The following instructions are useful during development.
Note: This has been tested on Linux and Darwin/macOS. It has not been tested on Windows.
🤔 The following tasks need to be complete before proceeding. These are "one-time tasks" which may already have been completed.
Since the Senzing library is a prerequisite, it must be installed first.
Verify Senzing C shared objects, configuration, and SDK header files are installed.
If not installed, see How to Install Senzing for Python Development.
Identify git repository.
export GIT_ACCOUNT=senzing-garage export GIT_REPOSITORY=sz-sdk-python-core export GIT_ACCOUNT_DIR=~/${GIT_ACCOUNT}.git export GIT_REPOSITORY_DIR="${GIT_ACCOUNT_DIR}/${GIT_REPOSITORY}"
Using the environment variables values just set, follow steps in clone-repository to install the Git repository.
A one-time command to install dependencies needed for
targets. Example:cd ${GIT_REPOSITORY_DIR} make dependencies-for-development
Install dependencies needed for Python code. Example:
cd ${GIT_REPOSITORY_DIR} make dependencies
Install dependencies needed for documentation. Example:
cd ${GIT_REPOSITORY_DIR} make dependencies-for-documentation
Run linting. Example:
cd ${GIT_REPOSITORY_DIR} make lint
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Run tests. Example:
cd ${GIT_REPOSITORY_DIR} make clean setup test
Create a code coverage map.
Run Go tests. Example:
cd ${GIT_REPOSITORY_DIR} make clean setup coverage
A web-browser will show the results of the coverage. The goal is to have over 80% coverage.
View documentation. Example:
cd ${GIT_REPOSITORY_DIR} make clean documentation
If a web page doesn't appear, run the following command and paste the results into a web browser's address bar.
echo "file://${GIT_REPOSITORY_DIR}/docs/build/html/index.html"
Build the
file for distribution. Example:cd ${GIT_REPOSITORY_DIR} make package
Activate virtual environment.
cd ${GIT_REPOSITORY_DIR} source .venv/bin/activate
Verify that
is not installed. Example:python3 -m pip freeze | grep -e senzing_core
Nothing is returned.
Install directly from
file. Example:python3 -m pip install ${GIT_REPOSITORY_DIR}/dist/*.whl
Verify that
is installed. Example:python3 -m pip freeze | grep -e senzing-core -e senzing_core
Example return:
senzing-core @ file:///home/senzing/senzing-garage.git/sz-sdk-python-core/dist/senzing-core-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl#sha256=2a4e5218d66d5be60ee31bfad5943e6611fc921f28a4326d9594ceceae7e0ac1
Uninstall the
python package. Example:python3 -m pip uninstall senzing-core
Deactivate virtual environment.