(fullPkgName) = PackageFileInfo(pkgFile, subpackages) - val newPackagePrefix = fullPkgName + "." - subpackagesQueue.enqueue(PackageInfo(newPackagePrefix, subpackages)) - traverse(packagePrefix, remainingFiles, subpackagesQueue) - case Nil if subpackagesQueue.nonEmpty => - val PackageInfo(packagePrefix, filesForPrefix) = subpackagesQueue.dequeue() - traverse(packagePrefix, filesForPrefix, subpackagesQueue) - case _ => - } - - val subpackages = getSubpackages(file) - packages(ClassPath.RootPackage) = PackageFileInfo(file, subpackages) - traverse(ClassPath.RootPackage, subpackages, collection.mutable.Queue()) - packages - } - - override private[dotty] def packages(inPackage: PackageName): Seq[PackageEntry] = cachedPackages.get(inPackage.dottedString) match { - case None => Seq.empty - case Some(PackageFileInfo(_, subpackages)) => - => PackageEntryImpl(inPackage.entryName( - } - - override private[dotty] def classes(inPackage: PackageName): Seq[ClassFileEntry] = cachedPackages.get(inPackage.dottedString) match { - case None => Seq.empty - case Some(PackageFileInfo(pkg, _)) => - (for (file <- pkg if file.isClass) yield ClassFileEntryImpl(file)).toSeq - } - - override private[dotty] def hasPackage(pkg: PackageName) = cachedPackages.contains(pkg.dottedString) - override private[dotty] def list(inPackage: PackageName): ClassPathEntries = ClassPathEntries(packages(inPackage), classes(inPackage)) - } - - private object ManifestResourcesClassPath { - case class PackageFileInfo(packageFile: AbstractFile, subpackages: Seq[AbstractFile]) - case class PackageInfo(packageName: String, subpackages: List[AbstractFile]) - } - - override protected def createForZipFile(zipFile: AbstractFile, release: Option[String]): ClassPath = - if (zipFile.file == null) createWithoutUnderlyingFile(zipFile) - else ZipArchiveClassPath(zipFile.file, release) - - private def createWithoutUnderlyingFile(zipFile: AbstractFile) = zipFile match { - case manifestRes: ManifestResources => - ManifestResourcesClassPath(manifestRes) - case _ => - val errorMsg = s"Abstract files which don't have an underlying file and are not ManifestResources are not supported. There was $zipFile" - throw new IllegalArgumentException(errorMsg) - } -} - -/** - * Manages creation of classpath for source files placed in zip and jar files. - * It should be the only way of creating them as it provides caching. - */ -object ZipAndJarSourcePathFactory extends ZipAndJarFileLookupFactory { - private case class ZipArchiveSourcePath(zipFile: File) - extends ZipArchiveFileLookup[SourceFileEntryImpl] - with NoClassPaths { - - def release: Option[String] = None - - override def asSourcePathString: String = asClassPathString - - override private[dotty] def sources(inPackage: PackageName): Seq[SourceFileEntry] = files(inPackage) - - override protected def createFileEntry(file: FileZipArchive#Entry): SourceFileEntryImpl = SourceFileEntryImpl(file) - override protected def isRequiredFileType(file: AbstractFile): Boolean = file.isScalaOrJavaSource - } - - override protected def createForZipFile(zipFile: AbstractFile, release: Option[String]): ClassPath = ZipArchiveSourcePath(zipFile.file) -} - -final class FileBasedCache[T] { - private case class Stamp(lastModified: FileTime, fileKey: Object) - private val cache = collection.mutable.Map.empty[java.nio.file.Path, (Stamp, T)] - - def getOrCreate(path: java.nio.file.Path, create: () => T): T = cache.synchronized { - val attrs = Files.readAttributes(path, classOf[BasicFileAttributes]) - val lastModified = attrs.lastModifiedTime() - // only null on some platforms, but that's okay, we just use the last modified timestamp as our stamp - val fileKey = attrs.fileKey() - val stamp = Stamp(lastModified, fileKey) - cache.get(path) match { - case Some((cachedStamp, cached)) if cachedStamp == stamp => cached - case _ => - val value = create() - cache.put(path, (stamp, value)) - value - } - } - - def clear(): Unit = cache.synchronized { - // TODO support closing - // cache.valuesIterator.foreach(_.close()) - cache.clear() - } -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/classpath/ZipArchiveFileLookup.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/classpath/ZipArchiveFileLookup.scala deleted file mode 100644 index e241feee8244..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/classpath/ZipArchiveFileLookup.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Copyright (c) 2014 Contributor. All rights reserved. - */ -package - -import scala.language.unsafeNulls - -import -import - -import{ AbstractFile, FileZipArchive } -import FileUtils._ -import{EfficientClassPath, ClassRepresentation} - -/** - * A trait allowing to look for classpath entries of given type in zip and jar files. - * It provides common logic for classes handling class and source files. - * It's aware of things like e.g. META-INF directory which is correctly skipped. - */ -trait ZipArchiveFileLookup[FileEntryType <: ClassRepresentation] extends EfficientClassPath { - val zipFile: File - def release: Option[String] - - assert(zipFile != null, "Zip file in ZipArchiveFileLookup cannot be null") - - override def asURLs: Seq[URL] = Seq(zipFile.toURI.toURL) - override def asClassPathStrings: Seq[String] = Seq(zipFile.getPath) - - private val archive = new FileZipArchive(zipFile.toPath, release) - - override private[dotty] def packages(inPackage: PackageName): Seq[PackageEntry] = { - for { - dirEntry <- findDirEntry(inPackage).toSeq - entry <- dirEntry.iterator if entry.isPackage - } - yield PackageEntryImpl(inPackage.entryName( - } - - protected def files(inPackage: PackageName): Seq[FileEntryType] = - for { - dirEntry <- findDirEntry(inPackage).toSeq - entry <- dirEntry.iterator if isRequiredFileType(entry) - } - yield createFileEntry(entry) - - protected def file(inPackage: PackageName, name: String): Option[FileEntryType] = - for { - dirEntry <- findDirEntry(inPackage) - entry <- Option(dirEntry.lookupName(name, directory = false)) - if isRequiredFileType(entry) - } - yield createFileEntry(entry) - - override def hasPackage(pkg: PackageName) = findDirEntry(pkg).isDefined - def list(inPackage: PackageName, onPackageEntry: PackageEntry => Unit, onClassesAndSources: ClassRepresentation => Unit): Unit = - findDirEntry(inPackage) match { - case Some(dirEntry) => - for (entry <- dirEntry.iterator) { - if (entry.isPackage) - onPackageEntry(PackageEntryImpl(inPackage.entryName( - else if (isRequiredFileType(entry)) - onClassesAndSources(createFileEntry(entry)) - } - case None => - } - - private def findDirEntry(pkg: PackageName): Option[archive.DirEntry] = - archive.allDirs.get(pkg.dirPathTrailingSlashJar) - - protected def createFileEntry(file: FileZipArchive#Entry): FileEntryType - protected def isRequiredFileType(file: AbstractFile): Boolean -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/CliCommand.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/CliCommand.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 68c900e405da..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/CliCommand.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,198 +0,0 @@ -package -package config - -import scala.language.unsafeNulls - -import Settings._ -import core.Contexts._ -import printing.Highlighting - -import scala.util.chaining.given -import scala.PartialFunction.cond - -trait CliCommand: - - type ConcreteSettings <: CommonScalaSettings with Settings.SettingGroup - - def versionMsg: String - - def ifErrorsMsg: String - - /** The name of the command */ - def cmdName: String - - def isHelpFlag(using settings: ConcreteSettings)(using SettingsState): Boolean - - def helpMsg(using settings: ConcreteSettings)(using SettingsState, Context): String - - private def explainAdvanced = """ - |-- Notes on option parsing -- - |Boolean settings are always false unless set. - |Where multiple values are accepted, they should be comma-separated. - | example: -Xplugin:plugin1,plugin2 - | means one or a comma-separated list of: - | - (partial) phase names with an optional "+" suffix to include the next phase - | - the string "all" - | example: -Xprint:all prints all phases. - | example: -Xprint:typer,mixin prints the typer and mixin phases. - | example: -Ylog:erasure+ logs the erasure phase and the phase after the erasure phase. - | This is useful because during the tree transform of phase X, we often - | already are in phase X + 1. - """ - - /** Distill arguments into summary detailing settings, errors and files to main */ - def distill(args: Array[String], sg: Settings.SettingGroup)(ss: SettingsState = sg.defaultState)(using Context): ArgsSummary = - - // expand out @filename to the contents of that filename - def expandedArguments = args.toList flatMap { - case x if x startsWith "@" => CommandLineParser.expandArg(x) - case x => List(x) - } - - sg.processArguments(expandedArguments, processAll = true, settingsState = ss) - end distill - - /** Creates a help message for a subset of options based on cond */ - protected def availableOptionsMsg(p: Setting[?] => Boolean)(using settings: ConcreteSettings)(using SettingsState): String = - // result is (Option Name, descrption\ndefault: value\nchoices: x, y, z - def help(s: Setting[?]): (String, String) = - // For now, skip the default values that do not make sense for the end user, such as 'false' for the version command. - def defaultValue = s.default match - case _: Int | _: String => s.default.toString - case _ => "" - val info = List(shortHelp(s), if defaultValue.nonEmpty then s"Default $defaultValue" else "", if s.legalChoices.nonEmpty then s"Choices ${s.legalChoices}" else "") - (, info.filter(_.nonEmpty).mkString("\n")) - end help - - val ss = settings.allSettings.filter(p).toList.sortBy( - val formatter = Columnator("", "", maxField = 30) - val fresh = ContextBase().initialCtx.fresh.setSettings(summon[SettingsState]) - formatter(List( :+ ("@", "A text file containing compiler arguments (options and source files).")))(using fresh) - end availableOptionsMsg - - protected def shortUsage: String = s"Usage: $cmdName " - - protected def createUsageMsg(label: String, shouldExplain: Boolean, cond: Setting[?] => Boolean)(using settings: ConcreteSettings)(using SettingsState): String = - val prefix = List( - Some(shortUsage), - Some(explainAdvanced).filter(_ => shouldExplain), - Some(label + " options include:") - ).flatten.mkString("\n") - - prefix + "\n" + availableOptionsMsg(cond) - - protected def isStandard(s: Setting[?])(using settings: ConcreteSettings)(using SettingsState): Boolean = - !isVerbose(s) && !isWarning(s) && !isAdvanced(s) && !isPrivate(s) || == "-Werror" || == "-Wconf" - protected def isVerbose(s: Setting[?])(using settings: ConcreteSettings)(using SettingsState): Boolean = -"-V") && != "-V" - protected def isWarning(s: Setting[?])(using settings: ConcreteSettings)(using SettingsState): Boolean = -"-W") && != "-W" || == "-Xlint" - protected def isAdvanced(s: Setting[?])(using settings: ConcreteSettings)(using SettingsState): Boolean = -"-X") && != "-X" - protected def isPrivate(s: Setting[?])(using settings: ConcreteSettings)(using SettingsState): Boolean = -"-Y") && != "-Y" - protected def shortHelp(s: Setting[?])(using settings: ConcreteSettings)(using SettingsState): String = - - protected def isHelping(s: Setting[?])(using settings: ConcreteSettings)(using SettingsState): Boolean = - cond(s.value) { - case ss: List[?] if s.isMultivalue => ss.contains("help") - case s: String => "help" == s - } - - /** Messages explaining usage and options */ - protected def usageMessage(using settings: ConcreteSettings)(using SettingsState) = - createUsageMsg("where possible standard", shouldExplain = false, isStandard) - protected def vusageMessage(using settings: ConcreteSettings)(using SettingsState) = - createUsageMsg("Possible verbose", shouldExplain = true, isVerbose) - protected def wusageMessage(using settings: ConcreteSettings)(using SettingsState) = - createUsageMsg("Possible warning", shouldExplain = true, isWarning) - protected def xusageMessage(using settings: ConcreteSettings)(using SettingsState) = - createUsageMsg("Possible advanced", shouldExplain = true, isAdvanced) - protected def yusageMessage(using settings: ConcreteSettings)(using SettingsState) = - createUsageMsg("Possible private", shouldExplain = true, isPrivate) - - /** Used for the formatted output of -Xshow-phases */ - protected def phasesMessage(using Context): String = - val phases = new Compiler().phases - val formatter = Columnator("phase name", "description", maxField = 25) - formatter( => => (p.phaseName, p.description)))) - - /** Provide usage feedback on argument summary, assuming that all settings - * are already applied in context. - * @return Either Some list of files passed as arguments or None if further processing should be interrupted. - */ - def checkUsage(summary: ArgsSummary, sourcesRequired: Boolean)(using settings: ConcreteSettings)(using SettingsState, Context): Option[List[String]] = - // Print all warnings encountered during arguments parsing - summary.warnings.foreach(report.warning(_)) - - if summary.errors.nonEmpty then - summary.errors foreach (report.error(_)) - report.echo(ifErrorsMsg) - None - else if settings.version.value then - report.echo(versionMsg) - None - else if isHelpFlag then - report.echo(helpMsg) - None - else if (sourcesRequired && summary.arguments.isEmpty) - report.echo(usageMessage) - None - else - Some(summary.arguments) - - extension [T](setting: Setting[T]) - protected def value(using ss: SettingsState): T = setting.valueIn(ss) - - extension (s: String) - def padLeft(width: Int): String = String.format(s"%${width}s", s) - - // Formatting for -help and -Vphases in two columns, handling long field1 and wrapping long field2 - class Columnator(heading1: String, heading2: String, maxField: Int, separation: Int = 2): - def apply(texts: List[List[(String, String)]])(using Context): String = StringBuilder().tap(columnate(_, texts)).toString - - private def columnate(sb: StringBuilder, texts: List[List[(String, String)]])(using Context): Unit = - import Highlighting.* - val colors = Seq(Green(_), Yellow(_), Magenta(_), Cyan(_), Red(_)) - val nocolor = texts.length == 1 - def color(index: Int): String => Highlight = if nocolor then NoColor(_) else colors(index % colors.length) - val maxCol = ctx.settings.pageWidth.value - val field1 = maxField.min( < maxField).max) // widest field under maxField - val field2 = if field1 + separation + maxField < maxCol then maxCol - field1 - separation else 0 // skinny window -> terminal wrap - val separator = " " * separation - val EOL = "\n" - def formatField1(text: String): String = if text.length <= field1 then text.padLeft(field1) else text + EOL + "".padLeft(field1) - def formatField2(text: String): String = - def loopOverField2(fld: String): List[String] = - if field2 == 0 || fld.length <= field2 then List(fld) - else - fld.lastIndexOf(" ", field2) match - case -1 => List(fld) - case i => val (prefix, rest) = fld.splitAt(i) ; prefix :: loopOverField2(rest.trim) - text.split("\n").toList.flatMap(loopOverField2).filter(_.nonEmpty).mkString(EOL + "".padLeft(field1) + separator) - end formatField2 - def format(first: String, second: String, index: Int, colorPicker: Int => String => Highlight) = - sb.append(colorPicker(index)(formatField1(first)).show) - .append(separator) - .append(formatField2(second)) - .append(EOL): Unit - def fancy(first: String, second: String, index: Int) = format(first, second, index, color) - def plain(first: String, second: String) = format(first, second, 0, _ => NoColor(_)) - - if heading1.nonEmpty then - plain(heading1, heading2) - plain("-" * heading1.length, "-" * heading2.length) - - def emit(index: Int)(textPair: (String, String)): Unit = fancy(textPair._1, textPair._2, index) - def group(index: Int)(body: Int => Unit): Unit = - if !ctx.useColors then plain(s"{", "") - body(index) - if !ctx.useColors then plain(s"}", "") - - texts.zipWithIndex.foreach { (text, index) => - text match - case List(single) => emit(index)(single) - case Nil => - case mega => group(index)(i => mega.foreach(emit(i))) - } - end Columnator diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/CommandLineParser.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/CommandLineParser.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 2e76561c9913..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/CommandLineParser.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,125 +0,0 @@ -package - -import java.lang.Character.isWhitespace -import java.nio.file.{Files, Paths} -import scala.annotation.tailrec -import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer -import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.* - -/** Split a line of text using shell conventions. - */ -object CommandLineParser: - inline private val DQ = '"' - inline private val SQ = '\'' - inline private val EOF = -1 - - /** Split the line into tokens separated by whitespace. - * - * Single or double quotes can be embedded to preserve internal whitespace: - * - * `""" echo "hello, world!" """` => "echo" :: "hello, world!" :: Nil - * `""" echo hello,' 'world! """` => "echo" :: "hello, world!" :: Nil - * `""" echo \"hello, world!\" """` => "echo" :: "\"hello," :: "world!\"" :: Nil - * - * The embedded quotes are stripped. Escaping backslash is not stripped. - * - * Invoke `errorFn` with a descriptive message if an end quote is missing. - */ - def tokenize(line: String, errorFn: String => Unit): List[String] = - - var accum: List[String] = Nil - - var pos = 0 - var start = 0 - val qpos = new ArrayBuffer[Int](16) // positions of paired quotes in current token - - inline def cur = if done then EOF else line.charAt(pos): Int - inline def bump() = pos += 1 - inline def done = pos >= line.length - - // Skip to the given unescaped end quote; false on no more input. - def skipToEndQuote(q: Int): Boolean = - var escaped = false - def terminal = cur match - case _ if escaped => escaped = false ; false - case '\\' => escaped = true ; false - case `q` | EOF => true - case _ => false - while !terminal do bump() - !done - - // Skip to the next whitespace word boundary; record unescaped embedded quotes; false on missing quote. - def skipToDelim(): Boolean = - var escaped = false - inline def quote() = { qpos += pos ; bump() } - @tailrec def advance(): Boolean = cur match - case _ if escaped => escaped = false ; bump() ; advance() - case '\\' => escaped = true ; bump() ; advance() - case q @ (DQ | SQ) => { quote() ; skipToEndQuote(q) } && { quote() ; advance() } - case EOF => true - case c if isWhitespace(c) => true - case _ => bump(); advance() - advance() - - def copyText(): String = - val buf = new java.lang.StringBuilder - var p = start - var i = 0 - while p < pos do - if i >= qpos.size then - buf.append(line, p, pos) - p = pos - else if p == qpos(i) then - buf.append(line, qpos(i)+1, qpos(i+1)) - p = qpos(i+1)+1 - i += 2 - else - buf.append(line, p, qpos(i)) - p = qpos(i) - buf.toString - - // the current token, stripped of any embedded quotes. - def text(): String = - val res = - if qpos.isEmpty then line.substring(start, pos) - else if qpos(0) == start && qpos(1) == pos then line.substring(start+1, pos-1) - else copyText() - qpos.clear() - res.nn - - inline def badquote() = errorFn(s"Unmatched quote [${qpos.last}](${line.charAt(qpos.last)})") - - inline def skipWhitespace() = while isWhitespace(cur) do bump() - - @tailrec def loop(): List[String] = - skipWhitespace() - start = pos - if done then - accum.reverse - else if !skipToDelim() then - badquote() - Nil - else - accum ::= text() - loop() - end loop - - loop() - end tokenize - - def tokenize(line: String): List[String] = tokenize(line, x => throw new ParseException(x)) - - /** Expands all arguments starting with @ to the contents of the file named like each argument. - */ - def expandArg(arg: String): List[String] = - val path = Paths.get(arg.stripPrefix("@")) - if !Files.exists(path) then - System.err.nn.println(s"Argument file ${path.nn.getFileName} could not be found") - Nil - else - def stripComment(s: String) = s.indexOf('#') match { case -1 => s case i => s.substring(0, i) } - val lines = Files.readAllLines(path).nn - val params =!_.nn.isEmpty).mkString(" ") - tokenize(params) - - class ParseException(msg: String) extends RuntimeException(msg) diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/CompilerCommand.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/CompilerCommand.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 41e123472a75..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/CompilerCommand.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -package -package config - -import Settings._ -import core.Contexts._ - -abstract class CompilerCommand extends CliCommand: - type ConcreteSettings = ScalaSettings - - final def helpMsg(using settings: ScalaSettings)(using SettingsState, Context): String = - settings.allSettings.find(isHelping) match - case Some(s) => s.description - case _ => - if ( usageMessage - else if (settings.Vhelp.value) vusageMessage - else if (settings.Whelp.value) wusageMessage - else if (settings.Xhelp.value) xusageMessage - else if (settings.Yhelp.value) yusageMessage - else if (settings.showPlugins.value) ctx.base.pluginDescriptions - else if (settings.XshowPhases.value) phasesMessage - else "" - - final def isHelpFlag(using settings: ScalaSettings)(using SettingsState): Boolean = - import settings._ - val flags = Set(help, Vhelp, Whelp, Xhelp, Yhelp, showPlugins, XshowPhases) - flags.exists(_.value) || allSettings.exists(isHelping) diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/Config.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/Config.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 02d075c8853d..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/Config.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,256 +0,0 @@ -package - -object Config { - - inline val cacheMembersNamed = true - inline val cacheAsSeenFrom = true - inline val cacheMemberNames = true - inline val cacheImplicitScopes = true - inline val cacheMatchReduced = true - - /** If true, the `runWithOwner` operation uses a re-usable context, - * similar to explore. This requires that the context does not escape - * the call. If false, `runWithOwner` runs its operation argument - * in a fresh context. - */ - inline val reuseOwnerContexts = true - - inline val checkCacheMembersNamed = false - - /** When updating a constraint bound, check that the constrained parameter - * does not appear at the top-level of either of its bounds. - */ - inline val checkConstraintsNonCyclic = false - - /** Check that reverse dependencies in constraints are correct and complete. - * Can also be enabled using -Ycheck-constraint-deps. - */ - inline val checkConstraintDeps = false - - /** Check that each constraint resulting from a subtype test - * is satisfiable. Also check that a type variable instantiation - * satisfies its constraints. - * Note that this can fail when bad bounds are in scope, like in - * tests/neg/i4721a.scala. - */ - inline val checkConstraintsSatisfiable = false - - /** Check that each constraint is fully propagated. i.e. - * If P <: Q then the upper bound of P is a subtype of the upper bound of Q - * and the lower bound of Q is a subtype of the lower bound of P. - */ - inline val checkConstraintsPropagated = false - - /** Check that constraint bounds do not contain wildcard types */ - inline val checkNoWildcardsInConstraint = false - - /** If a constraint is over a type lambda `tl` and `tvar` is one of - * the type variables associated with `tl` in the constraint, check - * that the origin of `tvar` is a parameter of `tl`. - */ - inline val checkConsistentVars = false - - /** Check that constraints of globally committable typer states are closed. - * NOTE: When enabled, the check can cause CyclicReference errors because - * it traverses all elements of a type. Such failures were observed when - * compiling all of dotty together (source seems to be in GenBCode which - * accesses javac's settings.) - * - * It is recommended to turn this option on only when chasing down - * a TypeParamRef instantiation error. See comment in Types.TypeVar.instantiate. - */ - inline val debugCheckConstraintsClosed = false - - /** Check that no type appearing as the info of a SymDenotation contains - * skolem types. - */ - inline val checkNoSkolemsInInfo = false - - /** Check that Name#toString is not called directly from backend by analyzing - * the stack trace of each toString call on names. This is very expensive, - * so not suitable for continuous testing. But it can be used to find a problem - * when running a specific test. - */ - inline val checkBackendNames = false - - /** Check that re-used type comparers are in their initialization state */ - inline val checkTypeComparerReset = false - - /** Type comparer will fail with an assert if the upper bound - * of a constrained parameter becomes Nothing. This should be turned - * on only for specific debugging as normally instantiation to Nothing - * is not an error condition. - */ - inline val failOnInstantiationToNothing = false - - /** Enable noDoubleDef checking if option "-YnoDoubleDefs" is set. - * The reason to have an option as well as the present global switch is - * that the noDoubleDef checking is done in a hotspot, and we do not - * want to incur the overhead of checking an option each time. - */ - inline val checkNoDoubleBindings = true - - /** Check positions for consistency after parsing */ - inline val checkPositions = true - - /** Check that typed trees don't point to untyped ones */ - inline val checkTreesConsistent = false - - /** Show subtype traces for all deep subtype recursions */ - inline val traceDeepSubTypeRecursions = false - - /** When explaining subtypes and this flag is set, also show the classes of the compared types. */ - inline val verboseExplainSubtype = false - - /** If this flag is set, take the fast path when comparing same-named type-aliases and types */ - inline val fastPathForRefinedSubtype = true - - /** If this flag is set, and we compute `T1[X1]` & `T2[X2]` as a new - * upper bound of a constrained parameter, try to align the arguments by computing - * `S1 =:= S2` (which might instantiate type parameters). - * This rule is contentious because it cuts the constraint set. - * - * For more info, see the comment in `TypeComparer#glbArgs`. - */ - inline val alignArgsInAnd = true - - /** If this flag is set, higher-kinded applications are checked for validity - */ - inline val checkHKApplications = false - - /** If this flag is set, method types are checked for valid parameter references - */ - inline val checkMethodTypes = false - - /** If this flag is set, it is checked that TypeRefs don't refer directly - * to themselves. - */ - inline val checkTypeRefCycles = false - - /** If this flag is set, we check that types assigned to trees are error types only - * if some error was already reported. There are complicicated scenarios where this - * is not true. An example is TestNonCyclic in posTwice. If we remove the - * first (unused) import `import` in `CompilationUnit`, - * we end up assigning a CyclicReference error type to an import expression `annotation` - * before the cyclic reference is reported. What happens is that the error was reported - * as a result of a completion in a not-yet committed typerstate. So we cannot enforce - * this in all circumstances. But since it is almost always true it is useful to - * keep the Config option for debugging. - */ - inline val checkUnreportedErrors = false - - /** If this flag is set, it is checked that class type parameters are - * only references with NoPrefix or ThisTypes as prefixes. This option - * is usually disabled, because there are still some legitimate cases where - * this can arise (e.g. for pos/Map.scala, in LambdaType.integrate). - */ - inline val checkTypeParamRefs = false - - /** The recursion depth for showing a summarized string */ - inline val summarizeDepth = 2 - - /** Check that variances of lambda arguments match the - * variance of the underlying lambda class. - */ - inline val checkLambdaVariance = false - - /** Check that certain types cannot be created in erasedTypes phases. - * Note: Turning this option on will get some false negatives, since it is - * possible that And/Or types are still created during erasure as the result - * of some operation on an existing type. - */ - inline val checkUnerased = false - - /** Check that atoms-based comparisons match regular comparisons that do not - * take atoms into account. The two have to give the same results, since - * atoms comparison is intended to be just an optimization. - */ - inline val checkAtomsComparisons = false - - /** In `derivedSelect`, rewrite - * - * (S & T)#A --> S#A & T#A - * (S | T)#A --> S#A | T#A - * - * Not sure whether this is useful. Preliminary measurements show a slowdown of about - * 7% for the build when this option is enabled. - */ - inline val splitProjections = false - - /** If this flag is on, always rewrite an application `S[Ts]` where `S` is an alias for - * `[Xs] -> U` to `[Xs := Ts]U`. - * Turning this flag on was observed to give a ~6% speedup on the JUnit test suite. - */ - inline val simplifyApplications = true - - /** Assume -indent by default */ - inline val defaultIndent = true - - /** If set, prints a trace of all symbol completions */ - inline val showCompletions = false - - /** If set, show variable/variable reverse dependencies when printing constraints. */ - inline val showConstraintDeps = true - - /** If set, method results that are context functions are flattened by adding - * the parameters of the context function results to the methods themselves. - * This is an optimization that reduces closure allocations. - */ - inline val flattenContextFunctionResults = true - - /** If set, enables tracing */ - inline val tracingEnabled = false - - /** Initial capacity of the uniques HashMap. - * Note: This should be a power of two to work with util.HashSet - */ - inline val initialUniquesCapacity = 0x8000 - - /** How many recursive calls to NamedType#underlying are performed before logging starts. */ - inline val LogPendingUnderlyingThreshold = 50 - - /** How many recursive calls to isSubType are performed before logging starts. */ - inline val LogPendingSubTypesThreshold = 50 - - /** How many recursive calls to findMember are performed before logging names starts - * Note: this threshold has to be chosen carefully. Too large, and programs - * like tests/pos/IterableSelfRec go into polynomial (or even exponential?) - * compile time slowdown. Too small and normal programs will cause the compiler to - * do inefficient operations on findMember. The current value is determined - * so that (1) IterableSelfRec still compiles in reasonable time (< 10sec) (2) Compiling - * dotty itself only causes small pending names lists to be generated (we measured - * at max 6 elements) and these lists are never searched with contains. - */ - inline val LogPendingFindMemberThreshold = 9 - - /** When in IDE, turn StaleSymbol errors into warnings instead of crashing */ - inline val ignoreStaleInIDE = true - - /** If true, `Denotation#asSeenFrom` is allowed to return an existing - * `SymDenotation` instead of allocating a new `SingleDenotation` if - * the two would only differ in their `prefix` (SymDenotation always - * have `NoPrefix` as their prefix). - * This is done for performance reasons: when compiling Dotty itself this - * reduces the number of allocated denotations by ~50%. - */ - inline val reuseSymDenotations = true - - /** If `checkLevelsOnConstraints` is true, check levels of type variables - * and create fresh ones as needed when bounds are first entered intot he constraint. - * If `checkLevelsOnInstantiation` is true, allow level-incorrect constraints but - * fix levels on type variable instantiation. - */ - inline val checkLevelsOnConstraints = false - inline val checkLevelsOnInstantiation = true - - /** If true, print capturing types in the form `{c} T`. - * If false, print them in the form `T @retains(c)`. - */ - inline val printCaptureSetsAsPrefix = true - - /** If true, allow mapping capture set variables under captureChecking with maps that are neither - * bijective nor idempotent. We currently do now know how to do this correctly in all - * cases, though. - */ - inline val ccAllowUnsoundMaps = false -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/Feature.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/Feature.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 1637c9268e30..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/Feature.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,173 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc -package config - -import core._ -import Contexts._, Symbols._, Names._ -import StdNames.nme -import Decorators.* -import util.{SrcPos, NoSourcePosition} -import SourceVersion._ -import reporting.Message -import NameKinds.QualifiedName -import language.experimental.pureFunctions - -object Feature: - - def experimental(str: PreName): TermName = - QualifiedName(nme.experimental, str.toTermName) - - private def deprecated(str: PreName): TermName = - QualifiedName(nme.deprecated, str.toTermName) - - private val namedTypeArguments = experimental("namedTypeArguments") - private val genericNumberLiterals = experimental("genericNumberLiterals") - val scala2macros = experimental("macros") - - val dependent = experimental("dependent") - val erasedDefinitions = experimental("erasedDefinitions") - val symbolLiterals = deprecated("symbolLiterals") - val fewerBraces = experimental("fewerBraces") - val saferExceptions = experimental("saferExceptions") - val pureFunctions = experimental("pureFunctions") - val captureChecking = experimental("captureChecking") - val into = experimental("into") - - val globalOnlyImports: Set[TermName] = Set(pureFunctions, captureChecking) - - /** Is `feature` enabled by by a command-line setting? The enabling setting is - * - * -language:feature - * - * where is the fully qualified name of `owner`, followed by a ".", - * but subtracting the prefix `scala.language.` at the front. - */ - def enabledBySetting(feature: TermName)(using Context): Boolean = - ctx.base.settings.language.value.contains(feature.toString) - - /** Is `feature` enabled by by an import? This is the case if the feature - * is imported by a named import - * - * import owner.feature - * - * and there is no visible nested import that excludes the feature, as in - * - * import owner.{ feature => _ } - */ - def enabledByImport(feature: TermName)(using Context): Boolean = - //atPhase(typerPhase) { - val info = ctx.importInfo - info != null && info.featureImported(feature) - //} - - /** Is `feature` enabled by either a command line setting or an import? - * @param feature The name of the feature - * @param owner The prefix symbol (nested in `scala.language`) where the - * feature is defined. - */ - def enabled(feature: TermName)(using Context): Boolean = - enabledBySetting(feature) || enabledByImport(feature) - - /** Is auto-tupling enabled? */ - def autoTuplingEnabled(using Context): Boolean = !enabled(nme.noAutoTupling) - - def dynamicsEnabled(using Context): Boolean = enabled(nme.dynamics) - - def dependentEnabled(using Context) = enabled(dependent) - - def namedTypeArgsEnabled(using Context) = enabled(namedTypeArguments) - - def genericNumberLiteralsEnabled(using Context) = enabled(genericNumberLiterals) - - def scala2ExperimentalMacroEnabled(using Context) = enabled(scala2macros) - - /** Is pureFunctions enabled for this compilation unit? */ - def pureFunsEnabled(using Context) = - enabledBySetting(pureFunctions) - || ctx.compilationUnit.knowsPureFuns - || ccEnabled - - /** Is captureChecking enabled for this compilation unit? */ - def ccEnabled(using Context) = - enabledBySetting(captureChecking) - || ctx.compilationUnit.needsCaptureChecking - - /** Is pureFunctions enabled for any of the currently compiled compilation units? */ - def pureFunsEnabledSomewhere(using Context) = - enabledBySetting(pureFunctions) - || != null && - || ccEnabledSomewhere - - /** Is captureChecking enabled for any of the currently compiled compilation units? */ - def ccEnabledSomewhere(using Context) = - enabledBySetting(captureChecking) - || != null && - - def sourceVersionSetting(using Context): SourceVersion = - SourceVersion.valueOf(ctx.settings.source.value) - - def sourceVersion(using Context): SourceVersion = - ctx.compilationUnit.sourceVersion match - case Some(v) => v - case none => sourceVersionSetting - - def migrateTo3(using Context): Boolean = - sourceVersion == `3.0-migration` - - def fewerBracesEnabled(using Context) = - sourceVersion.isAtLeast(`3.3`) || enabled(fewerBraces) - - /** If current source migrates to `version`, issue given warning message - * and return `true`, otherwise return `false`. - */ - def warnOnMigration(msg: Message, pos: SrcPos, version: SourceVersion)(using Context): Boolean = - if sourceVersion.isMigrating && sourceVersion.stable == version - || (version == `3.0` || version == `3.1`) && migrateTo3 - then - report.migrationWarning(msg, pos) - true - else - false - - def checkExperimentalFeature(which: String, srcPos: SrcPos, note: -> String = "")(using Context) = - if !isExperimentalEnabled then - report.error(em"Experimental $which may only be used with a nightly or snapshot version of the compiler$note", srcPos) - - def checkExperimentalDef(sym: Symbol, srcPos: SrcPos)(using Context) = - if !isExperimentalEnabled then - val symMsg = - if sym.hasAnnotation(defn.ExperimentalAnnot) then - i"$sym is marked @experimental" - else if sym.owner.hasAnnotation(defn.ExperimentalAnnot) then - i"${sym.owner} is marked @experimental" - else - i"$sym inherits @experimental" - report.error(em"$symMsg and therefore may only be used in an experimental scope.", srcPos) - - /** Check that experimental compiler options are only set for snapshot or nightly compiler versions. */ - def checkExperimentalSettings(using Context): Unit = - for setting <- ctx.settings.language.value - if setting.startsWith("experimental.") && setting != "experimental.macros" - do checkExperimentalFeature(s"feature $setting", NoSourcePosition) - - def isExperimentalEnabled(using Context): Boolean = - Properties.experimental && !ctx.settings.YnoExperimental.value - - /** Handle language import `import language..` if it is one - * of the global imports `pureFunctions` or `captureChecking`. In this case - * make the compilation unit's and current run's fields accordingly. - * @return true iff import that was handled - */ - def handleGlobalLanguageImport(prefix: TermName, imported: Name)(using Context): Boolean = - val fullFeatureName = QualifiedName(prefix, imported.asTermName) - if fullFeatureName == pureFunctions then - ctx.compilationUnit.knowsPureFuns = true - if != null then = true - true - else if fullFeatureName == captureChecking then - ctx.compilationUnit.needsCaptureChecking = true - if != null then = true - true - else - false -end Feature diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/JavaPlatform.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/JavaPlatform.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 2b2f35e49451..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/JavaPlatform.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,69 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc -package config - -import io._ -import classpath.AggregateClassPath -import core._ -import Symbols._, Types._, Contexts._, StdNames._ -import Flags._ -import transform.ExplicitOuter, transform.SymUtils._ - -class JavaPlatform extends Platform { - - private var currentClassPath: Option[ClassPath] = None - - def classPath(using Context): ClassPath = { - if (currentClassPath.isEmpty) - currentClassPath = Some(new PathResolver().result) - val cp = currentClassPath.get - cp - } - - // The given symbol is a method with the right name and signature to be a runnable java program. - def isMainMethod(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean = - ( == nme.main) && ( match { - case MethodTpe(_, defn.ArrayOf(el) :: Nil, restpe) => el =:= defn.StringType && (restpe isRef defn.UnitClass) - case _ => false - }) - - /** Update classpath with a substituted subentry */ - def updateClassPath(subst: Map[ClassPath, ClassPath]): Unit = currentClassPath.get match { - case AggregateClassPath(entries) => - currentClassPath = Some(AggregateClassPath(entries map (e => subst.getOrElse(e, e)))) - case cp: ClassPath => - currentClassPath = Some(subst.getOrElse(cp, cp)) - } - - def rootLoader(root: TermSymbol)(using Context): SymbolLoader = new SymbolLoaders.PackageLoader(root, classPath) - - /** Is the SAMType `cls` also a SAM under the rules of the JVM? */ - def isSam(cls: ClassSymbol)(using Context): Boolean = - cls.isAllOf(NoInitsTrait) && - cls.superClass == defn.ObjectClass && - cls.directlyInheritedTraits.forall( && - !ExplicitOuter.needsOuterIfReferenced(cls) && - cls.typeRef.fields.isEmpty // Superaccessors already show up as abstract methods here, so no test necessary - - /** We could get away with excluding BoxedBooleanClass for the - * purpose of equality testing since it need not compare equal - * to anything but other booleans, but it should be present in - * case this is put to other uses. - */ - def isMaybeBoxed(sym: ClassSymbol)(using Context): Boolean = { - val d = defn - import d._ - (sym == ObjectClass) || - (sym == JavaSerializableClass) || - (sym == ComparableClass) || - (sym derivesFrom BoxedNumberClass) || - (sym derivesFrom BoxedCharClass) || - (sym derivesFrom BoxedBooleanClass) - } - - def shouldReceiveJavaSerializationMethods(sym: ClassSymbol)(using Context): Boolean = - true - - def newClassLoader(bin: AbstractFile)(using Context): SymbolLoader = - new ClassfileLoader(bin) -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/OutputDirs.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/OutputDirs.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 0411c5604768..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/OutputDirs.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,117 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc -package config - -import scala.language.unsafeNulls - -import io._ - -/** A class for holding mappings from source directories to - * their output location. This functionality can be accessed - * only programmatically. The command line compiler uses a - * single output location, but tools may use this functionality - * to set output location per source directory. - */ -class OutputDirs { - /** Pairs of source directory - destination directory. */ - private var outputDirs: List[(AbstractFile, AbstractFile)] = Nil - - /** If this is not None, the output location where all - * classes should go. - */ - private var singleOutDir: Option[AbstractFile] = None - - /** Add a destination directory for sources found under srcdir. - * Both directories should exits. - */ - def add(srcDir: String, outDir: String): Unit = - add(checkDir(AbstractFile.getDirectory(srcDir), srcDir), - checkDir(AbstractFile.getDirectory(outDir), outDir)) - - /** Check that dir is exists and is a directory. */ - private def checkDir(dir: AbstractFile, name: String, allowJar: Boolean = false): AbstractFile = ( - if (dir != null && dir.isDirectory) - dir - // was: else if (allowJar && dir == null && Path.isJarOrZip(name, false)) - else if (allowJar && dir == null && Jar.isJarOrZip(File(name), false)) - new PlainFile(Path(name)) - else - throw new FatalError(name + " does not exist or is not a directory")) - - /** Set the single output directory. From now on, all files will - * be dumped in there, regardless of previous calls to 'add'. - */ - def setSingleOutput(outDir: String): Unit = { - val dst = AbstractFile.getDirectory(outDir) - setSingleOutput(checkDir(dst, outDir, true)) - } - - def getSingleOutput: Option[AbstractFile] = singleOutDir - - /** Set the single output directory. From now on, all files will - * be dumped in there, regardless of previous calls to 'add'. - */ - def setSingleOutput(dir: AbstractFile): Unit = - singleOutDir = Some(dir) - - def add(src: AbstractFile, dst: AbstractFile): Unit = { - singleOutDir = None - outputDirs ::= ((src, dst)) - } - - /** Return the list of source-destination directory pairs. */ - def outputs: List[(AbstractFile, AbstractFile)] = outputDirs - - /** Return the output directory for the given file. - */ - def outputDirFor(src: AbstractFile): AbstractFile = { - def isBelow(srcDir: AbstractFile, outDir: AbstractFile) = - src.path.startsWith(srcDir.path) - - singleOutDir match { - case Some(d) => d - case None => - (outputs find (isBelow _).tupled) match { - case Some((_, d)) => d - case _ => - throw new FatalError("Could not find an output directory for " - + src.path + " in " + outputs) - } - } - } - - /** Return the source file path(s) which correspond to the given - * classfile path and SourceFile attribute value, subject to the - * condition that source files are arranged in the filesystem - * according to Java package layout conventions. - * - * The given classfile path must be contained in at least one of - * the specified output directories. If it does not then this - * method returns Nil. - * - * Note that the source file is not required to exist, so assuming - * a valid classfile path this method will always return a list - * containing at least one element. - * - * Also that if two or more source path elements target the same - * output directory there will be two or more candidate source file - * paths. - */ - def srcFilesFor(classFile: AbstractFile, srcPath: String): List[AbstractFile] = { - def isBelow(srcDir: AbstractFile, outDir: AbstractFile) = - classFile.path.startsWith(outDir.path) - - singleOutDir match { - case Some(d) => - d match { - case _: VirtualDirectory | _: io.ZipArchive => Nil - case _ => List(d.lookupPathUnchecked(srcPath, false)) - } - case None => - (outputs filter (isBelow _).tupled) match { - case Nil => Nil - case matches =>, false)) - } - } - } -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/PathResolver.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/PathResolver.scala deleted file mode 100644 index afa30e38dc2a..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/PathResolver.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,268 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc -package config - -import scala.language.unsafeNulls - -import WrappedProperties.AccessControl -import io.{ClassPath, Directory, Path} -import classpath.{AggregateClassPath, ClassPathFactory, JrtClassPath} -import ClassPath.split -import PartialFunction.condOpt -import core.Contexts._ -import Settings._ -import - -object PathResolver { - - // Imports property/environment functions which suppress - // security exceptions. - import AccessControl._ - - def firstNonEmpty(xs: String*): String = xs find (_ != "") getOrElse "" - - /** Map all classpath elements to absolute paths and reconstruct the classpath. - */ - def makeAbsolute(cp: String): String =, x => Path(x).toAbsolute.path) - - /** pretty print class path - */ - def ppcp(s: String): String = split(s) match { - case Nil => "" - case Seq(x) => x - case xs =>"\n" + _).mkString - } - - /** Values found solely by inspecting environment or property variables. - */ - object Environment { - private def searchForBootClasspath = ( - systemProperties find (_._1 endsWith ".boot.class.path") map (_._2) getOrElse "" - ) - - /** Environment variables which java pays attention to so it - * seems we do as well. - */ - def classPathEnv: String = envOrElse("CLASSPATH", "") - def sourcePathEnv: String = envOrElse("SOURCEPATH", "") - - def javaBootClassPath: String = propOrElse("sun.boot.class.path", searchForBootClasspath) - - def javaExtDirs: String = propOrEmpty("java.ext.dirs") - def scalaHome: String = propOrEmpty("scala.home") - def scalaExtDirs: String = propOrEmpty("scala.ext.dirs") - - /** The java classpath and whether to use it. - */ - def javaUserClassPath: String = propOrElse("java.class.path", "") - def useJavaClassPath: Boolean = propOrFalse("scala.usejavacp") - - override def toString: String = s""" - |object Environment { - | scalaHome = $scalaHome (useJavaClassPath = $useJavaClassPath) - | javaBootClassPath = <${javaBootClassPath.length} chars> - | javaExtDirs = ${ppcp(javaExtDirs)} - | javaUserClassPath = ${ppcp(javaUserClassPath)} - | scalaExtDirs = ${ppcp(scalaExtDirs)} - |}""".trim.stripMargin - } - - /** Default values based on those in Environment as interpreted according - * to the path resolution specification. - */ - object Defaults { - def scalaSourcePath: String = Environment.sourcePathEnv - def javaBootClassPath: String = Environment.javaBootClassPath - def javaUserClassPath: String = Environment.javaUserClassPath - def javaExtDirs: String = Environment.javaExtDirs - def useJavaClassPath: Boolean = Environment.useJavaClassPath - - def scalaHome: String = Environment.scalaHome - def scalaHomeDir: Directory = Directory(scalaHome) - def scalaHomeExists: Boolean = scalaHomeDir.isDirectory - def scalaLibDir: Directory = (scalaHomeDir / "lib").toDirectory - def scalaClassesDir: Directory = (scalaHomeDir / "classes").toDirectory - - def scalaLibAsJar: File = (scalaLibDir / "scala-library.jar").toFile - def scalaLibAsDir: Directory = (scalaClassesDir / "library").toDirectory - - def scalaLibDirFound: Option[Directory] = - if (scalaLibAsJar.isFile) Some(scalaLibDir) - else if (scalaLibAsDir.isDirectory) Some(scalaClassesDir) - else None - - def scalaLibFound: String = - if (scalaLibAsJar.isFile) scalaLibAsJar.path - else if (scalaLibAsDir.isDirectory) scalaLibAsDir.path - else "" - - // XXX It must be time for someone to figure out what all these things - // are intended to do. This is disabled here because it was causing all - // the scala jars to end up on the classpath twice: one on the boot - // classpath as set up by the runner (or regular classpath under -nobootcp) - // and then again here. - def scalaBootClassPath: String = "" - // scalaLibDirFound match { - // case Some(dir) if scalaHomeExists => - // val paths = ClassPath expandDir dir.path - // join(paths: _*) - // case _ => "" - // } - - def scalaExtDirs: String = Environment.scalaExtDirs - - def scalaPluginPath: String = (scalaHomeDir / "misc" / "scala-devel" / "plugins").path - - override def toString: String = """ - |object Defaults { - | scalaHome = %s - | javaBootClassPath = %s - | scalaLibDirFound = %s - | scalaLibFound = %s - | scalaBootClassPath = %s - | scalaPluginPath = %s - |}""".trim.stripMargin.format( - scalaHome, - ppcp(javaBootClassPath), - scalaLibDirFound, scalaLibFound, - ppcp(scalaBootClassPath), ppcp(scalaPluginPath) - ) - } - - def fromPathString(path: String)(using Context): ClassPath = { - val settings = ctx.settings.classpath.update(path) - inContext(ctx.fresh.setSettings(settings)) { - new PathResolver().result - } - } - - /** Show values in Environment and Defaults when no argument is provided. - * Otherwise, show values in Calculated as if those options had been given - * to a scala runner. - */ - def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = - if (args.isEmpty) { - println(Environment) - println(Defaults) - } - else inContext(ContextBase().initialCtx) { - val ArgsSummary(sstate, rest, errors, warnings) = - ctx.settings.processArguments(args.toList, true, ctx.settingsState) - errors.foreach(println) - val pr = inContext(ctx.fresh.setSettings(sstate)) { - new PathResolver() - } - println(" COMMAND: 'scala %s'".format(args.mkString(" "))) - println("RESIDUAL: 'scala %s'\n".format(rest.mkString(" "))) - - pr.result match { - case cp: AggregateClassPath => - println(s"ClassPath has ${cp.aggregates.size} entries and results in:\n${cp.asClassPathStrings}") - } - } -} - -import PathResolver.{Defaults, ppcp} - -class PathResolver(using c: Context) { - import c.base.settings - - private val classPathFactory = new ClassPathFactory - - private def cmdLineOrElse(name: String, alt: String) = - commandLineFor(name) match { - case Some("") | None => alt - case Some(x) => x - } - - private def commandLineFor(s: String): Option[String] = condOpt(s) { - case "javabootclasspath" => settings.javabootclasspath.value - case "javaextdirs" => settings.javaextdirs.value - case "bootclasspath" => settings.bootclasspath.value - case "extdirs" => settings.extdirs.value - case "classpath" | "cp" => settings.classpath.value - case "sourcepath" => settings.sourcepath.value - } - - /** Calculated values based on any given command line options, falling back on - * those in Defaults. - */ - object Calculated { - def scalaHome: String = Defaults.scalaHome - def useJavaClassPath: Boolean = settings.usejavacp.value || Defaults.useJavaClassPath - def javaBootClassPath: String = cmdLineOrElse("javabootclasspath", Defaults.javaBootClassPath) - def javaExtDirs: String = cmdLineOrElse("javaextdirs", Defaults.javaExtDirs) - def javaUserClassPath: String = if (useJavaClassPath) Defaults.javaUserClassPath else "" - def scalaBootClassPath: String = cmdLineOrElse("bootclasspath", Defaults.scalaBootClassPath) - def scalaExtDirs: String = cmdLineOrElse("extdirs", Defaults.scalaExtDirs) - /** Scaladoc doesn't need any bootstrapping, otherwise will create errors such as: - * [scaladoc] ../scala-trunk/src/reflect/scala/reflect/macros/Reifiers.scala:89: error: object api is not a member of package reflect - * [scaladoc] case class ReificationException(val pos: reflect.api.PositionApi, val msg: String) extends Throwable(msg) - * [scaladoc] ^ - * Because bootstrapping looks at the sourcepath and creates the package "reflect" in "" it will cause the - * typedIdentifier to pick .reflect instead of the .scala.reflect package. Thus, no bootstrapping for scaladoc! - */ - def sourcePath: String = cmdLineOrElse("sourcepath", Defaults.scalaSourcePath) - - def userClassPath: String = - if (!settings.classpath.isDefault) settings.classpath.value - else sys.env.getOrElse("CLASSPATH", ".") - - import classPathFactory._ - - // Assemble the elements! - def basis: List[Traversable[ClassPath]] = - val release = Option(ctx.settings.javaOutputVersion.value).filter(_.nonEmpty) - - List( - JrtClassPath(release), // 1. The Java 9+ classpath (backed by the jrt:/ virtual system, if available) - classesInPath(javaBootClassPath), // 2. The Java bootstrap class path. - contentsOfDirsInPath(javaExtDirs), // 3. The Java extension class path. - classesInExpandedPath(javaUserClassPath), // 4. The Java application class path. - classesInPath(scalaBootClassPath), // 5. The Scala boot class path. - contentsOfDirsInPath(scalaExtDirs), // 6. The Scala extension class path. - classesInExpandedPath(userClassPath), // 7. The Scala application class path. - sourcesInPath(sourcePath) // 8. The Scala source path. - ) - - lazy val containers: List[ClassPath] = basis.flatten.distinct - - override def toString: String = """ - |object Calculated { - | scalaHome = %s - | javaBootClassPath = %s - | javaExtDirs = %s - | javaUserClassPath = %s - | useJavaClassPath = %s - | scalaBootClassPath = %s - | scalaExtDirs = %s - | userClassPath = %s - | sourcePath = %s - |}""".trim.stripMargin.format( - scalaHome, - ppcp(javaBootClassPath), ppcp(javaExtDirs), ppcp(javaUserClassPath), - useJavaClassPath, - ppcp(scalaBootClassPath), ppcp(scalaExtDirs), ppcp(userClassPath), - ppcp(sourcePath) - ) - } - - def containers: List[ClassPath] = Calculated.containers - - lazy val result: ClassPath = { - val cp = AggregateClassPath(containers.toIndexedSeq) - - if (settings.YlogClasspath.value) { - Console.println("Classpath built from " + settings.toConciseString(ctx.settingsState)) - Console.println("Defaults: " + PathResolver.Defaults) - Console.println("Calculated: " + Calculated) - - val xs = (Calculated.basis drop 2).flatten.distinct - println("After java boot/extdirs classpath has %d entries:" format xs.size) - xs foreach (x => println(" " + x)) - } - cp - } - - def asURLs: Seq[] = result.asURLs -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/Platform.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/Platform.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 0faacf1bcebb..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/Platform.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc -package config - -import io.