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The use case is to create any resources that can not be directly created using the application manifest. The main use case right now is to setup secrets from vault.

The terms namespace and secret are already used by kubernetes so I use the term "space" for this resource.

This repository implements a space controller for watching Space resources as defined with a CustomResourceDefinition (CRD). Note: There is support for only three types of secrets with the package right now, see the configuration in the section on vault setup for various secret types.

  • Opaque
  • TLS (
  • Certs (


Extend K8 with Custom Resources


Note: go-get or vendor this package as

The Space controller performs operations such as:

  • Register a new custom resource (custom resource type) of type Space using a CustomResourceDefinition.
  • Create/get/list instances of your new resource type Space.
  • Controller monitor Namesapce resource handling create/update/delete events.

It makes use of the generators in to generate a typed client, informers, listers and deep-copy functions. You can do this yourself using the ./hack/ script.

The update-codegen script will automatically generate the following files & directories:

  • pkg/apis/spacecontroller/v1alpha1/zz_generated.deepcopy.go
  • pkg/client/

Changes should not be made to these files manually, and when creating your own controller based off of this implementation you should not copy these files and instead run the update-codegen script to generate your own.


The Space controller uses client-go library extensively. The details of interaction points of the Space controller with various mechanisms from this library are explained here.


This Space kube-like controller creates a namespace and populates it with secretes from a Vault.



  • Go version 1.10 or greater
  • Since the space-controller uses apps/v1 deployments, the Kubernetes cluster version should be greater than 1.9.
# assumes you have a working kubeconfig, not required if operating in-cluster
$ go build -o bin/space-controller .
$ ./bin/space-controller -kubeconfig=$HOME/.kube/config

# create a CustomResourceDefinition
$ kubectl create -f artifacts/examples/crd.yaml

# create a custom resource of type Space
$ kubectl create -f artifacts/examples/example-space.yaml

# list the custom resources
$ kubectl get spaces

# check secrets created through the Space custom resource
$ kubectl get secrets
$ kubectl get secret example-foo -o yaml

# delete a custom resource of type Space
$ kubectl delete -f artifacts/examples/example-space.yaml

Docker Build

$ docker build -t="soheileizadi/space-controller:latest" .
$ docker push soheileizadi/space-controller
$ kubectl create -f ./deploy/space-controller.yaml

Use Cases

TODO >>>> Update the section below here from sample controller.

CustomResourceDefinitions can be used to implement custom resource types for your Kubernetes cluster. These act like most other Resources in Kubernetes, and may be kubectl apply'd, etc.

Some example use cases:

  • Provisioning/Management of external datastores/databases (eg. CloudSQL/RDS instances)
  • Higher level abstractions around Kubernetes primitives (eg. a single Resource to define an etcd cluster, backed by a Service and a ReplicationController)

Defining types

Each instance of your custom resource has an attached Spec, which should be defined via a struct{} to provide data format validation. In practice, this Spec is arbitrary key-value data that specifies the configuration/behavior of your Resource.

For example, if you were implementing a custom resource for a Database, you might provide a DatabaseSpec like the following:

type DatabaseSpec struct {
	Databases []string `json:"databases"`
	Users     []User   `json:"users"`
	Version   string   `json:"version"`

type User struct {
	Name     string `json:"name"`
	Password string `json:"password"`


To validate custom resources, use the CustomResourceValidation feature.

This feature is beta and enabled by default in v1.9.


The schema in crd-validation.yaml applies the following validation on the custom resource: spec.replicas must be an integer and must have a minimum value of 1 and a maximum value of 10.

In the above steps, use crd-validation.yaml to create the CRD:

# create a CustomResourceDefinition supporting validation
$ kubectl create -f artifacts/examples/crd-validation.yaml


Custom Resources support /status and /scale subresources as a beta feature in v1.11 and is enabled by default. This feature is alpha in v1.10 and to enable it you need to set the CustomResourceSubresources feature gate on the kube-apiserver:



The CRD in crd-status-subresource.yaml enables the /status subresource for custom resources. This means that UpdateStatus can be used by the controller to update only the status part of the custom resource.

