Former2 creates templates from existing AWS resources. It can be used to reverse engineer an AWS Cloudformation.
Although Former2 can also be run on the internet at, you may want to run it locally.
Clone repository. Example:
mkdir ~/misc.git cd ~/misc.git git clone
Run docker-compose formation. Example:
cd ~/misc.git/former2 docker-compose up
Former2 can be viewed at localhost
At this point, access on the internet or locally at localhost.
- In upper-right, select the appropriate AWS region.
- In left-hand navigation, expand Setup
- Under Setup, select Introduction
- Add the browser helper for the specific browser.
- Under Setup, select Credentials
- Enter your AWS credentials
- If successful, Logged in as: will show your account.
- Under Setup, select Settings
- Turn Enable Related Resources on.
- Other changes are optional.
- Under Setup, select Introduction
- In upper-right, click green Scan Account button.
- There may be some errors for access errors. In general, they may be ignored.
- Select Resources to extract.
- In left-hand navigation, select Dashboard
- Choose AWS resources to extract.
- In left-hand navigation, select Search
- Search for AWS resources to extract.
- Example: "taskdefinition"
- In left-hand navigation, select Dashboard
- In upper-left, click blue Generate button.
- The result will be a CloudFormation template with the selected AWS resource specifications.
- The contents can be copied and pasted into a text file to be shared.