public $downloadDirectory;
Sets the directory where files will be downloaded automatically, if the browser receives download request. This happens, for example, when you click on the link to the file. The default is:
public $proxyCheckThreads = 5;
Sets the number of threads to test proxy servers. The default is 5.
public __construct();
public bool load(string $url[, bool $samewnd=false[, long $timeout=0]]);
Loads the page by the url. $samewnd determines whether the page will be loaded in the same tab or in a new one. If successful load returns true, otherwise false. $timeout specifies the page load timeout, time not limited by default.
public string title();
Returns the title of the current page.
public bool click(string $xpath[, bool $samewnd=false]);
Clicks on the element specified by xpath. If the new page is loaded, it will load in a new tab. To load in the same tab, set the $samewnd = true. If successful load returns true, otherwise false.
public array elements(string $xpath);
Fetches the document elements by xpath. Returns an array of objects of class PhpWebElement. If no element is found returns an empty array.
public int download(string $url, string $dest);
Downloads a file from url. $dest - the saving path, including the file name. Returns 0 if an error occurred and 1 if the download was successful.
public back();
Moves to the previous tab. The current tab is closed.
public wait(int $seconds);
Waiting for a time specified by the parameter $seconds.
public bool scroll(int $screens);
Scrolls vertically on the number of screens specified by $screens parameter. The screen size is determined by the size of the browser window. If scroll successful, returns true. If you reach the end of the page, it returns false.
This method may be used for pages that dynamically loads the contents at the end of a page. The algorithm may be as follows:
$res = true;
for ($i=0; $i<500 && $res; $i++)
$res = $browser->scroll(1);
if (!$res)
$res = $browser->scroll(1);
public bool fill(string $xpath, string $value);
Fills the input element of type text or textarea with $value. The element is selected by xpath. If xpath returns multiple elements, only the first is taken.
If the element is found returns true, otherwise false.
public bool fill2(string $xpath, string $value);
Fills the input element of type text or textarea with $value by sending it a keypress event. In this case all javascript handlers and so on work correctly. The element is selected by xpath. If xpath returns multiple elements, only the first is taken.
If the element is found returns true, otherwise false.
public bool check(string $xpath);
Checks the checkbox, given by xpath expression. If the element is found returns true, otherwise false.
public bool uncheck(string $xpath);
Resets the checkbox, given by xpath expression. If the element is found returns true, otherwise false.
public bool radio(string $xpath);
Sets the radio element, given by xpath expression. If the element is found returns true, otherwise false.
public bool select(string $xpath);
Selects the select element. $xpath parameter sets the element with option tag, which is selected.
If the element is found returns true, otherwise false.
public bool selectByText(string $xpath, string $text);
Sets the select element, given by xpath expression. $text specifies the text to be selected.
If the element is found returns true, otherwise false.
public bool selectByValue(string $xpath, string $value);
Sets the select element, given by xpath expression. $value specifies the value attribute of the option element to be selected.
If the element is found returns true, otherwise false.
public bool fillfile(string $xpath, string $value);
Fills the file input element with $value. The element is selected by xpath. If xpath returns more elements is taken only the first.
If the element is found returns true, otherwise false.
public int setProxyList(array $proxies[, bool ischeck=true]);
Sets a list of proxies to be used when loading pages and files. $ischeck parameter determines whether the proxies will be tested. Proxy server list is given an array of strings, each row identifies a separate server, for example
$proxies = array('', 'user:[email protected]:8080');
The number of threads to test the proxy server is set by property proxyCheckThreads.
public array proxyList();
Returns an array of proxies used in the browser. When proxies were tested, returning only working servers.
public string html();
Returns the html of the current page.
public show();
Shows the browser window.
public hide();
Hides the browser window.
public string url();
Returns the url of the current browser page.
public string requestedUrl();
Returns the requested url of the current browser page.
public setHtml(string $html);
Sets the html of the current page.
public setHtml(bool isloadimage);
Specifies the flag - whether to load pictures.
public gettext(string xpath);
Selects elements by xpath expression and returns their text content.
Returns array of strings.
public getlink(string xpath);
Selects elements by xpath expression and returns their href property.
Returns array of strings.
public getimglink(string xpath);
Selects elements by xpath expression and returns their src property.
Returns array of strings.
public getattr(string xpath, string attrname);
Selects elements by xpath expression and returns their attribute specified by the attrname parameter.
Returns array of strings.
public console();
Returns a string - the contents of the javascript console output.
public clearConsole();
Clears the contents of the javascript console output.
public getCookies();
Returns an associative array with the names and values of the cookies for the current page.
public clearCookies();
Clears all cookies for all pages.
public setCookiesForUrl(string url, array cookies);
Sets cookies for the specified url. The associative array cookies
contains keys (cookie names) and values (cookie values) only
in text form (string type), otherwise there will be an error.
public getCurrentProxy();
Returns the string - the current used proxy.
public setUserAgent(string useragent);
Sets the UserAgent. If you want to use the default again, pass an empty string.
public string attr(string $name);
Returns the value of attribute by name. If the attribute is not found, returns an empty string.
public array attrAll();
Returns an associative array of name=>value pairs of all attributes of the element.
public string tagName();
Returns the element tagname.
public string prop(string $name);
Returns the property value of the element. Member properties are specified by the DOM model.
public string textAll();
Returns the value of text of all child element nodes. For example, if a $el1 has the following html:
then textAll() returns
abc 123 345
public string text();
Returns the text value of only those text nodes who are the direct child of the element. For example, if a $el1 has the following html:
then text() returns
abc 345
public string html();
Returns the inner html of the element.
public string getXPath();
Returns the xpath of the element.
public PhpWebElement parent();
Returns the parent element. If the parent element is not present, then the method isNull of the returning element returns true.
public PhpWebElement nextSibling();
Returns the next sibling element. If the element is last, the method isNull of the returning element returns true.
while (!$el->isNull())
$el = $el->nextSibling();
public PhpWebElement prevSibling();
Returns the previous sibling element. If the element is first, the method isNull of the returning element returns true.
while (!$el->isNull())
$el = $el->prevSibling();
public PhpWebElement firstChild();
Returns the first child in the child list elements. If the child is not present, then the method isNull of the returning element returns true.
public PhpWebElement lastChild();
Returns the last child in the child list elements. If the child is not present, then the method isNull of the returning element returns true.
public bool isNull();
Returns false if it is a normal element, or true if the element is NULL, i.e. element is missing. See the description of the methods parent, nextSibling, prevSibling, firstChild, lastChild.
public array elements(string $xpath);
Performs xpath with context of this element and returns an array of objects of class PhpWebElement. If the elements are not found returns an empty array. For example, to select all the links inside the $el1 you can write:
The point specifies the current context.
public bool click();
Clicks on the element. Returns true if successful, for example, when a new page is loaded, otherwise provides false.
public bool jsexec(string jscode);
Executes javascript code.