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File metadata and controls

78 lines (53 loc) · 4.31 KB


Plugin for the Salesforce CLI


Schema Export

Extracts org metadata to provide a list of objects and fields in a convenient Excel report. (Field attributes include the Description field!)

The default behavior is to extract all standard and custom objects. This will also include the schema for things like External Objects, Platform Events, or Custom Metadata Types.

  • Use the --customobjectsonly flag to limit the output to just custom objects.
  • Use the -s flag to limit the output to a specific list of objects. -s Account,Contact,MyCustomObject__c,MyPlatformEvent__e

Installation into the Salesforce CLI

Install the plugin into your Salesforce CLI using this command:

$ sfdx plugins:install mgk-dx-plugin

You can check a successful installation with sfdx plugins. Updates are applied when executing sfdx plugins:update.

Salesforce CLI References

More information about the Salesforce CLI can be found at
An admin focused Salesforce CLI tutorial


sfdx mgk:schema:export -f xls|csv -p <filepath> [-s <array>] [--customobjectsonly] [-u <string>] [--apiversion <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

Exports sobject schema to various formats

Exports sobject schema to various formats

  $ sfdx mgk:schema:export -f xls|csv -p <filepath> [-s <array>] [--customobjectsonly] [-u <string>] [--apiversion 
  <string>] [--json] [--loglevel trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL]

  -f, --format=(xls|csv)                                                            (required) the format of the export
                                                                                    (xls, csv)

  -p, --targetpath=targetpath                                                       (required) the destination filepath

  -s, --sobjects=sobjects                                                           the named sobjects to be included in
                                                                                    the export - default is all custom
                                                                                    and standard objects are exported

  -u, --targetusername=targetusername                                               username or alias for the target
                                                                                    org; overrides default target org

  --apiversion=apiversion                                                           override the api version used for
                                                                                    api requests made by this command

  --customobjectsonly                                                               limit the report to custom objects

  --json                                                                            format output as json

  --loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL)  [default: warn] logging level for
                                                                                    this command invocation

  $ sfdx mgk:schema:export --format xls --targetpath ./dir/example-filename.xls --targetusername [email protected] 
  $ sfdx mgk:schema:export --format xls --targetpath ./dir/example-filename.xls --customobjectsonly --targetusername 
  [email protected] 
  $ sfdx mgk:schema:export --sobject Account --format xls --targetpath ./dir/example-filename.xls --targetusername 
  [email protected]
  $ sfdx mgk:schema:export --sobject Account,Case,Opportunity,MyCustomObject__c --format xls --targetpath 
  ./dir/example-filename.xls --targetusername [email protected]