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- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/about/index.html b/about/index.html index f7e329f..126fe14 100644 --- a/about/index.html +++ b/about/index.html @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ About SEF | SEF Handbook - + @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ the United Nations’ sustainable development goal of “Quality Education”. You can visit our Facebook page to see our hub of activity and our website for more details.

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We are eager to be part of this esteemed program and are looking forward to the potential projects and mentorship opportunities available in 2024. Participating in Google Summer of Code with SEF provides a unique chance to enhance your coding skills while contributing to initiatives that have a positive impact on education in developing countries.",source:"@site/docs/project-ideas.md",sourceDirName:".",slug:"/project-ideas",permalink:"/project-ideas",draft:!1,editUrl:"https://github.com/sef-global/sef-handbook/edit/main/docs/project-ideas.md",tags:[],version:"current",lastUpdatedBy:"anjula-sack",lastUpdatedAt:1706115946,formattedLastUpdatedAt:"Jan 24, 2024",sidebarPosition:10,frontMatter:{sidebar_position:10},sidebar:"tutorialSidebar",previous:{title:"Adopting a self-service and self-learning mentality",permalink:"/culture/self-service"},next:{title:"GSoC - Guidelines",permalink:"/gsoc-contributor-guidance"}},p={},s=[],d={toc:s};function c(e){let{components:t,...n}=e;return(0,r.kt)("wrapper",(0,a.Z)({},d,n,{components:t,mdxType:"MDXLayout"}),(0,r.kt)("h1",{id:"google-summer-of-code-2024---project-ideas"},"Google Summer of Code 2024 - Project Ideas"),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"Sustainable Education Foundation is excited to announce our first-time application to be a mentoring organization for ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"http://g.co/gsoc"},"Google Summer of Code")," 2024! 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"),(0,r.kt)("table",null,(0,r.kt)("thead",{parentName:"table"},(0,r.kt)("tr",{parentName:"thead"},(0,r.kt)("th",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Project name and outcome"),(0,r.kt)("th",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Project rating and length"),(0,r.kt)("th",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"About the project"),(0,r.kt)("th",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Required skills"))),(0,r.kt)("tbody",{parentName:"table"},(0,r.kt)("tr",{parentName:"tbody"},(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Dashboard to Visualize Program Progress"),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Medium, 175 hours"),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Develop a dashboard to visually track the progress of the mentoring program."),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"React, TypeScript, Node.js")),(0,r.kt)("tr",{parentName:"tbody"},(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"ScholarX Integrated Emails for Admins"),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Medium, 175 hours"),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Integrate email functionality for admins, allowing them to create and manage email templates and check email statuses."),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"React, TypeScript, Node.js")),(0,r.kt)("tr",{parentName:"tbody"},(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Individual Profile for Mentors/Mentees"),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Medium, 175 hours"),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Develop individual profiles for mentors and mentees to showcase their background, skills, and experiences."),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"React, TypeScript, Node.js")),(0,r.kt)("tr",{parentName:"tbody"},(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"ScholarX Messaging"),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Medium, 175 hours"),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Create a messaging feature to facilitate communication between mentors and mentees."),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"React, TypeScript, Node.js")),(0,r.kt)("tr",{parentName:"tbody"},(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Calendar Booking Feature"),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Medium, 175 hours"),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Implement a calendar booking feature for scheduling appointments for the mentor within the platform."),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"React, TypeScript, Node.js")))))}c.isMDXComponent=!0}}]); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/js/b07f146c.f319352d.js b/assets/js/b07f146c.f319352d.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b0669fd --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/js/b07f146c.f319352d.js @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +"use strict";(self.webpackChunksef_handbook=self.webpackChunksef_handbook||[]).push([[13],{3905:(e,t,a)=>{a.d(t,{Zo:()=>d,kt:()=>u});var n=a(7294);function r(e,t,a){return t in e?Object.defineProperty(e,t,{value:a,enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0}):e[t]=a,e}function i(e,t){var a=Object.keys(e);if(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols){var n=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);t&&(n=n.filter((function(t){return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,t).enumerable}))),a.push.apply(a,n)}return a}function o(e){for(var t=1;t=0||(r[a]=e[a]);return r}(e,t);if(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols){var