Marty Kandes, from SDSC User services, maintains a list of pre-built containers which are specifically designed to run on Expanse. They are hosted on the Github container registry at:
See on the repository the list of currently available image types, among which are anaconda
, tensorflow
, gromacs
, spark
and many more.
For example see the Ubuntu-based PyTorch containers.
These containers are already in a .sif file format suitable for Singularity. Therefore Singularity is only downloading them, so we can run the pull
command from the login node:
$ module load singularitypro
$ singularity pull oras://
The container is large, so downloading will take some time:
$ du -h naked-singularity_pytorch-1.10.2-ubuntu-20.04-cuda-11.2-mlnx-ofed-4.9-
9.3G naked-singularity_pytorch-1.10.2-ubuntu-20.04-cuda-11.2-mlnx-ofed-4.9-