Simply spoken, an ADT is a type which is represented by several other subtypes.
In Kotlin or Java 15, we can use Sealed Classes to define algebraic data types.
In the pronunciation, "L"s are muted. The native functional language of Coq.
The proof assistant to prove Gallina.
Check (S (S (S (S O)))).
(* ===> 4 : nat *)
Definition minustwo (n : nat) : nat :=
match n with
| O => O
| S O => O
| S (S n') => n'
Compute (minustwo 4).
(* ===> 2 : nat *)
The constructor S
has the type nat -> nat
, just like functions such as
and minustwo
Check S : nat -> nat.
Check pred : nat -> nat.
Check minustwo : nat -> nat.
These are all things that can be applied to a number to yield a number. However,
there is a fundamental difference between S
and the other two: functions like
and minustwo
are defined by giving computation rules -- e.g., the
definition of pred
says that pred 2
can be simplified to 1
-- while the
definition of S
has no such behavior attached. Although it is like a function
in the sense that it can be applied to an argument, it does not do anything at
all! It is just a way of writing down numbers.
Think about standard decimal numerals: the numeral 1 is not a computation; it's a piece of data. When we write 111 to mean the number one hundred and eleven, we are using 1, three times, to write down a concrete representation of a number.
== unfold
and then check if there are terms can changed but if not
When dealing with evidence (inductive propositions).
Rule of thumb: destruct
< inversion
< induction
- Case analysis == disjunction (OR)
destruct H as [A | B]
intros [A | B]
- Proposition chain == conjunction (AND)
destruct H as [A B]
intros [A B]
- Destruct on evidence
- If a hypothesis is an inductive proposition, it can be destructed to see how it is built by case analysis.
- It's just like we destruct on data's constructors as
is actually a data. - We can use
to do such thing with MORE automation (injection
following)!!- Also,
help you toremember
more evidence thandestruct
. - If only using
on evidence (prop) is not enough, we need to useinduction
on it!!
- Also,
- Destruct existential quantifier to get a witness
and the hypothesis stating thatP
holds ofx
destruct H as [x Hx]
Lab 3 Recording (53:00):
Only introduce as much as you need to into the set of assumptions before doing an induction. Because then, the more universally quantified things you have in your goal, the more universally quantified things you will have in your inductive hypothesis, which is the more things you have the freedom to choose when you apply that inductive hypothesis.
- Is a more powerful version of
. Thus, it can be applied todata
(evidence). The reason is that we will get additional sub-hypothesis or sub-evidence in the subgoals. - Any thing you can prove with
can be proved withinduction
is used on a hypothesis involving an equality between
different constructors (e.g., false = true), and it solves the current goal
is to prove a goal that is nonsensical (e.g., the goal state is
false = true).
: find a hypothesis and apply it exactly.constructor
: find a constructor and apply it exactly.lia
: Automatically prove theorem about natural numbers.
- Search for all usages and lemmas of a keyword.
Search nat.
- Search for the usages and lemmas given a "shape".
Search (_ + _).
- Constructive logic: no excluded middle
- Coq
- Classic logic: assume excluded middle