diff --git a/index.html b/index.html index 9dfa91a..770cb72 100644 --- a/index.html +++ b/index.html @@ -1 +1 @@ -
\n {{ $t(\"privacy.a1\") }}\n
\n\n {{ $t(\"privacy.a2\") }}\n
\n\n {{ $t(\"privacy.a3\") }}\n
\n\n {{ $t(\"privacy.a4\") }}\n
\n\n {{ $t(\"privacy.a5\") }}\n
\n\n \n \n
\n\n\n {{ $t(\"acc_overview.multisignature_threshold\") }}:\n | \n{{ rekeyedToInfo.params.threshold }} | \n
\n {{ $t(\"acc_overview.multisignature_addresses\") }}:\n | \n{{ rekeyedToInfo.params.addrs }} | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.tr_id\") }}: | \n{{ transaction[\"id\"] }} | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.time\") }}: | \n{{ $filters.formatDateTime(transaction[\"round-time\"]) }} | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.tr_type\") }}: | \n{{ transaction[\"tx-type\"] }} | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.note\") }}: | \n\n {{ $t(\"transaction.note_raw\") }}: \n {{ transaction[\"note\"] }} \n \n {{ $t(\"transaction.note_decoded\") }}: \n \n {{\n fromB64(transaction[\"note\"])\n }} \n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.created_asset\") }}: | \n{{ transaction[\"created-asset-index\"] }} | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.asset_name\") }}: | \n\n {{ transaction[\"asset-config-transaction\"][\"params\"][\"name\"] }}\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.asset_creator\") }}: | \n\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.asset_manager\") }}: | \n\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.asset_reserve\") }}: | \n\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.asset_freeze\") }}: | \n\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.asset_clawback\") }}: | \n\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.asset_unitName\") }}: | \n\n {{\n transaction[\"asset-config-transaction\"][\"params\"][\"unit-name\"]\n }}\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.asset_total\") }}: | \n\n {{ transaction[\"asset-config-transaction\"][\"params\"][\"total\"] }}\n {{\n transaction[\"asset-config-transaction\"][\"params\"][\"unit-name\"]\n }}\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.asset_decimals\") }}: | \n\n {{\n transaction[\"asset-config-transaction\"][\"params\"][\"decimals\"]\n }}\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.asset_defaultfrozen\") }}: | \n\n {{\n transaction[\"asset-config-transaction\"][\"params\"][\n \"default-frozen\"\n ]\n }}\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.asset_url\") }}: | \n\n {{ transaction[\"asset-config-transaction\"][\"params\"][\"url\"] }}\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.asset_metadata\") }}: | \n\n {{\n transaction[\"asset-config-transaction\"][\"params\"][\n \"metadata-hash\"\n ]\n }}\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.tr_close_rewards\") }}: | \n{{ $filters.formatCurrency(transaction[\"close-rewards\"]) }} | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.closing_amount\") }}: | \n\n {{ $filters.formatCurrency(transaction[\"closing-amount\"]) }}\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.confirmed_round\") }}: | \n{{ transaction[\"confirmed-round\"] }} | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.fee\") }}: | \n{{ $filters.formatCurrency(transaction[\"fee\"]) }} | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.first_valid\") }}: | \n{{ transaction[\"first-valid\"] }} | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.group\") }}: | \n{{ transaction[\"group\"] }} | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.genesis_id\") }}: | \n{{ transaction[\"genesis-id\"] }} | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.genesis_hash\") }}: | \n{{ transaction[\"genesis-hash\"] }} | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.intra_round\") }}: | \n{{ transaction[\"intra-round-offset\"] }} | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.last_valid\") }}: | \n{{ transaction[\"last-valid\"] }} | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.amount\") }}: | \n\n {{\n $filters.formatCurrency(\n transaction[\"asset-transfer-transaction\"][\"amount\"],\n assetObj.name,\n assetObj.decimals\n )\n }}\n ({{ transaction[\"asset-transfer-transaction\"][\"asset-id\"] }})\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.receiver\") }}: | \n\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.close_amount\") }}: | \n\n {{\n $filters.formatCurrency(\n transaction[\"payment-transaction\"][\"close-amount\"]\n )\n }}\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.amount\") }}: | \n\n {{\n $filters.formatCurrency(\n transaction[\"payment-transaction\"][\"amount\"]\n )\n }}\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.close_amount\") }}: | \n\n {{\n $filters.formatCurrency(\n transaction[\"payment-transaction\"][\"close-amount\"]\n )\n }}\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.receiver\") }}: | \n\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.receiver_rewards\") }}: | \n\n {{ $filters.formatCurrency(transaction[\"receiver-rewards\"]) }}\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.sender\") }}: | \n\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.sender_rewards\") }}: | \n\n {{ $filters.formatCurrency(transaction[\"sender-rewards\"]) }}\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.signature\") }}: | \n{{ transaction[\"signature\"][\"sig\"] }} | \n
\n {{ $t(\"404.text\") }}\n
\n \n\n {{ $t(\"faq.a1\") }}\n
\n {{ $t(\"faq.a2\") }}\n
\n{{ $t(\"faq.a3\") }}
\n\n {{ $t(\"faq.a6\") }}\n
\n{{ $t(\"connect.from\") }}: | \n\n {{ encodeAddress(txProps.data.txn.from) }}\n | \n|||||
{{ $t(\"connect.to\") }}: | \n\n {{ encodeAddress(txProps.data.txn.to) }}\n | \n|||||
{{ $t(\"connect.validity\") }}: | \n\n {{ txProps.data.txn.firstRound }} -\n {{ txProps.data.txn.lastRound }} ({{\n txProps.data.txn.lastRound -\n txProps.data.txn.firstRound +\n 1\n }}\n {{ $t(\"connect.rounds\") }})\n | \n|||||
{{ $t(\"connect.type\") }}: | \n{{ txProps.data.type }} | \n|||||
{{ $t(\"connect.note\") }}: | \n\n
| \n |||||
{{ $t(\"connect.group\") }}: | \n{{ formatGroup(txProps.data.txn.group) }} | \n|||||
{{ $t(\"connect.app\") }}: | \n{{ txProps.data.txn.appIndex }} | \n|||||
{{ $t(\"connect.app_args\") }}: | \n\n
| \n |||||
{{ $t(\"connect.app_accounts\") }}: | \n\n
| \n |||||
{{ $t(\"connect.app_assets\") }}: | \n\n
| \n |||||
{{ $t(\"connect.boxes\") }}: | \n\n
| \n |||||
{{ $t(\"connect.genesis\") }}: | \n{{ txProps.data.txn.genesisID }} | \n|||||
{{ $t(\"connect.genesis_hash\") }}: | \n\n {{ formatGenesisHash(txProps.data.txn.genesisHash) }}\n | \n
{{ $t(\"merchant.network\") }}: | \n\n {{ b64decode.network }} \n | \n
{{ $t(\"merchant.matching_symbol\") }}: | \n\n {{ b64decode.paynote }} \n | \n
{{ $t(\"merchant.network_fee\") }}: | \n\n {{ b64decode.fee }} ALGO \n | \n
{{ qrcode }}
