- Prochlorococcus MED4 (HLI) - smallest
- Prochlorococcus AS9601 (HLII)
- Prochlorococcus 1314 (HLII)
- Prochlorococcus Natl2A (LLI)
- Prochlorococcus 9303 (LLIV)
- Prochlorococcus 9313 (LLIV) - largest
- Synechococcus WH8102
- Synechococcus 7803
- Synechococcus 8012
- Synechococcus 8109
- Crocosphaera watsonii 8501
- TAPS CCMP1335 - smallest
- Emiliania hux CCMP1742
- Phaeodactylum tricornutum CCMP632
- Licmophora paradoxa
- Micromonas pusilla
- Minutocellus sp. CCMP3330
- Navicula transitans
- Thalassiosira weissflogii CCMP3365 - largest
Culture will be grown under continuous light (100 µmol photon m-2 s-1). Cultures will be harvested in exponential phase.
- Triplicate samples of 50 ml will be filtered on pre-combusted GFF filter for CHN analysis. 150 ml
- Triplicate 1 ml will be used for counting (Influx). 3 ml
- Triplicate 10X diluted 100 ml will be used for FSC measurement on SeaFlow (3 instruments). 90 ml.
- Triplicate 10X diluted 100 ml will be used for FSC measurement on LISST (1 instrument). Will only analyze cells > 2 micron in diameter. 30 ml
- Triplicate 50 ml will be used for Volume measurement (Coulter Counter). All but Prochlorococcus cultures. 150 ml
- 100 ml will be aliquoted into 2 ml cryovials, fixed with Glutaraldehyde + Pluronic F68 and kept at -80 degC. These aliquots will be sent to other instruments for FSC calibration. 100ml
Total volume needed < 500 mL
To be more manageable, the calibration experiment will be divided in two parts:
- Cells >3 µm (11 strains) FEBRUARY 21st-24th - NON AXENIC
- Cells 0.5-1.5 µm (10 strains) MARCH 14th - 16th - AXENIC
- TAPS CCMP1335 - smallest
- Emiliania hux CCMP1742
- Phaeodactylum tricornutum CCMP632
- Licmophora paradoxa
- Micromonas pusilla
- Minutocellus sp. CCMP3330
- Navicula transitans
- Thalassiosira weissflogii CCMP3365 - largest
2.5 mL from stock diluted 10X in 25 mL of F/2 medium for non-axenic cultures - Duplicate cultures
1 ml collected from duplicate A for counting (Influx) using 2 µm beads:
- TAPS CCMP3367 = 1,242,440 cells mL-1
- TAPS CCMP1335 = 651,800 cells mL-1
- Navicula transitans = 616,690 cells mL-1
- Thalassiosira weissflogii CCMP3365 = 305,660 cells mL-1
- Licmophora paradoxa = 87 cells mL-1
- Minutocellus sp. CCMP3330 = 40,350 cells mL-1
- Phaeodactylum tricornutum CCMP632 = 634,200 cells mL-1
- Emiliania hux CCMP1742 = 300,340 cells mL-1
- Micromonas = 2,787,500 cells mL-1
Dilution of duplicate A with F/2 medium as follow (duplicate B as backup):
- Dilution 100 for CCMP3367, Micromonas
- Dilution 50 for CCMP1335, Navicula, CCMP3365, CCMP632, CCMP1742
- Dilution 10 for CCMP3330
1 ml collected from Diluted cultures for counting (Influx) using 1 µm beads:
- TAPS CCMP3367 = 2,355,180 cells mL-1
- TAPS CCMP1335 = 1,439,900 cells mL-1
- Navicula transitans = 1,597,640 cells mL-1
- Thalassiosira weissflogii CCMP3365 = 282,450 cells mL-1