{ClassPath, AbstractFile} -import core.Contexts._, core.Symbols._ -import core.SymbolLoader -import core.StdNames.nme -import core.Flags.Module - -/** The platform dependent pieces of Global. - */ -abstract class Platform { - - /** The root symbol loader. */ - def rootLoader(root: TermSymbol)(using Context): SymbolLoader - - /** The compiler classpath. */ - def classPath(using Context): ClassPath - - /** Update classpath with a substitution that maps entries to entries */ - def updateClassPath(subst: Map[ClassPath, ClassPath]): Unit - - /** Any platform-specific phases. */ - //def platformPhases: List[SubComponent] - - /** Is the SAMType `cls` also a SAM under the rules of the platform? */ - def isSam(cls: ClassSymbol)(using Context): Boolean - - /** The various ways a boxed primitive might materialize at runtime. */ - def isMaybeBoxed(sym: ClassSymbol)(using Context): Boolean - - /** Is the given class symbol eligible for Java serialization-specific methods? */ - def shouldReceiveJavaSerializationMethods(sym: ClassSymbol)(using Context): Boolean - - /** Create a new class loader to load class file `bin` */ - def newClassLoader(bin: AbstractFile)(using Context): SymbolLoader - - /** The given symbol is a method with the right name and signature to be a runnable program. */ - def isMainMethod(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean - - /** The given class has a main method. */ - final def hasMainMethod(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean = - => - isMainMethod(d.symbol) && ( || d.symbol.isStatic)) -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/Printers.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/Printers.scala deleted file mode 100644 index ecb189de9bb3..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/Printers.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ -package - -object Printers { - - class Printer { - def println(msg: => String): Unit = System.out.nn.println(msg) - } - - object noPrinter extends Printer { - inline override def println(msg: => String): Unit = () - } - - val default = new Printer - - val capt = noPrinter - val constr = noPrinter - val core = noPrinter - val checks = noPrinter - val config = noPrinter - val cyclicErrors = noPrinter - val debug = noPrinter - val derive = noPrinter - val desugar = noPrinter - val scaladoc = noPrinter - val exhaustivity = noPrinter - val gadts = noPrinter - val gadtsConstr = noPrinter - val hk = noPrinter - val implicits = noPrinter - val implicitsDetailed = noPrinter - val lexical = noPrinter - val init = noPrinter - val inlining = noPrinter - val interactiv = noPrinter - val matchTypes = noPrinter - val nullables = noPrinter - val overload = noPrinter - val patmatch = noPrinter - val pickling = noPrinter - val quotePickling = noPrinter - val plugins = noPrinter - val recheckr = noPrinter - val refcheck = noPrinter - val simplify = noPrinter - val staging = noPrinter - val subtyping = noPrinter - val tailrec = noPrinter - val transforms = noPrinter - val typr = noPrinter - val unapp = noPrinter - val variances = noPrinter -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/Properties.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/Properties.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 1e9cc82112af..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/Properties.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,142 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc -package config - -import scala.language.unsafeNulls - -import scala.annotation.internal.sharable - -import -import java.util.jar.Attributes.{ Name => AttributeName } -import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets - -/** Loads `` from the jar. */ -object Properties extends PropertiesTrait { - protected def propCategory: String = "compiler" - protected def pickJarBasedOn: Class[PropertiesTrait] = classOf[PropertiesTrait] - - /** Scala manifest attributes. - */ - @sharable val ScalaCompilerVersion: AttributeName = new AttributeName("Scala-Compiler-Version") -} - -trait PropertiesTrait { - protected def propCategory: String // specializes the remainder of the values - protected def pickJarBasedOn: Class[?] // props file comes from jar containing this - - /** The name of the properties file */ - protected val propFilename: String = "/" + propCategory + ".properties" - - /** The loaded properties */ - @sharable protected lazy val scalaProps: java.util.Properties = { - val props = new java.util.Properties - val stream = pickJarBasedOn getResourceAsStream propFilename - if (stream ne null) - quietlyDispose(props load stream, stream.close) - - props - } - - private def quietlyDispose(action: => Unit, disposal: => Unit) = - try { action } - finally - try { disposal } - catch { case _: IOException => } - - def propIsSet(name: String): Boolean = System.getProperty(name) != null - def propIsSetTo(name: String, value: String): Boolean = propOrNull(name) == value - def propOrElse(name: String, alt: String): String = System.getProperty(name, alt) - def propOrEmpty(name: String): String = propOrElse(name, "") - def propOrNull(name: String): String = propOrElse(name, null) - def propOrNone(name: String): Option[String] = Option(propOrNull(name)) - def propOrFalse(name: String): Boolean = propOrNone(name) exists (x => List("yes", "on", "true") contains x.toLowerCase) - def setProp(name: String, value: String): String = System.setProperty(name, value) - def clearProp(name: String): String = System.clearProperty(name) - - def envOrElse(name: String, alt: String): String = Option(System getenv name) getOrElse alt - def envOrNone(name: String): Option[String] = Option(System getenv name) - - // for values based on propFilename - def scalaPropOrElse(name: String, alt: String): String = scalaProps.getProperty(name, alt) - def scalaPropOrEmpty(name: String): String = scalaPropOrElse(name, "") - def scalaPropOrNone(name: String): Option[String] = Option(scalaProps.getProperty(name)) - - /** Either the development or release version if known, otherwise - * the empty string. - */ - def versionNumberString: String = scalaPropOrEmpty("version.number") - - /** The version number of the jar this was loaded from, - * or `"(unknown)"` if it cannot be determined. - */ - val simpleVersionString: String = { - val v = scalaPropOrElse("version.number", "(unknown)") - v + ( - if (v.contains("SNAPSHOT") || v.contains("NIGHTLY")) - "-git-" + scalaPropOrElse("git.hash", "(unknown)") - else - "" - ) - } - - /** The version number of the jar this was loaded from plus `"version "` prefix, - * or `"version (unknown)"` if it cannot be determined. - */ - val versionString: String = "version " + simpleVersionString - - /** Whether the current version of compiler is experimental - * - * 1. Snapshot, nightly releases and non-bootstrapped compiler are experimental. - * 2. Features supported by experimental versions of the compiler: - * - research plugins - */ - val experimental: Boolean = versionString.contains("SNAPSHOT") || versionString.contains("NIGHTLY") || versionString.contains("nonbootstrapped") - - val copyrightString: String = scalaPropOrElse("copyright.string", "(c) 2002-2017 LAMP/EPFL") - - /** This is the encoding to use reading in source files, overridden with -encoding - * Note that it uses "prop" i.e. looks in the scala jar, not the system properties. - */ - def sourceEncoding: String = scalaPropOrElse("file.encoding", - def sourceReader: String = scalaPropOrElse("source.reader", "") - - /** This is the default text encoding, overridden (unreliably) with - * `JAVA_OPTS="-Dfile.encoding=Foo"` - */ - def encodingString: String = propOrElse("file.encoding", - - /** The default end of line character. - */ - def lineSeparator: String = propOrElse("line.separator", "\n") - - /** Various well-known properties. - */ - def javaClassPath: String = propOrEmpty("java.class.path") - def javaHome: String = propOrEmpty("java.home") - def javaVendor: String = propOrEmpty("java.vendor") - def javaVersion: String = propOrEmpty("java.version") - def javaVmInfo: String = propOrEmpty("") - def javaVmName: String = propOrEmpty("") - def javaVmVendor: String = propOrEmpty("java.vm.vendor") - def javaVmVersion: String = propOrEmpty("java.vm.version") - def osName: String = propOrEmpty("") - def scalaHome: String = propOrEmpty("scala.home") - def tmpDir: String = propOrEmpty("") - def userDir: String = propOrEmpty("user.dir") - def userHome: String = propOrEmpty("user.home") - def userName: String = propOrEmpty("") - - /** Some derived values. - */ - def isWin: Boolean = osName startsWith "Windows" - def isMac: Boolean = javaVendor startsWith "Apple" - - // This is looking for javac, tools.jar, etc. - // Tries JDK_HOME first, then the more common but likely jre JAVA_HOME, - // and finally the system property based javaHome. - def jdkHome: String = envOrElse("JDK_HOME", envOrElse("JAVA_HOME", javaHome)) - - def versionMsg: String = "Scala %s %s -- %s".format(propCategory, versionString, copyrightString) - def scalaCmd: String = if (isWin) "scala.bat" else "scala" - def scalacCmd: String = if (isWin) "scalac.bat" else "scalac" -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/SJSPlatform.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/SJSPlatform.scala deleted file mode 100644 index ae417b717ca3..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/SJSPlatform.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -package - -import -import Contexts._ -import Symbols._ - -import - -object SJSPlatform { - /** The `SJSPlatform` for the current context. */ - def sjsPlatform(using Context): SJSPlatform = - ctx.platform.asInstanceOf[SJSPlatform] -} - -class SJSPlatform()(using DetachedContext) extends JavaPlatform { - - /** Scala.js-specific definitions. */ - val jsDefinitions: JSDefinitions = new JSDefinitions() - - /** Is the SAMType `cls` also a SAM under the rules of the Scala.js back-end? */ - override def isSam(cls: ClassSymbol)(using Context): Boolean = - defn.isFunctionClass(cls) - || cls.superClass == jsDefinitions.JSFunctionClass - - /** Is the given class symbol eligible for Java serialization-specific methods? - * - * This is not simply false because we still want to add them to Scala classes - * and objects. They might be transitively used by macros and other compile-time - * code. It feels safer to have them be somewhat equivalent to the ones we would - * get in a JVM project. The JVM back-end will slap an extends `` - * to them, so we should be consistent and also emit the proper serialization methods. - */ - override def shouldReceiveJavaSerializationMethods(sym: ClassSymbol)(using Context): Boolean = - !sym.isSubClass(jsDefinitions.JSAnyClass) -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/ScalaRelease.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/ScalaRelease.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 407171f1a0dd..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/ScalaRelease.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -package - -enum ScalaRelease(val majorVersion: Int, val minorVersion: Int) extends Ordered[ScalaRelease]: - case Release3_0 extends ScalaRelease(3, 0) - case Release3_1 extends ScalaRelease(3, 1) - case Release3_2 extends ScalaRelease(3, 2) - - def show = s"$majorVersion.$minorVersion" - - def compare(that: ScalaRelease) = - val ord = summon[Ordering[(Int, Int)]] -, minorVersion), (that.majorVersion, that.minorVersion)) - -object ScalaRelease: - def latest = Release3_1 - - def parse(name: String) = name match - case "3.0" => Some(Release3_0) - case "3.1" => Some(Release3_1) - case "3.2" => Some(Release3_2) - case _ => None diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/ScalaSettings.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/ScalaSettings.scala deleted file mode 100644 index df620d5a22f2..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/ScalaSettings.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,347 +0,0 @@ -package -package config - -import scala.language.unsafeNulls - -import -import{Setting, SettingGroup} -import -import -import -import{AbstractFile, Directory, JDK9Reflectors, PlainDirectory} - -import scala.util.chaining._ - -class ScalaSettings extends SettingGroup with AllScalaSettings - -object ScalaSettings: - // Keep synchronized with `classfileVersion` in `BCodeIdiomatic` - private val minTargetVersion = 8 - private val maxTargetVersion = 23 - - def supportedTargetVersions: List[String] = - (minTargetVersion to maxTargetVersion) - - def supportedReleaseVersions: List[String] = - if scala.util.Properties.isJavaAtLeast("9") then - val jdkVersion = JDK9Reflectors.runtimeVersionMajor(JDK9Reflectors.runtimeVersion()).intValue() - val maxVersion = Math.min(jdkVersion, maxTargetVersion) - (minTargetVersion to maxVersion) - else List(minTargetVersion).map(_.toString) - - def supportedScalaReleaseVersions: List[String] = - - - def supportedSourceVersions: List[String] = - - - def defaultClasspath: String = sys.env.getOrElse("CLASSPATH", ".") - - def defaultPageWidth: Int = { - val defaultWidth = 80 - val columnsVar = System.getenv("COLUMNS") - if columnsVar != null then columnsVar.toInt - else if Properties.isWin then - val ansiconVar = System.getenv("ANSICON") // eg. "142x32766 (142x26)" - if ansiconVar != null && ansiconVar.matches("[0-9]+x.*") then - ansiconVar.substring(0, ansiconVar.indexOf("x")).toInt - else defaultWidth - else defaultWidth - } - -trait AllScalaSettings extends CommonScalaSettings, PluginSettings, VerboseSettings, WarningSettings, XSettings, YSettings: - self: SettingGroup => - - /* Path related settings */ - val semanticdbTarget: Setting[String] = PathSetting("-semanticdb-target", "Specify an alternative output directory for SemanticDB files.", "") - - val source: Setting[String] = ChoiceSetting("-source", "source version", "source version", ScalaSettings.supportedSourceVersions, SourceVersion.defaultSourceVersion.toString, aliases = List("--source")) - val uniqid: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-uniqid", "Uniquely tag all identifiers in debugging output.", aliases = List("--unique-id")) - val rewrite: Setting[Option[Rewrites]] = OptionSetting[Rewrites]("-rewrite", "When used in conjunction with a `...-migration` source version, rewrites sources to migrate to new version.", aliases = List("--rewrite")) - val fromTasty: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-from-tasty", "Compile classes from tasty files. The arguments are .tasty or .jar files.", aliases = List("--from-tasty")) - - val newSyntax: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-new-syntax", "Require `then` and `do` in control expressions.") - val oldSyntax: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-old-syntax", "Require `(...)` around conditions.") - val indent: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-indent", "Together with -rewrite, remove {...} syntax when possible due to significant indentation.") - val noindent: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-no-indent", "Require classical {...} syntax, indentation is not significant.", aliases = List("-noindent")) - - /* Decompiler settings */ - val printTasty: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-print-tasty", "Prints the raw tasty.", aliases = List("--print-tasty")) - val printLines: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-print-lines", "Show source code line numbers.", aliases = List("--print-lines")) - - /* Scala.js-related settings */ - val scalajsGenStaticForwardersForNonTopLevelObjects: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-scalajs-genStaticForwardersForNonTopLevelObjects", "Generate static forwarders even for non-top-level objects (Scala.js only)") - val scalajsMapSourceURI: Setting[List[String]] = MultiStringSetting("-scalajs-mapSourceURI", "uri1[->uri2]", "rebases source URIs from uri1 to uri2 (or to a relative URI) for source maps (Scala.js only)") - - val projectUrl: Setting[String] = StringSetting ( - "-project-url", - "project repository homepage", - "The source repository of your project.", - "" - ) - - val wikiSyntax: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Xwiki-syntax", "Retains the Scala2 behavior of using Wiki Syntax in Scaladoc.") - - val jvmargs = PrefixSetting("-J", "-J", "Pass directly to the runtime system.") - val defines = PrefixSetting("-Dproperty=value", "-D", "Pass -Dproperty=value directly to the runtime system.") -end AllScalaSettings - -/** Settings shared by compiler and scaladoc */ -trait CommonScalaSettings: - self: SettingGroup => - - /* Path related settings */ - val bootclasspath: Setting[String] = PathSetting("-bootclasspath", "Override location of bootstrap class files.", Defaults.scalaBootClassPath, aliases = List("--boot-class-path")) - val extdirs: Setting[String] = PathSetting("-extdirs", "Override location of installed extensions.", Defaults.scalaExtDirs, aliases = List("--extension-directories")) - val javabootclasspath: Setting[String] = PathSetting("-javabootclasspath", "Override java boot classpath.", Defaults.javaBootClassPath, aliases = List("--java-boot-class-path")) - val javaextdirs: Setting[String] = PathSetting("-javaextdirs", "Override java extdirs classpath.", Defaults.javaExtDirs, aliases = List("--java-extension-directories")) - val sourcepath: Setting[String] = PathSetting("-sourcepath", "Specify location(s) of source files.", Defaults.scalaSourcePath, aliases = List("--source-path")) - val sourceroot: Setting[String] = PathSetting("-sourceroot", "Specify workspace root directory.", ".") - - val classpath: Setting[String] = PathSetting("-classpath", "Specify where to find user class files.", ScalaSettings.defaultClasspath, aliases = List("-cp", "--class-path")) - val outputDir: Setting[AbstractFile] = OutputSetting("-d", "directory|jar", "Destination for generated classfiles.", - new PlainDirectory(Directory("."))) - val color: Setting[String] = ChoiceSetting("-color", "mode", "Colored output", List("always", "never"/*, "auto"*/), "always"/* "auto"*/, aliases = List("--color")) - val verbose: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-verbose", "Output messages about what the compiler is doing.", aliases = List("--verbose")) - val version: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-version", "Print product version and exit.", aliases = List("--version")) - val help: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-help", "Print a synopsis of standard options.", aliases = List("--help", "-h")) - val pageWidth: Setting[Int] = IntSetting("-pagewidth", "Set page width", ScalaSettings.defaultPageWidth, aliases = List("--page-width")) - val silentWarnings: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-nowarn", "Silence all warnings.", aliases = List("--no-warnings")) - - val javaOutputVersion: Setting[String] = ChoiceSetting("-java-output-version", "version", "Compile code with classes specific to the given version of the Java platform available on the classpath and emit bytecode for this version. Corresponds to -release flag in javac.", ScalaSettings.supportedReleaseVersions, "", aliases = List("-release", "--release")) - - val deprecation: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-deprecation", "Emit warning and location for usages of deprecated APIs.", aliases = List("--deprecation")) - val feature: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-feature", "Emit warning and location for usages of features that should be imported explicitly.", aliases = List("--feature")) - val explain: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-explain", "Explain errors in more detail.", aliases = List("--explain")) - // -explain-types setting is necessary for cross compilation, since it is mentioned in sbt-tpolecat, for instance - // it is otherwise subsumed by -explain, and should be dropped as soon as we can. - val explainTypes: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-explain-types", "Explain type errors in more detail (deprecated, use -explain instead).", aliases = List("--explain-types", "-explaintypes")) - val unchecked: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-unchecked", "Enable additional warnings where generated code depends on assumptions.", initialValue = true, aliases = List("--unchecked")) - val language: Setting[List[String]] = MultiStringSetting("-language", "feature", "Enable one or more language features.", aliases = List("--language")) - - /* Coverage settings */ - val coverageOutputDir = PathSetting("-coverage-out", "Destination for coverage classfiles and instrumentation data.", "", aliases = List("--coverage-out")) - - /* Other settings */ - val encoding: Setting[String] = StringSetting("-encoding", "encoding", "Specify character encoding used by source files.", Properties.sourceEncoding, aliases = List("--encoding")) - val usejavacp: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-usejavacp", "Utilize the java.class.path in classpath resolution.", aliases = List("--use-java-class-path")) - val scalajs: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-scalajs", "Compile in Scala.js mode (requires scalajs-library.jar on the classpath).", aliases = List("--scalajs")) -end CommonScalaSettings - -/** -P "plugin" settings. Various tools might support plugins. */ -private sealed trait PluginSettings: - self: SettingGroup => - val plugin: Setting[List[String]] = MultiStringSetting ("-Xplugin", "paths", "Load a plugin from each classpath.") - val disable: Setting[List[String]] = MultiStringSetting ("-Xplugin-disable", "plugin", "Disable plugins by name.") - val require: Setting[List[String]] = MultiStringSetting ("-Xplugin-require", "plugin", "Abort if a named plugin is not loaded.") - val showPlugins: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting ("-Xplugin-list", "Print a synopsis of loaded plugins.") - val pluginsDir: Setting[String] = StringSetting ("-Xpluginsdir", "path", "Path to search for plugin archives.", Defaults.scalaPluginPath) - val pluginOptions: Setting[List[String]] = MultiStringSetting ("-P", "plugin:opt", "Pass an option to a plugin, e.g. -P::") - -/** -V "Verbose" settings */ -private sealed trait VerboseSettings: - self: SettingGroup => - val Vhelp: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-V", "Print a synopsis of verbose options.") - val Xprint: Setting[List[String]] = PhasesSetting("-Vprint", "Print out program after", aliases = List("-Xprint")) - val XshowPhases: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Vphases", "List compiler phases.", aliases = List("-Xshow-phases")) - - val Vprofile: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Vprofile", "Show metrics about sources and internal representations to estimate compile-time complexity.") - val VprofileSortedBy = ChoiceSetting("-Vprofile-sorted-by", "key", "Show metrics about sources and internal representations sorted by given column name", List("name", "path", "lines", "tokens", "tasty", "complexity"), "") - val VprofileDetails = IntSetting("-Vprofile-details", "Show metrics about sources and internal representations of the most complex methods", 0) - val VreplMaxPrintElements: Setting[Int] = IntSetting("-Vrepl-max-print-elements", "Number of elements to be printed before output is truncated.", 1000) - val VreplMaxPrintCharacters: Setting[Int] = IntSetting("-Vrepl-max-print-characters", "Number of characters to be printed before output is truncated.", 50000) - -/** -W "Warnings" settings - */ -private sealed trait WarningSettings: - self: SettingGroup => - val Whelp: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-W", "Print a synopsis of warning options.") - val XfatalWarnings: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Werror", "Fail the compilation if there are any warnings.", aliases = List("-Xfatal-warnings")) - - val Wunused: Setting[List[String]] = MultiChoiceSetting( - name = "-Wunused", - helpArg = "warning", - descr = "Enable or disable specific `unused` warnings", - choices = List("nowarn", "all"), - default = Nil - ) - object WunusedHas: - def allOr(s: String)(using Context) = Wunused.value.pipe(us => us.contains("all") || us.contains(s)) - def nowarn(using Context) = allOr("nowarn") - - val Wconf: Setting[List[String]] = MultiStringSetting( - "-Wconf", - "patterns", - default = List(), - descr = - s"""Configure compiler warnings. - |Syntax: -Wconf::,:,... - |multiple are combined with &, i.e., &...& - | - | - | - Any message: any - | - | - Message categories: cat=deprecation, cat=feature, cat=unchecked - | - | - Message content: msg=regex - | The regex need only match some part of the message, not all of it. - | - | - Message id: id=E129 - | The message id is printed with the warning. - | - | - Message name: name=PureExpressionInStatementPosition - | The message name is printed with the warning in verbose warning mode. - | - |In verbose warning mode the compiler prints matching filters for warnings. - |Verbose mode can be enabled globally using `-Wconf:any:verbose`, or locally - |using the @nowarn annotation (example: `@nowarn("v") def test = try 1`). - | - | - | - error / e - | - warning / w - | - verbose / v (emit warning, show additional help for writing `-Wconf` filters) - | - info / i (infos are not counted as warnings and not affected by `-Werror`) - | - silent / s - | - |The default configuration is empty. - | - |User-defined configurations are added to the left. The leftmost rule matching - |a warning message defines the action. - | - |Examples: - | - change every warning into an error: -Wconf:any:error - | - silence deprecations: -Wconf:cat=deprecation:s - | - |Note: on the command-line you might need to quote configurations containing `*` or `&` - |to prevent the shell from expanding patterns.""".stripMargin, - ) - -/** -X "Extended" or "Advanced" settings */ -private sealed trait XSettings: - self: SettingGroup => - - val Xhelp: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-X", "Print a synopsis of advanced options.") - val XnoForwarders: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Xno-forwarders", "Do not generate static forwarders in mirror classes.") - val XmaxInlines: Setting[Int] = IntSetting("-Xmax-inlines", "Maximal number of successive inlines.", 32) - val XmaxInlinedTrees: Setting[Int] = IntSetting("-Xmax-inlined-trees", "Maximal number of inlined trees.", 2_000_000) - val Xmigration: Setting[ScalaVersion] = VersionSetting("-Xmigration", "Warn about constructs whose behavior may have changed since version.") - val XprintTypes: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Xprint-types", "Print tree types (debugging option).") - val XprintDiff: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Xprint-diff", "Print changed parts of the tree since last print.") - val XprintDiffDel: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Xprint-diff-del", "Print changed parts of the tree since last print including deleted parts.") - val XprintInline: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Xprint-inline", "Show where inlined code comes from.") - val XprintSuspension: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Xprint-suspension", "Show when code is suspended until macros are compiled.") - val Xprompt: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Xprompt", "Display a prompt after each error (debugging option).") - val XreplDisableDisplay: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Xrepl-disable-display", "Do not display definitions in REPL.") - val XverifySignatures: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Xverify-signatures", "Verify generic signatures in generated bytecode.") - val XignoreScala2Macros: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Xignore-scala2-macros", "Ignore errors when compiling code that calls Scala2 macros, these will fail at runtime.") - val XimportSuggestionTimeout: Setting[Int] = IntSetting("-Ximport-suggestion-timeout", "Timeout (in ms) for searching for import suggestions when errors are reported.", 8000) - val Xsemanticdb: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Xsemanticdb", "Store information in SemanticDB.", aliases = List("-Ysemanticdb")) - val XuncheckedJavaOutputVersion: Setting[String] = ChoiceSetting("-Xunchecked-java-output-version", "target", "Emit bytecode for the specified version of the Java platform. This might produce bytecode that will break at runtime. Corresponds to -target flag in javac. When on JDK 9+, consider -java-output-version as a safer alternative.", ScalaSettings.supportedTargetVersions, "", aliases = List("-Xtarget", "--Xtarget")) - val XcheckMacros: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Xcheck-macros", "Check some invariants of macro generated code while expanding macros", aliases = List("--Xcheck-macros")) - val XmainClass: Setting[String] = StringSetting("-Xmain-class", "path", "Class for manifest's Main-Class entry (only useful with -d )", "") - val XimplicitSearchLimit: Setting[Int] = IntSetting("-Ximplicit-search-limit", "Maximal number of expressions to be generated in an implicit search", 50000) - - val XmixinForceForwarders = ChoiceSetting( - name = "-Xmixin-force-forwarders", - helpArg = "mode", - descr = "Generate forwarder methods in classes inhering concrete methods from traits.", - choices = List("true", "junit", "false"), - default = "true") - - object mixinForwarderChoices { - def isTruthy(using Context) = XmixinForceForwarders.value == "true" - def isAtLeastJunit(using Context) = isTruthy || XmixinForceForwarders.value == "junit" - } - - val XmacroSettings: Setting[List[String]] = MultiStringSetting("-Xmacro-settings", "setting1,setting2,..settingN", "List of settings which exposed to the macros") -end XSettings - -/** -Y "Forking" as in forked tongue or "Private" settings */ -private sealed trait YSettings: - self: SettingGroup => - - val Yhelp: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Y", "Print a synopsis of private options.") - val Ycheck: Setting[List[String]] = PhasesSetting("-Ycheck", "Check the tree at the end of") - val YcheckMods: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Ycheck-mods", "Check that symbols and their defining trees have modifiers in sync.") - val Ydebug: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Ydebug", "Increase the quantity of debugging output.") - val YdebugTrace: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Ydebug-trace", "Trace core operations.") - val YdebugFlags: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Ydebug-flags", "Print all flags of definitions.") - val YdebugMissingRefs: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Ydebug-missing-refs", "Print a stacktrace when a required symbol is missing.") - val YdebugNames: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Ydebug-names", "Show internal representation of names.") - val YdebugPos: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Ydebug-pos", "Show full source positions including spans.") - val YdebugTreeWithId: Setting[Int] = IntSetting("-Ydebug-tree-with-id", "Print the stack trace when the tree with the given id is created.", Int.MinValue) - val YdebugTypeError: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Ydebug-type-error", "Print the stack trace when a TypeError is caught", false) - val YdebugError: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Ydebug-error", "Print the stack trace when any error is caught.", false) - val YdebugUnpickling: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Ydebug-unpickling", "Print the stack trace when an error occurs when reading Tasty.", false) - val YtermConflict: Setting[String] = ChoiceSetting("-Yresolve-term-conflict", "strategy", "Resolve term conflicts", List("package", "object", "error"), "error") - val Ylog: Setting[List[String]] = PhasesSetting("-Ylog", "Log operations during") - val YlogClasspath: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Ylog-classpath", "Output information about what classpath is being applied.") - val YdisableFlatCpCaching: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-YdisableFlatCpCaching", "Do not cache flat classpath representation of classpath elements from jars across compiler instances.") - - val Yscala2Unpickler: Setting[String] = StringSetting("-Yscala2-unpickler", "", "Control where we may get Scala 2 symbols from. This is either \"always\", \"never\", or a classpath.", "always") - - val YnoImports: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Yno-imports", "Compile without importing scala.*, java.lang.*, or Predef.") - val YnoGenericSig: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Yno-generic-signatures", "Suppress generation of generic signatures for Java.") - val YnoPredef: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Yno-predef", "Compile without importing Predef.") - val Yskip: Setting[List[String]] = PhasesSetting("-Yskip", "Skip") - val Ydumpclasses: Setting[String] = StringSetting("-Ydump-classes", "dir", "Dump the generated bytecode to .class files (useful for reflective compilation that utilizes in-memory classloaders).", "") - val YstopAfter: Setting[List[String]] = PhasesSetting("-Ystop-after", "Stop after", aliases = List("-stop")) // backward compat - val YstopBefore: Setting[List[String]] = PhasesSetting("-Ystop-before", "Stop before") // stop before erasure as long as we have not debugged it fully - val YshowSuppressedErrors: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Yshow-suppressed-errors", "Also show follow-on errors and warnings that are normally suppressed.") - val YdetailedStats: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Ydetailed-stats", "Show detailed internal compiler stats (needs Stats.enabled to be set to true).") - val YkindProjector: Setting[String] = ChoiceSetting("-Ykind-projector", "[underscores, disable]", "Allow `*` as type lambda placeholder to be compatible with kind projector. When invoked as -Ykind-projector:underscores will repurpose `_` to be a type parameter placeholder, this will disable usage of underscore as a wildcard.", List("disable", "", "underscores"), "disable") - val YprintPos: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Yprint-pos", "Show tree positions.") - val YprintPosSyms: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Yprint-pos-syms", "Show symbol definitions positions.") - val YnoDeepSubtypes: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Yno-deep-subtypes", "Throw an exception on deep subtyping call stacks.") - val YnoPatmatOpt: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Yno-patmat-opt", "Disable all pattern matching optimizations.") - val YplainPrinter: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Yplain-printer", "Pretty-print using a plain printer.") - val YprintSyms: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Yprint-syms", "When printing trees print info in symbols instead of corresponding info in trees.") - val YprintDebug: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Yprint-debug", "When printing trees, print some extra information useful for debugging.") - val YprintDebugOwners: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Yprint-debug-owners", "When printing trees, print owners of definitions.") - val YprintLevel: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Yprint-level", "print nesting levels of symbols and type variables.") - val YshowPrintErrors: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Yshow-print-errors", "Don't suppress exceptions thrown during tree printing.") - val YtestPickler: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Ytest-pickler", "Self-test for pickling functionality; should be used with -Ystop-after:pickler.") - val YcheckReentrant: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Ycheck-reentrant", "Check that compiled program does not contain vars that can be accessed from a global root.") - val YdropComments: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Ydrop-docs", "Drop documentation when scanning source files.", aliases = List("-Ydrop-comments")) - val YcookComments: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Ycook-docs", "Cook the documentation (type check `@usecase`, etc.)", aliases = List("-Ycook-comments")) - val YreadComments: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Yread-docs", "Read documentation from tasty.") - val YforceSbtPhases: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Yforce-sbt-phases", "Run the phases used by sbt for incremental compilation (ExtractDependencies and ExtractAPI) even if the compiler is ran outside of sbt, for debugging.") - val YdumpSbtInc: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Ydump-sbt-inc", "For every compiled foo.scala, output the API representation and dependencies used for sbt incremental compilation in, implies -Yforce-sbt-phases.") - val YcheckAllPatmat: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Ycheck-all-patmat", "Check exhaustivity and redundancy of all pattern matching (used for testing the algorithm).") - val YcheckConstraintDeps: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Ycheck-constraint-deps", "Check dependency tracking in constraints (used for testing the algorithm).") - val YretainTrees: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Yretain-trees", "Retain trees for top-level classes, accessible from ClassSymbol#tree") - val YshowTreeIds: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Yshow-tree-ids", "Uniquely tag all tree nodes in debugging output.") - val YfromTastyIgnoreList: Setting[List[String]] = MultiStringSetting("-Yfrom-tasty-ignore-list", "file", "List of `tasty` files in jar files that will not be loaded when using -from-tasty") - val YnoExperimental: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Yno-experimental", "Disable experimental language features") - - val YprofileEnabled: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Yprofile-enabled", "Enable profiling.") - val YprofileDestination: Setting[String] = StringSetting("-Yprofile-destination", "file", "Where to send profiling output - specify a file, default is to the console.", "") - //.withPostSetHook( _ => YprofileEnabled.value = true ) - val YprofileExternalTool: Setting[List[String]] = PhasesSetting("-Yprofile-external-tool", "Enable profiling for a phase using an external tool hook. Generally only useful for a single phase.", "typer") - //.withPostSetHook( _ => YprofileEnabled.value = true ) - val YprofileRunGcBetweenPhases: Setting[List[String]] = PhasesSetting("-Yprofile-run-gc", "Run a GC between phases - this allows heap size to be accurate at the expense of more time. Specify a list of phases, or *", "_") - //.withPostSetHook( _ => YprofileEnabled.value = true ) - - // Experimental language features - val YnoKindPolymorphism: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Yno-kind-polymorphism", "Disable kind polymorphism.") - val YexplicitNulls: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Yexplicit-nulls", "Make reference types non-nullable. Nullable types can be expressed with unions: e.g. String|Null.") - val YcheckInit: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Ysafe-init", "Ensure safe initialization of objects") - val YrequireTargetName: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Yrequire-targetName", "Warn if an operator is defined without a @targetName annotation") - val YrecheckTest: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Yrecheck-test", "Run basic rechecking (internal test only)") - val YccDebug: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Ycc-debug", "Used in conjunction with captureChecking language import, debug info for captured references") - val YccNoAbbrev: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Ycc-no-abbrev", "Used in conjunction with captureChecking language import, suppress type abbreviations") - val YlightweightLazyVals: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Ylightweight-lazy-vals", "Use experimental lightweight implementation of lazy vals") - - /** Area-specific debug output */ - val YexplainLowlevel: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Yexplain-lowlevel", "When explaining type errors, show types at a lower level.") - val YnoDoubleBindings: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Yno-double-bindings", "Assert no namedtype is bound twice (should be enabled only if program is error-free).") - val YshowVarBounds: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Yshow-var-bounds", "Print type variables with their bounds.") - - val YnoDecodeStacktraces: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Yno-decode-stacktraces", "Show raw StackOverflow stacktraces, instead of decoding them into triggering operations.") - - val Yinstrument: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Yinstrument", "Add instrumentation code that counts allocations and closure creations.") - val YinstrumentDefs: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Yinstrument-defs", "Add instrumentation code that counts method calls; needs -Yinstrument to be set, too.") - - val YforceInlineWhileTyping: Setting[Boolean] = BooleanSetting("-Yforce-inline-while-typing", "Make non-transparent inline methods inline when typing. Emulates the old inlining behavior of 3.0.0-M3.") -end YSettings - diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/ScalaVersion.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/ScalaVersion.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 7fdf57478f1a..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/ScalaVersion.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,188 +0,0 @@ -/* @author James Iry - */ -package -package dotc.config - -import scala.language.unsafeNulls - -import scala.annotation.internal.sharable -import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure} - -/** - * Represents a single Scala version in a manner that - * supports easy comparison and sorting. - */ -sealed abstract class ScalaVersion extends Ordered[ScalaVersion] { - def unparse: String -} - -/** - * A scala version that sorts higher than all actual versions - */ -@sharable case object NoScalaVersion extends ScalaVersion { - def unparse: String = "none" - - def compare(that: ScalaVersion): Int = that match { - case NoScalaVersion => 0 - case _ => 1 - } -} - -/** - * A specific Scala version, not one of the magic min/max versions. An SpecificScalaVersion - * may or may not be a released version - i.e. this same class is used to represent - * final, release candidate, milestone, and development builds. The build argument is used - * to segregate builds - */ -case class SpecificScalaVersion(major: Int, minor: Int, rev: Int, build: ScalaBuild) extends ScalaVersion { - def unparse: String = s"${major}.${minor}.${rev}.${build.unparse}" - - def compare(that: ScalaVersion): Int = that match { - case SpecificScalaVersion(thatMajor, thatMinor, thatRev, thatBuild) => - // this could be done more cleanly by importing scala.math.Ordering.Implicits, but we have to do these - // comparisons a lot so I'm using brute force direct style code - if (major < thatMajor) -1 - else if (major > thatMajor) 1 - else if (minor < thatMinor) -1 - else if (minor > thatMinor) 1 - else if (rev < thatRev) -1 - else if (rev > thatRev) 1 - else build compare thatBuild - case AnyScalaVersion => 1 - case NoScalaVersion => -1 - } -} - -/** - * A Scala version that sorts lower than all actual versions - */ -@sharable case object AnyScalaVersion extends ScalaVersion { - def unparse: String = "any" - - def compare(that: ScalaVersion): Int = that match { - case AnyScalaVersion => 0 - case _ => -1 - } -} - -/** - * Methods for parsing ScalaVersions - */ -@sharable object ScalaVersion { - private val dot = "\\." - private val dash = "\\-" - private def not(s:String) = s"[^${s}]" - private val R = s"((${not(dot)}*)(${dot}(${not(dot)}*)(${dot}(${not(dash)}*)(${dash}(.*))?)?)?)".r - - def parse(versionString : String): Try[ScalaVersion] = { - def failure = Failure(new NumberFormatException( - s"There was a problem parsing ${versionString}. " + - "Versions should be in the form major[.minor[.revision]] " + - "where each part is a positive number, as in 2.10.1. " + - "The minor and revision parts are optional." - )) - - def toInt(s: String) = s match { - case null | "" => 0 - case _ => s.toInt - } - - def isInt(s: String) = Try(toInt(s)).isSuccess - - import ScalaBuild._ - - def toBuild(s: String) = s match { - case null | "FINAL" => Final - case s if (s.toUpperCase.startsWith("RC") && isInt(s.substring(2))) => RC(toInt(s.substring(2))) - case s if (s.toUpperCase.startsWith("M") && isInt(s.substring(1))) => Milestone(toInt(s.substring(1))) - case _ => Development(s) - } - - try versionString match { - case "" | "any" => Success(AnyScalaVersion) - case "none" => Success(NoScalaVersion) - case R(_, majorS, _, minorS, _, revS, _, buildS) => - Success(SpecificScalaVersion(toInt(majorS), toInt(minorS), toInt(revS), toBuild(buildS))) - case _ => failure - } - catch { - case e: NumberFormatException => failure - } - } - - /** - * The version of the compiler running now - */ - val current: ScalaVersion = parse(util.Properties.versionNumberString).get -} - -/** - * Represents the data after the dash in major.minor.rev-build - */ -abstract class ScalaBuild extends Ordered[ScalaBuild] { - /** - * Return a version of this build information that can be parsed back into the - * same ScalaBuild - */ - def unparse: String -} - -object ScalaBuild { - - /** A development, test, nightly, snapshot or other "unofficial" build - */ - case class Development(id: String) extends ScalaBuild { - def unparse: String = s"-${id}" - - def compare(that: ScalaBuild): Int = that match { - // sorting two development builds based on id is reasonably valid for two versions created with the same schema - // otherwise it's not correct, but since it's impossible to put a total ordering on development build versions - // this is a pragmatic compromise - case Development(thatId) => id compare thatId - // assume a development build is newer than anything else, that's not really true, but good luck - // mapping development build versions to other build types - case _ => 1 - } - } - - /** A final build - */ - case object Final extends ScalaBuild { - def unparse: String = "" - - def compare(that: ScalaBuild): Int = that match { - case Final => 0 - // a final is newer than anything other than a development build or another final - case Development(_) => -1 - case _ => 1 - } - } - - /** A candidate for final release - */ - case class RC(n: Int) extends ScalaBuild { - def unparse: String = s"-RC${n}" - - def compare(that: ScalaBuild): Int = that match { - // compare two rcs based on their RC numbers - case RC(thatN) => n - thatN - // an rc is older than anything other than a milestone or another rc - case Milestone(_) => 1 - case _ => -1 - } - } - - /** An intermediate release - */ - case class Milestone(n: Int) extends ScalaBuild { - def unparse: String = s"-M${n}" - - def compare(that: ScalaBuild): Int = that match { - // compare two milestones based on their milestone numbers - case Milestone(thatN) => n - thatN - // a milestone is older than anything other than another milestone - case _ => -1 - } - } -} - diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/Settings.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/Settings.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 277833afbd5d..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/Settings.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,295 +0,0 @@ -package -package config - -import scala.language.unsafeNulls - -import core.Contexts._ - -import{AbstractFile, Directory, JarArchive, PlainDirectory} - -import annotation.tailrec -import collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer -import reflect.ClassTag -import scala.util.{Success, Failure} - -object Settings: - - val BooleanTag: ClassTag[Boolean] = ClassTag.Boolean - val IntTag: ClassTag[Int] = ClassTag.Int - val StringTag: ClassTag[String] = ClassTag(classOf[String]) - val ListTag: ClassTag[List[?]] = ClassTag(classOf[List[?]]) - val VersionTag: ClassTag[ScalaVersion] = ClassTag(classOf[ScalaVersion]) - val OptionTag: ClassTag[Option[?]] = ClassTag(classOf[Option[?]]) - val OutputTag: ClassTag[AbstractFile] = ClassTag(classOf[AbstractFile]) - - class SettingsState(initialValues: Seq[Any]): - private val values = ArrayBuffer(initialValues: _*) - private var _wasRead: Boolean = false - - override def toString: String = s"SettingsState(values: ${values.toList})" - - def value(idx: Int): Any = - _wasRead = true - values(idx) - - def update(idx: Int, x: Any): SettingsState = - if (_wasRead) then SettingsState(values.toSeq).update(idx, x) - else - values(idx) = x - this - end SettingsState - - case class ArgsSummary( - sstate: SettingsState, - arguments: List[String], - errors: List[String], - warnings: List[String]) { - - def fail(msg: String): Settings.ArgsSummary = - ArgsSummary(sstate, arguments.tail, errors :+ msg, warnings) - - def warn(msg: String): Settings.ArgsSummary = - ArgsSummary(sstate, arguments.tail, errors, warnings :+ msg) - } - - case class Setting[T: ClassTag] private[Settings] ( - name: String, - description: String, - default: T, - helpArg: String = "", - choices: Option[Seq[?]] = None, - prefix: String = "", - aliases: List[String] = Nil, - depends: List[(Setting[?], Any)] = Nil, - propertyClass: Option[Class[?]] = None)(private[Settings] val idx: Int) { - - private var changed: Boolean = false - - def valueIn(state: SettingsState): T = state.value(idx).asInstanceOf[T] - - def updateIn(state: SettingsState, x: Any): SettingsState = x match - case _: T => state.update(idx, x) - case _ => throw IllegalArgumentException(s"found: $x of type ${x.getClass.getName}, required: ${implicitly[ClassTag[T]]}") - - def isDefaultIn(state: SettingsState): Boolean = valueIn(state) == default - - def isMultivalue: Boolean = implicitly[ClassTag[T]] == ListTag - - def legalChoices: String = - choices match { - case Some(xs) if xs.isEmpty => "" - case Some(r: Range) => s"${r.head}..${r.last}" - case Some(xs) => xs.mkString(", ") - case None => "" - } - - def tryToSet(state: ArgsSummary): ArgsSummary = { - val ArgsSummary(sstate, arg :: args, errors, warnings) = state: @unchecked - def update(value: Any, args: List[String]): ArgsSummary = - var dangers = warnings - val value1 = - if changed && isMultivalue then - val value0 = value.asInstanceOf[List[String]] - val current = valueIn(sstate).asInstanceOf[List[String]] - value0.filter(current.contains).foreach(s => dangers :+= s"Setting $name set to $s redundantly") - current ++ value0 - else - if changed then dangers :+= s"Flag $name set repeatedly" - value - changed = true - ArgsSummary(updateIn(sstate, value1), args, errors, dangers) - end update - - def fail(msg: String, args: List[String]) = - ArgsSummary(sstate, args, errors :+ msg, warnings) - - def missingArg = - fail(s"missing argument for option $name", args) - - def setString(argValue: String, args: List[String]) = - choices match - case Some(xs) if !xs.contains(argValue) => - fail(s"$argValue is not a valid choice for $name", args) - case _ => - update(argValue, args) - - def setInt(argValue: String, args: List[String]) = - try - val x = argValue.toInt - choices match - case Some(r: Range) if x < r.head || r.last < x => - fail(s"$argValue is out of legal range ${r.head}..${r.last} for $name", args) - case Some(xs) if !xs.contains(x) => - fail(s"$argValue is not a valid choice for $name", args) - case _ => - update(x, args) - catch case _: NumberFormatException => - fail(s"$argValue is not an integer argument for $name", args) - - def doSet(argRest: String) = ((implicitly[ClassTag[T]], args): @unchecked) match { - case (BooleanTag, _) => - update(true, args) - case (OptionTag, _) => - update(Some(propertyClass.get.getConstructor().newInstance()), args) - case (ListTag, _) => - if (argRest.isEmpty) missingArg - else - val strings = argRest.split(",").toList - choices match - case Some(valid) => strings.filterNot(valid.contains) match - case Nil => update(strings, args) - case invalid => fail(s"invalid choice(s) for $name: ${invalid.mkString(",")}", args) - case _ => update(strings, args) - case (StringTag, _) if argRest.nonEmpty || choices.exists(_.contains("")) => - setString(argRest, args) - case (StringTag, arg2 :: args2) => - if (arg2 startsWith "-") missingArg - else setString(arg2, args2) - case (OutputTag, arg :: args) => - val path = Directory(arg) - val isJar = path.extension == "jar" - if (!isJar && !path.isDirectory) - fail(s"'$arg' does not exist or is not a directory or .jar file", args) - else { - val output = if (isJar) JarArchive.create(path) else new PlainDirectory(path) - update(output, args) - } - case (IntTag, args) if argRest.nonEmpty => - setInt(argRest, args) - case (IntTag, arg2 :: args2) => - setInt(arg2, args2) - case (VersionTag, _) => - ScalaVersion.parse(argRest) match { - case Success(v) => update(v, args) - case Failure(ex) => fail(ex.getMessage, args) - } - case (_, Nil) => - missingArg - } - - def matches(argName: String) = (name :: aliases).exists(_ == argName) - - if (prefix != "" && arg.startsWith(prefix)) - doSet(arg drop prefix.length) - else if (prefix == "" && matches(arg.takeWhile(_ != ':'))) - doSet(arg.dropWhile(_ != ':').drop(1)) - else - state - } - } - - object Setting: - extension [T](setting: Setting[T]) - def value(using Context): T = setting.valueIn(ctx.settingsState) - def update(x: T)(using Context): SettingsState = setting.updateIn(ctx.settingsState, x) - def isDefault(using Context): Boolean = setting.isDefaultIn(ctx.settingsState) - - class SettingGroup { - - private val _allSettings = new ArrayBuffer[Setting[?]] - def allSettings: Seq[Setting[?]] = _allSettings.toSeq - - def defaultState: SettingsState = new SettingsState(allSettings map (_.default)) - - def userSetSettings(state: SettingsState): Seq[Setting[?]] = - allSettings filterNot (_.isDefaultIn(state)) - - def toConciseString(state: SettingsState): String = - userSetSettings(state).mkString("(", " ", ")") - - private def checkDependencies(state: ArgsSummary): ArgsSummary = - userSetSettings(state.sstate).foldLeft(state)(checkDependenciesOfSetting) - - private def checkDependenciesOfSetting(state: ArgsSummary, setting: Setting[?]) = - setting.depends.foldLeft(state) { (s, dep) => - val (depSetting, reqValue) = dep - if (depSetting.valueIn(state.sstate) == reqValue) s - else"incomplete option ${} (requires ${})") - } - - /** Iterates over the arguments applying them to settings where applicable. - * Then verifies setting dependencies are met. - * - * This takes a boolean indicating whether to keep - * processing if an argument is seen which is not a command line option. - * This is an expedience for the moment so that you can say - * - * scalac -d /tmp foo.scala -optimise - * - * while also allowing - * - * scala Program opt opt - * - * to get their arguments. - */ - @tailrec - final def processArguments(state: ArgsSummary, processAll: Boolean, skipped: List[String]): ArgsSummary = - def stateWithArgs(args: List[String]) = ArgsSummary(state.sstate, args, state.errors, state.warnings) - state.arguments match - case Nil => - checkDependencies(stateWithArgs(skipped)) - case "--" :: args => - checkDependencies(stateWithArgs(skipped ++ args)) - case x :: _ if x startsWith "-" => - @tailrec def loop(settings: List[Setting[?]]): ArgsSummary = settings match - case setting :: settings1 => - val state1 = setting.tryToSet(state) - if state1 ne state then state1 - else loop(settings1) - case Nil => - state.warn(s"bad option '$x' was ignored") - processArguments(loop(allSettings.toList), processAll, skipped) - case arg :: args => - if processAll then processArguments(stateWithArgs(args), processAll, skipped :+ arg) - else state - end processArguments - - def processArguments(arguments: List[String], processAll: Boolean, settingsState: SettingsState = defaultState): ArgsSummary = - processArguments(ArgsSummary(settingsState, arguments, Nil, Nil), processAll, Nil) - - def publish[T](settingf: Int => Setting[T]): Setting[T] = { - val setting = settingf(_allSettings.length) - _allSettings += setting - setting - } - - def BooleanSetting(name: String, descr: String, initialValue: Boolean = false, aliases: List[String] = Nil): Setting[Boolean] = - publish(Setting(name, descr, initialValue, aliases = aliases)) - - def StringSetting(name: String, helpArg: String, descr: String, default: String, aliases: List[String] = Nil): Setting[String] = - publish(Setting(name, descr, default, helpArg, aliases = aliases)) - - def ChoiceSetting(name: String, helpArg: String, descr: String, choices: List[String], default: String, aliases: List[String] = Nil): Setting[String] = - publish(Setting(name, descr, default, helpArg, Some(choices), aliases = aliases)) - - def MultiChoiceSetting(name: String, helpArg: String, descr: String, choices: List[String], default: List[String], aliases: List[String] = Nil): Setting[List[String]] = - publish(Setting(name, descr, default, helpArg, Some(choices), aliases = aliases)) - - def IntSetting(name: String, descr: String, default: Int, aliases: List[String] = Nil): Setting[Int] = - publish(Setting(name, descr, default, aliases = aliases)) - - def IntChoiceSetting(name: String, descr: String, choices: Seq[Int], default: Int): Setting[Int] = - publish(Setting(name, descr, default, choices = Some(choices))) - - def MultiStringSetting(name: String, helpArg: String, descr: String, default: List[String] = Nil, aliases: List[String] = Nil): Setting[List[String]] = - publish(Setting(name, descr, default, helpArg, aliases = aliases)) - - def OutputSetting(name: String, helpArg: String, descr: String, default: AbstractFile): Setting[AbstractFile] = - publish(Setting(name, descr, default, helpArg)) - - def PathSetting(name: String, descr: String, default: String, aliases: List[String] = Nil): Setting[String] = - publish(Setting(name, descr, default, aliases = aliases)) - - def PhasesSetting(name: String, descr: String, default: String = "", aliases: List[String] = Nil): Setting[List[String]] = - publish(Setting(name, descr, if (default.isEmpty) Nil else List(default), aliases = aliases)) - - def PrefixSetting(name: String, pre: String, descr: String): Setting[List[String]] = - publish(Setting(name, descr, Nil, prefix = pre)) - - def VersionSetting(name: String, descr: String, default: ScalaVersion = NoScalaVersion): Setting[ScalaVersion] = - publish(Setting(name, descr, default)) - - def OptionSetting[T: ClassTag](name: String, descr: String, aliases: List[String] = Nil): Setting[Option[T]] = - publish(Setting(name, descr, None, propertyClass = Some(implicitly[ClassTag[T]].runtimeClass), aliases = aliases)) - } -end Settings diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/SourceVersion.