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65 lines (44 loc) · 2.31 KB

File metadata and controls

65 lines (44 loc) · 2.31 KB

Contributing to CraftCourier

We welcome contributions to CraftCourier! Whether you're fixing bugs, improving documentation, or adding new features, we appreciate your help. Please follow these guidelines to ensure a smooth contribution process.

How to Contribute

  1. Fork the Repository
    Click the "Fork" button at the top right of this page to create a copy of the repository under your own GitHub account.

  2. Clone Your Fork
    Clone the forked repository to your local machine:

    git clone
  3. Create a New Branch
    Create a new branch for your changes:

    git checkout -b plugin

    Use a descriptive name for your branch.

  4. Make Your Changes
    Make your changes to the codebase. Be sure to write clear, concise commit messages that explain the purpose of your changes.

  5. Test Your Changes
    Run tests to ensure your changes do not break any existing functionality. Add new tests if applicable.

  6. Commit Your Changes
    Commit your changes with a descriptive message:

    git add .
    git commit -m "Describe your changes here"
  7. Push Your Changes
    Push your changes to your forked repository:

    git push origin plugin
  8. Open a Pull Request
    Go to the original repository on GitHub and click the "New Pull Request" button. Select your branch and compare it to the main branch of the original repository. Provide a clear description of your changes and submit the pull request.

Code of Conduct

Please adhere to our Code of Conduct while contributing. We strive to maintain a respectful and inclusive environment for all contributors.

Issues and Feature Requests

If you encounter issues or have feature requests, please open an issue in the Issues section of the repository. Provide as much detail as possible to help us understand and address the problem.


For any questions or further information, you can reach out to me directly via GitHub or email at [email protected].

Thank you for contributing to CraftCourier!

CraftCourier is maintained by Sebastian Jn.