A travel-writing platform, with city-specific travel “logs”.
A user can…
- go to “/” and see a basic splash page
- the name of the website
- and links to “login” and “signup”
- login
- sign-up
- view their public profile (redirected after login)
- see their name, current_city, and join date
- see the site header on every page
- see “logout” if they’re logged in
- see “login” and “sign up” if they’re logged out
- update their profile
- change their name + city
- see the titles of all the log-posts they’ve contributed (pre-seeded)
- link the title to the log-post
- view individual log-posts(author, title, body)
A user can…
- Click a “post” button in the navbar
- redirect to the new log-post form
- pre-populate the form with the current cities#show page
- OR pre-populate the form with the user’s current_city
- See a “default” profile-photo on their profile page
- add a real photo → consider using gravatar
- edit their photo
- see their photo next to individual log-posts
A user can…
- view the “San Francisco” homepage (“/cities/1”)
- including the site-header
- and the name of the city
- and an iconic photo
- view a list of log-posts on the San Francisco Homepage
- sort by newest first
- link the title to the log-post
- create a new log-post for San Francisco
- click “edit” on ANY individual post, and be redirected to the edit form
- click “delete” on ANY individual post
- see a pop-up that says: “Are you sure you want to delete #{ title }?”
A user can…
- on a city homepage...
- see titles truncated to 100 characters max
- see log-post bodies truncated to 1000 characters max
- see only the 10 newest posts
- see a relative published-date, e.g. “2 days ago”
A user can…
- view the “London” homepage
- view the “Gibraltar” homepage
- view a list of all cities
- see a google map centered on the correct city for a given homepage
- select either “London” or “Gibraltar” or “San Francisco” when they create a log-post (use a dropdown menu)
- verify that their log-post is published on the correct homepage
- A user MUST be logged in to:
- see ANYTHING other than the splash page / login / signup
- create/update/destroy resources
- and may only edit/delete their OWN posts
- view an error message when form validations fail:
- A title must be between 1 and 200 characters
- Body must not be empty
- City must not be empty
- A malicious user CANNOT save invalid log-post data to the database
- A title must be between 1 and 200 characters
- Body must not be empty
- City must already exist in the database
- A user CANNOT sign-up with an email (or username) that is already in use.
A user can...
- view only the 10 most recent posts on the homepage (pagination)
- and a link/button to the “next” 10
- add a link/button to the “previous” 10
- include a geolocation in each of their log-posts
- see a google map on each city homepage, with the geolocations of the 10 newest posts.
- click on a pin and be redirected to the corresponding log-post
- see a list of the city pages they’ve contributed to, on their public profile
- see the number of log-posts they’ve written, next to each city name
A user can…
- see any city page / city index / profile --> WITHOUT being signed in
- click “follow this writer” on another user’s profile page
- see people they follow listed on their public profile page
- see a feed of log-posts written by people they follow
A user can…
- visit a vanity url, like “city/san-francisco”
- assume a “city manager” role for many cities
- A manager can…
- update/delete posts for their city(s)
- edit their city’s homepage
- comment on individual log-posts
- see the number of comments a log-post has (homepage, profile page)
- see all of the comments they’ve left, listed on their public profile
- see comments on comments (1 level)
- leave comments on comments
- see comments on comments on comments... (n levels)
- leave comments on comments
- Sign in with OAuth for Instagram
- See Instagram photos for a city location