i=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);for(n=0;n=0||Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e,a)&&(r[a]=e[a])}return r}var s=n.createContext({}),m=function(e){var t=n.useContext(s),a=t;return e&&(a="function"==typeof e?e(t):o(o({},t),e)),a},d=function(e){var t=m(e.components);return n.createElement(s.Provider,{value:t},e.children)},c={inlineCode:"code",wrapper:function(e){var t=e.children;return n.createElement(n.Fragment,{},t)}},p=n.forwardRef((function(e,t){var a=e.components,r=e.mdxType,i=e.originalType,s=e.parentName,d=l(e,["components","mdxType","originalType","parentName"]),p=m(a),u=r,h=p["".concat(s,".").concat(u)]||p[u]||c[u]||i;return a?n.createElement(h,o(o({ref:t},d),{},{components:a})):n.createElement(h,o({ref:t},d))}));function u(e,t){var a=arguments,r=t&&t.mdxType;if("string"==typeof e||r){var i=a.length,o=new Array(i);o[0]=p;var l={};for(var s in t)hasOwnProperty.call(t,s)&&(l[s]=t[s]);l.originalType=e,l.mdxType="string"==typeof e?e:r,o[1]=l;for(var m=2;m{a.r(t),a.d(t,{assets:()=>s,contentTitle:()=>o,default:()=>c,frontMatter:()=>i,metadata:()=>l,toc:()=>m});var n=a(7462),r=(a(7294),a(3905));const i={sidebar_position:10},o="Google Summer of Code 2024 - Project Ideas",l={unversionedId:"project-ideas",id:"project-ideas",title:"Google Summer of Code 2024 - Project Ideas",description:"Sustainable Education Foundation is excited to announce our first-time application to be a mentoring organization for Google Summer of Code 2024! We are eager to be part of this esteemed program and are looking forward to the potential projects and mentorship opportunities available in 2024. Participating in Google Summer of Code with SEF provides a unique chance to enhance your coding skills while contributing to initiatives that have a positive impact on education in developing countries.",source:"@site/docs/project-ideas.md",sourceDirName:".",slug:"/project-ideas",permalink:"/project-ideas",draft:!1,editUrl:"https://github.com/sef-global/sef-handbook/edit/main/docs/project-ideas.md",tags:[],version:"current",lastUpdatedBy:"Sanjana",lastUpdatedAt:1706291182,formattedLastUpdatedAt:"Jan 26, 2024",sidebarPosition:10,frontMatter:{sidebar_position:10},sidebar:"tutorialSidebar",previous:{title:"Adopting a self-service and self-learning mentality",permalink:"/culture/self-service"},next:{title:"GSoC - Guidelines",permalink:"/gsoc-contributor-guidance"}},s={},m=[],d={toc:m};function c(e){let{components:t,...a}=e;return(0,r.kt)("wrapper",(0,n.Z)({},d,a,{components:t,mdxType:"MDXLayout"}),(0,r.kt)("h1",{id:"google-summer-of-code-2024---project-ideas"},"Google Summer of Code 2024 - Project Ideas"),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"Sustainable Education Foundation is excited to announce our first-time application to be a mentoring organization for ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"http://g.co/gsoc"},"Google Summer of Code")," 2024! We are eager to be part of this esteemed program and are looking forward to the potential projects and mentorship opportunities available in 2024. Participating in Google Summer of Code with SEF provides a unique chance to enhance your coding skills while contributing to initiatives that have a positive impact on education in developing countries."),(0,r.kt)("p",null,"If you are new to Sustainable Education Foundation, we recommend going through our ",(0,r.kt)("a",{parentName:"p",href:"https://handbook.sefglobal.org/engineering-team/team"},"handbook"),". "),(0,r.kt)("table",null,(0,r.kt)("thead",{parentName:"table"},(0,r.kt)("tr",{parentName:"thead"},(0,r.kt)("th",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Project name"),(0,r.kt)("th",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"RATING AND SIZE"),(0,r.kt)("th",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"PROJECT DESCRIPTION"),(0,r.kt)("th",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"SKILLS (Required/Preferred)"),(0,r.kt)("th",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Primary Mentor"),(0,r.kt)("th",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Secondary Mentor"))),(0,r.kt)("tbody",{parentName:"table"},(0,r.kt)("tr",{parentName:"tbody"},(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Program Progress Data visualization for ScholarX"),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Medium, 175 hours"),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"We need to get some insights on what\u2019s happening with the program. The best solution to this is to visualize the data we have in a meaningful way. We can integrate this to our existing admin dashboard. With this information we can make better decisions to make the scholarx program better."),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"React, TypeScript, Node.js"),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Anjula Samarasinghe"),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Madhawa Monarawila")),(0,r.kt)("tr",{parentName:"tbody"},(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Integrated Email Communication System for ScholarX Platform"),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Medium, 175 hours"),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"To enhance communication within the ScholarX platform, an integrated email system will be implemented. This will allow program admins to seamlessly contact mentors and mentees directly through the platform, eliminating the need for external email systems. The integration will include features such as composing, sending, and receiving emails, as well as organising and tracking communications for monitoring purposes."),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"React, TypeScript, Node.js, Email API Integration (e.g., SMTP for sending emails, IMAP for receiving