\n {{ $t(\"connect.from\") }}: | \n\n {{ encodeAddress(txProps.data.txn.from) }}\n | \n|||||
{{ $t(\"connect.to\") }}: | \n\n {{ encodeAddress(txProps.data.txn.to) }}\n | \n|||||
{{ $t(\"connect.validity\") }}: | \n\n {{ txProps.data.txn.firstRound }} -\n {{ txProps.data.txn.lastRound }} ({{\n txProps.data.txn.lastRound -\n txProps.data.txn.firstRound +\n 1\n }}\n {{ $t(\"connect.rounds\") }})\n | \n|||||
{{ $t(\"connect.type\") }}: | \n{{ txProps.data.type }} | \n|||||
{{ $t(\"connect.note\") }}: | \n\n
| \n |||||
{{ $t(\"connect.group\") }}: | \n{{ formatGroup(txProps.data.txn.group) }} | \n|||||
{{ $t(\"connect.app\") }}: | \n{{ txProps.data.txn.appIndex }} | \n|||||
{{ $t(\"connect.app_args\") }}: | \n\n
| \n |||||
{{ $t(\"connect.app_accounts\") }}: | \n\n
| \n |||||
{{ $t(\"connect.app_assets\") }}: | \n\n
| \n |||||
{{ $t(\"connect.boxes\") }}: | \n\n
| \n |||||
{{ $t(\"connect.genesis\") }}: | \n{{ txProps.data.txn.genesisID }} | \n|||||
{{ $t(\"connect.genesis_hash\") }}: | \n\n {{\n formatGenesisHash(\n txProps.data.txn.genesisHash\n )\n }}\n | \n
{{ $t(\"settings.backup_help\") }}
\n\n \n \n \n \n \n
\n \n{{ $t(\"optin.action\") }} | \n\n \n | \n
{{ $t(\"optin.assetId\") }} | \n{{ asset[\"asset-id\"] }} | \n
{{ $t(\"optin.assetName\") }} | \n{{ asset[\"name\"] }} | \n
{{ $t(\"optin.total\") }} | \n{{ asset[\"total\"] }} {{ asset[\"unit-name\"] }} | \n
{{ $t(\"optin.unit_name\") }} | \n{{ asset[\"unit-name\"] }} | \n
{{ $t(\"optin.decimals\") }} | \n{{ asset[\"decimals\"] }} | \n
{{ $t(\"optin.url\") }} | \n{{ asset[\"url\"] }} | \n
{{ $t(\"optin.metadata_hash\") }} | \n{{ asset[\"metadata-hash\"] }} | \n
{{ $t(\"optin.default_frozen\") }} | \n\n \n \n {{\n asset[\"default-frozen\"]\n ? $t(\"global.yes\")\n : $t(\"global.no\")\n }}\n \n | \n
{{ $t(\"optin.creator\") }} | \n\n | \n
{{ $t(\"optin.manager\") }} | \n\n | \n
{{ $t(\"optin.clawback\") }} | \n\n | \n
{{ $t(\"optin.freeze\") }} | \n\n | \n
{{ $t(\"optin.reserve\") }} | \n\n | \n
{{ $t(\"acc_overview.asset_optinArc200_help\") }}
\n{{ $t(\"gateway.perex\") }}
\n{{ $t(\"gateway.parameters_perex\") }}
- {{ $t(\"gateway.asset\") }}\n \n addr
- {{ $t(\"pay.pay_to\") }}\n \n amount
- {{ $t(\"pay.amount\") }},\n {{ $t(\"gateway.amount\") }}\n \n xnote
- {{ $t(\"merchant.matching_symbol\") }}\n \n fee
- {{ $t(\"pay.fee\") }},\n {{ $t(\"gateway.fee\") }}\n \n success
- {{ $t(\"gateway.success\") }}\n \n cancel
- {{ $t(\"gateway.cancel\") }}\n \n \n {{ paymentinfo }}\n
\n \n {{ paymentinfoB64 }}\n
\n \n {{ callbackConfig }}\n
\n \n {{ callbackConfigB64 }}\n
\n \n {{ url }}\n
\n \n <a href=\"{{ url }}\" >{{ $t(\"merchant.pay\") }}</a>\n
\n \n <a\n href=\"https://www.a-wallet.net/gateway/YWxnb3JhbmQ6Ly9QNjVMWEhBNU1FRE1PSjJaQUlUTFpXWVNVNlcyNUJGMkZDWEo1S1FSRFVCMk5UMlQ3RFBBQUZZVDNVPyZhbW91bnQ9MTAwMDAwMDAmYXNzZXQ9MzEyNzY5/eyJzdWNjZXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYS13YWxsZXQubmV0LyIsImNhbmNlbCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmEtd2FsbGV0Lm5ldC8ifQ==\"\n >{{ $t(\"merchant.pay\") }}</a>\n
\n \n Please copy the content in the textarea to password protected area,\n for example encrypted excel file. If this data will be stolen from\n you, anybody can do algo transactions on your behalf. If you loose\n this data, your algos on these accounts will be lost forever.\n
\n\n To opt in as a governor, you need to send message from your account to\n the algorand foundation specific account with message how much algos\n you opt in in specific perior.\n
