- ezabout
- ezad
- ezaddress
- ezarticle
- ezbug
- ezbulkmail
- ezcalendar
- ezcontact
- ezerror
- ezexample
- ezfilemanager
- ezform
- ezforum
- ezimagecatalogue
- ezlink
- ezmail
- ezmediacatalogue
- ezmessage
- ezmodule
- eznewsfeed
- ezpoll
- ezquiz
- ezsearch
- ezsession
- ezsitemanager
- ezstats
- ezsysinfo
- eztodo
- eztrade
- ezurltranslator
- ezuser
- ezxml
- ezxmlrpc
The following user modules views are included in eZ Publish Basic:
- ezabout
- about
- URI: /about
- about
The following admin modules views are included in eZ Publish Basic:
- ezabout
- about
- URI: /about
- about
- ezad
- archive
- category/new
- ad/new
- ezadddress
- phonetype/list
- addresstype/list
- onlinetype/list
- country/list/
- ezarticle
- archive
- article/search
- unpublished
- pendinglist
- sitemap
- topiclist
- type/list
- type/edit
- categoryedit/new
- articleedit/new
- search
- ezbug
- unhandled
- archive
- priority/edit
- priority/list
- category/list
- module/list
- status/list
- ezbulkmail
- categorylist
- templatelist
- drafts
- mailedit
- templateedit
- masssubscribe
- userlist
- ezcalendar
- typelist
- typeedit/new
- ezcontact
- company/list
- person/list
- consultation/list
- company/new
- person/new
- projecttype/list
- consultationtype/list
- ezerror
- ezexample
- ezfilemanager
- list
- folder/new
- new
- unassigned
- ezform
- form/list
- form/new
- ezforum
- unapprovedlist
- categorylist
- categoryedit/new
- forumedit/new
- ezimagecatalogue
- image/list
- category/new
- image/new
- unassigned
- ezlink
- category/0
- categoryedit/edit/1
- unacceptedlist
- typelist
- typeedit
- categoryedit/new
- linkedit/new
- ezmail
- ezmediacatalogue
- category/list
- category/new
- media/new
- unassigned
- typelist
- typeedit
- ezmessage
- list
- edit
- ezmodule
- eznewsfeed
- unpublished
- archive
- news/new
- category/new
- sourcesite/new
- importnews
- ezpoll
- pollist
- polledit/new
- ezquiz
- game/list
- game/new
- ezsearch
- ezsession
- ezsitemanager
- section/list
- cache
- file/list
- template/list
- siteconfig
- menu/list
- sqladmin/query
- ezstats
- overview
- entryexitreport
- pageviewlist/last/20
- visitorlist/top/20
- refererlist/top/20
- browserlist/top/25
- requestpagelist/top/20
- yearreport
- monthreport
- dayreport
- ezsysinfo
- sysinfo
- netinfo
- hwinfo
- meminfo
- fileinfo
- eztodo
- categorytypelist
- prioritytypelist
- statustypelist
- eztrade
- orderlist
- customerlist
- categorylist
- typelist
- vattypes
- shippingtypes
- currency
- pricegroups/list
- categoryedit
- typeedit
- productedit
- voucher
- voucherlist
- ezurltranslator
- ezuser
- userlist
- grouplist
- useredit/new
- groupedit/new
- authorlist
- extsearch
- sessioninfo
- passwordchange
- ezxml
- ezxmlrpc
The following administration / admin modules and views are included in eZ Publish Basic:
- ezabout
- about - One Datasupplier based module view about eZ Publish Basic Website Installation / Project CMS. Available via /about Relative URL.
