Finds twitter accounts that I'm following that haven't updated in 6 months so I can choose to unfollow them.
###Why Follow Sweeper?
Twitter has a crazy rule that unless your follower:following ratio is over some super secret ratio then you can't follow more than 2000 people. I was at that limit, so I was unable to follow new people. I knew that there were some Twitter accounts that I was following that were inactive, but there is no easy way to find which accounts were inactive.
###What is Follow Sweeper?
Follow Sweeper is a command-line Ruby app that outputs a list of Twitter user names that haven't updated their status in over 6 months.
###How to use Follow Sweeper
To use Follow Sweeper you need...
- Twitter API keys in a local file in the same directory as followsweeper.rb named tokens.rb
- tokens.rb will initialize the following variables:
- tokens.rb will initialize the following variables:
- Ruby environment
- Approximately 2 hours for the app to get through 2000 friend accounts
- After running followsweeper.rb, open the "oldfriends.txt" file to see a list of inactive accounts.