Here is a list of all available properties in serverless.yml when the provider is set to tencent.
# Welcome to Serverless!
# This file is the main config file for your service.
# It's very minimal at this point and uses default values.
# You can always add more config options for more control.
# We've included some commented out config examples here.
# Just uncomment any of them to get that config option.
# For full config options, check the docs:
# Happy Coding!
service: my-service # service name
provider: # provider information
name: tencent
runtime: Nodejs8.9 # Nodejs8.9 or Nodejs6.10
credentials: ~/credentials
# you can overwrite defaults here
# enableRoleAuth: true
# stage: dev
# cosBucket: DEFAULT
# role: QCS_SCFExcuteRole
# memorySize: 256
# timeout: 10
# region: ap-shanghai
# environment:
# variables:
# ENV_FIRST: env1
# ENV_SECOND: env2
# vpcConfig:
# vpcId: test
# subnetId: test
- serverless-tencent-scf
# you can add packaging information here
# include:
# - include-me.js
# - include-me-dir/**
# exclude:
# - exclude-me.js
# - exclude-me-dir/**
handler: index.main_handler
# description: Tencent Serverless Cloud Function
# runtime: Nodejs8.9 # Nodejs8.9 or Nodejs6.10
# memorySize: 256
# timeout: 10
# environment:
# variables:
# ENV_FIRST: env1
# ENV_Third: env2
# vpcConfig:
# vpcId: test
# subnetId: test
# events:
# - timer:
# name: timer
# parameters:
# cronExpression: '*/5 * * * *'
# enable: true
# - cos:
# name:
# parameters:
# bucket:
# filter:
# prefix: filterdir/
# suffix: .jpg
# events: cos:ObjectCreated:*
# enable: true
# - apigw:
# name: hello_world_apigw
# parameters:
# stageName: release
# serviceId:
# httpMethod: ANY
# integratedResponse: true
# path: /abc/cde
# enableCORS: true
# serviceTimeout: 10
# - cmq:
# name: cmq_trigger
# parameters:
# name: test-topic-queue
# enable: true
# - ckafka:
# name: ckafka_trigger
# parameters:
# name: ckafka-2o10hua5
# topic: test
# maxMsgNum: 999
# offset: latest
# enable: true