- Licmophora paradoxa = 1,410 cells mL-1
- Minutocellus sp. CCMP3330 = 863,380 cells mL-1
- Phaeodactylum tricornutum CCMP632 = 2,290,940 cells mL-1
- Emiliania hux CCMP1742 = 23,820 cells mL-1
- Micromonas = ** 181,400** cells mL-1
Dilution with F/2 medium, final volume 100 mL
- TAPS CCMP3367 = D100 (2 ml in 200 ml)
- TAPS CCMP1335 = D100 (2 ml in 200 ml)
- Navicula transitans = D100 (2 ml in 200 ml)
- Thalassiosira weissflogii CCMP3365 = D20 (10 ml in 200 ml)
- Licmophora paradoxa = merge all cultures together (50 ml) and add 150 ml F/2
- Minutocellus sp. CCMP3330 = D100 (2 ml in 200 ml)
- Phaeodactylum tricornutum CCMP632 = D100 (2 ml in 200 ml)
- Emiliania hux CCMP1742 = D8 (50 ml in 200 ml)
- Micromonas = D20 (10 ml in 200 ml)
1 ml collected from 200-ml cultures for counting (Influx) using 2 µm beads:
- TAPS CCMP3367 = 35,130 cells mL-1
- TAPS CCMP1335 = 38,680 cells mL-1
- Navicula transitans = 33,250 cells mL-1
- Thalassiosira weissflogii CCMP3365 = 75,330 cells mL-1
- Licmophora paradoxa = 145 cells mL-1
- Minutocellus sp. CCMP3330 = 3,680 cells mL-1
- Phaeodactylum tricornutum CCMP632 = 72,720 cells mL-1
- Emiliania hux CCMP1742 = 1,453 cells mL-1
- Micromonas = 8,390 cells mL-1
D2 for TW CCMP3365 (remove 100 ml of culture and replaced by F/2 medium)
1 ml collected from 200-ml cultures for counting (Influx) using 2 µm beads:
- TAPS CCMP3367 = 1,264,600 cells mL-1
- TAPS CCMP1335 = 1,033,920 cells mL-1
- Navicula transitans = 1,372,740 cells mL-1
- Thalassiosira weissflogii CCMP3365 = 335,260 cells mL-1
- Licmophora paradoxa = 700 cells mL-1
- Minutocellus sp. CCMP3330 = 339,120 cells mL-1
- Phaeodactylum tricornutum CCMP632 = 2,524,320 cells mL-1
- Emiliania hux CCMP1742 = 1,64 cells mL-1
- Micromonas = 15,260 cells mL-1
Dilutions (F/2 medium)
- D3 for TAPS-1335, TAPS-3367, Navicula, TW3365, Minutocellus (Add 400 ml F/2)
- D5 PT-632 (remove 100 ml, add 400 ml F/2)
- No dilution for Ehux, Micromonas, Licmophora
- D3 of Navicula and Minutocellus (collected 200 ml of surface bottle and added 400 ml F/2)
1 ml collected from 600-ml cultures for counting (Influx) using 2 µm beads:
- TAPS CCMP3367 = 828,060 cells mL-1
- TAPS CCMP1335 = 651,16 cells mL-1
- Navicula transitans - D3= 277,280 cells mL-1
- Navicula transitans = 651,140 cells mL-1
- Thalassiosira weissflogii CCMP3365 = 164,180 cells mL-1
- Licmophora paradoxa = 660 cells mL-1
- Minutocellus sp. CCMP3330 = 27,320 cells mL-1
- Minutocellus sp. CCMP3330 - D3 = 28,520 cells mL-1
- Phaeodactylum tricornutum CCMP632 = 651,140 cells mL-1
- Emiliania hux CCMP1742 = 1,840 cells mL-1
- Micromonas = 21,980 cells mL-1
Dilutions (filtered seawater)
- D50 for TAPS3367, TAPS1335, PT632
- D10 for Navicula - D3 and TW3365
Counting 100-300 µL with Influx using 1 µm beads
filtration on pre-combusted GFF, triplicate:
- Phaeodactylum tricornutum CCMP632 = 50 ml