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/SourceVersion.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 4b9b1b247856..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/SourceVersion.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc -package config - -import core.Decorators.* -import util.Property - -enum SourceVersion: - case `3.0-migration`, `3.0`, `3.1` // Note: do not add `3.1-migration` here, 3.1 is the same language as 3.0. - case `3.2-migration`, `3.2` - case `3.3-migration`, `3.3` - case `future-migration`, `future` - - val isMigrating: Boolean = toString.endsWith("-migration") - - def stable: SourceVersion = - if isMigrating then SourceVersion.values(ordinal + 1) else this - - def isAtLeast(v: SourceVersion) = stable.ordinal >= v.ordinal - -object SourceVersion extends Property.Key[SourceVersion]: - def defaultSourceVersion = `3.3` - - /** language versions that may appear in a language import, are deprecated, but not removed from the standard library. */ - val illegalSourceVersionNames = List("3.1-migration").map(_.toTermName) - - /** language versions that the compiler recognises. */ - val validSourceVersionNames = - - /** All source versions that can be recognised from a language import. e.g. `import language.3.1` */ - val allSourceVersionNames = validSourceVersionNames ::: illegalSourceVersionNames -end SourceVersion diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/WrappedProperties.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/WrappedProperties.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 5b79432a97e7..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/config/WrappedProperties.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc -package config - -import scala.language.unsafeNulls - -/** For placing a wrapper function around property functions. - * Motivated by places like google app engine throwing exceptions - * on property lookups. - */ -trait WrappedProperties extends PropertiesTrait { - def wrap[T](body: => T): Option[T] - - protected def propCategory: String = "wrapped" - protected def pickJarBasedOn: Class[?] = this.getClass - - override def propIsSet(name: String): Boolean = wrap(super.propIsSet(name)) exists (x => x) - override def propOrElse(name: String, alt: String): String = wrap(super.propOrElse(name, alt)) getOrElse alt - override def setProp(name: String, value: String): String = wrap(super.setProp(name, value)).orNull - override def clearProp(name: String): String = wrap(super.clearProp(name)).orNull - override def envOrElse(name: String, alt: String): String = wrap(super.envOrElse(name, alt)) getOrElse alt - override def envOrNone(name: String): Option[String] = wrap(super.envOrNone(name)).flatten - - def systemProperties: Iterator[(String, String)] = { - import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ - wrap(System.getProperties.asScala.iterator) getOrElse Iterator.empty - } -} - -object WrappedProperties { - object AccessControl extends WrappedProperties { - def wrap[T](body: => T): Option[T] = - try Some(body) - catch { - // the actual exception we are concerned with is AccessControlException, - // but that's deprecated on JDK 17, so catching its superclass is a convenient - // way to avoid a deprecation warning - case _: SecurityException => - None - } - } -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/Annotations.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/Annotations.scala deleted file mode 100644 index f307d4a36697..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/Annotations.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc -package core - -import Symbols._, Types._, Contexts._, Constants._ -import, tpd.* -import util.Spans.Span -import printing.{Showable, Printer} -import printing.Texts.Text -import annotation.internal.sharable -import language.experimental.pureFunctions -import annotation.retains - -object Annotations { - - def annotClass(tree: Tree)(using Context) = - if (tree.symbol.isConstructor) tree.symbol.owner - else tree.tpe.typeSymbol - - abstract class Annotation extends Showable, caps.Pure { - - def tree(using Context): Tree - - def symbol(using Context): Symbol = annotClass(tree) - - def hasSymbol(sym: Symbol)(using Context) = symbol == sym - - def matches(cls: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean = symbol.derivesFrom(cls) - - def appliesToModule: Boolean = true // for now; see remark in SymDenotations - - def derivedAnnotation(tree: Tree)(using Context): Annotation = - if (tree eq this.tree) this else Annotation(tree) - - /** All arguments to this annotation in a single flat list */ - def arguments(using Context): List[Tree] = tpd.allArguments(tree) - - def argument(i: Int)(using Context): Option[Tree] = { - val args = arguments - if (i < args.length) Some(args(i)) else None - } - def argumentConstant(i: Int)(using Context): Option[Constant] = - for (case ConstantType(c) <- argument(i) map (_.tpe.widenTermRefExpr.normalized)) yield c - - def argumentConstantString(i: Int)(using Context): Option[String] = - for (case Constant(s: String) <- argumentConstant(i)) yield s - - /** The tree evaluaton is in progress. */ - def isEvaluating: Boolean = false - - /** The tree evaluation has finished. */ - def isEvaluated: Boolean = true - - /** Normally, applies a type map to all tree nodes of this annotation, but can - * be overridden. Returns EmptyAnnotation if type type map produces a range - * type, since ranges cannot be types of trees. - */ - def mapWith(tm: TypeMap @retains(caps.cap))(using Context) = - val args = arguments - if args.isEmpty then this - else - val findDiff = new TreeAccumulator[Type]: - def apply(x: Type, tree: Tree)(using Context): Type = - if tm.isRange(x) then x - else - val tp1 = tm(tree.tpe) - foldOver(if tp1 frozen_=:= tree.tpe then x else tp1, tree) - val diff = findDiff(NoType, args) - if tm.isRange(diff) then EmptyAnnotation - else if diff.exists then derivedAnnotation(tm.mapOver(tree)) - else this - - /** Does this annotation refer to a parameter of `tl`? */ - def refersToParamOf(tl: TermLambda)(using Context): Boolean = - val args = arguments - if args.isEmpty then false - else tree.existsSubTree { - case id: Ident => id.tpe.stripped match - case TermParamRef(tl1, _) => tl eq tl1 - case _ => false - case _ => false - } - - /** A string representation of the annotation. Overridden in BodyAnnotation. - */ - def toText(printer: Printer): Text = printer.annotText(this) - - def ensureCompleted(using Context): Unit = tree - - def sameAnnotation(that: Annotation)(using Context): Boolean = - symbol == that.symbol && tree.sameTree(that.tree) - - /** Operations for hash-consing, can be overridden */ - def hash: Int = System.identityHashCode(this) - def eql(that: Annotation) = this eq that - } - - case class ConcreteAnnotation(t: Tree) extends Annotation: - def tree(using Context): Tree = t - - abstract class LazyAnnotation extends Annotation { - protected var mySym: Symbol | (Context ?-> Symbol) | Null - override def symbol(using parentCtx: Context): Symbol = - assert(mySym != null) - mySym match { - case symFn: (Context ?-> Symbol) @unchecked => - mySym = null - mySym = atPhaseBeforeTransforms(symFn) - // We should always produce the same annotation tree, no matter when the - // annotation is evaluated. Setting the phase to a pre-transformation phase - // seems to be enough to ensure this (note that after erasure, `ctx.typer` - // will be the Erasure typer, but that doesn't seem to affect the annotation - // trees we create, so we leave it as is) - case sym: Symbol if sym.defRunId != parentCtx.runId => - mySym = sym.denot.current.symbol - case _ => - } - mySym.asInstanceOf[Symbol] - - protected var myTree: Tree | (Context ?-> Tree) | Null - def tree(using Context): Tree = - assert(myTree != null) - myTree match { - case treeFn: (Context ?-> Tree) @unchecked => - myTree = null - myTree = atPhaseBeforeTransforms(treeFn) - case _ => - } - myTree.asInstanceOf[Tree] - - override def isEvaluating: Boolean = myTree == null - override def isEvaluated: Boolean = myTree.isInstanceOf[Tree @unchecked] - } - - class DeferredSymAndTree(symFn: Context ?-> Symbol, treeFn: Context ?-> Tree) - extends LazyAnnotation: - protected var mySym: Symbol | (Context ?-> Symbol) | Null = ctx ?=> symFn(using ctx) - protected var myTree: Tree | (Context ?-> Tree) | Null = ctx ?=> treeFn(using ctx) - - /** An annotation indicating the body of a right-hand side, - * typically of an inline method. Treated specially in - * pickling/unpickling and TypeTreeMaps - */ - abstract class BodyAnnotation extends Annotation { - override def symbol(using Context): ClassSymbol = defn.BodyAnnot - override def derivedAnnotation(tree: Tree)(using Context): Annotation = - if (tree eq this.tree) this else ConcreteBodyAnnotation(tree) - override def arguments(using Context): List[Tree] = Nil - override def ensureCompleted(using Context): Unit = () - override def toText(printer: Printer): Text = "@Body" - } - - class ConcreteBodyAnnotation(body: Tree) extends BodyAnnotation { - def tree(using Context): Tree = body - } - - abstract class LazyBodyAnnotation extends BodyAnnotation { - // Copy-pasted from LazyAnnotation to avoid having to turn it into a trait - protected var myTree: Tree | (Context ?-> Tree) | Null - def tree(using Context): Tree = - assert(myTree != null) - myTree match { - case treeFn: (Context ?-> Tree) @unchecked => - myTree = null - myTree = atPhaseBeforeTransforms(treeFn) - case _ => - } - myTree.asInstanceOf[Tree] - - override def isEvaluating: Boolean = myTree == null - override def isEvaluated: Boolean = myTree.isInstanceOf[Tree @unchecked] - } - - object LazyBodyAnnotation { - def apply(bodyFn: Context ?-> Tree): LazyBodyAnnotation = - new LazyBodyAnnotation: - protected var myTree: Tree | (Context ?-> Tree) | Null = ctx ?=> bodyFn(using ctx) - } - - object Annotation { - - def apply(tree: Tree): ConcreteAnnotation = ConcreteAnnotation(tree) - - def apply(cls: ClassSymbol)(using Context): Annotation = - apply(cls, Nil) - - def apply(cls: ClassSymbol, arg: Tree)(using Context): Annotation = - apply(cls, arg :: Nil) - - def apply(cls: ClassSymbol, arg1: Tree, arg2: Tree)(using Context): Annotation = - apply(cls, arg1 :: arg2 :: Nil) - - def apply(cls: ClassSymbol, args: List[Tree])(using Context): Annotation = - apply(cls.typeRef, args) - - def apply(atp: Type, arg: Tree)(using Context): Annotation = - apply(atp, arg :: Nil) - - def apply(atp: Type, arg1: Tree, arg2: Tree)(using Context): Annotation = - apply(atp, arg1 :: arg2 :: Nil) - - def apply(atp: Type, args: List[Tree])(using Context): Annotation = - apply(New(atp, args)) - - /** Create an annotation where the tree is computed lazily. */ - def deferred(sym: Symbol)(treeFn: Context ?-> Tree): Annotation = - new LazyAnnotation { - protected var myTree: Tree | (Context ?-> Tree) | Null = ctx ?=> treeFn(using ctx) - protected var mySym: Symbol | (Context ?-> Symbol) | Null = sym - } - - /** Create an annotation where the symbol and the tree are computed lazily. */ - def deferredSymAndTree(symFn: Context ?-> Symbol)(treeFn: Context ?-> Tree): Annotation = - DeferredSymAndTree(symFn, treeFn) - - /** Extractor for child annotations */ - object Child { - - /** A deferred annotation to the result of a given child computation */ - def later(delayedSym: Context ?-> Symbol, span: Span)(using Context): Annotation = { - def makeChildLater(using Context) = { - val sym = delayedSym - New(defn.ChildAnnot.typeRef.appliedTo(, sym)), Nil) - .withSpan(span) - } - deferred(defn.ChildAnnot)(makeChildLater) - } - - /** A regular, non-deferred Child annotation */ - def apply(sym: Symbol, span: Span)(using Context): Annotation = later(sym, span) - - def unapply(ann: Annotation)(using Context): Option[Symbol] = - if (ann.symbol == defn.ChildAnnot) { - val AppliedType(_, (arg: NamedType) :: Nil) = ann.tree.tpe: @unchecked - Some(arg.symbol) - } - else None - } - - def makeSourceFile(path: String)(using Context): Annotation = - apply(defn.SourceFileAnnot, Literal(Constant(path))) - } - - @sharable val EmptyAnnotation = Annotation(EmptyTree) - - def ThrowsAnnotation(cls: ClassSymbol)(using Context): Annotation = { - val tref = cls.typeRef - Annotation(defn.ThrowsAnnot.typeRef.appliedTo(tref), Ident(tref)) - } - - /** Extracts the type of the thrown exception from an annotation. - * - * Supports both "old-style" `@throws(classOf[Exception])` - * as well as "new-style" `@throws[Exception]("cause")` annotations. - */ - object ThrownException { - def unapply(a: Annotation)(using Context): Option[Type] = - if (a.symbol ne defn.ThrowsAnnot) - None - else a.argumentConstant(0) match { - // old-style: @throws(classOf[Exception]) (which is throws[T](classOf[Exception])) - case Some(Constant(tpe: Type)) => - Some(tpe) - // new-style: @throws[Exception], @throws[Exception]("cause") - case _ => - stripApply(a.tree) match { - case TypeApply(_, List(tpt)) => - Some(tpt.tpe) - case _ => - None - } - } - } -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/Atoms.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/Atoms.scala deleted file mode 100644 index bcaaf6794107..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/Atoms.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc -package core - -import Types._ - -/** Indicates the singleton types that a type must or may consist of. - * @param lo The lower bound: singleton types in this set are guaranteed - * to be in the carrier type. - * @param hi The upper bound: all singleton types in the carrier type are - * guaranteed to be in this set - * If the underlying type of a singleton type is another singleton type, - * only the latter type ends up in the sets. - */ -enum Atoms: - case Range(lo: Set[Type], hi: Set[Type]) - case Unknown - - def & (that: Atoms): Atoms = this match - case Range(lo1, hi1) => - that match - case Range(lo2, hi2) => Range(lo1 & lo2, hi1 & hi2) - case Unknown => Range(Set.empty, hi1) - case Unknown => - that match - case Range(lo2, hi2) => Range(Set.empty, hi2) - case Unknown => Unknown - - def | (that: Atoms): Atoms = this match - case Range(lo1, hi1) => - that match - case Range(lo2, hi2) => Range(lo1 | lo2, hi1 | hi2) - case Unknown => Unknown - case Unknown => Unknown - -end Atoms diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/CheckRealizable.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/CheckRealizable.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 47fa84b467d8..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/CheckRealizable.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,216 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc -package core - -import Contexts._, Types._, Symbols._, Names._, Flags._ -import Denotations.SingleDenotation -import Decorators._ -import collection.mutable -import config.SourceVersion.future -import config.Feature.sourceVersion -import annotation.constructorOnly - -/** Realizability status */ -object CheckRealizable { - - sealed abstract class Realizability(val msg: String) extends caps.Pure { - def andAlso(other: => Realizability): Realizability = - if (this == Realizable) other else this - def mapError(f: Realizability -> Context ?-> Realizability)(using Context): Realizability = - if (this == Realizable) this else f(this) - } - - object Realizable extends Realizability("") - - object NotConcrete extends Realizability(" is not a concrete type") - - class NotFinal(sym: Symbol)(using @constructorOnly ctx: Context) - extends Realizability(i" refers to nonfinal $sym") - - class HasProblemBounds(name: Name, info: Type)(using @constructorOnly ctx: Context) - extends Realizability(i" has a member $name with possibly conflicting bounds ${info.bounds.lo} <: ... <: ${info.bounds.hi}") - - class HasProblemBaseArg(typ: Type, argBounds: TypeBounds)(using @constructorOnly ctx: Context) - extends Realizability(i" has a base type $typ with possibly conflicting parameter bounds ${argBounds.lo} <: ... <: ${argBounds.hi}") - - class HasProblemBase(base1: Type, base2: Type)(using @constructorOnly ctx: Context) - extends Realizability(i" has conflicting base types $base1 and $base2") - - class HasProblemField(fld: SingleDenotation, problem: Realizability)(using @constructorOnly ctx: Context) - extends Realizability(i" has a member $fld which is not a legal path\nsince ${}: ${}${problem.msg}") - - class ProblemInUnderlying(tp: Type, problem: Realizability)(using @constructorOnly ctx: Context) - extends Realizability(i"s underlying type ${tp}${problem.msg}") { - assert(problem != Realizable) - } - - def realizability(tp: Type)(using Context): Realizability = - new CheckRealizable().realizability(tp) - - def boundsRealizability(tp: Type)(using Context): Realizability = - new CheckRealizable().boundsRealizability(tp) - - private val LateInitializedFlags = Lazy | Erased -} - -/** Compute realizability status. - * - * A type T is realizable iff it is inhabited by non-null values. This ensures that its type members have good bounds - * (in the sense from DOT papers). A type projection T#L is legal if T is realizable, and can be understood as - * Scala 2's `v.L forSome { val v: T }`. - * - * In general, a realizable type can have multiple inhabitants, hence it need not be stable (in the sense of - * Type.isStable). - */ -class CheckRealizable(using Context) { - import CheckRealizable._ - - /** A set of all fields that have already been checked. Used - * to avoid infinite recursions when analyzing recursive types. - */ - private val checkedFields: mutable.Set[Symbol] = mutable.LinkedHashSet[Symbol]() - - /** Is symbol's definitition a lazy or erased val? - * (note we exclude modules here, because their realizability is ensured separately) - */ - private def isLateInitialized(sym: Symbol) = sym.isOneOf(LateInitializedFlags, butNot = Module) - - /** The realizability status of given type `tp`*/ - def realizability(tp: Type): Realizability = tp.dealias match { - /* - * A `TermRef` for a path `p` is realizable if - * - `p`'s type is stable and realizable, or - * - its underlying path is idempotent (that is, *stable*), total, and not null. - * We don't check yet the "not null" clause: that will require null-safety checking. - * - * We assume that stability of tp.prefix is checked elsewhere, since that's necessary for the path to be legal in - * the first place. - */ - case tp: TermRef => - val sym = tp.symbol - lazy val tpInfoRealizable = realizability( - if ( realizability(tp.prefix) - else { - val r = - if (sym.isStableMember && !isLateInitialized(sym)) - // it's realizable because we know that a value of type `tp` has been created at run-time - Realizable - else if (!sym.isEffectivelyFinal) - // it's potentially not realizable since it might be overridden with a member of nonrealizable type - new NotFinal(sym) - else - // otherwise we need to look at the info to determine realizability - // roughly: it's realizable if the info does not have bad bounds - tpInfoRealizable.mapError(r => new ProblemInUnderlying(tp, r)) - r andAlso { - if (sym.isStableMember) sym.setFlag(StableRealizable) // it's known to be stable and realizable - realizability(tp.prefix) - } mapError { r => - // A mutable path is in fact stable and realizable if it has a realizable singleton type. - if ( && tpInfoRealizable == Realizable) { - sym.setFlag(StableRealizable) - Realizable - } - else r - } - } - case _: SingletonType | NoPrefix => - Realizable - case tp => - def isConcrete(tp: Type): Boolean = tp.dealias match { - case tp: TypeRef => tp.symbol.isClass - case tp: TypeParamRef => false - case tp: TypeProxy => isConcrete(tp.underlying) - case tp: AndType => isConcrete(tp.tp1) && isConcrete(tp.tp2) - case tp: OrType => isConcrete(tp.tp1) && isConcrete(tp.tp2) - case _ => false - } - if (!isConcrete(tp)) NotConcrete - else boundsRealizability(tp).andAlso(memberRealizability(tp)) - } - - private def refinedNames(tp: Type): Set[Name] = tp.dealias match { - case tp: RefinedType => refinedNames(tp.parent) + tp.refinedName - case tp: AndType => refinedNames(tp.tp1) ++ refinedNames(tp.tp2) - case tp: OrType => refinedNames(tp.tp1) ++ refinedNames(tp.tp2) - case tp: TypeProxy => refinedNames(tp.superType) - case _ => Set.empty - } - - /** `Realizable` if `tp` has good bounds, a `HasProblem...` instance - * pointing to a bad bounds member otherwise. "Has good bounds" means: - * - * - all type members have good bounds (except for opaque helpers) - * - all refinements of the underlying type have good bounds (except for opaque companions) - * - all base types are class types, and if their arguments are wildcards - * they have good bounds. - * - base types do not appear in multiple instances with different arguments. - * (depending on the simplification scheme for AndTypes employed, this could - * also lead to base types with bad bounds). - */ - private def boundsRealizability(tp: Type) = { - - val memberProblems = withMode(Mode.CheckBoundsOrSelfType) { - for { - mbr <- tp.nonClassTypeMembers - if !( <:< - } - yield new HasProblemBounds(, - } - - val refinementProblems = withMode(Mode.CheckBoundsOrSelfType) { - for { - name <- refinedNames(tp) - if (name.isTypeName) - mbr <- tp.member(name).alternatives - if !( <:< - } - yield - new HasProblemBounds(name, - } - - def baseTypeProblems(base: Type) = base match { - case AndType(base1, base2) => - new HasProblemBase(base1, base2) :: Nil - case base => - base.argInfos.collect { - case bounds @ TypeBounds(lo, hi) if !(lo <:< hi) => - new HasProblemBaseArg(base, bounds) - } - } - val baseProblems = - - - baseProblems.foldLeft( - refinementProblems.foldLeft( - memberProblems.foldLeft( - Realizable: Realizability)(_ andAlso _))(_ andAlso _))(_ andAlso _) - } - - /** `Realizable` if all of `tp`'s non-strict fields have realizable types, - * a `HasProblemField` instance pointing to a bad field otherwise. - */ - private def memberRealizability(tp: Type) = { - def checkField(sofar: Realizability, fld: SingleDenotation): Realizability = - sofar andAlso { - if (checkedFields.contains(fld.symbol) || fld.symbol.isOneOf(Private | Mutable | LateInitializedFlags)) - // if field is private it cannot be part of a visible path - // if field is mutable it cannot be part of a path - // if field is lazy or erased it does not need to be initialized when the owning object is - // so in all cases the field does not influence realizability of the enclosing object. - Realizable - else { - checkedFields += fld.symbol - realizability( => new HasProblemField(fld, r)) - } - } - if sourceVersion.isAtLeast(future) then - // check fields only from version 3.x. - // Reason: An embedded field could well be nullable, which means it - // should not be part of a path and need not be checked; but we cannot recognize - // this situation until we have a typesystem that tracks nullability. - tp.fields.foldLeft(Realizable: Realizability)(checkField) - else - Realizable - } -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/Comments.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/Comments.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 1b20b75ad8ac..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/Comments.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,462 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc -package core - -import scala.language.unsafeNulls - -import ast.{ untpd, tpd } -import Symbols._, Contexts._ -import util.{SourceFile, ReadOnlyMap} -import util.Spans._ -import util.CommentParsing._ -import util.Property.Key -import parsing.Parsers.Parser -import reporting.ProperDefinitionNotFound - -object Comments { - val ContextDoc: Key[ContextDocstrings] = new Key[ContextDocstrings] - - /** Decorator for getting docbase out of context */ - given CommentsContext: AnyRef with - extension (c: Context) def docCtx: Option[ContextDocstrings] = - - /** Context for Docstrings, contains basic functionality for getting - * docstrings via `Symbol` and expanding templates - */ - class ContextDocstrings { - - private val _docstrings: MutableSymbolMap[Comment] = MutableSymbolMap[Comment](512) // FIXME: 2nd [Comment] needed or "not a class type" - - val templateExpander: CommentExpander = new CommentExpander - - def docstrings: ReadOnlyMap[Symbol, Comment] = _docstrings - - def docstring(sym: Symbol): Option[Comment] = _docstrings.get(sym) - - def addDocstring(sym: Symbol, doc: Option[Comment]): Unit = - doc.foreach(d => _docstrings.update(sym, d)) - } - - /** - * A `Comment` contains the unformatted docstring, it's position and potentially more - * information that is populated when the comment is "cooked". - * - * @param span The position span of this `Comment`. - * @param raw The raw comment, as seen in the source code, without any expansion. - * @param expanded If this comment has been expanded, it's expansion, otherwise `None`. - * @param usecases The usecases for this comment. - */ - final case class Comment( - span: Span, - raw: String, - expanded: Option[String], - usecases: List[UseCase], - variables: Map[String, String], - ) { - - /** Has this comment been cooked or expanded? */ - def isExpanded: Boolean = expanded.isDefined - - /** The body of this comment, without the `@usecase` and `@define` sections, after expansion. */ - lazy val expandedBody: Option[String] = -, "@usecase", "@define")) - - val isDocComment: Boolean = Comment.isDocComment(raw) - - /** - * Expands this comment by giving its content to `f`, and then parsing the `@usecase` sections. - * Typically, `f` will take care of expanding the variables. - * - * @param f The expansion function. - * @return The expanded comment, with the `usecases` populated. - */ - def expand(f: String => String)(using Context): Comment = { - val expandedComment = f(raw) - val useCases = Comment.parseUsecases(expandedComment, span) - Comment(span, raw, Some(expandedComment), useCases, Map.empty) - } - } - - object Comment { - - def isDocComment(comment: String): Boolean = comment.startsWith("/**") - - def apply(span: Span, raw: String): Comment = - Comment(span, raw, None, Nil, Map.empty) - - private def parseUsecases(expandedComment: String, span: Span)(using Context): List[UseCase] = - if (!isDocComment(expandedComment)) - Nil - else - tagIndex(expandedComment) - .filter { startsWithTag(expandedComment, _, "@usecase") } - .map { case (start, end) => decomposeUseCase(expandedComment, span, start, end) } - - /** Turns a usecase section into a UseCase, with code changed to: - * {{{ - * // From: - * def foo: A - * // To: - * def foo: A = ??? - * }}} - */ - private def decomposeUseCase(body: String, span: Span, start: Int, end: Int)(using Context): UseCase = { - def subPos(start: Int, end: Int) = - if (span == NoSpan) NoSpan - else { - val start1 = span.start + start - val end1 = span.end + end - span withStart start1 withPoint start1 withEnd end1 - } - - val codeStart = skipWhitespace(body, start + "@usecase".length) - val codeEnd = skipToEol(body, codeStart) - val code = body.substring(codeStart, codeEnd) + " = ???" - val codePos = subPos(codeStart, codeEnd) - - UseCase(code, codePos) - } - } - - final case class UseCase(code: String, codePos: Span, untpdCode: untpd.Tree, tpdCode: Option[tpd.DefDef]) { - def typed(tpdCode: tpd.DefDef): UseCase = copy(tpdCode = Some(tpdCode)) - } - - object UseCase { - def apply(code: String, codePos: Span)(using Context): UseCase = { - val tree = { - val tree = new Parser(SourceFile.virtual("", code)).localDef(codePos.start) - tree match { - case tree: untpd.DefDef => - val newName = ctx.compilationUnit.freshNames.newName(, NameKinds.DocArtifactName) - untpd.cpy.DefDef(tree)(name = newName) - case _ => - report.error(ProperDefinitionNotFound(), ctx.source.atSpan(codePos)) - tree - } - } - UseCase(code, codePos, tree, None) - } - } - - /** - * Port of DocComment.scala from nsc - * @author Martin Odersky - * @author Felix Mulder - */ - class CommentExpander { - import dotc.config.Printers.scaladoc - import scala.collection.mutable - - def expand(sym: Symbol, site: Symbol)(using Context): String = { - val parent = if (site != NoSymbol) site else sym - defineVariables(parent) - expandedDocComment(sym, parent) - } - - /** The cooked doc comment of symbol `sym` after variable expansion, or "" if missing. - * - * @param sym The symbol for which doc comment is returned - * @param site The class for which doc comments are generated - * @throws ExpansionLimitExceeded when more than 10 successive expansions - * of the same string are done, which is - * interpreted as a recursive variable definition. - */ - def expandedDocComment(sym: Symbol, site: Symbol, docStr: String = "")(using Context): String = { - // when parsing a top level class or module, use the (module-)class itself to look up variable definitions - val parent = if (( || sym.isClass) && sym - else site - expandVariables(cookedDocComment(sym, docStr), sym, parent) - } - - private def template(raw: String): String = - removeSections(raw, "@define") - - private def defines(raw: String): List[String] = { - val sections = tagIndex(raw) - val defines = sections filter { startsWithTag(raw, _, "@define") } - val usecases = sections filter { startsWithTag(raw, _, "@usecase") } - val end = startTag(raw, (defines ::: usecases).sortBy(_._1)) - - defines map { case (start, end) => raw.substring(start, end) } - } - - private def replaceInheritDocToInheritdoc(docStr: String): String = - docStr.replaceAll("""\{@inheritDoc\p{Zs}*\}""", "@inheritdoc") - - /** The cooked doc comment of an overridden symbol */ - protected def superComment(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Option[String] = - allInheritedOverriddenSymbols(sym).iterator map (x => cookedDocComment(x)) find (_ != "") - - private val cookedDocComments = MutableSymbolMap[String]() - - /** The raw doc comment of symbol `sym`, minus usecase and define sections, augmented by - * missing sections of an inherited doc comment. - * If a symbol does not have a doc comment but some overridden version of it does, - * the doc comment of the overridden version is copied instead. - */ - def cookedDocComment(sym: Symbol, docStr: String = "")(using Context): String = cookedDocComments.getOrElseUpdate(sym, { - var ownComment = - if (docStr.length == 0) ctx.docCtx.flatMap(_.docstring(sym).map(c => template(c.raw))).getOrElse("") - else template(docStr) - ownComment = replaceInheritDocToInheritdoc(ownComment) - - superComment(sym) match { - case None => - // SI-8210 - The warning would be false negative when this symbol is a setter - if (ownComment.indexOf("@inheritdoc") != -1 && ! sym.isSetter) - scaladoc.println(s"${sym.span}: the comment for ${sym} contains @inheritdoc, but no parent comment is available to inherit from.") - ownComment.replace("@inheritdoc", "") - case Some(sc) => - if (ownComment == "") sc - else expandInheritdoc(sc, merge(sc, ownComment, sym), sym) - } - }) - - private def isMovable(str: String, sec: (Int, Int)): Boolean = - startsWithTag(str, sec, "@param") || - startsWithTag(str, sec, "@tparam") || - startsWithTag(str, sec, "@return") - - def merge(src: String, dst: String, sym: Symbol, copyFirstPara: Boolean = false): String = { - val srcSections = tagIndex(src) - val dstSections = tagIndex(dst) - val srcParams = paramDocs(src, "@param", srcSections) - val dstParams = paramDocs(dst, "@param", dstSections) - val srcTParams = paramDocs(src, "@tparam", srcSections) - val dstTParams = paramDocs(dst, "@tparam", dstSections) - val out = new StringBuilder - var copied = 0 - var tocopy = startTag(dst, dstSections dropWhile (!isMovable(dst, _))) - - if (copyFirstPara) { - val eop = // end of comment body (first para), which is delimited by blank line, or tag, or end of comment - (findNext(src, 0)(src.charAt(_) == '\n')) min startTag(src, srcSections) - out append src.substring(0, eop).trim - copied = 3 - tocopy = 3 - } - - def mergeSection(srcSec: Option[(Int, Int)], dstSec: Option[(Int, Int)]) = dstSec match { - case Some((start, end)) => - if (end > tocopy) tocopy = end - case None => - srcSec match { - case Some((start1, end1)) => - out append dst.substring(copied, tocopy).trim - out append "\n" - copied = tocopy - out append src.substring(start1, end1).trim - case None => - } - } - - //TODO: enable this once you know how to get `sym.paramss` - /* - for (params <- sym.paramss; param <- params) - mergeSection(srcParams get, dstParams get - for (tparam <- sym.typeParams) - mergeSection(srcTParams get, dstTParams get - - mergeSection(returnDoc(src, srcSections), returnDoc(dst, dstSections)) - mergeSection(groupDoc(src, srcSections), groupDoc(dst, dstSections)) - */ - - if (out.length == 0) dst - else { - out append dst.substring(copied) - out.toString - } - } - - /** - * Expand inheritdoc tags - * - for the main comment we transform the inheritdoc into the super variable, - * and the variable expansion can expand it further - * - for the param, tparam and throws sections we must replace comments on the spot - * - * This is done separately, for two reasons: - * 1. It takes longer to run compared to merge - * 2. The inheritdoc annotation should not be used very often, as building the comment from pieces severely - * impacts performance - * - * @param parent The source (or parent) comment - * @param child The child (overriding member or usecase) comment - * @param sym The child symbol - * @return The child comment with the inheritdoc sections expanded - */ - def expandInheritdoc(parent: String, child: String, sym: Symbol): String = - if (child.indexOf("@inheritdoc") == -1) - child - else { - val parentSections = tagIndex(parent) - val childSections = tagIndex(child) - val parentTagMap = sectionTagMap(parent, parentSections) - val parentNamedParams = Map() + - ("@param" -> paramDocs(parent, "@param", parentSections)) + - ("@tparam" -> paramDocs(parent, "@tparam", parentSections)) + - ("@throws" -> paramDocs(parent, "@throws", parentSections)) - - val out = new StringBuilder - - def replaceInheritdoc(childSection: String, parentSection: => String) = - if (childSection.indexOf("@inheritdoc") == -1) - childSection - else - childSection.replace("@inheritdoc", parentSection) - - def getParentSection(section: (Int, Int)): String = { - - def getSectionHeader = extractSectionTag(child, section) match { - case param@("@param"|"@tparam"|"@throws") => param + " " + extractSectionParam(child, section) - case other => other - } - - def sectionString(param: String, paramMap: Map[String, (Int, Int)]): String = - paramMap.get(param) match { - case Some(section) => - // Cleanup the section tag and parameter - val sectionTextBounds = extractSectionText(parent, section) - cleanupSectionText(parent.substring(sectionTextBounds._1, sectionTextBounds._2)) - case None => - scaladoc.println(s"""${sym.span}: the """" + getSectionHeader + "\" annotation of the " + sym + - " comment contains @inheritdoc, but the corresponding section in the parent is not defined.") - "" - } - - child.substring(section._1, section._1 + 7) match { - case param@("@param "|"@tparam"|"@throws") => - sectionString(extractSectionParam(child, section), parentNamedParams(param.trim)) - case _ => - sectionString(extractSectionTag(child, section), parentTagMap) - } - } - - def mainComment(str: String, sections: List[(Int, Int)]): String = - if (str.trim.length > 3) - str.trim.substring(3, startTag(str, sections)) - else - "" - - // Append main comment - out.append("/**") - out.append(replaceInheritdoc(mainComment(child, childSections), mainComment(parent, parentSections))) - - // Append sections - for (section <- childSections) - out.append(replaceInheritdoc(child.substring(section._1, section._2), getParentSection(section))) - - out.append("*/") - out.toString - } - - protected def expandVariables(initialStr: String, sym: Symbol, site: Symbol)(using Context): String = { - val expandLimit = 10 - - def expandInternal(str: String, depth: Int): String = { - if (depth >= expandLimit) - throw new ExpansionLimitExceeded(str) - - val out = new StringBuilder - var copied, idx = 0 - // excluding variables written as \$foo so we can use them when - // necessary to document things like Symbol#decode - def isEscaped = idx > 0 && str.charAt(idx - 1) == '\\' - while (idx < str.length) - if ((str charAt idx) != '$' || isEscaped) - idx += 1 - else { - val vstart = idx - idx = skipVariable(str, idx + 1) - def replaceWith(repl: String) = { - out append str.substring(copied, vstart) - out append repl - copied = idx - } - variableName(str.substring(vstart + 1, idx)) match { - case "super" => - superComment(sym) foreach { sc => - val superSections = tagIndex(sc) - replaceWith(sc.substring(3, startTag(sc, superSections))) - for (sec @ (start, end) <- superSections) - if (!isMovable(sc, sec)) out append sc.substring(start, end) - } - case "" => idx += 1 - case vname => - lookupVariable(vname, site) match { - case Some(replacement) => replaceWith(replacement) - case None => - scaladoc.println(s"Variable $vname undefined in comment for $sym in $site") - } - } - } - if (out.length == 0) str - else { - out append str.substring(copied) - expandInternal(out.toString, depth + 1) - } - } - - // We suppressed expanding \$ throughout the recursion, and now we - // need to replace \$ with $ so it looks as intended. - expandInternal(initialStr, 0).replace("""\$""", "$") - } - - def defineVariables(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Unit = { - val Trim = "(?s)^[\\s&&[^\n\r]]*(.*?)\\s*$".r - - val raw = ctx.docCtx.flatMap(_.docstring(sym).map(_.raw)).getOrElse("") - defs(sym) ++= defines(raw).map { - str => { - val start = skipWhitespace(str, "@define".length) - val (key, value) = str.splitAt(skipVariable(str, start)) - key.drop(start) -> value - } - } map { - case (key, Trim(value)) => - variableName(key) -> value.replaceAll("\\s+\\*+$", "") - } - } - - /** Maps symbols to the variable -> replacement maps that are defined - * in their doc comments - */ - private val defs = mutable.HashMap[Symbol, Map[String, String]]() withDefaultValue Map() - - /** Lookup definition of variable. - * - * @param vble The variable for which a definition is searched - * @param site The class for which doc comments are generated - */ - def lookupVariable(vble: String, site: Symbol)(using Context): Option[String] = site match { - case NoSymbol => None - case _ => - val searchList = - if ( site :: - else - - searchList collectFirst { case x if defs(x) contains vble => defs(x)(vble) } match { - case Some(str) if str startsWith "$" => lookupVariable(str.tail, site) - case res => res orElse lookupVariable(vble, site.owner) - } - } - - /** The position of the raw doc comment of symbol `sym`, or NoPosition if missing - * If a symbol does not have a doc comment but some overridden version of it does, - * the position of the doc comment of the overridden version is returned instead. - */ - def docCommentPos(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Span = - ctx.docCtx.flatMap(_.docstring(sym).map(_.span)).getOrElse(NoSpan) - - /** A version which doesn't consider self types, as a temporary measure: - * an infinite loop has broken out between superComment and cookedDocComment - * since r23926. - */ - private def allInheritedOverriddenSymbols(sym: Symbol)(using Context): List[Symbol] = - if (!sym.owner.isClass) Nil - else sym.allOverriddenSymbols.toList.filter(_ != NoSymbol) //TODO: could also be `sym.owner.allOverrid..` - //else sym.owner.ancestors map (sym overriddenSymbol _) filter (_ != NoSymbol) - - class ExpansionLimitExceeded(str: String) extends Exception - } -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/Constants.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/Constants.scala deleted file mode 100644 index f45e9e5217de..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/Constants.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,261 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc -package core - -import Types._, Symbols._, Contexts._ -import printing.Printer -import printing.Texts.Text - -object Constants { - - inline val NoTag = 0 - inline val UnitTag = 1 - inline val BooleanTag = 2 - inline val ByteTag = 3 - inline val ShortTag = 4 - inline val CharTag = 5 - inline val IntTag = 6 - inline val LongTag = 7 - inline val FloatTag = 8 - inline val DoubleTag = 9 - inline val StringTag = 10 - inline val NullTag = 11 - inline val ClazzTag = 12 - - class Constant(val value: Any, val tag: Int) extends printing.Showable with Product1[Any] { - import java.lang.Double.doubleToRawLongBits - import java.lang.Float.floatToRawIntBits - - def isByteRange: Boolean = isIntRange && Byte.MinValue <= intValue && intValue <= Byte.MaxValue - def isShortRange: Boolean = isIntRange && Short.MinValue <= intValue && intValue <= Short.MaxValue - def isCharRange: Boolean = isIntRange && Char.MinValue <= intValue && intValue <= Char.MaxValue - def isIntRange: Boolean = ByteTag <= tag && tag <= IntTag - def isLongRange: Boolean = ByteTag <= tag && tag <= LongTag - def isFloatRange: Boolean = ByteTag <= tag && tag <= FloatTag - def isNumeric: Boolean = ByteTag <= tag && tag <= DoubleTag - def isNonUnitAnyVal: Boolean = BooleanTag <= tag && tag <= DoubleTag - def isAnyVal: Boolean = UnitTag <= tag && tag <= DoubleTag - - def tpe(using Context): Type = tag match { - case UnitTag => defn.UnitType - case BooleanTag => defn.BooleanType - case ByteTag => defn.ByteType - case ShortTag => defn.ShortType - case CharTag => defn.CharType - case IntTag => defn.IntType - case LongTag => defn.LongType - case FloatTag => defn.FloatType - case DoubleTag => defn.DoubleType - case StringTag => defn.StringType - case NullTag => defn.NullType - case ClazzTag => defn.ClassType(typeValue) - } - - /** We need the equals method to take account of tags as well as values. - */ - override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match { - case that: Constant => - this.tag == that.tag && equalHashValue == that.equalHashValue - case _ => false - } - - def isNaN: Boolean = value match { - case f: Float => f.isNaN - case d: Double => d.isNaN - case _ => false - } - - def booleanValue: Boolean = - if (tag == BooleanTag) value.asInstanceOf[Boolean] - else throw new Error("value " + value + " is not a boolean") - - def byteValue: Byte = tag match { - case ByteTag => value.asInstanceOf[Byte] - case ShortTag => value.asInstanceOf[Short].toByte - case CharTag => value.asInstanceOf[Char].toByte - case IntTag => value.asInstanceOf[Int].toByte - case LongTag => value.asInstanceOf[Long].toByte - case FloatTag => value.asInstanceOf[Float].toByte - case DoubleTag => value.asInstanceOf[Double].toByte - case _ => throw new Error("value " + value + " is not a Byte") - } - - def shortValue: Short = tag match { - case ByteTag => value.asInstanceOf[Byte].toShort - case ShortTag => value.asInstanceOf[Short] - case CharTag => value.asInstanceOf[Char].toShort - case IntTag => value.asInstanceOf[Int].toShort - case LongTag => value.asInstanceOf[Long].toShort - case FloatTag => value.asInstanceOf[Float].toShort - case DoubleTag => value.asInstanceOf[Double].toShort - case _ => throw new Error("value " + value + " is not a Short") - } - - def charValue: Char = tag match { - case ByteTag => value.asInstanceOf[Byte].toChar - case ShortTag => value.asInstanceOf[Short].toChar - case CharTag => value.asInstanceOf[Char] - case IntTag => value.asInstanceOf[Int].toChar - case LongTag => value.asInstanceOf[Long].toChar - case FloatTag => value.asInstanceOf[Float].toChar - case DoubleTag => value.asInstanceOf[Double].toChar - case _ => throw new Error("value " + value + " is not a Char") - } - - def intValue: Int = tag match { - case ByteTag => value.asInstanceOf[Byte].toInt - case ShortTag => value.asInstanceOf[Short].toInt - case CharTag => value.asInstanceOf[Char].toInt - case IntTag => value.asInstanceOf[Int] - case LongTag => value.asInstanceOf[Long].toInt - case FloatTag => value.asInstanceOf[Float].toInt - case DoubleTag => value.asInstanceOf[Double].toInt - case _ => throw new Error("value " + value + " is not an Int") - } - - def longValue: Long = tag match { - case ByteTag => value.asInstanceOf[Byte].toLong - case ShortTag => value.asInstanceOf[Short].toLong - case CharTag => value.asInstanceOf[Char].toLong - case IntTag => value.asInstanceOf[Int].toLong - case LongTag => value.asInstanceOf[Long] - case FloatTag => value.asInstanceOf[Float].toLong - case DoubleTag => value.asInstanceOf[Double].toLong - case _ => throw new Error("value " + value + " is not a Long") - } - - def floatValue: Float = tag match { - case ByteTag => value.asInstanceOf[Byte].toFloat - case ShortTag => value.asInstanceOf[Short].toFloat - case CharTag => value.asInstanceOf[Char].toFloat - case IntTag => value.asInstanceOf[Int].toFloat - case LongTag => value.asInstanceOf[Long].toFloat - case FloatTag => value.asInstanceOf[Float] - case DoubleTag => value.asInstanceOf[Double].toFloat - case _ => throw new Error("value " + value + " is not a Float") - } - - def doubleValue: Double = tag match { - case ByteTag => value.asInstanceOf[Byte].toDouble - case ShortTag => value.asInstanceOf[Short].toDouble - case CharTag => value.asInstanceOf[Char].toDouble - case IntTag => value.asInstanceOf[Int].toDouble - case LongTag => value.asInstanceOf[Long].toDouble - case FloatTag => value.asInstanceOf[Float].toDouble - case DoubleTag => value.asInstanceOf[Double] - case _ => throw new Error("value " + value + " is not a Double") - } - - /** Convert constant value to conform to given type. - */ - def convertTo(pt: Type)(using Context): Constant | Null = { - def classBound(pt: Type): Type = pt.dealias.stripTypeVar match { - case tref: TypeRef if !tref.symbol.isClass && => - classBound( - case param: TypeParamRef => - ctx.typerState.constraint.entry(param) match { - case TypeBounds(lo, hi) => - if (hi.classSymbol.isPrimitiveValueClass) hi //constrain further with high bound - else classBound(lo) - case NoType => classBound(param.binder.paramInfos(param.paramNum).lo) - case inst => classBound(inst) - } - case pt => pt - } - pt match - case ConstantType(value) if value == this => this - case _: SingletonType => null - case _ => - val target = classBound(pt).typeSymbol - if (target == tpe.typeSymbol) - this - else if ((target == defn.ByteClass) && isByteRange) - Constant(byteValue) - else if (target == defn.ShortClass && isShortRange) - Constant(shortValue) - else if (target == defn.CharClass && isCharRange) - Constant(charValue) - else if (target == defn.IntClass && isIntRange) - Constant(intValue) - else if (target == defn.LongClass && isLongRange) - Constant(longValue) - else if (target == defn.FloatClass && isFloatRange) - Constant(floatValue) - else if (target == defn.DoubleClass && isNumeric) - Constant(doubleValue) - else - null - } - - def stringValue: String = value.toString - - def toText(printer: Printer): Text = printer.toText(this) - - def typeValue: Type = value.asInstanceOf[Type] - - /** - * Consider two `NaN`s to be identical, despite non-equality - * Consider -0d to be distinct from 0d, despite equality - * - * We use the raw versions (i.e. `floatToRawIntBits` rather than `floatToIntBits`) - * to avoid treating different encodings of `NaN` as the same constant. - * You probably can't express different `NaN` varieties as compile time - * constants in regular Scala code, but it is conceivable that you could - * conjure them with a macro. - */ - private def equalHashValue: Any = value match { - case f: Float => floatToRawIntBits(f) - case d: Double => doubleToRawLongBits(d) - case v => v - } - - override def hashCode: Int = { - import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3._ - val seed = 17 - var h = seed - h = mix(h, tag.##) // include tag in the hash, otherwise 0, 0d, 0L, 0f collide. - h = mix(h, equalHashValue.##) - finalizeHash(h, length = 2) - } - - override def toString: String = s"Constant($value)" - def canEqual(x: Any): Boolean = true - def get: Any = value - def isEmpty: Boolean = false - def _1: Any = value - } - - object Constant { - def apply(x: Null): Constant = new Constant(x, NullTag) - def apply(x: Unit): Constant = new Constant(x, UnitTag) - def apply(x: Boolean): Constant = new Constant(x, BooleanTag) - def apply(x: Byte): Constant = new Constant(x, ByteTag) - def apply(x: Short): Constant = new Constant(x, ShortTag) - def apply(x: Int): Constant = new Constant(x, IntTag) - def apply(x: Long): Constant = new Constant(x, LongTag) - def apply(x: Float): Constant = new Constant(x, FloatTag) - def apply(x: Double): Constant = new Constant(x, DoubleTag) - def apply(x: String): Constant = new Constant(x, StringTag) - def apply(x: Char): Constant = new Constant(x, CharTag) - def apply(x: Type): Constant = new Constant(x, ClazzTag) - def apply(value: Any): Constant = - new Constant(value, - value match { - case null => NullTag - case x: Unit => UnitTag - case x: Boolean => BooleanTag - case x: Byte => ByteTag - case x: Short => ShortTag - case x: Int => IntTag - case x: Long => LongTag - case x: Float => FloatTag - case x: Double => DoubleTag - case x: String => StringTag - case x: Char => CharTag - case x: Type => ClazzTag - } - ) - - def unapply(c: Constant): Constant = c - } -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/Constraint.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/Constraint.scala deleted file mode 100644 index fb87aed77c41..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/Constraint.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,214 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc -package core - -import Types._, Contexts._ -import printing.Showable -import util.{SimpleIdentitySet, SimpleIdentityMap} - -/** Constraint over undetermined type parameters. Constraints are built - * over values of the following types: - * - * - TypeLambda A constraint constrains the type parameters of a set of TypeLambdas - * - TypeParamRef The parameters of the constrained type lambdas - * - TypeVar Every constrained parameter might be associated with a TypeVar - * that has the TypeParamRef as origin. - */ -abstract class Constraint extends Showable { - - type This <: Constraint - - /** Does the constraint's domain contain the type parameters of `tl`? */ - def contains(tl: TypeLambda): Boolean - - /** Does the constraint's domain contain the type parameter `param`? */ - def contains(param: TypeParamRef): Boolean - - /** Does this constraint contain the type variable `tvar` and is it uninstantiated? */ - def contains(tvar: TypeVar): Boolean - - /** The constraint entry for given type parameter `param`, or NoType if `param` is not part of - * the constraint domain. Note: Low level, implementation dependent. - */ - def entry(param: TypeParamRef): Type - - /** The type variable corresponding to parameter `param`, or - * NoType, if `param` is not in constrained or is not paired with a type variable. - */ - def typeVarOfParam(param: TypeParamRef): Type - - /** Is it known that `param1 <:< param2`? */ - def isLess(param1: TypeParamRef, param2: TypeParamRef): Boolean - - /** The parameters that are known to be smaller wrt <: than `param` */ - def lower(param: TypeParamRef): List[TypeParamRef] - - /** The parameters that are known to be greater wrt <: than `param` */ - def upper(param: TypeParamRef): List[TypeParamRef] - - /** The lower dominator set. - * - * This is like `lower`, except that each parameter returned is no smaller than every other returned parameter. - */ - def minLower(param: TypeParamRef): List[TypeParamRef] - - /** The upper dominator set. - * - * This is like `upper`, except that each parameter returned is no greater than every other returned parameter. - */ - def minUpper(param: TypeParamRef): List[TypeParamRef] - - /** lower(param) \ lower(butNot) */ - def exclusiveLower(param: TypeParamRef, butNot: TypeParamRef): List[TypeParamRef] - - /** upper(param) \ upper(butNot) */ - def exclusiveUpper(param: TypeParamRef, butNot: TypeParamRef): List[TypeParamRef] - - /** The constraint bounds for given type parameter `param`. - * Poly params that are known to be smaller or greater than `param` - * are not contained in the return bounds. - * @pre `param` is not part of the constraint domain. - */ - def nonParamBounds(param: TypeParamRef)(using Context): TypeBounds - - /** A new constraint which is derived from this constraint by adding - * entries for all type parameters of `poly`. - * @param tvars A list of type variables associated with the params, - * or Nil if the constraint will just be checked for - * satisfiability but will solved to give instances of - * type variables. - */ - def add(poly: TypeLambda, tvars: List[TypeVar])(using Context): This - - /** A new constraint which is derived from this constraint by updating - * the entry for parameter `param` to `tp`. - * `tp` can be one of the following: - * - * - A TypeBounds value, indicating new constraint bounds - * - Another type, indicating a solution for the parameter - * - * @pre `this contains param`. - */ - def updateEntry(param: TypeParamRef, tp: Type)(using Context): This - - /** A constraint that includes the relationship `p1 <: p2`. - * `<:` relationships between parameters ("edges") are propagated, but - * non-parameter bounds are left alone. - * - * @param direction Must be set to `KeepParam1` or `KeepParam2` when - * `p2 <: p1` is already true depending on which parameter - * the caller intends to keep. This will avoid propagating - * bounds that will be redundant after `p1` and `p2` are - * unified. - */ - def addLess(p1: TypeParamRef, p2: TypeParamRef, - direction: UnificationDirection = UnificationDirection.NoUnification)(using Context): This - - /** A new constraint which is derived from this constraint by removing - * the type parameter `param` from the domain and replacing all top-level occurrences - * of the parameter elsewhere in the constraint by type `tp`, or a conservative - * approximation of it if that is needed to avoid cycles. - * Occurrences nested inside a refinement or prefix are not affected. - */ - def replace(param: TypeParamRef, tp: Type)(using Context): This - - /** Is entry associated with `tl` removable? This is the case if - * all type parameters of the entry are associated with type variables - * which have their `inst` fields set. - */ - def isRemovable(tl: TypeLambda): Boolean - - /** A new constraint with all entries coming from `tl` removed. */ - def remove(tl: TypeLambda)(using Context): This - - /** A new constraint with entry `from` replaced with `to` - * Rerences to `from` from within other constraint bounds are updated to `to`. - * Type variables are left alone. - */ - def subst(from: TypeLambda, to: TypeLambda)(using Context): This - - /** Is `tv` marked as hard in the constraint? */ - def isHard(tv: TypeVar): Boolean - - /** The same as this constraint, but with `tv` marked as hard. */ - def withHard(tv: TypeVar)(using Context): This - - /** Gives for each instantiated type var that does not yet have its `inst` field - * set, the instance value stored in the constraint. Storing instances in constraints - * is done only in a temporary way for contexts that may be retracted - * without also retracting the type var as a whole. - */ - def instType(tvar: TypeVar): Type - - /** The given `tl` in case it is not contained in this constraint, - * a fresh copy of `tl` otherwise. - */ - def ensureFresh(tl: TypeLambda)(using Context): TypeLambda - - /** The type lambdas constrained by this constraint */ - def domainLambdas: List[TypeLambda] - - /** The type lambda parameters constrained by this constraint */ - def domainParams: List[TypeParamRef] - - /** Check whether predicate holds for all parameters in constraint */ - def forallParams(p: TypeParamRef => Boolean): Boolean - - /** Perform operation `op` on all typevars that do not have their `inst` field set. */ - def foreachTypeVar(op: TypeVar => Unit): Unit - - /** The uninstantiated typevars of this constraint, which still have a bounds constraint - */ - def uninstVars: collection.Seq[TypeVar] - - /** Whether `tl` is present in both `this` and `that` but is associated with - * different TypeVars there, meaning that the constraints cannot be merged. - */ - def hasConflictingTypeVarsFor(tl: TypeLambda, that: Constraint): Boolean - - /** Does `param` occur at the toplevel in `tp` ? - * Toplevel means: the type itself or a factor in some - * combination of `&` or `|` types. - */ - def occursAtToplevel(param: TypeParamRef, tp: Type)(using Context): Boolean - - /** A string that shows the reverse dependencies maintained by this constraint - * (coDeps and contraDeps for OrderingConstraints). - */ - def depsToString(using Context): String - - /** Does the constraint restricted to variables outside `except` depend on `tv` - * in the given direction `co`? - * @param `co` If true, test whether the constraint would change if the variable is made larger - * otherwise, test whether the constraint would change if the variable is made smaller. - */ - def dependsOn(tv: TypeVar, except: TypeVars, co: Boolean)(using Context): Boolean - - /** Depending on Config settngs: - * - Under `checkConstraintsNonCyclic`, check that no constrained - * parameter contains itself as a bound. - * - Under `checkConstraintDeps`, check hat reverse dependencies in - * constraints are correct and complete. - */ - def checkWellFormed()(using Context): this.type - - /** Check that constraint only refers to TypeParamRefs bound by itself */ - def checkClosed()(using Context): Unit - - /** Check that every typevar om this constraint has as origin a type parameter - * of athe type lambda that is associated with the typevar itself. - */ - def checkConsistentVars()(using Context): Unit -} - -/** When calling `Constraint#addLess(p1, p2, ...)