emails)"),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Mayura Alahakoon"),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Heshan Jayaneththi")),(0,r.kt)("tr",{parentName:"tbody"},(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Individual Profile for Mentors/Mentees"),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Medium, 175 hours"),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"It would be beneficial to provide ScholarX users (mentors and mentees) with a means to share their ScholarX profiles as a portfolio. This feature would enable them to showcase their activities, including past mentorships (both taken and given), reviews, and other pertinent details such as their background, skills, and experience. A user can function as either a mentor or a mentee, and while most users will fall into only one category, there may be exceptional cases where a user serves in both roles. To implement this, students can utilize the existing wireframes and UI mockups designed for the relevant profile pages, making improvements as necessary. Additionally, backend changes may be suggested based on specific requirements and optimization needs."),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"React, TypeScript, Node.js"),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Piumal Rathnayake"),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Kumuditha Udaya")),(0,r.kt)("tr",{parentName:"tbody"},(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"ScholarX Messaging"),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Medium, 175 hours"),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"The project involves creating a messaging feature for a web application to enhance communication between mentors and mentees in scholarX. The key features expected include a user-friendly chat interface with real-time messaging, support for text messages, and possibly file attachments. The system should implement push notifications or email alerts to notify users of new messages, Additionally, the platform should provide read receipts, and offer mentors the ability to create group messages for\xa0their\xa0mentees."),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"React, TypeScript, Node.js"),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Kumuditha Udaya"),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null})),(0,r.kt)("tr",{parentName:"tbody"},(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Integrated appointment system for ScholarX Platform"),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Medium, 175 hours"),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"One of the key requirements of the ScholarX program is to understand the interactions between the mentees and the mentors. However since most of the meeting / discussion scheduling happens outside the platform, program admins have to rely on manual feedback collections to monitor aspects like frequency of discussions, discussed topics, etc."),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"React, TypeScript, Node.js"),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Ashen Robles"),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Anjula Samarasinghe")),(0,r.kt)("tr",{parentName:"tbody"},(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"ScholarX Certificate Generator"),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Medium, 175 hours"),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"ScholarX Certificate Generator will address the inefficiencies of the current manual system. The project is designed to streamline and enhance the certification process for the ScholarX program. This platform enables seamless certificate generation for program participants, ensuring a quick and efficient way to validate their achievements."),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"React, TypeScript, Node.js, Jest"),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Janith Kariyawasam"),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Ashen Robles")),(0,r.kt)("tr",{parentName:"tbody"},(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Recommendation System for ScholarX Platform"),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Medium, 175 hours"),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Currently, in the ScholarX Platform, mentees can filter mentors by category and find a suited mentor, but we want to implement a more sophisticated recommendation system, which will analyse mentees' responses to questions to identify their interests and then match mentees with mentors based on similar interests, providing a more personalised and effective mentorship experience."),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Understanding of machine learning algorithms for analysis, Familiarity with creating web services, and APIs, Python"),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Madhawa Monarawila"),(0,r.kt)("td",{parentName:"tr",align:null},"Akshika Wijesundara")))))}c.isMDXComponent=!0}}]); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/js/runtime~main.2befd983.js b/assets/js/runtime~main.0f9a9c90.js similarity index 98% rename from assets/js/runtime~main.2befd983.js rename to assets/js/runtime~main.0f9a9c90.js index 4e2b03e..7a44c47 100644 --- a/assets/js/runtime~main.2befd983.js +++ b/assets/js/runtime~main.0f9a9c90.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -(()=>{"use strict";var e,t,r,a,o,n={},f={};function d(e){var t=f[e];if(void 0!==t)return t.exports;var r=f[e]={id:e,loaded:!1,exports:{}};return n[e].call(r.exports,r,r.exports,d),r.loaded=!0,r.exports}d.m=n,d.c=f,e=[],d.O=(t,r,a,o)=>{if(!r){var 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Handbook - + @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ exceptional service to their students.

