- Interpreter: the one who interpret the language;
- Language: the whole pattern we need to be interpret;
The interpreter design pattern is used to solve business cases where it's useful to have a language to perform common operations. The most famous interpreter we can talk about is probably SQL.
The implementation is trivial. In the following examples I'll show a very simple usage of interpreter. In this case we use interpreter to calculate some mathematical operations. For example the sum and the multiplication operations.
func TestSumOperator(t *testing.T) {
sentence := "5 + 3"
i := interpreter{}
_ = i.of(sentence)
if i.exec() != 8 {
"La somma di 5 con 3",
"non dovrebbe essere",
As you can see, given a sentence like 5 + 3
parsed, it is possible to exec
the string and calculate the result.
func TestMulOperator(t *testing.T) {
sentence := "5 * 3"
i := interpreter{}
_ = i.of(sentence)
if i.exec() != 15 {
"Multiplication between 5 and 3",
"shouldnt be",