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Running Patched iOS Applications

Leon Jacobs edited this page Jul 9, 2017 · 18 revisions

Running patched applications on iOS devices require us to side load and run them using external tools. For macOS users, ios-deploy is perfect for this. For Linux users, the libimobiledevice project provides commands to perform the same tasks.

installing and running on macOS

For macOS users, the ios-deploy utility can handle the installation and running of patched applications for you. libimobiledevice is available in Homebrew, so following the steps described for Linux users could be adapted for your MAC as well.

ios-deploy installation

Installing ios-deploy is as simple as:

npm install -g ios-deploy

Once installed, you should have the ios-deploy command available in your PATH.

running your application

To install and run your application:

  1. Extract the IPA package with unzip my-app.ipa. This should leave you with a Payload/ directory.
  2. Attach your iOS device to your computer via USB and ensure that it is unlocked.
  3. Run ios-deploy with ios-deploy --bundle Payload/ -W -d where is the folder where your application lives.

You should see the lldb debugger pop up and print out a 'success' message. The application you are running will appear to be in a 'frozen' state for a while. This is because the Frida gadget takes some time to finish loading. After some time, you should be able to run objection explore and land in a successfully connected prompt :)

installing and running on Linux

Using Linux, the only thing you will not be able to do is patch the IPA. Other than that, you should be able to install and run the patched IPA just fine.

installing libimobiledevice utilities

Using an installation of Kali Linux, the required utilities provided by libimobiledevice can be installed with:

apt install ideviceinstaller libimobiledevice-utils

This should make various 'idevice*' command available, such as idevicestatus and ideviceinstaller.

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