To understand why only the status part of the custom resource should be updated, please refer to the Kubernetes API conventions.

In the above steps, use crd-status-subresource.yaml to create the CRD:

# create a CustomResourceDefinition supporting the status subresource
$ kubectl create -f artifacts/examples/crd-status-subresource.yaml

To create a custom resource:

# create a CustomResourceDefinition supporting the status subresource
$ kubectl create -f artifacts/examples/crd-status-subresource.yaml


You can clean up the created CustomResourceDefinition with:

$ kubectl create -f artifacts/examples/example-space.yaml


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Where does it come from?

space-controller is from Code changes are made in that location.

Vault Integration

Install Vault

If you are new to Vault here is their getting started In the following sections I assume you have Vault running. For development we run it:

$ vault server -dev
Unseal Key: IDjzQ/AQ4n+4UOYbD89DYziwQodetzpV3ke5+DoAQ6Y=
Root Token: 2b69b081-1a7e-7430-2027-68471114dcc6

Make sure you have VAULT_ADDR set in .profile or .bashrc

export VAULT_ADDR=

Then check that Vault server is running:

$ vault status
Key             Value
---             -----
Seal Type       shamir
Sealed          false
Total Shares    1
Threshold       1
Version         0.11.1
Cluster Name    vault-cluster-06f2737e
Cluster ID      0952e827-75d2-10ee-1f22-2562be2ee031
HA Enabled      false

Now lets setup a path for Kubernetes secrets:

$ vault secrets enable -path=k8s kv

You can always get list of paths or disable it:

$ vault secrets list
$ vault secrets disable k8s/

Now lets store a secret:

$ vault write k8s/contacts-app-seizadi-minikube-dev-secrets ATLAS_DATABASE_PASSWORD=postgres

We don't want to use the root-token so we create a token we can revoke, best policy is to also attach policy to limit access to a path:

$ vault token create
token                c133f1a9-db52-145c-cd69-99ee2962f72f

You can revoke it if compromised or not needed:

$ vault token revoke cb583f98-5dce-5251-f522-3bc2012ce942
Success! Revoked token (if it existed)

Now we can use API request to access the secret:

$ export VAULT_TOKEN="c133f1a9-db52-145c-cd69-99ee2962f72f"
$ curl \
    --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \

Vault setup for sample app for three types of secrets:

$ vault secrets enable -path=k8s kv
$ vault write k8s/qa0-secrets \
app-cert-tls.key=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 \
app-image-pull.dockerconfigjson=e2F1dGhzOnt5b3VycHJpdmF0ZXJlZ2lzdHJ5LmNvbTp7dXNlcm5hbWU6amFuZWRvZSxwYXNzd29yZDp4eHh4eHh4eHh4eCxlbWFpbDpqZG9lQGV4YW1wbGUuY29tLGF1dGg6YzNSLi4uekUyfX19Cgo= \

Reference ./artifacts/examples/example-space.yaml

Note: There is additional '-' for TLS added to seperate the secret from the two keys, 'tls.crt' and 'tls.key'

Note: The image pull has sensitive information I did not checkin a valid value you will get an error if you use the above:

... error syncing 'contacts-app-seizadi-minikube-dev/app-imagepull': Secret "app-imagepull" is invalid: data[.dockerconfigjson]: Invalid value: "<secret contents redacted>": invalid character 'e' looking for beginning of value

Reference the doc The value of the .dockerconfigjson field is a base64 representation of your Docker credentials. Create a valid secret:

kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred --docker-server=<your-registry-server> --docker-username=<your-name> --docker-password=<your-pword> --docker-email=<your-email>

Then use following to get the valid base64 value to store in vault:

kubectl get secret regcred --output="jsonpath={.data.\.dockerconfigjson}"


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