`, the caller might end up - * unifying one parameter with the other, this enum lets `addLess` know which - * direction the unification will take. - */ -enum UnificationDirection: - /** Neither p1 nor p2 will be instantiated. */ - case NoUnification - /** `p2 := p1`, p1 left uninstantiated. */ - case KeepParam1 - /** `p1 := p2`, p2 left uninstantiated. */ - case KeepParam2 diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/ConstraintHandling.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/ConstraintHandling.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 96e965903010..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/ConstraintHandling.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,891 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc -package core - -import Types._ -import Contexts._ -import Symbols._ -import Decorators._ -import Flags._ -import config.Config -import config.Printers.typr -import typer.ProtoTypes.{newTypeVar, representedParamRef} -import UnificationDirection.* -import NameKinds.AvoidNameKind -import util.SimpleIdentitySet -import NullOpsDecorator.stripNull - -/** Methods for adding constraints and solving them. - * - * What goes into a Constraint as opposed to a ConstrainHandler? - * - * Constraint code is purely functional: Operations get constraints and produce new ones. - * Constraint code does not have access to a type-comparer. Anything regarding lubs and glbs has to be done - * elsewhere. - * - * By comparison: Constraint handlers are parts of type comparers and can use their functionality. - * Constraint handlers update the current constraint as a side effect. - */ -trait ConstraintHandling { - - def constr: config.Printers.Printer = config.Printers.constr - - protected def isSub(tp1: Type, tp2: Type)(using Context): Boolean - protected def isSame(tp1: Type, tp2: Type)(using Context): Boolean - - protected def constraint: Constraint - protected def constraint_=(c: Constraint): Unit - - private var addConstraintInvocations = 0 - - /** If the constraint is frozen we cannot add new bounds to the constraint. */ - protected var frozenConstraint: Boolean = false - - /** Potentially a type lambda that is still instantiatable, even though the constraint - * is generally frozen. - */ - protected var caseLambda: Type = NoType - - /** If set, align arguments `S1`, `S2`when taking the glb - * `T1 { X = S1 } & T2 { X = S2 }` of a constraint upper bound for some type parameter. - * Aligning means computing `S1 =:= S2` which may change the current constraint. - * See note in TypeComparer#distributeAnd. - */ - protected var homogenizeArgs: Boolean = false - - /** We are currently comparing type lambdas. Used as a flag for - * optimization: when `false`, no need to do an expensive `pruneLambdaParams` - */ - protected var comparedTypeLambdas: Set[TypeLambda] = Set.empty - - /** Used for match type reduction: If false, we don't recognize an abstract type - * to be a subtype type of any of its base classes. This is in place only at the - * toplevel; it is turned on again when we add parts of the scrutinee to the constraint. - */ - protected var canWidenAbstract: Boolean = true - - protected var myNecessaryConstraintsOnly = false - /** When collecting the constraints needed for a particular subtyping - * judgment to be true, we sometimes need to approximate the constraint - * set (see `TypeComparer#either` for example). - * - * Normally, this means adding extra constraints which may not be necessary - * for the subtyping judgment to be true, but if this variable is set to true - * we will instead under-approximate and keep only the constraints that must - * always be present for the subtyping judgment to hold. - * - * This is needed for GADT bounds inference to be sound, but it is also used - * when constraining a method call based on its expected type to avoid adding - * constraints that would later prevent us from typechecking method - * arguments, see or-inf.scala and and-inf.scala for examples. - */ - protected def necessaryConstraintsOnly(using Context): Boolean = - || myNecessaryConstraintsOnly - - /** If `trustBounds = false` we perform comparisons in a pessimistic way as follows: - * Given an abstract type `A >: L <: H`, a subtype comparison of any type - * with `A` will compare against both `L` and `H`. E.g. - * - * T <:< A if T <:< L and T <:< H - * A <:< T if L <:< T and H <:< T - * - * This restricted form makes sure we don't "forget" types when forming - * unions and intersections with abstract types that have bad bounds. E.g. - * the following example from neg/i8900.scala that @smarter came up with: - * We have a type variable X with constraints - * - * X >: 1, X >: x.M - * - * where `x` is a locally nested variable and `x.M` has bad bounds - * - * x.M >: Int | String <: Int & String - * - * If we trust bounds, then the lower bound of `X` is `x.M` since `x.M >: 1`. - * Then even if we correct levels on instantiation to eliminate the local `x`, - * it is alreay too late, we'd get `Int & String` as instance, which does not - * satisfy the original constraint `X >: 1`. - * - * But if `trustBounds` is false, we do not conclude the `x.M >: 1` since - * we compare both bounds and the upper bound `Int & String` is not a supertype - * of `1`. So the lower bound is `1 | x.M` and when we level-avoid that we - * get `1 | Int & String`, which simplifies to `Int`. - */ - private var myTrustBounds = true - - inline def withUntrustedBounds(op: => Type): Type = - val saved = myTrustBounds - myTrustBounds = false - try op finally myTrustBounds = saved - - def trustBounds: Boolean = - !Config.checkLevelsOnInstantiation || myTrustBounds - - def checkReset() = - assert(addConstraintInvocations == 0) - assert(frozenConstraint == false) - assert(caseLambda == NoType) - assert(homogenizeArgs == false) - assert(comparedTypeLambdas == Set.empty) - - def nestingLevel(param: TypeParamRef)(using Context) = constraint.typeVarOfParam(param) match - case tv: TypeVar => tv.nestingLevel - case _ => - // This should only happen when reducing match types (in - // TrackingTypeComparer#matchCases) or in uncommitable TyperStates (as - // asserted in ProtoTypes.constrained) and is special-cased in `levelOK` - // below. - Int.MaxValue - - /** Is `level` <= `maxLevel` or legal in the current context? */ - def levelOK(level: Int, maxLevel: Int)(using Context): Boolean = - level <= maxLevel - || ctx.isAfterTyper || !ctx.typerState.isCommittable // Leaks in these cases shouldn't break soundness - || level == Int.MaxValue // See `nestingLevel` above. - || !Config.checkLevelsOnConstraints - - /** If `param` is nested deeper than `maxLevel`, try to instantiate it to a - * fresh type variable of level `maxLevel` and return the new variable. - * If this isn't possible, throw a TypeError. - */ - def atLevel(maxLevel: Int, param: TypeParamRef)(using Context): TypeParamRef = - if levelOK(nestingLevel(param), maxLevel) then - return param - LevelAvoidMap(0, maxLevel)(param) match - case freshVar: TypeVar => freshVar.origin - case _ => throw TypeError( - em"Could not decrease the nesting level of ${param} from ${nestingLevel(param)} to $maxLevel in $constraint") - - def nonParamBounds(param: TypeParamRef)(using Context): TypeBounds = constraint.nonParamBounds(param) - - /** The full lower bound of `param` includes both the `nonParamBounds` and the - * params in the constraint known to be `<: param`, except that - * params with a `nestingLevel` higher than `param` will be instantiated - * to a fresh param at a legal level. See the documentation of `TypeVar` - * for details. - */ - def fullLowerBound(param: TypeParamRef)(using Context): Type = - val maxLevel = nestingLevel(param) - var loParams = constraint.minLower(param) - if maxLevel != Int.MaxValue then - loParams = loParams.mapConserve(atLevel(maxLevel, _)) - loParams.foldLeft(nonParamBounds(param).lo)(_ | _) - - /** The full upper bound of `param`, see the documentation of `fullLowerBounds` above. */ - def fullUpperBound(param: TypeParamRef)(using Context): Type = - val maxLevel = nestingLevel(param) - var hiParams = constraint.minUpper(param) - if maxLevel != Int.MaxValue then - hiParams = hiParams.mapConserve(atLevel(maxLevel, _)) - hiParams.foldLeft(nonParamBounds(param).hi)(_ & _) - - /** Full bounds of `param`, including other lower/upper params. - * - * Note that underlying operations perform subtype checks - for this reason, recursing on `fullBounds` - * of some param when comparing types might lead to infinite recursion. Consider `bounds` instead. - */ - def fullBounds(param: TypeParamRef)(using Context): TypeBounds = - nonParamBounds(param).derivedTypeBounds(fullLowerBound(param), fullUpperBound(param)) - - /** An approximating map that prevents types nested deeper than maxLevel as - * well as WildcardTypes from leaking into the constraint. - */ - class LevelAvoidMap(topLevelVariance: Int, maxLevel: Int)(using Context) extends TypeOps.AvoidMap: - variance = topLevelVariance - - def toAvoid(tp: NamedType): Boolean = - tp.prefix == NoPrefix && !tp.symbol.isStatic && !levelOK(tp.symbol.nestingLevel, maxLevel) - - /** Return a (possibly fresh) type variable of a level no greater than `maxLevel` which is: - * - lower-bounded by `tp` if variance >= 0 - * - upper-bounded by `tp` if variance <= 0 - * If this isn't possible, return the empty range. - */ - def legalVar(tp: TypeVar): Type = - val oldParam = tp.origin - val nameKind = - if variance > 0 then AvoidNameKind.UpperBound - else if variance < 0 then AvoidNameKind.LowerBound - else AvoidNameKind.BothBounds - - /** If it exists, return the first param in the list created in a previous call to `legalVar(tp)` - * with the appropriate level and variance. - */ - def findParam(params: List[TypeParamRef]): Option[TypeParamRef] = - params.find(p => - nestingLevel(p) <= maxLevel && representedParamRef(p) == oldParam && - ( || - variance != 0 && - - // First, check if we can reuse an existing parameter, this is more than an optimization - // since it avoids an infinite loop in tests/pos/i8900-cycle.scala - findParam(constraint.lower(oldParam)).orElse(findParam(constraint.upper(oldParam))) match - case Some(param) => - constraint.typeVarOfParam(param) - case _ => - // Otherwise, try to return a fresh type variable at `maxLevel` with - // the appropriate constraints. - val name = nameKind(oldParam.paramName.toTermName).toTypeName - val freshVar = newTypeVar(TypeBounds.upper(tp.topType), name, - nestingLevel = maxLevel, represents = oldParam) - val ok = - if variance < 0 then - addLess(freshVar.origin, oldParam) - else if variance > 0 then - addLess(oldParam, freshVar.origin) - else - unify(freshVar.origin, oldParam) - if ok then freshVar else emptyRange - end legalVar - - override def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match - case tp: TypeVar if !tp.isInstantiated && !levelOK(tp.nestingLevel, maxLevel) => - legalVar(tp) - // TypeParamRef can occur in tl bounds - case tp: TypeParamRef => - constraint.typeVarOfParam(tp) match - case tvar: TypeVar => - apply(tvar) - case _ => super.apply(tp) - case _ => - super.apply(tp) - - override def mapWild(t: WildcardType) = - if then super.mapWild(t) - else - val tvar = newTypeVar(apply(t.effectiveBounds).toBounds, nestingLevel = maxLevel) - tvar - end LevelAvoidMap - - /** Approximate `rawBound` if needed to make it a legal bound of `param` by - * avoiding wildcards and types with a level strictly greater than its - * `nestingLevel`. - * - * Note that level-checking must be performed here and cannot be delayed - * until instantiation because if we allow level-incorrect bounds, then we - * might end up reasoning with bad bounds outside of the scope where they are - * defined. This can lead to level-correct but unsound instantiations as - * demonstrated by tests/neg/i8900.scala. - */ - protected def legalBound(param: TypeParamRef, rawBound: Type, isUpper: Boolean)(using Context): Type = - // Over-approximate for soundness. - var variance = if isUpper then -1 else 1 - // ...unless we can only infer necessary constraints, in which case we - // flip the variance to under-approximate. - if necessaryConstraintsOnly then variance = -variance - - val approx = new LevelAvoidMap(variance, nestingLevel(param)): - override def legalVar(tp: TypeVar): Type = - // `legalVar` will create a type variable whose bounds depend on - // `variance`, but whether the variance is positive or negative, - // we can still infer necessary constraints since just creating a - // type variable doesn't reduce the set of possible solutions. - // Therefore, we can safely "unflip" the variance flipped above. - // This is necessary for i8900-unflip.scala to typecheck. - val v = if necessaryConstraintsOnly then -this.variance else this.variance - atVariance(v)(super.legalVar(tp)) - approx(rawBound) - end legalBound - - protected def addOneBound(param: TypeParamRef, rawBound: Type, isUpper: Boolean)(using Context): Boolean = - if !constraint.contains(param) then true - else if !isUpper && param.occursIn(rawBound) then - // We don't allow recursive lower bounds when defining a type, - // so we shouldn't allow them as constraints either. - false - else - val bound = legalBound(param, rawBound, isUpper) - val oldBounds @ TypeBounds(lo, hi) = constraint.nonParamBounds(param) - val equalBounds = (if isUpper then lo else hi) eq bound - if equalBounds && !bound.existsPart(_ eq param, StopAt.Static) then - // The narrowed bounds are equal and not recursive, - // so we can remove `param` from the constraint. - constraint = constraint.replace(param, bound) - true - else - // Narrow one of the bounds of type parameter `param` - // If `isUpper` is true, ensure that `param <: `bound`, otherwise ensure - // that `param >: bound`. - val narrowedBounds = - val saved = homogenizeArgs - homogenizeArgs = Config.alignArgsInAnd - try - withUntrustedBounds( - if isUpper then oldBounds.derivedTypeBounds(lo, hi & bound) - else oldBounds.derivedTypeBounds(lo | bound, hi)) - finally - homogenizeArgs = saved - //println(i"narrow bounds for $param from $oldBounds to $narrowedBounds") - val c1 = constraint.updateEntry(param, narrowedBounds) - (c1 eq constraint) - || { - constraint = c1 - val TypeBounds(lo, hi) = constraint.entry(param): @unchecked - isSub(lo, hi) - } - end addOneBound - - protected def addBoundTransitively(param: TypeParamRef, rawBound: Type, isUpper: Boolean)(using Context): Boolean = - - /** Adjust the bound `tp` in the following ways: - * - * 1. Toplevel occurrences of TypeRefs that are instantiated in the current - * constraint are also dereferenced. - * 2. Toplevel occurrences of ExprTypes lead to a `NoType` return, which - * causes the addOneBound operation to fail. - * - * An occurrence is toplevel if it is the bound itself, or a term in some - * combination of `&` or `|` types. - */ - def adjust(tp: Type): Type = tp match - case tp: AndOrType => - val p1 = adjust(tp.tp1) - val p2 = adjust(tp.tp2) - if p1.exists && p2.exists then tp.derivedAndOrType(p1, p2) else NoType - case tp: TypeVar if constraint.contains(tp.origin) => - adjust(tp.underlying) - case tp: ExprType => - // ExprTypes are not value types, so type parameters should not - // be instantiated to ExprTypes. A scenario where such an attempted - // instantiation can happen is if we unify (=> T) => () with A => () - // where A is a TypeParamRef. See the comment on EtaExpansion.etaExpand - // why types such as (=> T) => () can be constructed and i7969.scala - // as a test where this happens. - // Note that scalac by contrast allows such instantiations. But letting - // type variables be ExprTypes has its own problems (e.g. you can't write - // the resulting types down) and is largely unknown terrain. - NoType - case _ => - tp - - def description = i"constraint $param ${if isUpper then "<:" else ":>"} $rawBound to\n$constraint" - constr.println(i"adding $description$location") - if isUpper && rawBound.isRef(defn.NothingClass) && ctx.typerState.isGlobalCommittable then - def msg = i"!!! instantiated to Nothing: $param, constraint = $constraint" - if Config.failOnInstantiationToNothing - then assert(false, msg) - else report.log(msg) - def others = if isUpper then constraint.lower(param) else constraint.upper(param) - val bound = adjust(rawBound) - bound.exists - && addOneBound(param, bound, isUpper) && others.forall(addOneBound(_, bound, isUpper)) - .showing(i"added $description = $result$location", constr) - end addBoundTransitively - - protected def addLess(p1: TypeParamRef, p2: TypeParamRef)(using Context): Boolean = { - def description = i"ordering $p1 <: $p2 to\n$constraint" - val res = - if (constraint.isLess(p2, p1)) unify(p2, p1) - else { - val down1 = p1 :: constraint.exclusiveLower(p1, p2) - val up2 = p2 :: constraint.exclusiveUpper(p2, p1) - val lo1 = constraint.nonParamBounds(p1).lo - val hi2 = constraint.nonParamBounds(p2).hi - constr.println(i"adding $description down1 = $down1, up2 = $up2$location") - constraint = constraint.addLess(p1, p2) - down1.forall(addOneBound(_, hi2, isUpper = true)) && - up2.forall(addOneBound(_, lo1, isUpper = false)) - } - constr.println(i"added $description = $res$location") - res - } - - def location(using Context) = "" // i"in ${ctx.typerState.stateChainStr}" // use for debugging - - /** Unify p1 with p2: one parameter will be kept in the constraint, the - * other will be removed and its bounds transferred to the remaining one. - * - * If p1 and p2 have different `nestingLevel`, the parameter with the lowest - * level will be kept and the transferred bounds from the other parameter - * will be adjusted for level-correctness. - */ - private def unify(p1: TypeParamRef, p2: TypeParamRef)(using Context): Boolean = { - constr.println(s"unifying $p1 $p2") - if !constraint.isLess(p1, p2) then - constraint = constraint.addLess(p1, p2) - - val level1 = nestingLevel(p1) - val level2 = nestingLevel(p2) - val pKept = if level1 <= level2 then p1 else p2 - val pRemoved = if level1 <= level2 then p2 else p1 - - val down = constraint.exclusiveLower(p2, p1) - val up = constraint.exclusiveUpper(p1, p2) - - constraint = constraint.addLess(p2, p1, direction = if pKept eq p1 then KeepParam2 else KeepParam1) - - val boundKept = constraint.nonParamBounds(pKept).substParam(pRemoved, pKept) - var boundRemoved = constraint.nonParamBounds(pRemoved).substParam(pRemoved, pKept) - - if level1 != level2 then - boundRemoved = LevelAvoidMap(-1, math.min(level1, level2))(boundRemoved) - val TypeBounds(lo, hi) = boundRemoved: @unchecked - // After avoidance, the interval might be empty, e.g. in - // tests/pos/i8900-promote.scala: - // >: x.type <: Singleton - // becomes: - // >: Int <: Singleton - // In that case, we can still get a legal constraint - // by replacing the lower-bound to get: - // >: Int & Singleton <: Singleton - if !isSub(lo, hi) then - boundRemoved = TypeBounds(lo & hi, hi) - - val newBounds = (boundKept & boundRemoved).bounds - constraint = constraint.updateEntry(pKept, newBounds).replace(pRemoved, pKept) - - val lo = newBounds.lo - val hi = newBounds.hi - isSub(lo, hi) && - down.forall(addOneBound(_, hi, isUpper = true)) && - up.forall(addOneBound(_, lo, isUpper = false)) - } - - protected def isSubType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type, whenFrozen: Boolean)(using Context): Boolean = - if (whenFrozen) - isSubTypeWhenFrozen(tp1, tp2) - else - isSub(tp1, tp2) - - inline final def inFrozenConstraint[T](op: => T): T = { - val savedFrozen = frozenConstraint - val savedLambda = caseLambda - frozenConstraint = true - caseLambda = NoType - try op - finally { - frozenConstraint = savedFrozen - caseLambda = savedLambda - } - } - - final def isSubTypeWhenFrozen(tp1: Type, tp2: Type)(using Context): Boolean = inFrozenConstraint(isSub(tp1, tp2)) - final def isSameTypeWhenFrozen(tp1: Type, tp2: Type)(using Context): Boolean = inFrozenConstraint(isSame(tp1, tp2)) - - /** Test whether the lower bounds of all parameters in this - * constraint are a solution to the constraint. - */ - protected final def isSatisfiable(using Context): Boolean = - constraint.forallParams { param => - val TypeBounds(lo, hi) = constraint.entry(param): @unchecked - isSub(lo, hi) || { - report.log(i"sub fail $lo <:< $hi") - false - } - } - - /** Fix instance type `tp` by avoidance so that it does not contain references - * to types at level > `maxLevel`. - * @param tp the type to be fixed - * @param fromBelow whether type was obtained from lower bound - * @param maxLevel the maximum level of references allowed - * @param param the parameter that was instantiated - */ - private def fixLevels(tp: Type, fromBelow: Boolean, maxLevel: Int, param: TypeParamRef)(using Context) = - - def needsFix(tp: NamedType)(using Context) = - (tp.prefix eq NoPrefix) && tp.symbol.nestingLevel > maxLevel - - /** An accumulator that determines whether levels need to be fixed - * and computes on the side sets of nested type variables that need - * to be instantiated. - */ - def needsLeveling = new TypeAccumulator[Boolean]: - if !fromBelow then variance = -1 - - def apply(need: Boolean, tp: Type) = - need || tp.match - case tp: NamedType => - needsFix(tp) - || !stopBecauseStaticOrLocal(tp) && apply(need, tp.prefix) - case tp: TypeVar => - val inst = tp.instanceOpt - if inst.exists then apply(need, inst) - else if tp.nestingLevel > maxLevel then - // Change the nesting level of inner type variable to `maxLevel`. - // This means that the type variable will be instantiated later to a - // less nested type. If there are other references to the same type variable - // that do not come from the type undergoing `fixLevels`, this could lead - // to coarser types than intended. An alternative is to instantiate the - // type variable right away, but this also loses information. See - // i15934.scala for a test where the current strategey works but an early instantiation - // of `tp` would fail. - constr.println(i"widening nesting level of type variable $tp from ${tp.nestingLevel} to $maxLevel") - ctx.typerState.setNestingLevel(tp, maxLevel) - true - else false - case _ => - foldOver(need, tp) - end needsLeveling - - def levelAvoid = new TypeOps.AvoidMap: - if !fromBelow then variance = -1 - def toAvoid(tp: NamedType) = needsFix(tp) - - if Config.checkLevelsOnInstantiation && !ctx.isAfterTyper && needsLeveling(false, tp) then - typr.println(i"instance $tp for $param needs leveling to $maxLevel") - levelAvoid(tp) - else tp - end fixLevels - - /** Solve constraint set for given type parameter `param`. - * If `fromBelow` is true the parameter is approximated by its lower bound, - * otherwise it is approximated by its upper bound, unless the upper bound - * contains a reference to the parameter itself (such occurrences can arise - * for F-bounded types, `addOneBound` ensures that they never occur in the - * lower bound). - * The solved type is not allowed to contain references to types nested deeper - * than `maxLevel`. - * Wildcard types in bounds are approximated by their upper or lower bounds. - * The constraint is left unchanged. - * @return the instantiating type - * @pre `param` is in the constraint's domain. - */ - final def approximation(param: TypeParamRef, fromBelow: Boolean, maxLevel: Int)(using Context): Type = - constraint.entry(param) match - case entry: TypeBounds => - val useLowerBound = fromBelow || param.occursIn(entry.hi) - val rawInst = withUntrustedBounds( - if useLowerBound then fullLowerBound(param) else fullUpperBound(param)) - val levelInst = fixLevels(rawInst, fromBelow, maxLevel, param) - if levelInst ne rawInst then - typr.println(i"level avoid for $maxLevel: $rawInst --> $levelInst") - typr.println(i"approx $param, from below = $fromBelow, inst = $levelInst") - levelInst - case inst => - assert(inst.exists, i"param = $param\nconstraint = $constraint") - inst - end approximation - - private def isTransparent(tp: Type, traitOnly: Boolean)(using Context): Boolean = tp match - case AndType(tp1, tp2) => - isTransparent(tp1, traitOnly) && isTransparent(tp2, traitOnly) - case _ => - val cls = tp.underlyingClassRef(refinementOK = false).typeSymbol - cls.isTransparentClass && (!traitOnly || - - /** If `tp` is an intersection such that some operands are transparent trait instances - * and others are not, replace as many transparent trait instances as possible with Any - * as long as the result is still a subtype of `bound`. But fall back to the - * original type if the resulting widened type is a supertype of all dropped - * types (since in this case the type was not a true intersection of transparent traits - * and other types to start with). - */ - def dropTransparentTraits(tp: Type, bound: Type)(using Context): Type = - var kept: Set[Type] = Set() // types to keep since otherwise bound would not fit - var dropped: List[Type] = List() // the types dropped so far, last one on top - - def dropOneTransparentTrait(tp: Type): Type = - if isTransparent(tp, traitOnly = true) && !kept.contains(tp) then - dropped = tp :: dropped - defn.AnyType - else tp match - case AndType(tp1, tp2) => - val tp1w = dropOneTransparentTrait(tp1) - if tp1w ne tp1 then tp1w & tp2 - else - val tp2w = dropOneTransparentTrait(tp2) - if tp2w ne tp2 then tp1 & tp2w - else tp - case _ => - tp - - def recur(tp: Type): Type = - val tpw = dropOneTransparentTrait(tp) - if tpw eq tp then tp - else if tpw <:< bound then recur(tpw) - else - kept += dropped.head - dropped = dropped.tail - recur(tp) - - val saved = ctx.typerState.snapshot() - val tpw = recur(tp) - if (tpw eq tp) || dropped.forall(_ frozen_<:< tpw) then - // Rollback any constraint change that would lead to `tp` no longer - // being a valid solution. - ctx.typerState.resetTo(saved) - tp - else - tpw - end dropTransparentTraits - - /** If `tp` is an applied match type alias which is also an unreducible application - * of a higher-kinded type to a wildcard argument, widen to the match type's bound, - * in order to avoid an unreducible application of higher-kinded type ... in inferred type" - * error in PostTyper. Fixes #11246. - */ - def widenIrreducible(tp: Type)(using Context): Type = tp match - case tp @ AppliedType(tycon, _) if tycon.isLambdaSub && tp.hasWildcardArg => - tp.superType match - case MatchType(bound, _, _) => bound - case _ => tp - case _ => - tp - - /** Widen inferred type `inst` with upper `bound`, according to the following rules: - * 1. If `inst` is a singleton type, or a union containing some singleton types, - * widen (all) the singleton type(s), provided the result is a subtype of `bound` - * (i.e. `inst.widenSingletons <:< bound` succeeds with satisfiable constraint) and - * is not transparent according to `isTransparent`. - * 2a. If `inst` is a union type and `widenUnions` is true, approximate the union type - * from above by an intersection of all common base types, provided the result - * is a subtype of `bound`. - * 2b. If `inst` is a union type and `widenUnions` is false, turn it into a hard - * union type (except for unions | Null, which are kept in the state they were). - * 3. Widen some irreducible applications of higher-kinded types to wildcard arguments - * (see @widenIrreducible). - * 4. Drop transparent traits from intersections (see @dropTransparentTraits). - * - * Don't do these widenings if `bound` is a subtype of `scala.Singleton`. - * Also, if the result of these widenings is a TypeRef to a module class, - * and this type ref is different from `inst`, replace by a TermRef to - * its source module instead. - * - * At this point we also drop the @Repeated annotation to avoid inferring type arguments with it, - * as those could leak the annotation to users (see run/inferred-repeated-result). - */ - def widenInferred(inst: Type, bound: Type, widenUnions: Boolean)(using Context): Type = - def widenOr(tp: Type) = - if widenUnions then - val tpw = tp.widenUnion - if (tpw ne tp) && !isTransparent(tpw, traitOnly = false) && (tpw <:< bound) then tpw else tp - else tp.hardenUnions - - def widenSingle(tp: Type) = - val tpw = tp.widenSingletons - if (tpw ne tp) && (tpw <:< bound) then tpw else tp - - def isSingleton(tp: Type): Boolean = tp match - case WildcardType(optBounds) => optBounds.exists && isSingleton(optBounds.bounds.hi) - case _ => isSubTypeWhenFrozen(tp, defn.SingletonType) - - val wideInst = - if isSingleton(bound) then inst - else - val widenedFromSingle = widenSingle(inst) - val widenedFromUnion = widenOr(widenedFromSingle) - val widened = dropTransparentTraits(widenedFromUnion, bound) - widenIrreducible(widened) - - wideInst match - case wideInst: TypeRef if => - TermRef(wideInst.prefix, wideInst.symbol.sourceModule) - case _ => - wideInst.dropRepeatedAnnot - end widenInferred - - /** Convert all toplevel union types in `tp` to hard unions */ - extension (tp: Type) private def hardenUnions(using Context): Type = tp.widen match - case tp: AndType => - tp.derivedAndType(tp.tp1.hardenUnions, tp.tp2.hardenUnions) - case tp: RefinedType => - tp.derivedRefinedType(tp.parent.hardenUnions, tp.refinedName, tp.refinedInfo) - case tp: RecType => - tp.rebind(tp.parent.hardenUnions) - case tp: HKTypeLambda => - tp.derivedLambdaType(resType = tp.resType.hardenUnions) - case tp: OrType => - val tp1 = tp.stripNull - if tp1 ne tp then tp.derivedOrType(tp1.hardenUnions, defn.NullType) - else tp.derivedOrType(tp.tp1.hardenUnions, tp.tp2.hardenUnions, soft = false) - case _ => - tp - - /** The instance type of `param` in the current constraint (which contains `param`). - * If `fromBelow` is true, the instance type is the lub of the parameter's - * lower bounds; otherwise it is the glb of its upper bounds. However, - * a lower bound instantiation can be a singleton type only if the upper bound - * is also a singleton type. - * The instance type is not allowed to contain references to types nested deeper - * than `maxLevel`. - */ - def instanceType(param: TypeParamRef, fromBelow: Boolean, widenUnions: Boolean, maxLevel: Int)(using Context): Type = { - val approx = approximation(param, fromBelow, maxLevel).simplified - if fromBelow then - val widened = widenInferred(approx, param, widenUnions) - // Widening can add extra constraints, in particular the widened type might - // be a type variable which is now instantiated to `param`, and therefore - // cannot be used as an instantiation of `param` without creating a loop. - // If that happens, we run `instanceType` again to find a new instantation. - // (we do not check for non-toplevel occurrences: those should never occur - // since `addOneBound` disallows recursive lower bounds). - if constraint.occursAtToplevel(param, widened) then - instanceType(param, fromBelow, widenUnions, maxLevel) - else - widened - else - approx - } - - /** Constraint `c1` subsumes constraint `c2`, if under `c2` as constraint we have - * for all poly params `p` defined in `c2` as `p >: L2 <: U2`: - * - * c1 defines p with bounds p >: L1 <: U1, and - * L2 <: L1, and - * U1 <: U2 - * - * Both `c1` and `c2` are required to derive from constraint `pre`, without adding - * any new type variables but possibly narrowing already registered ones with further bounds. - */ - protected final def subsumes(c1: Constraint, c2: Constraint, pre: Constraint)(using Context): Boolean = - if (c2 eq pre) true - else if (c1 eq pre) false - else { - val saved = constraint - try - // We iterate over params of `pre`, instead of `c2` as the documentation may suggest. - // As neither `c1` nor `c2` can have more params than `pre`, this only matters in one edge case. - // Constraint#forallParams only iterates over params that can be directly constrained. - // If `c2` has, compared to `pre`, instantiated a param and we iterated over params of `c2`, - // we could miss that param being instantiated to an incompatible type in `c1`. - pre.forallParams(p => - c1.entry(p).exists - && c2.upper(p).forall(c1.isLess(p, _)) - && isSubTypeWhenFrozen(c1.nonParamBounds(p), c2.nonParamBounds(p)) - ) - finally constraint = saved - } - - /** The current bounds of type parameter `param` */ - def bounds(param: TypeParamRef)(using Context): TypeBounds = { - val e = constraint.entry(param) - if (e.exists) e.bounds - else { - // TODO: should we change the type of paramInfos to nullable? - val pinfos: List[param.binder.PInfo] | Null = param.binder.paramInfos - if (pinfos != null) pinfos(param.paramNum) // pinfos == null happens in pos/i536.scala - else TypeBounds.empty - } - } - - /** Add type lambda `tl`, possibly with type variables `tvars`, to current constraint - * and propagate all bounds. - * @param tvars See Constraint#add - */ - def addToConstraint(tl: TypeLambda, tvars: List[TypeVar])(using Context): Boolean = - checkPropagated(i"initialized $tl") { - constraint = constraint.add(tl, tvars) - tl.paramRefs.forall { param => - val lower = constraint.lower(param) - val upper = constraint.upper(param) - constraint.entry(param) match { - case bounds: TypeBounds => - if lower.nonEmpty && !bounds.lo.isRef(defn.NothingClass) - || upper.nonEmpty && !bounds.hi.isAny - then constr.println(i"INIT*** $tl") - lower.forall(addOneBound(_, bounds.hi, isUpper = true)) && - upper.forall(addOneBound(_, bounds.lo, isUpper = false)) - case x => - // Happens if param was already solved while processing earlier params of the same TypeLambda. - // See #4720. - true - } - } - } - - /** Can `param` be constrained with new bounds? */ - final def canConstrain(param: TypeParamRef): Boolean = - (!frozenConstraint || (caseLambda `eq` param.binder)) && constraint.contains(param) - - /** Is `param` assumed to be a sub- and super-type of any other type? - * This holds if `TypeVarsMissContext` is set unless `param` is a part - * of a MatchType that is currently normalized. - */ - final def assumedTrue(param: TypeParamRef)(using Context): Boolean = - && (caseLambda `ne` param.binder) - - /** Add constraint `param <: bound` if `fromBelow` is false, `param >: bound` otherwise. - * `bound` is assumed to be in normalized form, as specified in `firstTry` and - * `secondTry` of `TypeComparer`. In particular, it should not be an alias type, - * lazy ref, typevar, wildcard type, error type. In addition, upper bounds may - * not be AndTypes and lower bounds may not be OrTypes. This is assured by the - * way isSubType is organized. - */ - protected def addConstraint(param: TypeParamRef, bound: Type, fromBelow: Boolean)(using Context): Boolean = - if !bound.isValueTypeOrLambda then return false - - /** When comparing lambdas we might get constraints such as - * `A <: X0` or `A = List[X0]` where `A` is a constrained parameter - * and `X0` is a lambda parameter. The constraint for `A` is not allowed - * to refer to such a lambda parameter because the lambda parameter is - * not visible where `A` is defined. Consequently, we need to - * approximate the bound so that the lambda parameter does not appear in it. - * If `tp` is an upper bound, we need to approximate with something smaller, - * otherwise something larger. - * Test case in pos/i94-nada.scala. This test crashes with an illegal instance - * error in Test2 when the rest of the SI-2712 fix is applied but `pruneLambdaParams` is - * missing. - */ - def avoidLambdaParams(tp: Type) = - if comparedTypeLambdas.nonEmpty then - val approx = new ApproximatingTypeMap { - if (!fromBelow) variance = -1 - def apply(t: Type): Type = t match { - case t @ TypeParamRef(tl: TypeLambda, n) if comparedTypeLambdas contains tl => - val bounds = tl.paramInfos(n) - range(bounds.lo, bounds.hi) - case tl: TypeLambda => - val saved = comparedTypeLambdas - comparedTypeLambdas -= tl - try mapOver(tl) - finally comparedTypeLambdas = saved - case _ => - mapOver(t) - } - } - approx(tp) - else tp - - def addParamBound(bound: TypeParamRef) = - constraint.entry(param) match { - case _: TypeBounds => - if (fromBelow) addLess(bound, param) else addLess(param, bound) - case tp => - if (fromBelow) isSub(bound, tp) else isSub(tp, bound) - } - - def kindCompatible(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = - val tparams1 = tp1.typeParams - val tparams2 = tp2.typeParams - tparams1.corresponds(tparams2)((p1, p2) => kindCompatible(p1.paramInfo, p2.paramInfo)) - && (tparams1.isEmpty || kindCompatible(tp1.hkResult, tp2.hkResult)) - || tp1.hasAnyKind - || tp2.hasAnyKind - - def description = i"constr $param ${if (fromBelow) ">:" else "<:"} $bound:\n$constraint" - - //checkPropagated(s"adding $description")(true) // DEBUG in case following fails - checkPropagated(s"added $description") { - addConstraintInvocations += 1 - val saved = canWidenAbstract - canWidenAbstract = true - try bound match - case bound: TypeParamRef if constraint contains bound => - addParamBound(bound) - case _ => - val pbound = avoidLambdaParams(bound) - kindCompatible(param, pbound) && addBoundTransitively(param, pbound, !fromBelow) - finally - canWidenAbstract = saved - addConstraintInvocations -= 1 - } - end addConstraint - - /** Check that constraint is fully propagated. See comment in Config.checkConstraintsPropagated */ - def checkPropagated(msg: => String)(result: Boolean)(using Context): Boolean = { - if (Config.checkConstraintsPropagated && result && addConstraintInvocations == 0) - inFrozenConstraint { - for (p <- constraint.domainParams) { - def check(cond: => Boolean, q: TypeParamRef, ordering: String, explanation: String): Unit = - assert(cond, i"propagation failure for $p $ordering $q: $explanation\n$msg") - for (u <- constraint.upper(p)) - check(bounds(p).hi <:< bounds(u).hi, u, "<:", "upper bound not propagated") - for (l <- constraint.lower(p)) { - check(bounds(l).lo <:< bounds(p).hi, l, ">:", "lower bound not propagated") - check(constraint.isLess(l, p), l, ">:", "reverse ordering (<:) missing") - } - } - } - result - } -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/ConstraintRunInfo.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/ConstraintRunInfo.scala deleted file mode 100644 index d2b1246a8149..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/ConstraintRunInfo.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -package -package core - -import Contexts._ -import config.Printers.{default, typr} - -trait ConstraintRunInfo { self: Run => - private var maxSize = 0 - private var maxConstraint: Constraint | Null = _ - def recordConstraintSize(c: Constraint, size: Int): Unit = - if (size > maxSize) { - maxSize = size - maxConstraint = c - } - def printMaxConstraint()(using Context): Unit = - if maxSize > 0 then - val printer = if ctx.settings.YdetailedStats.value then default else typr - printer.println(s"max constraint size: $maxSize") - try printer.println(s"max constraint = ${}") - catch case ex: StackOverflowError => printer.println("max constraint cannot be printed due to stack overflow") - - protected def reset(): Unit = maxConstraint = null -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/ContextOps.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/ContextOps.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 20687dc1663a..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/ContextOps.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,115 +0,0 @@ -package -package core - -import Contexts._, Symbols._, Types._, Flags._ -import Denotations._, SymDenotations._ -import Names.Name, StdNames.nme -import ast.untpd -import caps.unsafe.unsafeBoxFunArg - -/** Extension methods for contexts where we want to keep the ctx. syntax */ -object ContextOps: - - extension (ctx: Context) - - /** Enter symbol into current class, if current class is owner of current context, - * or into current scope, if not. Should always be called instead of scope.enter - * in order to make sure that updates to class members are reflected in - * finger prints. - */ - def enter(sym: Symbol): Symbol = inContext(ctx) { - ctx.owner match - case cls: ClassSymbol => cls.classDenot.enter(sym) - case _ => ctx.scope.openForMutations.enter(sym) - sym - } - - /** The denotation with the given `name` and all `required` flags in current context - */ - def denotNamed(name: Name, required: FlagSet = EmptyFlags, excluded: FlagSet = EmptyFlags): Denotation = - inContext(ctx) { - if (ctx.owner.isClass) - if (ctx.outer.owner == ctx.owner) { // inner class scope; check whether we are referring to self - if (ctx.scope.size == 1) { - val elem = ctx.scope.lastEntry.nn - if ( == name) return elem.sym.denot // return self - } - val pre = ctx.owner.thisType - if ctx.isJava then javaFindMember(name, pre, required, excluded) - else pre.findMember(name, pre, required, excluded) - } - else // we are in the outermost context belonging to a class; self is invisible here. See inClassContext. - ctx.owner.findMember(name, ctx.owner.thisType, required, excluded) - else - ctx.scope.denotsNamed(name).filterWithFlags(required, excluded).toDenot(NoPrefix) - } - - final def javaFindMember(name: Name, pre: Type, required: FlagSet = EmptyFlags, excluded: FlagSet = EmptyFlags): Denotation = - assert(ctx.isJava) - inContext(ctx) { - - val preSym = pre.typeSymbol - - // 1. Try to search in current type and parents. - val directSearch = pre.findMember(name, pre, required, excluded) - - // 2. Try to search in companion class if current is an object. - def searchCompanionClass = if then - preSym.companionClass.thisType.findMember(name, pre, required, excluded) - else NoDenotation - - // 3. Try to search in companion objects of super classes. - // In Java code, static inner classes, which we model as members of the companion object, - // can be referenced from an ident in a subclass or by a selection prefixed by the subclass. - def searchSuperCompanionObjects = - val toSearch = if then - if preSym.companionClass.exists then - preSym.companionClass.asClass.baseClasses - else Nil - else - preSym.asClass.baseClasses - - { bc => - val pre1 = bc.companionModule.namedType - pre1.findMember(name, pre1, required, excluded) - }.find(_.exists).getOrElse(NoDenotation) - - if preSym.isClass then - directSearch orElse searchCompanionClass orElse searchSuperCompanionObjects - else - directSearch - } - - /** A fresh local context with given tree and owner. - * Owner might not exist (can happen for self valdefs), in which case - * no owner is set in result context - */ - def localContext(tree: untpd.Tree, owner: Symbol): FreshContext = inContext(ctx) { - val freshCtx = ctx.fresh.setTree(tree) - if owner.exists then freshCtx.setOwner(owner) else freshCtx - } - - /** Context where `sym` is defined, assuming we are in a nested context. */ - def defContext(sym: Symbol): Context = inContext(ctx) { - ctx.outersIterator - .dropWhile(((ctx: Context) => ctx.owner != sym).unsafeBoxFunArg) - .dropWhile(((ctx: Context) => ctx.owner == sym).unsafeBoxFunArg) - .next() - } - - /** A new context for the interior of a class */ - def inClassContext(selfInfo: TypeOrSymbol): Context = - inline def op(using Context): Context = - val localCtx: Context = ctx.fresh.setNewScope - selfInfo match { - case sym: Symbol if sym.exists && != nme.WILDCARD => localCtx.scope.openForMutations.enter(sym) - case _ => - } - localCtx - op(using ctx) - - def packageContext(tree: untpd.PackageDef, pkg: Symbol): Context = inContext(ctx) { - if ( ctx.fresh.setOwner(pkg.moduleClass).setTree(tree) - else ctx - } -end ContextOps diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/Contexts.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/Contexts.scala deleted file mode 100644 index a2389a28e941..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/Contexts.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1041 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc -package core - -import interfaces.CompilerCallback -import Decorators._ -import Periods._ -import Names._ -import Phases._ -import Types._ -import Symbols._ -import Scopes._ -import Uniques._ -import ast.Trees._ -import ast.untpd -import util.{NoSource, SimpleIdentityMap, SourceFile, HashSet, ReusableInstance} -import typer.{Implicits, ImportInfo, SearchHistory, SearchRoot, TypeAssigner, Typer, Nullables} -import inlines.Inliner -import Nullables._ -import Implicits.ContextualImplicits -import config.Settings._ -import config.Config -import reporting._ -import io.{AbstractFile, NoAbstractFile, PlainFile, Path} -import -import collection.mutable -import printing._ -import config.{JavaPlatform, SJSPlatform, Platform, ScalaSettings} -import classfile.ReusableDataReader -import StdNames.nme -import compiletime.uninitialized - -import annotation.internal.sharable -import annotation.retains - -import DenotTransformers.DenotTransformer -import -import util.Property.Key -import util.Store -import xsbti.AnalysisCallback -import plugins._ -import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger -import java.nio.file.InvalidPathException -import language.experimental.pureFunctions - -object Contexts { - - //@sharable var nextId = 0 - - private val (compilerCallbackLoc, store1) = Store.empty.newLocation[CompilerCallback]() - private val (sbtCallbackLoc, store2) = store1.newLocation[AnalysisCallback]() - private val (printerFnLoc, store3) = store2.newLocation[DetachedContext -> Printer](new RefinedPrinter(_)) - private val (settingsStateLoc, store4) = store3.newLocation[SettingsState]() - private val (compilationUnitLoc, store5) = store4.newLocation[CompilationUnit]() - private val (runLoc, store6) = store5.newLocation[Run | Null]() - private val (profilerLoc, store7) = store6.newLocation[Profiler]() - private val (notNullInfosLoc, store8) = store7.newLocation[List[NotNullInfo]]() - private val (importInfoLoc, store9) = store8.newLocation[ImportInfo | Null]() - private val (typeAssignerLoc, store10) = store9.newLocation[TypeAssigner](TypeAssigner) - - private val initialStore = store10 - - /** The current context */ - inline def ctx(using ctx: Context): Context = ctx - - /** Run `op` with given context */ - inline def inContext[T](c: Context)(inline op: Context ?-> T): T = - op(using c) - - /** Execute `op` at given period */ - inline def atPeriod[T](pd: Period)(inline op: Context ?-> T)(using Context): T = - op(using ctx.fresh.setPeriod(pd)) - - /** Execute `op` at given phase id */ - inline def atPhase[T](pid: PhaseId)(inline op: Context ?-> T)(using Context): T = - op(using ctx.withPhase(pid)) - - /** Execute `op` at given phase */ - inline def atPhase[T](phase: Phase)(inline op: Context ?-> T)(using Context): T = - op(using ctx.withPhase(phase)) - - inline def atNextPhase[T](inline op: Context ?-> T)(using Context): T = - atPhase( - - /** Execute `op` at the current phase if it's before the first transform phase, - * otherwise at the last phase before the first transform phase. - * - * Note: this should be used instead of `atPhaseNoLater(ctx.picklerPhase)` - * because the later won't work if the `Pickler` phase is not present (for example, - * when using `QuoteCompiler`). - */ - inline def atPhaseBeforeTransforms[T](inline op: Context ?-> T)(using Context): T = - atPhaseNoLater(firstTransformPhase.prev)(op) - - inline def atPhaseNoLater[T](limit: Phase)(inline op: Context ?-> T)(using Context): T = - op(using if !limit.exists || ctx.phase <= limit then ctx else ctx.withPhase(limit)) - - inline def atPhaseNoEarlier[T](limit: Phase)(inline op: Context ?-> T)(using Context): T = - op(using if !limit.exists || limit <= ctx.phase then ctx else ctx.withPhase(limit)) - - inline def inMode[T](mode: Mode)(inline op: Context ?-> T)(using ctx: Context): T = - op(using if mode != ctx.mode then ctx.fresh.setMode(mode) else ctx) - - inline def withMode[T](mode: Mode)(inline op: Context ?-> T)(using ctx: Context): T = - inMode(ctx.mode | mode)(op) - - inline def withoutMode[T](mode: Mode)(inline op: Context ?-> T)(using ctx: Context): T = - inMode(ctx.mode &~ mode)(op) - - inline def inDetachedContext[T](inline op: DetachedContext ?-> T)(using ctx: Context): T = - op(using ctx.detach) - - type Context = ContextCls @retains(caps.cap) - - /** A context is passed basically everywhere in dotc. - * This is convenient but carries the risk of captured contexts in - * objects that turn into space leaks. To combat this risk, here are some - * conventions to follow: - * - * - Never let an implicit context be an argument of a class whose instances - * live longer than the context. - * - Classes that need contexts for their initialization take an explicit parameter - * named `initctx`. They pass initctx to all positions where it is needed - * (and these positions should all be part of the intialization sequence of the class). - * - Classes that need contexts that survive initialization are instead passed - * a "condensed context", typically named `cctx` (or they create one). Condensed contexts - * just add some basic information to the context base without the - * risk of capturing complete trees. - * - To make sure these rules are kept, it would be good to do a sanity - * check using bytecode inspection with javap or scalap: Keep track - * of all class fields of type context; allow them only in whitelisted - * classes (which should be short-lived). - */ - abstract class ContextCls(val base: ContextBase) { - - //val id = nextId - //nextId += 1 - //assert(id != 35599) - - protected given Context = this - - def outer: ContextCls @retains(this) - def period: Period - def mode: Mode - def owner: Symbol - def tree: Tree[?] - def scope: Scope - def typerState: TyperState - def gadt: GadtConstraint - def searchHistory: SearchHistory - def source: SourceFile - - /** All outer contexts, ending in `base.initialCtx` and then `NoContext` */ - def outersIterator: Iterator[ContextCls @retains(this)] - - /** A map in which more contextual properties can be stored - * Typically used for attributes that are read and written only in special situations. - */ - def moreProperties: Map[Key[Any], Any] - - def property[T](key: Key[T]): Option[T] = - moreProperties.get(key).asInstanceOf[Option[T]] - - /** A store that can be used by sub-components. - * Typically used for attributes that are defined only once per compilation unit. - * Access to store entries is much faster than access to properties, and only - * slightly slower than a normal field access would be. - */ - def store: Store - - /** The compiler callback implementation, or null if no callback will be called. */ - def compilerCallback: CompilerCallback = store(compilerCallbackLoc) - - /** The sbt callback implementation if we are run from sbt, null otherwise */ - def sbtCallback: AnalysisCallback = store(sbtCallbackLoc) - - /** The current plain printer */ - def printerFn: DetachedContext -> Printer = store(printerFnLoc) - - /** A function creating a printer */ - def printer: Printer = - val pr = printerFn(detach) - if this.settings.YplainPrinter.value then pr.plain else pr - - /** The current settings values */ - def settingsState: SettingsState = store(settingsStateLoc) - - /** The current compilation unit */ - def compilationUnit: CompilationUnit = store(compilationUnitLoc) - - /** The current compiler-run */ - def run: Run | Null = store(runLoc) - - /** The current compiler-run profiler */ - def profiler: Profiler = store(profilerLoc) - - /** The paths currently known to be not null */ - def notNullInfos: List[NotNullInfo] = store(notNullInfosLoc) - - /** The currently active import info */ - def importInfo: ImportInfo | Null = store(importInfoLoc) - - /** The current type assigner or typer */ - def typeAssigner: TypeAssigner = store(typeAssignerLoc) - - /** The new implicit references that are introduced by this scope */ - private var implicitsCache: ContextualImplicits | Null = null - def implicits: ContextualImplicits = { - if (implicitsCache == null) - implicitsCache = { - val implicitRefs: List[ImplicitRef] = - if (isClassDefContext) - try owner.thisType.implicitMembers - catch { - case ex: CyclicReference => Nil - } - else if (isImportContext) importInfo.nn.importedImplicits - else if (isNonEmptyScopeContext) scope.implicitDecls - else Nil - val outerImplicits = - if (isImportContext && importInfo.nn.unimported.exists) - outer.implicits exclude importInfo.nn.unimported - else - outer.implicits - if (implicitRefs.isEmpty) outerImplicits - else new ContextualImplicits(implicitRefs, outerImplicits, isImportContext)(detach) - } - implicitsCache.nn - } - - /** Either the current scope, or, if the current context owner is a class, - * the declarations of the current class. - */ - def effectiveScope(using Context): Scope = - val myOwner: Symbol | Null = owner - if myOwner != null && myOwner.isClass then myOwner.asClass.unforcedDecls - else scope - - def nestingLevel: Int = effectiveScope.nestingLevel - - /** Sourcefile corresponding to given abstract file, memoized */ - def getSource(file: AbstractFile, codec: -> Codec = Codec(settings.encoding.value)) = { - util.Stats.record("Context.getSource") - base.sources.getOrElseUpdate(file, SourceFile(file, codec)) - } - - /** SourceFile with given path name, memoized */ - def getSource(path: TermName): SourceFile = getFile(path) match - case NoAbstractFile => NoSource - case file => getSource(file) - - /** SourceFile with given path, memoized */ - def getSource(path: String): SourceFile = getSource(path.toTermName) - - /** AbstractFile with given path name, memoized */ - def getFile(name: TermName): AbstractFile = base.files.get(name) match - case Some(file) => - file - case None => - try - val file = new PlainFile(Path(name.toString)) - base.files(name) = file - file - catch - case ex: InvalidPathException => - report.error(em"invalid file path: ${ex.getMessage}") - NoAbstractFile - - /** AbstractFile with given path, memoized */ - def getFile(name: String): AbstractFile = getFile(name.toTermName) - - final def withPhase(phase: Phase): Context = ctx.fresh.setPhase( - final def withPhase(pid: PhaseId): Context = ctx.fresh.setPhase(pid) - - private var related: SimpleIdentityMap[SourceFile, DetachedContext] | Null = null - - private def lookup(key: SourceFile): DetachedContext | Null = - util.Stats.record("Context.related.lookup") - if related == null then - related = SimpleIdentityMap.empty - null - else - related.nn(key) - - final def withSource(source: SourceFile): Context = - util.Stats.record("Context.withSource") - if this.source eq source then - this - else - var ctx1 = lookup(source) - if ctx1 == null then - util.Stats.record("") - val ctx2 = fresh.setSource(source) - if ctx2.compilationUnit eq NoCompilationUnit then - // `source` might correspond to a file not necessarily - // in the current project (e.g. when inlining library code), - // so set `mustExist` to false. - ctx2.setCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit(source, mustExist = false)) - val dctx = ctx2.detach - ctx1 = dctx - related = related.nn.updated(source, dctx) - ctx1 - - // `creationTrace`-related code. To enable, uncomment the code below and the - // call to `setCreationTrace()` in this file. - /* - /** If -Ydebug is on, the top of the stack trace where this context - * was created, otherwise `null`. - */ - private var creationTrace: Array[StackTraceElement] = uninitialized - - private def setCreationTrace() = - creationTrace = (new Throwable).getStackTrace().take(20) - - /** Print all enclosing context's creation stacktraces */ - def printCreationTraces() = { - println("=== context creation trace =======") - for (ctx <- outersIterator) { - println(s">>>>>>>>> $ctx") - if (ctx.creationTrace != null) println(ctx.creationTrace.mkString("\n")) - } - println("=== end context creation trace ===") - } - */ - - /** The current reporter */ - def reporter: Reporter = typerState.reporter - - final def phase: Phase = base.phases(period.firstPhaseId) - final def runId = period.runId - final def phaseId = period.phaseId - - final def lastPhaseId = base.phases.length - 1 - - /** Does current phase use an erased types interpretation? */ - final def erasedTypes = phase.erasedTypes - - /** Are we in a Java compilation unit? */ - final def isJava: Boolean = compilationUnit.isJava - - /** Is current phase after TyperPhase? */ - final def isAfterTyper = base.isAfterTyper(phase) - final def isTyper = base.isTyper(phase) - - /** Is this a context for the members of a class definition? */ - def isClassDefContext: Boolean = - owner.isClass && (owner ne outer.owner) - - /** Is this a context that introduces an import clause? */ - def isImportContext: Boolean = - (this ne NoContext) - && (outer ne NoContext) - && (this.importInfo nen outer.importInfo) - - /** Is this a context that introduces a non-empty scope? */ - def isNonEmptyScopeContext: Boolean = - (this.scope ne outer.scope) && !this.scope.isEmpty - - /** Is this a context for typechecking an inlined body? */ - def isInlineContext: Boolean = - typer.isInstanceOf[Inliner#InlineTyper] - - /** The next outer context whose tree is a template or package definition - * Note: Currently unused - def enclTemplate: Context = { - var c = this - while (c != NoContext && !c.tree.isInstanceOf[Template[?]] && !c.tree.isInstanceOf[PackageDef[?]]) - c = c.outer - c - }*/ - - /** The context for a supercall. This context is used for elaborating - * the parents of a class and their arguments. - * The context is computed from the current class context. It has - * - * - as owner: The primary constructor of the class - * - as outer context: The context enclosing the class context - * - as scope: The parameter accessors in the class context - * - * The reasons for this peculiar choice of attributes are as follows: - * - * - The constructor must be the owner, because that's where any local methods or closures - * should go. - * - The context may not see any class members (inherited or defined), and should - * instead see definitions defined in the outer context which might be shadowed by - * such class members. That's why the outer context must be the outer context of the class. - * - At the same time the context should see the parameter accessors of the current class, - * that's why they get added to the local scope. An alternative would have been to have the - * context see the constructor parameters instead, but then we'd need a final substitution step - * from constructor parameters to class parameter accessors. - */ - def superCallContext: Context = { - val locals = newScopeWith(owner.typeParams ++ owner.asClass.paramAccessors: _*) - superOrThisCallContext(owner.primaryConstructor, locals) - } - - /** The context for the arguments of a this(...) constructor call. - * The context is computed from the local auxiliary constructor context. - * It has - * - * - as owner: The auxiliary constructor - * - as outer context: The context enclosing the enclosing class context - * - as scope: The parameters of the auxiliary constructor. - */ - def thisCallArgContext: Context = { - val constrCtx = detach.outersIterator.dropWhile(_.outer.owner == owner).next() - superOrThisCallContext(owner, constrCtx.scope) - .setTyperState(typerState) - .setGadt(gadt) - .fresh - .setScope(this.scope) - } - - /** The super- or this-call context with given owner and locals. */ - private def superOrThisCallContext(owner: Symbol, locals: Scope): FreshContext = { - var classCtx = detach.outersIterator.dropWhile(!