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Releases: senzing-garage/entity-search-web-app


02 Aug 20:32
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  • added new radio switch for graph match key filtering scope
  • added "unlimited" UI options for buildOut and maxEntities graph filtering parameters


  • bugfixes for large graph match key filtering
  • bugfixes for large graph FOC
  • graph match key filters now de-select on entity id(s) change
  • bugfixes for graph lifecycle progress/busy indicators.

Full Changelog: 2.7.0...2.7.1


07 Jul 19:20
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This update adds the long-awaited Expand/Collapse graph node edge feature. Now nodes in the graph will display a bubble with the number of relationships not currently visible. Relationships can be explored by simply expanding relationships down a path.
The Why Not report can now be run from specific integration points. The why not report will run a side-by-side table of two entities information in order to help illustrate why two entities did not come together.


  • Optional integrated XTerm support through entity-search-web-app-console with support for running EDA Tools
  • New graph features:
    • On clicking the bubble the hidden related entities will be drawn around the node.
    • On clicking the expand/collapse bubble again the related nodes that are not related to any other nodes on the canvas will be hidden.
    • On right clicking the node there is a new option to hide just that specific entity from view(to eliminate clutter)
    • On right clicking the relationship line match key there will be a menu option for running a Why NOT report between the two connected entities
  • There is a new Multi-Select mode button in the upper right-corner of search results. Once the button is clicked a user can click on two search results and click on "Compare" to bring up a "Why NOT" report for why those two entities did not come together.
  • Match keys are now displayed in the search result cards by default. (they can be turned off through preferences)


11 May 19:27
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This update brings the models in line with the changes for the 3.0.0 release of the senzing rest api server
and rest api specification.


  • "Filter By Match Key" added back to the large graph display using a more user-friendly approach of a "Tag Cloud" of match key tokens.
  • Why Entity feature that adds a button to the entity detail page that opens a draggable/resizable window with a horizontal side-by-side view of why records in an entity came together
  • Why Entity feature that adds a button to the entity detail page's record rows that opens a draggable/resizable window with a horizontal side-by-side view of why that particular record in an entity came together


  • Major refactoring done under the hood inside the admin area and data importing functionality due to the removal of entity types/classes.
  • @senzing/rest-api-client-ng updated to 4.0.0
  • @senzing/sdk-graph-components updated to 4.1.0
  • @senzing/sdk-components-ng updated to 4.0.0
  • UI fixes (various)


  • Any and all functionality surrounding Entity Type's and Entity Classes. Management of these features has been removed in the 3.0 version of the senzing sdk.

relevant tickets: #271 #272 #273 #265 #263 #261 #258


28 Feb 23:34
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  • dependency updates to resolve security bulletins
  • bugfix for json/json-lines analyze functions switched from streamAnalyzeByRecords to streamAnalyzeByChunks
  • bugfix for json/json-lines loading functions switched from streamLoadByRecords to streamLoadByChunks



  • "Filter By Match Key" removed from the large graph display due to usability issues on large datasets. (It will return once a better approach can be implemented)

relevant tickets: #242 #243 #246 #252 #256

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 2.4.0...2.5.0


28 Dec 21:38
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  • /health route that returns a model shape of {"isProxyAlive": true, "isApiServerAlive": true, "isWebserverAlive": true}
  • /health/proxy route that returns the status of the proxy
  • HealthCheckerUtility that provides state management for health status checks.


  • Angular Framework Updated to version 13. As of 2.4.0 release this package now requires @angular@~13.0.0 to compile and run. Updating to angular 13 resolves major dependency compatibility issues so we can apply the latest security patches.
  • Small bugfix to properly clip the graph scale ui control when graph section in entity detail is collapsed.
  • All dependencies updated to latest versions
  • Docker container now based off of lts-alpine(nodejs@16) instead of 14-alpine(nodejs@14)
  • Docker container now gets npm itself deleted from container after build phase since it is not needed for runtime to minimize security exposure.
  • Dockerfile updated to wire HEALTHCHECK's to the new /health/check script

relevant tickets: #230 #231 #235 #195


01 Dec 20:08
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  • The ability to filter graph elements by "match keys" present on the links between graph entities. #215
  • The ability to import CSV files when using SQS stream loading. #217
  • Zoom and Pan controls added to embedded and standalone Network Graph components. #216
  • Ability to filter by Match Keys present on the links between graph entities in the dataset added to standalone Network Graph component. #215
  • List of ALL command line flags and environment variables for configuration of the docker container. see docs/Environment Variables #218


  • "Search By Record Id" now returns full entity NOT just "record". #220
  • bugfix for #222. introduced by #215
  • bugfix for #226. introduced by #220
  • dependencies updated

relevant tickets #226 #222 #220 #218 #216 #217 #215


14 Oct 22:15
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  • security updates
  • test suite moved to github flows and removed from production container
  • production build now using multi-stage build to separate "runtime dependencies" from "dev dependencies"
  • production image switched to node:lts-alpine
  • container image size goes from 1.62GB -> 620MB
  • dependency vulnerabilities greatly reduced. (node_modules excluding dev dependencies)
  • apt-get of google-chrome removed.

relevant tickets #207 #209 #211


09 Sep 16:00
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  • removed the re-mapping UI interaction in admin/load when an import contains explicitly specified
    datasources on the record level. If the record contains an explicit datasource that is what the record
    will be loaded in to. If the datasource specified does not exist it will be created. If the file contains
    records that have NO datasource specified the user will be prompted to enter one before load.
  • removed the UI interaction in /admin/load around custom entity types. Now
    if a imported file specifies a specific entity type that does not exist it is created. If no
    entity type is specified it is automatically assumed GENERIC
  • Added a "Admin" menu option in the upper-left site menu WHEN the poc or api server has -adminEnabled set.
  • bugfixes related to stream loading (various, see relevant tickets)


relevant tickets #189 #190 #192 #196 #198 #200 #202 #204


25 Aug 18:42
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The configuration options/setup surrounding the stream loading feature released in 2.3.0 has been simplified. Now stream loading is automatically enabled for the user IF the webapp is running against a POC Server that has SQS configured. If not configured properly or running against the API server(with adminMode=true set) the loading feature will fallback to the non-stream method. As a result of this streamlining the UI toggle switch and "connection configuration" modal has been removed from the UI.

The following ENV vars introduced in 2.3.0 have been removed:


The following ENV var has been introduced:

  • SENZING_WEB_SERVER_URL - The fully qualified url to the root of where the webapp is being served from. This is used to define in the webapp security policy that outbound socket connections are allowed to this address.
    • http://my.public.domain/webapp
    • http://my.specific.domain:specificport

The following cmdline args have been introduced:

  • webServerUrl - see ENV var SENZING_WEB_SERVER_URL description

relevant tags #180 #183 #185


10 Aug 15:26
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Stream loading via websockets to the poc-server to rabbitMQ or Amazon SQS:

This release is primarily to support stream loading which enables stream ingestion through a web interface to the POC Server which hands off to the configured SQS provider. The stream interface is capable of reading records in a file and sending them out in small chunked batches either as quickly as they can be read or a fast as configured upload rate.

These features should be cross compatible with the standard API Server backend. If the stack is set up with SQS ingestion and the backend is the POC Server then stream loading will be available. If the backend is the standard API server then stream loading features will be hidden from the UI.

2021-08-06_154947 (Medium)
Drag and Drop file zone

2021-08-06_155033 (Medium)
Stream analysis/mapping interface

2021-08-06_155406 (Medium)
Stream load in progress

2021-08-06_155417 (Medium)
Stream load information/stats inspector