In order to drive this vision we aspire to be invited to sit on secondary and tertiary education institutions Board of Directors or as Independent Consultants to influence decision making with regard to education policies and infrastructure.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/culture/self-service/index.html b/culture/self-service/index.html index 3accc38..758fe51 100644 --- a/culture/self-service/index.html +++ b/culture/self-service/index.html @@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ Adopting a self-service and self-learning mentality | SEF Handbook - +

Adopting a self-service and self-learning mentality


As an all-remote organisation, SEF thrive through documentation. Importantly, this necessitates that every team member be equally invested in documenting, thereby creating a virtuous cycle of self-searching, self-service, and self-learning.

Assume your question is already answered

It's not what you know. It's knowing where to look. This is true at SEF and other organizations that are intentional about documenting processes, and it is entirely counter to how typical work environments are structured.

From the very first day at SEF, it is imperative that new team members operate with the assumption that their questions are already answered. This is a profound process shift that may feel unnatural and inefficient.

For many — particularly team members joining from a colocated environment — this requires a retraining of sorts. You must force yourself to not default to tapping on the virtual shoulder of someone as soon as an inquiry comes to mind. Rather, team members should redirect that effort to searching.

Proactive approach to answering questions

The Core team attempts to proactively answer any question you may have before you have to ask it. If a new hire still has a question about process that wasn't answered, the natural next step is to work with a subject matter expert at SEF to answer, then document.

Whenever a new contributor brings up a valid process point that leads to a previously undocumented answer, the default mindset should be to answer and document right away. This requires a mindset of self-service, self-searching, and self-learning. It also requires diligence and empathy.

Paying it forward

The ideal response to learning a new answer at SEF is to document said answer in an act of paying it forward, such that every new hire that comes after will be able to find this information more quickly. Plus, it removes the companywide burden of having to develop this answer from scratch again. This mentality encompasses many sub-values.

  1. Write things down
  2. Be respectful of others' time
  3. Responsibility over rigidity
  4. Move fast by shipping the minimal viable change
  5. Ambitious
  6. Ownership
  7. Sense of urgency
  8. Bias for action

Why is self-searching and self-learning uncomfortable at first?

For many companies, the frenetic pace of business creates a false sense of justification for bypassing documentation. Once this happens, the only way to consistently learn is to ask another person, over and over. At scale, this is an extraordinarily wasteful process that leads to exhaustion, watered-down instructions, and huge knowledge gaps as team members cycle in and out.

However, most employees are not empowered to shift an entire company culture to one that favors documentation. Thus, one typically builds a skillset of how and when to ask other humans in order to extract information vital to achieving their goals. They know it's a suboptimal approach, but may feel that they have no reasonable alternative. When you aren't given a handbook that is regularly updated and reliably actionable, it feels odd to seek answers first in documentation.

Humans tend to trust other humans more than words written in an online repository, which is why it's so vital to humanize a handbook by empowering all members of a company to contribute.

Public over private

A commonly-rooted habit that requires breaking at SEF is this: oftentimes, people assume that by asking someone a question privately, they are doing everyone else a favor by bothering the fewest number of people.

At SEF, we flip that notion on its head. We prefer SEF Hive over private, as this enables deeper collaboration. We encourage team members to consider making private issues public wherever possible so that we can all learn from the experience, rather than requiring a small group to spend effort translating those learnings in the future.

While making conversations public may feel inefficient in the moment, it is much more efficient long-term. It leads to significantly fewer interruptions. Team members should search for their own answers, and, if an answer is not readily found or the answer is not clear, ask in public as we all should have a low level of shame. Write down any new information discovered and pay it forward so that those coming after will have better efficiency built on top of practicing collaboration, inclusion, and documenting the results.