\n\n{{ note }}
\n {{ note }}
\n \n This project has been started in June 2021 as the first open\n source algorand wallet.\n
\n\n Thank to expert governors, we have received funds to create\n two factor authentication accounts\n and\n payment scheduler.\n
\n\n We are active in algorand community. We have created\n Algorand Directory, besides\n the wallet support, we have created the\n payment gateway\n which does not require any financial middleman, we have created\n open source decentralized voting system built on the algorand\n network, and we have built the decentralized\n donation web.\n
\n\n We have several visions where we can help the algorand community\n grow.\n
\nThank you
\nLudo Scholtz
\nScholtz&Company, jsa
\n\n \n
Thank you for your payment
\n \n\n On this page developers can create ARC14 signed message and use it in\n swaggers.\n
\n\n Note that ARC14 requires selection of the network. Make sure that you\n are using same network as destination service.\n
\n\n {{ $t(\"new_account_ledger.description\") }}\n
\n\n {{ $t(\"new_account_2fa.help1\") }}\n
\n\n {{ $t(\"new_account_2fa.help2\") }}\n
\n\n {{ $t(\"new_account_2fa.help3\") }}\n
\n{{ state.auth2FAResp.manualEntryKey }}
\n {{ $t(\"new_account_2fa.confirm_help\") }}
\n\n {{ $t(\"arc76account.description\") }}\n
\n\n {{ $t(\"arc76account.description2\") }}\n
\n\n {{ $t(\"arc76account.password_not_stored\") }}\n
\n\n {{ $t(\"new_account_shamir.help\") }}\n
\n\n {{ $t(\"newacc.create_account_help\") }}\n
\n\n {{ $t(\"newacc.mnemonic_help\") }}\n
\n\n {{ $t(\"newacc.create_account_help\") }}\n
\n\n {{ $t(\"newacc.mnemonic_help\") }}\n
\n\n {{ $t(\"newacc.multisig_help\") }}\n
\n({{ state.multisignum }}/{{ countAccounts() }}):
\n\n{{ $t(\"account_export.help\") }}
\n{{ state.mn }}
\n \n {{ $t(\"privacy.a1\") }}\n
\n\n {{ $t(\"privacy.a2\") }}\n
\n\n {{ $t(\"privacy.a3\") }}\n
\n\n {{ $t(\"privacy.a4\") }}\n
\n\n {{ $t(\"privacy.a5\") }}\n
\n\n \n \n
\n\n\n {{ $t(\"acc_overview.multisignature_threshold\") }}:\n | \n{{ rekeyedToInfo.params.threshold }} | \n
\n {{ $t(\"acc_overview.multisignature_addresses\") }}:\n | \n{{ rekeyedToInfo.params.addrs }} | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.tr_id\") }}: | \n{{ transaction[\"id\"] }} | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.time\") }}: | \n{{ $filters.formatDateTime(transaction[\"round-time\"]) }} | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.tr_type\") }}: | \n{{ transaction[\"tx-type\"] }} | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.note\") }}: | \n\n {{ $t(\"transaction.note_raw\") }}: \n {{ transaction[\"note\"] }} \n \n {{ $t(\"transaction.note_decoded\") }}: \n \n {{\n fromB64(transaction[\"note\"])\n }} \n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.created_asset\") }}: | \n{{ transaction[\"created-asset-index\"] }} | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.asset_name\") }}: | \n\n {{ transaction[\"asset-config-transaction\"][\"params\"][\"name\"] }}\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.asset_creator\") }}: | \n\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.asset_manager\") }}: | \n\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.asset_reserve\") }}: | \n\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.asset_freeze\") }}: | \n\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.asset_clawback\") }}: | \n\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.asset_unitName\") }}: | \n\n {{\n transaction[\"asset-config-transaction\"][\"params\"][\"unit-name\"]\n }}\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.asset_total\") }}: | \n\n {{ transaction[\"asset-config-transaction\"][\"params\"][\"total\"] }}\n {{\n transaction[\"asset-config-transaction\"][\"params\"][\"unit-name\"]\n }}\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.asset_decimals\") }}: | \n\n {{\n transaction[\"asset-config-transaction\"][\"params\"][\"decimals\"]\n }}\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.asset_defaultfrozen\") }}: | \n\n {{\n transaction[\"asset-config-transaction\"][\"params\"][\n \"default-frozen\"\n ]\n }}\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.asset_url\") }}: | \n\n {{ transaction[\"asset-config-transaction\"][\"params\"][\"url\"] }}\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.asset_metadata\") }}: | \n\n {{\n transaction[\"asset-config-transaction\"][\"params\"][\n \"metadata-hash\"\n ]\n }}\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.tr_close_rewards\") }}: | \n{{ $filters.formatCurrency(transaction[\"close-rewards\"]) }} | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.closing_amount\") }}: | \n\n {{ $filters.formatCurrency(transaction[\"closing-amount\"]) }}\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.confirmed_round\") }}: | \n{{ transaction[\"confirmed-round\"] }} | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.fee\") }}: | \n{{ $filters.formatCurrency(transaction[\"fee\"]) }} | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.first_valid\") }}: | \n{{ transaction[\"first-valid\"] }} | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.group\") }}: | \n{{ transaction[\"group\"] }} | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.genesis_id\") }}: | \n{{ transaction[\"genesis-id\"] }} | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.genesis_hash\") }}: | \n{{ transaction[\"genesis-hash\"] }} | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.intra_round\") }}: | \n{{ transaction[\"intra-round-offset\"] }} | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.last_valid\") }}: | \n{{ transaction[\"last-valid\"] }} | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.amount\") }}: | \n\n {{\n $filters.formatCurrency(\n transaction[\"asset-transfer-transaction\"][\"amount\"],\n assetObj.name,\n assetObj.decimals\n )\n }}\n ({{ transaction[\"asset-transfer-transaction\"][\"asset-id\"] }})\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.receiver\") }}: | \n\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.close_amount\") }}: | \n\n {{\n $filters.formatCurrency(\n transaction[\"payment-transaction\"][\"close-amount\"]\n )\n }}\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.amount\") }}: | \n\n {{\n $filters.formatCurrency(\n transaction[\"payment-transaction\"][\"amount\"]\n )\n }}\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.close_amount\") }}: | \n\n {{\n $filters.formatCurrency(\n transaction[\"payment-transaction\"][\"close-amount\"]\n )\n }}\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.receiver\") }}: | \n\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.receiver_rewards\") }}: | \n\n {{ $filters.formatCurrency(transaction[\"receiver-rewards\"]) }}\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.sender\") }}: | \n\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.sender_rewards\") }}: | \n\n {{ $filters.formatCurrency(transaction[\"sender-rewards\"]) }}\n | \n
