All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Support for darwin/arm64 build
- Added latest dependency versions
- Add StringLines helper template function and README example to make it possible to correctly format multi-line check output for html email body using golang template language.
- Updated to latest sensu-plugin-sdk to workaround issue with agent config file forcing downcasing of agent annotations. Now downcased annotatation path for email handler configuration will be checked as a fallback if preferred camelcased keys are not present.
- Added sprig package to provide enhanced template functioning capabilities
- Use net.JoinHostPort instead of fmt.Sprintf for Host:Port to make semgrep happy
- Updated Sensu Plugin SDK version (0.12)
- More template information in the README
- Q1 '21 handler maintenance:
- Updated GitHub Actions: Added Lint action
- Updated build to Go 1.14
- Added Secret: true to SMTP password
- Updated Bonsai to fix Windows amd64 build
- Added output log line for email sent
- Updated modules (go get -u && go mod tidy)
- README updates
- Add template function to allow expansion of event ID
- Updated included sample event to include event ID
- Removed darwin 386 from bonsai
- Updated Sensu SDK version
- Updated Go version in go.mod
- Updated sample event.json to include timestamp attribute
- Added pull_request to test GitHub Action
- Add template function to allow formatting of event timestamps
- Remove replacing newlines with HTML line breaks in HTML
- Updated sensu-plugin-sdk to v0.6.2
- Updated to use Go 1.14.x
- Use html/template for html email body
- Use a slice for -t (toEmail) to accept multiple recipients
- Make goreleaser use SHA512
- For html emails, sub <br> for \n in body
- Fixed goreleaser deprecated archive to use archives
- Now depends on[email protected]
- Now using Github Actions CI instead of Travis CI
- Added Date: header
- Deprecated the
flag. Use the combination of--tlsSkipVerify
,--authMethod none
, and--smtpPort 25
for the same behavior. - Deprecated the
flag in favor of--authMethod login
- Added
option to disable TLS certificate checks - Added
flag to switch between none, plain, and login auth
- Updated documentation to reflect loginauth and annotations
- Added loginauth auth mechanism
- Added Content-Type to support HTML emails
- Added plugin Keyspace so as to support configuraion overrides with annotations
- Added subject templating via argument/annotation
- Updated travis, goreleaser configurations.
- Updated license.
- Added option to allow for including check hook output in the email body
- Added option to allow for using insecure (port 25) email relays
- Added from address verification, RFC5322 From: header
- Added body template file
- Added environment variables for SMTP username and password
- MIT license file
- Initial release