- ezad
- adlist
- gotoadd
- queuedadlist
- ezbug
- bugslist
- bugreport
- bugview
- fileedit
- imageedit
- menubox
- menumodulelist
- reportsuccess
- search
- unhandledbugs
- eznewsfeed
- allcategories
- headlines
- menubox
- newslist
- search
- ezarticle
- articleedit
- articleheaderlist
- articlelinks
- articlelist
- articlelistrss
- articleview
- authorlist
- authorview
- extendedsearch
- fileedit
- filelist
- frontpage
- headlines
- imageedit
- imagelist
- mailtofriend
- menuarticleview
- menumaker
- newsgroup
- search
- searchform
- searchsupplier
- sitemap
- smallarticlelist
- topiclist
- urlsupplier
- ezbug
- bugedit
- buglist
- bugpreview
- categorylist
- cron
- menubox
- moduleedit
- modulelist
- prioritylist
- search
- statuslist
- unhandledbugs
- ezbulkmail
- bulklist
- categoryedit
- cron
- mailview
- menubox
- singlelist
- subscriptionlist
- subscriptionlogin
- usermessages
- ezcalendar
- appointmentedit
- appointmentview
- dayview
- monthview
- trustees
- yearview
- ezcontact
- companysearch
- consultationlist
- menubox
- personsearch
- searchsupplier
- urlsupplier
- ezerror
- Built-In - Kernel Error Handling Default User Datasupplier Based Module View (Dynamically Driven From ezerror/admin/datasupplier.php include instead of implementation).
- ezexample
- listtable
- page
- ezfilemanager
- filedownload
- filelist
- fileupload
- fileview
- folderedit
- menubox
- menufilelist
- menufolderlist
- search
- viewfile
- ezform
- formview
- ezforum
- categoryedit
- categorylist
- editmessage
- forumedit
- forumlist
- menubox
- message
- messageedit
- messagelist
- norights
- search
- unapprovededit
- unapprovedlist
- ezimagecatalogue
- browse
- categoryedit
- customimage
- filedownload
- imageedit
- imagelist
- imageview
- menubox
- unassigned
- ezlink
- gotolink
- latest
- linkcategorylist
- menubox
- onepagelinklist
- search
- success
- suggestlink
- ezmail
- accountedit
- configure
- fileedit
- folderlist
- link
- mailedit
- maillist
- mailview
- menubox
- search
- ezimagecatalogue
- categoryedit
- customimage
- filedownload
- imageedit
- imagelist
- imageview
- menubox
- menucategorylist
- searchsupplier
- slideshow
- ezmessage
- menubox
- messageedit
- messagelist
- messageview
- ezmodule
- activate
- eznewsfeed
- categoryedit
- cron
- importnews
- menubox
- newsarchive
- newsedit
- newssearch
- sourcesiteedit
- unpublished
- ezpoll
- pollist
- result
- userlogin
- vote
- votebox
- votepage
- ezquiz
- menubox
- quizlist
- quizmyscores
- quizopen
- quizplay
- quizscores
- ezsearch
- menubox
- search
- ezsession
- Classes only module. No views. One cron job php command, 'kernel/ezsession/admin/cron.php'.
- ezsitemanager
- cacheadmin
- fileedit
- filelist
- menubox
- menuedit
- menulist
- sectionedit
- sectionlist
- siteconfig
- sqlquery
- templateedit
- templatelist
- ezstats
- overview
- entryexitreport
- pageviewlist
- visitorlist
- refererlist
- browserlist
- requestpagelist
- yearreport
- monthreport
- dayreport
- storestats
- ezsysinfo
- fileinfo
- hwinfo
- meminfo
- menubox
- netinfo
- sysinfo
- eztodo
- menubox
- todoedit
- todoinfo
- todolist
- todomenulist
- todoview
- eztrade
- cart
- categorylist
- categorytreelist
- checkout
- confirmation
- customerlogin
- extendedsearch
- findwishlist
- hostdealslist
- invoice
- mastercard
- menubox
- metasupplier
- orderlist
- ordersendt
- orderview
- payment
- paypalnotify
- precheckout
- productlist
- productsearch
- productview
- searchsupplier
- sendwishlist
- smallcart
- smallproductlist
- viewwishlist
- visa
- voucher
- voucherinformation
- vouchermain
- voucherview
- wishlist
- ezurltranslator
- menubox
- urledit
- ezuser
- addressedit
- forgot
- forgotmessage
- login
- missingmailmessage
- norights
- userbox
- usercheck
- useredit
- userwithaddress
- ezxml
- Classes only module. No views.
- ezxmlrpc
- Classes only module. No views.