{{ $t(\"transaction.signature\") }}: | \n{{ transaction[\"signature\"][\"sig\"] }} | \n
\n {{ $t(\"404.text\") }}\n
\n \n\n {{ $t(\"faq.a1\") }}\n
\n {{ $t(\"faq.a2\") }}\n
\n{{ $t(\"faq.a3\") }}
\n\n {{ $t(\"faq.a6\") }}\n
\n{{ $t(\"connect.from\") }}: | \n\n {{ encodeAddress(txProps.data.txn.from) }}\n | \n|||||
{{ $t(\"connect.to\") }}: | \n\n {{ encodeAddress(txProps.data.txn.to) }}\n | \n|||||
{{ $t(\"connect.validity\") }}: | \n\n {{ txProps.data.txn.firstRound }} -\n {{ txProps.data.txn.lastRound }} ({{\n txProps.data.txn.lastRound -\n txProps.data.txn.firstRound +\n 1\n }}\n {{ $t(\"connect.rounds\") }})\n | \n|||||
{{ $t(\"connect.type\") }}: | \n{{ txProps.data.type }} | \n|||||
{{ $t(\"connect.note\") }}: | \n\n
| \n |||||
{{ $t(\"connect.group\") }}: | \n{{ formatGroup(txProps.data.txn.group) }} | \n|||||
{{ $t(\"connect.app\") }}: | \n{{ txProps.data.txn.appIndex }} | \n|||||
{{ $t(\"connect.app_args\") }}: | \n\n
| \n |||||
{{ $t(\"connect.app_accounts\") }}: | \n\n
| \n |||||
{{ $t(\"connect.app_assets\") }}: | \n\n
| \n |||||
{{ $t(\"connect.boxes\") }}: | \n\n
| \n |||||
{{ $t(\"connect.genesis\") }}: | \n{{ txProps.data.txn.genesisID }} | \n|||||
{{ $t(\"connect.genesis_hash\") }}: | \n\n {{ formatGenesisHash(txProps.data.txn.genesisHash) }}\n | \n
{{ $t(\"merchant.network\") }}: | \n\n {{ b64decode.network }} \n | \n
{{ $t(\"merchant.matching_symbol\") }}: | \n\n {{ b64decode.paynote }} \n | \n
{{ $t(\"merchant.network_fee\") }}: | \n\n {{ b64decode.fee }} ALGO \n | \n
{{ qrcode }}
\n {{ $t(\"connect.from\") }}: | \n\n {{ encodeAddress(txProps.data.txn.from) }}\n | \n|||||
{{ $t(\"connect.to\") }}: | \n\n {{ encodeAddress(txProps.data.txn.to) }}\n | \n|||||
{{ $t(\"connect.validity\") }}: | \n\n {{ txProps.data.txn.firstRound }} -\n {{ txProps.data.txn.lastRound }} ({{\n txProps.data.txn.lastRound -\n txProps.data.txn.firstRound +\n 1\n }}\n {{ $t(\"connect.rounds\") }})\n | \n|||||
{{ $t(\"connect.type\") }}: | \n{{ txProps.data.type }} | \n|||||
{{ $t(\"connect.note\") }}: | \n\n
| \n |||||
{{ $t(\"connect.group\") }}: | \n{{ formatGroup(txProps.data.txn.group) }} | \n|||||
{{ $t(\"connect.app\") }}: | \n{{ txProps.data.txn.appIndex }} | \n|||||
{{ $t(\"connect.app_args\") }}: | \n\n
| \n |||||
{{ $t(\"connect.app_accounts\") }}: | \n\n
| \n |||||
{{ $t(\"connect.app_assets\") }}: | \n\n
| \n |||||
{{ $t(\"connect.boxes\") }}: | \n\n
| \n |||||
{{ $t(\"connect.genesis\") }}: | \n{{ txProps.data.txn.genesisID }} | \n|||||
{{ $t(\"connect.genesis_hash\") }}: | \n\n {{\n formatGenesisHash(\n txProps.data.txn.genesisHash\n )\n }}\n | \n
{{ $t(\"settings.backup_help\") }}
\n\n \n \n \n \n \n
\n \n{{ $t(\"optin.action\") }} | \n\n \n | \n
{{ $t(\"optin.assetId\") }} | \n{{ asset[\"asset-id\"] }} | \n
{{ $t(\"optin.assetName\") }} | \n{{ asset[\"name\"] }} | \n
{{ $t(\"optin.total\") }} | \n{{ asset[\"total\"] }} {{ asset[\"unit-name\"] }} | \n
{{ $t(\"optin.unit_name\") }} | \n{{ asset[\"unit-name\"] }} | \n
{{ $t(\"optin.decimals\") }} | \n{{ asset[\"decimals\"] }} | \n
{{ $t(\"optin.url\") }} | \n{{ asset[\"url\"] }} | \n
{{ $t(\"optin.metadata_hash\") }} | \n{{ asset[\"metadata-hash\"] }} | \n
{{ $t(\"optin.default_frozen\") }} | \n\n \n \n {{\n asset[\"default-frozen\"]\n ? $t(\"global.yes\")\n : $t(\"global.no\")\n }}\n \n | \n
{{ $t(\"optin.creator\") }} | \n\n | \n
