Releases: sennetconsortium/portal-ui
Releases · sennetconsortium/portal-ui
What's Changed
- Updating citation to use AMA format. Passing correct property for dat… by @maxsibilla in #1702
- Cleaning up citation code. Modifying results table organ column to be… by @maxsibilla in #1707
- Tjmadonna/1699 dataset query misformated by @maxsibilla in #1705
- Adding contains_data facet to search - #1710 by @maxsibilla in #1713
Full Changelog: v1.8.18...v1.8.19
- Adding support for Publication entity type
- Tweaking results page results and pagination
- Better hierarchy faceted search support
- Updating search-ui submodule
What's Changed
- Editing variable usage in edit source page by @maxsibilla in #1662
- Removing admin check for collection registration pages by @maxsibilla in #1671
- Tjmadonna/search UI update by @maxsibilla in #1673
- Tjmadonna/hierarchy subvalue filter by @maxsibilla in #1670
- Libpitt/1659 publications update by @maxsibilla in #1666
- Maxsibilla/publication update by @maxsibilla in #1688
- Adding support to display multiple organs in the entity header. Hidin… by @maxsibilla in #1681
- Adding organ_hierarchy to the source_fields for the metadata table re… by @maxsibilla in #1691
- Tjmadonna/publications bug fix by @maxsibilla in #1693
- Restricting data table page number by @maxsibilla in #1698
Full Changelog: v1.8.17...v1.8.18
- Adding support for new dataset type hierarchy faceted search
- Utilizing descriptions generated by Ingest API /assaytype for dataset descriptions in the portal
What's Changed
- Adding exclude_properties parameter to /api/search request by @maxsibilla in #1650
- Updating getEntityData and find API to handle use case where no exclu… by @maxsibilla in #1651
- Updating edit upload page to use correct variable by @maxsibilla in #1657
- Libpitt/1645 table by @maxsibilla in #1654
- Libpitt/1638 dataset type hierarchy by @maxsibilla in #1641
- Update search page filter sui-layout-main-header__inner by @maxsibilla in #1643
- Update facet count color to match that of label - #1635 by @maxsibilla in #1637
- Libpitt/1644 has pub facet by @maxsibilla in #1647
Full Changelog: v1.8.16...v1.8.17
What's Changed
- Libpitt/1616 prov by @maxsibilla in #1624
- Libpitt/1618 from cypress reports by @maxsibilla in #1623
- Resolve logic for missing button - #1621 by @maxsibilla in #1626
- Fix bug that allowed users to edit published pages when not logged in by @maxsibilla in #1629
- Updating HRA components to conditionally set bearer token only when l… by @maxsibilla in #1634
- Libpitt/fix bulkeditfield by @maxsibilla in #1613
Full Changelog: v1.8.15...v1.8.16
- Adding support for registering/editing/viewing collections
- Updating CDN for various IU applications (e.g. RUI/HRA, etc...)
- Various bug fixes
What's Changed
- Libpitt/1562 lazyload by @maxsibilla in #1571
- Maxsibilla/issue 1582 by @maxsibilla in #1585
- Libpitt/1572 server side results by @maxsibilla in #1590
- Libpitt/1576 organize facets by @maxsibilla in #1596
- Tjmadonna/1150 hra by @maxsibilla in #1597
- Libpitt/1586 prop deprecations by @maxsibilla in #1599
- Add more graceful error message when a job could not have been comple… by @maxsibilla in #1608
- Libpitt/1603 enable collections by @maxsibilla in #1606
- Tjmadonna/1575 admin facet by @maxsibilla in #1602
Full Changelog: v1.8.13...v1.8.15
What's Changed
- Resolve has metadata bug by @maxsibilla in #1534
- Updating metadata component to check for ingest_metadata for datasets by @maxsibilla in #1536
- Fixing ancestor metadata view for datasets by @maxsibilla in #1537
- Updating assets link to remove token query parameter when not logged in by @maxsibilla in #1539
- Adding check that object has ingest_metadata by @maxsibilla in #1546
- Removing old deprecated vitessce configurations and updating Vitessce… by @maxsibilla in #1549
- Libpitt/1521 upload c by @maxsibilla in #1543
- Libpitt/1553 406flash by @maxsibilla in #1556
- Remove unused configuration by @maxsibilla in #1558
- Reverting code to allow for public view by @maxsibilla in #1559
- Tjmadonna/1527 hierarchy facets by @maxsibilla in #1552
- Correcting metadata field from elasticsearch by @maxsibilla in #1567
- Libpitt/1561 preview by @maxsibilla in #1564
- Tjmadonna/search optimization by @maxsibilla in #1569
Full Changelog: v1.8.12...v1.8.13
- Utilizing Entity API's
endpoints instead of getting that information from Elasticsearch due to latest Search API modifications
What's Changed
- Libpitt/1516 ancestry by @maxsibilla in #1522
- Remove unused ontology related code by @maxsibilla in #1524
- Maxsibilla/issue 1526 by @maxsibilla in #1530
Full Changelog: v1.8.11...v1.8.12
What's Changed
- Tjmadonna/1434 cedar sample metadata facets by @maxsibilla in #1497
- Libpitt/prov filtering by @maxsibilla in #1499
- Tjmadonna/add path alias by @maxsibilla in #1502
- Now hiding visualizations if /vitessce endpoint from Ingest API retur… by @maxsibilla in #1510
- Update Mouse shape - #1505 by @maxsibilla in #1509
- Modifying copyright text in the footer by @maxsibilla in #1513
Full Changelog: v1.8.9...v1.8.11
What's Changed
- Tjmadonna/1447 hierarchy facets by @maxsibilla in #1475
- Libpitt/1468 jq wizard by @maxsibilla in #1474
- Libpitt/ga babel by @maxsibilla in #1482
- Tjmadonna/1433 readable sample metadata by @maxsibilla in #1481
- Move section - #1479 by @maxsibilla in #1486
- Prevent self referencing in Sample and Dataset edit for ancestors - #… by @maxsibilla in #1488
- Libpitt/1485 bannerlink by @maxsibilla in #1491
- Update legend area of graph - #1492 by @maxsibilla in #1495
Full Changelog: v1.8.8...v1.8.9
What's Changed
- Change casing of type by @maxsibilla in #1445
- Adding support for multiple genomic profiles in vitessce configuration by @maxsibilla in #1458
- Updating vitessce to version 3.4.6 by @maxsibilla in #1466
- Maxsibilla/speed up provenance by @maxsibilla in #1450
- Updating call to PUT Entity API endpoint with new query parameter by @maxsibilla in #1453
- Libpitt/update prov UI positioning by @maxsibilla in #1454
- Tjmadonna/vitessce fix by @maxsibilla in #1467
Full Changelog: v1.8.7...v1.8.8