- Full background daemon - Auto load state on machine startup based on last configuration
- CLI and GUI application for adjusting basic settings
- Install cargo or rustc
- add
libdbus-1-dev libusb-dev libhidapi-dev libhidapi-hidraw0 pkg-config libudev-dev libgtk-3-dev
packages (or equivelent) - run
./install.sh install
as a normal user - reboot
- Enjoy!
- Add this flake to your inputs using
inputs.razerdaemon.url = "github:JosuGZ/razer-laptop-control";
- Import the razerdaemon module where your inputs are in scope
imports = [
- Enable the exposed nixos option using
services.razer-laptop-control.enable = true;
razer-cli <action> <attribute> <power_state> <args>
- read - Read an attribute (get its current state) - No additional args are supplied
- write - Write an attribute, and save it to configuration - See below for argument counts
- fan - Fan RPM. ARG: 0 = Auto, anything else is interpreted as a litteral RPM
- power - Power mode. ARG: 0 = Balanced, 1 = Gaming, 2 = Creator, 4 = Custom
- brightness - Change brightness of the keyboard
- logo - change logo state (for models with logo): 0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = breathing
- sync - sync light effect for battery/ac
- standard_effect - effects predefined in keyboard controller
- colour - Keyboard colour. ARGS: R G B channels, each channel is set from 0 to 255
- ac
- bat
- 'off'
- 'wave' - PARAMS:
- 'reactive' - PARAMS:
- 'breathing' - PARAMS: [Red] [Green] [Blue] [Red] [Green] [Blue]
- 'spectrum'
- 'static' - PARAMS:
- 'starlight' - PARAMS: [Red] [Green] [Blue] [Red] [Green] [Blue]
Custom power control take two more parameters: cpu boost and gpu boost
- 0 - low power
- 1 - normal
- 2 - high
- 3 - boost (only for CPU and only for Advanced 2020 model and Studio Edition)
razer-cli write power ac 4 3 2