_.isClassDefContext).next() - classCtx.outer.fresh.setOwner(owner) - .setScope(locals) - .setMode(classCtx.mode) - } - - /** The context of expression `expr` seen as a member of a statement sequence */ - def exprContext(stat: Tree[?], exprOwner: Symbol): Context = - if (exprOwner == this.owner) this - else if (untpd.isSuperConstrCall(stat) && this.owner.isClass) superCallContext - else fresh.setOwner(exprOwner) - - /** A new context that summarizes an import statement */ - def importContext(imp: Import[?], sym: Symbol): FreshContext = - fresh.setImportInfo(ImportInfo(sym, imp.selectors, imp.expr)) - - /** Is the debug option set? */ - def debug: Boolean = base.settings.Ydebug.value - - /** Is the verbose option set? */ - def verbose: Boolean = base.settings.verbose.value - - /** Should use colors when printing? */ - def useColors: Boolean = - base.settings.color.value == "always" - - /** Is the explicit nulls option set? */ - def explicitNulls: Boolean = base.settings.YexplicitNulls.value - - /** A fresh clone of this context embedded in this context. */ - def fresh: FreshContext = freshOver(this) - - /** A fresh clone of this context embedded in the specified `outer` context. */ - def freshOver(outer: Context): FreshContext = - util.Stats.record("Context.fresh") - FreshContext(base).init(outer, this).setTyperState(this.typerState) - - final def withOwner(owner: Symbol): Context = - if (owner ne this.owner) fresh.setOwner(owner) else this - - final def withTyperState(typerState: TyperState): Context = - if typerState ne this.typerState then fresh.setTyperState(typerState) else this - - final def withUncommittedTyperState: Context = - withTyperState(typerState.uncommittedAncestor) - - final def withProperty[T](key: Key[T], value: Option[T]): Context = - if (property(key) == value) this - else value match { - case Some(v) => fresh.setProperty(key, v) - case None => fresh.dropProperty(key) - } - - def typer: Typer = this.typeAssigner match { - case typer: Typer => typer - case _ => new Typer - } - - override def toString: String = - //if true then - // { ctx => - // i"${} / ${ctx.owner} / ${", ")}" - // }.mkString("\n") - //else - def iinfo(using Context) = - val info = ctx.importInfo - if (info == null) "" else i"${info.selectors}%, %" - def cinfo(using Context) = - val core = s" owner = ${ctx.owner}, scope = ${ctx.scope}, import = $iinfo" - if (ctx ne NoContext) && (ctx.implicits ne ctx.outer.implicits) then - s"$core, implicits = ${ctx.implicits}" - else - core - s"""Context( - |${ => cinfo(using ctx)).mkString("\n\n")})""".stripMargin - - def settings: ScalaSettings = base.settings - def definitions: Definitions = base.definitions - def platform: Platform = base.platform - def pendingUnderlying: util.HashSet[Type] = base.pendingUnderlying - def uniqueNamedTypes: Uniques.NamedTypeUniques = base.uniqueNamedTypes - def uniques: util.WeakHashSet[Type] = base.uniques - - def initialize()(using Context): Unit = base.initialize() - - protected def resetCaches(): Unit = - implicitsCache = null - related = null - - /** Reuse this context as a fresh context nested inside `outer` */ - def reuseIn(outer: Context): this.type - - def detach: DetachedContext - } - - object detached: - opaque type DetachedContext <: ContextCls = ContextCls - inline def apply(c: ContextCls): DetachedContext = c - - type DetachedContext = detached.DetachedContext - - /** A condensed context provides only a small memory footprint over - * a Context base, and therefore can be stored without problems in - * long-lived objects. - abstract class CondensedContext extends Context { - override def condensed = this - } - */ - - /** A fresh context allows selective modification - * of its attributes using the with... methods. - */ - class FreshContext(base: ContextBase) extends ContextCls(base) { thiscontext => - - private var _outer: DetachedContext = uninitialized - def outer: DetachedContext = _outer - - def outersIterator: Iterator[ContextCls] = new Iterator[ContextCls] { - var current: ContextCls = thiscontext - def hasNext = current != NoContext - def next = { val c = current; current = current.outer; c } - } - - private var _period: Period = uninitialized - final def period: Period = _period - - private var _mode: Mode = uninitialized - final def mode: Mode = _mode - - private var _owner: Symbol = uninitialized - final def owner: Symbol = _owner - - private var _tree: Tree[?]= _ - final def tree: Tree[?] = _tree - - private var _scope: Scope = uninitialized - final def scope: Scope = _scope - - private var _typerState: TyperState = uninitialized - final def typerState: TyperState = _typerState - - private var _gadt: GadtConstraint = uninitialized - final def gadt: GadtConstraint = _gadt - - private var _searchHistory: SearchHistory = uninitialized - final def searchHistory: SearchHistory = _searchHistory - - private var _source: SourceFile = uninitialized - final def source: SourceFile = _source - - private var _moreProperties: Map[Key[Any], Any] = uninitialized - final def moreProperties: Map[Key[Any], Any] = _moreProperties - - private var _store: Store = uninitialized - final def store: Store = _store - - /** Initialize all context fields, except typerState, which has to be set separately - * @param outer The outer context - * @param origin The context from which fields are copied - */ - private[Contexts] def init(outer: Context, origin: Context): this.type = { - _outer = outer.asInstanceOf[DetachedContext] - _period = origin.period - _mode = origin.mode - _owner = origin.owner - _tree = origin.tree - _scope = origin.scope - _gadt = origin.gadt - _searchHistory = origin.searchHistory - _source = origin.source - _moreProperties = origin.moreProperties - _store = - this - } - - def reuseIn(outer: Context): this.type = - resetCaches() - init(outer, outer) - - def detach: DetachedContext = detached(this) - - def setPeriod(period: Period): this.type = - util.Stats.record("Context.setPeriod") - assert(period.firstPhaseId == period.lastPhaseId, period) - this._period = period - this - - def setMode(mode: Mode): this.type = - util.Stats.record("Context.setMode") - this._mode = mode - this - - def setOwner(owner: Symbol): this.type = - util.Stats.record("Context.setOwner") - assert(owner != NoSymbol) - this._owner = owner - this - - def setTree(tree: Tree[?]): this.type = - util.Stats.record("Context.setTree") - this._tree = tree - this - - def setScope(scope: Scope): this.type = - this._scope = scope - this - - def setNewScope: this.type = - util.Stats.record("Context.setScope") - this._scope = newScope - this - - def setTyperState(typerState: TyperState): this.type = - this._typerState = typerState - this - def setNewTyperState(): this.type = - setTyperState(typerState.fresh(committable = true)) - def setExploreTyperState(): this.type = - setTyperState(typerState.fresh(committable = false)) - def setReporter(reporter: Reporter): this.type = - setTyperState(typerState.fresh().setReporter(reporter)) - - def setTyper(typer: Typer): this.type = - this._scope = typer.scope - setTypeAssigner(typer) - - def setGadt(gadt: GadtConstraint): this.type = - util.Stats.record("Context.setGadt") - this._gadt = gadt - this - def setFreshGADTBounds: this.type = - setGadt(gadt.fresh) - - def setSearchHistory(searchHistory: SearchHistory): this.type = - util.Stats.record("Context.setSearchHistory") - this._searchHistory = searchHistory - this - - def setSource(source: SourceFile): this.type = - util.Stats.record("Context.setSource") - this._source = source - this - - private def setMoreProperties(moreProperties: Map[Key[Any], Any]): this.type = - util.Stats.record("Context.setMoreProperties") - this._moreProperties = moreProperties - this - - private def setStore(store: Store): this.type = - util.Stats.record("Context.setStore") - this._store = store - this - - def setCompilationUnit(compilationUnit: CompilationUnit): this.type = { - setSource(compilationUnit.source) - updateStore(compilationUnitLoc, compilationUnit) - } - - def setCompilerCallback(callback: CompilerCallback): this.type = updateStore(compilerCallbackLoc, callback) - def setSbtCallback(callback: AnalysisCallback): this.type = updateStore(sbtCallbackLoc, callback) - def setPrinterFn(printer: DetachedContext -> Printer): this.type = updateStore(printerFnLoc, printer) - def setSettings(settingsState: SettingsState): this.type = updateStore(settingsStateLoc, settingsState) - def setRun(run: Run | Null): this.type = updateStore(runLoc, run) - def setProfiler(profiler: Profiler): this.type = updateStore(profilerLoc, profiler) - def setNotNullInfos(notNullInfos: List[NotNullInfo]): this.type = updateStore(notNullInfosLoc, notNullInfos) - def setImportInfo(importInfo: ImportInfo): this.type = - importInfo.mentionsFeature(nme.unsafeNulls) match - case Some(true) => - setMode(this.mode &~ Mode.SafeNulls) - case Some(false) if ctx.settings.YexplicitNulls.value => - setMode(this.mode | Mode.SafeNulls) - case _ => - updateStore(importInfoLoc, importInfo) - def setTypeAssigner(typeAssigner: TypeAssigner): this.type = updateStore(typeAssignerLoc, typeAssigner) - - def setProperty[T](key: Key[T], value: T): this.type = - setMoreProperties(moreProperties.updated(key, value)) - - def dropProperty(key: Key[?]): this.type = - setMoreProperties(moreProperties - key) - - def addLocation[T](initial: T): Store.Location[T] = { - val (loc, store1) = store.newLocation(initial) - setStore(store1) - loc - } - - def addLocation[T](): Store.Location[T] = { - val (loc, store1) = store.newLocation[T]() - setStore(store1) - loc - } - - def updateStore[T](loc: Store.Location[T], value: T): this.type = - setStore(store.updated(loc, value)) - - def setPhase(pid: PhaseId): this.type = setPeriod(Period(runId, pid)) - def setPhase(phase: Phase): this.type = setPeriod(Period(runId, phase.start, phase.end)) - - def setSetting[T](setting: Setting[T], value: T): this.type = - setSettings(setting.updateIn(settingsState, value)) - - def setDebug: this.type = setSetting(base.settings.Ydebug, true) - } - - object FreshContext: - /** Defines an initial context with given context base and possible settings. */ - def initial(base: ContextBase, settingsGroup: SettingGroup): Context = - val c = new FreshContext(base) - c._outer = NoContext - c._period = InitialPeriod - c._mode = Mode.None - c._typerState = TyperState.initialState() - c._owner = NoSymbol - c._tree = untpd.EmptyTree - c._moreProperties = Map(MessageLimiter -> DefaultMessageLimiter()) - c._scope = EmptyScope - c._source = NoSource - c._store = initialStore - .updated(settingsStateLoc, settingsGroup.defaultState) - .updated(notNullInfosLoc, Nil) - .updated(compilationUnitLoc, NoCompilationUnit) - c._searchHistory = new SearchRoot - c._gadt = GadtConstraint.empty - c - end FreshContext - - given detachedCtx(using c: Context): DetachedContext = c.detach - - given ops: AnyRef with - extension (c: Context) - def addNotNullInfo(info: NotNullInfo): Context = - c.withNotNullInfos(c.notNullInfos.extendWith(info)) - - def addNotNullRefs(refs: Set[TermRef]): Context = - c.addNotNullInfo(NotNullInfo(refs, Set())) - - def withNotNullInfos(infos: List[NotNullInfo]): Context = - if c.notNullInfos eq infos then c else c.fresh.setNotNullInfos(infos) - - def relaxedOverrideContext: Context = - c.withModeBits(c.mode &~ Mode.SafeNulls | Mode.RelaxedOverriding) - end ops - - // TODO: Fix issue when converting ModeChanges and FreshModeChanges to extension givens - extension (c: Context) { - final def withModeBits(mode: Mode): Context = - if (mode != c.mode) c.fresh.setMode(mode) else c - - final def addMode(mode: Mode): Context = withModeBits(c.mode | mode) - final def retractMode(mode: Mode): Context = withModeBits(c.mode &~ mode) - } - - extension (c: FreshContext) { - final def addMode(mode: Mode): c.type = c.setMode(c.mode | mode) - final def retractMode(mode: Mode): c.type = c.setMode(c.mode &~ mode) - } - - private def exploreCtx(using Context): FreshContext = - util.Stats.record("explore") - val base = ctx.base - import base._ - val nestedCtx = - if exploresInUse < exploreContexts.size then - exploreContexts(exploresInUse).reuseIn(ctx) - else - val ts = TyperState() - .setReporter(ExploringReporter()) - .setCommittable(false) - val c = FreshContext(ctx.base).init(ctx, ctx).setTyperState(ts) - exploreContexts += c - c - exploresInUse += 1 - val nestedTS = nestedCtx.typerState - nestedTS.init(ctx.typerState, ctx.typerState.constraint) - nestedCtx - - private def wrapUpExplore(ectx: Context) = - ectx.reporter.asInstanceOf[ExploringReporter].reset() - ectx.base.exploresInUse -= 1 - - inline def explore[T](inline op: Context ?=> T)(using Context): T = - val ectx = exploreCtx - try op(using ectx) finally wrapUpExplore(ectx) - - inline def exploreInFreshCtx[T](inline op: FreshContext ?=> T)(using Context): T = - val ectx = exploreCtx - try op(using ectx) finally wrapUpExplore(ectx) - - private def changeOwnerCtx(owner: Symbol)(using Context): Context = - val base = ctx.base - import base._ - val nestedCtx = - if changeOwnersInUse < changeOwnerContexts.size then - changeOwnerContexts(changeOwnersInUse).reuseIn(ctx) - else - val c = FreshContext(ctx.base).init(ctx, ctx) - changeOwnerContexts += c - c - changeOwnersInUse += 1 - nestedCtx.setOwner(owner).setTyperState(ctx.typerState) - - /** Run `op` in current context, with a mode is temporarily set as specified. - */ - inline def runWithOwner[T](owner: Symbol)(inline op: Context ?=> T)(using Context): T = - if Config.reuseOwnerContexts then - try op(using changeOwnerCtx(owner)) - finally ctx.base.changeOwnersInUse -= 1 - else - op(using ctx.fresh.setOwner(owner)) - - /** The type comparer of the kind created by `maker` to be used. - * This is the currently active type comparer CMP if - * - CMP is associated with the current context, and - * - CMP is of the kind created by maker or maker creates a plain type comparer. - * Note: plain TypeComparers always take on the kind of the outer comparer if they are in the same context. - * In other words: tracking or explaining is a sticky property in the same context. - */ - private def comparer(using Context): TypeComparer = - util.Stats.record("comparing") - val base = ctx.base - if base.comparersInUse > 0 - && (base.comparers(base.comparersInUse - 1).comparerContext eq ctx) - then - base.comparers(base.comparersInUse - 1).currentInstance - else - val result = - if base.comparersInUse < base.comparers.size then - base.comparers(base.comparersInUse) - else - val result = TypeComparer(ctx) - base.comparers += result - result - base.comparersInUse += 1 - result.init(ctx) - result - - inline def comparing[T](inline op: TypeComparer => T)(using Context): T = - util.Stats.record("comparing") - val saved = ctx.base.comparersInUse - try op(comparer) - finally ctx.base.comparersInUse = saved - end comparing - - @sharable val NoContext: DetachedContext = detached( - new FreshContext((null: ContextBase | Null).uncheckedNN) { - override val implicits: ContextualImplicits = new ContextualImplicits(Nil, null, false)(detached(this: @unchecked)) - setSource(NoSource) - } - ) - - /** A context base defines state and associated methods that exist once per - * compiler run. - */ - class ContextBase extends ContextState - with Phases.PhasesBase - with Plugins { - - /** The applicable settings */ - val settings: ScalaSettings = new ScalaSettings - - /** The initial context */ - val initialCtx: Context = FreshContext.initial(this: @unchecked, settings) - - /** The platform, initialized by `initPlatform()`. */ - private var _platform: Platform | Null = uninitialized - - /** The platform */ - def platform: Platform = { - val p = _platform - if p == null then - throw new IllegalStateException( - "initialize() must be called before accessing platform") - p - } - - protected def newPlatform(using Context): Platform = - if (settings.scalajs.value) new SJSPlatform - else new JavaPlatform - - /** The loader that loads the members of _root_ */ - def rootLoader(root: TermSymbol)(using Context): SymbolLoader = platform.rootLoader(root) - - /** The standard definitions */ - val definitions: Definitions = new Definitions - - // Set up some phases to get started */ - usePhases(List(SomePhase)) - - /** Initializes the `ContextBase` with a starting context. - * This initializes the `platform` and the `definitions`. - */ - def initialize()(using Context): Unit = { - _platform = newPlatform - definitions.init() - } - - def fusedContaining(p: Phase): Phase = - allPhases.find(_.period.containsPhaseId( - } - - /** The essential mutable state of a context base, collected into a common class */ - class ContextState { - // Symbols state - - /** Counter for unique symbol ids */ - private var _nextSymId: Int = 0 - def nextSymId: Int = { _nextSymId += 1; _nextSymId } - - /** Sources and Files that were loaded */ - val sources: util.HashMap[AbstractFile, SourceFile] = util.HashMap[AbstractFile, SourceFile]() - val files: util.HashMap[TermName, AbstractFile] = util.HashMap() - - // Types state - /** A table for hash consing unique types */ - private[core] val uniques: Uniques = Uniques() - - /** A table for hash consing unique applied types */ - private[dotc] val uniqueAppliedTypes: AppliedUniques = AppliedUniques() - - /** A table for hash consing unique named types */ - private[core] val uniqueNamedTypes: NamedTypeUniques = NamedTypeUniques() - - var emptyTypeBounds: TypeBounds | Null = null - var emptyWildcardBounds: WildcardType | Null = null - - /** Number of findMember calls on stack */ - private[core] var findMemberCount: Int = 0 - - /** List of names which have a findMemberCall on stack, - * after Config.LogPendingFindMemberThreshold is reached. - */ - private[core] var pendingMemberSearches: List[Name] = Nil - - /** The number of recursive invocation of underlying on a NamedType - * during a controlled operation. - */ - private[core] var underlyingRecursions: Int = 0 - - /** The set of named types on which a currently active invocation - * of underlying during a controlled operation exists. */ - private[core] val pendingUnderlying: util.HashSet[Type] = util.HashSet[Type]() - - /** A map from ErrorType to associated message. We use this map - * instead of storing messages directly in ErrorTypes in order - * to avoid space leaks - the message usually captures a context. - */ - private[core] val errorTypeMsg: mutable.Map[Types.ErrorType, Message] = mutable.Map() - - // Phases state - - private[core] var phasesPlan: List[List[Phase]] = uninitialized - - /** Phases by id */ - private[dotc] var phases: Array[Phase] = uninitialized - - /** Phases with consecutive Transforms grouped into a single phase, Empty array if fusion is disabled */ - private[core] var fusedPhases: Array[Phase] = Array.empty[Phase] - - /** Next denotation transformer id */ - private[core] var nextDenotTransformerId: Array[Int] = uninitialized - - private[core] var denotTransformers: Array[DenotTransformer] = uninitialized - - /** Flag to suppress inlining, set after overflow */ - private[dotc] var stopInlining: Boolean = false - - /** A variable that records that some error was reported in a globally committable context. - * The error will not necessarlily be emitted, since it could still be that - * the enclosing context will be aborted. The variable is used as a smoke test - * to turn off assertions that might be wrong if the program is erroneous. To - * just test for `ctx.reporter.errorsReported` is not always enough, since it - * could be that the context in which the assertion is tested is a completer context - * that's different from the context where the error was reported. See i13218.scala - * for a test. - */ - private[dotc] var errorsToBeReported = false - - // Reporters state - private[dotc] var indent: Int = 0 - - protected[dotc] val indentTab: String = " " - - private[Contexts] val exploreContexts = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[FreshContext] - private[Contexts] var exploresInUse: Int = 0 - - private[Contexts] val changeOwnerContexts = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[FreshContext] - private[Contexts] var changeOwnersInUse: Int = 0 - - private[Contexts] val comparers = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[TypeComparer] - private[Contexts] var comparersInUse: Int = 0 - - private var charArray = new Array[Char](256) - - private[core] val reusableDataReader = ReusableInstance(new ReusableDataReader()) - - private[dotc] var wConfCache: (List[String], WConf) = uninitialized - - def sharedCharArray(len: Int): Array[Char] = - while len > charArray.length do - charArray = new Array[Char](charArray.length * 2) - charArray - - def reset(): Unit = - uniques.clear() - uniqueAppliedTypes.clear() - uniqueNamedTypes.clear() - emptyTypeBounds = null - emptyWildcardBounds = null - errorsToBeReported = false - errorTypeMsg.clear() - sources.clear() - files.clear() - comparers.clear() // forces re-evaluation of top and bottom classes in TypeComparer - - // Test that access is single threaded - - /** The thread on which `checkSingleThreaded was invoked last */ - @sharable private var thread: Thread | Null = null - - /** Check that we are on the same thread as before */ - def checkSingleThreaded(): Unit = - if (thread == null) thread = Thread.currentThread() - else assert(thread == Thread.currentThread(), "illegal multithreaded access to ContextBase") - } -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/Decorators.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/Decorators.scala deleted file mode 100644 index f9844c6eaab6..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/Decorators.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,322 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc -package core - -import scala.annotation.tailrec -import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer -import scala.util.control.NonFatal - -import Contexts._, Names._, Phases._, Symbols._ -import printing.{ Printer, Showable }, printing.Formatting._, printing.Texts._ -import transform.MegaPhase -import reporting.{Message, NoExplanation} -import language.experimental.pureFunctions -import annotation.retains - -/** This object provides useful extension methods for types defined elsewhere */ -object Decorators { - - /** Extension methods for toType/TermName methods on PreNames. - */ - extension (pn: PreName) - def toTermName: TermName = pn match - case s: String => termName(s) - case n: Name => n.toTermName - def toTypeName: TypeName = pn match - case s: String => typeName(s) - case n: Name => n.toTypeName - - extension (s: String) - def splitWhere(f: Char => Boolean, doDropIndex: Boolean): Option[(String, String)] = - def splitAt(idx: Int, doDropIndex: Boolean): Option[(String, String)] = - if (idx == -1) None - else Some((s.take(idx), s.drop(if (doDropIndex) idx + 1 else idx))) - splitAt(s.indexWhere(f), doDropIndex) - - /** Create a term name from a string slice, using a common buffer. - * This avoids some allocation relative to `termName(s)` - */ - def sliceToTermName(start: Int, end: Int)(using Context): SimpleName = - val len = end - start - val chars = ctx.base.sharedCharArray(len) - s.getChars(start, end, chars, 0) - termName(chars, 0, len) - - def sliceToTypeName(start: Int, end: Int)(using Context): TypeName = - sliceToTermName(start, end).toTypeName - - def concat(name: Name)(using Context): SimpleName = name match - case name: SimpleName => - val len = s.length + name.length - var chars = ctx.base.sharedCharArray(len) - s.getChars(0, s.length, chars, 0) - if name.length != 0 then name.getChars(0, name.length, chars, s.length) - termName(chars, 0, len) - case name: TypeName => s.concat(name.toTermName) - case _ => termName(s.concat(name.toString).nn) - - def indented(width: Int): String = - val padding = " " * width - padding + s.replace("\n", "\n" + padding) - end extension - - /** Convert lazy string to message. To be with caution, since no message-defined - * formatting will be done on the string. - */ - extension (str: -> String) - def toMessage: Message = NoExplanation(str)(using NoContext) - - /** Implements a findSymbol method on iterators of Symbols that - * works like find but avoids Option, replacing None with NoSymbol. - */ - extension (it: Iterator[Symbol]) - final def findSymbol(p: Symbol => Boolean): Symbol = { - while (it.hasNext) { - val sym = - if (p(sym)) return sym - } - NoSymbol - } - - inline val MaxFilterRecursions = 10 - - /** Implements filterConserve, zipWithConserve methods - * on lists that avoid duplication of list nodes where feasible. - */ - extension [T](xs: List[T]) - final def collectCC[U](pf: PartialFunction[T, U] @retains(caps.cap)): List[U] = - xs.collect(pf.asInstanceOf) - - final def mapconserve[U](f: T => U): List[U] = { - @tailrec - def loop(mapped: ListBuffer[U] | Null, unchanged: List[U], pending: List[T]): List[U] = - if (pending.isEmpty) - if (mapped == null) unchanged - else mapped.prependToList(unchanged) - else { - val head0 = pending.head - val head1 = f(head0) - - if (head1.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] eq head0.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]) - loop(mapped, unchanged, pending.tail) - else { - val b = if (mapped == null) new ListBuffer[U] else mapped - var xc = unchanged - while (xc ne pending) { - b += xc.head - xc = xc.tail - } - b += head1 - val tail0 = pending.tail - loop(b, tail0.asInstanceOf[List[U]], tail0) - } - } - loop(null, xs.asInstanceOf[List[U]], xs) - } - - /** Like `xs filter p` but returns list `xs` itself - instead of a copy - - * if `p` is true for all elements. - */ - def filterConserve(p: T => Boolean): List[T] = - - def addAll(buf: ListBuffer[T], from: List[T], until: List[T]): ListBuffer[T] = - if from eq until then buf else addAll(buf += from.head, from.tail, until) - - def loopWithBuffer(buf: ListBuffer[T], xs: List[T]): List[T] = xs match - case x :: xs1 => - if p(x) then buf += x - loopWithBuffer(buf, xs1) - case nil => buf.toList - - def loop(keep: List[T], explore: List[T], keepCount: Int, recCount: Int): List[T] = - explore match - case x :: rest => - if p(x) then - loop(keep, rest, keepCount + 1, recCount) - else if keepCount <= 3 && recCount <= MaxFilterRecursions then - val rest1 = loop(rest, rest, 0, recCount + 1) - keepCount match - case 0 => rest1 - case 1 => keep.head :: rest1 - case 2 => keep.head :: keep.tail.head :: rest1 - case 3 => val tl = keep.tail; keep.head :: tl.head :: tl.tail.head :: rest1 - else - loopWithBuffer(addAll(new ListBuffer[T], keep, explore), rest) - case nil => - keep - - loop(xs, xs, 0, 0) - end filterConserve - - /** Like `xs.lazyZip(ys).map(f)`, but returns list `xs` itself - * - instead of a copy - if function `f` maps all elements of - * `xs` to themselves. Also, it is required that `ys` is at least - * as long as `xs`. - */ - def zipWithConserve[U, V <: T](ys: List[U])(f: (T, U) => V): List[V] = - if (xs.isEmpty || ys.isEmpty) Nil - else { - val x1 = f(xs.head, ys.head) - val xs1 = xs.tail.zipWithConserve(ys.tail)(f) - if (x1.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] eq xs.head.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]) && (xs1 eq xs.tail) - then xs.asInstanceOf[List[V]] - else x1 :: xs1 - } - - /** Like `xs.lazyZip(xs.indices).map(f)`, but returns list `xs` itself - * - instead of a copy - if function `f` maps all elements of - * `xs` to themselves. - */ - def mapWithIndexConserve[U <: T](f: (T, Int) => U): List[U] = - - @tailrec - def addAll(buf: ListBuffer[T], from: List[T], until: List[T]): ListBuffer[T] = - if from eq until then buf else addAll(buf += from.head, from.tail, until) - - @tailrec - def loopWithBuffer(buf: ListBuffer[U], explore: List[T], idx: Int): List[U] = explore match - case Nil => buf.toList - case t :: rest => loopWithBuffer(buf += f(t, idx), rest, idx + 1) - - @tailrec - def loop(keep: List[T], explore: List[T], idx: Int): List[U] = explore match - case Nil => keep.asInstanceOf[List[U]] - case t :: rest => - val u = f(t, idx) - if u.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] eq t.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] then - loop(keep, rest, idx + 1) - else - val buf = addAll(new ListBuffer[T], keep, explore).asInstanceOf[ListBuffer[U]] - loopWithBuffer(buf += u, rest, idx + 1) - - loop(xs, xs, 0) - end mapWithIndexConserve - - /** True if two lists have the same length. Since calling length on linear sequences - * is Θ(n), it is an inadvisable way to test length equality. This method is Θ(n min m). - */ - final def hasSameLengthAs[U](ys: List[U]): Boolean = { - @tailrec def loop(xs: List[T], ys: List[U]): Boolean = - if (xs.isEmpty) ys.isEmpty - else ys.nonEmpty && loop(xs.tail, ys.tail) - loop(xs, ys) - } - - @tailrec final def eqElements(ys: List[AnyRef]): Boolean = xs match { - case x :: _ => - ys match { - case y :: _ => - x.asInstanceOf[AnyRef].eq(y) && - xs.tail.eqElements(ys.tail) - case _ => false - } - case nil => ys.isEmpty - } - - /** Union on lists seen as sets */ - def setUnion (ys: List[T]): List[T] = xs ::: ys.filterNot(xs contains _) - - extension [T, U](xss: List[List[T]]) - def nestedMap(f: T => U): List[List[U]] = xss match - case xs :: xss1 => :: xss1.nestedMap(f) - case nil => Nil - def nestedMapConserve(f: T => U): List[List[U]] = - xss.mapconserve(_.mapconserve(f)) - def nestedZipWithConserve(yss: List[List[U]])(f: (T, U) => T): List[List[T]] = - xss.zipWithConserve(yss)((xs, ys) => xs.zipWithConserve(ys)(f)) - def nestedExists(p: T => Boolean): Boolean = xss match - case xs :: xss1 => xs.exists(p) || xss1.nestedExists(p) - case nil => false - end extension - - extension [T](xs: Seq[T]) - final def collectCC[U](pf: PartialFunction[T, U] @retains(caps.cap)): Seq[U] = - xs.collect(pf.asInstanceOf) - - extension [A, B](f: PartialFunction[A, B] @retains(caps.cap)) - def orElseCC(g: PartialFunction[A, B] @retains(caps.cap)): PartialFunction[A, B] @retains(f, g) = - f.orElse(g.asInstanceOf).asInstanceOf - - extension (text: Text) - def show(using Context): String = text.mkString(ctx.settings.pageWidth.value, ctx.settings.printLines.value) - - /** Test whether a list of strings representing phases contains - * a given phase. See [[config.CompilerCommand#explainAdvanced]] for the - * exact meaning of "contains" here. - */ - extension (names: List[String]) - def containsPhase(phase: Phase): Boolean = - names.nonEmpty && { - phase match { - case phase: MegaPhase => phase.miniPhases.exists(x => names.containsPhase(x)) - case _ => - names exists { name => - name == "all" || { - val strippedName = name.stripSuffix("+") - val logNextPhase = name != strippedName - phase.phaseName.startsWith(strippedName) || - (logNextPhase && phase.prev.phaseName.startsWith(strippedName)) - } - } - } - } - - extension [T](x: T) - def showing[U]( - op: WrappedResult[U] ?=> String, - printer: config.Printers.Printer = config.Printers.default)(using c: Conversion[T, U] | Null = null): T = { - // either the use of `$result` was driven by the expected type of `Shown` - // which led to the summoning of `Conversion[T, Shown]` (which we'll invoke) - // or no such conversion was found so we'll consume the result as it is instead - val obj = if c == null then x.asInstanceOf[U] else c(x) - printer.println(op(using WrappedResult(obj))) - x - } - - /** Instead of `toString` call `show` on `Showable` values, falling back to `toString` if an exception is raised. */ - def tryToShow(using Context): String = x match - case x: Showable => - try - catch - case ex: CyclicReference => "... (caught cyclic reference) ..." - case NonFatal(ex) - if ! && !ctx.settings.YshowPrintErrors.value => - val msg = ex match - case te: TypeError => te.toMessage.message - case _ => ex.getMessage - s"[cannot display due to $msg, raw string = $x]" - case _ => String.valueOf(x).nn - - /** Returns the simple class name of `x`. */ - def className: String = getClass.getSimpleName.nn - - extension [T](x: T) - def assertingErrorsReported(using Context): T = { - assert(ctx.reporter.errorsReported) - x - } - def assertingErrorsReported(msg: Message)(using Context): T = { - assert(ctx.reporter.errorsReported, msg) - x - } - - extension [T <: AnyRef](xs: ::[T]) - def derivedCons(x1: T, xs1: List[T]) = - if (xs.head eq x1) && (xs.tail eq xs1) then xs else x1 :: xs1 - - extension (sc: StringContext) - - /** General purpose string formatting */ - def i(args: Shown*)(using Context): String = - new StringFormatter(sc).assemble(args) - - /** Interpolator yielding an error message, which undergoes - * the formatting defined in Message. - */ - def em(args: Shown*)(using Context): NoExplanation = - NoExplanation(i(args*)) - - extension [T <: AnyRef](arr: Array[T]) - def binarySearch(x: T | Null): Int = java.util.Arrays.binarySearch(arr.asInstanceOf[Array[Object | Null]], x) - -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/Definitions.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/Definitions.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 603088dd8f26..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/Definitions.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2434 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc -package core - -import scala.annotation.{threadUnsafe => tu} -import Types._, Contexts._, Symbols._, SymDenotations._, StdNames._, Names._, Phases._ -import Flags._, Scopes._, Decorators._, NameOps._, Periods._, NullOpsDecorator._ -import unpickleScala2.Scala2Unpickler.ensureConstructor -import scala.collection.mutable -import collection.mutable -import Denotations.{SingleDenotation, staticRef} -import util.{SimpleIdentityMap, SourceFile, NoSource} -import typer.ImportInfo.RootRef -import Comments.CommentsContext -import Comments.Comment -import util.Spans.NoSpan -import config.Feature -import Symbols.requiredModuleRef -import cc.{CapturingType, CaptureSet, EventuallyCapturingType} - -import scala.annotation.tailrec -import language.experimental.pureFunctions - -object Definitions { - - /** The maximum number of elements in a tuple or product. - * This should be removed once we go to hlists. - */ - val MaxTupleArity: Int = 22 - - /** The maximum arity N of a function type that's implemented - * as a trait `scala.FunctionN`. Functions of higher arity are possible, - * but are mapped in erasure to functions taking a single parameter of type - * Object[]. - * The limit 22 is chosen for Scala2x interop. It could be something - * else without affecting the set of programs that can be compiled. - */ - val MaxImplementedFunctionArity: Int = MaxTupleArity -} - -/** A class defining symbols and types of standard definitions - * - */ -class Definitions { - import Definitions._ - - private var initCtx: DetachedContext = _ - private given currentContext[Dummy_so_its_a_def]: DetachedContext = initCtx - - private def newPermanentSymbol[N <: Name](owner: Symbol, name: N, flags: FlagSet, info: Type) = - newSymbol(owner, name, flags | Permanent, info) - - private def newPermanentClassSymbol(owner: Symbol, name: TypeName, flags: FlagSet, infoFn: ClassSymbol => Type) = - newClassSymbol(owner, name, flags | Permanent | NoInits | Open, infoFn) - - private def enterCompleteClassSymbol(owner: Symbol, name: TypeName, flags: FlagSet, parents: List[TypeRef]): ClassSymbol = - enterCompleteClassSymbol(owner, name, flags, parents, newScope(owner.nestingLevel + 1)) - - private def enterCompleteClassSymbol(owner: Symbol, name: TypeName, flags: FlagSet, parents: List[TypeRef], decls: Scope) = - newCompleteClassSymbol(owner, name, flags | Permanent | NoInits | Open, parents, decls).entered - - private def enterTypeField(cls: ClassSymbol, name: TypeName, flags: FlagSet, scope: MutableScope) = - scope.enter(newPermanentSymbol(cls, name, flags, TypeBounds.empty)) - - private def enterTypeParam(cls: ClassSymbol, name: TypeName, flags: FlagSet, scope: MutableScope) = - enterTypeField(cls, name, flags | ClassTypeParamCreationFlags, scope) - - private def enterSyntheticTypeParam(cls: ClassSymbol, paramFlags: FlagSet, scope: MutableScope, suffix: String = "T0") = - enterTypeParam(cls, suffix.toTypeName, paramFlags, scope) - - // NOTE: Ideally we would write `parentConstrs: => Type*` but SIP-24 is only - // implemented in Dotty and not in Scala 2. - // See . - private def enterSpecialPolyClass(name: TypeName, paramFlags: FlagSet, parentConstrs: -> Seq[Type]): ClassSymbol = { - val completer = new LazyType { - def complete(denot: SymDenotation)(using Context): Unit = { - val cls = denot.asClass.classSymbol - val paramDecls = newScope - val typeParam = enterSyntheticTypeParam(cls, paramFlags, paramDecls) - def instantiate(tpe: Type) = - if (tpe.typeParams.nonEmpty) tpe.appliedTo(typeParam.typeRef) - else tpe - val parents = parentConstrs.toList map instantiate - = ClassInfo(ScalaPackageClass.thisType, cls, parents, paramDecls) - } - } - newPermanentClassSymbol(ScalaPackageClass, name, Artifact, completer).entered - } - - /** The trait FunctionN, ContextFunctionN, ErasedFunctionN or ErasedContextFunction, for some N - * @param name The name of the trait to be created - * - * FunctionN traits follow this template: - * - * trait FunctionN[-T0,...-T{N-1}, +R] extends Object { - * def apply($x0: T0, ..., $x{N_1}: T{N-1}): R - * } - * - * That is, they follow the template given for Function2..Function22 in the - * standard library, but without `tupled` and `curried` methods and without - * a `toString`. - * - * ContextFunctionN traits follow this template: - * - * trait ContextFunctionN[-T0,...,-T{N-1}, +R] extends Object { - * def apply(using $x0: T0, ..., $x{N_1}: T{N-1}): R - * } - * - * ErasedFunctionN traits follow this template: - * - * trait ErasedFunctionN[-T0,...,-T{N-1}, +R] extends Object { - * def apply(erased $x0: T0, ..., $x{N_1}: T{N-1}): R - * } - * - * ErasedContextFunctionN traits follow this template: - * - * trait ErasedContextFunctionN[-T0,...,-T{N-1}, +R] extends Object { - * def apply(using erased $x0: T0, ..., $x{N_1}: T{N-1}): R - * } - * - * ErasedFunctionN and ErasedContextFunctionN erase to Function0. - * - * ImpureXYZFunctionN follow this template: - * - * type ImpureXYZFunctionN[-T0,...,-T{N-1}, +R] = {*} XYZFunctionN[T0,...,T{N-1}, R] - */ - private def newFunctionNType(name: TypeName): Symbol = { - val impure = name.startsWith("Impure") - val completer = new LazyType { - def complete(denot: SymDenotation)(using Context): Unit = { - val arity = name.functionArity - if impure then - val argParamNames = List.tabulate(arity)(tpnme.syntheticTypeParamName) - val argVariances = List.fill(arity)(Contravariant) - val underlyingName = name.asSimpleName.drop(6) - val underlyingClass = ScalaPackageVal.requiredClass(underlyingName) - = TypeAlias( - HKTypeLambda(argParamNames :+ "R".toTypeName, argVariances :+ Covariant)( - tl => List.fill(arity + 1)(TypeBounds.empty), - tl => CapturingType(underlyingClass.typeRef.appliedTo(tl.paramRefs), - CaptureSet.universal) - )) - else - val cls = denot.asClass.classSymbol - val decls = newScope - val paramNamePrefix = tpnme.scala ++ str.NAME_JOIN ++ name ++ str.EXPAND_SEPARATOR - val argParamRefs = List.tabulate(arity) { i => - enterTypeParam(cls, paramNamePrefix ++ "T" ++ (i + 1).toString, Contravariant, decls).typeRef - } - val resParamRef = enterTypeParam(cls, paramNamePrefix ++ "R", Covariant, decls).typeRef - val methodType = MethodType.companion( - isContextual = name.isContextFunction, - isImplicit = false, - isErased = name.isErasedFunction) - decls.enter(newMethod(cls, nme.apply, methodType(argParamRefs, resParamRef), Deferred)) - = - ClassInfo(ScalaPackageClass.thisType, cls, ObjectType :: Nil, decls) - } - } - if impure then - newPermanentSymbol(ScalaPackageClass, name, EmptyFlags, completer) - else - newPermanentClassSymbol(ScalaPackageClass, name, Trait | NoInits, completer) - } - - private def newMethod(cls: ClassSymbol, name: TermName, info: Type, flags: FlagSet = EmptyFlags): TermSymbol = - newPermanentSymbol(cls, name, flags | Method, info).asTerm - - private def enterMethod(cls: ClassSymbol, name: TermName, info: Type, flags: FlagSet = EmptyFlags): TermSymbol = - newMethod(cls, name, info, flags).entered - - private def enterPermanentSymbol(name: Name, info: Type, flags: FlagSet = EmptyFlags): Symbol = - val sym = newPermanentSymbol(ScalaPackageClass, name, flags, info) - ScalaPackageClass.currentPackageDecls.enter(sym) - sym - - private def enterAliasType(name: TypeName, tpe: Type, flags: FlagSet = EmptyFlags): TypeSymbol = - enterPermanentSymbol(name, TypeAlias(tpe), flags).asType - - private def enterBinaryAlias(name: TypeName, op: (Type, Type) => Type): TypeSymbol = - enterAliasType(name, - HKTypeLambda(TypeBounds.empty :: TypeBounds.empty :: Nil)( - tl => op(tl.paramRefs(0), tl.paramRefs(1)))) - - private def enterPolyMethod(cls: ClassSymbol, name: TermName, typeParamCount: Int, - resultTypeFn: PolyType -> Type, - flags: FlagSet = EmptyFlags, - bounds: TypeBounds = TypeBounds.empty, - useCompleter: Boolean = false) = { - val tparamNames = PolyType.syntheticParamNames(typeParamCount) - val tparamInfos = tparamNames map (_ => bounds) - def ptype = PolyType(tparamNames)(_ => tparamInfos, resultTypeFn) - val info = - if (useCompleter) - new LazyType { - def complete(denot: SymDenotation)(using Context): Unit = - = ptype - } - else ptype - enterMethod(cls, name, info, flags) - } - - private def enterT1ParameterlessMethod(cls: ClassSymbol, name: TermName, resultTypeFn: PolyType -> Type, flags: FlagSet) = - enterPolyMethod(cls, name, 1, resultTypeFn, flags) - - private def mkArityArray(name: String, arity: Int, countFrom: Int): Array[TypeRef | Null] = { - val arr = new Array[TypeRef | Null](arity + 1) - for (i <- countFrom to arity) arr(i) = requiredClassRef(name + i) - arr - } - - private def completeClass(cls: ClassSymbol, ensureCtor: Boolean = true): ClassSymbol = { - if (ensureCtor) ensureConstructor(cls, cls.denot.asClass, EmptyScope) - if (cls.linkedClass.exists) cls.linkedClass.markAbsent() - cls - } - - @tu lazy val RootClass: ClassSymbol = newPackageSymbol( - NoSymbol, nme.ROOT, (root, rootcls) => ctx.base.rootLoader(root)).moduleClass.asClass - @tu lazy val RootPackage: TermSymbol = newSymbol( - NoSymbol, nme.ROOTPKG, PackageCreationFlags, TypeRef(NoPrefix, RootClass)) - - @tu lazy val EmptyPackageVal: TermSymbol = newPackageSymbol( - RootClass, nme.EMPTY_PACKAGE, (emptypkg, emptycls) => ctx.base.rootLoader(emptypkg)).entered - @tu lazy val EmptyPackageClass: ClassSymbol = EmptyPackageVal.moduleClass.asClass - - /** A package in which we can place all methods and types that are interpreted specially by the compiler */ - @tu lazy val OpsPackageVal: TermSymbol = newCompletePackageSymbol(RootClass, nme.OPS_PACKAGE).entered - @tu lazy val OpsPackageClass: ClassSymbol = OpsPackageVal.moduleClass.asClass - - @tu lazy val ScalaPackageVal: TermSymbol = requiredPackage(nme.scala) - @tu lazy val ScalaMathPackageVal: TermSymbol = requiredPackage("scala.math") - @tu lazy val ScalaPackageClass: ClassSymbol = { - val cls = ScalaPackageVal.moduleClass.asClass - - name => - if (name.isTypeName && name.isSyntheticFunction) newFunctionNType(name.asTypeName) - else NoSymbol) - cls - } - @tu lazy val ScalaPackageObject: Symbol = requiredModule("scala.package") - @tu lazy val ScalaRuntimePackageVal: TermSymbol = requiredPackage("scala.runtime") - @tu lazy val ScalaRuntimePackageClass: ClassSymbol = ScalaRuntimePackageVal.moduleClass.asClass - @tu lazy val JavaPackageVal: TermSymbol = requiredPackage( - @tu lazy val JavaPackageClass: ClassSymbol = JavaPackageVal.moduleClass.asClass - @tu lazy val JavaLangPackageVal: TermSymbol = requiredPackage(jnme.JavaLang) - @tu lazy val JavaLangPackageClass: ClassSymbol = JavaLangPackageVal.moduleClass.asClass - - // fundamental modules - @tu lazy val SysPackage : Symbol = requiredModule("scala.sys.package") - @tu lazy val Sys_error: Symbol = SysPackage.moduleClass.requiredMethod(nme.error) - - @tu lazy val ScalaXmlPackageClass: Symbol = getPackageClassIfDefined("scala.xml") - - @tu lazy val CompiletimePackageClass: Symbol = requiredPackage("scala.compiletime").moduleClass - @tu lazy val Compiletime_codeOf: Symbol = CompiletimePackageClass.requiredMethod("codeOf") - @tu lazy val Compiletime_erasedValue : Symbol = CompiletimePackageClass.requiredMethod("erasedValue") - @tu lazy val Compiletime_uninitialized: Symbol = CompiletimePackageClass.requiredMethod("uninitialized") - @tu lazy val Compiletime_error : Symbol = CompiletimePackageClass.requiredMethod(nme.error) - @tu lazy val Compiletime_requireConst : Symbol = CompiletimePackageClass.requiredMethod("requireConst") - @tu lazy val Compiletime_constValue : Symbol = CompiletimePackageClass.requiredMethod("constValue") - @tu lazy val Compiletime_constValueOpt: Symbol = CompiletimePackageClass.requiredMethod("constValueOpt") - @tu lazy val Compiletime_summonFrom : Symbol = CompiletimePackageClass.requiredMethod("summonFrom") - @tu lazy val Compiletime_summonInline : Symbol = CompiletimePackageClass.requiredMethod("summonInline") - @tu lazy val CompiletimeTestingPackage: Symbol = requiredPackage("scala.compiletime.testing") - @tu lazy val CompiletimeTesting_typeChecks: Symbol = CompiletimeTestingPackage.requiredMethod("typeChecks") - @tu lazy val CompiletimeTesting_typeCheckErrors: Symbol = CompiletimeTestingPackage.requiredMethod("typeCheckErrors") - @tu lazy val CompiletimeTesting_ErrorClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.compiletime.testing.Error") - @tu lazy val CompiletimeTesting_Error: Symbol = requiredModule("scala.compiletime.testing.Error") - @tu lazy val CompiletimeTesting_Error_apply = CompiletimeTesting_Error.requiredMethod(nme.apply) - @tu lazy val CompiletimeTesting_ErrorKind: Symbol = requiredModule("scala.compiletime.testing.ErrorKind") - @tu lazy val CompiletimeTesting_ErrorKind_Parser: Symbol = CompiletimeTesting_ErrorKind.requiredMethod("Parser") - @tu lazy val CompiletimeTesting_ErrorKind_Typer: Symbol = CompiletimeTesting_ErrorKind.requiredMethod("Typer") - @tu lazy val CompiletimeOpsPackage: Symbol = requiredPackage("scala.compiletime.ops") - @tu lazy val CompiletimeOpsAnyModuleClass: Symbol = requiredModule("scala.compiletime.ops.any").moduleClass - @tu lazy val CompiletimeOpsIntModuleClass: Symbol = requiredModule("").moduleClass - @tu lazy val CompiletimeOpsLongModuleClass: Symbol = requiredModule("scala.compiletime.ops.long").moduleClass - @tu lazy val CompiletimeOpsFloatModuleClass: Symbol = requiredModule("scala.compiletime.ops.float").moduleClass - @tu lazy val CompiletimeOpsDoubleModuleClass: Symbol = requiredModule("scala.compiletime.ops.double").moduleClass - @tu lazy val CompiletimeOpsStringModuleClass: Symbol = requiredModule("scala.compiletime.ops.string").moduleClass - @tu lazy val CompiletimeOpsBooleanModuleClass: Symbol = requiredModule("scala.compiletime.ops.boolean").moduleClass - - /** Note: We cannot have same named methods defined in Object and Any (and AnyVal, for that matter) - * because after erasure the Any and AnyVal references get remapped to the Object methods - * which would result in a double binding assertion failure. - * Instead we do the following: - * - * - Have some methods exist only in Any, and remap them with the Erasure denotation - * transformer to be owned by Object. - * - Have other methods exist only in Object. - * To achieve this, we synthesize all Any and Object methods; Object methods no longer get - * loaded from a classfile. - */ - @tu lazy val AnyClass: ClassSymbol = completeClass(enterCompleteClassSymbol(ScalaPackageClass, tpnme.Any, Abstract, Nil), ensureCtor = false) - def AnyType: TypeRef = AnyClass.typeRef - @tu lazy val MatchableClass: ClassSymbol = completeClass(enterCompleteClassSymbol(ScalaPackageClass, tpnme.Matchable, Trait, AnyType :: Nil), ensureCtor = false) - def MatchableType: TypeRef = MatchableClass.typeRef - @tu lazy val AnyValClass: ClassSymbol = - val res = completeClass(enterCompleteClassSymbol(ScalaPackageClass, tpnme.AnyVal, Abstract, List(AnyType, MatchableType))) - // Mark companion as absent, so that class does not get re-completed - val companion = - companion.moduleClass.markAbsent() - companion.markAbsent() - res - - def AnyValType: TypeRef = AnyValClass.typeRef - - @tu lazy val Any_== : TermSymbol = enterMethod(AnyClass, nme.EQ, methOfAny(BooleanType), Final) - @tu lazy val Any_!= : TermSymbol = enterMethod(AnyClass, nme.NE, methOfAny(BooleanType), Final) - @tu lazy val Any_equals: TermSymbol = enterMethod(AnyClass, nme.equals_, methOfAny(BooleanType)) - @tu lazy val Any_hashCode: TermSymbol = enterMethod(AnyClass, nme.hashCode_, MethodType(Nil, IntType)) - @tu lazy val Any_toString: TermSymbol = enterMethod(AnyClass, nme.toString_, MethodType(Nil, StringType)) - @tu lazy val Any_## : TermSymbol = enterMethod(AnyClass, nme.HASHHASH, ExprType(IntType), Final) - @tu lazy val Any_isInstanceOf: TermSymbol = enterT1ParameterlessMethod(AnyClass, nme.isInstanceOf_, _ => BooleanType, Final) - @tu lazy val Any_asInstanceOf: TermSymbol = enterT1ParameterlessMethod(AnyClass, nme.asInstanceOf_, _.paramRefs(0), Final) - @tu lazy val Any_typeTest: TermSymbol = enterT1ParameterlessMethod(AnyClass, nme.isInstanceOfPM, _ => BooleanType, Final | SyntheticArtifact) - @tu lazy val Any_typeCast: TermSymbol = enterT1ParameterlessMethod(AnyClass, nme.asInstanceOfPM, _.paramRefs(0), Final | SyntheticArtifact | StableRealizable) - // generated by pattern matcher and explicit nulls, eliminated by erasure - - /** def getClass[A >: this.type](): Class[? <: A] */ - @tu lazy val Any_getClass: TermSymbol = - enterPolyMethod( - AnyClass, nme.getClass_, 1, - pt => MethodType(Nil, ClassClass.typeRef.appliedTo(TypeBounds.upper(pt.paramRefs(0)))), - Final, - bounds = TypeBounds.lower(AnyClass.thisType)) - - def AnyMethods: List[TermSymbol] = List(Any_==, Any_!