XML Notepad provides a simple intuitive User Interface for browsing and editing XML documents. There are two ways to install it:
- ClickOnce® installer - this is the most convenient, install it directly from the web browser.
- Standalone downloadable installer if you need something that works offline. Just download the zip file, copy it to the machine you want to install it on, unzip the file on that machine and run xmlnotepadsetup.msi.
XML Notpead provides the following useful features:
- XML Schema aware Intellisense
- Find dialog that supports XPath
- Support for XInclude
- Supports XSLT transforms with inline viewer of XSLT output
- Automatic conversion of .csv files
- Handy stats about your XML documents
- XML diff to compare 2 similar XML documents
- Vibrant community with many updates and bug fixes.
See XML Notepad Design for information about how this application is built.
This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct.
For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact [email protected] with any additional questions or comments.
If you have trouble installing the ClickOnce installer package, try a Microsoft Web Browser. Chrome sometimes does the wrong thing. Do not attempt to download the setup.exe from http://www.lovettsoftware.com/downloads/xmlnotepad/setup.exe. ClickOnce only works when you "click" the link in the web browser. This is actually a security feature. ClickOnce is verifying the that package it is installing actually came from http://www.lovettsoftware.com/downloads/xmlnotepad/setup.exe and no where else. This ensures the package has not been tampered with.