Minimizing interruptions creates a less chaotic workplace for all, and leads to something that is increasingly precious: long, uninterrupted periods of time where you can get into a state of flow.

By answering with a link, you're doing the following:

  1. Making your day more efficient, enabling you to disengage with work earlier and enjoy your surroundings, family, and community.
  2. Allowing the recipient to ingest the answer on their own time.
  3. Removing bias from the answer, which empowers the recipient to iterate further on what is documented by starting a merge request.
  4. Leading by example, showing new team members that they too should strive to answer via documentation.
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/engineering-team/team-responsibilities/index.html b/engineering-team/team-responsibilities/index.html index 2ab8503..4f30787 100644 --- a/engineering-team/team-responsibilities/index.html +++ b/engineering-team/team-responsibilities/index.html @@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ Team Responsibilities | SEF Handbook - +

Team Responsibilities

Since joining the engineering team takes a considerable amount of effort and going through an evaluation process, continuing to be a part of the team would also require the same effort. Being part of the team is a rare opportunity and it is our responsibility as management to determine whether the efforts you make meet our expectations. The following points will be used to ascertain such efforts:

  • Have you been consistently participating in the standups?
    At least 8 days of participation per a time period of 3 months is considered mandatory
  • Did you keep the team updated on the days on which you were unable to participate in a standup?
    Stating the reason for absence is not mandatory, yet keeping the team updated on the status of your recent tasks is appreciated.
  • Have you led or contributed to a project feature recently?
    Proactively taking part and contributing to new features as well as leading them is a major responsibility of being part of the engineering team.
  • Were you able to meet the deadlines?
    Even though we are feature based, it is expected from a team member to complete the tasks on time. If certain circumstances are hindering your performance, please be kind enough to update the team. Therefore the task can be assigned to another team member or an extension can be granted.

Although it is not expected from you to strictly adhere to the following points, consider them as expectations of a responsible team member:

  • Following best practices when contributing
  • Keeping the team updated if you are taking a leave
  • Proactively contributing instead of waiting to be assigned to a task
  • Taking ownership when it comes to your tasks and meeting deadlines
  • Helping out your fellow colleagues
  • Communication -
    • Keep the team updated on what you are working on, either through hive posts or slack messages
    • If you are facing blockers or any issues, keep the team updated
    • Keep discussions public, since every member can chip in their thoughts
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/engineering-team/team/index.html b/engineering-team/team/index.html index f0f9d0f..3ff64bc 100644 --- a/engineering-team/team/index.html +++ b/engineering-team/team/index.html @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Being part of the Engineering Team | SEF Handbook - + @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ social media profiles. For further details refer here The hierarchy of badges and the requirements are as follows:

  • Level 0 - Contributor Kraken
    • Has made the first pull request
    • Has introduced themselves on SEF Hive
  • Level 1 - Titan Developer
    • Has made three pull requests
    • Has level 0 badge
  • Level 2 - Git Gojira
    • Has made five pull requests
    • Has level 1 badge
  • Level 3 - SEF Prodigy
    • Has passed the quiz
    • Has level 2 badge
    • Will be added to the GitHub organization
  • Level 4 - Monster Volunteer
    • Has taken part in standups for one month
    • Has level 3 badge
  • Level 5 - Open Source Behemoth
    • Is a member of a sprint
    • Has level 4 badge
    • Will be added to the engineering team as a software engineer

Weekly Engineering Team Standup

Join us for our weekly Engineering Team Standup every Saturday at 7:00 pm IST. Meeting Link: https://meet.google.com/mys-fenp-knv

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/goals/index.html b/goals/index.html index 9c34ee3..914da63 100644 --- a/goals/index.html +++ b/goals/index.html @@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ Goals | SEF Handbook - +


Our aim is to enable the Sri Lankan education system to develop into one where:

  • Knowledge is acquired via both traditional and non traditional pathways without infrastructure limitations.
  • Students graduate with in-demand employability/entrepreneurial skills.
  • Values like genuine curiosity, capability for research, social justice and ownership/responsibility are instilled in students.
  • Attitudes such as resilience, self-reliance and growth mindset are instilled from an early age in students.

