The configuration.options
system provides
- data structures and functions for hierarchical configuration schemata and options
- sources of option values (builtin sources are configuration files, environment variables and commandline options)
- and handling of changes of option values
All of these aspects are extensible via protocols.
Implementing configuration processing using the
system involves at least three steps:
- *Specifying a Schema
- *Constructing and Populating a Configuration based on the schema
- *Querying a Configuration
Since options (and the corresponding schema items) are organized
into a hierarchy, option names are a sequence of multiple
components. The notation COMPONENT₁.COMPONENT₂.…
is used when
representing names as strings.
“Wildcard names” are names in which one or more components is
or :wild-inferiors
The following functions deal with names:
Form | Result |
(parse-name “a.b."c.d"”) | (“a” “b” “c.d”) |
(make-name “a.b.c”) | (“a” “b” “c”) |
(make-name “a.*.c”) | #<WILDCARD-NAME a.*.c {100D70EF23}> |
(make-name “a.**.c”) | #<WILDCARD-NAME a.**.c {100D712923}> |
(make-name (“a” “b” “c”)) | (“a” “b” “c”) |
(name-components #<WILDCARD-NAME a.**.c {100D6E5FE3}>) | (“a” :WILD-INFERIORS “c”) |
(name-equal (“a” “b” “c”) (“d” “e” “f”)) | NIL |
(name-matches #<WILDCARD-NAME d.**.g {100D6EFFC3}> (“d” “e” “f” “g”)) | T |
(name-equal (“a” “b” “c”) (“d” “e” “f”)) | NIL |
(merge-names (“a” “b” “c”) (“d” “e” “f”)) | (“a” “b” “c” “d” “e” “f”) |
A schema can be defined in multiple ways:
- “Manually” via multiple function and method calls
- Declaratively using
- Declaratively using
Since the third method is likely the most commonly used (and uses
the same syntax as the second method), it is probably sufficient to
only discuss configuration.options:define-schema
. Here is an
(configuration.options:define-schema *my-schema*
"Configuration schema for my program."
("appender" :type '(member :file :standard-output)
:default :standard-output
"Appender to use.")
((:wild-inferiors "level") :type '(member :info :warning :error)
"Package/module/component log level.")))
The above code creates a schema object and stores it in the
parameter *my-schema*
. The schema consists of two items:
with allowed values:file
and default value:standard-output
- a “template” option named
with allowed values:info
and without a default value
(describe *my-schema*)
#<STANDARD-SCHEMA (2) (C 0) {1002EE8E03}> Tree: <root> │ Configuration schema for my program. └─logging ├─appender │ Type (MEMBER FILE STANDARD-OUTPUT) │ Default :STANDARD-OUTPUT │ Appender to use. └─** └─level Type (MEMBER INFO WARNING ERROR) Default <no default> Package/module/component log level.
As demonstrated above, each schema item has an associated type
that describes the allowed values of associated options, as types
tend to do. In addition to that, types are used to control the
parsing and unparsing of option values. For better or worse,
schema item types are specified using Common Lisp type specifiers
such as (member :info :warning :error)
in the above example. The
validation, parsing and unparsing behavior for types is
implemented using an extensible protocol. This protocol is used
by, for example, the configuration.options-and-puri
system to
add support for additional types.
The builtin types are:
AND | «standard» |
BOOLEAN | «standard» |
CONFIGURATION.OPTIONS:DIRECTORY-PATHNAME | A pathname syntactically suitable for designating a directory. |
CONFIGURATION.OPTIONS:FILE-PATHNAME | A pathname syntactically suitable for designating a file. |
INTEGER | «standard» |
LIST | «standard» |
MEMBER | «standard» |
NULL | «standard» |
OR | «standard» |
PATHNAME | «standard» |
STRING | «standard» |
Configurations are created from schemata by first creating an empty configuration object and then populating it with option objects corresponding to schema item objects in the schema:
(defparameter *my-configuration* (configuration.options:make-configuration *my-schema*))
The created configuration is empty:
(describe *my-configuration*)
#<STANDARD-CONFIGURATION (0) {10076052B3}> Tree: <empty>
There are several ways to create option objects from schema item objects:
- “Manually”, options can be created using the
generic function (this also works if the corresponding to schema items have wild names):(let* ((name "logging.mypackage.myparser.level") (schema-item (configuration.options:find-option name *my-schema* :interpret-wildcards? :container))) (setf (configuration.options:find-option name *my-configuration*) (configuration.options:make-option schema-item name)))
#<STANDARD-OPTION logging.mypackage.myparser.level: (MEMBER INFO WARNING ERROR) <no value> {100B8A4FE3}>
Note that the schema item named
matches the requested name because of its:wild-inferiors
name component. Also note that creating an option object does not automatically assign a value to it (even if the schema item specifies a default value).The schema item lookup and
call in the above code can be done automatically, shortening the example to:(configuration.options:find-option "logging.mypackage.mylexer.level" *my-configuration* :if-does-not-exist :create)
#<STANDARD-OPTION logging.mypackage.mylexer.level: (MEMBER INFO WARNING ERROR) <no value> {100B8DD5C3}>
- Using a “synchronizer” which integrates data from sources such
as configuration files into configuration objects:
(defun populate-configuration (schema configuration) (let ((synchronizer (make-instance 'configuration.options:standard-synchronizer :target configuration)) (source (configuration.options.sources:make-source :defaults))) (configuration.options.sources:initialize source schema) (configuration.options.sources:process source synchronizer))) (populate-configuration *my-schema* *my-configuration*)
The above example uses the simple “default values” source which instantiates option objects for all schema items with non-wild names and sets their values to the respective default values (if any) stored in corresponding schema items.
