Segment Services Engineering
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destination-function-template Public template🚀 Template to build your next destination function | Jest + ESLint + Prettier + Husky + GitHub Actions
source-function-template Public template🚀 Template to build your next source function | Jest + ESLint + Prettier + Husky + GitHub Actions
JavaScript 1
trackings-plans Publica repository that demonstrates the power of GitHub workflows to enhance management of a Segment Tracking Plan
JavaScript 1
Utilities PublicGeneral tools or automation that run locally outside of the Segment platform
- trackings-plans Public
a repository that demonstrates the power of GitHub workflows to enhance management of a Segment Tracking Plan
segment-services-eng/trackings-plans’s past year of commit activity - destination-function-template Public template
🚀 Template to build your next destination function | Jest + ESLint + Prettier + Husky + GitHub Actions
segment-services-eng/destination-function-template’s past year of commit activity - source-function-template Public template
🚀 Template to build your next source function | Jest + ESLint + Prettier + Husky + GitHub Actions
segment-services-eng/source-function-template’s past year of commit activity - DEMO---TP-Repo Public
segment-services-eng/DEMO---TP-Repo’s past year of commit activity - csv2segment Public
segment-services-eng/csv2segment’s past year of commit activity - typewriter-config-api-nodejs-sample Public Forked from segmentio/typewriter-config-api-nodejs-sample
segment-services-eng/typewriter-config-api-nodejs-sample’s past year of commit activity