An incomplete list of features included in all versions of Hydejack:
- Responsive layout with unique design features for every screen size
- Cover Pages for a stunning first impression.
- Customizable sidebar and touch-enabled drawer menu
- Single Page Web App-style page loading
- Advanced FLIP animations, inspired by Material Design
- Good [Google PageSpeed Score][gpss]1
- [Syntax highlighting][syntax], powered by [Rouge]
- [LaTeX math blocks][latex], rendered with ether [KaTeX] or [MathJax] at your choice
- Soft-coded labels: Change wording or translate to other languages via a single file
- Support for categories and tags
- Author section below each article and support for multiple authors
- Built-in icons for many social networks
- Simple and semantic HTML + Structured Data
- Google Analytics and Google Fonts support
- Works with GitHub Pages out of the box2
*[FLIP]: First-Last-Invert-Play. A coding technique to achieve performant page transition animations.