If you are not using Maven or some other dependency management tool that can understand Maven repositories, the list below is what you need to run Ektorp.
- jackson-core-asl 1.8.6
- jackson-mapper-asl 1.8.6
- httpclient 4.1.1
- httpcore 4.1
- httpclient-cache 4.1.1 (only if caching is enabled)
- commons-codec 1.4
- commons-io 2.0.1
- slf4j-api 1.6.1
- org.ektorp 1.2.2
- spring-context 3.0.5
- spring-aop 3.0.5
- spring-beans 3.0.5
- spring-core 3.0.5
- spring-expression 3.0.5
- spring-asm 3.0.5
- aspectjweaver 1.6.9
- aopalliance 1.0
- commons-logging 1.1.1