After creating these option objects, the configuration looks like this:
(describe *my-configuration*)
#<STANDARD-CONFIGURATION (3) {1002F54013}> Tree: <root> └─logging ├─appender │ Type (MEMBER FILE STANDARD-OUTPUT) │ Default :STANDARD-OUTPUT │ Value :STANDARD-OUTPUT │ Sources DEFAULT: │ :STANDARD-OUTPUT │ Appender to use. └─mypackage ├─mylexer │ └─level │ Type (MEMBER INFO WARNING ERROR) │ Default <no default> │ Value <no value> │ Package/module/component log level. └─myparser └─level Type (MEMBER INFO WARNING ERROR) Default <no default> Value <no value> Package/module/component log level.
In a more realistic setting, populating the configuration would be done exclusively using a synchronizer but with a “cascade” of sources 1 instead of just the “default values” source.
*Constructing and Populating a Configuration introduced the “source” and “synchronizer” concepts by demonstrating the default values source.
In more realistic settings, a combination of multiple sources like (from highest to lowest priority)
- Commandline options
- Environment variables
- Configuration file(s) and directories
- Default values
will be used. Cascades of this kind can be constructed by
instantiating the :cascade
source with appropriate subordinate
:sources '((:commandline)
(:config-file-cascade :config-file "my-program.conf"
:syntax :ini)
#<CASCADE-SOURCE (4) {100B9D0953}>
A similar cascade of sources is constructed by the
source without the need for manually specifying
the involved sources.
:common-cascade :basename "my-program" :syntax :ini)
#<COMMON-CASCADE-SOURCE (4) {100B962693}>
Currently available sources are:
Name | Documentation |
:CASCADE | This source organizes a set of sources into a prioritized cascade. |
:COMMANDLINE | This source obtains option values from commandline arguments. |
:COMMON-CASCADE | This source implements a typical cascade for commandline programs. |
:CONFIG-FILE-CASCADE | This source implements a cascade of file-based sources. |
:DEFAULTS | This source assigns default values to options. |
:DIRECTORY | Collects config files and creates corresponding subordinate sources. |
:ENVIRONMENT-VARIABLES | This source reads values of environment variables. |
:FILE | This source reads configuration data from files. |
:STREAM | This source reads and configuration data from streams. |
The :stream
(and therefore :file
, :config-file-cascade
) source supports the following syntaxes:
Name | Documentation |
:INI | Parse textual configuration information in “ini” syntax. |
:XML | This syntax allows using some kinds of XML documents as |
With multiple configuration sources such as environment variables and various configuration files, it can sometimes be hard to understand how a particular option got its value (or did not get an expected value). This is true in particular for users who cannot poke around inside the program.
To alleviate this problem, the configuration.options
provides a simple configuration debugging facility aimed at
users. This facility can be enabled by calling
(configuration.options.debug:enable-debugging STREAM)
To enable debug output to
unconditionally (configuration.options.debug:maybe-enable-debugging PREFIX :stream STREAM)
To enable debug output to
if the environment variablePREFIXCONFIG_DEBUG
is set
The intention is that a program using this system calls one of these functions before configuration processing starts.
For example, using the schema defined above:
(setf (uiop:getenv "MY_PROGRAM_LOGGING_APPENDER") "file")
(configuration.options.debug:enable-debugging *standard-output*)
(let* ((schema *my-schema*)
(configuration (configuration.options:make-configuration schema))
(synchronizer (make-instance 'configuration.options:standard-synchronizer
:target configuration))
(source (configuration.options.sources:make-source
:common-cascade :basename "my-program" :syntax :ini)))
(configuration.options.sources:initialize source schema)
(configuration.options.sources:process source synchronizer))
Configuring COMMON-CASCADE-SOURCE with child sources (highest priority first) 1. Environment variables with prefix mapping MY_PROGRAM_LOGGING_APPENDER=file (mapped to logging.appender) -> "file" 2. Configuring CONFIG-FILE-CASCADE-SOURCE with child sources (highest priority first) 1. Current directory file "my-program.conf" does not exist 2. User config file "/home/jmoringe/.config/my-program.conf" does not exist 3. System-wide config file "/etc/my-program.conf" does not exist
The architecture.service-provider system allows defining services and providers of these services. The integration described here adds the ability to automatically define a configuration schema for a given service and use a configuration object to choose, instantiate and configure a provider:
This functionionality is provided in the separate
(asdf:load-system :configuration.options-and-service-provider)
(service-provider:define-service my-service)
(defclass my-provider () ((a :initarg :a :type string)))
'my-service :my-provider :class 'my-provider)
(service-provider:find-service 'my-service)))
#<STANDARD-SCHEMA (1) (C 1) {10083C2913}> Tree: <root> │ Configuration options of the MY-SERVICE service. ├─provider │ Type (PROVIDER-DESIGNATOR-MEMBER MY-PROVIDER) │ Default <no default> │ Selects one of the providers of the MY-SERVICE service for │ instantiation. └─my-provider │ Configuration of the MY-PROVIDER provider. └─a Type STRING Default <no default>
(let* ((schema (configuration.options.service-provider:service-schema
(configuration (configuration.options:make-configuration schema)))
(populate-configuration schema configuration)
(setf (configuration.options:option-value
(configuration.options:find-option "provider" configuration))
(configuration.options:find-option "my-provider.a" configuration))
(describe (service-provider:make-provider 'my-service configuration)))
#<MY-PROVIDER {1007F19023}> [standard-object] Slots with :INSTANCE allocation: A = "foo"
- cl-config
1 See *More on Sources