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Running Patched iOS Applications

Leon Jacobs edited this page Jul 9, 2017 · 18 revisions

Running patched applications on iOS devices require us to side load and run them using external tools. For macOS users, ios-deploy is perfect for this. For Linux users, the libimobiledevice project provides commands to perform the same tasks.

installing and running on macOS

For macOS users, the ios-deploy utility can handle the installation and running of patched applications for you.

ios-deploy installation

Installing ios-deploy is as simple as npm install -g ios-deploy. Once installed, you should have the ios-deploy command available in your PATH.

running your application

To install and run your application:

  1. Extract the IPA package with unzip my-app.ipa. This should leave you with a Payload/ directory.
  2. Attach your iOS device to your computer via USB and ensure that it is unlocked.
  3. Run ios-deploy with ios-deploy --bundle Payload/ -W -d where is the folder where your application lives.

You should see the lldb debugger pop up and print out a 'success' message. The application you are running will appear to be in a 'frozen' state for a while. This is because the Frida gadget takes some time to finish loading. After some time, you should be able to run objection explore and land in a successfully connected prompt :)

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