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172 lines (117 loc) · 6.8 KB

File metadata and controls

172 lines (117 loc) · 6.8 KB

Important notes

This bundle provides the "glue" between thephpleague/oauth2-server library and the Symfony framework. It implements thephpleague/oauth2-server library in a way specified by its official documentation. For implementation into Symfony projects, please see bundle documentation and official Symfony Security documentation.


  • API endpoint for client authorization and token issuing
  • Configurable client and token persistance (includes Doctrine support)
  • Integration with Symfony's Security layer



  1. Require the bundle with Composer:

    composer require league/oauth2-server-bundle

    If your project is managed using Symfony Flex, the rest of the steps are not required. Just follow the post-installation instructions instead! 🎉

  2. Create the bundle configuration file under config/packages/league_oauth2_server.yaml. Here is a reference configuration file:

        authorization_server: # Required
            # Full path to the private key file.
            # How to generate a private key:
            private_key:          ~ # Required, Example: /var/oauth/private.key
            # Passphrase of the private key, if any
            private_key_passphrase: null
            # The plain string or the ascii safe string used to create a Defuse\Crypto\Key to be used as an encryption key.
            # How to generate an encryption key:
            encryption_key:       ~ # Required
            # The type of value of 'encryption_key'
            encryption_key_type:  plain # One of "plain"; "defuse"
            # How long the issued access token should be valid for.
            # The value should be a valid interval:
            access_token_ttl:     PT1H
            # How long the issued refresh token should be valid for.
            # The value should be a valid interval:
            refresh_token_ttl:    P1M
            # How long the issued auth code should be valid for.
            # The value should be a valid interval:
            auth_code_ttl:        PT10M
            # Whether to enable the client credentials grant
            enable_client_credentials_grant: true
            # Whether to enable the password grant
            enable_password_grant: true
            # Whether to enable the refresh token grant
            enable_refresh_token_grant: true
            # Whether to enable the authorization code grant
            enable_auth_code_grant: true
            # Whether to require code challenge for public clients for the auth code grant
            require_code_challenge_for_public_clients: true
        resource_server:      # Required
            # Full path to the public key file
            # How to generate a public key:
            public_key:           ~ # Required, Example: /var/oauth/public.key
            # Scopes that you wish to utilize in your application.
            # This should be a simple array of strings.
            available:               []
            # Scopes that will be assigned when no scope given.
            # This should be a simple array of strings.
            default:                 []
        # Configures different persistence methods that can be used by the bundle for saving client and token data.
        # Only one persistence method can be configured at a time.
        persistence:          # Required
                # Name of the entity manager that you wish to use for managing clients and tokens.
                entity_manager:       default
            in_memory:            ~
        # Set a custom prefix that replaces the default 'ROLE_OAUTH2_' role prefix
        role_prefix:          ROLE_OAUTH2_
            # Set a custom client class. Must be a League\Bundle\OAuth2ServerBundle\Model\Client
            classname:        League\Bundle\OAuth2ServerBundle\Model\Client
  3. Enable the bundle in config/bundles.php by adding it to the array:

    League\Bundle\OAuth2ServerBundle\LeagueOAuth2ServerBundle::class => ['all' => true]
  4. Update the database so bundle entities can be persisted using Doctrine:

    bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
  5. Enable the authenticator security system in config/security.yaml file:

    enable_authenticator_manager: true
  1. Import the routes inside your config/routes.yaml file:

        resource: '@LeagueOAuth2ServerBundle/Resources/config/routes.php'

You can verify that everything is working by issuing a POST request to the /token endpoint.

❮ NOTE ❯ It is recommended to control the access to the authorization endpoint so that only logged in users can approve authorization requests. You should review your config/security.yaml file. Here is a sample configuration:

        - { path: ^/authorize, roles: IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED }



Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


This project adheres to Semantic Versioning 2.0.0. Randomly breaking public APIs is not an option.

However, starting with version 4, we only promise to follow SemVer on structural elements marked with the @api tag.


All the package releases are recorded in the CHANGELOG file.

Reporting issues

Use the issue tracker to report any issues you might have.


See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).