In turn moving Sri Lanka from brain drain to brain gain by:

  • Breaking cultural stereotyping of careers and higher education options.
  • Connecting Sri Lankan expats with local students to broaden their career and education options.
  • Providing in demand skills to graduates that improve their employability.
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/gsoc-contributor-guidance/index.html b/gsoc-contributor-guidance/index.html index ae690a7..2b7d058 100644 --- a/gsoc-contributor-guidance/index.html +++ b/gsoc-contributor-guidance/index.html @@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ GSoC - Guidelines | SEF Handbook - +

Google Summer of Code Contributor Guidelines

Are you interested in participating in a Google Summer of Code project with SEF? We're excited to guide you toward becoming a successful GSoC contributor in our community. To assist you, we've compiled some guidelines and sessions that address your initial questions and provide insight into what is expected of students before proposal submission, after acceptance, and during the coding period.

Before the Application

  1. Familiarize yourself with SEF and the project(s) you're interested in. Refer to the Developer Guide, Getting Started as a Developer, and engage with the community for any queries.
  2. Explore project ideas and ask questions in the GSoC category on SEF Hive.
  3. Actively participate in SEF slack channel and SEF Hive.
  4. Introduce yourself on the introduction thread on SEF Hive.
  5. Contribute to SEF by working on github issues. Select issues from github, work on them, and submit pull requests to the respective repository.
  6. Identify potential issues in SEF projects. Create new github issues for unreported issues.
  7. Increase visibility on SEF Hive and Slack by helping others and engaging in discussions.
  8. Conduct code reviews. Reviewing others' code is essential for learning the SEF code base.

Additional Expectations:

  • Write blogs about SEF or related topics to contribute valuable information to others.
  • Properly document your work in Hive and assist others in building on it.

After Being Accepted

  1. Set up a blog for your open source projects, including GSoC. Share the URL on SEF Hive and write weekly posts about planning and project progress during GSoC.
  2. Contact your mentor immediately and establish a regular communication plan. Use slack or discussions on SEF Hive for communication.
  3. CC your backup mentor in communications to keep them informed of your progress.
  4. Review github issues related to your project and work on initial bugs or feature development with guidance from your mentor.
  5. Prepare a detailed project plan with SMART goals and milestones, and publish it on SEF Hive.

During the Coding Period

  1. Submit a short weekly progress updates.
  2. Write a weekly blog post to share your work publicly.
  3. Commit early and often to align with our open-source community values.
  4. Prepare mid-term and final project presentation videos for the community.

Developer Community Expectations:

  • Conduct all project-related discussions on slack or SEF Hive.
  • Ask questions in a smart way when facing challenges.
  • Participate in the weekly standup calls when your schedule allows.

After GSoC

  1. Write a final blog post summarizing your overall experience. Consider cross-posting to the Google Open Source Blog with approval from org admins.
  2. Stay involved with your project or other projects based on your schedule.
  3. Monitor SEF Hive for additional questions or feedback about your GSoC project and for other topics of interest.
  4. Consider participating as a mentor for GSoC, if SEF is accepted. Your involvement will inspire secondary school students to use their programming skills in open source projects.

GSoC Awareness Sessions

We have conducted a few GSoC awareness sessions. Check out the links below:

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/handbook/edit-locally/index.html b/handbook/edit-locally/index.html index f53c6c4..e4efe2c 100644 --- a/handbook/edit-locally/index.html +++ b/handbook/edit-locally/index.html @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Edit the handbook locally | SEF Handbook - + @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ in markdown. Read through the Docusaurus' Markdown features guide to understand its syntax and create new content. Follow Docusaurus' Docs guide for more information on creating new pages.

Run npm run build command on your terminal.

It will tell you how many links, if any, are invalid. Fix any invalid links and ideally any warnings.

All internal links (links leading to other parts of the website) should be relative.