=, Any_equals, Any_hashCode, - Any_toString, Any_##, Any_getClass, Any_isInstanceOf, Any_asInstanceOf, Any_typeTest, Any_typeCast) - - @tu lazy val ObjectClass: ClassSymbol = { - val cls = requiredClass("java.lang.Object") - assert(!cls.isCompleted, "race for completing java.lang.Object") - = ClassInfo(cls.owner.thisType, cls, List(AnyType, MatchableType), newScope) - cls.setFlag(NoInits | JavaDefined) - - ensureConstructor(cls, cls.denot.asClass, EmptyScope) - val companion = - NamerOps.makeConstructorCompanion(companion, cls) - cls - } - def ObjectType: TypeRef = ObjectClass.typeRef - - /** A type alias of Object used to represent any reference to Object in a Java - * signature, the secret sauce is that subtype checking treats it specially: - * - * tp <:< FromJavaObject - * - * is equivalent to: - * - * tp <:< Any - * - * This is useful to avoid usability problems when interacting with Java - * code where Object is the top type. This is safe because this type will - * only appear in signatures of Java definitions in positions where `Object` - * might appear, let's enumerate all possible cases this gives us: - * - * 1. At the top level: - * - * // - * void meth1(Object arg) {} - * void meth2(T arg) {} // T implicitly extends Object - * - * // B.scala - * meth1(1) // OK - * meth2(1) // OK - * - * This is safe even though Int is not a subtype of Object, because Erasure - * will detect the mismatch and box the value type. - * - * 2. In a class type parameter: - * - * // - * void meth3(scala.List arg) {} - * void meth4(scala.List arg) {} - * - * // B.scala - * meth3(List[Int](1)) // OK - * meth4(List[Int](1)) // OK - * - * At erasure, type parameters are removed and value types are boxed. - * - * 3. As the type parameter of an array: - * - * // - * void meth5(Object[] arg) {} - * void meth6(T[] arg) {} - * - * // B.scala - * meth5(Array[Int](1)) // error: Array[Int] is not a subtype of Array[Object] - * meth6(Array[Int](1)) // error: Array[Int] is not a subtype of Array[T & Object] - * - * - * This is a bit more subtle: at erasure, Arrays keep their type parameter, - * and primitive Arrays are not subtypes of reference Arrays on the JVM, - * so we can't pass an Array of Int where a reference Array is expected. - * Array is invariant in Scala, so `meth5` is safe even if we use `FromJavaObject`, - * but generic Arrays are treated specially: we always add `& Object` (and here - * we mean the normal java.lang.Object type) to these types when they come from - * Java signatures (see `translateJavaArrayElementType`), this ensure that `meth6` - * is safe to use. - * - * 4. As the repeated argument of a varargs method: - * - * // - * void meth7(Object... args) {} - * void meth8(T... args) {} - * - * // B.scala - * meth7(1) // OK (creates a reference array) - * meth8(1) // OK (creates a primitive array and copies it into a reference array at Erasure) - * val ai = Array[Int](1) - * meth7(ai: _*) // OK (will copy the array at Erasure) - * meth8(ai: _*) // OK (will copy the array at Erasure) - * - * Java repeated arguments are erased to arrays, so it would be safe to treat - * them in the same way: add an `& Object` to the parameter type to disallow - * passing primitives, but that would be very inconvenient as it is common to - * want to pass a primitive to an Object repeated argument (e.g. - * `String.format("foo: %d", 1)`). So instead we type them _without_ adding the - * `& Object` and let `ElimRepeated` and `Erasure` take care of doing any necessary adaptation - * (note that adapting a primitive array to a reference array requires - * copying the whole array, so this transformation only preserves semantics - * if the callee does not try to mutate the varargs array which is a reasonable - * assumption to make). - * - * - * This mechanism is similar to `ObjectTpeJavaRef` in Scala 2, except that we - * create a new symbol with its own name, this is needed because this type - * can show up in inferred types and therefore needs to be preserved when - * pickling so that unpickled trees pass `-Ycheck`. - * - * Note that by default we pretty-print `FromJavaObject` as `Object` or simply omit it - * if it's the sole upper-bound of a type parameter, use `-Yprint-debug` to explicitly - * display it. - */ - @tu lazy val FromJavaObjectSymbol: TypeSymbol = - newPermanentSymbol(OpsPackageClass, tpnme.FromJavaObject, JavaDefined, TypeAlias(ObjectType)).entered - def FromJavaObjectType: TypeRef = FromJavaObjectSymbol.typeRef - - @tu lazy val AnyRefAlias: TypeSymbol = enterAliasType(tpnme.AnyRef, ObjectType) - def AnyRefType: TypeRef = AnyRefAlias.typeRef - - @tu lazy val Object_eq: TermSymbol = enterMethod(ObjectClass, nme.eq, methOfAnyRef(BooleanType), Final) - @tu lazy val Object_ne: TermSymbol = enterMethod(ObjectClass,, methOfAnyRef(BooleanType), Final) - @tu lazy val Object_synchronized: TermSymbol = enterPolyMethod(ObjectClass, nme.synchronized_, 1, - pt => MethodType(List(pt.paramRefs(0)), pt.paramRefs(0)), Final) - @tu lazy val Object_clone: TermSymbol = enterMethod(ObjectClass, nme.clone_, MethodType(Nil, ObjectType), Protected) - @tu lazy val Object_finalize: TermSymbol = enterMethod(ObjectClass, nme.finalize_, MethodType(Nil, UnitType), Protected) - @tu lazy val Object_notify: TermSymbol = enterMethod(ObjectClass, nme.notify_, MethodType(Nil, UnitType), Final) - @tu lazy val Object_notifyAll: TermSymbol = enterMethod(ObjectClass, nme.notifyAll_, MethodType(Nil, UnitType), Final) - @tu lazy val Object_wait: TermSymbol = enterMethod(ObjectClass, nme.wait_, MethodType(Nil, UnitType), Final) - @tu lazy val Object_waitL: TermSymbol = enterMethod(ObjectClass, nme.wait_, MethodType(LongType :: Nil, UnitType), Final) - @tu lazy val Object_waitLI: TermSymbol = enterMethod(ObjectClass, nme.wait_, MethodType(LongType :: IntType :: Nil, UnitType), Final) - - def ObjectMethods: List[TermSymbol] = List(Object_eq, Object_ne, Object_synchronized, Object_clone, - Object_finalize, Object_notify, Object_notifyAll, Object_wait, Object_waitL, Object_waitLI) - - /** Methods in Object and Any that do not have a side effect */ - @tu lazy val pureMethods: List[TermSymbol] = List(Any_==, Any_!=, Any_equals, Any_hashCode, - Any_toString, Any_##, Any_getClass, Any_isInstanceOf, Any_typeTest, Object_eq, Object_ne) - - @tu lazy val AnyKindClass: ClassSymbol = { - val cls = newCompleteClassSymbol(ScalaPackageClass, tpnme.AnyKind, AbstractFinal | Permanent, Nil, newScope(0)) - if (!ctx.settings.YnoKindPolymorphism.value) - // Enable kind-polymorphism by exposing scala.AnyKind - cls.entered - cls - } - def AnyKindType: TypeRef = AnyKindClass.typeRef - - @tu lazy val andType: TypeSymbol = enterBinaryAlias(tpnme.AND, AndType(_, _)) - @tu lazy val orType: TypeSymbol = enterBinaryAlias(tpnme.OR, OrType(_, _, soft = false)) - - /** Method representing a throw */ - @tu lazy val throwMethod: TermSymbol = enterMethod(OpsPackageClass, nme.THROWkw, - MethodType(List(ThrowableType), NothingType)) - - @tu lazy val NothingClass: ClassSymbol = enterCompleteClassSymbol( - ScalaPackageClass, tpnme.Nothing, AbstractFinal, List(AnyType)) - def NothingType: TypeRef = NothingClass.typeRef - @tu lazy val NullClass: ClassSymbol = { - // When explicit-nulls is enabled, Null becomes a direct subtype of Any and Matchable - val parents = if ctx.explicitNulls then AnyType :: MatchableType :: Nil else ObjectType :: Nil - enterCompleteClassSymbol(ScalaPackageClass, tpnme.Null, AbstractFinal, parents) - } - def NullType: TypeRef = NullClass.typeRef - - @tu lazy val InvokerModule = requiredModule("scala.runtime.coverage.Invoker") - @tu lazy val InvokedMethodRef = InvokerModule.requiredMethodRef("invoked") - - @tu lazy val ImplicitScrutineeTypeSym = - newPermanentSymbol(ScalaPackageClass, tpnme.IMPLICITkw, EmptyFlags, TypeBounds.empty).entered - def ImplicitScrutineeTypeRef: TypeRef = ImplicitScrutineeTypeSym.typeRef - - @tu lazy val ScalaPredefModule: Symbol = requiredModule("scala.Predef") - @tu lazy val Predef_conforms : Symbol = ScalaPredefModule.requiredMethod(nme.conforms_) - @tu lazy val Predef_classOf : Symbol = ScalaPredefModule.requiredMethod(nme.classOf) - @tu lazy val Predef_identity : Symbol = ScalaPredefModule.requiredMethod(nme.identity) - @tu lazy val Predef_undefined: Symbol = ScalaPredefModule.requiredMethod(nme.???) - @tu lazy val ScalaPredefModuleClass: ClassSymbol = ScalaPredefModule.moduleClass.asClass - - @tu lazy val SubTypeClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.<:<") - @tu lazy val SubType_refl: Symbol = SubTypeClass.companionModule.requiredMethod(nme.refl) - - @tu lazy val DummyImplicitClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.DummyImplicit") - - @tu lazy val ScalaRuntimeModule: Symbol = requiredModule("scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime") - def runtimeMethodRef(name: PreName): TermRef = ScalaRuntimeModule.requiredMethodRef(name) - def ScalaRuntime_drop: Symbol = runtimeMethodRef(nme.drop).symbol - @tu lazy val ScalaRuntime__hashCode: Symbol = ScalaRuntimeModule.requiredMethod(nme._hashCode_) - @tu lazy val ScalaRuntime_toArray: Symbol = ScalaRuntimeModule.requiredMethod(nme.toArray) - @tu lazy val ScalaRuntime_toObjectArray: Symbol = ScalaRuntimeModule.requiredMethod(nme.toObjectArray) - - @tu lazy val BoxesRunTimeModule: Symbol = requiredModule("scala.runtime.BoxesRunTime") - @tu lazy val BoxesRunTimeModule_externalEquals: Symbol = == 2).symbol - @tu lazy val ScalaStaticsModule: Symbol = requiredModule("scala.runtime.Statics") - def staticsMethodRef(name: PreName): TermRef = ScalaStaticsModule.requiredMethodRef(name) - def staticsMethod(name: PreName): TermSymbol = ScalaStaticsModule.requiredMethod(name) - - @tu lazy val DottyArraysModule: Symbol = requiredModule("scala.runtime.Arrays") - def newGenericArrayMethod(using Context): TermSymbol = DottyArraysModule.requiredMethod("newGenericArray") - def newArrayMethod(using Context): TermSymbol = DottyArraysModule.requiredMethod("newArray") - - def getWrapVarargsArrayModule: Symbol = ScalaRuntimeModule - - // The set of all wrap{X, Ref}Array methods, where X is a value type - val WrapArrayMethods: PerRun[collection.Set[Symbol]] = new PerRun({ - val methodNames = `union` Set(nme.wrapRefArray) - - }) - - @tu lazy val ListClass: Symbol = requiredClass("scala.collection.immutable.List") - @tu lazy val ListModule: Symbol = requiredModule("scala.collection.immutable.List") - @tu lazy val NilModule: Symbol = requiredModule("scala.collection.immutable.Nil") - @tu lazy val ConsClass: Symbol = requiredClass("scala.collection.immutable.::") - @tu lazy val SeqFactoryClass: Symbol = requiredClass("scala.collection.SeqFactory") - - @tu lazy val SingletonClass: ClassSymbol = - // needed as a synthetic class because Scala 2.x refers to it in classfiles - // but does not define it as an explicit class. - enterCompleteClassSymbol( - ScalaPackageClass, tpnme.Singleton, PureInterfaceCreationFlags | Final, - List(AnyType), EmptyScope) - @tu lazy val SingletonType: TypeRef = SingletonClass.typeRef - - @tu lazy val CollectionSeqType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("scala.collection.Seq") - @tu lazy val SeqType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("scala.collection.immutable.Seq") - def SeqClass(using Context): ClassSymbol = SeqType.symbol.asClass - @tu lazy val Seq_apply : Symbol = SeqClass.requiredMethod(nme.apply) - @tu lazy val Seq_head : Symbol = SeqClass.requiredMethod(nme.head) - @tu lazy val Seq_drop : Symbol = SeqClass.requiredMethod(nme.drop) - @tu lazy val Seq_lengthCompare: Symbol = SeqClass.requiredMethod(nme.lengthCompare, List(IntType)) - @tu lazy val Seq_length : Symbol = SeqClass.requiredMethod(nme.length) - @tu lazy val Seq_toSeq : Symbol = SeqClass.requiredMethod(nme.toSeq) - @tu lazy val SeqModule: Symbol = requiredModule("scala.collection.immutable.Seq") - - - @tu lazy val StringOps: Symbol = requiredClass("scala.collection.StringOps") - @tu lazy val StringOps_format: Symbol = StringOps.requiredMethod(nme.format) - - @tu lazy val ArrayType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("scala.Array") - def ArrayClass(using Context): ClassSymbol = ArrayType.symbol.asClass - @tu lazy val Array_apply : Symbol = ArrayClass.requiredMethod(nme.apply) - @tu lazy val Array_update : Symbol = ArrayClass.requiredMethod(nme.update) - @tu lazy val Array_length : Symbol = ArrayClass.requiredMethod(nme.length) - @tu lazy val Array_clone : Symbol = ArrayClass.requiredMethod(nme.clone_) - @tu lazy val ArrayConstructor: Symbol = ArrayClass.requiredMethod(nme.CONSTRUCTOR) - - @tu lazy val ArrayModule: Symbol = requiredModule("scala.Array") - def ArrayModuleClass: Symbol = ArrayModule.moduleClass - - @tu lazy val IArrayModule: Symbol = requiredModule("scala.IArray") - def IArrayModuleClass: Symbol = IArrayModule.moduleClass - - @tu lazy val UnitType: TypeRef = valueTypeRef("scala.Unit", java.lang.Void.TYPE, UnitEnc, nme.specializedTypeNames.Void) - def UnitClass(using Context): ClassSymbol = UnitType.symbol.asClass - def UnitModuleClass(using Context): Symbol = UnitType.symbol.asClass.linkedClass - @tu lazy val BooleanType: TypeRef = valueTypeRef("scala.Boolean", java.lang.Boolean.TYPE, BooleanEnc, nme.specializedTypeNames.Boolean) - def BooleanClass(using Context): ClassSymbol = BooleanType.symbol.asClass - @tu lazy val Boolean_! : Symbol = BooleanClass.requiredMethod(nme.UNARY_!) - @tu lazy val Boolean_&& : Symbol = BooleanClass.requiredMethod(nme.ZAND) // ### harmonize required... calls - @tu lazy val Boolean_|| : Symbol = BooleanClass.requiredMethod(nme.ZOR) - @tu lazy val Boolean_== : Symbol = - match { - case List(pt) => pt.isRef(BooleanClass) - case _ => false - }).symbol - @tu lazy val Boolean_!= : Symbol = - match { - case List(pt) => pt.isRef(BooleanClass) - case _ => false - }).symbol - - @tu lazy val ByteType: TypeRef = valueTypeRef("scala.Byte", java.lang.Byte.TYPE, ByteEnc, nme.specializedTypeNames.Byte) - def ByteClass(using Context): ClassSymbol = ByteType.symbol.asClass - @tu lazy val ShortType: TypeRef = valueTypeRef("scala.Short", java.lang.Short.TYPE, ShortEnc, nme.specializedTypeNames.Short) - def ShortClass(using Context): ClassSymbol = ShortType.symbol.asClass - @tu lazy val CharType: TypeRef = valueTypeRef("scala.Char", java.lang.Character.TYPE, CharEnc, nme.specializedTypeNames.Char) - def CharClass(using Context): ClassSymbol = CharType.symbol.asClass - @tu lazy val IntType: TypeRef = valueTypeRef("scala.Int", java.lang.Integer.TYPE, IntEnc, nme.specializedTypeNames.Int) - def IntClass(using Context): ClassSymbol = IntType.symbol.asClass - @tu lazy val Int_- : Symbol = IntClass.requiredMethod(nme.MINUS, List(IntType)) - @tu lazy val Int_+ : Symbol = IntClass.requiredMethod(nme.PLUS, List(IntType)) - @tu lazy val Int_/ : Symbol = IntClass.requiredMethod(nme.DIV, List(IntType)) - @tu lazy val Int_* : Symbol = IntClass.requiredMethod(nme.MUL, List(IntType)) - @tu lazy val Int_== : Symbol = IntClass.requiredMethod(nme.EQ, List(IntType)) - @tu lazy val Int_>= : Symbol = IntClass.requiredMethod(nme.GE, List(IntType)) - @tu lazy val Int_<= : Symbol = IntClass.requiredMethod(nme.LE, List(IntType)) - @tu lazy val LongType: TypeRef = valueTypeRef("scala.Long", java.lang.Long.TYPE, LongEnc, nme.specializedTypeNames.Long) - def LongClass(using Context): ClassSymbol = LongType.symbol.asClass - @tu lazy val Long_+ : Symbol = LongClass.requiredMethod(nme.PLUS, List(LongType)) - @tu lazy val Long_* : Symbol = LongClass.requiredMethod(nme.MUL, List(LongType)) - @tu lazy val Long_/ : Symbol = LongClass.requiredMethod(nme.DIV, List(LongType)) - - @tu lazy val FloatType: TypeRef = valueTypeRef("scala.Float", java.lang.Float.TYPE, FloatEnc, nme.specializedTypeNames.Float) - def FloatClass(using Context): ClassSymbol = FloatType.symbol.asClass - @tu lazy val DoubleType: TypeRef = valueTypeRef("scala.Double", java.lang.Double.TYPE, DoubleEnc, nme.specializedTypeNames.Double) - def DoubleClass(using Context): ClassSymbol = DoubleType.symbol.asClass - - @tu lazy val BoxedUnitClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.runtime.BoxedUnit") - def BoxedUnit_UNIT(using Context): TermSymbol = BoxedUnitClass.linkedClass.requiredValue("UNIT") - def BoxedUnit_TYPE(using Context): TermSymbol = BoxedUnitClass.linkedClass.requiredValue("TYPE") - - @tu lazy val BoxedBooleanClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("java.lang.Boolean") - @tu lazy val BoxedByteClass : ClassSymbol = requiredClass("java.lang.Byte") - @tu lazy val BoxedShortClass : ClassSymbol = requiredClass("java.lang.Short") - @tu lazy val BoxedCharClass : ClassSymbol = requiredClass("java.lang.Character") - @tu lazy val BoxedIntClass : ClassSymbol = requiredClass("java.lang.Integer") - @tu lazy val BoxedLongClass : ClassSymbol = requiredClass("java.lang.Long") - @tu lazy val BoxedFloatClass : ClassSymbol = requiredClass("java.lang.Float") - @tu lazy val BoxedDoubleClass : ClassSymbol = requiredClass("java.lang.Double") - - @tu lazy val BoxedBooleanModule: TermSymbol = requiredModule("java.lang.Boolean") - @tu lazy val BoxedByteModule : TermSymbol = requiredModule("java.lang.Byte") - @tu lazy val BoxedShortModule : TermSymbol = requiredModule("java.lang.Short") - @tu lazy val BoxedCharModule : TermSymbol = requiredModule("java.lang.Character") - @tu lazy val BoxedIntModule : TermSymbol = requiredModule("java.lang.Integer") - @tu lazy val BoxedLongModule : TermSymbol = requiredModule("java.lang.Long") - @tu lazy val BoxedFloatModule : TermSymbol = requiredModule("java.lang.Float") - @tu lazy val BoxedDoubleModule : TermSymbol = requiredModule("java.lang.Double") - @tu lazy val BoxedUnitModule : TermSymbol = requiredModule("java.lang.Void") - - @tu lazy val ByNameParamClass2x: ClassSymbol = enterSpecialPolyClass(tpnme.BYNAME_PARAM_CLASS, Covariant, Seq(AnyType)) - - @tu lazy val RepeatedParamClass: ClassSymbol = enterSpecialPolyClass(tpnme.REPEATED_PARAM_CLASS, Covariant, Seq(ObjectType, SeqType)) - - @tu lazy val IntoType: TypeSymbol = enterAliasType(tpnme.INTO, HKTypeLambda(TypeBounds.empty :: Nil)(_.paramRefs(0))) - - // fundamental classes - @tu lazy val StringClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("java.lang.String") - def StringType: Type = StringClass.typeRef - @tu lazy val StringModule: Symbol = StringClass.linkedClass - @tu lazy val String_+ : TermSymbol = enterMethod(StringClass, nme.raw.PLUS, methOfAny(StringType), Final) - @tu lazy val String_valueOf_Object: Symbol = match { - case List(pt) => pt.isAny || pt.stripNull.isAnyRef - case _ => false - }).symbol - - @tu lazy val JavaCloneableClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("java.lang.Cloneable") - @tu lazy val NullPointerExceptionClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("java.lang.NullPointerException") - @tu lazy val IndexOutOfBoundsException: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException") - @tu lazy val ClassClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("java.lang.Class") - @tu lazy val BoxedNumberClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("java.lang.Number") - @tu lazy val ClassCastExceptionClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("java.lang.ClassCastException") - @tu lazy val ClassCastExceptionClass_stringConstructor: TermSymbol = match { - case List(pt) => - pt.stripNull.isRef(StringClass) - case _ => false - }).symbol.asTerm - @tu lazy val ArithmeticExceptionClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("java.lang.ArithmeticException") - @tu lazy val ArithmeticExceptionClass_stringConstructor: TermSymbol = match { - case List(pt) => - pt.stripNull.isRef(StringClass) - case _ => false - }).symbol.asTerm - - @tu lazy val JavaSerializableClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("") - - @tu lazy val ComparableClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("java.lang.Comparable") - - @tu lazy val SystemClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("java.lang.System") - @tu lazy val SystemModule: Symbol = SystemClass.linkedClass - - @tu lazy val NoSuchElementExceptionClass = requiredClass("java.util.NoSuchElementException") - def NoSuchElementExceptionType = NoSuchElementExceptionClass.typeRef - @tu lazy val IllegalArgumentExceptionClass = requiredClass("java.lang.IllegalArgumentException") - def IllegalArgumentExceptionType = IllegalArgumentExceptionClass.typeRef - - // in scalac modified to have Any as parent - - @tu lazy val ThrowableType: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("java.lang.Throwable") - def ThrowableClass(using Context): ClassSymbol = ThrowableType.symbol.asClass - @tu lazy val ExceptionClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("java.lang.Exception") - @tu lazy val RuntimeExceptionClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("java.lang.RuntimeException") - - @tu lazy val SerializableType: TypeRef = JavaSerializableClass.typeRef - def SerializableClass(using Context): ClassSymbol = SerializableType.symbol.asClass - - @tu lazy val JavaBigIntegerClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("java.math.BigInteger") - @tu lazy val JavaBigDecimalClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("java.math.BigDecimal") - @tu lazy val JavaCalendarClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("java.util.Calendar") - @tu lazy val JavaDateClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("java.util.Date") - @tu lazy val JavaFormattableClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("java.util.Formattable") - - @tu lazy val JavaEnumClass: ClassSymbol = { - val cls = requiredClass("java.lang.Enum") - // jl.Enum has a single constructor protected(name: String, ordinal: Int). - // We remove the arguments from the primary constructor, and enter - // a new constructor symbol with 2 arguments, so that both - // `X extends jl.Enum[X]` and `X extends jl.Enum[X](name, ordinal)` - // pass typer and go through jl.Enum-specific checks in RefChecks. - cls.infoOrCompleter match { - case completer: ClassfileLoader => - = new ClassfileLoader(completer.classfile) { - override def complete(root: SymDenotation)(using Context): Unit = { - super.complete(root) - val constr = cls.primaryConstructor - val noArgInfo = match { - case info: PolyType => - info.resType match { - case meth: MethodType => - info.derivedLambdaType( - resType = meth.derivedLambdaType( - paramNames = Nil, paramInfos = Nil)) - } - } - val argConstr = constr.copy().entered - = noArgInfo - constr.termRef.recomputeDenot() - } - } - cls - } - } - def JavaEnumType = JavaEnumClass.typeRef - - @tu lazy val MethodHandleClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle") - @tu lazy val MethodHandlesLookupClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.Lookup") - @tu lazy val VarHandleClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("java.lang.invoke.VarHandle") - - @tu lazy val StringBuilderClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.collection.mutable.StringBuilder") - @tu lazy val MatchErrorClass : ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.MatchError") - @tu lazy val ConversionClass : ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.Conversion").typeRef.symbol.asClass - - @tu lazy val StringAddClass : ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.runtime.StringAdd") - @tu lazy val StringAdd_+ : Symbol = StringAddClass.requiredMethod(nme.raw.PLUS) - - @tu lazy val StringContextClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.StringContext") - @tu lazy val StringContext_s : Symbol = StringContextClass.requiredMethod(nme.s) - @tu lazy val StringContext_raw: Symbol = StringContextClass.requiredMethod(nme.raw_) - @tu lazy val StringContext_f : Symbol = StringContextClass.requiredMethod(nme.f) - @tu lazy val StringContext_parts: Symbol = StringContextClass.requiredMethod( - @tu lazy val StringContextModule: Symbol = StringContextClass.companionModule - @tu lazy val StringContextModule_apply: Symbol = StringContextModule.requiredMethod(nme.apply) - @tu lazy val StringContextModule_standardInterpolator: Symbol = StringContextModule.requiredMethod(nme.standardInterpolator) - @tu lazy val StringContextModule_processEscapes: Symbol = StringContextModule.requiredMethod(nme.processEscapes) - - @tu lazy val PartialFunctionClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.PartialFunction") - @tu lazy val PartialFunction_isDefinedAt: Symbol = PartialFunctionClass.requiredMethod(nme.isDefinedAt) - @tu lazy val PartialFunction_applyOrElse: Symbol = PartialFunctionClass.requiredMethod(nme.applyOrElse) - - @tu lazy val AbstractPartialFunctionClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.runtime.AbstractPartialFunction") - @tu lazy val FunctionXXLClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.runtime.FunctionXXL") - @tu lazy val ScalaSymbolClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.Symbol") - @tu lazy val DynamicClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.Dynamic") - @tu lazy val OptionClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.Option") - @tu lazy val SomeClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.Some") - @tu lazy val NoneModule: Symbol = requiredModule("scala.None") - - @tu lazy val EnumClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.reflect.Enum") - @tu lazy val Enum_ordinal: Symbol = EnumClass.requiredMethod(nme.ordinal) - - @tu lazy val EnumValueSerializationProxyClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.runtime.EnumValueSerializationProxy") - @tu lazy val EnumValueSerializationProxyConstructor: TermSymbol = - EnumValueSerializationProxyClass.requiredMethod(nme.CONSTRUCTOR, List(ClassType(TypeBounds.empty), IntType)) - - @tu lazy val ProductClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.Product") - @tu lazy val Product_canEqual : Symbol = ProductClass.requiredMethod(nme.canEqual_) - @tu lazy val Product_productArity : Symbol = ProductClass.requiredMethod(nme.productArity) - @tu lazy val Product_productElement : Symbol = ProductClass.requiredMethod(nme.productElement) - @tu lazy val Product_productElementName: Symbol = ProductClass.requiredMethod(nme.productElementName) - @tu lazy val Product_productPrefix : Symbol = ProductClass.requiredMethod(nme.productPrefix) - - @tu lazy val IteratorClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.collection.Iterator") - def IteratorModule(using Context): Symbol = IteratorClass.companionModule - - @tu lazy val ModuleSerializationProxyClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.runtime.ModuleSerializationProxy") - @tu lazy val ModuleSerializationProxyConstructor: TermSymbol = - ModuleSerializationProxyClass.requiredMethod(nme.CONSTRUCTOR, List(ClassType(TypeBounds.empty))) - - @tu lazy val MirrorClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.deriving.Mirror") - @tu lazy val Mirror_ProductClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.deriving.Mirror.Product") - @tu lazy val Mirror_Product_fromProduct: Symbol = Mirror_ProductClass.requiredMethod(nme.fromProduct) - @tu lazy val Mirror_SumClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.deriving.Mirror.Sum") - @tu lazy val Mirror_SingletonClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.deriving.Mirror.Singleton") - @tu lazy val Mirror_SingletonProxyClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.deriving.Mirror.SingletonProxy") - - @tu lazy val LanguageModule: Symbol = requiredModule("scala.language") - @tu lazy val LanguageModuleClass: Symbol = LanguageModule.moduleClass.asClass - @tu lazy val LanguageExperimentalModule: Symbol = requiredModule("scala.language.experimental") - @tu lazy val LanguageDeprecatedModule: Symbol = requiredModule("scala.language.deprecated") - @tu lazy val NonLocalReturnControlClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.runtime.NonLocalReturnControl") - @tu lazy val SelectableClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.Selectable") - @tu lazy val WithoutPreciseParameterTypesClass: Symbol = requiredClass("scala.Selectable.WithoutPreciseParameterTypes") - - @tu lazy val ManifestClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.reflect.Manifest") - @tu lazy val ManifestFactoryModule: Symbol = requiredModule("scala.reflect.ManifestFactory") - @tu lazy val ClassManifestFactoryModule: Symbol = requiredModule("scala.reflect.ClassManifestFactory") - @tu lazy val OptManifestClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.reflect.OptManifest") - @tu lazy val NoManifestModule: Symbol = requiredModule("scala.reflect.NoManifest") - - @tu lazy val ReflectPackageClass: Symbol = requiredPackage("scala.reflect.package").moduleClass - @tu lazy val ClassTagClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.reflect.ClassTag") - @tu lazy val ClassTagModule: Symbol = ClassTagClass.companionModule - @tu lazy val ClassTagModule_apply: Symbol = ClassTagModule.requiredMethod(nme.apply) - - @tu lazy val TypeTestClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.reflect.TypeTest") - @tu lazy val TypeTest_unapply: Symbol = TypeTestClass.requiredMethod(nme.unapply) - @tu lazy val TypeTestModule_identity: Symbol = TypeTestClass.companionModule.requiredMethod(nme.identity) - - @tu lazy val QuotedExprClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.quoted.Expr") - - @tu lazy val QuotesClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.quoted.Quotes") - @tu lazy val Quotes_reflect: Symbol = QuotesClass.requiredValue("reflect") - @tu lazy val Quotes_reflect_asTerm: Symbol = Quotes_reflect.requiredMethod("asTerm") - @tu lazy val Quotes_reflect_Apply: Symbol = Quotes_reflect.requiredValue("Apply") - @tu lazy val Quotes_reflect_Apply_apply: Symbol = Quotes_reflect_Apply.requiredMethod(nme.apply) - @tu lazy val Quotes_reflect_TypeApply: Symbol = Quotes_reflect.requiredValue("TypeApply") - @tu lazy val Quotes_reflect_TypeApply_apply: Symbol = Quotes_reflect_TypeApply.requiredMethod(nme.apply) - @tu lazy val Quotes_reflect_Assign: Symbol = Quotes_reflect.requiredValue("Assign") - @tu lazy val Quotes_reflect_Assign_apply: Symbol = Quotes_reflect_Assign.requiredMethod(nme.apply) - @tu lazy val Quotes_reflect_Inferred: Symbol = Quotes_reflect.requiredValue("Inferred") - @tu lazy val Quotes_reflect_Inferred_apply: Symbol = Quotes_reflect_Inferred.requiredMethod(nme.apply) - @tu lazy val Quotes_reflect_Literal: Symbol = Quotes_reflect.requiredValue("Literal") - @tu lazy val Quotes_reflect_Literal_apply: Symbol = Quotes_reflect_Literal.requiredMethod(nme.apply) - @tu lazy val Quotes_reflect_TreeMethods: Symbol = Quotes_reflect.requiredMethod("TreeMethods") - @tu lazy val Quotes_reflect_TreeMethods_asExpr: Symbol = Quotes_reflect_TreeMethods.requiredMethod("asExpr") - @tu lazy val Quotes_reflect_TypeRepr: Symbol = Quotes_reflect.requiredValue("TypeRepr") - @tu lazy val Quotes_reflect_TypeRepr_of: Symbol = Quotes_reflect_TypeRepr.requiredMethod("of") - @tu lazy val Quotes_reflect_TypeRepr_typeConstructorOf: Symbol = Quotes_reflect_TypeRepr.requiredMethod("typeConstructorOf") - @tu lazy val Quotes_reflect_TypeReprMethods: Symbol = Quotes_reflect.requiredValue("TypeReprMethods") - @tu lazy val Quotes_reflect_TypeReprMethods_asType: Symbol = Quotes_reflect_TypeReprMethods.requiredMethod("asType") - @tu lazy val Quotes_reflect_TypeTreeType: Symbol = Quotes_reflect.requiredType("TypeTree") - @tu lazy val Quotes_reflect_TermType: Symbol = Quotes_reflect.requiredType("Term") - @tu lazy val Quotes_reflect_BooleanConstant: Symbol = Quotes_reflect.requiredValue("BooleanConstant") - @tu lazy val Quotes_reflect_ByteConstant: Symbol = Quotes_reflect.requiredValue("ByteConstant") - @tu lazy val Quotes_reflect_ShortConstant: Symbol = Quotes_reflect.requiredValue("ShortConstant") - @tu lazy val Quotes_reflect_IntConstant: Symbol = Quotes_reflect.requiredValue("IntConstant") - @tu lazy val Quotes_reflect_LongConstant: Symbol = Quotes_reflect.requiredValue("LongConstant") - @tu lazy val Quotes_reflect_FloatConstant: Symbol = Quotes_reflect.requiredValue("FloatConstant") - @tu lazy val Quotes_reflect_DoubleConstant: Symbol = Quotes_reflect.requiredValue("DoubleConstant") - @tu lazy val Quotes_reflect_CharConstant: Symbol = Quotes_reflect.requiredValue("CharConstant") - @tu lazy val Quotes_reflect_StringConstant: Symbol = Quotes_reflect.requiredValue("StringConstant") - @tu lazy val Quotes_reflect_UnitConstant: Symbol = Quotes_reflect.requiredValue("UnitConstant") - @tu lazy val Quotes_reflect_NullConstant: Symbol = Quotes_reflect.requiredValue("NullConstant") - @tu lazy val Quotes_reflect_ClassOfConstant: Symbol = Quotes_reflect.requiredValue("ClassOfConstant") - - - @tu lazy val QuoteUnpicklerClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.quoted.runtime.QuoteUnpickler") - @tu lazy val QuoteUnpickler_unpickleExprV2: Symbol = QuoteUnpicklerClass.requiredMethod("unpickleExprV2") - @tu lazy val QuoteUnpickler_unpickleTypeV2: Symbol = QuoteUnpicklerClass.requiredMethod("unpickleTypeV2") - - @tu lazy val QuoteMatchingClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.quoted.runtime.QuoteMatching") - @tu lazy val QuoteMatching_ExprMatch: Symbol = QuoteMatchingClass.requiredMethod("ExprMatch") - @tu lazy val QuoteMatching_TypeMatch: Symbol = QuoteMatchingClass.requiredMethod("TypeMatch") - - @tu lazy val ToExprModule: Symbol = requiredModule("scala.quoted.ToExpr") - @tu lazy val ToExprModule_BooleanToExpr: Symbol = ToExprModule.requiredMethod("BooleanToExpr") - @tu lazy val ToExprModule_ByteToExpr: Symbol = ToExprModule.requiredMethod("ByteToExpr") - @tu lazy val ToExprModule_ShortToExpr: Symbol = ToExprModule.requiredMethod("ShortToExpr") - @tu lazy val ToExprModule_IntToExpr: Symbol = ToExprModule.requiredMethod("IntToExpr") - @tu lazy val ToExprModule_LongToExpr: Symbol = ToExprModule.requiredMethod("LongToExpr") - @tu lazy val ToExprModule_FloatToExpr: Symbol = ToExprModule.requiredMethod("FloatToExpr") - @tu lazy val ToExprModule_DoubleToExpr: Symbol = ToExprModule.requiredMethod("DoubleToExpr") - @tu lazy val ToExprModule_CharToExpr: Symbol = ToExprModule.requiredMethod("CharToExpr") - @tu lazy val ToExprModule_StringToExpr: Symbol = ToExprModule.requiredMethod("StringToExpr") - - @tu lazy val QuotedRuntimeModule: Symbol = requiredModule("scala.quoted.runtime.Expr") - @tu lazy val QuotedRuntime_exprQuote : Symbol = QuotedRuntimeModule.requiredMethod("quote") - @tu lazy val QuotedRuntime_exprSplice : Symbol = QuotedRuntimeModule.requiredMethod("splice") - @tu lazy val QuotedRuntime_exprNestedSplice : Symbol = QuotedRuntimeModule.requiredMethod("nestedSplice") - - @tu lazy val QuotedRuntime_SplicedTypeAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.quoted.runtime.SplicedType") - - @tu lazy val QuotedRuntimePatterns: Symbol = requiredModule("scala.quoted.runtime.Patterns") - @tu lazy val QuotedRuntimePatterns_patternHole: Symbol = QuotedRuntimePatterns.requiredMethod("patternHole") - @tu lazy val QuotedRuntimePatterns_patternHigherOrderHole: Symbol = QuotedRuntimePatterns.requiredMethod("patternHigherOrderHole") - @tu lazy val QuotedRuntimePatterns_higherOrderHole: Symbol = QuotedRuntimePatterns.requiredMethod("higherOrderHole") - @tu lazy val QuotedRuntimePatterns_patternTypeAnnot: ClassSymbol = QuotedRuntimePatterns.requiredClass("patternType") - @tu lazy val QuotedRuntimePatterns_fromAboveAnnot: ClassSymbol = QuotedRuntimePatterns.requiredClass("fromAbove") - - @tu lazy val QuotedTypeClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.quoted.Type") - @tu lazy val QuotedType_splice: Symbol = QuotedTypeClass.requiredType(tpnme.Underlying) - - @tu lazy val QuotedTypeModule: Symbol = QuotedTypeClass.companionModule - @tu lazy val QuotedTypeModule_of: Symbol = QuotedTypeModule.requiredMethod("of") - - @tu lazy val CanEqualClass: ClassSymbol = getClassIfDefined("scala.Eql").orElse(requiredClass("scala.CanEqual")).asClass - def CanEqual_canEqualAny(using Context): TermSymbol = - val methodName = if == tpnme.Eql then nme.eqlAny else nme.canEqualAny - CanEqualClass.companionModule.requiredMethod(methodName) - - @tu lazy val CanThrowClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.CanThrow") - @tu lazy val throwsAlias: Symbol = ScalaRuntimePackageVal.requiredType(tpnme.THROWS) - - @tu lazy val TypeBoxClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.runtime.TypeBox") - @tu lazy val TypeBox_CAP: TypeSymbol = TypeBoxClass.requiredType(tpnme.CAP) - - @tu lazy val MatchCaseClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.runtime.MatchCase") - @tu lazy val NotGivenClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.util.NotGiven") - @tu lazy val NotGiven_value: Symbol = NotGivenClass.companionModule.requiredMethod(nme.value) - - @tu lazy val ValueOfClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.ValueOf") - - @tu lazy val FromDigitsClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.util.FromDigits") - @tu lazy val FromDigits_WithRadixClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.util.FromDigits.WithRadix") - @tu lazy val FromDigits_DecimalClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.util.FromDigits.Decimal") - @tu lazy val FromDigits_FloatingClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.util.FromDigits.Floating") - - @tu lazy val XMLTopScopeModule: Symbol = requiredModule("scala.xml.TopScope") - - @tu lazy val MainAnnotationClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.MainAnnotation") - @tu lazy val MainAnnotationInfo: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.MainAnnotation.Info") - @tu lazy val MainAnnotationParameter: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.MainAnnotation.Parameter") - @tu lazy val MainAnnotationParameterAnnotation: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.MainAnnotation.ParameterAnnotation") - @tu lazy val MainAnnotationCommand: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.MainAnnotation.Command") - - @tu lazy val CommandLineParserModule: Symbol = requiredModule("scala.util.CommandLineParser") - @tu lazy val CLP_ParseError: ClassSymbol = CommandLineParserModule.requiredClass("ParseError").typeRef.symbol.asClass - @tu lazy val CLP_parseArgument: Symbol = CommandLineParserModule.requiredMethod("parseArgument") - @tu lazy val CLP_parseRemainingArguments: Symbol = CommandLineParserModule.requiredMethod("parseRemainingArguments") - @tu lazy val CLP_showError: Symbol = CommandLineParserModule.requiredMethod("showError") - - @tu lazy val TupleTypeRef: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("scala.Tuple") - def TupleClass(using Context): ClassSymbol = TupleTypeRef.symbol.asClass - @tu lazy val Tuple_cons: Symbol = TupleClass.requiredMethod("*:") - @tu lazy val EmptyTupleModule: Symbol = requiredModule("scala.EmptyTuple") - @tu lazy val NonEmptyTupleTypeRef: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("scala.NonEmptyTuple") - def NonEmptyTupleClass(using Context): ClassSymbol = NonEmptyTupleTypeRef.symbol.asClass - lazy val NonEmptyTuple_tail: Symbol = NonEmptyTupleClass.requiredMethod("tail") - @tu lazy val PairClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.*:") - - @tu lazy val TupleXXLClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.runtime.TupleXXL") - def TupleXXLModule(using Context): Symbol = TupleXXLClass.companionModule - - def TupleXXL_fromIterator(using Context): Symbol = TupleXXLModule.requiredMethod("fromIterator") - - @tu lazy val RuntimeTupleMirrorTypeRef: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("scala.runtime.TupleMirror") - - @tu lazy val RuntimeTuplesModule: Symbol = requiredModule("scala.runtime.Tuples") - @tu lazy val RuntimeTuplesModuleClass: Symbol = RuntimeTuplesModule.moduleClass - @tu lazy val RuntimeTuples_consIterator: Symbol = RuntimeTuplesModule.requiredMethod("consIterator") - @tu lazy val RuntimeTuples_concatIterator: Symbol = RuntimeTuplesModule.requiredMethod("concatIterator") - @tu lazy val RuntimeTuples_apply: Symbol = RuntimeTuplesModule.requiredMethod("apply") - @tu lazy val RuntimeTuples_cons: Symbol = RuntimeTuplesModule.requiredMethod("cons") - @tu lazy val RuntimeTuples_size: Symbol = RuntimeTuplesModule.requiredMethod("size") - @tu lazy val RuntimeTuples_tail: Symbol = RuntimeTuplesModule.requiredMethod("tail") - @tu lazy val RuntimeTuples_concat: Symbol = RuntimeTuplesModule.requiredMethod("concat") - @tu lazy val RuntimeTuples_toArray: Symbol = RuntimeTuplesModule.requiredMethod("toArray") - @tu lazy val RuntimeTuples_productToArray: Symbol = RuntimeTuplesModule.requiredMethod("productToArray") - @tu lazy val RuntimeTuples_isInstanceOfTuple: Symbol = RuntimeTuplesModule.requiredMethod("isInstanceOfTuple") - @tu lazy val RuntimeTuples_isInstanceOfEmptyTuple: Symbol = RuntimeTuplesModule.requiredMethod("isInstanceOfEmptyTuple") - @tu lazy val RuntimeTuples_isInstanceOfNonEmptyTuple: Symbol = RuntimeTuplesModule.requiredMethod("isInstanceOfNonEmptyTuple") - - @tu lazy val TupledFunctionTypeRef: TypeRef = requiredClassRef("scala.util.TupledFunction") - def TupledFunctionClass(using Context): ClassSymbol = TupledFunctionTypeRef.symbol.asClass - def RuntimeTupleFunctionsModule(using Context): Symbol = requiredModule("scala.runtime.TupledFunctions") - - @tu lazy val CapsModule: Symbol = requiredModule("scala.caps") - @tu lazy val captureRoot: TermSymbol = CapsModule.requiredValue("*") - @tu lazy val CapsUnsafeModule: Symbol = requiredModule("scala.caps.unsafe") - @tu lazy val Caps_unsafeBox: Symbol = CapsUnsafeModule.requiredMethod("unsafeBox") - @tu lazy val Caps_unsafeUnbox: Symbol = CapsUnsafeModule.requiredMethod("unsafeUnbox") - @tu lazy val Caps_unsafeBoxFunArg: Symbol = CapsUnsafeModule.requiredMethod("unsafeBoxFunArg") - - // Annotation base classes - @tu lazy val AnnotationClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.Annotation") - @tu lazy val StaticAnnotationClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation") - @tu lazy val RefiningAnnotationClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.RefiningAnnotation") - - // Annotation classes - @tu lazy val AllowConversionsAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.allowConversions") - @tu lazy val AnnotationDefaultAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.internal.AnnotationDefault") - @tu lazy val BeanPropertyAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.beans.BeanProperty") - @tu lazy val BooleanBeanPropertyAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.beans.BooleanBeanProperty") - @tu lazy val BodyAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.internal.Body") - @tu lazy val CapabilityAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.capability") - @tu lazy val ChildAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.internal.Child") - @tu lazy val ContextResultCountAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.internal.ContextResultCount") - @tu lazy val ProvisionalSuperClassAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.internal.ProvisionalSuperClass") - @tu lazy val DeprecatedAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.deprecated") - @tu lazy val DeprecatedOverridingAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.deprecatedOverriding") - @tu lazy val ImplicitAmbiguousAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.implicitAmbiguous") - @tu lazy val ImplicitNotFoundAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.implicitNotFound") - @tu lazy val InlineParamAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.internal.InlineParam") - @tu lazy val ErasedParamAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.internal.ErasedParam") - @tu lazy val InvariantBetweenAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.internal.InvariantBetween") - @tu lazy val MainAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.main") - @tu lazy val MappedAlternativeAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.internal.MappedAlternative") - @tu lazy val MigrationAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.migration") - @tu lazy val NowarnAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.nowarn") - @tu lazy val TransparentTraitAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.transparentTrait") - @tu lazy val NativeAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.native") - @tu lazy val RepeatedAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.internal.Repeated") - @tu lazy val SourceFileAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.internal.SourceFile") - @tu lazy val ScalaSignatureAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.reflect.ScalaSignature") - @tu lazy val ScalaLongSignatureAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.reflect.ScalaLongSignature") - @tu lazy val ScalaStrictFPAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.strictfp") - @tu lazy val ScalaStaticAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.static") - @tu lazy val SerialVersionUIDAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.SerialVersionUID") - @tu lazy val TailrecAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.tailrec") - @tu lazy val ThreadUnsafeAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.threadUnsafe") - @tu lazy val ConstructorOnlyAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.constructorOnly") - @tu lazy val CompileTimeOnlyAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.compileTimeOnly") - @tu lazy val SwitchAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.switch") - @tu lazy val ExperimentalAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.experimental") - @tu lazy val ThrowsAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.throws") - @tu lazy val TransientAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.transient") - @tu lazy val UncheckedAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.unchecked") - @tu lazy val UncheckedStableAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.unchecked.uncheckedStable") - @tu lazy val UncheckedVarianceAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.unchecked.uncheckedVariance") - @tu lazy val VolatileAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.volatile") - @tu lazy val WithPureFunsAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.internal.WithPureFuns") - @tu lazy val FieldMetaAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.meta.field") - @tu lazy val GetterMetaAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.meta.getter") - @tu lazy val ParamMetaAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.meta.param") - @tu lazy val SetterMetaAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.meta.setter") - @tu lazy val ShowAsInfixAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.showAsInfix") - @tu lazy val FunctionalInterfaceAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("java.lang.FunctionalInterface") - @tu lazy val TargetNameAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.targetName") - @tu lazy val VarargsAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.varargs") - @tu lazy val SinceAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.since") - @tu lazy val RequiresCapabilityAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.internal.requiresCapability") - @tu lazy val RetainsAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.retains") - @tu lazy val RetainsByNameAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.retainsByName") - - @tu lazy val JavaRepeatableAnnot: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("java.lang.annotation.Repeatable") - - // A list of meta-annotations that are relevant for fields and accessors - @tu lazy val FieldAccessorMetaAnnots: Set[Symbol] = - Set(FieldMetaAnnot, GetterMetaAnnot, ParamMetaAnnot, SetterMetaAnnot) - - // A list of annotations that are commonly used to indicate that a field/method argument or return - // type is not null. These annotations are used by the nullification logic in JavaNullInterop to - // improve the precision of type nullification. - // We don't require that any of these annotations be present in the class path, but we want to - // create Symbols for the ones that are present, so they can be checked during nullification. - @tu lazy val NotNullAnnots: List[ClassSymbol] = getClassesIfDefined( - "javax.annotation.Nonnull" :: - "javax.validation.constraints.NotNull" :: - "androidx.annotation.NonNull" :: - "" :: - "android.annotation.NonNull" :: - "" :: - "org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull" :: - "edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.NonNull" :: - "org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.NonNull" :: - "org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.compatqual.NonNullDecl" :: - "org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull" :: - "org.springframework.lang.NonNull" :: - "org.springframework.lang.NonNullApi" :: - "org.springframework.lang.NonNullFields" :: - "lombok.NonNull" :: - "reactor.util.annotation.NonNull" :: - "reactor.util.annotation.NonNullApi" :: - "io.reactivex.annotations.NonNull" :: Nil) - - // convenient one-parameter method types - def methOfAny(tp: Type): MethodType = MethodType(List(AnyType), tp) - def methOfAnyVal(tp: Type): MethodType = MethodType(List(AnyValType), tp) - def methOfAnyRef(tp: Type): MethodType = MethodType(List(ObjectType), tp) - - // Derived types - - def RepeatedParamType: TypeRef = RepeatedParamClass.typeRef - - def ClassType(arg: Type)(using Context): Type = { - val ctype = ClassClass.typeRef - if (ctx.phase.erasedTypes) ctype else ctype.appliedTo(arg) - } - - /** The enumeration type, goven a value of the enumeration */ - def EnumType(sym: Symbol)(using Context): TypeRef = - // given (in java): "class A { enum E { VAL1 } }" - // - sym: the symbol of the actual enumeration value (VAL1) - // - .owner: the ModuleClassSymbol of the enumeration (object E) - // - .linkedClass: the ClassSymbol of the enumeration (class E) - sym.owner.linkedClass.typeRef - - object FunctionOf { - def apply(args: List[Type], resultType: Type, isContextual: Boolean = false, isErased: Boolean = false)(using Context): Type = - FunctionType(args.length, isContextual, isErased).appliedTo(args ::: resultType :: Nil) - def unapply(ft: Type)(using Context): Option[(List[Type], Type, Boolean, Boolean)] = { - val tsym = ft.typeSymbol - if isFunctionClass(tsym) && ft.isRef(tsym) then - val targs = ft.dealias.argInfos - if (targs.isEmpty) None - else Some(targs.init, targs.last,, - else None - } - } - - object PartialFunctionOf { - def apply(arg: Type, result: Type)(using Context): Type = - PartialFunctionClass.typeRef.appliedTo(arg :: result :: Nil) - def unapply(pft: Type)(using Context): Option[(Type, List[Type])] = - if (pft.isRef(PartialFunctionClass)) { - val targs = pft.dealias.argInfos - if (targs.length == 2) Some((targs.head, targs.tail)) else None - } - else None - } - - object ArrayOf { - def apply(elem: Type)(using Context): Type = - if (ctx.erasedTypes) JavaArrayType(elem) - else ArrayType.appliedTo(elem :: Nil) - def unapply(tp: Type)(using Context): Option[Type] = tp.dealias match { - case AppliedType(at, arg :: Nil) if at.isRef(ArrayType.symbol) => Some(arg) - case JavaArrayType(tp) if ctx.erasedTypes => Some(tp) - case _ => None - } - } - - object MatchCase { - def apply(pat: Type, body: Type)(using Context): Type = - MatchCaseClass.typeRef.appliedTo(pat, body) - def unapply(tp: Type)(using Context): Option[(Type, Type)] = tp match { - case AppliedType(tycon, pat :: body :: Nil) if tycon.isRef(MatchCaseClass) => - Some((pat, body)) - case _ => - None - } - def isInstance(tp: Type)(using Context): Boolean = tp match { - case AppliedType(tycon: TypeRef, _) => - == tpnme.MatchCase && // necessary pre-filter to avoid forcing symbols - tycon.isRef(MatchCaseClass) - case _ => false - } - } - - /** An extractor for multi-dimensional arrays. - * Note that this will also extract the high bound if an - * element type is a wildcard upper-bounded by an array. E.g. - * - * Array[? <: Array[? <: Number]] - * - * would match - * - * MultiArrayOf(, 2) - */ - object MultiArrayOf { - def apply(elem: Type, ndims: Int)(using Context): Type = - if (ndims == 0) elem else ArrayOf(apply(elem, ndims - 1)) - def unapply(tp: Type)(using Context): Option[(Type, Int)] = tp match { - case ArrayOf(elemtp) => - def recur(elemtp: Type): Option[(Type, Int)] = elemtp.dealias match { - case tp @ TypeBounds(lo, hi @ MultiArrayOf(finalElemTp, n)) => - Some(finalElemTp, n) - case MultiArrayOf(finalElemTp, n) => Some(finalElemTp, n + 1) - case _ => Some(elemtp, 1) - } - recur(elemtp) - case _ => - None - } - } - - /** Extractor for context function types representing by-name parameters, of the form - * `() ?=> T`. - * Under purefunctions, this becomes `() ?-> T` or `{r1, ..., rN} () ?-> T`. - */ - object ByNameFunction: - def apply(tp: Type)(using Context): Type = tp match - case tp @ EventuallyCapturingType(tp1, refs) if tp.annot.symbol == RetainsByNameAnnot => - CapturingType(apply(tp1), refs) - case _ => - defn.ContextFunction0.typeRef.appliedTo(tp :: Nil) - def unapply(tp: Type)(using Context): Option[Type] = tp match - case tp @ AppliedType(tycon, arg :: Nil) if defn.isByNameFunctionClass(tycon.typeSymbol) => - Some(arg) - case tp @ AnnotatedType(parent, _) => - unapply(parent) - case _ => - None - - final def isByNameFunctionClass(sym: Symbol): Boolean = - sym eq ContextFunction0 - - def isByNameFunction(tp: Type)(using Context): Boolean = tp match - case ByNameFunction(_) => true - case _ => false - - final def isCompiletime_S(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean = - == tpnme.S && sym.owner == CompiletimeOpsIntModuleClass - - private val compiletimePackageAnyTypes: Set[Name] = Set( - tpnme.Equals, tpnme.NotEquals, tpnme.IsConst, tpnme.ToString - ) - private val compiletimePackageNumericTypes: Set[Name] = Set( - tpnme.Plus, tpnme.Minus, tpnme.Times, tpnme.Div, tpnme.Mod, - tpnme.Lt, tpnme.Gt, tpnme.Ge, tpnme.Le, - tpnme.Abs, tpnme.Negate, tpnme.Min, tpnme.Max - ) - private val compiletimePackageIntTypes: Set[Name] = compiletimePackageNumericTypes ++ Set[Name]( - tpnme.ToString, // ToString is moved to ops.any and deprecated for - tpnme.NumberOfLeadingZeros, tpnme.ToLong, tpnme.ToFloat, tpnme.ToDouble, - tpnme.Xor, tpnme.BitwiseAnd, tpnme.BitwiseOr, tpnme.ASR, tpnme.LSL, tpnme.LSR - ) - private val compiletimePackageLongTypes: Set[Name] = compiletimePackageNumericTypes ++ Set[Name]( - tpnme.NumberOfLeadingZeros, tpnme.ToInt, tpnme.ToFloat, tpnme.ToDouble, - tpnme.Xor, tpnme.BitwiseAnd, tpnme.BitwiseOr, tpnme.ASR, tpnme.LSL, tpnme.LSR - ) - private val compiletimePackageFloatTypes: Set[Name] = compiletimePackageNumericTypes ++ Set[Name]( - tpnme.ToInt, tpnme.ToLong, tpnme.ToDouble - ) - private val compiletimePackageDoubleTypes: Set[Name] = compiletimePackageNumericTypes ++ Set[Name]( - tpnme.ToInt, tpnme.ToLong, tpnme.ToFloat - ) - private val compiletimePackageBooleanTypes: Set[Name] = Set(tpnme.Not, tpnme.Xor, tpnme.And, tpnme.Or) - private val compiletimePackageStringTypes: Set[Name] = Set( - tpnme.Plus, tpnme.Length, tpnme.Substring, tpnme.Matches, tpnme.CharAt - ) - private val compiletimePackageOpTypes: Set[Name] = - Set(tpnme.S) - ++ compiletimePackageAnyTypes - ++ compiletimePackageIntTypes - ++ compiletimePackageLongTypes - ++ compiletimePackageFloatTypes - ++ compiletimePackageDoubleTypes - ++ compiletimePackageBooleanTypes - ++ compiletimePackageStringTypes - - final def isCompiletimeAppliedType(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean = - compiletimePackageOpTypes.contains( - && ( - isCompiletime_S(sym) - || sym.owner == CompiletimeOpsAnyModuleClass && compiletimePackageAnyTypes.contains( - || sym.owner == CompiletimeOpsIntModuleClass && compiletimePackageIntTypes.contains( - || sym.owner == CompiletimeOpsLongModuleClass && compiletimePackageLongTypes.contains( - || sym.owner == CompiletimeOpsFloatModuleClass && compiletimePackageFloatTypes.contains( - || sym.owner == CompiletimeOpsDoubleModuleClass && compiletimePackageDoubleTypes.contains( - || sym.owner == CompiletimeOpsBooleanModuleClass && compiletimePackageBooleanTypes.contains( - || sym.owner == CompiletimeOpsStringModuleClass && compiletimePackageStringTypes.contains( - ) - - // ----- Scala-2 library patches -------------------------------------- - - /** The `scala.runtime.stdLibPacthes` package contains objects - * that contain defnitions that get added as members to standard library - * objects with the same name. - */ - @tu lazy val StdLibPatchesPackage: TermSymbol = requiredPackage("scala.runtime.stdLibPatches") - @tu private lazy val ScalaPredefModuleClassPatch: Symbol = getModuleIfDefined("scala.runtime.stdLibPatches.Predef").moduleClass - @tu private lazy val LanguageModuleClassPatch: Symbol = getModuleIfDefined("scala.runtime.stdLibPatches.language").moduleClass - - /** If `sym` is a patched library class, the source file of its patch class, - * otherwise `NoSource` - */ - def patchSource(sym: Symbol)(using Context): SourceFile = - if sym == ScalaPredefModuleClass then ScalaPredefModuleClassPatch.source - else if sym == LanguageModuleClass then LanguageModuleClassPatch.source - else NoSource - - /** A finalizer that patches standard library classes. - * It copies all non-private, non-synthetic definitions from `patchCls` - * to `denot` while changing their owners to `denot`. Before that it deletes - * any definitions of `denot` that have the same name as one of the copied - * definitions. - * - * If an object is present in both the original class and the patch class, - * it is not overwritten. Instead its members are copied recursively. - * - * To avpid running into cycles on bootstrap, patching happens only if `patchCls` - * is read from a classfile. - */ - def patchStdLibClass(denot: ClassDenotation)(using Context): Unit = - def patch2(denot: ClassDenotation, patchCls: Symbol): Unit = - val scope = - - def recurse(patch: Symbol) = && scope.lookup( - - def makeClassSymbol(patch: Symbol, parents: List[Type], selfInfo: TypeOrSymbol) = - newClassSymbol( - owner = denot.symbol, - name =, - flags = patch.flags, - // need to rebuild a fresh ClassInfo - infoFn = cls => ClassInfo( - prefix = denot.symbol.thisType, - cls = cls, - declaredParents = parents, // assume parents in patch don't refer to symbols in the patch - decls = newScope, - selfInfo = - if - then TermRef(denot.symbol.thisType, - else selfInfo // assume patch self type annotation does not refer to symbols in the patch - ), - privateWithin = patch.privateWithin, - coord = denot.symbol.coord, - assocFile = denot.symbol.associatedFile - ) - - def makeNonClassSymbol(patch: Symbol) = - if then - // Inline symbols contain trees in annotations, which is coupled - // with the underlying symbol. - // Changing owner for inline symbols is a simple workaround. - patch.denot = patch.denot.copySymDenotation(owner = denot.symbol) - patch - else - // change `info` which might contain reference to the patch - patch.copy( - owner = denot.symbol, - info = - if - then TypeRef(denot.symbol.thisType, - else // assume non-object info does not refer to symbols in the patch - ) - - if patchCls.exists then - val patches = => - !patch.isConstructor && !patch.isOneOf(PrivateOrSynthetic)) - for patch <- patches if !recurse(patch) do - val e = scope.lookupEntry( - if e != null then scope.unlink(e) - for patch <- patches do - patch.ensureCompleted() - if !recurse(patch) then - val sym = - match - case ClassInfo(_, _, parents, _, selfInfo) => - makeClassSymbol(patch, parents, selfInfo) - case _ => - makeNonClassSymbol(patch) - end match - sym.annotations = patch.annotations - scope.enter(sym) - if patch.isClass then - patch2(scope.lookup(, patch) - - def patchWith(patchCls: Symbol) = - = denot.typeRef // we run into a cyclic reference when patching if this line is omitted - patch2(denot, patchCls) - - if == tpnme.Predef.moduleClassName && denot.symbol == ScalaPredefModuleClass then - patchWith(ScalaPredefModuleClassPatch) - else if == tpnme.language.moduleClassName && denot.symbol == LanguageModuleClass then - patchWith(LanguageModuleClassPatch) - end patchStdLibClass - - // ----- Symbol sets --------------------------------------------------- - - @tu lazy val topClasses: Set[Symbol] = Set(AnyClass, MatchableClass, ObjectClass, AnyValClass) - - @tu lazy val untestableClasses: Set[Symbol] = Set(NothingClass, NullClass, SingletonClass) - - /** Base classes that are assumed to be pure for the purposes of capture checking. - * Every class inheriting from a pure baseclass is pure. - */ - @tu lazy val pureBaseClasses = Set(defn.AnyValClass, defn.ThrowableClass) - - /** Non-inheritable lasses that are assumed to be pure for the purposes of capture checking, - */ - @tu lazy val pureSimpleClasses = Set(StringClass, NothingClass, NullClass) - - @tu lazy val AbstractFunctionType: Array[TypeRef] = mkArityArray("scala.runtime.AbstractFunction", MaxImplementedFunctionArity, 0).asInstanceOf[Array[TypeRef]] - val AbstractFunctionClassPerRun: PerRun[Array[Symbol]] = new PerRun( - def AbstractFunctionClass(n: Int)(using Context): Symbol = AbstractFunctionClassPerRun()(using ctx)(n) - - @tu lazy val caseClassSynthesized: List[Symbol] = List( - Any_hashCode, Any_equals, Any_toString, Product_canEqual, Product_productArity, - Product_productPrefix, Product_productElement, Product_productElementName) - - val LazyHolder: PerRun[Map[Symbol, Symbol]] = new PerRun({ - def holderImpl(holderType: String) = requiredClass("scala.runtime." + holderType) - Map[Symbol, Symbol]( - IntClass -> holderImpl("LazyInt"), - LongClass -> holderImpl("LazyLong"), - BooleanClass -> holderImpl("LazyBoolean"), - FloatClass -> holderImpl("LazyFloat"), - DoubleClass -> holderImpl("LazyDouble"), - ByteClass -> holderImpl("LazyByte"), - CharClass -> holderImpl("LazyChar"), - ShortClass -> holderImpl("LazyShort") - ) - .withDefaultValue(holderImpl("LazyRef")) - }) - - @tu lazy val TupleType: Array[TypeRef | Null] = mkArityArray("scala.Tuple", MaxTupleArity, 1) - - def isSpecializedTuple(cls: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean = - cls.isClass && TupleSpecializedClasses.exists(tupleCls => - - def SpecializedTuple(base: Symbol, args: List[Type])(using Context): Symbol = - base.owner.requiredClass( - - /** Cached function types of arbitary arities. - * Function types are created on demand with newFunctionNTrait, which is - * called from a synthesizer installed in ScalaPackageClass. - */ - private class FunType(prefix: String): - private var classRefs: Array[TypeRef | Null] = new Array(22) - def apply(n: Int): TypeRef = - while n >= classRefs.length do - val classRefs1 = new Array[TypeRef | Null](classRefs.length * 2) - Array.copy(classRefs, 0, classRefs1, 0, classRefs.length) - classRefs = classRefs1 - val funName = s"scala.