{{ $t(\"optin.manager\") }} | \n\n | \n
{{ $t(\"optin.clawback\") }} | \n\n | \n
{{ $t(\"optin.freeze\") }} | \n\n | \n
{{ $t(\"optin.reserve\") }} | \n\n | \n
{{ $t(\"acc_overview.asset_optinArc200_help\") }}
\n{{ $t(\"gateway.perex\") }}
\n{{ $t(\"gateway.parameters_perex\") }}
- {{ $t(\"gateway.asset\") }}\n \n addr
- {{ $t(\"pay.pay_to\") }}\n \n amount
- {{ $t(\"pay.amount\") }},\n {{ $t(\"gateway.amount\") }}\n \n xnote
- {{ $t(\"merchant.matching_symbol\") }}\n \n fee
- {{ $t(\"pay.fee\") }},\n {{ $t(\"gateway.fee\") }}\n \n success
- {{ $t(\"gateway.success\") }}\n \n cancel
- {{ $t(\"gateway.cancel\") }}\n \n \n {{ paymentinfo }}\n
\n \n {{ paymentinfoB64 }}\n
\n \n {{ callbackConfig }}\n
\n \n {{ callbackConfigB64 }}\n
\n \n {{ url }}\n
\n \n <a href=\"{{ url }}\" >{{ $t(\"merchant.pay\") }}</a>\n
\n \n <a\n href=\"https://www.a-wallet.net/gateway/YWxnb3JhbmQ6Ly9QNjVMWEhBNU1FRE1PSjJaQUlUTFpXWVNVNlcyNUJGMkZDWEo1S1FSRFVCMk5UMlQ3RFBBQUZZVDNVPyZhbW91bnQ9MTAwMDAwMDAmYXNzZXQ9MzEyNzY5/eyJzdWNjZXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYS13YWxsZXQubmV0LyIsImNhbmNlbCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmEtd2FsbGV0Lm5ldC8ifQ==\"\n >{{ $t(\"merchant.pay\") }}</a>\n
\n \n Please copy the content in the textarea to password protected area,\n for example encrypted excel file. If this data will be stolen from\n you, anybody can do algo transactions on your behalf. If you loose\n this data, your algos on these accounts will be lost forever.\n
\n\n To opt in as a governor, you need to send message from your account to\n the algorand foundation specific account with message how much algos\n you opt in in specific perior.\n
\n\n{{ note }}
\n {{ note }}
\n \n This project has been started in June 2021 as the first open\n source algorand wallet.\n
\n\n Thank to expert governors, we have received funds to create\n two factor authentication accounts\n and\n payment scheduler.\n
\n\n We are active in algorand community. We have created\n Algorand Directory, besides\n the wallet support, we have created the\n payment gateway\n which does not require any financial middleman, we have created\n open source decentralized voting system built on the algorand\n network, and we have built the decentralized\n donation web.\n
\n\n We have several visions where we can help the algorand community\n grow.\n
\nThank you
\nLudo Scholtz
\nScholtz&Company, jsa
\n\n \n
Thank you for your payment
\n \n\n On this page developers can create ARC14 signed message and use it in\n swaggers.\n
\n\n Note that ARC14 requires selection of the network. Make sure that you\n are using same network as destination service.\n
\n\n {{ $t(\"new_account_ledger.description\") }}\n
\n\n {{ $t(\"new_account_2fa.help1\") }}\n
\n\n {{ $t(\"new_account_2fa.help2\") }}\n
\n\n {{ $t(\"new_account_2fa.help3\") }}\n
\n{{ state.auth2FAResp.manualEntryKey }}
\n {{ $t(\"new_account_2fa.confirm_help\") }}
\n\n {{ $t(\"arc76account.description\") }}\n
\n\n {{ $t(\"arc76account.description2\") }}\n
\n\n {{ $t(\"arc76account.password_not_stored\") }}\n
\n\n {{ $t(\"new_account_shamir.help\") }}\n
\n\n {{ $t(\"newacc.create_account_help\") }}\n
\n\n {{ $t(\"newacc.mnemonic_help\") }}\n
\n\n {{ $t(\"newacc.create_account_help\") }}\n
\n\n {{ $t(\"newacc.mnemonic_help\") }}\n
\n\n {{ $t(\"newacc.multisig_help\") }}\n
\n({{ state.multisignum }}/{{ countAccounts() }}):
\n\n{{ $t(\"account_export.help\") }}
\n{{ state.mn }}