- TAPS CCMP3367 = 50 ml
- Blank = 75 ml
- TAPS CCMP1335 = 100 ml (a fourth filter for 1335 is either 100ml or 75ml, not sure, but written on the box)
- Navicula transitans = 75 ml
- Thalassiosira weissflogii CCMP3365 = 50 ml
- Counting for 6 minutes (2 files) with SeaFlow #740 and #751 using 1 µm beads
Counting 100 µL with Influx using 1 µm beads
filtration on pre-combusted 0.7 µm GFF, triplicate:
- Micromonas = 50 ml
- Blank = 75 ml
- Phaeodactylum tricornutum CCMP632 = 50 ml
- Emiliania hux CCMP1742 = 26 ml (only 1 filter for Ehux)
- Licmophora paradoxa = 50 ml
- Counting for 6 minutes (2 files) with SeaFlow #740 and #751 using 1 µm beads
- Prochlorococcus MED4 (HLI) - smallest
- Prochlorococcus AS9601 (HLII)
- Prochlorococcus 1314 (HLII)
- Prochlorococcus Natl2A (LLI) - largest
- Synechococcus WH8102
- Synechococcus 7803
1 mL from stock grown in Pro99 medium for axenic cultures under continuous light D100 before counting
- MED4 = 676 x 106 cells mL-1
- AS9601 = 199 x 106 cells mL-1 -- 2 populations (contamination?)
- 1314 = 291 x 106 cells mL-1
- Natl2A = 32 x 106 cells mL-1
- WH8102 = 38 x 106 cells mL-1 -- unhealthy
- 7803 = 48 x 106 cells mL-1
D5 for all stocks with Pro99
1 mL from stock, D100 before counting
- MED4 = 302 x 106 cells mL-1
- AS9601 = 181 x 106 cells mL-1 -- 2 populations (contamination?)
- 1314 = 115 x 106 cells mL-1
- Natl2A = 32 x 106 cells mL-1
- WH8102 = 24 x 106 cells mL-1 -- unhealthy
- 7803 = 35 x 106 cells mL-1
D5 of all cultures
1 mL from stock, D100 before counting
- MED4 = 140 x 106 cells mL-1 -- Low FSC pop
- AS9601 = 227 x 106 cells mL-1 =
- 1314 = 34 x 106 cells mL-1
- Natl2A = 7 x 106 cells mL-1 -- small pop
- WH8102 = 24 x 106 cells mL-1 -- Low CHL pop
- 7803 = 15 x 106 cells mL-1 -- Ok, but low CHL pop
Washing 6 - 500 ml glass Erlen with 10% HCL
1 mL from stock, D100 before counting
- MED4 = 263 x 106 cells mL-1
- AS9601 = 556 x 106 cells mL-1
- 1314 = 45 x 106 cells mL-1
- Natl2A = 11 x 106 cells mL-1
- WH8102 = 46 x 106 cells mL-1 -- Ok, but low CHL pop
- 7803 = 41 x 106 cells mL-1 -- Ok, but low CHL pop
1 mL from stock, D100 before counting
- MED4 = 377 x 106 cells mL-1
- AS9601 = 469 x 106 cells mL-1
- 1314 = 79 x 106 cells mL-1
- Natl2A = 15 x 106 cells mL-1
- WH8102 = 70 x 106 cells mL-1
- 7803 = 48 x 106 cells mL-1
Take 30 ml stock into 120 ml of Pro99 medium in flask (flask was washed with 10%HCl, rinsed with MQ and autoclaved)
Influx count: 985 µL media , 5 µL beads + 10 µL cultures Counting 100 µL with Influx using 1 µm beads
filtration on pre-combusted 0.3 µm GF-75 (Advantec), triplicate:
- 30 ml for cultures
- 30 ml for Blank (Pro99)
- Counting for 6 minutes (2 files) with SeaFlow #740 and #751 using 1 µm beads
NB: 100-300 dilution before counting cells on SeaFlow; Trigger on FSC (Red noisy on #751)
NB2: Pressure sensor not working on #751