The following user modules and views are included in eZ Publish Basic:
- ezabout
- about - One Datasupplier based module view about eZ Publish Basic Website Installation / Project CMS. Available via /about Relative URL.
- ezad
- adlist
- gotoadd
- queuedadlist
- ezbug
- bugslist
- bugreport
- bugview
- fileedit
- imageedit
- menubox
- menumodulelist
- reportsuccess
- search
- unhandledbugs
- ezarticle
- articleedit
- articleheaderlist
- articlelinks
- articlelist
- articlelistrss
- articleview
- authorlist
- authorview
- extendedsearch
- fileedit
- filelist
- frontpage
- headlines
- imageedit
- imagelist
- mailtofriend
- menuarticleview
- menumaker
- newsgroup
- search
- searchform
- searchsupplier
- sitemap
- smallarticlelist
- topiclist
- urlsupplier
- ezbug
- buglist
- bugreport
- bugview
- fileedit
- imageedit
- menubox
- menumodulelist
- reportsuccess
- search
- unhandledbugs
- ezbulkmail
- bulklist
- categoryedit
- cron
- mailview
- menubox
- singlelist
- subscriptionlist
- subscriptionglogin
- usermessages
- ezcalendar
- appointmentedit
- appointmentview
- dayview
- monthview
- trustees
- yearview
- ezcontact
- companysearch
- consultationlist
- menubox
- personsearch
- searchsupplier
- urlsupplier
- ezerror
- Built-In - Kernel Error Handling Default User Datasupplier Based Module View (Dynamically Driven From ezerror/admin/datasupplier.php include instead of implementation).
- ezexample
- listtable
- page
- ezfilemanager
- filedownload
- filelist
- fileupload
- fileview
- folderedit
- menubox
- menufilelist
- menufolderlist
- search
- viewfile
- ezform
- formview
- ezforum
- categorylist
- forumlist
- latestmessages
- menubox
- menuforumlist
- message
- messagebody
- messageedit
- messageform
- messagelist
- messagelistflat
- messagepath
- messagepermissions
- messagereply
- messagesearch
- messagesimplelist
- search
- searchsupplier
- userlogin
- ezimagecatalogue
- categoryedit
- customimage
- filedownload
- imageedit
- imagelist
- imageview
- menubox
- menucategorylist
- searchsupplier
- slideshow
- ezlink
- gotolink
- latest
- linkcategorylist
- menubox
- onepagelinklist
- search
- success
- suggestlink
- ezmail
- accountedit
- configure
- fileedit
- folderlist
- link
- mailedit
- maillist
- mailview
- menubox
- search
- ezmessage
- menubox
- messageedit
- messagelist
- messageview
- ezmodule
- activate
- eznewsfeed
- allcategories
- headlines
- menubox
- newslist
- search
- ezpoll
- pollist
- result
- userlogin
- vote
- votebox
- votepage
- ezquiz
- menubox
- quizlist
- quizmyscores
- quizopen
- quizplay
- quizscores
- ezsearch
- menubox
- search
- ezsession
- Classes only module. No views. One cron job php command, 'kernel/ezsession/admin/cron.php'.
- ezsitemanager
- static - Undocumented static content view.
- ezstats
- storestats
- ezsysinfo
- No user module views. Only Admin module views.
- eztodo
- menubox
- todoedit
- todoinfo
- todolist
- todomenulist
- todoview
- eztrade
- cart
- categorylist
- categorytreelist
- checkout
- confirmation
- customerlogin
- extendedsearch
- findwishlist
- hostdealslist
- invoice
- mastercard
- menubox
- metasupplier
- orderlist
- ordersendt
- orderview
- payment
- paypalnotify
- precheckout
- productlist
- productsearch
- productview
- searchsupplier
- sendwishlist
- smallcart
- smallproductlist
- viewwishlist
- visa
- voucher
- voucherinformation
- vouchermain
- voucherview
- wishlist
- ezurltranslator
- None (Admin Only Module)
- ezuser
- addressedit
- forgot
- forgotmessage
- login
- missingmailmessage
- norights
- userbox
- usercheck
- useredit
- userwithaddress
- ezxml
- Classes only module. No views.
- ezxmlrpc
- Classes only module. No views.