$prefix$n" - if classRefs(n) == null then - classRefs(n) = - if prefix.startsWith("Impure") - then staticRef(funName.toTypeName).symbol.typeRef - else requiredClassRef(funName) - classRefs(n).nn - end FunType - - private def funTypeIdx(isContextual: Boolean, isErased: Boolean, isImpure: Boolean): Int = - (if isContextual then 1 else 0) - + (if isErased then 2 else 0) - + (if isImpure then 4 else 0) - - private val funTypeArray: IArray[FunType] = - val arr = Array.ofDim[FunType](8) - val choices = List(false, true) - for contxt <- choices; erasd <- choices; impure <- choices do - var str = "Function" - if contxt then str = "Context" + str - if erasd then str = "Erased" + str - if impure then str = "Impure" + str - arr(funTypeIdx(contxt, erasd, impure)) = FunType(str) - IArray.unsafeFromArray(arr) - - def FunctionSymbol(n: Int, isContextual: Boolean = false, isErased: Boolean = false, isImpure: Boolean = false)(using Context): Symbol = - funTypeArray(funTypeIdx(isContextual, isErased, isImpure))(n).symbol - - @tu lazy val Function0_apply: Symbol = Function0.requiredMethod(nme.apply) - @tu lazy val ContextFunction0_apply: Symbol = ContextFunction0.requiredMethod(nme.apply) - - @tu lazy val Function0: Symbol = FunctionSymbol(0) - @tu lazy val Function1: Symbol = FunctionSymbol(1) - @tu lazy val Function2: Symbol = FunctionSymbol(2) - @tu lazy val ContextFunction0: Symbol = FunctionSymbol(0, isContextual = true) - - def FunctionType(n: Int, isContextual: Boolean = false, isErased: Boolean = false, isImpure: Boolean = false)(using Context): TypeRef = - FunctionSymbol(n, isContextual && !ctx.erasedTypes, isErased, isImpure).typeRef - - lazy val PolyFunctionClass = requiredClass("scala.PolyFunction") - def PolyFunctionType = PolyFunctionClass.typeRef - - /** If `cls` is a class in the scala package, its name, otherwise EmptyTypeName */ - def scalaClassName(cls: Symbol)(using Context): TypeName = cls.denot match - case clsd: ClassDenotation if clsd.owner eq ScalaPackageClass => -[TypeName] - case _ => - EmptyTypeName - - /** If type `ref` refers to a class in the scala package, its name, otherwise EmptyTypeName */ - def scalaClassName(ref: Type)(using Context): TypeName = scalaClassName(ref.classSymbol) - - private def isVarArityClass(cls: Symbol, prefix: String) = - cls.isClass - && cls.owner.eq(ScalaPackageClass) - && => - name.startsWith(prefix) - && name.length > prefix.length - && digitsOnlyAfter(name, prefix.length)) - - private def digitsOnlyAfter(name: SimpleName, idx: Int): Boolean = - idx == name.length || name(idx).isDigit && digitsOnlyAfter(name, idx + 1) - - def isBottomClass(cls: Symbol): Boolean = - if && !ctx.phase.erasedTypes - then cls == NothingClass - else isBottomClassAfterErasure(cls) - - def isBottomClassAfterErasure(cls: Symbol): Boolean = cls == NothingClass || cls == NullClass - - /** Is any function class where - * - FunctionXXL - * - FunctionN for N >= 0 - * - ContextFunctionN for N >= 0 - * - ErasedFunctionN for N > 0 - * - ErasedContextFunctionN for N > 0 - */ - def isFunctionClass(cls: Symbol): Boolean = scalaClassName(cls).isFunction - - /** Is a function class, or an impure function type alias */ - def isFunctionSymbol(sym: Symbol): Boolean = - sym.isType && (sym.owner eq ScalaPackageClass) && - - /** Is a function class where - * - FunctionN for N >= 0 and N != XXL - */ - def isPlainFunctionClass(cls: Symbol) = isVarArityClass(cls, str.Function) - - /** Is an context function class. - * - ContextFunctionN for N >= 0 - * - ErasedContextFunctionN for N > 0 - */ - def isContextFunctionClass(cls: Symbol): Boolean = scalaClassName(cls).isContextFunction - - /** Is an erased function class. - * - ErasedFunctionN for N > 0 - * - ErasedContextFunctionN for N > 0 - */ - def isErasedFunctionClass(cls: Symbol): Boolean = scalaClassName(cls).isErasedFunction - - /** Is either FunctionXXL or a class that will be erased to FunctionXXL - * - FunctionXXL - * - FunctionN for N >= 22 - * - ContextFunctionN for N >= 22 - */ - def isXXLFunctionClass(cls: Symbol): Boolean = { - val name = scalaClassName(cls) - (name eq tpnme.FunctionXXL) || name.functionArity > MaxImplementedFunctionArity - } - - /** Is a synthetic function class - * - FunctionN for N > 22 - * - ContextFunctionN for N >= 0 - * - ErasedFunctionN for N > 0 - * - ErasedContextFunctionN for N > 0 - */ - def isSyntheticFunctionClass(cls: Symbol): Boolean = scalaClassName(cls).isSyntheticFunction - - def isAbstractFunctionClass(cls: Symbol): Boolean = isVarArityClass(cls, str.AbstractFunction) - def isTupleClass(cls: Symbol): Boolean = isVarArityClass(cls, str.Tuple) - def isProductClass(cls: Symbol): Boolean = isVarArityClass(cls, str.Product) - - def isBoxedUnitClass(cls: Symbol): Boolean = - cls.isClass && (cls.owner eq ScalaRuntimePackageClass) && == tpnme.BoxedUnit - - /** Returns the erased type of the function class `cls` - * - FunctionN for N > 22 becomes FunctionXXL - * - FunctionN for 22 > N >= 0 remains as FunctionN - * - ContextFunctionN for N > 22 becomes FunctionXXL - * - ContextFunctionN for N <= 22 becomes FunctionN - * - ErasedFunctionN becomes Function0 - * - ImplicitErasedFunctionN becomes Function0 - * - anything else becomes a NoType - */ - def functionTypeErasure(cls: Symbol): Type = - val arity = scalaClassName(cls).functionArity - if then FunctionType(0) - else if arity > 22 then FunctionXXLClass.typeRef - else if arity >= 0 then FunctionType(arity) - else NoType - - private val JavaImportFns: List[RootRef] = List( - RootRef(() => JavaLangPackageVal.termRef) - ) - - private val ScalaImportFns: List[RootRef] = - JavaImportFns :+ - RootRef(() => ScalaPackageVal.termRef) - - private val PredefImportFns: RootRef = - RootRef(() => ScalaPredefModule.termRef, isPredef=true) - - @tu private lazy val JavaRootImportFns: List[RootRef] = - if ctx.settings.YnoImports.value then Nil - else JavaImportFns - - @tu private lazy val ScalaRootImportFns: List[RootRef] = - if ctx.settings.YnoImports.value then Nil - else if ctx.settings.YnoPredef.value then ScalaImportFns - else ScalaImportFns :+ PredefImportFns - - @tu private lazy val JavaRootImportTypes: List[TermRef] = - @tu private lazy val ScalaRootImportTypes: List[TermRef] = - @tu private lazy val JavaUnqualifiedOwnerTypes: Set[NamedType] = unqualifiedTypes(JavaRootImportTypes) - @tu private lazy val ScalaUnqualifiedOwnerTypes: Set[NamedType] = unqualifiedTypes(ScalaRootImportTypes) - - /** Are we compiling a java source file? */ - private def isJavaContext(using Context): Boolean = - ctx.compilationUnit.isJava - - private def unqualifiedTypes(refs: List[TermRef]) = - val types = refs.toSet[NamedType] - types ++ - - /** Lazy references to the root imports */ - def rootImportFns(using Context): List[RootRef] = - if isJavaContext then JavaRootImportFns - else ScalaRootImportFns - - /** Root types imported by default */ - def rootImportTypes(using Context): List[TermRef] = - if isJavaContext then JavaRootImportTypes - else ScalaRootImportTypes - - /** Modules whose members are in the default namespace and their module classes */ - def unqualifiedOwnerTypes(using Context): Set[NamedType] = - if isJavaContext then JavaUnqualifiedOwnerTypes - else ScalaUnqualifiedOwnerTypes - - /** Names of the root import symbols that can be hidden by other imports */ - @tu lazy val ShadowableImportNames: Set[TermName] = Set("Predef".toTermName) - - /** Class symbols for which no class exist at runtime */ - @tu lazy val NotRuntimeClasses: Set[Symbol] = Set(AnyClass, MatchableClass, AnyValClass, NullClass, NothingClass) - - @tu lazy val SpecialClassTagClasses: Set[Symbol] = Set(UnitClass, AnyClass, AnyValClass) - - @tu lazy val SpecialManifestClasses: Set[Symbol] = Set(AnyClass, AnyValClass, ObjectClass, NullClass, NothingClass) - - /** Classes that are known not to have an initializer irrespective of - * whether NoInits is set. Note: FunctionXXLClass is in this set - * because if it is compiled by Scala2, it does not get a NoInit flag. - * But since it is introduced only at erasure, there's no chance - * for augmentScala2Traits to do anything on a class that inherits it. So - * it also misses an implementation class, which means that the usual scheme - * of calling a superclass init in the implementation class of a Scala2 - * trait gets screwed up. Therefore, it is mandatory that FunctionXXL - * is treated as a NoInit trait. - */ - @tu lazy val NoInitClasses: Set[Symbol] = NotRuntimeClasses + FunctionXXLClass - - def isPolymorphicAfterErasure(sym: Symbol): Boolean = - (sym eq Any_isInstanceOf) || (sym eq Any_asInstanceOf) || (sym eq Object_synchronized) - - /** Is this type a `TupleN` type? - * - * @return true if the dealiased type of `tp` is `TupleN[T1, T2, ..., Tn]` - */ - def isTupleNType(tp: Type)(using Context): Boolean = { - val tp1 = tp.dealias - val arity = tp1.argInfos.length - arity <= MaxTupleArity && { - val tupletp = TupleType(arity) - tupletp != null && tp1.isRef(tupletp.symbol) - } - } - - def tupleType(elems: List[Type]): Type = { - val arity = elems.length - if 0 < arity && arity <= MaxTupleArity then - val tupletp = TupleType(arity) - if tupletp != null then tupletp.appliedTo(elems) - else TypeOps.nestedPairs(elems) - else TypeOps.nestedPairs(elems) - } - - def tupleTypes(tp: Type, bound: Int = Int.MaxValue)(using Context): Option[List[Type]] = { - @tailrec def rec(tp: Type, acc: List[Type], bound: Int): Option[List[Type]] = tp.normalized.dealias match { - case _ if bound < 0 => Some(acc.reverse) - case tp: AppliedType if PairClass == tp.classSymbol => rec(tp.args(1), tp.args.head :: acc, bound - 1) - case tp: AppliedType if isTupleNType(tp) => Some(acc.reverse ::: tp.args) - case tp: TermRef if tp.symbol == defn.EmptyTupleModule => Some(acc.reverse) - case _ => None - } - rec(tp.stripTypeVar, Nil, bound) - } - - def isProductSubType(tp: Type)(using Context): Boolean = tp.derivesFrom(ProductClass) - - /** Is `tp` (an alias) of either a scala.FunctionN or a scala.ContextFunctionN - * instance? - */ - def isNonRefinedFunction(tp: Type)(using Context): Boolean = - val arity = functionArity(tp) - val sym = tp.dealias.typeSymbol - - arity >= 0 - && isFunctionClass(sym) - && tp.isRef( - FunctionType(arity,,, - skipRefined = false) - end isNonRefinedFunction - - /** Is `tp` a representation of a (possibly dependent) function type or an alias of such? */ - def isFunctionType(tp: Type)(using Context): Boolean = - isNonRefinedFunction(tp.dropDependentRefinement) - - def isFunctionOrPolyType(tp: Type)(using Context): Boolean = - isFunctionType(tp) || (tp.typeSymbol eq defn.PolyFunctionClass) - - private def withSpecMethods(cls: ClassSymbol, bases: List[Name], paramTypes: Set[TypeRef]) = - for base <- bases; tp <- paramTypes do - cls.enter(newSymbol(cls, base.specializedName(List(tp)), Method, ExprType(tp))) - cls - - @tu lazy val Tuple1: ClassSymbol = withSpecMethods(requiredClass("scala.Tuple1"), List(nme._1), Tuple1SpecializedParamTypes) - @tu lazy val Tuple2: ClassSymbol = withSpecMethods(requiredClass("scala.Tuple2"), List(nme._1, nme._2), Tuple2SpecializedParamTypes) - - @tu lazy val TupleSpecializedClasses: Set[Symbol] = Set(Tuple1, Tuple2) - @tu lazy val Tuple1SpecializedParamTypes: Set[TypeRef] = Set(IntType, LongType, DoubleType) - @tu lazy val Tuple2SpecializedParamTypes: Set[TypeRef] = Set(IntType, LongType, DoubleType, CharType, BooleanType) - @tu lazy val Tuple1SpecializedParamClasses: PerRun[Set[Symbol]] = new PerRun( - @tu lazy val Tuple2SpecializedParamClasses: PerRun[Set[Symbol]] = new PerRun( - - // Specialized type parameters defined for scala.Function{0,1,2}. - @tu lazy val Function1SpecializedParamTypes: collection.Set[TypeRef] = - Set(IntType, LongType, FloatType, DoubleType) - @tu lazy val Function2SpecializedParamTypes: collection.Set[TypeRef] = - Set(IntType, LongType, DoubleType) - @tu lazy val Function0SpecializedReturnTypes: collection.Set[TypeRef] = - ScalaNumericValueTypeList.toSet + UnitType + BooleanType - @tu lazy val Function1SpecializedReturnTypes: collection.Set[TypeRef] = - Set(UnitType, BooleanType, IntType, FloatType, LongType, DoubleType) - @tu lazy val Function2SpecializedReturnTypes: collection.Set[TypeRef] = - Function1SpecializedReturnTypes - - @tu lazy val Function1SpecializedParamClasses: PerRun[collection.Set[Symbol]] = - new PerRun( - @tu lazy val Function2SpecializedParamClasses: PerRun[collection.Set[Symbol]] = - new PerRun( - @tu lazy val Function0SpecializedReturnClasses: PerRun[collection.Set[Symbol]] = - new PerRun( - @tu lazy val Function1SpecializedReturnClasses: PerRun[collection.Set[Symbol]] = - new PerRun( - @tu lazy val Function2SpecializedReturnClasses: PerRun[collection.Set[Symbol]] = - new PerRun( - - def isSpecializableTuple(base: Symbol, args: List[Type])(using Context): Boolean = - args.length <= 2 && base.isClass && TupleSpecializedClasses.exists(base.asClass.derivesFrom) && args.match - case List(x) => Tuple1SpecializedParamClasses().contains(x.classSymbol) - case List(x, y) => Tuple2SpecializedParamClasses().contains(x.classSymbol) && Tuple2SpecializedParamClasses().contains(y.classSymbol) - case _ => false - && // when dotc compiles the stdlib there are no specialised classes - - def isSpecializableFunction(cls: ClassSymbol, paramTypes: List[Type], retType: Type)(using Context): Boolean = - paramTypes.length <= 2 - && (cls.derivesFrom(FunctionSymbol(paramTypes.length)) || isByNameFunctionClass(cls)) - && isSpecializableFunctionSAM(paramTypes, retType) - - /** If the Single Abstract Method of a Function class has this type, is it specializable? */ - def isSpecializableFunctionSAM(paramTypes: List[Type], retType: Type)(using Context): Boolean = - paramTypes.length <= 2 && (paramTypes match { - case Nil => - Function0SpecializedReturnClasses().contains(retType.typeSymbol) - case List(paramType0) => - Function1SpecializedParamClasses().contains(paramType0.typeSymbol) && - Function1SpecializedReturnClasses().contains(retType.typeSymbol) - case List(paramType0, paramType1) => - Function2SpecializedParamClasses().contains(paramType0.typeSymbol) && - Function2SpecializedParamClasses().contains(paramType1.typeSymbol) && - Function2SpecializedReturnClasses().contains(retType.typeSymbol) - case _ => - false - }) - - @tu lazy val Function0SpecializedApplyNames: collection.Set[TermName] = - for r <- Function0SpecializedReturnTypes - yield nme.apply.specializedFunction(r, Nil).asTermName - - @tu lazy val Function1SpecializedApplyNames: collection.Set[TermName] = - for - r <- Function1SpecializedReturnTypes - t1 <- Function1SpecializedParamTypes - yield - nme.apply.specializedFunction(r, List(t1)).asTermName - - @tu lazy val Function2SpecializedApplyNames: collection.Set[TermName] = - for - r <- Function2SpecializedReturnTypes - t1 <- Function2SpecializedParamTypes - t2 <- Function2SpecializedParamTypes - yield - nme.apply.specializedFunction(r, List(t1, t2)).asTermName - - @tu lazy val FunctionSpecializedApplyNames: collection.Set[Name] = - Function0SpecializedApplyNames ++ Function1SpecializedApplyNames ++ Function2SpecializedApplyNames - - def functionArity(tp: Type)(using Context): Int = tp.dropDependentRefinement.dealias.argInfos.length - 1 - - /** Return underlying context function type (i.e. instance of an ContextFunctionN class) - * or NoType if none exists. The following types are considered as underlying types: - * - the alias of an alias type - * - the instance or origin of a TypeVar (i.e. the result of a stripTypeVar) - * - the upper bound of a TypeParamRef in the current constraint - */ - def asContextFunctionType(tp: Type)(using Context): Type = - tp.stripTypeVar.dealias match - case tp1: TypeParamRef if ctx.typerState.constraint.contains(tp1) => - asContextFunctionType(TypeComparer.bounds(tp1).hiBound) - case tp1 => - if && isFunctionType(tp1) then tp1 - else NoType - - /** Is `tp` an context function type? */ - def isContextFunctionType(tp: Type)(using Context): Boolean = - asContextFunctionType(tp).exists - - /** An extractor for context function types `As ?=> B`, possibly with - * dependent refinements. Optionally returns a triple consisting of the argument - * types `As`, the result type `B` and a whether the type is an erased context function. - */ - object ContextFunctionType: - def unapply(tp: Type)(using Context): Option[(List[Type], Type, Boolean)] = - if ctx.erasedTypes then - atPhase(erasurePhase)(unapply(tp)) - else - val tp1 = asContextFunctionType(tp) - if tp1.exists then - val args = tp1.dropDependentRefinement.argInfos - Some((args.init, args.last, - else None - - def isErasedFunctionType(tp: Type)(using Context): Boolean = - && isFunctionType(tp) - - /** A whitelist of Scala-2 classes that are known to be pure */ - def isAssuredNoInits(sym: Symbol): Boolean = - (sym `eq` SomeClass) || isTupleClass(sym) - - /** If `cls` is Tuple1..Tuple22, add the corresponding *: type as last parent to `parents` */ - def adjustForTuple(cls: ClassSymbol, tparams: List[TypeSymbol], parents: List[Type]): List[Type] = { - if !isTupleClass(cls) then parents - else if tparams.isEmpty then parents :+ TupleTypeRef - else - assert(parents.head.typeSymbol == ObjectClass) - TypeOps.nestedPairs( :: parents.tail - } - - /** If it is BoxedUnit, remove `` from `parents`. */ - def adjustForBoxedUnit(cls: ClassSymbol, parents: List[Type]): List[Type] = - if (isBoxedUnitClass(cls)) parents.filter(_.typeSymbol != JavaSerializableClass) - else parents - - private val HasProblematicGetClass: Set[Name] = Set( - tpnme.AnyVal, tpnme.Byte, tpnme.Short, tpnme.Char, tpnme.Int, tpnme.Long, tpnme.Float, tpnme.Double, - tpnme.Unit, tpnme.Boolean) - - /** When typing a primitive value class or AnyVal, we ignore the `getClass` - * member: it's supposed to be an override of the `getClass` defined on `Any`, - * but in dotty `Any#getClass` is polymorphic so it ends up being an overload. - * This is especially problematic because it means that when writing: - * - * 1.asInstanceOf[Int & AnyRef].getClass - * - * the `getClass` that returns `Class[Int]` defined in Int can be selected, - * but this call is specified to return `classOf[Integer]`, see - * tests/run/t5568.scala. - * - * FIXME: remove all the `getClass` methods defined in the standard library - * so we don't have to hot-patch it like this. - */ - def hasProblematicGetClass(className: Name): Boolean = - HasProblematicGetClass.contains(className) - - /** Is synthesized symbol with alphanumeric name allowed to be used as an infix operator? */ - def isInfix(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean = - (sym eq Object_eq) || (sym eq Object_ne) - - @tu lazy val assumedTransparentNames: Map[Name, Set[Symbol]] = - // add these for now, until we had a chance to retrofit 2.13 stdlib - // we should do a more through sweep through it then. - val strs = Map( - "Any" -> Set("scala"), - "AnyVal" -> Set("scala"), - "Matchable" -> Set("scala"), - "Product" -> Set("scala"), - "Object" -> Set("java.lang"), - "Comparable" -> Set("java.lang"), - "Serializable" -> Set(""), - "BitSetOps" -> Set("scala.collection"), - "IndexedSeqOps" -> Set("scala.collection", "scala.collection.mutable", "scala.collection.immutable"), - "IterableOnceOps" -> Set("scala.collection"), - "IterableOps" -> Set("scala.collection"), - "LinearSeqOps" -> Set("scala.collection", "scala.collection.immutable"), - "MapOps" -> Set("scala.collection", "scala.collection.mutable", "scala.collection.immutable"), - "SeqOps" -> Set("scala.collection", "scala.collection.mutable", "scala.collection.immutable"), - "SetOps" -> Set("scala.collection", "scala.collection.mutable", "scala.collection.immutable"), - "SortedMapOps" -> Set("scala.collection", "scala.collection.mutable", "scala.collection.immutable"), - "SortedOps" -> Set("scala.collection"), - "SortedSetOps" -> Set("scala.collection", "scala.collection.mutable", "scala.collection.immutable"), - "StrictOptimizedIterableOps" -> Set("scala.collection"), - "StrictOptimizedLinearSeqOps" -> Set("scala.collection"), - "StrictOptimizedMapOps" -> Set("scala.collection", "scala.collection.immutable"), - "StrictOptimizedSeqOps" -> Set("scala.collection", "scala.collection.immutable"), - "StrictOptimizedSetOps" -> Set("scala.collection", "scala.collection.immutable"), - "StrictOptimizedSortedMapOps" -> Set("scala.collection", "scala.collection.immutable"), - "StrictOptimizedSortedSetOps" -> Set("scala.collection", "scala.collection.immutable"), - "ArrayDequeOps" -> Set("scala.collection.mutable"), - "DefaultSerializable" -> Set("scala.collection.generic"), - "IsIterable" -> Set("scala.collection.generic"), - "IsIterableLowPriority" -> Set("scala.collection.generic"), - "IsIterableOnce" -> Set("scala.collection.generic"), - "IsIterableOnceLowPriority" -> Set("scala.collection.generic"), - "IsMap" -> Set("scala.collection.generic"), - "IsSeq" -> Set("scala.collection.generic")) - { case (simple, pkgs) => ( - simple.toTypeName, - => staticRef(pkg.toTermName, isPackage = true).symbol.moduleClass) - ) - } - - def isAssumedTransparent(sym: Symbol): Boolean = - assumedTransparentNames.get( match - case Some(pkgs) => pkgs.contains(sym.owner) - case none => false - - // ----- primitive value class machinery ------------------------------------------ - - class PerRun[T](generate: Context ?=> T) { - private var current: RunId = NoRunId - private var cached: T = _ - def apply()(using Context): T = { - if (current != ctx.runId) { - cached = generate - current = ctx.runId - } - cached - } - } - - @tu lazy val ScalaNumericValueTypeList: List[TypeRef] = List( - ByteType, ShortType, CharType, IntType, LongType, FloatType, DoubleType) - - @tu private lazy val ScalaNumericValueTypes: collection.Set[TypeRef] = ScalaNumericValueTypeList.toSet - @tu private lazy val ScalaValueTypes: collection.Set[TypeRef] = ScalaNumericValueTypes `union` Set(UnitType, BooleanType) - - val ScalaNumericValueClasses: PerRun[collection.Set[Symbol]] = new PerRun( - val ScalaValueClasses: PerRun[collection.Set[Symbol]] = new PerRun( - - val ScalaBoxedClasses: PerRun[collection.Set[Symbol]] = new PerRun( - Set(BoxedByteClass, BoxedShortClass, BoxedCharClass, BoxedIntClass, BoxedLongClass, BoxedFloatClass, BoxedDoubleClass, BoxedUnitClass, BoxedBooleanClass) - ) - - private val valueTypeEnc = mutable.Map[TypeName, PrimitiveClassEnc]() - private val typeTags = mutable.Map[TypeName, Name]().withDefaultValue(nme.specializedTypeNames.Object) - -// private val unboxedTypeRef = mutable.Map[TypeName, TypeRef]() -// private val javaTypeToValueTypeRef = mutable.Map[Class[?], TypeRef]() -// private val valueTypeNamesToJavaType = mutable.Map[TypeName, Class[?]]() - - private def valueTypeRef(name: String, jtype: Class[?], enc: Int, tag: Name): TypeRef = { - val vcls = requiredClassRef(name) - valueTypeEnc( = enc - typeTags( = tag -// unboxedTypeRef( = vcls -// javaTypeToValueTypeRef(jtype) = vcls -// valueTypeNamesToJavaType( = jtype - vcls - } - - /** The type of the boxed class corresponding to primitive value type `tp`. */ - def boxedType(tp: Type)(using Context): TypeRef = { - val cls = tp.classSymbol - if (cls eq ByteClass) BoxedByteClass - else if (cls eq ShortClass) BoxedShortClass - else if (cls eq CharClass) BoxedCharClass - else if (cls eq IntClass) BoxedIntClass - else if (cls eq LongClass) BoxedLongClass - else if (cls eq FloatClass) BoxedFloatClass - else if (cls eq DoubleClass) BoxedDoubleClass - else if (cls eq UnitClass) BoxedUnitClass - else if (cls eq BooleanClass) BoxedBooleanClass - else sys.error(s"Not a primitive value type: $tp") - }.typeRef - - def unboxedType(tp: Type)(using Context): TypeRef = { - val cls = tp.classSymbol - if (cls eq BoxedByteClass) ByteType - else if (cls eq BoxedShortClass) ShortType - else if (cls eq BoxedCharClass) CharType - else if (cls eq BoxedIntClass) IntType - else if (cls eq BoxedLongClass) LongType - else if (cls eq BoxedFloatClass) FloatType - else if (cls eq BoxedDoubleClass) DoubleType - else if (cls eq BoxedUnitClass) UnitType - else if (cls eq BoxedBooleanClass) BooleanType - else sys.error(s"Not a boxed primitive value type: $tp") - } - - /** The JVM tag for `tp` if it's a primitive, `java.lang.Object` otherwise. */ - def typeTag(tp: Type)(using Context): Name = typeTags(scalaClassName(tp)) - -// /** The `Class[?]` of a primitive value type name */ -// def valueTypeNameToJavaType(name: TypeName)(using Context): Option[Class[?]] = -// valueTypeNamesToJavaType.get(if (name.firstPart eq nme.scala) name.lastPart.toTypeName else name) - - type PrimitiveClassEnc = Int - - val ByteEnc: Int = 2 - val ShortEnc: Int = ByteEnc * 3 - val CharEnc: Int = 5 - val IntEnc: Int = ShortEnc * CharEnc - val LongEnc: Int = IntEnc * 7 - val FloatEnc: Int = LongEnc * 11 - val DoubleEnc: Int = FloatEnc * 13 - val BooleanEnc: Int = 17 - val UnitEnc: Int = 19 - - def isValueSubType(tref1: TypeRef, tref2: TypeRef)(using Context): Boolean = - valueTypeEnc( % valueTypeEnc( == 0 - def isValueSubClass(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol): Boolean = - valueTypeEnc( % valueTypeEnc( == 0 - - @tu lazy val specialErasure: SimpleIdentityMap[Symbol, ClassSymbol] = - SimpleIdentityMap.empty[Symbol] - .updated(AnyClass, ObjectClass) - .updated(MatchableClass, ObjectClass) - .updated(AnyValClass, ObjectClass) - .updated(SingletonClass, ObjectClass) - .updated(TupleClass, ProductClass) - .updated(NonEmptyTupleClass, ProductClass) - .updated(PairClass, ObjectClass) - - // ----- Initialization --------------------------------------------------- - - /** Lists core classes that don't have underlying bytecode, but are synthesized on-the-fly in every reflection universe */ - @tu lazy val syntheticScalaClasses: List[TypeSymbol] = - List( - AnyClass, - MatchableClass, - AnyRefAlias, - AnyKindClass, - andType, - orType, - RepeatedParamClass, - ByNameParamClass2x, - IntoType, - AnyValClass, - NullClass, - NothingClass, - SingletonClass) - - @tu lazy val syntheticCoreClasses: List[Symbol] = syntheticScalaClasses ++ List( - EmptyPackageVal, - OpsPackageClass) - - /** Lists core methods that don't have underlying bytecode, but are synthesized on-the-fly in every reflection universe */ - @tu lazy val syntheticCoreMethods: List[TermSymbol] = - AnyMethods ++ ObjectMethods ++ List(String_+, throwMethod) - - @tu lazy val reservedScalaClassNames: Set[Name] = - - private var isInitialized = false - - def init()(using ctx: DetachedContext): Unit = { - this.initCtx = ctx - if (!isInitialized) { - // force initialization of every symbol that is synthesized or hijacked by the compiler - val forced = - syntheticCoreClasses ++ syntheticCoreMethods ++ ScalaValueClasses() :+ JavaEnumClass - isInitialized = true - } - addSyntheticSymbolsComments - } - - /** Definitions used in Lazy Vals implementation */ - val LazyValsModuleName = "scala.runtime.LazyVals" - @tu lazy val LazyValsModule = requiredModule(LazyValsModuleName) - @tu lazy val LazyValsWaitingState = requiredClass(s"$LazyValsModuleName.Waiting") - @tu lazy val LazyValsControlState = requiredClass(s"$LazyValsModuleName.LazyValControlState") - - def addSyntheticSymbolsComments(using Context): Unit = - def add(sym: Symbol, doc: String) = ctx.docCtx.foreach(_.addDocstring(sym, Some(Comment(NoSpan, doc)))) - - add(AnyClass, - """/** Class `Any` is the root of the Scala class hierarchy. Every class in a Scala - | * execution environment inherits directly or indirectly from this class. - | * - | * Starting with Scala 2.10 it is possible to directly extend `Any` using ''universal traits''. - | * A ''universal trait'' is a trait that extends `Any`, only has `def`s as members, and does no initialization. - | * - | * The main use case for universal traits is to allow basic inheritance of methods for [[scala.AnyVal value classes]]. - | * For example, - | * - | * {{{ - | * trait Printable extends Any { - | * def print(): Unit = println(this) - | * } - | * class Wrapper(val underlying: Int) extends AnyVal with Printable - | * - | * val w = new Wrapper(3) - | * w.print() - | * }}} - | * - | * See the [[ Value Classes and Universal Traits]] for more - | * details on the interplay of universal traits and value classes. - | */ - """.stripMargin) - - add(Any_==, - """/** Test two objects for equality. - | * The expression `x == that` is equivalent to `if (x eq null) that eq null else x.equals(that)`. - | * - | * @param that the object to compare against this object for equality. - | * @return `true` if the receiver object is equivalent to the argument; `false` otherwise. - | */ - """.stripMargin) - - add(Any_!=, - """/** Test two objects for inequality. - | * - | * @param that the object to compare against this object for equality. - | * @return `true` if !(this == that), `false` otherwise. - | */ - """.stripMargin) - - add(Any_equals, - """/** Compares the receiver object (`this`) with the argument object (`that`) for equivalence. - | * - | * Any implementation of this method should be an [[ equivalence relation]]: - | * - | * - It is reflexive: for any instance `x` of type `Any`, `x.equals(x)` should return `true`. - | * - It is symmetric: for any instances `x` and `y` of type `Any`, `x.equals(y)` should return `true` if and - | * only if `y.equals(x)` returns `true`. - | * - It is transitive: for any instances `x`, `y`, and `z` of type `Any` if `x.equals(y)` returns `true` and - | * `y.equals(z)` returns `true`, then `x.equals(z)` should return `true`. - | * - | * If you override this method, you should verify that your implementation remains an equivalence relation. - | * Additionally, when overriding this method it is usually necessary to override `hashCode` to ensure that - | * objects which are "equal" (`o1.equals(o2)` returns `true`) hash to the same [[scala.Int]]. - | * (`o1.hashCode.equals(o2.hashCode)`). - | * - | * @param that the object to compare against this object for equality. - | * @return `true` if the receiver object is equivalent to the argument; `false` otherwise. - | */ - """.stripMargin) - - add(Any_hashCode, - """/** Calculate a hash code value for the object. - | * - | * The default hashing algorithm is platform dependent. - | * - | * Note that it is allowed for two objects to have identical hash codes (`o1.hashCode.equals(o2.hashCode)`) yet - | * not be equal (`o1.equals(o2)` returns `false`). A degenerate implementation could always return `0`. - | * However, it is required that if two objects are equal (`o1.equals(o2)` returns `true`) that they have - | * identical hash codes (`o1.hashCode.equals(o2.hashCode)`). Therefore, when overriding this method, be sure - | * to verify that the behavior is consistent with the `equals` method. - | * - | * @return the hash code value for this object. - | */ - """.stripMargin) - - add(Any_toString, - """/** Returns a string representation of the object. - | * - | * The default representation is platform dependent. - | * - | * @return a string representation of the object. - | */ - """.stripMargin) - - add(Any_##, - """/** Equivalent to `x.hashCode` except for boxed numeric types and `null`. - | * For numerics, it returns a hash value which is consistent - | * with value equality: if two value type instances compare - | * as true, then ## will produce the same hash value for each - | * of them. - | * For `null` returns a hashcode where `null.hashCode` throws a - | * `NullPointerException`. - | * - | * @return a hash value consistent with == - | */ - """.stripMargin) - - add(Any_isInstanceOf, - """/** Test whether the dynamic type of the receiver object is `T0`. - | * - | * Note that the result of the test is modulo Scala's erasure semantics. - | * Therefore the expression `1.isInstanceOf[String]` will return `false`, while the - | * expression `List(1).isInstanceOf[List[String]]` will return `true`. - | * In the latter example, because the type argument is erased as part of compilation it is - | * not possible to check whether the contents of the list are of the specified type. - | * - | * @return `true` if the receiver object is an instance of erasure of type `T0`; `false` otherwise. - | */ - """.stripMargin) - - add(Any_asInstanceOf, - """/** Cast the receiver object to be of type `T0`. - | * - | * Note that the success of a cast at runtime is modulo Scala's erasure semantics. - | * Therefore the expression `1.asInstanceOf[String]` will throw a `ClassCastException` at - | * runtime, while the expression `List(1).asInstanceOf[List[String]]` will not. - | * In the latter example, because the type argument is erased as part of compilation it is - | * not possible to check whether the contents of the list are of the requested type. - | * - | * @throws ClassCastException if the receiver object is not an instance of the erasure of type `T0`. - | * @return the receiver object. - | */ - """.stripMargin) - - add(Any_getClass, - """/** Returns the runtime class representation of the object. - | * - | * @return a class object corresponding to the runtime type of the receiver. - | */ - """.stripMargin) - - add(MatchableClass, - """/** The base trait of types that can be safely pattern matched against. - | * - | * See [[]]. - | */ - """.stripMargin) - - add(AnyRefAlias, - """/** Class `AnyRef` is the root class of all ''reference types''. - | * All types except the value types descend from this class. - | */ - """.stripMargin) - - add(Object_eq, - """/** Tests whether the argument (`that`) is a reference to the receiver object (`this`). - | * - | * The `eq` method implements an [[ equivalence relation]] on - | * non-null instances of `AnyRef`, and has three additional properties: - | * - | * - It is consistent: for any non-null instances `x` and `y` of type `AnyRef`, multiple invocations of - | * `x.eq(y)` consistently returns `true` or consistently returns `false`. - | * - For any non-null instance `x` of type `AnyRef`, `x.eq(null)` and `null.eq(x)` returns `false`. - | * - `null.eq(null)` returns `true`. - | * - | * When overriding the `equals` or `hashCode` methods, it is important to ensure that their behavior is - | * consistent with reference equality. Therefore, if two objects are references to each other (`o1 eq o2`), they - | * should be equal to each other (`o1 == o2`) and they should hash to the same value (`o1.hashCode == o2.hashCode`). - | * - | * @param that the object to compare against this object for reference equality. - | * @return `true` if the argument is a reference to the receiver object; `false` otherwise. - | */ - """.stripMargin) - - add(Object_ne, - """/** Equivalent to `!(this eq that)`. - | * - | * @param that the object to compare against this object for reference equality. - | * @return `true` if the argument is not a reference to the receiver object; `false` otherwise. - | */ - """.stripMargin) - - add(Object_synchronized, - """/** Executes the code in `body` with an exclusive lock on `this`. - | * - | * @param body the code to execute - | * @return the result of `body` - | */ - """.stripMargin) - - add(Object_clone, - """/** Create a copy of the receiver object. - | * - | * The default implementation of the `clone` method is platform dependent. - | * - | * @note not specified by SLS as a member of AnyRef - | * @return a copy of the receiver object. - | */ - """.stripMargin) - - add(Object_finalize, - """/** Called by the garbage collector on the receiver object when there - | * are no more references to the object. - | * - | * The details of when and if the `finalize` method is invoked, as - | * well as the interaction between `finalize` and non-local returns - | * and exceptions, are all platform dependent. - | * - | * @note not specified by SLS as a member of AnyRef - | */ - """.stripMargin) - - add(Object_notify, - """/** Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on the receiver object's monitor. - | * - | * @note not specified by SLS as a member of AnyRef - | */ - """.stripMargin) - - add(Object_notifyAll, - """/** Wakes up all threads that are waiting on the receiver object's monitor. - | * - | * @note not specified by SLS as a member of AnyRef - | */ - """.stripMargin) - - add(Object_wait, - """/** See [[]]. - | * - | * @note not specified by SLS as a member of AnyRef - | */ - """.stripMargin) - - add(Object_waitL, - """/** See [[]]. - | * - | * @param timeout the maximum time to wait in milliseconds. - | * @note not specified by SLS as a member of AnyRef - | */ - """.stripMargin) - - add(Object_waitLI, - """/** See [[]] - | * - | * @param timeout the maximum time to wait in milliseconds. - | * @param nanos additional time, in nanoseconds range 0-999999. - | * @note not specified by SLS as a member of AnyRef - | */ - """.stripMargin) - - add(AnyKindClass, - """/** The super-type of all types. - | * - | * See [[]]. - | */ - """.stripMargin) - - add(andType, - """/** The intersection of two types. - | * - | * See [[]]. - | */ - """.stripMargin) - - add(orType, - """/** The union of two types. - | * - | * See [[]]. - | */ - """.stripMargin) - - add(AnyValClass, - """/** `AnyVal` is the root class of all ''value types'', which describe values - | * not implemented as objects in the underlying host system. Value classes - | * are specified in Scala Language Specification, section 12.2. - | * - | * The standard implementation includes nine `AnyVal` subtypes: - | * - | * [[scala.Double]], [[scala.Float]], [[scala.Long]], [[scala.Int]], [[scala.Char]], - | * [[scala.Short]], and [[scala.Byte]] are the ''numeric value types''. - | * - | * [[scala.Unit]] and [[scala.Boolean]] are the ''non-numeric value types''. - | * - | * Other groupings: - | * - | * - The ''subrange types'' are [[scala.Byte]], [[scala.Short]], and [[scala.Char]]. - | * - The ''integer types'' include the subrange types as well as [[scala.Int]] and [[scala.Long]]. - | * - The ''floating point types'' are [[scala.Float]] and [[scala.Double]]. - | * - | * Prior to Scala 2.10, `AnyVal` was a sealed trait. Beginning with Scala 2.10, - | * however, it is possible to define a subclass of `AnyVal` called a ''user-defined value class'' - | * which is treated specially by the compiler. Properly-defined user value classes provide a way - | * to improve performance on user-defined types by avoiding object allocation at runtime, and by - | * replacing virtual method invocations with static method invocations. - | * - | * User-defined value classes which avoid object allocation... - | * - | * - must have a single `val` parameter that is the underlying runtime representation. - | * - can define `def`s, but no `val`s, `var`s, or nested `traits`s, `class`es or `object`s. - | * - typically extend no other trait apart from `AnyVal`. - | * - cannot be used in type tests or pattern matching. - | * - may not override `equals` or `hashCode` methods. - | * - | * A minimal example: - | * {{{ - | * class Wrapper(val underlying: Int) extends AnyVal { - | * def foo: Wrapper = new Wrapper(underlying * 19) - | * } - | * }}} - | * - | * It's important to note that user-defined value classes are limited, and in some circumstances, - | * still must allocate a value class instance at runtime. These limitations and circumstances are - | * explained in greater detail in the [[ Value Classes and Universal Traits]]. - | */ - """.stripMargin) - - add(NullClass, - """/** `Null` is - together with [[scala.Nothing]] - at the bottom of the Scala type hierarchy. - | * - | * `Null` is the type of the `null` literal. It is a subtype of every type - | * except those of value classes. Value classes are subclasses of [[AnyVal]], which includes - | * primitive types such as [[Int]], [[Boolean]], and user-defined value classes. - | * - | * Since `Null` is not a subtype of value types, `null` is not a member of any such type. - | * For instance, it is not possible to assign `null` to a variable of type [[scala.Int]]. - | */ - """.stripMargin) - - add(NothingClass, - """/** `Nothing` is - together with [[scala.Null]] - at the bottom of Scala's type hierarchy. - | * - | * `Nothing` is a subtype of every other type (including [[scala.Null]]); there exist - | * ''no instances'' of this type. Although type `Nothing` is uninhabited, it is - | * nevertheless useful in several ways. For instance, the Scala library defines a value - | * [[scala.collection.immutable.Nil]] of type `List[Nothing]`. Because lists are covariant in Scala, - | * this makes [[scala.collection.immutable.Nil]] an instance of `List[T]`, for any element of type `T`. - | * - | * Another usage for Nothing is the return type for methods which never return normally. - | * One example is method error in [[scala.sys]], which always throws an exception. - | */ - """.stripMargin) - - add(SingletonClass, - """/** `Singleton` is used by the compiler as a supertype for singleton types. This includes literal types, - | * as they are also singleton types. - | * - | * {{{ - | * scala> object A { val x = 42 } - | * defined object A - | * - | * scala> implicitly[A.type <:< Singleton] - | * res12: A.type <:< Singleton = generalized constraint - | * - | * scala> implicitly[A.x.type <:< Singleton] - | * res13: A.x.type <:< Singleton = generalized constraint - | * - | * scala> implicitly[42 <:< Singleton] - | * res14: 42 <:< Singleton = generalized constraint - | * - | * scala> implicitly[Int <:< Singleton] - | * ^ - | * error: Cannot prove that Int <:< Singleton. - | * }}} - | * - | * `Singleton` has a special meaning when it appears as an upper bound on a formal type - | * parameter. Normally, type inference in Scala widens singleton types to the underlying - | * non-singleton type. When a type parameter has an explicit upper bound of `Singleton`, - | * the compiler infers a singleton type. - | * - | * {{{ - | * scala> def check42[T](x: T)(implicit ev: T =:= 42): T = x - | * check42: [T](x: T)(implicit ev: T =:= 42)T - | * - | * scala> val x1 = check42(42) - | * ^ - | * error: Cannot prove that Int =:= 42. - | * - | * scala> def singleCheck42[T <: Singleton](x: T)(implicit ev: T =:= 42): T = x - | * singleCheck42: [T <: Singleton](x: T)(implicit ev: T =:= 42)T - | * - | * scala> val x2 = singleCheck42(42) - | * x2: Int = 42 - | * }}} - | * - | * See also [[ SIP-23 about Literal-based Singleton Types]]. - | */ - """.stripMargin) -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/DenotTransformers.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/DenotTransformers.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 6690cae3a142..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/DenotTransformers.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,82 +0,0 @@ -package -package core - -import Periods._ -import SymDenotations._ -import Contexts._ -import Types._ -import Symbols._ -import Denotations._ -import Phases._ - -object DenotTransformers { - - /** A transformer group contains a sequence of transformers, - * ordered by the phase where they apply. Transformers are added - * to a group via `install`. - */ - - /** A transformer transforms denotations at a given phase */ - trait DenotTransformer extends Phase { - - /** The last phase during which the transformed denotations are valid */ - def lastPhaseId(using Context): Int = ctx.base.nextDenotTransformerId(id + 1) - - /** The validity period of the transformed denotations in the given context */ - def validFor(using Context): Period = - Period(ctx.runId, id + 1, lastPhaseId) - - /** The transformation method */ - def transform(ref: SingleDenotation)(using Context): SingleDenotation - } - - /** A transformer that only transforms the info field of denotations */ - trait InfoTransformer extends DenotTransformer { - - def transformInfo(tp: Type, sym: Symbol)(using Context): Type - - def transform(ref: SingleDenotation)(using Context): SingleDenotation = { - val sym = ref.symbol - if (sym.exists && !infoMayChange(sym)) ref - else { - val info1 = transformInfo(, ref.symbol) - if (info1 eq ref - else ref match { - case ref: SymDenotation => - ref.copySymDenotation(info = info1).copyCaches(ref, - case _ => - ref.derivedSingleDenotation(ref.symbol, info1) - } - } - } - - /** Denotations with a symbol where `infoMayChange` is false are guaranteed to be - * unaffected by this transform, so `transformInfo` need not be run. This - * can save time, and more importantly, can help avoid forcing symbol completers. - */ - protected def infoMayChange(sym: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean = true - } - - /** A transformer that only transforms SymDenotations. - * Note: Infos of non-sym denotations are left as is. So the transformer should - * be used before erasure only if this is not a problem. After erasure, all - * denotations are SymDenotations, so SymTransformers can be used freely. - */ - trait SymTransformer extends DenotTransformer { - - def transformSym(sym: SymDenotation)(using Context): SymDenotation - - def transform(ref: SingleDenotation)(using Context): SingleDenotation = ref match { - case ref: SymDenotation => transformSym(ref) - case _ => ref - } - } - - /** A `DenotTransformer` trait that has the identity as its `transform` method. - * You might want to inherit from this trait so that new denotations can be - * installed using `installAfter` and `enteredAfter` at the end of the phase. - */ - trait IdentityDenotTransformer extends DenotTransformer { - def transform(ref: SingleDenotation)(using Context): SingleDenotation = ref - } -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/Denotations.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/Denotations.scala deleted file mode 100644 index 246e359f0597..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/Denotations.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1376 +0,0 @@ -package -package dotc -package core - -import SymDenotations.