Alternative method:

  1. Install the check-my-links extension in Chrome or the Broken Link Checker addon in Firefox.
  2. Open the page you wish to preview (see previous step).
  3. Click the newly installed extension in the upper right corner of Chrome.
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/handbook/practical-handbook-edits/index.html b/handbook/practical-handbook-edits/index.html index 1889b65..c5add6e 100644 --- a/handbook/practical-handbook-edits/index.html +++ b/handbook/practical-handbook-edits/index.html @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Practical Handbook Edits | SEF Handbook - + @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ directory of the handbook repository to get a list of all *.md files. This matches .md as suffix.

find . -type f -name '*.md'

Instead of the . you can also use a directory in the current path.

find source/handbook -type f -name '*.md'

The type f specifies files, d matches for directories. When not specified, all files and directories are taken into account. You can replace -name with -regex to do more sensitive matching, for example to match all .md and .md.erb files.

find . -type f -regex '.*\.md[.erb]*'
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/handbook/usage/index.html b/handbook/usage/index.html index 9841f75..7aa0587 100644 --- a/handbook/usage/index.html +++ b/handbook/usage/index.html @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Handbook Usage | SEF Handbook - + @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ Simple Language.

Having Trouble Contributing to the Handbook?

If you run into trouble editing the SEF Handbook there are various means of help available.

  • Team members, are available to help you create a pull request or debug any problems you might run into while updating the SEF Handbook.
  • For more serious problems, especially ones that are time sensitive or prohibiting access to important information, reach out to team members who are on-call to help resolve the problem.
- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/index.html b/index.html index 73bfaba..1a2d3f6 100644 --- a/index.html +++ b/index.html @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Introduction | SEF Handbook - + @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ misinterpretation. We also recognize that we have a global audience and that may bring different interpretations. If you have any questions or need further clarification please check with the content owner of the page. When in doubt please reach out and ask.

Remember that everything is in draft at SEF and subject to change, this includes our handbook.

More about the handbook

We've gathered some information about the handbook here, but there's still more elsewhere.

Handbook usage

Practical Handbook Edits Examples

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/project-ideas/index.html b/project-ideas/index.html index b02b35b..3d690e1 100644 --- a/project-ideas/index.html +++ b/project-ideas/index.html @@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ Google Summer of Code 2024 - Project Ideas | SEF Handbook - +

Google Summer of Code 2024 - Project Ideas

Sustainable Education Foundation is excited to announce our first-time application to be a mentoring organization for Google Summer of Code 2024! We are eager to be part of this esteemed program and are looking forward to the potential projects and mentorship opportunities available in 2024. Participating in Google Summer of Code with SEF provides a unique chance to enhance your coding skills while contributing to initiatives that have a positive impact on education in developing countries.

If you are new to Sustainable Education Foundation, we recommend going through our handbook.

Project name and outcomeProject rating and lengthAbout the projectRequired skills
Dashboard to Visualize Program ProgressMedium, 175 hoursDevelop a dashboard to visually track the progress of the mentoring program.React, TypeScript, Node.js
ScholarX Integrated Emails for AdminsMedium, 175 hoursIntegrate email functionality for admins, allowing them to create and manage email templates and check email statuses.React, TypeScript, Node.js
Individual Profile for Mentors/MenteesMedium, 175 hoursDevelop individual profiles for mentors and mentees to showcase their background, skills, and experiences.React, TypeScript, Node.js
ScholarX MessagingMedium, 175 hoursCreate a messaging feature to facilitate communication between mentors and mentees.React, TypeScript, Node.js
Calendar Booking FeatureMedium, 175 hoursImplement a calendar booking feature for scheduling appointments for the mentor within the platform.React, TypeScript, Node.js
- +

Google Summer of Code 2024 - Project Ideas

Sustainable Education Foundation is excited to announce our first-time application to be a mentoring organization for Google Summer of Code 2024! We are eager to be part of this esteemed program and are looking forward to the potential projects and mentorship opportunities available in 2024. Participating in Google Summer of Code with SEF provides a unique chance to enhance your coding skills while contributing to initiatives that have a positive impact on education in developing countries.

If you are new to Sustainable Education Foundation, we recommend going through our handbook.

