DSL for Questionnaire Language
Feel free to try out the DSL editor on the demo website:
So far it only outputs the given questionnaire to a JSON textarea.
- Node: https://nodejs.org
- NPM: https://www.npmjs.com/
- Yarn: https://yarnpkg.com
Install dependencies:
Only necessary if dependencies changed or first run.
Run development server:
yarn start
Visit http://localhost:3000
Requirements to generate parser
You need a global installation of pegjs to run the parser generator command below:
npm install -g pegjs
Run QL parser generator
After making changes to src/parsing/grammars/ql_grammar.pegts
you can run the following command to generate a new parser:
npm run generate:ql
The results will be written to src/parsing/parsers/ql_parser.ts
If the development server is running it will automatically reload.
To run the tests inside src/test
please execute:
yarn test
This will watch all files for changes and execute the tests every time a
file is saved. You maybe have to press a
initially to run all tests.
yarn build
Result will be written into the /build
Can we have escape characters in string "?
Are comments allowed (and which comments?)?
Are new lines required by the syntax?
Double and single string support?
What's the date format?
What's the money format?
Or just call everything Literal (as JS does)?
support multiple minuses --3 (python does)?
(FIXED) minus numbers
(FIXED) unary !
TODO: Replace this simple integer check with solution in parser, differentiate between 10 and 10.0 (See type check visitor visitNumberLiteral)
TODO: Allow money and date literal (See type check visitor visitNumberLiteral)
TODO: Allow float literals (5.1 and 5.0)
TODO: money = (50 + 10) results in Addition(NumberLiteral(5), NumberLiteral(10))
TODO: Every character of changed field is in state (Maybe kill state when form changes?)
TODO: Divide money by money transformed to float
TODO: SellingPrice: boolean = (1 / 10) is not a problem
TODO improve naming