{ SymDenotation, ClassDenotation, NoDenotation, LazyType, stillValid, acceptStale, traceInvalid } -import Contexts._ -import Names._ -import NameKinds._ -import StdNames._ -import Symbols.NoSymbol -import Symbols._ -import Types._ -import Periods._ -import Flags._ -import DenotTransformers._ -import Decorators._ -import Signature.MatchDegree._ -import printing.Texts._ -import printing.Printer -import io.AbstractFile -import config.Config -import config.Printers.overload -import util.common._ -import typer.ProtoTypes.NoViewsAllowed -import collection.mutable.ListBuffer -import language.experimental.pureFunctions - -/** Denotations represent the meaning of symbols and named types. - * The following diagram shows how the principal types of denotations - * and their denoting entities relate to each other. Lines ending in - * a down-arrow `v` are member methods. The two methods shown in the diagram are - * "symbol" and "deref". Both methods are parameterized by the current context, - * and are effectively indexed by current period. - * - * Lines ending in a horizontal line mean subtyping (right is a subtype of left). - * - * NamedType - * | Symbol---------ClassSymbol - * | | | - * | denot | denot | denot - * v v v - * Denotation-+-----SingleDenotation-+------SymDenotation-+----ClassDenotation - * | | - * +-----MultiDenotation | - * | - * +--UniqueRefDenotation - * +--JointRefDenotation - * - * Here's a short summary of the classes in this diagram. - * - * NamedType A type consisting of a prefix type and a name, with fields - * prefix: Type - * name: Name - * It has two subtypes: TermRef and TypeRef - * Symbol A label for a definition or declaration in one compiler run - * ClassSymbol A symbol representing a class - * Denotation The meaning of a named type or symbol during a period - * MultiDenotation A denotation representing several overloaded members - * SingleDenotation A denotation representing a non-overloaded member or definition, with main fields - * symbol: Symbol - * info: Type - * UniqueRefDenotation A denotation referring to a single definition with some member type - * JointRefDenotation A denotation referring to a member that could resolve to several definitions - * SymDenotation A denotation representing a single definition with its original type, with main fields - * name: Name - * owner: Symbol - * flags: Flags - * privateWithin: Symbol - * annotations: List[Annotation] - * ClassDenotation A denotation representing a single class definition. - */ -object Denotations { - - implicit def eqDenotation: CanEqual[Denotation, Denotation] = CanEqual.derived - - /** A PreDenotation represents a group of single denotations or a single multi-denotation - * It is used as an optimization to avoid forming MultiDenotations too eagerly. - */ - abstract class PreDenotation extends caps.Pure { - - /** A denotation in the group exists */ - def exists: Boolean - - /** First/last denotation in the group */ - def first: Denotation - def last: Denotation - - /** Convert to full denotation by &-ing all elements */ - def toDenot(pre: Type)(using Context): Denotation - - /** Group contains a denotation that refers to given symbol */ - def containsSym(sym: Symbol): Boolean - - /** Group contains a denotation with the same signature as `other` */ - def matches(other: SingleDenotation)(using Context): Boolean - - /** Keep only those denotations in this group which satisfy predicate `p`. */ - def filterWithPredicate(p: SingleDenotation => Boolean): PreDenotation - - /** Keep only those denotations in this group which have a signature - * that's not already defined by `denots`. - */ - def filterDisjoint(denots: PreDenotation)(using Context): PreDenotation - - /** Keep only those inherited members M of this predenotation for which the following is true - * - M is not marked Private - * - If M has a unique symbol, it does not appear in `prevDenots`. - * - M's signature as seen from prefix `pre` does not appear in `ownDenots` - * Return the denotation as seen from `pre`. - * Called from SymDenotations.computeMember. There, `ownDenots` are the denotations found in - * the base class, which shadow any inherited denotations with the same signature. - * `prevDenots` are the denotations that are defined in the class or inherited from - * a base type which comes earlier in the linearization. - */ - def mapInherited(ownDenots: PreDenotation, prevDenots: PreDenotation, pre: Type)(using Context): PreDenotation - - /** Keep only those denotations in this group that have all of the flags in `required`, - * but none of the flags in `excluded`. - */ - def filterWithFlags(required: FlagSet, excluded: FlagSet)(using Context): PreDenotation - - /** Map `f` over all single denotations and aggregate the results with `g`. */ - def aggregate[T](f: SingleDenotation => T, g: (T, T) => T): T - - private var cachedPrefix: Type = _ - private var cachedAsSeenFrom: AsSeenFromResult = _ - private var validAsSeenFrom: Period = Nowhere - - type AsSeenFromResult <: PreDenotation - - /** The denotation with info(s) as seen from prefix type */ - def asSeenFrom(pre: Type)(using Context): AsSeenFromResult = - if (Config.cacheAsSeenFrom) { - if ((cachedPrefix ne pre) || ctx.period != validAsSeenFrom) { - cachedAsSeenFrom = computeAsSeenFrom(pre) - cachedPrefix = pre - validAsSeenFrom = if (pre.isProvisional) Nowhere else ctx.period - } - cachedAsSeenFrom - } - else computeAsSeenFrom(pre) - - protected def computeAsSeenFrom(pre: Type)(using Context): AsSeenFromResult - - /** The union of two groups. */ - def union(that: PreDenotation): PreDenotation = - if (!this.exists) that - else if (!that.exists) this - else DenotUnion(this, that) - } - - /** A denotation is the result of resolving - * a name (either simple identifier or select) during a given period. - * - * Denotations can be combined with `&` and `|`. - * & is conjunction, | is disjunction. - * - * `&` will create an overloaded denotation from two - * non-overloaded denotations if their signatures differ. - * Analogously `|` of two denotations with different signatures will give - * an empty denotation `NoDenotation`. - * - * A denotation might refer to `NoSymbol`. This is the case if the denotation - * was produced from a disjunction of two denotations with different symbols - * and there was no common symbol in a superclass that could substitute for - * both symbols. Here is an example: - * - * Say, we have: - * - * class A { def f: A } - * class B { def f: B } - * val x: A | B = if (test) new A else new B - * val y = x.f - * - * Then the denotation of `y` is `SingleDenotation(NoSymbol, A | B)`. - * - * @param symbol The referencing symbol, or NoSymbol is none exists - */ - abstract class Denotation(val symbol: Symbol, protected var myInfo: Type) extends PreDenotation with printing.Showable { - type AsSeenFromResult <: Denotation - - /** The type info. - * The info is an instance of TypeType iff this is a type denotation - * Uncompleted denotations set myInfo to a LazyType. - */ - final def info(using Context): Type = { - def completeInfo = { // Written this way so that `info` is small enough to be inlined - this.asInstanceOf[SymDenotation].completeFrom(myInfo.asInstanceOf[LazyType]); info - } - if (myInfo.isInstanceOf[LazyType]) completeInfo else myInfo - } - - /** The type info, or, if this is a SymDenotation where the symbol - * is not yet completed, the completer - */ - def infoOrCompleter: Type - - /** The period during which this denotation is valid. */ - def validFor: Period - - /** Is this a reference to a type symbol? */ - def isType: Boolean - - /** Is this a reference to a term symbol? */ - def isTerm: Boolean = !isType - - /** Is this denotation overloaded? */ - final def isOverloaded: Boolean = isInstanceOf[MultiDenotation] - - /** Denotation points to unique symbol; false for overloaded denotations - * and JointRef denotations. - */ - def hasUniqueSym: Boolean - - /** The name of the denotation */ - def name(using Context): Name - - /** The signature of the denotation. */ - def signature(using Context): Signature - - /** Resolve overloaded denotation to pick the ones with the given signature - * when seen from prefix `site`. - * @param relaxed When true, consider only parameter signatures for a match. - */ - def atSignature(sig: Signature, targetName: Name, site: Type = NoPrefix, relaxed: Boolean = false)(using Context): Denotation - - /** The variant of this denotation that's current in the given context. - * If no such denotation exists, returns the denotation with each alternative - * at its first point of definition. - */ - def current(using Context): Denotation - - /** Is this denotation different from NoDenotation or an ErrorDenotation? */ - def exists: Boolean = true - - /** A denotation with the info of this denotation transformed using `f` */ - def mapInfo(f: Type => Type)(using Context): Denotation - - /** If this denotation does not exist, fallback to alternative */ - inline def orElse(inline that: Denotation): Denotation = if (this.exists) this else that - - /** The set of alternative single-denotations making up this denotation */ - final def alternatives: List[SingleDenotation] = altsWith(alwaysTrue) - - /** The alternatives of this denotation that satisfy the predicate `p`. */ - def altsWith(p: Symbol => Boolean): List[SingleDenotation] - - /** The unique alternative of this denotation that satisfies the predicate `p`, - * or NoDenotation if no satisfying alternative exists. - * @throws TypeError if there is at more than one alternative that satisfies `p`. - */ - def suchThat(p: Symbol => Boolean)(using Context): SingleDenotation - - override def filterWithPredicate(p: SingleDenotation => Boolean): Denotation - - /** If this is a SingleDenotation, return it, otherwise throw a TypeError */ - def checkUnique(using Context): SingleDenotation = suchThat(alwaysTrue) - - /** Does this denotation have an alternative that satisfies the predicate `p`? */ - def hasAltWith(p: SingleDenotation => Boolean): Boolean - - /** The denotation made up from the alternatives of this denotation that - * are accessible from prefix `pre`, or NoDenotation if no accessible alternative exists. - */ - def accessibleFrom(pre: Type, superAccess: Boolean = false)(using Context): Denotation - - /** Find member of this denotation with given `name`, all `required` - * flags and no `excluded` flag, and produce a denotation that contains the type of the member - * as seen from given prefix `pre`. - */ - def findMember(name: Name, pre: Type, required: FlagSet, excluded: FlagSet)(using Context): Denotation = - info.findMember(name, pre, required, excluded) - - /** If this denotation is overloaded, filter with given predicate. - * If result is still overloaded throw a TypeError. - * Note: disambiguate is slightly different from suchThat in that - * single-denotations that do not satisfy the predicate are left alone - * (whereas suchThat would map them to NoDenotation). - */ - inline def disambiguate(inline p: Symbol => Boolean)(using Context): SingleDenotation = this match { - case sdenot: SingleDenotation => sdenot - case mdenot => suchThat(p) orElse NoQualifyingRef(alternatives) - } - - /** Return symbol in this denotation that satisfies the given predicate. - * if generateStubs is specified, return a stubsymbol if denotation is a missing ref. - * Throw a `TypeError` if predicate fails to disambiguate symbol or no alternative matches. - */ - def requiredSymbol(kind: String, - name: Name, - site: Denotation = NoDenotation, - args: List[Type] = Nil, - source: AbstractFile | Null = null, - generateStubs: Boolean = true) - (p: Symbol => Boolean) - (using Context): Symbol = - disambiguate(p) match { - case m @ MissingRef(ownerd, name) if generateStubs => - if ctx.settings.YdebugMissingRefs.value then m.ex.printStackTrace() - newStubSymbol(ownerd.symbol, name, source) - case NoDenotation | _: NoQualifyingRef | _: MissingRef => - def argStr = if (args.isEmpty) "" else i" matching ($args%, %)" - val msg = - if site.exists then em"$site does not have a member $kind $name$argStr" - else em"missing: $kind $name$argStr" - throw TypeError(msg) - case denot => - denot.symbol - } - - def requiredMethod(pname: PreName)(using Context): TermSymbol = { - val name = pname.toTermName - info.member(name).requiredSymbol("method", name, this)( - } - def requiredMethodRef(name: PreName)(using Context): TermRef = - requiredMethod(name).termRef - - def requiredMethod(pname: PreName, argTypes: List[Type])(using Context): TermSymbol = { - val name = pname.toTermName - info.member(name).requiredSymbol("method", name, this, argTypes) { x => - && { - match { - case paramInfos :: Nil => paramInfos.corresponds(argTypes)(_ =:= _) - case _ => false - } - } - }.asTerm - } - def requiredMethodRef(name: PreName, argTypes: List[Type])(using Context): TermRef = - requiredMethod(name, argTypes).termRef - - def requiredValue(pname: PreName)(using Context): TermSymbol = { - val name = pname.toTermName - info.member(name).requiredSymbol("field or getter", name, this)( - } - def requiredValueRef(name: PreName)(using Context): TermRef = - requiredValue(name).termRef - - def requiredClass(pname: PreName)(using Context): ClassSymbol = { - val name = pname.toTypeName - info.member(name).requiredSymbol("class", name, this)(_.isClass).asClass - } - - def requiredType(pname: PreName)(using Context): TypeSymbol = { - val name = pname.toTypeName - info.member(name).requiredSymbol("type", name, this)(_.isType).asType - } - - /** The alternative of this denotation that has a type matching `targetType` when seen - * as a member of type `site` and that has a target name matching `targetName`, or - * `NoDenotation` if none exists. - */ - def matchingDenotation(site: Type, targetType: Type, targetName: Name)(using Context): SingleDenotation = { - def qualifies(sym: Symbol) = - site.memberInfo(sym).matchesLoosely(targetType) && sym.hasTargetName(targetName) - if (isOverloaded) - atSignature(targetType.signature, targetName, site, relaxed = true) match { - case sd: SingleDenotation => sd.matchingDenotation(site, targetType, targetName) - case md => md.suchThat(qualifies(_)) - } - else if (exists && !qualifies(symbol)) NoDenotation - else asSingleDenotation - } - - /** Form a denotation by conjoining with denotation `that`. - * - * NoDenotations are dropped. MultiDenotations are handled by merging - * parts with same signatures. SingleDenotations with equal signatures - * are joined by following this sequence of steps: - * - * 1. If exactly one the denotations has an inaccessible symbol, pick the other one. - * 2. Otherwise, if one of the infos overrides the other one, and the associated - * symbol does not score strictly lower than the other one, - * pick the associated denotation. - * 3. Otherwise, if the two infos can be combined with `infoMeet`, pick that as - * result info, and pick the symbol that scores higher as result symbol, - * or pick `sym1` as a tie breaker. The picked info and symbol are combined - * in a JointDenotation. - * 4. Otherwise, if one of the two symbols scores strongly higher than the - * other one, pick the associated denotation. - * 5. Otherwise return a multi-denotation consisting of both denotations. - * - * Symbol scoring is determined according to the following ranking - * where earlier criteria trump later ones. Cases marked with (*) - * give a strong score advantage, the others a weak one. - * - * 1. The symbol exists, and the other one does not. (*) - * 2. The symbol is not a bridge, but the other one is. (*) - * 3. The symbol is concrete, and the other one is deferred - * 4. The symbol appears before the other in the linearization of `pre` - * 5. The symbol's visibility is strictly greater than the other one's. - * 6. The symbol is a method, but the other one is not. - */ - def meet(that: Denotation, pre: Type, safeIntersection: Boolean = false)(using Context): Denotation = { - /** Try to merge denot1 and denot2 without adding a new signature. */ - def mergeDenot(denot1: Denotation, denot2: SingleDenotation): Denotation = denot1 match { - case denot1 @ MultiDenotation(denot11, denot12) => - val d1 = mergeDenot(denot11, denot2) - if (d1.exists) denot1.derivedUnionDenotation(d1, denot12) - else { - val d2 = mergeDenot(denot12, denot2) - if (d2.exists) denot1.derivedUnionDenotation(denot11, d2) - else NoDenotation - } - case denot1: SingleDenotation => - if (denot1 eq denot2) denot1 - else if denot1.matches(denot2) then mergeSingleDenot(denot1, denot2) - else NoDenotation - } - - /** Try to merge single-denotations. */ - def mergeSingleDenot(denot1: SingleDenotation, denot2: SingleDenotation): Denotation = - val info1 = - val info2 = - val sym1 = denot1.symbol - val sym2 = denot2.symbol - - /** Does `owner1` come before `owner2` in the linearization of `pre`? */ - def linearScore(owner1: Symbol, owner2: Symbol): Int = - - def searchBaseClasses(bcs: List[ClassSymbol]): Int = bcs match - case bc :: bcs1 => - if bc eq owner1 then 1 - else if bc eq owner2 then -1 - else searchBaseClasses(bcs1) - case Nil => 0 - - if owner1 eq owner2 then 0 - else if owner1.derivesFrom(owner2) then 1 - else if owner2.derivesFrom(owner1) then -1 - else searchBaseClasses(pre.baseClasses) - end linearScore - - /** Similar to SymDenotation#accessBoundary, but without the special cases. */ - def accessBoundary(sym: Symbol) = - if ( sym.owner - else sym.privateWithin.orElse( - if ( sym.owner.enclosingPackageClass - else defn.RootClass) - - def isHidden(sym: Symbol) = sym.exists && !sym.isAccessibleFrom(pre) - // In typer phase filter out denotations with symbols that are not - // accessible. After typer, this is not possible since we cannot guarantee - // that the current owner is set correctly. See pos/14660.scala. - val hidden1 = isHidden(sym1) && ctx.isTyper - val hidden2 = isHidden(sym2) && ctx.isTyper - if hidden1 && !hidden2 then denot2 - else if hidden2 && !hidden1 then denot1 - else - // The score that determines which symbol to pick for the result denotation. - // A value > 0 means pick `sym1`, < 0 means pick `sym2`. - // A value of +/- 2 means pick one of the denotations as a tie-breaker - // if a common info does not exist. - val symScore: Int = - if !sym1.exists then -2 - else if !sym2.exists then 2 - else if && ! then -2 - else if && ! then 2 - else if !sym1.isAsConcrete(sym2) then -1 - else if !sym2.isAsConcrete(sym1) then 1 - else - val linScore = linearScore(sym1.owner, sym2.owner) - if linScore != 0 then linScore - else - val boundary1 = accessBoundary(sym1) - val boundary2 = accessBoundary(sym2) - if boundary1.isProperlyContainedIn(boundary2) then -1 - else if boundary2.isProperlyContainedIn(boundary1) then 1 - else if && ! then -1 - else if && ! then 1 - else 0 - - val relaxedOverriding = ctx.explicitNulls && ( || - val matchLoosely = sym1.matchNullaryLoosely || sym2.matchNullaryLoosely - - if symScore <= 0 && info2.overrides(info1, relaxedOverriding, matchLoosely, checkClassInfo = false) then - denot2 - else if symScore >= 0 && info1.overrides(info2, relaxedOverriding, matchLoosely, checkClassInfo = false) then - denot1 - else - val jointInfo = infoMeet(info1, info2, safeIntersection) - if jointInfo.exists then - val sym = if symScore >= 0 then sym1 else sym2 - JointRefDenotation(sym, jointInfo, denot1.validFor & denot2.validFor, pre, denot1.isRefinedMethod || denot2.isRefinedMethod) - else if symScore == 2 then denot1 - else if symScore == -2 then denot2 - else - overload.println(i"overloaded with same signature: ${sym1.showLocated}: $info1 / ${sym2.showLocated}: $info2, info = ${info1.getClass}, ${info2.getClass}, $jointInfo") - MultiDenotation(denot1, denot2) - end mergeSingleDenot - - if (this eq that) this - else if (!this.exists) that - else if (!that.exists) this - else that match { - case that: SingleDenotation => - val r = mergeDenot(this, that) - if (r.exists) r else MultiDenotation(this, that) - case that @ MultiDenotation(denot1, denot2) => -, pre).meet(denot2, pre) - } - } - - final def asSingleDenotation: SingleDenotation = asInstanceOf[SingleDenotation] - final def asSymDenotation: SymDenotation = asInstanceOf[SymDenotation] - - def toText(printer: Printer): Text = printer.toText(this) - - // ------ PreDenotation ops ---------------------------------------------- - - final def toDenot(pre: Type)(using Context): Denotation = this - final def containsSym(sym: Symbol): Boolean = hasUniqueSym && (symbol eq sym) - } - - // ------ Info meets ---------------------------------------------------- - - /** Merge parameter names of lambda types. If names in corresponding positions match, keep them, - * otherwise generate new synthetic names. - */ - private def mergeParamNames(tp1: LambdaType, tp2: LambdaType): List[tp1.ThisName] = - (for ((name1, name2, idx) <- tp1.paramNames.lazyZip(tp2.paramNames).lazyZip(tp1.paramNames.indices)) - yield if (name1 == name2) name1 else tp1.companion.syntheticParamName(idx)).toList - - /** Normally, `tp1 & tp2`, with extra care taken to return `tp1` or `tp2` directly if that's - * a valid answer. Special cases for matching methods and classes, with - * the possibility of returning NoType. Special handling of ExprTypes, where mixed - * intersections widen the ExprType away. - */ - def infoMeet(tp1: Type, tp2: Type, safeIntersection: Boolean)(using Context): Type = - if tp1 eq tp2 then tp1 - else tp1 match - case tp1: TypeBounds => - tp2 match - case tp2: TypeBounds => if safeIntersection then tp1 safe_& tp2 else tp1 & tp2 - case tp2: ClassInfo => tp2 - case _ => NoType - case tp1: ClassInfo => - tp2 match - case tp2: ClassInfo if tp1.cls eq tp2.cls => tp1.derivedClassInfo(tp1.prefix & tp2.prefix) - case tp2: TypeBounds => tp1 - case _ => NoType - case tp1: MethodType => - tp2 match - case tp2: MethodType - if TypeComparer.matchingMethodParams(tp1, tp2) - && tp1.isImplicitMethod == tp2.isImplicitMethod - && tp1.isErasedMethod == tp2.isErasedMethod => - val resType = infoMeet(tp1.resType, tp2.resType.subst(tp2, tp1), safeIntersection) - if resType.exists then - tp1.derivedLambdaType(mergeParamNames(tp1, tp2), tp1.paramInfos, resType) - else NoType - case _ => NoType - case tp1: PolyType => - tp2 match - case tp2: PolyType if tp1.paramNames.hasSameLengthAs(tp2.paramNames) => - val resType = infoMeet(tp1.resType, tp2.resType.subst(tp2, tp1), safeIntersection) - if resType.exists then - tp1.derivedLambdaType( - mergeParamNames(tp1, tp2), - tp1.paramInfos.zipWithConserve(tp2.paramInfos)( _ & _ ), - resType) - else NoType - case _ => NoType - case ExprType(rtp1) => - tp2 match - case ExprType(rtp2) => ExprType(rtp1 & rtp2) - case _ => infoMeet(rtp1, tp2, safeIntersection) - case _ => - tp2 match - case _: MethodType | _: PolyType => NoType - case _ => tp1 & tp2.widenExpr - end infoMeet - - /** A non-overloaded denotation */ - abstract class SingleDenotation(symbol: Symbol, initInfo: Type) extends Denotation(symbol, initInfo) { - protected def newLikeThis(symbol: Symbol, info: Type, pre: Type, isRefinedMethod: Boolean): SingleDenotation - - final def name(using Context): Name = - - /** For SymDenotation, this is NoPrefix. For other denotations this is the prefix - * under which the denotation was constructed. - * - * Note that `asSeenFrom` might return a `SymDenotation` and therefore in - * general one cannot rely on `prefix` being set, see - * `Config.reuseSymDenotations` for details. - */ - def prefix: Type = NoPrefix - - /** True if the info of this denotation comes from a refinement. */ - def isRefinedMethod: Boolean = false - - /** For SymDenotations, the language-specific signature of the info, depending on - * where the symbol is defined. For non-SymDenotations, the Scala 3 - * signature. - * - * Invariants: - * - Before erasure, the signature of a denotation is always equal to the - * signature of its corresponding initial denotation. - * - Two distinct overloads will have SymDenotations with distinct - * signatures (the SELECTin tag in Tasty relies on this to refer to an - * overload unambiguously). Note that this only applies to - * SymDenotations, in general we cannot assume that distinct - * SingleDenotations will have distinct signatures (cf #9050). - */ - final def signature(using Context): Signature = - signature(sourceLanguage = if isType || !this.isInstanceOf[SymDenotation] then SourceLanguage.Scala3 else SourceLanguage(symbol)) - - /** Overload of `signature` which lets the caller pick the language used - * to compute the signature of the info. Useful to match denotations defined in - * different classes (see `matchesLoosely`). - */ - def signature(sourceLanguage: SourceLanguage)(using Context): Signature = - if (isType) Signature.NotAMethod // don't force info if this is a type denotation - else info match { - case info: MethodOrPoly => - try info.signature(sourceLanguage) - catch { // !!! DEBUG - case scala.util.control.NonFatal(ex) => - report.echo(s"cannot take signature of $info") - throw ex - } - case _ => Signature.NotAMethod - } - - def derivedSingleDenotation(symbol: Symbol, info: Type, pre: Type = this.prefix, isRefinedMethod: Boolean = this.isRefinedMethod)(using Context): SingleDenotation = - if ((symbol eq this.symbol) && (info eq && (pre eq this.prefix) && (isRefinedMethod == this.isRefinedMethod)) this - else newLikeThis(symbol, info, pre, isRefinedMethod) - - def mapInfo(f: Type => Type)(using Context): SingleDenotation = - derivedSingleDenotation(symbol, f(info)) - - inline def orElse(inline that: SingleDenotation): SingleDenotation = if (this.exists) this else that - - def altsWith(p: Symbol => Boolean): List[SingleDenotation] = - if (exists && p(symbol)) this :: Nil else Nil - - def suchThat(p: Symbol => Boolean)(using Context): SingleDenotation = - if (exists && p(symbol)) this else NoDenotation - - def hasAltWith(p: SingleDenotation => Boolean): Boolean = - exists && p(this) - - def accessibleFrom(pre: Type, superAccess: Boolean)(using Context): Denotation = - if (!symbol.exists || symbol.isAccessibleFrom(pre, superAccess)) this else NoDenotation - - def atSignature(sig: Signature, targetName: Name, site: Type, relaxed: Boolean)(using Context): SingleDenotation = - val situated = if site == NoPrefix then this else asSeenFrom(site) - val sigMatches = sig.matchDegree(situated.signature) match - case FullMatch => - true - case MethodNotAMethodMatch => - // See comment in `matches` - relaxed && ! - case ParamMatch => - relaxed - case noMatch => - false - if sigMatches && symbol.hasTargetName(targetName) then this else NoDenotation - - def matchesImportBound(bound: Type)(using Context): Boolean = - if bound.isRef(defn.NothingClass) then false - else if bound.isAny then true - else NoViewsAllowed.normalizedCompatible(info, bound, keepConstraint = false) - - // ------ Transformations ----------------------------------------- - - private var myValidFor: Period = Nowhere - - def validFor: Period = myValidFor - def validFor_=(p: Period): Unit = { - myValidFor = p - symbol.invalidateDenotCache() - } - - /** The next SingleDenotation in this run, with wrap-around from last to first. - * - * There may be several `SingleDenotation`s with different validity - * representing the same underlying definition at different phases. - * These are called a "flock". Flock members are generated by - * @See current. Flock members are connected in a ring - * with their `nextInRun` fields. - * - * There are the following invariants concerning flock members - * - * 1) validity periods are non-overlapping - * 2) the union of all validity periods is a contiguous - * interval. - */ - protected var nextInRun: SingleDenotation = this - - /** The version of this SingleDenotation that was valid in the first phase - * of this run. - */ - def initial: SingleDenotation = - if (validFor.firstPhaseId <= 1) this - else { - var current = nextInRun - while (current.validFor.code > this.myValidFor.code) current = current.nextInRun - current - } - - def history: List[SingleDenotation] = { - val b = new ListBuffer[SingleDenotation] - var current = initial - while ({ - b += (current) - current = current.nextInRun - current ne initial - }) - () - b.toList - } - - /** Invalidate all caches and fields that depend on base classes and their contents */ - def invalidateInheritedInfo(): Unit = () - - private def updateValidity()(using Context): this.type = { - assert( - ctx.runId >= validFor.runId - || ctx.settings.YtestPickler.value // mixing test pickler with debug printing can travel back in time - || // no use to be picky when printing error messages - || symbol.isOneOf(ValidForeverFlags), - s"denotation $this invalid in run ${ctx.runId}. ValidFor: $validFor") - var d: SingleDenotation = this - while ({ - d.validFor = Period(ctx.runId, d.validFor.firstPhaseId, d.validFor.lastPhaseId) - d.invalidateInheritedInfo() - d = d.nextInRun - d ne this - }) - () - this - } - - /** Move validity period of this denotation to a new run. Throw a StaleSymbol error - * if denotation is no longer valid. - * However, StaleSymbol error is not thrown in the following situations: - * - * - If acceptStale returns true (e.g. because we are in the IDE), - * update the symbol to the new version if it exists, or return - * the old version otherwise. - * - If the symbol did not have a denotation that was defined at the current phase - * return a NoDenotation instead. - */ - private def bringForward()(using Context): SingleDenotation = { - this match { - case symd: SymDenotation => - if (stillValid(symd)) return updateValidity() - if acceptStale(symd) && symd.initial.validFor.firstPhaseId <= ctx.lastPhaseId then - // New run might have fewer phases than old, so symbol might no longer be - // visible at all. TabCompleteTests have examples where this happens. - return symd.currentSymbol.denot.orElse(symd).updateValidity() - case _ => - } - if (!symbol.exists) return updateValidity() - if (!coveredInterval.containsPhaseId(ctx.phaseId)) return NoDenotation - if (ctx.debug) traceInvalid(this) - staleSymbolError - } - - /** The next defined denotation (following `nextInRun`) or an arbitrary - * undefined denotation, if all denotations in a `nextinRun` cycle are - * undefined. - */ - private def nextDefined: SingleDenotation = { - var p1 = this - var p2 = nextInRun - while (p1.validFor == Nowhere && (p1 ne p2)) { - p1 = p1.nextInRun - p2 = p2.nextInRun.nextInRun - } - p1 - } - - /** Skip any denotations that have been removed by an installAfter or that - * are otherwise undefined. - */ - def skipRemoved(using Context): SingleDenotation = - if (myValidFor.code <= 0) nextDefined else this - - /** Produce a denotation that is valid for the given context. - * Usually called when !(validFor contains ctx.period) - * (even though this is not a precondition). - * If the runId of the context is the same as runId of this denotation, - * the right flock member is located, or, if it does not exist yet, - * created by invoking a transformer (@See Transformers). - * If the runId's differ, but this denotation is a SymDenotation - * and its toplevel owner class or module - * is still a member of its enclosing package, then the whole flock - * is brought forward to be valid in the new runId. Otherwise - * the symbol is stale, which constitutes an internal error. - */ - def current(using Context): SingleDenotation = - util.Stats.record("current") - val currentPeriod = ctx.period - val valid = myValidFor - - def assertNotPackage(d: SingleDenotation, transformer: DenotTransformer) = d match - case d: ClassDenotation => - assert(!, s"illegal transformation of package denotation by transformer $transformer") - case _ => - - def escapeToNext = nextDefined.ensuring(_.validFor != Nowhere) - - def toNewRun = - util.Stats.record("current.bringForward") - if exists then initial.bringForward().current else this - - def goForward = - var cur = this - // search for containing period as long as nextInRun increases. - var next = nextInRun - while next.validFor.code > valid.code && !(next.validFor contains currentPeriod) do - cur = next - next = next.nextInRun - if next.validFor.code > valid.code then - // in this case, next.validFor contains currentPeriod - cur = next - cur - else - //println(s"might need new denot for $cur, valid for ${cur.validFor} at $currentPeriod") - // not found, cur points to highest existing variant - val nextTransformerId = ctx.base.nextDenotTransformerId(cur.validFor.lastPhaseId) - if currentPeriod.lastPhaseId <= nextTransformerId then - cur.validFor = Period(currentPeriod.runId, cur.validFor.firstPhaseId, nextTransformerId) - else - var startPid = nextTransformerId + 1 - val transformer = ctx.base.denotTransformers(nextTransformerId) - //println(s"transforming $this with $transformer") - val savedPeriod = ctx.period - val mutCtx = ctx.asInstanceOf[FreshContext] - try - mutCtx.setPhase(transformer) - next = transformer.transform(cur) - // We temporarily update the context with the new phase instead of creating a - // new one. This is done for performance. We cut down on about 30% of context - // creations that way, and also avoid phase caches in contexts to get large. - // To work correctly, we need to demand that the context with the new phase - // is not retained in the result. - catch case ex: CyclicReference => - // println(s"error while transforming $this") - throw ex - finally - mutCtx.setPeriod(savedPeriod) - if next eq cur then - startPid = cur.validFor.firstPhaseId - else - assertNotPackage(next, transformer) - next.insertAfter(cur) - cur = next - cur.validFor = Period(currentPeriod.runId, startPid, transformer.lastPhaseId) - //printPeriods(cur) - //println(s"new denot: $cur, valid for ${cur.validFor}") - cur.current // multiple transformations could be required - end goForward - - def goBack: SingleDenotation = - // currentPeriod < end of valid; in this case a version must exist - // but to be defensive we check for infinite loop anyway - var cur = this - var cnt = 0 - while !(cur.validFor contains currentPeriod) do - //println(s"searching: $cur at $currentPeriod, valid for ${cur.validFor}") - cur = cur.nextInRun - // Note: One might be tempted to add a `prev` field to get to the new denotation - // more directly here. I tried that, but it degrades rather than improves - // performance: Test setup: Compile everything in dotc and immediate subdirectories - // 10 times. Best out of 10: 18154ms with `prev` field, 17777ms without. - cnt += 1 - if cnt > MaxPossiblePhaseId then - return atPhase(coveredInterval.firstPhaseId)(current) - cur - end goBack - - if valid.code <= 0 then - // can happen if we sit on a stale denotation which has been replaced - // wholesale by an installAfter; in this case, proceed to the next - // denotation and try again. - escapeToNext - else if valid.runId != currentPeriod.runId then - toNewRun - else if currentPeriod.code > valid.code then - goForward - else - goBack - end current - - private def demandOutsideDefinedMsg(using Context): String = - s"demanding denotation of $this at phase ${ctx.phase}(${ctx.phaseId}) outside defined interval: defined periods are${definedPeriodsString}" - - /** Install this denotation to be the result of the given denotation transformer. - * This is the implementation of the same-named method in SymDenotations. - * It's placed here because it needs access to private fields of SingleDenotation. - * @pre Can only be called in ``. - */ - protected def installAfter(phase: DenotTransformer)(using Context): Unit = { - val targetId = - if (ctx.phaseId != targetId) atPhase( - else { - val current = symbol.current - // println(s"installing $this after $phase/${}, valid = ${current.validFor}") - // printPeriods(current) - this.validFor = Period(ctx.runId, targetId, current.validFor.lastPhaseId) - if (current.validFor.firstPhaseId >= targetId) - current.replaceWith(this) - else { - current.validFor = Period(ctx.runId, current.validFor.firstPhaseId, targetId - 1) - insertAfter(current) - } - } - // printPeriods(this) - } - - /** Apply a transformation `f` to all denotations in this group that start at or after - * given phase. Denotations are replaced while keeping the same validity periods. - */ - protected def transformAfter(phase: DenotTransformer, f: SymDenotation => SymDenotation)(using Context): Unit = { - var current = symbol.current - while (current.validFor.firstPhaseId < && (current.nextInRun.validFor.code > current.validFor.code)) - current = current.nextInRun - var hasNext = true - while ((current.validFor.firstPhaseId >= && hasNext) { - val current1: SingleDenotation = f(current.asSymDenotation) - if (current1 ne current) { - current1.validFor = current.validFor - current.replaceWith(current1) - } - hasNext = current1.nextInRun.validFor.code > current1.validFor.code - current = current1.nextInRun - } - } - - /** Insert this denotation so that it follows `prev`. */ - private def insertAfter(prev: SingleDenotation) = { - this.nextInRun = prev.nextInRun - prev.nextInRun = this - } - - /** Insert this denotation instead of `old`. - * Also ensure that `old` refers with `nextInRun` to this denotation - * and set its `validFor` field to `Nowhere`. This is necessary so that - * references to the old denotation can be brought forward via `current` - * to a valid denotation. - * - * The code to achieve this is subtle in that it works correctly - * whether the replaced denotation is the only one in its cycle or not. - */ - private[dotc] def replaceWith(newd: SingleDenotation): Unit = { - var prev = this - while (prev.nextInRun ne this) prev = prev.nextInRun - // order of next two assignments is important! - prev.nextInRun = newd - newd.nextInRun = nextInRun - validFor = Nowhere - nextInRun = newd - } - - def staleSymbolError(using Context): Nothing = - inDetachedContext: - throw new StaleSymbol(staleSymbolMsg) - - def staleSymbolMsg(using Context): String = { - def ownerMsg = this match { - case denot: SymDenotation => s"in ${denot.owner}" - case _ => "" - } - s"stale symbol; $this#${} $ownerMsg, defined in ${myValidFor}, is referred to in run ${ctx.period}" - } - - /** The period (interval of phases) for which there exists - * a valid denotation in this flock. - */ - def coveredInterval(using Context): Period = { - var cur = this - var cnt = 0 - var interval = validFor - while ({ - cur = cur.nextInRun - cnt += 1 - assert(cnt <= MaxPossiblePhaseId, demandOutsideDefinedMsg) - interval |= cur.validFor - cur ne this - }) - () - interval - } - - /** Show declaration string; useful for showing declarations - * as seen from subclasses. - */ - def showDcl(using Context): String = ctx.printer.dclText(this).show - - override def toString: String = - if (symbol == NoSymbol) symbol.toString - else s"" - - def definedPeriodsString: String = { - var sb = new StringBuilder() - var cur = this - var cnt = 0 - while ({ - sb.append(" " + cur.validFor) - cur = cur.nextInRun - cnt += 1 - if (cnt > MaxPossiblePhaseId) { sb.append(" ..."); cur = this } - cur ne this - }) - () - sb.toString - } - - // ------ PreDenotation ops ---------------------------------------------- - - final def first: SingleDenotation = this - final def last: SingleDenotation = this - - def matches(other: SingleDenotation)(using Context): Boolean = - symbol.hasTargetName(other.symbol.targetName) - && matchesLoosely(other) - - /** `matches` without a target name check. - * - * For definitions coming from different languages, we pick a common - * language to compute their signatures. This allows us for example to - * override some Java definitions from Scala even if they have a different - * erasure (see i8615b, i9109b), Erasure takes care of adding any necessary - * bridge to make this work at runtime. - */ - def matchesLoosely(other: SingleDenotation, alwaysCompareTypes: Boolean = false)(using Context): Boolean = - if isType then true - else - val thisLanguage = SourceLanguage(symbol) - val otherLanguage = SourceLanguage(other.symbol) - val commonLanguage = SourceLanguage.commonLanguage(thisLanguage, otherLanguage) - val sig = signature(commonLanguage) - val otherSig = other.signature(commonLanguage) - sig.matchDegree(otherSig) match - case FullMatch => - !alwaysCompareTypes || info.matches( - case MethodNotAMethodMatch => - !ctx.erasedTypes && { - // A Scala zero-parameter method and a Scala non-method always match. - if !thisLanguage.isJava && !otherLanguage.isJava then - true - // Java allows defining both a field and a zero-parameter method with the same name, - // so they must not match. - else if thisLanguage.isJava && otherLanguage.isJava then - false - // A Java field never matches a Scala method. - else if thisLanguage.isJava then - - else // otherLanguage.isJava - - } - case ParamMatch => - // The signatures do not tell us enough to be sure about matching - !ctx.erasedTypes && info.matches( - case noMatch => - false - - def mapInherited(ownDenots: PreDenotation, prevDenots: PreDenotation, pre: Type)(using Context): SingleDenotation = - if hasUniqueSym && prevDenots.containsSym(symbol) then NoDenotation - else if isType then filterDisjoint(ownDenots).asSeenFrom(pre) - else asSeenFrom(pre).filterDisjoint(ownDenots) - - def filterWithPredicate(p: SingleDenotation => Boolean): SingleDenotation = - if (p(this)) this else NoDenotation - def filterDisjoint(denots: PreDenotation)(using Context): SingleDenotation = - if (denots.exists && denots.matches(this)) NoDenotation else this - def filterWithFlags(required: FlagSet, excluded: FlagSet)(using Context): SingleDenotation = - val realExcluded = if ctx.isAfterTyper then excluded else excluded | Invisible - def symd: SymDenotation = this match - case symd: SymDenotation => symd - case _ => symbol.denot - if !required.isEmpty && !symd.isAllOf(required) - || symd.isOneOf(realExcluded) then NoDenotation - else this - def aggregate[T](f: SingleDenotation => T, g: (T, T) => T): T = f(this) - - type AsSeenFromResult = SingleDenotation - - protected def computeAsSeenFrom(pre: Type)(using Context): SingleDenotation = { - val symbol = this.symbol - val owner = this match { - case thisd: SymDenotation => thisd.owner - case _ => if (symbol.exists) symbol.owner else NoSymbol - } - - /** The derived denotation with the given `info` transformed with `asSeenFrom`. - * - * As a performance hack, we might reuse an existing SymDenotation, - * instead of creating a new denotation with a given `prefix`, - * see `Config.reuseSymDenotations`. - */ - def derived(info: Type) = - /** Do we need to return a denotation with a prefix set? */ - def needsPrefix = - // For opaque types, the prefix is used in `ElimOpaques#transform`, - // without this i7159.scala would fail when compiled from tasty. - - - val derivedInfo = info.asSeenFrom(pre, owner) - if Config.reuseSymDenotations && this.isInstanceOf[SymDenotation] - && (derivedInfo eq info) && !needsPrefix then - this - else - derivedSingleDenotation(symbol, derivedInfo, pre) - end derived - - // Tt could happen that we see the symbol with prefix `this` as a member a different class - // through a self type and that it then has a different info. In this case we have to go - // through the asSeenFrom to switch the type back. Test case is pos/i9352.scala. - def hasOriginalInfo: Boolean = this match - case sd: SymDenotation => true - case _ => info eq - - def ownerIsPrefix = pre match - case pre: ThisType => pre.sameThis(owner.thisType) - case _ => false - - if !owner.membersNeedAsSeenFrom(pre) && (!ownerIsPrefix || hasOriginalInfo) - || - then this - else if symbol.isAllOf(ClassTypeParam) then - val arg = symbol.typeRef.argForParam(pre, widenAbstract = true) - if arg.exists - then derivedSingleDenotation(symbol, normalizedArgBounds(arg.bounds), pre) - else derived( - else derived( - } - - /** The argument bounds, possibly intersected with the parameter's info TypeBounds, - * if the latter is not F-bounded and does not refer to other type parameters - * of the same class, and the intersection is provably nonempty. - */ - private def normalizedArgBounds(argBounds: TypeBounds)(using Context): TypeBounds = - if symbol.isCompleted && !hasBoundsDependingOnParamsOf(symbol.owner) then - val combined @ TypeBounds(lo, hi) = & argBounds - if (lo frozen_<:< hi) then combined - else argBounds - else argBounds - - private def hasBoundsDependingOnParamsOf(cls: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean = - val acc = new TypeAccumulator[Boolean]: - def apply(x: Boolean, tp: Type): Boolean = tp match - case _: LazyRef => true - case tp: TypeRef - if tp.symbol.isAllOf(ClassTypeParam) && tp.symbol.owner == cls => true - case _ => foldOver(x, tp) - acc(false, - } - - abstract class NonSymSingleDenotation(symbol: Symbol, initInfo: Type, override val prefix: Type) extends SingleDenotation(symbol, initInfo) { - def infoOrCompleter: Type = initInfo - def isType: Boolean = infoOrCompleter.isInstanceOf[TypeType] - } - - class UniqueRefDenotation( - symbol: Symbol, - initInfo: Type, - initValidFor: Period, - prefix: Type) extends NonSymSingleDenotation(symbol, initInfo, prefix) { - validFor = initValidFor - override def hasUniqueSym: Boolean = true - protected def newLikeThis(s: Symbol, i: Type, pre: Type, isRefinedMethod: Boolean): SingleDenotation = - if isRefinedMethod then - new JointRefDenotation(s, i, validFor, pre, isRefinedMethod) - else - new UniqueRefDenotation(s, i, validFor, pre) - } - - class JointRefDenotation( - symbol: Symbol, - initInfo: Type, - initValidFor: Period, - prefix: Type, - override val isRefinedMethod: Boolean) extends NonSymSingleDenotation(symbol, initInfo, prefix) { - validFor = initValidFor - override def hasUniqueSym: Boolean = false - protected def newLikeThis(s: Symbol, i: Type, pre: Type, isRefinedMethod: Boolean): SingleDenotation = - new JointRefDenotation(s, i, validFor, pre, isRefinedMethod) - } - - class ErrorDenotation(using DetachedContext) extends NonSymSingleDenotation(NoSymbol, NoType, NoType) { - override def exists: Boolean = false - override def hasUniqueSym: Boolean = false - validFor = Period.allInRun(ctx.runId) - protected def newLikeThis(s: Symbol, i: Type, pre: Type, isRefinedMethod: Boolean): SingleDenotation = - this - } - - /** An error denotation that provides more info about the missing reference. - * Produced by staticRef, consumed by requiredSymbol. - */ - case class MissingRef(val owner: SingleDenotation, name: Name)(using DetachedContext) extends ErrorDenotation { - val ex: Exception = new Exception // DEBUG - } - - /** An error denotation that provides more info about alternatives - * that were found but that do not qualify. - * Produced by staticRef, consumed by requiredSymbol. - */ - case class NoQualifyingRef(alts: List[SingleDenotation])(using DetachedContext) extends ErrorDenotation - - /** A double definition - */ - def isDoubleDef(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol)(using Context): Boolean = - (sym1.exists && sym2.exists && - (sym1 `ne` sym2) && (sym1.effectiveOwner `eq` sym2.effectiveOwner) && - ! && ! - - // --- Overloaded denotations and predenotations ------------------------------------------------- - - trait MultiPreDenotation extends PreDenotation { - def denot1: PreDenotation - def denot2: PreDenotation - - assert(denot1.exists && denot2.exists, s"Union of non-existing denotations ($denot1) and ($denot2)") - def first: Denotation = denot1.first - def last: Denotation = denot2.last - def matches(other: SingleDenotation)(using Context): Boolean = - denot1.matches(other) || denot2.matches(other) - def mapInherited(owndenot: PreDenotation, prevdenot: PreDenotation, pre: Type)(using Context): PreDenotation = - derivedUnion(denot1.mapInherited(owndenot, prevdenot, pre), denot2.mapInherited(owndenot, prevdenot, pre)) - def filterWithPredicate(p: SingleDenotation => Boolean): PreDenotation = - derivedUnion(denot1 filterWithPredicate p, denot2 filterWithPredicate p) - def filterDisjoint(denot: PreDenotation)(using Context): PreDenotation = - derivedUnion(denot1 filterDisjoint denot, denot2 filterDisjoint denot) - def filterWithFlags(required: FlagSet, excluded: FlagSet)(using Context): PreDenotation = - derivedUnion(denot1.filterWithFlags(required, excluded), denot2.filterWithFlags(required, excluded)) - def aggregate[T](f: SingleDenotation => T, g: (T, T) => T): T = - g(denot1.aggregate(f, g), denot2.aggregate(f, g)) - protected def derivedUnion(denot1: PreDenotation, denot2: PreDenotation) = - if ((denot1 eq this.denot1) && (denot2 eq this.denot2)) this - else denot1 union denot2 - } - - final case class DenotUnion(denot1: PreDenotation, denot2: PreDenotation) extends MultiPreDenotation { - def exists: Boolean = true - def toDenot(pre: Type)(using Context): Denotation = - denot1.toDenot(pre).meet(denot2.toDenot(pre), pre) - def containsSym(sym: Symbol): Boolean = - (denot1 containsSym sym) || (denot2 containsSym sym) - type AsSeenFromResult = PreDenotation - def computeAsSeenFrom(pre: Type)(using Context): PreDenotation = - derivedUnion(denot1.asSeenFrom(pre), denot2.asSeenFrom(pre)) - } - - /** An overloaded denotation consisting of the alternatives of both given denotations. - */ - case class MultiDenotation(denot1: Denotation, denot2: Denotation) extends Denotation(NoSymbol, NoType) with MultiPreDenotation { - final def infoOrCompleter: Type = multiHasNot("info") - final def validFor: Period = denot1.validFor & denot2.validFor - final def isType: Boolean = false - final def hasUniqueSym: Boolean = false - final def name(using Context): Name = - final def signature(using Context): Signature = Signature.OverloadedSignature - def atSignature(sig: Signature, targetName: Name, site: Type, relaxed: Boolean)(using Context): Denotation = - if (sig eq Signature.OverloadedSignature) this - else derivedUnionDenotation( - denot1.atSignature(sig, targetName, site, relaxed), - denot2.atSignature(sig, targetName, site, relaxed)) - def current(using Context): Denotation = - derivedUnionDenotation(denot1.current, denot2.current) - def altsWith(p: Symbol => Boolean): List[SingleDenotation] = - denot1.altsWith(p) ++ denot2.altsWith(p) - def suchThat(p: Symbol => Boolean)(using Context): SingleDenotation = { - val sd1 = denot1.suchThat(p) - val sd2 = denot2.suchThat(p) - if sd1.exists then - if sd2.exists then - throw TypeError( - em"""Failure to disambiguate overloaded reference with - | ${denot1.symbol.showLocated}: ${} and - | ${denot2.symbol.showLocated}: ${}""") - else sd1 - else sd2 - } - override def filterWithPredicate(p: SingleDenotation => Boolean): Denotation = - derivedUnionDenotation(denot1.filterWithPredicate(p), denot2.filterWithPredicate(p)) - def hasAltWith(p: SingleDenotation => Boolean): Boolean = - denot1.hasAltWith(p) || denot2.hasAltWith(p) - def accessibleFrom(pre: Type, superAccess: Boolean)(using Context): Denotation = { - val d1 = denot1 accessibleFrom (pre, superAccess) - val d2 = denot2 accessibleFrom (pre, superAccess) - if (!d1.exists) d2 - else if (!d2.exists) d1 - else derivedUnionDenotation(d1, d2) - } - def mapInfo(f: Type => Type)(using Context): Denotation = - derivedUnionDenotation(denot1.mapInfo(f), denot2.mapInfo(f)) - def derivedUnionDenotation(d1: Denotation, d2: Denotation): Denotation = - if ((d1 eq denot1) && (d2 eq denot2)) this - else if (!d1.exists) d2 - else if (!d2.exists) d1 - else MultiDenotation(d1, d2) - type AsSeenFromResult = Denotation - def computeAsSeenFrom(pre: Type)(using Context): Denotation = - derivedUnionDenotation(denot1.asSeenFrom(pre), denot2.asSeenFrom(pre)) - override def toString: String = alternatives.mkString(" ") - - private def multiHasNot(op: String): Nothing = - throw new UnsupportedOperationException( - s"multi-denotation with alternatives $alternatives does not implement operation $op") - } - - /** The current denotation of the static reference given by path, - * or a MissingRef or NoQualifyingRef instance, if it does not exist. - * if generateStubs is set, generates stubs for missing top-level symbols - */ - def staticRef(path: Name, generateStubs: Boolean = true, isPackage: Boolean = false)(using Context): Denotation = { - def select(prefix: Denotation, selector: Name): Denotation = { - val owner = prefix.disambiguate( - def isPackageFromCoreLibMissing: Boolean = - // if the scala package is missing, the stdlib must be missing - owner.symbol == defn.RootClass && selector == nme.scala - if (owner.exists) { - val result = if (isPackage) else - if (result.exists) result - else if (isPackageFromCoreLibMissing) throw new MissingCoreLibraryException(selector.toString) - else { - val alt = - if (generateStubs) missingHook(owner.symbol.moduleClass, selector) - else NoSymbol - if (alt.exists) alt.denot - else MissingRef(owner, selector) - } - } - else owner - } - def recur( - path: Name, - wrap: TermName -> Name = identity[Name] // !cc! default argument needs to be instantiated, error if [Name] is dropped - ): Denotation = path match { - case path: TypeName => - recur(path.toTermName, n => n.toTypeName) - case ModuleClassName(underlying) => - recur(underlying, n => wrap(ModuleClassName(n))) - case QualifiedName(prefix, selector) => - select(recur(prefix), wrap(selector)) - case qn @ AnyQualifiedName(prefix, _) => - recur(prefix, n => wrap( - case path: SimpleName => - def recurSimple(len: Int, wrap: TermName -> Name): Denotation = { - val point = path.lastIndexOf('.', len - 1) - val selector = wrap(path.slice(point + 1, len).asTermName) - val prefix = - if (point > 0) recurSimple(point, identity) - else if (selector.isTermName) defn.RootClass.denot - else defn.EmptyPackageClass.denot - select(prefix, selector) - } - recurSimple(path.length, wrap) - } - - val run = - if run == null then recur(path) - else run.staticRefs.getOrElseUpdate(path, recur(path)) - } - - /** If we are looking for a non-existing term name in a package, - * assume it is a package for which we do not have a directory and - * enter it. - */ - def missingHook(owner: Symbol, name: Name)(using Context): Symbol = - if ( && name.isTermName) - newCompletePackageSymbol(owner, name.asTermName).entered - else - NoSymbol - - /** An exception for accessing symbols that are no longer valid in current run */ - class StaleSymbol(msg: -> String) extends Exception { - util.Stats.record("stale symbol") - override def getMessage(): String = msg - } -} diff --git a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/Flags.scala b/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/Flags.scala deleted file mode 100644 index f23dce020f10..000000000000 --- a/tests/pos-with-compiler-cc/dotc/core/Flags.scala +++ /dev/null @@ -1,612 +0,0 @@ -package -package core - -object Flags { - - object opaques { - - /** A FlagSet represents a set of flags. Flags are encoded as follows: - * The first two bits indicate whether a flag set applies to terms, - * to types, or to both. Bits 2..63 are available for properties - * and can be doubly used for terms and types. - */ - opaque type FlagSet = Long - def FlagSet(bits: Long): FlagSet = bits - def toBits(fs: FlagSet): Long = fs - - /** A flag set consisting of a single flag */ - opaque type Flag <: FlagSet = Long - private[Flags] def Flag(bits: Long): Flag = bits - } - export opaques.FlagSet - - type Flag = opaques.Flag - - extension (x: FlagSet) { - - inline def bits: Long = opaques.toBits(x) - - /** The union of the given flag sets. - * Combining two FlagSets with `|` will give a FlagSet - * that has the intersection of the applicability to terms/types - * of the two flag sets. It is checked that the intersection is not empty. - */ - def | (y: FlagSet): FlagSet = - if (x.bits == 0) y - else if (y.bits == 0) x - else { - val tbits = x.bits & y.bits & KINDFLAGS - if (tbits == 0) - assert(false, s"illegal flagset combination: ${x.flagsString} and ${y.flagsString}") - FlagSet(tbits | ((x.bits | y.bits) & ~KINDFLAGS)) - } - - /** The intersection of the given flag sets */ - def & (y: FlagSet): FlagSet = FlagSet(x.bits & y.bits) - - /** The intersection of a flag set with the complement of another flag set */ - def &~ (y: FlagSet): FlagSet = { - val tbits = x.bits & KINDFLAGS - if ((tbits & y.bits) == 0) x - else FlagSet(tbits | ((x.bits & ~y.bits) & ~KINDFLAGS)) - } - - def ^ (y: FlagSet) = - FlagSet((x.bits | y.bits) & KINDFLAGS | (x.bits ^ y.bits) & ~KINDFLAGS) - - /** Does the given flag set contain the given flag? - * This means that both the kind flags and the carrier bits have non-empty intersection. - */ - def is (flag: Flag): Boolean = { - val fs = x.bits & flag.bits - (fs & KINDFLAGS) != 0 && (fs & ~KINDFLAGS) != 0 - } - - /** Does the given flag set contain the given flag - * and at the same time contain none of the flags in the `butNot` set? - */ - def is (flag: Flag, butNot: FlagSet): Boolean = && !x.isOneOf(butNot) - - /** Does the given flag set have a non-empty intersection with another flag set? - * This means that both the kind flags and the carrier bits have non-empty intersection. - */ - def isOneOf (flags: FlagSet): Boolean = { - val fs = x.bits & flags.bits - (fs & KINDFLAGS) != 0 && (fs & ~KINDFLAGS) != 0 - } - - /** Does the given flag set have a non-empty intersection with another flag set, - * and at the same time contain none of the flags in the `butNot` set? - */ - def isOneOf (flags: FlagSet, butNot: FlagSet): Boolean = x.isOneOf(flags) && !x.isOneOf(butNot) - - /** Does a given flag set have all of the flags of another flag set? - * Pre: The intersection of the term/type flags of both sets must be non-empty. - */ - def isAllOf (flags: FlagSet): Boolean = { - val fs = x.bits & flags.bits - ((fs & KINDFLAGS) != 0 || flags.bits == 0) && - (fs >>> TYPESHIFT) == (flags.bits >>> TYPESHIFT) - } - - /** Does a given flag set have all of the flags in another flag set - * and at the same time contain none of the flags in the `butNot` set? - * Pre: The intersection of the term/type flags of both sets must be non-empty. - */ - def isAllOf (flags: FlagSet, butNot: FlagSet): Boolean = x.isAllOf(flags) && !x.isOneOf(butNot) - - def isEmpty: Boolean = (x.bits & ~KINDFLAGS) == 0 - - /** Is a given flag set a subset of another flag set? */ - def <= (y: FlagSet): Boolean = (x.bits & y.bits) == x.bits - - /** Does the given flag set apply to terms? */ - def isTermFlags: Boolean = (x.bits & TERMS) != 0 - - /** Does the given flag set apply to terms? */ - def isTypeFlags: Boolean = (x.bits & TYPES) != 0 - - /** The given flag set with all flags transposed to be type flags */ - def toTypeFlags: FlagSet = if (x.bits == 0) x else FlagSet(x.bits & ~KINDFLAGS | TYPES) - - /** The given flag set with all flags transposed to be term flags */ - def toTermFlags: FlagSet = if (x.bits == 0) x else FlagSet(x.bits & ~KINDFLAGS | TERMS) - - /** The given flag set with all flags transposed to be common flags */ - def toCommonFlags: FlagSet = if (x.bits == 0) x else FlagSet(x.bits | KINDFLAGS) - - /** The number of non-kind flags in the given flag set */ - def numFlags: Int = java.lang.Long.bitCount(x.bits & ~KINDFLAGS) - - /** The lowest non-kind bit set in the given flag set */ - def firstBit: Int = java.lang.Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(x.bits & ~KINDFLAGS) - - /** The list of non-empty names of flags with given index idx that are set in the given flag set */ - private def flagString(idx: Int): List[String] = - if ((x.bits & (1L << idx)) == 0) Nil - else { - def halfString(kind: Int) = - if ((x.bits & (1L << kind)) != 0) flagName(idx)(kind) else "" - val termFS = halfString(TERMindex) - val typeFS = halfString(TYPEindex) - val strs = termFS :: (if (termFS == typeFS) Nil else typeFS :: Nil) - strs filter (_.nonEmpty) - } - - /** The list of non-empty names of flags that are set in the given flag set */ - def flagStrings(privateWithin: String = ""): Seq[String] = { - var rawStrings = (2 to MaxFlag).flatMap(x.flagString(_)) // DOTTY problem: cannot drop with (_) - if (!privateWithin.isEmpty && ! - rawStrings = rawStrings :+ "private" - val scopeStr = if ( "this" else privateWithin - if (scopeStr != "") - rawStrings.filter(_ != "").map { - case "private" => s"private[$scopeStr]" - case "protected" => s"protected[$scopeStr]" - case str => str - } - else rawStrings - } - - /** The string representation of the given flag set */ - def flagsString: String = x.flagStrings("").mkString(" ") - } - - // Temporary while extension names are in flux - def or(x1: FlagSet, x2: FlagSet) = x1 | x2 - def and(x1: FlagSet, x2: FlagSet) = x1 & x2 - - def termFlagSet(x: Long) = FlagSet(TERMS | x) - - private inline val TYPESHIFT = 2 - private inline val TERMindex = 0 - private inline val TYPEindex = 1 - private inline val TERMS = 1 << TERMindex - private inline val TYPES = 1 << TYPEindex - private inline val KINDFLAGS = TERMS | TYPES - - private inline val FirstFlag = 2 - private inline val FirstNotPickledFlag = 48 - private inline val MaxFlag = 63 - - private val flagName = Array.fill(64, 2)("") - - private def isDefinedAsFlag(idx: Int) = flagName(idx).exists(_.nonEmpty) - - /** The flag set containing all defined flags of either kind whose bits - * lie in the given range - */ - private def flagRange(start: Int, end: Int) = - FlagSet((start until end).foldLeft(KINDFLAGS.toLong) ((bits, idx) => - if (isDefinedAsFlag(idx)) bits | (1L << idx) else bits)) - - /** The union of all flags in given flag set */ - def union(flagss: FlagSet*): FlagSet = { - var flag = EmptyFlags - for (f <- flagss) - flag |= f - flag - } - - def commonFlags(flagss: FlagSet*): FlagSet = union( _*) - - /** The empty flag set */ - val EmptyFlags: FlagSet = FlagSet(0) - - /** The undefined flag set */ - val UndefinedFlags: FlagSet = FlagSet(~KINDFLAGS) - - /** Three flags with given index between 2 and 63. - * The first applies to both terms and types. the second is a term flag, and - * the third is a type flag. Installs given name(s) as the name(s) of the flags. - * @param name The name to be used for the term flag - * @param typeName The name to be used for the type flag, if it is different from `name`. - */ - private def newFlags(index: Int, name: String, typeName: String = ""): (Flag, Flag, Flag) = { - flagName(index)(TERMindex) = name - flagName(index)(TYPEindex) = if (typeName.isEmpty) name else typeName - val bits = 1L << index - (opaques.Flag(KINDFLAGS | bits), opaques.Flag(TERMS | bits), opaques.Flag(TYPES | bits)) - } - - // ----------------- Available flags ----------------------------------------------------- - - /** Labeled with `private` modifier */ - val (Private @ _, PrivateTerm @ _, PrivateType @ _) = newFlags(2, "private") - - /** Labeled with `protected` modifier */ - val (Protected @ _, _, _) = newFlags(3, "protected") - - /** Labeled with `override` modifier */ - val (Override @ _, _, _) = newFlags(4, "override") - - /** A declared, but not defined member */ - val (Deferred @ _, DeferredTerm @ _, DeferredType @ _) = newFlags(5, "") - - /** Labeled with `final` modifier */ - val (Final @ _, _, _) = newFlags(6, "final") - - /** A method symbol / a super trait */ - val (_, Method @ _, _) = newFlags(7, "") - - /** A (term or type) parameter to a class or method */ - val (Param @ _, TermParam @ _, TypeParam @ _) = newFlags(8, "") - - /** Labeled with `implicit` modifier (implicit value) */ - val (Implicit @ _, ImplicitVal @ _, _) = newFlags(9, "implicit") - - /** Labeled with `lazy` (a lazy val) / a trait */ - val (LazyOrTrait @ _, Lazy @ _, Trait @ _) = newFlags(10, "lazy", "") - - /** A value or variable accessor (getter or setter) */ - val (AccessorOrSealed @ _, Accessor @ _, Sealed @ _) = newFlags(11, "", "sealed") - - /** A mutable var, an open class */ - val (MutableOrOpen @ __, Mutable @ _, Open @ _) = newFlags(12, "mutable", "open") - - /** Symbol is local to current class (i.e. private[this] or protected[this] - * pre: Private or Protected are also set - */ - val (Local @ _, _, _) = newFlags(13, "") - - /** A field generated for a primary constructor parameter (no matter if it's a 'val' or not), - * or an accessor of such a field. - */ - val (_, ParamAccessor @ _, _) = newFlags(14, "") - - /** A value or class implementing a module */ - val (Module @ _, ModuleVal @ _, ModuleClass @ _) = newFlags(15, "module") - - /** A value or class representing a package */ - val (Package @ _, PackageVal @ _, PackageClass @ _) = newFlags(16, "") - - /** A case class or its companion object - * Note: Case is also used to indicate that a symbol is bound by a pattern. - */ - val (Case @ _, CaseVal @ _, CaseClass @ _) = newFlags(17, "case") - - /** A compiler-generated symbol, which is visible for type-checking - * (compare with artifact) - */ - val (Synthetic @ _, _, _) = newFlags(18, "") - - /** Labelled with `inline` modifier */ - val (Inline @ _, _, _) = newFlags(19, "inline") - - /** An outer accessor / a covariant type variable */ - val (OuterOrCovariant @ _, OuterAccessor @ _, Covariant @ _) = newFlags(20, "", "") - - /** The label of a labeled block / a contravariant type variable */ - val (LabelOrContravariant @ _, Label @ _, Contravariant @ _) = newFlags(21, "