Project nameRATING AND SIZEPROJECT DESCRIPTIONSKILLS (Required/Preferred)Primary MentorSecondary Mentor
Program Progress Data visualization for ScholarXMedium, 175 hoursWe need to get some insights on what’s happening with the program. The best solution to this is to visualize the data we have in a meaningful way. We can integrate this to our existing admin dashboard. With this information we can make better decisions to make the scholarx program better.React, TypeScript, Node.jsAnjula SamarasingheMadhawa Monarawila
Integrated Email Communication System for ScholarX PlatformMedium, 175 hoursTo enhance communication within the ScholarX platform, an integrated email system will be implemented. This will allow program admins to seamlessly contact mentors and mentees directly through the platform, eliminating the need for external email systems. The integration will include features such as composing, sending, and receiving emails, as well as organising and tracking communications for monitoring purposes.React, TypeScript, Node.js, Email API Integration (e.g., SMTP for sending emails, IMAP for receiving emails)Mayura AlahakoonHeshan Jayaneththi
Individual Profile for Mentors/MenteesMedium, 175 hoursIt would be beneficial to provide ScholarX users (mentors and mentees) with a means to share their ScholarX profiles as a portfolio. This feature would enable them to showcase their activities, including past mentorships (both taken and given), reviews, and other pertinent details such as their background, skills, and experience. A user can function as either a mentor or a mentee, and while most users will fall into only one category, there may be exceptional cases where a user serves in both roles. To implement this, students can utilize the existing wireframes and UI mockups designed for the relevant profile pages, making improvements as necessary. Additionally, backend changes may be suggested based on specific requirements and optimization needs.React, TypeScript, Node.jsPiumal RathnayakeKumuditha Udaya
ScholarX MessagingMedium, 175 hoursThe project involves creating a messaging feature for a web application to enhance communication between mentors and mentees in scholarX. The key features expected include a user-friendly chat interface with real-time messaging, support for text messages, and possibly file attachments. The system should implement push notifications or email alerts to notify users of new messages, Additionally, the platform should provide read receipts, and offer mentors the ability to create group messages for their mentees.React, TypeScript, Node.jsKumuditha Udaya
Integrated appointment system for ScholarX PlatformMedium, 175 hoursOne of the key requirements of the ScholarX program is to understand the interactions between the mentees and the mentors. However since most of the meeting / discussion scheduling happens outside the platform, program admins have to rely on manual feedback collections to monitor aspects like frequency of discussions, discussed topics, etc.React, TypeScript, Node.jsAshen RoblesAnjula Samarasinghe
ScholarX Certificate GeneratorMedium, 175 hoursScholarX Certificate Generator will address the inefficiencies of the current manual system. The project is designed to streamline and enhance the certification process for the ScholarX program. This platform enables seamless certificate generation for program participants, ensuring a quick and efficient way to validate their achievements.React, TypeScript, Node.js, JestJanith KariyawasamAshen Robles
Recommendation System for ScholarX PlatformMedium, 175 hoursCurrently, in the ScholarX Platform, mentees can filter mentors by category and find a suited mentor, but we want to implement a more sophisticated recommendation system, which will analyse mentees' responses to questions to identify their interests and then match mentees with mentors based on similar interests, providing a more personalised and effective mentorship experience.Understanding of machine learning algorithms for analysis, Familiarity with creating web services, and APIs, PythonMadhawa MonarawilaAkshika Wijesundara
+ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/search/index.html b/search/index.html index 4423875..b44f61f 100644 --- a/search/index.html +++ b/search/index.html @@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ Search the documentation | SEF Handbook - +

Search the documentation

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/what-we-do/index.html b/what-we-do/index.html index 4eab83d..204170b 100644 --- a/what-we-do/index.html +++ b/what-we-do/index.html @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ What we do | SEF Handbook - + @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ event, allowing students from anywhere in Sri Lanka and the world to interact with the speakers in real time.

Through OneLive, we have managed to invite Sri Lankans from Fortune500 companies like Google, Apple etc.: and Sri Lankans from top Universities in the world (including University of Stanford, University of Princeton etc.:)

We have conducted 50+ OneLives so far, with 250,000+ unique viewers in aggregate. Check appendix for the full list of OneLives.

- + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/why-partner-with-us/index.html b/why-partner-with-us/index.html index 0416a01..5e43ecd 100644 --- a/why-partner-with-us/index.html +++ b/why-partner-with-us/index.html @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Why do you need to partner with us | SEF Handbook - + @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ international experiences are combined with the right infrastructure, governance and delivery mechanisms.

We have no political affiliations or gains, and we are only driven purely to build the education system in Sri Lanka. We only seek to work with other organisations and individuals who align with our values and purpose to enable the future generations of Sri Lanka to thrive.

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