- Heidi will still be involved (keep maintaining the technical documentation) but cannot be doing all the organisation any longer.
- General coordination (organising calls, writing reports, clarifying timeline, ...): ScoDa can handle this, someone might be recruited (probably end of January).
- Stick to the naming guidelines for recipes and skills lessons.
- Please use no capital letters, no spaces and no special characters in names of files.
- Add RData-version of all raw data here. For learnr to work without problems, we need this. Also we only "pretend" to load the actual data in whatever format it is, but really only load the RData files (this makes everything MUCH faster). For an example check the intro. You can also ask Peter or Heidi for help.
Testing will first focus on individual recipes.
The info for contributors explains what to do as a tester.
The issue templates help with getting the feedback in an ordered way. To change the template, edit this document. :::info 💡 shinyapps.io should easily host learnr tutorials. More info: https://rstudio.github.io/learnr/publishing.html#shiny_server :::
TODO: update the info for contributors so that people understand what types of people we are looking for.
- Basic R users (who can already run a bit of R code).
- People who have R + RStudio installed.
- We can get feedback from beginners later when we have it on a website.
- Note: we have different languages, say which tutorial is in which language.
TODO: update the issue template with the question "what is your R skills level so far"?
TODO schedule call for "How to get learnr tutorial to work in the R package" with Camila and Gibran.